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Cost Accounting


Presented by Group 5
Hey everyone!
We are Group 5.
Heli Wahyuni Mamonto
Rosdiana Suparno
Jerry Kurniawan Piri
Arief Rachman Ishak
Definition of Process
Costing & Job Order Costing
Job order costing and process
costing is a method that can help
companies determine the cost of
products more precisely
Types of Process Costing

Standard Fee First-in, first-out

Standard cost is the total cost This type of process costing is a method of inventory

that should be spent to make assignment classifies all management by using the

one unit of product or to production-related costs and stock of goods in the

finance certain activities, assigns them to the units a warehouse according to the
time of entry. The first stock to
under the assumption of company produces
enter the warehouse is the first
certain other factors.
stock to leave the warehouse.
Infentory Analysis Process Costing
By determining the cost of each production process,
companies can find the beginning inventory, the
amount completed, and the balance to be carried over
at the end of an accounting period.

Inventory Cost Conversion

The next thing that can be done in calculating
process costing is to change all inventories that are
considered to be in process at the end of the period
into the same number of units.

Calculate Applicable Fees

after converting each inventory to the appropriate number of
production units, calculate the sum of the indirect and direct costs
accumulated by the manufacturing process. This amount is balanced
between finished inventory and work in progress. Indirect and direct
production costs include beginning inventories and those incurred
during the period.
Process Costing
Calculate Cost per Unit
calculating the unit price after all costs associated with the
manufacturing process for complete inventory and work in

Determine Costs for Complete and Incomplete

The final step in process costing is to disaggregate costs by
transferring the appropriate amounts to products completed and
to work-in-process inventory at the end of the period.
Work in Process

Inventory of Raw Materials

Flow of
Salary and Wages
Factory Overhead Cost Costs
Finished Product
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