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Natural Resources and Pollution - Notes

EVS Grade 3, 2023-2024

Number of pages – 2

Questions and answers

Q1. What are natural resources?

A. The natural things like soil, water, coal, petroleum and air are known as
natural resources.

Q2. Define pollution

A. Making the environment dirty by adding harmful substances to it is

called pollution.

Q3. Name few types of pollution caused by human activities

A. a) Water pollution
b) Air pollution
c) Noise pollution

Q4. List two causes of each of the following types of pollution

a) Water pollution
 Sewage coming from houses going to rivers.
 Washing clothes on river banks
b) Air pollution
 Burning of coal and petrol in factories and homes causes air pollution.
 Smoke produced by cars, buses and other motor vehicles
c) Noise pollution
 Noise produced by motor vehicles like cars, buses and trucks etc.
 The sound produced by loudspeakers also called noise pollution.
Q5. We should reduce the use of coal and petroleum. Give reason.

A. The natural resources like coal and petroleum are present only in
limited quantity. If we do not use it carefully they may soon get finished.

Q6. Why we should plant more trees?

A. We should plant more trees because they clean the air. They also
reduce noise pollution.

Q7. How can we prevent water pollution?

A. We can prevent water pollution by

a) not washing clothes on river banks

b) not bathing animals in rivers and ponds.

Q8. What are renewable and non -renewable resources?

Ans: A renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be used up or it is that

can be replaced within a human life span. Air, water, soil, plants, and animals are
examples of renewable resources.

Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replaced after they are
used. This means that they exist in a fixed amount on Earth. Rock, minerals, metals,
uranium, and fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and natural gas are all
nonrenewable resources.

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