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Affirmations To Keep Mind Busy In Positivity and Optimism

By affirmation, you are guiding the universe

in what you want and it will automatically
stop what you don’t want How do practice?

Take 3 deep breaths and repeat one

affirmation 20 times with feeling


Morning and night are best but

you can do it anytime.


The list is not to overwhelm you Just pick

the top 5 or top 10 affirmations and
practice them for 10 minutes daily
1. I am successful.
2. I am confident.
3. I am powerful.
4. I am strong.
5. I am getting better and better every day.
6. All I need is within me right now.
7. I wake up motivated.
8. I am an unstoppable force of nature.
9. I am a living, breathing example of motivation.
10. I am living with abundance.
11. I am having a positive and inspiring impact on the
people I come into contact with.
12. I am inspiring people through my work.
13. I’m rising above the thoughts that are trying to make
me angry or afraid.
14. Today is a phenomenal day.
15. I am turning DOWN the volume of negativity in my life,
while simultaneously turning UP the volume of positivity.
16. I am filled with focus.
17. I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams.
18. I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
19. I am independent and self-sufficient.
20. I can be whatever I want to be.
21. I am not defined my by past; I am driven by my future.
22. I use obstacles to motivate me to learn and grow.
23. Today will be a productive day.
24. I am intelligent and focused.
25. I feel more grateful each day.
26. I am getting healthier every day.
27. Each and every day, I am getting closer to achieving
my goals.
28. Through the power of my thoughts and words,
incredible Transformations are happening in me
and within my life right now.
29. I am constantly growing and evolving into a
better person.
30. I’m freeing myself from all destructive doubt and fear.
31. I accept myself for who I am and create peace,
power, and confidence of mind and heart.
32. I am going to forgive myself and free myself.
I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.
33. I am healing and strengthening every day.
34. I’ve made it through hard times before, and I’ve come
out stronger and better because of them. I’m going
to make it through this.
35. I do not waste away a single day of my life.
I squeeze every ounce of value out of each of my
days on this planet—today, tomorrow, and every day.
36. I must remember the incredible power I possess
within me to achieve anything I desire.
37. I do not engage with people who try to penetrate my
mind with unhelpful thoughts and ideas—I walk away
when a person or a situation isn’t healthy for me.
38. I belong in this world; there are people that care
about me and my worth.
39. My past might be ugly, but I am still beautiful.
40. I have made mistakes, but I will not let them define me.
41. My soul radiates from the inside and warms the
souls of others.
42. I don’t compare myself to others. The only person
I compare myself to the person I was yesterday.
And as long as the person I am today is even the tiniest
bit better than the person I was yesterday—I’m
meeting my own definition of success.
43. Note to self: I am going to make you so proud.
44. I finish what matters and let go of what does not.
45. I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind.
This is my time.
46. My life has meaning. What I do has meaning.
My actions are meaningful and inspiring.
47. What I have done today was the best I was able to
do today. And for that, I am thankful.
48. One small positive thought in the morning can change
my whole day. So, today I rise with a powerful thought
to set the tone and allow success to reverberate
through every moment of my day.
49. I set goals and go after them with all the determination
I can muster. When I do this, my own skills and talents
will take me to places that amaze me.
50. Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.


• I am happy and healthy.

• I am grateful for my body.
• I love and respect my body.
• My body is strong and capable.
• I have everything I need to accomplish my goals.
• My body can find its happy weight.
• I feel good in my body.
• I have abundant energy.
Wealth and Money

Money Affirmations

1. There are no limits to what I can and will achieve.

2. I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
3. I am financially free.
4. I am grateful for the money I have.
5. I am a money magnet.
6. Wealth and abundance flow to me.
7. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
8. I am open to receiving money.
9. I attract money easily and effortlessly.
10. I am worthy of financial success.
11. I am an excellent money manager.
12. I spend money only on things I love.
13. I am generous with my money.
14. I am a great giver and an excellent receiver.
15. Money is drawn to me.
16. I deserve to make more money.
17. Everything I touch turns into gold.
18. I think about money positively.
19. Money is openly flowing into my life.
20. I release all blocks and allow wealth to flow in.
21. I attract money happily in my life.
22. I always have enough money.
23. Money is abundant to me.
24. I attract money easily and effortlessly.
25. I believe there is enough money for everyone.
26. My career is abundant
27. I am excited to continually develop my skills and
expand my knowledge
28. I am confident to speak up and share my ideas
and talent
29. I have confidence and believe in myself
30. My perfect job is on its way to me right now
31. I have great relationships with my colleagues
32. I do my best in my work and I am rewarded in many
33. I start the day with positivity
34. I focus on the lessons when problems arise
35. I am never afraid to ask for help
36. I support and encourage my colleagues
37. I am thankful for my job and make the most of every
opportunity it provides me
38. I deserve a career that fulfills me
39. My energy attracts the right career opportunities
to me with ease
40. My perfect career opportunity is on its way to me
41. I am the creator of my career success
42. The more I learn and develop, the happier I become
in my career
43. I always see the possibilities in my career
44. A career change is an opportunity to get more of
what I want from my career
45. I am ready to take on any challenge that my job
throws at me
46. I contribute and make a difference to my colleagues
and organization
47. No matter what I do, I choose to put my full energy
into it and do it to the highest standards
48. The universe keeps sending me opportunities
49. Every day is a learning opportunity
1. My partner and I both deserve to love and be loved.
2. My partner and I deserve a long-lasting,
happy, satisfying relationship.
3. My partner and I are in a loving, committed,
strong relationship.
4. My love for my partner grows stronger with
each passing day.
5. My partner and I accept each other’s strengths
and weaknesses.
6. My partner and I give our relationship the
time and attention it deserves.
7. My partner and I look forward to some
quality time together.
8. I am supportive of my partner, just as he/she
is supportive of me.
9. My partner and I feel comfortable and safe
whenever we are together.
10. I love spending intimate moments with my partner.
11. The love between me and my partner is stronger
than our fights and misunderstandings.
12. I am happy and content with the relationship
I have with my partner.
13. I feel grateful for all the things that my partner
does for me.
14. My partner accepts my flaws and helps me to
become a better version of myself.
15. My partner and I feel comfortable sharing our
thoughts and problems with each other.
16. I respect my partner’s privacy, just as he/she
respects mine.
17. My partner and I make sure to talk and communicate
with each other every day.
18. I never pretend to be somebody else when
I am with my partner.
19. My partner makes sure that I feel loved, cherished,
and secure all the time.
20. I am fully confident that my partner trusts me,
just as I trust him/her.
21. Our relationship is built on love, trust, and respect.
22. If I were to be reborn, I’d choose to be with the
same person over and over again.
23. My partner and I treasure our relationship as much
as we treasure the people around us.
24. My partner and I always resolve our conflicts
in a peaceful and respectful way.
25. My partner and I are capable of setting
healthy boundaries in our relationship.
26. I know I am worthy of love, and I deserve to be
in a loving and healthy relationship.
27. I am able to view things from my partner’s perspective

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