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ouadratic Equations

which shows that the equation ( .1) is sadsfled by x :2 a•

1181111 Introduction Therefore, a is a root of the equation ( 1) .
of one unknown quantity (say x) in the form
JJI eq~a + c:::: o is called a quadradc equadon or an equation
J + ~ond degree. Here a, b, c are constants and a 1 0
quadratic eqaadon 11M two and only two roou. ]
of the and c may be zero; a, b and c are called the
. Priif We consider the quadratic equation of the general
whil~cient of x2, the _coefficient of x and the constant (or
coeolute) term respectively. The values of x which satisfy the form:
abs . are called the roots of the quadratic equation• ax 2 + bx + c = 0 [a I O]
eq thi chapter, out endeavour will be to find the number of
or, x 2 + b
1I1 s f a quadratic equation, nature of these roots and the -x + - = 0 [ ·: a:# O)
roots o in which . they are reIated with• the coefficients a b a a
and the constant term c •
or, x2 + 2 • x• .!2a + (.!)


or, ( x+- b2--4ac

b ) 2 -- -=O
2a 4a2

or, ( x + 2~) 2 -( Jb22~4ac) 2 = 0
If a be a root of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx+ c = o,
then (.t- a) ls a factor of the expression ax2 + bx + c; 2
b Jb -4ac)(
or, ( x+-+- b Jb -4ac)-o
-- x+-·---- --- -
2a 2a
convenely, if (x - a) ls a factor of ax2 + bx+ c then a is 2a 2a

1 root of the equadon

ax2 + bx+ c = O. or, [x-(-b- ~b:-4ac)][ x-(- b + J::-4ac)] = 0
By question, a is a root of the quadratic equation or, (x-a)(x-P)= O
ax2 +bx+c=O .. ,(1) - b - J---b2---4a-c d p = --b-+- -
where a= -----'--- - an
b2 - 4ac
Hence, aa 2 + ba + c = 0 2a 2a
Now, ax2 + bx+ c = ax2 + bx + c - (aa + ba + c) Since equation (1) reduces to (x-a)(x-P) = O and this
[·: aa 2 +ba+c=O] equation is satisfied only by the values x =a, x =p and by no
= a(x 2 -a 2 )+b(x-a) other values of x, it is evident that the equation (1) has two
= (x-a)[a(x+ a)+b], and only two roots.
which shows that (x - a) is a factor of the expression Therefore, a quadratic equation has two and only two roots.
ax2+ bx+ c.
Fundamental Theorem of
Conversely, if (x - a) is a factor of ax2 + bx + c then we can
write, • Algebra
ax2 + bx+ c =(x-a)(px+ q) ···(2)
where p( t- 0) and q are constants. @stateme nt
Now, putting x = a on both sides of the identity (2) we get, Every algebraic equation with real or imaginary coefficients
aa2 +ba + c = Ox (pa + q) = 0 has at least one root, real or imaginary.

• These articles are not included in the syllabus; these have been included have considering their importance.

• 1lt. IL J

THEOREM 3 Now, (2)- (3) gives,

A. quadratic equation cannot have more than two dlldnct a(a 2 -/32) + b(a-{J) = O
roota. or, (a-,8)(a(a+/3)+b]=O
Consider the quadratic equation of the general or, a(a +/J) + b = O [since a#; f3
form: Similarly, (3)-(4) gives,
ax2+bx+c=O (a=IO) .. ,(1) a(ft + -y) + b = O [since ,8 Ir
By the fundamental theorem of algebra the equation (1) has at Again, (5)- (6) gives,
least one root. Let this root be a . Then by the remainder a(a-1) = O
theorem (x- a) is a factor of ax2 +bx+ c and :. either a = O or a - r = 0 •• 11
aa + ba + c = O. Therefore, we have, But by hypothesis, a =I O; again, a - 1 #; 0 since
2 .. ,(2) • Therefore, condition (7) cannot be true.
ax + bx+ c = (x-a)(px+ q) 0 j>

where p ( # 0) and q are constants [·: quotient is a linear Thus assuming three distinct roots of equation (1)
expression when the quadratic expression (ax2 + bx+ c) is
divided by (x- a)].
a condition which is impossible. Hence, equation (
have three distinct roots. l,
Therefore, a quadratic equation cannot have more
Again, by the fundamental theorem, the equation px + q = 0 than~
has at least one root. Let this root be ,B. Then, (x-,8) is a factor
of px + q = 0 and pfJ + q = 0 . Therefore, we have, Note tt equation <1> 11 aadded.,, .._ •
px+ q = (x-fJ)r •··(3) a, b, c of % then from (7) we pt, ,a••~
where r is a constant [·: quotient is a constant when (px + q) a=O ln (6) we get, b=O and puaing •
is divided by (x-fJ) ].
equadon (2) we get, c = 0. Therebe,
Therefore, from (2) and (3) we get,
ax2 +bx+c= r(x-a)(x-fJ) .. ,(4) '. three_ different roots when a = 0, b =O, c =

Equating the coefficient of x2 on both sides of (4) we get, equadon (1) reduces to O• .r +0 •;i ,
r = a . Therefore, ; an ldendty since k It sadlfled ~ - z.
a condidon in the form of a quadratic . . . . .
ax2 + bx+ c = a(x-a)(x-{3) ···(5)
mme that two values of the unknown, 1bea
From (5) it is evident that ax2 +bx+ c = O when x = a or f3. represents an identity.
Therefore, x = a and x = fJ, both are roots of equation (1) i.e.,

• Determination of the Relation

the quadratic equation (1) has n.,,o roots a and fJ.
Next, let us take a quantity r such that 'Y #: a and r =I f3.
between Roots and Coefficients
Hence, r - a #: O and r - /3 #: 0 . Therefore, putting x = r on
both sides of (5) we get, of a Quadratic Equation
a,,Z+br+c=a(y-a)(y-/3)#0 [·: a#O] Consider the quadratic equation of the general form:
Hence, x = r cannot be a root of equation (1). ax2 + bx+ c = 0 ···(!)
Therefore, a quadratic equation cannot have more th;rn.Jttwo where a ( -:/= 0) is the coefficient of x2 , b the coefficient of 1
distinct roots.
and c, the constant term. If a and f3 be the roots of the
equation, then we are to find the relations of a and Pwith
Consider the quadratic equation of the general form:
a, b and c.
ax2 + bx+ c = 0 [a# 0] .. •( 1)
and if possible, let us assume that the equation ( 1) has three Since a # O, hence multiplying both sides of (1) by 4a we ge~
distinct roots a, /3 and r . Then, a, f3 and r will satisfy 4a 2x2 + 4abx + 4ac = O
equation ( 1) . or, (2ax) 2 + 2 • 2ax• b + b2 - b2 + 4ac = 0
:. aa 2 +ba+c=O .. ,(2) or, (2ax + b)2 = b2 -4ac
a{3 + b/3 + c = O .. ,(3) 2 4
or, 2ax+b=±Jb2 -4ac or,x=-b+/i, - ;
and ay2 + by + c = O "·(4) 2a

-b± Jb2 -4ac Nature of the Roots of a

we roots of (1) are 2a
• Quadratic Equation
11Ji - b+ and /3 = - b- Jb2 - 4ac
a::;~-- 2a Consider the quadratic equation of the general form:
~ti _b+ Jil-- 2
4ac + - b - Jb - 4ac ax2 +bx+c=O [a#O] ··•(lj
a+P::;-2a 2a
If a and /3 be the roots of the equation ( 1), then \.\e can have,
-Zb b _ coefficient of x
a+ p::; 2a = - a-
coefficient of x2 ... (Z) -b + Jb 2 -4ac -b-Jb 2
- 4ac
a=-___; ___ andP=_:: .--=~--
0~ 2a
_b+ 4ac x - b - Jb - 4ac
~• aP::;- 2a _ _ 2a Assume that a, b and c are real and radonaJ. Then, the
(-b)Z-(Jb 2 -4ac) = b -(b -4ac)
2 nature of the roots a and p of equation ( l) is determined by

aP== - 2a 4a2 the expression (b2 - 4ac) under the radical sign. For this
4ac _ c _ constant tenn 3) reason (b 2 -4ac) is called the dlscrlminant of equation ( l) •
ot aP == 4a2 - a- coefficient of x2 ••• (
Referred to this discriminant we draw the following
d (3) represent the required relations benveen roots conclusions about the nature of roots a and p of equation ( l ) :
(2) an . .
. and p) and coefficients (i.e., a, b and c) of equation J.} If discriminant is positive (Le., b2 - 4ac > 0 ), then the
(~e., a 2-
r example, if the roots of the equation 4x 9x - 6 = o roots a and p of equation ( 1) are real and unequal.
(J). F0
be a and p' then JJ} If discriminant is zero (Le., b2- 4ac = 0 ), then the
coeff. of x -9 9
swn of the roots = a +/3 = - coeff. of x2 = - 4 = 4 roots of equation (1) are real and equal .
constant term -6 3 .JJJ./ If discriminant is negative (i.e., b2-4ac < 0 ), then the
dthe product of the roots = a{J = - - - - = - = --
an coeff. of x2 4 roots of equation ( 1) are unequal and imaginary.

&. Formation of the Quadratic .!!} If discriminant is positive and a perfect square then
the roots of equation ( 1) are real, rational and
- Equation whose Roots are unequal. Again, if discriminant is positive but not a
Given perfect square then the roots of equation (1) are real,
irrational and unequal.
Suppose we are to form the quadratic equation whose roots
are a and p. :!} If b2 - 4ac (i.e., the discriminant) is a perfect square
but any one of a or b is irrational then the roots of
Let the required equation be ax2 + bx + c = 0 [a ::/= 0] . Then
/3. equation ( 1) are irrational.
by question, roots of this equation are a and

:. <r+ /3 = -~ and a/3 c £

a a
; Note J• From (i) and (ii) it is evident that the roots of I

Now, ax2 + bx +c = o equation (1) are real when b2-4ac;;. O [or, 1

2 b C b2-4ac{ O).
or, x +;x+;=O [·: a::/=O]
' • From (i) and (iii) it readily follows that a quadratic •
or, x -(a+/3)x+a/3=0 [·: a+/3=-~ and a/3= !] equation with real coefficient cannot have one real and 1
one imaginary roots; either both roots are real [when ,
or, x - (sum of the roots )x + product of the roots = 0 b2 - 4ac > 0 ) or both roots are imaginary [when f
.. ,(1)
~nn~a (1) is used for the formation of a quadratic equation
·b2 - 4ac < 0 ). l
Wuen Its
roots are given. For example, suppose we are to form • From (iv) it follows that a quadratic equation with !
rational coefficient cannot have one rational and one 1
u" quadr •
r attc equation whose roots are 2 and (-3) . By
tOrtnuJa {l) irrational roots; either both roots are rational (when J
we get the required equation as,
x2-[ 2 +(-3)]x+2 X (-3) = 0
b2- 4ac is a perfect square) or both roots are j
0~ xl Irrational [when b2 - 4ac is not a perfect square). }
- (-1 )x + (-6) = 0 or, x2 + x - 6 = 0 ......... .
.,. "'
r + ..,ATHEMATICS • XI.!Ji If b == c == o, then from ( 1) we Bet.

f the Nature of ax2:: 0 or, X = 0, 0 (·· Q

Deter~lnat ion O fIon Therefore, both roots of equat i~n O OJ
b == c == o. >'"', ,
Roots of a Quadratic Equa '
:,J)} If a== b == c == OI men equation (
when One or More of Its
Therefore, in this case equa tion ( 1) any ' ;
idenn·ty• ~ \".•;
Cons ider the quadratic equation of the general (onn:

ax2+ bx+c =O • : Theorems
Assume that a, b, c are real and rational.
H the const ant term c = o, then from ( 1) we get,
ax2 +bx= O or, x(ax +b)= O
~ --
In • quadratic equa tion with real
roou occur In conju gate pair. i
:. x = O or, x =
ant tenn c of equation ( ) is Consider the quad ratic equa tion ofthe
Therefore, if the
zero, then one root of equation ( 1) is zero and its ax2+ bx+c =0 ~,
other root is real and rational. where the coefficients a, b and c are real
H coefficient of x (I.e., b) = o, then from (1) we
J!/ Let the imaginary quan tity a + i/J {a, p are rea) and 1
be a root of equat ion (I) • Then the equa tion must be
ax2 + c = 0 or, x = ± f. byx= a+i/ J.
:: ti1

Therefore, if coefficient of x is zero then the roots of .. a(a + iP) 2 + b(a + i/3) + c = 0
the equa tion (I) are equal in magnitude but opposite m; a(a2 -p2+ i•2a f3)+ ba+i b/J+ c=O [·: ;2==-I
in sign. aa2 - ap2 + ba + c + i(2aa p + b/J) = o
the 0~
•J!!/ H coefficient of x2 (i.e., a)= O, then the nature of :

.. aa2 - ap2 + ba + c = 0 1

roots of (1) is obtained b y the following method: and 2aap + b/J = 0 . "'((~
Let us put, x = ! ; then equation ( 1) reduces to [Since p+iq =O (p: q ~ere aland t=J:i i
y rmplies p = o and q=Oj !
a,.!. +b·! +c= O o~ cy2 + by+ a= O
···(2) 2 bx+ c by a - ip we get,
Now, replacing x in ax +
y2 y .
a(a - ip)2 + b( a - i/3) + c
Now, if a = 0 then, ba - ib/3 + c
= a(a 2 - p 2 - i • 2af3) +

cy2 + by= O o~ y(cy + b) = 0 = aa 2 - a/32 + ba + c - i(2aa f3 + b/J)

. . y = 0 or, y = - -C = O - i • 0 [by ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ]
Whe n y = 0 then x = y! = !0 . Therefore, in this case x which shows that the equa tion (I) is satisfied by x=a-J
is indeterminate. when (a+ i/3) is a root of the equa tion. Therefore, (a-iP)
arly, a - i/3) is a root Ii
bthen, x = -I = --c .
• wh en y = -- the other root of the equat ion. Simil if (
equation (1), it can be proved that its other root is
Agam, y b (a+ifl.
Again, (a+ i/3) and (a - i/J) are conjugate complexqua
n?ti& I
Therefore, if a= 0 then one root of equation (1) is quad ratic equa tion with real coeffieten!S.
!her~fore, in a
indeterminate while the other root is real and rational. in conju gate pairs.
,.. unagmary roots occur
.J:!./ If a= b = o, then from (2) we get,
or, 0, ct= , If Ml
In a quadradc equation with rational coeffldentl
cy2 = 0 y= 0 [·: OJ
I I l one root ls of the form p + Ji,, then Us other root
wlD lie
.. x=- =-, -
Its conjugate pair which 11 of the form p- Ji,•
y O 0
Therefore, both roots of equation (I) are
indet ermin ate when a = b = 0 . 3i er., ) Consider the quadratic equation ofthe general...f«ID=(1)
V If a = c = 0, then o~e root of equation is zero and the ax2 + bx+ c= o
other root is indeterminate. where the coefficients a, b and c are rational.

r:. (where p Is rational and Jq ts Irrational) be a root value dependi on x; h~u. k I• a "'"'""'°"
of i encl C1111 •
+ ,1q repre5ented as ft x) • ax2 +bx+ c. ~arty, ft .r) • O tt..,Cl!I •
P . ( 1) . Then equation ( l) must be satlsOed by
equauon the quadratic equation ax2 + bx+ c • 0 o( the gpnnal rot111.
ff three real variablts x, y, z are 11> n-lat~ rhat c~ndlnl
+fe• to every pair of value. o( x and 1 within t ' l ~ ddln~ domain.
p ( + jq)2 + b(p + ./q) + c = 0
aP we get, a definite finite value of z, then 11 ddlnf!'.d tr> b4! •
a(P2 + q + 2p/q) + bp + b./q + c = 0 function of two independent variables x and 1 and lt denofl"d
ap2 + aq + bp + c + (2ap + b)./q = o = o + o. Jq by z = /(x, y). rn fact. flx, 1) is an arg~k n p ~ n in the
variables x and y. For example, the value of the al~l'bnak
+ aq + bp + c = O ···(2)
ap 2 expression x2 - 2xy + y2- + 5 de~ndt on the vaJUN of X and
zap+ b = o ···(3) y and hence is a function o( .x and y and It n-~ted by
d 2 r:
lacing x in ax + bx+ c by (p- -.1q) we get, the symbol /(x, y) L~, flx, y) = il - 2xy + yl + 5 •
oW, reP
a(p- Jq)2 + b(p- ./q) + c In generaL /(x, y) I /(y, x). However. if in 1ny partk:ular c.aJe
== a(p2+q-2p./q)+b p-b./q+c f(.x, y) =/(y, x) then the function ftx, y) 11 Mid to bf?
symmetric with respect to the variables x and y. For aample,
== ap2+aq+bp+c-( 2ap+b)./q 1
::: o- .[q •0 [using (2) and (3)] if /(a, {J) = a 2 + a/J + /i2 then = p2 +Pa+ a
ft.JJ, o)
=a2 + a{J + p2 =ft.a, ff). Therefore, the function
::: 0
bich shows that equation ( l) is satisfied by x = p - Jq when /(a, {J) = a 2 + a/J + pl ts symmetric with ttl"pect to a and P,

p + .[q) is a root of the equation. Therefore, (p - Jq) is the Similarly, each of the functions al +pl; a 3 + p 3 ; + ; t'tC.

tber root of the equation. Similarly, if (p- ./q). is a root of is symmetric with rnpect to a and P.
quation ( l) , it can be proved that its other root is p + Jq . ' Iheorern Rego,J,ng the Sign
gain, (p + /;,) and (p- /;,) are conjugate irrational • of the Quadratic Expression
uantities. Therefore, in a quadratic equation with rational
oefficients, irrational roots occur in conjugate pairs. ax2 + bx+ c ( a ¢ 0)
• Functioil
In any mathematical discussion, if two real variables x and y U z be real. the alp ol the ....,_. upccsdon
are so related that corresponding to every value of x in its az2 + 1,z + C la the IUDe U a, a&:epC wbm die l'OOCa of
domain we get a definite finite value of y, then y is called a
function of x. The statement "y is a function of x" is usually the equadoa ar + bz + c = 0 are real and anequal and z
represented by the symbol y = f(.x) [or y = t/)(x) or y = ,J,(x) Ilea between them.
etc.]; here x is called the independent variable and the other
variable y is called the dependent variable. Proof ex2 + bx+ c = 0 [a =I OJ ···(l}
Actually, the symbol f(.x) represents the rule of mathematical Let a and {J be the roots of the equation ( l) .
relation which determines uniquely y for each value of x. For
example, if y = 2x2 - 3x - 5 then y is uniquely determined for Then, a + fJ = -~ and a{J = £.
a a
every value of x by the expression (2x2 - 3x- 5) and hence,
the expression (2x2 - 3x- 5) is a function of x and we write, Now, ax2 +bx+ c = a(x2 + !x+ = a[x2 +-(a +{J)x+ a{J]
.ftx) = 2x2 - 3x-5. For x = O, the value of f(x) or y is
.ftO) = 2 • 0 2 - 3 • O- 5 = -5 i.e., f(O) represents the value of = a(x(x-a)-{J(x-a) ]
.ftx) when x = 0 . Similarly. or, ax2 + bx+ c = a(x-a)(x-{J) •··(2)
for x = l the value of f(.x) is f(.l) = 2 x 12-3 x 1-5 = -6 (!) Case O Assume that the roots a, {J of equation (I) are
for x = 2 the value of f(.x) is f(.2) = 2 x 22-3 x 2 - 5 = -3 real and unequal and a > {J . If x be real and {J < x < a
for x = -1 the value of f(x) is then,x - a < 0 and x- fJ > 0
.f(-1) = 2 X (-1)2-3 X (-1)-5 = 0 (x-a)(x-{J) < 0
Therefore, it is evident that .f(x) represents an algebraic Therefore, from (2) it follows that,
expression whose value depends on x . when a < O
ax2 + bx+ c > 0
Tbe general form of a quadratic expression ax2 + bx+ c
(a, b, c are real constants and a =Io) is an expression whose and ax2 + bx+ c < 0 when a > o
288 ft MATHEMATICS • XI t.

Determination of the M 'l

Hence, the expression (ax 2 +bx+ c) has a sign opposite to
that of a when the roots of ( l) are real and unequal and x
and Minimum Values 0~•1111u~
Quadratic Expression the I
lies between them.
Case f) Let the roots of equation ( l) be real and equal
i.e., f3 =a. Then, from (2) we get, ax2 + bx+ c (a o)
ax2 + bx + c = a(x - a )2 .. ,(3)
Let y = ax2 + bx+ c
Now, for real values of x we have, (x- a )2 > O.
or, ax2 + bx + c - Y = 0
Hence, from (3) it is evident that the expression ax2+bx+ c If x is real then the discriminant of equation (l) •..
has the same sign as a . 2 0 111
or, b2-4a(c-y)~O or, b -4ac+4ay~ 0
Case e Let a /3 be real and unequal and a >p. If
I X is or, 4ay 4ac - b2
real and x</3 then, (x-a)<O [·: x<P and P<a] and 4ac - b2 ···ri
If a> o then from (2) we get, Y a 1
(x-/3)<0 :.(x-a)(x-{3)>0. Again, if x>a then 4
Therefore, the expression y becomes minimum Wh
(x-a)>O and (x-/3)>0 [·:,B<a] . 4ac - b2 en Q>
and its minimwn value 1s 4a O
:. (x-a)(x-{3)>0
• (l)
Therefore, if x < ,B or, x > a then from (2) we get, Now, putting y = 4ac-b
a m we get,
ax2 + bx+ c > 0 when a > O 4ac-b2
ax2+bx+ c- - - = 0
and ax2 + bx+ c < O when a < O. 4a

or, 4a2x2 + 4abx + b = 0 or, (2ax + b) = o or, .t::

2 2
Hence, the expression ax2+ bx +c has the same sign as a
when the roots of equation ( 1) are real and unequal and x Therefore, the expression y attains its minimum val 2ti
does not lie between them. b ~-
Case O Let the roots of equation ( 1) be imaginary. 2a

Then we can take, a = p + iq and ,B = p - iq where p and q Again, if a< O then from (2) we get, y~ 4ac-b2
are real and i =~-.Now, from (2) we get, Therefore, the expression y becomes maximum when. a<
2 0
ax2 +bx+ c = a(x- p- iq)(x- p + iq) . maximum
and its . value 1s
. 4ac-b
a .
= a[(x-p)2+q2] ... (4)
Now, putting - b2 m
. y = 4ac a . ( 1) we get,
Clearly, (x-p) 2 +q2 >0 for all real values of x [·: p, q are 4
real] ax2 + bx+ c- 4ac-b2 = 0
Hence, from (4) we get, 4a

ax2+ bx+ c > O when a > 0 or, 4a2x2+4abx+b2 =0 or, (2ax+b) 2 =0 or,x:-l I
and ax2 + bx + c < O when a < 0 . Therefore, the expression y attains its maximum value at
Therefore, for all real values of x, the expression ax2+ bx+ c X=-..E..
has the same sign as a when the roots of (1) are imaginary.
Determination of the Condition
'Note J 8 If b~- 4ac = 0 then thetOOIS of the equation=
• that the General Expression of
ail + bx + c = 0 are equal. Therefore, for all real x,
Second Degree in x, y may be
the expression ax2 + bx+ c becomes a perfect square
Resolved into Two Linear
when b2 - 4ac = 0 .
8 ff a, b, c are rational and b2 -4ac is a positive
perfect square then the expression ax2 + bx+ c can be The general quadratic expression in x, y is
expressed as the product of two linear factors with ax2 + 2hxy+ by2+ 2gx+ 2fy+ c
rational coefficients. where a( / 0), b, c, f, g, h are rational.


write the quadratic expression ( 1) in descending powers

. in the fonn of general quadratic expression in x) aQ
of x (i.e., ' .,,
2 + Z(hy + g)x + by2 + 2/y + c
~t Would be possible to resolve the quadratic expression
NoW, 1 . .
. to two linear factors m x, y 1f the discriminant of the
(I) ill
axz + z(hy+ g)x+ by2 + 2/y + c = o ···( 2 )
a ositive perfect square.
IS p the discriminant of equation (2) is
4 (hy + g)2 - 4a( by + 2/y + c)
:: 4[(hz- ab)y2 + 2(hg- aj)y + g2 - ca] ... (3)
A}tain, the quadratic e~ression of y obtained in (3) will be a
-rsitive pedect square if the roots of the equation
(h2-ab)y2 +2(hg-aj )y+g2 -ca=O .. ,(4)

4(hg- a/) 2 -4(h2 - ab)(g - ca)= O
2 2 2 2
, g2h 2 -2ghaf + a f - h g + abg + cah -a bc = o
2 2 2
, a(a/2 + bg2 + ch2 - 2fgh - abc) = 0
herefore, the required condition for which the quadratic
ression ( 1) possesses two linear factors is
a/2 + bg2 + ch 2 - 2fgh- abc = 0 [·: a =I= O]
-b+J-( 4ac-b2 ) _ b '
Complex Root of A Quadratic a= 2a - -~+t-~"'
Equation . 2Q •
-b-J-(4 ac-b2 ) _ b .
and P= 2a - -~-,.
The general form of a quadratic equation is
a~-2 +bx+ c o (a :I: O) •·•(l)
Clearly, the values of a and P [i.e., the roots
You. have studied in your previous classes the methods of •
(1)) are conJugate • • s.
comp_1ex quantitie of the e ~
~olvtng equation (I) when its coefficien ts a, b, c are real and
its roots (i.e., the values of unknown x) are also real. In this Note Assume that the coefficients a, b, C of
chapter we shall discuss the methods of solving the quadratic i are real and rational. Then nature of the roota eq....._
equation (1) in following two cases: • a 111c1,
' equation (1) ts determine d by the expression ( L ,
[.JJ The coefficie nts a, b, c of equation (1) are real but its
• the radical sign. For thlS reason ( b2 - 4ac) .
I • C,- - 4Qc)

roots (Le., the values of x) are not real. • IS~

• clucrlmln ant of equation (1) and is denoted i...
u7 l) C,,'
One or more of the coefficien ts a, b, c of equation (1) •
; D = 112 _ 4ac. Referred to D we have the foQ ,
are complex numbers . eq -..
: conclusio ns about the nature of roots a and p of
. uauori01'
• .,. Determination of the Complex 2
• (a) If D > O [Le., b - 4ac > 0 ], then the roots a and# of\
Roots of the Quadratic equation (1) are real and unequal (a, b, c e R).
(b) If D = o, then the roots a and P of equation O) aa
Equation ax2 + bx+ c = O •
real and equal (a, b, c e R). 1
( a =I= o) when the Coefficients (c) If D > o and a perfect square, then the roots ti l
a, b, care Real equation ( 1) are real, rational and UDequal
(a,b,ce Q). :
ax + bx+ c = O (a =I= 0) ···(1)
(d) If D > O but not a perfect square then the r001s Ii •
If the coefficie nts a, b, c of quadrati c equation (1) are real and equation (1) are real, irrational and unequal !
its roots (i.e., the values of x) are also real then the equation ·1j'
(a,b,ce Q).
(1) can be solved either by factoriza tion or by using Sridhar
Acharya 's method. If the coefficie nts a, b, c of equation (1) (e) If D < 0, then the roots of the equation (1) arej'
are real but its roots are complex then we can determin e its conjugate complex numbers (a, b, c e R). ,.........,.._:
complex roots by using any of the above two methods.
Solving equation (1) by Sridhar Acharya' s method we get,
. . To Solve the Quadratic
Jb 2
Equation ax 2 + bx ~--·c = O
-b± -4ac
Clearly, if the roots of the quadrati c equation (1) are a and P, (a=f;O) when On~~Qr.Moreof
then we can take :~ + tJJe Coefficients a, b, care
_ -b+ Jb2-4a c and /3= -b-Jb2 -4ac Complex Numbe~s,_, _,,-
a - 2a 2a =·1. ,,
-=~~: :..:::. :.:.:~~ ..:.--- --.... (o
he complex
are r eal, then the values of a and P.will'1fcr, 2
ax +bx+ c = 0 (a::/= 0) (1)
I f a, b , C 1. <' r

tion •

quandty when b2 - 4ac < O ; in this case, Let. a and p be the roots of the quadratic equa
h a r A c h a ry a 's m eth o d
• q u atio n b y S r i d _ W e g e t,
\1illg the e _ _ - .[ b 2 - ~
~sal b + J i , 2 - 4 a c a n d /3 = = - b 4 a
- - ~ 2a a , b , c a r e c or n e x
f the c o e f f ic ie n ts P
r J ' e or Illore o 1
e r·,
• /3 a r e c o m p le x n u m b
v a lue s o f a a n d
,ce orsn hence the e n o t n ec es s aru y
0 s o.f a a n d /3 a r
1Jthlllbeis c' ase, the value o th a nd b ar e
b e rs . I f a or b o r b . a
iP • gate comple x n um f th
) ar e e q u a l
ts o e e q u a tio n ( I
m , n t h e r o o
conJUtexnu hers the 2 0, th e r o o ts o f th e
2 4 ; in c a s e , b - 4 a c ¥=
COJIIP b _ ac = o l com plex numbers.
re two unequa
eqheuan.tton·(l) a

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