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For Against

Negative Impact on Mental Health A Source of Comfort and Entertainment

 Excessive TV viewing harms mental  TV offers relaxation, easing stress.
health, causing anxiety, depression, and  Programs and movies entertain, offering
attention issues. enjoyment.
 Negative content worsens existing mental
health conditions.

Promotion of Violence and Aggression Educational Content

 Violent TV breeds aggression in kids.  TV offers educational shows, expanding
 Exposure desensitizes, normalizing knowledge.
aggression.  Education TV programs engage, promoting
critical thinking.
Encouragement of Consumerism A platform for many voices and perspectives
• TV advertisements push materialism,  Television fosters empathy and
shaping consumer behavior in detrimental understanding by showcasing diverse ideas
ways. and experiences.
• Commercials push environmental
degradation and social inequality.
Social Isolation Social Connection
 TV isolates, reducing social engagement.  TV fosters social connection through shared
 Screen time alone hampers social skill viewing.
development, fostering loneliness.  Programs depict interactions, fostering

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