Topic 3 - Final Exam 2

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Topic 3 _ Exam

Student Nmae: ………………………………… G11: ……

 Answer the following questions:-

1- Many banks offer an online banking service, over the Internet, whereby customers can
log into the bank’s website and make various transactions.
a) Define encryption and outline its use in this case [3 marks]
Encryption is the process of encoding information in such a way that only authorized parties can
access it. In the context of online banking, encryption ensures that sensitive data, such as account
numbers and transaction details, are scrambled into unreadable format during transmission over
the Internet, thereby safeguarding them from unauthorized access. This is typically achieved
through cryptographic algorithms.

b) Describe how the system can ensure that a customer can gain access to the correct account
and not to any other. [2 marks]
The system employs authentication mechanisms such as usernames, passwords, and sometimes
additional security factors like one-time passwords or biometric verification. When a customer
logs into the online banking system, the system verifies their credentials against stored data to
ensure they have access to the correct account linked with those credentials. Access control
measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to other accounts.

One particular bank holds information on bank accounts on one large central server.
C) Construct a systems flowchart that illustrates how a customer logging on to the Internet can
access a particular bank account. Include any gateways in your illustration. [4 marks]
The system employs authentication mechanisms such as usernames, passwords, and sometimes
additional security factors like one-time passwords or biometric verification. When a customer
logs into the online banking system, the system verifies their credentials against stored data to
ensure they have access to the correct account linked with those credentials. Access control
measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to other accounts.
2- In relation to data transmission across a network:
a) Define the term data security. [2 marks]
Data security refers to the protection of digital data from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft
throughout its lifecycle, including during storage, transmission, and processing across a network.
b) Explain a way to ensure data security. [2 marks]
One way to ensure data security is by implementing encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS
(Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) for securing data transmission. These protocols
encrypt data during transit, making it unreadable to unauthorized parties intercepting the
3- Compare and construct the similarities and differences between LAN and WAN.
[4 marks]
LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) are both network architectures but
differ in scope and characteristics.
 Similarities:
- Both LAN and WAN involve connecting multiple devices to share
resources and information.
- Both use network protocols to facilitate communication between
connected devices.
 Differences:
- LAN typically covers a smaller geographical area, such as a single building or
campus, while WAN spans larger distances, often connecting LANs across cities,
countries, or continents.
- LAN usually offers higher data transfer speeds and lower latency compared to
WAN due to its localized nature.
- WAN often relies on public or leased telecommunication lines, whereas LAN is
often built using Ethernet or Wi-Fi technologies within a confined space.
4- Define packet switching and explain how data is transmitted by it. [2 marks]
Packet switching is a method of transmitting data across a network in which data is divided into
smaller units called packets. These packets are then individually routed across the network to
their destination. Each packet contains not only the data payload but also metadata such as
source and destination addresses. Upon reaching the destination, packets are reassembled to
reconstruct the original data.
5- Explain two ways of reducing the time required to transmit data in a computer network.
[4 marks]

Two ways to reduce the time required to transmit data in a computer network are:
- Increasing the bandwidth of the network connection: By increasing the
bandwidth, more data can be transmitted simultaneously, reducing the time it
takes to transfer large files or volumes of data.
- Implementing data compression techniques: Compressing data before
transmission reduces the amount of data that needs to be sent, thereby reducing
transmission time. Compression algorithms such as ZIP or gzip can significantly
reduce the size of files without losing essential information.

6- Define the terms client and server. [2 marks]

Client: A client refers to a computer or device that requests services or resources from another
computer, known as a server, in a client-server network architecture. Clients initiate
communication with servers to access shared resources or services.
Server: A server is a computer or device that provides services or resources to clients in a client-
server network architecture. Servers respond to requests from clients by providing access to
shared resources or performing requested tasks.
7- A business has three offices in different parts of a large city. Within each office there is a
network and these three networks are connected together using a communication system.
a) State the type of network used:
(i) Within each office. [1 mark]
Within each office: The type of network used is likely a LAN (Local Area Network) as it covers
a limited geographical area, typically within a single office building or campus.

(ii) Between the three offices. [1 mark]

Between the three offices: The type of network used is likely a WAN (Wide Area Network) as it
connects multiple LANs across larger geographical distances, typically spanning across the city.

b) Identify two items of hardware that affect communication speed. [2 marks]

Two items of hardware that affect communication speed are:
- Network Switches: Switches manage the flow of data within a network by
directing data packets to their intended destination. High-performance switches
can improve communication speed within a network.
- Routers: Routers are devices responsible for forwarding data packets between
different networks. Efficient routers can enhance communication speed between
interconnected networks.

c) Explain the importance of two security issues that the organization should be aware of by
allowing employees to use e-mail and the Internet. [4 marks]
Security Issues:
- Email and Internet Usage: The organization should be aware of the risks
associated with email and internet usage, such as phishing attacks, malware
infections, and data breaches. Implementing email filtering, antivirus software,
and firewall protections can mitigate these risks.
- Data Privacy: Employee communication over email and the internet may involve
the exchange of sensitive or confidential information. Therefore, ensuring data
privacy and compliance with data protection regulations is crucial to prevent
unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information.
Communication between the offices needs speeding up.
d) Outline one way in which the use of communications between the offices improves the
working efficiency of the business. [2

By improving communication between the offices, the business can enhance collaboration,
streamline decision-making processes, and increase operational efficiency. Faster
communication facilitates quicker exchange of information, coordination of tasks, and resolution
of issues across different office locations, ultimately leading to improved productivity and
responsiveness to customer needs.

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