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An (Supplier): Good morning everyone, and thank you for taking the time to meet

with us today. We appreciate the opportunity to discuss the training provision for
the upcoming year. We understand the importance of investing in your team's
development and are committed to providing top-notch training courses can fulfill
your management and sales training needs for the year ahead.
Anh (Client): Thanks, An. We appreciate you coming in. We've looked through
your extensive course offerings, and we're very interested in moving forward with
several programs. However, as you know, we're looking to train a significant
portion of our staff, so cost is a major concern for us.
Hao (Supplier): As you know, we have a range of training courses available, and
we have proposed a total of one hundred training days for your company. Our
pricing structure is based on £600 per day for management training and £500 per
day for sales training. We understand completely, Anh. We've priced our courses
competitively based on the specific content and delivery style. Each program
requires dedicated preparation time for our trainers to ensure the best possible
experience for your employees.
Anh (Client): Thank you for sharing the details, Hao. While we appreciate the
quality of your training, we were hoping to discuss pricing. Given the significant
volume of training we are considering, we believe there should be taken over for
price adjustments.
Han (Client): Yes, that's correct. We are looking for significant price discounts
that reflect the quantity of training we will be engaging in. We believe a reduction
of £100 per day would be reasonable. While we appreciate the tailored approach,
with potentially a hundred training days on the table, there should be for
negotiation on the daily rates. We were hoping for a reduction of at least £100 per
day across the board.
An (Supplier): We understand your perspective, but it's important to note that our
pricing is based on the costs associated with preparing and delivering each course.
However, we are willing to consider some concessions to reach a mutually
satisfactory agreement and that's a significant discount request, Han. As I
mentioned, each course requires specific materials and customization. But, we are
open to finding a solution that benefits both parties. We've structured our pricing
to reflect the different types of training offered.
Anh (Client): We understand the differences, but frankly, a day of training is a day
of training. Whether it's management or sales, the cost to deliver it can't differ that
much. On the other hand, the volume discount we're offering with potentially a
hundred days is quite substantial.
Hao (Supplier): We do see your point, Anh. While the delivery format may be
similar, the content and trainer expertise required for management training can be
more complex. However, we are happy to offer a compromise. If you confirm a
commitment to eighty training days, we can extend a five percent discount on the
total cost.
Han (Client): Eighty days is a possibility, but we can't guarantee that number.
Training needs can shift throughout the year, and we may need to cancel sessions
on short notice. Offering a lower daily rate would provide more flexibility in our
An (Supplier): The short-notice cancellations are a concern, as it impacts our
trainer scheduling. However, we value your business and are willing to explore
options. If you commit to all hundred training days, we can offer a ten percent
discount across the board.
Anh (Client): A ten percent discount for a hundred days is more in line with what
we were hoping for. However, the lack of flexibility in scheduling is a sticking
point. Perhaps we can find a middle ground?
Hao (Supplier): Perhaps we can. What if we maintain the daily rates but offer you
a prompt payment incentive? If your company settles the invoice within fifteen
days of each training session, we could offer a two percent discount on that
specific course.
Han (Client): Now that's an interesting proposal! Prompt payment is something
we can definitely guarantee. A two percent discount per course on top of honoring
invoices within fifteen days would be a significant advantage for our cash flow.
An (Supplier): We believe this proposal offers a win-win scenario. You receive a
cost reduction through prompt payment, and we benefit from faster invoice
turnaround. Is this something you'd be comfortable moving forward with?
Anh (Client): Absolutely! This seems like a very fair solution, sounds like a step in
the right direction, An and Hao. Let's finalize the specific courses and schedule for
the year based on this new agreement.
Hao (Supplier): Excellent! We're happy to work with you to ensure a successful
training program for your staff. We have evaluated our budget and believe that this
reduction would align with our financial goals. Additionally, we would prefer not
to commit to a specific number of training days as our requirements may change at
short notice. We appreciate your perspective, Anh and Han. However, it's
important to note that each training course requires significant preparation on our
part, regardless of the quantity. Therefore, we do not normally offer discounts
based solely on the quantity of training. Our prices reflect the value and expertise
we bring to each session.
Han (Client): That being said, we are willing to make certain concessions to find a
mutually beneficial agreement. If we reach a hundred training days, we can offer a
ten percent discount on the total cost. Alternatively, if we reach eighty days, we
can provide a five percent discount. These concessions are in addition to the £100
reduction per day that you proposed.
Anh (Client): Thank you for considering our request, Hao and Han. We understand
your position regarding the preparation required for each course. We would be
willing to accept your proposed concessions of a ten percent discount if we reach a
hundred training days or a five percent discount if we reach eighty days.
Additionally, we are willing to pay within fifteen days of each course taking place.
Hao (Supplier): That sounds reasonable to us. We value the quality of your
training, and we believe these concessions would help us achieve our training
objectives while staying within our budget. We are open to finalizing the
agreement based on these terms.
An (Supplier): Thank you for your understanding, Anh and Han. We believe that
the proposed discounts and payment terms would be a fair compromise to us. Let's
proceed with documenting the details of the agreement to ensure clarity on both
sides and we hope everything will be better for the quantity of training next year.

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