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Department of Education

Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

1st Week of Off- Campus”

So, our first week was observation first because that's exactly what our Prof.
said. 2 weeks of observation but before that there was a welcoming ceremony for us
student teachers on the campus where all the teachers met at the RNTVS Annex school
and then they drew the student teachers who would get 1 in theirs the student teacher
after that they introduced themselves one by one to all of us so that we could know
who would possibly be our Cooperative teacher after that he talked to his Cooperative
teacher and the one I talked to was two teachers Ma'am Grace and Ma'am Theresa
where Ma'am Theresa is going to have (BEC) Basic Education I will manage her the rest
of the time will be with Ma'am Grace who will assist and give lessons. So, as usual for
the 1st week is Ma'am Grace's observations and take notes the strength and
weaknesses but based on my observation she was capable enough for her positions as
a teacher because she is a flexible teacher who can introduce her being a teacher to
the sudden activities at the school and for the 2nd day then the principal Sir Noel Panga
came and he called us and talked to us thoroughly so that we could better understand
what we should do and what we should follow with our Cooperative Teacher and if
there is a problem, we just come to him to address the problem with him and to solve it
properly. On the 3rd day, we were told that we will also conduct a beat at the flag
pole, so in the afternoon, we assigned people to co-conduct the beat, after that we
announced the event for tomorrow in our 4th day. In RNTVS, there is an event called
City Meet where there is a parade and we are also required to attend that event. So, on
our 4th day of internship, we attended the City Meet where we saw Sir Rey and he told
us not to go to the Parade, we were just on standby afterwards, so we followed and
then the other (CT) Cooperative Teachers was there and that's how we also attended
but we were only there until 9:30 am because our CT sent us home. and for the 5th
day supposed to be its Friday Feb. 24, 2023 was declared that it’s a holiday. So, that's
how my one week at RNTVS Annex happened.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

“2nd Week of Off- Campus”

So, my first day was supposed to be at Ma'am Theresa's case. I was surprised
that she wasn't there. She didn't go to school. so, as I didn't know what to do, what I
did was that Ma'am Grace was very approachable. She told me right away that all of
Ma'am Theresa's students and I should get to know each other first and after that
That's right, I attended all of her classes, which I asked the teachers and also her
students, actually my 1st day was okay and I expected that they were really noisy
because I lacked a lot of patience for them. and I don't expect it to be the last subject
that is on the covered court on the right-side playing basketball and there are children
who are running and the worst thing is that they bumped into me. on my 2nd day,
Ma'am Theresa came in and I observed her and unexpectedly she made me take a quiz
of 1-10 and she checked me and 1-3 pm is my worst time in BEC because that's so
losing respect but that I can manage that. Even though Ma'am Theresa is not there, I
will be doing BEC and Beauty Care together. from 10-5:00 pm is almost 2 hrs. each and
at the same time I will do the 3 sections at the same time and the other day was
ma’am there again wasn’t there that’s why I oversees only to her subject students from
grade 8-10.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

“3RD Week of Off-Campus”

First of all, the flag ceremony will always come first after that on March 6, 2023
supposed to be Vacant time in the first period that took everyone's time, the fire officer
conducted what should be done during the time of the fire. afterward the remaining
time do paper works then in 9:35-11:30 was my first demonstrations which is my topic
is all about the basic hand stitches in 1:00-2:00 pm lesson in Grade 8 BEC and for 3
:00-5:00 Demo teaching in Grade 7 Reamer. 2nd day was the same Grade 7 Reamer
and Anvil continuations of discussion in basic hand stitches while they were sewing the
output until its Wednesday after that grade 8 BEC students was lecture in our 1 hour
session after that I am announcing that I will do a Recitation the next day which is
Wednesday March 8 2023 this is women's day where we are wearing purple clothes for
the celebration of women’s day and for the 4th day of march is which is March 9 i was
the one who was assigned to conduct a beat in Philippine national anthem after that
vacant time preparation of recitations and quiz supposed to be on the next day which is
Friday March 10, 2023 but it was declared to the students that it was the 4th PTA
meeting where the parents went then and we the one who assisted there was the first
general PTA meeting which was held in the covered court after that they went straight
to the school so that Ma'am could discuss the concerns in the school after that, that's
the time grades while I did the attendance at the front and in the afternoon there was a
free lunch at the food lab and that was the time there was a welcoming party for
ma'am Julie the accounting office in-charges then we sang a mini videokie until the
time we went to him in his room to make our concerns paper works after that we
continued after that I went to the food lab first because the welcoming part had started
and I didn't notice so Ma’am Maddie and I suddenly went there and that's when we
found that we started to introduce themselves and welcome the teachers and suddenly
sir Rey started to say that we should also introduce ourselves and we will introduce him
to him and our CT and then there was a videokie again and I got into the It was time
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

because my CT said and the Co-STs agreed and after that it was time to go home as
usual and we logged out.

“Week 4 Week of Off-Campus”

March 13 was Monday I was assigned to conduct a beat in the RNTVS hymn
then if we conduct a beat we have a guest speaker in connections to Women's Day
celebrations we have a guest speaker Ms. kristen talks about her experience and after
that we had a picture taking as a whole teachers and with guest speaker and all
student teachers after our picture taking we are proceeding to our respective classroom
so my first subject was grade 7 anvil 9:30-11:30 the first thing I did was take a quiz I'm
in grade 7 anvil after the quiz I proceeded to the new topic which is Parts of sewing
machine and how to operate the sewing machine like my lesson in scriber which is
1:00-3:00 pm until 3:00-5 :00 pm on the reamer, almost everything I have at that time
is grade 7, on day 2 I have drawn a sewing machine with parts on the Grade 7 Reamer,
Scriber and Anvil because there is no projector that can be used so on 3rd day March
15 continuation of the Lesson and in Illustration board where drawing was done so they
can learn how to use the sewing machine even if only imaginary on day 4th and 5th
Lesson and Continuation of drawing the rest of the time and for our last of our 4th
week March 17th is We had a Seminar in connection with the Theme GAD Generalize
Anxiety Disorder Sir Rey talked about Gender Fair Language and our Principal Sir Noel
Panga talked about Gender Responsive Development Equality the teachers also shared
their talks of relationships and life. after that picture taking, after that we had lunch
with all faculty staff and with Sir Noel Panga, after that they went swimming while we
took a video and the other co-St also went swimming after that they gave the
Certificate and went home already.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

“WEEK 5 of Off-Campus”
March 20 was Monday 7:20:8:00 was flag ceremony and with talks of
Mrs.Turiano our guest speaker a BFP II Again Picture taking after her talk and proceed
to the respective classroom and I of course arranged my students first or advisory class
then I proceed with my tarpapel because I don't have a projector and Our CTs also told
us that we should still get used to the Traditional Way those with visual aids and when
they arrive at 9:30-11:30 am quiz in operating sewing machine like grade 7 Anvil 1:00-
3:00 and 7 Reamer 3:00-5:00 on 2nd Day 7:20-8:00 I conducted the beat of Bicolandia
afterward at 8:20 9:20 is my vacant I'm doing IM's for students again my topic was
Cleaning and Lubricating the sewing machine on the 3rd day my demo teaching topic is
Hazard and Risks in grade 7 ANVIL, 9:30-11:30 am GRADE 7 SCRIVER 1:00-3:00 and
also to GRADE 7 REAMER and on the 4th day, I still did activities in 3 classes if I was in
grade 7 and still drew or about Hazard so that they can understand it better and on the
last day I did a quiz of 1-17 and it had a twist because to minimize the noise I added 3
to the group that was quiet and they were all quiet and after that record of course the
score and I had them draw a Risk so they can better understand the difference
between Hazard and Risks.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

Last week of March First of all we did a flag ceremony and again invited a
guest speaker where Ma'am Banaria who is also a former teacher at RNTVS She talked
about Women’s Month and then I was vacant doing my paper works Afterward exactly
9:30 I went to Grade 7 Anvil and took a lesson on Hand Tools in Electronics and after
that if there is a lesson because it's time to pray in the crib and then it's straight to
Lunch after that of course I'll fix it first and also preparation to Grade 7 Scriber for their
lesson also in Hand Tools in Electronics afterward snack time at exactly 3:10 I
proceeded to the lesson in Grade 7 Reamer Hand Tools in Electronics after that we
agreed to play games which is they will clean while they are playing. on 2nd day i was
the one who conducted a beat in Philippine national anthem at exactly 9:30-11:35 am i
did an activity first in grade 7 Anvil into our previous topic then after i did it i did a
lesson of the next topic which is related to the previous topic which is operation and
function of hand tools in electronics after that proceed to 8 snips for attendance after
lunch and preparation to the next topic and the same topic to grade 7 Anvil until grade
7 Reamer my topic. on the 3rd day is 9:35-11:35 as usual in grade 7 Anvil because I
only did 1 hr. then so I just did the Activity on the previous topic after that and because
they have Religion that's why I proceeded to the room so I did I had a vacancy after
that until lunch time. After break time, I proceeded to grade 7 Scriber because their
time was 1:00-3:00 pm. lack of time so it's over but I already told the 3 sections of
grade 7 that I will take a long quiz on the next day after that I proceeded to the next
section which is Grade 7 Reamer my advisory class and the same I did some activity
after that and went straight to drawing and like what happened to grade 7 scriber,
there was also a lack of time after that, so I went home. on the 4th day is at exactly
9:35-11:35 is I took a long quiz and I immediately proceeded to checking so I could
record their scores after that we finished on time and I proceeded again to 8 snips for
attendance and lunch time at exactly 1:00-3:00 is according to my grade 7 Scriber, who
also did a quiz then proceed with the checking after that, that's exactly what I did in
Grade 7 Reamer then on day 5 I was very busy because I was brown out then and the
last day of march is 31 which is the accomplishment that DTR should have and my
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City

activity with them drawing of 6 Hand tools in Electronics then Ma'am Francialyn
suddenly called an Emergency meeting and then I proceeded immediately to the Food
Miller Room and we discussed the concerns and issues after that it was around 12:00 at
lunch and I found out that my class record was missing as in my whole lunch time I
was not in the mood because everyone was there then later I also saw that that's why I
was okay. after that, I immediately proceeded to the FEEDING Program because I was
the one who was assigned to that task, delivered the food, and then at 3 pm I went
back to 7 Reamer, I had work, after that I judged the slogan as in that day was my full
schedules and tired day.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City



The first thing we did on the first day of our 7th week in our off
campus was to celebrate the last day of celebrations in NATIONAL
WOMEN'S MONTH which took place in the covered court and then where
there was also the Zumba of us students. teachers after that it was the
same with the theme, we for gender equality and inclusive society where
there was a contest in essay writing, song writing, slogan making, poster
making and also the extemporaneous speaking on the said date and I was
one of the parts of the program. I was the one who did the invocation in
that event. after that in the afternoon the awarding of the winners of the
contest took place and then there was a meeting with us as a whole where
all our problems were addressed where I started an open forum of our ST's
where it became everything is okay on the 2nd day supposed to be lesson
but in connection of holy week was reschedule because of the celebration
also of ma’am cherry's birthday so when it was time for the reamer I just
cleaned and my time for the scriber was because I was assigned to make a
program in JS so that's what I did because there is strong internet there.
after that it was as usual to go home. on the 3rd day is our last day of 7th
week where I just cleaned and did makeup and hairdressing for the prince
and princesses of my section or my advisory class after that in
unexpectedly birthday of ma'am Julie wherein, I had a lot of food Principals
office and parts of 12:00 in the afternoon, that's it, we went home, that's
the end of my 7th week.
Department of Education
Region V
Division of City Schools
San Francisco ES Campus, Iriga City


On monday was the day where I had a lesson about perform mensuration
and calculations in electronics where I did activities and board work about my topic on
the 2nd day I continued on the topic where in I introduced here is the new topic about
Identification of technical drawings and when it was the 3rd day and 4th day it was the
day in which the typhoon Amang was devastating so the whole class was suspended for
those 2 days after that it was Friday where I completed Back then it was very busy
where in the morning I had a lesson in technical drawings then afterwards I practiced
dancing and later we finalized the budget for the token that Ma'am Maddie and I almost
went overtime trying to find the token with Ma I'm Janilyn in the center.


Monday was the day when everyone was super busy where in the morning they
practiced dance afterwards had lunch and soon the event of the Prince and Princesses
started and we assisted with foods for the guests and prince and princesses afterwards
then we went home at 3:00 pm in the afternoon for preparation of night J'S Prom
afterwards I went back to the school for that event and that's when I found a place
where there was going to be a processional after that we assisted with foods to the
juniors and seniors students and we st's ate there including the dinner for educations
and after that I was awardees in certificate which is the food preparations of the prince
and princesses and for the j’s prom night and on Tuesday I didn't go in because I am
not feeling well and the 3rd-4th-5th day was our intramurals where we student
teachers were excused.

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