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~he ]_laperswhich are press-listed here were in the custody or
the Comnussioner of DelL1 and were trnnsfe1red to the Imperial Reco1d
Dept by the Punjab Government rn 1S99. Some of the papers are in
PersiaIJ, but the maJority nre in Urdu. Thero are some papers in Eng-
hsh, mostly translations of the U rdti ancl Persian papers. They are of
various sizes and are grouped m 201 bundles, roughly classified ; each
bundle has been separately press bc:terl. These papers a10 mostly records
found in the Palace or in the Camp of the rebel army by the Bntish
troops after the capture of Delhi. There are some letters from hnghsh
spies, a })aper containing the defence of tl1e ex-Kmg, some Urdu and
:Persian newspapers -of th~ fame and exhacts from others, certam piivate
lette1s inclutlrng a few pie-:M:utmy papers bavmg no bearmg on the
Theiie papers must have been brought together for t.he r>mpose of
the trial of Muhammad Bahadur Shah, ex-Kmg of Delhi. Translations
of some of the important papers have been pub]u,hed m the pnnted pro•
~eedmgs2 relating to the trial , The M1hta1y Commission before whom
the ex-Kmg was ana1gned was piesided over by Lt Col l\f. Dundas
of the Bengal Horse Arfalle1y and the p1psecution was conducted by
tbe Deputy J uc1ge-Advocate-General MaJor J. F Harriott of the 3rd
Light Cavahy. M1 James Murphy, Deputy Col1ectorof Customs, acted as
the Inte1preter 0£ Mr :Mmphy, Sii Joh.n Lawrence mote as follows -
"'rhis gentleman un;uded by any Muneh1 translated all tho numer-
ous and ilifficult documents adduced at the tnal, he alsu 1 ~ad the origi-
nals befoie the Court and conducted the exammation of the native wit-
nesses The translations are believed to be exceeclmgly fa1thful, and the
cncumstance -that he was able to dispense with native )assistance in the
wo1k secured secrecy and other advantages and evinced emment attauf ..
ments as an U rdn and Persian scholar''.
The procee~mgs,partook ~ther of the character of a court of en ..
qniry than of a Judicial tnbunal As the life of the Kmg was 'gnaran ..
teed on h1s surrender to the British tioops at Humaynn's tomb, the
f '
Comm1ss1on was precluded from passmg sentence on him, but 1t was em-
powered to extend its enquines beyond the primary object of ascertaining
1Certnm post Muhny papers have also been found in one of the bundles
2Pa.rhamentary Papers, no 162 of Se11s1on
1869 The proceedmgs were also separately

the gnflt 01' innocence of the accnaed In fact the obiect of the tnal """
more political than Jndicial, ,t '11"1111
to obtam reltable inf=alton tt,peet-
1ng tbe ongm and progreu of the rru1.itaryrebellion from the mtneata
examined •nd from the docnmentRI')' imdence produced at the tnal Tbo
Comnmoron mi• therefore not rcrlramed by legal fonnahhea from lahng
endence opon any point the eloc,dat,on ofwluoh might bead,-anfogro1111
to lbe publro mten'Ol ■ ~he Comrn,,.,one111 met m the Specinl Ball of
.Audien<eon the 27th J11Duary1868 and •fter a tnnl ls ■hug till tho 0th
March found the o:i: Kmg gwlty of nl! the follomng four charge■ -
lst-.Aidmg and obethng the rnnlmet>r■ of the trcojl8.
2nd-EnrouJ11grng and aa■,stJng divers persons m ,ragmg nr
ngnmot the Bnli ■h Oo, trnment
~rd-.A .. ummg the ■overeigntT of BmdusfAD
4th--Cauorng •nd bemg ,cc,,.,ory to the murder of the Cbruhonl
In submitting the rar.,..
eonncct,d mth the tnsl, Mr C D Snnder,,
Offg Comm111s1ouer,Delhi, m hu, lelter dated the 12th .April ]865 1 to the
Chief Comrru..,oner, Pnn;rnb, aid a ■ folloi.-. -
''The whole of the =rd1 fouDd 111 the F,Iace or 1D the Camp of fLQ
rebel nrmy and all the numerollll nrn■ cular document. of a ~!Jon,
oharacfer which fell Into my blind, offer the 6nnl 0<e11fGhonof the aty
Ly our troopo hovo been ,ar,!ully collntcd and e:i:amm,d and thore l<h1rh
directly or lnwreetly boro upcn the conduct of !ho Rebellion, •hethtr
Implicnting the King 01' not u'l\"81!n, thooe.,,.h!ch bore luuatognaph onl,r
ou,guatnre ha\e been recorded •mong the prc«<dmg■ 11111m1l be found
to dlttlo,o many point, of mltrHt and 1mporlan,o ' Sir John La,r
renco, CLief Commw!oncr, mado the !olloll"UlgC'Ornmtnll1 on !Lo doeu"
men 1111)"orl<lence produced nt tbo trul -

" 1n brief term,, H m.oJ be ,o,d that lho docnmentarr 1trtdrncc

<ompnm the IJ'•I= 1n ll'L!ch tho gcnrral Gorrrnmmt y;a, ronda<"'
kd tbo nmng of loon, mO,tuy &rJ11ngtmcnt, tbo comman1<ahonl
with fomgn po,rrn nnd nr,ghLonrms d1lef•; !ho J"'fflli;t" In !ht m
tire nnupof"lll rel,,hni: to the"" hr{wttn !Lr En,::li,b and fLr l'rr-
•ian• 'I'brre •ro .1..,, o! «>DfU -nr r•r,rr, a r,JJJ<'tll:aat'01"cha
ncltt ,,

'71,o l"'I"'f" ,,.{m,n,:: to tbr .,-,trm , r tl,r Klas:• Oorrmmtnl

ohiL1t ID a rrmuhl I,, ntana<r 1hr &dJ\t J"'""'"u,L.ut-
•blcL t~ I.lo,:
Liw .. tr '"' 1c lh the <Or.dnrl or .rr.,... llo,,rttt .. ,on,::lr L• Ltd a ..
•antnl I,. J""lli<n It mrut 1"' a,lmlft,-J II •t LI• ~nl«• Wnt' nnt un

..... ,-,.......,_,1
,.,..__,1 t.. Jll.....".., •~ -.
t'tr 1.., .., ;:

worthy of the situation. He <lid make sqme effort to preserve order in

the city, to repress rapine and murder in the viilages, to check malve1-
sation, to resfaam the excesses of the soldiery, but it is clear, from first
to Inst, he wns unable to establish an~ ndmmistration either withm or
without the city. In the tracts nominally ruled by the King, tbe1e
was s<>arcely the semblance of authouty, nor was theie any protection
for life or property. In but few cases did the Kmg's agents succeed in
collecting ievenue from the districts. From 1 s own iecor<ls, the Mogul
rule, while it lasted seems to have been a reign of tenor, and a per10d
of intolerable anrucby to the people Then the papers show the nnan-
cml stnuts to which the Kmg was ur1ven, and the nume1ousforced Joans
..i.ndother contnbutrons exacted from the momed classes in Delhi The
m1Irta.ry pnpe1s do not materially elucidate the plan of the operations,
but they show that the mutmons army was utterly 1nsubordmate to the
Government 1t had set up, and that its d1sc1plme was entirely relaxed
The papers compllsLng the coirespondence w3th othe1 powers md1cate
the ,Ieputations dispatched by the Kmg of Delhi to the Shah of Pe1-
s1a. but they do not show any actual connex10n behveen these mtr1-
gues and the Bengal mutm1es '\t\'hether in the absence of any proof,
-theie is re~son to infe1 such connect10n, will be cons1de1edpresently.
The conesponuence w1th Indian chiefs, p1oves th1tt the chiefs round
Delhi were m subJection to the King ; but there 1s nothing to Phow
that any considernble num her of prmces gave m then· adhe-non, nor
that any sovereign 01 powerful prmce mtr1gued with the R mg The
extracts nom the native newspape1s at Delhi ce1tamly b1eathe a hos~
ttle sp111tto the Bntish, and abound w1th a foimd stories of the suc-
cesses of the Pe1siana m the war then wagmg, and thell' piobable ad-
vance upon India "


Among the papers press-listed there are the following hsts (46 ;
(l) List of persons m the service of the King
.(2) L1sts of officers and men who took part m the Mntmy.
(J) List of the Mntmeers m alphabetical orde1
(4) L1St of l'egiments who Jomed m the M utmy, with particulars
(5) List of sowars belongmg to va11ous regiments
(6) Lists of the regiments givmg the names of the officers and
men m alphabetical order.
0£ the numerous pape1s which throw intereslmg side-lights on
the tlomgs of tLe 1\iubneers, the one relaimg i.o the establishment of
a Court of Muunemi (67 530) hu n pecttllnr rntel'Clt of ,u o= The
oond,ta!ton of the Court """ fo.,rly democraho and the Mnhneerw,
altbongh engagtd JD ertbromng the Bnt,,b Government did not hm
tale to rue EnglDh ,uprelmoM such at " Precdent " "Y tee--Prto1dent"
'• Seoretary" eto. The memben of the Court were very Jeolou. of any
mterference m then- decmon by the Pnncet and agruu.t rnch action on
theirpnrt they net.boned to the Kmg (57-8b2) On the other luu,d one of
the paperwahow• that the Court .ru stllpCCted of hemg m lcngne mth the
Engh1h and the King was ••l-ed to appo,nt 4 men to conduct cm1 and
mil,t:aryalrnin (60 771) There II another pnp<>rwh,cb 1hon that the
troop> from Neemnch brought mth them oome dnnelng giril nnd nu
application wa• made to the Kol1<al to aeoommodato them To the
credit e{ 1.Le Eot1<al, ,t must ho sa,d, thnt he refa.ed to accommodllle
mob ungodly penons (173-1) The anxiety c,.h,lutt<l by the Mnghol
facl,on for the ~•pu1nht,eo of tho II,ndo ]l[utineere II prominent m
aome of the p:ipore J and repented onlere wcro lfflted to prevent U,o
mcnGce of cows (61, 2-l&, 205) Astrolegtr1 appe,,rcdto hnve Leen
hu,y In plt'd1clmg tho rncccs,i of the 1chcle (15-18) and JOme myrlto
nlculnt,001 were mode u to which .,de woulcl ho 'l'1clonon1 (72 210)
The fact wL,ch nppcn,.. glisnngly prominent tl,maghout II th1t tl,e
men were ahrav• clamonnng for tbc,r p:,y J threoh lo dcocrl on tho
ground of non receipt of wages wore frcqaent and then, 11 no
d,u~t that the flaoac11l J,fficulhc,, of the 1,fnhnetrw 1n ,pile of tl1t'lr
m•ny rnce6dol attempts nt ntorhon from the rich ,nlual,ltonLt of tLe
city (61~82) cm>tly cnppled them
In ,ome 0£ tbo popcu (151 17 199 200) Lb• h,ni; u found
,,. 0 ,ng liomLle orJcn< for I.ho •-11inolion 0£ Engll•hmon rn <l10'trrnt
StatM, Lut 11111:'callyenough, lio lo 1<c:iry unto J.,th 01nng lo tbn
l•1<l<t•n"1<,an<l ,nsoknceof the10l<lltry I.hopomr 1,e" rupi'°""'l lo 1<!,IJ
,. • li1deoU1mod.cry , he ulc• to LeconvCTeJ in ""frlJ to h.h=is SaluL
-• 1bnne of rcputo,1 F:IJl•llly nrar tL• kutL-.od to b,, r•rm111«1 tn
employ Llmvlf ,n lbo o<cn1,.tJon of ,..-ro,,,r of tl<•,1,nne l<o cvrn
th=ten• to comm,l ,u101Je I (135 JG;')

or tl,, pr,--""""~ 1•1"',...nn• 11 o rorr nf a f,tt,r in roi:luL d,1,.1
11,...!flh '1ar,h I~"" h•m h ~luLni: OO'i: '<,. trbry tn t~ Oowm
"""' ! I, Ji> t "" J I~ tot,l,u<'lt 11,-. l,nt ot lJrlLI ,t~ •n~ tJ..d
thf"OoHtnn-t--C r-n rsl lt:aJn fl ,r,t, lh t. tL,. I tn,-111..,, fr tf f' L K11t"fr
ll, I rJ1.,. I) tl,, >.1,i; lut tl ,1 t., •u u,.-1 lr to rff<O!:nl~lf • n-1 t
<-fd .... J.n·h t &rni.t at1 a. ~1 cnrntoh tLtt It, J•l C.hJ<t.J 1n 1•~ tu • l

of the purchase money for any period beyond hii5 life (200-14). Another
is a copy of a letter from J Thomason, L1entenant-Gove1nor of North
Western Provinces, to the King, stating that he was unable to forward
a lette1 rn Persrnn which he had wntten to the Queen of England and
advising and him to app1oach the Governor-General (201-l_9).
There 1s also a diary of Mr Simon Fraser for 8 days from 15th to 231d
September 1855 a.s recorded by his Munshi (201-57)


18 Angust 1921, } Keepe1'of the Records.
N.B.-Tlte number at plte head of each g1·01tpof ent1te1 u that of tlu ~1t11dl~
containing the lette1 s for which those entries stand

1857 1
Mar 1- Foll. 61, size 12" x 7¾'1
Aug 29 &1a;11'l .J..khoa1J.
publtshed at Delli; (17 issues)

1857 2
Mar. 8- Foll 34; size 17½" x 11'' (Urdu)
Sep 13 JJelln UHU°&
Aklzba1,published at Delhi (17 issues)

1857 3
Jan. J 6 - Foll 8-; size 12" x 7!" (Urda)
, Tiltsm-t•Lalknaii, published at Luoknow. (1 issue)

1857 .. 4-6
-- - Foll. 82, size 15" x 11" (U1dn)
Sadiqu,'l .J..khba1,published at Delhi. (12 issaes)


1857 8
MS foE 41, various sizes (Persian) (Datly rouhne uf the Kmg's
_ Court)
:May 20 1 The Krng mterviews the nobles and passes orders on llllportant
cases .f 1 ,
n 21 2 The Krng directs the C.-m-C. how to mamtam peace at Delhi
:f 1
,, 22 3 The Km~ inspects the artillery at S.ahmgarh f 1.
,, 23 4 The- nob Jes vow to expel the English f I
,, 27 5 The Kmg ac!'.-1gns quu.1ters to d1:ffe1ent,reg1ments f. 1
,, 29- 6-l 2 Tb,, King g1res auihenc{• to Jus officials f 7
,' /

Jun 3
l\ia.y 30 13 Tl16 King impe£'ts iecrruts f. 1
Jun, 2 14 The Krng orders that Comm1ssarmt supplies must not reach the
enemy t,am p. f. 1
,, 11 15 The Kmg rew..trdsthe C.-in-C :for bnngrng treasure from Sarsa.
f. 1.

1857 8-co11cluded
J al U 16 The King T8C<li\'6i reports thnt 00100 1•r.l-&ra1, have been
anesled for •applying proYmOIIIto the Engl!lh f l
, 10 17 'Abdu'l QAilir and others to the C m-C Inform him that they
have tnmderred thmr pe,mon, to their 111lcr f. ]
JI 23 18 Btntementof ofllo11lsnnd the 11llotmentof their rent. in Court
f 1
,, 2S- ],!)-36 Reports of the olosmg and opening of the p:Jneog,te llllU of
Aug 21 atleJ!tlanc,,of olllc,alano the Court. t 17
Jul 28 36 (ThnlAmhlul)ln'd Din to the Kmg -Mh for i <crTantato mut
n pon bun. f. L
,, 30 37 Rcp:,rt of tho dmlh of Mum Ilab6dur Ba!;ht. £. I
Jf ,, 88 Dilfimir Ilnkbt to the Kmir So!J01upennu111onto bury the
dend body of h1"intbei:..mthe mausoleum of llumaylln f l
, 31 39 Report of the dcath of Cbbol.t Ilegnm. £. 1 ~
Aug 11 40 7nl!nqiiru'd Din Raidar to !ho King Solio1lronlCl'l!o turn
Fnmin Nul out of the p:iuice. r I
JI 10 41 Zumurrud Shah to tho Ktng Compuun1tb:it MinA Qbnlim
ITIJJ<llll nncI.othcn forood him to clnwce hu mfo f 1

1856-57 9
Foll 97 m• u•x 71' (Per)
['Ubluhednt Dolb,
Sir '.l•'l A/i:Al<ir, (20 1,rutt)

1857 10
'1S foll 52 'l'anoa1 mc,, (P,r)
,rn 4- I 30 Rcpcrh of tho ~lo,lni. and opening of tho Woro Oat~ anol of
An,: ~O ntt.udnneo of offieuil1 nt tbo Court f ~O
MAT 4- :n 60 Dolly of the 'Kins'• Court r i0
Jul i7
,1o,. ~ ~l '10!1 Kban,m to the Kini. Inform• him thAt Al11D.\d'\flrtl
nde'l'l f I
Ju' lQ ~2 The hinf( In 'la,!hin C:ini:;handolbtn Dlttth thrm lo """"
to h1• T~""' (\ rr-o tho C -ln-C d1rt<l• SoJhui "•ri:b ar,d c,tLm
to the floJ11Irrnni""
lo <'<'m< ) ! I
1857 11
MG loll 10 .,.,. 5J'x!~• (1 <T)
)la~ J 10 n"f""IA, f lh<-tl 0 nhr ..,,,1 ~1..,,loi: r,f tl,i, ,:&IN ., t!,,, hrtm u<I .,
,,.lh ul IL• ta.I,,.. ID tl • hini; I Jo
1857 12
nIS. foll. 31; sizo 5'' x 12" (Per.)
.Mn.y4- Ropo, tq of tlio closing nnc1 opening of the Ddhi Gate nnd of
Aug. 17 atlcncl::mcc 0£ oflicmb at tho Court.

1857 13
7\IS. foll. 20; vMious sizes. (Por.)
~fay 1-10 l-10 Lists of gunrclsat the gates of the luuem, f 10.
. ,, ,, 11-20. Rcporb of opcnmg the Khnspnra. Gate of the palace,,
f. 10.
1857 14
:MS. foll J 4, , 8" x 11f' (Pm.)
i\f.ty G-27 1-13. Rcpo1ts of openmg tlio gates of Nawab Sa.'ii<latu'n Nic,r,.
Dcgnm's palucc and of the Xaqqiirldllcna!t. £. 13
,, G 14. j\fui1 Kh:innrn ropo1ts the mar1rngo of 1'1:i11:ii
Buluqi, f 1,

1857 15
:OIS. foll. 20 ; vauous sizes.
Lctteis of spies to English oflicmls.
Jul. 14 1 The 1vintinecrsdemand money from the money-lendeis of Delhi.
f. ]. (Urdu)
- Aug 4 2 H01!..ti.1ahshnve brought news th::it English ~oldi01shave crossed
the Ganges f 1 (U1<lu)
10 ~ 3 The10 1s no umty among the nuhtary office1s f. 1. (Urdu)
",, 4 The Kmg 1i:; Sirk of the i\Iutmce1 s' d1stm bances. f 1. (U1dn)
,, "
lG 5 The Kmg has made Sndha1i Smgh Suoalula1of GuJrat f l.
(3 The j\f utmee1s have begun to desert £. 1. (U1du)
" "17 7 The C -m-O seems favomably mclmed towards the English,
" f 1 (Uzdu)
,, 18 8. A pa1ty has been sent to Alipo1e to reconnoitie. f. I (Urdu)
,, 20 9. The Nawab of Rampm has supplied the Enghsh with provisions .
. f 1. (U1dri) _ -
, ,, 21 - 10 J\1:utmeers£1om Tonk aie desertmg. f. 1. (Urdu)
11. The Nawab _of JhaJJat has been asked to seQd money f I.
' " " (U1du)
,, 24 12 The Kmg has sent money to ·the Mutmeer~ £. 1. (Urdu) r
,, 2_6 13 Mnza 1\'Iughaihas been dismissed nom his post of General.
f. 1 (U1du) ...,
J, • 28 14 Zaminda1s of certam villages who have helped the .Kmg a1e
- afia1d-0£ the English. f 1. (Urdu)
4, MUTINY P~'l'EilS

1867 15-con811derl
Aug 20 lo The Mnbneel'II mffered n heavy I°'" at NoiaFg:irh
f l (Urdu)
31 10 1a'qnL All Kh!n of Rarcilly hM come to p:iy hi,, ~ta to
the Kmg f l (Urdu)
Sep. 13 17 Report. the pos{tion 0£ tho gun• of the "\[ot1oe('ro nt Delhi
f I (Urda)
18 A Hmdn astrologer pred1cb, rnr<'WI for the "\[uhnccn. f 1
19 In the b,ttlo of Qodmyab Da;il.i the :Mut,ocm '1\-rro JeFctlteJ
f 1 (Urda)
20 It 1•
run.oared nl Dellu that remforccmeat. forth~ Eng)i,h nre
co=ng from CnL:ntt• f 1 {Urda)
1867 16
J.IS 39, vanona ~ (3 lettcro LO Pa,nan the rest m Urda)
1857 Letteni or liJ'ICI to Englllh offiml•
Jan 16-25 (a) D11ry of event.. (3 letten, 10 Pemon } ngl11h lnntl•tlons.
Jn) 27 l Some Mahneero hnvo nmred at Delli! mlhont ommnn1hon
2S 2 It ts rnmonrcd ot Delhi tbot !ho Fagli•h bare 4'llplol'C'<l11,e fort
of IJnim f I
30 ~ 1'.ln! flih1b foogLt the Fagli,b at htehpur hut n-utlef~teJ
.I I
Ao~ 10 4 Jl[ol,ammatl ,\'~m SLlh h,, ~one to 1100>1 to r,11le<lmon,1
£ I
11 5 The Jlfotmr,,r■ hllve ,.,,,,.ia lar,:c qu•n!Jty or •11lphor from 1hr
•hop of D~L, Du £ I
17 0 I he ,1a11nen-. mtrndeJ lo Lill 'ltr7.i 'l11cl1•l, 11,or in.(' AC fl.-,-
hotl not n=, eJ Ihm p:iY,Lnt be"'" eJ L1m«I£ Ly r >1,:nln, l11•r-"'t r l
7 The ~[ubnocr■ nn. t'TI'Jl'IIl"o loatt,r1: th, 1 nhll<h al nll 1,1 f I
8 'The ~[utrncYro clemnn<ll1ro lul:A,, r mr""' from 11~,1ic;..,Jm'J
!Jin f I
{) A pnner mth hro lro.,prn h••__1~ono (QJl,•Jpr 1, "'ll<d moor,
l I
27 10 /TorldroA, r,p.,rt on encounter ,,.,ll, t~ fn~l••h f I
28 11 'J'Lo,tultner,.. ,,.._ ....,,,,,., mnC..n~m,nt, r~,m '\aJu,-.rt.
ond otl,rr pl•rN. f 1
I! Th• 2'•••"
uf Tink L.. d,d,rr,l tli>I • L,11 1ror r,,n,t !Lo
Yn~!ul, .. nnjnrllbaL!e f I
I~ 11.,. \loltn..-,. 1'2.<",!...-, lt-1 t, rlnn l r tli• r ~t •n l t ,wn, f
11.-IL!,n onJ,.,.t .,,,.t,r, thm pu f I
'\ ·~ 11,rn~l,h,l,,,illaf'l"•"I (HTl"ffl'"'"tl" ""l""ru.,,
,.,,t. II o m,, ..,ni:, f tL, n,rr tn t,,, "" t,. ,;,,- f r II <1u I I

1857 16-continued
Sep. 3 15 It 1s rumoured at Delhi that the English have captured the
fort of Tughlaqabad £. 1.
16. The Ivt:utmeersmtend to appomt P1ince Jawan Bakbt C.-in-C.
" £. 1
,, 17 It 1s 1 umomed 11,tDelln that the English have established therr
" rule at Farrukhabf1,d, f. 1.
18. The l\1:utmeers have brought the fmmture of Mr 1\1:etca]feto
Delhi f 1. ~ ...
6 19 To prevent fnrthe1 desert10ns, ordeis have been issued to arrest
" , deserters £ 1
7 20 01de1s have been 1~sued £10m the Kmg and the C.-m-C to the
" Hmdus and 1\1ussulm.tns of Dellu. to fight the English f ] .
,, 21 The Kmg 4_asheld out hopes of future p1ospects to all those who
desert the English Camp :f 1
22 The gates of Delhi fort, except the Kashmn Gate, not
" p1ope1ly gu~rded f.. 1
I -

,, ,, 2'3. The.,people of Delhi pray for the success of the English. f l.

9 24 An attack upon the Mutmeers nom the Kashmrr or Kabul Gate
" will be decidedly effective f 1
25 The Sappers and J\IImers hold the m 1htary officers responSible for
" " the disasters that have befallen them f 1
,, 11 26 The l-.Iutmeers are prepanng to make a mght altaok upon the
English. £ 1. ..
,, ,, 27 The mhab1tants of Delhi have been asked to aim themselves
and to kill eve1y Englishman they meet, f 1
,, 13 28 The Mutmee1s a1e dete1mmed not to go to fight unless they
ale paid £ 1 '
,, 15 29 The Mutmeers have received iemfo1cements from and
Baie1lly. £ 1
30 1\1:eghiaJ,harliirgh, 1s :bsent £ 1.
31-2 Some S1kh sol<lie1s have Jomed the ~1:utinee1s at Delhi and
have taken their qua1ters at Sabzimandi f 2.
83. Some respectable pe1sons at Delhi have been 1mp11soned as
they failed to pay money to the 1,iutmee1s £ I
34 The 11utmee1 s mtend to impose a tai upon the mLabitants of
Delhi f 1
35 The mhab1tants of .1, certam subm b of Lucknow repulsed n bane.I
of niuhnecis "110 bad attacked them f0 1 , •

16 'rl1c ,Talei,,tr Regt mtend,;; to attack the. English from the

Kashmu Gat.e f 1.
, 1857 17
MS t I, ruo n;• x 8¼" (Urda)
MaT 28 Inforinntton n.sto tho 1lren_glhof tho Uot,neon at Delhi gt<on by
a •yco. (With Eugh,h lrno"1at1on)

185? 18
)IS foll HJ d1m1iiotive ruo (Urda)
ktlon, of Gann Shnnbr, n r;py, ta Engluh officinlL
1ul 6 1 .illslli!I preo.ohn holy mu ngumst Chrut>.nnJ.t I
2 The Mnhneer. ore l'f'lpnnng to mi,\:e n r.nd the nnt d•y £ I
" 8
Aug " 3 Grent m tho fort l the pnoett nra 6ghhng
e:ioh other f L
17 4- Tho Mnboecr, nre prep:inng to oend nn oxp<d1t10nlo D,,1,pur
f I
,. 21 L Ilib:ir, /o,.hardilr of Roh!n\., 1hould be punubcd. f I
2J 0 Il•J'l of J.1,lL,bgurhhu ocnt money to the King f I
Sep 8 7 Tho inh:.b,! of Dolh1 hnTO been nrgcd to fii;bl the
Enghlb f I
11 8 'Abbl1 M,rt.Aof hu broogbt oomo mohuro 11nd jrncl,
fortho King r I
0 A Aarlnra! =• 80DLta Lrlng nom of the 'foltnctro bot he could
not find any trnoo of tLl'DL f L ,
I O A nl,ab!o Aorl:araA1hould ho 0ppo1otcdto eonYoynew, f I
11 Oane,b, Ssba4dilr of the :I.Iotmecro II reportro to he ml"''"ll
f L
12 Tbo Doab 1h0uld be lrpt under control oud 1-arop:-an tolJ,m
.,.ot for f I
13 TLo EngU.b obonlcltry to mn tho i;ood m11 o! tlio•N
f L
11 Tht, rag~b h,Yc cnt,credthe fort o! Dolht oud lho ln!13L,t.ont.
ora tlct1ug f I
185? 19
,1 S foll I 7 Tllnou"" .,,
J.._tt,.,..from Ooon bbnhr tu J n;:h,h dJic13l1 (Unlo)
l Tbo ~lnhne<rt ,ul!erro '"""" on Dt' ouol of n,n ,n t~ I, tlJ"U
lion to \l,rar f I
~ TLe fuj.> ~r n,lbl ...,,1,
L., nrs.!,,Lllm fo ••o I o,rrt, .. for U.,
h.,n,:. army f ~
" G "I TL, <;ill,, L <>• tbl tl,or on t~,t tk l 01,I ,h 11tt'1 rrl a
lt;le n\ tit h1ovf H, h 'l\.n r-11',t., f;::Lttltm. I l
.. 7 l It ",,,.,,,.,,,.1tl ,tac , 010 H•J•n ,.,,,uc; I<>l.<lt tf,. l.i,r
,...t4 1:1-n A.I. t M1ti: .. f I

1857 19-oonolucled
Aug 8 5 Gen.~Bakht Kb,an 1s suspected to favour the English f. I
,, " G Th~ Doab has c•omeunde1 the rule 0£ the King f. I
,, " 7 . .A. son of W a.J1d'Ali Shah has been 1a1sed to the masuad of
Lucknow subject to the approval of the Kmg of Delhi £ ].
8. The gunpowder factory of the Mutmeers haH been destroyed -
bv., fire. £. 1.
JJ 19 9. The Mutmeers have suffe1ed a heavy loss m to-day's fightmg.
£ 1.
" ,, 11). Tne King has been 111fo1medthat the soldiers do not obey
then Generals f. 1.
,, 28 11 Some Sikh deserte1s from the English camp have come to Delhi
f 1.
12 A camel-rider has been sent to ve11fythe truth 0£ the 10po1t
that ammumhon ancl money are commg to Delhi from Karnal f. 1
13. It 1s rumoured at Delhi that English rule hns been established in
Oudh £. I.
14 ~ 1,fohan Lal, a spy of the 1\futmeers, 1s m the English C.imp
£. I
-- 15. The l\futrneers mtend to capture the military stores commg from
th~ dire~tion 0£ Karnal to the English Camp £ 2. ~

1857 20
MS. foll l5 ; var10us sizes.
Let,ters of Gann Sbankar to English officials (U1du)
15 1. A few deserterb fiom Lucknow have arrived at Delhi £ l r-
- ,, 2,9 -- 2. The Mutmeers me d1ggmg ~t Sahmgarh unde1 an impression that
treasure IS buried theie. £ 1. -
-Sep_ 1 3. The pre_f!aration of gunpowde1 IS retarded for want of sulphm
f. I.
2 4 The 1Yiutmee1sdemand their'pay. :f. 1
- ,,
, 3 5. The Zamindii1s of Panipat~ have apphed for help to ~eize the
military stores gomg to the English camp £ l
H 6. The Sikhs at th~ English camp commumcate with those who are
" with the ~1utmeeis £. I -
,,6 7 One regiment_ o:f the ]1 utrnee1 .!I with 2 guns has gone to
Toghlaqabad to mamtam orde1 theie £ 1.
8. It IS rumoured at Delhi that the Englu,h rumy at Ajmer has
,, " revolted f. I
,, 9 -9 In yesterday's fighimg 500 l\futm~ors we1e killed. £ I. ·
,, 10 10. The Kashmir Gate IS strongly guarded by the .:Mutineer
f. I.
1867 20----concluded
11, Gold nnd &lver arl1sleo belonging to the polace hne b~n 1ent
to the King• mm\ for coinage f I
12 The •nn of Ciu.1t Ram who'" m the Engh•h ahonld 1mme
d,ately be sent to Dellu f 1
13 TLe :Mntineen hn,e deo,ded to J..eop tbm pl•ns oeerot f 1
l 4 The money lend= of the 01ty ha,e prom1..-dto help the King
f I ,
16 The 1,fotmee~ are nbQut 16,~00 1trong f I

1867 21
Fa,r o ,p,eo of 19

1857 22
Fair cop1et1of ro
1867 23 4
Incomplete Wr cop1eoof 16

1857 25
• MS foll 2 different me, (Urdu)
Ja (l I ~nltAn Singh to \[r Souuder,, Comm1u1onerof D lb, Informs
lilm tlat the ,10110 "'" hue Llod:ndcJ tho rond to ond from (,.,.lior
f I (Cover ott.che<l)
'2 Sul\lr Smgh to 'l.h ~1.11n<l•r. hfom,, '""' th~l th• Fn1;\,.h
hi.TOraptnrcJ C,,...ltor f I (Co,cr at~ehc<l)

1867 26
\[S foll S 1ltmlnuh,e .,,,,
~llm 0£ or!"-to Ini;h,h o!Se!AI, (Urdu)
&r l l The Lngl11h ropulotion of J llci,non b,, fl,..I fo ,\l!Jil.At,,<l
r I
.. r
t I
2 The omni of tLe Eoglub,ry hot fni;Lt•ot<l th• ::'tlnhn,....,
s ~ T""'J" !,no ~n k!nt 01ll t~ ,oll....t mon•1 an<lflllrhar f I
11 4 la lt>-da•'•6ghtini; the \[ut,nf'tn hno outt,"'1 a h••n ).,.,
r 1
• 13 6 Th• '\lutln..ero 1,3.e l"'C'1'1Ydr,mfOf<""m•nlt from f<r:n'J'1t" f I
" lt. t, Th,- ,tutin....-. a,-,. il--.ert,ni: f I
., Ill 7 Th• Nil/ of tL, ,.,..,,1, nf n•rnr<>rhu 1,,-,a .,l,-1 to Lill .u ·~·
F~l .. hM<n •t '"'"' T•I f I
t, Th J.lul•tt «• I•-, ,,..,1,,.1 I ,I.,. C~Lh•,: f I

1857 27
!\IS foll 1 ; dimmutive s1zo (Urdu)
Aug 22 Sadru'd-Din to Ra.Ja.h~h. Acknowledges n letLorfrom ]um.
1857 28
nfS foll. 16, 23" ><4".
[Sop ?J Nnmc~ of Ilmdus nud J\Iussulmnns m the service of the Kmg

1857 29
1\rs ro11 4; 7'' x 5r'
Sep N:une~ of rncrnits for the nrmy of the jlntm~crs (W orm-eJ.ten)

1857 30
~rs. ro11 s , 11" x s"
May 17 List of m t1clos sent from the Kotroili f;o the Crumna.l Court of the
nI utmecrs nt Dell11

1857 31
Prmt foll 17, size l4''x11".
Oct 1 L1st of cscn.pcdcouv1cJswho took service with the King.

1857 32
Pnnt foll. 8, size 14" x 11".
., [Oct ?J Snpplomenta1y hst of the above.

1857 33
].{S foll 41; size 16" x 11~" (Per.)
May 16- Diaries of the Krng's Court, bis household arrangements and his
Jul 12 personal 01ders, etc

1857 34
MS foll l 8 , various sizes (Per )
J ul 17 1 Tula Ram, Jagirdiir of Rewari, to the Kmg Aks Lim to send
ammumfaon. £ 1.
,, 30 1 ] 2J 3 Gen 1v1hd Bakbt Khan to the ~mg Recommends that
Rewar1 he granted to Tula Ram rent-free, m terms of a draft enclosed
f 2 ~
Sep 5 4 Gen Mhd .Ba)mt Khan to the C -m-0 W 111ask Tula Ram
not to oppress the people , f 1 .,.
5 Col Mhd K1!1zr Sultan to Gen l\1hd Bakgt ,Khan. Has
receivod l11spetition f 1

1867 34-concluded
0 Tnlri Rfi.m,Ja§'rilar of Rewan, to the Kmg Reports the nttl011nl
of money m the tr=ry on 10 :M&y nnd tho amount eollected 11D<:e
f l
7 Tul~ RAm, JaJtrilar of Itewnn, to lho Kmg Sa11 tbol be will
■end revenue ooon f l
8 Toi! RAm, Ja9rrillir of Remm, to the Kmg Commctdi R~
Smgh to hi• notice. f l
9 Tul~ Rrlm, Jagrri/a.rof Rom,n, to the :Kmg Cnnnot 1l11'1'11tbo
optnm rcqtnred f I
10 Tnlri RAm J<19irJarot Rewnn, 16 the King Sobnub no
i,cconnt of the roTenoeeof the nllnge,, m hi■ cb.rge f l
11. Tai! Rt,m, Jiigrrilarof Rimnn to the Kmg 1"111not 1ntorfrro
in lhe JliJ•r of l\t~o'l 1JihKhi\n f l
12 Tol1 Rilm, Jiigrrilar of Re=n, to tbo Kmg Tnee hlS k,.t m
pe,,cenod order m Rcmm f l
13 Tu]& rum, Jag,rilar of Rowan, to the lung C:innol mut
opon b1m nt pr01ont f L
14 Toll Il!rn, Jag!rdiir of Rcmrn, to the SenJ1 monoy
f l
16 TnlA rum, JJ!Jlrdo.rof Ro=n, to the \V,11 ecml the
rovcnno f I
10 18 Dnphe,,tce of nOs7 8, nod 12 f 3

1857 35
\IS foll 2 1 ,'1'noOJ sites (Per)
Jan 15 l TI,c h.1ag grnnt.o monthly 1'3.rmcnt10 porpctalty to ,u, i'hr.Ad
~II on rttemng a •• rJ,ah from L1rn f J
2,. Nnmib of JL&uor to \lr S,anJct1 A1turc■ him of h,. loyally
to tbo hni;lnb L l

1867 36
\IS foll ~ J1mmt1tlrc .,tc. \Imm llilil D,!tl!J. lo "•
1 II•• ri1,b,IK'<l to 11,,.\!atlnrct1 !lint n Loly 1ur oi;n,nrl tLc fng
li,h .. UllJIUltbnLle r I (l'rJu)
~ l'rtf"'"" I, pity to tLc J ni;h L f I (1 a)

1857 37
\I'- loll Z-1 '""'tt' ""'
,.,.. I '\.<, l~lm '"'"' tl• '\A1uh, r Jh2}pr t~ !Lo (0ft
C"l I 'I 1tn\l,-l t1r)
'h1 't> I h ,uutl• to ,,.,t "Im tLc 1,.,n;: r I 1r< )
1851 37-conoluded
2 !AIi Dakhsh, lJa1og_/J_ah0£ cattle sheds, to the Kwg. Asks for a
guard £o1sending bullocks to Delhi. f 1 (Per ) •
Jun. 28 3. Has duly instructed the Pa!Lsilclar0£ Badli to take proper steps
for the storage and ~upply of gram £ 1 (Per )
Jul. 15 4. Sends a 1wgr £ 1. (Per.)
5, 6. W1ll lcnd money. f. 2, (Per)
" 12
Aug 7. Sends a paper of 1equests f. 1. (Per.)
,, 20 8. ,v11I lend money when his piev10us requests are granted f 1.
Dec 14 0 Paper rn connection with the defonce of the Nawab of Jha3Jar
foll 14. (Urdy.)
10 1\Iustafa ½.Iito the Kmg. The Nawab of JhaJJai is loyal to the
Krng. f 1. (Per.)
1857 38
MS, £oil 3; different sizes. (Per.)
Letteis :fromAhmad Khan of Farrukhnagar to the King
Sep. 2 1. Asks £o1a title of distmct10n f. 1.
2 Coml_Jlainsthat Rao Tula Ram has seized the pa, ganali of Bapora.
,, " by force of aims.~ f. 1.
3. Has stopped the sale of matchlocks in Fan ukhnaiar. f. 1.
" "
1857 39
irs. foll. 13;
12f' x 8". (Urdu)
,,,'.May11- Statement of the atrocities committed by the 1\1:utmeers at Delhi;
Dec 7 - the Kmg's connection with them and the Delhi Comm1ss10ner's treat-
ment ot those who were :friendly or hostile 'to the English dunng the
- Mutiny, after the fall of Delhi. ~

-185_7 40 ,,,
lvlS, £oil 5 , different sizes.
Jun, 18 L ~'.lathra Das and Sahgram, bankers of Delhi, to M1 Saunders,
(W 1th cover ) Send a 1 paper of news concernrng Gwahor. f l.
(Per,) '

2. J ahnal to Mr Saunders. States the p1oceedrngs of the Agent at

" " De1h1 conce1mng the Mutiny p11soners. f. 1. ~(Cover attached)
(Urdu) ,,,
H 19 3, to Mr Saunders States the pioceeclmgs of the Agent at
Dellu oonceimng the
, -
1'1:utrny pnsone1s. f 1 (U1duJ
, ,, 20 4 Riip Kisho1 from :i\foradabad 1eports the punishment mfhoted on
the Mutmy prisoners m his distuct. f 1 tU1du)
6 Paper of news conceinmg the proceedrngs of the Agent at Deih1
with the loyal people aud the 1':11.!tmy prISoners. f. 1. (Per,)
- l ,
i2 M1:JTlNY
p Al'Elt8

1857 41
"\IS foll 5i, 13!' x 10!'
Aug 13-30 Lins of lrnAar, 10 the oernce of tho Mutmecra nt I!_elh

1857 42
11s roIL31, n• x o•
:Mny 27- lnw of dOctors m the ternce of tho "\Iutmeers at Dellu
Juu 23

1857 43
;\IS £oil 02 , 'l'nnou, otze,, (Perl
:May U TLo Kmg to "\lnJ.tomma,I j\l[ 11,g, Tab,,/dar A,l, him to ocnJ
18 2 inLlir l\B of 1'.nJUfgorh to the h.,ng "ont, n h.rng • rep~nb
h'l'o nt 1'.aJ•fi:arh
(h.1ng-'1 nutownpb al fop m pono,I, J1rtd1ng the C tn-C to ~nd
the anD) to No3ofgnrh) f I
l!O 3 ?-.A.hlrSmgh, RA3n of Hnllnbgnrh to the h.rng Send, Sopoy,to
the h.mi:: f l (Gold l!J>rml.lcd pap,'r'
21 4 1'.llur Srngh to the .h.rng Sug,::eot. thot Qolandor Ilnl:b ■ h
KMn IDAJ h1' ollo.,-cd to enter Drlln I 1 (Gold ■pnnklcd iaper)
22 6 1'4Ltr Sm~h to the Km~ Prny1 thnt the report. of h11 cnem1et1
agt.m<I 1nm mnv not Le h<,ht'<e<l f 1 {Oolu •J>nnl.k-.1f"per)
•23 0 Dn~r All luidn to the .h.tng A,l, fork ,::notd- (h.":;'•
nutograpL at lop 1n J""1c1I, dtrectlng ,111u 'AWnllnh !leg to teud 11
gunnl) f I
21 'i llnpl 'Air to the h.1ng Pro)• thot the na.aUar of hi,qaarter
" ""'J be romorcd. f I
,. 8 '\Ahir Smr;h to the hmg C,nnot w11t apon t~ h.,ng at
pr,,,ent f I (llolJ ,pr,nl..led l"'I"'')
26 0 'l1ie h.tng lo "•mJ Al,a'l Il111:1n Dl"l'lrt'I h,m to 1al,m1l a
report on UohW: f I
10 '\ALir 'i,n,::h to !Le h.1ng Sa,;i:cst, me>ra of rroteetlni; b!I
eonntry f I (Ool,J opnnll,,I l"'per)
~7 11 \~lur 'lm,::b to the h.1ni; "111 trail upon Lim f 1 (GolJ
oprml:lcJ 1'31"')
is I~ '-•L,r Smi;b to I~ h1ni; ~, a. oo;r I I (Oold oprtn
" 1.1.J l'•r-r)
iv 13 'lb•'""!: to \luliut1nud All 11/i:, A LJ Lin, t, a,~• <"ruin
" botl1'",U • rr-tt-nu .. df ,. r 1
11 'Tl <;; t , Ja, Fl.1.. l\lln \)1 ont I ,m 1' 1.,J IJ,, !
\hp1Y r I
Jt• t tl,. t •ni: J,.N .:1L1n~u-·11,-.
,.., '-!hir -...11.1,,,h ,,_ •• ut U.• ,tn-l-tJ
~uh ,I. orl f I \lid I •moll--,! 1ut-<I

185? 43-contin~ted
:May 31 J 6 The Krng to Basant Ram, Zaminil[w of Gooranah Asks for
p1ov1c,1ons f ]
Jn.n 5 17. 'l'he Kmgf i,o the guards of LaLoie Gate. On the disposal of
somf' casks of liquor f 1.
16 18. Z~lntah Khan to the Kmg, W tll send Sepoys to Thiinah,
" ganJ f 1
]8 19, The Kmg to the C -m-C Directs h1.n n0t to oppress the people
" o-fthe old foJ.t :f. 1
20,. 20 The Krng to tbe C -m-C He 1s to prevent Mi1 Nawab from
" enteung the ralcLCe £ 1.
24 ~l The King to J ami1u'd-Din Khan Permits h1m to start a newfl-
" paper f 1
,, 26 22 The Krng to the C -in-C Desires him to remove the troops
from a cei tarn ga1den £ 1
' ,, 27 2,q Col Mhd f£h1z1 Sultan to the Kmg Reports the arrival of
162 heads of cattle f 1 1
24 The Kmg to the C -m-C Ask<:ihim to ariest those who plun-
" " de1ed Delhi f l.
, Jn] 2 25' The C -m-C to the Krng Asks why Lbe mhab1tants of Delhi
are to be mobilized. £ 1.
4 26 The K mg to the C •m-C Dneots him to iecover properties
" belongmg to Jbsfmn'l Haq f1om lvf1rza Abu~akr f 1
_,, 27 Ihsanu'I Haq to the Kmg l\fakes ,1, oomplamt agarnst Mirza
" Abubak1 f. 1 ~ ~
,, 11 28 The Kmg to the U -m-C Dnects him to recover the stolen horse
belongmg to the Natb Kotwat f 1
,, 29. The C -m-C. to the Kmg Acknowledges the ieceipt of a pistol.
" f 1. )

)) 14 30. J amna Das Patel to the Kmg. Seeks servrne unde1 the
Kmg f 1 ( Gold sprmk]ed papl:!r)
JJ 17 - 31 Sha.di Ham an<l Sheo Dayal to the Krng Seek protection
agamst the Mutmeers Kmg's autograph order m pencil to protect
them £ 1
,, 32 The Kmg to,the C -m-C Desnes him to inquire about Jamna
, Das Patel £ 1
,, 18 33 Imam Ba.khsh and oth~rs to the Kmg Seek perm1ss10n to
settle at l\iadhuganJ (Kmg's autograph orde1 m penc1l1 granting- their
request) £ I
,, 21 34 The Kmg to Mahmud KhiiJ~ C_ommands 111mto send the 1evenne
of his country f 1 .,, '
35 The Kmg to the C -m:c Directs him to remove the army from
the ~rden of I;Iayat Bakhsh. £ 1, - -,.._

1857 43--contmuecl
Jui 21\ 86 The Ktng to the K61ral of Delhi Sends m&lrucuons £or h 11
gmdanco. L 1
,, ,, 3 7 The K6f1'!alof Dellu to the King Will oorry out royalorders.
£ 1
28 88 The Kmg to the people of Robhl.. Commlllldl them to k~p
peaceand order i 1
24 80 The C m-C to tbo Kmg Report, the rurmil o[ honoo (King 1
autograph order m Jl8ncn to report on their ]"lrl=lon ) I 1
25 40 The E oltcal of Delhi to the Kmg Report, that the i.\fntmccn
bnve plundored house,, (Kmg'• aulogr:,ph order m pencil, d1rechng tLo
C tn C to redreo:, the wrong) i 1
26 41 ln'CunuI lob Khu to the Kmg Aibfor leave', unto-
graph order ,n pen01l grnntmg leave) i 1
so 42 Dtlndl Khi<.n
to tho Kmg Sepoyo destroy crOJ>I. f 1
Sl 43 N!lm Singh to the King Ilofuteo tho ohArgc,,of diJloplt.r
urged ngrumt !um f. 1 6 41 Nahu Smgb to tbo Kmg Sen<h a on;r (Gold ,pnnllro
,, G 4-5 Th• C u,-C to the Kmg W C<t:ibllshn m,nt at Doth,
(Kfng'e nutognph In pencil i;,1'1DgB11nollon) f. 1
,, 7 40 The Kmg to Bndrnd Dm All KhAn.Commnud1 him to ongrah
n seal for the C In C f 1
,, u -1-7 The Kmg to Zur!"'""' Khnn Acknowledges h11 ••;r £. 1
s 4S The h.1ng to '\Ahir Smgh Ao1.nowlcJga bi, •••' £. I
I) 49 'fbe 'King to }.l,hl:,rr Office~ Orders tlie l'l'leo.,o of lhllm
AQ'3Dn'l lah Khw r I
50 'rho" to 1'.Ahir Singh Acl<no"ledi;"toL,,no r f I
11 61 'rho to ALbu 'All II.bin Allon !um lo return to bi•
old home f I
14 62.. }s~hir S,o~h to tho h.,ng Prof""'° lopll.- r I (Ou!J
opnnLW inpcr)
10 li3 The King to }slhir S10:;h loT1t,,. hit nHl to rt'1ldo at C>urL
f I
,, 18 6 i Th<' C ,n-C to the h.,og '\\ •I:" •re .tan,
dutn1,uW to
lahonm, r1
~J Tbo h.ini: to the Lneknolf princes. Sym;t,tblre., with th,ra le
tl~r d1rltt'n. if I
oG /,rlrir hJiln lo th• 1.,ng Arr!,.- for th~ (r. 1JJr/Jr. of
Gn}rat an<!\Lm:idoL.,1 r 1
M ',lh,r ~,n~h to ii:r 1.ini; "ill """I 011 the 1-.loi,: f 1
~t, ,l\nr S1ni:\i to t~ lw>;r llu not i:{n11 r-u,.,,.to uy
£0j,l11hrn10 l I
1851 I
59, Shopkeepers 0£ Delhi to tho King, Complain of violence at the
hands of the :Mutineers, f. 1. (,
60, The C.~m-C. to the King. The papers seized are mere certificates.
f. 1.
--- 61. The King to Nahir Singh. Commands him to dismiss the
Phanaltdar 0£ Badarpur £. 1.
62. The Kmg to the Nawab of JhajJar. Is desirous of migrating to
- l\fecca, Seeks hm help. f. 1. -

1857 44
l\[S foll 38; size 8" x 4" (Per.)
Mayl- Diaries of the Kmg's Court, ana his household arrangements
Aug. 21

1857 45
MS foll 82; size 13" x 9½'' (Urdu)
J til 26-, Copies of reports from the Kolwiili on cnmmal cases and of petitions
Sep. 8 from the people of the city to the Krng, statmg their grievances.

1857 46
~fS foll 78, size 16¼" x 11½", (Urdu)
List of employes m the service of the Kmg.

1857 47
MS foll 64, size 11" x 8" (Urda)
Jun 23- -List of employes m the Kot,ociZi of Delhi together with the diaries
- Aug. 1 of the Police

1857 48
MS foll. 4; size 14~/' x 9\". (Urdu)
Ang. 10-12 List of pa1 wiina'hs issued by the office1s of the King to different
persons on various subJects such as sending coolies with ambulance carts
to di:fferent trenches , orders for the release of a pair of bullocks detained
m the Kot10ali,etc

1857 49 ,
MS foll 16; ~size 12¾" x 9¾'', (U1du) ~

May 1- Abstracts of pm wiinalt:f ISsued by the King and his officers to differ-
Jun. 16 ent persons to attend to the want-sof the Mutmeers.

1857 50
III8 foll 8, •1<e12!" ><Of•- (Urdu)
May 11~ LIJ!t 0£ per.oon•nndor nrrestat tho Kol1C/il1, Delhi
Jnn 10

1857 51
:MS foll 183, vanou1 rn:e■
:Mny 20 1 LU!t of men nnder Umrto Smgh. £. 1 (Per)
,. 21 2 Col ?>IJ.,dKbi,r SultAn to nn officer Direef1 him to pro,-1dt11
JIO!ruar,olh a mtJJket cartndll't" and percn,mon oaps f I (Urda)
" 22, 3 Col l\Ilid Kh•P-SuliA• to the C ,n-C A•b th•t the dlflnlujhon
of mige, to the Snppen nnd 1Itnoro may he cntrnoled to h 1m f 1
,, 2!- 4-Sl Receipt■ of fcyment.■ mod• lo Durgu Par,hld, Ihkht~nr
Jnn 27 Smgh nnd othen. f. .8 (Per &. Urdu)
,, 23 82 Litt of tho Sapper, nnd Mmen who detertod the Engl .. h c~mp
nt 1teenit. f. 1 (Per )
~5 Lat of nrhcles roceind from the Cnmp at D3f]11g:anJ f 1
81- 3H8 Account or wogc■ d1otnb11W to the Snp('tl'1 and M1MT11
J~j 16 f 44 (Per)
Jun 20 40 Pn,-1httto or lbe S.pp<,r■ and \llntl'8 In lbo army or tho Kini;
I O (Per)
50 QMir Dnl;!J,h, 5Hddar to tb~ 0 ,n-C A ■b for the ltlJ'Ply
of c,ertAlnnrt,cl .. noted 10 tb• lott,r f. 1 (Urda)
t,) "\1ln )Th!n, ~.i..lda•, \o Co\. 'Ith~ l:Qi,;r So)tan )lepl'lh
the clttpntob of cerln1u pcrtoo, to him f I (Pn)
Jui L£ Account or Jl!tnoatton of.,.,.~ to rooltt1, ro~ni,; J<>tltro
clc f I (Per)
I, 2 L:l-1 h.hud4D>\tli<h lla.,ali1ar or the !;•pJ>trt nnJ \ltoer-,, v, !Le
C 10.C =~
A•k• for the f<')'ment 0£ f ~ (rcr)
, 10 La-6 I.Alo h.i,h,,n llnll to the C ,,,.(' Aehowltdgt11 tho n-c,-1~1
0£ Li• orders C ! (Ur<lu)
, 11 L7 Itaj,b ',\Ii, Jfoo:altlJr of the 811l"" ond "inen lo tLr C .Jn-L
A,h for lb• ttl~«e or ht< r,l,tJTM who .... aer•"'" or ~ ... i: i:,, t "
•hell,.,. t,, Engl1rhmet1 r 1 (Unlu)
12 ~S Dtll for the '"l:"4 or tbo <(>Oh,.. C l (Urua)
1:1 r.n TI,.- (, ,n.C. to h.uhn 11:lyil Jl,,.....t• l111?1~ I
TI'IDOT< hJ1aJ& IIA\litb 11,.,~.,,,J, fro,,, hit r.....-nt ,utL,n f I
1 0 0,1 'lt,.1 fuilr, 'lalJln lo the C In C. \tt. for • l ._. f""
the 1ccctom<i<!slt1 D ~rth• W"'1nd,.J. r 1
1857 51-contin1ted

Jul 13 61 K1sban Dayal, Suhnhd:n :M:aJor of t.he Sappers and Mine1s,

to the C-m-C j\_<.k9for n house fo1 the accommod::it10u of the wounded
f 1 (U1du)
15 G~. List of p,tJJeis concernm 5 the pctit10ns, ctc, of the &appers and
" M111er'l f ] (Per.) -
18 63 Lic:;tof rned1crnes ieqms1i10ned by the Doctor attached to the
" regiment of the Sappers Jnd l\1rners f 1 (Pei )
,, 21 64 K 1sban Da:nil to the C -111-C Asks foi the supply of a cerf;am
numl1e1 of bamboos and tent pegs f. 1 (Pei )
23 .. 65 K.1shan Dayal to the C ·rn-C Reports the d1sm1ssalof 2 soldiers.
" f,. 1 (Urdu)
,, 2,5 66 Emolment list of thA Sappe1s and :rvtmers £ 10 (Per)
26 67 Parbht1, a soldier, to the King Requests that his horse de-
" tamed m the £01 t may be released :f 1 (U1du)
J, 1J
GS The C -m-C to thP offiee\S of the Sappeis and Miners Directs
them to wait on him f 1. ( Pei )
JJ 30t 6<J K1shan Dayal to the C -rn-C Asks for the supply of a certain
numbe1 of cartmJge boxes f 1 (Urdu)
7 0 The C -111-Cto the officers of the Sappers and Mmers. Directs
" " them to accompany the expedition to Ahpore f 1 (Urdu)
Aul)'t, 5 71 K1shan Dayal t,, th~ C -m-C Asks for the payment of wages
to tlrn Sanpers and Mme1s j l (Urdu) ~
19 72 'l.1heC -m-O to the officer of the Sappers and Miners stationed
" at the Oalcutt::i. Gate Duects him to a.llow Hi1a Singh to pas.;; out
f l (Urdu)
,, 21 73. Sudhari Lal to the C -m·C Ask £or the supply of 2 maunds of
1.ope made of nrn1z,1 f 1 (Per )
23 74 Account of wage<:ipa1d to the Sappers and Mmers. f. 2.
" tPer)
28 75 Ernolment hst o-f the Sappe1...,and 1\1mers f I (Per)
Sep_ 4 - 76 \kb:u Khan S1ibahda1 of fht• ~'lpp 1-. a111 • r111e1c.,t 1 Lt! ,, - ll-"
1 l

Asks f01 the 1e\e,1se of l m tam pn~f\11e1s I 1 (U tdu)

77 K1shan Dayal to the C -m-C Complams of Chand1 Smgh's
" JJ mtei ference m lus work f l (U r<lu)
-- 78 Allah Bakhsh to the Kmg Asks fo1 the payment of his wages.
f 1 (Per)
-- 79 Ganga, $1ibahdar 0£ the Sappe1s and l\fmers, to the 0-m-C
Asks for the snpplv of cookrn~ utensils f 1 (Per)
80-1 Lists of musket~, tents, ca1tH, etc, required for the Sappers
nnd :Mrners £ 2 ( l'c1 1
82 Qidu Bnkhsb, Sii.bnlulo.1 of tl e Sappers and ifiners, to the
Kmg Is 111 neell of a house fo1 his fanuly f l (Per)

1857 51-concluclcd
83 RAm NarAyan PAthal to the C rn r I, annou, to know
whether there 1B any truth m the rumonr tluit roiuforo,in,eou for tho
Mnhneem are conung from Ilmnbay f I (Per)
S4 Sher Jnog Kh~n t-0the C m C 'Wnnu lo retnOTe tbe qtWUta
ftnd l\hnen, to s rafer plo.ce f 1 (Urdu)
of the Snppl!l"I!
86 Sold1eraof the re~1mcnt of tho SnpJ>"rtnn<l:lhnet1 lo the Kin::
SnITT;01tthat the pre«ent time II ru1lable £or alb,lang the E11glwi
f I- (Ur<ln)

1857 52
MS foTI S J me 12J~x OJ• (Per)
"\Ltv 2'l- fo•t of penoo1 under orrerl ot tho li.otocar.
Jnl 1£

1857 53
us foll 82, IIU 13• x oi· (Unln)
Apr 29- Cop,e, of ordet'I 1Mt1cd from tho K31o:alr
Ang H

1857 54
MS foll 27 llll> 2\" ><S (l'er)
Lt,t of ,letcrlcro from the Fngl11b cnmp .t Agra, Ilamlly, K•hlt,
Pe,hnll'nr ~nu
other pine«.

1857 55
f l me 12l"xGt• (P,r)
]>Jo~ 11 - Lui of pe,roru un,lcr anut a the Kvlrilli

1850 56
,1 S !oil S nnout 111H
,tar <l ,1cmorandnm ol att nd.loco ao<l \<'3~•of 1erop f l {Ptr)

1nl 2; 2 ,1, 1'1toh•n to th• ,awn!. of J!,ajpr Say, that h11 aod .,.r,
rhildn-n ho•• am,-,..\ at T>,lh1 f l (In)
i 'l1•,nonn<lntl'I r! d,!Trmil ""1D111bonJa,,.,l• I 1 tho llatlaHn-
£ 0 (llrJu)
,( \b11t1d•,\II to Cle fl•J• o! O.llsb:,srlt 71:• TLsJa', ~fl ~.,..
.. m..,.,J at llrlh, r I (I r,lo)
~ U,t of ro-.,~•lo th• ~-•~• .. ,"~ r I (rtr)
1857 56-oonoluded
Ang. 2 (J A Jamada/ acknowledges the receipt of Capt. Bailey's accounts,
£. 1. (Urdu)
7 Defence of the King. f 1 (Uidu)
1857 57
1'1S foll 586 , various sizes
Jun. 23- 1-28 Receipts of payments made to Afial Khan, Fath Khan and
Aug. 26 others. f 28 (Per and Urdu)
,, 2, t i9. Orde1s £rom the C -m-C to the officerq to send a senio1· officer
fiom each 1eg1meut to the Lahore Gate f. 1 (Urdu)
25 30 The C -m-C to the officers. Urges them to capture a 1 oertam
entrenchment of tbe,Engbsh m ne-rt day's :6ghtmg f 1 (Urdu)
,, " the31.name8 1'1:ir Banda-1-Husa.m, Jamadar, to the Kmg Recommends that
ot cel'tam <lese1te1s from Lahore he registered f 1. (Urdu}
32, The office1s acknowledge the 1eceipt of orde1s from the C m-C.
f 1 (Ur<lu)
,, 11 53 n1u7a 1'1h<l Abul Hac:an to the C -rn-C Asks hiru to send a
ce1tam uumbe1 of tents £ l. (Per.) .,__
,, " attack 34 Col i\1:hd f£h1z1Sultan to the C -rn-C Warns him of a night
tbe Enghi:,h intend to make. :f 1 tPe1 )
Jun. 28 36 The C -m-C rnst1 ucts the members of the Court of the :Mubneers
to see that no m1hta1y man takes bis qua1ters ms1de the City f. 1
,, 29 36 }{a.rayan Pathak to the C.-rn-C De<.cnbes the part10ulars of the
regiment from Ba1e1lly and asks for the supply of a. musket f. 1.
(U 1du) ,,..-
37 -Tali, Yar Khan, §ubaluUir, to the C -m-C Suggests that the
" " prepa1at10n of gunpowde1 and percuss~on caps may continue and their
factor1es be mspected regulady f l (Urdu)
,, 38. Nus1atul :M~ulkto the C -rn-C Recommends the payment of
" wages to a band of dese1te1s f1om Allahabad, f l (Per )
,, !39 Members of the Court to Col ~1hd Kh,1zr Sultan Inform h1 n
" of the shortage of ammumfaon. f 1. (Urdu)
' 40-1 Orders :from the C.-m-C. to the officers to send a e,erta1n
" " number of the officers and men nom each regiment to Col l\1irza.
J\.bdullah f 2, (Urdu) (Duplicate)
,, 30 42 01ders from the C an officer to send his clerk to explain
his accounts f 1. (U1du)
Jul £ 4'3-6 Orders from the C -m-C to the officers to send a $fi,ba.1u1a
and a H avildar MaJOr from each regiment to attend a conference. £. 3.
' (Urdu)
J' ,, postmgs 47 Orders from the C.-m-C to the office1s iegardmg their respeotive
for the followmg mght f. l (Urdu)
,, 3 48 l\fuzti :hllJ<lAbnhakr acknowledges the 1ece1pt of Ra 790 .At 6
from the C.-10-C f. I. (Per.)

1857 57-confiniud
Jui 3 40 Onlero from tj,e C rn-C to lb officen t_o send gt111nl•lo
Siyahhur.i f I (Urdu\
60 The C 11-C to the Commnnd1n~ offi-er of the Il 1re11l,for~
" D1rcclo him to prevent the Engh,!, fr,m dsttlr>),ng n c,rforn 1,n,lc,-
f. L (Per)
,, 4 61 Note of hnnd 0>ect1ted b" :I.II)I Kh~n f I (Per
7 62 Slwhb Bnta, n trooJ?(!r, to tho C 1rt-C A,ko for the ,01 plr o[ a
... ddlo f. I (Unln)
8 6~ Tbo C in C to C "'tnn Singh, $ b,,
1 r of tbo 7th 1lC1,t
Dire<'l1 him to• nd H ,r.,K!i~n mtl, the ho , w II h h• b,., ,. -d frim
RnJab 'Al! (Vero Chitin S,n!:h .i« t, ,t thr $•11M"rof thr Sth
Rogt may hen l..el to ttn,l the inan) f I (Urdu 1
al Ord ra from the C m C to the Comm,ndini: offi= of th• Ith
" Rogt to m,ke n report conum,o:; aovo,I h """' 10 the P"'~ •Ion o[ a
certain oold1crm h11c•mp f I (Urda)
0 66 Tho C 1u C to Bng,de \faJOr G•nri "h•nbr O,n.,.l• 111111
to ,end • h:it1e7 nnu n regiment of ivnlrr to the trenehoa •I
Qml01vah lln~h I (Urdn)
liO 00 Or<l""' from the Conrt o[ the Mut,nren< lo offi<rr>anJ men
fnrtn,1,1,ng them to mrlnl!,O 1n plnn•lcr n-b,lo fi1,h11ni: 11 J:OID!, on f "
() GI 2 Onlcr• fiom lhc C ,n C b the ollie, r• to &n,1 reu,for,-em nl,
from the Ro orv~ f 2 (llrdn}
G~ Tho (., 1n-C to Suu•hinr \laior Jro R\m Dirt-of• lum to •tleoJ
th• 01tt,nc:,, of tho Court f I {llrJu\
nl \lh,\ \lnl-1,t Kli~n lt> the 1'.1n~ \t form• him o( B ,..-tnn- ortr
the 1-.ngl,h f I {Per )
n, ,11,i,1Dol<t,tKh n to tho < 10 C \, lno,d<J, ..., t h• ,,.,r,1,t of
h11orJera r I ( I', r l
60 The f' 1n-C to the Snlie1I• onl•r, ol,,,ut • I Y of tb•
Fngh•h £ounJ •m ng th• ,.,...-,Jrr f 1 ll'r,1"'
lO 1 7 Ollirrr, l>C<nol\le 11-r 11,• "''"'l,t or , r lrr, fn m f)i, ( ,,,.('
f 1 (llrJu)
rs An offi~r w11,nt1 a ffrta1n hl:U1tllf-r r f 1'-ut• (or ht• ITH'n f I
n~ 0,..1, ... f,-,,m 11.. (., in-C to , ffi«T• t l'l'fn,n •• ,, Ju, t,ut f I
·o Th<, C in-<' It> th• ,1""'1,,... , f tl,• Coort ol th, \lot,,_,.
n,n-t-t,tli-f'rnto U"ffll'IITt" 11f" "'"fJln• an,mnn1tH f1 Imm tf,.,.A)tn"1" (ht
•\ rr...-l 1I.. \1rm,..,.r.. , r tJ... {AQrt 1•1:ir,
...l, 1 tn tJ,,,.. o,.,,,.
t\ot th~y \'1\\ 1nf ,tm \hl" 1',n,.. ~h'"\t 11" t""iihht1' 111 t .-,.t'., n rNT1
,ni: a "T' tt f,.. m tl • MMn\.,,... , f tl, L -,,1 all,..f "I I tl• Ajrr'1
Oat•) f I {Un!n1
1857 57-aontiiiued
Jul 10 71 Orders from the C -111-C to the officers to ask the Ti!angas' to
live rn tents £ I (Urdu) .
11 72 01ders £1om the C -rn-C to the officers to send one semor officer
" f1om eaoh regm,ent to the Laborn Gate. f I. (Urdu)
,, ,, 73. 01ders fiom the C -rn-C to the officeis to return the surplus
tents f 1 (Urdu) -
,, 74 NI.hd Bakht Khan to the Kmg Will wait on him f l (Urdu)
" 7 5 The -c
-m-C rnfo1ms the vfficeis that the prnposal to attack the
" " Enghs11 1s postponed f 1 (U r<lu)
12 76 :01:h<lBakht Khan to the C -m-C Insists on gettmg rernforce-
ments from men E'ltat10ned ms1de the city t I (Urdn)
77 O,ders fiom the C -m-8 to the officers of the cavahy to make a
" " sea1th fo1 a stolen horse f I (Urdu)
,, 78 The C -m-C to Ram Bakhsh, $iibahda1 Ask'l h1m to convey a
" <'01 tarn number of musket<;, cartridge boxes, etc , to the camp f I.
,, 79-81 Or1le1s from the C -rn-C to the officers to send one semor
" officer fiom ench 1egirnent to the Laho10 GJ.te ±. 3 (Urdu)
)) 13 82 )f hd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C Reports that the army 1s
devoted to the c,mse of the Kmg f l (U 1du)
83 Qdlanda1 Khan to the C -m-C Askt; for the payment of his wages
" " f l (U1a.u)
,, ,, 84 Ivbrza ~1hd Abiibctkr acknowledges the receipt of Rs 783-8-U
ft om the U -m-0 f 1 (Pei )
,,.. 85. Mhd Bakbt Khan to the Krn 6 Shows his ieadmess to fight
" the English £ 1 (U1du)
86 :M:hd Bakht Kha_n to the Kmg Will proclavn lll the aimy
" " that any one forcibly tnkmg fiie-wood, b~mbo1J,etc , from puv,ite persons
w1l1be pwm,hed f 1 (U1du)
,, 87-!)0 01 ders from the C -1n-C to the officers to be iea<ly to oppose
the English.. who a1e e~pecte<l to a mght a.ttack. f. 4.
,, 91 01.lers f10m the C -m-C to the officers to pievent their men
" fiom takmg wood fiom tbe stock near the uraJge f 1 (U1<lu)
,, 14 H2-110 The C -m-C {(I the ofucers instructs them to commune
cute Lrn 01ClP1s to then men f 27 (l11du)
110-21 Or<lers f1om the C -m-C to ofhce1s o.nd men to ('lbserve
" " ch!:,ctplrne f '3 (Urdu)
1~2-i 01deis f1om the C-rn-C to the ofiiccrs to examm" the b,Ils
of charges brfore pa,mg thi>rn f 3 (U1du)
1 A 1erm fo1meil.) n,c(l m Dengnl nnil J:...t..VC'11110w known m 'Xorlhrrn lnd1n to
ind 11ntl '1 ~cpo) 01 nnurd p0licrmnu (no doult bfL."Ui::,the firi;f, ,wlchrr ... cf th,t trpe
cnne to Bengal f111mwh ii \\lie; consdc1l'd to be Teltngn tonnttJ, , ,: , M ilr t.q}

1857 57-{)011/11111ed
1ul II 126 1,l~d Bnl;ht KhAn to tho So~• th,t offiCl'n UUT
be d1reded to accompany their rcopcctwe 1cgunents lo the l<i\tle Celt!
f 1 (Per) -
120 "\Ih<l Babht KMa to tho Rrng Refer. to 1nm !l U"fln{o ~bunt
tho pOS!"!l.<tonof n pair of mu,lcts, for <lcumn f l (L nlo)
H7 Tt.o C m C to 1' llnh_btKlAn A,l, b,m to bo on h11
gnsrd iu lho Engh,h'1n<e oome c!O'<lto tba trencbc,, f ] (Unla)
128 ShabAmat AII to the C 1n C;N tLo 1c..C'lplof
h10 order, f l (!'er )
16 120 10 Orders from the C m C coneerntng the d,.po,,tion o( t1e
officers nnd men f 2 (Urda) (Duphcnic)
111 Jlu""m KhAnn11clWntir K]Jho lo tbo C ,n-C A,l far lb•
payrrcut of their wng<>a L 1 (Urclo)
132 " Bn!,ht !-.Mnlo the lung Acl..nowlcugc,,the re,:cipl or
h11 order, f l (Urda)
133 1'lh<l Dakht KhAn to the h.mi: Appro1r,, or the J..1ni:
■endu,g oat n D91T Dm11on f ) (Ur<lo)
131 :\lliil llnh!Jt hll\n to the h.mi: Internl ■ to nltnol. tbo Fn~li,b
wbon conYepng nmmumhon nml provmoru to lLt'lr cam1c f I (Lnlu)
10 l 3J-li' Onlors from tbo C In C to the om«,.,. con,·Nn1ug ILr
~2 ,h,tnhuhon or i:uuril• to tl,!Tcr.'!llploeco r 12 (Unlu}
,, 10 lr,~ Ml)d llnklil hl!nn lo lLc h.mi: Inform, L,m or the <h■ lr,
Latiou or troop, tv ranoo, plz,cco. I 1 (l,ruu)
lJO Mt.,,\ D,!Jit hl!an to the C ,u-C Sui;E:<•IMthat 10ld1er•nl,o
" hn ,n lho c,t, moY be nrled to lol ~ the,r quortl'tt cmt.tde r l (Urdn)
,. 18 } 0 7 Tbo C m (, a,h the o'.lle rs to atbcl: !Lo J-oi;h,L from tho
.AJmorGate t I (l rdu)
II JO lJ~ \ll;,d Dokbt !iMo to !ho C 10 C So~i:<'<lt tL•l tloo proj«1!'<1
night nttncl UJ'<)D the l:.ng111hmn l,o po•tp<>o"1till• l,11.JboII thruw11
nl'to,,• tho nrer f 1 lUruu)
20 !J~ Or.ten from the C ,n.(, to the J;ll>r,I, ol tl,, \J 11« Ooto
loo low ,turltl OAar1IAri t, 10,. la arnl out w11h Lullo-.l earls. f l
100 1 ,tht! fl,\hl h.h,n to !Lo C 10 C \\ ,II ,Im le tf,, d11J,al•
C<'n-.,m1ni:the po,10•11n or mu Ld• "',f,,,.d ,J ( ~ (Ur.Jo)
1~' TI, .. (, 1n C In''~ I II•' J.t hJi&n A,h l11m t, ..,.,,,..,. tl <
P•r\'onh of ltn-:im \h h.h&u r 1 (I«)
.. 1r, '•unw- hhin t • the I 111 ( J
'!•ck• r<>lr-t,,m a::-,,n I
1ft lr<>tmtnl lr "'Loi 'lh I f\!1lrr '-ul1\J1 f I \ 1du)
)r I I Or I N from lht (, ,n (, t ,, .. ff r> ,,. uJ11 ~ 1!, h,at
mt11\ < f tl <, <l. Ill tL, '"~I''"' ( , \l 1r lo)
Jc;•) Ot!t't•frrn,tl.r( ,uC t Urtirr-....,.1.,...-,.J~r,•-,lt•
fto.,, n L "•"" ,nt t tL t,,t r. u. < r J (I ,,h)

1857 5 7-aon linued

Jui 22 l 7Z Dnldeo Ram, §iebalulii1,Sheolnl Smgh, llawalda,, and otlrnrs
to the Krng Suggest th tt one Ram Naiayan Pandr, a d1sm1ssed foot
soldier mny not be allowed to JOln the cn:vnhy. f 1 (Per)
173 lVI:hd Bakbt l{]!nn to the Krng Will rnfoun him of the
" " number of volunteers f I. (U1<ln)
174. :M.hdBak11t Khan to the Krng Will attack the English the
" " followmg night. f I. (U1du)
175 Statement of Nannhc Khan concernmg a ho1s0 m his posses•
" s10n f I. (U1clu) ,,
,, 23 176. Gmui', B11gnde :i\faJ01, to the C •m-C Asks for the
supply of mate1mls ieqmrnd fo1 p1cpa11ng gunpowder. £ 1. (U1du)
177 iihd Bakht K.h,m to the C.-m-C ~ E1.p1es5es lus rntent10u to
" " attack the Engh"h f 1 (Per.)
17 8 'Mhd B,tkht Khan, Commander of the 14th Regiment, rnay
" " be chrected to atten<l to his ieqms1faons f 1 (U1<lu)
179. ;\lhd Bakht KhJ.n to the Kmg Info1ms him that ammurntion
has run sho1t. f. 1 tPei )
180 Gauri Shankm to the C.-m-O Encloses a draft of an answe1
" " to :Mhd BakbL Khan's lette1 £ I
,, Z5 181. 'J'ah'yfn Khan to Ln1a Nandimal Asks h1m to pay oue 1 nper
_ to Gaya Dm f J. (Per)
,, 26... 182 Mhd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C The English have ret 1cd
, fiom Najafgmh, will make a ia1d on them the ne::,,.tday f 1 (U1<lu)
183 1'1hd Bakbt Khan to the C -m-C Cannot go for a walk with
" " him as he bas to w1ut on the Kmg f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 184. :M:hd Bakht Khan to the Kmg Asks for iemforcements to
prevent the Enghsh f1om destroying the NaJafgarh bndge :f 1 (U1du)
,, 27 185 Kishan Dayal, Subahdar J\iaJor, and QJdu Bakhsh, $ubahrlcir
of the Sappers an<l J\imers, to the C.-m-C State the distress of then men
for want of prov1s1ons, £ 1. CQrduJ
28 186, J\ih<l Bakbt Khan to the C.-m-C Cannot attend the W a1
" Counc1l, as he 1s busy m collectmg supplies £ 1. (Pei)
,, 28-9 lb7-99 01de1s fiom the C -m-C to the office1s to send a semo1
officer from each 10g1mrnt to a conference to be held at the Lahore Gate
f. 12 (Urdu) . -
,, 29 200 Gen Sud.ban Srn~h to the C -m-C Asks for the supply of a
certam number of tents t 1 (Urdu)
,, n 201 Gen Ghaus Muhammad and othe1s to the C -m-O Will attend
the conference as duected £ 1. (U1du)
,, ,, ' 202 Gen Ghau§ j\f ubammad and others to the C ..m-C Ask fo1
the supply of ammumt10n and men m 01dei to attack the English at
Ahpore f 1 , (?er)
11 ,, 203 Ml}.d Baltl)t Khan to the C -m-C Asks fo1 the execution of
the Kmg'b 01ders to send rem£orce'ments to Nnwab Waliclad Kl1.. :;~
Dalagarh f 1 (Per) )}

1857 57-co11tw11ed
1nl 2.9 20•
An officer to tbc C Ill C \,b fort ho 111wl~ of h<ltrr •mmu
111hon i I !Urda)
30 20-i-7 Onleffl from the C 10-C to thl offiC<'rsronc,.rnmg the prohi
b,hon of thl ltlhng of cowa f 1 (Unlu}
208 ( 011 ,u,lh/i1i Smp;h U•ul Muhnmmml on,I othrrs I• the
C m-C A•L for the 11nmr<l111lo•upph , r nmmnn1t1011, tept. 01•1l~•tl
of cl,oaght f l (l'rdu)
210 Otn Sud bar! Sm1-h t, the C m C Aelmowk<ll;('Jthe =rt
of 111•orcler.. f 1 (U r<lu)
210 1lliu Bal,lit b,Jinn 10 th~ (, m C«IC<IJr'l'lh• Tttt'1rt
of h,s u1dc"' f I (U,cln)
211 H Tho C ,,,..<., to the otfirc"' Ad., lb,..,, lo c,111-r our th
onll'TO ,£ the ~mg l'<'nrern1ng the 1•roh1l11tion or thL l1ll10i: nf ro"'-
f 2 (l'nln)
213 The C -rn C to Oen llhngmit \l1•ar A,L, l11mto l,o re:iclyto
mnrch to A l1porc. r l (Urda)
214 Mrmoramlum or l ron,ion• nr<lerrclfrom htzl"-Dll' by i-.01nGtl
•Air lfa.,.altlar
21& 0 n Sndh!rl S,nghnnd ::\lal,,imm•tl G),ou, to tl1r C ,n.C "ill
=rd, to Ahparo n,,I..for the 1mme,l111tcauppl) of nmmnn,(1on. f 1
31 210 Slnlewent of tLe Dl\1'ton• orcl,rrd lo ottn•l tho fni:h•h the
follo\\rni: ,lay f 1 (Per)
21, \lli<l Uo\]Jt ~•o to the C ,n C "111 m ,Len r.itl 011Al11,,..
u """""'be.. rura.,.hc,l mth the mc,o• or COO<C\jO.., f l (l,riln)
Aug :!l&-29 Or I 111 fnm tbl C ,n C lo l~o o 111,111In attocL 1110
Eni:h•h nn th, 1l1dg,. f 12 (l,nlu
2~U O, n SudL~rl SinJ!h nn1I llnl!'l•I, ,i.Jo• lllr• !>m~l, lo II»
(, ,a C., Complo,n that m th, m:rnt t,i;ht,ni: \\"Ith tl,,1 o~h•h "" ono
cnnw to hrlp them f I ( l nlu,
2,1 O,n Sudhurl '-ini:;h Q,11, '111h,n1111"l•n I I!,"'
t tl..-
C ,n l }nd°"' alt toftLewonnJeJ o LI rtbc•11r1h 0£1"'"""'
an~ •n~ .. t thAt ,rJ,.... may"" ll'U<"It' rr• Yrnt .. 1i1,r fr m ,Lnllmh
f I (I 1J11)
e,• lorn '-n,\h;rl '-,n,h ,n I lllri '-•ni:h t, tl,r f ,n ! \,\
for lhr •urrl, I ommuntlton anJ b"Un«. f I ( I nl 11
•:!.I {l n SnJhlrl Singh t the l 1n t \ l• £ , U, ,arl lr ot
ltnh amm11n1t,on an•I~uui:;l,t lntll0<L.. I I (I rJ11)
4 2SI lllri Su,~L I thr C' 111( R= mm wl tl ,t "1'1 I lm
• rn ~nrr t,,. II ~..J t .,.,.. • ce11A1n m,n I I (I r,1111
.. "a 'lh I n,
1 1 t h)1l11 t the C ,,..( ll ,..,tl ,, I • ' • ,~,
i:o." an,t t.!011 t tl1.. f'"'!t' 1ta-0n 11 I\ ..,., ! t t ,,f"1 \
-'="" f I

1857 57-contiuufrl
Aug. 23G-r)o Or<lr1~ from the C -m-C! f o the omcct q to keep thmr men
1e.,dv fo, p.n.1dc f 1o. (V1clu)
,, ,, 2fil l\lhd ll.1kht, K_hf1nto tl1c C.-m-C. Aske;for reinforcements
L.o~c1zr the ammuutt,ion nncl p1ovi::-1onsgomg to the English camp.
f. 1. (lirdu)
,, ,, 232 .:\lh<lBnkhf Kli11nto the King Acl~nowle<lgcs the receipt of
h1~ 01"1ler1- f ] t Pet.)
,, !5:J '1'110C.-m-t'. mgt's Uw ollice1s to retrie\e the lo,;.; they 1m:ffered
111) pc:{1'r1J.•)r, e11i:-.,T1gemcnt "1th f hr E11gl1"h f l. (Ul(lu)
,. ~11 01'1, tr: from tli<>{'.-m-r to lh<' ofliecit-of the eavahy, statwned
:d t Ii<•g-,11 l\•11of S,11111 (1 IJ(•g,,1111 f u 11c, cnt tl11•11 rnl'n f 1 0111 <lcsboHng
t hP t!",111h 11 111 «h 111.igm:; 1t of IH•1 ,, 1'-l f 1 (TT1du)
,I 2 ..,h \lhd N,1c.i1u'<l })111 Khn11. '1h,i11nhrlt71 of H,1d,npm, sends

l'l tamfl.._ fo Ot>\111f I (P1,ln:

,, ~',Ii (Jt'11. Sml11i11i :·Hugh to tlic C •rn-C Acknowledge::. ihe
" 1cu•1pl, of 111<. 111
tle1-. to attack the Bnglt<.h nncl n,c;ks fo1 the supply of
arnnm111L1011 f l. (lJ11ln)
2 ,7-U rl111cC -111-C to the oflicers Communicates the Kmg's
" " .1ppt cc1,thon of the conm~e <,]10" n Ly I heir men m yesterday's fightmg.
f L (Urcln)
,, ,, .!(ill ~fhd Bakht Khrw to ihc C:-m-C "rill att,1ck '"the English
nrxt dnv ; dcsnes th.1t ofliceis may l1c <l11cctedto co-operate with him
f 1 (Per)
,, 7 261 Nan<l Lal '\[1c;1t1 to the C.-111-C Acknowledge.s t.he receipt
of 111sprrnr(inn!t f 1. (U1d11) ,
,, 2G2 Gen Smlhnri Smgh to the C -rn-C Asks foi the suJ)ply of
big gnns t 1 {Uidu)
,, 263-4 }Ih<l. B.1kht Khim to the Kmg C,Lnnot. wait on h1m as he
" is gorng 1o ihe tt onclics f 2 (Per)
,, ,, 263 Mh<l. Bakht Khan to the C -m-C Asks for the supply of
matc11alsfor erel.t111ga part1t on f J
1 1 U1<lu)
26fi l\f hd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C Has sent 2 elephants to
" " bun f. 1 (Pei)
267 i\fhd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C. Is gorng to the trenches ;
" " ac;ki:: thu~the Sappers ,ind l\lme1s may be sent to Hira Smgh. f. 1.
,, ,, 2Q8 Orders from the C -m-C to the officers to march to their
re<.pecfave tiencbec; f 1 (Urdu)
8 2G9 1'Ihc1 Bakht Khan 'o the C -m-C Ac::k!!foi th<> supply of
" ammunition f 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 2i0 j\1hd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C •
Acknovvledges the receipt
of Lis orde1s f -1 (U1du) •
,, 2 71 1\1hd Bnkht Khan to the C -rn-0 AskA for orders for
rehevrng sol<l1ers m the trenches f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 272 1\1hdi3akht Khan to the C -rn-C Ac1rnow1et1ges the receipt
his letters un<l <lescnbc R the chsp0s1t10n of guns at different pla.ces
f. 1 (U1du)

1857 57-0011tmuld
Aug 8 273 Ordc,s from the O m..C to the officer. of the ~rd• at the
different gate. of the city to be caroful 111 theu reopectirn po1t. f ]
,, 274-83 Ortlero from the C 10-C to the officer-, to oee t,hnt their
men do not plunder the shops of the rut~ f 10 (UrdnJ
~4-6 Ordera from the C in C to the officer,, to ocnd one officer
from each regu,tent to a conference to be held uerl <lny f. 1 (Urdu)
287 Kh,ul'll.t 'All J,fau!,, mform• the C-u:.:C that hui mu!cr
has gone to the trenches at K1Bbong,mJ f 1 {Per )
2<8 Ganrl Soonknr t, the C m-C A,ks lnm to 1s;ue pm,uuJ.,
to h1m m tenru, of the draft sent {Ver,o the C, m C a•lo Glllln
Bhankar to t.,,kenece=ry m6IlWl'81!for tbo defence of Und'1ynh B,bL)
f. l 1Unlu)
0 2SQ Ql The C m C aal.s the oflken to be pre<cnt m their
re,,peottw .1Jl•ces nt Q A ll the foUomng day when the Royal order,
will be nnnonnce<l f 3 {Urdn)
202 The Kmg a,b the officer-, ,and 1ol<lte1• to releaoe Hnlum
Abmnnllnh Kh~n f 1 (Urdu)
203 Ord~ro from the (, m-C to Gaar! ShAnhr Il11g:do '1n;ur
to relieve ool<lu,r• rn the trenohoo at Qn<lamLh Ilogb (V erro Gonn
Shanlmr 8,]Y"th•t he hDHrelieved the soldtol"ll.) f I (
2Q-l, Ordon from the C 1n C to the offieera to ttgn the Km!J"•
" panoa•a), enclored f 1 ( 0 rdn)
,, 205 1,[l)d Il~'tlit Kh•n to the C m C' Recommend! Uut
remforcemenl.s be oont to H!r,J.Smgh f 1 (Urda)
200 hll)d Ilnk!it Kh~n to the C in C Will ,on<l gm, lo lho
tronohOI! nt K10hnngnnJ "' won na nmmnmtion 11 for!Lcomrng f I
2Q7 }Ji)d BnlJJt Kh~u to the C m-C Sag~• tluit v1gororu
mea"lll'el may i... taken to prevent the sold1m from plunder111g the
hou ... of pnvate pero<m• f. 1 (Urdu)
,. 208 Order, from the O m C to the olllcel'I reg:,r<lmg the lrc:il
" ment of the e1ck and wounded f l (Urda)
200 Gen Sudh~r! Singh nnd llin1 Smgh to the C m-C A h
" for the pn, ment of wnge,, f. 1 {Unlu)
300 ?.!l_i<lJlak]Jt l\.hlin to tho C m-C .Aeh fur tlio ,upply of Lllf
gun._ f 1 (Urdu)
301 Gen Sadhln Singh to the C m C A,Lw for the •apply o[
hl,r gun• ! 1 (U1<l11)
30~ 1~ Ordcrt fr m tho C 1n C to the officer,< to tei thol th fr
moo do not plauder lho 1LoP" of the oily f 15 ( Unfu)
n 10 Jl 7 Onie.-. from tho C m C to nllncl.. the J:.ngli,h on lho nl lg,
f 1 (Urdu)
u :ns-u T!te C ln C urge, tho olll Lrt lo rdriaYo th,i J,,.. thtY
" •ul!ere<l !n ;rcoter<la;r
I fighting mth tho J:.n:;l11h f O (UrJu)
1857 57-conl I JJU('d

Aug. 1~ 32i>. 'l'lic C -in-C .:icn<lf;pro, jo.,1011~ io Gen Sudhi11i Smgh and IIil.1
Srngh. f. 1. (Per)
,, 32fi. The C.-m·C bends pro, 1s1011s io l\Ihd Bakl,t f ) (Pei )
",, :327. 1'[111:l ?.Ihd .Abtlul lnh nctuowlcuges the 1ecc1pt of a lcitei
" f1om the C.-m-C f 1 (lh<ln)
13 328. Ucn ~mlhiui bing-h nntl Jli1il Suagh to the C -m-C So1chcrs
" can halllly Le c\.pccic<l to obey order:, 1f tLcy arc not p,ml the11
nllo\\,llll'C-, f l (U rdn)
,, 320 Am n Kl1iiu and otLcrs to the C.·m-C A.bkfo1 the su1)ply
" vf prO\'lt-lOllS. r 1. (U 1<lu)
,, ,, 3'30 ~Jhd 13akht Js:h:m io iho Krng will mnich to Ahpo1c. f 1
,, 331-~. 'l'hc C -m-C tv the oflicer:, at,K1sliang:q and Qmh.1Jnh Tiagb.
" l111ccb them io Le H'a<ly to renclc1 help whc1e, c1 neccssuy, as the
English .uc c,pcctcd lo make .m attack f 2. (U1<lu)
:3J3. :\lh<l B,1kl1t to the King. Hogs tl:at the C.-m-C.
" m1y he d11L'ct.!tlto S1!111.l 1 emforccmcnL;:; to htm \1' K111g's cipher
m pcne1l tp1otmg n, vc1sc froni Sn.'tli's Gul1stiin, 1 nplymg that rern-
foH·cmcnls ,houhl l,c sent immcclmtel) ) f l (l'c1 )
,, 334 :\Ih1l Bnkht J(h;m to tLc Kmg Sohc1ts 01d01s for 1elfonng
" soldll'lb111 tuc t1encht><:, f l (U1dn)
,, 3!35. 01tlcrs from tLc C -m-C to the officeis to <l11 cct the Sikh
" soldiers umlc1 them to assemble outi:.1dc the AJmc1 Gatr f I.
,, 33G Tlic r -m•C ttfks the oflitC'l<:, LotL C.l\ll :mcl 1m]dn1y, to take
" each the cliargc of one parfacu]a1 work and to submit a ,Ja1ly repo1t to
h!m on 1t. f 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 337 C0I nfhd Khrnr Sultfm to the C -rn-C Sohc1is ordcis con..
ce1nmg the rchevrng of soldiers f. 1 (U1du),
,, 1ft 338. 1\'.fhdBakht Khan to the C -m-C Will ma1Jh lo Ah1)oie. £. l·
" ,, 83D Deni Smgh, Colo~10lof the 48th Reqt, to the (; -rn-C, Will
send hrs men to th.J AJmer G,tte 1 £ 1 (U1<lu)

,, 16 3:t0-1 rrhe C -uf-C warns the office1-3to b~ on then gua1d as the

English a1a expected to make a mght attack on Kt!:>hanganJ, f. 2
342 U m1ao Bo.hadur to the C -rn C Ha.,; seut the mfantry and
" " cavahy 1eg11ncnts to guard the b11dge, as dnect.ed f 1 (Urdu)

,, " 343-4 G_ea Sudha.11Smgh and III,a Smgh to the C -m-C Asks
£o1 the 1sc;ne of oruers to the Commandc1~ of clrffe1eut ie~1men{s to
accompacv them m then e:xped1t1onto Al1po1e f. 2 (Urdu)
~ \

345. Gen Sudhii.11 Smgh ancl othe1s to the C.-m-C Ask for
thti supply of ammumtwn f. 1. (U1du)

1867 57-cont11111ed
Aug 16 Gnarl Shankar
346 to the C u1 C, him to l!Jgnthe ielten
enclooed f I (Urda)
'l47 HirA Srngh to Gaar! Shanhr A•ks lum to send bullock
oorts f. 1 (Urdn)
348-0 The C m-C to ~arl Shanlar lllld T~h r YArKbAn Di-
rects them to maroh their men to the lrenohe,1 at Qu<lnynh Bagb
f 2 (Urda)
17 350 The C m-C to the officeis of the 4t}, Regt D,r,cta them to
•semi lOU horsemen from l}J(7r ,eg,ment. f l Urdu)
, 18 361 Bh~mtb Mwir to the C 111 C A.I.• for the snppl) of a
hoT>e f 1 (Urdu)
lU 1f>2 Memhe1s of the Cou1t ol the \lntmon• to the K1ug Request
that the pnuMll! ou,,y 1,, d,reoted uot to mterfere m the d•oll!lon of
the Court f I 1Pei )
,, 20 3~3 Orde"' from the C m C to the oiTTL'<lto at Duy&gnnJ to take
J)llrl1cnlar, are of th gntipowder factor, there aud to ote that no one
rurohargea fua-,rma lll •he v,o,ruty f 1 (Unl"\i)
Ill 354--9 Orden from the C rn.:\'., to the office"' to atte.ek tLe Eag
h,h from the duect10n of QuJ,nynh Bngh f. 6 (Urdu)
800 Col i\I.IJ,l Khi;r 8nlt~n to the C m C l;lu~ thnt the
offic/Jr of the regiment ordered to 1,.,.,1may bo d,re.,t,,rto Wlllt m,fil
further orden< f l (Per-}
561 Orders from the C m C to the olllot'n to attnok the Eag
luh on the Ride"' f I [Urda)
28 362 Ga11n Shnular to L~hl. Sun<lar Ld A•~• him to !UDO
parraoah, to offic<irato S<,01! their men to the trenoheo acoor<l,ng to
the <lmft •nolooe<l f 1 (Urda)
24--S 30~ 6 Li•t of p~nera m the K~t,raJ, I 4 (Urda)
2.Je 367 The't m G. to Lui~ 1'nndm,nn, fola~1/nr D,reot. h,m to
pnr Re l S to Pir Ila!Jioh a, food allownuce of pmoner.. f. l (Per)
,, 2~, 27 508-Q Recupls d pnymoute mndo to 1'awAb Y!r h.hAn,Kotr:al,
Dalbt fort, nnd Sndh Gop.,1 f 2 (Urdu}
,. 2-0 370 Tl,a C 10-C to the officen of the SiJ.h Ilegt. Direct.
them w commeuC<J hootihhe,, ngn1111t the Engh.h at Ahporo f I
,, 27 371 2 Tho C in-C to L~l~ Nnntl1mnl Direct. h,m to pny • ffi't.>ln
•um to the he:ircro or
h1' feller. f 2 (PL'l")
73 Stntemont of foo I n!lowtu1ct1of pmoneu £ I (Per J
3,4 The(' ,n-C to theoffi<'<'ront tLr Lahore Go~ Duwta th,m
lo rrhen n ccrtnm bnltohou nt !Le lrrnchet nt h.nhngnaj C'cno 1
Fn4'u1lnh $,1,aAJ11r la,horc Gal< "''" thnt he C3llDOt tth ,o tl,e
h.,trnhon n• he,. ,hort of men) f l (Urdu)
3, J fh ( m-C mw,, tl,c .rmy lo tnke tl,e Ridge, oil the plun,lcr
" w,11ho U,.,,,. f I (Urtla)

> ; ' ..._ 1·1 { ,q ., ,i,r, 11 I 1 j, nth,' t , .. I 11\,r,nt ,1 t•'!!l..,[t•r of 1111
t, l, - L~tn r \ tJn (' l" ••' ,1 ... ,111e,u, f f :. n·,.1111
; I t(\ '"111 1 \h J' • ' I' n,, ..u·, •' r,f ,,1i,J H:i!J1' Khi111, (il
nr {' ~:1,,I' 11, 11 '11 • ' },,,, ···••i• t ' h I' i.•111~at1J f 1 ( t ir,lt1)
..... ,1 Wi., ... 1,f if r 1 ~, dn :,nil rnf'\ntn
( l! ,!llllP!lt• tu fhfl r.-in-C
r I ., ~
h,\I' ,!,,t,} ~~.,th' :--J.11!,t1'1 ,,; t,,. t!i,ir ~· l,:/,d,ir. r. 1.
T ' ' 'r ,t

• ~~- '1 ll \ '~ Ki 1l' ! l 1 li< e •.,.(. ,\rJJ11'\d1tfr,,, 1111'rtcc11,t of
}p1• ., !) t•.,t
!'-1•• l .. -,.,}, }1,1, ,•t,, ,,; t,ri h {'~ ,•11lr1, Ihm Chnn•ln nr111ntlH•rt,

h r •:.t,'•, • (~lf ,1:•," f .J l f (ii} 1


0 .. I) •L 'uclh \n
:O-it11•11f,t tllt' '' ,:11vC- \rf.1111w1,•'1f_!('"' the r£!('flipfof
hi• , t,l, r, i. 1 ;l :,it.
., ,, .:~•~. '" I Hh'l\,!'\,,~t\(i., ,rt .. t}i .. (' •JJlv(' 111.. ,... norJ.-
it t! ,~,H; i.,.• ,,t,11,!, lt?,•hllf•w,fllH' C'lt<•- f 1 11Jnl11) 1

,' ., \lh l Hl~ ht Kli .!1 f., th('tC •1t1vC ,rnuti, ru,uf(lrrrm<'nfq with
·;•, 1

~ \H''\ f., l •1 ·ttw ·iturnuwhu11, tr, ,,.11t(, "h g11ttt!! In tlto f:11µ-l.1-h
f I t·r,lu,
.. :.~ 1 : (;ri,li ( li10,l1r, H'i111 t'hnri•l1r "1cl ntli1•r.. prn~ for their
r-.t, '"' f l lir(to
,. 1 i,, \thl H,\1) 1 ,(h',utn tl1,• l'-111-C H•1•11rnmr1Hli.thnt?\foulru1
ll1.J,, 1t \h l1t•r•l•·1-,·,l. f I rt rdui
.t~,., Or,l, • 1- f ,, 111t Ji,. (' •m•f' to t Ii(• nf111ni- of flu: C.n nlry, •Jth
H•~~, t,, H.111i l '.., h,,t11rn111 for r:11,1111'11!! tltr- ,luroua luu)go nn1l
titi1,r 1,l ,, f l 1l;nl11)
,, •t '' 11i On!N,. from lilt C -in-C. to U11• oflH'•'th hf the r.1\,1lry to 1::11h-
11:1f l lt1-t ,.f 1'1t••lllt- 111 tht II rer,mr•nf .. to tlH C11111( f 1 (Ur,Jn)

:~ l"
lid Jh' 11f Kh ,11 t,1 tit~ C' -rn-(' II l l l11 r,..pri-.1t1nnc;for rl'in-
fnr,•t 111c11ft>lw n c:uppl1, ii, tit-: ~•IIH \111 11 d t \\onl,I 1111th 1,c rc:1.1 h-
<''1fl1,• J'nglr•lt C11np 1 n•f,•r., l1l1 p1rf1P1tl 118 to t,lrn ,p\ sr>uf, f 1.
( U r,lu)
,, ,, 'l[)!} )Jl11l Jl 1kllf Kl1iin fo lltn (' -111-C \c;'kRfor t,he supply of a
"rrt.un 1111m'1or of hor<.erncn f 1 ~Pei )
I (JO Or,1,-.r .. from tl1t•C -m-C t-of h<•offi<'crs t.o r<'movo tho soldiers
" " w}1Q .tre rcsuhug 111 prl\,'llP i,hop.., f J (U11l11)
,, u 101 rl'lie C -111-Crnfo1m1, the omcm-. thnL he ]m.:; nppornted ShMI
Pnrhh~1<l,$idu1l,drt1 f I (U1du)
,, G )I hcl Bakl1t Klliin to t ho C -m-0
102 Will 1 el,cvr q :i.t the
trcnchc~ nt K1bh.1nganJ f 1 (Urdu)

,, " ,10:1-1 Tlte C -111-C m gee;f,ho II md 11c;n.nrl j\f us:ilnrnns to enrry the
lhdge by assault i 2 (Urdu)
1857 67-oontmuecl
&p. 0 !OS Order, from tho C ,n C to the offiaera to aftend a conferonoe
f 1 (Urdu)
>) 7 4-00 Ml)d Balgjt !Qidn to the C m C Urge, the neoMttty of 1mme
dmtely rehevmg soldiers f 1 (Urdu)
(07 Ml)<l Ba'g)t Kh~nto the C m C Reeommeidi that remforee-
mente be sent to KuhanganJ f J (Urdu)
408 hll;,d Shaff to the C m-C ObJeot. to Qhafi6r Khtn'• tahnl:'
away men :from h .. (wnter'•) regiment under the prete:rl of gomg
to Farruklu,.bad for oolleotmg l!ll!phnr £. 1 (Urdu)
40g Ml;,~"'aldlt Khan to the (, 1n C U rgei the nece,,s,ty of r&-
hnm~ the oo'iihers at onoo, or thay will lea•e the trenoheo. f l
,, u 410 Ml;,t! Bak!Jt KhAn to the C m-C Aobi tor the dehver) of "
toy gun 101r.edhy oertnw T,lug,u f 1 (Urdu)
~11 Ml;,d Bak!Jt [hAn to the C m C It 11 5 o'olool nn<l tho not yeL boon reheve<l f 1 (Urdu)
112 Mbt! B"k!it llJi~n to the C m-C Or<le111 from the offi,,,....
to send an orderly from each rug,menLto the Court of the Muhnee111
o.t the Laho,e Q.t. f I (Urdu}
413 The C 10-C dueot,, the offic,,ro at tho Colcntti. Oate and
Junma bndge to allow a J)aj'a't!Jr nn<l 12 ho~men to oometo Delhi
f 1 (Urdu)
8 ~ 14 Gen SnJhdrl Smgh to the O m C Aol:n0'1'1edget tho
receipt of h10par,caM41 f l (Urda)
115 10 Ordera from the C m C to !he oilioera to 1obm1t A l11t
of pe • •n.1 m their respeotm, oomP"nl86 and n rtntemcnt of wng.,.
reoe,ved by them f 2 (Urdu)
417 The C m C d1reo!othe officer, to go to Tilh'ylr Kh~nat the
trenoheo at Tehwnro.h. f I
418 The C m C mun• the officor, to bo on their gunrd II the
Enghoh are about to mo.ko a rauL f I (Urdu) •
41 D On!era fto[Jl C m-C to officer, lo Jlght mth u,i] aga,n,t
the Engluh f 1 (Urda)
,, J__J 420 1 Orde111from C 1n C to offi""1'1to md:e o. mid upon the
Engh1h 1n the d1rechon of Qu<l"1ynhTulfuf l (Urdu)
422 ,ruhmmnd FJ,z DnlJJ1bto C m-C ll111 aent -gunuen to
n " S1vohBarJ ""du-octed f. 1 (Urdu}
423 Sudbo.n Singh to the C 1u C }or wont of prov111on1 both men
an<l oa1maJ. ore ,nJ!enng b:ully so!J,on aro 11no.l,]eto go to fight,
provmon, 1honlt! be 10nt 1mmet!10tolyf 1 (Urdu)
421-t, Order• from the C In C to Of!ietr1 to make a raid upon the
,, " Eagluh on tho R,dge. f 2 (Urdn}
u ,. 426-7 Too Court mform1 tho offieMS th>t the Klllg (ll'OllllfN
.to rewnrd them, in ca,o they C1lrrJthe tn,ucl,o<,LT n... 1111,l!ld to lllp-
port thm 1Ur.mng h01N- r 2 (Seal of the Court) (Urdu)
~t"p 9 •1~$ Tltr f' -in-C. inf,\rlll~ th" nffi,-.l'r
...tltni hr hnq nppointcrl Kiilo fslJiin
'ltHl otl1N4 .~;,!,,.~!,i, ( '1fltlpo..,fe,lthem nf cltff..rcnt plm'l'~at Dcllu. f. 1.
( l' r1lu)
•1 ,, •t~n. The• C'ourf 111form1,.fhc 01l1N'1E: fh•\f tlic Kin~ promises to
rt ,rnnl flt,..m rn tni:0 th"' c11i, t'1(' fr0nchf'~ l,y n~.-:a.nlt,nncl to sap•

p,nf lh,·ir t:Ur\J\lll:.!' l1rir-- f 1 (!'--t•tlnf fhl' (-,0111t) (Urdu)

., 1.1n '\foh·L•111nndX:\\\iih Khrmto lh1• C -111-C.A~t._ fo1 the supply
of •1 C11mp1n: nf :--nvp••ri-n ucl ~lt11pl ~, !!llll> nmrnun1t1011and n ccrtam
number c,f ,•11u)w.. f 1 {!--t ,mpo,I p:l)ll'l) (l rdn)
u Vil•:J Thr Court rnform... fhl' ofli, t'r" thnf tl1c King promiscq to
rcw ml th1•rn, rn c..1-.i> f hr; l'nrry the t1l'11rlw~1,y nh1ult, nnd to snp-
pt1tt tlic,r .:::m,n in[!' lir11... f ., (~cnl of flw C(lurt) (Urdu)
JJ JJ ·131 OrclrN from the·(' -iu-C. to the Calcutta Gato to seo
thnf no <lrF0rforr-,rnr<'-t f 1 (l'rdu)
11 JI J.j~). Tlil' C -111-Cmform~ fhr• ,,Ohcrq flint f.ho Engliqh cn-
lrcnd1eil t lif'n,'-"h C'- 1,c.1rf-.1J.d1 Bm 1 nn<l Qwli;i3nh Jliigh, nskc,thorn to
oppt,cc thc J~ug-ltc;hif the Kn-.hm1r Gntc f 1. (Urtln)
,J:JG Ahm:i<l KJ1;111 to the(' •i11-C AFi~ for the qupply of rcinfotce-
" ments fo pnnn,h the En!!li-.h \\ ho ltn\'i~ plunclrrc<l c;c,cml Yilln~es nenr
Ghii1iilb uI nn·i rnf1'ntl fo p1l'\ c·nf "npplwc; frorn rcacl.imCJ'Delui. f I.
,, l'>i The Courliufornrn the Olli~erc;thn.i the Krng- promrnes to re-
" ward l11cm,rn u1c;c010, earn tho f r(lnchc~ by nssault, nnd to maiil-
farn their qun I\ mg- hcun f ] (Sc.1\of the Court) {Urdu)
,, 4:3S Order-; f1om the C -m-C nboni the relic\ mg of soldwrs. £ 1.
,, 130 Tl1c ConrL rnfo11nc, th£' Officc1sthat tlH• Kmg promises to ro-

" \\ nrd them, m case thC'ycnrry the t renclirs Ly nssault, and to suppo1 t
their sur,n mg- h~1ri:: f l (Ur<ln)
,, ,, 4 JO-] Th<' f1 -rn-C urge-. the OfHce1.:;fo oppose the English between
lfo 1d1sh1Klt:in 1h nnd Ka~hmil Gntc f. 2 (U1dn)
,, 412 Gami to tho C -rn-C. IfocloseR the diaft of n 11a1-
" toa11a!t nc, diteclc<l f' 1 (U1<l11)
,, ,t13-J. Procl 1malion issued hv the Cor:rt to officers, promising
rewards m ca-.c of vICtorr ·rnd mnmtennnce to their survivmg heirs.
f 2 (Seal of Com{,) (U1du)
,, ,, 443 r,fombe1s of the Court to the Krng Adv1qehim to encomage
the troops by promisrnp rewnrdc,rn case 0t victory, as the English in-
tend to attack Quds1yah Ilagh f 1. (U1du)
1+6 1\'[uhammad K_hii.nto the Kmg Will attack the
" }~nghsh from the duccfaon of K1shangnnJ and nsks the King to direct
:Mf17a 1vfugl!.nlto attack them simultaneously frc.m the d1reot1on of
Qnds1yah Bagh :f 1 (Pei ) _
H 44-7 Muhammad Bakbt Khan to the C -m-C Asks him to prevent
the English from entrenchmg themselves near Quds1yah Bagh. f, l,

1857 57--------oontmued
Sep 440 Gmm Shanknr to Ula San<lar al .A.b him to forn'llnl tl,e
enoloaed letter to the o!licen, of tho Ilare1lly C8mp f 1 (Urda)
., 449 Orders from the C m (, to the ofilaera to tnlrn pnrl ,o atbtel..
mg the EoghsL £ I (Urdu)
,, 10 4~U Ordora from the C lil C to olB"6111to at aclrthe Engh•h for
the Ka.hnur Gau, £ I (Urda)
451 1foQan11nadB,git KhAn to the C, ,n-C A•kt for the ropply
of CllJ tr1dge,, f I (Stamped paper) (Urdn)
,, 452 Ordora
from the C m C to ol!lcen to help theu- oomrndeo who
are fighting mth the llnghah at the K .. hmu, Gate. f l (Unla)
463 The C m C mforms the eflicera that be lut.o appomW H~m
&k!i1h Tiwan &nd others 8"'1aAdiirt and posted them at chfferent
qnart,,n, of DelhL f 1 (Urdu)
4H The C m-C wara1 the offioora that the Enghsh are expected
to make a ra,d. t 1 (Urdu)
46~-6 -The C m C a.eke the offioers to atl,u,lr the Englu,h from
the Ka•hnur Gate f 2 (Urdu)
461 (lnnrl Shanlw to Ula Snnditr LlL Sendo certruu par
,od•d• to l,u fon'larded to thrn re.pecttve de.t11mt10n., f 1 (Urda)
,, 468 T,11,'yAr!QiAn to tho C m C A•h for tho •apply of g,moy
bago hoo.r<loeto. f l (Urdu)
459 The C 111-Cwarn• the officer• that the Engh ■h are expected to
make & raid. f l {Urdu)
460 Mulutmmod DakhtKh~nto the C 1n-C C'ompl•m• thnt be i.
not onppl,ed mth nmmun,tron ail<, for tho rnpply of big gun., •nil
oooh... £. l {Stamped paper) (Per)
461 Tho C 10C olw'J:eo the Rmdu and Unmilman trool"' by oil
that they bold aaored to tight "'th senl •ga,mit the lfogh•h f 1
102 The C m-C ,rnrn ■ tbo officersthat the Engh■h 1ntond to m•lie
mid, on K1oh1nganJ nnd Qudi!.f'lh Dli:h, f I (UrJu)
405 The C m C e.,lot Mal)ammau D•kbt h.han to Albcl th~
Engh■b. f 1 (U rdnJ
404-fi The C in-C wnroo the officen thot the FnglU1b 1nttr11lto
make n ra1<l { 2 (Urdu)
400 The C 10 C n■ la the ofllcero to~ J)Ort1oularh wntcbfal bttWttr\
Cnlcuttn Onto nnd the mnJo,. of Fara,,K4a.. l r 1 (Urdn)
\\ 407 u The C ,n-C fean thnt the Engh,h may tnlcr Dcllu ul1
offiocr■ and ooi<lt<lr<
to fight with real. f 3 (Unlu)
HO Onloro front the Conrt to olllccr■ and men to opr,o,o the
Fngh,h who or. ll1"' loally a,lvano1Dl( £ 1 (Unla)
,, "
4, I SuJhln '-•nbh and llir.\ Singh to tb, C 1n-C Rdnt• tb•
oha11,e thnt they dtd not bell' 1M Sikh Jlegunent. I I (Ur,1")
1857 57-continned
Sep. Jl 472 The C -m-C 10£01 ms the officms that lrn has appomted Rukhi
Ram nnd others $1?baltdarsand poste<l them at vauous quarte1s of
Dehl, f 1._ (Urdu)
,, 473 'l'JJe C -m-C asks the offi<•ersof the Cavahy at Da1yaganJ, to
" send 30 ho1semen from then Regiment. f. l. (Urdu)
,, +74 The C -m-C. fears that the English may enter Delhi ; asks
" officers and soldiers to fight with 7e,t1 f. 1 (U1du)
,, 475 O1de1s from the C -m-C about rehevmg gua1ds at the Kashmir
" Gate f 1 (U1du)
476 The C -in-C. mf01m~ the offic0rs that he h3s appomted Sukh1
" " R.-1mand others $iinbaTtd[us and r,osted them at various quarters of
Delhi f, l (Urdu)
' ,, 47 7 Sudha.11 Srngh and Hirn Smgb to the C -m-C Suggest that no
"- soldier be allowed to go out of Delhi without e.x:press 01de1~ from the
Kmg and that soldie1s lmking m Dell.ii be sent to the trenches. f. 1
,, 478 Sudhar1 Singh and H11aSmgh to the C.-rn-C Complam that
" th01r petitions for the supply of proV1s10nsare not heeded. f 1.
479 Shamshei Pande, $iibahrlar, to the Brigade Major. Suggests
" that persons gomg out of and commg 111to Dehh be searched. f. I.
,, 12 4~0. Sudhau Smgh and Hira Smgh to the C.-in-C. Ask for the
- supply of prov1S1ons f 1 (Urdu)
,, 481 Gauri Shankar Sukul to the C -m ..C Suggests that soldiers
" , appomted to maintam 01<lerm the quarter of bankers be removed and
sent to fight f 1 (U I du)
,, 482 Gann Shankar Sukul to the C -m-C. Acknowledges the
receipt of his pal wiinah f 1 (Urdu)
,, 483 Sudba1i Smgh and Hi1aSmgh to the C -m-C Suggest that a
" proclamation be issued tbctt any one brrngmg the he,1,d of an English
officer will be 1ewarded f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 484 Orders f1om the C -m-C to olEoers to attack the English from
the Kashmir Gat,e £ 1 (Urdu)
485 Muhammad Faiz Bakhsb to the C.-m-C Cannot supply a bat-
" " talion of troops as directed,' all available men have been sent to the
tl'enohes f 1 (Urdu)
486 Orders from 1'1:nzaZabiru'd-:Din to officers to tako up arms _
" " as the English are about to make a raid f 1 (Urdu)
487 Tah'ya1 ~han to the C -in-C. Asks that the guards at the
" " Lahore Gate may be dne< tcd to open its window f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 488 The Court of Mutmeers approved of the proposal of the
" Bugade l\'.faJor concernmg the con'ltrnl t10n of a bridge :f ] (Urdu)
,; ',, ,.t89 The Con.rt of 1'vfutmeersdirectq the Brigade MaJOr to strength-
.en {he gmud at tb<' Kashmir Op,te f 1 (Urdu)

1867 57-oominued
Bep 12 490 0rde1'8 from the C ID C~to Ganr, Shnnlrar to oond unmediate
remforcementa to the Ka.ehmll'Chte f 1 (Urdu)
,, 401-3 Orders from the C ID C to offieel"l to attMI.. the Englab
from Iba Kaahrrur G..te. f l:l (Urdu)
,, ,, 49 ! T,\b.'yll.rK,h§.nto the C 1n C A.b that the ooldim 1\ S,yt.b
Bu.rJ may be relurved f 1 (Urdu)
, 405 The C rn-C informe the officer,,that he hM appomted DurgopAl
Smgb and others /:i•baldar, and po,ted them at vanOUI plaOOIat Delhi.
f. 1 (Urdu)
498 Orden, from the C ID C to offioan, to Oppooe the Eng~b at
the Ka,,hmu Gate f 1 (Urdu)
497 The C ID C ask• the officers to subD1Jtthe attendance reguler
of eold,ers •t the trench~ f 1 (U rdn)
13 498-9 The C m-C 1Dfonne the officers that he haoappointed Dnrga
Parsh&d and othero !JwbaU<U"1and posted them at nnon• placea at
Dellu. f £ (Urdu)
500 Muhammad Bald!t Kh~n to the C m-C AolJifor the rnpplv
of aD1JDnmtioufor big gone f 1 (Urdu)
" 601 Orders from the C m-C to Gann Bhnnkarto llmd remforcement.
to Ba~,h /:,Jia•aA f 1 (Urdu)
602 3 Orders from the C m-C to officero to Of.)>0<!0tbe EngU.b ,rho
are to male a raid at oleveu o'clock that dny f. 2 (Urdn)
,, 604 Ti\liyfir Kh~n to the C m C Reoommonw, that ShaikhA~IIlA<l
!Jft.balalar,bi>nl[oi,ed to eubm1t hie npphcahon pcnonally f 1 (Per)
, [i06 Um\ Smgh to the C m-0 Pomt. ont that the prcoencoof the
C m C ID the fort 11 abso\uto\y noc=ry nt prc=L t 1 (Unln)
500 The C m-C to the officerB. Inform• them that DnrgA Panhld
' Dubonml other,, hn~e been •ppomted f$•/,,,1r/ar, f l (Unln)
607 -Sn1y11l IImdor IInoam Kh&n to Gann Shnnru D,reet, !um
topro~ent the Engh1h from Ol'OSHlng the mcr at Wu:mhad Gbnt
f. l (Urdu)
608 Gnnrl Shnnkar to Lam 1awu\.o.1'oth Aokahim to rnbm,t a
.tatcment of the Ja•a'dar, llalClildar,, etc., m e..h regiment. t I
~00 An officer to the C in O Will app<unt guardJ ~tween the
Ka.bmir Gate and the J.[bnGate f I (Urdu)
610 An officer to the Kmg A1b that 1,[ulp.mmad Il,hl)t Kh1t1
msy ho directed not to 10\crfere 1n L11 a!uur f I (Pe,)
till Ilir Smgh to the King R~nc,ts that the Gniaro ma1 ho
d1rtctcd to n-1~ l,11 oomrndeo drlamcd by them nt )[nnda,,-h. l l
612 Chorg,o broacht ag,u111t ~lalp.mmad D,kl)t Khln) l l

1857 57'-cont h1ua<l

613. G.mgfi Singh to the C -m-C ..\~1.s for p1omotion, £. 1.
-- 6l•J.. Gnmi Shn11kn1to S11n<l.1r
the parrrii11a!tcnC'loc;cd.f. 1. (l7'1<lu)
Liil. A~ks lmn to se,11 nnd retm.Q

{Jl:i. Informnltnn gl\ en to the .11my that nnclc1Hoyal 01dcrs P1ince

1'Iul,inmmn<l,.\;im ha!>been .1pporntctlC -in-C. f. I. (U1<lu)
5lti I n..,t1 uction....f 1l)Jl\ the C -m-C. to check the num bci of the
men hcfo1c thcu going lo nml aflci 1dmnmg £10111 tho battle-fielcl. f. J.
u17. L~1lii;\nmhmal 1::. nskctl io snpply one qnuo of white pnpc1,
f. 1 ( l':'1dn)
;;1S. L1-;tof clha!Jled ho1::,es\\ ith nnmcs of then· owno1s nnd other
pn1ltcul,11~f 1. (UHln)
tin. :i'\fcmbc1"of the Co111t, to the C.-rn-C. Asks for the 10Icasc of
Jalamnl, n hanker. f. l (U1clu)
520 ?\Iuh.unmnd B.1kht Kb:in to tho C -m-C Asks that tho stnte-
mcnb mac1cby 1Iab1bnl-lah autl Q-tim ~\Ii Kh:i.n mny be accepted. f. 1.
:rnJ.l\Iuhnmmnd llakJ1t Kh1into the Kmg "\V1IIattack the Enghsh
the next dny. £. l. (V1<lu)
522. j\fohnmmnrl J3nkht l01,111to the C -m-C. Asks that the mem-
bers of the Comt m.ty Le cluectc<lto attend a confeience £. 1. (Per)
523 :i\Tuhammnd Bnkht [(hJn to the C -m-C. Will see him the
nc,t <lay f 1 (Ur<lu)
52-1 J\fuhnmmad Sa1fa1ii.z ~\.Ii 1.o l\fnlrnmmad Dald1t Khiin Asks
10ns and tents to Ahpo1e. £ 1. (U1du)
1nm to '>endpron ....
525. :M1<;ccllancous1tems of acc'ount!: -ch,nges £01b1mgmg tl:easme;
payments made to ca1te1s, puce of locks pmchased, etc. f 1 (Urdu)
52G 01clers fiom the C -m-C to the oillce1s to send one senior
office1 £i7om each 1eg1mcnt to the Laho1c Gate £. 1. (U1clu)
527-8. 01dc1s fiorn the C -m-C to the office1s to see that theh men
do not plunder the shops of the city f 2. (U1du) -
529-34 _ 01de1s fiom the C -m-C. to the officers to keep thell' men
ready fo1 ieview. foll 6. (U1du)
535 01ders nom the C.-m-C. to the office1s to oppose the English
at the Knsbmn Gate £. 1 (U1du)
536 01de1s nom the C- m-C. to the office1s to fight agamst the
English with courage and zeal as they aie now bomba1dmg S1yah ,I3urj.
f. 1. (U1du)
537 01de1s nom the C -m-C. conce1nmg the d1spos1t10n of the
regiment of the Volunteers £ 1. (Pe1.)
538 01cle1s from the C -m-C. to the office1s to attack the Jnghah
from the Kashmu Gate, f. 1. (Urdu)

1867 57-oqntmued
539-41 Papen, relatmg- to the "3tabluihment of the Court of the
Mutrnoora ancl ,ta rules and regulation-. f 3 (Urdu)
M2 Petition of Nawab Amh .l\1,Kh1nto the C m C a.olong for
proVlBloru,for !us men f 1 (Urdu)
543 Procl.a.roabon uoued by the C m-C to the people of the
mty warnwg them agauu,t oounterfe,tmg "°!:'" f. 1 (Urdu)
5H Saiyul Khamt All to Saiy1d hlubi!rak l\L. Ao!..efor the BUpply
of a certain number of water camera. f 1 (Per)
546 Statement of promot.wne given to the officere m the anny f 1
(Urdu) _
546-7 The C m-C rureote e,oh officer to onhm,t a reg,•ter of men
under h,m to the Court of the Mutmeera. f 2 {Urtln)
548 The C m-C sends certam p&pani to the oflleen for their m
formation f l (Urdu)
MU The C 1n-C aokathe officera to attack the English from the
Aimer Gate f. I {Urdn)
650 The C 1n C am the officer. to attend a conferenro at the
Lahore Gato f 1 (Urdn)
551 02 The C m-C' urgeo the offil'tl1'11 and ooldiel"IIto oop!Unl tho
Ridge , all that they get WIilbe thmr priw f. 12 lU rcln)
563 The C m-C dueote an officer to be ready for action nerl day
f 1 (Urdu)
564 The C m C mfonn• the olhron, thoi thoeo who aro w,lhng
to fight ebonlcl attend • conference to be helcl ai tho Na,iraLad Caunp
f l {Urdn)
605 The C in C d.treots tho offi<Cnl to ,ngn tho Roynl Orclcro
concerning the prote,hon ol tbe bou,e of llnl,m ,rn!J•mm«I ,\h .. n
n!lab 1<.J,tn f 1 {lircln)
600 The C 1n-C aeke the Mutmeo111to fight the Enbl11h mlh
senl f 1 (Urdu)
507 Tho C m-C m!,cstLeofllro,.. to rdno,o tho ]os, tLoy •uffcrecl
rn the pr "'<IOUII cl•r'• cngngumcnt ,nth the Fni:J11h f I (Urdu)
608 The C in-C oen<l, corta,n p,pcni to the uiOcan< for their in
formotion. f 1 (Urcln)
660 The C m-C mfonn••'tho officeT!Ithat he Lao apeJntrd
Dnrgof"l Singh nnd otheto fiw/,aldJr, and posteclthem at d,rrcrmt
placeo m tho city f 1 (Urdu)
670 The C 1n C urg<>sthe officen, lo mak• a nlgl,t •tl•ol: upon
tho Engh h f 1 (Urclu)
671 'TheC in-C Ilrt:"' tho officer, to att.arl the Eng!J•h on tho
Ridge f 1 (Urclu)
____ fi72 'The King d1=t. the l 1n C to ,nue ctrl.iun l"r.-a,oA,
under h15own ooal to tho officer,of tho c:onlrj C 1 (Ptt}
1857 57 -ooncluded
:i7!) 'l'hc Kmg d11c1•fqf.hc Cond, fo pi event "ol<lrcrs nnd clcp11ant
tlrneri- from det-tro,mg the JloJnl and pJJ\'11teganlcrn, f 1. (Per)
-- - :); L 'l'hc \V.1r Cotllll'll n~ks tho lliiga<lc-:Mn101to Lo on ]us guard
ngn1m:t,nn English nttnek. f 1. {U1du) ·
1857 58
:i\l~ foll. 22!J V,111011c; si,cF. (Pn.)
l\Iny ]:-i-1-It; L11-tof oflic-CI~nncl nw11rc.,.1111tecl L) i\fnhd :Murtn1.:i Khan
2n f. :JI
l\f.1.y 15- ] i-21 L,..,f of LiaoSepo) 1:, w1lh .1 i;l.1lcmc11t of thoa wngcs i 8
Ano· 0
:i\fay ] J- 25-h 1,ncni 11[ \\agei:, d1bL11bnlo<lto Lltc Sor,oy,e, r IGn
.Jnn ] 1- (jjJI llecc1pt::iuf p IJ mcnt-1 mntfo to Jlnbni11 Khan nnd othe1s.
15 f 3
Jun 1·1- 70-j P,l) hhcei-. of the ScpO)S u11tlcr :Mnlul l\Imtnzfi. Khan f. 6
Aug 11
Aug. 12- 7U HnkhF:h to the Kmg-. Pui)" that he ma3 Lo .1.llo"ed
compcnsat 10n for t hl· plunder 11£)11:, pt opctt y hv tho soldiers £. 1
Sep 3- 77 >lnhd JbkhQh 'Ali to the C.-m-C AEks for a passpo1t fo1
h1s fa m1ly left nt J ha n,:;1 f ]
78 List of articles rn ohnigo of 1'In1a,l 'Ali f 1
1857 59
irs .:-011350 vn1 ·0113 s11ec,
I\far. 28- 1~4u Statements of C\pend1ture on aeconnt of the artillery under
Jul. 27 C,,1,t ~Iommu'cl IInidnr Tlni:nm f lj.6 tPer)
J\Iay 21- 47-154. Receipts of payments made to J[,11oaldii1Sheo Bakh'lh and
Aug 29 otliers f. 109 (Pei )

j\fay 22- 15J-G3 Statements of daily w,tges of Sepoys f 9 (Pei )

May 28- 104-00 Stn.tcments·of snnd__ry
,Ai my expeusec:, f 28 (Per.)
Aug 9 .,,
, May 29- 191 i1uhd Suhrii.b to tLe C -rn-C A"ks for the payment of wages
of 1'iunsh1 Unniio Ah f 1 (Per)
,, 30 192 The C -rn-C to :Mir Hmdar Husam Khan Dnects J,,m to send
the Ai t1llery tl10rough1y eqmpped f 1 (Pe1 )
,, 31 193 Sa1y1d IlJ.111 Bakhsb, Gunner, to the C -rn-C. Prays for

promot10n f 1 (Per )
Jun 2 194. Shaikh RaJab 'Alt, J ama'dar of the Magazme, b 1be C.-m C
Requests the supply of cases for guns £ 1 (Pei )
,, 5 195 Statement of the expenditure £or the up-keep of the horRes
bclongrng to the artillery unde1 ~Iomrnu'<l Daulah Ha, Husam
' IDian £ J (Per)
2 , 196 f'ha1kh Islam, $ubahcla.1,and 'Al Bak:hsh, Cattle Inspect0r,
to the K1, g Ask for the paJ ment of tbeL s<1la11eh f 1 (Per) '

1857 59-oon(mued
Jun ll- 197 9 Memoranda of food alloWZ1nceo g,ven to lhe men under
Jui 9 Bhnikb Islam, 6ilbddar, and 'Ah .B•kh•b, IJar3!1l,.a f S. (Per)
;Jon 4 200 Raiab 'All, l aJAa'ddr,aolmowledgeo tbo receipt of gunny bog•
f I (Per)
Ii 201 The C m C to tLe oflioe:niat the Magume Direct. them to
give to Bhola., Harkara~, 6 bundles of pack !hrend i 1 (Per)
" 6 202 RAJ~b Ah, la111a'dar,llOknowledges the reooipt of gunnv bog•
i 1 (l-er)
,, 7 203 The C 1n-C to the Am11ery Impeotor D,reot.s h,m lo trnnrfer
oerlrun gnnnore from the )Aimer (hte to the Turl.:omon Gote f 1
" 8 201- Muu :Mnl;id Kh•fr Sultan ncknowlcdgce the =ipt of 0
=non bulls. i 1 (Per)
9 205 The C m-C direct. Ruph .llli, Ar1.i1leryln"P"<llor, to een<llwo
gnlll' i l (Per)
208 Doulat Smgh Jla,.aldar to tho C m C Send• n Dlllll who
trespo.,,e<l mto the Artmery compound f 1 (Per)
,, 10 2U7 DcbAn Smgh to the C in C Provo for promotion f 1
208 The C 10 C to the offioeront the Delhi, Dll'CCt.them to
" 11 eend eomo guns. f 1 (Per)
209 IlnJab 'All to the C m C Sn81!""te thnt TAa•adar, mny L-0
<lr<otcd to l! f 1 (Per)
11! 210 IlaJnb Al! reqncete tho ,apply of 1 000 gunny hng, f l (Per J
,, 17 27 211 12 Stntement. of WAges of men worlong 10 the Arllllcry
f 2 (Per)
,, 17 213 The C m-C to Mir &J•b 'All Direct. him to keep ruppllCI
fodho Army tto.dy f l (Per)
,, ,, 21-1--Reoc,pt of n p1yment made to Mohd Dn'tllsb f l (Per)
,, 10 21a The King to the Kolw,al nod dtfiettnt Tlu•••art Dm'<'h
them to 5"" that QAmn Al! Khan, lute n Tla•arlar ,. not blolcsteJ
f 1 (Per)
,, 20 210 Li,t of blen 1n the an:uhnry Arl,1!er, ~mcnt f 1
,. 2£ 217 Tha C ID C to Ndmn Snl.-ul l,HaUJr Direcl• Lim lo tnl:e
f<lrl ID the next dn(• ~f')illhon tbongh his rcg1mcat ls rot
oufficlentlr eqwpped. L (Urdu)
:n~ The C-m C lo offi,m, of the :1--lllltmtilldArtnkir Dirt'<'II
,, " them to oc:-comptu1,:rnn cxpeJ.1tionto Ahporc f l (Urtln)
., 24 210 llnJnb ,\11and Sadbdri LAI to the C In C Ao" for the 1111"•'"'
o[rulrLar s:iltpc!re et , [rom tbc ,tor-.. to the gunpc..-d<r factory
nt Churip:1ra L 1 (Per)
~a 2°0 Sh•l!ili I,ldm $,laliJJr, nod others to the C 1n C P111Tfor
" lbe contmu:>nC"o( Jolly allow•nc"f to Uicm. f 1 (l'cr)
1857 59-contiuuell
221. H u~nin Khan to tho C.-in-C llcp01ts f.hc <lcnth or
2 gun-
ners nud ,1"-k'ifor then burial oxpcnesc., f. I (U1du)
,, ,, 222. J,lnfain Khiin 1cqucsis payment, of wngcs. f l (U1<lu)
28 223 Riml Sahf1y Singh and others to the C -rn-C Suggest that 01de1
" may be 1seucd 1estrictmg the supply of ::nnmumtion to Sepoys f. 1.

2n 22-1- J3hnw:l01Din, gunner, to the Krng. Piays for the release of
" ccrtam pcisons f. 1. (Per)
,, 223 Bill of cost of prov1s1onsfor bullocks. f. 1 (Pci )
.Tul. 1 22G R,1Jn.h'Ali to the C.-m-C. Requests supply of mnter1,1Isthat
nI lllll i:.ho1t 111 the 'lg'UZ lUC f 1 (Per.)
., ..,
227 Hn.1,lb 'Ali to the C -m-C Requests ,t supply of gunpowder
f I. (l'c1 }
n ) 22S Shn.1kbIslJm n.utl Bha.wiim Dm to tho C -m-C P1,1yfor ihe
pa, ment of \\ nges acco1Jmg to the gcne1al rntc f 1 (PCI )
,, 229 HnJnb J\li to the C -m-C Rcpo1ts that he has only one gun
in stock f 1 (Per )
(Ve1s0 : Urn C -m-C. dnccts Rn.p,b J\li to supply cei tain articles t6
the officers at S1yah BmJ )
,, 7 230. The C -m-C to RnJab }\li D,iects 1nm to send a dooly to the
Ccmmander of the 71st Regt f. 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 2.31 Slmnk:11Pii.ucle and othc1s to the C.-m-C Ask fo1 tho sup-
ply of n lrght gun, a hammer an<l 200 coolies f. 1. (Urdu)
2-32 RaJab .'A.Iito Luht J awalanuth Recommends that 3 days'
" wages be paid to Rnhmat Khan and his men f l (U1du)
s -= 233 B1biin Lal to Lala J awalanuth Asks £or the payment of a
" bill f. 1. (Pei.)
f) 234 List of allowances pa1d to gunners £ 1 (Per )
"- ]0 235 J awalJ.naih to Lala Khrtb Lal. Requests ~1m to pay a sum to
" the A1t1l1ery. f. 1 (Per)
236 Statement of cha1ges of the Artillery from Na.r:nrabad f I
" " (Per)
,, 237 Muhd 'Aiim to the C-m-C. Asks fora supply ofammumtwn.
" £. 1 (Urdu)
J) 12 • 238. Bill of cost _of trumpots pmobased £ I (Pei )
,, ]3 239. Statement of wages paid to gunners ar11ved from J,upur.
f. 1. (Per)
,, ,, 240 Statement of allowance granted to the wounded f. 1. (Per.)
,, ,, 241 Dtlasfi Ram to the C -rn.-C Asks £o1payment of the auears
of ,vages of gunners £. L (Urdu) "
,, 242 Statement of expenses on account of the Artillery air1ved
" from Nas1rabad. £ 1. (Per.)
1857 59----conlin~d
Jn! 14 248 {a) The C ID C to JahAngir lOIAu, Captarn [ of the Artillery
arriv.,J from. GWBhor J Asb him to remove from Ju, pretent
{h) Jah~ngtr KbAnto the C ID C Pn>.yato L,, •=himo<lnted
el•ewhere. f I (Urdu)
18 244 Ganga Smgh Jfa,caldar, to tho C m C Asl.ofor a rnpply of
oartndgeo and peroneion capo f l (Ur<lu)
19 ll46 6 Statement.I of wage, P"ld to gunneri. f 2 {Pel-)
20 247 Statement of the allowano<l pnul to a wounded gunner
f 1 (Per)
1\48 The C -in-C to an officer D~ h,m lo oeo that l\.glmu d
DBuluh •• rn no way mol"'1te<l by the wW,ero rrho hBre taken np the1r
quartet. nc<&rh1• reo1dence f 1 1Por)
21a IU:n PauhAd to the C rn-C TI, that certatn nrttolOJ
rtqmrcd for the •m1Lhe1y may be onpphed. f 1 (Urda)
260 Sa<lrn d Dlu Ahmad to the C m C A.oktfor the P"Jment of
wngeo of peroon• employeJ Ill the TJa,u, f 1 (Por)
26 l Liot of \\ ater carriers f 1 {Por )
2o2 Liot of rnndry d1Bhunemenbi f. 1 (Per)
268 Acoount of expen"""of bmldrng a bndge. f 1 {Per)
23 264 Expe~ monrred m the banal of Ptr Dnhh,h, gunner
f l (Per)
24 266 The C 1n G to Lala Dehl PatohM J11root. bun to tend wme
and oh•rcooal to the gunpowder factory f 1 {Urdu)
2~6 Raiab 'Ah to the C m-C Sabnuto nn e"1.mate of OXJl'll..,.
for making 600 maand, of gunpowder f 1 (Per)
25 257 l\bb!a Rnanm to the C 1n-C Rcqneot1 !>11 1mmedu,te mpply
of gunpowder f 1 (Per)
26 268 Ltrl of mgred1ent. nco<•nnrJ for nu,lmg bomb<. f l {Per)
269 Rntnn Singh to the C m-C Pn.n that ho moy he plD.ffil
m oluu-ge of the Artillery f J {Urdu.)
200 The C 1n C lo fuJoh j\l, Direct. h,m lo a,l the J;Mrd, al
" the Aimer Gnte to p:,n m two cnrt, mtb Atriara,, f. I (Urda)
201 Stat..ment of ll>ponftO of the hnnnl of Mohd libin, gunner
£ l (Per)
Joi 20 202 The C 1D-C to tho ooenp1el'IIof tho hoo•n Lelongin,:- lo Jl10:,n
l\li Kl,!n Direct.I thMO to nrnto tho hon■e to tn4lco l'()Omfor •
guupamier factory f 1 (UrdnJ
Aag 8 203 DrbArl Ir1I to ]Ala Jarr!lantth. .A,h for the l"'rmrnl of bJC
rrnge. f l (Per )
20 I 'l'b• C 1n C to \lomrnn',1 D,nloh <lruy1,lllaHlor lln01n hli\n
1 " 1n d m rrn 1t nn t f11e H• w1IIJL4mp
1857 59-contiu1tecl
Aug. !) 26.'.>.'rhc C -m-C. to l\'.Iommu'd Da.ulah Saiy1d Husarn Klliin, Captam
01 the Art1lle1y. Directs him to ...end eomo cases for covc1Ing guns
nt the trenches at Qudc:rnh Engh f. 1. (Urdu)
10 266 The C -m-C to l\'.Iommu'd<l Dnulnh Saiyicl Husam ,Khan,
" Capt,1m to the A1hllery Dnectc:;him to oicler tho artillery from Nasira-
bad to accompany the e)..ped1t1onto K1shanganJ f 1 (U rga)
,, ,, 267 l\fommu'd Daulah Sa1y1d Ilaidar Husam Khan to Officers
of the 1\ 1 bllery Direrts them: to be obedient to their Commander
f 1 (G1clu)
13 2GS Muhd Bnkltt, Kl1fin to l\ltrn, Znh1ru'd-Din HPcommends that a
" tent he g1veu to the gunnc1..,.1t Snlimg:nh f 1 {UI<1u)
,, ,, 2hU n:un Clrnt.111,gunner, to the C -rn-C Recommends that leave
be g1,1I1tcd to men of b1., Compan) f J~ (U1du)
270 The C -m-C 1o o01ce1sof the arfallery f1om Jhaus1 D1rects them
" " to reheve the 111en:it the 1renchec; nt K1c;lmnganJ f 1 (U1du)
,, 15 271 '1.1he C -m-C to Hazdar Huc:arn Duects lmn to send a gun to
K1shang:1nJ f ] (U1du)
113 272 The C -m C to officers of the Nas1rabad A1tillerv D1rects them
" to once 2 guns to K1shangauJ f 1, (U1<lu)
,, ,, 273 RaJn.b Ah to the C -m-C Asks for the supply of arnmurution
and other thmgs £ 1 (Urdu)
274 Nanu Sukul, $iiualulii1, Nac:inabad A1fa1le1y, to the C -m-C.
" " Recommends that a 1lf1tnslti be appomted £o1the Artillery f I.
,, ,, 275 RaJab ½h to th0 C -in C Asks fo1 the supply of powder for
preparmg tartndges f I (Urdu)
,, 276 Gen_ Sudhari Smgh to the C -m-C Asks for a 1a1ge supply ·
" - of cartudges f 1 (U1du)
,, 17 277 RaJab ~h to the C -m-C Requests that the officers of the
:rviagazme may be directed to comply with the reqmc:;1faons that
are made by artisans f I (Per )
,, ,, 2 78 Daulatu'n N1sa, widow of lbr.1h1m Beg, to the King Prays
:fo1tne grant of a pension f 1 (Urdu)
279 The C -m-C to Artillery Officers Asks them to 1:,endout some
" " men fiom thell' regiments to it t as pat1ols at mgbt (Verso Co]
'U mar Khan complams that his men ha, e not yet been relieved m the
trenches) f I (Urdu)
,, 18 280 Gauri Shankar Sukul to Jawalanath Asks hrm to send some
papers to the Kashmir Gate f I (Urdu)
,, 19 281 RaJab ~ h to the C -m-C Requests to be supplied with some
nini timber, bamooo and 01p1ment f 1 (Per)
262 Mir N1yaz ~ h to the C -m-C Reque&ts to he supplied with
" " certam artJ.cles requned for the Royal Elephant-shed f 1 (Urdu)
283 Dost Muhammad, J amclclar of gunpowder factory, to the
) " C -m-O Asks for the payment of wag~s of men wo1kmg m the
faotory £ l (Pei )
42 MiJTnIT

186? '59--co11tm11ed
Aog iO 284 Il1Mrl Srngh, .Talll.a'd,r of Arttllery at the AJmer Onto to
the C 1n-C Request. the payment of wagt1 to !us men. f 1
,, !ii% .!la,llll, Ah to the C 11;. C Aa!.a for the 1nppl1 of 600
maunde of dried cow-dong f 1 (Ur<lo)
286 Gaur, Shanhr Snlml to the C tn C Report. that ""rfiun
officer, of the N amrabadArtillery have reftued to =y out the onlora
mued to them f. I (Urtln)
Z1 287 The C m-C to Mom1nn'd Don!Jlh Sa,yid Ilntdnr J.Io.1:nn
Dtrec!J him to wn<l guru, lo the Kuhmtr Gate. f 1 (Urilu)
" P 28S Ra:,ob 1\h to the O 10-C Roqoe■11 inrtrnchon• al,oot
replactng ce,trun guno at the Mori Gate £.1 (Urdu)
2t 289 Do,t '.ll~nmtllM to the C m-C Reqoe,fg n gn,nt of
Ro 1,000 for the purchase of snltpetre f 1, (Per)
23 200 Raiab 'Ah (o the C Ill C Pmy~ for tho 1npply cf l0.1d,nnJ
~ueou thot tMtrnohoDB llUl" be wued to the offieer, of the \!a.,,...,,me
for the maktng of cannon b,ills. f I (Per)
201 Rlliah Ah to the C m-C Repo1t, thnt pcrooHion ""I"'101 o
run abort. f I (1Jrdo)
., U 202 The C m-C to Rai•h 'Alt. Dirocla him to comph· mtb the
reqnL.11t10ns m,do by Sbco R:lm $ibddar £. I (Unlo)
, 203 The C u, G. to officcraaf tho Nnll!'nb.odArlillery Tboy ore to
Bl1'1ngeto reh"'e the men tn the trcncheo at K11hnngnnJ f I (U'llo)
,, ., l!V+ The C 2r,,C lo oillcen of tbo gn,,rd at tLe Mog:mnc TL"J' •re
to tend iOm.o wo,tlen p!Aul.• to tbotr'Uob.,. At Uom1rpar f 1 (Urda)
,, £05 Nina Sokul S•~Adar to the Krng AJb for the rupply of
horoo1 f I (Urda)
'1.6 206 [C 1n C] to RaJ•h 'AIL .At:b him lo ,end ommomt,on to
Slyah Burj and Tu.IBurJ f 1 (Urda)
207 •Abl,u HltSllln aoblll.lts the Jop<lli!ioo of l\ uir Dunonl to
the Conrt of the ;\[otinetr. nB d~rcd by '\lol)d (lbnu• f I (Urda)
., 28 £08. The C..-,n-C to Moonnu'<lDonl:ili ~{a1dnr llUMlo Khl.nD1nJ<tJ
bun to 1!11pp1'1' gun• to the Z..1machG:unp f I (Per)
,, '1.0 20~ NA ,u Sob\, $•/xiUar, to the C Ill C lh:otomendt tbot
Chbcd,y-, mu.bern10n,ho released f I (Urdu)
300 Tbo C m·C to lhl l..olr•l D1n,ct.1bun to rulcJ,c CuhcJ1ya,
lfllOuerman f 1 (Urdo)
4 301 Uam Singh $•b,Adil.r, to Iha Kin;:- Rcquc<t, !hot •=•i;e,
ma11t•DUJ he m,i<lofor the ll>lppl.rof aomc gun• ta blm f I (Unla)
30~ Uwn S1n~h, Sabo!dar to !ho C ln-C A,h for a i;nnl of
manor lo rurch•"" nfoJ,ler for nrttllon- bor.,:, f L (Urdn)
,. ,, '!03 l ,en 51nbb, Sola~d,1r, to the ll,c1ac,11-tht ,arr I/ of
!odder !. L (UrdaJ

,1857 59-continitecl.

Sep. 4 304 The C-m-C. to :i\1on11nu'dDaulah San1d Ilm<lur Husam Kl1an.

Directs h1m to kcop n. few guns 1eady to accompanr the cavalry regi-
ment ordm cd to Tug1laqalmd. (Verso 'J.lheaddrcs&"e1 eport s that the
artillery f1om Nns1raLnd has been sent to Ghazmba<l) f 1. (U1du)
,, -1-11 30:i-O. List of reqms1hons supplied from the 1'1agazine. £ 5, (Per)
,, G 310. }.fa.<lar Bakhsh to the C.-m-C Prays £or employment f IT
~~ p

,, ,, 31]. The C.-m-C to R,1,j.ib'Ah} Supdt of the J1agazme. D1rects

lum to send 4 bullock-rarts to the Kotwiili (V 0100 Tho addies-:,ce
ieports tb,1t bullock carts are not a, n1lable.) f. I (U r<lu)
8 312. A1my officers to the C.-m-C Request that ariangements may
" be made for the supply of gunpowder. f I. (U r<ln)
,, ,, 313. The C.-m-C to office1s of the 1'fagazmc Dnects tliem to give to -
tltc S1pre1s and 1'1:meis a maund of charcoal -and a few pieces of wood
for m..,kmg butts of muskets f l (Urdu)
,, ,, 314 Dost 1':I:uhammad, Hawiildiir, to the C,-rn-C Asks for the
payment of wages to the men workmg m the gunpowde1 facto1y f ].
(D r<lu)
,, 9 315. The C -m-C. to Sudhari Smgh Directs hun to se11'1a few guns
to S1yah BmJ f. 1. (Urdu)
,, 10 316 The C -rn-C to RaJab 'Ah. Asks for the return of the pistols
- that were given to him £or iepair f 1, (Urdu)
,, ,, 317. RaJab 'Ah acknowledges the iece1pt of ce1tam oilers from
the C -m-C f. I (Urdu) ,
1'2 318. The C -in-C to l\iommu'd Danlah Sa1yid ~a1clar f,Inc;am Directs
" hrm to supply Zahm Smgh with a gun and ammumt10n (Ve1so . the
addressee has no guns m stock.) f I (Urdu)
,, ,, 319 Sudhari Lal to the c ... in-C Requests that auangements may
be made for the supply to him of some bullock carts f I (Urdu)
,, 320. The C.-m-C. to RaJab 'Ah Directs him to submit c1 hst of mus-
" kets in his charge (Verso The addressee submits the hst called for )
f l. (Urdu)
,, , 321. The C.-m-C to Ra1dar H usam Dnects him to f:.upply the
" reqms1hons made by Fazl Ahmad Khan f. ] (U1du)
,, 13 322 l,Iusam Bakhsh to the C -in-0 Asks for a supply of caitridges.
f. l (Per) -
. ,,

,, 323 Gaur1 Shankar to Sa1y1d f,Iusam. Requeists him to report the

number of cartridges m stock. f. l (Urdu)
,, 14 32+ The C -rn-C to Artillery officers Directs them to send a gun to
Goridiwah, f 1 (Urdu)
325. The C.-m-C to Ra.1ab 'Ali Dneds him to supply to lhna
Bawalda1 certam matenais frt>m the magazine £ I. (Uidu)

-- 326. List of equipments for artillery horses. £ 1. (Per,)

1857 59-----conoluded
327 'A"bbAsKhAn udmowled!!"" tho reoerpt of~ pan:a1UlA1£ron, tbo
C 1n-C f I (Urdn) ,.
328 Bihari Llil to LaL. Jawil~nAth R,'qnOIWIpayment of a oerwn
enm of money f I (Per )
320 (!bnl~m 'Ah to the C 10 C Pray• for QD maroaae m his wage,,
f I (Per)
830 l'!lu dd!n to tbe C m-C S1ek1 employment l:nomogunnery
; f J (Per)
3/ll L,.t of officera QDdmen belong10g to the artillery from Delhi
f L (Per)
S.,2 Li.t oi officeraan<l men of the artillery from N11.11mbodf I
333 Lt,t of gone mtb their po,nhon._ f I (Por)
334 Lut of gnnnen, Mtl l<oter-entnenc f I (Per)
385 Lu,t of offioere and men belonging to the Dare1lly Camp f I
336 ,rnl;td. AJl!tn Ja111adar, ackno1rle<lge,,the receipt of or<lerafrom
the r m C f 1 (Urda)
337 Paper bearmg cerf.Qrn llllIDel f I (Per)
338 Pote] Singh SQhaldar ""Y"that h11 battalion mnnot le:1,0
S1yahbnl'J for S,lnmnt Knoba nnl""" relte,ed f. 1 (Urda)
330 Ro.m Cb,,ran nn<lothere to the C 10-C Seel aemoe f I (Urdu)
310 Reoe1pt of a payment mnde to Tidbl Bnk!J,h f I (Per)
Ml Saiy1d llal;id Wa31h to the Kmg Pmy1 th,t he nwr he
g1Tenthe poet he!<l by bu Ltte father f 1 (Per)
342 6a1yi<l QA!lm Ah to the Kmg: A pettlton B1m1\nr to no S II
above. f I (Per)
34.1 Sba111h Wonr Durrani II11 depo■ 1Uon reg:,rdlnt; a bone
fonnd m bi• pos,eo11on f I (Ur<la)
344 Shaikh 'AbhA, Hns.10. A.cJ.nowle<lgetthe receipt of Jor<lore
for the rnpplv of gunny bog, £ J (Urda)
845 The C m C to ?.IUQ<lIlak]it [Mn Direct. him to applyto the
C m C for nnytbing be requires from the msgume f I (Per)
MO Th• C tn C to RaJnh AIL Direct■ !um to t0n<la gun to lbo
J"!mt' l\In,jid £ I (Ur<lu)
SH The C m C to RajaL Ah D,reeu him to 1flpply Cbomman
Khllll with .,mo p1clrtu:ethnmmera ■p:11lee etc f I (Ur<la)
318 W'l<low of Lll lo the lung Pray, forll !'ffiJtOn f I
1857 60
,rn foll
~11 '11rtOU. riz~
May 10 1 Order• from lbo C to C lo ofli~ to ••n<l all pcr>ODI .. ho"" not
at pn1<onl•ni:, -<llh m1!1t.l) <lnlt.. r J (Ur<la)
18 t SW.,mC:l of wnb"'" Jl'ld to off~r, f I {l'<r)

1857 ,.
~fay 18 3. An
. .
officer recommend1:. that
the wuges of Dwiirkii Sukul be
pn1d. f 1. (iJ1dn)
19 + Ghnliim !.Ii 1s .isked to send 3 tents fo1 the use of the Tilangas.
" f 1 (Pc1 ) ~

,, ;;, Statement of 8Ulanes of gunne1~. £ 1 (Per)

",, 6 J)ii1ogha A1i Ilakl1sh iepo1ts the aruval o.Ea cart with a pair
" of bullocks £. 1 (Pm )
,, 7 rrhc U -m-C chrccts Is1i Upadh1yu, llawatdar, to guar<l the house
" of Fazil Beg f 1 (Per.)
,, 8, 9. The Kmg-'s orde1s to · office1s to fake then quarters outside
" Delhi £011 2 (Pe1 )
,, 25 10. Receipt of a 11ayment lmnde to Shaikh Karimu'l-Jah. f. l•
(Per) ,,
,, 27 11 Statement of wages of gunners, water-carriers, eto., appointed
at Delb, Gate f 1 ("Per) •
,, 29 12. M:I1d Faizu'l-lah Khan, Kotwal, to Gulab Khan, S1tbahdiir.
Sends 9 wate1-carne1s with a bulloc.k and a vessel (fur drawmg water)
as directed £ 1 (Per)
,, 30 13 Statement of the chstubution of wages for the 7th Cavalry
from Lucknow £ 1 (Per.)
,, 31 14 Receipt of a payment made to 'Alidad Khan f. I. (Per)
15 Receipt of a. p,1,ymenb ma le to Shaikh It1lam. f 1 (Per)
",, ",, 16 Col Mhd Kh1zr SuJtRn directs the officers to help the rider
of a camel who hns been deputed to bung news of the English from
Bareilly and Pam pat f 1. (:fer)
Jun 1 17 Rec~1pt of a payment made to Ilahdad Khan f 1 (Per)
18 Thr C -rn-C asks Hu~arn Khan, Commander of, the Cavalry, to
" " call on him with 200 ho1semen f 1 (Pe1 )
19 Husam Khan to the C -rn-C Asks for the payment of wages to
" " offi, e1& of the Cavdhy and to t-hen men f 1. (Pei )
2 2 0 Reee1pt of a payment made to Ilahdad ~han f l
" (Per)
,, ,, 21 The C --m-C Sends a bull< ck ca1t by a hadciirah £ l (Per)
22 The;c -rn-C dnects K.hnda Bakhsh to send 20 carts to Ml}d
" " Khizr:Sultan at Salimga1 b f 1 (Pei )
23 Receipt of payments made to Lekha. and othe1 c f 1 (Per)
" "3 24 Receipt of payments made to Buddhu and l>Lher" f ] (Pe1 )
",, ,, 25 Receipt of a payment made to llab<lall Khan f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 28 The C -m-C duerts Khuda Bakhsh to send 20 carts f l '(Per,)
,, 27 Receipt of a payment made to Debi Smgh f 1 (Per)
,, 28, Fath Muhamman states that he baR recoverecl his horse. f. l,
" (Pei 1

1857 60-oontrnued
8 29 St..lement of wage,,' of f{ll'IOilJJ worhng under Sbru1:IJJ11lm
and l\11 Bal,!ii!h. :l 1 (Fer)
4 80-44 Receipt,, of l"'Pllents to Rim DayAl,Dilthaman Singh
an d otbin,, f 15 (Per )
4 6 LIA of m=llll, <1ggena,water•nppLero,etc. f 1 (Per)
46 An ofilctr to La.Ii 1aw!JAnAth Duect,, bun to get 2 persona
rele.,.ed from pmon f I (Urdu)
6 47 Statement of oO.t of food for bullocks. f 1 (Urdu)
., 48. Receipt of a P3yu:ent mrule to Sbeodlwt Singh f J
,, 40 An ofllcer to )f=l F!~ B!g .A.b him to nom11u1tenn
honest man to conduot houwe aearohes m connection ,nth the theft
nt the magnzine f 1 (Per)
60 1 Receipt. of payment. nuule to liiro B,ngh and lli<lb~u KhAb
f 2. (Per) •
,, 5~-4 R8<l6lpt.i of p,ymenle made to Il!mdhan ~nd othen f 3
9 66 LI.It of wnge, for 00olw1 f J (Per)
,, 10 66-61\ R=IJlt• of p:1yment.ID!liteto Rllmdh<ln, cameldnver, nna
otlten f 7 (l'er)
., , 63 The C m-C du:eot. !ho gu:irdo at the Oalonltn Onie to nllo'lf
the deo.,Jbod,eoof ffio<lruianJ MatlQ\au,.nJto JWB- f l (Per)
11 04-71 Rereipt. of payments llllldo to Tul.otBlm, TAhh Ch.otruhl't
nnd othon foll 8 (Per)
,, ,, 12 Imtrnct1ons from the C 1n C to oflloen to report 1f an,- T,la•J•
mvlest1 t. ohop-lrneper 1n11<lothe fort. f l (Urdu )
73 The C m C direct. tho gunnlut tbo 'l'urkorn!n Gato fo let n
COl'Ullnnumber nf 0&melsunder Rlm<lhan pnu f l (Per)
n ,, 14 (a) The C 10 C to the ofllcerat the AJmcr O~te Dmct., bun
to 1ond 2 gunners. (Per )
to tbo C-in-C CAnaot"!'4nlnay gunners
(h) RnJll, f;1•6aJ.d,,r,
f l
75 List of ci,rta from Mccrnt, ,:cLtCdby the ?llulinct.- f I
" (l'cr)
lt 7 ll-8 Receipt. of payment. m,de to Dnd<lunnand othen. ( 8
" (Per)
70 Me010rnndumorfodder pnrclmted r 1 (Per)
13 S0-3 R=1pt. of ~ymenla IUllde to Apbt t.liln andothen-
3 (Per)
.. s•(l',r l
List of nune. mlh 11n amot>nt of money •l:"m•l tach. Ll

85 Metaoranduni of fodder purcbutd. f l (Pu)

" "
1857 60-ropf i u1t('d
J nn. l t SG-~i. Rt'reipti. of l''l: mc:inf-. mnclt'f o i\fr,nl Khiin nnd Fnth
~ingl,. f. ~ l P\.'t,)
I r, ~~-P:l Hcl·ript ~ of p'l) mcnt-: ma(](' (o Hiim Dhnn nntl others
r t•. (Pr1 .)
,, ft I. Th1.
•--in-('. ti, Comm111tlt1ruf tho Cn,•nh.r f1om Ilarc1lly.
D,rcd~ )um (o 1-"1<12:,}l()r...,•men fo )Jn1•1 \hulials. f. l. (Pei.)
,. !If,-) i):,. J?<','11pl..,_
of JU: mcnt <, tJlll(lt• to 'l'nf.177nlIf nsnrn, K.hushhiil
~ingh nrnl flt ht·r-. f 11. {li 1 <lll)
,, Inn Th" ConPll'\rnh•r of thf>Bnff 1ltnn 1f f ho Dalhi Gate to tho
C -in-C. ..\titfl for t h,, r,nppl) nf pr11\l'-J<ltl~ r 1 (Per)
,. )07. J\.._Jirnf Kh11nJ~ di1c\·fc<Ifo J,!'opin dc1>osil}n.,2 belonging
fo 7.i,hm 5inJ!h, pr, ...11mr. f l. (Pei )

,, ,, 108 'fhc Ct,mm:u1tlcr of the BnUnl1011nf, U10 Delhi Gnto is nskccl

fo rcplnrc tho gun thtJre hj anollier fh·d 1q 1-cnl to 1nm. f 1. (Urdu.)
,, 1O!J. The C -11 -C. cl11 •·<+--:'\fi, Hn i,1b~\Ii to gh·o 20 cnrtudgc bol.os
" to Jbt..,n Smgh, Jla,r,,l,l,ir. f 1 (Per)
110 Order~ from the C.-m-C. concc1mng the chspos1tion of oflkors
" " nnd men from Luckno,\. f 1. (Urdu)
J1 111 Sfnfrm(•ni of ,,ngcs of .1 hoop of hoHc f 1. (Per.)
",, 17 112-18 Ilc<cipf...,nf pnymcnb made io Snt) 1d :Muhammad, Ilnhi
Bakh<:h :rnd of herb f. 7. (Per.)
,, lHl Stnt 1•mc11tof \\,tg-cs of Jam'dcinJ Chap1[i,Hs,ctr. f. J (Per)
" ,, 120 The C -111-('. dircrtc: the ofl1ccl', nt the L.1horo Gnte to go w1ih
" nll then men to the ft en(!hci, ncm the n.,y]cy Gaic £ l. (Per)
,, 121 'l'hc C -m-C <lncrif. the (lf}i(c1s to go to the trc.'llclies already
" oc;c:1gnccl to iLcm, nEI tlic Engln-h me ro1,01ic<lto be ndvnncing from
tL,1t <lucct1011 f J (Pet.)
,, ,, ] 22 i\I1rzn ftbdul Qfuh1 stands hn1Jfor Ghulam Husam f. I.
,, ,, J 23 List of lmtf.1ltons w1ih then cles1gnniions and the places they
come fiom f lu (l'e1 )
,, ,, 12+ Ln,t of J am'drus, Ila10aldti1s, ChapHisis, etc. f 4. (Per.)
18 12J-S. Receipts of payments made to Fath Srngh and others
" f. 4 (Per)
,, ,, 120 List of water-c:uners brought by Kallft £ 1. (Per)
,, 19 130-3 Rcce1ptb of payments made to Abumal and others f. 4.
,, 134 Statement of per~onal exprnse3 of Pnnce ]\fhd Azim, f. 1,
" (Urdu)
,, 20 135-4 0. Receipts of payments made to Ganga Smgh and others.
£. 6.. (Urdu)
,, 141 Statement of wages of persons attached to the hospital at the
" ,A.JmerGate f 1. (Per.)
48 llfUttNY PAPERB

1857 60-cont,mied
Inn 20 a2 Li.t of bnllook oart, and 11 .tntement of the cnrter, wage,,
f 1 fPer)
14,3 LJBt of water-<ame,. oent nnder kal!n to the trenohe. f 1
,. 144 Lat of officero and men attached to the arW]er,- from
Namraba.d f. 1 (Per)
,, ., 146 6 Lut of officers and men belongmg to the battal,on from
Nasuflbad. f 2 {lo dophcate) \Per)
21 147-63 Receipt,, of p,,ymenr, made lo Taharnrnr K.h.1.nGolab
Bi.ngh 110dothers. foll 17 (Urda)
,, 164 In.t of water-<=riero detamed m the KJ/11:al, f 1 (Urda)
,, 166 The C m C dn·ects the ollloen to be oo their gt111rd, ae the
Eoghoh are expectedto make an attaok. f. 1 (Urda)
166 Dilthalil&n Smgh to the O m C Suggest• that tbo o.mmun1hon
lut the Enghoh Camp from Ferozepore may be llClUtl f I

,, 167 Liot of doctors iliao»en and other pe110noa!toohed to tho

hoapttal ofthe Mntmoon f I (Per)
n 1~8 Statement of wage. of .Ta•'dar1, Ilarkr•/,1, otc, antler Sb..11.h
Itlam. f. l (Per)
,, 16Q Memorandum of pnymonta mooe for the food of praoners In
" the KJt.,ai. f 1 (Urtln)
170 L,st of pmoneni 1n the Ko/real! f l (Per)
U 171 201 Rece1pta of pnyment,, m•tle to I■llun 1,mnongnl and
othor1 f 31 (l'er)
202 1.!l;tdKhlln, R11aldar,to the C m C Roport ■ the amT1>lof 0
oold18l"13 water-eamoro and a I\IUherman from Looknow I 1
203 The C m-C direct. Ul~ Jnwul!nalh to p:,y 7a .. ml•rt of
ll1h1pore Ra 3 na food •llo"11.nce f 1 (Per)
201 The C Ill C mntes offic,ra to alt,nd • C'Onfcrcnce ( \ rr,o
Officers entlor,e ncknowledg1nent of ordera.) f 1 (Urdu)
,!OJ The C 10-C to tho Officor Comm•ntl,ng tho llit!Jlhon from:
Jnllundor Dll"('(lla h,m to relorn the camel, ,e,.ed 1,f ln• inon lo
W=r Khlu f 1 (Urdn)
200 The C ln-C d,recta tb• OIT,cerCommaod,ni: the 711l Re,:,monl
to accompauy the expo<l,hon to Ahpare f l (UrJu)
207 The C m.C aakaLll1 Joril4noth to f'3~ n, 10 lo !Uo
Dnat.t S10i;h f 1 (Urda)
fO~ L,,t of nrt,cl~ l>!>nt!rum the mlhtary •l"""- f I (Pt!')
200 L1tt of pn10nei11 1n tho Kot.-a/, f 1 (Pn) •
, 21!) 1,lemoruotlnm of F.rmenl• made for food allo,un«' fer
" pruoner,. f 1 (Urda)

1857 60-rouf ttHl('d.

~11. ..\1nim1l ..lnh !,hi.n ntit1 nthl'.'rF, t1'·Mpr-rt1from Bnr('\illv,rcpo1L

tln.>1tntr1\''1l :t~ Jldhi fr, fht• C.-111·C f. 1 (Fnln) •
:!l2 Hf'r,~iptt1fn J'·i) 1tH'1if m'lclr (t) l'nth !'-,iugh f ] (Per)
~l n.) 1 'I he•(' •in-C' rd,11}.,,-. lhf' riffi,·ert<
for idling n,\a\' their lime m
thr- f!')r,J,,n; n•tt: th('lll fo ntt.:HJ, tli" J:ugl11-h from the B,1)ley Gnto.
f. '.1. {t ·rdu)
~1f1• ~htcn1r11t ~r tli•pni.1tio111, of troor..,(,rdcrcdto mnkcrnHlson
(~uci1:iy:ililh:t:1t nrnl .\Jipor,•. f 1. {Pt r)
~lt~ ~h'lnl,nr Pundc n1vlnfhrr fho C.-rn-C. Ask for rt•111forcomcnfi;
trn<l~tlJ.:J!r~ttlmt tl,r, ~,,mrH1Nlf!tmu, r nt S1.,i,l1 lh1rj mn) he rcl10\r<l.
f. 1 ~Urdu)
,, ~ 1i. ~t,Jiir Pnt'uU nu<l otlll't i-- f o f he C:-in-C. Ask for t l,c g-rn1n;of
" <ln,ty wn~c-~ f. 1 (l rdu)
,, 21 21S. T'n11u-l-JnhKltr,n, ,,'?,il,rlt!{ir, lo tl1~ C -iu-V Report q lltal the
gmml'r at tlir l..!1hort•Gntc ;., rndlu icnt nnd di1rnhcd1cnt f 1. (Urdu)
,, 21n. TJiF-tof mccliclJlC'~ uFcclJn t]l(l ho~pitnl. f. l tPcr.)
" ,, ~20. ~Hr Ch~mmfl, $rit,,!.d,ir, to the U.-iu-C Reports f11ccnlic.tment
" of G Folcl1cn;{Frcln}
,, 221-7. Rcccipf.qof pn3 mcnt~ mndo to Gulitl, Smgh :rn<l otl1crb•
" f. 7 {Per.)
1' 25 228 :\I ir Clinmmu to the C -m-C. Ael.s for th~ c;npplyof cnrfridges
nncl pcr~nFc:ionNl}'S f 1. (Per.)
,, ,, 22!l. l\Jir Chammu i-0tl1cC.-in-C. Rcporlc; tho enlistment of 2 soldiers.
f. 1. (Urdu)
230-1. Hcccipts or p'lymcnts mn<lclo Gnng11 Srngh and Knie Khiin,
" " f. 2. (Urdu)
,, 20 232. S:niip:i nncl others want to he reinstated ns cnmel-clrivers
f l. (Per.)
,, .,, 233. Dilthnmnn Smgh to the r..-m-C. ,Yill go to Krishna Bugh as
directed. f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 27 234 Snriipii to the C -in-C Asks tlint 16 cnme1s seized by the
RtSfildii.r from Lucknow may be 11nndcdoven to him f. 1. {Per.)
,, 235. Gnuri Sbnnkar to the C.-m-C Asks that tents may be supplied
" f. 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 286 D1lthnman Singh to the C.-m-C Complams of the insufficiency
of proVJsions, and requests tba.t his share of provisions may be given
separately. f. 1 {Urdu)
,, 28 237 Chbccli Din BiiJpa1 to the C -m-C. Reports the enlistment of
5 soldiers. f 1. (Urdu).
,, 238 Statement of expenditure n1cu1red by Ghulam 'Ali. f 1.
" (Per.)
29 239-42. Receipts of paymentf> to Ahmad Khan and othe11:1.
" -f, 4. (Per.) "

1857 60---oo11lw11ed
248 Li!lA Nandimal t• dueoted to pny to Abmod Khnn Ro 300
f 1
.244 Memorandnm of WRgee for <hngt Smgh, llaralddr L1
246 LAil Nandrllyan ,. dn-eotedto make over the ornnmenta b~t
by him to 11hrm Chhote SU;uo i 1 (Por ) -
246 Mrr Chammil to the C m-C Aokofor the m1,ply of cartridge,,,
peronmon cap,,, belts,etc. f 1 (Urdu)
247 Singh to the C m O Will oend the g,,nrd,,, ••
directed f l (Urdu)
80 2l 8 LIOt of rtient. ndm1tted mto the hosptti.l nod of those
d~uged from ,t. l /Per)
249 LAlANandr!yan i■ d1reotod to P"Y to Bnaant L!l R■ 200
f l (Per)
250 An officer rep<ni• that he hu ■ent 40 dooly bcnrcn, with 10
dooh"" to the trenol,,,. at Qudnyah JlAgli f I (Urdu)
,TnL 1 261 Memo11U1dnm of fodder pnrch.Med for onmelB f l (Por)
262 Statement of wage■ patd to the employ~ of tho hoop1!JII
f l (Perl
268 (a) Ordero Cfrom the C 1n CJ to the Ko/teal, Delhi concen11ng
the releue of 11, cutain '!"'l'IOD
orreateil to Offi..n of tll1l Sikh Ikgtment
nbont their a.ccommod,.tion, tothe Ropperonod Minero on the digging of
trenobes. (Urda)
(6) Ordero from [ C m Cl to the l,.iJt,.al, regnrd1ng the
comlnot of hOUiOoenrch08.f ] (Urdu)
254 Khnd~ Bak!Joh Ha,cMdar, to the C !n-C Report■ the
progrc .. of the <lny'■ battlo f. 1 (Urilu)
2u6 Lut of offirero ond men from Meerot nnd other plnc<o f 1
250 fn.t of •old1er■ with an amount of rnlory og01n1t the name o!
=h f 1 (Por J
2u7 Fnnjdlr Khln to tbo C In C A,b that the ■nrcnnkn<lcnt• o!
the •hnne of Sbahrnard!n maT ha d!..,.,te<lto gmml the rlottt of i:r.,1n
kept there for feedmg elepbtnto f I (Per)
258 Stntemont o[ ,,-uge1 r"'d lo ofilocro on,! men f l IPrr)
250 Receipt 0£ n paymentmnde lo 1'l11·,aJ'al~l f l (1',r)
200 Ltrl of WJ1ltr-cnrncnopc,tcd nt d1£!ercnt ph= r 1 {Prr l
201 Roec1pt of a pAyrncnl m■de to l ma,uu'l-l•h fil&n f 1 (l'«)
202 Statement Q{ food ntlowanc u for pmonM"O.f l (Ur.Jo}
203 SIAtemcnt o! 1,=m anu foddtr pnrcbo1'<'11 for ~mrh r I
(PtT J
2c. R=1pt of~ r•;rntnt rn•~c to IlboUn,th r I (l'tr l
1857 60-coniin uecl
Jui 2 265. List of prisone1c; m the Kof1N7li, Delln, £ 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 266 Chhccli Din Bajp:u to the C -m-C. Asks £o1the supply of
cm tr1dgos :mcl verouss10n raps. f 1 (U1du)
,, 267. Stntcment of wnges pm<l to coolies and wate1-caineis under
Kl!ud:t Bakhsh, lla10aldii1 f 1 (Pei.)
J1 268. L1st of wntor-cn, rieis at the Laho10 Gate, the Kotwali and
" othe1 pl.1ces f 1 (Per )
6 260 D1lthamnn Smgh to the C -m-C Asks fo1 the supply of
" tents £ 1 (Urdn)
270 Receipt of a payment made to Allah Bakhsh, a se1vant of Prmce
" " i\1:hd 'Azim ot Kabul £ 1. (Per)
,, 271 Cc1ta.m ieleased prisoners ask fo1 the 1estornt10n of.then clothes
" and othe1 thmgs deposited a.t the tune of then imprisonment f 1.
7 272-3 Receipts of payments made to Tafazzul l;Iusain and Daulat
" l\fnhn,mmad f : 2 (Per)
,, ,, 274 Lala Nan<limal 1s dnected to pay to Ilahi Bakhsh Rs 38
f -1. (Pei )
,, 275 (a} The C -m-C asks the officer of the Cavalry to send 200
" horses. (U1du)
(b) An Office1 of the Cavalry to the C -m-C. Cannot send the I
reqmred number of soldiers. f 1 (Urdu)
s 276 Ghulam 'Ali, Keeper of the Fa1ash.lhiinah, ieports that tents
" and canvas sc1cens have rnn sho1t f 1 (Pei )
2 77 Statement of wages paid to the employes of the hospital.
" " - :f. 1 (Pei )
278 List of giam and fodder pmchased fo1 camels f 1 (Pei.)
",. " 279 Receipt of a payment made to Wahid Khan. f 1 (Pei )
,, ,, 280 Beni, Hawalrlii1, to the C.-m-O Asks for the supply of cartudge
boxes and leather belts f. 1 (U1du)
9 281 Sta~ement of d1spos1tions of troops and guns for mabng raids.
" f. 8 (Urdu)
,, 282 The C -in-C dnects the officers to send 2 battalions of troops to
" the Lahoie Gate f 1. (U1du)
,, 283 O1ders from the C -m-C to o:ffice1sto send rernforcements 1mme
" diately (V e1so Officers endorse acknow ledgment of orders ) f 1 ( Vrdu)
,, 284 Sa1war Khan and- Haida1 Khan to the C -m-0 Ask for the
" bunal expenses of Kamalu'd-Dm deceased and seek orders for the
disposal of the properties belongmg to him £ 1. (Urdu)
,, 285 Mhd Ihsa.nn'l-lah Khan, Thana!tda1, Turkoman Gate, ack-
" nowledges the 1ece1pt of orders from the C -m-C £ 1 (Per)
'~ 10 286-7 The C -m-C directs the officer of the Cavalry to 'send 200
horses f 2, (Urdu) ..


1857 60-conlinued
Jul IO 288 In.t of gram 11Ddfodder pnrohased for rnmek f l (Per)
,, 289 Din~ Jas'dar, to the C m C Hn• traced Dll81nngarhllen-
.lioraeoa.nd suggest. that the peroono hnVJng them =y be,futtoted to
return them. f l (Urdn)
290 The Kmg to the C 1n-C Alb him to direct the T,la,gat to
vacatel;lay4t Bak!J_ohgarden 1'h1ch they h&veo=xp,ed. f l (Per)
11 291 2 \IQd Khh and \Jl;id AvAz Kh!n to the Kmg Aeb for
the jll>ymentof then, rrnge,, f 2 (Urdn)
203 Mal;tMh Smgh .tnteo tiult he h.. rece,ved hi• money and a
camel from the of!ioUWl of the Kmg f l (Per)
294 Lttt of water-<!alT!eI'If. 1 (Per)
12 296 All ~=n, Ja .. 'dar, report• the arnra\ of oome tlcsertera from
Luolcnow and reoommentl• tht they be enheted f. 1 (Per)
290 Li,t of gram and fodder £or cnmelBoe,zed from the Engh,h
" oamp f l (Per)
297 9 Rooe,pteof payment. made to MHm ALn'I H= nntl other,
f 3 (Per)
300 Ba!Amoland othero nndortah not to dnve n ob,inot m £utu,e
" f l (Per)
301-3 The C -m C d,reot. oflloero not fo employ each other'• mm
without rontnal permi.-100 f 3 (Urrlo)
304 Li.rt of proportieo ~longmg to KnmM h..hln tlecoo.ed f l
306 !tong! L 1 ..nd otbero to the C m-C Complain tLo~the goon!•
oat On the boooe of the fig.JA of PattAla frequently uctntl !Lo f<M"llt'C
ov~r)ocln"f their bowe< n,l thereby v,obl~ thD pnmoy of !he,r
zennnn. 1 (Urda)
300 L,ot of gn,.m nntl fodder for c:imoll f 1 (Perl
307 Oillci!r of the 46th R~mcot report. thot he hn, ,enf 1111 men
, " M directed f l (Urda)
~08 'Alf ;\l!Jtl Khdo nn<lSLaL!id, KMnfo tl,e C in C .A,l. for
the J'l"Vffientof Ihm ffllgtl f l (Unlu)
300 Ordero from the C ,n-C to offic,ro to pre<enl tbm men on the
pnln of <leoth,£rem a !hIDg Mthoul p:i;mgth pnre f I (Unlu)
14 310 Ltot 0£ gr,,m nn<l£c<l,lerforc,imel.of 1 (l'cr)
,, ,, 311 Statement of mige, p:ii<lto ,1hd K.blD am! hi, men f I (l'cr)
312 L10t of metl1em<'11 DntlotLer thmg, =I ,n tL<,h0<p11.ll atlod,"1
to the ;\.,,robfid c,imp f l (P,r)
16 '\l!l Sheo Ch•rnn S,n~h, e.i.u,.,, to the C ID C \I ,II ,n,rcb h11
mm tomorrow moramg r J {l'er)
314 Sluiilili Khndl ll•kh•L totboC 1D C Acl.ncrrle<l;:ttthe •=•rt
oCb,. order,. f, I (Uruo)
1857 60-continued
Jul 15 315 Debi Parshiid to Lala J awfilanath. Asks for the payment of
Rs 48 which he paid on behalf of the Kmg as a rewaid to the soldiers
on the cn.ptme of Akbar:lb:id. f 1. (Per.)
,, 316 :Mhd Zamnn to Liila Debi Paishad Asks 1nn to pay Rs 25 to
" Punce D:ha Sb1I~oh's men. f 1 (Per) '
,, 16 317 List of gram nnc.1£odder £o1 camels seized from the English.
Camp. f 1 (Pei )
318 Receipt of payments made ~to Na.Jjii Khanand others. f 1. (Per)
",, 319. (a) The C -in-C asks G:mri Shanka1, $1tbahdar,to call on him.
" (b) Mhd Bakht Khan to the C -m-C Says that the above order
was wrongly sent to him £. 1 (U1du)
,, 320-2 The C -m-C duects each ieg1iuent to send one officer to
" attend a confe1ence at the Lahore Gate f. 3. (Urdu)
323 NaJJU Khan repo1ts hi~ ar11val with his comrades at Delhi
" " fiom Benaies f l (Urdu)
17 324 D1lthaman Smgh to the C -m-C Asks for the s11pply of re·
" qmsit1-0nsfor bayonets, iamiods, etc, fiom the magazme f.] (Urdu)
325 J\1hd Bakbt Khan io the C -m-C Asks for some gua1ds to escort
" " 1nm to the J am1' MasJ1d f 1 (Per) _
326 List of water-cairiers £ 1 (Per)

327 Par10ii11alts issued by the Court of Mutmeers. £ 2. (Urdu)

" 328 Lala Nandimal 1s dneoted to pay to Ahmad Khan Rs 500.
" " f 1 '(P01)
)) '32U Orders from the C -m-O. to officers to send a div1s1on 0£ troops
" to the Kashmir Gate f 1 (U1du)
,, 330-1. Orde1s from the C -in-C. to o:ffice1sto get their men ready to
" march to Ah pore f 2. (U r<lu)
,, 18 332-8 RaJab 'Ali, 1Jii1oghii of the ma.gazme, 1s asked to report why
gunpowder 1s manufactmed m so small a quantity f 2 {Urdu)
,, 334 RaJab 'Ali ieports that gunpowder m the rnagazme bas run
" sho1t and suggests that manufacturers of gunpowde1 may be duected to
_mcrease then daily outtmn f 1 (Pei )
') 335 The C -m-C duects Mir 'Ali, J/awiUdiir, to send to his court
T~ls1 and Sahgram wanted as mtnesses ma certam case f 1 (U1duJ
336 (a) The C -m-C directs the guards at the A.jmer Gate to allow
" " a certam trooper to pass
(o) J eo Ram, $itbaluliir, acknowledges the receipt of the
C -m-O 's 01ders to prepare for an attack f 1. (Urdu)
337 List of allowances £or officers and men £. I (Per) . /
" " 338 The C -m-C. m£o1ms the o:fficeisthat 2 guns have been sent to
" them f 1 (U1du)
339 Statement ) of d1spos1tionsof troops. f. 1 (Urdu)
" "

1857 60-coutrnued
19 840-1 Receipt.a o£ payment. made to Amrr Beglllld &ldco Smgh.
f 2 (Per)
Mll Knrun Bali;h.ahKhtinto the C m-C Return," double-bom,llcd
gun for repair f 1 (Per)
848 Shao Chttmn Smgh to tho C m-C Will mareh tomorrow as '
drreo!e<l f 1 (Urdu)
844 hloti Smgh to the C m C Sendo 7 mmke!• 6e1Wl.on lllliPlClOD
f 1 (Par)
345 [An offioerl aoJ.:nowlMg811the receipt of a paNCa1a1 from
[C m C) f 1 (Urilu)
346 Q:hn!A.mMul;nn'd Drn to the C m-C Sends a h.t o£ tn1'<llng
oold1on and seeks pernrn.,1on to enhrl them on !hell' return f 1 (Urdu)
, 3-17 Kh~d,m .All, IJaf• liar, and otb,,,-, to the Kmg Complam of
Jobbery nud mwnnn..gement m "oer!Blll Regunont of Ca""lry f. 1 (Urdu)
20 848 n.. u to the C rn C Complrunsth~t Cbul!im H=, !ro<>pot,
1honti nnd others nunulted hun nnd took nrn1y lu.odnugb!er forcibly
f 1 (Urdn)
349 Statement of Uasti lll support of the nbove complArnt
f. l (Urdu)
350-1 Onlero from the C 1n-C to the Officer Commandmg !Lo 3rd
Cnvalry Regiment to •end (Thu!A.m H=m to Im Conrt (In dnphcuto)
f 2 (Urdn)
,, 21 862 0 Del"'"'hon• of mtncut1 of the p:ubet f 8 (Urdu)
360 Bnkbtamtr Smgh s!nn<I. bn1l for Bnlm r 1 (Urdu)
" 301 {a) [Pohoe] report thnt Bnhin ,. m n bnd cond1bon o[ Lc:Jtb
ao •ha ho• beendehvered of n dcnd chtld
(6) SheorllJ 1IAlt lllld others am honnd down under reeognlnn
ce, to mnmrnn pe•ce £ I ( U rJu)
M2 Rcqumtion for hme f. I (Unlu)
303 Officer,, nro <lireot,d to follow !ho 1nstrncllon1 nlr."1<lJ,,sneJ
f I (Ur<ln)
22 304 Hnqc!A,l KMn, Rualdnr, to tLo C 111.(, Repori• !hot Le Loa
been wouudcJ nnd a.I.a fou ten!.. £ I (Urdu)
305 \Iomoronfow of wngeo for the men under 'ih1n!Ji J,llni
f l (Urdu)
30G Ag1mu I lAh Khanto tL, C ln-C A,ko th1t Sulh Sm~l, may
Le daroctc<lto p>T the!'""° of gn,.m J'W-lu .. d LThim. f 1 (Ur,ln)
~07 OnlcrB from tLc C 1U-C th,t oflic= •nd men of !Le army
a!nJJng •••·n from Jnl) under un•To1thLle cucu11Ul•neoon-aUnot J_,
their mole or ~ppomtment f I (Ur,lu)
~'I- 3GS 72 List o[ m~ an,l mdeml1 tmploye,I m cou1trnettni::a hndi;f
f J (l'tr)
23 3,3-., ltce<>1pt•of JUvment. =•le to l•rl !Al& and others
f S (Per)

1857 60-oontinued
Jul 23
876. Bill for stitchrng gunny hags. f. 1 (Per)
,, 377 FauJ<lfn K_hnn, Risaldii1, from Luoknow, to the C -in-O Seeks
" perimss1on to fight the English f 1 (Pei )
~1J. 378-86. Receipts of payments made to Saiy1d 1\'.lhJ.Khan and
" others. f O (Pen )
,, 387. List 0£ medicmes £ 1. (Per)
" 388, List of gunny bags. £ 1 (Per.)
",, ,," 380. List of bullocks. £. 1. (Per.)
24- 300-41O. Lists of gram and fodder £or camels. £. 21 (Per.)
" 17
Jul 26 411. List of gunny bags f. 1 (Per.)
,, ,,
412-15. Receipts of ~payments made to Zahm Smgh and othe1•s
f. 4. (Per)
- 41G Sabgram Smg-h to the C -m-O Sends certam a1trnles to be de ..
, " )J

posited m the m1ht.ary stores £ 1. (Urdu)

,, 417 List of swords, nrnsl~ets, barrels of pistols, etc, 10£eired to abote
". f. 1. (Per)
,, 418-20 The 0,-m-C to officers of the Cavalry Asks them to submit
" a list of their men with the names and dates of appomtment of the
O:fficeis in Command of the Regiments f. 3 (Urdu)
421 Orders' fiom the Colonel's Court to the Hawal<lar MaJor,
" " attached to the gram stores not to oppose the sale of molasses, pulse t1.nd

othe1 grams m shops that day :f l (Pei.) .
422 Estimate of med1cmes and other articles iequired :for the
hospital f 1 (Per.)
,) 423 List of payments made to certam persons f l. (Per)
,, " 4•24 20 baskets and 10 spades a10 made over to Patka Smgh
" £ l (Per)
,, 26 425 Death report of BnJ, Hawaldiir £ 1, (U1du)
,, 426-8 Receipts of payments made to B1ba.11 Lal and others
" £ 3 (Per)
,, 429-31 O1de1s from the (; -m-C to officers of the Cavalry to send
, _ one sernor officer nom each battation f 3. (Urdu)
,, 432 FauJ<la1 Khan and others to the Krng Ask £or the payment
" uf wages f 1 (Urdu)
(Krng's autograph m pencil cl1rectmg Mrrza Mugh,al to take necPisary
,, ,, 433 Khubru to the C -m-C Asks that his propeities deposited may
be ieturned to rum £ I ~U1du) '
434 List of payments made to ce.rtam person~ £ 1 (Per)
,, 27 ~ 435-7 Receipts of payments made to Sa1y1d 'Ali Hasan anct others
f 3 (Per)

1867 60-cont,nued
lul 27 438 BAhk,, and others to l;Iabm Slhi1, .A,,Jcthat tb~
camm~y be released £.1 (Urdu)
489 Ia.tof ~ l11'1'el!:ed by the llfutm11en. f. 1.-(Urdo)
28 440 Rece,pt of a payment made to R4mohand KhA.n. £. 1 (Per)
441 Chhoti and Bheon!J e%oonle a bond for good behanoar
£. 1 (Urdu)
442 Mir l;t=m 'All l!!ands bail for Karim Khan f L (Urdn)
443 l;[ n81Lln K]ian report.a that he hlll seen a certain nnmher of
hor,e,, and co1n belonging to the Engheh near NIIJafgarh £. 1 (Urdu)
29 444 Medical oertificnle recommendmg the gnint of lonve to Kil!
Khin, Ja■'ali.r f l {Urda)
446 (!buiu'd Din Kh&nto the C -,n-C Am that 6 pair•of llhrrupo,
10 pnm of otlrrup-leathcr and a reme may be g,ven to him f I (Urdu)
446 Ocdera from the C m-C to officer. of the Cavalry to accompanJ
the ~hou lo l\ £. I (Urdn)
447 1Iemorandnm of Mpenditure mourred in proT1dtng latnne
I " ooreene m the hoip,tal f 1 (Per)
448 Gnun Sluuihr aolmowlodg<,a (be ro>!Ipt of 1u 1,£00 f I
449 Sbl.ikh Plr Bo.khi!hrlands baH for BlilA CAa•dA•ri ntul othen
£. 1 (Per)
., 450 CoL 1,lhd 'Umsr Kl!An to the C 1n-C Will accomponr lb&
expedition, if proper tn,,nsporl =gement.. are made f l (Per j
31 451 Lr!t of potibona from the E61ral and othen, I ] (Per)
162 Dw!rlr! H~m, SwbaM.dar,to the Ja,.adar at the Calcnlta Gate
Atlu him to relearo h,. horteo. f I (Urdu)
Ang 1 463 Receipt of n piyment made to BhoLl. l\dlh f 1 (Urda)
n ,, 15¼ Lut of tbe de:id And rronndal f 2 (Per)
466 7 I'ar11xua11 from the C 111-C to offiotn conta1n1ng onlen
and,~ of encouragement f 3 (Urdu)
468 'Wwr 'All 1>Cborrledf;('I the rec,,,pt of a parrd1taA [from
C ,n-C] f L (Urda)
45D \fad!n Khio, R11aldor,to tbe C m C. A.b for tbe J'>Jlllent
of h11 wng,e f I (Per)
3 400 Khuu&Ilakhah Khan,Ra,6Kat.-ol to tho C-,n C There
,. no rnoonor namod SIU[ 'Ah, ordered to be rdn•ed ID the K41rdl,
f l (Unla)
,, 401 Orden from the C 1n C to oflice111of the Canll'J'
Each regiment •honld re-111corpon,,!etbe detaebeJ l,oJ,01 of I""'!"'
bolon1:1ngto ,t r I (Per)
~02 Plaint of TAhl> l.[oAJn conwmag a\l,gnt.,001 of .,,,,.
" Appropru,hon agauut Mlid )fo1:un. f l (Urdu)
4G3 Stakmont of 1[Jid Il=tn !ho all,i:-&!JouJ. f l

185, GO-continued
Aug. 3 464 Statement of Talib Husam m support of hlB complaint
f. 1 (Urdu) ·
,, 465 Karim 'Ah to the C -rn-C. Solicits that the Kotwal may be
" directed to dispose of his case which 1s ove1delayed. f 1. (Urdu)
,, 466. Ghazm'<l-Din Khan, Risaldii1, and othe1s, to the C -m-C
" Ask for the payment of then wages f. 1 (Per)
,, ,, 467 Capt Hab1bnl-lah Khan to the Kmg Repo1ts the arl'lval
0£ some dcse1te1s and asks that they may be enlisted f 1 (Urdu)
,, 468 List of deserters refehed above. f. 1 (Per)
- "
,, 4 469 Shahdin KJ!an,Vafa'da1, to the C -m-C. Prays that his brothers
a1rested m the Kotioali may be released f l (U1du)
,, 470 1\1:h<lBa~t Khan to the Officer m Command of the regiment
" of voluntee1s Dnects him to accompany GE>neralSudhan Smgh m his
expedit10n to Ahpoie f. 1 ( Per ) - _
,, 471. Ghulam Rasul Khan from Cawnpore, to ghe Kmg Reports his
" arrival at Delhi with a number of elephants} and prays that he may be
enhs~d. f 1 (U1du)
5 472 Shankar Pande to the C.-m-C Asks for the payment of his
" wages. f 1 (llrdn)
478-5 Orders from the C -m-C to officers to send remforcements.
" " £ 3 (Urdu)
,, 6 476 Imam Hakhsh deolaies that he will produce Ilahi Bakbsh for
tnal m the Court of the C.-m-C f 1. (Urdu)
477 Depositrnn of Iliihi Bakhsh 10gard10g the oha1ge of theft
" " biought agamst him. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 4!78_ Deposition of Imam Bakhsh about the arrei;t of Ila.hi Bakhsh. ,.
" f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 479-8 7. Receipts of payments made to Mahmud 'Ali Khan and others.
" f ~ (Pei )
,, , 488-99 Lala Nand1ma], Cashier, 1s directed to make payments to
Mirza Gaubar Beg and. others. f 12 (P01.)
,, ,, 500 l\fodwal 1epo1t on the death of Agnii Naik with a hst of
artuJes belongmg to him £ 1. (Urdu)
7 501-3 Receipts of payments made to Mir Barkat Ah and others
" f 3. (Per)
,, ,, 504-5. Lala Nandimal 1s duected to make payments to Barkat 'Ah
and M1uzz'ud-Din f 2 (Pei )
,, 506 List of water-ca1r1ers sent to drfferent trenches £. I (U1du)
",, 507 (a) Orders from the C -m-C. to Jaimangal Smgh to send a.
" detachment of troops to RaJghat
(b) Ja1mangal Smgh to the C -1n-C. Cannot carry out his orders
1 as all his men are fightmg rn the trenches f 1. (Urdu)

1857 60-oontmued
Aug 7 508 (a) Order,, from the C m-C to Ra.ni1t Smgb, Ja.,•dar, to
oond two ~mparueo of Sepay1 to MonDarwua
(6) RAnJ1t Smgh lJl unable to oomplr mth the ordet1 u he 11
•hort of men f 1 (Urdu)
,, 600 Kisban DnyM to the C m C Ana fut lm wage. lll1lYbo p:uJ
fl(Per) ,
,, 510 Bh.oik!Jltnllm Da)ilish Rosp1tal:Oocior,to tbeC m C Descnbee
tbematre!• of the patumte m the Ho>ptt41 and iurk, for money
f 1 (Urdu)
bll LJBtof P"JDlentJ 1lllldeto cerb,w perlOna J 1 (Pei-)
., 512 Anand Sarnp to the C m C Solunb, that luJ nrllole. J.opt
m the depomtory may be :returned to hnn f l (Per)
8 513 Liot of pnymente IllJl<l5to eemu, pem>nt f L (Per)
514-9 Recerpte of payment. mnde to ZOrdwnrB~ Ru/1/tfdr, nod
other, f O (Per)
520 'Ah Mhd Khb to the O m-C A,,b for the po.yment o£
wngeo f I \ Urdu)
621-4 Ula N,,,ndimal Ciurlu~r,10 <hreotc<l to mtle p:,yment• to 'Ah
Mlµl Kh~n and otbel'I. f. 4 (Per)
o 5t6 Tho C 1n-C on beho.lf of the Kmg to the offie,n, of
the army R&qa91t,, them tore!- JlaJ;,., .A(1"anu'l1AhKbin 1mpn1
oned Ly them on IUl!JltOlOn
of Lemg oecretly m commurucahon mth the
Engmh. f. 1 (Urda)
,, 520 7 Rec01pt. of p,,vrncnte made to W dl,ud Khdn-illld Mo.nt.i
f 2 (Per)
628 0 Ula Nan< d1roctcd to mlll.o J"'ymo11ll to Wlh,d
KMn and Gha:<10d Din Khr.n f 2 (Per)
&30 Shn1l;b Rnmn!'An,Ei•l,aAtfiJr,
nckno1TleJgt11 !ho recc,pt of tcrWn
ordero from [C on C] f I (Per)
531 Shaikh laJnb 'All tu tho C ln-C Send• the n:nne< nnJ
" a<l<lrNoe<<>fsomo nrt~n• nn<l ••\.I!but the KJ/,cdl Dlll1 l,o <lor~oteJ to
aenJ them to the 1,lngnx1no f. 1 (Per)
lO 632 L,.t of payment. Dlll<loto ~n peuolll<.f 1 (Ptr)
li33 Memornn<lum of ert,clcs i"'rcha,<,J for tho rnmd ,he,! f 1
&31-7 RtcC!ph of 1"'Vtnt-nt1 mnJc to D1r4tl4 Du ond other, I ',
638 Lut of ms,on, nnJ J,.Loorcr,i with their Jo,ly mii:,-• •mplore,l 10
rep.,ona,: i,,,rJ11Cl.1 { I (l'tt)
,, l I uW Onlen from !ho C on-C to ulli<M'Ifrom Jban11 1~ a«0mro•1
the cxpcJ,tion to U,IAgnrb f 1 (Unlu)
J40 Lt•t of art,dN..,,ted [l,dLe ,ru1rn"""J
al Dala~arh f l (Prr)
1857 60-continued
Aug 12 511-2 Rece1pt,s of payments made to Ami1 Khan and Karim Bakhsh
Khan f 2. (Pei ) ...
,, 543 Lala Nandima,l is directed to pay to Ka:rim Bakhsh Rs 1,000
" (Per)
544. List of grdm and fodtler £o1fcamels, f 1 (Per)
",, ,," 545 The C -rn-C directs Snadhari Smgh to reqmsrb.on ammurution
from the magazme at the Lahore Gate f 1. (Urdu)
546 The C -1n-C unects the guards at the Delhi Gate to pass out
" " piiuoanalts mthout opemng then covers, f. I (U1du)
,, 13 547. Report to the effect that one Hila Smgh was faymg to pass
out of the Calcutta. Gate with Rs 400 when he was ariested and put m
custody f 1. (Uidu)
5-!.8 An officer acknowledges the iece1pt of a pa? wiinalt from Mhd
" " Kh_1zr Sultan f 1 (Per )
649 Sheo Shankar, Haioiildar, to Lala Sahib Cannot fmmsh guards
" " for the piotect10n of the budge as he is short of men f 1 (Urdu)
,, 14,15 550-5, Depos1t10ns and statements of Cha1tan Smgh, Ilhawam
and others m connection with certam clothes alleged to have been stolen
f. 6 (U1du.)
14 556, RamJI Das SJ.hii, to the C -m-C Asks foi the release of H1ra
Smgh. £ 1 (U1du)
,, 1 , • 557 Receipt of a payment made to Debi Saha.1 f 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 558-9 The C -m-C mstracts the officers to be on the alert and
~ender help whenever necessary) as the English mtend to make a mght
attack £ 2 (Urdu) In duplicate
,, 15 ,660 Zahm Srngh to the C -111-C Asks for the return of h1S
money taken nom him at tne time of his imprisonment f l. (Urdu)
561 The C -m-C dnects Ash1af 'Ali Khan to send 50 Sepoys to
" " S1yahbur3 £. 1 (U 1 du)
,, ,, 662, Order:; from the C -m-C to office1s at Da1yaganJ to send
10mfort1ements to the Lahoie Gate f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,:, 563 The C -m-C asks MhcJ Sa'id Khan to axplam why he has asked
wages fo1 more men than he r~ally has unde1 him £ 1 (U1du)
,, 564 Mirza Ami1 Bfg, IJafa'dc,1, to the C -1n-C Suggests that
" measrues may be adopr.ed to p10tect the quarte1 of Sozangaran
which some soldie1s th1eateu to plunde1 f 1 (Urdu)
,, 16 565 Sudha1I Sma-h t:,
to the C -m-C States that ?\fhd Bakht-
Khan deohnes to accompany t~e expechtron to N 1mach f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 566 1'{a.g1ii and :i\1:ahdI to the Krng Solicit that their properties
seized by RanJit Singh, R1salda1, may be 1estored to them f l
(Kmg's a.utograph 1n pencil directmg Mirza :i\Iagg.11to take the neco-
~ M~ \

567 :.\ihd Bakht Khan acknowledges the receipt of orde1s f1om

the C.-m-C. f, 1:-fUrdu)
1857 60-aont1nuea 17 668 Ghnla.m Molµn'd Din atand, b&il for Waru Khln. f 1
600 Recmpt of payment. mode to Bho!A NAth and ofuel'8. L l
, 670 Karim BakJiah KhAn, R11al,i,!r, to the Kmg Soh01ll! that
rennorementa may unmedialely ~e oent to bun. f I (Urdu)
18 571 UIA NandriyanJI, C.. b1er, '"directed to pay Ro 5 to :llfal;,mild
KhAn'• men f. I (Per)
672 Shanlnr R!m 'lmgh ■tote,, that he hu l'!'OCIVeda mu,ket from
the C m C f L (Urdu)
20 673 Ordon from the C m-C to the officer m comllllL!ldof the Ctin!ry
from Gwahor to 1ee that Mll' l;InllUJl Hatcaltlar geu baclr hu
weapon, oe1wl hy a trooper belongmg to h,. Cavalry f I (Urda)
574 Memorandum of mone-<- oontnontlon• lefled from the banker,,
of Delhi and their ch■bllfflment. f L (Per)
57 o Gen Ilhl!.gwat Mll!llr to the C 10 C Report. the capturo of
a trooper of the Engh■h and eompwru of the <lel&ymade by tbo Sr<l
Regiment 10 reheTing ~ men 1n the treneheo f I (Urda)
£1 676 Sadhrui Smgb to the C 10 C Reporu h11 Dl!lruh to Ahpore, 01
dueoted f I (Urda)
677 Orden from the C m-C to the offieor m eomlllllod of the
Reg,ment of volunteer■ to get h11 men ready to maroh tQ the trenehea
near MohnA1 lm<lge r l (Unlu)
u 22 678 Order■ from the C m C. to the officer m comtn11nd of the
regiment of Tolanteeni to reheTe t.lw wldiers of the 30th Regiment
m the trenohet f I (U nlu)
6W :lllhd B,kht KhAn acLnowledge. the r'<lelpt of ordo11 from the
C m C £ I (Urdu)
580 }Jlll<nn l\11• depoc,tion regarding h11arreat. r I (llr<lo)
681 Kaonil'• <lcpo,1hon regnrdmg h,. lln'C"! £ I (Urda)
682 Uajob 1\11, Jn., d"r of the mog.u1no to the C 1n C SuLm1l1
u ,tote meat of gunpowder mpplled from the ,tom r I (Per)
6S3 S01y1d AmAnot Shah Rualtiar to tho C !n-C Report■ tho dt3lh
of two eoldier. !Lilda■ i... for lhclr Lnn ■l crpeo ■e, £ I (U rJo)
684 Fwl)n d-dln ■ t,anda Lail for hl1ud1ddd f I (Urdu)
2~ 685 The C 10 C '• nohfleal,on to the effect !hot Sudhlri Smi:J, ond
lltra Singh hove Leen O)'Jl01ntcd orderhca to b,m ond lhtrrfore no
longer Lclong to the :1--1mocb fo= r I (Urdu) l'or,oo onu other•, J,.Aala111to the C ,n C llo,o bttn rrleu<'d
from pn ■on l J'TI'Tthat their or!tolot Lept 10 <ltpnt1t ""'Y Le rtttorrJ
lo Ihm, r I \Urdu)
o~i l'or,on ond o!btr■ ■ late !hot th•1 hue l'l'cti•oJ th!'1r art,dN
kept 1J1 depolll f L (Urda)
1857 60-oontinued 24 588. The Corumnn<ler of the 30th Regnnent 1s directed to fmmsh
guards for the house of the (; -m-C f 1. (U1du)
25 580 'Aslnq Husmn ackuow ledges the receipt of his a1ticles kept m
" <lepos1t f. l. (Urdu)
" 500 (a) fJ.'heC.-m-9.asks Amir 1\.li Khan, Risiilrla'1', to send 10
,, tioopers.
(b) Amir 'Ali Kbnn has c11,rriedout the above 01ders. f 1 (Uidu)
,, ,, 591. (a) The C -in-C <lnects Cnpt Sa1yi<l Ha1<larHusain to furnibh
the artillery to accompany au oxped1tron f. l (Urdu)
(b) ish1q IIusa n, Nazl.JCaptam, can only send 2 guns drawn
by bullocks
502 The C -in-C <lnccts the officer m command of the regiment of
" " volunteers to send 3 companies of troops fo:i duties fo1 the commg
mght f 1. (Urdu)
- " , case593of theft
Proceedings of the Court {of 1\{ufoneers) m connection mth a
f 1 (Urdu)
,, 26 594. The C -rn-C daects ~he officers to 1a1Se a corps from their men to
rescne the N1mach £01c~ besieged by the Enghsh at Najafgarh. f 1
,, 595. The C.-m-C acknowledges the receipt of Rs 1,000 from the royal
" treasury f. 1 (U1du)
,, 27 596 Chaitan and otbe1s, cart owne1s, to the /C -m-C. Pray for the
release of their cart drivers f 1 (Urdu)
,, 597 Shaikh Amir Bakbsh acknowledges the receipt of a pa'1wana
" [from the C -m-C J f ] (Urdu)
,, 28 598 Receipt of a payment made to D1 Sa1y1d l\1hd Khan of the
Volunteer Regiment £ 1 (Per.)
,, 599 Gami Shankar Sukul, Bugade-MaJor, to the C -m-C _ Seeks
" orders whethe1 the 54th Regtment 1s to be sent to the trenches at
K1shanganJ f I. (Urdu)
,, ,, 600 The C -m-C duects the officer m command of the 4th Hmdustam
Risala to send two troopers £or mght duty £ l tUrdu) .,.,
,, 601 The C -m-C duects the office1 m Gomrnand of the 15th Regiment
" to send ieinforcements to the N1mach force at BahadmganJ f 1 _(U1dn)
,, 602 LISt of office1s and men from Gwahor £ 1 (Per)
" ,, 603 Samand Khan, Naib Risalda1, to the C -rn-C Statement of the
" compos1t10n of an Indian Regiment m English sernce f 1 (Urdu)
,, 604 Receipt of a payment made to Mi1 Fazl 'Ali, standa1d bearer
" f I. (Urdn)
,, 29 605 Sandal to the C -m-C Complams that his s1ste1 hns been forcibly
taken away and detamed by Rustam KJ!an,Satoa1, p1ays that she may
be released f 1 (Urdu)
.,__ 606 .½.bdu'llah's deposition regardrng' a theft committed by him
" " f. 1. (Urdu)

1857 6~ontmued
Aug 29 607 Amir Ah• depo,nlion rogudmg the above theft £. I (Urda)
,, 008 The C' m-C du-ect. Fa~u~lah R11ii/di1r to mforo to
l'Ibdil ln.s property oeu,ed by men of h .. R..ala o.nd to report tbot
l'lbdil ha!! been sabsfled. f I (Ul'tln)
80 009 Depo01hon of i,thar Bokboh reg•nlmg hIB arre,t. f J (Unla)
010 Depomtion of DodharI Smgh regartlmg an nrreot mnde by htm
f l {Urdu)
, 611 }.I n,nm ii.II to the C m C Pnays that lru, w,nponr •mt<l by
soldtcl'II belongmg to the Regiment from G,rnhor mny Le rerloroi to him
i I (Urdn)
012 ShrultlJ Ml}d Amir Bakboh ncl.no1tledgeo the rcoeipt of rerhun
ord81'11[from C ln-C] f I (Urdu)
013 S~aturo of Imnm Khi!.n, ll11aldar of the 4th Indian Ruala
poatedat DnryaganJ f l (Urda)
,, 31 014 The C m-C ..,.1.aMl)d Ba]gp,h KhAn tc reltl1'n the hom t.ktn
from the 72nd Regunent f l (Urda)
015 Lat of officer,,, 8th Regiment i l (Urdn)
010 The C m C nsb ~[tnA Kh1Jr Snltr,n to l(?nd 2 tonts to the
trencheo at UOindnpur f I (Urdu)
" 017 10 Deponhono of Jm~m Bakb•h onc1 other■ rcgnrdmg !ho
ohnrncter of i,iliilr Ila!JJ•h l 3 (Urdu)
" 020 Sudb&n Singh to tbo C 1n C Requeots that a hor,c L<,]onging
to lua R11aln, aeized by ooldtera o! the Ilore,lly Regim"1It, mn:r b,,
returned to him f l (Urdu)
Sep 1 on Amir Khan ond 'A;1mn'llnh Khou R11alJar,, to !ho C m•C.
Report fut thev nre marchmg to D:,ghpol nnd rcqucrl tbot their 11:1lnrt!'t
moy bo rem1tteJ to them there f J (Per )
2 022 lIDBlllD Dnkb,h to the Kmg Pray■ tl,nt hi• prorertr\cized
try_tho men of Fn1,u lloh Khdn, R11ald«r m~y Le rc,,tored to him f I
(Kmg'• order m pencil to return tho property)
O~ The C 1n C to Rmaldar [Flll:ro'llnh KMn ] D1rcctob,m to
" " return the property.,.,w1 Ly b11m,n to lln.n!o l!,ldJ,h f I (Urda)
0•4- Ro];imnt Khon to tho C m C Prnyo tluit bi, mnra ,meJ by
" oom; T1la•9•• moy ho restored to him r I (Urdu)
G2J "llftJOr)lhd I\ Or h.hAn 1o tho C 11H, Snj!g"'1h tLot montT rur
ho ralfe<l from tho banlo,, of Delhi t, u,lrny tho txpenrorof the =r
f l (Uruu)
020 JllhJ •Umnr KMn to tho C 1n-C Report• !hot the fn1:l11h rnltc I
" to cron tbo Jnmrni by con,trnchng 1,rlu•c• f I (Urda)
2 10 0"7 3S Sho1\tlJ Don lot "lluhnmm1J O,m-«Tof lbf
acbi=ltdgtt tbo rr<'t'Jfl of n ttrt11n numb<r o
f 12 (l'.r)

1857 60-contin u,ecl1

Sep 2 639. l\1..emorandum of spirit 1cceived m the gunpowder fact01y. f. I
,, 640 Mhd Bakbt Khan acknowleclges the receipt of orde1s from the
" C -m-C regardmg the tiansfe1 o:f the Sikh Reg1ment :from the
fa enches at the ldgah £ ] (Pei ) _
,, 6+1 Gauri Shanka1 Sukul, Bugade-M'.aJor, to Jawalaniith, Casbrnr
" Asks ]um to seal and retmn the JJa? wiina!ts enclosed f 1 (U1du)
,, 642 Enclosuie from the office of the C -m-C f 1. (Per)
" 6+3 The Officer m Command of the 14th Risiila acknowledges the
" " receipt of ce1tam ordeis [nom C -m-C J £ I (Pe1 )
.,, 644. GflJa1 Srngh to the C -1n-C Rep01 ts that out of 9 Div1s10ns of
tioops one 1s posted at the Fa1asldchana dmwaza and the rest at othe1
darwiizas f l ( Per )
,, 3 645 :M.hd Bakht Khan acknowledges the receipt of orders [ from
C -m-C J regardmg the iehef of ce1ta111battalions f I (Per)
,, 646 Mhd Nasiiu'd-Din Khan, Thanalula1, Badaipur, to the C -m-C
" Encloses a hst of stolen p1operty, iecovered nom wayfarers f 1.
(Urdu) '
,, ,, 647 List of the p1operty 1efe11ed to above f 1. (Urdu)
,, 648 Karim Khan and Namdar Khan, Jam'dii?s, to the C -m-C Request
" that 2 muskets may be given to them f I. (U1du)
,, 649. Hira Srngh to the C -m-C Asks £o1 the supply of tents and mats
" f. l (Pei )
,J 4 650 Instructions from the C -m-C to the Office1 m Command of the
Reg1m.ent__of volunteern conce1nrng the expedition to K1sbanganJ
f I (U1du) '
,, 651 Colonel Khuda Bakhsh acknowledges the 1ece1pt of 2 parwii'Jzali
" [from C -1n-C J to reheve the soldrnrs 1n the tienches at K1shanganJ
f I (U1du)
,, 652 Za1im Smgh, Hatoiildii1, states that he has received back his
" m~sket f J (Urdu)
,, ,, 653 Sheocharan Smgh acknowledges the receipt of a ce1tam paper
f I (Per.)
' -
,, 654. l\fahdi Khan, .Naik, Na,si1abad a1ttllery, deolares that he has
" iece1ved back his musket f l. (Urdu)
,, 655 1\fukhtar Khan and Zainu'l 'Ab1din Khan, Risiilda1 s, are aJiowed
" leave fo1 6 days f 1 (U1du)
,, 656 Kb,uda Ba!rush Khan, Naib Kotwal, acknowledges the rece1pt of
" a slmqqa [from the C -1n-C J f 1 (U1du)
657 1'1:hd:Sakht Khan requests the C -m-C to dispose of a certam
" " case pendmg m lns Com t f I (Pm )
658 Mhd Fa1z :Sakhsh to nfaJOr Gauri Shankar. Ask,; for the
" - 1l)]mediate suppl7
of t~nts and mats f l (Per )

185'] 60-confm11ed
Sep 659 Ml;id Bakbt KhAn aelmowledgeo the receipt of oerl,un ort!ero
:from the C 1n O f. I (Urdu)
660foMtd JahAni:r,r ~n to the O ,n..C hi.. for the paym~t or
wages r hlll mllll. f. L (Urdn)
,, 661 illlnLun Mnlp11'd Dfn, Rttaldar, to Colonol "\f,rn Kh~
Snll,,4n. .ABla, that • horse may he ropp!ied to replace " deod ono.
n 662 The C ·1n C d,recta Flllfll'llah KhA.n,R11aldar,to~ to l;lnntn
Bakb.h 1™property plnIJdered by h"' (Fru1u'llah'•J men f J (Urda)
., 688 Omrto BahMnr acknowledge,, the receipt of cel"t8,n onle!'ll from
the C m C f. L (Urdu)
,, 004 1Jihar Pl!.nde, Si!ia!dar aendanp ce:rtAJD
peroon• to t!,o Court
o!.the C 1n C for truJ f L (Urdu)
065 Depont,on of Mangal Kh!n regurdrng hlunut f t (Urda)
, MO The C ,n-C dueoti, the Officer m Command of the R'J?lment of
Volnnteere to IIE!Ild
gnardo to the Mori and Lahore gate, f J (Urdu)
,, 661 The C ,n-C drreott Bn~d1er J eoz,l.m!,hur to l.-,ep his =n
ready for reVJewnext day f L (Urdu)
., 668 Genaro.IBh!gw,,t Mmir to tho C in C !Ii ■ men ""' had!; In
need of nteruuloand bcddmg f L (Urdn)
6 09 Gangl Smgh <loc,onot 11Cndre,nfo=menui lo the bndge u
.ald1en, 'Who•ro alrendy there, nra returning to the b""-'1quarltr0. f I
670 Depo01t,onof KAie Kh~nregar<l,ngbunrrttf f I (Urdu)
671 Depo11bon of KAl6 IQiAn (1U1othorDllln) regnrd,ng h11 arm!
f. I (Urdn)
0 6H Shaihh Ranw(an to the C 10 C A,b £or the ttearery of
cerf.lun ornament, belonguig to him f I (Urda)
,, 673 Bahar 'Ah Sh!lh dcolam thnt ho h .. rr<l'!Yrd 1111prop0rl7 keyt
depont f I (Urda)
OU The C m C d,recto LAI~ N•ndlm,1 lA>th••r,!onu'l:e orer to
Bnh~r 'All Shih R, f 2 0 l:opt ,n doPoflL f I {Unln)
,. 6'15 'Abdn'• S•owl Khln,to the C m-C Recomme,lstblll f&""f'O'U
be g,nn to Mu!J1Lhu lbh Khi!.n, Ja••tf.,r, •nd oth•rf gorni:-bomeoa J,..rr
f L (Per)
,, 676 Amll' 'All Ruildar, to the C ,n C Ail• ror IM "'Pl'l1 of
cartndgc.. f I (Urdu)
,. 077 (a) In,troehon1 from the C m·C to ,tmAAmir Ilfi:-1° gnarJ
the Lnds-e of Chbo.dlaand !ho 1opplie, tMnng to llelh1
(6) Amir~• men ttfoM to oLeylhe •bo~•
onler, •• lh--T h,n
not bten rc•dfor • long tune r I l P<r ) -
, 076 Complamt 0£ Jlollil r~r,hni: lb• c:iptnro ~rLf• 1"'"1 ~1 •
of the ~r<lRua/d I l (Urdu)
1857 60-coutu1ucrl
G G7!) .\n oflh•cr 1t the TJuhorr G:i.ic nrlrnowlcdges the rPceipt of a.
paur,inali ~f,om U-111C.] to bend cc1tn111 soJ<lw1s,attested m the trenches
.it K1<:]rn11ganJ f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, nso Hill ,l1rn11lil1111f.h 1<;nc;kcdto c;cncln tPnt to the N1mnch
f l. (t 1du)
681-:1 Dcpot:1ho11sof llf1hi l3n"°l1sha.u<lothers 1eg-aidmg then· arrests.
" f :3 (l" nlu}
,, ,. 0"-1'oP.rn~hiid, $u~11hd<i1, acknowledges the 1ece1pt of certam
ordetb [fiom the C -m-C J f I { l'ei )
GSJ A pebhon 1s 1ccc1vrclfrom thr Nim.wh C,tmp. f. I (Urdu)
",, "7 GSG Pir, n t,mman to the C -m-C Asks for the delivery of his
hrothe1 '-, "l(low \\ ho Jmc;eloped with a c;oldw1with nll ]us (Pir Bakhsh's)
money f I (Frdn)
,, 087. Depos1t1on of Pir ]3nkhc.h rcg:uclmg lns above f 1
,, GSS (n) St.1temen(, of t.he nccnc;ed w1clow, mentioned above, about
" • he1 allegNl elopement f 1. (Ur<ln)
lb) Accnc;ed 1sacquitted. (Sepf. llJ
,, GS9 The K 0!1oiil 1s to he t1irecte'<1
to arrest persons who deal in firearms
and other weapons stolen from the m1htary stores f. I. (Urdu)
,, 600 Proceechngs of the Com t of Generc1.l'):'nh(yar Khan m connec-
" tion w1ih a <l1spuierelatmg to a musket f 1 (Uidu)
,, 691 Shaikh Ramazfi.n ucknowled~es the receipt of ornaments from
" the Court of Tnh(ya1 Khan, seized on susp101on as bemg loot :f l
692 The C.-m-C. summons Zora.war Smgh, Rtsiildiir, to his Court to
" " answer a charge of plun<lerrng the houses and properties 0£ l\f U$alub
Ali and others f 1 (Urdu)
,, 693-6 The C -Ill' C directs officers to send one oiderly from each bat-
" talion to the C1mrt [of nfutmeersl at the Lahore Gate f 4
(In qundiuphcate) (Urdu)
,, 8 697 Sabin Khan R,saldar, to [C.-m-C J Cannot send 2 troopers, as
his men a1e m the trenches f I (Urdu)
,, 698 Mhd Fa1z Bakhsh acknowledges the iece1pt of a parwanah [nom
" C -m-C ] f 1 (Urdu)
699 A person acknowledges the recP1pt of certain precients "from
" " the Krng f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 7 00 D1 Tviir :\1I hd lQ!an ce1ttfies that Sheo Ghulam Sii.kiil 1s unfit
" for be 1s_sufftrmg f1om 1heumatism f l _(Ur<lu)
9 701 The C -in-C <lnects K1shanganj to be ready m order
" to make n, raid upon t,he Eugfo-h f I IUrdu)
,, 702 G-ua1<lsat the Delhi Gate are directed to allow troopers oarrymg
" pa1 wiinahs to go out p,ndcome 10 f. 1 (Urdu)
66 ittrrINY PAP.F;!!S r
185? 60-conf{mled
Sep 9
703 Raiah 'Ali, J'am'dar,eneloses n b.t of artioleoto he '11J'l'hed
from the mago:cne f 1 (Urdn)
" " 704 Sa1y,d\::ShAh, Kvt.ral, •clrno'lledi,,o the l'e<Clptof n
pancafta1 [from C m C ] lo send 100 coolie,, f 1 (Urda)
705 Ml;td Bal;h.oh Khlln acJ..norr!edges the receipt of II d•qq•
tfrom C m-C] f 1 (Urdu)
" 700 Genernl 'l'dh''l'dr KbAu direct. cerium ,old1el'!Ito re.tor3 lo
~alpo;&n, her hon,e and property o,ited by them f. 1 (Unlo)
" 107 Rakhl.han Kh!.n,Na,b 1/ualilar, uh for reinfoi:,cementt
nll the Engrnh mtend to make a night attaolr t l (Urdu) '
708-9 The C tn-C direct ■ offioento nsremble mth their men 10 fr0nt
of the Kubnur Gate m order to atteclt tbe Eogluh f 2 (In
duplicate.) (Urdu)
" 10 710 [C ,n-C /•] parra•d 11 receivedm the Eot1ral1L l (Urda)
,, 711 (a) The Officer m Command of the Cnvalry from G,rnhor 11
ducoted to gunrd the trcncheo at Qodwih Dagb f 1 (TJrdo)
{b) The Officer mentioned nhove csnnot ot1rr, out the orilm"'
nll h~ men are ~dy m the trench~ r.t Ttlmr.n,.
"712 The Offi= m Commond of the Ca,alry from Lucknffl 11
directed to .end goord• to the Jumna Ilndge f. I (Urda)
" 11 713--4 Bonda of good ooh&noor extcntcd bv Pir Dolsl!1hand J1tnl
f. 2 (Urda)
, 12 715 Stntement of Iln,b Smi:b r<'lt1lrd1ng n Si\.b Sepoy who t. 1n
commumcalion with the Euglub f I (Urda)
710-7 Bngade-1\Tajor Gnun Sbonhr Sokul ll d,recled lo ttnd tbo tronohet at U,=npnr f 2 (trda)
71 8 Ll.t of nrhcle,, 1111'Phed
from !ho mogumo f L (Per)
710 },Juu 'l-nblru'd DID ~clrnOTI'lcdgotthe receipt o! n pctit.on from
Gnon Shon!= f ] (Unla)
720 Tbo C 1n C '• ,,.,...,a
1 dcmo.n<l1nglho return of coolie! ttn!
to tho Kuftcd/ f l (Urda)
721 ,11:iaAmir l\tl, R11JU.r, ~ tb:il Fal1 Khln ho., l-Ma
" wounded t l (Unla)
,, 722 :Martn,AllJl&a, l/11ulciar,la d1rtcicclto •~d 10 lroopm from
hiJ J/,.ala f l (Urdu)
723 Tbo C 10..C d,mtt tho gu,u,J,al lho Ajmcr Gato to I" .. In
cerlom troopen. t l (Urda)
,, 7H The C 1n C d1ttcl• the offir<'rlo cornrasoJ ortht r,:,=I a(
Tolunleen to aend 2 Comp:uue,ol tr<>OI"to i;aard th< 1nmao llnJi;<'
f 1 (Urda)
,, 726 C,lonel Al;,mod KMn wt1t not altOU" nn,- T,1••!• lo NO("
l,ot C<>mf":1
hun \Q rtlnro to Dtlb1 ! 1 (Unlu)
]11:UTINYP APJ_i:RS 67
1857 60-continnecl
SPp. 13 720. The C.-in-C nsks Gauri Slmnk::tr to 10port ",here and in what
quantity fucd g1am 1s to be supplied. £. 1. (U1<lu)
727. Shaikh lWhd Amir Bnkhsh acknowledges the ieceipt of a
parwiinah from the Genernl Sahib, to be present at the Kashmir G.tte.
f 1. (Urdu)
728 List of the C -m-C 's JJarwanahsissued io different persons. f. 1.
" " (Urdu)
,, 14 729 Amir 'Ah Khfi.n, Risalcliir, to the C -rn-C Reports the inJnry
caused to soldierc; by the fall of a shell. £ J. (Urdu)
730 Amir 'Ah Khan will send 10 soldiers to the Ajmer Gate as
J) "
dnected. f. 1 (Urdu)

17 731 Shaikh nihd Shafi, Risiilrlc"ir,to the Kmg Repo1ts that for
want of p1ov1s10ns, desertion among the army has become fr~quent,
and suggests that auangements £or supplies may be made immediately
f 1. (Urdu)
,, " 732. Fa1z 'Ali, Risaldii?, a<'knowle<lges the ieceipt of a1ticles be-
longmg to the late n1hd l\1azha1u'<l-Diu, kept m deposi1r in the office
of the C.-in-C £ 1 (Per )
733. Sa1yid Imam 'Ali, alias MiI Kallu, to the K;:mg Requests
that the gua1<ls at the Delhi Gate may be duected to allow the coffin of
the late Jam Begam to pass f 1 (Per)
734. J eo Ram, $1tbahdru, will carry out the orde1s 0£ (C.-m-C.)
£ l (Urdu)
735 Ce1tam suggestions made Battalions to pitch then· te11ts out~
side Delhi , to disband certam Tilangas , to iemove the company of
troops fiom Jami' l\'lasJ1d f 1 (Per)
736 ~Iii Ha1dar 'AJi, a gunner, has airested a spy of the English
f 1. (U1du)
737. List of fried gram, molasses, sugar, foddei, &c. f 1.
738. Imam Khan, Risalda,, ac1rnowledgl:lsthe receipt of an order
from [C.-m-O J f 1. (Urdu)
----- 7 39 G aun Shankar Sukiil IS asked to seal and return the pm wanah
enclosed f 1. (Urdu)
740. Officers 1n Command 0£ the Baretlly forces are asked to visit
the Krng. f l. (Per )
741. D1spos1tions of troops at Daryaganj. f. 1 (Per)
74Z. List of e~pend1ture incurred on account of the Krng's VIS1tto
the sbnne of Kk10'a1a$al;i1J [at AJme1 ] f 1 (Per)
743 Sheocharan Smgh, J3r1gade-n:faJor, asks that soldiers at the
Kashmir Gate may be relieved. f. I. (Per,)
744. Geneial Bbagwat 111sar's reports that he bas cauied out the
o.rdf1s. f. l. (Pei )
68 MUTINY P A1'.EllS
1857 60-contwued
745 LAI! Jnwalhn~th C.ehier d tod m,,b
oerl11Jnpersona. f 1 (Per) ,. n-eo to p:,.yment. to
740 I!nrdeo, o. t.a,tor ul.e for the '[l'lyment of htt wn~ f I
(Per) b-

7!7 !lll;idI_Iaan KbAn recommend• that a lent ond a groom bcsent

to " .,fanL-.i 8&Q1b f 1 (l'er)
748 W1do,v of the Joie l;l•11auD~gto the t-m~ A.I.:. for tht gro.nt
of a penB1011 f .I (Urdu) ~
749 Lt!A Jsgnn Ul ,. ""ked to eend ono quire- or pnper f. 1
760 DtBtnlintion of paTtDa•ah for rnnlong mid• on tbo l'Jdge. f 1
761 L!Bt of ropco purohued, f. ] (Per J
75i RAnh Srngh, $•baJdar t.otho C m-C A,b that ro,nfo~mont
mny be l!Cnt 1mme<l..tly f I (Urdn)
753 Somo d~e,.. from D,thnr reporl thoir ornn,l at Delhi o.nd
M<Jkper,n1'"1on ta l'!l1'0 a R11u/a conmhng of tl,eu omi mr11 f I
75~ Aooonnt o! gnnny ho~ to be mwin tho troncbcs. r I (Per)
75r,.o Ilnli,tmcnt roll, of office'" foll 2 (Per J
7u7 Dr Amir Kh~n to L!l~ Dnrg&nJ S1n:::b Jla,.,,,ldar-Major
Aob him to ,ond Nand Lal to wAJt npon R,otan Srogh m tLo Lntprtol
f I (Urtln)
758 The C 1n C Mkl 011lccr1,on behalf of tho Krni: to nilly tbttr
mon wh~ ore •l.."'11kmi: m l!"{<lcn,,ond olM>wh,,o { 1 \ Utdn)
75!l Ja \'AIAnMh [to nn officer] SenJ• ~ proclnmnhon whi<l1
,ma rend nloud in open Court and a l• hrm to refnru 1l for CJ1't'111A-
hon f 1 (Par)
700 orn...ra tb,.tlt<ld ,.,tit =king, ('-Ollrctron•in ,r,ltra<Yl1.too
Na1afgath a 1UrO th, Kmi; tht the• lnll nei!Le, "1'1'™' the •1' I•
nor commit any d1.tnrboncc f l fPer)
701 K11ban l>n,rnl Snb,bd!lr ,r~?'• rePort• tb,t he bu oent IO
,oldrcra to the t.,#,r of the Ba!l1A, fil .. o r l (Urdt)
702 Sluiikb <:!]JnllmAll to the Ca•b1or A••• tlu.l lho h:.b.not ~
the billa {or h"'1'1tal cbn~ m,y he p>1d f I (Urdu)
70~ DTIIJQmanStngli, llal"iiltfar, n,b 1h31tent, and t.rp:,uUo•fflllf
be "11ppl1rd f J (Uttln)
;ol fu.,,dbnn TirrAn to the C 10-C A1l.1 th>.t h,, too•\11 ..-.,r.J
nt t~ Shahdara TJ, .. mOT \,o rc,lottd to h,m r 1 (1'1Ju]
70G !laru:n, AdJOfant, A<U for ,a,trod,on• A'hrtli,r L, "lo ,,1.. ~
the C 10-C or ;\[,~ Q.umt. f I {Unln)
- i6G 'l&n n~ R11aldJr to th• C. m-f' TI"f"rl• that tl,, 1olu/JJr
o[ 1111pbco <lo<'Suvtobry orJtr1 Jrom the C 1n.C. f I (Ur.!,)
1857 60-continued
-.--- 767. 13nbu Snku], $fibalulii,1, Nns1rabad artillery, lo the King Re·
ports the dIStics<;of his men and sohc1ts that proVISIOnsmay be supplied
immediately £ 1. (U1du)
-- 768 List of <lead horses. £. I. (Per)
--- 769 Statement of the cavahy Ill the surte f 1 (Per)
-- 77U Imam Khan, Risaldat, has received orders from the C.-in-C to
m~uch to AJmei Gate • f 1 (Urdu)
771 The Courb (of :i\{utmeers) Is suspected of bemg m league with
the Eughc;h, the Kmg IS ,1,<;kedto n.ppo1'lt 4 men proposed, to conduct
c1v1l oncl m1htary affairs f 1. (U1du)
772 Rccmpt of a payment marle to Larhman, Dawaldiir f 1 (Per)
773- l.l.,si1matcof matcuals and men reqmre<l to prepare and pitch a
tent on a certa,n a1cn f 1 (Pei )
------- 77 t Deserteis fiom l\'.[eeiut at Delhi oommumcate to their f11ends
el-ewheie that they have p1oela1me<lBahftdm Shah K1rg arnl invite
them to JOlll tp.en cause f 1 (Per )
-- 775-9 Receipts of payments made to fCtrim Bakhsh and othe1s
f 5 (Per)
780 A Punce to :M:aul.1v1 'Abdu'l Hakim Will cons1dn his case
on his (Prrnce's) 1bewmmg- the l·eir-apparent f 1 (Per)
781 l\fa17a Ahuh.11.1to the C -m-C ,\c.:ksthat gua1ds at tlrn AJmer
G tte may be due'-'ted t-o <lllow J_Mssageto Li, men who aie armed f l.
,Pei )
782 List of water-ca1Tie1s who accompamed an exped1t1011 f 1,
783 An officer to the Kmg Recommends that a drum be:: sent
to the N1mach camp. £ 1 (Pei)
784 Kale Khan asks tliat l.iLouie1::, and d1g~e1s may b.t.supplied,
f 1 (Pei ) -
785 Sta'tement of the d1spoc:;ifaonsof troops f 1 (Pei )
786 General 'J,,ah'ya1 Khan to the Krng Asks that gua1ds may be
withdrawn from a certam house which he mtends to occupy f ! .
787 List of certarn articles tents, carts, kmves, &c f 1 (PcrJ
788 An officer to the C -m•C Advises him to consult certarn per-
sons whom the C -rn-C 1ega1ds as enemies of the :M:ubLeers f 1
789 General Bhagrath to the C -m-C Has cair1ed out the C -rn-C 's
01de1 £ ] (Urdu)
790 An mcomplete fetter to Fa1zu Khan, Kotwii1 f 1 (Pt-r)
791 Mhd Karnran to the Krng Seeks his pardon f J (At the top
a verse nom the Qman) f 1 (Pei )
792 Plan of postrng p1ckt--tsof hoops f 1 (Per)
1857 60-conti,wed
703 Depo31hon of Bhto L~l Swgh regnrclrngcortam article,, depo51(
ed by him i 1 (Urdu) •
704 'Abda'llah KhAa, Hawnllar-:MnJor lo !ho C 10 C A,k, !hot
remforcemeut. =:r be .ant m Oidor to rtop the ndrnnce of the Engh,h
t 1 (Urdn)
~06 f'tnwment of dtrinbut:ion of monoy nnd ,wect, among the
battalion from Nnru!hAd i l (Per)
7PQ S111y1d J]111dnrR=m Khiin to lawuldndth, Cruh1er AJb
him to pny R• 2 f 1 (Urdn)
707 ~ Ml)d '~Im, Jau, dar nolnowledge,, tho m,c,l't of ordcro
[from C, m-C] f 2 (Urdu)
700 IlhApnth, f/•baA<tar,has cnrncd oat the ordoni o[ the C in C
f l ( Urdu)
800 An officer aokoowle<lgcothe rcco1pto[ or<lcro[from the c~,n-C.J
f 1 (Urdu)
801 Aol..oowlet!gment of n petition froJn officen n,l.lng !or tho
reletu,o of certam men f 1 (U rdn)
802 IkrAmu Jlnh Kl!dn Tl:a.,dar, h.n•bmir Goto to the J..ulr:al
Aok■ that wages may be )'lllU to rortrun wntcr-<nrntt• f 1
803 Sha1IJJ R.nnuuAn, $a0And11r,to the C m-C I ■ unnLlo to
V11cnto the hoo•e occap1e<lLy him f 1 (Lrdu)
804 Imwn KhAn R11aldar to !ho C 1n C Cannot !aroi,b men to
11ccompnnythe oxped,tion to Al1pore f l (Urdu)
805 An 1ncomplotehot of officen, men an<l e2mp-!ollowcl'J. r I
800 Amir Deg R11aldJr to the C m C C,,nnot 1tn<l troopcron■
!her nro J>OO~lnt different plncn f I (I er)
807 Settlement of tho t!11tr!Lut1on cJ orJer, to officer,. r I (Pn)
808 Qbuldm D..tglr h.h!n R11"l1/ar,to tLo C 1n.C Ad.c that
may Lo paul at the Rme ruto u othcn ! I
officcro rn hi• R11t1l11
809 Qnlandar 11,1,h■h KIJ!n to the C 10-C ncport, thot foJJcr
moy be an,bLlo at pnnto hoUJCO Lat ,i "'111Le ■ eturc-d onlJ LT u,loi;
force f l (Urdu)
810 Kor!m lln!slJ!h KhAn lwlld•r to tLo C 1n-C A,L, th,t rruti
g,ons may Le !l'"n to ccrtnm ltoorcr■ nnt!!Le ,/,fa ,I ,r, nndIii.I 0 11<'<
moy Lo ginn to ,ab1 1Lskhr4~ad olhcn f I {Un!a)
611 Imam, 1"
I 1111,/"r,to !Le C rn.C \\ ill l\'li<Tel<llJ..-rw
!Lo trend,<t •• Ji=lcJ r l (Urdu)
Rl 2 Cula,n officer&to t4e C 1n C. C<>1t1'L>1n of taptff("Ulf'tt1 of
their clo1m, on<l 1nJ11>liNJone to tL,m olLcn" c r I (l'rJn)
&13 Lilt ol WIICIY!M m • """ oLoat a I><,.. f I (r,r)
~!UTlNY PAPERS ., 71
1857 60- concluclcd.
811 .\c::,tf1<11iiu to the C -m-C .Adn~cs liim fo inc;pocLthe sold1ors,
n~ hie::presence :11non~ them \\ ill rabo tht•1r i::p1r1t. f. 1. (Urdu)
bl~> .T;i\\.ilnrnilhto Lidii N:111dr:i;nn.11,As1:s ]um to pay to Karim
Jlnkh,h Kl!:rn,R,s,iltl(i1, l{-. :WO f I (Ul(lu)
5lti Su11l.1iinKhftn, f{Pbahdtu, h,1s m.nchcd hi~ men io tho Kashmir
Gate f. l. (17nln)
~17-l S lmiim Khirn, R,s[rltli'i1, will carry out the orders of tho
C.-in-C f ~ (In t1upht•nlc) (Urdu)
SHI. :X.11nc.:; of pc1som, "ilh lb :JO:igamsLthe nnme of each. f. 1.
(Pei )
820 ~Iht1 Shnfi' to the C.-rn-C. C.mnot eJcCLthe Sikh soldiers £10111
n houc;coccupied hy them, as m usmg fo1cr, Ji9 apprehends <laugc1
f l (Pl'r.)
821 An mcornplctc pct1fton to (C -rn-C J f. 1. (Pei )
822 .Ah1..nnu l-lah to Litlii J, As1~s him to send Rs 123,
the puce of a. pai1 o[ bullocks pmehasctl f 1 (Pei.)
823 ~lir KnllG to the C.-rn-C. So11c1tsthat his son ~ho has been
m1c>stetlon a charge of theft may be. 1elcascd f 1 ~U1du)
821- irn,:i. Abc1iilJ3eg, R1~i"ilrh71, to the C.-rn-C c~nnofi supply 40
soldrnr-::,n~ 1us mrn h.wc gone on ,lll C\.ped1tion. f. 1. (Urdu)
825. N.tmcs of pe1s011snncl of places they came f1om. f 1. (Pei )
826. Account of Rs 24 s1Jcnt by Shah Salnb. £. 1. (Pei )
827. L1sf; of articles. flom, salt, &c. £. 1. (P01.)
---- 828 Fni:m'l~lah Khan,$iiba!ulc71,to the C.-m-C. Asks tha,t 4 orderlies
ma.y be supphe<l. f 1 (Per.) '
820. Officers arc cl1rccfiedto see that no one enters the 1Juoan-i-A.t11,
armed and that no Tilanga takes any thrng from a shop without _
pa.ymg 1tb pnce. f 1. (Urdu)
830. Amir Khan, 1Jafa'd!t1, fiom Lucknow., p1oposes certam plans
£or a.ttackrng the English. f. 3. {U1du)
831 Name of a pe1son whose p1opc1ty has been btoleu and' of the
culput arrested, f. 1. (U1du)
1857 161
1 l\1hd'l-luh Khan, 'lhiinadii,, Tmkoman Gate, to tlie K~twal,
Delhi Sends 23 shoemakeis and reports that d1gge1awho lived' m tho
Jmis<lwtionof his thana have fled f I (Urdu)
,, ,, 2 N ommal list of the Police establishment, Chandm Chawk, f 1.
25 3 Faiz lVIhdKhan repo1ts that his house has been b1oken mio.
" £ 1. {U1du)
4 Mbd Ihsanu 1l-lah Khan, 1'hanadii1,Tmkomau Gate, to the KotwcilJ
Delhi, 'fhe above report of house-b1eaking 1s fabe. f. 1. (U1du)
1857 61-contmued
May 26 5 Ml:tdll;t.Ann I lab !Oi!'Ul,
Tlll.,iadar Tnrkom,an Gate, to the Kotr:al
Delb, Sende 24 1hoe11U1kerB. f 1 (Urdu) '
,, 29 6 MJ;t<lIwnn'I lah Kh!n, TA,,•atlar, Tnrko,unn Gate, lo the Aolril
1Jelh1 Buibloe., are not avrul•lile m b11 c1role, .. nds 9 acnvenger.'
f I (Urdu)
7 Drnr, of tLe Police at the Tnrkonum Oote f J (Per)
" 8 Mljd Il),iuu'l !&b to the .Ko/,oal Rapart• that cerla1n t!ungs
" /JO
from tLe houee of one )l.llL~ llah hue Loon 1tolen f 1 (Per)
9 Tioce,pt of n polymMt m,de to SI.Ad!JrJ,tn f I (P~r)
10 ;\[IJJ 1/µAna I I.Ji to the Eolr:ill Sanda 20 •hoelllAJ.:en f l
11 (a) Ab<la I I;lal.l.n Khtn, Na,b Kohcal,to lbe l,arosla Tio•••
" " Tnrkom~n Diroot. lum under roynl orden to ,reu<la horse WW()h"' m
hu /1,a•a
(61 Mb<l. Il;lllnu I ]ah to the KM,cdl Report. ooncernmg the
abore hone f L (Urrla)
12 Mu Sham,hfr 'All Ja• dar <'lum<lm Ch•,,.J..,to the KJlr:il.1
The bankon rnmmone<l bve !/"DO to the holllO uf ~1,har Ch.nd, wLenee
theT w,II go to the fort. f 1 (Urda)
111n. 3 13 M1Jd..~u I lab to the Kolr:al Sood& 12 1hoemal:eu. f
14 Mhd Ih<Anullab to the Kol,:iil Send, ccrto•n p<,r,001 In
conneci,on w,th "coee f 1 ( Urda>
15 II16; Ao,lnu d Din T/u,.adar Chanda, Cb•wk, to the Eol.:dl
Send• Iebwar DA• f I (Urda)
10 JJ&fi~ Arnlnu'd Dln Tl,uatlil.r Appomto S01fn'l lob KbAn 1n
ploee of Kha1bbAI Singh f l (Urdu)
,, l:t ... 17 Ml;iclIla!nn'l lob to tbo Aol,ca/ Send. aomo woter=rn•ra
f 1 (Urdu)
6 18 Lat or
IM Po!Jco ~t4bluhmont, Cluw<ln1 (,hawk. I 1 (Per)
10 }.[hd 1/u<inn'l l,h to the AJh,al '4mJ1 t,0m< rorlh•n ,..,,,,1
f 1 (Urdu)
20 Mhd l!J&lnn'l lob to the KJ/ra/ 'ienJ, 12 ,Ioolr Le•rtn f I
21 Mhd lh&lnn l lah I? !Le Kofr•I S•nd• a h•t o[ wri•••Jm
£ I (llnln)
22 JhfiJ Amlnn'<l Din to 1be AJ/"'1/ fn (o,1'"1 • rr.-o;n,un~
t.l.on from O pmo111nrrewted r I (UrJn)
23 'flid Ih1inn l bh to t~ Kotw:al SeruudOQl/r, ond Jool1
" 7 be:t.rff, f I (Urdu)
24 "IJ•I l!Jcina I lab to tao A4/,,..,t A,h lb.I CbL lu w>lttw
" " ,:,mrr Dll1 ho ,1,.....1"'1not lo eome to h .. tAa.. r I (l.,rJ11)

1857 61-contin'ued
Jun. 8 25 Receipt of a payment made to Fath Smgh, f 1 (Per)
9 26 M:hu Ihsfmu'l-lah to the Kotwiil. Sends coohes f. 1.
" (U1du)
" ,, 27 Mbd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal. Sends bullocks, water-carriers,
bags, &c f 1. (Urdu)
" ,, 2S Receipt of et payment made to Gbulam I:fusam f. 1.
29. Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to th_ Kotwiil Sends a beggar who was ar-
" " iestetl f 1 (Uulu)
10 30 Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to the Kotwiil, Sends se>m3labomers f 1
" (Uidu)
31 Hanz AmYnu'd-JHn to thP Kotwiil Acknowledges the 1ece1pt of
orde1s to send bankers f 1 ( Urdn)
32, Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to the Kotwiil Flom 1s not avJ1lable m his
" " area f. 1 (Urdu)
3.3 Mhd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiil Sends doohes, dooly bearers
" " bullocki:i, and le.tLher bags f 1 (U1dn)
11 34 1vlhd Ihsfnm'l-]ah to the Kotv;iil Sends wate1-caruers and
" leather bags f. l (Urdu)
315 Hafii Amfon'd-Din to the Kotwiil Will send the shopkeepe1s
" " who have been summoned f l (Pei)
" ,, 36 Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to thP Kotwal Jbmgamal, Ban,nas1 Das and
othe1s are away from home ± 1 (U 1<lu)
,, 12, 37 Hafiz Aminud-Din to the Kotwiil Cannot send pro,1sions for
want of tiansp01 ts f 1 (Urdu)
" ,, 38 Receipt of a pa,yment made to Fath Smgh £ 1 (Per)
_ ,, 13 39 Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to the Kotwfil Sold101s pu1ch3sed
clothes as directed f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 40 Hafiz Aminn'd-Din to the Kotwal. Amn, tlie farner, has
slnfted elsewhere horn his former place f 1 (Urdu)
41 Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to the Kotrcal Cannot supply farriers as
" " they are not, available m his area f 1 (Ur<lu)
42 Hafiz Aminn'd-Din to the Kotwiil. Hns c:upphccl prov1&ions t-0
' " the H'ln~1 Camp f 1. (Ur<lu)
43 HflfiZ Aminu'<l-Din to the Kot,ctil Health of petlplc m certain
" " be :rffecte,-l3s <hrt is not rcrno\ eel Sam(nry measures ..,Jiould
be taken f l (Ur<lu)

" ., 4.f Hafiz Aminu'd-Din to the Kot 1ral Send~ 7 nafor-carriers, one
bnlloek and one leather bng f 1 (Ur<lu)
4i H:di7 Aminu'd-Din to the A~oflr;;{ Hatl nrranged for the pnr-
,, '' chn,c of 200 bun•lles of t-p1,nt.s of , orn Lut .~ould not tak" <lcJ,, l'r\ {'f
them for "ant of coin cyam.e f 1 (FrdnJ
1857 61-confwucJ
Jnn 13 46 Ml)d Il}dnu'l lnh to the Kolral Sends 2 g-Nve-d,ggcrw.f J
JJ "
- 47 hll)d !Qslinn'l lnh to the Kot,,:al Sends O coohes one bnllocJ..
one leather bag and two '1111ter-camors.f. 1 (Urdu) '
" 14 48 Mhd ll)Bru1n'llah to the KMral Gnn,,"Udlw-who ...,.. arrested
on a oharge of e.p,ollllg<lhaobeen fonnd innocent f. 1 (Uruu)
49 F,ldfig.Amlnu'd Din to the Kofttal Sends l!OIDO nurnndJ of rni;u
lllld mowoeo f I (Urda) -
50 Hdll1 Amlnu d Dm to the E olcal Ono JhOng,i, on ~tng
reported to ho n •!'), pretend• to ho mmne f I (Urdu)
51 M!Jd lhBilnu'l Jab to the Kot,cal Sends O cool e. 3 1r11ler
carnm and 6 <loolylurero f. I (Urda)
52 1.ll~d l!Ju.nn l lnh to the Ko/,cal Stntcs the P"rt,culm or
com-chnndlcr, of hl! fl,u.a rn conaeohon mth & complo,nt ma<le liy
them f. I (U r<ln)
,, 10 53--J. illhd I~no'l J.h to the J,.JJ,:al Semi, eoolm,, !l'lllcr
camera nnd /;aggal, (com-chan<llcro) f 2 (Ur<ln)
,, 16 7 55-8 Diane• of TAa,a Turkomnn Gate f 4 (l'er)
17 50 00 Ml)<lIl)ofmn l lah to tho AiJtcal Scn<l, thntcbe.-. and their
CAasdAm f. 2 (Urda)
,. ,, 01 2 Rafi, Amlnu'd Din to the Kot,ral Sends merclunt, uho
obieot to contnboto money nnd CAn•dAru uho ohJCOtlo ,npply )ll'O-
vulon• f 2 (Urdu)
18 03 L1.t of officcn an<lmen from the PunJ•h f 1 (Per)
04 D10ryof TAa•a Chnrulm Ch:nvl f I (Per)'
" " 05 Hhfi& Amino d Din to the Kutrrol for tran port, In
" " ttnd proYmou. f 1 (Urdu)
00 Ml)<lIh ..\nu'I bh to tbo Ao/,ral Scn<lotn,loro, <lcol,-
coolies f I (Urda)
■ nJ ~=•
07 ;\[hd ThollnaI Lili to the .hvltral Ifn• not ~nl the t..Llo of
" " current pneco , tho pron,ioa• )lnr bue<l hno nlmi<ly L= )l>IJ for
r I (Urda)
,, 10 OS ,1hd Ilwna'I Lib to 1hc Kotrrul Son<l.Jlrovwon._ f I (Ur<l•l
00 ;111,i<l bh to tho Ku/real .MaleLnlrnloe<an, not a,:ubLlo
" " ID hu ■= r I (Unln)
70-1 ;\ll)J Ih !nu'l-uh to tLo liot,,..I Scn<l• coobcs an<l nt.,..
" came I f 2 (Urda)
72 Dl3n- or TAa.,, Tnrlom•n Gate f I (rer)
73 (•J "•11,<l,1uh1ral.. Shllh h.b\n .hot.-"l to tho /IJrvJI• TU,a
,, JJ
Chon<lmChol\'~ A k• Turn to .,,n<l 45 LanJI.-. .. r •r=t.c
or MO
(6) The li•ru:t!,a, TU•a UunJni Clu,, ffl"''t, th,t tLo
II n l,uncll.... n,cnl,onc<l nl o« .,.., not • .,n 111• lh 1,1,.... ~ r I (l,r,!o)
H )Ufir Amlnu J llln lo the /id,,-!/ H'1 vrt• tb ■t LnaJl,;i •I
11 ' IIJ'TO"h of corn are not an,~Ll• C I (lrt!n)
1857 61-contin11ed
Jun HJ 75. Dbry of Thana Chandm Chrrnk. £. 1. (Pei.)
,, 20 7U IInfi~ Ammn'<l-dm to the Kotwal A cm tam "ood seller at
Begamporc mtends to 1cmove his shop clsewhe1c as no ouc comes to pur-
chase wool through fear of the Cav,1liyregiment takmg qua.1teis near
1i. £ l. (U1du)
,, ,, 77 l'\Jhd Ihs:inu'l-lnh to the Kotwal Sends 13 coolies, f. 1. (Urdu).
,, ,, 78-D Diaries of Thanas Chaudm Chawk and TmktJman Gate.
f. 2. (Per)
21 SO Hafiz Ammu'd-dm to tho Kutwal. Sends 1m1hes to a suit
" 1)endmg nt the Kotwal'i £ ] • (Urdu)
Sl Jlnfi1t Ammu'd-din to the Kotwal Asks foi hamiports to send
" " prov1s1om, f 1. (Uidu)
,, )J SZ ~lhd 1hsann'l-lah to the Kotrotil. Sends water-carllers, coolies,
an<l ca.rpeuters f. 1. (Uidu)
,, 83 Diary of'l\ukornan Gate. f l (Per)
,, "
22 8 !< ~Ihd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotzoal Sencls 2 <lu,f11Ie1s, f I.
,, 85. ~Ihd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal. Reports th<tt employes m
" Phiina Tuikoman Gate are iegulo.r m domg their duties £ 1 (U1du)
86 7\IJid Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiil Ha.s sent corn-chandlers to
" " the Nas1rabad Camp £. 1. (Urdu)
,, S7. 7\Il}d'Ah to Nizamu'd-Din, lJiirog..!La,
Faizbaza.r Has 1ece1ved
" summons horn the Kotwali in connection with a. case, his solw1tor will
appear for him. f. 1. (U1du) ,
" ,, 88-D Diaries of Tkfinas Turkomau Gate ancl Chandm Chawk
£ 2 (Per)
,,23 90 Receipt of a payment made to 1\1:hd 'Ali. £. 1. (Pei)
,, 23-4 91-4 Diaries of Phiinas Tnrkoman Gate and Chan<lm Chawk.
f 4. (Per.)
,, 95. People of Chandni Cbawk complam 0£ the oppiess~on of I;liifiz
A mnu'cl-Din, Thiinacliir, f. I. (U1du)
,, 25•9 06-103 Diaries of Plto.nas Tmkoman Gate and Chandn1 Chawk.
£ 8. (Pei )
29 104-5. Receipts of payments made to G-huliim Dastgir Khan and
" 1\1:hdI Ali f 2. (Pei )
,, l 06 [An officeiJ to the C -m-C Repo1ts a victo1y over the Eng hsh
" and the subm1ss10n o.f people of Kaikrn f I (Pei )
Jul ] ,2 107-8. Diaues of Thiina Chandm Chawk f 2. (Pei )
,, 2 109 l\{emorandum of wages [ to be pa1d?J of Cavalry :6.omthe
PunJab £. 1 (Pe1.)
,, 110 List of officeis fiom Kohat f 3 (Pei)
,, "3 111 Mhd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kot10al Sends dooly bearers,
ca1penteis, &c These men quauel with the ba1q_andazes sent io
bung them, as therr wages aie not paid, f. 1. (U1du)
\ro't'1NY PAPERS

1857 61-cont,nued
J"uL :I 112 Ml;td ll;t!llnn'l l•h to the Kol,ra/ Scmh pron 01on1. f 1
113 Ml)d l~nn 1-lah to the Kol,cal Sencl ■ curd.. f I (Urda)
114-16 Dianeo of TAa,tU Chandru Ch■ w!.. ond Turko= Gate
£. 2 (Per)
116 H~fiz .Almnn'd Din to the K6tril Cannot ■npplv curd■ As
mill u not aTIUloble. f l (Urdn) ,
117 F,!AfilAmmn J Din to tbe Kolral Compl.cunt of• certain tailor
who doo,, not obey the order, from the t~a .. nnd mclnce, other. to folio,..
h,. e:xample. f 1 (Urdni
, 118 ll~fi~ lminu J Dm to the K61,rii/ Sc,11!,wood. £ , (Ur<lu)
,, "
4,6 llJ ~il D1&nes of TAa•a• Ch1ndn1 Chawt end Tnrkoman t ~
6 12.J..J Receipt, of poyment• mode to {Jinl!m Du!g!r b,h!n and
otherw f 3 (Per)
l2G-7 ,n;nl Iljsdnn I !ah to the Kot,,-,I Send, c:irpenttt>, doo!1
bearer<,thatoher, et.. f. 2 (Unln)
128 :lllljcl Iljstnn I Lili to the Aolral Send• cnrd, ancl nth !bot
the pnoe may be pDJd f J (Urda)
129 :i\Hr hham,ber Air Ja• dar, fia•a Chanda, Cb • ..-~ f, the
Kotml A•l for povment of tho rnco of bnndlH of IJlronb of N>m
■npphcd f 1 ( U nfu)
130 Ord ... from the C m..( to officer, of the CAnll) fron,
Clwa.hor cone<rmng the d1"Jl0'1hon, of giunls nt d1/T,'TT'ntg;it,., Delhi
f. 1 (Urdu)
1,1 'llaµr All T•il•adar Cluancln, Cb,1rk, to the Ko/rill S.n I~
!,,,,ul!e. of .1,,,.,~ D! com J J / V.rdu)
132 FnJl Abmnd h.h~n Ja,. dJr, nsh for the p:>,rm~t or WfJ::l" for
h11men f 1 ( l'nlu)
6 1~3 Il=pt of the pnyment m:lcleto I md!clu I bh bhln f I
1~4 TAa•at!ar of Tarlomant to the KolrJI Tbal<h"TII are not
" avn1lable 1n Lll nrc:i f I (Urda/
135 ,1hcl llj<ian'l lo!, to the Ko/rill Seads coot, .. 11'111•r..-.rn""'
" ,, ete f I /Urda)
IM ,1r,1',~r 'Air TAn,n,/ilr, Ch,ndn, c,1,,,.1;, I I the KofrJ/ "a~
gt,tl• that t'1lrtorn l.J,q,.daut moy L<, U-.1n..ft""'1 to bll /lil•• (Lb,nJni
t Jan-I.) nnd tluil rtrtam otbrr> 111•• be ttm ,nJ lrom tber, f I
137 q \trr 1'•~•r All TA •ad"r Ch,ndn, Ct,,,wl lo tJ,- AJ/rl/
s...,J,"'" lie,, on.I Jooly korcn f :J (I r,lu)
HO \(lr '\ ~• Air TAa.. /Jr U ,udn1 tb,,..k to t~• K,t,-JI
s.,0 ,1, uucll« 0£ ,b,,,,.. of corn f I (Unlu)
1857 61-rrmf i II urd
.Tut. n lfl ~111 '\,1•·\t 1
\h, 'f!,i,,HI.:,, Ch•tn1l111Chrmk to1lioA,;/,,.fil.
\r,11 ...11wl--11~nrand m,,t.t...•1•i... f. f t Ordn)
l L~. (,,, Bh 1,1 ~Jll~rh, ,:r,~ hciltrii/ 11Pllu. fo lJii rt;f1ha, '11/,,; 11a
<'Ii ,mlut Ch 1,d, .\ ..);, htn1 f q ., .. ,u) :i c:1<l1tlf'1 (h) :\li1 '.Ali
t-0 th,, At,•,,-.if :-:11l1l1
i•rt- \t,' uni ,,n,h'iJ,, i11 lrn, nrj'1 f ] (Ur,ln) .
.. ..' 1 fS-~ H \'1 ipt« of }\1' nwnf ... m•11le in J.Iaq,liifl [{J1ilnnnd Sn.iyid
'..\thd '.\It f ~ ,l"tcltt k p,.,)
.' H 1 :J-- D11t11• ... ()f 'l't ;,,1•t Ch rn,lm Cli•t\\ k nntl 'l'urkomnn. f. 3•
(P(•l '
,, ,, 11" \l1• 11M1ntl11m of \\.i~e1; f~'>l1t•p·d,l to c,flio1•r• ancl men of tl10
Srd Hl'~ltm nf from Lw l,1111\\ f l. (f>,•r.)
s l Hl-*1{1 T>inn•li..r1f '/'/,,; JO~ ( 'h'l111lru Chrl\\ l,. nrnl 'rmJ,omnn. f 2.
" (Pt~r)
,, () l ;j 1. 1lttcc1pt nf n p n ment m.•de f-0 l_{JJi111 :\Il.1d Kl!iin. f. 1,
II 1*}2, \lir ~<t7nr '\Ii to the ltol1riil Sell(J...N1olir~ f. 1 (U1<l11)
,, 1~:1-1 n, 1rt(•<: of 'l'li,i1111s
'P111tnm lll nncl Clrnn,1,u Ch1.wk. f 2.

,, 10 Hc<'Npt of n p rnnrnt mn<l<'f o Fnr.1 Ahma,l gJ,iin f 1.
,, l;;G Dtn ..J of TJi1;,,aChn1uln1Cha,\k f t (J>cr)
",, 11 137 )Ih<l Khnn, li'n,ilrl,ir, to tlic C -111-C A~ko:;thn.t cnrt1idges
nncl pcrcnh•m,n\•.tp"' mn) he -inppl11•,l f ] (Urdu)
l ;,s.(). K.lJmJnBnkl1c:h KJ11in,Rt ~17/dii.1,
io tho C -in-C. A£:kc, that
" t~nts m.n he Pt1p1•licd 1. 2. (Urdu)
,, ) <i0-1 Dra11cs of 'l'hii1111sChnncl111Ch:rn k ancl 'l1nrh.oman. f. 2
" (Ver)
12 162-,3 ReC'etp{fi of p'lvnwnt,g to Fn1.l Ahmad Khflll and
" :Mh<l Klw11 f ~ (U1du)
,, lG L TJti:i of .11 t 1cle-. stul,•11 f1om f hc mngn,rne of Mntmeerc; and
" rcco,e1cd from the hon...e of a, K!ial<i~z f 1 (UHln)
105-G. Diaries of Thanas 'l'urkomn.n .mcl Gu1ar Qas1m Khii.n.
" " £. 2 fPer,)
,, 167 inr Nazar 'Ali to the Kolwiil. ,~r111send certam persons
" summoned f. 1. (Urdu)
,, 13 168-9 DmrieB of Tlu7na~ Tarkoman and Cbandni Chawk. f 2.
,, 170 List of art10les-pen casP, chairs, tables, bW01ds, carpets,
" Chma waie, etc, found m the honse of t}ie RaJ'1 of B'111ahg·nb f 1 (Per)
171-2. Drnrtes of thanas Turkoma.u and Cha.ndu1 C.:iawk f. 2
(Per) ·
_,, 173. The C -m-C directs the officer rn command of the Regiment.
from Gwahor to march his me}l to the Bare1lly camp, f (Urdu)+·

1857 61-continued
Jnl 15 174 :MIJd Kh5.n,
Jl,1ald., to the King Ha, 161te<Iwnt1,rea,eJ,
and a cettau, am01lllt 0£ money belongmg to the Engh ■h 10 ~
certun nll~ and ,.,Ja for " gun to ~rt them to D•lbt.
Bak!Jt KMn to do tho ne.:<lfnl
(Krng'!I ordllJ'm penc,l dlJ'eCtmg:hIQ<I l
f 1 (O"rdn)
,, 16-17 175-80 Dume. of 1'kmu Turl:oman ru,d Cha11d01Ch,rk f G
,, 17 181 Minn Banile 'All Dogto tho Kiog Repm, that ho bns not
been able to get lua olothe,, from n ceruin 11'1\■hernu,n f J
, 19 l 82 3 D,artet of J'u•••
C!mndi Clawk and Tnrkomun Gate f.
2 (Par)
,, ,, 18~5 imryAb Kh~n, Rualdilr, and Sh01kb Bldrn'd Drn Na,6
Rualdilr, report their unnl nt Delhi from fuJputnru and tho PanJab,
tespectively f 2 (Urdn)
,, 20-1 180 01 Diane, of TAaia, Chnndm ChAw\: and Trukornon Gate,
f. 0
192 •.A~dn'r nu.Jud Khln o.nd o!hOJ'I have amved at Delhi from
Gwahor and dame to be incorporated 1n the rtg,rnent under Fofl
Ai)mad Kh~n f 1 (Per)
,, 22 108 'A;imn'l lah Khln, R,t<tldar, to the C 10-C A.b tb.ot the
bi■ rv of lote 81'dn'l !1h Khln may bo p.old lo hlm f l (l'cr)
,, 104 ?,[Q.d~n, Rualdar, to tbo C 1nC A,1.s th,t tb, c.>tnel ■ mcd
by the trooper■, 1\IeerutRegiment, may be restor..'<l to him £ l (Urda)
I' 10.,.7 Dumes of Tliol<lU Tnrkom.u, Gate Alld CLondn, Chu·k
l ~ (Per)
,, 23 108 Receipt 0£ a p:,ymcnt mAdolo Ghatim 1),-t,:rr h.hln f I
190 Mhd Ili■ unu'I lob to lho lu,firul Sood. cooue,, r,,~I~
nn<lla1lon f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, £00 ,rollKhln, R11aldar, to the C rn-C ITu ttturncd from bome 1
compl•in• of the d11tnrb:inet1 comm1tlcdby the OaJ•r■ in hi, TUIAi:,
f I (Un!n)
,, 201-4 Dumet of n.,••, Turlomn Gate •bd Cb!Uldn! ~,.1,,
f. -i (Per) "
~05 o Recc1pt.tof p:,ymcnl.t nude to S•=n<l Kh!n and 1-'alf ll~d
u ., KbAn f :t (Unlo)
,, 'l07 ,trr N~r 'All, Tfu,a,Ur, Cb:>adiuChawl:, to the /..JI,:,/
SoaJ• coolie, I I (UrJu)
,, ,, !OS 1:lllr J;.n;,,r 'AH, TlJ•adar, Cbaudn1Cb-awk,to !Le /iJ/,:JL ~tnd•
confectu,ne,.., butcher. and uulou I J (Unla)
t0\1.1~ ot TU1a1 Tnrkom.o.n G,tr and CbudAI Clawl:
! 4 (I'cr)
:siru1r~y P ,rcns 79
1857 61-ronlinu<'d
Jul. Ql:1-11. '\fhd Ihi~nu'l-lnh lo the h",;t,,ti/.Srndb carpcntcrc.,coolies,
tn1l11r~.t'k, I.~. (l"nln)
,, n ~ 1:i :\fir X n..·1r '.\ Ii (\) f he };;-:,/
1rtil St .irrhcd the houi:oof G ulilh
}\h rn, n h'ld ('lntn<'kr, m cotltl('l'hon \ 1tl1 '1 theft commilf cd in tho
lul\l ...' d Knit. )fhn11,hut 110 t.foli•n ptnprity "nc:: fot1n<l. f. 1. (Urdn)
,, 2111. 'lir Xn711 ';\Ii fo the lui!v,il Scn<lc;!\lit '.\Ii J3nkJJt-h. f. 1.
(tr rdu)
,. ,, r
:.'!17. An c11lu·c•rJ (\)tl•c C.-in-C ~! mli. n rnrpen{cr wifh some \\Ork-
llll"I\ to t{\p11r JI rnchn ii111lg1..• f. 1 (Pei.)
,. - , ') ~

l lS-lfl. D1'lri('<,,of t/ a1,1H Tm ko111nnGnfc nncl Clinn<lni Chn" k.

f, ~ (Pc:r)
,, ,, ~20-1 )lhd. lh<1nu'l-J.1hto fhl' :AM1rcd Sends cool1ci; f. 2,
tl"r,lu) ·
., ,, ~22 1:nhst1n~nt roll of G"nlior Cn,nlty. f 1. (Per)
tl ,, 223. :.\lnhmfu.l J(}Jiin, Rniiltl(i.1, informc::of JsrniiliiniLth of tho
rcg-ulnr nfh:ntlnncc of ,,atcr cnrucr-,. f 1 (U1dn)
u 2tj 22 l-t1. Din nci; of f luiuas Turl.omau Gale nn<l Chnnclni Olm" k
f. :1 (Per)
22i. rrhc C -m-C. cl11cd..,the ofliccr in command of the Gv.ahor
" " c1,nlry to send n i::cn10rolliccr from lw, 1cg1mcnt to }um f. 1 (U1du)
,. ,, 22:S.{a) S•uj nclXit7:n '.\li 1 'J'ha,uuli'iJ,Ch.mdm"k, to the JJiirogha,
f li,,11a Lnliorc Gntc Asl\b 1nm io release a ca1L used in brinn·mg 0
supplicP, no\\ <lctnmcclin his !hnna.
,, (b} Sn1) 1d 'Kn7nt 'Ali to the Xol1r(il, on the Fame subjeot. f 1.
" (l7rclu)
,, ..C) -I 22!l-32 Pinr1cs of t hii11as Chnnclm Chn" k and 'l\nkomnn Gate.
I. 1. (Per)

233 Sa1J1<lNn1:1.r 'Ali to thc_Kotwiil. Ilns sent provisions to the

" " Nunnch Camp f 1. (Ur<lu)
,, 23,j Sniy1<l Nn1n1 'Ali to the Ko/teal. Enquires),bout his health,
" f. 1 (U1dn) -
,, ,, 235 Sa1y1dNaza1 'Ali to the Kol 1ri'il Sen<ls wood. £. 1: (U1du)
,, 236 Sa1yid Na1n.1 'Ali to the Kofwiil. Has arre3ted certain persons
" as duectcd f 1 (U1du) .
237 Sn.1y1d Naza, 'Ali to the Eotwiit. Cannot send provisions for
" " want of transpo1ts f l (U1du)
238 Ghulam Nabi Khan, 1.Yiiiu R1salda1,to the C -in-O. Complams
" " that Amir 'Ali Khan, Rzsiildii1, qun.11els with him f. 1. (Urdu)
230 Sc1'iidat Khan, Rtsalda,, to the C.-in-O Asks that wages may
" " be pa14 to his men £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 28 240-3. Diaries of tltiinas Turkomau Gate and Chanclni Chawk.
f. 4. (Pei.)
,,, 244. MlpJ I}.lsanu'l-lah to the Kot11)ai.Sends coolies.· f. I. (Urdu)
" ♦

1857 61-contwued
nl :i8 i45 'luy,d Na;.. 'AH lo-the K3,,,al rr.. proclAlmedth•t an
ons •tcnflomg coin or baffaloe,, on the occa,1on of tho Id., .,A~
•hall be pam,hf!! f I {Urda)
246 8a1yid N11~r 'Alf to the K3t11Jal People of h11are:i do not pay
wage,, to w,,tchmen f I (Urdo)
247 S01yid Na.p.r 'All to the Kolrxtl Seorohod the hon1e and •hop
of a cerfa,n man ~nd faand ~ p:ur o( gold rfog, alleged to have been
1tolen The ring, oeem to hn,-e been throrn, 10'1do the •hop by the
com1lamant h1m,elf f I (UrdoJ
248 Sa'tdat KhAn, R,ro/dar, to th• C m-C Report&!ho •mm!
of some desertero. f I (Urda)
,, 29 249 52 Drane,, of tA,uat Chanda! Chnwk and Turl:oman Oates.
f 4 {Per)
,, 253 FDJJ Ml,d Khlln, Jaa'tlar to tooKmg Soho! ■ l"'nnl,,,,on
to nu,e a oorpo oonmtmg of his own men. f l (U nlo)
25 l Ml)<lIl;i.itna'l ln\f to the KolIDal Send ■ n 1..t of comi m h11
nren. f I (Urda)
266 11).tu,a l lnh1lo tLe lii5/.,al Thatcher■ nro not nuilahle 1n h1•
arm. f I (Urda)
250 Sa,y,d NB!ar 'All to t!w KiJl""1l Sando nrpcntcl'll I rompl•m•
that the Ja• dar of the TU.a &11Ur Allnbabnd tool a urt by fom,
from h10men ffh1ch they had l!ecared for con..-eymg pron■ion<. f I
257 Enl,mnent roll of officer. and men from O,.-nl1or f 1
30 268 Sa,yi<l ~aznr AH to the K3111JalCompl ■ m, of ,crt.,ln CJu
t!Ar11who nl>oe0n<lnhon their help ,n i,,ttrng proru,on ■ 11 n""'1e<lm0<t
f 1 (Urdu)
250 S3ly1<l1'n•.or 'Air to the li.olrcal Ua, rtrtlfN onk111from th•
Kolrcu/1 f I (Ur<ln)
2GO 5.,y,d ~~r 'All tn the Kot.-al A1h th.t fA,.ad.rt "'"'I•
d1rt'etcd to n,l""t one JowlllA who h!LS11b...-on1lcI •nth R ■ :I froin tho
•hop of o.confeohoncr £. l (Unlu)
201 S:nyid !-.a,;,r 'Air to the Kotr:JJ ,\ol ■ him to o,nd on< qam•
of paper [. I (Un\a)
•62-4 Dlnncs n[ TAa,a, Ch:inun, Chan-I.. an<lTarlcom1nO•to.
f 3 (Per)
2G& :Ml)u 11),oinu'l-lah to tbc KiJ/,,u/ Ila• lalrenl'f<'Ol'.:D,na=
from tbooe llfw<U!m:in•who l<e<'p<>Jl<f and bntfal~, 110! to nm6M
tbein dunag the Bag.r lJ f I (Ur<lu)
,, 200 ,tM ll;wna'I lab to U,c Ko/real Send• fflllk• Lall<><b tic
f 1 (Ur,lu)
,, 20i ?sannbe Khln J,J,! Ru,/r/Jr, from J,upur lo th.- C'.-,n.C.
nq,ort- tb• amnl of !0 J,...rt,... from Ja,par I J ....~ to Ind• I•
Ui= ID In• J.,,m (cunlrr) r l (Ur<la)
1857 61-oon tin1ted
Jnl. 31 268 Saiyid Nazar 'Ali to the Xottoiit. Sends doohes and dooly bearers.
i 1 {Urdn) -
269 S:uyicl Naza1 'Ali to the Kot1()iil- Sends parties m a smt, as
" J)

d1rPded f 1 (Urdu)
J) 270-3 Dmries of 11/tiinas Tnrkoman Gate and Chandb.i Chawk.
f 4 (Per)
,, 274-5. :Mhd'l-bh to the Kottriil. Sends coolies, dooly bearers,
" carpenters, e~ f. 2. (Urdu)
Ang 1 276 nlhcl Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiil. Sends one maund of sugar.
£ 1 (U1du)
,, 277-8 Dwrres of 'l'hii11asTurkoman Gate and Chandm Chawk
" f. 2 (Per)
,, 270 Sa1y1dNazar 'Ali to the Kohoal. Sends 2 unclaimed ponies.
" f 1. (Urdu)
280 Smyid Nnzar 'Ali to the Eottoal. Ilutohers are not available
" m bis ::tL'ea. £. 1. (U1du) •
,, 281 (a) J3hao Smgh, Niiib Kotwiit, to the 1Jii1ou./J..a,·
Thiina Chandni ·
" Chawk Asks him to supply gunny bage
(b) Sa1J~d :Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiit. Gunny bags a1e not
" " available m his area £. 1. (Urdu)
2 282-4 Drnries of Pha11,.asChandm Chawk and Turkoman Gate.
" f. 3. (Per)
,, j\,fhd Ib~iinu'l-]ah to the Kofo iil Sends coolies, tailors, etc
" " f. 1 285(Urdu)

,, 286 .Mhd Ihsiinu'l-lah to tho Kotwiil Sends flour and asks that the
" p~1ce may be paid f 1 (Urdu)
" -3 287-9 D1a11es of Thanas Chandni Chawk and Turkoman Gate.
f 3. (Per)
1, 290 Sarnd Nazar 'A]i to the Kotwiil Asks: that Khuda Bakhsh
" Kha:µ,Ba1 qandiiz, who has become old and blmd may Le transferred
£, 1 (Urdu)
JJ ,, 291 Saiy1d Na7;ar 'Ali to the Kotwiil. Sends coolies f. 1.
,, 292 M:l}.d Ihsanu'l-lah to-the Kotwiil. Will purchase sugar on the
" ieceipt of 01de1s f 1 (U1du)
4 293-4 Drnues 0£ Thanas Chandm Cbawk and Turkoman Gate
" £ 2 (Pe1,)
295 Sa1y1dNaza1 'Ali to the Kot10iil.Tent-makers are not available
" " in his a1ea f 1 (U1du)
296 Saiyid Naza1 'Ali to the Kotical Confectioners are unwilling
" ,, to supply sweets, as they have not been paid for whati they have
al1eady supplied f 1 (U1dn) F


1857 6l-co11tinued
Aug 4_ 297 Bs1y,d N•~ 'Ah to the Kolral Will send Nqu1, ten-Ant
of II pnvate man, whohaa been 1Dmmoned f 1 (Urdn)
" ,, 208 ~n,y,d N~ 'Alr to the Dflcal Sends doolte!!and <loolrL03ren
f 1 (Urdn)
,, 11 200 Sn1y1dNnµr 'All to the Kof,cal SendJ' cerfAm topperrnu h,
who hnn been anmmoned f 1 (Urdn)
" u 800 Sa'firuit KMn, Rttaldilr, to fC m-C ] Ails for the rc■tonu,on
of a horze ooloni:,ng to n trooper of 11 r,giment, now found Im tho
R1wla under ll;nrd!n Kh!J! £. 1 (Per)
,, n 801 Enhatmcnt roll of the Canlry from the PnnJob f 1
302 Nnnnbe Khfin, Na,h Il,ialdar, to tho O m-0 Alu thot
" wugea may ho paid to dcrerlol'IIfrom .Talpnr £. 1 (Urdu)
,, 5 303-4 Du,nei of TJa•a, Cbnndru Chowk and Tnrl.olll41l Gate
f 2 (Per)
300 Khndi Dn!;h,b Kh!n, l.,116 Kuhc«l, to tbo King lhnker,
were n.s!.odto otton.J. the Kot.,ul,, llfimjl "\bl, • brui!.er, ro£0JC<lto
attend £. I (Urdu)
300 l'>:uyidN~r 'AH to the Kol,:al Son.J.■ 'All Dob.h■b In connec-
tion with a oue f 1 (Ur.J.n)
307 8 :i\Ihd 11),unn I lab to tho :Kof.,al Sends coolie■, tiulor■ an.J.
onrponters f 2 (U rdn)
,, , 300 1'£hd lh•lun'l fob to tho Ki!lrral CAnnot pnrclu"" 111gor
without cnsb T"'yment. f l (U,;du)
310-12 D,,, of TJ«••• Clandn1 Clmw!. tllld TurltO!llllnOalL,
t 3 (Per)
31~ {a) Tho C 1n C a,l1 the officer in rommnnd ot the Conlry £n,m
O,rn!tor to sonil 100 hor&0mon
,, ,, (b) C!Jnl&mDo,tgtr h.hfin lo the C 1n C Connot ■cn.J. tbo aho'l'O
nnm~r of men M Ito " obort of them f I (Urda)
, ,, 314 !1£hdlhs!inu'l lob to the F.u/.,al Sond1 ID~ £ 1 (Urdo)
,, ,, 316 10 SaMJ Nnµr 'All to tbo Kof.,al Sen.J.s coohH f t
,, 7 317 SstJtd N~u •AU to TAa•alar1 A,h tLemto nn\:e • •~rrh
for n mibing horse f 1 (Ur<la)
u ,, ilS \{1.ul.lli1ano.I hh to tho KvfrJl Sendt tooh('o<. £ 1 (UrJo)
,.. ,, 310 20 Dumes 0£ na•a•Ch,n.lm Cb&•l: anil Tmlolll1n Gate.
l ! (Per)
3H S,md ?\nµr 'All to the Kitrul Send, rooLtt. r l (UrJo)
., ,. ,22 Sah,a 'l\aµr 'Alf to the Kofrcl StudJ Dan!nJi Dl1 Dha!t"l•
Dl• an•l otheni f I (Urda)
~2, '-•JJCI hll~n In tbo C. 1n.C. ll•• btcom• dHtitn!o u hi• falltt
" " ~ I.11le<l111 ~ght!Dg for the lung, ■ctl• • t1ltallou ! l (1''1')
MUTIKY r \rtllS
:~:~J ~.1i:itl 'X'l?}l' '.\Ji t.1fhe 11.·,itrr>il.
Frrnl" f>C'l\OngorE:f. I (UrJu)
H ,, :l~~-t'i nw1 :e-i t)f Th,iua~ Clia1llh11Ch.rnk nml 'fn. toman G do•
f. 2. (Per.)
,, :\~i ♦ -
,:\lhtl Jh'-,itrn'l•hh {o fhc Xfil1rttl. Scncls co'Jhes. f. ). (UnJu)
0 :11"--P. l h:n 1e, of 'l'h,7,1,ts Ch:rndni Cli::rnk and '£url1..omm Gato,
r. ~ (l>c:-)
;1:30-!!, ).fh<l lh<1nn'l-lnh tn tlw l\[,l1n(il, Scntls c1cl1es nnd
" B,1rq1t;1la:,• f. :t ( (]1tl11)
:1,1:1'\11r )knl,.1L '.\li, J),1l ,·dnr,fo tltr C -rn-C l?C'portstlJ.1i )Ioli:m
Siugh, /Jor111li'i.r, 1-. <lrnrl:md t,•,() sold1c1ii"eic wonn<lc<llll n rn.ul
upon fltc Englii:h f 1 (Frdn)
,, ,. 3!H-:i ~:11' Hl X:\/l\l 'Ali f O { It~ A·ut,r(d Son«J.c;coolies nn,l O 10
lb<lrn'd-Din .1s <hrl1dcd f .! (Urtln)
,, 10 3;3(1D1a1y of 'i'li<ina Ch:rn<lniCh,rnk f. 1 (Per)
,, ,, ~:1; H1'i•nJ>a,c;h-Hlto ih~ C.-rn-C Snys flint the chnrg-c ngn:Pst him
of chang111~ golcl mohnrs ,,£ c-c1L1i11sol<l1c1s fo1 lesi, ,n.lnnble 01103
is false; pt.t)S for prolcct1011 f l (Urtlu)
3'.3S.:Mhrl Ih<rnn'l-lnh to the A of1rril. ScncJ.,coohos. f 1 (U1<ln)
" " 330 S,11,Hl Xn7n 'Ali hns 1ccch·cd n petition £10111 the fort £ 1.
" " {U1<l11)
,, ,, 3,JO Snn 1d N.17nt 'Ali to the A~<itwfil. Scn<lc;Lullocks seizetl undc1
01cle1sfrom Gcumnl er,1h'Jiir K11-t11 J f 1 (Uulu)
,, '11 3 J.l-3. D1,nic-..of 'J'lu711asCh.111dnt Ch.rn k nn<l Turkom~n Gate
f '3 (Pei }
,, S J,J_j S,lly1<l 'Ali to the Kotwii.l Sent.lsbullocks to <l1t1w
" 1efn:,c caii.:;, f 2. {U1tlu)
,, ,, 3,JG Sn1y1dN,1z:u 'Ali +otLc Ko!ic£7l Scncls 'Abdu'l "ho hns
been summon~<l f. l (U1<lu)
,, ,, 3,J,7 Sa1yl(1N, 'Ali to the ll-ot1riil ~hocmnlNs me not avrvla.blo
m his a1ca £ 1 {U1du)
348 _sn'.1y1JNnzn.r 'Ali ncl,nowledgcs the receipt of a pa1 wiinah1
" f 1 (Urdu)
31U i\:fh<l Ihsfinu'l-lnh to the Xot1ciil Sends coolies f 1. (U1du)
JJ "-
12 350-1. Dmr1cs 0£ Phii11,aChn.ndm Chawk ancl Tmkoman Gate.
" f 2. (Per.)
,, 352 i\ihcl Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwat. Sends Glta1tdlt1
is 0£ tailors
" and shoemake1s. £. 1 (Urdu) '
,, ,, 353. Certificate 0£ good conduct g1auted by Ajudh1a Parsbad to
Ram Parshad £. 1 (Urdu)
354-5 Sa1y1<l Nazar 'Ali to Colonel [Khizr Sultan]. Sends
" " l\fus~afa - Khun who bas been summoned. f. 2. (In duplicate)
1857 61-continued lll
3M &iy,d Nap, '.A.11 to the Kofrcal Cam nnd =eb are not
llvailable m b11!ll'ea. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 18 , 357-8 Danes of Tl11ua1 Chondn1 Cha,vl. and Tnrl:om,,n! Goto
... 2 (Per)
8/iO Sa.yid Nai,.r'Al,fo fhe KMrcdl Send• 1nnl, Chan,hnd other.
f I (Urda)
881) Sa!yid N ...,;ar 'Al, to the KJt,,,,,/ Tentmakero aro n,ot avaihb!e
f. l (Urda)
,, u 861 84,y,d N~v '.Alf to 1>f,rm.1fu~aL Will !lend Shanhr Dd,
M•.Wilr,u directed f. l (U rdn) "
,, 86£ General Ti!.h'ylir Kh4nto IDr fu.,14b 'All Ja•'da, D,rrct
hun to l!llpply Prr Khin mth peronmon co.pof I (Urdu)
863. Ml)d Il).a,lnn'l lah to the Eiittcal $encl, cooh~ f I (Urdu)
/llJ4 umA'IT KhAnllDd Gbnl!m 'All to !ho Kini; Seo].: rcnntn,on
to w.e a aorpo oons1"t111{!: of their omi mon (krng', order ,n ~nc1I,
faded &Ddillegible) f I (Urda)
14 306 Sa,yid N~r •All to Tr,hyAr Kh&n On cnqnn:r b.u lt'3rnt
that R!m P..,..hAd II Q aum 0£ good ohorneler f 1 (Urda)
H "
366 Sruyi<l No.;,ir All to T,lh yAr Kbfin Sen& Sb•nhr D!,
MH!;Atar f 1 \ UrJu)
,, ,, 367 Nap.r 'AU to the C 1n-C Says thot doeumcntomll L<,lt!lled
properly and tb•t Dn,wl, Panhad ond not lnmod[ 11 mpon11blo !or
lDCOITllOt oenhng f 1 (lJrdn)

u n 308 Stuyid 1\apr 'Air to the £q/rJI Send, doolr bl'Ottn. f l

,. SGO Sa,,ld N'qar 'Alf to I.he !.?trill .A<l• far ,a troelion< aboul
the propor form of od<lrco.lngofficcro r I (Urcln)
~70 Suylcl h•~ All to tho Kultral II•• m>de <nqu,tte nhont tLe
~ of R4m l'<1nbdd f I (Unln)
,, ,, 371 S01yid 1\oi;u 'All to tho Gotrral Sen<l, 11,l, Ilhin~mol 1n
connechon ,nth the charnc,, for ,TI1tc11n1: mi:t Gnliln f I (Vnln)
,, 372 S•!nd ~•znr Ah lo tl,o li:.vtrol S...-rcJ•tr•do not rtm<>rocl,rt
and filth tho r~ 1tc1• rnny Le tnlcn I l (Urun)
., ,. 573-4 D•mes o! TAa•'" Cluindn! Cluin-J. and Tarloman O•le
t 2 (Per)
., ,, 376 \!!;iii ll;i!l!.na'I\oh to lho A~lral Send• rool,H , ""'J"11\tl"I •~
not nl"lliJJ>bl• f l (Urda)
16 37G-7 D=e-o o! fJ••••Chanda! Chawlr:
nntl Tnrk01t1anOale
f 2 {Per)
Nop.r 'All to 1M K<>ii,al
37S SG.1)1cl 'lend• dool1 J..,.rer, f l
~70 Sal11d Napr '.All I<> the !'NrJI C<>mrt>uu tl,t.l CJ,.JI,,
" " Dluul Slngh ttftU('t to '"'1'1'11
nrl• I 1 (Ur.Jo)
i857 61-oontinued
Aug 15 880-1 Sa1yid Nazar 'Ali to the C.-in-C. Has received panoiinalis to
send bankers, f. 2 {In duplicate) (Urdu)
" ,, 382 Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali to the C ..m-C. Bankers hide m their houses
in order to avoid further contubntions of money. £. 1. (Urdu) r

883 :M:hd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiit. Sends coolies with theu-

" " Cluiuclh1'is. f 1 (Urdu)
384 :MhJ Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal Sends secunty for personal
" " appearance of on~ Kalla, £ 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 885 :M:hdIhsanu'l-Jah to the Kotwii.l Sends Kallan, plarntiff, in
connection with his case f ] (Urc1.u) ~
,, 16 386-7 Dmnes of 'l.hrt1uis Cbandm Chawk and Turkoman Gate,

f. 2 (Per)
,, 388 Statement of wages of officers of the Cavalry from Gwal1or
" f 1 (Pei) ,
,, 389-90 n{hd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal. Sends coolies and ba:ffaloes
" £ 2 (U1du)
391 :M:ahtab Khan, Rtsaldar, to the C -m-C H,s Risala 1s
" " rn_complete, see"kspeim1ss1on to fill It upihy e11l1stment. f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 17 392-3. D1ar1es of Thanas Chnnd01 Chawk and Turkoman Gate.
f. 2 (Per)
394 (lbulam Husnrn Khan to the Kottoiil. Mustafa Khan,
" a Sepoy hns been bled and 1s m consequenre absent f 1 (Urdu)
395. Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to ~1:hd Kh zr Sultan
Has received a
" " pa1wiinah, to send bankers. f ] (Urdu)
396 Sa1y1d Naza1 'Ali to Kh1z1 Sultan ' Banke,s shut the d~ors of
" " their houe-es and: conceal themselves, cannot enter then houses
without orde1s £ l (Urdu)
397 Sa1y1d Nnzar 'Ali to Kh1zr Sultan Cannot send Gu]ab Smgh
" " as be bas shifted eleewhere f 1 ( Urdu)
398 Mhd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kot1oal Sends Cha·udluis of corn-
" " chandle1s f 1 (Urdu) •
- 399,400 1vihd ,11].sann'l-lahto the Kotwal Sends coohes and oar-
" " pente, s £ 2 (U1dul
18 - 401. Receipt of a payment made to Fazl Al}.mad Khan. f. 1.
" (Per)
402. Diary of Tha11aChandm Chawk f 1 (Per)
,, "
,, 408 Sa1y1d Nazi"ir 'Ali to ,K]pzr: Sultan Recomwends that Mhd
Khan, ba,q_andaz,be made as~1stant nmharn1 to assist him 1n his work
· m the thiina £. 1 (U 1 du)
; 404 1'.'.IhdIhsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiil Sends mustard 011 and asks
" " that the price may be pa1d £ ) (lhdu)
,, - 405 Mhd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal Cunnot sencl flour rf wheat
fo1 want of ti an sports f 1 (Urdu)

1857 0 6l--co11t1,;;rcd
Aug 18 406-8 1>l]id Ih,~nn'I W, to the Eol,cal Sent!J lll'otpw andcoolies
f 3 (Urdu)
" 19 400 Rceeipt of n p:iyment mode to Amir Khm f I (Per-)
., 410 D,ory of TAn•n Chnndn1 Ch,nk f I (Tcr)
,, 411 (a) Khnd! Dnhhsh Khan, lwo Kotr<al, to the n,,,.,,.,
Clum<lnt Chawl .A,,!a, him to ,end one llnmpinI, u-bo rcp:ur, b1olci:
oluun (Ur<ln)
(6) Rumµ.n! 1s employed m tLo fort f l (Urdu)
412 M!Jd. lJi>'l Lib to tho KM,,:iil Hu tr:inumcd "ih11l
Khrui,lJarqa~daz, to tl,e Kuhral1, o.s directed f. l (Urdu)
413 l\l],1d llµann I lah to tlio Kctrral Scnt!J CO'lht• f l (Urdu)
414 Sruy1d Naz:nr 'All to Kh•~r Sultan Srtdt ]l[u1l,1fi! h.han
a merchant, •• d1rcotcd I l /Urdu)
,, 416 Sn1J1dNotu Ali to Kl11fr Sulti\n Hu rccirr<l orJ,,.. t~
uppomt llarqorluz :llh<l Khan, 11•bamr f I (Unlu)
410 S01y1d Nai;nr 'All t tho li.otw:ul Soml, J"IJ:ITTI' ,-nn-cm,rg
JiJgtrdar, and pcu,ionen ,,gnod nnd scnlcd t,y tbc,n f I (Urdu)
n 417 Sn1y1cl '\'ag,,r All to tbo Kulo:il Scad, n doolT an,! uooly
beorm f 1 (Urdu)
,, 418 Sn1y,d Nag,ir 'Ah to tho Kulrriil Scoca Johtioglt6 ond otl,er,
•• directed f 1 (Urtln)
20 410 21 Dmne, of TAn•at Clurndol Clunrlc nacl Torl=n O•lc
f 3 (P~r)
422 3 ~lh<lIbunu I !ah to the li.ul,cal ScnJ, coolie,, t 2 (Urdu)
" 4:'!J [An oflictt] (o tbc C rn C Sta.t~ tMd(l/et.,~"l h<1tr~t,l11}
n11'afor ntlnncco of rnon•Y f l (Urdu)
l!l 421i D1"')' o[ TAu•• CLllllclniCbwl f 1 (!'rt)
,, 426 S:upcl '\'o~r 'All to tbcli.ul,:•l llrn"l"'t!Anl h71aur<10I
0\1Ulnlil0In h11orco f l (Urdu)
427 Snly1d?\0z3r 'All to the J.l!tiral S..n<l•co>hc, f l (l,rlu)
" ,, 42S S>1yul :l\or-nr'\II to tbo K6tcal Send• rAo.,Urt, ol ~,.,.
" cbtin<ller, f 1 (Unlo)
4~D Srurid :l\nt,r '\h to the Ao'"'"/ Cnll• for <trlain !"!"'' f 1
" (Urdn)
,, 130 st,tcmcnl or
wn:;et J:'llJ tQ lll<OunJ,r D irL.l '\Ii, ✓.,,,J.,
I 1 (Ptr)
431 ,nr D:,u•l
',\11 to the C ,u C Sblta th J, 1r<,. of Li, Jlltn
and thnl tng<1 llll~ lie 1""1 to them f I (l,nlo)

,, "
.. 43? S,anJ ?-,i,r '\II t, !Lo AJ/ral <;,..,J.,,.,...J( l (ITrila)
4i:i-1 )11,,<lIii Jnn'! l,L to U1r Ji, ,,-.,r'-c11h c,Hlrt' ( ! (I rlo)
,, 13.J ~:mtJ \•rar'\l!tolLo K t.-.1 ~roJ,,.,,,,h.-. f I (lrJo)
"II 430 Der-.,twn of,,,;, J \ll 1<0 uJ'"~ LII am•' I I (UrJo)
]857 , 61-aontinued
Aug. 23 437. Mhd IhsanuJl-lah to the .KotwaZ.Sends coolies, £. I. (Urdu)
,, ,, 438. Mhd Ihsftnn'l-lah to the KotwiiZ. Sends papers the
case of 'Abdu:'1-lal:fKhan and others f I (Urdu)
489. Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali M the IIotwaZ.Sends scavengers. f. 1. (U1<lu)
",, ",, 440. Sa1yid Naza.1 '.A.Iito tho Kotwat Searched certam shops m Jns
area, m connect10n with. a complamt made by the Conti actor fo1
mtoxicatrng diags but no rntoxicants were found. £. 1 (Per)
,, " 4-1-1.Sa1y1dNaza1 'Ali to the Kotwitl Complarns that Ttlangas liave
released the buffaloes that woie securetl for tumsportrng a1l1cles from
Fatehpm f. I. (U1du)
,, ,, 442 Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to Khizr Sultan. Sends coolies f. l
,, 24 443, Sheoji SmghJ Risiilda,, to the Kmg Asks £o1 the sapply of
horses. £. 1 (Urdu) #

,, 444. -sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiil Sends t,cavengcrs, f 1

" (Urdu)
Sa1y1d Nazar <Alito Genornl Tah'ya.r Khan. Will seu<l R<lm
' " " as dnected
Parsha.d, £ 1 (Per)
25 Sa1y1d :Na~a1 'Ali to the KotzoiiZ, Sends hake1s. f. l (U1du) ·
" Saiy1d Naza1 'Ali to the Kot10iil. Sends B1ha1i,selle1 of mto:u-
" " catmg d1ugs £ l. (U1<ln)
,, 448 Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiil. Sends l\'.fohan, seller of opmm
" £. 1. (Urdu)

,, 449. (a) Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Naib Kotwiil, to the Da1ogha, Tml,.o-
" miin Gate Asks him to send coolies. £ 1 (U 1<lu)
(b) l\1hd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Niiib Kotioal. I-Lis ahea<ly sent
coolies £ I. (Urdu)
26 450. Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiil ·Send::;dooly bearei&, f l
" (U1xlu)
,, ,, 451 'AliJan Khuuto the Kotwiil. Sends scavenge1s £. 1 (U1du)
)) 452, 1\1:hdlhsanu.,1-lah to the Kotwal. Sends e,oohcs £ I. (U1du)
",, ,, 453 :Mhd lhsanu'l-lah to the Kotwiil Sends wate1-ca111ersand <lraw.s
- attention to the mte1ference of T1la11(Jasm the rccrmtmcnt ,,£fabou1t1s
f. 1. (Urdu)
27 4:54-5, Sa131d Naza.r (Ali to the li."ofwii.l Sends ~ate1-carne1s aud
" scavengers £. 2. (Urdu) •
, }j 456. Saiy1d Nn~ar 'Ali to the Kotzciil Scuds musl,.et make1... £ 1
" (Urdu)
,, ,, 457. Sa1y1dNaznr 'Ali to -1Vci1b Rzsii.ldiir. Scud!:ill1<l:qatu'l-1..111,
pohsher. f. 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 458 ~Ihcl Ilu;iiuu'l-lah i.o the .Ko!,c,7t &cn<lscoolies f 1 (Frdu)
,, - 469. 1'/,i'inad,71,'l'urkoru.111G.itc to the 1.otiriil, 5cncJ.,,rnt1:1-t/\n1cr--
" f. 1. (Urdu)

1857 61-ao11t111ued
Aug 27 4nO J.11,tdJl;,.5Anu'Jlnh to the Kvl,ral "I>,JJ .end mmn htodmm
f 1 (Urdu) r
,, 28 4-01 Saiy,d Napr 'Ali to the K6tral Make, enqmncs about tbe
denth of a woman cnuoed by her fall mto n well f 1 (Urda)
48i! Sruy,d Nni;ar 'All to Kli•P Snltln RMD Pnr.hdd d- uot
hT8 m h11 •= will howeTer, l!llndhim tomorrow f l (Urda)
40, il~d 11,i,!nn l Joh to the K6/,,.aJ Semlo market hendmc'tl,
"'Y" that these men ore the pnnc,~I com-tlundlm who rnpply
pronSJoru f 1 (Urdu)
464 ;\[~d ~nu'J Iali to the Ko/""11Send, lflltcr-®rner,, c:,rpcn(m
nnd oool,e,, f 1 (Urdu)
46J (a) The C m C to the t'!a••iiar, Ch•n<lm Cl111..-kD1Tl'ch
h,m to send !Um Plll'ObAd (Urdu)
20 (6) 'I'A«udar, Cliandru Cha,vJ;, to the C ,a-C Send, Rim
Panhad. f 1 (U rdn)
400 Somo M no 406 (h) f 1 (Urdn)
,, ,, 467 0 :IIIl;ulI!;isAnu! lab to the Kof,cd{ Srnd1 coolies and nttr
Olmero. f 3 (Ur<lu)
4i0-l The C in C to officer ,n Command of the C•r•lry from tho
Pnnjnh Arn>.ngementt £or th~ rnpplJ of proru1onJ hnoo Leen mllde
f 2 (Urdu)
, ,, 4J2 Suy,d "Naµr 'All to the Eotiral llrpor!J the death of a
wornon and oendo her heir to thr Ki!lr:a/1 £ l (Urdn)
47~ Sa1yid 1'o~ar 'All to the Aotral S"""-hed ccrtua ,hopt Lut
could not flad DO) thmg lOcrunrnntmg f I (UnloJ
,, ,, ~74 Saly1d 1'1~ar 'Al! to the K6t,cJI Sen 1, coohe, Jonl,r '"""'"',
etc. f l (Urdn)
,, ,, 475 S11y,d N,i;nr '.All to the AJ/,,..,{ Senda 'Ali 11.'-_h<hpu1nllU,
in connecboa ,,,th LL<cue f I (Urdn)
30 47G-7 )lljd lljaAnn'l-lah to the KotrJ/ Send, t00l1to 10d wat,r
cnmen f 2 (Urdn)
478 Sllifd Nvor '.All to tbo Ko/,,-nl "ill• nJ the !"'""11' ,am
moned f (Urdn)
,, ,. 470 S01nd 1'1i;,r 'AH to the Ki!lral lln, mit SAlii;ritn to lltt•
Kot.-./,,•• J,rcded r l (Urda)
,, 4Sll-2 s.,,,d
1'•pr '.All lo the J.oll"illt s~n•t.,.. ,..,....."'"' ln,I
cooheo f :i (Urda)
" :11 4SS-4 'IIJd lQo!.nn'l lah to tLo J:.trrill SroJ• """''" f t
45& Sa,pd 2\arar ',\II lo T411;Ar h_blo \\ Ill ,,.,,J Jlh>n SI, i;h
tomorrow morn,ni: r 1 (Urda)
,. " 450 Somd "\nsr 'All to the /;6/ral Salphnr I• r>nt au utlr lo
b11ar,a. f 1 (l,rJn)
..... MUT!NY P AP~RS 89
1857 61-oontinited C

Aug 31 487 Sa1y1d.Naza1 'Ali to the Kottoal The C!ufzullt1is have absconded
" f. l. (U1du)
488 (a) The C.-rn-0 "to tbe·Thiinadii1', Chandni Chawk. Asks hun to
" " send Dhan Singh, Cha1td/1,1i,defendant m a case. (Urdu)
-(b) Dhan Srngh, defendant, has satisfied Bhawani, plamtuf.
:f 1. (Urdu)
Sep 1 489 l\Ihd Ihsann'l-lah to the Kotwiil Sends coohes and ~a-vs that
J1wan, Chattrlhri, cannot supply wate1·-earners f 1. (U1du) ~
,, )J 4))0 Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to Ttih'yar Khan Ha.s aheady sent Dhan
Smgh, C!taudlui f J (Urdn)
491 S:uy1,l Nr1za1 'Ali to the Kotwiil Sench) Bhagwan Das and
" " othcr-i, banke1s, to the Kotwiil1 f 1 (U tdu)
,, 492 Saiy1d N aza1 'Ali to the Kotwiil Has received his letter to
" send a 1entmake1 f 1 (Per)
493~4 S,t1y1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwal Sends coolies and wat€r-
" " car11ers £ 2 (Urdu)
496-6 Receipts of payments made to N athth1 Khan and Wasil .Beg,
" " Risalclii1s , f 2 (U1du)
,, ,, 497 Sa1y1dNazar 'Ali to the Kotwal Has given Ill cha11ty Rs 2-10-0
the sale proceeds of an unclaimed sword, to H1dayat Shah, a beggar
f 1 (Urdu)
,, 498 Mhd Ihsanu'l•lah to the Kotwal Sends coolies f 1 (Urdu)
" 3
)l 499-n04 Receipts 0£ pavments made to l\Ihd Jahangir Khan and
others £ 6 (Per and Urdu)
,, 505-6 Mhd Ihsanu'l-lah to the Kotwal Sends parties m a smt
" together with ce1tarn books and papers m connect1-0n with 1t f 2.
,, ,, 507-8 Mhd lhsanu'l-lah to the .Kotwiit. Sends coolies and sweepers
f 2, (Urdu),
009 Sa1yid Nazar, 'Ali to the Kotwiil. Seeks peinusSion to dISpose
" " of a sword belongmg to a dead soldier, in order to defray the expenses
of h1s funeral t 1
510 Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali to the Xotwiil. Sends cooltes f 1. (Urdu)
"" ,, ,," 511. Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiil A cannon ball and a pair of
bullocks have been m his t!tii11afor a long time, seeks perm1ss1on to
send the ball to the tienches and the bullocks to the Kotwiili f. 1.
512 Saiy1d Nazar 'Ah to the Kotwiit Asks that one rupee, prLCeof
,, " 3 blank books pmchased, mny be paid f I (Urdu)
513 Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali t.o the Kotwii( Ram Saha1, who has been
" ,, summoned, does not hve m his area f 1 (Urdu)
514. Statement of wages pmd to officers and men, from Jaipur.
,, " £ 1. (Per)
pllO ..J1uTIN¥P~.eBS
1857 _61-oonltimtd
Sep. 616 Reeoipi of n pnyment m.o.deto Krunli\11d Dm, 1/ualdar L 1
(Per) ..
,, lnh to the Koti<dl Senih coolresan.I m>lor
6Hl-17 :.\Il),l lQ.1!111:t'l
" camm f 2 (Urdu)
,, ,, 618 SJUyul Nap.r 'All to tho EotiruJ SentlJ coolresand dooJ
bennmi f 1 (Urdu) 1
,, ,, 610 20 S1Uy1JN~ 'All to the E.~tiral Ilo, l'"CCClved parirad 1
£romthe C ,n C f 2 (Urdu)
,, ,, 621 Sa,yul Nqnr 'All to tbo Ko/11:al Iloporu the ilimNB of ml'!!
under Rnmj\lin ~ t l (Urdu)
, 11 622 Imdff.dn'llnh .Khnn,fl11al•ar, tu the Alls tluit mther
may be p,ud or p,wport, grnntcd to [J11 men .., tbot they =r
return home. f I (Urdu) ('1 artier m peoctl <l1rechog .lI,~
Nni:hal to do tho noedful)
6 623 Gbn1lm Da~fglr Kh!o to the ( ,n-C GumAnSingh a t=per,
" hu token ~on of 3 ho~ hclougmg to other p,:,rioas. \\ ill t11bm1t
detail, Inter on. f l (Urdu)
&24 1'lhd lhronu'l lnh (o tho Kol1ral Scad, roolret nml mi!ct-
oamcro f 1 ( Urdu)
0 62, (ThnlAmRa,iil Khna, J/11,cldar, to tho C u, C 11.. Lt~
dlrcotcd to go to Gn-alrorto rcoro,t 1!0l<l,c11,o,h th,t n p:,uror( m•.)'
he grnntod to him f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 620-7 Sm1y1d 1'nl'.11r'All to tho J.J/,ra/ Sondr hl'l>dmrno! chJrtm1l
profc..,on• mn<l2 ""'J)<'ntcr■ f 2 (Uroo)
,, ,. 628 l)Afig 'Alibrls Ali Kh!n1 i\a,6 R11J/dar, and oll,cr<,to t~ JUI. for tl,o pnymcnt ot thclr migcsJ ..-tl rnformaUou a• to
who mll <l11tnbo1etheir 1olnnt1 <luno~ !Lo obt<.aco or thm J.1/J/dJ,
who 11 gomg to O 1>1Wor f l (Urdu)
,, ,, 620--30 :Ml,ullh,nnu I lnh to the Aulrrdl Send, lie:idmen o! cLa,m,t
pro£csa10111 • 2 (Urun)
,, 10 631 :.UIJ,lIhrlinu'J..lohto tbo Aufrul S,n,1, roolic, l 1 (Urilu)
,, 11 &S2-3 Dume, of d«oa, Ch>n<lnl Chuwl: on<l Torkoaun O,te
! 2 (Por)
534 llllid lh,nnn ! lab lo !ho Aulral S..n<l,a Lb,l,m,tb I tbakbm
,, ,,
nn<l e1>rpcnlcrt are not nyn,laLI, lo h,.
&~& 1111,11!
= ! 1 (Ur,ln)
JhtJun'l lnh to tLe J.i;frJI &nd, cooht< l 1 (UrJa)
1i30 '!lid Jh,wu'l !Ahlo tLe A,l,r•/ Certiun tum, of mOt1•1rol
" " lretod from ohop<11with lhml.bnul, ~nhr, mll ,ei.J !t ,.b,i:01ct
demanded f l (UrJu)
,, 12 &~'i (:hulim Do,!~lr hJi,n to the C IDC \,l, for !be J11trl1or
ammnnillon f 1 (Urdu)
, 13 C.36 t'lllrld !-,otor ',\II lo tbo Ku'rJI SenJ, «<>lir1 1 I (UrJ•)
r;3g R«ript or a l"'nn•nt rn:,<ldo 1.Jinlim llo•••• h11D, J /ll/lJ•
! l (Per)

18!>7 61-co)l{ inuell

340-2. Diaries of 1'/u"iua'l'mkomnn Gale. f. 3. (Pet )
----- J 13. List of" ages p.ncl io men nndc1 Glmliim J.humm, Risc7Zda1,
from GuJrnt. f. 1 (Pc1 )
u11 Shnikh Ghuliim Humm, Ru,rilrhir, to the C.-rn-C, Asks l11m to
register the names of pcr::-on.;cnclose<l uncl to pay their wages aite1
cnpturmg the ralgc. f. 1., (U1du)
5 Jj, Sh:ukh Glmliim ITtt'-nm, Ru,fil t/[ir, lo the C.-m-C Ac-ks for
to m,u eh to Ahpur. £ 1. l lhdu)
tho 11:l-)mcut 0£ wngc.:;nnd pcrnu::;=,1011
54G. ~lirzit 1,Iusnin Deg to i.ho C -111-CSeeks J. s1tu.it10nas Jam'dii1.
f. 1 (Urdu) .
547. S,u3Hl Nazm 'Ali to the C -111-C Scncls hankers of his area ; ,.
they "111 noL pay money unless 1op10,ed. f. 1 (U1du)
:St!S-0. Sn1y1d N n1.0,r'Ali to the K olnc1t. Seu<ls coolies and dooly
ben101s £ 2 (U1dn)
550 Saiyul Nm~ar 'Ali to the Ko!u,iil Seeks pcrm1ss1011to sea 1rh ihe
hous':l of a prostitute 1ll connection with o. theft f 1. (U1du)
551 Sa1y1d 'Ali io the li..otwcil Sen~s cc1ta111 mcrnnrnatrng
articles found m the house of 1.hc above p1osbtute f 1 (Urdu)
552. Sa1y1d N"azar 'Ali to the E.vtw(il. KanJ,trs (low caste Hrndus)
f1om outside Lahore Gate may Le sent fo1 to iemovc dead ho1ses £tom
Bngh Begam f. 1. {U1du)
653 Sa1y1dNazar 'Ali to the Kolzu7l Sends Nabi Dakhsh, scabbard -
make1 f. 1. (U1<lu)
---- 554. S.11y1<lNazar 'Ali to the Kotwal Asks tlrn,t Na~iru'<l-Din,
Barqandc7z,may be transferied 01 d1sm1ssed f 1 (Urdu)
--- 555, (a) Sa1y1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiil. Sends a stray horse. f 1
_ (Urdu) r,
(b) Karo.mat Kh;m has taken: away the ho1se fiom the Kotwiili
f. 1 (Urdu)
556 Sa1y1<lNazar '4li to t!!e Kot1cal Seuds a pair of stiay bnIIocks
f 1 (Urdu)
557 S:nyid Nazar 'Ali to the KotwiZl Has sent Faqir Muhammad,
to the Kolwc"ili f. 1. (Urdu)
558 Saiy1d Nazar 'Ali to the KotwiU Has been asked to supply
~ goats, butche1s arid bakers to the 7th Rtsala fiom Lucknow Butchers
and bakers are not available m his a1ea, they may be •got from Tlu7na
Guza1 Qas1m Khan £. 1 (U1ilu) -
-=-- 65~ S:11yid Nazar 'Ali to the Kotniil Kaka Mfaar, defendant m
a, srut, has compromised his d1sputa with the plarntiff f 1 (U1du)
560 Sa1yid Nazar 'Ali io the Kotu.,iil Sends a tentmaker to the
K otwali. £ l. (Urdu)
561 Sa1y1d Naza1 'Ali to the Kotwal. Sends swee1ers f. J (Urdu)
562 Sa1v1d Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwal. Will send the Jewellers sum·
moned. £ 1 (U1du)

1857 61-contmued
663 Samd N~ 'Ali to the Kobral Oldir Dok!J1hand Rnl,itm
Dakbo]i have settle:! thmr Q18pntesamu,aLly f J (Urda)
504 S11111dN4,,r 'All to the Ko/i,ii{ Ilu found e-0rWn ,nen-
m,Illlhng rutJcles at the hoUM of Wanran, a prosftti:te, certain soldier.
have takeu her awny from the tlau i 1 (Urda)
565 Biuyid Napr 'All to the Eo1.,i1/ One Ch!nb. bu been Le:.ten
eeverely by K'.allu and otherr J will ml,m,t hi, report after enquif]
f 1 (Urda)
560-74 Ml,<l ll)sAnu'l l&h to tho Kot,,:a/ Send. coohe, t o
57u 7 ?llhd ll;t'<liunI lab to the J,.;;t,ral S~n,lo ,.-ater-«1mer,, doolr
Learors onu ,Loera ,I.en f 8 (Urdu)
578 111~,d 111~11 J lab to the Aol,rJ/ D,IIerent 1hopheper1 Lave
Loon oent to open their ,hops ot the DnrvoganJ =l' , potter, nn<lchi!
sellon are not ov,11lnblo m !u1 •= f J (Urda)
570 :i\ll;t<ll\iE[uiu I Ioh tu lLe l,.v//ral Send• n li,t of gnz,ng
cnttlo m Im artn , will ocnd the beads of milkmen tomorrow f l
680 Jlll)d Il,11!.nn'l lab to the Kolr:al Stnds Dullql nod other,,
bendmcn of ohoemakero f 1 (Urdu)
681 WJd ll;il!ilnu'l !Ah to the Kof,c,J Benda muona f 1 (UrJn)
682 3 1'Ihd Ihl'Ana'I WI to tbo Kolr:iil Send, ballocn and
lrnlhloes f 2 (Ur,lu/
681 Jllhd ll)sinn'l !ah to tlio Ku/,r/j/ Send,, bullocl:t and the hrad
man of ll'tltCl'-<'1lrner.. r I (Ur<lnJ
686 l\Il)<llhlilnu I !ah to U,e Kai,,..,/ Hc,1ue.t1 h,m In for,,ard the
onol~rtit!oy,kmg {or w<:ipon, C r ll•~arrtr, of L1t IA lu, to !ho I (Urtln)
680 !Jlfi! Amlnn d Dtn, TAa1a,lar, Cb•u<lnl (,him le lo !ho /;JI.,;/
Alla for two ad<l1!tonal"l"'J-. to gw,rd the ho""" of ono Oof'&I Iii!
f I (Urdu)
6S7 JJAfi! Amino t! D,n, n .. odJr, C~aJnl ChlwL, to the /;6/rJ/
Ifas ,,, cnquine, alMit • ,tolm male. It ■hould 1.., i;,•en to llaoal,
K,i111Aar (poth ,), to whom ,t belong• r I (Ur<la)
6S8 ~IAlit Ammu't! Dlo TUudar, Cb•ndn, Clu•lr, t~ the E.trJI
S&nd ■ Jll'lYUl<'DI r I (Urdu)
6SP ]Jifq ,\mlnu d Din, TJ.. ac/Jr, Ch>u<lo,Ch&wl, to tM /i~lr~I
JI .. =•ctl onler1 to rurrlr 1•rod,ion1 to the hat,Lr Jlulalloa
Repart• tho ,agge,,hon< of l.,).a,Jlr/1 ,oncmuo;; the m,.n, to Lt
adopted fur tl10 .amc C I (UrJ11)
~PO 'lh,1 llu~rn, a troo1~r tn tb C ,n C A b tl.\t '•'l.t.t
Kh\n R11 1,1-,, ""'1 Lc,lar,,.W to 1011,,. .,.~..._ £ l (Urdo)
6PJ [ho o ~J!lllh.J 1ohl1er] to tl, (, 1n.(, ,\ l■ tut !.11L ,.,. j'°"
,r~pou• KJr<,l nl tho t,mo o! tu, 1'm:-I m,y I... i:1TM\ l~l to I "'
L } (ur<lu) (l'urhJD c<Jt\UIIDltt;, pd1to>1 ,.,., '""'' ttun:>-.lr1>.)
1857 61-concluded
592. ~1ahmiid 'Ali Khan and Ahmad Khan to the C -rn-C. Asks
that their sn,laries may be paid f 1 (U1du)
------- 593. List of wages p,11dto the 2nd Rtsc7la uude1 Ml].d 'Ali Khdn
f 1 (Per)
594 Nominal list of the 1st Irregular Cavalry, Gwaho1 Contmgent
f. I (Pei ) - ,_.
595 Esbmnte of salnries of officers ancl men under Faiz Ml}.d
Khan, Jam' dii1 f 1 (Per )
--- 596. List of papers sent by Sa1y1d Naza1 'Ali, to [Kotwal]. f. I.
(Pei ) '
597 Statement, m alph:ibetrnal 01de.r, of names of officers of the
l\{utmee1s from Lucknow f 1 (Per)
598. GhuJam Dastgir Khan, Risii.ldii1, to the C -m·C Has ieceived
his orders , has Just returned from the trenches foi breakfast. f. 1.
--- 599 Deed of compromise executed ny Qadir Bakbsb and Rahim
Bakhsh, soldiers", concermng a dispute about a p1ostitute ' f. 1
600 Statement of Salig1am regardmg the death of his daughter-
in-law caused by her fall mto a well £ 1 (Urdu)
----' 601 Certificate of character given by Sohan, H1ra Lal and others
to Ram Parshad £ 1. (Urdu)
602 Kallii, goldsmith) exculpates Ram Parshad charged with
swmdhng mohurs out of ce1tam soldiers f 1 (Urdu)
603 -Masha Allah ieports a theft committed m his house. £. l•
(U1du) •
---- 60-:l--6 Detached title pages of the lists of office1s and men belonging
_to ieg1ments nom the PunJab and othe1 places £ 3 (Pei )
-- -- 607 List of persons sent to the C -m~C, along with a petit10n.
£. 1. {Pei )
608 Sa1yHl Nazar 'A1i to the Kotwal Sends the deso11pfave roll of
a dead woman £ l.• (Urdu)
- 609 Sa1yid Nazar 'Ali to the Kotwiit. Will send wooden boards
f 1 (U1clu)
-- 610. S.uy1d Rusam 'Ali Khan, Thiinadar, Paharganj, to Niiib
Kotwiil Cannot supply grass., as 1t 1s not available. 1\7111send coolies.
£ ] (Urdu)
-- 611. [A Tltiinadar] to Kotwiil Sends coolies f l (Urdu)
1is. foll 176 , various sizes
Deo. 2~,1847 1. Note of hand executed by KhwaJah Bakhsh in favour of
B1ndamal, banke1 £ 1 (Per ) I
Feb. 9,1850 2 Noie of hand executed by ~arkat 'Ali Ill favour of Bmdamsl,
ban]rer f 1 ( Per )
1857 62--oontwircd
Jon 1- 3-27 RecCJplsof P"rmentsm.ndoto Umld 'All, Fath S,ni;h and
Jul 26 others f 25 (Per nnd Urdu)
Mily l rs Uld AJudhm Porshnd and others to tho C m-C As\. for the
p,lt'aSe of then good! detruncd in tho cantonment at :i\Iirnpur f I
10 20 Lin oi muon• gmn to the men of tho :lifuhncor, f I (Per)
" 17 30 The Court of J n.t,co m tho Pnbco npp<>IDU
llobbu, Jat,Jt/ar o[
" the hla,!lllme f 1 (Per)
18 31 Ll.11Debi P=had to (lliuldm 'All Asl,a him to 11lf'J>lrtho
" C C mth n tent. f 1 (Per)
10 32 8 Tho C m-C to :M1ru Knclialc Dllcch him to ore th,t
" nmmnmtion mtondcd for Delhi is nllowcdto eomo1n f 2 (!'er)
3,1-o Tho C m C tn Sluu'hb R•i•b 'Ah and (zhn!Am 'Air Send•
" " tonls for the use of tho wld1cra f ~ (Per)
30 The C 10 C to (Thnl!m 'All Dll'CCt.him to rnpply the 13th
" " Regt with ten ta. f l (Por)
37 The C 10 C to :ilfndur Dokh,h D,reot, him to P""' 1n tho
" " nmmnruhon mtondo<l!or Deihl f 1 (Per )
II 21 38 Lnt of nrtlolet-t~nl•, gcrCQn1 of C!ln,.,,_,,L:imb,x,,et,, l,oloni;-
rng to tho nrmy f 1 (!'er )
23 30 Ahmo<l'All KMnto tho C 1n-C "I\ ,U 'll"11t on bun. l I (P<r)
20 40 I lb3ob ,\II, Jama'Jar 0£ tbo M•E;U1no, lo the C 1n C A,h
for wogo, for 300 mon worl.m{:undor !um f 2 (Per)
27 ,p Officersof tho J'olo,or forco loj!ho C ,n C A,lc •or !ho 1nppl1
of corlom ffi\Utlll\on t l (Per)
26 13 Tho C m-C to Uoiob 'Alt DU"~lt him to ,apply morJ,
nod c:irtn<ll:CIto the Cn~nlry Ue::,mrnl £ 1 (l\r)
30 H 'Abdnl Jln\;lm Kh~n,,.,~ Kutr"I \,:l0tli;<'•the l't'('(lrt

~, o[ 2 leu f I (Urtln)
41i U,,p\, Ah Ja.,a ,/Jr of tLo ,r.i;uioe, to I.ii.\ lawllinith" lrdi;o, tho r,,.c,pt o[ a corl>1n nnml,,,r of guuny lr.i:, f I
Jun 2 40 'All D•IJJ•h ,ton,\• L11lfar ~lodln Slni:h f (P,r)
3 47 Dhan S,ni;h \ Jib Aufr / ta IG...-lhnllh A,u L,m to t-•
the coohet their ,nl!C< f I (UrJaJ
4S Dh!n Smgh mac, orJers to rt!,-.., tLo cut of D,frt.m I I
(l rdn)
40 Dh!n ~tn[:h to Jo1tlLn!1lh /u\:• h11n for th• r>nntcl of
,. " price for Leu £ I (L rJn)
,, 5 LO Ahnud All to the C in C l'rop th:it he nuy 1~ tt~nl LI
1857 62-coul inuccl
Jun. 0 »1. Itilhi n.\'khc.h to ihc C.-in-C. Complaills of tho sho1tnge of
fo1ngc. f. 1 (r1tf,;)
Q4 52-S Slntcmcn f c; of ":1g:c.;p:i1<lto the J.fh HcgL. f 2. (Per )
,, 54. Chmrni L:il to thP King-. Compl.iin~ thnt the ~Iutmccrs Lave
" pln11dc1cclhif~fn1111 f ] (Urdu) c

27 j;j, Knrii)nn Snrup to fhc C-Jn-C .Applies fo1 le.we f 1. (Per,)

",, zo :'iG.Pnpcr of n<'ronn{s 1,clongmg-to the J\Iutrnccr.:; f l. (Pei)
Jul. ()
H o7 :Mir S.1fd.1r'Ali to the C.-fo.(.'. Seek., employment un clo him.
£. 1. {PCI )
3 5S. Tinndhcr Smg-h to the C -in-C Requests the supply of \\oodeu
" p1nu1,.s.r. 1. (U1<ln)
4 5!J. Amir to the C -in-C. Asks fo1 the 1clcnscof lus c:uts f. 1
" (U1dn)
GO Snngram, n Sepoy of the 3ul ltegt, to the C.-m-C. Solw1ts that
" " he mar be paul the nllo,,nncc clnc to h1m f 1. (U1<lu)
" 0 Gl. List of dooly bearc1s f 1. (Pei.)
,, 10 02. Account of the hnnal C'\pcnses of n cc1 tn.m gunner. f 1 (PCJ.)
" ,, G3. L1e--t
of nllow:mccs p:nd to the g1m11C'1s f ] (Pet.)
,, 13 G4 Shmkh Glmlnm 'Ali to ihe C.-in-C Scc•hs ihc recoVety 0£ his
swords f1om IIn1i Ch::uan f. I (U1du)
,, 14 05 List of roohes £ 1. (U1du)
,, 16 GG. Shnikh Gbdst,i, Glunsi Ram a,nd other c;ho1,keepe1s of
Qutls1y ah Bagh to i be C.-rn-C Seek compcnmfaon £or f.hcn Lelo11gmgs
plundered by t]1e 1''.f
utmeus f. l (Ur<lu)
,, 20 07. De1)0s1tionofKhuclii. Bakhsh rcgnrdmg the elopement 0£ lus
w!fe. f. ] (U1du)
,, ,, ~8. Khndii Bakhsh to the C -rn-O. Asks for the recovery 0£ his
- p1operiy from h1s wife who has eloped with Saiyid 'Ali f. J (Pei )
,, 22 G9, Statement of i\iihr Singh 1cgnrclmg Ins bcmg nssaulted by
1\1ohan Lal. f. 1. (Urdu)
70 Deposition of Qamaru'd Dm regardmg the smt of Mihr Smgh,
JJ "
f. 1 ' ( Urdu)
" ,, dancing
71 Chhedi to the C.-in-C. Asks £or the delivery 0£ l\fanglu, a
girl, kept in mongful confin~ment by Rustam Khan. £, 1.
,, 28 72 Ilahi Bakhsh and others to the-0 -m-C Ask for the release of
their carts £ 1- (Per)
73 Chait Ram promises to 1eturn 2 swo1ds and a cup to ""Rawshan.
f. 1 (Urdu) _
" ,, Chait74 Ram.
Rawshan acknowledges the 1_ece1ptof 2 swords and a cup from
f. 1. (Urdu)

J) 25 75. Deposition of Anand Sarul? rega1dmg- h1sar1est f. I. (Urdu)

96 JJ.UTlNY p Al'!RS

1857 62--aontintted
7 O Sa,y,d NnbAnil. Shah Kb!n /i~/rrill t,, the C ,n-C Scud,
mcrcbaubl of tbo city to lum f l '(U rdo) '
77 The King to KhwAJ•h H=!n Ihrtcb !um to appo,ot b11
own men to look s!ter the garden of Jmunbogh I ] (Urdii)
,. 81 78 11lqu 111\ul A'nmn'd Din to the C 1n-C Ueq~• t~t
tb11etu1e of Kliadd B•khsh may be decided f I (Pcr) :$ 79 D~hon of :Munsha ~rd1ng hi!, arrost t l (Uriln)
~ 80 Mfr Al:b:tr 'All to the O 111C. Complatas thot • gainhhng
hoiae enst. ne:,r h11'°"'denre f l (Urda)
JI u SL NO:rKbrm and others to the C m-C S111,kemplOTII1entnndtt
bun. f 1 (Urda)
82 Duant R4m to tue C in C Alu for tho rclcuo or n pnJOnet
f J (Urda)
H n SS. SMdl rum and other meroh11n!Iof the E:tuhnur Oat<,lo the
C 1n-C .A,lt for the retnm of tbo l-eye of their ahol"' f l (Urda)
84 Sbn,!;b Jollm to the :h.1ng A,b for tho r<'«>rctJ' or h,,
vroperty from 11 dal><'lng girl who hu clopcJ mth anolb&r mon
f l (Urdu)
St, The O m-C d1rt0!1 the ofllcen to l:cep their tnt'll re,Jy lot
n,no,.- f J (Urda)
" 5
80 Rami:An,(Mddur, to the C 1n-C Ac~lcdge. the =,pl
0£b11 ordcn f l (Per)
I 0 87 The C m..C to Dehl Singh nod other, lnnltt lbm, lo
dl,cma the me11n, of 1UA1nlnmmg~oe ond order 10 the rity f l
10 SS, 'l'hlnn, a gardner, fo the(, ,n C .Aol:o{or ~bep:iylllent of Iii•
""'go'f 1 (Per) ,
,, 13 80 LAI Chand to the C -,n C C.0tnplaln• that Imam \II hu
plundettd hit hoote f l (Urda)
00 J'•br.n Kh~n to tbo C m C Arknon-ltilgM lho t!'M'lr!of h11
oriler, f 1 (UrJa) .,
16 Ill 2 DeJ>0<1lt0111of ~!r~t Khln ond ttJ::Srdlni: tl.o
de>ttuct,on of the lfog-umo by litt C 2 (Unla)
!l~ Dopoul,on oE M1bir •All, • 1t11pe<I,
ng,n.!101: l111 •rr~I L I
,, 11 '>1 Dtpo<-il!on ol 1'ur Khiio ~rd•ni: tho nr••J"N\.-10)'.!tL1ri:td
..-,lh drol"IDS'more tn0ncy tl11n""" d°" to 11,..,,, f I (l,nla)
1(1 05 n.,.,.,1,00 orlJ•h!llar S,ai;b, II l'T1'f'('rl,rti::0nhog l,l• .n .. t
l (UrJa)
\10 J odlanllb lo \\lia Kbltt Snlt•11 '!al t l>N M, tt<JU!,,tlcll of
J"lrtr f 1 (Unla)
V7 L,,t oflluni, btloaglllS'fo!ll~d Dshl,,L • )furh f I {ftr)
1857 62-conlinucd
!18. Snif ' ..\li fo the C -111-C. 801,rif'< pcrmis8ion for his oomrndes
to enter Drlhi. f. J. (Pl'l )
J! Jf fl{l Deposition of Nathhn Singh, n au.,pccl 1cg:uding hie nirest
f l. (l""1du)
1) H ]00 GJJnliim 'Ali, ]),iro,q&a!. of fl10 <'nmc-1 '-l1e<l, to the C -m-C.
TIcqmt:ifionf:~nmC'I'-for the n.,c of the )I nt.inccr6. f. l (U1dn)
,, ~1 101. )Jlul Dnnlaf, nu nrclu{ct't, io the C -in-C. Requests n bupply
of Jimr f. l (Urdu)
10~ The C-m~C to the .hot,riil. AsJ..sl11m to sen<l certam
' mrrchnnt~ to 111m. f. l (]\,r)
,, ...... 103 Dcpoi::iftonof )Ih<l Husnin 1cgnrd111gthe airest of Gnnesh

L-11 f ]. (llrcln)
,, 101 Depo~ition of Ahdnl Qiidir, n prisoner, regardmg his impri-
" sonment f ] (Urdu)
,, ,, 105 .Mutmceis to the C.-m-C. Aol\nowlcdgo the receipt of bis
summons f 1 (I>er)
26 l OG.The C -m-C chrecls the omccrs to send remfo1cements to
" NaJnfgnih f. J (Urclu)
"w0 S-0..,9 107-8 Depositions of Ilnlriim nncl D1Jsukh rngardmg their arrests.
f 2 (Urdu)
,, 29 100 (Thulum 'Al,, na,ogJ.a!t of the J\fogazme ncknowledges the
receipt<;of gunny bags f 1 (Per.)
JJ 30 110 Sn<la Smgh to Col :M:hcl Khrnr Sultan. Requests that
Zaforyiih Khan mn,y be rescued from the Tlia11ahof Shahdara_ £ 1.
_ (Urdu)
Sep. 3 111. Ga.mi Shankar to Sundnr Lal Asks him to send certam
parwa11ahs £ 1 (Urdu)
" ,, 112 List of rations given to the l\Iutmeers. f 'J- (Urdu)
,, 5 11~ Smyi<l 1\'.fub:11ak Slrnh Khan, Kotroiil,to thP, C -m-C Sendcithe
Thanaltdiir of Chn.nclnt Cbawk and othei., to 1nm f 1 (Urdu)
JJ "
114 Sa1yid Nazn1 'Ali to the Kottoal Reports that 1'1:irTahawwnr
'Ali and his parties 1f'fused to part with their swoids £ 1 (Uidu)
115 Sa1y1d 1'1:ubarak Shah Khan, Kot1()al,to the C -m-C Asks his
" " orders concermng the disposal of Mir Tahawwur 'Ali, a prisoner f l
116 Sa1y1d Alta£ 'Ali, Rualdar, to the C.-in-C. Asks hrm to release
" " Mir Tabawwm 'Ali. f 1. (Urdu)
,, " 117 Sa1yid Alta£ 'Ali, Rtsalclar, to the Kotwal Asks him to release
Mir Tahawwur 'Ali £ 1 (Urdu)
/ \

118 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Directs him to send the com-
" " plamant 'Abdu'l Wahid and the defendant :Mir Tahawwnr 'Ali m the
case of their dispute over a sword (Verso the Kotwiil sends both of them
together with papers concermog the dispute.) £ 1. (Urdu)

1857 62-contrnued
Sep 6 119 BIUJRAm to the C m-C Pray, ior tb, nileoucof b« t'<lr/<,
l (Urtla)
G 120 1 Depoutiom 0£ :MrrTahrn,.ar 'Alt regarding the nborr di$
pate over a rn-ord f 2 {Urda)
122-4 Depo•1hons or mtne.<M Wozu 'All S,mand KMn and
HtdAyat Ah regarding tbe above d1'pnfe f 1 (Urda
126 'Ahdn'I Wi!ud to the C m C A,l, pcrm1$1Jonto accomponr
" " hl.4f.i.m1lyto Ql.4country f 1 (Urda)
12~ '3.lhe<lnloof load re,enne f. l (Urda)
' 8 127 Oen Sndh~rl Smgh to the King A,k■ for the pnre or 3
horaeo f I (Urdu)
128 Bond execnted by Mnotaba and Abdu for their fatnro good
COllduct. f 1 (Unln)
129 Col Mhd. Kh11r Sultdn to Jnm\landtb Duttts him to
re]- lm5m llakb,h i 1 (Urda)
,, ,, ISO Depoc1bon of \ln ■tnbn n ,,.-ecper, ~rding b11 arrt1t f I
10 131 \Jhd All KbAn to the C m-C Aclrr,otrl,dge, the rrmrt oI hi,
,l.qqd f l fPe,-)
11 13i? 3 Depo.1hon1 of JhrngA and Bn!J Thim rc1,t1nl1ni;the """""
of th81r cart,, f 2 (Urdu)
I ~4 Schedule of mcomo from dabeo on nit f J (Per)
155 Th• C £n (' to filiuldm • Alt D1r,,d1 bun tn rcl~•o rarf• a"'1
bnllocla belongmg to Tilngu nnd Jltan, rnrtcra I l (l\-r)
ISO TAhb Cban<lbn ~to,i<l•b.1! !or lllnga •nd Jltan e.rtcr, f I
187 A 1.lubncu to tho hmt: Olfers h1<.,,...,,.,_-.. £ J ,p.,)
lM 'Ab<lu • !;i•rnad to the l\1ng for rrtoner l't'qUlrt<l for tb•
mama, e of L11daughter f l (Per)
130 Albh fi•l.bha to the C 10 C Comrh,os U"'l \\utr ha•
1,e&tcnhim and b11 daughter r l (Urilu)
140 An ofTendcrto tho C 10.C Solir1h h11rordon f I (P<t}
Hl U31tl,■hu°to the C 1n (, Corrtpl■in• ol Viarlr ,.1.,,
hu l,..tt11
him and hi• dmni:hur f l (Urdo)
14~ Dbol! Jl,Ath, 11 ■bop\.t"'f"' to [71nat \!ah! Jlt.">m) "trk-
prolc,,t.011ag,un,t lbe ,xtort,on of the ~lnhn,..,.. I I (Urda)
115 Dill for J<LC1:-n<ldlcaf l (Ptr)
H4 Ch1nl., a 0'7"nll!T, lo lhc 1'1ai;>lnt lhd T,l,-1 11
hJ.yeplundeml h11 •hop f l •Per)
H~ Col Dent S,ni;b to the C 1n C !n(,r,n, Lim 14111 • c;,,rc• 1
th• trrncbe-, 111 the Ohl fort ari, 1,-,ai; ,ntbo,,t au tn-n t • ~nl IL«n
f I 1UrJo)

--- 11G Drbi Pnuil111,1 t> (lliulnm 'Ali D1rectt; him to supply Iliibdnd
Khan ,, 1th tent" f l (Per.)
l4i Debi Pnrshii<l to Kawflb :i\Iu'mn Orn Husarn Kbiin Introduces
lns brother to 111111 f 1 (Per.)
1-18 Ilabi Bnklish nncl othe1" to the Kmg A"k for the supply of
nrms nncl ammmubon f L (Pei )
1 \D L18t of tent~, cnrt~, ctc b1•1ongmg to the nf utmee1s f 1.
(Pc1 )
ljO Lt"t of ~ ages pnitl to the men wo1kmg m the artillery f 1
15]. L1St of cnr(s and bnl1oeks. f l (Per)
152 L1st of clothe-, etr, belonging to Anand Sarup £ 1 (Urdu)
15 3 L1-;t oi 01 ders 1s~ned by the C -m-C f 1 ( Pei )
154 L1.:;t of men wo11,mg rn the a1 tiller)' f 1 (Pei )
165 nf 1hdii to the Kin~. Asks for the 1elea(;e of his carts f 1.
(U1du) ,.
J5G 1vhh1 Smgh to the Kmg Seeks compensation for the loss of
his ca1ts nn<l bullocks £ 1 (Uu]n) ,
157 1\hbda and Nanda Ram to the C -rn-C. Prav that their ca1ts
may be allowed to go out. of tLe city f 1. (Pei ) ·
lnS .:M1r l◄,ath 'Ali to the Kmg. Suggests that a tax may be
imposed on salt f l (Pei )
159 i\iukand Lal and others to Col i\1hd :[b1zr Sultan Suggest
that certarn bquo1 shops may be resold by auction m his presence
f 1 (Urdu)
160 Mir Kban Chaudhri to the Krng Seeks p1otectton agamst
the GuJa1s f. l (Urdu)
161 1\foti and other Zaminilii1s of SabzL Mandi to the C -m-C Pray
that their carts may be relea5ed f 1 (Pei )
162 Nawab Urnrao Bahadur to the C -m-C Acknowledges the
receipt of his parwiinah £ 1 (Per )
-- 168 Nfn Bibi to the C -rn-t Comp1ams that Tilangas have robbed
her of her property f 1 (Per)
164 Paper of accounts f 1 (Per )
• 165 People of i\ialwarah to the C -m-C Complam that Radhf,
Kanh1a and othe1s tl11eaten to attack them f 1 (U1<la)
166 H ece1pt 1,f_payments made to drffeient men of the :M:utmeers
f I (Per)
167 Sa1y1dNazar 'Ali, Th°analtda1p£ Cbandm Chawk, tojthe C -m-C
Reports of a riot that 1s takmg place m Cbandm Cbawk f l (Urdu)
---- 168 Sa1yid Haidar Husam to a m1hta1y , fficer Aske b1m to
affix the C -m-C 's seal on the papers enclosed f., 1 (Per)
1WTlNY l' Al'ERS
1857 62-concl«tkd
169 Slul.nb.r DA.sto G T l'l Vl.,
of hlaue!f andhu ade en. 1 y«r """'n Pra; ■ for the ttl-
(Urifo) ■on, m prz80nMt on • ohvge of ctp1011J1ge.r 1

110 Sher Kliin to the C. m-C Acltnow!edgn tbe receipt of btt

Jl<l1"~d f 1 (Per)
UJd dt1bar■ement1. f l (Per)
171 Smtement of rec1Jipt,,
172 Statemente of d~uoru, of inaah-y ea.airy and TI>lan!eu
rt,gt.. f l (Per) '
L,E3 Satajmalr to the C tn C Sol1eit. that h11 w,.fe wbo ~ mth
Buu.,m R!m mAy b& re.toreil to h,m f l (Urda)
L~nl14'!'be C m-C to (Thal~ 'Ali. Direct■ h,m to .,,pp1 M,n1
'A uu Jab wrth teat 1. f. J (Urdu) 1
115 Th6 King t., S..toaod Kh&n Aab for ■omo p,eklot f J
176 The Ku,g to the C m C Acknowledges the receiptof R, 2 000
f I (Per) '
1867 63
J\~ Coll 90, rtnoas l'lres.
I Stateroeot of 1o'b,,mptwn1 nl1,ed hJ h.hln ,1n1)11nm•d
d& B•kh•h. f. 1 (Per)
,. 30 2 1Ia!ibflh 'All Khln to the Kutl<i'JI Send• a h,t of the h:inl:rn
f l (Per)
S i\C,,~babAlf 6:hln to the Kol,cal A•b blro to,end the meteb111t1
of tbe city to the fort. f I (Per)
1un S 4 L11t of banl.eraltlmmone<lto the fort l 1 (l'cr)
,, ,, 6 llnrt R&mand oth.ra appointed s,,uo1 In the £,J.-J/, I l
,, 10 Km~ t,, tho Kv/11:al D,mt, h•m to rtport on !be rlot t'<>m
t, The
nutted by tbo T,la•!•• r 1 (l'tt)
1ot 14 7 Ja...,.l,,nMh to 1\1,t\rimud D~ul,b Atlc,how bo I, to nrlllln
the t!elAv1n cx..-ut!ng tho orders of the C 1n C re-;,rJlng !be calli,,.
bon of moner f I (Per)
S 'J'be C m.(. to lbe 10ldtm D,r,,,ta them to ..-,thdr&w fro1'1
tbe ho11te of ,lunnn \la! tthm they were pt.ttd •• S"'\l,h t<> tn!OT«
the f"'TID~~ o! ,nb80np!ion, f 1 (UrJ11)
IJ l'anlln!fh lo ll!llm 'All Atki bnn to otnd lb~ lll01l"T b•
prom,~ to pay C'mo lll'llamAtl!S\yt th,t lit ,.,,1,..nd lb• in~.,,-
ne:r.tday) ( 1 (Urda)
10 .-.n o«i~r ~ the C In C,.ll'JSN Iii• r«t,s>t of l,11
ordmi f 1 (UrJo)
0 J l Th• C 1n-C. t,, tbo tntr.h>nta of lh• t1ly Ptrr..1"'1, ffl"a'J
from tbtm r I (l',r )
.... l! Tbe 'C ln-C to 'll)d IJnAln V,rt<d,b!,n lo • t1 o::.a•r I••
ll,ada• !rem to,b qllffltt of tb, t1IJ £ l (l'<T)
1857 63-continieed
Aug 9 13-15 Chintii. 1\fal, J c1gDayal and others promise to pay subscrip-
tions f. 3. (Urdu)
10 16. Col 1'1hd Kb,1zr Sultan to Gopa.1 Hai Directs him to eub-
" scube Rs 2,000 f 1 (Per)
17 Col :Mnd Kh1zr Sultan to Gopnl Rai. Directs him to obeY
" " the orders of :Muzii Abdullah f l (Pe~ )
18 Uol :Mhd Khizr Sultan to Raghiinath Saha1. Summons his
" " to his Court f 1. (Per )
,, 19 Col nihd Kh1zr Sultan to Raghunath Saha1 Dnects him to
" obey the orders of l\Iuza 1\.bdullah. f 1 (Per)
11 20 Chmta l\fal promises to pay Rs 2,000 £ 1. (Per.)
,, ,, 21 Col :M:hdK_hizr Sultan to Khushi Ram. Summons him to his
Court f 1 (Per)
11, 24 22-4. Raghunath Saha1 to the C -in-C. Solio1ts exemption from
" ma1..,ng money contr1but10ns. f 3. (Urdu)
,, 11 25 '!he C -m-C to the Kotwal Directs him to ask the citizens to
assemble at the Lahore Gate (Verso the Kotwiil says that he has
earned out the ordern) f. 1 {Urdu)
26 Statement of subscnpfaons raised horn the merchants of the
" " city £ 1. (Per )
, " 12 27. List of shopkeepers of the 01ty f 1 (Per.)
28. List of pe1sons summoned. f. 1 (Per)
,, 29-35. The C -m-C to the Kotw:il Directs lnm to reahse sub..
" scnpt10ns from Parshndi Ram, Haii Ram and others f 7 (Urdu)
" 13 36 The C -m-C to Co] 1\'.Ihd KJ!izr Sultan Directs him t,o do
nothmg co1rnei:mngthe collect10n of money without his consent f 1
,, 37 Col Ml;td Kh1ir Sultan to the Kotwal Directs him to
" exempt Mustafa Khan from makmg money contnbut10ns f. 1. (Urdu)
38 Beru Dha1 promises to pay the subscription f 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 39. Bem Dha1 to the C ..rn..c. Solicits exemption from makrng
money contributions f I (Uidu) f"
,, 15 40 ~firza Mhd Abu l Hasan to the Kotwiil, .Asks him to send
Duh Chand and Lal Behari Smgh. f. 1 (Pei )
41 Khuda Bakhsh KotwiilJ to the C ~in-C Forwards
apphontion fiom the poor people of the city praymg for exemption from
making money contributions f 1. (Urdu) ...
,, 42 Kalka Das and other poor people of the city to the Kmg Com.i
plain of Jatamal's extortion f 1. (Urdu) ·
,, " 43 The C -m-C to Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 1.Vaib.K~twiil Directs
bm to get the pa1 wiinaks signed by ijhe persons to whom they are
issued. (Verso the Naib Kotwiil says that he has carried out the orders.)
£, 1. (Urdu)
102 lf.unNy PAP.£118

1857 63--:-contmued
Aug 17 4 1 Gang! RAm and other thopk""pen, of the city lo lbe C. , 11-C
A,k for exemption from Inrt her money contn buhon1 f l (U rdn)
,, 18 45 Ganrl Shanru Snlrol, lo the Tlibat!ar of Cluindm Churl:
Recommend■ respite for merchant ■ vho have L.,n pre...d £or anbocnp-
bOllB l 1 (Per)
46 Col Mlµ) Kh•,r Sult4n to the Aol,-al Direct■ h,m lo collect
money f I (Per/
, 10 47 Note of lutnd for Rs 6,700 ttce1red ID the K1ng'1 e1chtquerfrom
the merehant, of the city f. l (Per )
,, 20 ~ .Account of receipt.. and d11ba~eat, of tho Sarlar ( 1
,, 21 49 Saligram Singh to the C ID•C lnfonu, h,m of the amount of
monev he ha, 1ab1cnbed f 1 (Per)
,, 22 60 Note of h•nd for Ro 10,800 rec,m!<l 1n the K1ng'1 cxchl'<jatt
through M!J<I Bal;bt f 1 (Urdn)
51 Note of hand for Rs 126 rcce,red ID the h.lng'o eicl tqucr Ircm
1UrrrSah11 f I tUr<lu)
62 Col MJi.,I Kh11r Sult!n to the C 1n-C Ash hLIDto reJ.,._,.
some Jewellers from conbnement. f 1 (l'nlu)
2S 65-6 l\ote. 0£ hand for H, ,)r, ,.,...,m,1 in the h1ng'1 nehtqn,r
from Deb, Sah01, Mohe,h Dill and other■ f 4 (Lrclu)
67 ZOl'll.wlr,,ngh to the h.1ni: So!tc1h exemJ~1on from rnone;
conlribnhona. f l (Per)
,, 27 58 L11t of lncl,geni per.on• e>cmplecl from monc1 <0ntnbnt!on1
f 1 (Urda)
20 60 00 The C ,n-C 10 the ~nlcu of the e,tr 8nmmon1 them to
bu court to d1,en I the me•n• of f01'1Dl, moner r 2 (l',r)
01 Khad.i BnltlJ,h Jui~a ,,a,b /i~l,ra/ 10 the C ,n-<, \eLoo,-
1.di:ea the =pt 0£ h11or<ler.. r I (Ur.tu)
80 e2 Ja!Amol a •LopL•eper 10 the C m C Snhc1t nomptfon fr0tn
farther mon,, contr!Lotron, £ l (Lr<la,
,, ,, 03 BUo S1ni:h, ,,.i,~ Aolrdl to the C ,n.C ~•nJ, ,omo rntr
clulnta of the o,t; to !um f l (Unlat
04 J,r t of mrrehant• •ummoned to tLo t, art of \!1n:i 'lh<l Cbnmlt
t l (Per)
Sep L G5 D11haml,or S1nt:h $•'a4rl«r of tb, l11h lt~'1 to tho C ta C
Aclnan-lcdf:t" tbo rtmpt of ht< oro.,.. I l ( L rJo)
oo TLe C 1n C to !Le TJ.,.aUJr of tLAu<lnlCl •"L ll11t,t• Lim
to•••~ rnnneT horn tLo n1,rcLant• ! !Lo <11\ I l {Lt,lu)
!! r; Th C in C t, tho Avl.- ,I ll,tt'<"hhim to 1,JI II• ,,...,.,.1,,-14
of tl<• <rtY ( att.-nd L1• ~•Utt (\ rt><' 1Lt AoJrJ/ uy tut l, Lu
earntd 01Jt b1• or<lm) ( l (l r<lo1
,. ,, L~ L,,t of )"tt'OD• • .i ... 1 lo""' 1nl><--flf!1on, f I trH J
1\IUflNY l'APERS 103
1857 63 ~coucludod
nn H:t$,111tHn1 .1rn1titlwrr-to Gcm•rnl '1'.1h'Jf11 Kl1un Com1,Inrn of
.l ntam.1l'i::l'"'i.torl1011 l. l (lJ 1tl11)
; n H1ln~]Lu pro111t'-l''-to appcnr m the .Koftrtili "hen 8Ummoncd
f. 1. (Ortlu1
f 1- of nnlnl,l() JI mdns nn<l )I ll'-SUlmnus. f l (Per)
; 1 L1....
; 2 Ltc;l qf men•hanl~ ,, ho h.n e nhendy p:nd money to the !\luhnrcrs
f. 1 (Per)
73-li Lhh of '-ltb" ... "1th nu nmount of money ngainst each
f f ( Jlf>J )
77 L1c;fof pet Fon" ...,ummonedf o pa) ...uLFcnptwns f ] . (Urdu)
7b Ltf;l o[ pen-on..,\\ho complnm of the bcbnv1our of the Mutmeers
f. 1 (Per)
in. Luit of ce1t:t1n JI111<lui. f J. (Per)
SO Lbt of p,1pe1sconcermng receipts nu<l d1sbmscmeuts of money
f. 1 (Per)
81 Li ..t of Ilrnclu.:;nn<l l\f u~sulmans scn·mg under the M:utmee1s
f 1 ( PN )
82. List of nhc:cnt dcfencl,mt!:- f 1 (Per)
83-4 Lthls of banl..c1s of the city f 2. (Per)
83 Li:,.t of pc1sons <-nmmoued nncl nskcd to pay subscriptions. f. 1.
SL OiHC'Clh of the 1\1ntrneers to the C -111-C AsK h1m to release some
merchant<; f1om confinement. f J (U1du)
87 confauung ccrrarn names with an amou11tof money agarnst
each f 1 (Pei )
88-02 Statements of loans raised f1om the muchants of the city
i 5 (P,·r)
93-7 Statements of airears and realizations of subsc11pt1ons from
the me1chanh, of the city f 5 (Pei ) ,
98 The C -m-C to the Xotwiit D1rerts him to ia1se money fiom le ~Iussulmans of the city f l ( U1du)
99 The b -111-C,to Klrnda Bakbsh Khan, Niiib Kotwal Dnects him
to send the merchants of the 01ty (Verso· Khuda Hakhsh Khan ca111es
out his 01de1s) f 1 (Per )
1857 64
MS fo]I
3, size ll¾"x8" {Per)
1 L1st of petitioners 0£ the city foll 2 (Per)
2 L,st of Papers belongmg to the Jalesar Regiment. f 1
1857 65
l\fS foll- 59, var10us sizes
July 15-
Aug 22 1-4 Receipts of payments rna<le to Allah Bakhsh, J;Iusau Khan
and others. f 4. (Per )
1857 65-co11tin11ed
l'ul. n
6 11 Enrolment loo of oevernl regunenh I 7 (Per)
" 2!1 12,18 'ln!yatu'l lah and other. to the C m-C A.I.a for prDTlllont
f 2 (Urdu)
26 14 Pay aheet of cavalry men from Lucknow f 1 (Per)
,, 30 15 .All&h Bakhsh to the C m-C Complauu that he hu betn
anaulte:1. by Sh!vA,& hlamm1th f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 31 IQ Abdul G:ho.fftrKMn nnd othm to the C 1n-C A1lc!or the
snpply of weapon1 and pron,,1on._ f l (U rdn)
Aug 2 17 18 The C m O to the officen of the Ton!. R~1ment Du~u
then, to oee blm next mormng (' eno the officers ny thor will
watt on him) f i (Unln)
8 19 Sruy1d Ml,td Shah to the C 1n C Al'b for the 1uppl) of pron
nolll! t I (Unln)
1$ 20-1 :Mnghal KhAn and other, to the C 10 C Ad: hu perm11-
•ion to fight independently of other .Mutineer. I 2 (Urdo)
,, 2£..3 Lu,t o[ PIP'" ~longmg to tho Tonk foree f !
U Some people (name not given) of .Me,,-atto the C In C Com-
pwn tb&t their <Cmct'tl are not appre,11!~ f 1 (Urda)
26-6 C.bal!A.rKhln, !ilui:hol Khln and olhm to the C 10 C
A.Jcfor provmon1 f 2 (Urda)
19 27 Ila:n,d II.Mn Chunn! Khln and olhen to the C 10 C A1k for
prov,,!on1 f I (Per)
2'l-O l\bdu I Qhafitr Kh&n and othen of Took to lho C 10 (.,
Pruy that th•) may La
rotnrn (o their country
f"" :!
1nffie1cnt pnrr111001or a pt11port to
Sep 3 30-1 ,r1nt!a Khla Mncltal .II.ban nod oth•rs to the C.-10-C
Complain th•t no notice u taken of their d, tre,. f 2 (Urdn)
s 32 l,lnL!bn'l l&h Khln Al,tm1d n.h!n and othm to the C 10-C
Alk for pronJOons LI (Unln)
,, 0 33 \11,td Sarf•riZ l\ll lo the C on C Aclcnowledi;,..tbo rt«1rt
of h11 p•r"'uoA ! I (Per)
,, ,. 8!-6 S••rd Ml,td Shah to tbo h.1ni; A•h for lho 1arrl1 of
promlon1 2 (Urdu)
., 10 31, ,11,td S3rfllliz l\11 to tbo lle,mh<n o( tbo tourt A11art<
them of tbo Jevo!Jon of !ho J>"Opleto !ho c.,a.,e o! the )lulJat"N f I
,, 13 /J7 S Th~ C m-C W the ol!i<tr< of the Tnok f= D,IT<l-o
them to march agnln,t the Eni;l11h f ~ (Uni•)
,, , SO l!hJ Sarfaiu P.11to the C 10 C 11,porl• 1h21 Le h21 l,ct1 1,,.
l<-j:and 11 uo•Ll• to .. tk n-qa,.11 tb,t if ,ol, l,,or,r1 =.r 1-c NOi ,~
arr, L,m to tM h.ubmir O•t• ..-hmo .,.,..,,, 6i:btioi: •• t"i•: ••
I I (Urdn)
1857 65-concludcd
-- - ,j(l .Ahmml Sn/id .Ahmn<liton leader of f ho 1'Iutincerq, Ileqaests
him to rcco,·cr nnd restore to Huhu'l-lah luc.. home nnd weapons
se11cd by the C -1n-C f 1 (Pc1 )
--- U Alli1h3nr K.hnnfo the King Seeks employment undt:-rhtm.
f. 1. (Pei.)
•1-2-.Tn'far 1,lui:nm nnd others lo the C.-in-C Asks for provisions
f 1. (Urdu)
,J3-50 Li~ts of the cavnlr\' men from Tonk under different officers.
f. 10 {l'cr) •
--- ~l l\lh<l Akba1 Khim nnd othorc;to the Kmg. Adv1&chim to hold
out good the :\futmcers f 1 (Pei )
--- 52 Saiyid Amnnnt Shnh to tho C.-m-C Asks for a Iodgrng for
lns mon £. 1. (Per) '
--- 5!3, SntJid )lhcl Shah to the C.-m-C. Asks fo1 help rn l11sdistress.
f. l (Per.)
--- 5J. Some people (names not gncn) f1om Tonk to tho Kmo- 0
that many of their cumr,ules nrc dead f l. (U1<lu)
55-7. 1'ho C -m-C. to lho Kmg. Asks for subsistence allowance
for Qfis1mAli, .\s,Lf Khiin on<lothers f 3. (Urdu)
1857 66
:i\!S. foll 27 , vauous sizes
Jun. 26 1 \\r azi1 'Ali to the C -in-C. Seeks employment under him f 1.
Jui 2 2. ~Ihcl ,?amir 'Ali to the C.-m-C. Scsks employment under 1nm
f. 1. (Per.) ·
7 3. MabariiJ Smgh to the C -rn-C. Applies for leave. f 1 (Pei )
,," 10 -1 Diwan Smgh t-0 the C-m-C Seeks employment unde1 him
f 1 (Urdu)
5 Diwan Smgh to the C -m-C. Asks £or a dwellmg house and n few
" " rupees £ 1 (Urdu) ,
13 6 QadIL Bakhsh to the C -in-C Asks fo1 the release of his so11
' f 1 (Pei)
,, 7. Umrao Smgh to the C -1n-C Asks fo1 the mcrease of his pay
" £ 1 (Per.)
,, 31 8. The C -m-C to Bhimu., a Jewelle1. Asks him to call on him,
f 1 (Urdu)
--- 9. Abdur Ral}man to the C.-in-C Asks fo1 an increase 0£ pay.

f 1 (Per)
10 Abdur Rahman to the C -m-C Applies £or the post of Mi1dahii 1
1 L 'Ali 13akhs1 to the C -in-C. Seeks employment under him •
£ 1 (Urdu) '
~---- 12 Ali Bakhsh to the C -m-C• Applies for the post of a
mace-bearer £ 1. (Pei.)
1 Clue£ of the mace-bearers.
106 :llll'l'INY :t>

1857 66-concludal
13 B!g to the C m-C Se,,b emplOTmrnt under tum
f 1 (Per)
11 Bah! lur to-the C in C Applte• for the p:,<t of a moee-be:im
f 1 (Per)
lo illinl!m A9mad KhQn to the C tn-C Soeb emplo,menl
under him f I (Par)
16 Hakrm .!ibdnl Qadir to the Jung Gira. on ac,ount of hi<
•nteoedents, otnte. lu, dutre.. ond o•h for rehcf f l
17 l;hmun Balsh1h to the C 1n-C Pray• !hot ho rM] ~ n,-
appo1nted N611r of tbo ounnch, of the h.atelll f l (Ptr)
18 ImAm B•kll•h to tlu, C 1n-C Se,u emplorment under
him f 1 (Per)
Jg Kahn PanbAd and othcn to the C -m-C Seekemplorrnent
under bun f I (Per J
20 hlAh<lO to tlw C 1n-C Prny• thot ho mor ho mn,tottd 1n
the dutv of l,ghtmg the luml"' 10 tho pnnoi~l IUO"qoeof th-0e1ly
t 1 (Per)
21 Plr Bal,hoh to the C !n-C Apphn for the J"'1t of the ,\J,6
Na-.r of the eunuch• of the harom r 1 (UrJu)
22 !1abfm BoltlJ h to the C 1n C ApploH for tho pMt ol "
mace-~rer f I (Per )
2~ Rll lr.iohbml NnrAyan to the C m-C Pra) • that he m•r l"'
commended to the K~lt<dl f 1 ll'cr)
21 S,bit All -.bth to the L m.C A,b for an •Pl"'rntmtnl er
,omo mone~ f r tl,e marriage of L••dnu.blrr f l tPrr)
25 Some ,[at,,,.,.,.
to the C ,n-C A,l for tL• p1vmool o!
their .,,far,H f l (Per)
io Su\t\n h.Ji~n to the C 1n C Serl, ,mJ I •rm<nt nn,ll't him
£ 1 1Per J
07 \\ ,dow of 'UJODr h_hin on,! h,r w dom,J ,l•n.htrr 1n I,,<
to the King Ail for •nhfl,ten~ ollo"•"~ f I 11 tr)

1857 67
,1s £oil 1~71nr!<>ILI ttU<.
I U•ldeo to the C In C A•l• for tho rf'l~•• f lt1• loroth r f I
\ln 2% z 1 niful\Ah D'J: to th• C -in C A,h for tt,, ,-, ...-. of h •
hom frvl'!l the T,l.,go1 f 1 (Ptt)
, (ft ,In anol 3Cu aim n •boi,-k,..~ of the rtly t • t!,. 1,/01.
" C<'tllpl,uo tL,t the 1',lo,1., p!uodor llmr •lws-, r l (I rou)
,. 2S 4 Cl,\,al rni;•~• h al,,b1n from mo!,.trni: rnt.,n ,..,....,.
{ 1 ,l'tr)
MUT1NY l 1 APtRS 107
1857 -67-co11l111ucd
:; nerd of ~·ompromt~c hcL\\Ctm ,T:rn1ih11 Lal and tlu" nlnnnth
f l (Per)
Jun -
n G K.1hir l01illl fo the C -m·C Aflhf.for thr rclea<.c of JJJ..,
nrroft<'d ln t 11,,'/ tl,11u7,1' f. l (l'C'r)

6 7 Fnti KJ1fm to the• Kmg Complain., f.lml nt the i111,tJg-nf,1vn of a

" womnn the Trlan1n< h'lYIJplun<lc1ed l11f.hous~ f l. (U1du)
1S S Dhirii nml B1hnri fmgh report I lint, the English mtcnd to
" blo" up the Ku~hn11r Gnf e, f I. (Ur<ln)
l!l ') SunnJ..n1 Xitth pmys for the rcll•asc of lus daughter f. 1
" (Urdu)
, 10 :'\I1ln Siugh snbmtf.., n report concerrung the n11ht:in-'strength
" of the Engli-.h f l (Ur,ln) •
23 11 .rU\\ n3u to t hr C.-111-C A"!." fo1 the release of cc1tam oilmen
" f 1 (Per)
24 12 Ktshan S 1hi11to the C -m-C Complarns th~t 1'tlangas have
" plundered hrn g1rcle11 f 1. (Urdu)
,: 13 'Azmnt .Ali to the K111g Dcmcs thni he supplies prov1s1ons
" to the J~ughsb f I (Per)
,, 1 !- ln,am Ilnkhsh fo the Krng Reports thnt the T1langas have
plundered the Ho) id 1cc factory. f l (Ur<lu)
15 ~h1titb ~rngh <;tanclsbail for .Tnmn,i Diis f 1. (Urdu)
",, 25" l G '.Abclu'r R.1him to the Kmg Prays that the t:old1eis who
crt?atcd tlt::,f;urbnnce-;rn 111sgum ter may be pumshecl f l (Urdu)
,, 17 ~Iukund L~tl lo ,T.1wiilan:ith Sentl.., the Thii,i zlula, of Pahar-
" ganJ "1th a draft of n. Jett.e1ad<he8scd to the C -m-C f l (Per )
,, 18 Bahii•iui Chau<lhri to the C -m-C Complains that the Ttlangas
" have ~e1zedhis house f 1 (Per)
2G , 19 Ram Dayal to tlw Kmg Asks fo1 the release of Naya Lnl
" ge of supplymg pi ov1s1onsto the
and :Mohan Lf1l a.1rt stcd on n ch111
English. £ 1 (Per )
2i 20 Baldeo Diis and others to the Kmg Request l1Im to release
" certarn persons f 1 (Per )
21. Tulsi Ram to the Kmg- Complains that a ceI tam Tilanga
" " has seized his house f 1 (Per )
,, 28 22. Kl!iib Singh, a w11ter m the Kotwiilt, asserts that he IS
not disloyal to the Krng f 1 (Urdu)
,, 23. VVazh Khan p1oves that he 1s not disloyal to the Kmg f I
" (Urdu)
,, 30 24-5 The C -m-O to the military officer~ Directs them to see
that their men do not be1ze the hom,es helongmg to Sham Lal and
Mhd 'Adil f 2 _(Per)
Jal 1 26 Atar to the C -m-C Requests_lum to release his son f. 1. ,
(Urdu) • , '
108 ir1:/nN'YI' Al'.t!\8
1857 67-contmued
1ul l, 12 27-8 Receipt, of payment ■ mode to Mal;ibnb 'Ah Khln and
Gang'< Rim i 2 (Per)
2 29 Badro'd Din 'Ah Kh&n to the Kmg Compl.11n1 that the
Tila119a1have oeiud h11 home i J (Per)
3 30.l Shanhr Git and olbera to the C m-C R"i11e1t tho.t they
may be releued f. 2 (Urdu)
3i-8 Dep051bon• of Bhanlcar Git and IllJllndl Kh!n reginJ1r,g
their arrest. t 2 (Urdu)
r, 34 Sluuihr to the King Deg, thlit Ra1,imnt Khln nnd otbera wbo
ha.e oppres.e,l him may be punll'hed f l (Per J
8 36 Bhol! an.I othera to the King Complain• that the ,1utin~t1
threaten to 101zetheir hou,e-a f I (Unlo)
10 36 ,11;idBakh•h deme,, the charge of sellmg ~f f I (Urdn)
37 Pirthl R&m to the C In C A,l.1 for the n,Jcue of h11Ntl
■etted by the Tda•gru f I (Unlu)
,, l2 38 Depoohon of Naht4 regardmg h11arrest C.I {Urdn)
,, Ill 89 K•nahyi Ml to tha O in-C Atk ■ for compenglion for the
lo,, cno.oedhim by the 'Iuhneer, f I (Urdu)
40 Jbm, to !he C m-C Ilcqa...t1 that )I. 1bll, m•J be rtl,,..t,J
f I (Urdn)
41 Wazlr Khdn to tl,e C m-C Pruu for the rek:i,e of .l'lr ~in
and others. f I (Urda)
,a 6 Depo01hon1 of penon• regord1ng their ar11?1t ond plunJer of
" 11 their houses by the Tdafl,'OI f 4 (Urdu)
46 W 1dow of Q!.IJrn KhAn to the C in C Compllllru lh.ol the
l1[0!1neers hare •eitt<l 11,r hon,e nod 1hop f l (Urdu)
47 JI,Or Bibi and others to the C 10-C &,J,c1t t' llbd Il>H•h -
may be rel<'tlsed f I {Urdu)
4~ Amir KhAn to the C 1n C A1l.t for the fGpnent of th•
lllfflll'!I o{ h11 P:,T f I (Urdn)
40 Khorsl.)dul }.Jam to the C Jn C A,h !or the r,,_-o,tr1nl bit
" property from tho .,tnhneero f l (Urdu)
~o ::!errunl ■ ID chnrge or Q,dam Sharif (• .bnat) tn the 11.101:
Rertt thst the 'lnltnect1 thr,nten to plonJ r tho <lvbm %an!
f (Urdn)
18 til The C m-C to the /u,/r•I 011'\'<l•him lo"'"''' A c,,,ta,n
pn.oncr f I (Urda)
JO vt P<'f"'<l!ion of Jomnlt JJl, 111r..rJ1ni:A <h><i:<> of ml,11f"l'ru
lion ol money Lroni:hl agorn,t him I I {l rdu)
[,;! DePo'1hon of \.t.m,lt.r Khin rriiuJ,o~ lb• m, ...rr"'1'"-'' na
,, " ol bN moac_r LJ Jumnl D.1,, a ,ilnr.m,th I I tllrdu)
~• \\ ajlbul lob to the C ln-C A1b for tb• rrl~•• •f l.1 • 11
I l (l'tr}
1857 67 -ronlinuer7
,lul _..,
fifi n('hi ~inI;h nml C'lth;,N(() fh<' Kmg- Ask for tho rcco\'cry
of lliC>irpropN fi, P plnnclcH·dln nu~ GujnrP. f ) . {Ur<lu)
., II r.n.n(lpMlf ion of G'luri r(lgnr<ling tho plunc1<'rof h111shop l1y ilso
~htf 111(1•"'~ f. 1. (Urdu)
.. !' :;i. Gnuri fo fll[l Kin~
pluncl,,rt!cll11"1.hop f. 1 (tJ rdn)
Complnini; thnt tho .Mnfinccrs li:wc

,, fiS Z.rmn ' ..\Ii to th" C.-in-C, Dcpoc;it<:n musket found m p0Rs0~-
" c:ionof '1 prh nt~ pr,r...on f 1. (Frdu)
,, :2:1 :,!l Shn1~h '\YnJtltt1l-lnhplcndJ. thnt the dmrgc of csp1onngc f,amrcl
'lt-,'llt1P,t liii::
ion J"- unfou11dl'1I f l (Per.)
,, 2i tHl. lndli 1),,'1 -.h111f.,Ii ul for '\athf1 Smglt f 1 {Pt r)
,. ..., ~

(j 1-7 D<'poc,it 10111:or lhl,leo nai:i, Knh iin Dilq n11<l others rcgt1,1d111g
thc,r nrrc.,ti. f 7. (Ur<lu)
,, ,, G~-!1 L1~ts of propcrttcs hclon!!'mg f o the gro"cr~ of the city scrned
h) the itutmcC1ri: f. 2 (Urdu)
,, iO )Ibd Shnfiq Klir1n nn<l Ahmncl Khim stnncl bnil for I~nidnr
" Hufalll. f ] (Vrdn)
•1 2.7
71 irhd Jfo-,f,t to tho C.-m-C. A<;kqfor the 1ol(lnscof Shubriiti
Shnh nrrc1,tid h, "the T,lnnrlfH f. J {Per)
72-8 Dopoc.1t10Mof .\1,Ju 'Ali, Imiim ]5:J!iinnncl others rcga.rdrng
" '1 their arr<'i.l nnd plunder of their honi::cc. f. 7. (U1du)
JI 28 7!l Gn.yii Din nnd ot hcrf; to the C -rn-C Request thnt then cnrts may
be rcfonc:c<l. f 1 (Urdu)
30 SO. Pir Muhnmmnd sfnn<ls h·ul for :.\fuhnmTnncl. f J (Urdu)
,, Sl Pir Bnkltc:h to the C -m-C Solicits that his son may be
rclcnscd f 1 - (Per)
\ uo- 1
0 82-3 Depoc;it1ons of ArJ1 n.nd Ganesh rcgniding theii nrrests
f 2 (Urdu)
,, 3 84 nfocliir Bnkl1sh nnd Ilu 'Ali e~ecute a recogmnince bond unde1-
tahmg to nttencJ the CourL of the C.-111-C f l. (Urdu)
,, ,, 85 Deposition of Kale Khiin regni<lrng the sale of some swords
f 1 (Urdu)
86-7 Depoc;itions of 'A 11 Bnkhsh :tnd nfadar Bakhsh rcga1dmg
" " the purchase of some swords from Knle Khan £. 2 (Urdu)
Jt 6 SR-90 Depos1faonf: of Gob 1nda1', F1111.ul-lahKhan and others
regarding their arrest by the T1langas £ 3 (U1du)
,, ll 91 Har Saha1 to the Krng Complams of the high-handedness
of an elephant driver. £ l (Urdu)
92 Ram Bakhsh to the C -m-C. Prays for his own release f 1.
" " (Urdu)
J' 13, 14 93-7. Statements of Yasin Khan, Imaman and others regardmg
the assault madP on them by some Sa10ars f. 5 (Urdu)
?J 15 98 Depositions of Wazir Ebanregarding hi13an~st, f 1. (U1du)
110 C MU'l'lNY l'Al'ERB

1857 67-contin«ed -
Aug 16 8'J l1epo11t1011
of 'Abdullah and R,bbn- .Bak/),!,~rdmir the
orre,t of W uir f I (Urtln) ~
., 16 100 6 Depostnou. of Kh~ld Shah lld•1 Ram and otben ~rd 1
thmr arre<t f 6 (Urdn) ' "1:
., 106 Wife of Udu R!m fo the C. m C Ptay• for t~ n-]tc<(J 0r
her ha,hond f ] {Unln)
19 107 0 Depom10a1 of Dadl4, Patpil ]Ab an,] otbm n,,;uding their
arrert. f 3 (0 rdu)
,, 20 l 10 :1.In~~,b A!J and othert to tbo C 10.C A k for the ttcomr
of their propert,eo ••ited b; the Tilu1a1 f l (Per)
,, £1 111 Potten of the' c1tv to the C 111.C Compl•ln of tb, L,i;b
handednesi of the 'J'lra•oltlur of the Turloman G•tc f l (lmlo)
, 21 I!. 112 14 DePo11hon1of BlrhAI, llDJUlln'd Dm ond otbm r~rd,ng
their arre.t f 3 (Urda)
,, 'lll l 16 'Abdo! IAb to the C-ln C for the ~my ot bvi
money from the Daotor 111 oharge of the hotr1W of the Mulloeor.
f I (Urda)
,, 20 116 l7 Di,po<itio,u of Pandm and Do1,b,b re1:•rdwg tbclr
nrreot f i (Urda)
~ 118 :Mangnl to the C 10 C A,b £or tlio n'CO,ery of LI, bor,c from
" Jl4hl llu!tlJ,h f I (Urdto)
29 110 30 Dcpo11hon, of Hor Sahd1, :\I1br 1!o and ,the 1 ~"1ini;
" 8
Sep their nrre.t. f 12 (Urda)
£ 131 DhowAnl :,,ugh lo the C m C A,\.s for the t=nJT o! lho
nmonnt of ht• {"'Y from Dlinn S,ni:;, f l (Urtln)
3 11! L.h nren of Ch,ndn1 Cbawlcto the C In C Sed: prol"'-hon
again,t tbo oppr,.,,on of tbo '{uhn .. " C I (Urdn)
r, l3S W,da"" of l;!!h1b tJi6n to th<- C m-C Complain, t!,,,t tbt-
T,lugar haTe ,cu,d her d1ttlhng bou<e f 1 Urdu)
0 1M ltn6tnon 1An to the C' m C Compl•m• tL.t tbr T,la•t•• b,T•
,c1zeuher dlf~\hng bnuoe f I (l'tr)
(l 1S5 h.nn"11r 161 and othm lo tho C 1n C .Ask, (or !Le rt<OYtf)'
of n h ,roemxtd b) the T,lao7a1 f 1 (UrJu)
lM People of Oho=w<l fo tba C. ,n-C Comrlsm of lb~ 01!01l,o~,
of ,\bmod Kb6n J?ua!Ja, r l (P<r)
n \S1 'l Komm hJiln, llui anJ other1 nnJ«hle to bd1nt tr<lllo
" Mure f S ll'nlu)
J iO Dtn, Hi• to thr "'"/: tompll!n, that !Le Td••c
• hsr•
plundered tb• kl ,ni:,ng,, of the f"'•r'•of bi, rl!u,:,, f l (U" nl
1-H Clihot, JIIL/ pml Dnt>n }JILi lo lb• h1ng Sm f""10tn fr,tt:1
th• .n,w1tlam-., of the llut,nt,-N f 1 (Ur In)
H• Gbuli.,,, •,\I 11• lu tbr f..1ni:: Corap!a,n/ tb,t tL• 1,1#•/"
tb.t<:>ttllto t<lZ< b .. I, )U~ r l (rtr)

1857 67-·co1wluded
143 Gobmd Ra1 an<l others to the C -m-C Complam that, the
cavalry fiom Gwaho1 threaten to plunde1 then qua1 te1s t ). (U1du)
-------- 144. Ha1man to the C.-m-C A.,ks for tbe rernve1y of suga1 01 its
p1Ice fiom l\iohan Ram and Nand Lal f l (U1du)
145. Ja1 Riim to the Krng Complarns that the Tilangas threaten to
phmde1 h1s shop £ 1 (U r<lu)

146 J amalu'<l Dm p1o<luces a certificate of good co1,?duct £ ].

147 Jura l\fisar to tLe C -m-C Ai::ksfor the release of his ca1t and
..,__ bullocks seized by the Tilangas f l. t Urdu)
148 Keepe1s of a shrme to the Krng Pray for then reltase f l.
(Pei )
l-!9 Lachhman Das to the C -m-C Asks for the recovery of his clock
seized by the :i\fu{mePrs f 1 (U1<.1u)
150 1\1hd Fa1zulliih to the C -m-C Complams · that the Tilangaa
th1eaten to occupy his house. £ l (Per)
_ 16L :M:oti Ram and Siva Ram to tbe C -in-C Ask for the release of
a celtam goldsmith arrested by the nfutrneers f 1 (Urdu)
152 Potters of the e1ty to the C -rn-C Complctrn of the high-
handedness of the Kotwal f 1, (Urdu)
153 P1em Smgh to the C -m-C .Asks for the recovery of some
maunds of i.nolassrs rn1zed by the Tilangas f I (U1du)
154 Satta1 Bakhsh to the 0.-in-C AsJrs for tpe recovery of bis
bedsteads seized by the 1tfutrnee1s, f ] (Per)
155 Shacli:Ram and Shea Mal to the Kmg Seek protection agarnst
the oppie-;s10n of the Mutllleers f l (U1du)
166 Shankar> a confectionn, to the C -rn-C Prays for release f 1.
157 The C -m-O to the officers Directs them to see that their men
do not oppress the people f I (Urdu)

MS foll B5 , va11ous sizes

l\fay 16 1 Gu.Jars of AhganJ declare for mamtammg peace m-their qaa1te1.

f 1 (Urdu)
,, ]8 2 Din iiuhammad to the Krng Seeks protection ::igamst the
tyranny of the GuJars f. 1 (Urdu)
20 3 Kanahyii and othe1s undertake to supply provisions to the :Mu-
" tmeers f. 1 (Per)
24 4 RamJi Lal Lo the O -m-C Complains that he has been robbed of
'' his money on his way home by some ruffians f 1 (Per)
,, 27 5. :Mussulmans and Hmdus of Darga.h N1Zarnu'd Din submit that
they are satudied with the Tha11alulii1of Badarpur f. 1 (U1du)

1857 l 68-conlinrced
May 27 •
6 Ganpat, a Za111i•darof Badarpor, to the C-,n 'c Stch rot~
ban nga,nst Uie tolenOfl of the ne,ghbounni; people f I (Urda) p
7 Al'Jnn to the C m-C Aiu for the releue of Umffll>S,n<>h t 1
(Urda) o

lnn 2 8 NOr Kbft.nundert,,Lflt to l,ehare well m futon, f l (Ur,lo)

,, 21 9 Wanr Kh&nto the R:,ng CompiAtM that the \[ol,nee,.. hne
seized h11camelt f. I (Urdu)
£0 10 'Alam nnd othen of Sberpur to tbo R:rng ~1' prot~!ion
•gollllt the tyranny of thq GuJllr,,.. f 1 (Per)
27 11 1leoe,pt of n ?yment lllAdeJJ Ilird Singh on<lDh.aramS,ogh
f l (Pel')
12 Cal!1vatoI'IIof Firoubad to the Kmg Oomplointh4t tho ')fo
tinooI'IIdestroytheir etonding cropo. f I (Per)
28 18 Gobmd Du and otben to the O !n-C Cotnpl01nth,t the O0J•l'I
have f0u:i:dthen rnoney 11ndother th,ng.. f I (Unlo)
Joi 11 Gnllb Kh!n and otbel'II of PahArgo.nj to the C m-C S«,lc
pro~hon ago.mlt the v10lence of the T,la,pru and t~ r>.-nlry fron,
Jn&jju f 1 (Per )
M 15 Ranj1t and othen of Tib,.-h to the C 1n..C Pr.:ir th•t !her
may ho pot m poomnon uf their nllnge f J (l'tt )
1!7 10 B•ldeo B~h llOknowledgesthat be ha, got hacl hit hom. from
' the C !o-C f I (UrdnJ
Aug 12 J 7 Dndj1 Sin~b ond Dhor,un Smgh to the C 10 C S,,l, protod,on
agam1t the oppremon of the Gnjon f I (Urdu)
,, 13 18 'Ailmn'd Din KhAn to the C In C ComrJ.,n• that the 'I•
tin.,,,.. haTe plundered b,. hooso f I (Urdo)
10 19 Jin K}JAnnnd othcn to the C 1n C Setl proltthoo ai:-1rul lb•
opptN"1on of the ?,Iulmeoro f 1 (Ur,lo)
5!0 S,,~tn, Rltn •tA!ei th•t the C 10..C h.!l, ,nprll«I L,m w,!L
arm• f 1 {Urda\
10 21 ;\!lid •AH to the (, 1n t Seoh prol~loa 11£>ln,t ""''""'
from the U6JM1 r I (Per)
,. 21 22 RAID :K1ran ond otbon to lho C 1n C Comrla,o tb,l t:~•
cntlen [of the J\!nhoocn] eut down lhe1r ,ha,l,og ''°I"'
I I (UrJo)
21! ":I D,pontion of Shiu1b 11Ah1Dakb•h tti:>rlltng h•• am-<!.. I I
:n u !',ur! to the C 111-CCo!Dpt.101that b" hon•• bu l,,,,n rloo
dm1 by a z,,.;,d;;r f 1 (Unla)
lJl1n1d Kbin and otb,N to C •n-L Pn,r for tb• r,h,, , r % r..
s Kh•u!!J ond
0..nuru'd Din f 1 (U11\n)

-- ~(j ,\,~a\ h}ilo and othm to lho ~,ni:

!,1m ( I (UrJnJ
l ,,,.,., tl,<11 I pity I•

1857 68-concluded
27 Bakhtaw:ir Smgb to the C -in-C. Coruplam that the Tilangaa
have seized his ho1c:es. f.l (Urdu)
28. Chhauu to the C.-rn-C. Complains that Mida AMr hac:; 1:1eizec1 ,
lus land f 1 (U1ilu)
- 29 Da.1u l\fisar and otltt>rs to the C -in-C Complam that the people
of Khn,gra h ,ve ~eized then· ghee f 1 (Urdu)
30 Man Smgh to the C.-m-C. Compl:nns that the Mutineers have
seized his money by force £ 1 (Per)
-- 31 Nal Smgh and Dbannu Singh to tne King
Guja1s have seized their cattle and gram. f. 1 (Urdu)
Complain that

-- 32 Nal Dm and others to the C -in-0. Complain that the Zamindars

of Gopalpur,have plundered then· cattle and gram £. l (Urdu)
33. N1hal Singh to the C -rn-C. Requests that a military force may be
sent to his 'village for mamtammg peace £ 1 (U1<lu)
34. Pian Singh to the C -rn-C Complams that the M utmeers
threaten to plunder hrn village. f 1 (U1du)
35 Smhi Jat to the C -m-C. Seeks protection against violence
from the Giijars £ 1 (Urdu)
1857 69
1\1:S.foll "90, size 122" x 8" (English) TransJat10ns
Jan 13 1 l'tiqad 'Ali is appointed a detective m the Court of Genera]
Snpervis10n f 2
May, 14 2, The Kmg to 'Ali Beg. Drreots him to brmg the revenue he has
collected f 1
- ,, 18 3 Zahir 'Ali, Thiinada1 of NaJ<lfga1h, to the King Prays that a
prmce with a sufficient m1htary force may be sent to help him. £ 2
23 4 Didar 'Ali K]Jan to the Kmg Prays that a guard may be
" stat10ned to p1otect bis house f 1.
24 6 Ra.1ab 'Ali, Jama'dii1 0£ the Magarine, to th..e Kmg Prays that
" the Pohce may be directed to rnamtam order rn their JUr1s-
d1ctions f 1.
,, · 6 Shaikh Ba.ntoo, Naik, and other Sepoys to the Krng Report
" that the treasure and the horses they were brmgmg to the city have been
plundered £ 1
,, 28 7 The King to Jangbaz Khan Appomts him Pohce officer of
Ahpore. f. ] .,.
,, 29 8 Kmg- to 'Ali Beg Directs him to establish the offices of ln.iUtsa
and B1tzft1itahsil m the houses of 11:r James S1.,nner and h1s wife f. 1.
,, 9 The C -rn-C to the Kmg Asks foi som'e ho1semen and foot-
" men fo1 rollect111gComm1Ssal'latsupplies £. 1.
,, 10 Gauri Shankar to the Kmg Abks for a mtl1tary guard for eso01·-
" ting treasure to the city £ 1
,, 30 11. The Kmg to military oflioe1s, dese1ters from the English regi-
ments Permits them to come to his presence provided they observe
strict disc1phne f lr
114 l!OTINY l'APE!lS

1857 69-confinuecl
May 81 thl2 The Krng lo J,l,iyAtR4m. D,reo!s !nm to nuLo !l!TnDgemenltfor
e 1111pply
ofcommimu,at neceaw~ f 1
.Tan 13 The C m-C to tlte Kmg AJktfor the snpplr of llJOll<n' to 1'"1
allownnc~ to the nrmy f. 1
14 The K,~lfto the guard. of tho Lahore Gale Direct• them to )tt
the cn.b contaimng l,quor po.saout of the fort. f 1
JJ 0 15 JJ:irm Mui:hal to the lung Sny, t"4t General '.Abdn'• &mad
Khnn docs not advue him to go to tho LiiUcne.. f l
lll The Ku,g to Mi= i\foi:hnl Directs him to an-c.t Gul~b anJ
Jawul4 Smgh who con\'C)" •npPhcs to the Engl11h f. J
" l<l 17 74b1tah KhGn to the lung Sol1Mt•onl~ for ,apphe-, fot a frnb
l't!glment of troopsbdongwg to the Englr.b commg lo Delb1 f l
18 ?6,b,tn}, KMn to the K1ng Wm comply with b11ordtt1 f 1
, 19 Chlnd Khan and Onlib Khan to tho K,og Compl,un of the
opprermoll! of theanny f. l
., 18 20 Too King to !lfttta :?,[DJ:hal Dm,ch him to 1s1ao ordrn to tho
regunenta of &pl"'ffl nnd 1Jmen nnd the Cal'llhJ to co-pen,fo 1n
ntt,,ohng the Englab f 1
., ,, 21 The King to :?.lu·n ;\loghol D1rcot. Lun lo lnue onlott to tho
Regunt!nt of Snppen nnd Minero to td:e l"''t 1u the coo,lructiou of the
bnttento. f 1
., ,, 1!2 The fung to :?.tirx:i1itugh~1 Direct• him to prole<:tthe lnbabl
tmi!J of the ol<lfort from the nolence 0£ the lroopt •llltlonedIhm £ l
20 23 The King to ,r.rza Moi:nml Direct. !um to order tbo i,nr,h of
the L:.horo Gate, Delhi, to mllow th• 11"-""~ la and oat of tbo rul•
c,rnylog cltpctro r I
2 i The h.,ng to the C m C D1=!1 him to coll<rl ,::nnpo,rJrr
l 1
,. ,, 26 Tho K1og lo tho C 10 C D1rt<l I b11nto JO th>t Al,.,\ 1,luan
11not nllo,,icdadm,•non Into fh<, JU\3~ £ l
2t 26 The King to the C 1n C In1trneh hnn rtJr-!nllllg!be r>rmenl lo
bo nude to the mrtlllery men r 2
., 25 27 'The f..1ngto ,rrri4
,tbul It=n Alli l11m(o llalc ,rl,efL,r h•
hu PDbJUJ:-:11'"1 RohGI:- f l
U 2S The King to tLo C 111.C Send• 1nrln1<t1001 conctmt~g lbe .Jnlh
bn!ion of rnhon1 to the ~.-.try and lnfa,itry f l
20 20 The 1C,01,to the C u, C A,b him lo cl,rt<l th• o!tfflt of It.
" onlry to -o.~tc., ~rd•n thl'T Lue ~r!"<I f l
ii :10 'fbc King to ,t,rz~ ,tni,:h•l an<\ hlil1r Snllln. tl,rt<11ll.,,,
" lo•~ thAI the =1 do not rloot!rr the titlt'11 1 al Delhi, r t
31 Kh11r Sul!!n to th~ !..1ai;- nt1""rl• •~•,,,•~rtof• c~cln •f
" " 1!ittr 011<1i;0csto Ldoui;ing to tbe i::,_-t,,h.C l
~UTINY P APE'.RiS llli
1857 69-aontinued
Jun. 28 32. Baldeo, a £armer, to the Kmg Sobc1ts thab the officers 0£ the
Regiment stationed m the old £01t may be directed not to oppose the
removal of his gram. f. 1. •
38. Saiyid 'Abdu'l-1ah to the Km~. Alrs £or the p1otecfaon of the
cultivators of Firozabad agamst the lVfntmeers. f. 1
,, " do34.notThedisobey
Krng to the C -in-C Asks him to see that the Bareilly troops
the Supdt of the J umna budge when crossing the
river £. 1. ~
,, 30 35. :Mirza :Mugh.alto the Krng. Forwa1ds an elephant'taken from
the English f. 1
Ju1 1 36. lvfirza 1'1:ughal and Mirza 'Abdul-lah to the Kmg Say that ihe
troops lymg on the other side of the river may be oideied to cross 1t to
Delhi f. 1.
,, 2 37. Mirza Muggal to the King. Requests that 01Jers may be issued
concernmg the Police notification callrng upon the people of Dellu to
wait on the Commander of the army from Baieilly f 1
3 38 Kh1,u•at'Ali, c1, clerk in the Gener,ll's [Mnza Kh1zr Sultan?] office
" to the Kmg. Asks :for the despatch of a ielievrng foroe to the ldgah. £. 1.
4 39 Ihsann'l Haq to the Kmg. Seeks p10tection agninst the high-
" handedness of :Mirza Abu Bakr. (The Kmg duects the C.•m-C. to
inqull'e rnto the case ) f. 3
,, 16 40. The Kmg to the C.-rn-C. Directs him to iemove the cavalry from
Chandm Chawk. f 1.
,, 22 41. 01der from the Royal Comt of J usface to the Chief Police office
of the city concerning the instructions for submitting cases m future
£. 1
,, 42 The Kmg to the C -m-C Asks him to see that Hayat Bakhsb and
" Mahtab ga1dens are vacated £ 1
,, 23 43 Proclamation from the Krng to the people of Rohtak askmg them
to be loyal. f. 1.
26 44 In'amullah Khan to the King Applies for lea, e f 1
" 29 45. The Kmg to Brmd1aban DITects him to raise the money covered
" by a bond wh10h 1s enclosed f. 1.
J) ,, 46. The Kmg to Ra1 Muk~nd Lal. Duects him to raise a loan from
the merchants 0£ Delhi fi 1. ·
,, 47. The Kmg to MITza Muggal Duects him to issue orders to Rai
" Mnkund Lal for ra1smg a loan from the merchants of Delhi. f I.
IJ II 48 Bond executed by the King to B1mchaban for the money advanced
by him. f 1
Aug. 6 49 The C.-in•C. and Mhd K111irSultan to the King Ask permission
to establish a mmt at the city f. 1.
7 50 The Kmg to Badrud Din 'Ali Khan,!eal engraver. Dll'ect, him
" tp engrave a seal. f. 1. _

1857 69-0011tw11ed
Ang 51 The Kmg to Mi)d Al bar 'All Khlln Inv,teo b1m to l\'lnrn to b11
=dence wlurh ho left m con,,oqneace of tho oppl'<fllon of the n,i~b
bonrmg 7,a,,.,.tfar, I 1
, 18 62 1\Thd Be.lJJ•h 'Ali to the King Solicit. t.hc Iunr: to nrdi,i 4
cleoigaabon to 1,,. regiment f l -
,, 28 53 i\flJd Bn!Jit Kh~nto the C 10-C Aol-nowleds~ tho rcce,pt
of h,. otdcn. f l
27 64 The Kmg to the C m-C D,rcoto h,m u,. =ko no farU,r,,
demand of money on Rsmj1 DAI. f 1
Sep 9 65 ,\4mou Kh!n to the Krog N eroi rmnforcemc,nt■ to dcfond
Ghuiabsd £. 2
M A deoerterfrom tho Engfah Rcgt to the Krng Seel, rmploy
mont nnd~ him f 1
57 Ahmnd KhAn and 1>1hdKhln to the I..lng Com1,'41nth•t"
regiment of Cavalry ha, oeized their dwelhag honoo (Tho Kini,
direot,, the reg,mont to onOAmpoat..ide tbo o,ty) f. 1
5q Dhollll, n lnnd bolder of Farid,!~, to tho h.1ng SnJ:W"'lt tlal
the money holongmi: to tl,,,Eni;h•h doro11tc<lin the r,,vonao otn.-.. al
Pnlwal may bo ,e,.,,J (Tho h.lng 1'1"'"'onlort 1>grt,,:,hlo lo !be
mggeat,on ) f l
60 (ThalAm 'All to tbo Kmg Ilecommcnd, • rort1M1lorht>0"" for
l\fagasmo ,tore, ,a f l
00 ITablh Dokb•h 1>ndother. lo !ho hrng I'ny th•t !Le,- l'IUf bo
roloasoo f 2
01 Jngal h.1<hor Bnd She<>P,r,blu\ merch:int• to lho h.rng /uk
for 1mmaa1ty from Carther moner eontnbat,an, £ 2
Oi '\Ihd D1i<lJ,h All t, th• hinh S!'t'l• p<r1D11•1on ton,.., a "1:l-
mcnt compoON of hi, followort C 2
03 ;\[ihr Pantle, $•1.,Jdlr, nnu uthcu to the h.1nh I ray fnr the
i;rnnt of n1!0W11ncc, to the mcntlll ,crn nh '"b"'S"I !. l
OJ 'l'.>bl D.> b•h KMn to tbo h1ng S1y1 tbol ,I 11• i:,nt 11n
t, L"lllwomen and children who ar, rn..,n•n nl ,nr f l
05 "\im,lar ~Mn nn~ othm to thC King So!rcil p,nnf,.fon lo
aceornp•tir tho exp,-d,tion to )fmnL f I
00 Plr Da~,b Df):r to tho Kin~ Pr:,y, for the ,.,..tonsf..,n1o him of
h11■bop tcU.OdhT lho ,tnhncer■ f I
07 R•inb 'All l> lb• Kini:- A•'-1 for lho ,applT nf mll,hry 1!etn
rtqlll<1!ionffl hT him r I
ns Rlm Dol,J}<hand Td, yJr f.hln (l.wUfrr fo IL• 1,./r;: "ar
that the p,....,.,,l mom•nt u nnprop,t,011"for to G~LI t l
i:,, !rt; <>t1l

- r~ R,bn Chand 10 the Kini: CMnphln• tl>I th• l"''f'T' ,t tL•

c,,nln- luTI' 1,.-,.n quutrl'l"<l In Ch,n,ln, C\n k rno 1ni:: i:tt>I /,.. to tl•
1hoi•k~rt. f J
1\{U1'INY PAPERS 117
1857 69-l'oucludacl
--- 70 Shopkccpe1--of the ('IL) lo the Kmg-. Prny tlia.t the solcliers
qunrtc, c1l m front of tl1C'11 shops m.1ybo removed f 1
71. ffhc O -in-C and ot.l1c1 piincr'- to the Krng Ask for the supply
of prov1ht011s an<l1111lif
arJ store..,nuccss 1ry fort ho cx1Jedibo11to Pampat.
f 1
-- 7 '!- 'l'he C -rn-C to th .! K111~ Reports that the gn0'11sh papers found

by c:omot,1oopr1...:no f1,c:f11nomalF hy English gentlemen f ]

7~ 'l'ho C -111-C, to t h(.lKrng Sol,citc: order'->conccrmng tbe petitions
cnclo!:'cd f 1
71 'l'lie C -rn-C to lho Krn!!' Chci:'!1.:; )11m nnc1 a!:sures him of
nlt11nnt,, sut•eec:c:f 1 "'
7;, The C m-C' tot he Kmg- Objects to Mhd llnkl1i Khan's trymg
to monc, from mC!rclm11t..,f. 1

7 t.i 'l'hc (' -rn-C to thl' Kmg lh!quesls Lh,tt 01 den may be issued
fo1 <lr:rnmg money from tho tic.1smy f 1
77 'l'hc King- to t,ho C -1u-C. 8nys tbnt petit1ous for employment
cannot Le entcrtnmcd till funds arc avmlnblc. i. 2.
78. rrhc Krng to the C -m-C Sends supplies fo1 the a1my f 1.
1<J'l'he Kmg to 7'Ihc1 Il.ikht Khiin Uire<,ts him to Lave the
baggage bclongrng to the army 'lt Ahpo1c conveyed to 1t f 1.
1857 70.
?IIS. foll 312, various s17cs.
1'fay 26 - 1 Receipt of a p:tJ ment made to Jawala Kahar £. 1. (Urdn)
,, 27 2 'l'he C.-m-C to 1\l1rzn, ?\Iendu Duects him to keep his men
ready f I (Per)
,, 28 '3-4. Receipts of payments made to ,,ralidad Khan and ]\fhd R1yaz-
u'd-Din f 2, (Pei )
j n1irz:t Zahirn'<l~Din to the Krng Deso1ters aie commg daily
" " Askf, for a grant of money to p,ty then "ages f. I (Pei )
,, G L1c:;tof coohm, worl,rng at tho faenches 11,tSalungarb aud employed
" rn takmg guns to the fort, with their wages f I
)J 29 7 J\fnzfi. Zahiru'd-Din to the Kmg Sends a bill fo1 two days'
wages of the army f I (Pei )
30 8 List of bullocks under 1Ja1ug_ha'Ali Bakhsh f I (Per)
",, ,, 9,10 Receipts of paymeuts made to 'Alidii.<l Khan, Ghularu 'Ali
and others £. 4, (Pei )
JJ 31 11-14 Receipts of payments made to AmiI Khan nnd others. f 4.
Jun l 15~17 Receipts of payments made to .:M:11 Na Ja£ 'Ali and others.
f 3 (Pei )
)J 2 18-22 Receipts of payments made to F d,th Smgh and otbers f 5
~m) ,
1) 3 23-4 Receipts of payments made to_Gulab Srngh and Pnth1 Smgh
f. 2 (Pei )
6 25 Bill for conveyrng prov1sionc:; f I (Per.)

1867 70 -conf11111ed
1no 0 20 Rco01ptof• pc,ym•nt modo to Knrlm Kh!n f l (Per)
7 27-8 Reeo,pt,,of pnymcnb m:,do to "\Il~d IT=m Khlnand Kamm
Khfin f 2 (Per)
11 ,, 29 L1ot or pronslOlll!. f. l (Por)
,, ,. 30 Llrl of lnbonren worlaog nt the trenobe. nt Solimgnrh f I
8 31 Receipt of n pnyment m:ido to Knl<Llr'All f 1 (Per)
" 9 32.-6 Receipt. of payment, m1de to N1JlZ 'Ah nod othert.
f 4 (Per)
36 Paper of aeconllts. f 1 (Per)
,, J7 L\ld Jaml5n!tb 11 ••kc<l to poy the bill !or corllm llt!,clc,
" purchnoed f 1 (Per)
38 Articles monhoood nbo~e Jmo beenrcccm:,lm tho ollicoof tho
" C 10 C f 1 (Per)
., 10 30-43 Rcoe1pls of payment, rondo to Dnl<leoS10i;h nnd otbm<
f ti (Per)
., 11 44-7 Rec!'tpt,, of payment. mndo to Lnchmt Ildm, $,wU.,, on<l
otbora. f. 4 (Per)
4$-62 Receipt,, of poymcob modo lo hor!m Dokh•h, Jan',/"r, and
" 12 otbcn f 6 (l'or)
11 13 63 Paper of account. f 1 {Per)
,. ,, Ii~ Officer 111 chllri;o of the guanl• of limo ,tore, 11 cJ,mtcJlo
mppl) the TA•••clurof D'1;11mpurnmth hmo. I 1 (Per)
,, .. 66-0 Ilcc<>ipt.of rnymcot• mn<loto hnrlm hlJ,11 nml l 11rtb1Sini;h
r 2 (Per)
67 llospltal report on tbo o!cl nnd wonn<lcd f l (P,r)
",, 14 (,8-65 Rccc1ph of po)mcnt. ma,lc to OuLII, Sin~h an<l oll,<'"-
L 8 (Per)
,, lG oo Jul<llr 'All to tbo C 1n-C A,lJ for !ho l"'J"lllcntol Lum~••
f l (Urclu)
,. 10 0, Jtc,:c1ptof n p,ymcnl rondo to 1-.orlmhl!iln -r I (Ptr)
,. GS-70 l'npcr of n<coun!,, f ~ (P,r)
,. 17 71..0 Jtrcclpb of 1oyn1cnb nu,lo lo OnW, 81ni:h, Jon'JJr, a'l<I
olb•r, f O (Per)
77 Lui of Jl,!nbuhon of mii;o lo officm anJ m,n f I (rrt)
,, " iS-~2 ltcceipl• of J"l)'mculr 1n,i!,, to JhtJ;,, '-rni:L Al! I otL,.,,
f r, (I er)
t13 J.,,t of J.,tr;t,utlon o[ 11oi:« I, .,ffiCf'NanJ men f I (Ptt)
,. " t! I J r.,,,.
.. of DC<'Otlllt• r ~ (l'rr l
,. "
,. ](I ~O !II n.,,.,,1t,0£ l'•'menl, n.,11l,I,, /,£,rot\. '\II arl •\lrlf
fl (Hnlo t.. l,r)
~• ~ 11«<111, o[ J"'rn1et1l-1 tr>~• to lht~l I IJ.1n a• I <lltt•
4 (l'r'1ut..lcr)

185'i 7 0-con tinued

Jun. 20 OG :Memorandum of subsistence money paid to office1s and men
unde1 ~haikhIt:lam, $ftbahcliir f. 1. (Pm.)
21 97-!J Papers of accounts. f. 3, (Per)
",, 23 100-6. Rcccipts of payments mnde to Lachhmi Ram 'nnd others
£. 7. {U1du & Pei)
,, 24 107.'d-Din, :NatblJc7roulJ.a)
to the C.-in-C. Asks £or the
pa3 ment of wages for 4 days f. 1 (U1du)
108-11 Receipts of payments made to Baldeo Srugh and othe1s.
" " f. 4 (Per)
25 112 Pap!!r of nccounts. £. 1. (Pei )
",, ,, 113-16. Receipt of 1mymenls made to Narayan Phafok and others,
f 4. (Urdu and Pei.)
117 :Mnzo. Kbrn1 Sultiin to 1'1H7a Zahirnd-Din. Asks :for the
" " payment of wages £or coohes wo1kmg at Salimg:uh. f. 1. (Pei )
,, ,, 118-31 Ganga Das and others repo1·t thc11·attenclance at ihe Kotwiilt
f. 14. (Urdu).
,, 26 132. Paper of accounts. £ 1 (Pei )
,, JJ
133-4 Receipts 0£ payments made to Gulab Singh and Mhd
ij:usam Khan. f. 2. (Urdu). '
135-6. ,v-
alidiid Khiin to the Kmg Certain desei tei s have come 0

" " from Lucknow Desires to mclude them m Lis own regiment. :r 2.
(In duphcate.) (Pei.) ~

,, " 137. Paper of accounts. f. 1. (Per.)

,, 27 / 138. Receipt of a payment made to Ka1im Khan. f. I. (Per.)
,, 29 139. Paper of accounts, f. 1 (Per.)
,, " 140-5. Receipts of payments
f 6 (Urdu and Per)
made to Asluaf Khan and otbe1s.

,, 30 ] 46 · Statementof distribution of 4 days' wages to officers and men

f1om Ambala f. 1 (Per)
147 Receipt of a payment made to RaJa Khan. £, 1. (Per.)
",, " " 148 Paper of accounts £. 1. (Pei ) '"
Jul, 1 149 Chhote Lal states that he has got baok his ornaments, seized
at the tilll9 of his a11est, fiom the office of the C -m ..c f. 1. (U1du)
JJ ,, 150. Receipt of a payment made to Gulab Smgh £. 1. lUrdu)
,, 2 151. Paper of accounts. £. 1 (Pei )
152~8 ReceiptsJof payments made to Ashiaf Khan and others,
" " f. 7 (Urdu and Per)
4-6 159-62 Receipts of payments made to Laohhmi Ram and others.
" £ 4 (Pei & U1du) ,
1, 7 163. Ashraf Khan, $ubad((,1,to the C -m-C Asks that the wao-es or
'Ali Abmad Khan and Katim Bakhsh, soldiers, mny be paid along with
the wages of men unde1 lmn. f. 1 (U1<ln) ~
1857 70-conlttmed
1u1 7 104 1'1emorandum of-,,,ages of officen, and men under Korlm KMn
Ja111'ilar f l (Per)
,, ,. 105-9 Receipt. of payment. Dlll<le to Doldeo Srngh and other,
f 4 (Per & Urdu)
,, 8 170 Report on the denth of a rol<lier mlh • reqa<ot for money £or b ..
banal f l (U rd11)
., n 171 (•) The C in C d,reota i\11,dB1!,bt h..hliu,Gcnerul of the troops
from BorMII,, not to call bocla:tLo L'OWJ"'IIJ of ,epop •bbonNI ot lb•
ol<l Fort ( II run)
(h) UhJ Il•k!it Kh~naoLnowledge,i!ho rec,sJ•l of the abort
orden. r l (U rdn)
, , 1n Paper of oceount,, f 1 (Per)
171 Rece,pl of n Jlllyment mode to Onllb Smgh f l (Unln)
0 174-li Slotement of J,5tnLn110n o[ re"ard• to c,,mel Jnren and
1att:ar, f 2 (In Jnphcnte.) (Per)
., 11 170 Pnrmc,.har PilmJe lo the C ,n-C. "111 Lnng cooJ..i.t .. for
mtuahon• ,acnnt I I (Unla)
,. 12 177 Heet.1pf of a !"'ymcnt modo to Slir:>Jmol ~,ngb f (P<r)
,, 14 IiB Dhan Smi:h n p111onorto tlio C 1n-C Pran tlut ho may be
relw,c<l f L (Urda)
170 Depoflhon of Dlum Singh re,:nr<l,ng hi! nrre,l f I (Ur.lo)
,. 15 160 The C m-C Ull'(h_UGcnerul 11.l!Jit K.Mn to•• ,,tor =11 tlio
Lnclnow 1a.-ar1 who hare "'!?CU•omc } ng!J•h properly onJ oro ot
pretent ot Dhollola f 1 (Urdu)
., 10 161 Olerl.s of !ho offi,e of the C 1n C to tho C 1n-C R~uten< or
e-0rto1n l arnlrr n'gUDenh ore not r<:1Jy ,u~l th:il tLc ITA!:'., or 11,o
'""""'"" concerntJ bo mrhh,ld hU the rcgtJ!er1 nn, p"'J'>ml. ( I
18° Dold,o S1ni::h,Jar:, dJr, to tho C 1n.C Jiu rnh•l"l a• .,.JJ...,.
" a b,ikh of 8 d .....1ter1 from 'locrnt f I (UrJn)
Ii 18~5 noce,j•t• 0£ p,ym,nu matle to l=hhml R!.m •nd otl,r"'
f 3 (Unln &. '")
r ., ISO Depoo1hoa ol Khad~ 11.ilcb•htti."""1,ni:-J,i• •rn--t f I
J!'-22 "'"~!,as I th "'
!Si P2 Ile<Mrh of I"') menl• m• le fo '-nr11J1i>H
r f (UrJu J- Per)
23 101 Tl,e C ,n-C d1~cb tbo ot1i«r In <'OIIIOUNI of lh• L 1•tb rr;:,-
" ment to ,enJ 2 Com('-ln,,. 0£ "1"'" to tho i,.:1oba,ir <,a , I I
,, ,. l~f.i Re,,ript• ~r f'-'lmtnl< r,udt lo [,irlto J Illa anl dl t•
£ 4 (UrJa l.. l'er l
,, 25 )11', Dl'p-o•ih•nof n.!'11 Pat b1J Wj., uJtM,.. 1u •tt '
1851 - 70-contin~ted
Jul 28 l!JO Receipt of a pa.}mcut_mnclo to Bhola Nath f 1. (U1<lu)
,, ,, 200 Dr l\Ilul Jiin, Voluntee1 Regiment, to Lala Durga Smgh,
Jam/dii,. Asks for .1, mn.n to attend Riimrup Singh in the ho:ipital.
f. 1. (Urdu)
,, 20 201. 1\flJcl Ishiiq Khan, Thii11ada1,Karn.wh, to Col. Sheo Charan
Smgl1 Sends certain GiiJars who ha,ve been airested on a charge of
theit f J (lhdu)
,, 30 202 Tbc C -m-C directs the llawalda1 of gunners, stafaoned at
S1yahl>mJ,to rn,·c~tig«ite and 1ep0Ii, ou the case of Yal}yn, Barqandiiz,
«tlleged to liave hc.c11 hcaien by bis I!'LII
f 1 (U1du)
Aug 4 203 Nnndato(heC-rn-C AsksJu1fhe1e]easeof}JJsb1other f 1
,, 6 20.J. LJla Nnnd,a_ynn 1~ ashed to pav to l\1h<l Nasim Khan Rs 25.
• £ 1 (Pei )
" ,, 205 Dr :Mh<l Jnn, Volunteer Reg1menb, to Lala DurganJ Smgh
Asks him to grant 4 days' leaye to Cbaube who 1s suftermg from
a boil f L (Urdu)
" 9 206. lh i\1hd Jan, Volunteer Regiment, to Lala Durgan J Smgh.
Asks hrm to send Kalka Dube to altend AJodhya Dube m the hospital.
£ J. (U1du)
,, 9, 10 207-8 Receipts of p,iyment.s made to Bh6la Nath f 2 (U1d~)
,, 12 209 (a) Orders from the C.-m-C to Office1 m Command of the Mih•
tary Police, to send his men across the Jumna budge immediately.
, (b) Cannot comply with the above orders as his men are already
p9:stecl elsewhere f 1 (U1du)
,, 13 210 Begam Jan to the C -m-C Complams that one Bande I;Iasan
assisted by some bad characters killed Ahmadyar Khan, he1 brother, and
plundered his house £ L (U1du)
,, 14 211 Nommal hst of officersand men f. 1 (Per)
,, 16 212 Deposition of 'Abdu'llah rega1dmg his ariest £ 1 (U1du)
213 General Sudhari Smgh to the C -m-C Has prevented his men_
" " fro!ll usmg wooden mateuals faom the royal bmldmgs f 1.
214 Mhd Fa1z Bak:hsh to Bngade-111:aJOI Gaun Shankar Reports
the arrival of Hi1a Smgh f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 11 - 215 Fmzu'llah to the C -m-C Asks for some additional sepoys to
gua1d the Lahore Gate £ 1 (Urdu)
,, I} 216. Receipt of a payment made to Dahdad Khan f 1 (Urdu)
11 "
217. Depos1t10n of Lakamal regardmg his ariest f 1. (Urdu)
" ,, 218 The C -m-(; mf~ms Ganga Smgh that orders have been
~ssued to the office1m command of the 36th Regunent of Volunteers
to relieve hIB men, f. 1. (U1du)

1857 10-co11trnued
Ang Ill 210 Orde,. from the Conrl of the C m-C to tho officer,n comm•nd
of the 30th Rcgtment of Volnntom to rehero the 30th R=ment
under Gnnga Smgh f. I (U rdn) "
JJ tJ 220 Orden, from tho Court of the C ,n-C to the J:otrralto put a
atop to the clnndethno ... le of counterfeit corn._ f I {Per)
221 of trageo of clerk, m the officoof the C 10 C f I
" JI
222-3 Papers of acoonnt1. f. 2 (l'cr)
,.' ,." 2!4 M"uu ::llnghal drreot. the Court to nttencl to the rrn'l"Cftof lho
81lch.athat they m•y c,ther ho reporutcclfrom the mt 0£the onny or
dt•banded f I (Urdu)
,, 23 2115 Estimate of wngts of iarlara, f 1 (Ptr)
220 G•nri 1>hanlnr, .Bnl(lU]c-:llnior, a,b the Court to gtl mon~,
for the arm,- D.B IOOn111 pombfe. f I (Urdu)
227 Memo on nnOta tnb,re,,t. flonr of tthe,it, gh~ T6hJ&r
Kh~ prohibit. the pl.ying of mlltlc clunng ,rnhnrmm, cle1enrh«
roll of n proohtuto ,,.ho h•• run a'lt'n f l (Urdu)
,, 25 228 Goun Sbanlnr Snkul to i;;ahib Aum Rc<cntB h1t onn
dunul!llll nnd dcclincBto c:ill on him f l (Urda)
,, .20 220 Goncrnl Snd!ifirl Smgb nncl Dngucl&-~lnJorIllr! Singh. D,-..
cn1iotbo cucnmrlanccs lro.dmg to tlw rovel'IOl!U.Ollunccl by !ho mufmr,,r,
at 1'nin£gorh f 1 (Urdu)
,, 27 230 ORnrl Shnnbr Snkul to Mh1b l\bm Acl.:nowkil,:<'1,.,11,
thnnl• !ho pret<mlof n honc f I (Urdu)
,, 28 231 Col ~Ihcl Umar K.h4n to the C in C llu armtcd «rt.:un
moncr lt11drfll, no <l1ttclcd f l (Urda)
,, " gnnj232 f St.:itcmcnt
1 (Urda)
o[ dcpo,1hon• o[ troor< onlm<l lo m•l'<b lo lu,b.on

23f i Papcr,, of aecount, f 2 (Per)

u ,, 2,& D,J'Orlt1on o[ Chan, rtg,rd,ng bt. 1mrnnnmtnl. r I
23G ll=rt o[ 11 iuymenl 1110de to the J:vlr:JIon llmlDLI o! the
nllofflUlccfor rnroocro r 1 (Ullla)
23i S ,1ina lloLbia, nncl hliu.11 11.1!,_li,b!na<laowlrJ~ IL,
=•pi o[ orJrr, from \Jun )llul u £ ~ (UrJa)
,, ., 21Q !JinJl JI>~!•h Kh!n ocln...,Jnli..~-.tle r«nrt , £ onlm fo
r,,,<luC'I.ct'rlnrn 10 tb~ '" ,,,. ,/r £ l (I nlu}
2 Ill llnlb3n "in~h, ComnunJer n! tl,e Jllth Jt~rr,nt tn the C ,n.(
,, " Sn~I• th,t tlie ~,lb n-i::,menl 111:iy not t.- ,;nl to J1,l.llor1,,->tbu II '1
are tn'f"<l<:<lo{ bttn1: 1n Jr,i:,,e n-11!,tLe Lni;h,l, I I (l nlo)
U I to! \Iii I I nur I\.Lln I<' the l .,o.C So~._,. • thl ,..- "'"
Andmm I,<,}"<l en 11,,.( r<"<nl •-:.!,I an<!II~• It.- rrq~.,.J ._..,,, lo
ado.rtt<lfor atn,c l"Jwrnt, £ I (I <r)

1857 70-continuecl
,Aug 2D 242. Aclmowle<lgmeni C'f receipt of ordc1s to furm!:ih names and
nddrcsses [of?] inn. tabular fo1m. f 1. (Urdu)
,, 30 243. 0 fficc1s of tbo Du:radc to the Kmg rrlrnv arc hard up , will
go away 1f not paid ; Dell11people arc in leaguo with the English. f I.
24iHi1a Smgh, Drigadc-J\iaJor, N1mnch Cnmp, to [C -in-CJ
" " Reports a. case of theft f ] . (Urdu)
,, 31 2-J.5, Uma1 Khan to the C.-m-C Encloses a hst of propel·ty belongmg

to RfiJ Kunwar, rcc0Ye1ed from tlueves f. 1 (Urdu)

Sop. 1 2'16 Receipt of a payment made to 'Ali ~Iasan, Risaldii1. £. ].
" ,, 247 Paper of accounts f 1. (Urdu)
" ,, ment2-18 11Ihd Bakht Khan to Sal]ib )\lam. Will send the S1kh regi-
as direcietl f. 1. (Pei.)
,, 2 2 ~9. O1ders from the C -m-C to Br1gad1er Sbeo Chaian Smgh to
supply pa1ticula1s of a disputed camel f 1. . (Urdu)
" 3 250, Receipt of a payment mrtde to Mii :.M:hcKhan f 1 (Urdu)
251. Gauri Shankar Sukul to Sahib 'Alam. :Money must be raised.
" " f I (U1<lu)
" 4 252. Jawala. Nath, Saashtadiir, to the C -m-C Desues to know
whether persons named m the letter are to be paid f1om the royal
treasury 01 from some other somce f. 1 (U1<lu)
,, ,, 253 BhiJa Lal to the C.-m-C Asks for the supply of certam reqmsi-
tions from the maga1me f. 1 (U1du)
" ,, Sikh264. (a) Ther -m-C. directs Gauri Shankar Sukul to 1ebeve the
gna1ds, (Urdu)
(b) Gauri Shankar says he hns already received the above
orclers f 1. (Urdu)
" ,, 265, Gaun Shankar to the C -m-C. The Enghsh have retired fiom
the rive1 Hmdun. f 1 (U1du)
,, 6 266 Deposition of 1\fangh rega.rdmg his anest f 1 (Urdu)
,, 8 257, The C -m-C. dnects l\1hd Bakht Khan, to guard the budge of
boats f 1. .(U1du)
2:-iS.General Tali'yar Khan to the C -rn-C Asks for remforcements
f. l. (U1du)
,, ,, 259 The C -rn-C directs Mirza Kh1z1 Sultan to relieve the gunnei s
at the Kashmu Gate f. J (U1du)
2o0 Sudha11. Smgh to the C -rn-C Has received his orders to make
" 9
a raid upon the Enghsh £ 1 (Per)
261 Receipt of 01ders from the C -m-C to attack the English f. 1.
" " (Pei)
,, 10 262. Bunya<l Srngh and otheis, Bare1lly Camp, to Sahib 'Alam.
Ask that 2,000 coolies may be sent to dig tienches. f. 1. (Urdu)

1857 70-rontinued
Sep. 10 263 Mhd Fn11 Ba]ili,b to tho C -in-C ITu lllppl1edgunnmr u
ducctod i l (Unlu)
12 264 The C' m-C chredo the officer m eom=d of tbo ~t o!
Volnntooro to lt8lld2 Compnn1e1of troops ,n order to gnl11l Mohl!b-
bagh f 1 (Urda)
18 205 Genf't'nl So<lherl Singh and Iln1rr11le-1'b.JOr U,ri Sinirh usare
the Kmg tbot they mll expel the Engl"h from Delhi f l (Utdn)
19 200 Ofliccro of the Boreillr Force propo,e to moko a general 1tt1><k
up,n the Fngh1b f I (Ul'lln)
207 All IlalJJ,h, n Sepoy to the C m C Complom1tLot :Mahd 'All
9NNMnr, hna heoU>nhim l 1 (Ur,ln)
2f 8 IlnlLan Smi:h ncLnowle1lge,, the tec<,1pt or orJar, froni
[C in-('] f l (Urdu)
2G9 F.,,11matefor makmi, flog, f l (U rJu)
270 II,mmat I.til an<l otbe!'IIto th, C 1n C Grumble at "'1ni:rl•~
nn<ler ?,ll)d Doltlit Khnn f I (I er)
271 Imim Kh~n aclnol\lo<lgco the rro,,pt of orders from [C In O]
f 1 (Per)
272 J aggan Ul n•b h10father to p:t,J for his clothe,, f l (Per)
275-4 Lin of art,rlc. wax, fat IWOTIU putol•, &.c f 2 (l'er)
27J L,,t of wt:lpoa• m the armoury un<ler Akb.r All f l
270 L10t of poporo =cipll<, potrhon, f 1 (Per)
277 L11t of offirc!'IIand <tlmp fol lowcnr f I (P<r)
278 L11t0£ •urg1col mtlrnment1. f I (Per)
279 1,.1 of watcr=mc11 f I (l'« J
2S0 J;,I.L1 R•m to the C 10 C Ail., for the •arply of t1m<l1 r I
2S1 'llohmnu Kh&n tu S~h,L ~him "•nh to nuk• 1rme ccn6
denhol cDIDUIUDl<':lhon, to him r I (Urdu)
~S2 Memo of 1eg,m<nh ~llmi: ollonn..,.. at an 111ttt<1...J nlr
f l ll'er)
28~ MhJ SL,,0' nnJ other• lo the h,n,t: ll,fut, ll,• diafl:" tl,,t
tb•J ore ""'I" n,iLlo for I~ J,fc<>t ,u,tiun<tl ol ?,oJui:-,rb f 1
2S t 7 1'ommul li,.t of ofik,nr anu m<n f 4 (l',r I
2s, l)Q l'~J"'" of 1ccounh 12 (1 <r)
300 I ort1<ubnr of l'T'J..'lmtnh,nth lh,ir J1•1 ,.,t,on• f I (rtr)
'101 l'ro(< to" la,,lr <1111anJ m1htarr a )m1n ,tn!lm• f I

So-?.. Ilffrir•• nf J<llrnn•• rt.,,. t
f i (l'al

1857 70-concludcd
-- ~011 D1 :i\fhd K11;lll, of I he \·olnntcor Rcg11no11L,
Srngh, lf111f'tlldiir A-..kc..
fo Liilii Dnrganj
for a m1n to nff.flndon n woundocl sepoy in the
hospital f. J (U1d11)
-·- :307 Dr irh,1 l{l1:t11 to Litlit Dmg-it Sm~h, JtJ.m'd<7r AcknowJcclger;
the receipt of n ,nm o[ monoy f l (U 1d11)
:10S. Dr i'Ihd Khan fo LnlJ Durgft Smfrli, ,TfJ.m'd{e,r Hus applied
for the grant of n c;Jm of moue; to p111chnsc mc<hcmes f 1 (Urdu)
309 Dr 7\Ihd Khiin to Liilii Dmg11Smgli> J1m'rla1 Rocommcntls
lc.'l\'c>to cc:iiln.m c:epoJ., to ultend 011 wounJcd sepoys in the hospital.
f. 1. (Urdu)
-- 310. S lhgram fi, \ 1 ir Tmdiid 'Ali. Hcporls {lie nn1vnl of 10 order-
lies to ntfend on S,thit, 'i\.l.1m f. 1 (Pei.)
:J11-12 Stntcrucnt of chstribution O.fnllowanccs to omccrs and mon.
r. 2 (Per)
1857 71
J\fS foll. 221; ,nr1ons "lt7es,

-- l (n) !\fcmo of a.rL1clcs tobacco, muslmd ml, &c

(b) N omtnnl l1c,tof pcrrnns f 1 (Per)
:May 22 2 Dnrgft Singh n.nd Khwn,1ii, ltarltons, to tho C -10-C Pray that a
bor1m ancl n. cmoril <;CJ1ccl hy the offic>c1rn commnnd of the Alexander
regimc>nt may be rcc;to1eclto flwm f 1 (Pei )
'3 Hecc1pt of n pn.)mcnt m::vlc to :Wiu'inn'<l-Din Khan f. 1.
" " (Per)
,, 23 s chrccled to pn<;sm Talqin Shnh who 1s going to the
4 Tltii11ad<i1
Krng f J (Pei )
,, 26 5 Statement of the d1str1bution of "ages to gua1ds of military
f. 1 (Pei )
6 Accounts of payments made to infantiy and cavalry regiments.
" " f. J (Pei )
,, 28 7 Enlistment of sepoys under IJahd:td K]1iin f 1 (Per )
Jun 1 8 G-hii.7.1malundertakes to supply giam £ 1 (Pe1t)
,, 3 9 Statement of :M:tr Khuda Bakhsh concermng certa.m thmgs
plundered by him £ 1. (Urdu)
10 Description of the nature of wounds iece1ved by sepoys admit-
" " ted mto the hospital f 1 (Pei )
4 ' 11. ·Statement of the d1stnbution of wages to officers and men be-
" longing to the Jalesar regiment £ 1 (Prr)
5 12. Statement of the paymentq made to maso11s and diggers worlmg
" m the t1encbes f 1 (Per ) '
,, 7 13,14 Receipts of payments, made- to Islam and Kalln f. 2.
- ,, J'
15 M:emo of allown,ncespaid to men under Shaikh Islam f. l.

1857 71--conlimred
J'n\ 4 94 Il-pt of a :rerment to :Mu'l;,nmmod FApl 'All £ 1
,, 5 95-(J Deposit.ton, of 1iQHl li,.lnu'l I,hq and 11fll'd (ThulllD (ThoO•
~ the ru,turl,ance,, committed hy 11lu·z! Ahilbakr and othen
f. 2 (Urdu)
97-8 Reoeipt. of p:,ymenh to A,lmn'llnh nnd 1,Q,d 'A;im-
f. ! (Per)
8 -09 Receipt of n p:,yment made to :Mnl;inmm:iuFAf,I !Qiau
n .,, 100 Ltst of memo\ o,rvanb employed 10 tho ho,p•W f
,, 10 101-4 Lut. 10£ c:imola omployeu 1n co.rrnng DU11tory,tore,
f 4 (Per)
105 Ilewpt of II p•yment modo lo Sruy,d j\fc~mmlld. f l
" ll (Per)
JI U 100 S!Atemcnt of tho d1rlribn!ton of mtgN (o mooon• d1ITT:<rw
&o. £ 1 (Per)
107 Cort:un ownora of C!tmto lbo a ..n-C A.le for the te\(':lJ<' of
" 12 thoir co.rt.. f 1 (Per)
l'\ 108 Li.t of coohe11worhng In Mab!Ab Dli:h f 1 (Ptr)
109 Slnt,ment of the d..tnbnl.ion of m>lcr-nmero to J,l[..,,.ot
rcgtment<- f 1 (Per)
15 11O Col Khnd~ Dnhl!,b ad:nowle<lgt,i the "-""'1plof eerta,n p,r,,r,
from the lung f 1 (Urdn)
10 J 11 .Arconnt of ho<pilal chorg<>< C l {Per)
17 112 !Ala Jn..-&!AnAth "dir,>ctcd toJpoy lo 'l~J S0L1unln n, 10
u snb111tenc,,money f. 1 (Fer)
11, Memo of m,ges p:,ld to tMn under Sh,.llsb I,l,m r I
11.f-a ]ltcmor:>nda of food cxpot><l,tnre£or r:irntl• r ! (Ptr)
,, " 11~ Ae,,,mnl of exf"'nJ,taro 1ncnm-J 10 m.>1:rni;i:u••1 bs;:t. f I
u u
117 Bond £or~ !,ol,monr e,..,nW 1,y ,,ttbn hll•• r l
118 Rttnrto of a pmymenlawl• to ,1., Amir' All r I (rn)
,, ,, 119 Illrl Ul h•• ttctlnd n, "I"""'
r, for tb• (ao,nl of \u,lr
Khln £ I (Urdu)
U.O L11l of uo<1l1~an I doolr ~rr. f l (Ptr)
",. lU , of f.,,.) .-.p,r,J,tal't' for e:,tneh I I (l',,)
122 ,\t\"Oant of etl"",<l,tor,, ,n,um,l In m,\:,n,.. s:-o•1' I .a_.,...

",. f l (Ptt)
185'i. 71-confin11ed
Jul JS 123 Sfotcmcnt of ihc tliq{,ribntion of wngcs to coolies. f. 1.
n "
12·1. List of water-carriers sont to tho trenches nt ddierent places.
f J. (Urdu)
H "
] 25 Ram Narnya.n, lfnwalilii.r, to the C,-10-C Asks for the supply
of muc;kPtLa11s. f 1. (Per) -
12B ,Tnc;wantSmgh i:.tandsbail £or Ram Bnkh'-h and others, camel
" " drn c1s. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 19 L1sl of coolJcqwo1kmg m :Mnlitab Biig:h f. 1 (PPr.)
128. .Account of cx:pen<liturcincurred m mnkrng gunny bags f 1.
,, " LH>. Account of food expenditure for camels f ] (Per)
,, " 130 Depositions of Niimdnr Khiin and Kale Khahn regardmg the
n11sapp1op11ation of n, certain sum of money by a goldsmith f 4
l) 20-1 131-2. Accounts of food c:>.pcnditu10
for camels f 2. (Per.)
,, 20 133 Account of e'<pend1turc mo11rrcd 111 makmg gunny bags.
f. 1. (Per)
,, 21 13+ Account of oxpenditm·o incurred in repairing a bridge. f 1.
JJ 22 135. P:ipcr of nccountq, f 1 (Pci)
,, 23 1!36 Shnnl..arNath stands bail for certain persons f J. (Per)
,, ,, 137. Deposition of Bharat Smgh regard111g the arrest of a spy
£. 1 (U1du) -
188 Deposition of Ganga Dha.r, spy, regarding hls arrest £ 1
" " (Urdu)
,, 25 139. Deposition of Isn T1wariregardmg a ce1taiu sum of money and
a muc:ket belongmg to him, seized by certam sepoJ t:: f 3. (Urdu)
,, 27 140 Depos1t1ons of Ram Bakhsh ond othe1 GtiJars; 1egardrng their
imprisonment "f 1 {Urdu)
141 Gbuliim Zabirud-Din to the Kmg Recommunds that proper•
ties belongmg to Ram Parshad seized at the time of his ar1 est be res-
tored to him f. 1 (Urdu)
142-3. Na.wab Yar Khan, Kot1oiil,to Sahib 'Alam. Recommends
" " that Waz1ra and B1smillah Shah be released, f 2 (Urdu)
H 29 144-5 Depositions of Wazira and B1sm1llah Shah regarding their
1mpru;onment. £ 2 (Urdu)
,, 30 146 Sheo Ra.3 and Bhim RaJ, bankers, stn.n<lbail for Gobmd Rnm
M1sa1 f 1 (Per )
,, 31 147-8 Bonds of good Lehaviour executed by Ram Ratan and Saruri.
f 2 (Urdu) ✓ ~

4-ug. 1 149 Mother of Allah Ba.k:hsh to the C.-m-C. Prays ihat her son
Jna.y be released £ i (U19-u)
' - Il

1857 71-conlinued
Aug l! 151)..S Deporttions of NaJJii KMn 11ndotbere rogurdmg tbell' tUTttt
f 4 (Per)
Ii 154 N4mdlr Kh~n to tba C m C, for the release of the men
nrre.te.l f 1 (Urda)
,, 155 Depoo,t,on ol Natthu Smgh r=rdmg bi! arrtrl f l
(Urda) "
150 .LJBtor pcl'BOn ■ with nddl't'lloc.. f l (Per)
157 Depo!!lhOnof n,rn~n KMn rcg:,rdrng h11DrrM f 1 (Urdu)
158 The C in C directs tbo Kot.:,,/ to rck:t.,, •u~mAn h_h!n
f I (Per)
7 lJO Dopo,1lton of Cb1rnDJ1L!I re~rd1n;: h11 1m,! f. I (Unlo)
HO Dep,mltoa of Pnrguh Tiwtrl r..'::,>rumg,:erl,.m orrc,t. m•<l• hT
him f 1 (Urda)
101 (a) Tho C. tn C dn't'o!, rho TJilwailar,G=r Danb:i,to y,nm,nt
• certnm m,n on from keeping her con on tho l'0'1tl
(h) fA,r•adar hns tnmoJ out tho ohoTo or<la f l (Urda)
" II Ir2 L11t of pc111on1 rclouc<l. f I (Per)
JJ ,, IG3 The Comnumder ,n Chier onlcrs tbo r..]"110 of ll groom. f }
, 12 lOJ Li,t of J"lpcr■, l'CCClpt,, pohhoo ■, c!c f. l (P,r)
., Hi !OJ S Jlwnn Singh a "'P"Y, chori:r,, lhunh Rlltn wrtb th,£t l n,.,nt
H~m refute< the , brgr on<l complo1n1of J1man S1ngh'1 ill lm,lat<'ll!
of h,m, Jlnhm 'All, nnotbrr ,tpoi-, ••pporl• th, tt!alalron f 4 (llnla)
JO IGO ;o Dr1 o-.,hon ■ o[ h.~lc l:,..!Jdn and oth,r■ rg,rd,ng tbe,r nrrT•t.
r s (Unln)
177 ?>atlhO ,rn!or-=rrrM" J,.,.1,,.....u,.,1be b:u i::ot huk Ji,. rro-
p,rt11-.,,.,xc,I LTtLc ,rut,ne<.r<. r I (UrJo)
rn 17S SI Drr-'>1lion1of J11Awnn And otb,cs reg■r,l1ni; th tr ar~t
f I (Urdo)
20 !S2 Gen T1h'rAr KMn to the C !n-C A1b for tho J'-'mt•nl ol
migco to eoobco { I (Urdu)
,, 20-1 ]~'l-5 Depo,,ltont 0£ DbowAn, And olhor, J'Tl:"lrJ,ng tl.ttr am,t
f. :I (Urdu)
" 22-1 ]~G-S Dcpo<1hoMof lhb5Jnr Singh An<lolhen r~n;; thnram·d
£ 3 (UrJuJ
26 JS"-ll0 SL:ttcmonu ol ctrlatn d,...-rt,r, from the I:o;:li,b oe;U:1p
" ~•ni;- Ihm fi~hhng rtrengtb f 2 (Unlo)
, ., ,, 1OJ I St:itomenh of ctr41n JU•f'('M• ~of; 1"'1r arr-..! f -&

l"J PAri:i and otbm ,l~ure tut thtr hu r<"ttlf"I I~~ e-,,,

J>erhe,.l.,pl In d,po,,1 Alt~ t!m• or tlnr fi:,rn,,.,nmH>I f I IIJr ,)

l~li-7 Sut;mnt• ef 2 •~•.,.cl• ~nl••i: tLm an-I' I I ft r-Jo)
1857 71-concluderl
~ Aug. ~n H>S Sfnfomcnt of Amir 'Ali, c;py,10gnrdrnghis ar1cst. £ 1. (Urdn)
Sep. 3 l!H) .I311g:ulicL Shco Chn1.rn Singh rncommencls that 16 clays' leave
be g-mnlod to KiqJinn lliim M1<:it1t, a sopvr, who wants lo go lo hrs native
Y1llngcwlurh has been phm<lo1·cdby the .Engli<;b. f. 1. (Urdu)
10 200. Rfttll11Srngh h,1s c:uricd out tho 01do1s of the C.-m-C. f. 1.
20] Bhii~rnih l\lisni f:Cndsto lhc C -111-C. a. 11stof iegunents fighting
m tlw irond1m, f. 1 (Urdu)
~02 Dch1 Singh, n sepoy, nitemptc<l io st.11heRam Bnkhsh with hfa
swoul. f ] (U,clu)
203. Dc110s1honc; of Dwn1kn Di\-.and otho1s iegnrdrng the firmg of
n musket f. 1 (U1<l11)
-- 20 1J. Dilthnmnn Singh i.o lho C -m-C. Complnms thnt 1,e lhd not
1crc1,c help when he nccclod 1t mosL f 1. tU1du)
-- 2(Jj.G, Di,,finii 1c; n~ked to 11:iyRe, 10 to Amil 'Ali and Rs u to a
C'hiibd,7r f 2. (Urdu)
---- 207. L1~Lof qmlled coats, ul:mkcts, br,1ss ves1:els £or cooking food,
ctc, bclongrng io ai tdlc1Y men. f. 1 (Per)
--- 208-U List of nnmcs w1th n cortam amount of money against each.
f 2 (Per)
:ll0. List of persons ancsted. f. 1 (U1dn)
-- 211. '.i\c;lu<1Husarn to Urn C -m-C Has manufactured n, gun
and will send 1l when <lcmnnded, f 1 (U1du)
--- 212 Names of d1:ffc1ent1cg1mcn{s w1t.h their camprng statio!1s. £ l.
213 Nrn:im K:11iinstands bn1lfor 'Abdnllab. f l. (U1du)
214-15 Nominal lists of sepoys f 2 (Pei)
--- 216-17 Officer rn command of the Kaiehr Regiment 1s directed to be
ready for fight f 2 (Urdu)
218 Statement of d1st11but1on0£ wages to men employed m the
hospital £. 1 (Pei )
- - 219 Supe1scription of a letter. f. 1 (Per)
-- 220 'Umar Khan' asks the guard of the Jumna budge to pass a
carrie1 who 11:, gomg home on lea,ve. £./1. (Urdu)
-- 221. Yamin'ucl Daulah to Sahib 'Alam. Intends to a~tack the
English. f 1. (Per)
1857 72
foll226 , various .srzes
May' 19 I The C -rn-O. d1recfa1the officer rn command of the volunteer iegI-
ment to escort the properties of his (C.-m-C.) mothe1 from the fort to
her residence at Qaz1hauz £ 1. (Per )
n 20 2 Statement o.f distribution of wages of men under 1\1.irza ZahIT'ud•
Dm. f. 1. (Per)
182 :llUTINY PAI'l:RS

1857 72-co11trn11ed
May 25 3 Receipt of a p:iyment made to .A!lllmt,c:imcl-dmer f l (P~)
" 26 4 St:>tement. of p:iymenta mnde !o men andt'? d,lfcrtnl olli<'<n. ( l
,, 20 6 ?;abir'ud Din to the Kmg Reoomm,ml. !bot n hone ho gn-en to
lfou SahrAb f I (Pm-)
,. 31 6 Roeetpt ofn payment made to Allllb Dakb>b f ] (Per)
1un I 7 :Memo of R, 6 2 0 ,pent in rep:unng trenthet t l (l'er)
,. 2 8 Tho KJ(,rtt{ 11 d1ttcftd to reJt.,e ,i.l.'hA 'lim. f l (Ptr)
,. 3-0 9 17 Rec,1pu of pnyn,enh lllAdoto 'Air Il•kh•h •nd othfn. f O
(Per I
0 18 Lut of cooh&1engaged 1n d1gg1ng trench~ nt So.hmgnb f 1
(Per) '
7 10,20 Receipt. of payments mode to 9Jlallm •Ah and Pbillu.
f 2 (Per) -
,. £1 Goard• at the Delhi Gate are d1tttlod fa I'"" ,n cf'l'taln C1lrt
<"arrymgbamboos. £ 1 (Per)
g 22 Ml;,d Amir ,h,6 liof,:iil r,,port. the d.-.1111<b of O,uttr~m<'TW
to tbo trenohet.. r 1 (Urda)
,, 10 23 R=ipl of a J>Jymenl m:ido lo Onnr;ii llJm f I (PM J
,. 11 U Acroants or the hiu!ol ,xr,on.,,,, or a cunn.,,.. f l (P.-r)
21i Rccc,pt of n r,,ymcnt made lo l n<0f I 1 (Ptr)
13 20 0 Rc<etptl of J>O-Jlll<>nU
matle lo llldn KMn an,1 oth•,.. ( 4
(Per nnd Unla)
~O L11t of maoon<,d,;::gou, ,i, cmplo1rd in rrtJ"ln nl( lttntb~ f I
31 Memo. of food c1pond1ture for ballo<I.- ( I (I ,r)
3!!. Pa1ment made for tooJ expend,tnr.. for l,alJ,, k• cf nnrhrm<"I
=tI r I (Urdu)
14 ~5-1~ Rece,rt. of t"'•wcnll nude lo A•lhl h.hln nn,I olL l"L ! 11
{Per and Urdu)
10 44 J1lon Sini:h /lo-ea/Jar lo lM C ,a C lttf>',rt, lLc 1nlomut,nn
of" •rr that the;l11b 1ole0J to LomL,nl the (art nt 11.J,mi:,t~
! I (Urdu)
11 4, R=rt ofa raymenl mode toTn!o n,m
t l (Ur,ln)
1S ~G J,,n or ma.on,, J11;1:tr1 elr I employed In r"1<>""1:1,.,...1,,, al
fblmti:,rb f J (Prr)
,. 47 S 11.,.,.,r11(lrroym,,,h m..le !O bf>"ll, 'hh ,u,J ll"'11~J 'All
r ! (Prr)
411 n,n!nr ,halt f>""'hv,-J f l (fa)
1!1 50 ltttt11~ , ( a frt•m•nt mo,f, lo Kalyfo ',olnl t I I rrr)
iO bi eo U,,..,rf,or i-ym,n!I mwc to (lh~Um 'AH at>J ,u..,.. t It
1:t (J>.~r
-.nd U,.,Jci)
1857 72-aontinued
Jun 20 61 Bill for gunny bags f I (Per )
,, 22 62 Bhnwani Din, Hawalda1, acknowledges the receipt of orde1J;
hom the C -1n-C f l {Per) '
63 List of water-cru.ue1s supphe<l by Kailn Chaudlw,ri. £ 1. (Per )
",, "23 64. LIBt of a1t1sans, coolies, etc , engaged m making balls, oartridges,
etc. f. 1. (Pei )

,, " 65-8 Receipts of payments made to Laohman Met and othe1s. f 4.

' (Per)
" ,, 69. l\1hd Ih<,fmul-lah to the Kotwiil Sends wate1-carr1ers £. I (Urdu)
" ,, 70 List of ooohes, water-caruers and carpente1s f. I fPer)
,, 24 71 Memo of certam sums of money received fiom the royal
treasury £ 1 (Pei )
,, ,, 72 D1sbursements_ip.atle by Ghuliim 'Ali, Da1ogJa f I (Per)
,, 25 73 Memo of wages paid to coolies and water-carriers£ 1 (Per)
74 Suhrab Hmdi directs a Subalular to make enqmries about a musket
belongmg to a troope1, seized by a sepoy of his (S1tbahda1's) regiment.
f 1. (Per.) -
,, 28 75. Receipt of a payment made to N awab 'Ali. f ]. (Per.)1/
,, 29 76-9 Receipts of payments made to Rawshan 'Ali and others
f 4 (Pei )
80. Karim Bakhsh asks for help to arrest certam spies of the EnghllL,
" " f. I. (Urdu)
,, ,, 81 Invocations m Arab10 used as charms to prevent a horse fro:n be--
coming unruly £. I. (Urdu & Per)
,, 80 82 Account of additional coolies and a1tisans workmg m the -
trenches f 1 (Per)
83 Khuda J3akhsh, Hawalda1, wants Rs 10 to pay coohes f. 1.
" 11
" ,, 84. Bill for carpente1 's wages f I (Per ) \,
85 Sheo Smgh and N1sar 'Ali, sepoys, to the C -in-C, Pray that their
" " muskets, swords and money seized by the Zammdar of MuJahid pm
may be 1estored to them f I (Urdu)
,, " chased 86 Memo of certam articles such as dosutt cloth, locks, etc., pur-
f 1 (Per)
Jul. 1 87 -Receipt of payments made to the key-bearers of the gates of Delhi
fort £ I (Per ) '
,, " ganJ 88 Statement of distribution oe wa.ges to office1aancl men at Daryii
f 1 (Per ) , ,
,, " 89 l\femo of wages paid to men under Islam Khan £. l (Per)
90 l\fomo of payments made to labourers f I (Per)
>' "
" 2- 91 Ghulum 'Alf asks Nand1mal to pay Rs 22 for tenti:; purclt'1~~d.
f 1 (Per)

134 mmID."l'Al'ERS
1857 72-contw11ed
Ju] £ 0£ Reel!!Jltof II pn.-ment mnde to Bhola "\lib f. I (l'tr)
"3 08 Rece,p( of n }l"yment mnda to TurrnbazKhiln r J (Per)
"4 04 Payments mulo to lnbonrer. 1TorL1ngm tho trencbo, at Shh
llnrJ t l {Per)
II If 05 A nephew of :M,r:u.Zah•ru d Din to tho K,ng Compl»n1 t~t
Mun Qbuldm Gb!Ullnncfothers { rood him to <lrinL and then m,nnded
hun. f I 1Urdn)
,. ,, , VO Receipt of the pnrmont mndcto ,t l1tlDanbt I I (Per)
,. 0 07-8 ThlbrPu,ililul n•h J nwAln}. oth to l"'Y 'lhtl Su!:>Jm5nL1111!10-
mrnce for 3 dnvs f 2 (Per) •
,, ,, 00,100 Rccttpt.. of pnymonb mAdo to "\!lul Kh1<r Sulf4• 11nd
Chlutla, llorlara f 2 (Per)
" 7 101 U,l! for grum nntl fodder for cnmol, f l (Ptr)
102 Lict of 1111tcrearners ,ent to d,O'crent )l!n('('11 r l (Prr)
n "
., 103 Ilece,pt of payment• m,Je to tho koy LCMOrt of tbo gnlt'I of
Delhi fort. f l (Per)
" 9 104 Ret'Clpto{ n P:,Jmcnt m,Jo to Khl.r Sultdn f I (Per)
lOJ A man rrom11Ctto rep:,.- hi, deht on reeea1ng hl, ..,.1,,, t,>r
Za'{1'1da f (Per)
., 11, 12 lOG10 1!cec:ph orp:iymenl• =de to th, Ley Lc3rel'Iof the s•k• ol
Dcll,1fort nm! to otucr pc1wn<. r 1i (l'cr)
,, 12, l& 111 12 "cm"'- o[ co.,hco eni;nscJ for LN:)llOl, !bbUb Dl;:h c)('!I,
I 2 (Per)
,. lo, 1G 11:1-1~ Dnl• for grnm nnJ Io<ldcrfor cnm,1, r 2 (l'M)
., 10 11&10 llltl• for gttnn~ L:i;r, 11otl ,nn,e,i o[ n,olrN lt'OrL1ni;at
MohU.L Jld,ili r 2 (Per)
,. 17 J17 Rrr,,,pt of J>:>;rmc11b nwlc lo tbo L,,-lnrttt o! the ~I" of
Dcllu tort r l (l'er)
,, lB 118 Diltb•m•u Smi;r ,cu<l, to the l,.1ni;• '"I"> rmrloyc,l u • 'i'J
ln tM I:ni;hd1 t11mp nt the rdg., I l (UrJuJ
119 L,,t o[ mi't"t'"C"llmm r<'fltt,, tl1f!cttnt pl.= 1 f l (l'ct}
)20 Jtc..-,.iplo[ \"'rmcnf• bl~de lo !l,c l,y 1.c-oren tf 1 ..- i,,'r• cl
"" Dolh1fort. f I ( 'er)
,, U U • 'hbrAL Jcdsn'll th ,t lic f.,,
i:,,t b, L 1111l,c,..., ...,,,-1 1J lb
?>tnhnrcrsal tLe hme o[ lih •m ,t f l l I ruu)
lH I 1,t o( \<>I= "'-"nd {"!'m tbc }. 11.-,l,, onJ frv.n H•i' !>
l1litn 011J otbrr J"f'OO'- [ l (I <r)
1~5 D,lJeo S,o~I•,,..,1, 11,lto,ttnn f I (I n'o)
JN 'soni\inul •~n<l• L>il £>rJlonhyll I I (I 11\~)
.. "
a~ 'The(, ,r (, d,rrd• JaL1n~"'' 1-.u,1111-! lu 1 1 1! hi 1~ I,>~ 1

" the bou., the• lure <-«ttt•1.-d f I. (l 1Ju)

1851 72-continued
Jui 26 i"26. The C -in-C. directs the Commande1s of d1ffeient regiments each
to send one senio1 oflioe1to him f 1 (U1du)
" ,, 127 'rhe C -111-Cc~nce-1sce1tam 01ders of h1s £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 27 128. List of tents with then reqms1tes :f 1 (Per)
,, 28 129 The C -m-C di1ects the office1m charge of hme i;;to1esto supply
hme for repa1rmg the 100£of the tieasury bmlclrngs :f. 1 (lhdn)
.,, 29 130-4 Receipts of payments made to Asa]at Khan and others .
f 5. (Urdu & Pei)
135-8 Lala Nndimal and Lah Khub LalJi are asked to make pHy-
" " ments to Kamal K11unand othe1s :f 4 (Per) _
,, ,, 130 List of papers iecei ved fiom Asala.t Khan and othe1s f. 1
140 L1st 0£ water-ca11101sstationed at d1ffe1ent places f 1 (Pei)
" " 141-2 Bills fo1 gram, £odde1,salt, &c, £61 camels £. 2
" " 143. Statement of e'\ pend1tme mcurred m iepaumg a bridge. £ ]
J, 30 144 List of mateuals used m repairrng tb.9 above b11dge £ J
Ang 4 145 The C -m-C. dnects the offic1r rn cha1ge of hme stoies to

supply bme fo1 rcpanrng the roads f I (U1du)

,, " 146 (a) Ghulftm 'Ali 1s asked to supply saddles to Shahbaz
and :Murtaza Khan
(h) RaJab 'Ali repo1 ts that saddles a1e not available f I (Per)
147. Receipt oJ a payment mafo to Nasim Khan. .f l (Per)
,, " 148 Receipt of a pavment made to :Marlar Bnklu,h f 1 (Urdu)
" ,, 149. The C -m..C directs (Thu1am 'Ali, lJarogha, to supply bamboos,
ropes, wooden pegs, etc., to the a1my £ I (Per)
,, " 150 ~iir Khanat 'Ali rnfo1ms I;:TakimSabib that he bas employed 15
water-carneis f I (Urdu)
161 (a) The C -m-0 chrects Gau11 Shanka1 to Eave the arfaC'les
belongmg to I;Iak1m.!s house set on foe
(b) -Gaur1 Shankar sends a pa1wiina!t conce1mng the ab;ve orders
to be _sealedby the C -m-C f 1 (U1du)
" ,, 162 The C -m-C. asks Gen Tah'yJr Khan to, ietmn aU the
parn;analts he 1ece1vedon 17 Zn'llnJ;a f 1 (U1du)
,, 11 153. Subhan Khan declares he has got back his money faom 4"m1r
Ali. f I (U1du)
,, 12 154 Col Kh1zr Sultan directs the' keepe1s of m1hta1y sto1es io
- aliow a man from :Mhd Hasan Khan and a clerk access to the stores.
f l. (U1du) -
,, 14 155 Buddha) Cart-01, piays that bis caits aud bullocks seized by
sepoys piay be restored to him. £ I. (Urdu)
1857 72:--conlJnuetl
Aug~H 156 Hin Smgh who mu, oarrymg oertain l1UIUI of mono;,: ""
ar-W at the 14hore Gate , he 11 to reIDaJDm the lock np till !u,
oue II decided f l {Urd.,n)
, 16 167 D0p06lt1onof Baldeo regudmg hu, arm,ot. f. 1 (Urdn)
,, " 1~8 The KollOl31haa reoeued 2 letten, from the C m CJf L
,, 17 159!JAll and othen offer to forlmt thair wan01 ID cue
they are ab,ent m future. l ] {Urdu} '
160 Ram Ba.Jtli_,h recommend,, that dooly bearmii en!(1ged dnnoJJ
the day be rehe-.ed at rught f 1 (Urdu)
19 161 Certam arti,w, pi>tola ,word• etc., ha,. beenrecetved m tbo
office of the C 1D-C f 1 cp rdn)
,, 22 162 Ganeoh1 Lal and other 0um-chaudlen hovo atrended th•
Con,t of the C m-C f I (Urdu)
,, 23 103 Sher Smgh requeato the Ja• darin oh~ of the gAat to ferry
oortaJn men commg to Dellu from '.Meerot. f 1 (Urdu)
" 2-8 164 Depoo1bon of Kalin ~ng Im a.rreot. f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 165 Depo6ltzon of Clur!i!i Ah regardmg h11arre.t. f. 1 (Urdn)
,, 80 166 The C m-C dtroot. th• officen to march to KulwiganJ and l.!D
them to reheve a regunent acoord,ng to direetlons oent to them f. 1
,, 31 167 Shaik!J Shubrtt! acknowledge,, the reoeipt of" par»a•al from
the C m-C f 1 (Urdu)
168 The C m C dueob! the officer in cou,m,nd of the 4th Conlry
to •end 50 horoemen for mght dnty f 1 (Urda)
Sep 8 169 JIU,d Bal,lit Kb,!n to the Kmg E1pwa, TI'hyhe doe,, not roD11i
Rs 2b,000 .,. dU"Ootod. f 1 (Urdu)
170 1 The C m-C duoob! the officerin command of the nrttllery
to guard the l11ndun bndge f 2 (Daphodo)
u,, ,, 172 (a) Depomtionof BmdA Din fegardrng the .. nult ruade by
Bnddbn and othero upon IlhawanI Din
(l) Depo,,1tlon of Mt,d Akbar regar<luig the above .... ult
f 1 (Urdu)
178 The C m C dttt,J• the offioerIn Command of U,e Sikh Regi-
ment to march to KJohangnnJ f I (Urdu)
174 GorAhu filed a rult for o.mault ID the Court of the (, -10 (,
" 6 .Agreeoto l"'Y a /introf R ■ 2& 1bonld ho fail to app,nr at the tnal
f 1 (Urdu)
176 The C ID C <111-eot. the guard ■ at the Delhi Goto to I""" out
ancl in a ,a.-ar"'rrymg a par.-a•d f 1 (U nln)
176 Ga:iaRty to the C-m C Recommendii tlul• Dulan Sm~h 1
\ mo■kot be roparreJ at the worbhop ID the nugume
,, jJ
f l (Urdn)
177 Def-0"1honof J itffA rei,:nrdmg cert.110 leltcr• foond In L1•
" 6 ~wn f ] (Urda)
1857 72-continued
Sep 6 178 Commander of the 4th Gavalry 1s a8ked to send some troopers
to the C -m-C f 1 (U1du)
" 7 179 Ra3ab 'Ali to the C -in-C. Officers m cha1ge of the sfiorehouse
may be drreoted to supply wool for makmg weaver's brush. f 1. (Per)
,, ,, 180 Ghaus Mhd to the C -m ..C Requests that feHymen may be
directed to return to his men a sword and a musket they have seized
from them, f. 1 (Urdu)
" 8 181 Gauri Shankar Sukul asks Nath to seal certampanviinali,
enclosed. f. 1 (Urdu)
182 The C -m-C dnects the officer m charge of th~ Nas1rabad
"" a1tille1y to nend 2 guns to the trenches £ I (Urdu)
,, )J 1S3 Gauri Shankm to Lala Sundar Lal. Asks him to seal and return
enclosed f 1 (U1Ju) -
a liuJ.,JJmiimii
184. Gauri Shankar to Lala Sundar Lal Asks him to issue orders
)J "
for mght duty accordrng to a register sent f 1 (UrJu)
,, 10 185 (a) Tbe C -m-O asks Gaun Shankar to call on him -
(b) Gaun Shankai will call on the C -m-C f 1. (U1du)
186 The C -m-C. directs ca,valry and artillery officers to assist the re-
" ,, giments fightmg at the Kashmir Gate. f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 12 187 The C.-m-C. dnects the guards at AJmer Gate to pass out and
m a aawar carrymg a pal'toiinalt, £ l (Urdu)
188. Durga Parshad sends to Gaur1 Shankar petitions re-
ceived on 22 M1e'IJ,arram,£ I. (Urdu)
,, " 189 Ga.uri Shankar has issued orders to make a raid upon the
Enghsh f 1. (Urdu)

" ,, 190. The C.-m-C directs Gauri Shankar to guard the place between
Shah :BurJ and Kashmll' Gate whwh 1s undefended £ 1 {U1du)
,, " 191 The C.-m-O urges the officers to go to the trenches at the
Kashmir Gate f 1. (Urdu)
l 92-4. 1'he C -m-O asks the officers to submit a hst of men present in
the trenches nnd of those who are absent on account of 1llnesa, f S
(Triplicate) (Ur?u)
-- 195 A complimentary letter f. 1. (Per)
196 A g10om to the C -m-C. Asks for the release of his brothers.
£. 1. (Urdu)
197 Amlna'd-Din to Nazir Jan. Reminds bun of his promise of
helping him (Amind•Dm) with money, f. I (Urdu)
198 An officer reports the presence of his men m the trenches, f I
199. Certam officers pray that preference may not be g1ven to new
comers nom Lncknow to their own claim~ f I. (Urdu)
200 The C.-m-O. sends bakers to Mhd :Bakht Khan f. l. {Urdu)
1881 M1JTnh

1857 72--aoncludea
20 I CoL Ml;ul 'U mar KhAnhaa received the C ln-C'1 order■ to
... rehevo the oep<:>y• at Matya Bndge. f. 1 {Urdu)
202 DlB]lO!lt10noof sepoys belongrng to the volunteer regunont.
f 1 (Per)
208 fuiu. Bhrigreth l'ihoa:rto tba (; ln C Il&o oent Im man to
Qu&ly& B~ f 1 (Urdu)
204 G~1 R4m and othero are sent to Lptiil $aA,6,and order, ara
aoh01tedoonoen!lng the pay!hant of thmr w..g,,■• f 1 (Urdu)
205 lmKm KhAn ,. reoommendedto Satnb 'Al.&mfor a poot. £ l
206 h.undan S!Jlgh request,,th&t w,,.geomay be pud to hu mon
1 (Per)
207 Khnda Bsbh,h report■ thnt wnter-carr1eroget th01r
wagca tmce druly f l (Urdu)
208 10 Ll!to of arlrnles, mn■l..eta, bayonet., eamng,, butt. of mlll-
keta, umbrel! .. , eto f 3 (Per)
211 18 LJw, of person. f 8 (Per)
214-17 Memo of 1;resents made to memben of the royal f1UI1.11J J
of e&m1employed m bnn~ng pron■lono of expond1hue mcnrre<l ID
mAkmga ladder &mlrepamng the tnmcheo f 4 (Por )
218 Mir Nawab ,..h, Iu. fnend to rend 4 chandehen. f. I (Por)
210 Mvsho calan.lation from ~e■ o.s to which of two belligenmh
m1l be v1ctori0111. f, 2
220 1 Nommal hot. of Hmdru, ond MuBinlmaru, f 2 (Per)
222 Officer■ ore directed to Le ready f 1 (Urdu)
228 Ortlero to the EotioaJ ro;:ardmg the mthdramil of guonlo lrom
the how,e of Hai,,. .AQOllnn'I ah ID4n f. 1 (Per)
224 R•ru,hon, Wuter.,,,.rnor, proya tho.t ballool::1•nd loather lr.igt
..,,red by T,1a•ga, may be reotorod to him f I (Por)
22~ Report on tho oonilit1on• of pahonto ID the hosp1t!l!. f l
220 Roqumhon for long cloth for hod oheel.,j>illom:;ues,clo. f I
1857 73
J\IS foll 203, various Bl%e11
May 20 l Statement. of ::\fir 'Anro'd Dm nnuother, regnrd1ng on l11a,c
fura' 1n pou.,...on o[ 1\Iinu Ilnhnt Dol,ht LI (Urtln)
JI 20
2 lAlo Nandilll!lli«lirected to ply n, 0 ton JJ,r,l,,rJ f. l (Por)
30 3 Receipt of n ynyment mailo to Jlnpb 'All L 1 (Per)
81 .J. :M=o of ,,.~ paid to lnLourer. ,ror!.1ng nt So!Jmgorh f 1
5 IlCCC1pt of a p:nmcnt made to Korlm Khln f 1 (Per)
Jun 1
O Rcco1ptof" porment rondo to RoJnb All f 1 (Ptr)
' J,.bolldlngIn ,.bkb lho !<rtlnl of U,. Jlo!u....,. !, cwbntd.
1857 73-continucrl 2 7 n,.,poFitions of ~l~pn,<: un<lc1Gul,ih l(hiin, flu1'alal<7rf. J ( P01.)
S Lt f of mimec;\\ 1(h ('Cl (nm bllllH, of monoy .1g:iin1,;f. ea.oh. f. 2.
ft. Het·~1p{of pa} mcnls m,Hl(\ {o Lnt f cr-, f 1 (Pm )
,, ., )0 ~1111 L F1111lBeg,._ info1mcd of the ar1n·n.l of]') scpo)&bringing
pr1)\1t-1on-.f1om :'\focr·tt f. l (Pei )
11. Li1-t of cnrtcr~ L11ng111g nmmnruf wn J1om ~In.fhnra. nn<l Hans
f. J (Urdu)
JI s 12 lh•tC'1pfof 'l J':1' mcnl mmlu to r:n {c1-. f. 1 (Pei )
,, 10 13 Li,t of ofliLChn111]men \\ Jth the amount. of (L11J1 wages. f 1.
(Pt r)1

,, ,, l l Hccr,1ptof n p l) mcnt m.tdc to Chnliim 'Ali. f 1 (Per.)

., J2-15 ] >-,31 Hct•c1ptc.of p:i; mcnt.s mn<le to A~lilnt Khfm nnd others
f ~o (Pei )
,, Jj :3:;L.ilii ,J:rnnl.i. Kath 1s'l<.l.edto pn} He J to Iluc;am Khiin. f. 1.
:1ti )llul Kh:11rn'tl-Drnto ihc C -in-C. Ac;k&that wngcs may he 1mid
to •12c;rpo)·i:nc,, h· l'nJi...tccl f l (lJ1d11)
,, lC-17 ~i-1'1 Het•,f p1)mc11tq made lo lh3li1.11'<l-Di11 n.ncl others.
f. 13 (Per)
,, 1n r,o R.!cL1pt of a p:1ymcnt, made to ~lhcl Na~ib }(11.111.f I.

(U rclu)
ul. Li--t of guard~ at the C.,Icntt.1 G.1f.c f. 2.
;;2. L1sL of gu.mJ., uuclcr :?\Iu'-1,rfos.-1l11b. f 2.
)1 "

" ,, 53 ]~stimato of wages of ofl1ccrs nu<l men of the 4t,h Regiment.

f. 1. (l'cr)
j,J.. Officers in chnrgc of the artillery mo <luccicd to ca.11on the
C -iu-C. f l. (Per.)
,, 26 63-8. Receipts of pnyments mndo fo Ua1cleo Smgh n.n<l.others.
f. 4. (Per.)
,, 27 69, The C.·m•C cancels certain ol'deis of Jn.,, £ 1. (Urdtt)
,, ,, 60-2 Receipts of 1•:tymcnts made to A~ant a11dothers. f. 3, (Per,)
,, ,, 63, JJ1st of "atcr-carne1s sent to difl'e1cnt trenchcc;, f, L (Pei )
Jul. 2 Q t-5 Recmpts of payments rondo to :M:uzaSultan and Gulab Smgh.
f, 2 (Per,)
,, 4 60 List of labourers, masons, &c,, wo1kmg at Asadbmj, Nahr•Gnlahr
135.ghand S1y:thlm1J, f 1 (Per)
,; 6 67 Uhand1dyan asks for the supply of ca1tr1dge::sancl percusst0n
caps. f. 1. (U1du)
,, (3 68. List of med1cmes used m the hospital £, 1 (U1du)
1857 13-conttnu~d
1oL 8 11_9Wage,, Qfofficeroand men a.aestimate<! by the Coarl of the Mn-
trneer.. f l (Urdu)
70 Recaipt of & _Eayment made to the key bean,,.. of the gate. of
Dellu fort i 1 (Per )
71 Memo of gram and fodder for camel,, f 1 (Per)
72 LiBt of water cam.,.. sent to different placeo f 1 (Urdo)
,, 73 Hece,pt of a !"'yment made to Gnllib lDian i 1 (Por)
,, 74 D~b, P•rehAd "8b JawAla N&tb to pay the pnce of a l!ueld
preoented by the King to one of h10 Generw. f J (Per)
,, 11 75 Kmhua deolareo that he h .. got bock luo money kept·rn deJX101t
&t the l!me of b,a arrest f I (Unla)
70 Kanm Bal\b,h, head water--o&mer,11 1ofonned that Kh!tdl
" " Bak]p,hand Rllm Bnkboh, m,.!er-<iamer,, are aboent. i I (Per)
12 77 Manlav:i Clamarn d Din to the King Complauu, tMt h1.1
c!&1mto the royal pl'elOntodLOtnbntedh&oh<eenoverlooJ..ed f I (Per)
,, ' 78-9 Reoeipte of payment. made to MillllLITTr&r Kh&u and
.AmAnnI lab KhAn. f. 2 (Urda and Per)
,, 14 80-1 An officer ackaow!odgeo the rroa,pt of oerta,n papen, from
the (; m-C i 2 (Urdu)
15 82-6 Hooe,pt,r of payment. made to I.aohluru rum and other,
f 4 (Urdu)
,, 16 86 Memo of wage,i of of!loel"Iand men nuder A.ohraf •AI, Khln
i L (Per)
87 9 Rooeipta of payment. made to M~d Riyuo'd Dm and otbel"I.
f 3 (Urdu)
90 Sndh Gopll aol.:nowledgec the receipt of oabm1tencemoney for
" pruonen m the K6Jtcalt f I (Urda)
u JI
91 7 Reootpte of p1nmento made to Kat!m Khf.a and otbero. f 7
(Urdu and Per J
19 08 WA~1d KhAo recommend. the ,roppl, of• horae to a ••toa r
f. l (Per)
00 Ula J awa!ANAth 10 aaked to obwn ordera from the O m-C to
the guard• at the lahore Gato to allow the con1'eyanoe of fire-wood
mto the ruty f I (Urda)
100 Re=pt of a pGyment made to RAm f L (Per)
" l?.O
u ,, 101 Lu,t of conTio!a m the K~lwlf t L (Per)
102 Sndh GopAI acknowledge,, the 1'00Clptof 1Jt1bmtenec monoy
" " for pn,onBffl 1n the Koltc•li f L (Urda}
Ill 108 Di!wrl Lftl n,b for a houoe for the aecommodAhon of the
" m,anded Mlp-OJa. f I (Urda) 1
21?. 104 Gann Shluibr uk• Jnwt!& N~lh to despotch • parr,,•d
" U11medmtdy f I (Urda)
28 1 106 h.hw&J• Kh!Urit 'Ah nclnowl«lgc,, the re,e/pt of otden
" from the C In (, i I (Per)
1857 73-co11li1nied
Jul 1 OG Gn:1r1l..., ·1ro d1rcctccl to n11ow n. mnn from
at the st01cl1011c:o
Nnwith Siiluh to tnko g1,1m from it f. 1. (Urdu)
" ,, 107. Receipt of n pnymcnL mn<leto a }tml. f 1. (Pei)
" ,, 1OS Ami1 Rl1iin explnmc;"hy he was absent from his post. £. 1,
,, 27 ~
• l0fl-1~ Omccrs nrc chrcclcd to E:cnd 0110 sc111or officer from their
regiments to the C -in-C f. 5 (Urcln)
" 2() 111 l1nl<l1lHun, s;,uah,hi1, nclmowlcdgec; tbo receipt o-f orders
from the C •rn-C £. I (U1du)
,. 30 115 Lrnt of pnpcr-; Ordcrc; from the C.-m-C, Gnuri Shankar,
l .Tn:rrnttK.Hh and others f I. (Pm )
Ang. 2 JIG. Ofllccrs in chnrgc of ihc AJmer Gate nrc chreotecl to pass m and
out n sa1oiircnrr.) mg- n JJt1rtoii11nh,f I. (U1du)
,, 5 117. Lnchhman dcclnre~ ihnt he hns got back his lost sword. £. I.
" ,, 118 List of p1,pei~1ccch ed from Snclh Gopu.1,Illiolii Nath, Ilahadur
Smgh nn<l othcu; f 1 , (Per)
,, 8 119 J3nhii<lmK]1iin pmyA that }uc; musket sei1ecl by a Ttlanga at
the L-1.horeGn.t.cmny be restored to 1nm f I. (U1du) ,
,, 10 120 L1c;Lof clooly bcarei c; c:cnt to cld'foienLtrcnchec: f. I. (Per,)
121 Niiri Ln.1recommends f he payment of wages to Sher Khiin
" " nnd other~ f I (Urdu)
122 List of \\atcr-carricrs ..,cntto <l1ffercntfaenches f I (Urdu)
" " 123-4 Stn.temcnts of wages p:11<lto camel-drivers and of gram and
,, " fodder purchased for camels f 2 (Per)
" ,, £ 125-9 Hcce1pts of payments made to B1hiiri Lal and others
5 (Per and urdu)
" ,, Rs1301,000Lala Nandimal a.nd Lalii. Jawalii. Nath are asked to pay
to :Mir 1\IuLiirak I;Iusa.m f I. (Per)
" ,, 131 Ila.hi Kb.nuhas 1ece1voclsubsistence allowance for prisonms in
the Kotwali £ 1 (Urdu)
13,2 Bihn1i Liil asks Jawiilii Nath to pn.y tho amoJlnt stated in
" " a receipt enclosed f l (U1du)
133. Lala Nandimal 1s asked to pay Rs 40 to the hearer, f. I.
" " (Per)
134 List of papers received from Jawala Nath, Bihari La,l and
" " others f. 1 (Per )
,, 18 135. Guards at Delhi and Ajmer Gates are directed to pass m and
out sawa,s ca1Tying parwiina!ts f. I (Urdu) -
l 36 TaJ Khan and others pray that a capable man may be appomt-
" " ed to manage the affaus of their villages f I (U1du)
" ,, 137 An officer aoknowleclges the 1ece1pt of orders frolll Mhd
Ba~t Khan f. I. (Urdu) ~

1857 73-oontinuea
Aug 14 188 Kalwant Srnj!h repom that Bnmran Smgb will act ao a
eob,,tituto for Darga T,wan till the totter rooovere from the efieol ■ of
h1, wounck f I (Urdu)
15 189 Lotan Dnbe S..hald,Jr m1l gnther mfonnation from 'AhLA1
" 'Ali, and commurucate 1t to [C 'ID C] f I (Urdu)
140 Order. of [C m C] to releaoeoertaui perton! arre,,ted on a
" " oharge of 011p16nage f I ( Urdu)
141 The Offioerm oharge of military rloreo 1B rureotedto ropply
" " gunpowder and bullel, f l (Per)
142 Reooipt of a f&yment mado to 811.lyidMl)d 'Ah. f I (Per)
",, " 148 DejlOOltion 0£ Bolrna regardmg hta a.nest. f I (Urdu)
"20 144 Ri!.m 8mg h to the C 1n C P':";" that h10 =el eeued by a
Sepoy may be reotored to him f L (Urdu)
21 140 Ml;td Ba!tl!t Kh[n to the Krng Sencle money f I. (Pe,)
" 22 146 The Krng to the C m-0 Turcota him to conoiliate the Bilili
" Sepoya. f L (Per) 1
28 147 L..t of mg .. of ooolwo worhng m the trenohet at Ktahan
" ganJ f l (Por )
25 148 The Officer m oommand o! the -volunteer regiment lo du-.oted to
" oend 2 divmon.o of Sepoyo to gnard the plaoo botrreen the Kabul nod
Labore Gatea f l (Per)
28 149 Mone! Rdm to the C m-C W,11 aend a qunl,fte,l cauduhte for
" Bngade-nfnior,h,p f I (Urdu)
so 160 Beo&pt of a l"Yment mnde to GhulAm Ah f I (t'rdu)
Sep" 1 151 An officer ooonn• the C m-C that he hlll aent 2 Companteioof
Sepo-vo to tho Lmlgo ne directed f l (Urdo)
2 162 PMment, made to d1f!'erent regiment■ f L (Per)
4 lu3 Boni Singh to the Jung Some 1aclr, llllly ho ■ent to help
him in mnkmg colleoltons. f. l (Urdu)
6 164 Sher Singh mll cnuy ont tho order■ oE the C !n-C r I
156 CertAm Oflloial■ to the O !o..C Stnte their tfutrea andpny
thnt their trngeo moy be pnul f I (Urdu) -
7 160 Gnon Sbonknr Snk:nl ooks L!ld Sundar Ul to employ SepoJI
at ru,ht duh Qooorrung to a reg1"ter ■oot. f I (Urdu)
,, 8 167 Receipt of o povment =<lo Lo K616 KMn f. I. (Per)
168 The C m C ul.1 offioor1 ond mon to ntt..alc the Englt.,h
" " from Qud,iya Bogh on<l tho Kuluntr Giito f L (Urdu)
160 The C 1n-O urge, the olft0er1 to go to Qadl!ya
D h.
" "
100 Purr
f I [Urdu)
of IICCOUDh f. I (Per)
lGl Co Al.nlllld Kh~nreport■ tbo de,patch of gunny bsgL f I
",, " 162 An officer o.olmowledgeo the reoeipt of order, from the C ,,..c,
" !,..L (Per)
1857 73-conlintUJcl
Sep. 10 10:3, i\Ihd F,ti1.n.ikhsh 1cpo1(,~th.1t ho hns sent nJI his mon to the
trcmchc~. i I (U1dn)
,, 12 1GJ-3. ~'he C •rn-C <lil'ccf"ofHccrsto propn1c n, iegistor of their men
p1c--cnLat. the trenches nnd of bho&cwho rue absent. f. 2. (Duplicates)
,, 13 lfiG An ofl1ccr nckuo\\lcclgcc:;the 1cce1pt of oulo1s from [C.-in-C.]
f I. \Urdu)
,, 11 1G7 i\Ihd Hnh}Jt KJ111n iu tltc C •in-C Ac;ks him to supply coolies,
b'lc:kc(c;,\\oodcn ho:11dc;,gnnn: hng<:1 de, unmcdmtely. f 1 (U1du)
,, Hl lGS G·1ngii 8111gb,,C:.irtahrla>,acldlO\\ledge-: the recmpt of 01ders
f1om [C -111-C] f 1 (lim<l1)
lGI), An 01Hcc1tlncrts ,rntchmen to n11ec;t, IL mn,n who thieatens to
plunclcr the house of Kliuh Liil, Jns Jllultarru. f. I (U1du)
170 ]foni Smgh complnmc; thnt ho has hecn unjustly pnmshcd.
f 1. (U1du)
17] D1i:;h,imtKhiin, Jam'diir Complams of the d1stmbnncescomm1t-
tcd bv the ?.Iutmccra f 1 (Pei )
172 1'ho C -rn-C. hn,; inspected the Knshmn Gate H:udar I;Iusam
1c; asked to ~upply gunny hags f. ] ( U1du) .
173-j rl'hc C -rn-C cl11cct-,officms to scncl 2 officer.:,nom their
1cg11nc11i.s to the Lahore Gate. f. 3 (1'np1icate) ( U1du)
17G Ch ufan Singh ackno,dcdgcs the rncc1pt of 01de1s from the
C -m•C f I (Urdu)
177 D1c;po~1l1011sof Cavalry nncl Inf:tnby 1cg11nents f 1. (Pei.)
178 D1c;poR1tions of the Volnnteei Regiment f I (Per)
17<) Ghut1m 'Ali asks for the payment of wn,~cs of carpenters for
malrng wooden pegs f I (U1<lu)
180 I-I.ndar Hns:nn p1nys that :M111iiRahat Bakht may be asked
to quit the house be rn occupyrng £ l (Pei )
181. I;Iusauu Begam asserts he1 rights to an Imiimbii1a, f. l.
(U1du) - •
18 2. Insti notions to recover money on dehvermg the receipt. f. l,
183 (a) Jagchs Ray seeks mstiuctions how he can address Mirza
Ilahi Bakhsh on behalf of the C.-m-C. ¼

(o) Inst1 act10ns as to the form of ctddress referred to above.

f 1 (Urdu)
184 Janz'iliir, KotzoaZt,is asked to send Mahbiib Smgh, f. I,
-- 185 J awala Nath asks Gauri Shnnka1 to send the statement of
wages of Sepoys f I. (U1du)
-- 186. Lala Jawala Nath 1sasked to send Rs 385, f, I. (Urdu)

1857 73-concluded
I 87 L18t of arltoleo, bamboo., rope,,, eto, and of char
of carpent,,ra t&ilon for mahng doolu,o. f L (Urda) geo
188-0 LtJ<tof carlo UJed1n canying oolchen r 2 (Per)
lpO L,,t of cart. captmed f L (Urda)
l~l 2 List of nameo with amount. of monoy agrunrteach.
f 2 .(Per)
193 LHt of S!lp<'y•belongu,g to m.fantry and caralry regiment..
f L (Per)
194 Nameo of pe=n• who pembed fro~ the explooon of a gnn
powder factory f I (Urdu)
190 6 N omiual Jim of Sepo;re. f 2 (Per)
197 Officere m charge of the Jumna bndge are dlrecW to,.._
cerlAm bow far a mmoor that e.n &rmT Ii coniing to lJellu UI true. f I
198 Reoo,ptof payment. made to RAm Rate.n and othm f L
199 Sepoy, are uked to n1Blod~e tJ,e Engwb from the ndge,
whateTer they may plunder mll be theuo. f I (U rdn) ,
200 Statement of Mir Q!chr 'Ail about the posting of~ at the
pnubng boooe. f I (Urdu)
201 The to - Engllllh tyrnuny can only be ended by
hllmg them An army will be ,ent to mamtrun ~ when tbo
victory IB aoluered f. I (Urda)
1855 74
M.S foll 150 van°"" -
Apt' SO I, 2 Reoe,pt, of f"yID8Dta made to Dakkb1 Begam, l\Ja~mod
1857 134:,};I&!dar Kh!n and other ,a.,,ir, f. 2 (Per)
May u 5 Arrears of wngoo of 1ar,ar, and of Sepoy, of the Volonleer
Regiment. f L (Per)
26 4 Receipt of a i:nyment made to Dwlrl.a Po.rabAd f I (Per)
28 6 Receipt of a payment made to JII]id Kli!n. f L (Urda)
,, 19,50 6 7 Receipt■ of P"ymenu made to Pntb1 S,ngb f 2 (U rdn)
Jun. 2 8 Bortele of gnnpowder d!rlributed to ch1£erent ~ f L
,,! s 9, 10 Reco,ptaof pnyment■ made to Kald!r 'All and /,Thul!m 'AIL
f 2 (Per)
7 11 11 16 Receipt, of pnyment■ ll1&do to B&d.o Singh .;i otben
t 6 (Per)
16 17 Offioel'I m obugo of the duferent O.te, aro d,rtded to
P""" m nnd out bullooh onrymg refu■e. f. I (Per)
20-3 18-25 Receipt. of p,.ymenh made to Karim DoklJ,h and olben.
f 6 (Per)
28 24 Offioor m command of the KatoLr regiment 11 dirrcted to
~t oort&lnSepop mt<t h11regimen~ f I (Per 1
1857 7 4--oonfinttecl
Jµn. 2fl 25. Receipt of n pn.yment nrn<loto )fhd Husain Khfin. f. 1. (Per)
,, 30 20. Acknowlcdgmcnt of 01llc1s frnm tho l (; -m-C] to sond 100
Scpoyc;to gmn<l Jhnrul~a. f 1. (U rJu.)
Jui 2-3 27-30 Rece1p~sof pavmeuts made to :i\i~<l[hftn and others f. 4,
,, 3 31 :i\Iomo.of wages p:utl to men 11nclc1Shaikh Islam f I. (Per.)
" ,j. 32-3 Recr1pts of pnJ mcnts made to Dnsant· Smgh and Jaggii.
£. 2 (Urdu)
JJ 6 3 i Rct!mpt of ,t p.13menl maclo to :\fhd Khiin. f. I (Per.)
,, ,, 35 List 0£ ,11ticlcs mnst:11tl 011,ghce, w,1x, 1esm, etc., purohnsod,
£ l (P,Jr }
,, o,7 JG-7 Ucceipts of pnymonts mado to KhfHhm H u~arn and Sa1yid
).Inh.mun,ul f 2 (Pei )
7 3S. St,it-OmcmL of paymcnti; nude to officcu, an<l men f. l (Per)
",, s, 0 3\J-J,.1,llccc:pb, of pa.)mcnts mnclc to Natthu Khiin nnd others
f. u (Pei. and U rdn )
10 ,Jj (a) 'rho C -rn-C .1sks (-}hu1Jm 'Ali to surply bupa.nlms.
" (b) Ghu1fun 1Al1 supphcq tn1 paul111s f. 1 (Urdu)
,, " 4G Hamnz;ini :m<l All.1h Bak11sh to the Krng Piay that they
may Le 10lc.1scd f L CG rdu )
,1,7.;rn Hcco1ptsof payment mu<loto Dnrgfl Pantle 'and others f. 4
" " (Pei )
,, 13
:">1 List of medwmc." nsetl m the hosp1t,11at D,nynganJ. f l
(Pei )
,, . 1 :t J ! Depo1nt1011
of Arni1 Kh:in regni<ling 111s,111est. f I (U1du)
,, 53 Dcpos1t10n of 'Abclu'1 Rahman 1eg:11dmghis arHst f. l.
" (Urdu)
17 54 Estimate of wa.ges of men under Lachhm1 Rum £ I {Per.)
" 18 55 Depos1t10nof Paiixi.b Smgh 1ega1dmg the assault made upon
" him £ 1 (U1du)
10 56 Esfamate of wages of men under Baldeo Smgh, f. l, (Per)
",, 57 Afzal, IJafadii1, to the ..d.-m-C. Asks that a horse may be given
" to h101 f 1 (U1du)
20 58 Orders fiom the C -10-C to officers rega1dmg the distribution
" of Sepcys unde1 them for mght duty £ I (Urdu )
,, 28 59. i\fomo. of payments made to water-carrie1s, ooohes,eto. f. J.
(Pei.) -
30 60 Receipt of a pa) ment made to Khanazad Khan. f. I. {Pei.)
Aug 4 61-3 Receipts of payments_made to Amir Khan and others f. 8
(Per) 1

64 An officeracknowledges th~ receipt of orde1s from the [C,-m•

" ))
CJ :f 1 (Urdu)

1857 7 !-continued
Aug ~ 65 6 L!l!l NMdma\ 1B uked to pay oe:rtain IUIDJ of money f 2
6 67 Reoa,ptof " payment made to a toroh boo.rer f L (Urdn)
,, , 68 Names of 2 persons mth " oortam 1nm of money ag,mut Mah.
f I (Per)
,, JJ 69 Names of 2 pen,on• mth" oert&m 1t1mof money aga1nat each
f I (Per)
70 2 Reorupt. of payments nude to 8La1k!J Tu;n 'd Din and othen

,, . f. 3 (Per)
pay oeruun
LAia Nand,mal, NandrayanJI and KhiiL Llljl are asled to
lfllillB of money f 6 (Per)
,, 78 L"t of pa~ rece.ived from Nnn LAI, Jawlla Nlth, e:llllUn
Bak!J ■b and other, f L (Per)
7 79 The C m-C to officer! Aw them to mamtw.n their poo!t,on at
the trenohe■ , mll ■end remforooment. the mmonr that the magu,ne
hBBbeen deotroyed'" faire f I (Urdu)
,, 8 8[• Gll&rilll at the Lahore Gate are dir,oted to allow • 1a11ar
carrying 1"''"'""""' to paw m and out. f. I (Urdu)
,, 11 12 81 2 Recmp!.I of paymerte made to the key bearen of the gate■ of
Dellu fort f 2 (Per )
83 4 L,.t of dooly bcareni ■ent to different pl1ceo. f. ! (Urdn.)
" l8
85 L11t of coo\,e, 1nd miler cnmerB f I (Urdu)
86 Lut of prIBODer& 1n the K~t..aJ, f I (Per)
,, "
,, 15 87 05 Rece:ip!.I of poymenlo 1n1de to Natthfi KhM and othen
f 9 (Per & U nlo )
90..7 Ulu NandriynDJI 11 • Iced to pay R,, IIJ to 'A1fmn'/lab
Kh~nnod RB 100 to Mhd Sa kl Khan f 2 (Pet")
98-101 !Ala 1'and1mal 10 a■ ke<l to pay R■ 11 ~ to Rua/i/ar, R1 60
4> ,!1(4E 'All Khlln R, 200 to \epoy■ from Tonic ond Re I to
Aarl.ara, f 4 (Per)
102 LLOtof moneT contn1iut,on • rnade Ly 1'cttbn Khln, Bh0ll
Nath and othert { I (Per)
103 ;\(nil\ Zahlm J Din to Jn'!l"Uc NUh D,rcoh !um lo pay
"Ro20~ to Sepoy■ from Toni: and fu 60 to At!f 'All I 1 (Per)
,. ,, 104 Memo of gn.m and fodder for cnmelo. f I (Ptr)
,, ., 106 Statement of ,vag,s of employe■ Ill the boopit:J f I (Per)
,, ,. lp0 L,.t of wuter-o:imer■ ■ent to Dnre,IIT rnmp and other plact1
f. 1 (Per)
,, n 101 L11t of walei-c,,rner■ ■ npph&l Ly Allruhyl on,! other Clu
i/4m f I (Urdu )
108-10 Sbtement■ of Mendil and Shldl nLont their a ■s>alUoi;
each other and their lino! compromlOO f ~ (Urd11.)
1857 74-confi,,ucd
Aug 17 111. Al'hrtO\dcclgnH'lltnf :1 ,•rdmn 1i,1rrr,i,,n.f. L(Tirdu)
H 11~ An olfitet_{\l-l \Y1ll .,0111l
n dt\'l'Hon of sC'pO)G to Jw1pm
" c...,Jlcdingthert•\Cll\ll' f. 1 {U1dn)
,, 113 :\Ih,l 1:\ Kh~111, n clodor, n"k5 to 1,c paid liiR tJnlary f. 1
,, lJ 1. :\fnhhi'1Llhkh~h nrnl otlirrr pmy thnf Rrn<:c;-cntic1bmny ho
prf•,rnf••tl from plw•l.1111!' g-1t1p('-.
nwl r,,u.,111gdnmn~c to their g.1rdenq,
f l (l"11lu)
,; 2G 115(,:) (' •in-(' (lll\'1 t-. Gmm Shnninr to f,C'll<lrcmfo1ccmcnfc; to
K 1-.lnn!!"ntlJ
(l) Otli, ('P, h 1\ ,, hP('n tlm'.'<'fo<l to c:end f hC' rrmforccmcnt,;
tl'•p11ri-,l f. 1 (lirdu)
)I 1111 Dvpn,1fson pf Klnuli1 Hn~_b-.ltn.'g'tnling- JJi.,nrt()i;( f 1 (Urdu).
Sep. 117 fl he l1.it1\~l1•1 m 0l1nrge of tlil' ,T11mnnB,Hlgc 1.,(lircdccl to sec
tlrnt (\J\h OH'"t.!pen,on-. no..,..,ihc rl\l'\ ,d,o hn\c ohtnmcd parwii,ws to
do 1:0 f 1. (l.rclu)
11~. JL1 ..ltlf Lal t-nn he \\111 cntrj 011Lthc 011k1., of the C.-m-C.
f. 1. tl 11lu)
,, 11!\ (3huli1m',\Ii, in <'l1111ge of Pam(•) ,hc,]i.., ptaH tl11dhe mny Lo
put JII p1l.-.t'"'-ltlll 11fa p 11l1111lar liOlht) r 1 (U1<ln)
.. 1211.Olfo (r,, 111Commnrnl 11£Carnl1) 11n1l Infanft, rcg1mcntc; ntc
" ' ,ltt't!dul to -,11pphllr<h.'rhc::.f11rthe Court nf :\fntmccH ,it the Lnhorc
Ciak f J (l t<l11.)
8 1'2l S111l111i11 ..d1 1 Briga,k-:\laJot,
S111; h111.,got, 1111, men 1 cndy to
m r:1111 Hpnn the )~11g1t 1i.r 1 {Cl<l\1)
122 l,l.11<11rJlui:,lm, Kccpc1 of M1ht.1ry qfo1c1,, 1.., dneLted to
i,uppl) ,1mmm11t10nto ,Y.11ii KJJi\n f. J. (Uulu)
11 12!3 (11)7'/urn,ul,i,, P.1liiirgtmJ, 1.,clnertcd lo i,npply coo1IC5
" (~} '!'he 'l½a u(ida, 1cpo1 h the e,eeut1on of f he above 01 <lei
f 1 l li1 rlu )
l..! 12 t C.1pt1m lT:lllJ,11JIu~nm 1.., ducctc<l to <icnd gnnno1s to the
" trcncLch JJcar JJ1r!Jn/"-Ji·1";1111 f J (U1clu)
] 2j 8hnukar acknowleclgcs the 01 <lei f1 om the C -rn-C. to
" " guard the pl.1ccbetween S1yiih l3mJ and the Knl>hmu Gate, hns issued
necessary IJl!,tlllct1ons f. 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 12G Bng -1\fnJOl Gaur1 Shanln1, 1s directed to expinm to his men
thnt their safety depenclr;on crushing the English, £o1 if they succeed
m cnformg the city, they nre not C'\.-pected to give the Indrn.ns qua1fier,
f. J. (Urdu.)
12 7 Assistants m the office of the C -m-C report that the casks
of wine lymg near the house of Alexander are piaotionlly uncared
for. f. 1 (Urdu).
128 Commanders of diffeient regiments are asked enoh to 5end
2 senior offioe1sto the Lahol'e Gate £ l (U1du)
l Name not gtYen in MS,

1867 74-conoluded
129 Gnarwi of sepoys are ported at dtl!orent plncea. f 1 (Per)
180 Gann Shanhr ub JawU~ Parahlld to oeal a par,x,,a ,.h,ch
,. enclosed. f 1 (Urdu.)
131 Tu.hiBalsJioh Kh~nuk ■ J&wW. N~th to pay Re 10 to h!a
men. f. 1 (Per )
132 Imrun K.h,m will commumoote Goan Sb.anl:nr'a ordare to
officers.f I (Per J
I 33 Lt,t of ooohes working m the trenches at K.u,\uwganjf 1
134 Lu,t of ,aicoN waitmg on the C ID C nnder :i\fttd Marlafl
KhAn.f 1 (Per)
136 Memo of llrliolea , tent., bedding, &o. f. 1 (Per)
136-7 Nomee of l!Ome peraone together mth tbet.r lftia mth
cert&IJ1au.meof money agauut eo.oh f 2 (Per J
138 N otrce to the eflect that ~aoru gmng 1nfonnahon leading to
the arrM of men who plnndered the property of 1'fr Dougw mll
be remu-ded f l (U rdn J
130 Sepoy• ore posted aa guard, ot the Ka.ohmt.r'Oale f 1 (Per J

1857 75
1118 Foll 30, Vllnoua ru:eo
J nne 7 l Statement of wage,, prud to the I olunt~ regiment sbuon~
at tbo Lohoro Gate f 1 (Per J
lO 2 Btntemont of llliJ>O!Iboru, of the Sappers and Mmen, regiment.
1 (Lrdu.) •
18 M Receipt, of po) mento ma<leto Durg,1 TerrAn and Umr!o Singh.
24 2 (Urdu.)
20 5 $•6aAdar Kalmu,t Smgh oolrnowled!l"'" the ordor of the
C ID C to oend oepoy,,to the tranche. at Qud11y& Ilagh.t l (Ur<lu)
Joly 1 6 O O Receipto of paymento made to RAmd&ar Swgh and othcn.
P, 12 f 4 (Unln )
July 12 10 C ID C duecll, the officer m command of tho I olanteer
Regunent to aend a Compony of Sepo), to ~labtab Bagh f l (Urda.)
,, 15 11 Statement of <liotnbubon of wagcoto officer,, and men btlong-
mg to the "\ olnntcer regiment. f 7 (Per)
,. 10 17, 12 H Reccipto of payment. mndo to LnJJl Rim and othcn.
23 f 3 (Urdu..&.Per)
Aug 1 H C m C <luech the officer 1n command of tbo 'olun!Nr
Regiment to ocnd to h,m the "J"'I"' L:uret. of gunpowder f I
2 16 C 1n C chreot• the offictt ,n Command o! the \ olllllt~
Regimentto rcht.rn a ,nror<l 1t1ZN by Dinh Slllgh f I (Ur<lu)
1857 7 5-<'onclu<lcd
A1tg I 17 C -m-C <lncdc...thC' omrc, 1t1 ('l)lll\11:11}(1 of ihc :~h1h Regiment
to go to the tiel'clH•'- :d. the H:1111,cU,1te 1mmr<li.iicl,r f l. (l·1(lu)
]2 18 C -m-C. <11rC<·h foe oflircr m ,·omm:md of the Vohmice1
f. I (G1dn)
Regiment to rclc.1...r lCrf.un JH!l'
13 1 H. Statement of fom dn, t-' ,, .,t,-rcc...for '-Cpo, ._ commg f10111
" .\ll.1h.1h.,,l.f 1 (Pei )
2~ 20 Olhcc1 111l-Omm.rnt! of the \" ohm{t!Cl Hegnne11{ 1~ <l11CL-te<l to
" ~cn<l2 C1)111Jl.l1l1C'- of S('po\ t-- fo the L.tl101c G,lll' 1mmcd1.1foly f. 1.

Sep l ~l
Hct·eq,t of ,I p,1) mcnt m.ulc to Hi1md.1urSmgh f 1 (l\a '
7 22 C -m-C dncl l..._ h,,h\ mt Srngh to c...cnd{o lmn the wom.111
" ,d,o h.1....clopc<l\\!lh ., '-cpo) under l11m f ] (Lulu)
,, s 23 C -rn-C llirt'rt" tltc o!li,·c1 m lumm,mu of \"ulu11tcc1 Hcg11ncnt,
fo gn.ud M.,lit.,l) 13.,gh f 1 <l ·rdn)
JI 13 2 J 'l'hc Kmg- d11ccf..,il,c t,epoj t- fo ~o fo the iic11t.he!.,,it the K.1~lrnrn
G,tf•~ f. l. (Pet )
- --- ,!;; K.111m KIJ;m lllHI l)tl1c1.., <'1))JtJ1h11le mont'j io the w111 full(]
f. l (l.id11)
2(, L1...f of monc, t'Mttrilrnfion'- m,H]c liy ,eporc; f 1 (C11l11)
2 7 J?cC'Clpf of II l' l) mcnt 111,Hleto :J\I}ul x.,~llllKhii11 f I
28. St.,temcut of d1bt11lrnt1onof \\ages to the Vohmtcc1 Regiment
f 1 (Urdu) ·
--:-- 20-,)0. 'l'h;d\m Upa<lhy,t and B1<ly.1d1h,, 1'1lan!Ja, m.ikc
suggcc...houb rcl,1tmg to the war agamst the l~ughsh f :l

1857 76
1'IS Iroll 4u , vauous s1zos.
June 0, 12 1-'.1-.Rcce1pt.s of payments maclc to II.uu,u and otl101&f 4.
,, 14 5 List of offirerc;and men belongmg to the 44th Reg11nent f1om
Ag1,1 f ,i. (Pei )
-,, ,, 6. Rcre1pt of ni p,1yment made to Gangiitlm f I (Pei ) _
24 7 Receipt of a payment maclc to Gayadm. £. 1 (Urdu)
".,_, 24, 30 8-0 Statement of wages p:nc1to office1sand men belongmg to the
44th Rcgnnent f 2 (Per)
July 2, 6 10-11 Receipts of payments mndo_to Lotan Dube £ 2 (Urdu)
~, 8 ] 2 Statement of wage& paid to officc1s and men bclongmg to ihe
44th Regiment a1nved fiom M atbura £ 1 (Pei ) ,
JJ 13. Receipt of u payment made to Lotan, Jamacla1 f 1 (U1du.)
1io KuTlNY PAPttls

1867 76-contmued
July 8 14 0 m C requrreoa report from the offioar m coD1111andof the
Regunent from Agra m connection mth a complunt nade by W~d
Khll.n that h.t.shorsea lu.Te been oei:,ed by hu, men. f 1 (Urdu.)
10 15 Order from the C m.f' to the officer m command of the «th
Regunent to oend two Comp&ru"" to the Lahore Gate. f 1 (Urda.)
12 16 Receipt of a p&yment made to l utan Du~ f I ( Trda)
17-19 lliihaldar R~mpar11h!d enclOBeathe nomeo of certamtepoJI
,-,ho without the penm.""1on of thmr officer obtwied oentoe m other
regunent., and ougge,,t,, that therr namea may be .truck off
f 3 (Urdu.)
13 20 Commander of the 44th R~mont II directed to rallll <lefenfin
worl.:s near the Kaahm1r Gale f I (UrJu.)
14 21 Commander of the 44th Regiment l! direcle<l to \fflt w:tth
Im regiment upan Geueral [Tlil.t y!r Kh!n J f 1 (Urda)
16 22 Receipt of e. payment m•de to Lotu, J;>~~ f. J (Urda)
,, 23 Commander of the 44th Regiment .. drreoled to ~t Ju, men
readyto atta k:the Rnghoh from the Delli, and tLe AJmf!Tll Gau..
f. 1 (Urdu.)
28 24 <':ommander of the 44th Regiment report, the euc,,tu,n of
" eertam ordeni of ihe C m C f 1 (Urdn ) -
,. £6 Statement of dl!tnbution of "'lr"' of officer■ load men
belongmg to the Y olnnteer Regunent. f 1 ( Per ) _
26 26 C m C Ji.rectothe Comm•nder of tlfe 44th Rogunent to !Slld
e. oeruor officer to !um f I (Urdu.)
Ang 2 27 Commander of the 44th Regiment mform ■ the C ,n-C. that
he will carry ont lull order. f. 1 (Urdu.)
6 28 (a) C m-C direct. the Commander of the 44th Regiment lo
rel.tev~ the N,mach force m the trenoheo at Qudtiy,, Ilagh f I
(b) The above order hu alreody been corned out f l (Urda)
16 20 C m..C directs the Commander of the ~41h Rogimont to mareh
" to the trench et at K.t,,hanganJ f 1 (Urda )
£6 30 C m-C demreo to inopectthe 44th Reg,ment f 1 (Urdu.)
Sep 1 Sl Aokno'1'ledgment of an order of the C m C f. l (Urda.)
32-6 C m C '• m.troobon ■ to the Commander of the,
" 4-S Rt,gUDent to oend guard• to dif£ereat gal.,. of Delhi and to reline
the Sirh Sepoyo f 4 (Unlu.)
10 37 C ,n..C d,reot. the Commander of the «th Regiment lo ,end
re,uforcementa to the h..a.lun1r Gate for occnpytng the trencbto l'roll1
which the Engu■h have lmn dl■lodged. f 1 (Urdu.)
~B Commnnder of tho 4Hh Regiment report, that all ht■ men
" nro on duty ,omo are l!ghhng m the trenches ..-"bileother■ are guardini:
the i;aftoof Delb, f I (Unla)
1857 76-concluded
Sep. 12 39. C -m-C. chrects the officer of the 44th Regiment to go to the
trenches at the Kashmir Gate f 1 (Uidu.)
13 40 Officer of the 44th R eg1ment acknowledges the receipt of the
" orders of the C -m-C dated 13 September £ 1 (Urdu)
41 D 1spositions of ddrerent ieg1ments £ 2 (Urdu.)
42. List• of o:ffice1s and men belongmg to the 44th Regiment
f 1 {Pei)
43 Order of the C'-in-C to the officei of the Regiment to
send a chv1s1on of sepoys to the Calcutta Gate f 1 (Urdu)

1857 77
l\'.tS. Foll 63, various sizes
June 2-17 1·6 Receipts of payments made to Dilthaman Singh and others
£ 6. (Per & Uidu,)
,, 12 to 7-13 Statement of chstribution of wages of office1•s and men
Julv., 12 belongwg to the ieg1ment an1ved from F1rozpoie f. 7 (Per,)
June 21 ] 4 D1lthaman Smgb, l;IawaJdar, reports the arr1\tal of some
deserte1s no:o;t Allahabad. f 1 (U1du.)
/ 15. D1lthaman Smgh requests the Kmg to sign the enlistment
" " 1oll•of office1s which 1s enclosed f 1 (U 1du)
2,9 '"16. Receipt of a payment made to Chand1dm BaJpai £ 1.
" (Urdu) ·_
17 Statement of d1stnbuhon of wages o:f officers and men belong•
mg to the regrment arnved from Firozpore £ 1 (Urdu )
July 8-7 18~21 Receipts of payments made to Thakmdm :M1sa1ancl others.
f 4 (Per & Urdu)
,, 7 22 Statement of distr1but,on of wages of office1s and meh
belongmg to the regiment arnved nom F1rozpore £ 1 (U1du)
,, 8 2,3..7 Receipts of payments made to J agannath T1wari, Chand1dm
:BaJpa1and others f 5 (U1du)
,, 15 28. Dilthaman Smgh to the Kmg. W 111send sepoys to guard the
stock of wood. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 20 D1lthaman Smgh to the Kmg Asks for the supply of cartridge
boxes, bayonets, belts, &c £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 16 30. D1lthaman Smgh to the King Suggests that sepoys may be
sent to Abpore to cut off supplies to the English Camp f 1.
H H 3] Receipt 0£ a payment made to Bem f J (Urdu)
17 32 Statement of d1stnbubon of "ages of officers and men of the
" 45th Regiment f 1 (Urdu )
,, 17-21 3_3-4, Receipts~ of payments made to J agannath and Beni, f,
~. (Urdu)

1857 77-conf11111eil
Jnly 21 36 DJ1tham&n Smgh ruib the C m-C to Bllpply cnrtriilgu,
percmmon caP", bngleo &o f 1 (U rdn)
22 ~6 Re,,e,ptof II payment made to Jagunooth f 1 (Urdu)
26 37 1Innnwwar .Khfuland others complnm that Di!thaDlllll 8mgh,
I;lawnldilr, threntens to degrade them f l (Urdu )
20 88 C m-C direct. the officer ,n Commnn<l of the 45th Rcgunent
to rend • aaruor officer to h,m f 1 (Urdu.)
Aug 3 39 /fa,caldiir D1lthaman Srngh to C m C Aokwfor the onpply
of dooheo for the ho,p1!AL f 1 (Unlu.)
40 Dilthnmo.n Singh acknowledge,, the receipt of onlen from tho
C m-C f I (Urdu.) _
41 1,fl.1d l\os,rn'<l Drn KhAn,TAa,adar, Bad•~rc IOll<UKanm
" Khi!.n Sepoy, who bad attempted <lewrbon f I (T;rdu.)
42 Statement of Kanm Kh~n reg,,rdmg the abo';e dmrge f 1
10 43 DilthAmw Smgh 1/arnldar, to C 111-C A.,u for the aupply
" of m,o<len pogo and bomboo• f I (Urdn)
16 44 Depomt10ne of Balwant Srngh and Daldfo Smgh regnrdmg !ho
we of a horse belonging to !Ia~,m A~"'1nn I Wi K.IJAu f. I
n 46 Dilthman ~mgh to C rn-C
Bn!Mo Smgh to lu ■ court f. 1 (U rdn )
,,m ,end Do!mrnt Smgh and

16 40 Officere and men belonging to tho 45th Regiment to C -1.ll-C

" A,,kfor the payment of their wage,, f J (Urdu)
Bop 2 47 Memo of wages prudto of!i.-er, and men of tho 45th Regiment
f I (Per)
48-9 Receipt. of Po,yn,enh made to Ball T1w&r1 and B<JU
" Qa.,aldar i 2 (Unlu.)
8 60 Stawment of Tiwirl rcg,.rding the o.rre:sl ■ mn<lo Ly
h1tn f I (Urdu)
J, ~ 51 RAm... ha, to C m-C A,k. for the 1t1pply of cartn<lgo Loxr,,,
eheath• and bayonet.. f l (lJnlu ) '
5 52 D1lthoman "rngh to C m-C "·111 nhc\'c thL ncg,ment of
" Volunteer, w the trcnchc■ nt h.1•hnnJ11nJ f I (Unlu)
,, }SI Ii~ C 1D C a ordcr11 nbout nl1unng wITerent COmJ"'"ICO of the
46th Regiment. f l (Urda)
54 D1lthaman Srngh J/ar:aldar, to C 10 C 1' ill =d .cpoy, to
h,m f l (Urdu.)
55 D,1thaman Smi;h Jla,ca/,l,Jr to l, m l, "111 """J• bolf1hon
to tbo trcnche■ al the .Ka•Lm1r Ontc f I (l,r<lu)
56 D1ltbamnn S1ngl1, Jla-.:•ldar, to L 10-t "11! nul-c • nuJ
upon the Engh,h. f l (Urdu)

1857 'i7-ooncluded
57-G0 D1lthnmnn Smgh, lfa10iildcir,to C.-m-C Cannot supp!y
troops m, he is sho1t of them f 4 (U1dn)
Gl D1lth:mrnn Singh to Tnh'yii1 Khfm Reports that one Bu,hiirat
Khanhns dreJmt tlrnt the Kmg will <lcfontthe Eughhll f. 1 (Hrdu.)
--- G2. Diltlinman Smgh to the Kmg "\V1ll collect the fnd t 1
(Urdu) II
63 Thnkmdm to the Krng. A~ks fo1 tho supply of cartudgc boxes
bolts, lmyonot.s, &c. f. 1. (U 1du )

1857 78
:Ms Foll 3 i, vaunus SIZCS
:May 2G 1 Muna,\ wnr Kl!:in, llau ,ilda,, bnggc!,fa, that nn officces p~H in
h1s Company may be snncfaonc<lf 1 (U1<ln) q •

2-3 Lists of clcsc1tcrs fi om Ji'lcrozcpo1c. f 2 (Peu, )

- " 28
Jun 6, 16 4-G llccc1pts of pnJ mcnti, ma<lc to D1Jthaman Smgh and others
£. 3 (Pc1 )
IS 7 Stntemcnt of d1::,t11bntion of w,1gcs of officc1s and mon who
came ft om Fc1ozcporc f 1 (U1<lu)
S-J O lkcc1pts of payments macle to Lachhman and others f.
3 (PCI)
June ~2 11-J 2. Statement of <l1::.tnlmt10nof ,,,ages of officers and men
wLo came from 1?1rozpo1e.f 2 (Pei )
24 13 Iiece1pt of n pnyment nude to Chandi BiiJpai f. 1. (U1du)
,) 1-1-Statement of d1st11huhon of "ages of office11:iaud men who came
£1om Fuozpme. f. 1 (Urdu)
26 15-J 6 Receipts of payments made to Jagannath and Lachhman.
£ 2 (Ui~du) ,
,, 17 l\'.fomo of wnges paid to officers and men of the 45th Regiment,
f. 1 (Pei ) , ..
28 18 1\'.funaw\\nt Khan reports that he has captured 60 sheep
belongmg to the English £ 1 (Urdu) .
,, 19 Chhedidin .BaJpa1reports that he bas emolled 6 sepoys f. L
" (Urdu)
30 20 Statement of chstubut10n of wages of officers and men of the
" regiment that came fiom Fnozpo1e f. 1 (Per)
,, ,, and 21-22 Receipts of payments made to Thakurdin and Jagannath.
July 9 £ 2 (U idu) ~ • .. i;,
,, 9-15, 23-30. Statements of_ d1i:;tribut10n of wages of officers and men
of the 45th Regiment - £ 8. (Per & Urdu ) ,. , ~
- - .. ... ... - ----
" 17-22 31-33 Receipts of payments made .to Thaku1din and othe1s. £ 3.
(Urdu) , ____ _
--- 34 N atnes o.f officers and men with a ce1tarn ~um:. of money -
agamst each. £. 1, (Per )
MB foll 31\, V&nOlll mzea.
lrau, 15 20 1--S Rece,ptcof ]'llymenb! made to Im!aL f 3 (Per &; Urdn.J
U 4-6 Statement of dtotnoution of wages of officer, and men of
the 48th Regiment. f. 2 (Per)
6 Receipt of a payment mado to Imltl f 1 (U rdn.)
25 7-8 Enlatment roll,, of offioert &ndmen of the ,stb Ilog,ment
that e&me from Lnohiow f t (Per)
27 9 C m-C d.irecu the offiw m o0mmand of the -!Sth Regiment to
O®d a oeruorofficerto bun f J (l, rdn.)
,, 29 10 Receipt of a payment made to I ■n1AI f 1 (Urdu)
,, 29 11-18 Stat<ment of distr:ibntion of wage,,of officers and men ef
-July 8 the 48th Regllllent. f 8 (Per I
July 5 14 Receipt of " payment m•de to Ioillll f 1 (Unln.)
,, 7 11 l&---17 Statement of d.ietnbubon of wageoof offioer,, and men cf
tha 48th Regunent. f 8 (Per )
" ll! 18 Reoeipt of a payment lo l ■r!lll f 1 (Per)
,, 15 16 19-20 Statement of dinnbut,on of "8g,ll of offioero and men
of the 48th &guneot f ll (Jier /
» 17 Ill Rece1pbofa payment made to Isrilll. f 1 (Per)
,, 26 22 Commender of the ~8th R,,gtment hM commUD!eated the
orders of the C m-C to his men f I (Tirdn)
Aug 4 28 C m C d1reot. the officer m romIDADdof the 1lnti..hon at
the Old Fort to send to lum the 1\l••Ja who h1'J .eued a mtw:et
belonging to Q.JinlllmRudi S-ar f l (Urdu.)
f4 Depoo:,tion of Dttrgt P,rr,l,.!,l regardIDg •n •n-t>imaao h,1
" hun f. 1 (Urdn )
6 ~6 Sham•her Swirh, JI,,.,ll]d,1, aclcnowledges the rrcmpt oh
J"'noii•• from tho C m-0 f l (Urdn.)
,, 20 26--31 Statement of dutnontion of "'"-g'CI of offieer1and men o!
the 48th Regiment. f 6 (Per )
2a Sil C u,.C '• 1n1trootiona to the officer 1n commandof the 4ill,
" Regiment about the rehevmg of ,o}d,er, flghtwg zn the trenohto ai
KuhanganJ f 1 (Urdn)

1851 so
MS foll 13 J \'UJOIJI 11tta.
Ang 2g 1-S Enrolment lau of oflieeraand men of tbe !Oth n.g..,,ot
f 4 (Per)
4-8 Enrolmettt J,ru of offioero aod men of tbe 20th R~D1ent.
f i (Per)
1857 81
lifS. foll. 73 ; various s1zec: ...
)fay 27 1 RC'cci1)t of n pnJmcnt mnde to SfuajLn,li Smgh. f. 1. (Per )
29 2. C -m-C. directs the officer m command of the Volunteer
" regiment to send gnnrde to the mngnzmc. f. 1. (Urdu.)

June 7 3-4. Officer m command of the Volunteer Regiment is directed

to let a cart bcarmg Larrels of wme pass out of the Lahore Gate. f.
2 (Per.) (Duphcnte)
t,) 9 5 Receipt of a payment ma<le to Durga Smgh £ 1. (Per )
17 6. Statement of d1stubuhon of wages of officers and men of the
" V oluntecr Regiment f. 1. (Per )
,, 7 Receipt of n paJ ment made to Rnm<lhnn Srngh £ l (Per)
",, 21 8 Jtahndur Khiin ancl otheu,, descrte1s fiom Jalandhar, report their
arri"al at Delhi, f 1. (U1du)
2)-3 9-1] Statements of drntr1bnfaon of wages to officers and men of
" the regiment that came from J nlandhar f. 3. (Per )
,, 24 12. Receipt of a payment made to Durga Tnvari £. 1 (Urdu )
25 1~. Ilitliil i\I1sar, Siiba/l(lm, a,ks fo1 the supply of certain artwles,
" nnvil, hammers, files, etc f. 1 (Urdu)
26 14. Receipt of n payment made to Dnrgn Smgh. £. 1. (Urdu)
" ,, l 5. Statement of d1stubufaon of wages of officers and men of the
" Volunteer Regiment £ 1. (Pei )
27 16 C -m-C. dnects the officer m command of the 38th Regiment
to send a semor officer to him £ 1 (U1du)
17. St,1tement of d1stubut10n of wages of office1sand men belong-
" " mg to the Regiment that came from Jalandhar. f. 1 (Urdu)
JI 30 18 C.-m-C directs the officer m co.nmand of the Volunteer
Regiment to send sepoys m 01der to take guns to the Lahore and Kabul
Gates f. 1 (Urdu)
July 1 19 Receipt of a payment made to SmaJbalr Singh. f. I (Urdu.)
,, 2 !O, Statement of d1.,tubut10n of wages of officers and men of the
3~tb Regiment. f. 1 (Per)
21 Receipt of a payment made to l\fah1pat Singh £. l. (Urdu.)
,, ",, 22. Hitlal :M:1sarto C -m-C. Asks for the supply ~ of wooden pegs,
f 1. (Urdu,} "
,, 3-7 2S-4, Receipts of payments made to Mahrpat Singh and Surajbali
Smgh. £ 2 (Urdu )
,, ,, 26,- Account of hospital charges f 1 (Per)
,, g '26 Receipt of a payment made to Mahipat Smgh f, 1. (Per.)
,, 10 27. Hitlal :M1sar asks for the supply of bayonets, oartr1dge boxes.,
sheaths, belts, _etc f 1 (Per )
,, 11 28. Statement of d1stnbatzon of wages officers and men of the
Volun~r Regiment _f. 1 (Per),
i'lls. MUTINYPAP:ims
1851 8I-cont1nr1ed
Jnl1 I! S 2h.9SO Recrupts of payment, made to RAmn•nlJ'llll and 1\Ishm•~
mg f ! (Per) • 1 ·

~l Statemonb of du,tribnhon of wage,, of officers and men who

came from Jalsndbar f 1 (Per ) •
,, 13 32 Receipt of a p•yment made to SnrnJ huh Srngh f 1 (Per)
,, l~ 22. 33-5 S!aoomen!,r of <ll6tnbutrnn of Wllge• of offioel'IIand mon of
the V olnnteer Regiment. f 3 (Per )
16 36 Receipt of a payment made to Mnh1pnt Singh. f 1 (Per) '
17 37 SnmJbali Smgh to C m-C, for the supply of doohcs
f 1 (Per)
18 38 Statement of w.tn1mhon of woge,,of officers nnd men of the
36th Regiment. f 1 (Per)
20 39 C m-C ilireot& the offirer in commnnd of tbo Volunteer
Regiment to make a rrud upon the Fnghsb on tLo n<lga f l (Unla)
22 40 Receipt of a pnymont 01•de to :lfah1pat Srngb f l (l nlu.)
26 41 C m C directs the ofhcer m oommon<lof the Yoluntror Rogi
ment to send one ocmor officer to 1nm f 1 (UrJ1L)
28 42 DnrgopU Srngh SR/x,U"r ncl.nowlc<l;,""' tho rec1,pt of llil
order from the C m C f l ( I rtln )
~ D!tlal MlBar $&bl,,,/ar, •ol.nowle<lgcs the receipt of an order
from the(' m C f l (l'rdu)
,, 20 44 Dmgoplll Smgb to General [T4h').lr] .A.b thnt t,..o
&,,car, muy be ocnt to ....,,t m tninsportmg oartnm guiltv pcnioDJ
ac.-theJnmna f 1 (llnla)
Ang 6 46 B,tlll "\J1,.,. acknowle<lg°" the receipt of or<lcra from tbo
C m-C f I [l rdn)
'1 ~6 C rn (., direct, the officer&Ill common<l of the JOth R,g,ment
to muroh to the trenoLCIIat once f 1 (Ur<ln)
13 47 Dnrgll.Smqb, Commander of !ho 30th Regiment .ICl<nowlc<lgeo
" the receipt ofan order from the C m-C f 1 (Ur<lu.} ,
16 4S Commender of the 30th Volunteer Rcgimeut toPorl• that 1111
men •re flghhng m the h'enchc, at Kulungang f l (Unln}
,, 40 Offi<ell<and men of the 30th Volunteer Regiment agree ,nth
the Rmg that Jlak,,. Ahd!nu I Jah ,J,onld i,e rolCllffll f l (Urdu)
, ,,, ]O 60-00, Stnlcmcnt of <l1Htn1mhon of ,,,of officcu ancl men of the
Regiment that cnmo from Jolnn<lhor f ll (Per)
,, 22 01 C m-C.'• malruchoJtJ1 tu the officer tn Comm,nd of !ho
Yolantccr Regiment li'gordtng the <lisl"""hon• of hu men f I (Ur,lu J
., 20 G2--03 C ID C , m.trudwn,i nbont tl,c rol10YJnhof SeJ"'1' JO Iba
!tcr1chc-, nt h.i.,bonb,..nJ f 2 (Duphcnle, Urdu)
M(•) !v,J Smbb mll cnrrr onl the onler o( the C 10 C
(h) Duri;l Srngb mll cnrry out the or<lor o! the (, 1n.C f 1

1857 81-concluclecl I_ •

Sept. 3 Go C -m-C'. clhccts the oflicei m commnncl of the Volunteer

Regiment fo mnrch to tho i1onchcs at K1::,h11nga11J f 1 (Urdu.)
,, • GG. Receipt of -n payment maclc to ~heoliil Smgh. £ l. (Per)
",, 4 07. C -m-C 's JJl!:>b
netions to IIitlii.l i\1isai about the rnlicvmg-of
sepoy,:;m the hcnchci:, at K1-,haugan.1,f. 1 (U1du.)
,, 5 GS Dmg;t Smgh, Commnn<lc1of the 3Gt_!iRcg1mcnt, to the Kmg
Abks fo1 the i,npply of tents f I (U 1 du)
7 GO nmgfi Smgh acknO\dcdgcb the ·1cceipt of 01dc1s fiom the
" C -m-C f 1 (U1du)
JJ 8 70(a) 'l'hc Comt of 1'Intmcc1-rduccts Dmga Smgh, eommander
of the Yolnntcc1 Rcgnnent, to gtlc\Hlthe IImduu brnlge.
(b) Dmga Singh 1<, unable to cairy out tho above 01der as most
of hi::,men me ill f. 1 (U1du)
,, JJ _71 Dmg,1 Smgh fmthe1 C'\.pl.1111s"hy he 1s unable to carry out
the ubo,c 01<le1of the Comt, f. 1. (U1dn)
72 St,1temcnt of dist11lmt10nof" ages of oilicc1s and men of tho
3Gth lkgimcnt f 1 (Pei )
73 Durg,mJ Singh, llawaldii,, to the C -m-C Inqmres whether
he 1s to maicli to K1.,hang,mJ 01 hend 1cmfo1cements to the KotwlilL
f 1 (U1du)

1857 82
MS foll 18 ' l>IZCJ 1il"- x 11"
Enh~tment 1oll of officc1san<l men bclongrng to the ~8th Regiment.
f. 18. (Per)

1857 83
:;\f S foll. 53, vauous sizes
June 14 1. Receipt of n payment made to Sheoba1at Ram f 1. (U1du)
17 2 Statement of distribution of wages of the officeis and men of the
" 15th P,eg1ment f 1 (Pei )
,, 18 3. Receipt of a payment made to Sheobarat Ram.£ I. (Urdu.)
,, - 19 4 Hanuman -T1warito the C -m-C Asks that lodgmgs and medical
aid may be provided £o1the wounded f 1 (U1du)
,, 5-o Receipts of payments made to Walidad Khanand othe1s f. 2,
" (Pei ) e
,, ' 20 7. The Commander of the 15th Regiment asks fo1 the supply of
coolies to iemove a dead camel f l (U1du)
23 8 Statement of dist11but10n of wages of the officers and men of
" the battalion that came fiom Nasnabad f 1 (Per)
Z4 1l Bhagrath 1\1:iearto the C,-m-C Asks that the muskets that ha~
beeu 1eLurnedmay be 1epaued . f, 1, (U1du)
. , ~.._. ll.

1857 88-cont,nued •
June 25 l 0 BhAgrath J.fuar ~rt■ that tho men of lu■ baltalloo an, averu
to being removed to other regnneot■ pray■ that 1u,, battalion may bt
allowed to otand •• ,t 10 f l (Urdu.)
, 11 Statement of dirln1mtion of miges of the olllcerr andmon of
the Hth Regiment. f 1 (Per)
,, 20 12 Gang,l.Smgh, Sw&>l11iar aai.. the C 10 C to ucerlaio whethotr
the .Wemeot IDAde by two Sikh Sepoy■ that the Engmh have reaoh"1
Karnal 10 correct.f. I (Urda )
29 lS-15 Statement■ of ilistnlmbon of wages of the offioen and
men of the Regiment thalj,came from NOB1rabadf. 3 (Per)
Joly l 16 BbAgrath MWtr to the C m-0 !R"'l.llelto that the mn■ket■ the
were aent for repair may he returned f. l ( Urdu.)
1 17 Bhagrath to the C 1.0C Request ■ that qaarlera may be
prondoo for lua men f. 1 (Urda )
,, 18 Statement of dLBtn'but,on of ,rages of the officers and men of
" ihe 15th Regiment f I (Per)
4 19 BbAgrath llhaar to the C 1.0-C R"'.l_a_esl:a that the ma■bt■
th&t wore oent for repair may he returned f I ( Urdu.)
,, 6 20 Bh!grath ?,I,.,.r to the C m-C Request■ that while dutribttf.lng
eweet,, to other regunent■ the oL!!m of Ju. regiment may not be or(?
looked. f I (Urda.)
,, 7 2L Statement of dl.Otrilmtion of wage. of the ofllcera and men of
the Regnnent that came from Namahad. f 1 {Urda )
10 22 Same u no 10 above. f. l (Unla)
l3 IIB BhAgrath Mum.rreturn• a mU11ketthat hu u=mo ansernce-
able ancl Mko for a new one. f I (Per)
14 24 The C 1.0C direct■ the officer■ m command of the 2.,d
Battahon to ""nd remforcement,, to 1Ial)nmmacl Dakht Khan f 1
16 26 Statemoot of dtrlnoahon of '"'gea of the officer■ andmen
of the 16th Regiment f I (Per)
26 List of papeno petitions, &.c reo..iroo from Ilhlgrath ~hnr
" and other■• f 1 (Per )
27 Statemenu of cmtnbatioo of m1gesof the officer■ and men of
" " the battnltoo that came from Naruabatl f 4 (Per)
18 28 Bhlgrath :M,nr return■ the ialli, t ■opplt"1 to the ttgtmtnl,
.. ,t l"" oent mthoot ougnr f l (Urdn.)
19 29 lllilirbln K.h&nncl.:no,rledges the rteelpt of the order from tb•
" the O m-C f I (Urda.)
U 50 llhlgmth J,h.... r to the C -In C Reqnetta that amm=Uon mar
" be ■upplled l 1 (Urdu.)
26 .'}l O in C dJttcl.■ the Com=der of the 15th Regiment lo ,..,d
" 11 RDJOr officer to hlm f 1 (Urda.)

1857 88-contiwued
July 29 31. C.-in-C dnects the Commande1 of the 16th Re~iment to-
nccompany the Nnnach £01ce on 1ts expedition to Ahpore. f. 1.
,, 32 Bhiigrnth :M1c:n,r st.ntes tl1at luc;men me £-tmvmg m the trenches;
" nskc;fo1 the supply of pmchecl gmm. £ l (Urdu.)
Aug. 1 :'33 Parsnn Srngh 1 eqncsts the C -m-C to send 10 elephants m order
to convey tentc. to the facnches £ 1 (U1du)
,, 34, Gop:-il, Ifau,nlilii.r, to the C -m-C. Aske; that a dooly may be
c;ent. f. l (U1dn)
,, 9 35. BLagrath :M1sit1enqnn cs "betbe1 he 1i; to ieheve the Nimach
£01ce or mnke n, mid npon the Engh.,h f 1 (Urdu)
,, 13 36 Gopiil, lla1oaldar, to the C -m-C. Reqnec;ts that ammunition
may be supplied f 1. (U rclu ) _
17 37 BhaO'mth 1'I1sftlsays that J1e"ill 1 eport the p1oceedmgs of the "
" Court m the° smt T1lok Smgh ,i,ersusFath Singh f 1. (Urdu)
,, 29 38. Hnmkhlal T1ibed1 asks fo1 the supply of ammunition. f. 1.
Sep~ 8 39 Ganga Smgh to the C -m C Ac;ks that hJS men who are fightmg
in the trenches ncross the Jmnna may be 1eheved £ l. (U1du.)
Sept. 10 40. The C -m-C dnects the officei m command of the 2nd Battalion
to send rcmfo1cementi; to the Knshmn Gate f l (Urdu)
11 41. Gopmim, S1ibahrlii1, asks fo1 the supply of ammumtion. f. I.
" (Urdu)
,J 42. Ganga Smgh to the C -m-C Requests thn.t 30 coolies and Id
" sappers and mmeis mn.y be sent immediately. f. I. (Urdu.)
,, 12 43 The C -m-C dnects the office1 m command of the 55th
Reg1ment to ma1ch to the Kashmn Gate f l. (Urdu.)
13 44. Gop1ramto the C -m-C Asks fo1 the supply of ammumtion f. I.
" (U1du.)
45 B~agrath .M1sa1asks £01 the supply o:f camels £ l (Urdu)
46 Bhiigrath :i\f1sa1ieports that he has sent two compames to the
trenches f 1 (Urdu )
47 Bbagrath lVfisa1 to the C -m C Asks fo1 the grant of passport&
to certam carters £ 1 (Urdu ) -
48 Bhagrath :M:1sa1 to the C -m-C Asks for the supply of tent,.
f ] (Urdu)
49 Bhagmth M 1sar to - the C.-m-C Says that he will sind reinforce-
ments to the Lahoie Gate £ 1 (Urdu) . -
50 Lal Khan, Subaltdiir, acknowledges the ieceipt of certain
orders from the C -m-C f. 1. (Urdu)
51 List of names of several persons :f. 1 ( Pei )
52. Statement of rustnbufuon of the wa,ges of the qfficersand mell
that ~me from Jaipur. f -1. (Per,) -

1857 83-oonolud~a
5, The s.&rltdiir of the 15th,ment t,, the C-m-C &yo that h
ml! oend II oemor offi= to rumf l (Urda.) •

1857 84
MS foll 27, vsnona AUeO.
June 5-17 1-9 Re,,npbi of payment,, made to Mir Banda 'A.IIAndother,,
f 9 (Per)
18 10 Memo of 1IUge9 to be paidto the officen and men tht came
from Labore f J (Per )
!' 18- 11-14 l!eceipt,, of payment. rnnde to Ranjlt Smgh and othen. f ,f
JaJy 7 (Per)
,, 7, 11 16-IIJ Memos. of m,gco to be pcud to the office111
and men that
=e from Wore, f 2 (Per)
12 17 Rece:pt of a payment ronde to Gang! i':nngh.i l (Per)
,, 15 17 18-19 lltemos of miges to be prud to the officen ,md men that
came from Lahore. f 2 (Per )
,, 17 21, 20-l Rec01pts of poyment. nwle to Gang! Smgh f 2 (Por)
26 22 The C •m C direct- the officer 1n comnu.nd of the I;Im!unl
llattalion to oend ~ oeruor officerto brm f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 80 23 D!ipOSltio~ of different dmnollJ of the a,poy,, (of the 1'6th
Regiment] f I (Urda.)
Atig 8 24 The C in C directo the o(llcor ID comm&nd of the 10th Reg!
rnent to ba rendJ f J {Urdu.) ~
22 25 Officer in commnnd of the 10th Regiment lo the C in-C .tl.1h
for the BUpplyof .,J,,,,, rartr,Jg,, boseo belt,, etc. f J {Per)
Sep 2 26 Memo of nge. to be J"Udto officeni and men of !be lCth
llegt. f 1 (Per)
7 27 Officer m c<immnnd of the 10th Regiment to the C~in.C A■b
£or the lllpply of <:nrtrulgeboxett,belt., b:>J onet. clo f I (l'or)

1857 85
:MS foll 48 '111no111
May 1 1 Enrolment lJJt of oepoy• under Pnnce MM •A~lm f !
24 2 The King to the Offietr11 of the l!oth Ueg,ment. D,rrctt thmi
" to reroo~e the regunent ■ome,rhCTO ontllde the <ity f 1 (Per)
27 8 Officor■ of the 20th Regiment to llm:il. Alrol Il=n. Ai\. for the
oupply of arm• f l (Por )
J"une 10- 4-10 Reco,pt. of payment. made to '\1lnl "liil)d AW IJ- 11,
Sep 2 1~nkr Panhld o.ndother■• i lS (Per)
J"une H 17 The C ,n-C to the ol!iccrs of the iGth Rt1'.:U"~
them to ho prep,'""1 to mttt !ho tntmy lit the .luJhmfr
• •
1857 B5-oonfi111tfd
July 15,- 18-10 L1sts of ofi1cers of the 20U1 Regiment mth n, sum of money
noted ngmnst the name of ench. £ 2. (Pei.)
,, 19 20. OfHcerBof the 20tl1 Regiment to the C.-m-O. Intimate that
they nie 1cndr to lenve the ticnchcs but that they n.ppiehend a
distmbnucc f. 1 (Urdu)
9.,7 21. The C -m-C. to the ofliceis of tLe 20th Regiment Summons
one of them to hl!:ICom t f 1. (Urdu )
Aug. 7 22. Chancli Din, Sitbalular, 20th Regnnent to the C -m-C Requests
him fo supply 8 O::\.Cnfo1 transportmg nmmnmt10n to the tienches
nt Qucls1yn, Bagh £ 1 (Urcln)
8 23. The C -rn-C to the officc1sof the 20th Reg1me11t. Directs them
" t.o send the 1eg1ment to the trenches nt Qudsiya Bagh (Ve1so: the
office1s say that they n10 10akmg prepamfaons for gorng the1e). f. 1.
JJ ,, 24. The C -m-C. to Clmndi Din, fnibahdii.r, 20th Regiment. Dnects
1nm to send half of his men outside the city :md fight the English with
the 1emurnmg half f l. (Urdu)
,, 25 Chnndi Din to the C -in-C. Requests him to send 40 oxen
" togethe1 "1th auns nnd ammumtion. f. 1. (U 1du)
,, 17 26. Chandi Din to the C -m-C Requests him to send 1emfo1ce-
ments f. 1. (UHlu)
24 2 7 Chandi Din to the C.-m-C. Requests him to send 3 ca1ts. f. 1.
" -(U1du)
Sep. 28 Chancli Din to the C -m-C Says tlmt 1£remfo1cements a1e not
sent up the day "111 he lo~t. £. l (U1du }
1 2,9. Chnndi Din) Sftbaluliir of the 20th Regiment to the C -m-C.
" Reque&ts lum to 1elense his brotbe1 who has been a11ested. f. l.
,, 9 30 Officers of the 20th Regiment to the C -m-C Ask for orde1s
for the ieg1ment posted at the other s1<le of the Jnrnna b11dge to
change 1tc:pos1faon f 1 (U1du)
31. Charnli Din to the C -rn-C Requests him to supply bis men
" " with sweets f 1 (U 1du )
32 Chandi Din to• the C -m-C. Asks that some diggers may be
" " sent te him.£. 1, (U1du)
33. Chand1 Din to the C -m-C. Intimates that i£ rnmforcements
" " are not :forthcommg his men mll start-fo1 home f. 1 (U1du)
1-' 34 Chandi Din to the C -m-C. Acknowledges the receipt of a,
" patwiina!t £. L (U1du)
~5 The C -m-C to the officers of the 20th Regiment. Direets them
" " to send 2 compames to gua1d the J(ashhur Gate. f. 1 (Urdu.)
18 36 ::Mangal Singh, Subnltdii1 oJ the 20th Regiment, to the C.-in-C.
" Requests him to send iemf01cements at once f ) (Urdu )
14 37 Ganga Din, Subalular of the 20th Reg1menti to the C.-m-C.
" Requests_hun to send reinforcements mth some gunners. f. 1 (U1du)
102 MlJTlNY PWlllUI

1857 So-conolwW
88 Chand, Din, to the C rn-C .\clmowlei!gee the receipt of hur
f'4'1Da#aA f. I ,(Urdu./
89 Chandr Dm to the C m C Reque.18 him to ,mpply prormont
and men f l (Urdu.)
_,__ 40 HA.Ii~IJ•..,, 'Al! 1lH•d1 of tho :Wth Regiment, to tho C 1n-C
Pray. for a po.t nnder h,m f I (Urdu.)
41 Iltihr KhAn, '.r,.,adilr,
.to the Kmg A..b for the wage:,of1,.
men. f 1 (Urdn)
42 Kli.rlm Bak!Joh, HAlrun 'AU and nthero t-0 the C m C Sond
a Jut of ]Don who ha\ o been l,lled m action f 1 (Urdu.)
48-4 Liot. of oflicerw and men of tho 88th Rcg,mont. f. .3
4!i Prmce Ml,td 'A11m to the O m-C Form,rd., petitron, o£ J.lhd
SluhAbu'd Dm Shai!,h Mulµ,Illllla(l and other employ6, of ,the Ctutom
Ilome and recommend, their CMe for oonl!ldernbon f l (Urdu)
46 RllDlµn 'Ah, CJapra" to the C m C for holp to Lnng
the treasure from Hnrnn. f 1 (Per)

1857 86
MS foll 58 TimoUB me,,
ltfoy 2/i- 1-15 St.temento of ,rnge, of the 13th Rcgrmont l 10
::!ep 2 (Per)
Juno B-- 16--,1 1l.ece1pt,, of l"'ymcnts ma<lo to ~fn-zl Sal!4n Beg, Kbadl
July 16 Btlh,h and otlors. f 16 (Per)
1nne 20 62 LtBt of paper,,relating to the woge,, •nd other pnr!1cul•r1 or
the 13th Regiment. f 1 (Per)
28 88 The C m C to the officer,, of tho l 8th Regiment. Son<l•
remfo,cemon!B for the tronc!,co f 1 (Unlit)
20 84 The C m C to the ofilcer,o of the 13Ui Regiment. Ccn11t1rct
them for n, t send,ng their regiment to the trenches ,t Qadnya .IJAgh
and oumu:one one of them to thu Court.
(Vor.., Kbnda llnkb•h Colonel of the regiment, ,mhm,t. that they
hne not 1'00)lrednn) partro•aA to that effect) f l (Urdu.)
July 10 85 Khuda llnkb>h, Colonel of !Le 13th Htgtm<nt, to tL< King
Sabm1bl a report on the result of hL'I lnq111n<oabout the desertion or
Ruoldar Qnland>r Bnkb,,h (Vcr,o the h1ng- orders him to ,end Dullil
nnd M1tn1 Smgh who bnre L<cn cl,nrgcd mth connlronre at the
Rualdar', deoerhon) f 1 (Urd1L)
~0-7 ',tntement• of 1Jnlla and Mlhn1 Smg-b refcrttd to aborc
foll 2 (Urdu.)
20 38 Tl,a C ln C to the officer,, of the 13th 11,g,menL !>nmrt1nn•
ono of them to bi,, Court. f I (Urdu.)
1!7 30 Sul>Mn, Sepo) to the C m-C Ucport• tbnt a ~r of lbt
Volnnt,or Regiment hns mnm nrtirlto of the mnJ:lldne '" ho< I""
-OD f 1 (Urdu.)
1857 86-conlluded
July 2!'1 JO [ Tht' C.~inC ] in the oflicl't" of the l:3th Regiment Summo111
them fo tht• Laho1e Gnte f. ] (U1<ln)
,, ~l 11-2. Khud:1 Bakl, ...h, 8iib11lulii1 of the 13th llcgnnont, to the
-Aug.~ C -m-C A..,J....,for '-,lllt•tion m 1cgard to the \\age., to he paid to Urn
1w,, h ci,h ...ted bt'po, '- f 2 (Urdu)
Aug. 7 13 'J'he C'.-m-G to the 00icc1f. of the 13th Rcguncnt Ash.8
themtogotofhctu..•11the ... f l (l:Hlu)
,, ·11 Kaui, a11Smg-lt, S,ibalidiir of the l:Jth Rcguncnt, to the C -m-C
Ila, i-eP11"<lllH',S,11r,in w1th mmeJ..,, '-ll'-J>Cl'f~that thcc;c camel" belong
to th1• Sarl,ir although thl.! Sutrtirs ,,c:...,•it th,1i the, lm,c been
h, plnmlc1 ft1llll the En~Jt._Ji f ] (U rcl11)
12 Jj Gnngt1 Di11,S1ilaltd,ir of the 13th Jicguncnt, to the C.-in-C
" A'-k'- }um to nppomf g-tt:m]., to \\,1ft-li the uh ,,.tll ,1,; it Ji. a.pp1chcnded the ]~Jtgli,h would t Jtle1 the c1lJ L3 i-c.thng 1t f 1 (Urdu)

,, 4ti. The C -m-C t n tlw 11f1iu!1-, of the I:H h HeJ1mcnt Asks }um
fo mal..c ,irrangemcnt-. to 1cl1e,c f11c hghtmg comp.uues at 1eac;onnble
mtcnal-. f 1 (Urdu)
.,.. I Vi' :\lhd ~fu,h.uud-Din, Rts(ll,'<ir of the 1,{th Regiment, to the
C •m-C Jkpotf.., tli.-1.tfht• N11n.1c.h.rncl B:uc11lv fo1cec; will sfmt fo1
Ahpur .1ml ] rc,pN..tJ\eh , a.,J..i-- fo1 Oie \\,tgcc; of }us men f 1.
1S Oflltc1'-of the J:Hh Heg1mcut to the C.-m-C 1Y1llBend 50
S,uriin t,, lum f 1 (T.7rd11)
1-9 SlunklJ Khm1n lhkhc:h, Colonel of the lSth Rcgunent, to the
C 111-C Achnm\ Jeclgc... tl1c 1ecc1pt of n, J>anu711ahordcung the
Hegnncnt io go i.o the Ajmc1 G,tfc i l (U1cln)

1857 87..
MS foJI !Jj ; vauouc; c;i1es
1fay 22, 1-2 L1<;t,;of office1s nnd men of the Jnlcc;a,1 Regiment
with the
Aug 20 imm of money to he p:ud to each noted ngamc;t each name f 2.
:May 24- 3-10 Receipts of pnymentc; made to Sheo Dayiil Sukul, Thakur'
Sep. '2 Sukul and othc11, f 8 (Pei & U1<lu)
.May 26- 11-13 Emolment hc;ts of the Jalesn.1 Regiment f 26. (Pei)
June 16
June 16- 14 - 23 Statements of wages of the Jalesa1 Regiment f. 20,
July 15 (Per)
June 16 - 24 The C -m-C to the officers of the Jalesa1 Regiment Duects
them and the sepoys to attend to then duties f 1 (U 1du )
,, 18 1 2,Ci Officms of the Jalesa1 Regiment to the C -m-C They aie
st:artmg for the benches at the 'Idgah f J (Urdu)
,, 22 26 Ba.Ji Lal and Daya Ram, $ubahdiirs of the Jalesar Regiment,
· to the (' -m-C. Ask fo1 a gun with ammurut10n f, 1. (Urdu)


1857 87-confinul!d
June 20 27 TAu' Ydr Kbt'ln,Sllbo.hdAr Maior of the Jalesar Regm,ent, to
the C m-0 S..ya that there 1• no one rn the regiment beonng the na1ne
either of 'Ali JAn or Plr Kht'ln f l (Urdu) '
27 28 DnrgA P[nde, Havildu :li!aior of the Jalesar Regiment, lo
the C m-C Aab for the onpply of erl.toleo regmred for the mutbery
f. I (Urdu.)
20 29 The C m C to the officel'IIof the JaleoarHegunent. .A.b them
to lltlnd ell th •urplllB tent,, to him (Verw. olllcel'II of tho Jaleonr
Regunent ""Y that they have no our_p!W1 tenta.) f. l (Urdu.)
July 1 30 TAh YD.rKhan, Subahdar Mr.Jar of the Rl!gllllent, to
the C m (, Ie gomg out m aeoroh of the &e_poyawanted by bun f l
, 31 OfficeN. of the Jaleao.r Regiment to Cot Mm.ff. 'Abdo'l-!Ah
Aok for the wages of 25 coohet, water-earner., etc. f l (Lrdn.)
2 ~t The C m-C to '!'uh YAr Kh!n Cen.ureo !um for not attending
" h10 Court. (V er<o, Daya RAm end Durga PAD<lo,Sil,,z~dar1, my that
TAh YArKhm h .. gone to the Court) f l (Urdu.) -
0 83 Offioere of the Jaleoar Regunent to the C m-C Aok !um to
send 60 coohes for diggmg a trenoL for pro!Mbon from ram f l
10 34 T41i' YA'r Kh!n to the C m-C Aelii him to proTide l,,ef and
mutton for the NWIBlman recrtnu. f l (Urdu.)
10 86 HlrA Lill Dnhl, Sepoy of the Jaleanr Reg,meut, to the Kfog
Reports thnt h1• muaket and pooch ero out of order; pmyo to h<!
.-apphed mth new one• f l (Urdu )
17 80 Dnrg,l. PAndo Hon1da~ Major to tho C 1n-C A ■\:s !um to
aupplv the a.rt,des reqmred for the m1ithen f I (Urda.)
J7 Unrgt Pdnde HMiltLir Maio• to tho C m-C Aiu him to
,opplv the newh enhrled ,epoy• w,th arm• f l (Ur<la)
20 38 Tlli' \ fu Kl.inn, '\ubnhclar :M•jor 0£ the 1•l<'WlrRegunent, to
the C m C Request.a him to repl■ cc 2 Lrol.en I,) now on.._
f I (Unlu)
24 30 Pnade B&i1Llil ond Srl,dd"" or tLo Jalt1111rRei:,
ment, to 1lto C ,n-C A,k him to prnn,le tho guard. on duly mth
nmbrelln• f l tUrdn.)
,, 20 40 The C 1n-C to the officer■ of the Jnleso.r RcgimenL Sammo11J
one of them to lru Court.f l (Urdu )
28 41 Shanlcar Piin<le Sibollll•r of the Jal-r Regiment, lo the
C m-C n .. oent the men reqmrctl f 1 (Urdu)
Ang S 42 :\hm Ab<lul lnh, Colonel 0£ the J•l<Sllr lt,i:hn,al, to l'j
C m C A,k, !um to ""JlP!) tbo art,cies requlre<l for the •mllhl'f) r

43 DllrgA Pdnile, H~•il,hr :\f•ior or the J.Jo,u TI~lm•t• ~bit
C Ill C Send, n 1,,t <>[b'111rd•..-ho haw Leen ~ at &f: I"
1857 87-conaluded
Aug 0 44 The C -m-C. to the office1 of the J alesar Regiment. The
regiment Is to assemble at the A3mer Gate before ma1chmg to the
faenches at KishanganJ. f I (Urdu)
14 45 Pa1shan Dube, sepoy m the Ja.Iesa.r Regiment, to the C-m-C.,
" Requests him to pay his wages fo1 10 clay:, so that he may be able
to brmg his £am1ly to Delhi f 1 (U1du)
)5 46. rrhe C-rn-C to the officers of the Jalesa1 Regrment. Asks them
" to send a Company to the faenches at Quds1ya Bagh f 1 (U1du.)
16 47 1he C-111-C. to the office1s of the J<1,lesa1 Regiment Censmes
" them fo1 then delay m sen<lmg the ieg1ment f. 1 (U1dn)
,, 26 48 The C -m-C to the officers of the J alesa1 Regiment F1ghtmg has
begun at Ahpm, asks them to mJ,rc,hthere f 1 (U1du)
Sep 1 49 D:mga Pantle, Havildat l\faJ01, to the l -m-C Reporti, that
S1yahbmJ has been destioyed by the enemy, asks for remfo1cements.
f 1 (Urdu)
50 :Mn~a 1\1:hd Abdul-lab, Colonel of the Jalesa1 Regiment, to
" " the C -m-C Asks him to snpplr tents and 200 coolies f. 1 {U1du)
,, 3-6 51-3 Dma Ram, $i,balidiir n.nd other men of the Jalesa1 Regiment,
to the Kmg or the C -m-C P1c1y for the giant of passpo1ts to then
relatives who rntend to go to then 1espective homec; f. 3 (Urdu.)
,, 8 54 ~fh1a :M11d Abdu'l-lah, Colonel of the J alesa1 Re~1ment, to the
C -m-C A~k., Lim to supply Dmga. Pantle, Hav1l<la.1l\1ajo1, with guns,
ammumt10ni:: and 200 sacks f 1 (Urdu)
55 The C -m-C to the office1s of the J ale1,a1 Regiment D1rects
" " them t~ send the regiment to S1yah BurJ whe1e the enemy's attack
,, IS apprehend~d f 1 (U1dn )
" 10 56 Dma Ram, $zibahdiir of the Jalesar Regiment, to the C -rn-C
" Asks h1m to supply 50,000 sacks and send coolies to 1epa1r Sryah BmJ
which has collapsed f J (U1du)
57 The C -m-C to the office1s of the .Talesa1 Regiment Asks them
" " to send a Company' to the benches at Quds1ya Ragh f 1 (U1du.)
11 68 BaJi Lal Naik, $ftbahdar of the .Tale.,ar Regiment, to the
" C -m-C Reports that the soldiers have fled nom the field, and the
entrances of the city are mthout gna1 de,, asks fo1 the supply of ti oops.
£ 1 (U1du)
12 59 'l'he C.-m-C. to the office1s of the Jalec:ar Reg1ment D11ects
" them to guaid the' tienches at the Kasbmn Gate f 1 (Urdu)
13 60 The C -m-C. to the officers of the Jalesa1 Regiment Asks them
" to send a Company to the tienrbes at K1sha.nganJ f 1 (U1du)
61 Thal-.m Smgh and othe1s to the C-m-C Are anx10us to se1ve
under him as the s~poys of the Jalesa1 Regiment aie Jealous of them
f. I (U1du)
62, Thaknr Smgb anrl othe1s to the C •m-C Ask him to supply
guns, and assmes h1m that the Kasbmu Gate will be p1opeily defended,
f. l. (U1du)
1E57 88
.MB 87, vanora mes.
May 27 1 Officen, of the 11th Regiment to Colonel Miru Snhtdb Jong
A,,lc him to rnpply them mth ammombon menbone<l ID the letter
f 1 (Per)
28 2 8"1y,d Um!Ao 'Air Poymaeter of the llth Regiment, to
Colonel Mu-zt Subrab Jang Aa~• lrnn to l"Y the wnge, of Im men
fl(Par) '
June 2- 3-IP Receipta of payment. made to ?llinA Snll,4n Btg
Sap 2 Jang and othen, f 17 (Per & Urdu.)
June 3- 20-3S Stotemente of the nge,, of the I Ith Regiment f l q
Sep 2 (Per)
June Ii 30 Officera of the 11th Regiment to the CID C Appcnl ogom•t
the reduction of da,ly wngc,, and thooo of their men f 1 (Unlu J
,, 40 1'Iri.n Kh!n fl•baliiar of the llth Regiment to Colonel ~l11JA
Snhrtb J&og Aoh for the rnpply of fodder for 30 oxen of tl,o
~lagtwno f 1 (Per )
11, 41 2 Bi.Lambnr Smgh aud .MAn K.hdnSHi,,,U,m of the llth Reg,
15 ment, to the C m C A•k Lun to po) R, 1,004 bc,ng the mig,.-. of
the regunent for 4 duyo f 2 (Per)
JO 43 The C 1D-C to the 11th Regiment Ash them to post tbmr
" men ot vanous placco mentiune<l 111the letter f 1 (Urdu.)
20 44 The C m C to the officen, of the llth R,,;tmenf A,lo them
" to oend 4 Compomea to the tronche,i •t QuiLnyn Bogh (Ver,o,r, /.,,, adnr '"'Y" that the "hole n,gtment 1w, gone to tho
trencheo •t Moburok Bogh f 1 (Per)
4b Tbe C 1D-C to the officers o! the l1tl, Regiment ~llAlreo tbom
for not oendmg 4 Cominmea to the trench.,._ (Veno Il1,h1mbor Smgb,
$Q6,Ac/ar of the 11th Regiment, '"'Y" thnt 4 Com ram"" hare J:Ollllo
the trencheo f l (Urdu)
24 40 n..hombor Smgh nod 1'ldn Khdn, $w/,alclar, to Colonel Muu
" Sohrob Jani:: A,J.:for the gmnt of mn10tcnnnco •llol'l'llnro to the
family of Pir Bo!Jish, $•6al,,c/,ir b1Ie<l10 oehon f I (Per)
47 Il1'hombor S10gh ood ;lhn Khdn $w6aUnrt to Colonel l\hrzfl
" " Sobr!b Jong .Aok !um to l"'Y ll, 1,182 bc10g the WDgt'II of the
regiment f l (Per)
2a 48 Il11hnmbnr Swgh ood '14n liJJln, $,,1,al,c/ar,, to lLo C lo-C
" Soy tbot the report of plunder of• Oa•dlri , hou,c L) the Sq,<,71"
not bued on fad• f 1 (Vrdn)
Juno 27 i9 [The C 1n-C J to tho ofliccu of !Le 11th Reg,menL Dirttlo
them to let ¼ Lullocl corta I'"" through the AJmtt G,tc. f 1
29 ~O Il1ohambor Smgh $•la!Jur, of the I Ith R"l,'lmeot, to the
C In C h go10g to the tnneh<r f l (Urdn)
1857 BB--contin'lted
June 20 51 B1ohamba1 Srngh, $itbahdiir of the 11th Reg1me11t, to the
C -m-C Repo1ts that Jagaunath Smgh, Sepoy, has been wounded by
Laka1 wan Smgh, a guaid at the A3me1 tiate f J (Urdu) ,....
,, 30, 52-3 TI1sbambai Srngh ,1Ild :Man Khfm, $ub{tlula1s of the 11th
July 15 Regiment, to the C -rn-C Say tliat they warned the sepoys agq.mst
molestmg the people, aie unable to check those iesidmg outside the
city. f 2 (Uidu)
July 11 54 Bishamba1 Smgh and 1\15.nKhan, $i"tbahda1 s of the 11th
Regiment, to the C -m-C Report the sudden death of Buh1an Srngh
who shot Jagannlth Smgh dead f I (-q:r<lu)
55 Bu,hamb,n Smgh and J\1an Khan, $ubahda1s of the 11th
" " Regiment, to t be C -m-C A10 unal le to Hnpply cases fo1 guns , they
,. may be obfame<l f1o~ the 13th Heg1meut f J tPe1 )
)) JJ 56 B1shamha1 Smgh and riifan Khan, Sitbahdars of the 11th
Regiment Aie unable to supply ewpty rncks fo1 gunpowde1 , bauels
can be sent rf iequned f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 5 7 The C -m-C to the ofilce1s of the 11th Regiment Dnects them
to •1elease the men bclongmg to the contiado1 fo1 mtouc.1nts who
have been a,nested by the sepoys f 1 (U 1du )
)) 12 58 B1shamba1 Srngh and l\fan Khan to the C -m-C Ask lum to
pay Rs 1,505 berng the wages of the 1eg1ment £o1 4 days £ 1 (Pe1 )
14 59 The U -m-C to the officeis of the 11th Regiment Asks them to
place then ieg1ment at the disposal of Mh<l Bakht Khan f I
19 60 B1&hamLai Srngh and :Man Khan to the C -rn-C Ask for the
" supply of aims to the sepoys who on the expll'y of their leave have
re3omed then duties f 1 (Pt:1) ,
23 61 The C.-m-C to the office1s of the 11th Regiment. Duects them
to attack the enemy at once faom the Ridge f. 1 (Urdu.)
July 23 62 B1shamba1 Smgh and l\1an Khan, $itbahdars of the 11 th
Regiment, to the C -m C Suggest that Fath Chand, banke1, who ha.b
been m cornmumcation with the English may be arrested and pumshed
f l (Uidu}
,, 26 63 'lhe C -m-C to the office1s of the llth Regiment Summons
one of them to his Comt f 1 (U1du)
29 6J.. The C -m-C to the office1s of the 11th Regiment Dnccts
" them to allow K1shan Lal and .Moti Lal and then families to ente1
the city f 1 (U1du )
29, 65-6. B1shamba1 Smgh and !\fan Khan to the C -rn~C Ask fo1 the
Aug 5 supply of arms to Shcopmshad Patak, Vazn Khan and othe1 new1y
enlisted sepoys f 2 (U1du ) •
2. 67 B1sharnba1 Srngh and :rifan Khan to the Kmg Request him to
" pay the men then wages. :f 1 (U 1du )
3 68 The C.-m-C to the office1s of the 11th Regiment Dnects them
" to pass a bullock ca1t th1ough the AJmer Gate f 1. (U1du)
168 MUTINYJ>Al'Jms
1857 88-ooncluded
Aug 7, 9 60 70 The C m-C ro the ollloon, of the 11th Begunent. Dmct,
them to Jl""II2 men through the City Gi>.tef 2 (Urdu.)
'"s 71 Blllhambar Srngh and Min Khan, lji6a1dar, of the 11th
Regiment rothe C 1n-C Hare a!ra,,ly ,mppl,ed ,ome gunpowder I are
u.ruihlero90nd more. f I (U rdn )
17 72-11 L,Bt,, of employ& a&ched to the 11th Beg,ment. f 2.
74, Statement of th~ wage, of the 11th Regunent. f 1 (Urdu.)
" "
21 76 Bwiamhsr Smgh ljibaUiir of the 11th Regunent, to Shaikh
" Raiab All Ja•an/ir of the.magnxme A,ih, him to .end a bel] f. I
,, 28 7 0 BIBhambar Smgh and llfan KhAn to the C m C Inturu,te that
the Cominny rlaboned n.t the trenches a! KahangnnJ bu been tmm-
ferre<lto ,ome other place, f l (Urdn.)
Sep 1-0 77..fJ Bu,hambar Smgh llDd :OI!n KhAn to the C m-C.
Acknowledge the receipt of 2 panc«.a!t, and prt1IDI!leto fo1low the
ml<troct10n•conbuned therum f. 2 (urdn ) -"
70 B,.h.ambar Smgh and Mlln KhAn, /j•fuJdan of the 11th
Regiment, to the C m-C Say tluit their re&iment ~ been Alnp
preaent at the trenches at fuohangan3 f 1 (Urda )
6 80 Bahrunbar Smgh ljF,haUar of the 11th Regunent, to the
0 m-C Is nll!Lbleto send a Compnny to the Farub Khin&Gate u the
regunent haa not returned from lu,h.angnnJ f 1 (Urdu.)
7 81 Bll!hambar Singh .!fil;aUar al the 11th Regiment to the
C m C Ha. placed one Company at the Faruh KhAlllLOnto and another
at the Tnrkoman Gate a UlllUJleto ,..he..., the 28th Regiment. f 1
s 82 Buhambnr l>mgh and Mtn Khan to the C In C &k !um to
replace the broken gum by new on~ f l (Urda )
10 63 The C m-C to the 0Ulcer1 oft he 1 l th Regiment. fJ,rcct. them
to aon<lrernforcement,, "°that their pontJon nt the trenches between the
Kn.hnur Gate nn<l Qn<lmynBngh, wlucb luu, ~ from the
English, mn_ybe .trengt!,ened. f I (Uriln.)
84 DI!hambo.r S~ nn<l MAn Khdn $•64Uar, of the 11th
" Regiment,to the C 1n-1J Are unnLleto sen<l the reguoent u iL hu
alrend) movod to tho trenches. f. J (Urdn.)
12 86 D1ohnmbo.rSmgh and '\Iin KhAn, $•6aAddr1of the Rtl!imenl,
to the C m-C llnve 11CDt All tho eepoy. pretcn! to the h.aabmh Gale
f. I (Urda)
86 The C 10 C to the officeraof the 11lb Rrg,ment. D,rtdt them
' to rebe,-e the fightJ!l/l' Com!='" acoord1ng to the plan detalled la
the letter f 1 (Urdn.J
67 Lm of JXl!'trl n,g,udlng the ..-a£OIetc. of lbe llth B,g,ment
f.1 (Per) ,
1857 89
:M:S. foll 14 , vauous sizes.
1ul. 20 J. The C -in-C. to Lnl Bahndm, Colonel of the 12th Regiment.
Asks hnn to bt1bm1ta list of .irms au<l ammumtion which he lias with
him. (Ve1s0 Lal Bahnclm sends the same) f. 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 2 The C -m-C to the officeis of the 12th Regiment Directs them
to attack the lt1dg-e. £. 1. (Urdu.) ,
27 3 'l'he C.-m-C. t.o the Kotwiil. .-hks him to send a cobbler. £. 1.
" (Urdu) '
,, 4 The C -m-C to the Kot1cal Dnccts him to inqune mto the
" case of )fnnna, nulkman, \\ ho ha~ been anested on a charge of bad
ll\ ehhood f 1 (U1dn)
,, 5 Tho C -rn-C to the .Kot1ciil.Dncctc; hm1 to supply 1,930 sac1.s.
" f 1 ( Ur<ln)

,, 6. The C -m-r to the KotuJd Dnccts him to sencl the .pien named
" m the letw1 f 1. (tTrdu.)
30 7 Ka11m Bakhsh, Jilani Khan and othe1 be1Joys of the lith
" Regiment, to the Kmg Pray that they may be allowed to form a
Company of their o\\n. f l (Urdu)
,, S. The C -m-C. to the officers of the 12th Regiment. Asks them to
" place their ieg1ment uncle1 the Barcilly foICe which has been ordered to
Ahpur. f. 1 (U1du)
Aug. 1 9 The C -11~-C to the Kotwiil. Sends 10 elephants for t~nsport
purposes f 1 (Urdu )
JJ 10 The C -m-C. to the Kot10iil.D1rects him to send 2 carts £ 1.
" (Urdu,) -
,, 4 l l. 'l'he C -m-C to the officers of the 12th Regiment. Drrects them
to send .i, Company to him, f. 1 (U1du.)
12 The C -m-C. to the officers of the 12th Regiment. Says that
" last mght the English killed many officers and men-, directs them
to attack the enemy gallantly and take the Ridge f 1. (Urdu,,)
Sep, 10 13 Lal :Bahadur, Colonel of tLe 12th Regiment, to the guards in 0
_ charge of the J umna bridge. Asks them to pass 2 bullock carts. f. I.
,, 12 14 Lal :Bahadur, :i.\1:hdHayat Khanand other officers of the 12th
Regiment, to the C -m-C Ask fo1 the 5upply of ammumtion and
remforcements f. 1, (Urdu.)

1857 90
'MB foll 29; various sizes
Jun 20-1-8 Receipts of payments made to Radharam, Sheo Ch&ran and
Jul. 22 others f 8 (Per.)
,, 21 ,, 16 9-J 5 Statements of wages of sepoys of the 3rd Regt, f. 9 (Per.)
Jun. 27 16 SuraJbali Dube,Surgeon to _31d Regt, to C~-m..C Asks for
money to buy medicmes fo1 the srnk and the wound~d £. L tU rau.)

1857 90-concluded
Jun 29 17 Sheo CJ,o.ran Smgh, /Iaraldar, to C rn-C ReporlJ tlwt he
hos not tece!Ved lu• wagea for a weel. f 1 (Unln.)
,, 18 J eo Rilm !:!abahd!r ifoior to C m-C Io anx,ouo to Jo, 0 "
wb&t regiment• other tlwn hIB own are moladetl m the Dmooa tbot
JB nnder onlen, to march, nL<Othe number of gun• to Locamrd f I
(Urda J
Jul 12 10 Sfu'aJ bah Dub.', to C 1n.C A,le to be eupphe<l mth 11pte<e
of hnmboo for ms}mg n dooly f l (Urda J
13 20 Surajbah DOM to C m C The hiimhoornpphe<l to L,m m1I not
do, request. that Sba1lh Ra;JAL.Ah Iluroua of tLo Magu,me, moy Lo
ordered to ocnd another piece f 1 (Urda)
20 21 C Ill C to officers of tLe 3r<lRrg1meut. Direct. tLem to get U,<'lr
msm ready for an rmme<l1.ato 11.MUalton tho R,<lge f I (Ur<luJ
20 22 C m-C to officers of the Jrd Regiment Ono of thcm-m
ocruor officer-10 to w1Utupon him tho fol!o1tmg 1norn111gnt 8 o cl.,..l
f 1 (Urda)
23 C rn.C to officers of the 1rd Ileg1menL TLo n,;1mcnt,'" fo
.. h it.elf at the trench ,t h•• evncuatctl f I (Urdu)
,, 24 Sangrilm repoy to C rn The mw-ket Le h .. Lem ll¥lng
u no lonb= .emccnblo requcet, the ougply of• new one f I (Unlu J
Ang 7 2~ C in C to officer of tbo 3nl lteg-1ment D,rc..t• tL<'ln to proc<."'1,
unme<l1J1tleyto tho troncL f 1 (U nl 11)
16 20 Jo-, R~m l;lubnb<lir1IaJ0r to C m C Report• U1At h 11
regiment wh1 h 1e on march haorun short of ammunition f I (Unln)
10 27 .Ieo Ram $ubmhd~ iraior, to C rn (, A, <lin'Cte<l, hi,
regiment '" ren<lyto prucocd to Oogbpnt m1ue,,to that c:1ruol, for
tronsport may Le ,ent n. al,o • \\'llter aimer for !lie l,n,p,ta1 f I (Urdu)
24 28 l, rn C to J,o Rim $0baL<lAr\lnJor 11.. 1rut1ade<l ILL
Ja111alar of the ,Ingnune to BOn<lb1m • trumP"I and a <lmm r I
Sep 8 20 C--m-C to officLrsof !Le 'lrd RL,;omenL The 26th Rci,Im, nl at
K,ohungaJ u to b<Jre Je\00 mthout ddor (Ver,o Joo ltlim, Officc-r or
,tho 3rd Regimen! "1,ort,, tLot the ro,nomentIP quc.t.ion lui, alre:uh
beon roheved f 1 (Unln)

1857 91
:?,IS foll ib ,nnous =c•
Jun 8 1 Umu h..h!n, S,fuUJr of 30th R~mcnt, to the 1-.,n~ Tlir
del•ohment .t 1',ns,mhnd camo rnto achon on >!SIL1la) and d<f,.,I..J
tho Engh1h Hepnrt• tlut <'Cl"tlllnrc~'lmenL! arc •ho1! or olflccr, f I
,. 12 24 i--0 RL'<e1pl•of p:,ymonts ma,lc to Foth '\ail~ hJiln '\ar!) on
Phatak and other,, o(.tbe 'lUlh Hcgt C ~ (l'<r)
Jan 18- 10-11 Sta1Lmo11t of "P"""'' of the llo,p,tol atl>cLcJ lo
J ul 12 '\011ml...,] Cump f 0 (l\r)
Jan 18- 14-24 ofthe ~Olh Itcslmcnl I H
Slal,ment. oftl'll!;N af11<.')l<>)•
Sep 2 (Per)

1857 91-continteed _,

Jun. 22 25 'Umar Khan, Subaluliir of 30th Regt, to [C.-rn-C.J Sends

to him Bhawam Smg-h, sepoy, .is desired f 1 {Per)
,, 26 Mh<l N:iqib Khan, Smgcon, De1h1 Ho~p1tal, to C.-in-C Has
" no accommodat10n for the sick and wounded of the 30th Regt a111ved
fiom Nasirabad. Requests that Uirangements m,1,ybe made to have
them .1tten<led to. f 1. (U 1du ) ·
26 27 ' Khan, Sfibahdar of JOth Regt, to [C m-C.J Requues
" 2 camels for transport f 1 (U1<lu.)
,, 28 'Uma1 Khan, Subaltdih of 30th Regt, to [C -m-C J Ha,s tu.ken
" steps to gu.1rd the house of N.twab Hamul Ali Kl,an £ 1 (Uidu)
,, 29 St..ttement of expenses of the hospital attached to Colond
" ninza S11h1abBeg'o battalion i: 1 (Pei )
28 30 'U ma1 Khan, Subahdar-:M:aJor of 30th Regt, to [C -m-C J JJas
" sent 1e111forcements as directed. f 1 (Pei )
2!) 31 Uma1 KhJn, Stibahda1-1\laJor of 30th ltegt, to [C -rn-C] A
Ha,/altlar, n .,_Va
ljal and 12 i:,epoys aie sent to ~Iuzn. Abclullah as
dueote<l f 1 (U1du.)
Jul l 32 'U mar Khan, SuLahdftr-:\1aJoi of 30th Regt., to [C m-C J
Reqmres 3 camels for transport f 1 (U1du}
,, 11 33 'Um:n Khan, S11balula1-:M:,1Joi of 3Gth Regt, to [C -m-C] All the
cart11dges a1e e"\:hausted Rcque!:>tsthe supply of 8,000 ca1t11dges and
12,000 percussion caps;, f l (Urdu)
,, 12 34. C -m-C to office1s of the 30th Regt They a1e to dislodge the
English from then newly made trench f 1. tUrdu)
,, ,, 35 'Urna1 Khan, Sub.1hclai-Hajor of 30th Regt, to [C -rn-C J
Requests tho ~upply of charcoal, iron and steel to the Army work-
, shop £ l (Per.)
,, J) 36 'Umar Khii.n, $ubahdiir-1faJOr of 30th Regt, to [C -m-C J Re-
qmres a long piece of cOJrse cloth to be used as wall of a tenii f I (Per)
13 37 C •rn-C to officers of 30th Regt The English meditate an
attack at mght No fame should be lost m makmg a trench outside
Lahore Gate f 1. (Urdu.)
14 38 (a)C -m ..C to Officers of 30th Regt They are to send 2 Compames
immediately to guar<l the Kabul Gate
(b) 'Umar Khan, Colonel of 30th Regt, to C -m-C. 2 compames
have been accordmgly ordered f 1 (Urdu)
,, 15 39 <Urnar Khan, Colonel of 30th Regt, to C -m-C. Is m neeu of
some pape1to bmd books with f ) (Per )
17 40 'Umar Khan, Siibahda1-MaJ01 of ~Oth Regt, to [C -m-C J Says
" tbat an add1t10nal sweepei 1s 1e,p111edfor tli:e hospital of the 30th Rrgt
and recommends an increase of 11ay to the present men f 1 (Per)
18 41 'Umar Khan, Colonel of 30th Hegt, to [C-m-C J Suggests that
• the regiments n0w m Delln may be exhorted to make a determme<l attack
and au111h1latethe Enghsh f 1. (Urdu )
19 42 'Uma1 Khnn,Colonel of 30th Regt to [(; -m- CJ Sends a broken
musket and requests that it may be replaced by a new one wllh a bayonet,
- f, 1. (Urdu)
11' MUTINY PAI'tns

857 91-contmued
u}. 'H 48 Umar Khtn Colonel of the ,0th Regt., to [C in-C) An
ag<int of the Tu.Jaof Paua~ who ,. a fnen<l of tho t,,g1i,h ,. m
Dellu and 11 secretly l'ratohmg the movement. of the King'■ followers.
It'" nndentood t~at the Ra.)&'" •upplyrng the Engluh provmon■•
Saggem that the agent may be arrested f I (Urdn.)
,, 22 «. U mar KhA.n Colonel of the ~Jth .R,gt. to [C 1n-CJ Report. that
the whole of the 80th Ragt JB ready to attack the Enghah f I '1Jma )
,, 28 45 Ulll&r Khan Colonel of the ~Uth 11.egt.,to (C -m-C J The Eng
h■h are enl,'aged 111 LDJld111g a tre,1ch ne.l.l"tb~ banb of the Jnmnn
from where they 01ID bomha:ia Sa 1unga,h, and thov will aloohe able to
eat off the aupplu,• or the ln<l1a11a.Sn!(g1"t• the aetwa ll6c'eAa?¥ for
conntera<-t1ng thJB mo,e on the port of the Engl11h r J (Unln J
24 ~6 Umar KhA.n !;!ubahdar :H,Jor, and Ganga ~rngb, $•6ddar
of tb, 50th Regt. to [C m C] PBrte of'the f'..amp hOftp,!dare m:JlO"'<l
to ram, a.nd the "1Ck and wounded are Bllfienng m consequence.
Suggest,, the action uece.oa,y f I (Urdn.)
26 47 Umar KhA.n Subahdar Maior Bad llanga Singh $/lfuUar
of the 8llth Regt. to (t m C] .A,iL:for 2 wac<lenbox.,. f I (Urdu)
26 48 C rn-C to Offi,en, of tho ~Otb Regt. One of them-<> """'or
" officer-JI to rnirt npJn him the follo1>mg morning at 8 o'olocL:.
£. I (Unln J
27 49 Umar Kh~n Colonel of the 30th Reg!, to [C m-0 J !kport, that
the Camp ho,p,t,l ,. .tin expoee<l to t'JunJ reqn...t■ thBt it may be
attended to anggestM Lhat certom ,tone cutter■ who are helping the
Engh•h, may be 1mpmoned f I (Per )
28 5-0 UmBrKih~n l;!Obahdor~l&Jorof the 33nl Regt., to ro ID Cl Re-
qneot■ that n p,sncual may be 1111Ued to CJhut Ram at Qud.lyah llagh
to •apply piece,, of bamboo f 1 (Urdu)
., 61 C m C to ofliceJ'I! of the 30th R,gt. The Uenenol Commanding
the Nunndi force 1• proceeding to 111,par and dffire< to tol-. R1th
!um a few regiment. and a number of guns. The 30th ne:;t. 11 to bold
11.■elf readv to mareh. f. I lUrdn)
t1g' 1 62 •Umar Kh!n,C,o]onelof the 30th Regt. to [C lo.C.] R,q-i.
supply of the eqrupag,, nee..,.ry for the maruh to Al1par l >■)"" thAt
the .. poy• hue not rrc01vedtheir ,vag,-■ for 13 <loy.. f 1 (Urda)
58 C m-C to ollicer■ of tbe 30th lle1,t Th«r Jm1:2edllteumlance
" " ,. needed 1n ,n attack on the Engwb i l (Urda)
64 O 10 C to offic111 of the 30!1, R<>gt.S.VeroDi:htlng l• now going
" on They are 1mmctl10telyto proceed to Qad11yahllngh with their gun.
BDdentrench them.elno (Yen.a Damm Smgh Ja.,4 ,/Jr report• that
the llegt. w,th ,L<b""" '" alre:iay "t Qnduy:ih Bagh.) f l \Uni•)
2 66 'Omar Kbln Colonel of the ~Oth R'&L, to t&., 11.,ng
The "'¥1lDenta which am.-ed at Delhi from othtt pronnett baTt bt-<n
dutnLuted acrordtng to the plan propo■,d The mn h lo Ahrur lo
delayed for 'll'&lltoftbecqwpnge oo.-.... ry f I (Urda.) -
,, 6 66 Umar Khln, Colonel of the 30th lltgt. to [C 1n-CJ !-.~ hsJ
~n rt«ned that ;oo cut, laden mth military ,tore, b<lon~g fo
the Engllih are commg from Ambo!A ,ro~ tbot 2 t-anlry n'i'mt11\I
,nth 1?UnJ may la ffl!t to tet%e the atom. f 1 (Urdu.)
1857 91-=-aontinued
Aug. 6 57 'Umar Khan, Colon'31 of the ,30th Regt, to [C -m-C J Will Aend
the pack saddles of the lost oamelc::,suggest-. means of recoveung tlfese
ammals; thmks 1t desnable t,hat the h01ses and camels of the Enghsh
, seized by the drffeient 1eg1ments should be made ove1 to the Kmg'h
office1s £ 1. (U 1du }
,, 8 58 f1 -m-C to officer., of the 30th RegL Dnects them to seuu thei1
men to Qn<h,1yab Bagh to ieheve the sepoys engaged there (Ve1so :
f'olonel U ma1 Khan say5 that the sepoys of the !30th Regt have returned
from Q~ds1yah Bagh whe1e they ha<l Leen sent befo10, enqmres i.£
they a1e to be sent again ) f 1 (Urdu)
,, 59 "Uma1 Khan, Colonel of the 30th Begt, to [C -in-CJ Requests
" that a passpo1 t may he granted to Ka1ii.1nat Ah, sepoy, who 1s gorng on
6 days' leave to his home rn Bulandshahr f 1 (Pei )
13 60 'Urna1 Khan, Colonel of the 30th Regt, to [C -m-C J In£01mat10n
" has been 1eci:'n ed n om the fa enr h that the Fnghsb with a body of
Gmkhas a1e collected near toe house of Col Thompson and are med1tat-
mg an attack Suggests the action necessary f 1 (Urdu )
16 61 'Uma1 Khan, Colonel of the 30th Regt, to [C -m-C.J Suggests
" punishment for sepoys that absent themselves from duty, without leave.
f 1 (U1du)
,, 62 Col 'Uma1 Khan and Stibahrlii?Ganga Smgh, of the 30th Regt.,
" to [C -m-C J Repo1t that Da1ganJ Smgh, Sepoy, hac; assaulted
Andal Pande, i\Taik, suggest that the offende1 may be court-martmlled
£. 1 (Pei )
63 Col U m'lr Khan and $iibaltdii1 Ganga Smgh of the 30th Regt.,
" " -to [C -m-C J 5,000 cnrtndges and 6,000 percm,s10n raps aie required.
f. 1 (U1du)
,, ,, _ 04 'U med Snkul, Stebaltda1 of the 30th Regt , to [C.-m-C.] An
attack on the Nasnahad camp 1s e~pected, ai:,ks fo1 iemfor{!ements.
£ 1 (Urdu)
,, _ 65 'JJniai Khiin, Colonel of 3 1 th Regt, to [C -m-C J Suggests that
" certam desrrte1s fiom the Hegt mny be anec;ted £ J (Urdu)
17 66 'Umat Khan, Colonel of the 30th Regt, to [C -m-C J The Regt
" has gone to K1shauganJ and 1s now m action f. 1 ( U1du)
20 67 An uffice1 of the 30th Regt to [C -m-CJ Durga Parshncl who
ca1ues rnt10ns to the 30th Regt 11:,now aud then waylaid by sepoys of
other 1eg1ments who take a" ay £10m 1nm the iationi:, llequest1:i that
arrangements may be made to p1event this £ l (Urdu)
28 68 (1 -m C to offirers of ·the 30th Regt They are to send 5
Compames to the Knshmu G.tte to 1eheve the sepoys theie who ha,e
been orde1ed to K11:,hanganJ f 1 (Urdu)
Sep. 2 69. Ganga Smgh, Subahdiir of the 30th Regt, to [C -in-CJ Has re•
cel'\"d the order to emplo) 2 comp,m1es on guard duty f. 1 (Urdu)
JJ 4 70 'Umar Khf,n, Colonel of t 1,e '3uth Regt to [C -m-C] Reports
that the cultirn.to1s are su.ffermg much at the hands of the GuJars
f. 1 (Urdu.)
6 71, Officers of the 30th Regt. to [C.-1n-C.J Hnve recei,;edthe order
" to march, f. 1. (Urdu).
18lS7 91-concluded
Sep 7.2 Umed Salrul, Sr.ba4dar of the 30th Regt, to [C m-cJ H .. r&-
ce1ved the orler to proceed mth h10men to D11Danpar acrou the Jumna
and reliL-vethe &epoy,engaged there. f 1 (Urdu)
10 73 C m-C to officers of the 80th Regt. One company u to pro
ceed to "Qada,yah Bagh and another to Mon Gate. f. l (Urdu.)
11 74 G•ngA Singh, S•haUar of tha 8othRegt. to [C .,m-cJ Reqno,t1
rnrpl;r of 8,000 autudge,, IUlUo.n eqIUI number of ~amou caP"
f (Per)
n C m-C to 'officers of the 80th Regt. On eo mrlrnctrnn• for
the relief of the "'J>OY"eng,igo<l at Uamanpnr ao...,.. the JamllA.
f 1 (Urda)
76 Glnga Bmgh S•bddarof the 3oth R,gt. to [C In C] W,U
personally llllbm1t the •=nnt. of da,ly 1111gc.of the ,cpoya of the
80th Regt. £ 1 (Per)
--- 77 011ng,i.Smgh S•6dilar of the 80th Regt, to [C ,n-C J H .. rc-
cmved the order to OMIU
_.companytore!Jen, the oepoyaat Ke!ngluit. f I
--- 78 Colonel Umar Kh!in and S."'1Uar Gang4 Singh of the 30th
Regt , to re ID C l The wu1yngo. of "°J'O""
ha.-,, not Leen
dutributei for the l"ut :!1 J..y, there will he troahlo uni°"' they"'°
promptly paid th01r daes. t 1 (Urdu.)

1857 92
MS foll 8~ nmoUJ! .,.,,.
Muy 2-1-- 1 12 Statement of wages of oepoy, of the 6th Infantry r 10
~"I'- 2 (Per)
JnL 2- 13-23 Rcreipts of papent, made to Sh1ikb }C,,,l,ir Do!,b,h,
Jui 22 SilWdar, and othmi f I (Per)
Jnr, 8 24 Eo!J.tmeot roll of officers and men of the Gth Infantry r l
h 13 2J F""'1'l Lah Khln, S•6a"'1ar of the 6th Infantry, to the C 1n-C
llao arrested OardtyAl Chaadbr! nhom he ru,peeu to l.,c n •PY
llll!g<'IUthat ho moy be unpnsooeu f I {Urdo)
16 ' 26 C m-C tc, officer, of the 6th Infantry D,rect, that 2 officas
o.nd 16 aopoyoho i;cnt to guard the Lahore Gate f I (Urdu.)
26 27 Fa1J11'1)Ah Khln, 1:a"'1"'1ar, of the 6th Infantry, lo C in.C It,-.
port> that for lwo daya b&hu been \'try 111,nth fe,er and II unable to
ctrry on hi, ..-or\. P"'P thot he IDO} Lo rehcrnl Ly another olli=
f 1 (Urdu.)
Jul. 1 28 Fa11u'l Lili KMn s.1>aJt1,1r of the lith Infantry lo [C m.C]
Sogge,t, thot more men m•y Le ocnt to tbo Lohon>Oak f l (Urda)
I!. iU Fo.,zu'l llh KMn, Srl,dddrofthe 6th Infantry to [C !n-C] TM
dcfen°"" of 1:>haL DnrJ badly ne«I repair; o,u for t1<oma!enal, neC'NUf]'
for the }'D'J'O"<' r I (Urdu.)
~3 30 Fom1 t l!ih Kh~nS,&.ldaroftho lith lnfont7. to [C 1n-C] ~
Lllhorc Gale hoHD" Leen denn~e,J of men the J>'>'lUon u on< of i:rnt
f>C"l 1uggL'<h tbe~\Jonnee,n,,ry (\cr,o Sobahdu :Major TAh H
Juul.~record, the pwi dcmeu for -"'tltlini: mtn to the Lahore Oa~
f l (Urdu)
, :n Falzu'l l!b Kh&n,S,l>aUarDf 1-M5UzJnfonl<7, lo [C .J,,-C l Ol,-
"°"td that the 110111ber of 111e11 OCDt to g-cw-Jtli• L>hore Oalo .,. ,-
b&tdl1 tufilcfeot to g,,ud It elteotlnl1 f I (Urdu)
1857 92- confin ucd
J ul. ;i :1~ F111:n'l-l,lhh l,.in fi,l,,r/11l11rof f he r,th 1nfani 1.l, to [C -m-C.J Re-
port .. th.d tlw Engli....hntt' pt('p1trn~ to 11ft:t<-~t.lw trorwh nf the lr/9,ihl
'- Ow{ m'~'l'"-",ll\ ,11r:mgc11w11f-; m:n lw mndc for dcfcnrc f I
l' !):\ ~h.llk}1 1 :111nl-l.1h. S1i/,,d,d,i1, tn [C -rn-C.J Rcqncsto::;)um to
m.,1,e 1nopt•r ,111.\1\~011wn{, fo1 ~H,n<l111~ tltc Lahore Gnto f l. (U1cln)
,, I :lf P,llllll''-\\,11 P.i11,lt•,Si1lu/.d1i1, {I) C.-rn-C Of the :3 Compnmcs
1-f.n'1011l11.1i tl11•Ld1n11• 0,1k t\\o l1•n1•l,ecn n1t1Hlnn\ll, :rnmi., mc,lrnc-
t 11111-.. f 1 l t 1elII )
.~-, l/a1,.l,11i '·ri. 1l,11t~IJ1!.!"h, '\ftlil'1'\\\:lt K11ilnnncl othcH f~> [tho
l\111u-l ('.,mpl.1111thuf ,1J11i1 :\fug'1111l, tl1t• P1rncc• ,\ho line; been
1p1H1111t,·1l l' •Ill·<' , ha ...mndt• .1ppo111t nwut.., :rncl p10mo110111, m the nrmy
rn nu m f'!!llh1 1~ lt11w1 , ...f ,t,· t Ii 1t t hi•:, Im,·<'hccn rnpCt°'-Cdctl, prny that
'll\ 11Hit\tt, lll'l\ mto f ht• maf frr f l (F 1dt1)
lit• 1111ul1'
,. 10 a1i(a) (' ·Ill C to .f 11u11',l,i, of tl1l' :;f }i Jnf:int1y Snys 1hnt Fni111'l-}i1h
Klt 1111, rn 1ttewl.11Hl' 111w11 Jmn .11ul .,Jion)1} he regnnlt'tl as hemg on
(/,) P:u11W-..\\a1 P1111'11•
to C -m-C llcmn1k1., on thr
,h111 t uf ,,tl1<P1-. at tiH• L.1horr Gnte f 1 (lh<lu)

,, 11 1 f itlt1I d,;,, to (' -m-C

:;7 P.1rmPt:\\,1r 11.111<11• Sny, tllllt more mc-11
n,,• \t,111trclat tlh· Lnlin11•(i,111' f 1 {t:rd11)
1 fi ')~ Hi1nul111 ~m~lt .1nd nf ht•t-. (o C -m-C P1:n for enlistment f. ].
(l 1,lu)
l ti .,,o P,11 Ull'f-,\\'l) }> 111<!1• r,f t, t I·'
111\d F 11,ul-lfdJKh;,n, ,S,ibahdcir"I
" f1ntrJ,fo C-m-C HL'po1t that thl' J~ng-11',h h,nr m11n' .,
lrl'fl< Ii .it flu• ld1,ilt , ..11gu-11,t t a C:n .1)q 1eg1mc11tm1, 1,, -.
...pot\\1tlw11ttld.1, f~J (P,•1)
,j(I 'J1h:1l..\1t Rm~h ,111cl otl1e1, to C -111-C.~"1rbaliti;;?, ..,., •~
" up their Comp,rn, 111 01der t,, f1•-
I'- held upon l11e.1hmg-
pra, t11eSuln/((/ri1 m,n l,e ac;l...c<lnot to <l1'-furJ,; · • - _ ~-

meul f 1 (lhcl11)
,, 41 'l'h:ikm Smgh nn<lother<;;of f he 5(1, Jn:.
" plnm th,1t men newh· c1tl1<;;tcrla1f' ~ner, 7,-'0'
~ m11He1of p1omot1on. f ] . (Urdu.)
lS 4 2 C -rn-C' t.o ofi1c..e1" of tlie j{JJ J r L.r-
" to the AJmere Gate whe1e fightrng j1..;rn_: - "
,, 43 DhimJ Smgh ancl olhcn-- t,, .; •=- :-
" (U 1du)
HI 44 F.wrn'l-liih Khim, flit~,/ r :-~
" Sendc, a 1eqmi:;1tJonfot m,lifa.... ~ --
22 45 F111zu'l-lid1Kh:tn, /J,,,", -·
" S1m1lnr 1eqmi,1t1onf J, n_·~
,, 23 4 6 Ruc,fam KJi:-m ,.•,~ : :.::__:
then namcR may IJ,:l,Y't--::: r
wages tcgutirl.; f ] ::.---

1857 92--contmued
J"nl 23 47 Panneowar Pdnqe, $wl>aldar, to C-rn C The men on go,trd
duty at the Lahore Gate are expMed to ram requo,ts him to send •
tent. i l (Urdu ) '
20 48 Fw,n'I !Ah KhAnand other., on guard duty at the Wore Gale,
to C -m C To the nme effect. f I (Urdn.)
" 49 C m-C to officers of the 5th Infantry They are to depute a
l'Olllor officer to rum the follomng day at 8 ~ v f l (Urda.)
)J 28 50 FWfll'] IAh KhAn, $•fx:Udr, to C m-C To tho .ame effect u
nOi 47-8 above. f l (Urda.)
zg 61 Fa"'1'1Ll.hKMn,$•/,,Jdar, to C m-C Reqneat. tho.t the 60
men from AmLa.Ia.who have been enlmed-mny E:8111pphedTith arnu.
i l (Urda.)
,, 52 FQJfn'l llh KbAn, $•fxz1dar, to'C. m-C At the report of IO!llo
sepoys the ho°"" of Gohardhan Dao mui ororohed aoo cerlam arbol,.
belongmgto the &rUr were fonnd , request.m.trnction• how ho 10 to
d111lWith the man f l ( Urda.)
,, 68 l'&IJn'IWi Khan $ilfx:Uar, to C m C Report. how tbo men
m the 6th 1nfimtry are employed f l (Urda)
" M F!UJU'] lib Khdn,{r,.l,aldii,r to C m-C The gun oent by him hu
"mved at the Lahore Gate .A.b for"" much nmmarut,on u can bo
IJll'red gunnero also are ,ranted f. L (Urda.)
30 56 Ml).d H osam ,epoy of the 5th Infantry, prom,... that he m11
not m future h10 poot wrthoat pernmmon of hi,, officers. f l
Aug 2 50 FQifll'l Llh Khan,$il.fx:Uar to C lnC I■ •cndmg to him tb•
p<m<>nmffih<>nedm h"' panoaul f l {U,du.)
4 57 Fa"'1'11Ah Kh!n, $•ba'/uli1,r,to C m-C I■ m argent nttd of
ammambon for the guru, ot the Lnhore Gato f l (Urd,c)
,. bB C ln-C to officera of the 5th Infantry at the u,bore Oott
Th&) are to rlabon 4 ■entne■ oatiude the Gnte to nlch the moromont■
of the enem, - (' eroo Fouu I l~h Khan, $•/,aUar, my• tb ■t lb•
armngemento ne=n bnve Leen made) f I (Urda J
0 59 Faq:11I lib Kh!n $•/,aUar, to C m:O llu rooorod tht
parra•ai dn:ecbag the 5th Infantry to much to Qod,,y1b ll ■gb to
rehe,e the Nrnmch force Sohc,u order1 whether tho whole of tL•
regunent 11 to mnrch or n porbon may Le allowed to ramaln at tb•
Lahore Gata. f l (Urda)
O 60 C ,n C to officer■ of the 6tl, Infantry Tb°" are tomu• nnf
armngement for prdmg the Lahore Gote Wore they martb to tht
troaoh~ [at Qud.iJ11h Ilagh] (Yerw Falfa'l-!Ah Kb~ report, !Lathe
has made the arrang,mont. n..-') ) f l (Urda.)
Ol Faq:a I Lib KhAn and Parmtffl!lr Pan~• /M;1UJr, of th, Wli
Intantry, to C ,n-C. R,port that S Sa><art
C..valry I.ave crune from Ambala R,qllt1!t nutm<tJOD•
andI D•/o'JJr of tho
them f l (U rdJL)
1857 92-cont1n1ted

Aug, 9 62 Ji\wm'l-liih Khiin, Sitbaluliir, io C -m-C Has received his

pa11vii.nan £01ln<l<lmgm1c:::ipp10puafaonof p1operty of the rnhab1tants
by the n1my Sa,ys that }n<;men <laic not go ngamst the deciee. £ J
,, 63 Fm7n'l-lah Khii1;, Sitbaltdii1, to C -m-C Reports that aims
" wanted nt the tiench have not been f01thcommg £ 1 (U1du)
14 6+ Faum'l-lJh Khan, $iibaltdi71,to C.-rn-C Sends to him one Kale
" K11ansuspected io be m commumcation with the enemy £ 1 (U1du)
16 G5 Fanm'l-luh Khnn, Subaltda,, to C -m-O The iepo1t that his
" men aie not at the faench at K1shanganJ 1s mconect £ 1 (U1du)
23 GG Fa11.u'l-tth Khan, Sftba!ulii, of the 5th Infantiy, to C :m-0
The 1eg1ment 1s now at Baghpat, has 1m1 <;hort of magazme stoies,
appends a, statement sho\\ mg, the composition of his 1eg1ment f 1
_ (U1du)
Sep. ] G7 Officeis of the 5th Infantiy to C -m-C IIave 1ece1ved the
pa110(r.11a!torcle11ng the ieg1ment to ma1ch to Quds1yah Bagh .£ 1
(U1du) 0

5 to C -m-C. Has 1cceived the orde1 to

68 Ananti l\tl1s11,${tbahd<r.J,
" p1oceed to K1shanganJ f. 1 (U1du)
,, 60. C -m-C to officeu., of the 5th Infanfay They weie asked t-0
" p1oceed to K1<;hanganJ and ieheve the sepoys them, but they have not
done so yet (Veiso Ananfa l\11s11,$ilbahdii.1,says that the iegiment
ha&ma1ched to K1shanganJ ) f 1 (U 1du)
u 70 Ananti Ram :Mu,11, Sitbalula1 of the 5th Infanfay, &tationed at the
" Lahoie Gafo, to C -m-C His ieg1ment which 1s entienchcd at K1shan-
ganJ has not yet been 1chevcd ,,bile 1t h.1s been 01de1ed to p1oceed to
the AJme1e Gate, asks fo1 mshucfaons f 1 (U1du )
,,- 7 71 l\funa" \'iaI Khan, $iibahdii1 oi the fith Infantiy &tafaoned at th~
Laho1e Gate, to C -m-C 'l'he 1egnnent mmcbed m the mo1mng, theie
aie now only ,1 fow men at the G,ttc, sugge:,,ts thdt .i lJafadar and 5
sawil1s may Le &ent tht'1e to wo1k as scouts f 1 (U1du)
,, 7 2 Ananti Ram, $iibahr1iir,to C -rn~C Sepoys of the 6th Infantry
" who have p1oceeded to the trench at KIShanganJ 1eport that the1e 1s
not a smgle sawa1 theie As slrnm1shes with the enemy a1e constant,
the need £o1-sawii1s 1s keenly felt f 1 (U 1du )
8 73. Ananti M1sn, $itbalulii1, to C -m-C Reports that a woman,
" disgmsed as man and fully aimed, made an unsuccessful attempt to pass
out of ~he Lahore Gate at m1dmght, f 1 (U1du) " ,
,, 10 74 Bh1kkan Khan, $ubahdii1, to C -m-0 Says that t:he Lahore
Gate 1s denuded of men, the sepoys havrng ma1ched away, iequests
that some men may be sent to the Gate f 1 (U1du)
J' 75 F~iz'ul-la.4_Khan, SubaltdiMof the 5th Infantry, stationed at
" - La.horn Gate, to C -m-C Says that 1£ assIBtance 1s not p1omptly sent
the enemy will_d1slodge them from the Gate_ f 1 (Urdu) '
1-78 MUTINY PAl'El\B

1857 92--ooni1t1ued
Sep 10 7/J P1tambar PAncje, $•6aldar, 5th Infantry, mttoned at the
Lahore Ode to C m-C, The Eni:mh hove dmded.their men ,nto 8
l:.ttahons and wtll attack m any <lireohonthoy choooe It u, dc,an,Lle
to .end the 1a1ear, out for reconno1~ pnrposoo ..-hilo tho infantry
ohonld keep to their appomtcd stations f I (U nlu.)
" 77 Ananti Mmr, $r~dur, oth fnfan!rv, to tho C !n-C The
Englu,h are to he found m grent otrength neor tho K""hmir Gate,
•nggemthat arrangements IllAY be made for the defence of the O•to
f 1 (UrdtL)
11 78 .Amnh MlBlr, $rfuAdar, uth Infantry, to the C -in-C Report.
that 200 ""P"Y" mc!ndmg of!leera of the ~th Infantry, 1Yho woro loft
belund hAve now come from .Ambala. Ilf<jneof1thnt !hoy =y bo
supplied wrth gun, and earlndge-bo,eo f 1 (Unlu.)
18 70 RAmcharan Smgb, Sepoy of the 7th Company, 6th Rog,tJJent,to
the O 1n-C Report. that the ,to;,k of !Ull gun hu ~me u,elc,o ,
requeoto that N agar Al!, Bopenntendent of the Armoury, may ho uked
to replace ,t by a new one f 1 (UrdtL)
80 Fa,, nl !Ah $,lxzldar, 6th Infantry to tho C 1n-C. Roporu
thnt 6rbaUar QMir &.kh&i hu ""nt a oopoy from tho Sappct'I 4ll<l
"\Imera to dig a troncb th"' oepoy auyr he cannot do hu work nnl<'fl
....inro by a boily of ta,oan, rcqncab that nrrnngcmcnh mny bo mn<lo
to give !um tho nsmtance reqmred. f 1 (UrdtL)
81 Fwrul lab, $iba!tfnr, 6th Infnntry, to C n,-C Report. that
for 10 <lay• \be oopoy•ha,c not been rd their tlnily Mgtl and CODIC-
quently arc d,ocontcntcd. f l (Urdu ,
82 Sn,ytd "\Inl)d All, Sepoy, Gth Infnnfry to the King Pr■r,i
tbat ammgcrocuto mo.y l,o for CCC<ling nn<l doth,ng threo men
rrho hue como from )fcdmn to light the Eogl!,b I l (Ur<lo)

1857 93
~IS foll 02 ,,,r1011J1mes
f8 ] C in C to all offi""1"1of R~mcnh. Dc,.,!t'< the whole army lo
nttnrl tbo :Cnghah f 1 (UrdtL)
20 2 C In C to all officcro of 11,glmenlo. They are to a#tml,t,, onl
.,do the L,iliore Gato at 4 A l!, ,.hen the march 11111 l.,,j:tn. f (Urda.)
20 :}.-10 C Jn-C to all ollker■ of Rcg,menb.. Onlor■ to tl,e Army
Jcly ~0 mdndtng J>IITOlcs for the di!icrtnl rt'g1ment. C U (Un/a) nd
1 l7 C 1n (, to oOiccr■ of the Art.1kry Plrcclt them to "
baUotl:• for con~encg two gun:, lo the J,:ib= Oolr L 1 (lJ,J11.)
1857 93-oontiniied
- July 11 48. C -m-O to nll officers of Regiments The 01de1 that was given
yeetmdny £01 the A1 my to maich nt 10 o'clock could,not be oa111ed out
owmg to ram, they aie to rnfo1m then men that they a1e to get ready
for the ma1ch to-dn.y £ 1 (UHlu) ~ · ~

JJ 12 1:9. C.-m-C to all offiee1s of Regnnentc;. Depiecates the piactice


m , ogne,. of sepoyb .rnd hoope1s of one 1egiment takmg se1vice m ,

another, duects them to take steps to prevent this. f 1 (Urdu.)
50 C.-m C to aU officeis of Regiments They aie not to supply
" " the General of the B.ne1lly fo1ce with ,my tioops "hen he ieqmies them
£01 mght duty, hut they ,tie 11nmedrntely to com1Jly mth his request fo1
men "hen he wants them fo1 fightmg the English -f 1 (U1du.)
JJ 20 51. Ofliceis of the Comt (of mutmeeis) to the C.-m-C. Suggest
m rangement<:: fo1 chec:lmg the depied.1t10rn, of the Gu3a1s and for
. preve!1ting the supply of 1nov1s10nsto the English f 1 (U1du)
81 52 C -111-Cto the office1s, S.1ppe1s and :i\ime1s Regiment Issues
" mstrnctions about the fightmg that 1s to take place the followmg day.
f. l (U1dn)
Sep. 8 :53 C -m-C to all office1s of Regmients Calls upon them to exert
themselves f 1. (U1du)
54-. C -m-C. to all Cavahy and Artilleiy office1s. The Enghsh have
" " dug a new tiench 'l'his c, emng they must be attacked fiom all sides.
Those who \\Ill help m mptnung the English guns will be rewarded, If
any one loses his life m the attempt, his fauuly will be p1ov1ded fo1.
f. l (U1du)
JJ 9 55 C -m-C to all Cavah \', Infantiy and Artillery officeis Tlfe
Kmg has w11tten to say that the men who will succeed 111 capturmg the
enemy's tiench will be iewarded Hopes that the 1eg1meI_1tswill exert
themselves. The families of all those "ho pensh m the attempt_will be
duly provided fo1 f 1 (U 1du) ' ~·/
56 C -m-C to all Cavahy, Infantry and Artillery officers. The
" " men should be told that they aie not to leave the trench m la1•g~
numbe1s when gomg out to have then meals, furthe1, they must ietu'rn
mth the least possible delay It must be noted that not more than a
thud of the men may leave the trench at a time. f '] (Urdu.)
,, , 57-8. C ..m-C to all office1s To the same effect as 55 above f. 2.
" (Urdu)
59. Geneial 01de11,gove1nmg the conduct of sepoys f. 1. (Urdu-) •r
60 Orde1s to the A1my, laymg down rules £01 the maintenance of
dfac1phne f. l (U1du )' "', ' '
61. Muza Mhd Za.hi1-ud-din Bahadur, C -m-C., say~ that "he 1s at
the Kabul Gate and desues tlie men to attack the Enghsh, Adds that
the safety of then iehg10n 1s endangered f. 1. (U1du.) '"
62 Orde1s defimng the duties of the Colonel of a regunent specially
with refeience to the holdmg of parades and supe1v1s10n over the men.
f. 1 (Urdu.)
lL ,2.
MS f9IL 7 , nnom 111teo
.1 Draft of the KmR"1 ordeni to the Army de6mng the lino of
condnct to be followed by sepoy,i and officer!, "11Ch o.1 ml! enmre
efficiency and duic,plme f I (lirdn)
2 Draft of n letter rfrom the Kmg's Illlill>tero] tq $•6aJ.dar, nnd
Qiiu•gru, mformm~ them of the nppomtment of a Tab11ltlar ond

__ dOB1nng them to give !um faciuties m the doohnrge of hll dnhea. f 1

3 Draft of a pabhon from romel eepoy, to the King, ctnhng their
gnirrnnceB f l (Urda.)
4 The King to Khll'AJB Ah=, k111 of Ghuiabod, and
Ahmad KhAn, R11aladlir, ltaboned at Ghaxmba.d. &,-.
th,t h.edlr
Nath and ::lfAnSmgh, grocers of Glumalnd, hnn, complamed of extor-
tJon11pnwtu,ed on them by the nddn,o,,ee,, Direct. them to deposit m
the Roys! Trenanry the enm taken from the men and .tato the gronnd1
Oil 1fhtch ,t l\1UI OD1cted
f 1 (Urda.)
5 (a) Dmft of., letter from 1ilhd i,,htr-nd.J!n (C m C) to the
~ Sayo tbo.t for the ta..t 6 dayo he ho., Leen m-U,r nt 'll'Orl-
no1f m ■peotmg the trenohes now TI11tmg the .,,poyo, bi1 henlth hAa
given ,my and he 11 1nffenng from both, illll 11 the l'0o.JOtl 1rhr ho hu
not been nble to 1n1t on 1Ill Mnpy
(6) The troopo that amved from Toni.: my iliat they hctn
regnlarlJ engngmg the enemr ID nct10n haTe mfl'cred no ID
co11B1dornble ~It, .. but h.1Toncit been pal<l their m,ges,
report iliat I;IA.figGal J.fnhnmmnd, one of their men, fell 1n
battle and hns left • mdow and clul<lren who nre pmdrcally
oinrnng i 1 (Pet nnd Urda.)
0 (a) Draft of a letter to the Kmg 2 In nC<'Onlnnco mlh the Rornl
Commando the oa•rv••• of the city were 1ammonc<l nncl nsked to
, ndrance Jonna for wur pnrpooe,, theJ pr<>m1'ed help but "\loulnn
,, Sarf'nrol Ali d1mJJ1dc<lthem 1tate1 what ho hd,ev<'I to Lo the
1 Maulo.n I mohveo obsem,s that it 11 1mp,rntfro to p:w the "'I"'"1111,r
wngeowinch hnve long l,cen due anclthnt m mey murt bo rn,.,d' 1omo-
how or other
(6) Draft of n letter from aome' ,epoya to the lla1, f!et'\ '-"I
the King fntthfnlly and p:ud 1Dtothe Rool Tre:rntry "llllt
tho1 collected from v1moru parll of the r,tr, oro """i their
1rorl Lu not been <lnlyappl'C<'utttdI prnJ tbot amuigem,nt,
t112ybe made to pny them the,r clUH o, they are dnr,n to the
\'ergo of "1orvnhon f l (Per)
7 The h.1ng to "Ihm, '.,\lnghol D.haclnr (C 10 C) 'fh, Royal
I roclamahon tent to him b.. been ttce1red wl mthout tho .,i,>1tun-<
of 'Ii= AM JrnJ.,-,,ru~ Abdu'l lo.b, Tth 1 ir Kh!n Oonn 1>lion1ar
nn<l other officers. It II th,rdore returnrcl oncl he " lo oMa,n the
""'1l~lare< ~rnrecl to all offi,er, to ,.,:,,I
Inslrnctlon ... houl<lLo 1'<t><>I
oat the procl,11not1onlo tho l"J'OY• when on fQrn,1, f l (l'er)

MU'.t'lNY1>APltRS · 181

l\{S. foll 3; various sizes:
July 12 1. 1'£uhd Ghayn§u'd-Din Khan, Risaladii1, 15th Cavahy, to the
Kmg. For the last 12 days his 1eg1ment has been m the Imperial
Service ancl taken pai t m seveial engagements Prays that the usual _
daily nllowance maybe sanctioned for the 1eg1ment £ ] • (Uidu)
24 2 Statement showmg the composition of the 15th Cavalry, sub-
" mitted by l\Iuhd G hayii§-u'd-Din, Risaladiir £ 2 (Pei )
Aug. 8 :3. 'Abdu'l Kniim Khnn, lJafa'dii1, 15th Cavahy, to the Kmg Has
b1ought with him 30 saw{t18 who are all keen on enterrng the Kmg's
service Piays that he may be allowed to b11ng the iegunent to its
full stiength by enhstmg moie men f 1 (Pei )

1857 96
1'1:8 fol 1, lO''x 5''
# July 23 1 Qutb Khan,lJaf'adii.1, 12th Cavalry, to the Kmg. Says that 25
Bawiirs are already with h1m and moie are sho1tly expected, prays that-
they may be enlisted f 1. (Urdu)

1857 97
J\1:S fol I, gr>X 5''
26 1 Enrolment hst of the 11th Cavahy arnved fiom 11:mshidabad
£ 1 (Per)

1857 98
JH:sfoll 12 , Vanous 1,izes
July 20 1 C -m-C to office1s of the 14th Cavalry They are imn1ed1ately
to make a 1aid on the Ridge f 1 (U1du)
26 2 Enrolment lfat of officers 0£ the 14th Cavalry arrived from
Jhans1 f, 1 (Pei,)
1867 94
1'IS foll 7 , mnons s1<t1
l Drnft of the fun~• orderr to the Army defining the lme or
conduct to be follorre,I hJ r.epora and officer,, mch u 11111 ellltlte
efficiency and d=iplme f I (lJ nln)
2 n,,.rtof a letter ffrom tho Kmg', mmmero] lo f!•fullar, •nd
Qa•nyo• mfomuni; them of tbo nppomtrnent of a Ta~11/aiir •nd
dmnng them to gn o him focilrtJeo m the chschorge of h,. dnue, f l
3 Dmft of n peuhon from oomel 1epoy• to the King, stating their
l:n•nnce■ f 1 (Urdn.)
--,..- 4 The Krog to KhlrAJa :Mlul Ah,:in, .l.,t of Ohumood and
Ahmau Khtn ll11aladar, mi!roned at Ghllmbad. S"a1-. lh•t .n.edir
?-.ath an<l ,rruiSmgh grocen1of Ohazu,ood, lmn complnmed of extor-
bon• pmcmed on them by tbo nddm<ICOS. Direct, them to dep<Klt If\
the Royal Treo,ury the tmlll tnkon from the men and .tote the ground,
pn -.rh1ch1t ITTlJIemct«l. f I (Urdu)
6 (a) Drnft of n letter from ;',[hd i,ihtr-ud-dm (C m-C) to th~
Kmg Say. that for the ln,t 5 day, he hu been mcenontl
no..- m1pectmg the frenchc,, no,.- n,,hng the ■cpoy■ J h11 hmlth h..
1 nt worl-
gt<en miy and he !1 1a!Fenng from lxnL,, 1h1111 the re:ioon wh1 ho lio•
not been nble to =it on !In ,raieotv
(6) The troop,, that nmnd from Took ,., thnt they hA.e J,,,n
regulnrly engngmg tho enemy m acuon hno au!Fcr,,l no 1n-
coM1donLlo c:t'<Ullhe■ Lot lui,e n~ ken pa!J th~r mige,,
report that liff!l Gal ,rahamnwl, one of their men fell m
battle and luu, left a mdow nnd rhiJ.lrcn ,..1,0nre rrorti<atly
otnmng f 1 (Per nnd Urda.)
IJ /.,) Dnft DI,. Mier to the Jung: Jn .rwronl.r,nN>mth tl,~ n,,,,,)
Command, the ,.a,•J••• of the nh nn, 1nmmon,d and a,krd to
, n,lrnnoo lo:in• £or wor pnrpo,,,-q thrr proml,rd heir J,ul "•ut..n
s.,raf6, Ah ,!1<'on,,.h,Ithem I 1131N ... b.t ho 1..., ...... to L,- tM
)fnnbn • m 11\ett o~enl>s tl1-4tat 11 •m~r-uht't to f01" tLti ~~,,,. th-1-ir
,'I w!nl"h ha\~ Ion,-.l.<"etl due and tll,\t m mty m1ut Iii' ni~ ,,.,me-
hcm· or dhtr
(b/ Dr.1ft of n Idler from "'1mo' 'Of"1' tn !ho llur ...,.,-,.(
11,e l-.1ni;-f,r(l1f11llr onJ p:ud into tho Horal rrr:icnrr ,.b,t
tLe1 < lll'<leil from ,1mntu ["'rt• of tLe <ilr arr """) tbttr
\I orl 1"1-1not Le.n ,July •ppm a.,trd I'"'"
that arran~m,nl•
=1 k made 1,, I"') tl,,m !Lm Ju.-.•• th,y •r• dmrn lo tl •
rrri,, of '1amit,on f I (I <'T)
, Tho ! tn 'l,n:i ,ruJ ol n.h1Jur (l 1n C ) 1 h, n •1•1
I ro,bmahun •ml to him ha, 1-11 m-,irrJ lo. k mtbout tLc •i:,,>I.,,....
of"'"" \1.0 I olr 'fnv Al•lu I t.b, Toh \ ,, M a C.a,m ,r.,nlar
anJ "tltt-r, fTic-tn. It u t11rrf'foft' rl'lttm"'-1 an 1 L,. t' to ,.I bin tf,.-
,i~nlhtrr,1, t"N}tltn-J ln11tnvt1 n.,.,J~ ut..11.-ia, tk,t to all uJ!i 'l'"1' t r-.i.,l
nl>I II,• I''" l~nut,on 1, tJ,, ..-po•]•wl,en tm J<1.-..ltf I (Irr)
'"°nil t:t tl"t,.t,r lb ,t r,oa 1--.)H
• '(u-. r-l r....,t...... a--.r, .... )0
M:trrtNY PAP11:RS 181

1857 95
l\fS. foll 3, va11ous sizes:
July 12, 1. 1'Inhd G-hayn~u'cl-Din Kbnn, Risiiladii,, 15th Caval1y, to the
King. Fo1 the last 12 <lays his 1eg1ment has been m the Imperial
Service and bken pm t m se~,eial engagements Prays that the usual _
daily allowance maybe sanct10ned fo1 the 1egiment f. l (Urdu)
24 2 Statement showmg the composition of the 15th Ca, alry, sub-
" mitted by :M:uhdGhayM-n'd-Din, Rzsaladar £ 2 (Pei)
8 3 'Abdn'l Kniim Khan, D{lfa'dii,, 15th Cavahy, to the Kmg Has
b1ought "1th him 30 sawiirs who are all keen on enteung the Kmg's
se1vice Piays th,1t be may be allowed to bung the 1egunent to its
full stiength by enhstmg more men f I (Pei )

1857 96
l\f8 fol 1, 10"X 511
~ July 23 1 Qutb Khan,lJaf' arlii1, 12th Cavalry, to the Kmg Says that 25
Sawii1s are already w1th lum and moie are sho1tly expected, prays that-
they may be enlisted. f 1. (Urdu_)

1857 97
:rvrsfol r, 9 >x 5 >
1 1

July 26 I Enrolment hst of the 11th Cavahy arnved f1om ifmshidabad

£ 1 (Per.)

1857 98
:Msfoll J.2 , va1 lOUS sizes,
July 20 1 C -m-C to officers of the 14th Cavalry They are immediately
,. to make a rrud on the Ridge f. I (U1du)
26 2 Enrolment Ifat of officers 0£ the 14th Cavalry arrived nom
Jhans1 f, 1 (Per.)
r-V' J

1857 9 B--co11/11111ed
July 30 3 C m-C to o!lic,,n of the Hth Canhy Orocn hate b,e,, r,!.
ccrred from the Kmg to m:,lccpreparnhoIIJI wrlh the nlmool d"'T"!ch
Both the Bare,1ly and N11nachf<>TC<!O hare been onlered to Alopore Tho
14th Ca....Jry,. orderedto 10m the !\rmach fo~ and u to find out "-hen
the Litter,. get!mg rend) for the much there must be no wutc of
tune f 1 (Urdu.)
Aug (l 4 Ald:i:,rKh~n,ntroopermthol4thOntuhT tothelung n,.nnde
'Ul!lllw Khln who..,., arrested ,nth o!hu11nt 1,lorudD1!f:nr1.1 dctomcd
al !ho Eotrriil, Pro,- that o?Jm ma) l,e !WIN for hi, re!= f J
,, 0 5 l'lfnl;td Haylt, R11alJar 14th Catolrr [to C m C ]' lla, rc-
ceitcd onlen lo i<e00l Rua./d,lr 4 lJafodart nn<l li0 <a,,.,,
C 1
21 0 C ln-C to ollicen of the Hth Cnnln otntwncd at tho AjmCN
Gate. De,u:cs them to .end JO S.,.-ar, ,nlhout <ltlay f I (Umu)
2S 7 Shaikh Fa1f Alo, R,i.,/dur 14th H~'lment (to theC m-CJ S ■yo
that h1' Regiment ,.h,tl, hos been ordered to Ahporc •• ID nc,,d of r:irh
and umnnl• for tmnoport purpo<e!<app,.ntl• ■ h,t of the-« and rrqu«\1
,npplv f l (Urdn J
Sep 8 Shai1Ji hif Ah I'11aldJr 14th Hegimcnl [lo tlir C 1n-C]
S<nd.a WI for the "11[:<-'<nf ulli'-"f,and men of the 1.f th lkp=nl an,!
reqne<t• f'Jmcnh after the.,,~.,. hnoc ken cL tnLull'd, n""1ph frntn
the rc<:iprcnt. ,nll he £,nnnkd ,..nJ• al«> the curohuent h,t of the
officer■ nn<l n1cn ,.-ho arc a...-., on dnt,· ot the Ln<lge at '\aJ•fprh,
the.c ,nil be pa11I thtrr ""go, ,rhen the, rdam to the hn,.. f l
Sep 4 0 Bhnilsh hr~ AuR,,.,/Jar 11th lleg11nohl [to the C ih-C)
&nd, 4 camel• rn""'Po"""
to'"'/."'" •• , f I (Urdu.)
10 lluhd llo~l 1-..htn R,.a Jar 11th Rchrm<nt [t, the C 1n.C 1
C'crt,ffc,,!Lot I "11rtcr..-.rrrero ,cnt L, !ho AolrJ/ =rlc,] rn the IJtf.
Rqp01<nt f I (l NIL)
11 l.nrolmcnt I, t of the l itL 11.,.n1111r11t. f I (I .r)
12 ---lo C rn C l'r:i,. for• ma,nl<n>n<Cnllonu.-,, fur th,,
fnmil.- of h11 Lrothcr \luh,1 b1i•n liJlr,I m 0<1100 r l (llrJu)
1857 99
\IS f, 11 & nnou. me-,
H l SLoil,h OLullm ~olJ <a.- r I itL It,1:1mrnt t, tL, hi Ml:
ltq,oth tL:at l~ ._.('QtrttDJ;!'!ruin Atnn lu 111• n:alltt"f..-u-tttJtr'r •L,~ Li,
Lorii;one on l<2Y< oErrrobi< KT',,..... ! 1 , l rdu.)
,, IS 2 :\lnhrl lh'1nnlltb hli•n 1} ••,II , Toil ,m,n G,t, t., tt,
Aol.-. I h ,cnJ"1,: '"" '"" ., Jc,,r,-,I r I 1 l rd,)
29 3 Al 111\bb 1'h1n "1.-1, titt, lt,,.,a,..,,• to tl,• "'"' llu1c1:
nLb1i..cJ 1r.t.Tt"l1r 'lft'ht (nm lkrut(",i t l 1 h-1ICl:' ~h Jf...,,,- Jutn t h"
b,, "°" cum,- t, llclL, <Df"'"' h"' ,t I r~ 1 ~,It-, ""I' 1 '"''
LI' r<]."lm.,,t ■rm<' fn n, h:t I I I 'l ~tu)
1857 \ 99-oonf iuuacl
July 30 4 C -m-C to oflicc1s of the 13th Regiment O1<lc1s ha, e been
rcce1\'cd from the Kmg ihnt no hmc must Le -lo!:>tm 1nepnung for
.1chon The ll.ne1lly ,rnd N1much fo1ces hn\'C been ordeicd to mu1ch
to Ahpoie The 13th rcgunent 1s to Jom the B.11c11lyforce und arrongo
with 1t nbout the tnue fo1 its dcpaiture. £. l. (U1du.)
b 23 ;j Sh.nkh IIusam, JJ,{fadi'i1,13th Reg11ncnt, to the King. Repo1ts
that he lo!:it his horse m tho fight nt Qt1cls1yahBugh on 7th August
111~rcguncni h.i~ been 01<lc1cJto Alipo10 hnt lie cannot ptocced \V1tl10ut
a. h01::.e. l?r,lJ b Hint a11.mgcmenL!:imay be m.iclo lo supply lmn with
one f. l (1?c1.)
___ \ G :Mmild A]~hnrIlcg, R, r;ald,i1 1
13ll1 Regiment [to Urn C -m"'CJ
"\V1llcscud l lJaft1rlii1 nnd JO Sa1rit,~ ,1c,<le!:inrcl i l (1?c1)
--- 7. St.,tcmcnt of \\ages of men m {he 13th Regmwnt. f. l. (Pei )
S. Ei:,Limuicof C\.pcm,csof the 13th Rcg1111cnt. £ 1, (Pei )

1857 100
1\'.fS.foll li!), v.11ious s1Zcc;,
28 L Col. :i\lh<lKh1z1 Sultan to 1'hiinahtlti1s .iml Aolvii.l. Dnccb thcn1
to rele,1sc ce1t.irn ,\ omen nn<l clultli c)1tnken p11r;;oncu,on slldp1c1011of
bcmg Chuc,tI,ms Jnd to !> thcJ me not moleoted f la (Pei )
HJ 2 C -m-C. to N.iwnb Ivf.ihbf1b 'Ah Khim Asl\b b1m to pay Lekha,
the p11c,c of~\\ cctmc,tt supplied by 1nm to the 10g1mcnt of sappe1s and
llllllCl s f 1 (Pei ) -
3 A Puncc to :\fahbub 'Ah K.hJn To the same effect as abovo
" " f. 1 (U1du)
21 4 Col :i.\ihdKhrn1 Sultan to C -m-C Requests him to supply the
" office1s of sappers and mmcrs with nfles and swords ' f. I (Per)
IJ ,, 5. A Prmce to C -m-C Has given a Lullock cait to Naml Ram and
taken a receipt fiom him f 1 (Por.) ..
,, 22 6, Mnza Suhrab to C.-m-C Complams that the Ttlangiis 1h the fort
while on the iampart come nea1 his house overloohmg the zenana f
1 (Per)
23 7 C -m-C. to Mirza 'Ahtlul-lah Asks him to send 2 Compames
" undei Nawah Mhd Hm,an Khan f. 1 (Pei.)
JJ 24 8 Col Mhd Khrnr Sultan to C -m-C thb Hawalda1 }.1:aJOlwill sub-
mit his papeis to-monow f. 1 (Pei )
J) ,, A Pnnce to C -m-C Requests him to send some a1ticles mentioned
m the letter f 1 (Per) -..
25 10 C -111-Cto Col IVfhd In!1zr Sul~an Dnects hlill to stJ.t10n hiS
faoops at Silampur f I (Pei )
JJ llJ 12 Col Mhd Kh1z1 Su1fitin to Tha1tiihdars and Kotwal
" Duccts them to 1elcase certain men, women and ch1ldien taken pusoneis
' on susp1c1onof bemg Chustams aml to see that they a1c not molested
f 2 (Per)


1857 IOO-continucd
May 2'6 13 Col "i\fb<lKh11r Sultdn to C 10-C Request, him to .end 5,0()0
CArtndge• for !he mre of oolweni. f l (Per)
,, 14 (a) C m-C to ilhrzA Abdu I lah A•h him to .end 2 COQI
pames to the Ba<lhSarai Ilattene,,
(b) Din& Rim and Il~J' t,, [C in C] Ilrqne.t him top~
gunrde at tho ~fan and h.ALulgnk• f I (Per )
27 lo Receipt of a payment mn<leto Ltlh, eonfcc11oner f I (Ptt)
" ,, 10 Col ]IIh<l Kb1rr Sultan to C m..f' R"'1ue.t, him to supply
Bhola Sepoy's reqw 1hon1 from the =~une f l (Per) I
, 17 C'ol l\11;,<lK.L1ar S1111411 to l m (' Reque-t, lum to l"\f
JI• 4 14 0 In the cooh, .. cmpl, Jl'd m Qu<l10yaL B~~L .ancl S11~b IIU>j
f I (Per)
h 18 C'ol '1h<l Kl 11r ~nlt!n In C ID C 'l Compnnu,s of JulNar ••<l 2
of ca~alry 1cg,mcnt. hne amn..J [to JOm the mulmt'C<I] anti att,
awa1hng ordoro from C ,n-l, f I (L rda )
27 10 C'ol 'lhd Kh1lr Sultan to C 10..(. Reqac,.t, him to 1<n<l aruu
for the men of a ccrbm comp:,ny [name ,llcg,~le] f I (1 er)
2P 20 lol :illbd Kh•P- Sultl\n to C' m-C Rc<Jne-t• lum to "'lld
pron>1on• for eo more men of the Snppc.-. and ,r1uer. f I (Per)
30 :! 1 Ah ann'l lnh t ,111-u Ft1J1IJk,~ S,n<l, tho \arar II ho match<'d
n match In<l Crumn ..CJwiyencl reqnc t, lum to re.tort the nrt1de lo the
O\\ncr f I ( P,,,-)
'll 2' Col '\Ill I hlJ1ir Sultiln t, L m C Arl.nowletl/:'-" rr,tipl Qf
hu, p1r,rn,,aA an,I rcq11t'btM l11mto M.m.lpmn~1<n, Md n111~mtn f l
" 2J (.,t m C tu Col 'lb<l h.!J11r "altAn A•l• lum to"""" a ram~)
r1Jcr to Ln111,mfonnnt,on uf tbo fi1,htmi: that tLW1l. 1n tho nrii::h-
bourLoo<lof l'nruJl>t !>oncpat an<l the l\arL:ula f I ( I\T)
2 i lol M l.,J hl11/r Sul1An to C 10-C n"J""'h hun lo ,end 4
mound, of p,r<11eJ !JUlfl an<l 2 mound. of moll. ,.,, £, r tl,o IY/:'ment
of .appen, and miner,,. f I I l t<lu)
Jnno 2J Col '11/11 !v11rr Sult,n to l In C \ L, Lim to ~n,I a ~
mcnl to JulluuJDT to ttmfurce !Lo mon fii;Ltini, thor, f 1 (IJ,dn,)
2fl C rn-C to "'l'P AWa I laL lhr" t, him to march at oru-,
,nth l11,nnn:r to=r<l• the '\arl,,.L:i f. I (l ,r)
.. 27 Col "h,l 1'-'111r Saltln f< C m-C lt.-.Jn ~t< h,m to ..-nJ
<llJ:'i,'Tl' anti ,ndtM f J (I r) •
2, ( ol "h•l h] 1lrr '-nl[\n t C in ( -,,, th,t I~ n1 nntnn
men! •lionM ,,.. i::iur<lc,I•~•in t Htll1 h "I I,.,.. I I ( Unlo)
2 ir lol 'lh<l h.l,11r "ultAn to l 10 C \ h Lim I vc<l • l!'l>D (,r
ta\;wJ:' d<l1rerr o( i,1n1 ftJ 'T J.,,r,I, f I \ ll"lo l
i 111 Col \JI, I PU11r !>11ltln t (., -10.(, 1Cn1s.-.1 L,m •~ <H"•l
~ m1unJ1 of ,.- trn,ol f r tl..- '•I J ~°"I )lir "' f I {I <r)

1857 100-continuad
June 3 31 Col. l\Ihd Kl!rnr Snltiin io C -m-C Asks 1nm to supply the
Hamaldar of the sappers nnd mmc1 i. ,uth 4 c:u ts and S bullocks £or ca1-
ryrng tinnspor~ £ 1 (U Hlu )
4 32 Col nihtl Kh11.1 Snltun to C -m-C .A_..,kshnn to send the daily
wnges of sepoys of the 57th 1cg1ment arr01dmg to the list g1ven m the
lette1 f 1 (U1cln)
,, ,, 33 Col J\lh<l Klma Snlt:-in to C -m-C Sap, that the people need
not foai ns guns n1c filed to trnm llC\\ m i1lleiy men f 1 (U1du)
5 31 Nusialul-:M11lk to C -m-C Sa1 i:; that ho 1s sho1t of about l 00
" horses and 1equcc;ts1nm to ohL1Pl the .,,wrt1011 of the £o1 their
purc]rn-,e at Hs 1!0 each f 1 (l'ci)
JI 35 Col \I hd Khu1 Sultan to C -m-C Soliutb llbt1U(.,t1011s foi Ins
1eg1ment f ). (U1<lu)
,, 36 C -in-C to Col 11lhd I(lu.1.1 Sultim Summons hnn m 01tler
" that the C -m-C mny be info1mc<lo.f the Krng't. 01de1t. f 1 (U1du)
,, 8 37 Col 1tlhd Kluz1 Sultan io C -m-C Reqnci,fa, him to find out
whethe1 rein:fo1f'emc11ts m c commg, if coni,JStmg of G11Ja1s they may
be mducetl to m..ike a mght uUnck upon the English f 1 (Pe1 )
,, 10 38 Col 1\lhcl Khrnt Sn1Uin to C -m-C. Reqnci,ts 1nm to mstruct the
gua1ds at the fo1t to pa<:&the "oinen's emuage gorng out to-day
(Ye1s0 C-m-C 's orde1s to cflcet) f 1 (Pei)
15 - S!J C -m-C to l\I111aSuhrub Dnectt. hun to make 0Ye1 2 camels
" to l\Ih<l Khan nnd H1<lny,1tKhan f l (Pc-1)
17 40 Col i\Ihd to C -m-C Asks him to hand ove1 an
" E-mch gun to a bepoy of the Sappc11-, and nime1s f 1 {U1dn)
20 41 Co] :i\1hd Kh11.1 Su1Uin to C -m-C 1'71ll see him at mght.
" Kmg's orde1s aie that 500 sawii1s should be sent to captuJe p1ov1s10ns-
of the English f. 1 ( l'e1 )
,, ,, 42 Kmg to C ~m-C and Col i\Ihd .[h1z1 Sultan. Duects them to
capture the J.'tla11giisiavagrng Dasna £ ] (Pei )
43. Col. :Mhd !Q!1z1 Sultan to C -rn-C Requests him to get 1t
announced that the big gun will be fned at Sal1mgarh tlus afternoon
f. 1. (Pei}
- ,, 44 C--m-C fa, Col }i1hd fil11z1 Sultan Directs him to send all
" the p1ov1s1onsmte1cepted by bis ieglJ!lent at Tehwaia, to the a1my f
1. (Urdu)
23 45 C -111-Cto Nand1mal, Treasme1 Duects hJm to pay Rs 100
to the son 0£ the late Kmg [Akba1 II] f 1 (U1du)
,, 24 46 (a) C -rn-O to Col Mhd Khiz1 Sultan Asks him to send his
regitnent to the hench at once
, (b) Col Mhd Kw.zr SuJtan to Lala J awala Nath Directs 1nm
to prepaie a iegrment 0£ volunteers to go with the magazine to the
tl'ench f 1. (Per)
,, ,, 47 Col Mhd Kh1z1Sultan to C -m-C Requests him to pay 2 days'
wages to the coohes wo1kmg at the Calcutta Gate f 1 (U1du)
18l:i MUTil\-Y PAPERS

1B67 lOO-contl11ued
1uno 2o 48 C'ol 2'IJitlKh1~r Sultdn to C u,-C Rcqn""b hun to ,apply the
6~ba!cl«r of lhe Soppers •nd "\linen, "'1lh the !lllllcruilon~JJ')' for
d1ggmg =~ f J (Per)
,, 40 \[nu Ahn Bur to C --m-C Reports the •mnil-of 6,000 llnluh
roldien nt S1pnupah f l (Urdu J
',, 60 Col :M1,1d Kh1fI Sultan to C --m C Rcqttet!s htm to cl"'l"'lcb a
company or two from ony reipmcnt to gu,,rd Culcultn Gnt<, no SU "'-1"'J"
of the &pper• nod \liners m.,h to go and fight, wlulo ""m~ hno I.ft for
Qnclttynh ll,gh f I {Per )
vl Col 111}.,tlh.h1p Sulton to C m--L \1b h,m for 2 m.,uncl, of
lc,ul Lullct.from the m•gu,ne for pn:pnnng ,hell, f I (l'c'>)
,, o2 Col Kh 11r Sulton lo C m C Rc'<)GMI Lim lo seh<l
Aarl-araA, or 1ar11rs to lmn!( rnfortnntwn ,f tLL Ttf4•1'Jt and Jlt llfL
soliliera lin,o encnmpro at lloi:p:it f I {l'Lr)
63 Col :'>llul h.h1~r S11l[ln to C in C lub luru to rn•\rud tl,o
.Da,o,l,a of tl1c ,roh=me to ,upph the lllll!cnol, necc,.,:,r~ for rci•11nn1,
tho Jumnn Lntlhe f I (Per)
&4 C ,I \l}.ul h.li11r Snlpn to {' ,n C Htq11N-t•b,m 10 ,rnJ tl,t
uail) wag"" of l 110•=h .... " rlm[! ut Soluuh"Urh f I (I LT)
20 6J (., ,I 'lh<i Kh11r ~11![011 t ( ,n-C The 1 rump:,IU<'Olh•t b,t!
gon-cout of tht (ih to fl!,M rdonic-tJ tt,..d.'l1for n11nt of n-rnfoN't'mru!,
f I (l nlu)
&6 Lui 'Iii,! hli1ir S11ltiioto C m-t flcq11r-h I.Im tn p:w the
wai,,ii of the <-<>oh,-. mrnhonl't! 111 "" ldkt f I (Perl
27 J7 \!u"Zll ALdu 11,h to(' ant \••• b1m for "''trh of knt•fcrtLr
n'glment outt,ulo tl1c uh n 1t 11- rjuun,; f 1 Ptr)
"~ ( an-< tu C',I ,11111 l\l11rr bul[An \,l, bun to "'"<l tome
,ron tt1 t!I for the rLL,Jn1e11t out 1dat1 r r1tv I Crtltnc 111mb lfl"tul,lcop
a«,.,nnt of tbo roin f I (I rdu
fS Ml Col ~lht! hl,,u 'iultln tu {' 1n C Rrque>t.< him I' 1"1 the
<loil1"1lJ,..,. oft> .... ,,, !:JID,: tu 1nm f I (rcr)
2P ro C IDL t, C I \!W hb••r SulL"" ll1t~I• him to vr-cnnt th,
':;1."-'Y•Cromrem \IU~ lx-,m l'bnl, ck (rum lbr Jumn, bil'l~r r I
(l rdu)
10 I} Col \11,,<lhl111r ~nti II tr C Ill ( )h-qu-.t• lo1mt l"T 11,,.,u,lr
,,....l!'M Qh1l Ul~-..{"? mr11t1 Ot'\I 111tl1r Jett'f
of the C"l.)()hl'..f r 1 (l'n l
1 • ,1uu Alm H 1.r t \hn~ \\.111I 1,1, ll"t" t• hun t > fn
" 11troC'i the I r.irl from Luc\.n 1'T not t, t..Ht~ t ~.Jlrt:1ltu Ill ""L,.,,..
Lc,,Utt' tLr")'l1m\l, L-..'\'111 tth.rt"'l
t t\aT r 1 tl rr}
Jnl, , 3 t,J \11,J hl,l1r ~nit n I ( 111 C lkJ ,t, thr Ja,N~< I •<
to tlic \.;)ttt'fY t.'"tlie 1 n,J1 h ;intl o \, ( r dli 1 -tt, utaro LUr"lu:i ..,tl-i
r.ir1,nt<l'>I L1 ( I 11,r J
l, I (a ( 1n ( In I ol \11,,I hh or ~,I ~J'. \,., L,r, r' "1"" !t•
1 uJ;..'l.'1mnml~trl) :o th tll m, \.....,I ~ m litr ~u.1. \.
l lol \II I 1-l J/T :,, 11' 111 t , I 1r.{ I• lr) lh L • I<-••1 t I
\h, tt~l Ion<• .. ,n a I !h f I ,1 rJu)

1857 lOO-coutin1MJd
July 2 65 C.-rn-C to Jn\\iila Nnth. Abks hnn to send Rs ] 1-2-0 on
account of makmg carts for [the use of sepoys at.] the Kashmu Gate f.
1 (Per.)
,, 3 66. Secuuty bond C::\ecuted by l\Jhd Amn m favour of M ash1yat ·
Khanto Col 1'fl1d Khiz1 £. l, (U1du.)
,, " ◄ 07 Col 1\1}.idKlnz1 Sultan to C.-m-C Requests him to send the
" wnges of the coolies ment10ncd m the letter, f 1. (Pei.)
6 68 C.-in-C. fo the Kmg Scmis a gun and other m ticles ohtamcd
by the plunder of Gurgnon to be kept m the stoic hou5e, f. 1 (Urdu )
,, 7 GO. Col ~Ihd Kh1i.r sunonto C -m-C Sencls Sobba Smgh Sepoy
nnd ShanJ...1r,confcct10ne1, ancstecl m an affrny, fo1 t1rnl f ] (U1dn)
,, 8 .. 70. Yahya Khnnp1om1ses to retmn to Gcsn Cha;navi lus sword m 10
dn) s, failmg which he will fo1fe1t ha, becuuty clepos1t of Rs 10 £ 1
J) 9 71. :Mirza Abu Baki to C -111-CRecommends Sa1,1friiz Khan, Sepoy
mrestecl for quariellmg ovei a sw01d .md dagge1 with a J.'tlanga, fo1
C.-m-C's. fnvom f l. (Pei )
72. (a) C -m C to Mhd 'Arim, Asl\s h11nto send a spa1e tent ,
" )J

(b) Mhd 'Azim to C -m-C Says ihat he 1s sho1t of tents and

1s • unable to meet his rcqms1tion f. 1 (U 1du )
JJ 10 73. C -m-C to the Kmg. Ucqmsts b1m to make anangements for
the supply of food, etc, to sepoys fiom other places, f I (Pei )
,, 74 :Mhd '.A.71mto C -in-C Enqmres afte1 his health • £ I (Per)
7 5 Col :Mhd Kb1zr Sultan to C -m-C Rep01ts enlistment of
" Shaikh Ghulam N ab1 and KJ-1ushl}alKhan m the 8th C,ivahy regiment
f. 1 (Pei)
76 Col MJ1d Khizr Sultan to C -m-C Requests him to get him a
" " tent. £ 1 (Urdu)
11 77 Col. 1'1J)d1:Khrnr Sultan to C -m-C Requests h11nto send the
" wages of the coohes mentioned m the letter £ 1 (Urdu I)
,, 78 Col lvlhd Kh1z1 Sultan to C -m-C 'Asks him to supply non,
" copper, brass etc., fo1 the 1u,e of the ScLppe1sand 1vfme1s. f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 12 79 C -m-C to Col l\1hd Khiz1 Suitan Asks him to 1etam the
tents requned by his regiment and send the iest. f 1 (Per)
JJ ,, 80. Col 1\'.1hd KL1z1 Sultan to C -m-C Fo1 wa1ds the petrt1on of
the Suba/zdiir of the Sappe1s and i\1me1s fo1 disposal f J (Urdu)
,, 81, Col l\ihd lil11zr Sultan to C :m-C Requests him to pay the
" coohes w01km~ at Sahmgaih with the Sappe1s and .Mme1s acco1<lmg to ,,
the hst m the letter f 1 (U 1du ) ~
,, 13 82 Col Mhd Kh1z1 Sultan to C -m-C Sends a tent th1ough
Afzal Beg, JJafadih of 8th Regiment f 1 (Pei) '°
83 C -m-C. to the Kmg Sends the artwles of the magazme re ..
eove1ed from the house of Fa1i Mhd Kha11togcthe1 with a hst and the
K otwiil's ieport f. 1. (Pe1 )

1857 100----ccntmued
lnly ,. 84 Col 'IIJ,,d Khrp-Snlt,ln to C m C Reqneru him
tho pnce of a ne,r bugle pnrch!lled for the 8th Regiment f
torr Rs 4,
17 85 C 1n-C to Col :W)d h.h1µ-Snltin D,recuhim to rcconr the
clothe,, of Bande Ah from hu rruherman who hu bctn relm...l
f I (Urdu)
20 86 Col Ml,1d Kh1p- Snl!6n to C m-C Request, bun to put h11
o<alon the coclo.ed parrr:a•a~ f l {Per)
21 b7 Col ;\[l)d KhlJ'r Snl14n lo C 10 ( &nd,, 4 men on
~ SMJ>IUOD of c.pwnoge to Lo Lept m cw-tody f 1 (l,n]u)
22 58 "\01111b ALbnnl\,ridt lkg,11n <lnughler of SMh ,\!4m, to "\[117A
"\lhd /,ahm, J-<lm C m ( \ou him to rononlt her L<,fo.rcp:wini;
Dllj- orJcra on the oohc,tnhon of ""'" AWul Oil<lir,mu MaHu Jki.•1m1
who wunt perm1<Swn to go to her ;agir, Cor •he 1• enable to L<:lr ibetr
tm,dhng expcn'""' r I (Per)
,o Col "hd Khlf! Snlt•n to C. m C Commend, the rrunon,
Duu<lhu, 11nm Snrup nn<lother, ,..1,.,.,,
gu.,rdian1 b,ue Lc,,n killtd 1n
nctwn toh11fo,onr f J (U"1u)
23 00 Col '111.,<l h.h1µ- Sulton lo C, m-C Hc.p1e,t, him lo 1tnJ 80
cooL,-. to '•hmi;nrlt (C lit (, • orJcr to /,.o(,,.J{ for (JN) ■ upph o(
eoohc,) f 1 (Per)
21 VI (' 10 C to "\l,ru \Lui Jln'!ln A,L. luru not to n,fJ...,., him a1
General f 1 (UrJu.)
25 P2 "\lhJ hl)dn ton fnend [nome not g1\"tn] Compwn1 of b11
inchfTcrcn,c nnd •tlcn-.. f I (Urdu.)
'11 C, 1 "\ll,d h.hqr SulJ!n to C m-C Will go to.,, h11 Fnd>]'
rra,l're rn the moS-que Hcquc-,,ttLim to f<'mlJO uNr, to attt-nd oa
him f I (Per)
Ol 'l'bo htng to t tn C A,b h,m to re.I at urtd tliot be .rnl i;tl
wh,theuCRnc-. f 1 (I\-r)
OJ :t,.0 h..!J~tun7.:unlnl lk-pm ,t.ui:Ltcr of DaL.l,lur Sb:,h, to
L\lo TinnAml Lal Tru,urer A•L.. Lim to ,;nil ber Ito 1~ al « (
I ,UrJn
2G P~ J •rlu I Ha7 lo (' m-C A•h L,m I, ,nmm111mutc all lh.11 bu •
p:1s,c-J l,drrt'Ch hun ou<l Orn•rul "\!ul.,.mnwl lla!(bt }.hln Jonni:
tL<irrnlenm•.- ( 1 (l,r)
17 "\nnoh \ll,:,rll.lJi Jki:,,tn t C in(, ,\,b b,m tn rtf'M a
I ,r,.-J.1ttA Uhfl r hit H-:11tn tl1t"olrK""Nor U1e AJffl"TOate JmxtmJ:;' tWm
tn p,.J,_, "'I'"• o•I f I (l'tr)
~1 ~• t I 'Ila! lt..ll ll1>,r SL,h I, C lo.(. lt•!"'rlJ •~•nil
rn~n ,1t .. Jr1 mtnt, hN 1n tht J tl!"f I, r ai:Bhn,, Jt tar112ih<'f'
10 (,U-..1r
I llhoi!.,r,! In f I (I ..r J
,, 50
l'' \lml .Al.,O lhlr t, C ,n C ll"'t"''u !um t, (o~uh tl,
of tL• ,rJ t ... ,,T ,.,,h Olt<"H.J.r)" •rut• r I (Unk)
1857 100-continued
Aug. 2 ) 00. C -m-C. to Col. .Mhd. "Khrn1 Sultan. Asks 1nm to send Sita
Rnm who it: m his cuc;tody (Y c1so S1tfi. R iim has ah endy been
1el\?asecl) £ 1 (U1dn)
5 1OJ. Mhd Khan to C -m-C. Suggesh, thnt guns be food at all the
" gates [ of Delln J to cclelnato the cnptmo of Agia £ 1 (U1du)
7 102. [C -m-C J to :Mn1fi '.Abdu'l-lah l~mpoweic;1nm to decide certam .,,,
" cases a11dasks 1nm to be nnpartrnl m hu, dec1s10ns f 1 (Pei )
0 103. Lachhm1 Clrnnd, Knc;;hiNJth, ,Jnmna Das and otbeis to C -m:C, ,
" :Ofokea furthe1 contulmhon 0£ Hs 2],:}50 f 1 (T;1dn)
,, 104. Col J\Ihd Khrn1 Sultan to C -111-(' Inquues 1£ the gun at
" Tehwara. has been 1epaned f. l (Pet )
10 105 Col j\fhd Kh1i1 SnltJn to C -m-C Sends a sepoy and says that
" 1£the C -m-O goes personally the work [not mentronc<l] "111 be done
p1ope1ly f 1. (U 1du)
,, l 06 Col j\f)J.d Kl11z1 SnltJ.n to C -m-C. Requec;ts him to send
" AJodhya Dube to give his evidence rn a cmtam case f 1 (U1du)
11 107 Sobha to C -m-0 Asks £o1 maintenance allowance as his son,
" the only means of Ins support, Jias been lnlle<l hy tlie explos10n of the
lviagazme f ] (Urdu)
12 108 C -m-C. to M111a Abdn'l-lnh. Dnccts bun io 1emove the guaids
" placed at the gate of Miiz;t F:1zzlBeg Khan f 1 (U1dn)
13 109 :Mhd Khan to [C -m-C J Complams of his msmceuty and says
" that he will neYe1uttei a w01d agarnst him to the Kmg f l (U idu )
,, 110 Col l\ihd Khrn1 Snl~an to C -m-C Requests lnm_ to send
" Rs 1,600 to pay the daily wages of ee1tam 1eg1mcnts mentioned m the
lette1 f I (Pei.)
,, 15 ] 11 l\inzfi. Abu Baki to C -m-C Requests him to supply saddlenes
to the smoa,s of the 31d Cavalty f 1 (U1du)
16 1}2 Col Mhd Khrn1 SultantoC-m-0 Hequests him to release2
" men ane.5ted on susp1c1on of csp10nage by the Tdaugas £ l (Pei)
113-14 Dopos1tions of Imam Bakhsh and AsL1a£ Khan 1ega1dmg
" their a1Test f. 2 (U1dn)
J ,, J-15 Nawab Anwa1 I\fohal io [C -rn-C] Asks L1m uot to 1emove the
present guards from he1 gate f 1 (Pei )
JJ - ,, 116 Col Mhd Khrn1 Sultan to C -m-0 Will send the money 1ece1ved
f1om Dhum1mal and Dhonkalmal as asked £ J (Urdu)
- '
,, 117 Col Mhd Kluz1 Sultan to C -m-C Requests to send one
" tent fo1 Gusesar Tewari out of the fom iece1ved nom Sahmgarh £ 1.
,, 17 118 Col Mhd Kh1z1 Sultan to C -m-C The 1equned papers of the
8th Regnnent w1ll be sent to-mouow f I (U1du)
19 119 C -m-C to T\fnza Abu Bak1 and l\fnzii Abdu'l-lah Sends them a
" cncular letter from the Kmg about the plunde1 of 'Ihtllii.mud-Daulah'a "
house and asks thelll to se41 and 1eturn 1t. £ 1, (Pei )
l!lO lfOTUn r APE!h.
1857 lOD--cont11111td
Ang 20 120
D~lhon of Jam'lyat Smgh regarding 'lil•urtn f 1

,. 121 C'ol :llhd Khur Saltln to C m C A•h h,m to proT1deNonda

Singh, IJafnd'1r of the 3rd Carnlry, mth money, toot., etc. f ] (Urda )
21 122 Col Mhd Kh•fr Saltiin to the officlala of tho roart. .Asks
them to rehrue and .. ad Jalnd f l (Per)
22 12~ Col "\fl.,d Kb1fr Snlt4n lo C m C San lhnt Ra.tarn ~
complo1W1A[(1lln.t 2 Pnn,aLr. £or ntlempbni: hJJ"Wo nod n.,)u fnr
ju.lice. f l (Urdu.)
,, 23 JN Col 1Ihd Kh•fr Sal{dn to C 1n-C Porminls an =nnt of a
certnm mm of tnonC) reqwrcd L, btm f l (Urdu.)
,. 12• Col Kh•fr Saliln to C' 1n-C Report,, the confirmnhon
of the ne«-1 that the Engl11h are laymg mrnc,. f l (l,.,ln J
24 12fl 'Ihm ho1dn &lht to C m-C Rcqac,,t• b,m to return b,.
mlllohlocl ,rh,ch mi• seizedfrom btm f l (Urdu.)
28 127 Col Mhu Kh11r Saltm to C m C Request• b,m to rcl«ue
l[ ulr6J ...,,-nnt of Ilnl,hllwnr Smgh f l (Per J
128 Col Mhd h..h•fr Snlt!n to(, m-C Pomt• out the dtcdrantni:,.
of ,en<lmg !11,d1rnuon to the J,..,hani:anj tread, { 1 (Urda)
Sep S 120 Depo,ihon of I.alto ~mgh regurwni: h,. orn<L f l (Unln)
6 l°O 'llrzll 7'1h<lF1roz Shah 10 C In C A<lm<'t hnn tn refer the
ca<e of cerium con,plouJAnts to fulhtd..-ar dhah for dttmon f J
6 131 Col 'lh<l S ul1{lnto C m C R,qaMs 1,lm to f"tt !
romp:ml,.. t (the JumnnJ hnJge { I (Urdu.)
, 1~2 Col :\lhd Kh1fr Sult&n lo ~hrzl ~IM. SahrlL /ul, him
to .en<ln• muth J:UO(JUm!<r"" (>O>>iUe from hla rtgtmenl f 1 (l, r<lu.)
,. J'\3 Col 'lhd h..hifr ::iur11nlo C m-C Aal• !um to ttnd
to the I rtncL,-. { 1 l U r<lu.)
0 131 Col )lh<l Kh•frSulton to C 1n C \,h bhn lo ;,nd I ni,
men!• to r,h,re lb, llornl1 fo= In !Le lr,n,LN anJ f r,g,m,nt,, and
1,000 1,rJr, to help the rth"1'td {ortt 1n altaeking tht Engluh to-Jay
f 1 (l rdu,
lO to .l.~
.. t<:e
.. i~~,...~?{be
r!~ii,t i.:b:i,
t~..!:i o~''r1t7t'."~

1i-0 Col 'lhJ hli•fr Soltla to C~,n C \\ ant,, • for romroalH

to r:u,,rJ th• Jumn.a Lnlg, f l (Ur<lo)
137 Il,ltlJUur S~h to C 1n-C Will ..Jl on IJ112If n,,,_'1
f 1 (P.-r J •
135 Col ~lhJ h.b1p Saltu, lo a JJ.. ,1, JlUttU Wm t,, ,.,},c,,11
anoth,r J'<hhoo "".i,,-
hi• .,,.L r 1 11•..,.)
- l~~ Col )11),1 J.bl1r '>~ltln t,, • Lr<tL,.. A•~• Mm ta t... .-..Jr
,nlL Z infutry, 1 oanln- u,d l a11ilr...,
n;-,m•at.. f I (t n!lL)
1857 100-contln1ted
lJ.O Col !\lhd 1 Khrnr SnltJn to n brother. Asks him to supply
Bh,twiini Smgh Jam'adi"i1with tents, ctc, mont1011ed 11,1 the lette1. f. 1.
141. Col Mhd Khrn1 Snltin to a b111,ther. Asks him to' a1range
with i\L1hhub 'Ali Khan to mcot the oxponses of the Sappers and Mm01s
f. 1. (Pm ) -
1,12 Col Mhd Khrn1 Sultan to the King Requests him to send
a tiustworthy man to accompany ce1ta111aitwlec; [gomg to the M1hta1y
sto1ej f 1 (U1dn.j
1-1-3 Col ·.M]ulKhrn1 Sultiw to C -m-C Requests him to issue a
pm wii.nalito Clrnrnh Srngh not to obJcct to K1shan Dayu.1'susmg planks,
beams, etc. f 1 (Pei.)
--- 144. Col i\1hd Kh1z1 Sn115.n, to C.-m-C Reqnesfs him to p·Ly the
daily wages of 60 coolies and 4 masons wo1krng m the Qudsymh Bngh
ti ench. f l (Pet )
--- 143 Col ::\{hd Khrnr Sultan to C -m-C Repo1 ts that Bala
Cbama1 has stolen a <'ertam quantity of pulse out of 10 maunds sent
th1ough huu. f. 1 (U1du)
146 Col i\1h<l Khrn1 Sultan to C -m-C. Asks him to arrange for
2,000 sawv1s to ohstiuct the supply of the p1ov1S1ons, gune, etc, to the .
Englrnh £ 1 (U1du)
147 Col :Mhd Kh1z1 Sultiin to C .:rn-C Requests him to g1ve 4
bullocks to a ce1ta10 sepoy o:f the Sappe1s and Mme1s f. 1 (Pei )
148 Col Mhd Khuu Sultan to C -m-C. Asks hm1 to send the
companies mentioned m the lette1 at 3 A. lir as requested by certam
office1s £. 1. (U1<lu) ~
149 Col Mhd Khrn1 Sultan 10 C -m-C Advises him to issue an
orde1 that all the gates of the city be guaiJed very caiefully to-mght.
:f 1 (Pei) 4

150, Col l\1hd Kh1zr Sul~an to C.-m-C Asks him to send 60

sawa1s of the 3rd Cavahy to gua1d the Jumna budge f I (Urdu).
151 Col i\'[hd Kh1z1 Sultan to C.-m-C. Requests him to send 4
compames and place guards eve1ywhere between Laho1e Gate and Sahm-
garh as an attack 1s expected from the Enghsh. £. 1 (Pei.)
152 Col Mhd Kluzr Sultan to C'-m-C Has taken the trenches
" and- d11.ven the E1~ghsh, Asks for gunpowder, bullets, etc. f, 1.
r(U1du) _ ,
153. Col Ml}.d Kh1zr Sultan to C -m-C Is unwell. Has sent 5
comparues to the tienches and 1s unable to send moie f. 1. (Per)
154 C -m-C to the Kmg Has sent 2 regiments unde1· Col Mhd. -
Kh,izr Sultan to_Ahpur f 1 (U1du) •
I55L C -m-C to :M:nza Abu Bak1, Muzii 'Abdul-lah and othe1s.
Sends a circular lette1 from the Krng askmg them to stop the plunderi.
mg of Hakiqi Ihtir.amud-Daulah's prope1ty and to return the letter
.after affixmg theu seals to 1t, f. 1. {Pei.)

1857 100-conl,n11ed
l~O Ghuldm 'All to the fung Report. the de:ith of hu, brotb..-
Nrul 1 'All by the e:,:plo<10nof the magumo and request, htm to grant
n IllllIDfenance nllommce to !us mother f I (Per)
---1 167 1nwAln 1'dth to O ID C Reqneata hllll to ■end for a fill<'
men to re«! the Q•ra~ nod {'l11) f r >1ctory f I (Urdu)
168 Khawllmim Shah to the King Pray. that the C m-C may be
onlered to nrrert ■ ad •ond cor!run ,a,.1rular1to hllll "° that be may
real,w tho moncJ tho1 om, hllll f 1 (PBT)
160 1'!1ru Kayllm•I'!! to C ID C Bequest■ !um to ...tom h!.
matcbloolc wh1cli "'hi! tulon nwnv fromlmn. f 1 (Urdu)
• i00-01 U1m Mhd il~m Snltdn to C m C Reqnen■ hrm not
to remove Palaldhar! Te,vdrl who 10 gnardmg the hoop1tal f 2 (Urdu.)
102 "hl1n:A Abu Bakr to C JO C Reqn..t■ !um to ■end 1l■ t>,400
to P"Y the w•gs of the '""""" f I (Per)
103 nhm .Abil Bah to C m C Roque.ta him to a~ge for
cantlry ond artillery rcgnnonL<for him ru, he II reody to go out to fight
to-Jn) f 1 (l! rda )
104 1'hn4 ALil llnl.::rto C m-C Hat .. l;ed the urar to return
the p,atoL f I (l run)
101\ "\hru ~ bu Dahr to C JO C Ileqne,!■ !um to ,en,! 4 corn
pan11,•to gourd the Lohoro Gate f 1 (Unla.)
ma llhnA ~buBakr to C m-C' I• m needof mone) .A■b hun
for R, S f l (UrJu 1
107 )In-z! '\M lln\.r prom1se1 nenr to 11! tre:lt blll mfe f I (Per)
10~ :lhru Abu llnh-Ttn C m C Sa" tbat <ert.111n men llJ'l'et!ed
me Mrn:ulmnn"4 na 1H"t'-Ommu:)lb tl1L.1r relro.-e f l (Per)
lbD :lhrni \1,u ll"~r to MIJ I i\a,rntul "\full lie haa got onlr
nbo11tGO'"""" "lwm J,e """ "'-IIU 1{ n°""""ry f I (Unl1c)
li0 \luzi AW11IJoh I l ,n..(, lteqll<l!I• h,m to mot,uct tht
officer of a. tat 1111 --0111p in, to fU"t"rtnt
tht-T,la•Jril from pl11nJrt1ngtW
puhhc marlet f I (l rdu)
1,1 "\lirzl "\!hd Ar1m to l m-C Ail.• b1m to ■applygunrom)tT
for the ru<eof L11r,,g,ment. [ 1 (UrJu)
l ;2 ~f,nA "\(hd Ailnt to C m C Acu him to lMUO onJer■ lo
officer, to tho c!fo:t thrit th~ g,lc L, ~uuded C':lrefolh f l (Urda)
Ii3 Sam<l 1Ia11br Iflll':lm to Jo,~I~ 1'41h ,hb him to nutrae!
the i,utl"WIat the Drlh1 Gate to iun the women• OITUlg< going to
'1lr 1\amiL • hou,e r l (Per)
174 Snip<l ILrlblm lo ,1irm Akbt.r llikhl On hu '"'1 to
,1~rut be Lu Le<-11 1to1ped ,a Ob,.nnl03,l. ReqaesLo bun lo .."'1 •
'""'"' '11th a honoc for Lim r I (Urdn.)
Ji5 The h•n~ to C m C Aabt Lim to J'l"YIla )00 to meet lb,
,.-- funml C'J:(K'D..J.Nnf /AmAn hl1~n a t011.. £ J (Ptt)
1857 1OO-conel1tded
176. The Kmg to Jawii.ln Nilth Duects him to send provis10ns to
Kh1zr Sultan accordmg to his 1eqms1honq f. 1 (Pei.)
177 Muzii Chhote Salub 1s asked not to call on the wnter [name
not givenJ on the appomted day as the 'u1s' 1 of a ce1tam Begam 1s to
be celebrnted on that day f. 1. (Per.)
17B A Prmce to C -m-C. Requests 1nm to send several companies,
harl.ii1ahs au<l cawels to the Hmdun Bu<lge f I (Urdu.)
179 A Begum to C.-m-C Asks 1nm to place 5 gna1ds at he1 gate
01 else the Tzla119aswill plunder her house f 1. (Pei ) '

1857 101
•~{S. foll 46 , vauous sizes
June 1 1 C -m-C. to the Kmg Forwards Mirza Bakhtawar Shah's petition
about his mab1hty to march, and proposes to send ::M~nzaKucbak Sultan
m bis place (The Kmg does not app10ve of the p1oposal) f 1 (Pei)
16 2 Receipt of a payment made to Mhd 'Azim f 1. (Pei)
J) 21 3 C -m-C to the Krng Info1 ms h1m that the march of the a1my
has l)een postponed fo1 the piesent £ 1 (Pei )
July 2 4 C -rn-C to the Krng Forwards the petitions of Sarwat Khan
and Haular Khan about then wages, for 01deis f I (Pei)
,, 4 5 C -m-C to the Kmg Sends ce1tarn articles mentioned Ill the -
lette1 and iequests hnn to acknowledge then 1ece1pt f I. (Per)
J) 7 6. 7 Receipts of payments made to Mhd 'Azim f 2 ( Per )
,, ,, 8 C -m-C ,md :\11rzii'Abdul-lah to the Kmg Requests b1m to
consule1 then case favomably ,Lfte1 the v1cto1y (The Krng ag1ees to
do so ) f I (Pei )
,, 9 C -m-C to tbe Kmg H,1s pn.1dthe wages o.E his men out of
" Rs 30,0ll0 1ece1vedanJ the balance may be 1etm11ed 1E necessary f 1.
8 10 C -m-C, to the Kmg Demes the allegation that he has taken a.
" n:fle out of tihe articles iece1ved :nom Kale Kh,an to be sent to the
Kmg £ 1 (Per)
,, 9 11 C -in-C. to the Kmg Reports that a few sawars of the
and 6th Cavalnes have captured and brough~ 200 camels of the English
and they deserve a rewal'd f 1 (Urdu )
11 12 C -m-C to the Krng Reports that Amir 'Ali :fhanaluli1 ha•
" captured a ca1t contamm~ ... boxes,, swords, etc., of the Enghsh and
dese1ves a 1ewa1d f I (Urdu)
1.A.religions ceremony celebl"lltingthe de"th of n grent peraon, generally samts, when people gather
:roundthe grave, repeat prayers for the decensed and offer food 1 rncensc1 lights, etc


1867 101-0011t11111ed
July 12 18 Z1nat Ml.ha! to the Kmg Ileqneolt hun to h11truet the
C 1n-C to glve /j cart loedo of lime for the repair of her hollae.
(KIDg's ordere to that efieot) f 1 (Per)
17 14 Receipt of a payment made to M]i.d'.him. f 1 (Per)
15 C m-C to the Kmg RecommenM 8 General. and a Dngade
\faJOT for the atrard of a sword and a belt to C11.Cb (The King
anthonreo C m C to do the Mme.) f I (Unlu )
28 18 C m-C to the K,ng General ~ll)tl lln!Jit Khlln d1.1Cul0Cd
with him about reJllllnng the (J unma] bndgo and making an attack
on the English f 1 (Per)
Ang 2~ 17-115 Pnth! Ram, Ilar! Smgh, DaUtAwar Smgh nnd othm.
Promue to contnoute money for the mntmeoro on a certain drte. f O
I~ 26 C m-C to the Kot-.:al, Dellu Direct. i'ru to annO\!Dce to
the people not to pnroh•"" looted nrbcles. Any one fonnd doing eo wi11
ho l!llVOrelypnnu,hro. f. 1 (Urdu.)
H 27 M1ru 'Abdul !ah to C ln-C Ao demred he ocndt the bonki:-n
of Katra '-ii to Miru Kh,,r Sul[ln f 1 (Per)
16 'All mud Din to C m-C Requetlt bun to mne a par-
28 :i\IU'%1.
.,a•d to the offiCffllof tho army to prevent tbo,r '"'P.?Y•
from denuigibg
Ju,, garden (C U1-C'• order■ to that elicct) f l (Per)
20 :Muland Lal lo C 10 C Remrnd ■ him of luo pt0m1110 that
e1thor on the OCC11mon of victory or on the t0<e1ptof =cnue the offire11
and men mll ho !"ill at an m=-ed role. f l (Per)
28 ~O C m C to the Km1r A, he .,. gomg ,nth re,nforcomont. to
tho Kll'lumgunJ trench ho I, unnhlo to reo him f l (l'.r)
8 SI Col ;\IIJJ Kh11r SaltAn to C m-1 R qneah him lo rccov~r
2 p:m,, of "1lver bong!,. "'"'"''!I) cerl01n Sikh• from 2 "'l"'f' nf l~o
Thlrc1lh arl,llcry nn<l =tore them to the o"'nera t I (Unla)
0 ~2 C 10-C to the !.1ng I ■ loo much oecup,cd to he aLlc lo
rcnhw monc) from the people Rcque1t. b,m to exempt him from
th11 dnty f I (Per)
58 Ilob!JtAm,r Shnh to C In C. !1 unoble to go oat to 6s-hl 111
h1> dtrnghfor I ■ 111f l (Urd11,)
34 (., m C to tbo :&mi; I• nnaL!e to aend lrOOJ"" to 1,lal■ garh,
etc. u m,gca hnc not been paid lo the ""l"'Y"yet f l (Per)
3~ C 111 C to the l\lnl! A ■\.• h1< pcrml■>1011 to J:ll"O a JU" of
1tTU11lp,■tnl, to bu, ,on■• (The Kmg i,,,nl• it) C I (Unlo)
30 C 1n C to tho hlnJ; Send ■ h,m a lrleaco!"' wtu,b he =•nl
hac'I:from U,c Al,pur trench {11,c hrng or\:n1mlnlJ:t"' =pi rf 11)
f 1 (h-r)
'\j 9 C m C to the :&In~ Un• nrre•trJ ...,,tnl m,n nf lb, Raj•
fmm th• } o~lt1h Mlmp A I, I of 1,tkl..,. ...,,,.(
of llolt..Li:,rh <'<lm1n::-
from them ,n<l nthM" J"'rl1ct1bro ""' ro,..,..r,(..,J \The hlni: or,J.,.. tLc
m,n to he put mto pmoo) L 2 (I er)
1857 101-aonolztded
--- 30 C -m-C to tho King Requests 1nm to send the wages of
7 sr11rii1snnd 17 c;;epoys"ho camo fiom Annoha. f 1. (Pei)
--- 40 C-m-C to tho Krng Ihs pa11vanah wh1Ch wns ciiculated to
the .u my has 1 emo:ecl the ..,ns1,ie1011of the 1112n£ 1 (Pm )
41 C -m-C to the King In£01ms 1nm that the differences between
:Mll'zfiAbu Baln nnd Kl11z1Sultan have Leen settled. f. 1 (Pei.)
42 [C -m-C J to the Kmg The ch1,c1plrnem the army 1s not
satisfactory fJ1 \\ ant of ofllceis P1oposcs to appomt office1s 1£ the
Kmg app1ove~ £ 1 (Pei )
43 Col :M:hdKlnz1 Sultan to the Kmg Requests him to get a
dooly-bcaie1 £o11nm (King's order to that effect). f 1 (Pei )
44 [Col ~ihd Kh1z1 Sultfin] to the K'.mo, Uep01ts the du,tur-
bancc c1eated by tho sall.,(tl s and '1'1langas m Cliat1i bnza1 and p1oposes
to make some nuangement if the Krng npp1oves f 1 (Pe! )
45 :M111aQ11sa1Slnkoh to the Kmg Antbouzcs Rangi Lal to
draw a po1t10n of his &ala,rysol<lto him £o1 lb 500 f 1. (Pei )
--- 4G 1V1<low of B.1sant Lal to the Krng Repo1ts the death of her
' husband by the explosion of tho :rvf.tgazme and 1equests him to pay
her the aircais of 111ssnl::uy .m< a, mamtcnanco allowance. £ 1.

1857 102
1\f S foll l+ I , various sizes
Feb 10- 1-18 Recc1pts of payments macle to 1'1uzii Mhd l\fahmii<l Sh1koh
June- Asa£ Zamani Beg:un, Banaiasi Das an<l othc1s f 18
May 6 19 [C -m-C J p10m1ses to pay Rs. 200 clue £tom him to fA. ce1tam
man duung the ne""{tmonth f 1
,, 28 20 List of names of severnl pe1sons Wlth then iea1dences f 1
29 21 C -m-C to :Mina Sub1ab Asks him to ieturn 30 mules
" captmed by the sepoys of~h1s 1eg1ment £ 1
30 22 FauJda.1 Khuu to C -m-C Complams agawst Mir Wazii 'Ali
" of C -m-O p1ope1ly.f ]
keepei of camels, fo1 not attendmg to the 01de1\:!
,, 23- Bond £o1good behaviour e:x:Pcutedby Badan and Amar Smgh
f 1
,, 24 Husam stands bail fo1 Sliahudat 'Ali, 1\foti Riim and Chaman
" ~mgh. f 1 " ✓
June 11 25 I,asspo1t dnectmg the ralu1iirs, etc, to allow a certam pe1son
with 45 camels to p1oceed th1ough their Junsd1cfaons f 1
19 26 Jagd1sh Pa1shad 1s mformed that he 1s ap_pomled an ass stant
" t.o Jaw<ila Nath m the O,-m-C.'s office. f l.

1857 102-contmued
lnne 20 27 C 1n C to Ihttramnd Daul•h Aolu him to oupply tent., etc.,
to and ,..,ar, nrnved from Jullnndor f
24 28 i\!nnoA RAm and GhAns! RAm to C m C ~eqneot him to
employ re].'Oy•a. guards for 'EhtAry .tares and remove the prtttnt
gnanlB (C m C • order to that effect) f 1
July 29 FanidAr KhAn mbmateo the amrnl of an elephant nnd other
uhclea mentioned m the letter from the Roi• or PabalA. f 1
~ 80 [C m C] to ala Him<ahAyMol banl,;or Desue. him to
oend through the bearer Amir KhAnRa 100 aa he II ID great need of
money f. l
, 81 The Kmg 10 requested to !llempt certain persona from contn
bntmg money for the mir f 1
, 82-88 Recmpt of a payment mode to Am Zamllnl Btgam. f. 2
27 84 The Kmg oanchona Ro 80 000 from the ltoyal Tre.irnry to
pay the w•geo of tbe C ID C.'aatarr f 1
, 86 Offioitls of the Royol Treaaury to the KlDJ? Request !um to
" acknowledge a rece,pt for Rs 30 21:.0 prud to \lnkruul LAI under h!a
on!ora f I
80 SO Qalandor Do.lluh • l!loler to the Krng Pray■ that tho wall
of b11 pigeon honw moT be demol11heJ.. it IS hkoly to foll dom, Jn
the =•
and cnnre greot damage to h'r honse f 1
Aug Si-80 Rece1pta of payment. made to Tu.Ian, Zamllnl Bef:,im, lrl;,d
\hrm and ;\hnti 1!l)d ~!... !l<l f S
~0 Ratul Bak)i,h Dhumn ond other■ promi,e not to cultivate the
lo, d ne:ir OutuL "\lmAru a,m;ted f I
JO H Drpo.,hon of (!biizl re£•r<lm,:" b11n1rerl. f 1
21 ~2 f' ■ ngA R~m .tondo b,i! for flhul (\ er>01 Oenerol Tlh']lr
b.h~ngrant• him hinl) f 1
Aug - 4:1-0 Rec.f1ptaof P"ymenh mode to \l.l( Zam\nl lleg,m, R1lonz
$el't. 1 Zam~ul lkgam and other• f 4
Sept. 4 47 Fatlol lah lJar"!AaA, Jnm1 \lo.Jl<l to C m-C him
to ""°"
a. P"""'""A drrect1ng the bUArd• nt the mo«1ue to oL,y hi,
matraction, f I
b 40 J.[!Jd ll.a\J]t Khln nrlmo,..Wi:cs rcc.-1pl<£a pa,,,..•aJ ! I
12 4P A /•f" 11pronme<l to r<ffl<e 4 annu per TUfl<" oat or th•
wage■ of the l't")'OJ" U ,-frtory IS s11md f )
I~ JO C ,n-C to Rao TulA Ildru. Dm et• h,m not to mol<tt the
mhahit:inh or h.anbaur■ HP ...,.11,
tl,e ..-Jr, or Sli.a,~hllnrlrl All f I
20 LI \Iii,! 11, .. n to C. In C App~ for a ,u,tal le ar1>01nfmtnl
f I
Oct. J- 52-05 n....,,pt,ofrarment• made to Ra! a z 7.Ain!nlll<-gam,ltinl
D~ 1 "\lhd "uliJ, .!of .l>mAnl D,gnm ""J otLtN I 14
~ -
1857 102-oontinitad.
.., ____
_ 66 'Abdul-Haq to C -1n-C Solicits pecuniary help £. 1 (Per)
67 'Abdul-Hakim to C -m-C Hopes to be rnwa1ded when the
C -m-C will be nommated as hen-apparent to the throne f 1. (Per)
68 'Abclm-Rahman to C -m-<; Solicits the apporntment of
Mir-il.ihl £ I (U 1du )
60 Ahmad Jan, i\'.Ihd Jan and others to C -m-C Request him to
grant them an'e when he will be nommated as ben-appayent
to the throne £ 1 (Pe1 )
70 Ahsanul-l~h to the Krng Presents him with a ufle. (1'Le
Rmg declmes 1t) f 1 (Pei )
71 'Amud-Din, a smgeon, to C -m-C ~equeEits him to send for
hrm when nece&sary f 1 (P, 1.) ·
72 73 Asgba1 'Ali to C -m-C Requestb him to save him f1om the
oppn'ss1on of Tula Ram f 2 ~UuJu}
74 Bad1ud-Din to C.-m-C. Compbms that Ahmad 'Ali has mis-
app1op11ated his cltapXan2mo1 tgageu to him an<l 1eqnet-tshim to iecovei·
1t f J. (Pei )
75 Banki Ray to C -m-C Asks him tu pay the rents of his
godown. £ l (U rdn )
76. Ji1akhiud-Din to C -m C Solicits maintenance f l (Pei)
77-78 Hayat 'Ali to C -m-C Requests him to pay the price of
food fo1 quails f 2 (duplicates, U1du )
79 Khuda Bakbsh tu the Kmg P1c1,ysthat Nnwab Saif~razud ..
Dau1ah may be directed to pay him Rs 6 monthly out of the income
from his pioperty (The Kmg ordeis Nawab Fakbrud-Din to enquue
mto the matte1) f 1 (Pei )
80 l\1hd ShahJi to the Kmg Piays that he may· be appomted
a Jama'diir m the plnce of his decr,ased grandf.tthei f l (U 1du:)
81 Qadu Bakhsh to C -m-C Applies for a .::mtable appomtment
m the a1my f ] (Pei )
F2 Qadn Bakhsh to C -m-C Solicit::,mamtenance
f 1. (Pei )
83 Ramchand to C -m-C Requests him to pay his sala1y £ 1.
(Per) ·
---- 84. Rustam Beg to C -m-C Requests him to make arrangements
for the free supp1y 0£ d_rmkmg wate1 m the Ja.mi' l\fasJ1d f 1 (Uidu)
85 Sultan 'Ali to C -m-C Requests him to recovei bis 2 bullocks
captured by a certam sepoy. £ 1 (Per-)
86-87 Coprns of seals of seveial Begams and punces f 2 (Pei.,)
88 List of the d1sc1plesof a certa..n samt f 1. (Pei ) - ··
89 List of men employed m the wo1k of collertrng ievenue £ 1.
1 The headmnn of a vtllagr,
2 A kmd of long coat,
1857 102-conl!llued
M Li.t of 1a1<ar, nnd •epoys to Ix, BJlP01Dted for co]lcchng
l1lTCoue f 1 (Per)
01 Lat of nrhde, ID tho pouession of Hlnl Sm!!h nod Sorllp
~~flW•l o
02- 5 Li.t of treeo ID the homo of the C 10 C and ID Rnngm,hal
t i (Per)
00 List of lTCet1m the J'O'll!e""10D of DwnrU Ddo ond ilannO
I..!1 f 1 (Per)
97 Li.t of men who were l.illed L, thr ospl0<1on of the \lo!ftlnne
t 1 (Urdu)
08 Statement of e"Jl"D-C• 1ncmre<l ,n n gnu after the
Engh1h model t 1 (Per) •
00-101 Statement of the •nrn,- of the Shnlnmor g,inleu f i (J'er)
l0t 'lhe hmg to llalnm Ah.anol lnh Snp tbot the llollm m11
recru,-e• motohloek hh other official, f 1 (Per 1
103 The hmb <lemc,, tbnt ho ho, emLrncc<l the Shi• fD.Jth f I
104 The Kmb lo \ln<auamud 0Jolnb Rao Doyal S1Dgb tu. bc,n
appomtc<l mnnnger mtb foll pou-,n, of the bouoo of ~hm'l '1h<l
Zam!n Shah f l ( l'er )
106 A Pnnce to the Krng Pr:ip th•t n 1nfficicnt numLcr of
,..,,1,. 1n<l '°I"')' may Lo rent to L,m to act n, b,. b'll•nl• f 1 (Urda)
100 Jann1§!r to C ID C Prom,,.,. to I"'" II• 5,000 '111th 4
cn!Tlllgeo, 2 cl,phont. ond l O Lor. • £or tLc multneor> f I {Per)
10, Tho onlCl'>l lbnt the nnmn of \llrzA---, hi• oow
Lorn cluld he ent<red m the hat cf pen,ion r> f l (P,r)
10S \l!J<l ILrohlm .o C m-C Prop tb,,t he lll!I, he 1pro1ntro
one of hUt ntten<lnnt, f I (!'er)
10~ ?\e,,-, oLbnned from Sarl:aral, rcpnlrn~ tuo l""''hon ol the
Engltob orm, at Agrn nnd nu~hLouring ploe"1' f I (Per)
110 Olficet• of the nrm) to !ho h.lng- l'roy thnt "ml:'• c'J,~t
oon mny Le nppomte<lheir np1<>rentor cl,sc • Lr..,cL of pc,ce 1• •PI"""
bended f 1 ( l'cr )
lll Proponil from• rtrtnm Jlt'f>ODtli>t llmdu, ou,l 'foc,lm>n•
1hout<lmnl.o n cornL,n,-d cflort to <lme the bn 0 h,b out ol JuJ14 f I
11~ --- to ,r,rn "•mrau A,l, lun, to~• re11l I rrr>n-<l
for ltt1o ll•,ol ~,ni;h f I (1 er)
111 ---- I~ t'-n"•l• [Jl,t1romu<lllnutih] ltn11,,-t,h110 ltt
J,,tntl,monf'J to
10J! a, m-hm
lhl' t\O.,..t.',. or ,,-{'Yl' UnLmlh"i Lll~J:",J in JOl'"lr
n..'Tl mony !l T \ u-torr ( J (( f"f)
h. 1hlt.1U

--- 114 --- llo~b t, t, L tn L «. l1<1t, to 1e •rr-1nt~l tn

I the rt."'
ol 111<Dll 1n; Lu !her In 1,..- "~ I All •• L, .,.,r,•.,,
chtl<lmi ore <l,pend•nt on b1m f I (I«)
1857 102-ro,il ;nucd.
]], ---fothf'hllll!, llrn, ...urn~l,e may he fotgncn nncl
tltnt 111.._,.3month•-' ft•rfe1fecl '-tla11ei-- ma, be p:rnl to L11nf ] (Per)
llli , fo :\f117n'Amnd-Uin i\i;;ki, fo1 1cmfo1ccmenfa, nncl
nmmt11nt1011 on nn c,pccltt1on f l (Urdu)
n~ lu• J<: f.!11111~
1li Amin111-Z1m:rni Heg:1m to L·il 1 Nn11<l1n111]30110\\1-- Us l,200
fwm l11maml C\t'1 ute-- .1 l,1111cl f 1 ~Pei.)
llS Hl11-.lia11:--.t1111 to Uw Km!!" 1'1:tj.., tlmL Ito mny he p1ovHle<l
,,1thn1-,mf1l,ll•:ippo111t111euf f 1 (l 11tl11.)
] ]'1 Clinl1cli1flf ~111r'.., orl1ce to C -m-C. Acl,no\\ lctlgcb the 1Pc..e1pt
of hi-. ldh11 ft 1tin'..!'th 1f hl' "tll, ntc1 (he p.1laccon F11d,1yf. 1. (P01,)
HO F•11111l.11fhim to C' -m-(' Hrcpw-.t, him Hot {D u<:e a <'C1fa•n
lkg1m' ....t'lrph 1111 \\ 1th,11tlhr, J'1•1m11--,1011 f 1 (l\•r)
121 C.tnt•,111 I :ll to C -111-C Hc.q11,•,t,111111 tn 1de.1t:e 111.:; lJJothe1
Jbdnn ll1 H',(P11 on n t li•11µ-e of l'nte1111gthe foil ,, it !tout p 1 rntt-'-IOll.
f l {Pl'l )
1~2 Jp"nn Kl!rn fo C-,n-C r,.•, ....that s <l.131:-'lCJ\e IllU-) be
grant~•,1t<1J11m f 1 :_l'1,lu)
] ~ 1 L1,t of 11.11,w-.
nrnl ,11lwle, f ] (l\1 )
1:!J J..1c:( of the 1mt,1111t of H•' 1l1c..f11hnled,tmong the Prmc.cs
f 1 (Per)
-- -
12;1 T,,-..tof r,prn~c-.. 11lfnrtc1lin '-Cndrng ice to i.110Princes f 1.
l 2G-2~ L1f;f<. of nrtick•, gn en n, 11a;1~ to the P1mccs f 3 (Per)
1~'I :\1uin Khii11 and othcu, to C -m-C Sohc1t 1cwmd.., on tho
OC("h!OJl of 111shemg npporntctl hc1r-.1pp.11cntr l (Pei )
l '30 )fcghrJJ fo C -m~C Pia)" that he m'ly l,c gn en n r:;mtnblc
pof:t under 1nm f 1 (Pei )
131 :i\ru1:i Abu Na~t to C -m-C. Has askec.lGol~nl Chand to send
C -m-C 's cloth<'..,,ctc, f 1 (U1dn) ..
1:32 1'fogb_n1Bcig to C -111-C Informi; lmn of a wealthy Sii!tuliir1
\\ ho can very easily meet hi'- <lcmnnds f 1 (U r<lu)
J '33 1vlhd 'Ali Khan to C.-m-C Seeks an appomtmont under
him f 1 (Pc1)
134 .Mh<l Ba.1.nsh to C -m-C. Solw1ts n:1nmtenn.ncc smce the
ad<lrcsseohas Lecinappomtcd hcn-nppment to the throuo. £ 1, (Urdu) -
---- l3S-3G Mhtl ,vas1lto C -m-C
smtahle post nndc1 1nm f 2 (Per)
Pi.1y& that ho may be given a

137 Nn11d1a•n to tbc Krng Piays that he may be appomtcd

.Potalullir2 of a ccit:un plncc £ 1 (Per)
i::rn Rahim IlalJ1qh, ::i. snmt, give& Mnza Ya.war Bakht a genea-
logl<'altable of the Qad111family f l (P01 )
1 nnukcr, mo11eylondor
:i Cnslncr l troasurcr
200 '.PAl'bs
1857 102------t:onoluded
Ali to C 1n-C ~ lum to return the
189' Saiy,d V u:lr
muoket BeWldfrom ha 18Nallt by tbo C m-C '• BOrnnt. f. 1 (Urdu.)
140 Batt!r Khln acknowledges the receipt of 20 •drofi, mud
from han on rn,p,mon of theft f. L (Per)
141 --- to [C in-C] Acknowltdge. the reeeipt of two
i-pero. f. l (Urdu.I

1857 103
1r :! foll 432 nnon1 nu,,
:May 28 1 Col Ml.ul KhtJr Sult!n ~ta the offictal• not to mterfore mth
Kanmnn "\'1<a and other, who Lito Leen relen.ed f l (Urda)
24 2 fia•a>.dar of PahnrganJ u promled with 40 aepoy• t, atop depr&-
<lahono, elo. f l 1Per)
,, 2o 5 R=pt of n pavment made to "\I!r Fath Air f 1 (Per)
30 4 taqlr Chand to C m-C Complain• agam,t one Ja,rala ,rho
.-ulte<l h,. brother f l (Urda'
Jone 4 6 C m C to Aol,,:a/ Ducct,, 1nm to oend 10 watcr-<11mto lo
SarRJDnrtt at once f 1 (Per )
0 0 Li,t of c:ut• ,upp!Jed by Chau<lbn Dhnn Singh for cnrry,ng
rat10n.. f 1 1Pet)
7 Sh.,kh \Ihu A mlr ,H,6 Ao/cl/ to C m-C Sencla to h,m
nibnl Smgb nrre.te<l for bcmg n 1•11rildtaJ of the I ngJ,.I, f 1
13 8 [C m C] lo Kolicol Dn-ect• !um to ,encl 10 'll"llter-oimen to
tha \lngnzmo at once. f 1 (Per)
,. 16 10 0 -11 Receipt,, of p:lymenl• made to Sad.a Oopa\ •nd T'1i1,
Chnudhti f 3 ( Urda ond Per)
., 10 12 &,ytd ::\lubiral Sbob, Aotw:alt, C m C Send, np
Il,,,jput nnd othera for tnal on • ~hnrgo of ,trohng polJc from Debi
Rom'• atorc I 1 (Per)
., ,. 13 &mu \lublml :.hnh Ko/r,:u/ to Iha h.1ng Senda to bun
2- 1al""nr1 who qa::irnl o-rcrtho 01"itlcrsb1pof A c-eri.zun hol'!l-e,!or tbt
<l...won of tLc,r d•Jm• I 1 (Ur<ln)
,. ,. H Snlyrd \luLli111l SL•h Kolirnl to tho '""h Ren<\s40 eool:tt
~nd r;:iue<tohim to I"'~ tho,r
f I (I,,,.)
=~ d tbtir ,en-,ffl arc tnpg,d.

20 }J ::>DJnJ \luld.ral Sla.h Aol,ra/, to'(, 1b-C Undtt oidrro of

h,s ,,..,,., •• , hcrel<11""'1Cff!Alnmen who •er•uad«arre,t1a tht.!"1/icdl,
f L (Urtln.)
:MU'i'INYp APltRS 201
1857. 103- continued
-20 16 Saiy1d .Mubarak Shah, KotUJal,to C.-m-C As directed by
him he sent the two pusoners who weie ieleased by Mhd Kh1zr Sultan
to l\hrza Abu Baki m the fort f. I. (U1du)
,, 17 Sa1J~d 1\Iubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-C Hu sent to the
" General:s office Radba K1shan and others together with article!!! of
plunder received at the Kotwali f 1 (U1d~)
,, 20-21 18, 19. Sa1y1d l\1:ubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C. -A!!!ksthat a
man may be sent who can mdentJ.fy Shamblru Nath. f 2. (Per.)
20 20 Saiyid l\1:unir 'Ali stands bail fo1 certain persons airested on
" susp1c1011-ofsupply:mg rations to the English f 1 (Urdu )
21 Saiy1d 1\'Iubarak Shah, Kot1ocU, to O -m-C Has sent to him
' " 21 the sepoy who was un<le1ariest m the Kotwiili, 1s also sending Rs 10-8
found on lus peison f 1 ( Urdn )
,, 22-3 Sa1y1d 1vfubarak Shah Kotwiil, to C.-m-C. Sends 100 coohes
" and 29 wate1 car11e1s £ 1 (U1du)
,, 22 . 24 l\inza 1'1hd Khan, 1Jii1oul!:.a,to K otwiil. Complams that the
Ttla ngas atta<,hed to the Laho1e Gate assaulted l\iuza Khan and others
m the discha1ge of then duties and put them unde1 guaid £. 1 (Urdu)
25 Sa1y:1d .Mubarak Shah Kotwiil, to C -m-C. Bhawani and
" " Megla syces have been released and sent to him as directed f 1 (Per.}
26 Sa1yul i\fubarak Shah, Kot10ii1,to C -m-C Reports agamst
" " the Tilanuas attached to Lahoie Gate fo1 obstructmg Mnza Khan and
othe1s rn the d1scha;1geof then duties £ 1 (U 1du )
,, 27 Sa1y1d J\lubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to O -m-C Sends Nur Khan
" and V azil Khan accused of plundeung a village f 1 (Urdu )
,, 28 Sa1y1d i\tlubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C- rn-C Mhd. Khan was
" brought to the Kotwali on susp1c10n of theft of a ho1se As he could
not p1ove h1s ownership the bo1se 1s sent to the C -m-C, f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 29. Sa1y1d Mubroak Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-0 Sends to lum
" Shambhu Nath and Nabi Bakbsh as desned A search 1s bemg made for
the cart which mll be sent later when found £ I (Per)
,, 23 30 Sa1y1d Mubarak Shah, Kot1oal,to C.-m-C. Sendtli 100 cooheg
with a !tarlrarak £ l (Urdu)
,, 31 Sa1yid Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-0 Has sent 25 water
" ca1ners to Quds1yah nagh at Ahpore f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 32. List of water earners sent from the Kotwali on duty. f 1.
24 3.3. Sa1yid Mubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-C. While makmg
" enqmnes n:~fo the cases of pe1sons suspected of haVIDg turnea
Ohr1sti,1,ns he discovered that these persons possessed a parwiinah from
the C m-C to the effect that no one was to mterfete with them. Seeb
wstruct1t,ns how he 1s to act m the_circumstances f 1. (Per) _
,, 34 Sa1y1d J\fubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C.-m-C Has !'ient coohe1
and wate1 earners to work in Kala BurJ f 1. (Urdu)

1857 103-co11twuea
June 2-1- 35 Sn,y,d 'fubArnl Shah ltol,ral to C ,n C Rt;JJncst. h,mto
appomt 20 or 30 T1la•1a• in the Kol,ca/T f I (Urdu)
,. 30 &uyrd 11fobArnk Sbtth, Kol,cal, to C m C Send, Re 4 founcl
on the pem>n of R,m Chaton "hen he was arre.ted f 1 (Urdu)
25 37 Samd Mnb~rak Shnh Kotral, to C m C Send. to b,m 3
diggere mth 3 ,pndes. f I (Urcln I
38 <;,.~,d :llubltnlc SiuiL, Kotrol, to C m-C Una .-nt 50
coolie. to Kain Buri uo <lcr;trecl f 1 (Urdu )
3D Sa,,rd 1luLnn,l ShnL Ko/,cal to {' m C Under onlor1
from him the TAa,aUar of Chandm CLawl.: hn, gono to tbo Royul
CourL f l (U rdn )
, 40. I Sn1y1dMnl..lrnl.:blial, Kol,co/ to C 1n-C Reqrn-,h lum
to p:ty the ..-ngcs of c<>0heennd <loo!~ bmron< emplo,cd at .t,lferent
pl"""" f 2 (lJrdn 1
,, 42 Sn1pd :?.l11b/11nkSha!, Kul,rol to C m C Prnr- that JO
u,car, under JlnJht Mhd Khtn lJa('arlar, 0th Ca,-nlry ma, Lo deputed
lo Ao/,ca/, to lccp <l,.,,phne f l (Unln)
41 Bn,y,<l\lubfirnk Shah lt~tral lo C m C Seel:. pcm1U'<!On
for !ho pureh""° of cluirpM • for the.,, k nod the rroun<le,J r I (l r<ln1
44 r l1lt of pn,onCTI<nl the lto!,ra/, f l ("er)
20 4, K•ly!in Smgh ('onrt JlQ,a/dar to tbo King Rcquc,t. h,m lo
P", the wngc. of the rnaron• f l (l nlu)
,. 40 Sn1y1d :lln\,/,rnl. Shnl, l!o/,r ,I to C 1n-C Ila, ,en! 60
coohct lo tho tmichce ot hn•hmir Onie .. <leoired r I (Unln)
41 GnlAb Khan Tahrddiir to tLc K1np: Pmyt tlt•t C in-C m•;
b<, d,rectcd to p:1' Q dti.,I' wag"' of , cemel <lm-cro. f 1 (Per J
U lS S ■ 1wl ,1111..irnlc%oh Ko!.,r•l to(' m C' Seml• !:f"ln to tho
trench nt Qnd11y11hn,irl1 and ... ,. lh,t lie I nnoLle lo ,mrrlr l••r
f l (llnln)
,, ,, 4n S:11;,<l'1nl,t,rn\.. ~h11h Ao/,-o/ to C 111.C ,\,b for th• I'""'
0£ nrlfclco •nppllt'll to !Le In.nob ont11<lcL:thoru <l•ls C 1 (ITrdu)
a0 'lm),d 1'!11bArukSL,h ltot.-al, to the h.1n1: llh»,~n, Dl 0
:l\Ail.of tl,o 3nl Artillery prn,o for !Le rel<0'-C • £ lhrlrh nu,! hol!ll
nrret-tcd If.Orne time ai:o on W'4"),lll'1on or tli"Cto( wfnr Sohc-1l1onlrrf on
the .-.,.c f l (Unlu)
61 So1y11l \!11'"1rnl: l,h,h lt1t.:nl t > C m C 40 m•nrnl,-ol
p11l0-0 11 re, ly to Lt o-<,nl In !Le trt'Tl<h"' "hu h ,t 1 .. 1t1 tho h"'I"
lu,vc ldt ~,.. \.• mrlrudu,n l,o,,. to,!, 1io-.cor l}.., ,.,,.,,, f I ({ ,.,. I
ZS a2 l1to[..-,1<rc,1rrtcr■ <ml'l1tt<l•t1!11fcnnltla'<"' f 1 (I«)
,~ So11Hl \l111,,rnl. '-hoh Ao/,- ,I lo C m-< <;;n,h In him
" Lh,nl• ,1o1 m•~ n \I ill .,-,,,1 n,or,, ""'"'"' '"'"'" avaa,l I• ( I
fl nlu)
,. ,. JI All llo\l Ii, /1 r J~, t [L 1n ( J A,l< lur 4 • 1 "t' lt<'JI
tl1,nrhnc anJ to h'mn,t- tL-..'T,f.J,,?u tnt"";Sm1 1 in Uana.~•"Jt1tc1r
th• """"..J,tJ. ! 1 (l'rr)
1857. 103-conlinu<'d
June J:i S.11,it1 )fnl1iir,1k S11',h,Koftriil, to the King P1ay'- ilrnt the
C -w-C. mny be tlnt'ded to "encl rn,trncf 1011., fo the gumds at, n,1liglrnt
Gate to pn.,._1he !3\\Ct'pe1,f1om ihc11g-atc f. l (U1du)
06 S,uj 111:\InL.1rd1o. Sh.1h, Kot,ctil, t.o C -111-C.Requests mstrnc-
" " hon" nhout the <-npph of ,,.1{{'1proof.... f 1 (U1du)
,, 5i. Snt)H1 ~ruli:irnk 8h.d,, Xof1cril, to C.-m-f' }'01wmds n, list
" (no J,j :tl,o, c) of p11t;onc1s111. the ludrr(;/i f 1 (Pei )
,, :iS-fl, Sto1c-hcepc1 nt the l{ot,ri"tli, to [C -m-C J For-
', \\nr<l'-n lhf of art1elc" sent fo l11111[C -m-C] from the Kotzriilt f. 2
(lJ rd11)cl11pl1<·1tc
GO L1-.tof \\ate, rnn1e1s cmplo,·c<l:it drffl'tcnt places f 1 (Pm )
" ,, Gl Su,ul:\fnbiiral.Rhd1, A"ot,rirl, to the Kmg Send-, to 1nm
" cc1tnm artt< le" mHlc1 the <,11<' of l\fii.<lhii~mgh, JJn, qa1u/c,: f 1
(U rcln.)
,, H2 8,,n al ~1nb,1rnl~Sh,1h, A·o/1r(il,to C -m-C SnLn11fs.1 1cpo1t of
" t lie m<:pe< t1on of Oun po" <lc1 F,1l.to1y 1,J .T.,ganniith, clci k of the
Kot,r(i/i f 1 (li1<1n)
,, ., G,3 L1bt of r.uti; emplor, cl m cl1ffcrc11t 1egunents. f 1 (Urdu)
30 t of pro, 1Sl011S r l (Per )
GI Pi H'~ 11....
" (,j II ar<:nhi1))I.,J to )lir1;, Klu7l Sultim Rc<JUe6fa:, him to pay
" " l{s 1,00ll \\l11d1 he boircrnc<l J, ye.ns ago, \\1th mtcrest f 1 (Pei)
,, ,, tiG Sm31111'1uLi1r.,kShnh, J;of1riil, to C -1n-C Complnms ugam-1t
SJ1fn11h Khim for gn mg p1otccbon to Dndlu "c:wr1 "ho as-1aultc<lLis
c," n wife and nbsrnnclccl f 1 ("Crdn)
,, fi7. Snt) ul 1'fubi1r,1k ~halt, Kotrofil, to the Kmg Fol\nu<ls n hst
" (no G3 ahovc) of c•..11t.,erq,lo3c<l m ddicrent rcg,mcnt., and reque:,ts
him to order the pn ymrnt of the ,rngcb of the ea1tcri:, f 1 (U Hlu )
,, GS Sa1y1<l:i\Iubii.1nkShnh, Kot1dil, to G -m-C Requests pnyment
" of the C"(pcn<l1turcmcm red m mnkmg fcttc1s fo1 2 p11.,onc1s f 1.
- (U1du) ·
July 1 6'l Sa1yul ~fnLiimk Shah, Kotwiil, to C -111-C Has JUSt flent 10 to S1yah Bm,1 whc10 he c;cnt ,J.0coolies 1efo1e f J (U1du)
,, 70. The Kofwiil rcquncs 15 "atcr ca1ne1s to be piesent at the
Kotwali at mght f 1 (U1dn)
71 Sa1y1d1vfnbarnk Shah, Kotuii.l, to Ra1ab 'Ali, Jamadar .A.bks
" " him :fo1 tho p1 ce of 50 ba<;kctssent to Kala Bu1J and 230 baskets to
J umna budge £ 1 (Urclu)
,, ,, 72 Smy1d :Muhfnak Sba·b, Kotwal, to C -m-C Hd.S n11eady sent
the requned furrutmc Will send morn when available £ I (U1dn.)
,, 73 Sa1y1d :Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C-m-C Fo1wards a price
hst (no 64 above) of p1ov1s10ns f 1 (Urdu)
,, 74 Sa1y1d .MuLaiak Shah, Kotwal, to C •m-C Has personally
" made o,e1 to lJiirog_ha, Jumna budge, 500 coolies and 5 ca1ts £ 1.
204 :mrrmv
1857 103-contmued
76 Sayy,d Moh!ralr Sh.h, Xolo:-al to C m-C Atb pennlAIOD
to aearch the hoose of .Aindhya Panh&cl ThAkor Du, who, ,t hu btto
report,d, JlO"<efie!some e.rticlea belongmg to the 1'Iasn,nn~ (C 1n-C
chreot,, bun to ■end the reporter to bun) f l (Urda.)
,, 76-ll6 L,gtofmitereamen, employed at different place■• f. 11 (Per)
,, ,, 87 Saiyid Mnbmilr Shnh Kol,oal, to C m•O Hu ■enL !5 coohet
to Sip.Ii llIIrJ •• demed f l (Urda)
I!, 88-9 C in-C to Ko/,c/il Direct ■ !um to re].,..., llir,Ji■ arre.,W on
a charge of robber, (Y eroo 70 Kolrlil bu relea"f'd the =) f 2
., 00 1 S"'yid Nnh4n.k Shah, Kolral, to C-m-C' Fo,,.,,rd■ ., letter
ttom TAartaAdar,Tnrl.omo.n Gnte 1uul reqne.t. h,m to pay tl,e mig,o
of cool,.,. csrpentera M<l dooly bearero l!tlppheJ bj the 1'AaaaUar
f. 2 (Urdu.)
,, 02-8 Sa,l'd lllnbtral. Shnh Kotaal, to C m C Furmil".l ■ a prne
list of prorn10n■• f 2 (Unln)
94- S.nul lllnLdr.k Shah Kolral to C m C SnbIDJt. a reporl of
the m,pechon of Gnnpo,r<lcr hdory by Jogannllh clerk of the
Kolrdili f I (Urdu)
,. 95 •an id Muhril"llk<bnh Kotral to C m-0 Reqnbt■ him to
pg,ythe,, of the enrtero. f I (Per)
3 00 Snlyid '.MubAn,J.Sl,nh Kolrral to C m C i:,ba,kb Kammfi of
Jale■ar Rogimcnt pmy• for tho rdeare of lmlm JJ.kb,h arrested011 a
charge of gambling Send■ the pnooner to him for dCCUton (C n,-C
relents the pn,oner) f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 07 Sa,yid l\lnblral. Shah, Kotral, to C m-C h unable to mJIPI'{
♦ Cllrh QS a.. 1redand requuta h11nto get them from the Fort f
08 Sa,yid MuhAraJ.. Sbnh Aolrnl, to C.,. ,n-C Srn<l ■ lo h,m
Himmat, cnrpenter, •n mlab,t■ nt of ll~rut, arrnted on •iurmon o!
espionnge. f l (Per)
,, 00 hardnult 'Ali to C 1n c., Comp1A1iu that G.b ■iu ,rnl}ammad
robbed ha brother r 1 (U rdlL)
,, 3-16 100-4 R-,pt• of payinrnh made to Dad<lhan, Ahmadu'l l■ h
Kh&n and otbero. r & (Per)
3-21!. 105 20 &Jy,d )l11LAral Shah Aolrral, to L 11,-(, }onnrdl pn<t
" Jlotaor prow,ion• t JO (Urdu)
,, 5 121 Tho King to ,tukand 161 DC11rtt him to ,ell<iR• !a at
once f I (Prr)
122 DhAoSingh, , 016 Ao/r,,1, to C 1n-C Send■ to 1nm 3 <11rp,nl<r■
" 1nth l O<u!Lo,lnral f 1 (urda.)
,, 7 1!!3 ,11;,dIlolsl!th..han to C m-C ~,.,.t, him not to l,,t,n lo
lh, compwnt. of tttta,n wine morchanl.. f l (Urdu.)
1!4 S•1y,d ,tab!r.,l Shah Kof.,.;i/, In C -in C 1111ul..t all the
" TH•dslJTI to ornd coohH to S11ah IlurJ f l (Unlu.)
1857. 103-oontinued
July 7 126 Sa1y1d M ubaiak Shah, Kotwiil, to C.-m-C Reports .the
ieceipt of an unclaimed sheath nom Bh0Jlapaha11 Thanah f J. (Urdu.)
,, 8 126 Sniyid l\!Iubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Requests him to
pay the puce of sweets supplied to d1ffe1ent tienches f 1. (Per)
,, 12 7 SaiJld l\ifubaiak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Has sent 20
" coohes to the Kashmn Gate. f 1 (U 1du )
9 12 8 Jagadish Ray to C.-m-C Prays for the grant of 2 days' sick
" leave f I (Per.)
,, 129 Sa1yid M uhaiak Shah, Kot10iit, to C -m-C The §iibahdiir at
" the Lahoie Gate has sent a stiay ho1se to the Kotwiili, Haidar Shah,
U.-in-C's servant, claims the ammal, solicits his orders. £ 1 (Urdu)
,, , 130 Ganga Bishan to the Kmg Solicits the release of his son
" Bharsa anested on a charge of theft f 1 (U 1du.)
,, 131 Certificate of iespectabihty given to Hafiz 'Abdm Rahmiin
" , signed by several 01tizens of Delhi £ 1 (Urdu )
10 132 Hafiz 'Abdm to the Kmg Prays fo1 his own release
" fiom the Kotwiili wheie he has been detamed on a false charge of kill-
ing cows Submits the above ce1tificate m support of his respectabihty.
f 1 (U1du)
~, 133 Gulab Smgh to the Kmg Piays for a passport for removmg
" ~ his furmtme fiom the city £ 1 (U1du.)
" - 11 butche1s
134 Sa1yid l\1uba1ak Shah, Kotwiil, to the Kmg Submits a list of
who slaughte1ed cows at the msfugafuon of the English f. I.
(U1du) •
,, l ':35 Saiy1d l\'.'.l:uba1ak
Shah, Kotwii.l, to the Kmg Reports a burglary
" committed m the shop of Fa1z Tabb Khan f 1 (Per )
l 36 Sa1y1d M uba.1'lk Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Reports the arrest
" " of 5 B.ntJsh soldiers f 1 (P1<lu)
137. C -m-C to Kotwiil Directs him to send tobacco. (Verso.
" " Kotwiil sends 1t) f 1 (U1du )

,, 138 Sa1y1d J\1:ubaiak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -10~0 Sends to him

" Daryii and Bhawanii, sepoys attached to 38th B,eg1ment f I {Urdu)
139 Ghulii.m Bakbsh to C -m-C Requests him to pay his daily
" " wages £ 1 (Pe1 )
12 _ 140 _Statement of Saiy1d Pir 'Ah Hmaldar regardmg a horse
" seized by Ramdayal Sepoy £ ] (Urdu)
141 Sa1yid 1\fubarak Shah, Kotwlil, to C -in C Sends to lum 30
" JI coolies fo1 cleanmg the stable f 1 (U 1du )
,, ,, 142-3 List of coolies, carpente1s, diggers, etc, employed at a certain
gate of the Fort f 2 (Per)
18 14.4, Account of p1o~s1ons supplied to the sepoylil stationed ai
" Arabsara1 and Badarpur f 1 (Per )
,, ,, 146 Sa,y1d i\lubfi.rak Shah, Eotwiil, to C.-m-C. Requests him to
retmn the horse of Khuda Bakhsh Kh,un, }laib Kotwal. f. 1. (Urdu.)
200 )!UTlNY l' Al'll!S

18117 103--oontinued
July 13 146 Jagannlth acknowledge,, some of h11 artiel'>I fTJJmthe Koirulr
which wa. plundered f 1 (Urdu.)
,, H7 &1yid J.IuhlinlcShah Ko/11:al,to C m C SendJto !um Illl?
Bhawnn ■ nd n,,,.ySmgh who have been o.n-eotedon• chargeof plnnder
f. l (Unlo.)
148 Sn,yid 1Inblrak Shah Aotra! to C m C Send. to him 50
coolies to get the ennl.en hmLer ont of the river f I (lhdtL)
149 Ltrl of dooly b<nreu,ent out from the Kot,ral, f I (Per)
lfiO Stntement of wnge,, of tbe employ!!!nt tl:e Ko/.,a/, f. 1
,, 161 SllJ~d :Mnb!iral Shah, Kotral, to C m-C, Request, !um to
l'ftum the articloo rcmo..ed from the hcm,eof the "'lnwah of JhaJjer 11
they are w-..ntedby the General of the &reilly force f 1 (Urdu.)
16 169. Du.ftdl and C!unta R6.m .tand brul for Dm Singh ,.-ho hu
been nrre.ted on a ohatge of J;'>J)tonage f l (Per)
,, 153 Famd M nblrak Shnb, Kot.:al, to C m C Requcot, !um to
P"Y the wngeo of the coolies. f l (Urdu.)
10 164 Statement of expense,mcnrrcd in ropiunng road.. f l (Per)
17 155 Saiyid M~rnl. Sluih Ko/ral to C 1n C Submit. the
statement of Kha<lAIln!Ji,h, arrt'tted on • charge of theft an<l ,oJ,.,,t,
orden. f 1 (Urda)
160 Ll.t of lnboUl'eflengaged in ::llahtnb Bagh f 1 (I\r)
167 S Samd J.foha.rak Shah, Kot,:J/ to C m-C Hbpcrl ■ that he
hu nl=<ly ,el1Cd mne from ■ovcnil mcrclurnh and f.t'11tIt to lho
MngntJne Will r.cnd more ,.hen ■cued f 2 (Per nnd UrdtL)
,, ,, 15P-G2 Dof<»tlton. of Snlkb KhnJa Iln!Jr,h ruul olheN< reg,irdlng
the thett of a! t 4 (Urdu.)
18 lilS SruJ ,J ::lfuMrnl. Shah Kotiriil to C 1n C l,~....t• Iha! the
remammg of mno lx,Jongmg to Dbannua! an<l Jlcblri IA! mAJ' L,,
Id! In the cnrc of TAa•aAtlar 11.uhm,r Gate, arter • rrcogn1mncc !ram
the =nera luul been tt.ken ... wns dono In the""'° of Sb.ii, rum and
Shco DnyAI,ntno marclant.. f 1 (Urdu.)
104 ShA<l!11Aman<l Shco DayAIto C in C Complaln tbal their
" w 1ne h .. been ocuc<l '11lhont ony rou,c anti rcqnc.t him to dlr«t the
Ko/,:o/ to take proper cnro o! 1t f I (UrdtL)
165 ;\mllnnt 'All, Tla•aU,r to tho J.otr,I Send, to Lim
" Bnngln Kn1hnl •nd Rlmn41h am-.ttd by 1'ab! fu~ob,
.Barg,-rla on• eha~ of theft £ 1 (Urdu.)
10 lOC Sa~ \fuLl.rnl Shah, Kolral, to C 1n-C Sttl:1 ln,truclion,
about rclnln1ni; t!oolyk:u-cr■ anti roohe. lu 1M Aolrul, at nlsbL r l
20 107 Samu ,tuL!.ruL Sluib Kvlr,1 t.> C 1n-C Jt,q.,,.,i. Lim t.>
./JJro,Ja o! the,!ai;uute to J<W Ii Joolt,.. to lh• Aolrali
,11,,..-t tbt
f l (Ur,lu)

1857, 103-coutinzted
Jnly 20, 21 ] 68-9 1\Jhd Sid<liq to the Kotwiil. Requests him to pay Jiya
Ram, grocc1, tho prieo of mustard 011 snpphccl Ly him. £ 2. (Urdu)
,, 20 170 K.111mTiald1o:;h to C -rn-C Hcqncsto:;1nm to ietmn lns musket
wluch was seized Ly a. 1'tlanga nnd deposited "1th 1nm. f. 1, (UHln.)
,, 21 171 Statement of ::i\Ltnsh,1 anc~tccl on a. charge of thoft. £ 1.
,, ,, 172 Amii11.1t 'Ali Kh:u1, 'l'l1c7.11ahd1r1,to C -m-C Has 1eceived hie;
lettE>r ,tskmg Blmlii.m 'Ali Khii.n and lnmself to w.ut upon him. £ 1
,, 173 Sa1y1d :i\lubinnk Shnh, Knlu til, to C -111-C Rc']uests him to
" and cooheo:;ici.uncdntthe £. 1
prn· the \\:tgco:;of dooly lica1c1o:;
,, ,, , 17 4 Smn<l iruL:nn.k Sh,ih, Kolwt7.l, to C.-m-C Acknowle<lges a -
pa, wtinah asking £01 n hc:;tof p11soncis ,it the Kot1oiili, f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 17 5_. S:l,ly1diinbiLrak Shah, Kolw<il, to C -m-C. Requests bun to
l'emo,e the 12 Ilr>ngn.hi,nnde1 nnest to the F01t, theic bemg no accom-
modation m the Kot w[di f 1 (U1du.)
176 Saiy1d ninbfnc1k Sh.1h, Xotwu1, to the Kmg. Fo1\\a1ds 2
" " lctte1s (nos lGS-9 above) fiom 1'hanahrh7.1,Lahoic Gate, nnd 1equests
him to pay the puce of 011 and wn.gcs of t01ch bemers and coolies
(Ve1s0 The Krng orcleis the lette1 to he subm1lted to C -m-C for pay-
ment) f 1 (U1du and Pei )
22 177 ~fii :MJ1d 'Ali, Sobh,t Srngh and othe1s to C -m-C. Request
" Lnn to enlist them m the ,ll my f 1 (U 1du )
178 Sa1y1<lnfolJiimk Shah, Kotwt7l, to C -m-C Fo1 wmds lette1s
" " (nos l GS-9 above) fiom 11/l{tllahdii.1, Laho1e, and Kmg's 01ders
(no 17G abo, e) 1egmdmg payment of the puce of 011and the wages of
to1ch be.11e1sand coolies f 1 (U 1du)
179-S0 Saiy1d niuhiimk Shah, Kotw{cl,to C -m-C 11'01 wa1ds a hst
" " - of p11sone1sm the Kotwiiti f 3 (U 1du)
181 Sa1yid Mubamk Shah, Kotwrd, to -C -m-C Requests hrm to
" " pay half the wages of 22 coob.eQ, who, unde1 msfancfaons fiom the
$ubahrliir at Kala BmJ, weie employed m the Kotwali £ 1 (Urdu)
July 23- H,2-92 Receipts of payments made to Jaganniith, Bholanath, Behan
August 16 Lal and others f 11 (U1du and Pei)
July 23 193 C -m-C dnects the Kotwal to ielease Madan Mohan on bail
f. l (U1du)
194 Sa1y1d niubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-C Info1ms him that
" " - Madan ·Mohan has been enla1ged on bail as dnected £ 1 (Urdu)
195 Bao Khem Smgh stands bail for :Madan Mohan £. 1 (Urdu)
",, "25 , 196 Sa1y1d Mubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C Requests him to
pay the wages of cooheti and dooly beaie1s employed at the Kotwali and
Sahm garb f 1 (Urdu )
July 25- 197-211 List of wate1 ca111e1b employed at chffe1ent places,
August 16 f. 15. (Urdu.)

1857 103-conf,nued
Jnly 25 tl2 Mnhamnwh and others declare that th~ ba,o m!lrngl_r
fflcat.d their miller'• hotwJ. m order to accommodate the otpoT1 of the
3rd &gimeot. t l (U rdn)
Jnly 2~ 213-20 Dail) report,, of the Ko/real, f 17 (Per)
Ang,m l
July 26 7 2i1-2 Sn,yul "MnbAral.:Shah, Kotral, to C m-C Reqnerh b,m to

y the wage, of coolies "11.terciamera, etc? enguged at ru.fl'erent placto
2 (Per)
223-4 Statement of ";XJ'8Dditnre u!cnrre<lda.i1I lo repauing the
[Jumna] bridge ru,d m =1.-ing gunny hogs. f 2 (Per)
1!25 &uyid 1,Jnb!ral.:Shah, Kotral, to C 10-C Reqnesu him to
l'!'l the ..,,ges of 10 dooly lie.m-a employed 10 carrying raboru f J
US Ba,yid Mublml:: Shah, Kolral, to C -m-C Reqn..t, !um to
drrect IlaJab All, IJarofl1a of the Mngnnne, to 111pplygunpowder f 1
227 Mir ?ibdlr Dnk!J.ob to fC m C] Pnan for rem1tatemonl 1n
lu, po,t of Chief Jaa adar m the Kolrlil, f 1 (Urda.)
,, 228 1llr NoJr Ali 11,iJuUnr to C m-C Rt]'<Jrtl tbo.t Nanda
o.nd other irepovl hll..-efom'uly removed from hi> custodv Vulran, the
woIDAn who .tale cerfom articles nnd cnah hdongmg to rum Panh&d
l I (Urdu.)
220 Stntement of fum ParBMd rognnhng tho theft of hi,, Jt,rtlle,y
and cnah hv Vazln,n f l (Urda.)
n 230.l Depo1Ut1008 of ,run,b1 nnd ,rnnna Smgh roganhng th<
theft of Jewellen and COJhh.longmg to Rlm l'nnthld f t (Urda.)
2,2 <;n1y11l,rub.1mk Shah Kvllral to C m-C Hu al....Iy
r,len...J lllunnl f I (Urda.)
233 L,<t of rtolen nrticlec foun,1 m th< Lou., or \ atlr>n. f I
2"4 8n1nd 1lub.¼rak &hat, Aolr•I to C ,n-C Snbm1laa pnee Ii t
of pronoionk. f 1 (Urda.)

235 Sni1id lllnL&ro\. Shnh, Ko/,:Jl, to C In C Rtqllfflj hlm to
tho ~ of dooly L<:irennnd cnrt<n on1:31:edIn d,lr•rtnt p!&cu.
) (Urda.)
230 &,pi ,rnb.¼rnlc SLnh, Ko1,,,I lo C -1n C Will IDJ'PIYI,ullod:
" ai.rtai II un:ablo to anpply elrphanb and car=g"- r I (Urdu.)
237 ,nia I hL Kh&n T.luaaldJr to the K,trJI lb• 11n\
" to him 20 cooLec 4 c:,rpn,t..-. and 2 tailors a ■ d,.,ttJ. f I (Urdu.)
~O ,a,
Stntrrn!'Tltof Kanrn .AU, '"""'• r<'!:'llnl,n,:tL• thrfl of Lia
monn Lr labrl LAI f 1 (Urdu)
230 Dopo,,,uon of hhrl Lil ..-ho la, Lttn al'T<'rt,d oo • tla'f' ol
theft. f 1 (Urdu.)

1857. 103-continited
July 80 240. Nandi Mal, Fotahdar, sta,nds bail for Ishri Lal :who has been
1,rrestedon a charge of theft. £. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 241. Saiy1d l\lfubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-C. Requests him to
" pay the wages of 10 doolie-bearers who were employed m removmg the
s10k. f. I (Urdu )
,, - 242-3. Sa'iyid Mubamk Shah, Kozoiil, to [C.-in-C.] Acknowledges
receipt of 2 letters f. I. (Urdu and Per.)
,, 244. Statement of expenses incurred m mamtaining several regi-
" ments. £ 8 (Per.)
,, 81 245 Ishri Das to C.-m-C. Prays that he may be saved from the
oppress10n of Tdangas and sa10a1'swho want to extort money froDJ. hzm.
£. 1. (Urdu)
, ,, 246 Saiyzd :Mubiimk Shah, Kotwal, to C.-m-C Forwa1de the p10-
ceedmgs of the case m which Vazimn stands charged with theft. f 1.
,, 247. 1\1:irNa~r 'Ali, Phiinahdiir, to C.-m-C Prays that the sepoys
" who forcibly removed the accused V aziran £1om lus custody, may be
pumshed, f. 1 (Urdu)
August 1 248. C.-m-C to Thiinahdii:r, Shahdara Asks hzm to submit his
repo1t on the theft case agamst Ishii Das biought by Karam 'Ah
(Verso· Thiinalzdar reports that from an mqm1y the case appears to be
false) f. I. (Urdu)
,, 249 Statement of wages of dooly bearers and coohea engaged at
- " the Kotwali £ I. (Per )
,, 250 Saiyid Mubarak Shah, Kot10al, to C -m-C. Requests him to
" pay the wages of coolies and doohe-bea101s engaged at the Lahoie Gate.
f. l (Urdu)
)J 2al Saiyid Mubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C 'Req 11ests him to
" pay the wages of d_oohe-bea1ers and coolies employed at trenches out-
side the Lah01e Gate £ 1 (Urdu)
3 252. C -in-C to the Kotwal Sends the proceedmgs of the the~
case brought by Karam 'Ah agamst Ishri Das and dneats him to decide
it (Verso Kotwal decides the case m favour of the complainant).
f. 1. (Urdu.)
. " ,, quests 253. Mhd Siddiq, Thanahdar, Lahoie Gate, to the Kotwal. , Re-
hrm to send the price of 1 Okseers of mustard 011 and the wages
of torch-bearers-engaged at Lahore Gate f 1 (V1du)
,, 264-8 Saryid Mubarak Shah, Kotwal,' to C -m-C Requests bun
" to pay the wages of coohes, doohe-bearers, etc, engaged at chffeient -
places f 5 (Urdu)
5 259 Sahu, Gaidener, to the Kmg Reports that his brother
:MamraJ has been killed by the English, prays £o1 the•ma1ntenance of
the deceased's chtldien f 1 (Urdu) ,,
260 Ahmadul-Iah repo1ts that he has recovered his mwsmg sword.
£. 1 (Urdu)

1857 103-conlrnued
, August 5 261 .&uyid Mublrnl.: Shah Kol1tJal, to QAwr B•k!Pb. Ilu rod
100 coohe, will send more ,1 n6Celllnry f. l (Urdn.)
0 26i Sayyid :?ilublrnk Bh&h Ko/real, lo Bn!h•b. D,recl1t
lurn to send Nilr Kh4n 1rbo has been dewnad m the Kot.-all for qu:irrd
hug mtb Tilnngas. (' erw The Kotm\l .. ru1. the m,m) f I (Urdo)
265 Statement of N!lr KhAnregnrdmg 1w, qunrrel mtb tho T11••1••
f 1 (Urdu)
,, 2M Sruyid MubAmk Sbnb, Ko/r,:al to [C -m-C] Acknowlcilgu
the receipt of a panoa1taA f I (Per)
7 266 [C m O] to the Kol1tJal D1red• !urn lo utihzo the 1-obnco
of Ra U from the nccount of tun1or for the food of the p"80neto
f 1 (Per)
200 &1yid 1'IuMni.k Shnh, Kotr:al, to Col Mt,d Khar Sal!An
Says that he w,11 produce the 10 men mmtod by h1meither by tho
eremng or the followrng morrung f l (Urdu),
207 Sn1yid MuW.rak Shah Kol1«1I to C ,n C Ao deslrtd by !um he
sends a few men named tn the letter l others m11 ho 1ont when found.
f 1 (Urdn.)
208 D11luimbbnr Nlth, CLhote :\l•l aoo othcn my tho.t they ..-,11
mnt upon Iln.Jl' DeLI Smgb f. l (Urdu.)
,, 200 C m-C to the _f;olrcal Dtreeh L,m lo send 100 rool!Ct!I<>
tl,o K"hmir Chio nod In0 roohM to Telnmm. (Yeno Kollri/1 "'1"
tbnt the cooh'9 wero .. nt but tlmt the MtLtnry g,,,,rd, remond the111
from thore) f l (Urdu.)
2 70 &,pd M uhArnk SbnL, Kolrcul, to C in C. Stntomont of
~chturo mourred on the food of the pn«>ncrt •I tho /i,lra/1 f l
,. 7-13 271 7 Tbo Kotrnl forminl• h•t. or oooJ,.,.em'{'lond at !he trcn•h
ont.ide the Labore Onie and ttqneah p:iymcnt o tLl'1r
=~ f 7

,, S-21 278-S, Lt.ta or dooho--bc:l=o tmploycd in d1!1mut rrg,~nt.

f. S {Urdu)
,, 9--20 28G-O Lut or receipt. flltbm,Lled by \"llhons offictn r 4 (Unlu)
O 200 Lut of c:irt. r=1vrd from '\be TA• ■ arlUr, JlibmaL. f (Per)
12 !l.!ll Saly,d "\!ubiml.: Sluih, Ko/real, to (C m C] Acknowltdi;tt
the rtetJpt orb,. letter I l (Urdu.)
JS 2P1' Col lllh<l Kh!;r Sultan to tho Kofr,,l D:rect. !um lo Rnil
A,hrnr gol<l1m1tL, nt once tl (Urdu)
,, 13-10 2P!l-& Aro:nmt, of chart;,. £or ~ag ~nny 1"i:, r 3 (1'..,)
I~ !PO 8rund Mubamk Sbllh, Kolr"l, to [C, -1n C] 4 nir1• "'"'
" £orciL1yemploy"1 tn ..,.,ry,ng ration• reqoc-,\, 1um f., r>Y IL.,r b,n,
f I {Urda)
14 2U, 'The h1ni; to C' m-C Dirr<:!• L,m lo m,le .,,.ni:Nlltnl• for
J-"h ,: nt onN. 11 ~ ...,,, nomrd m !Lo kiter at the hott1" of lh\hn
\Ih<l \h=u I lob hJi!n I I (Per)

1857. 103-conti12iced
Aug. 14 298 Rlmd.ft Bkhsh, Ha1,aldih of Sappers and 1\fine1s, forwa1ds a
list of coolies employed at the,trenches at K1shangan.J. f. I. (Pei)
15 299. The Kotwiil fo1wmds a hst of coolies who weie employed in
" carrymg charcoal to the 1tTagazme f. 1. (Urdu)
16 300. Statement 0£ eA--ponditureincurred m the upkeep of camels
f 1. (Per)
17 , 301 Statement of e,penditnre on tlie food of p11soners, and of the
wages of coohes water-cn.ruers, ctc ...employed at Sahmga1h f 8 tPei.}
18 302. Khuda Bakhsh, Niizb Kotwijl, to Thiinalulii1s of Dolh1 Undei
" orde1·s from C -in-C. dnects them to auange at once fo1 the supply of
rations to the Kot10ali £ I (Urdu)
10 303. (a) C -111-C to the KotUJal Asks him to send Abdul Haq and
Bula.qi in connect10n with the dispute ove1 a dngge1
(b) The Kotwal to C -m-C 'Ali Bakhsh camplamant says that the
case haq been comp1omised Deed of comp1om1Se (no 304 below) 1s here-
with sent (Genl Tall Ya1 Khan reprimands Kotwiil and directs ,
hzm not to dispose of cases on hzs own authouty) f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 304 5\li Bakhsh complamant declares that he has received back his
dagge1 and has no £urthe1 claim on the accused f. 1. (Urdu.)
,, 305 Saiy1d 1vfubaiak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Will send as many
" carriages as he can get f. 1 (Urdu.) ..
,, ,, 2 06 Sa1y1d i\f ubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C. Acknowledges the
receipt of a slrnqqnlt £. 1 (Urdu)
,, 307 (a) C -m-C to Khuda. Bakhtih Khan, Niitb Kot1oiil Diiects
" hrm to keep prov1s10ns ready m the K otwiili.
(o) The Kotwiil to C -mC Informs him that prons1ons are r~y
and will be sent when iequned. f 1 (Urdru and Per)
308. C -m-C to the Kot10iil Dnects him to send at once 20 coolies
" 1)

to the Kashmll' Gate (Verso }liiib K otwal 1 epo1ts that he has sent the
requned numbe1 of coolies f 1 (Urd)
,, ,, 309 Sa1y1dMubarak Shah, Kotwii&,to C -m-C Sends a price list of
proV1s10ns f~ 1 (U1du)
,, 310 Saiy1d Ivfubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C Has issued a
" cncular letter to all the Phiinahda1s askmg them to supply carts Will
send them when collected f. 1 ( Per)
,, 311. Sa1yid Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -rn-C Suggests that
" Gulab Smgh Shadi Ram and Shambhii Nath, Jewelle1s, may be p1essed
ha1d for money £ 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 3 l 2 S3;.P,:d M uba~k Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Directs him to ,
seize fiom ½.Ii Bakhsh, a dagger belongmg to the Magazme (Ve1s0
The Kotwiil 1,epo1ts that he has seized the dagge1) f 1 (U1du)
,, 20 313 Sa1y1d Mubiirak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C. Requests him lo
pay 2 days' wages of the doohe-bea101s, f. 1 (Urdu)
0 2
!12 .r.rtrrINY PAPERS

18157 103-contlnued
Bopt. 20 814-~ Baird Muh!rak Shah, .Aot-1, to C -m-C- Acknowledge,
the receiptof par,ca•al• f. 2 (Por and Urdu.)
,. 21 816-7 Saiyid :?iluhtn.k Shah, Lt,col, to C m-C Send, a pnci,
Jut of prova,011.1 f. 2 (Urdn)
818. Khudl :&k!iah Khtn Na,6 Eotril, to C -m-C. Acknow1<dgco
the receiptof 2 ,bqqau f. 1 (Per)
,, ., 810 C -ui-C to the Kot-I Dmeota !um to mpplr pl'OTlllOll.llo
the regunenta encamped at 'UIIll&lll"'re. (Veno , Khudi Da!dJahKJiln
Nai'b Kotriil auppheo the pnmmoru) f. 1 (Urda.)
, 320 C -m-C to the Eotr,5.l llirecta !um fo ma\e nttnn~ment. for
opemng grocer■' ahopo on the other ndo of the Jnninn ~r Ul!DUlnporo
where the troopo bsve encamped (V erao Eotr:,,l 11Ugt;mt1that the 1'Aa
udar of Shah<l&mmay be entr.ated mth the tult u the plAce fall• in
ha JUrl,di,t,on) £. l (Urdu.)
., 821 Znlfaqarud Din Ha,dar fu C rn-C Comrwoo fut he h ..
been ill treo.totl by the General [T!hytr Khan] f. (Per)
., 22 322 Acconnt of pnlao mpphed to the Nim.anb force hy Ram Gop:,J,
grocer f l (U nln )
Aug 22 523-34 Lat. of cooheo emplored at the tro.aehea lllld ln chlrment
&p 11 regiment■ f 12 (Urda.)
., 2S 38~ Lnt of pn,oner, oent lo (the EotrlJII from C m-C.'• court.
f I (Per)
2r, 536 Saty,d :Mubt'!raltShah, E.tral, to O -In C. Roporl• 11,at
the water earners have not been po,d th.Jr n~ !or 8 day■ and ttqOttU
!um lo ocnd R• 100 for the purpose f l (Per )
28 337-44 tlaly,d Mnbl.ralc Shah, E•lriil, to C ln-C Aclmotrltdiita
reccipta of lua Jet.ten f 8 (Urda.)
20 5!6 Depo!!UODof Maida regnrchngluaarttst PD a eharge of theft
f I (Urda)
, 546 Saty,d Mnhll'lllt Shah, Eotral, to C. ln-C. Will ,-.I to-morrow
the pn10nen nntcd by blm, the delar,. doe to hu run..._ r l (Urda)
S47 Dep011uonof Onllib Shah regnnhng lua anut on a 111,plcloa
of cap101U1ge.£. I (Urdu)
34' Dopoo1hon of Shaikh Jmn ~rchog bit arrrrt on a clurJ:o or
,uaulung hu broth<n. f I (Urda)
,, 30 • M9 Sobba Lit, Umm1d Bmi:h and othen ai:r,e lo 1"'1 Cbaudhrl
Faqlr Chand any 111m,oCmon,r that he may rrqmro for tho p<1r<hlt0
or gn,10 hay, pnJ..,, ate. f l (Urda)
,, 5,0 Sund ;l!all.ra\; %ah, Aolru/, to C 1a-C Ikpo,t. that t!.o
pnct of falta ,appliedb.- fllm Oop!I ha, been •r,t th•
la ps11ni;
'l<Oi;t"I o the the Kol.-,1ti f l (Urilo
111 ~Gl fial11d ;lfob~r.,l Stub Kot,-,,/ fo C.-m.O 5,._.1.-,/n,tm,t,.,,,_,
aL<>al!ho r-nncnt or nlan,o or the =rt...,-b at !Le .AolrJti and othr,
tJa•aJ, o! tk dtr, ~r11ai:n or JooJ,,-!..nn-n and .. attt .-.m,-n ooJ
of the r,-lce of art,ct,- rurchicil from the matlat f l (Pn)
- 1857
Sep. 2 352 Sa1y1d l\fubarak Shah, Kotwiit, to C -in-C. -Sends ~iangli
!za1kii1ah, who has been arrested with some letters, suspects that the
lette1s are mtended fo1 the English. £ 1 (Urdu)
3 353 C -m C to the Kotwiil Directs hrm to make a search for cer-
" tam articles belongmg to Bahar 2\li Shah arrested on a charge of espio-
nage (Ve1so b..otwiil ieports that l\fnnir Khan, C -in-C.'s servant, has
taken away almost all the articles of Bahar fili with the exception of a
few which are bemg sent to hun) f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 354-6. Depositions of Jawhar 2\li Shah and others regardmg their
arrest on a susp1c10n of esp10nage £. 3 (Urdu.)
,, 357 Deposition of 'Abdul-lab regarding his arrest on a charge of
" - theft £ 1 (Urdu}
,, ,, 358. Muhammad 2\Ii, Thiinahdiir, to the Kotwiil. Reports
that he had the diam 111the house of l\iuza Ghiyasu'd-Din occupied
by MirJanan Tawaif 1epa11ed £ 1. (U 1du )
,, 4 359 Saiy1d1Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Requests him to
send a Company of sepoys to the Kotwiil'i fo1 the gua1d duty, as the
one that was attaahed to it has been sent on active service f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 360. Sa1yid Mubarak Shah, Kotioiil, to C -m-C Will arrange for
" the supply of bamboo, rope, etc , requests him to pay the price of
mateuals supphed befo1e £ 1 (U1du)
,, 361 Sa1y1d l\fubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to Col 1\1:hd Khiz1 Sultan·
Forwards the report (no 358 above) of Tliiinahaiir, l3egampur, and 1n-
fo1ms him that the dram in the house of 1\iuza Gbrvasu'd-Din, occupied
by 1\iiranJan Tawaif 1 has been iepaued f 1 (U 1du )
Sep 4 362 Sa1y1d Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil to C -m-0 Rep~rts that
Ramziin Khan, Haviilda.1 IVfaJ01,says that he has no money with him to
feed his 80 men If anangements a1e not made soon he will be obliged
to plunder l\falewara f 1 (Urdu)
5 363 Sa1yid Mubaiak Shah, Kotwiil, to_C -m-C Sends to him 4
" - men unde1 arrest w1th th01r deposit10ns (nos 354-7 above) fo1 tual.
f I (U1du.)
364 C -m-C to the Kotwiil Asks him to mform all the Thiina!t-
" " dii1s to write their reports m future on the back of the Parwiinah ISsued
to them (V e1s0 K ot10iil says that he has ISsued a circular letter to all
the T!tanahdars on the subJect) f 1 (Urdu )
,, ~365 Sa1y1d1\fubarak Shah, Kotwal, to C -m-C. Is on the look out
" for cm nages fo1 transport serr1ce. "\Yill eend them nnmediately he
comes across any f I (Uidu)
,, ,, 366. C -m~C to the Kotwal. Aks him to send 2 diggers with spades
aud a'"es for cleaning a house m orde1 t-0 accommodate the 38th 1leg1-
ment (Ve1s0 Kotwal reports that he has sent the <l1ggeu,nskcd fo1).
£ 1 (Per and Urdu)
1 Dnne1og Girl
1857 l03-cont11111ed
Sep 6 367 C m-C to the Kotral Direct,, bun agam to rceom· the
artioles of Bahllr fill Shah and o,,nd them to C. 1n C '• o/lko at on<e
(Vorw Kut,ca/ 1aJ1 that he hu alreadJ sent hu report on the rmhJC,,t)
f I (Urda)
808 Li•t ol pn,oneni m the Kotral, f 1 (Urdu)
" 67 369 72 Sa1yul j'\fnbA,,.I.:Shub Koto:al, to C m-C Fol'11'!1rdspt,rc
line of pro~won.o. f 4 (Urda)
6 873 C m-C to the Kolral 'Send. !or n Ilmd1 l.:nowmg man to
read .ome Bwru Iettem. (Ve...a .Kotr:al oend. oome S11chmen) f J
,, 8 374 C m-C to 7J11•al,tlan of Delli, A.athem cneh to ttnd to
the Kolrali Ill many cool11,1a1 they con find. f l (Urdu.)
,, 876 C. m C to tbo Kotril A.eb !um to colloet together m !ho
" l.ol,oiJI, na m•n) cooheo ._,,he can (\ eno Aotr:al reporh that Lo <l,d
so and oent the men to the ttenohco) f l (Urdu.)
370 C m-C to the Kol""'I Drrecto him to relea .. Dehan =ltr
earner, tmeoted m the Ao/r,111 (YeIIO Aoir:al rcleMeothe =J LI
,, 377 C m-C to the Kolr:al Dircct1 fum to oend n docior to KM\,
mln Katm at once (\ eno Kotral .. ® n doetor) t 1 (Urdu.)
S-10 378-82 C m C to the Kot,.a/ Du,ct, him to ttnd cool'°" to
dt!l'ereut trencbet (Veroo Kot.,.,/ <IUTlN out the otdcro.) r 6 (Urda)
8 383 C m-C to the Ko/,:a/ A•b him to 1enJ Od1wra lo Ka,hmir
Gate (Veno Kolr:11/oendo<l1wr1) f 1 (Urdu)
~ 384 C ,n-C to the Kot.-r.l D=t. hnu to oupply Amin llakJJ•h
1aw·11r of the 3rd C&Tnliy,,nth•• mnnydoohe, Ill attnY!Ulable (Yeroo1
Kolrill 1Upphe. doohea) f 1 (Urdu)
,, :JS5 C. ,,, C /<, tbo J,ot,-,,/ ,hh !um fo ,cn,J •I er,~ JO lo ]£
" maund, of parched puue to tho h.oohmlr Gate t I (Urda)
MO C~m C lo the Koto:M A ■b him to reltu0 tho I Chmt1>0<
"arrelte t In the Kotr:JII (' eroo Ko/real rtltnlCI them) f 1 (Urdn l
g 387 C ,n C to tho .Aot,cal Direct. him to =<l 4 '""tor nirnm lo
l\a.nnibnd Artillery (' er,o Kot.-Jl IICD<II ....ter nirrlen.) f l (Lrdn)
,, 3S8 C m-C to the Aot.-al D1rcch h,m to ,end 2 lron,m1llio t~
l\ ■..1rn\.Qd Camp. (''en,o Aolrt:al ■ tnd• 1ronuu1th•) I I (Ptr on~
,, 10 iso C 10-C to the Aot.-al Dn-e<h him to 1<nd to the h .. hmlr
Onto ._. =.- b>Jl~•tt •• are nn!lal,le ,,,,a,
(\ tff<I Kol.-rtl 100
hv\:eto) t i (U,dn)
,, l:l 300 fC m C) to tbo Kollf'al ,\,k■ hnn lo 1arpl,- ■omo pl«N of
hrn1Iu (or IIU1.lnnggunn,- l,og,i C l (Urdu)
io1 hhuilA n.1,1.,b hlwn '"'~ Kotrl/ lo C"-in-C n,_r«t, thol
' ■h<ll, aro fallmi: Intl•• J.ot,, and thett " dJini:,r of th<- tl,.-.1' ol
J;ll")'°"dtt with tb,, 's,macb f•rt-<" npl,,lini; '"i:t."'I' th,t tl,ott,lmtn!
,tnh('tled tlere _, k rtinot«I c!K'l<L<n f 1 (Ur~n)

1857 103-ocntinued
~ept. U\ 392 Saiyid Mubiirak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m;.c ✓Reque~ him t6
allow the Volunteer Regiment depu~ed to the Kotwiili to continue there
-anothe1 week. £ 1 (U1du)
.,, ,, 393 Saiy1d Mubarak Shah, Kotwiil, to C -m-C Repo1ts his illness
him to g·1ant 4 days' leave, Natb Kottviil will act m Jns
and req_"trnsts
place f 1 (Urdu,J ,
----- 3l}4. Account
expenses incuued 111.the purchase of pulse f. i.
395. Account 0£ money ~ue to Karim Tiakhsh, nonslllltb, for-
certain articles bought of him f 1 (Per )
396 Bhawan Srngh stands bail for B1Jay Smgh and Hai Bhawan
Srngh arrested on a charge of plunder f 1 (Urdu)
39 7 Enrolment' hst of sepoys attached to the Kotwali £ I (Per )
398 Idu, Sweeper, to C -m-C Complams that Nathua and Kuui
have committed theft m the house of J\iih1i, 1equests 1nm to send fo~
them an-d hold an mquuy f 1 (Urdu)
-- 399 Jagannath, cle1k in the .Rotwal'l, to Lala, Jd,wala Nath,
Reports that doohes are not available, they may be oh-tamed the
Magazme f 1. {U1du)
400 Khan Khan, IJii1oul!,a,to the Kotwiil Reports that there a1e
· daily quanels between Dallu, weaver, and his w1£e £ I (U1du)
4'01 List of plundered arfu.cles that fell mto the hands of RacU1a
Ram, sepoy t 1 (Urdu )
402 List of provisions supphed by Sahana Mai, grocer J l.
-- 403 List of coohes and wate1-ca111ers supplied fiom the KotwaU
f 1 {Pei)
-- 404 List
f 2 (Per)
or sepoys employed on gua1cl duty at PaharganJ thanah

---- 405 Mhd Ikramu'l-lah Khan, T'ha.nalulii1, Kash mu Gaw, to the

Kotwal Sends up several men anested on a cha1ge of gamblmg f I
406 Mir Imdad fili, Jamaila1, to the Kotwiil Requests him to~ ,
/send a bullock cart £or removmg the fmmtu1e of the soldie1s f I (Pei )
307, Jvfir Husam, Barqanilaz, to C -m-C Prays that he may he
supplied mth a pistol £ 1 (Pei)
408 Mirza J\1bd Khan Beg, Thiinahdii1 of Guzar Qiis1rfi Khan, to
the Kotwal Reports how the coolies were employed at dufeient placec:,
£ 1 (Urdu) ,
409. Ramzfini to the Piays for the telease of his son-in-
Iaw, Jalal u'd-Din, arrested on a charge of bad livelihood £ 1 (Pe1 ,
410 Receipt of a payment made to Ghulam fili on account -,f the
hire of his bullock cnrt. f I. (Pei.)
185'1 108-conoluded
411 Shaikh Zamm!I .tw,d,, -=trfor the good bchmonr or
Imam Ba]sh.,h 1<ho hu been arreotcd on " oharge of ~mbung f l
412 Statement of Tahdil Khan, Sepoy, reg:,rdmg IC\'onl arretf•
made for gamblmg f l (Urda.)
413 TloMUar, Pah4ri:,u,1 to the KCJ//ral Report, !hat on ln-
qnrry 1t hu boon fonnd thnf all the arholto of Bah.!.r fill Shoh hnn ~
rumove<l by l'ir Khin, C m-C's. .ervant. i l (Por J
414 11a•alular Chandru Cha1tk, to the Koi,cal Aolmo..-ledget
tho re=pt of a letter f l {Urda.)

1857 104
MS foll 67, vanono mes
May 24, 20 1-3 Knnnr Ll.l tAa•aldar of Dnnoa, to the Kolr:,,/ Fonnrdr
!..ta or old and new employ& of 1111 /Ja•d f 3. (Urdu) 1
2G f Kanwar I.I aa.aAdar of Dnnoo, to the Koir:ll Reporlr lhAt
Ymr Beg hu Leen appointed Ja,.ndar ,a h1• lA•••l, he could not ,end
..,...em! menu deoired for mmt of 1nformabon a boat thm p>r<ntrg<,
cute and occnpnbon. f l (Urda.)
Juno 17 6 SaikbhM"'1dAmir J.J,6 Koicll to TAa.. Uar Turiba. A,h
!um lo rupplv moluseo ancl rngar (\ o,-ro Tla1aldar report• he I•
unable lo do IO and llllggNlr arrangement mth romo other tln1d )
t. l (Urcln)
20 0 lllhd Ilnoa1n, clorlt of Dun1,,, 1Jn1ol, to the Kotrra/ Send•
hun 5 mnuncl• or moelr f l (U rdn.)
28 7 llhd Ilnoam Clerl or Dnnba Tli1oJ, to !he Kottca/ Report•
thnt Amuan bnnng leh the homo where ,be mod \o lln, her wbe~
about, are not known f 1 (Urda.)
, 20- S-18 Kunmir Lnl and BI,hllmbhu ?-.lib TAa•aldar, of Danl>a,
&p 11 to I~ Achrol Fonrnrcl daJ1yn,porfr of their TH1al f 11 1Urclo)
Joly 24 19 DloJu.mbhar ?-.lth, Tla1aldar of Dan~ to the Kctldll Stoel•
to him llalclar l\ll, Barg .. ila ae dffir<tl r 1 (Unln)
Sl 20 ,~ llnoam, clerk 0£ D:mbo TAil.. A n'J>Oruthat gb.e aoJ
flour h•• Lttn rttemed from tbo Koltea/1 r 1 (Unlu.)
Aog 7 21 '1~d lluoam derl of Dan1,,, n.,aA to the Kcttcal 'Will rH><l
.tono-culten ant! potion 1mmtd1ately Ibey a~ £ouncl r 1 (Urdu.)
1~ 22 DuhamLb.or 1'-llh TJn1aldJr of Dan~ to tho J.otrJI h
.,,.rch,"i: for :\lannu LIii will sen~ him .. oaon u be i, foonJ rl
(Urda J
17 23 D,.bsmhb.u 1-lth Tl«•aAJnr of D:ui\,3, to the,/ 5"nd•
to hltn Cluranj, Lll ancl t.oL>rcllan ))1, <'OUldnot Ira~ Oooira J}l•
f I (P,r)
.. ~4 DnbomLbar '\lib Tl•••Arl r of l!,n1o to the K,• .. J/ lb•
rtnl" Jut of pron<1oas to tho Coorl fon,-a,J, a "'PT cf 11 f l (Pn)
1857 104-contin~ted
Ang 28 25 Bic:hambhar Nath, Tlui11alula1of Daiiba, to the Kowf<il Sends
IlJh1 Bakhsh, }\bdu'l-G]mfur and othe1 s (Verso Xotwiil says that he
does not want the men sent by the Thanahrlii1) £ 1 (U1du)
,, 26 Bislmmbha1 Nath, Thiinahrltir of Dauba, to the Kotwal Sends
" Gha1trlhrisof the grocers f 1 (Urdu)
Sep 1 27 131sh,tmbharNiitb, Tltiinaluliir of Dariba, to the Kotwal Sends
Gopal Smgh's wife who had disappeared £1om PahmganJ, f...1 {Urdu)
7 28. B1...hnmblmr Nath, Thii.naltrliirof Dariba, to the Kot,Diil Sends
Siiligriim, banker, who possebses a store of pt1lsc. £ 1 (Urdu.)
10 29. Kb.udii Ilnkhsh Khan, }lii.tb Xot,oii.l, to JJiirogha of Dauba
Thiinah Asks him to supply Garor Smgh, sepoy, with hemp (Verso,
!\lhd Husain, clerk of the thiinah, sny~ that thetC)S no hemp dealer m
his Jnris<l1chon) f 1 (U1dn )
11 30 B1shnmbha.1 Nath, T!u711alulii1of Dnriba, to [the Kotwl7l]
" Acknowledges rerc1pt of n. written 01cler :ft.omhun f J (U1du)
81 B1sbn.mbhar Nath, Thi"t1Mluhi1 of Da11ba, to the Xot10ii.l Sends
30 dooly ben.re1c:;and 2 tmlori, f 1 (Urdn 1
32 B1shambhar Nath, Thiina!ul<ir of Dnr1La, t.othe Kot1fJiil Sends
Mhd Ja'far and 1\1annii, potters f 1 (Urdu)
33. Bic:hambhar Nath, Tluiualultir of Daub,1, to the Kottcal Sends
~Mahnnand and Amir 'Ali; Sheo Nath will Le sent later f 1 (U 1du )
-- 34 B1shambhar Nath, Thii11ahdtirof Dnr1ba, to the Kotwiil
30 dooly bearm s f 1 (U 1du )

35 B1sbnmbbar Nath, J.'htinaluliirof Daribn, to the Kotwii.l Repo1 ts

that 2 guns have been placed ,it the gate of Nawab N.1Li Bakh,h Khan
f 1 (U1du) ✓

So Bishambbar Nath, Thc"inahdarof Danha, to the .Kotwal. Sends

Lakku Maland otbe1 Cha1tdl11is f 1 (U1du)
37 ~ B1sbambhar Nath, Thlinahrlar 0£ Da11ba, to the Kotwal Sends
a sweeper f 1 (U1<lu)
38 B1shambhar Niith, Thiinahdar of Dar1ba, to Ray Sahib Sends
Jalal f L (Per)
39 B1sharnbhar Nath, Thiinaluliir of Dariba to Ray Sahib Sends
10 sweepers and 2 bullocks f 1 (Urdu)
40 B1sbambhar Nath, 'l.hanaltdar of Dariba, to Ray Sa.rub Sends
4 coolies f 1 (Urdu)
41 B1shambhar Nath, Thanaltdar of Danba, to Ray Sahib Re-
ports that the s_hop-keepers of Sbahdara have 1efused to supply prov1-
s1bns, prays for orders f 1 (Per )
42. B1shambhar Nath, Thiiniihdiir of Dar1ba, to Ray Sahib Report&
that Gopal Smgh's wue 1s not traceable in his 3ur1Bd1otion f 1
-- 48 B1sha.mbhar Nath, Tliii.nah.dii.rof Danba, to the Kotwiil Sends
8 coolies -f l. (Per)
.!!18 MUTINY PAl'lmS

1867 104-oontzn11ed
44 Buhambbu Nttb, TAa•aUdr of Dnnba to the Eot.,,,/ S.D<I,
10 dooLe-bearen, f L (Urda.)
46 Bu,bombhor NUh, TAnwaar of Dan"ba, to tho Eot.,al Re-
port.atbat SheoJI RAm 11 ill, aendo lugM l\lth Singh. f 1 (Per)
46 B11luimbbar Ndth TAuaUar of Dan"ha, to the Kotral Re-
commend ■ Rim Ba'kh■h for an appointment. f 1. (Urdu.)
47 Bu,bambbar NAth tU,.,,Uiir of D="ba to tLo Kottciil For
mud,, a parra•a4 from the General (C 10 0 l for the release of Sim
doohe--beorer f L (Urdu)
48 B1obambbar Nath, TJa•altldr of n.. noo, to the Koti,:ii/ Re-
port■ that Amir Al! 11 not nt home- oendi lu1 brother v.. 1r 'Air f
L (Urdu)
40 BI5bamLh■ r l\Ath, TU.,,Uar of D=h■, to the Kotrdl Send,
a balloclc cart. f. l (Urda.)
60-2 B1 ■h■ mbhr NAth, TAB•alclar of D3nba, to the Kotriil Alu
for 21 qmreo of pnpor t 3 (Urdu)
6~ BuhnmLhnr NAth, TAa•alllor of Darib11 to the Aotrdl Rr-
port. that opmm i• not ,mu1nLle in the ohoJ>I of Jl,ran nod :afnn ■ hl
RAm f 1 (Urdu.)
- 64 B11hmLh■ r Nath Tla•aUar of D,n1,, to tho Kot,,.ii/ Jler,ort.
tluit LAiaSoLM R!m hn,I been lo the hrt1 that Amir CluuiJ mil go
tbere on the £ollo,r111!,Joy and th,t LiJ4 Pnrhhil Day41 11 not •t home
i l (Urtln)
65 Dl■h■ mLh" '\oth TAn,aAdarof Dan011 to the Kot,,.al Reporl1
that F"JJil Khtn C,la•tlArl of ,rateKllrflero, n,froea to ■apply 2 ml'fl
every dny f I (Urdu.)
60 Di1hamLhnr Nlth TAn•aJdar or Donoa to the Kotr.11 Re-
port• that all the CAut/Arl, have d1 ■app,nred. f I (Unln)
&7 Il1ohamLhu Ntth, TAa•aAdur of Darlh,, lo the Kot"'"/ Send,
8 roohe,,. r 1 (Urdu)
68 D,wnmhh•r l\~tb TAu•,Udor 0£ Dllnba, to the Kot.-al S.o,1,
the milk men m b1" jnnod1<t1nn f I (Unln)
LO D, hambbnr ::SMh TAn ■ aArlnr 0£ Th,.riba to the KofrJI R,-
port• th•t fnmen, ore not a,:,ifbLlt- .,. • .i. Kor!m Dok!J,h Llsck■ mith,
who m111h00 the hor■ e, f I (Ur<ln)
00 Duh■ mLhar l\~th TA ,.aAr/Jr o[ Dar!L3, t, tl,o Ao/ral S.nJa
2 pott"1"1and I b!aelnn1th l I (Unlo)
01 DuhomLbar '\Ath TAe•aA li'r or lhn1,n to the AcJ'r•I R,porl•
thllt Lal, Sun>JRim II not nt bnme- ~ iulat ',\It '1>'111
pr""'1t hlmo<I! •~
the KQf"'"/1t<>-morro..- f I (P<r)
OZ DltbamLho, l\ T!n,aAil,, or llm1,o lo the K,trJI Rt-
rort• tbAt the po,,plo ol lhur I Klunom mJI ntknJ tho Aw.-J/1 l I
1857 104-oonoluded 106
Ml Dishnmbh:u Nath, Tlu"i11nlulii1 of Dmiba, to the Kotwi'il Reports fmrie1 is nt p1e<scnt.wmlablc m his Jmrndiction f I (U1du)
G.J. Bi'-hamhlur Nath, Thiinahtli,1 of D.111ba, to the Kotwiil Re-
ports that RJm Dayal, an cmploye at the Kotz~iil7,,_ 1:111stand security
f01 Diin, Sepoy, who 1s 1cqnned to nHend the E..otwalievery day f 1.
05 The Eofu1iil to Tliiinalid<irof Dariba Sends some articles of
food for sale (Ve1so Tlir"inaltrllir1etmns these articles nud says that
shop-kcepeis do not pmchasc them f 1 (U1du)
GG 1'.ihd Hnsnm, clc1k of Dauba Tltiina'h, to }laib Kotwal
Retu1ns the musket sent to him for repan as no masket repaner 1s avail-
able m his Juus<liohon f. 1. Urdu ) -
fi7 :Mhd Husam, cle1k of Dar1ba Tluitzah to the Kotwiil Requests
him to iepnmand Gopal and orde1 him not to v1s1t Sundar, a pubho
woman, res1dmg in his JUl'lsd1chon £ 1. (Urdu)

1857 105
l\IS. foll 9; various sizes
Aug 12 l Bisbambhai' Nntb, '1.'ltatzalulihof Danba, to the Kot10iil Forwards
the daily report of his tlianah f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 2 B1shambhar Nath, Thiinahdltr of Dar1ba, to the K.otiOal ~r tll
realize and send money m 2 days' time f 1. (Urdu)
,, 14 3 B1sbambba1 Nath, Thiinalula1 of Dariba, to the Kotwal Says
that he attends promptly to alllette1s from the Kotwal £ l (Urdu)
,, 4 B1sbambhar Nath, Thanahdc71of Dauba, to the Kotwal Sends
" NaJaf 'Ali, Nur Mhd and othe1s-pe1sons from whom he was asked to
realize money f 1 (Urdu)
,, 18 5 B1shambbar Nath, acknowledges the receipt of a letter nom the
Colonel (M.hd KhlZl' Sultan) aslang that Lakhpat Ray and Rasik Lal
may be sent to hrm f. 1 (U1du)
21 6 B1shambhar Nath to the Kot1oiil Sends up Hasan Khan of
" Lucknow who was suspected as a spy and arrested f 1 (U1du)
Sep 6 7 B1Shambha1 Nath to the Kotwiil Sends Fatwa's son Manda
who failed to pay the 1ent of the house occupied by himself and his
father £. 1-. (U 1du ) a

10 8 B1Shambha1Nath to the Kotwiil Reports that a sepoy, with a

" parviinalt from the Colonel (Mhd Khizr Sultan), called .at his thanan.,
and too"kaway V azn who was anested on a charge of plunde1 £ 1
-- , 9 Bishambha1 Nath acknowledges the 1eceipt of 2 parvanahs from
the C -m-C f 1. (Urdu )
• 220 Ml'TINY PAI'ER8

1857 106
MS foll 98 vt.notli 111U1.
lJay H L Kunnr L!l, tAa•ahlar of Darlba, to the Kotll>ill Will und
Nabh<I,Tailor, when found. f L (Urdu.)
20 2 Kunwar Ltl, tj,,•aUar of Thmoa, to the Ko/real Bondscertain
articles belongmg to the Mo.garu,o wluch ...-en,found lymg on " publio
road. f l {Urda.)
26 3 Knnnr IAJ, '1'1ii•atlar of Dan01>, to the Koiral R,qnem that
the JtuUU!arof Ra3ghAtmo.ybe told not to take a,...y coohes from the
;iumdiot,on of tho TlaMA without tbo knowledge of the TliJsaUor
t. l (Urdu.)
£7 4 Kunwar LAI TAa.aAddr of Darim to the Kot,,r,l Report.
lbnt Viwr Beg, Jaaadiir of hd tU•aA, hns been Rboent for S <hya
"'1thout p=ruaiu,n. f l (Urdn.)
., ~ Kunwnr L!I TJ.a,u,Adar of Danna, to the Kotral Report•
l.hAtAmar Singh ha1 been robbedof l uer of hemp and Ill 12 m rub
Ly ooma unlcnon peroon f 1 (Utdn.)
,,_ 6 Knnnr Lll, TAa.. Uar of Dan01> to the Kotral Sendl Tun1l,
'All and others who are oa.pected of banng stolen oome arltole. L.longmg
to Al!.u'd Dm, &,car of the Srd Cnvalry f l (Urda)
2B 7 Knnwar Lll nu•aJdilr of Dan"ho, to the Kofrill Rrpor!I thot
he could not tt'llce Uardara, C,nrpenter f I (Urdu.)
,o 8 Knn..-ar, TAa.aUar of Dnn"b:,, to the KotJ<>JlSend. !O bnl
lock&1 relntee an u,cident connect"'1 wrth the 10CUrtngof tbelo animall.
t I (Urdu.)
June 5 0 1-nnwar Lll TA•••MJr of Dan"ho,to the KotrJ.l Report• thnt
ho i. JUUWleto 1nppl.r coohe,, 01 they are 111engaged m the Fort I I
10 Knnwar La.I TM • .Addr of Dnnoo, lo the Kolril.l R"t"'rl•
U,..tcobbloraare all ,rorl<1og ,n the tronchH at Sal,mprh. I 1 (Urtlu.)
11. Knn..-ar LAI TAa•ddilr or Dan"",to the Kotril.l Stnd< a f..,
" l,.,mkm; more inll J:,oIOnt wben found C I (Urdu.)
8 12 Kunwar Li!, TJ.aoaAd<1r o[ Danua to the Sond• 2
" m-a,rhnllocn l l (Urdu.) _
g 13 Kunwar LAI TJ.noaUar o[ Dan1.a, to .the Kot,,,.1 RtJ"'rt•
tMt the confectionory 1hor- h .. e been opent<l1 rtqnerll him to l"'.T!ho
wagN of Bqrg.. a.,,, £ I (Urdu)
u H "Knn1111r LAI, TAauJdar or D.n1il. to the KwcJI Srnd• 11p
&rl:at 'All who U11l!lltod Shea ?\Jll'and othtr, C I (Unlu.)
H, 1-nn,nr lAI TUaoAt!ar of Dan"ba. to the AotrJI l/u
" arnn~ to open 1ho1" for the u<e or "f'O,-.
I I (Un!"-)
,, 13 1n Knn..-ar Ldl,na • .iJaJr of l)arib:i to !be GolrJ( RtqnHt-
lum to "'"d Darht '.All and ;\lnrll Dlur who har• bNn arrt•t.J for
....,,,11,ng SbM ?',ariyan. f l (Urd11.)
" 1T &unwar Li! TUcaAJJr of Inn1.a to tbt Eolroll A,\., for
1omocane .UCb l l (Urdu)

1857 106-couti,uted
lune 14 18. Kunwnr Lal, Tlzii,whdii.rof Dnribn, to tlrn Kofu,a.l. Rcquci;ts
• him to :pn.ythe price of t-\1t cctq snppli~d fo bcpoys. f. 1. (Urdu.)
,, ,, l D Kumro.r Li11, Tlzanalular of Dnribn, to the Kot1otil. Sonds
Fa3jf1, fnrncr. f. l. (Urdu.)
16 20 Kum,n.r Lnl, Tniirtahtliir of DnnLn, to the l{ot1riil. Rcporti;-
tL'lt shop-kce1wrs refuse to supply pro\'1e10m1on crccht f. I (Urdu.)
,, ,, 21. Kurrnnr Lal, 'J1nana'1darof DnTiba,fo the Kot1oiil. Is unable
to supply silk as shops nrc closed. f. 1. (Urdu )
,, 17- 22.-G!J: Knmmr Lal, Thiinahdiir of Dnribn, to the Kohoiil. For~
Aug. 10 "nrds dmly reports of his f'hanah. f. 28. (Urdu.)
Juno 17 70. l{umrnr Lal, Tluinn/ular of D:1.11Ln,to the Kotu:iil Sends the
accuscd-Murli Dlmr nml Dnrknt 'Ali; complainant will Le sent
"hen lte f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 71. Kun-war Liil, Tlziitial,diir of Dnnlm, to the Kotwiil. Reporta
" that no nrrnngcmcntc;conld be mn<lofor tho bupply of rations to Carter's
Regiment f. 1. (Urdu.) ..
72. Kun'lmr Ltil, Tldi11ahdiir of D:ir1bn, to the Kot1oiil. Sends
" flour nnd pulse. f. 1. (Urdu.)
,, ,, 73 Kumrnr Lal, Tl"i11ahdiir of Dnribn, to the Kotwal. Sends
the confcctioncr11of bis JUnsd1ction to rccch·e payment for sweets supplied
by them f. I. (Urdu.)
,, 18 'i4. Kumrnr Lal, Thiina'1dcirof Dnribn, to tho Kot10al Reports
the statement made by ccruun grocers conccrnmg the hire of ca1ts
engaged by them. f. 1 (Ul'du)
,, !l.O 76. Kum,n.r Lal, Thiinahrliir of Dariba, to the Kotwal Requests
him to pay the price of pulse and flour supplied to the Kotwiili. £. 1.
,, ,, 70, Knmvar Lal, Thanandiir of Danba, to the Kot,ciil. Request
him to rc~urn the cart laden with flour, belonging to a grocer (Verso •
Kot1cal says the cart will he sent on the followmg day). f 1. (Urdu)
,, 22 77. Kunwa.r Lal, Thanaluliir of Danba., to the Kottciil. Reports
that there are suffic1ontprovisions for the army; nothmg more 1s wanted
now f. 1. (Urdu)
,, _ ,, 78. Kunwar Lal, Thiinalidar of Danba, to the Kot 1cii&. Requests
him to return the sword and rmg of .·Murh Dhar, who has been released
f I (Urdu)
,, 79 Kunwar Lal, 1'hiinahdiir of Danba, t,o the Kotwiil Reports
that rations have been sent to the army, anythmg that 1s wanted mll be
readily supplied from the thiinah. f 1 (Urdu)
July 2 80 K unwar Lal, Tldinaltdiir of Dariba, to the Kotwiil Requests
him to arrange with Ghamandi Chaudhri for the supply of rations. f I
,, 81. Kunwar Lal, Thiinahdar of Danba, to the Kotwiil. Reqneits
" him to send the flour stored m the KotwiiU, so that 1t may be made over
to the military authont1es. f. 1. (Urdu)

1857 106-conlumed
Jnly ~. 6 82-4 Kumrar Lfll, T11i•aAtl~r of Danl.G, aolrnovlooj;N lbo rt'Celpt
of 2 u•na~, and a proclam•bon conlauung onler1 from the Con!DlJln
der m-Chlef f. 3 (U rdn )
22 85 Kunmu- lAJ, T~a,a1ilar of Danl,a, to the EolrMf Sena.
the nccnsed Natthfi"" BakbtAwar Srngh doolrnooto .tnnd boil for !um
f. l (Urdu.) •
23 86 Kun1rar LA! Tlta.. JJar of Danua, lo the Kol,ca( Send, on
unclanned iron p,1lar fonnd on II pnblto l'OCld.f I (Unlu.)
Ang 3 87 Kamnr LA!, T1a.aU«r of Dano:i to tbo KDlraf Acknow
ledge, the receipt of 8 blgo of llonr, the groccn, will be po,d 1111drrtctl'll
f. I (Urdu)
" 88 Kanwar Lftl, TAa•aAilar of Danh:,, to !ho li.Dl,rul Ileqae.t,
" h,m to .. ml the ~ of torch-bearer,, u well 1111 tho pnco of 011 nncl
paloe. f. l (Urda.)
., 80 Knnwar LA!, T1naUar of Tinnon, to the Ko/rill Il,portt
that the men wanted Ly the Commo.ncler•m-Ch,cf bc<nl<!llt to the
Fort. f l l(Unla)
90 Knnwar LAI Tla.a1il•r of Danon, to the Ko/rill S.a<lo Ilnr
Doc and Rlm L41, torch bmrer,, ancl rcqucsto !um to pny thou W11gN
f L (Urda.)
5 OL Knn""r LAIT1a'lt4~i!Jrof Daril,a, to the Iloport• tbo
theft of cerWn nr!Jol1>1belonging to A&:>dn'l bh, Sepoy of !ho 3rcl
Reg,ment. f I (Unlu.)
o 02 Knn=r Ldl, Tl••aliiar of D•n'b:,, to tho Eo!ral Send! 2
t.ilors. f. l (U nln )
7 03 Kun'lnlr L!l, TAa••ltlar of Don"oo, to 'ho Kotral Deport•
that tbo fnrnero 1n bu JOn>dtchonha,-o all Leen omplo,r,J In tho 7th
Cnvolry and Le •ill therefore he nnaLlo to mppl1 o.nym Iuture f l
,, 04 Kunwnr 1..41, TU••Ailar of Jlnn1,o lo the J.ct.. d Send, 2
m.annu, of oul1,Lorcollede<lfrom Im Jnrl1'du,tl0ll f I (UrJu)
O& Tho h.otril to Tl.,oUur of Pan1» Sen<l•for h.hoo1 JL.Lb•h
au! 1'•110,Lrotht111 of Laolrcbhu Toray' (\'....., TA ,aAJJr rerort.
tbBl they Lrc w1tlrIhm rnler, in tho JDfll'WCftonof CLanJnl C..La•L
TA...aA) l I (UrJ11)
10 \lG••r IA! TAd•o'-1" o! P,nLo lo lit, /,.,trH "1,n,I•a.
J::TIIIO-p:lITher■ ntl ray• tl1:1totlK"l'M•re L11ffw,tU tLc ol~Ulf""li tif u,....
dmJ rdulw,,. ..-1,o'"'"- lo1Jc,JJ,1 tl,e nplo,,1011 of the "•~-ulnr f I
07 hnn..-.r Ul TA•••AJ ,r r f D,nLo to !Le /i,/,,a/ ll"Ju"I•
lum not lo tale ADY {<1rra•J•"from h.. ,, ••• , r I (l r<ln)
--- OS han,nr J,~J TAi.aJJ.,, r O,n1o tu tL.-'""~ rNJ>l<--1> Luu
lo nrr,ni;,, lo oLl.aJn )'''""'""' from ulher pro11uc«. £. I (UrJll)
1857 107
:i\tS. foll 14. V:n10us si.1.cs
18 1. Kmrna1 Lal, 'l½c711ahdii1 of Dnuhn, to the Kofwiil Request<; Lim
to pay the pn<'e of 1no, 1s1onssnpphcd Ly Gu]iib Smgh, ]3L,1Jnll Liil nud
other C!wudhris f 1. (U1<lu)
Jnly 23 2-10 K1.urn01Lal, Thlinahdi'ir,fon\atds cln1lyrc1101lsof his tltiinak
Aug. 2 f. 1. (Urdu)
July 28 11 Kun" ai L~11,J'lui11ahdar, nrknowleclgcs the receipt of a
11a11rii11ah1c;suedby tho Kmq. f. 1 (lhdn.)
Sep. 17 12 'l'hc Thnn(ind,ir of Dnnlm 1c; dnc<·tc<l to rcnh~c Tis 50 from
Snliginm nn<l io dcpo<:it the amount m tlw Com t f. 1. (Urdu)
18 13 Cl•I :Mhd Klu11 Snltn.n to the 'J.'1"711alul?i1of Dnnlia Dnccts
lmn to rclc:u,c nn cmploy6 of the }iingnzmc ,d10 lrns been dctarned m
his thiinalr f 1 (U1du)
14 }.Diel Hnc;mn, clerk of Dniiha 'fhi'iuqlt, acknowledges tbo
receipt of tbo price of p1ov1c;1onssupplied fiom hu, tlu711ah. £. l

1857 108
irs. fol1 ] o, &i10 1211 x s"
1 L1st of bncl chnract.c1" m i he 1uric;;d1ct1onof il10 L.ihoie Gate,
Gha7iabac1:and Sbnhdnra. Thii.t10hsas also of tlic omyloycs of the different
thii11ahs. £ lG. (U1du)

1857 109
~IS. foll. 10, vauons sizes.
21 1 Qazi Fafau.1-Inh, Kotwiil, to the C -m-C. Sends Amir Begam and
Badsbiih Begam who nre sus1)ected of hanng embraced Chrisfaamty
f 1 (Urdu)
28 2. Qazi Farnul-lab, Kotwiil, to the C.-m-C Is sendmg 4 bullock.
" carts m addition to the 8 already sent £ 1 (Urdu)
29 3. Qazi Fmzul-lnh, K ot1oal, to the C -rn-C Requests him to release
" ~f1rzii 'Abdnl-lah's servant, Kanm Bakhsh, who has been sent up with
other prisoners f l (Per )
80 4 Qazi Fmzul-lah, Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends 20 water
" earners f 1 (U1du)
June .2 5 Qazi Friizul-lah, Kotwal, to the sepoys stationed at Lal D1gh1
Asks them to let the Gwaho1 Cavalry have a. cart for transpo1t f l.
7 6 Qazi FaJZul-lah, Kot10al, to the C.-m-C Sends all the guns,
" swords, etc, which were m the store-house of the Kotwali f l (Per
,, 18 7 Qiizi Faizul-lah., Kotw,7l, to the C -m-C Reports that aJl tLe
aims m the :i\fagaz!Ilehave been sent to him, no mo1c are le.ft now.
£. 1 (Per)

1857 109-aonoluded ,
8, 9 Lut,, of mnployes 10 the Kolrcali f. 2 (Per)
10 Q!Jl P~l lab, Kolr,al, to Jl;itutmnd Danlah'1 MnnohL
Report,, that all the Tldwdar, hATe been uked to rnpply pr0TWOJU.
f. I (Per)

1857 110
MS foll 205, nnoao S1ZC1

May 15 1 The C. ,n-C to Cl!JI F!UfUl-lah, Kofral A.h him to relc:110

fulytn Smgh who wu arreotedon • fat.., charge of he,ng II member o(
11n unlalTfnl -=bly f I (Per)
2 MunJ.rl LAI, clerk of the Ko1.,an,1t1bmlt. a ataltmcnt of the
receipta of payment made to !ho of!kt■la of the Kolrcali f I ( ~r )
10 S Mu'%!Ml,td Kllcbak Snltln to the Kolooal Dire,,!■ him not to
remove h.lle Khtn and other .epoya from the Ddhl Gate. f l
17 4 Col Ml;ul KhlJl" Sultln to the Kotral .A.h !um to rnd !
" thatcher■ nt once. f I (Urdu.)
,, 5 Col Ml>dKhlJl" Snltdn to the KollCiil The rn-ge of the
canalinto (ho Fort 10obst"1cud. Directa him to ace that the ot..frne. •
boo 11 mnovtd f 1 (Urda)
18 0 The C ,n-C to the Kolral D,n,ct. him to ..,,.1 all the contra,-
tora for the supply of lntox,amh u m,ll 111 tht>IOwho ,n h to l,o
nppomtcd contnictors. f I (Per)
10 7 The C ,n-C to Q¼JTMl,d Fn4u] W. Khln,Ko/rol D,n><t. Lim
to""' !hot nll the Tlil,aUJr, ✓«• .,,/Jr, etc. .or& pmtt,nl nt ~r /JJ•aJ,
nnd penorm tlmr dutl .. effir,ently r I• (Per)
8 Tbo C. 1n-C to OA,1~11}dFJUfUl-l■ b Khln Kolcll ,\1h h,m
to Inquire 111tonnJ report on the plnncler of the ■hop of Aj<>J~y•
l'nrslwl f 1 {Ptt)
, 0 Col ::III,cl Khlµ Solte.n to <llJI ::lll)d Fa,ro11ah Khln /iolrJI
Ap•n<dul '"",..,,ed
to him ukmg for the ■ nrpty of roohes ar.l
Lootmen but no aclJon appe:,.r■ to lmTC1""" tnhn. A,b b,m to ray
ddin,tely if he can rnpply the mm. C'rno 1 'The li•frJI ny■ th.■ t tbe
onlera hnenlrcady been mmed oat) £. l (Unln.)
10 Tb,, C -,n C lo Cl.l1l MM h11al l■h h.bln, Keir•/ D,rt<'to
!um to ..-net11..&r h.bAn with 20 Sepoya to c<>ll..-t a• nw,y C""t. u
lllll.J' be anll■.L~, from the <1ly and it. ""'&hbmnh<iod. f l (I ,r)
20 l 1 C<>I\fl:,d Kh1,r Sul/111to ru,1 Mlµ! r.,,n1
W, h.blll, ,r;1.-JI
Jui.. lum lo ■upply 4 m,und> of Dour f 1 (Urdu.)
12 The C -,n C to Cl!11\ll,d h1Jt1l uh h.hao, /i,1.,/ A•h h,m
lo 'kn<l n n>rp,,nlrr nnJ 2cLj;i;tn at onte. (\ er■o, Tbe K,/rtJI "'o,I'
thom) f I (rcr)
1857 110-oontinued
May 20 Kotwal. Asks him
18. The C.-in-C to Qazi Ml;td Faizul-lah Khan,___
to send 20 qurres of paperfor the use of Ins Court. (Verso· The Kotwal
supphes the paper) f. 1. (Per)
21 14. The C-m-C to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah ;Khan, KotwaZ. Has
" released Amir Begam and Badshah Begam who were alTested on sns-
p1c1on of embl'acmg ChnBtiamty. £. 1 (Urdu.)
22 15 Col. Mhd Kh,izr Sultan to Qazi Mhd FaIZUl-lah Khan, Kotwai
" Directs him to unload boats and stock the articles-molasses, wheat,
etc, in the shop of Jawala Nath; Ramlnran, grocer, will show him the
house. f 1 (Urdu.)
16. Col. Mhd Kh1zr Sultan to Qazi Mhd Faizu1-lah Khan, KotwaZ
" " Asks him to attend to the needs of N awab Mhd Hasan Khan, the bearer
of the letter. £. 1 (Urdu)
,, 17. Col. Mhd Khizr Sultan to Qazi Ml}.d Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwal.
" Asks 1nm to supply coohes, carts and transport ammals to unload and
remove the articles on boats. f., 1 (Urdu )
,, 18. The C -m-C to Qazi Mhd Faizul-Iah Khan, Kotwal. Directs
" ,, him to take steps to prevent Hmdus and Mohammedans quarrelling
among themselves (Verso The Kotwiil reports that the orders have
been acted npon). £. 1 (Per.)
,, 19. Col Mhdl Kluz1 Sultan to Qazi Ml}.d Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwiil
" Asks mm to supply a few pieces of cloth as spemfied m the letter, and
send 125 coohes for repainng the [Jumna] bndge £. 1 (Pei)
23 20 The C -m-C to Qazi Mlid Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwal Directs
" him to place sepoys on guard duty at the house of msmothe1 N awab
, Sharafp,t Begam nea1 the AJmer Gate (Verso . 'I1he Eotwiil
reports that the orders have been earned out). f 1 (Pei,)
,, ,, 21. Col Mhd Khizi: Sultan to Qazi Mhd Faiznl-lah Khan, Kotw,a&
Asks him to supply a leathern bag £. 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 22. Col Mhd Khizr Sultan to Qazi Mhd Fruzul-lah Khan, Kotwal
Directs mm to send at once 4 carts to Sabmgarh. f. 1 (Urdu )
,, ,, 23 'Ihe C -m-C to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kot10al Asks him
to provide sweets for the men who have brought tieasure fiom 13uland-
shahr. f. 1 (Per )
,, 24 Mirza Mhd Abul-I;Iasan to Qazi :Mnd Fa1zul-lah Khan
" Kof'loiil. Sends 5 men arrested on a charge of plunder and asks mmto
detam them m the Kotwali f. 1 (Per.)
24 25. The' Kmg to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwal. Duects him
" to arrange with the grocers to open shops outside the city where the
sepoys are gomg to encamp (Verso The Kotwal reports that the
orders have been acted upon) f. I (Per )
,, n 26 The C -m-C mforms the Kotwal of the amval 0£ K4le Khan,
who has been arrested on a oharge of bad hve!ihood, m the Court f 1.

18157 ll0----0011tumed
May 24 27 Cot :Mbd Khlfr SQ!tin to~ 1'!Qd Fni,ul-'bh Kh!n K,1,,.;il
Dnect. lum to 10nd u once Knnhnt Llil, J aa'adJr Bhagnt ll:illi!Anr
IUld othen to the Court. f 'l (Urda.) '
., 28 Cot 1'1Qd l!Jilfr Bult!n to CUl!MJ;d Fa,ra} bh Kbln,Ji,t,cQl
.Aw lum to oend 10 caru"'1d60 oooheo for unloadmg gtatn from bo:,t,
f l (Urdu./
,, !5 29 Cot iil).d Khtfr BoltAn to CllF:Ml,,d PalJlll bih Klit,,,Kotrol
D•retb !um to otDfl th• -.d Amir KbAn "' the ~rge of 1,Jl)d
Haflii,the benrer of the latte,- f 1 (Urdu.}
., 30 M111:1 Ml)d Khln, TU•aJlar, to Qlff l!1id Fa,;:nl Wt Khln,
" .Kot1t1al A.oh lum to Aoknowledi;e tho 3 bnn<1J,.oI tom tent, which
are 1tnt to hun. f I (Unlu.}
,, , 31 The King to 01J? 1,!Qd Fo11nl bh Khln Ko/real Benda
(ThattJ1M]jd 1'.nd Iatil Btg, ,..ho Mo tJltged lo hn• annult,d Dr
Kharwhod '.All, and 1'!b him to inqatro into nnd report on tho cuse. l. 1
~2 Mn;l 1,[]jd Abu! Ilall!lnto Q!JI M]jd F&JJU}-lon Kli!.n,licl,:al
.Aili him to $Upply 100 cnrb for bnng,ng gunr.,J•r from tbo
Jllagiwne. (Veno 1 Tbo Kplrcal lllJlpll.. cnru) L (Per)
.. H ..
33 Col ::ll!Jd Kh11r Salt!n lo OAJ! ;\lbd F111ft!)lab Kh!n, Kolr.,l
=•cd II cnru oent by !um for unl~g arlld,. from boat..
L L (Urdu.)
.. 34 lHnA !lfl}d Abll Ilnkr to OAJ! 1>1]jd Faqul Wi Khln, Ko/,:al
.A,b him to nlea, the tiro brothttt of fut tem1nL, .rho are under
orre<tJn the Kol111af; I 1 (UrdtL)
,, S6 Th• King to Ql;I Ml)<l P1Ufnlbh Khln,Eot,,.a/ Aob Lim to
.and 10 wnt,r-<,arrlen ond 6 CO<>Les ,nth m,ulet, for rcpuru,glb• road
to Sahmgnrh f, 1 {POT}
30 Tb• King to ClltT ,tl)d Folft!) lnb Khln, Eol.,JI lntimat"
Uu.t 10 "111...,,..mert ond 6 cooU.. l,A,,, amnd. t I (PM)
, 37 Th• :Klng to Qlft Mhd Falflll laL Kbln, Kot,,al Jlltlt!II Rl1
It gmng to 11nlocdorticlea from h«lta; .. kt lum to - Iha\ be It Mt
mterfert<lmth 1n bia work f I (Per)
,, 20 38 C<,I ,[]j.t Kblrr Sultan to Q!Jt 1,1.]jdFuftll-lah Khln, Kolirdl
Inform• 1um thAt 'IWnl, tJ.allii11, hu arrlrtd u, hi, Court. f l
., 30 C.-.t'11)a Kbtfr 'lnlt!n to Clift Mhd Fo!JUl W. Khln, 'lielr,J/
Stnd• Led, the~ '>Jir4 to the Ao/lt'J/T,nth lnrtnieu,,Cf lo \,.r
hnu In ru<lod1 f l {U r,lu.)
40 O.,I Mhd Khlf' Soltln It\ 01Jl '\I~ Fai,-ol-1.oh Khln, E,tr;il
" A,b l11m tQ ...,d G diwr-, u oD<t' (Vtt90 T~ AflrJI ,.n,J,
tll~r,) f l (U-,,lu.)
~I C.,l "lid Kbll""c;uJ110ta Cup )flid Falpd l>hKhln ,:,1,,JI
A ko hint IQ •nrply ~00 ..,,n1,...,to ,..,,\: at 1W (Joau,s1 lmdr u.d
":t!cm;.s,rh (hrio1 'JM Kc1...,f wrrL,- rpah"') l 1 (l'tr}

1857 110-coulinucd
4~. The C-m-C f,1 tla· n·ot1r,il. A ...J-i;;l11mfo srlHl 20 wnfr1-c1111c1s
to nt•romprn) the 'lrmy {D lhtl11 Snrni (Vci:-o: 'l'he Kolwttl complies
"jtlt the demand). f 1. {Pt•t )
,, 43. '1J1t'c ..m-C. to the .AotviU. A~1,.,1nm fo
fClld n C.lfj)Cnicr nt
once £. 1 (P~1)
,, 41 'I1lic C-m-C. fo (he Xflltriil D11t•C'f~Jnm fo ~cc that tlio
~11tr-iin e1wnm111,~tl ,1f, Q111ls1).th JJ 1gh nte pr•>pedJ 1i11ppl1ctl ,\ 1th n1i1on::,,
hn) nml gmm. f. 1 (l'l'r)
,, 4!i 'l'hc C.-in-f'. fo U:,1i :'lfhd Fni;,ul-lult 1{)1Jn, lttd11l'il Dm~cls
lmn to .,,1ppl) n<.m'lllj <- ,rt c; n" lllll) Le ,\ nuk!l Ii) 1ltc Jnlcsnr Rcgl.
f. 1 tl\•r.)
H ,, 40 Col :\Ilul .B'hin ~ult in fo Ql11i ~fhcl Fni111J-Jnhl(l1iin, K<>!triil•
A~l.s l11mto -;upply 2 l,ufial11-'-.hlll.., for mnl,111gcl111111q f. 1. (Urdu.)
11 ,, 47 Col )llul J(.lnrr R11ltr,nfo 0117i ?ilhcl 1'1111111-lah J01iin, 1'.or,,r,_t
..Ac:k...l11mfo F1•ntltho nwn I l,l.'fd-k1f fit llcn,] "ho nilt.mlul ) cf.fcrdny
(Ver-.i) 'l'he Kol ,,,tif ""'tJ"f lt.d, the mN1 hnH! 1,et•n Fe11L to gcL held
Jt,\\ £',, \\ 111l,c t:11nt011 then ref urn) f 1 (Pet &. U r<ln)
28 JS Col ~Hal J{Jurr S1111111 fo Qii7i :.thtl 1'']1iin, Kn/10,il.
r,•port 011the 1! (If f he hou.::eof Bhim111j,llO,tlmnn;
lJ n" rC<'l'l'e<l }11<;
intlm'lk-. flint the Lo•1fman Jin~.irrncd. f l (Per.)
,, 1fl. Col :\fhd ~J1i1r 8ulti111 to Qr17i ~Jhd Fnirul-liih Khiin, Koltriil.
" Direct'{ lmn to ~upply lbnw•t 1 tlic lic-ircr of the Jctfcr, \\tth 100 coolie:,.
(V cn-o 'fhc Kot,rtil ,;upplicc;c.oohcR), f 1 (Per & Urdu)
,, ,, uO Col .Mhd Kh11r Sultiin fo Q.i1i i\Ihd Fnizul-Inh KJ1t1n, Koturiil
Ccmmrci. lum for n!li,mg lus f;{>rtl ton ,noug pl iec in }us lcUc1 nnd asks
1nm not fo <lof,O in fotm c f 1 (Per)
,, ,, :n Col 1\fh<l Khin Sult iin to CU17inthd Fni:r.ul-In.h Khan, Kotwat.
Inhmntes thnt tho boafm('n nnd carponteH; luwc nrrived and comph•
ments him on his prompt nif.ontton f. I (Pei )
,, fi2 Col J\Ihd Kh17r Sultiin to Qft7i ~lhd Fnfaul•lah Khan,Kolwfil
" Int1m'lt-ec;that S cnrf,c;lin, c been received, nsks 1nm to -nnin Ins olorks
agamc;t the om1.,sionof p:n L1cnlars of ~'!.rte;m h1c; !otter. {Vc1so • The
-.kot10iilsays thnt the clorks hnvo been wnrnecl f 1. (Por.)
,, c 53-4 Tho C -in-C to Qn71 Mhd Fmzul-la.h Kh.anJKotwal. Asks
him to supply camels and cart~ for tram;port n.nd to release a syce who
has been detained in the Kotwii.l"i. f. 1. (Per & Urdu)
,, 55 The C-m-C. to ~17,i .Mhd Fnrnul-lab Khan, .Kotwul. Ja.mat's
" carts wlule returning to the Fort h:n c been <letnmed in the Kotwlai.
D1rect!'1h1m to release them. £ 1 (Per )
,, 56 The C.-m-C. to Qii.1.i )fhd Fmzul-lah Khan, Kotrt,al. Directs
" him to arrec,t and send up Chhotii, who 1s l:\,lleged to have assaulted
Jo.wah1r Lal and hrn son f. 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 57, The Kmg to Qfizi 11:hd Fmzul-la.h Khan, Kotwiil. Dnects
him to send Gobardhan and Dcm, who are under airest in the KotwiiFi,
to the Suuahdiir of the rcgu~en.t st11tJ.oned outside tho AJmor Gate.
£. l. (Per.)
2.28 MUTINY l'Af'EI!S

1857 llO-co11t1nued
11fay l!8 58 The Ktng to ~ !n,,I Fa,JUl !ah KbAn,Kotral Dm><h !um
to get Sa,y,d Amir l;Inmun o. can,~ on lure. f 1 (Per)
., 59 The Kmg to 041 lf\id Fru,nl !ah Khln, KtJtral Dirt<t, lum
to acoommodatB the 200 -,poy, who h&Te IUTl~ from Pnndpur
and provide rabon1 for them f. l (Per)
,, 60 The Kottolilto the C ln-C Send, Kbva;iah Akhcu ~ and
Chhote !Oiln, dnero.J _Y,~ the mnken o.rt1oleobclong,ng to the
Mag,wne out of the ui Diglu. f 1 (Unlu)
,. 61 MIJ.d HW!Im 'Alf to the King Complntn1 that Far,
llfoli&mnmd,Karim llnkhh rmdothero han, rob\)('d !um of 2 oun ancl
100 lnADndi of "heat pray,, for redrcot. (Vcroo, Th• King ord""' tho
E;,t.,al to mquue 111!0 the muter ond arrest tho oulpnh) f 1 (l'cr)
29 6~ :llin Khin, SibaUar, to tho King A,h h11n to ..,nd 50
" oooheo and 8 muons to repnu-n gate ... de"1!ffl by Min! Snhn\b f 1
,, 03 M,rm MIJ.d Subrilb to !ho King A1l:1 him to ltl)'ply 10
DUI.IO!l!I imd40 cooheo for repamnglhe [JnmM] bndgo f. l {Per)
,, 04 Mini Falhrul-~Iulk to ru.,1 "hd F1UJUI!ah Khan, Koiral
A.h 1nm to re!nao Nor .llfuhnmmad, mi.tor-earner f l {Per)
" OJ The Kmg to Qql 'f~d Fa,,ul !ah Khln 1 Koliroi A•h
him to get d,ggm, and coolt.. nnd b .. o the b=ch m the city '11'1111
rop:ure<l: f I {Ptr ) "
,, 00 The C -m-C to Q!JI 1.[Qd Fal1nl Lili Kb!.n,Kotral D,rc. h
" bun to mm orer 10 camels ont of the 18 mtb Wm to 'All llul,,h,
'"""' f. 1 (Per )
,, 07 The C ,n-C to Ql1! ?i!hd Pa!JUI lab Kbln K.o/,eiJI A,h
bun to 1npply HO CArl•for tro111port..-ori: f l {Per\
" 08 Tbo C.-!n-C to Q!JI )11;,<lFruin! lab Khan Ao/ral D1rrcto
h101to oend 3 ('1lmtlato ,11r;4 'Abdul Joh f I (Per)
,, ,. 00 Tho C,n-c to QAJ1Ml)d buft!I lab Khan, Ac/rill P1=!1
b!01to 1Uppl,r10 water-<'!lmer■ ,nib Lullo<laood leatb«n !,agw lo lh•
Cn'11lry ltegnnent f. I {Per) •
,, 70 The C 111-C lo Qq, ,thJ FolJQl lah Khln, Kot,.al D11c<la
him to onload the cnrl• N>nlnlntnggrain at LAI V,i;hl and .tore them In
10me safe p!Ace f l (P...r)
71 C. ,n-C to 0!,1 )11,<l Faiinl t.L KhAn K•I.-J/ A•l:a him to
" ,end all the firram, ~• etc., wh,cl,1,a,o IKYn collrct.:J from the Jia«
cnt oa.,J, IUl<lother plu,. L I {P.r)
,, 72 Tbo C 1n-C to Q&Jl ,rM r.,,ul !ah KL&n Ko/rill Dir,d•
Lim to 1Uppl1 IQ• S•pp<r■ anJ 'linrr,, lt<1,'lm<nt w1lh ~ tart.. l 1
;.3 Tl,o C 1n-C to Q~1I 'fl, I Folrul-bL K.liln, /idrJ/ /.,u LIIO
, to M-n-1nt on'"'ll' t) Uu·• \rt1lll"r\ n 1.,1ment..,ouut.a lfl ai[ill'ht"Jl '" lLl"
loU f\<jUi,11toncu Lefore f l (I <r)
1857 · 110-oontimeed
:May 29 74 The C -in-C to Qazi 11Ihcl Fnrnnl-la.h Khan, Kotwiil D1recti;
bun to send 4 carts fo1 tra.nspo1t "01k tu the A1tillery Regiment under
Smy1d Ha1dnr Ijusmn ,Khan. f. 1. (Urdu.)
,, 75 The C.-in-C. to Qazi Mhd Fmzul-lah Khan, Kot10aZ. Dneots
htm to send 15 hnckney carriages to the Baillie Regunent. f. 1. (Per)
h 7 6. Col. M:J1dKh1z1 Sultan to Qazi i1hd Fai1ul-lah Khii.n,KotwaZ.
" Kallii, iionsm1th, 1s gomg to him mth some sepoys, asks him to supply
100 guns to the sepoys £. 1 (Per.)
,, ..
77, Col. 1\'.IhdKhizrfSultan to Qazi nihd Fnizul-lahJKhnn, Kotroiil.
" Asks him to send at once 2 ca1penteis to wo1k at the Jumna bridge.
£. 1 (Urdu)
,, 78 Col :M]1d Khfa1 Sultan to Qazi Mhd Farnul-fah Khan, Kot1oiiZ
Has teceived one cart-load of wheat and pulse which was sent. by
Dahiidur 'Ali, Dafarliir. f 1 (Per) ,.
,, ,, 79-80, Col .Mhd Kh1z1 Sultan to Qazi Mhd Fa1zul-Iah Khan,
Kotwal. Asks him to supply 28 weighmen for wo1ghmg gram. £ 2.
30 81. Col 1\fhd Kluzr Sultan to Qazi Ivlhd Fa1zul-lah Khiin, KotwiiZ
Directs him to depute 25 sepoys 1'1th 2 officers for guaid duty on
the }\fagazme and mstruct them to keep a Y1gtlant watch over the
articles there (Verso. The Kotroiilieports that the ordeis have been
acted upon.) f 1. (Urdu)
,J 82. Col Mhd Khizr Sultan to Qazi Mhd Fa1zul-Iah Khan, Kotro~t
, Abks h1m to supply Kallu, nousm1th, with 20 ca1penters £ 1 (Pei )
,, ,, 8'3. The C -m-C to Qazi 1\1:hd Fa1zul-hh Khan, Kot1oiiZ Asks
Ium tQ send to the Fo1t some four 01 five hund1ed bullocks, f I. (Per )
,, 84 The C.-m-C, to Qazi :VIhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwiil, Dnects
" him to search the houses of all the washermen and cobble1'a to see 1£
they possess any a1ticles belongmg to the Mogazme £. 1 (U1du.)
,; 85-6 The C -m-C to Qazi Ml}d Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwiil Directs
him to supply the Sappe1s and Mmers Regiment with 22 water-carriers
£. 2 (Per)
87. The C -in-(\ to Qazi :Mhd Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwiit Dnects
" him not to release the 2 bullocks of Sultii.nii Tatcii1f as they are now
much wanted f 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 88-89 The C -1n-C. to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kot1oal Inti-
- mates that 27 masons and 5n diggers have a1nved f 2 (Pei)
,, 90. The Kmgto Qazi MJ1d Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwal Directs him
" to arrange with shop-keepers £o1 the supply of proV1S10usto the Luck-
now force f 1 (Per ) '
,, 91 The Krng to Qaii :Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotu,al Dnects lum
" to detam the 6 spies who have hen arrested (V e1so The Kotwiil
cames out the orde1s) f. l, (Pei )

1857 llo-contznued
May SO 82 The Kmgto 04, Ml;td Pa,ptl-lnh Khln, Kot.,.1 D1rtcl1 bfrtl
to rel....e !Iar.J.,
who h,,ii been detamed m the KotrC'<lll,I Pand1nm Smgb
.tande bu1 for hun f I (Per) '
,. 98 The King to Q!xi Ml)d Pn1JUl-lahKbrm,Koliral D1tt<h !um
to trace and arrestthooe wbo hne .ommitted burglnry m the home of
Amlrnn Nm Khlnam. f I (Per)
SI 94 'The Kmg to ¾t Ml;,d Fisiptl lnh Khiin,ii.olral Dtrt-<b hlDl
to .end 2~ n~en, mtb their le<1tlmn bogo to tbo bndge l l
,, 95 The King to ~ Mhd Falll!l-Wi Kh!n, Kol.cill Direrll b,m
" to tal.:emeuure1 tomp distnrmn- that are often crt<1!ed by the L:ul
charact8l"IIof the city at the b01ll0 of LacbhmI nnd Bihljln who h.-e elot6
to the Dnnba TiauA f l (Per)
,, 90 QuJ MJ;,d F•1JDIWi Kh&n, Koirc•I, to C -ln-C. SorulJ 107
" cooJ,e. m the cbuge of 1ilAdb6.Singh f 1 (Unla)
,, 97 Qqi 1'I1)d Fa1'D-ILt.hX:hln, Kolir•I to C in.-C. 11.,. rnpplicd
Kallll, rronom,tb ,nib 26 zepoy. to guard tbo :\[agutu,e f 1
,, ,, 98 ru,1 ?i'fl)<l F•lfbl !ah Khln, Kot.. nl, U. C.-tn-0 Fonranu a
<lruly report o[ tho f 2 (?Jrdu)
,, 99 Col l\[l)d KhT Sult&nto Q!JI Mhd FaiJUl lah Kb&n,Kot,,..,/
Cm16eo that ObbaJJil!leg ii Q nua, of good eondnct and d1re<t,, tl,o
Koltt:ill to see that no one borm1 !um f 1 (Per)
,, 100 Ool M!J,l Kh,rr '9u11&nto Q4J MJ.,cl Flllftll lab Kh~n Ko1,..1
A•h lum to rnl'l'IY 100 coolies and O rupcntrn for t1>1Wnng the
[Jnmna] bridge and to due<t the Jf•A•J•"''
lo lendtheir m~n to ll'Alcb
ilie bndgc of boat.. f l (Ptt ) ~
,, 101 Col. ll!M hliiF Sul\ln to ~ 'lbd 'Falrn\-uh Khh,
Ko/real Drtt<t1 him to ropply 20 lockl and the minirru nnml...- of
ooolrc. to Julia, 1ron11DJlb,for the IISOof the Magazu,o f I (Unln)
,, ,. l0l Col :lll)d Khlfl" Snltln to Q!fl ,rl)d Faqul !ah Khln AolrJ/ b,m to ttlente the oon of Kh~liq Da!l]ph, the wntcd wubmnan.
f l '(Unln.)
103 Th• C -ln-C to CliJI 'tlid Fa,ftll lab Kh•n Jr,lriil Du..-h
" " him to rtleal8 the bullocks o..-ned Ly Raja Oan~ ltlm and Debi S,ni;b
f l l(Pcr)
10~ The O ,n-C to <lift :'11(,J Faiflll lah Kbln, E,f.-.1 J.,i,
" b,m to .end "I' '.A•m•t 'All and lluo.n AU,
dcl:unoo in tbo K,tr<nll f I (1 tr)
lu,-e Lott atTNW and

,, 106 The C ,n-C. to Oirl :'ilhd Fa,pil lah Khln, Ktd,:,Jl Dnttt•
him to m,d at onco u mony ,nltr-<1'm..-. a, are availalM f I (l'tt}
100 Ti><'C ,n-C lo Qlf1 ;\lf:,d Fa11nllah Kbln J.c/r,,I A,h b.m
to t"1ld mot.-. aitd ull•' and 100 'ITill<r-<:>rrlm in !Lt ,uri;o
OnltAr All tLo L,,.rtt f l (l'cr)
I lttn1..&.bhtu\ rt•--• .t c-n-Ll.
1'Ul'Lcl 1tJ (T't"UJ
185'i 110-continued J

?\fay 31 107. 'I'he 'C -m-C. to Quzi ~:hd Farnul-lah Khan, Kotwiil Directs
him to ielease certnm cubblers mcnMoned ln the letter. f 1. (Pei,)
108. The C -in-C to Qii?,i Mhd FaIZul-lah IChan, Kotwal Asks
" " him to supply_at once 4 maunds of S\~eets to be sont to the sepoys at
the tienches. f 1. (Per.)
n ,, 109 The C.-in-C to Qazi i\ihd. Farnul-Iah Khan, Kot1;iil D1re~ts
him to 1ctmn tbe 2 bullock carts of Mir 'Alam 'Ali that have been
detarned m the Kotw'tili f. 1 (Pc1'.)
110 The C -m-C. to Qa~i Mhd Fa.iz,ul-Jnh Khan, Kotv>a( Du e~ts
" him to 1elease Ghazi Kl!nn who has be~n arrested ,and ,detarned in tha
Kotwiili f 1. (Per.)
,, 111 ,The C.\.m..c to Qazi l\1hd Faizul--lah Khan, .Kotwiil. Inti- '
mates that 25 watei-ca11101s and 20 bullocks have arrived f.' 1.
(Pm) -
June 1
- 112 The C,-iil'-0 to Qazi Mhd Fa1~ml;.Jnh Khan, Kotwiil, Asks
him to supply at once 10 water-carriers and 1-0 seers of parch~d pu,se
£ ] (Per)
,, lJ.3'-14 The C.-m-C. to Qiiii Ml}.d FruznJ..Jah Khan, ii.otwal. Ce1-
tifies that Bachna, goldsmith, 1s a mn.n of ,got>dconduct and duects the
, Kottoal to release hnn as also :M:Q.hnmda,water-carrie1. d: 2. (Pei )
,, ,, 115 The C.-in-O. to Qazi Mhd Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwal. Asks him
to trace and send Ganga Ram's w1£ewho has been enticed away by
Tali Yar Khan's syce f 1. (Per.)
116. The C ..m-C to Qaii Mhd Fa1iul ..lali Khiin,Kot1oiil Asks him
to report on what charge Mohan) goldsllllth, has ,been •anested and
_ detamed Jn the Kotioiili £ tl., (!'er )
,, 117. The C.-m-C to Qazi :Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwal, Di1eots
hitn to send to him the horse 1s at the Tmkoman Gate. f 1
,, J.18. Deposit10n of H1clayiitul-lah, A:bdur .Rahman and others regard
ing an assault made on them by Ashraf Ali, ~lasan 'Ali and others £ 1
(Ul'du) -
,, 119 The Krog to Qazi MJJ_d Fa~nl-fah Khan, Kotwlil 1Ias seen
_ the papers forwa1ded by bun rega1dmg the -disturb~nQe that occur~?d
at the house of Aminm-NISa, directs him to relea:se Asad. fili on re-
cogruzance and the othe1 accused pe1sons on secm1ty bona f, 1 (Pel.J
,, ,,- 120 The King to Qazi 1y.l];idFaizul-lahKh,an, Kot1oii.l. iD~ects lum
to release Khnda Bakhsh, who has been auested ancl detamed m the
on a charge of ,atremptmg, t1;ieW:e of h1~ ~as1:EJr,.~f
.B..otwti.,li he lihs
executed a recogmzance. £. 1. (Per)'
,, I > f

lt2.l. Recogmzance executed by 'Khud"ii l3akhsh ,in cqnµ~c~10n with

the above case f 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 122 .The.I{;ing to,Q.azlMhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwlil The men 1n
cbaige of the salt store house misapp~op1:fate quantiti~s of s,~It , Dnet-ti:;
him to remove them and 'appoint otheis ~n thett places f 1 (Pei)

1857 110-cont,nued
June 1 123 Col lllJd KhlJl'Sult&n to Qtp ~ Falm! lnh Khln Kotrat
A.b !um to releue Katlm Bakl!Jhwater-cnmer t l (Pe-rJ '
,, 124 Col Ml)d Kh!Jr Sultln to Cap Ml)d' Fauul !ah Khln
Kotroal Ma !um to rnpply CJawdJri Karim Jlakh,h will, a bullock
cart for bnngu,g iron eto.,to the Juagnnne. f. L (Per)
JJ n 126 Col MJ.,d Kh4r Sull;An to Q!1f MJ;,d F&Ulll lab Kh!n,
Kotral AJb hun to llllpply at once 2 ohnofor mahng drum, f. l
., 126 Col :Ml)d KhlJI"Sull;in to Q1p ::IIhd F11Unllnb Khln,
Kotr/11 Direcu 1wn to llllpply • cnrt and 10 coob .. to .IUlllQ,iron•
IIlllth and to attend to hu, ttqw11!.tonofor ooobes, dlIU eto., 1n future
t l (Urda)
2 127 Col Ml;id Khw Snlt!n to Q!JI M'..\1d Famtl !ah Khin,
Kolrrol C.,rt,lie,t that D11Anr Khln and Bu!d KhAn ore men of good
conduct ard mnocent of tbe cluu-ge framed agiwut tbem J ul1 t!te
Eottl!al to releue them. t l (Per J
,. 128 Col Mhd Khtµ Sultan to Q1p 1t[Qd Fmnl bh Kh!n,
Eol<dl .A.b h= to notify the Ti1a•1•• tht.t if any one of them
enters tho Mng,wnowithout obta!mng ).lOI'IIlllSIOn from tbo ,mlcr ho
will be sevoroly pnn10hed f l (Per )
.. ., 129 Col KhtJr Sultan to Q!j:I 1tlh<l Famtl lnh Kbln
Kot.,aJ Soya thot of tbe 10 ,ra!o,-.camorw sent by !um yettenl4y 0
dtAppcared at night l ub lum to tn,,ce them and ICild to him at once
f 1 (Urdn.J
., 180 1t~ Ila.him .l\n lo QAp 1tlhd Famtl lab Khan, Kotrol
" Ilequeats hun to release the accused Falz ,rnlwnmad who bu ai:,-t<J to
return to tbe ..-n~ all the!.. plundered by him r l (Per)
lSl QAp MJ;id Pamil-1.oh Khln, Kotieal, to Dhlo Sl~h, [ J.J,6
" Kotr,iil] A,b h= lo release the accnttd Fau :llalµ.mnuul u tho ~
between him and the oomJlWIUllllbas~ amlcably setllt<l f I (Ptt)
,. 132 The .King to the Kot,:,,{ D,reot. him to oond CO d/~n,
to rcpolrtbe old nmpart al Degamp<D"£ l (fu)
,, 133 The O ,n-C to the Keira/ A,ka him to tt1rply u =ny
cool,co ru,d doobo be:,rers !II aro aTit!lablo f 1 (Por)
., lM The C ln-C to the Keira/ Ce1UUre<him £or not atttn<Loi: to
the reqnlnltoaa £or coollca And caq,cnlen f 1 (Per)
185 Tho C 1n-C to tho Kol,:il/ lulu him to tt1rpl1 al ••""
baab, boy and JlWIO r l (Per)
" 136 The O in-C to QJp ,rJ;,,J Fauul Jab b.hln, Keira/ A•u
h1Ill to rnpply al once GOOcooh .. and d,w,-,. f 1 {Unlu.)
l! 137 The C 1n C to Olp ,ll)d F=I t,h b.hln, Keir"/ Aon
him not to dtt.un Bhola, 1r111tMamor, u ho lo an emrl"'t! or !ho K,og-
f 1 (P.,.J
., 138 The C !n-C to C}-4J )ll;d Fain,! JaL K.bln, Jr,t,,J/ A,b
him to procure from anthe tA.. ,A, !O mwl.rtJ w,tL p,o--J,.Ldti ...,J
loyonrll, llt>dl(nd them at occe f 1 (Por)

~ 1857 110-oontinued
Juhe 8 189. The C -in-C. to Q~i Mhd Fa1zul-lah Khan, Kotwiil. Asks
him to supply 500 coohes at once E I. (Per )
,, 140. The C -m-C to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwiil Asks
" ' him to hand over a sword to Bhawani Parshad Dube. £ 1 (Per)
,, 141. Ram Kishan, Naik, to the Kmg Requests hfm to duect the
Kotwiil not to engage elsewhere Sobha and othe1 wate1-cames who a1e
wo1kmg at the Sabil 1 (Verso The Kmg's orders to that effect) £. 1.
JJ ,, 142 The Kmg to Qazi Ml}.d Faiz~l-lah Khan, Kot1oal Directs
him to place gua1ds at the house of Amirun N 1sa Khe.nam, i£ Asad
~Ii Khan and others mterfere with him m any way, they may be pro-
secuted. £. 1. (Per )
,, 143. The Kmg to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwiil Directs
" him to detam Jhamla Smgh m the Kotwali on a cha1ge of esp10nage.
f. 1. (Per) -
8-4 144-5. Col Mhd Kb,izr Sultan to Qazi Ml;id Faizul-lah Khan
" Kotwal. Asks him to send at once 6 carts, 40 coohe.qand Z water
earners. f 2 (Per ) '
4 146 The Kmg to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwal Directs
him to supply at once water-camers and rations to the Kamal force
f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 147. I;Iasan 'Ali Khan to Qazi Mhd Fa1zul-Iah Khan, Kotwiil Re-
quests brm to supply 5 bullock carts £or 1emovmg the luggage of the
sepoys £ 1 (Per)
,, ,, 148 The Kotwal to< C.-in-C. Forwa1ds the daily report of the
Kotwali. £. 1. (Urdu )
,, ,, 149. The Kotwal to C -m-C Reports that he has supplied hay,
husks and pulse as deSired f 1 (Per )
,, ,, 150. The C Qazi :Mhd Fmzul-lah Khan, Kotwat Inti-
mates that 4 gamblers, who were anested at the Kot10iitihave arrived
at his court. f 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 151 The C -m-C to Qazi J\ihd Fa1zul-Iah Khan, Kotwiit Asks
him to send 25 water-carriers to the trenches and to arrange with grocers
for the supply of rations. f 1 (Fer)

,, 152 The C -m-C. to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah Khan, Kotwiit A~ks

him to St1pplyat once 4 carpenters £ 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 153. The C.-m-C to Qazi Mhd Faizul-lah J{han, Kotwlil Asks
him to return the leathern bag of Gunpat, water-ca1ne1, to him f I
,, 5 154 The C 7"m-Cto Qazi Mhd Fruzul-lah Khan, Kotwiil Directs
him to return to Sabgrnm the secunty bond executed by h1m on behalf
of Zorn.war Singh (Verso : Sabgram acknowledges tp.e receipt of
the bond) f. 1. (Per)
1 A shed m which water 1e kept for thiretj tra;clleta.
'214 >.tbTTh'v l'Al:>tM

1857 110-oontruued
June 6 15, 0 The C. m-C to (¼:1 Ml;id F=I Lib Kh1n, Kclriil Ad,•
nowlcdge,, the receipt of ..-reral bundle. of ~ 11.ndllJme bncktta. C. l
,, 157 The C -,n-C to Qlp :Ml;id F=I lab Khan Kcdr:al. A1b
!um to Sl'nd 8 dooho-bearen to the trenches. f l (Per)
168 The C '1D-C to 0Ap F11m1llab Kha.n, Kolr:al lnh
mntea that 6 water-ootmen hal"Oduappeattd Aab .him to aend men
to m>rk ID then- places. f. 1 (Per)
,, 160 Tho C u,-C to QiJ:i Mhd Famtl !ah Kb!n, Kol-.:tll A1l1
hrm to .,nd 10 coohea ""1tb cttla1n artiele, op,c,fied m the letter f I
,. 160 The C m-C to <1iJJ.Ml;idFa1X11l lab Khln, KcdriJI A1kt1
bun to PeDdat once a Oln\"U ,..,._,.,.. f l (Per J
., 161 The C m-C to 041 ~11,d Frunt! bb Khln, li.olrul A,b
hnn to 1'1lpply20 camand 100 coohco f l (Per J
,. 162 The C 10-C to QAp 1'1Q<lFairol Lib hllbi, Kcl""'l A■h
him to 10nd 20 buckets for tho u,o of the atpo\"W. f l (Per J
163 The C m-f' to Q41 ?ilhd Faual lab Kh!n, Ko/trill Direct.
h1m to ■apply proTll!lOllt,u opro,ficdID the letter to lho tronchc■• f l
., lOl The C m-C lo ~ l\Jhd huul lab Khlu, J.oi,r:ul Ao.I.-.
him to gend 2 earl.I for tmn,porl m,rk. f l (Per )
165 1'umitul Mull to Qlp .lll;,d Fauol lah Khln, Kol.-.,1 A■ k1
him to oen<l2 •TCCt at once f l ,(Per)
100 Mhd. Dnl;bt to Qlip :Ml;i<lF=l-lah Khlo, l.olral D1rtd•
him to nrrange mlh gyoctl'B (exccphng tba.. at tbo huhmn Gate) to
aul'PI) proTulon■ to theJale,u and other Rcg,menla. f 1 (PCT)
,. 107 Sn,yid Sa iJot $\Ir nnd S11Jy1Jlriit.l 'All to fbo F..1ng n,.
qne,t him to lnnrncl the Kf!f,<ill nrnl the TJa ••u,,~r Dan1.o t,, prolt-rt
tbo p<hltoDct'I from the opp,-1on of the t..<l c!um>ctcn or fhe ntr
r I (Per)
,. ,. 108 Col \l!Jd Khlfr Snlthn lo the KolrJI Ditttt.. him lo ,.nit
nl ooee lllO cooh.,. to rc/>!Ur1hr [ Jumna] Dn<l~ I 1 (Urdu)
,, 100 70 The h.lng to Qlrl ],Ihd hual l,L Khla, ) Dlrtth
" b,m lo rna\.egood am,ngcmrntl for tbo ,apply of rat!Olll I 2 (Ptr)
G 171 The 11.rngto Q!J:t :'llhd Faual lab hl;ln Aa/ral A,\.1 L,m
to lnquu1, into and rcf'Orl on the 6;-Ltong lhd look tl>"' ktw""" •
T,/o•:,• ■ nd • Tlo•aldJr, nnd 10 wLl<'h 'la!pLI,,l ,Ill, 'kJ-ir, ._,
woondr,J f 1 (Per)
, Ii!. The J,.,ni: to 0111 '11,,d Tal?'ll W, Kl,An Kclo:Jl Dir•d•
" Lim to m,d at oDN ~00 <C<1lttt to the lr<nrLo, f I (i«)
,. I-~ The h.1t1i:; lo Olfl )[ltd r•orul 1.L h..hl• .Arlnl/ Jl,mh
hlru to ,tnd I 00 d,p:rr, lo the tttnc.b,,o at Al•l'"rc f I ( P<r )
1857 110- coutin1.wc7
3uuo 6 17•!, The King to Uiiii i1 hd Fniznl-lah Khan, Kotwal It appems
£tom the 1oport of '1.'hiinalula1,Gnni1 Qno:un Khan, that a. numbe1 of
gamblers headed by ono S.tndiignr have colleci:,cd m the city Asks
him to inqune mto the m"tttcr nud mrest the men together with their
gambling mstmments f 1 (Per)
,, 175 The Kmg to Qft1,i :Mhd Fmzul-lnh Khan, Kot1lJiil Asks him
to supply Dnrnli i\Ial and Hai Snhiiy with ca1ts, etc., for t.--anspo1iwo1k
when reqmrcd f. 1 (Pei )
,,, 17G J:Inziiri Ghosh to [the Kotwiil] Agrees to prPsent to the
" Kotwiili, when 1·eqmrcd, lns 3 buffaloes which were .engaged m faanspo1t
work nnd m o now 1ctm ned to hun f 1, (U rdn )
11 ,, 177. Hn.fiz ~minud-Din, J.. hii11ahdlir,to the Kotwal. Sends Allah
Bakhsh, Nanhu and otho1 streoperA, -a.ccn,;ed of assaulting Chunni,
sweeper, and 1epo1ts that the acc'Used Nanhu 1s a g1ca,t badm(7shand
deserves 1mmshment f ] (U1du,)
.,, 178 Statement of Ch11nni, complnmnnt, 1eg:ttdmg -the assault made
on Lim by Alluh Bakhsh, Nnnhu and others £ I (Urdu)
-,, 17£1..80. Depositions of Ramzani and Knllii, ·witnesses)m the assault
" case (no 177 above) £. 2 (U1du)
,, ,, 181 Ammu Jan stands bail £o1 the accused Bholan and Nanhu
sweepers, who have been nnested on a charge of assaultmg Chunni
sweeper f. 1. (Urdu)
,, 182 The C -m-C to the li.olwt7l Asks hnn to send 200 bullocks
" (Verso-: The A otwtil has issued a cncular lettei to nll the Thiinahda1s to
this effect) f 1 (Per and Urdu)
,, 183 The C -m-C to the Kot1oiil Directs him to send 10 doolies
" mth beaiers to D1 J.\fhd Nasim Khan at the dispensa1y at Lal D1gh1
f. 1 (Per)
'1 184 'The C -m-C. to the liotwiil Asks hnn to supply 100 baskets to
" of
the trenobes-fo1 the use the Sappe1s and '.i\fmeis Regiment :f I. (Per)
,, 185-6 The C -m-C 'to the Kotwal Acknowledges the receipt of
" 137 baskets ,f 2. (Per)
,, 187. The C -m-C. ·to the Kotwcil. Asks him ,to send 6 coohes at
once £ I1 (Pei' )
,, 188 The 'C -in-C to the Kotwiil Dnects hllll to msttuct the
" sweepers io use the :A.Jme1-Gate when they aie talang the 1efuse out of
the city f 1 (Per)
18 9 1\f1rzitM mznd-Din to the Kotwlil Requests him to release Bab-
" " bu, h1s wate1-car11er, who has been detamed rn the Kotwati. f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 190 lt'.luza Ahmad Sul~an Khurshiclfiln.m to the Kotwal Requests
that his water-car11e1, .'A.bdul-Jah., may be g1anted a JJa1wlinali wluch
would sec1.'neh!.m ltninunity from arrests £ 1 (Per)
,, '13
- !'
191. 'l'he'C.-m-C to the Kotwat Asks him to sencl w1th0Ut dela:t

200 bullocks to ,ca1'rJthe necessary articles £r9m'the i1agazme to the

tienches £ 1 (Pei.) -

1857 110-contrnued
June 8 102 Th& C m-C to the .Aot,ciil Intlmdet that ho hu reee,m ll
bullocks. f. 1 (Per)
Q 193 Tbo Kmg to the Kot,ial Direct. b1m to p!a,,e gn:uds at tho
house of Knn1ftlr Ajlt 81ngh 1111d eee that no one niaketa wsturlx,nro
at hu, houoa f 1 (Per)
10 194 The O rn-C to tho .Kotul 8ha,1tlJ fu;nh J\li, J.:a'adar, and
tho K}.aUa,u attachedto the 1>faga>lnecompI,untlu,t the Tila•§tU er,:,le
datnrbam,eo D.tthou hotl!M lrhile they are 11ny on duty lhrcc!s him
to mstmct the nuaUar of Beg,,.mpnrto plnco guards at tho romz,!o1•
o.nts' hotae11and ... th!lt they are not a..turliedrn llDJ ,ray f I (I'or)
., 195 The Kmg to the Eo/,riil Direct. bun to grl II grocer', ohop
opened at the Kuhmir Kntrn m order to ""PPIY rn!,ol16 to the Lod:now
force mboned there f. 1 (l'or)
., 190 The Kmg to the Eotul ])1rects hlm to IIUJ> 2 nW
came,,i to the Lncknow force nt the Ka,hmlr Kntrn.f l (1 &r)
,, 197 The Krng to the Eot,ral Tiawdar, 11nd otMnt /ub thr111
not to o.lftxthe ,en! of any one other tho.nthnt of the King at tho bt<1d
of the com,opoudence, for rt lo .aga1lllt the prnctJee of the Ropl Court.
f. I (Per)
,, 198 The King to th6 Kotral It Is ,tmnge thst £ doyo hnn
clapooo llDd yet he hu not been oLlo to detect 11! the oll'onde,- mmtd
m lbe J:'"hllon of Shnmmd Daulob, P.pnAlter Direct, him to rn:&kea
""'rch and arrest them mthout 1- of tune. f. I (l'er)
,, 100 The King to the K«ra/ .AJh hlm to mprly 10 """"'"
" wem,ro and to arre,t On!AhSmgh 11ndSot Singh f I (Per I
,, 200 The Klng to tbo Kotul Direct• hun lo >tnrl 50 wot,r-
MlfflOl"I to the bottle-field ou!stJe tbe l>.uhmir G,,te .. the tmol"' ore
there gomg \o £ght. f l {l'et)
201 The ii.lag lo the KotrJI D1reds him to open ,ho!"' or «>nF,c-
" " uonmi, groccn, and y,getnl,le and tolncco .. uen in onler tbo.t """""'"'"
=r 1,o pro<lllC<d for tho &n:, force. f L (Por)
202-3 'l'be C 11,-C lo the Eotral D,rerls Lim lo "'nd 100 ,ooltre
" ..t once (\' erso I The KotrJI mya thAt • nrcut..r ktter 1w Lttlt
,o,ned to all the TAJ.Jdar, to th11ell'<ct.) r ! (l'cr)
,, 2M The O In C to th• Kofrdl Dlr,,,ts him to ttleiuc SoLhl Rli,t
" ,ntler-n,mer who II an m>plo,e of the l,.1ni; lll\d lu1 ~n d,Wn«J ,~
the Kotra/1 f l (Per)
20, The C 1n-C to the KofrJI Dlr,,,ts bun to IUJ>rlr Lim JIU
" and :!illrzl ila,dar llt{; milt all tbo rron..ons roqu1rroLr them ( I
,, 11 200 The C ln-C lo the Kolr"l ..uh Lim to •llJ'rlY tn Joot,,,
,..,tL1-rero an,! 50 nt=mm lo work In the armr f I (1',r)
207 'The O 1n-C to th• KofrJI D1rtrt• bun to~ JW.....,L,,. I•
" " r,p,.ir tho S1ynLDarJ ~h,d, u Im k,n r J (I l'T)

1857 110-co12tinued
June 11 208. The C -in-C. to the Kotwal Asks him to supply 50 doolies
with bcaicrs, 20 coolies and 25 water-cn,1ners f 1. (Per.)
,, 200. The C -m-C. to the Kotwal. Asks him to send 12 coolies ~nd 4
" wnter-carric1-s to Kale at S1ynh BurJ £. 1. (Per.)
,, 210. The C.-m-C. to the Kotwiil. Asks him to ieturn RaJa Ajit
" Singh's sword, dngger and kmfe which are m the custody of ,1\fhd
Amir. f 1. (Per.)
,, 211 The C.-in-C. to the .aotwiil. Says that Ra3a Aj1t Smgh's
dagger bas not been received, asks him to ttace 1t and send 1t at
once. £ 1. (Per.)
,, ,, 212 The C -m-C to the Kotwiil. Intunates thnt he has received a
sword n,nd a dagger belonging to Ra3a AJit Smgh. f 1 (Pei)
,, 213 The C -m-C. to the Kotwal. Asks him to send .'A.zmat.'A.Ii's
" sword which was seized by the Thii.nalalar, Guzar It1qad Khan, dunng the
weavers' riots. £ 1. (Pei )
,, ,, 214-5. The Kmg to ;the Kot1oal Censmes him for not attendmg to
the reqws1tion for provisions Asks him to arrange with shop-keepers
for the supply of provisions to the 60th Regiment and the Sarsa force.
f. 2. (Per.)
,, 216. The King·to the Kotwiil Has received hrn report 'on the plun-
" der of Ganeshi La.I's house by the Ptlangas and asked Col. Mhd Kh1zr
Sultan to mqmre mto the matter. f. 1 (Per.)
,, 12 217 The Kmg to the Kot10al. Asks him to release the 7 doohe-
bea1ers who have been detamed m the Kotwiili, fo1 they are the employes
of the Kmg's b1other Mirza Ghulam Ashl'af f 1 (Per.)
,, 218 The Kmg to the Kotwal 2 Cavalry 1egiments are expected to
" encamp either at the Delhi or at the AJme1 Gate Directs him to
arrange with giocers, confectioners, etc, so that the regrment.s aie
properly supplied mth rations. £ 1. (Per )
,, 219. T-he Kmg to Hai Sahay and D1wali Mai. They are directed
" to arrange with Thiina!tdars of Shahdara and Lahore Gate and the
Supenntendent of the Sahmpur Canal for the supply of flour and ghee
to the Army. f. 1. (Per.)
,, 2~0 The Kmg to the Kohoiil. Directs him to supply Amir Khan
" with a ~oohe 01 cbarpoy, wh10heve1 he may reqmre, for 1emovmg
Muhammad ;B:_han, a wounded sa1oar[ to th~ hospital J £ 1. (Per)
,, 221 The Kmg to the Kot1oal, Dnects him to make a search for
" Bliura's articles are IDISsmgfrom the Kot1oiili and to send up
the man who stole them f. 1 (Per ) (
,, 1 22~. The Kmg to the Kotwal Directs him to remove a
" quantity of unclaimed salt lymg at Lal D1ghi to a safer place f 1 (Per)
,, 13 223 The Kmg to the Kotwal Directs him to release Ghazi Kl!an,
sepoy, who has been detamed m the Kot10au £ l (Per )
,, 224 The Kmg to the Kotwiil. Directs mm to collect swords and -
" guns from all the thii11,ahsand send them to the wnter. f l (Per)

1857 110--contrn~cl
1nne }S 226 The Jung to the Kolral Demret to help the ltJlOTJof
the 60th llagunent who ue encnmped at the pnson m bnytng thou
rat,.,,,. from the market f. l (Per}
,. 226 The King to the Kot-..61 It ho.abeen decided to ~lace a con
tmot mth rome one~or the ltlpp!J' of pro\1.llona. Duecto hun to aill far
tendera, f. L (Per )
227 The Kin!! to the Kol,cal D,recu h.tmto acnd aoma fnmen to
the Calfllpore force which 11 "1)<mllped outaida the Deihl Gate f l
,. 228 The King to the Kotril Direct. him to impply Hoar, pnl1e
etc., to the troopo .tationed outmde the eit.r JO!t u he uldthe pronou,
d&y f. 1 (Per]
,, 220 The King to the Xot1Dal Direct. to ltlJlPl.r ,uffiMent
" ration.1 to the &rm force eac,unped al Thirynr•J nnd. to get the gn,con'
ohopo opened there mthout delny f l (Per
H 230 The Kmg to the Kotral Biumdhu Snfunr and other1 hann~
wounded oeventl men ha,-e ahtconded. Drrect. hllll to make a search
fot them am) .. nd. them up ,rhen found. f I (l'cr )
231 The fun{!' to the Kotr::al D1rectal11mto mal:e proper arrnnge-
mnnta for the supply of mUono to thD
the groccrt' lbopo opened there. f l (Per
outoldotht aty •nu to gd

" 232 The King to the Aotral All<, him to ,nppl,r 8 cool,n for
bnngu,g plnnb and 1-1n.1from Samra Jki:nm'• gnnlm. L 1 (~r )
,, l83 The King fo the Kotr,,./ &p that compWntl ban l,,,,n
" rtce!«d f rorn SOT.,,,]n,gune,,ta IJ)<Clfiod In the lrt!M aLontthe ltwlo-
qtt1le 111pplyof rnbon.1 to then, nnold1~ bun to p the ,bof'I of
gro,,en, con!oc!Jonert, etc., o~ned In thooo r,g,monta f I (Ptr)
, 23-1--oThe Kmg to the A.1.,.1/ D,recta hnn to -d 200 cooL.. to
" lLe Fort mthout delay f i (Per)
i30 Cot ?,!htl Kh!fr Saltt,, to tho Kotral Ath hlm In ,.nd 10
" i:-ra-cntters and 6 ronlcs t~ v,th hoes and JJITt I t l (Urdu)
237~~ 'I'ho C ln-C to tbo K•trol A,b l111nto und 20 cochet
" ,u,d 60 wnt01'Cllrncn at onco. f 2 (Per)
l3P Tbo C. In C to the Ko/trill Dorrcl• Lim to -.nd Slw)~6
fnrner, toi:ether ,nth honMl,oeo and nait. and ! ~limo w,tb
h- and;a/., If 1 (Unln)
}fi 210 'I'h• :&:In{!'to th• Keira/ Say, th:it lho drare_n,hnre a~ all
dOlt<l 1n tho market nod n,l-cb,m In i:et them •!"",J and pr<><tlrta,
m•ny p,<'<N of lJjlaA ',.. ntt -ntW,1, r I (Ptr)
241 The King to th• Kc/rill Dutth him lo -d puchtJ raltt,
" " ,all• mo!u.,. and Lrown •ni:ar tn tbo lro<>y>« tlat lcne ,:oao "'11 to
ligbt. thunemy f l (Ptr)
24! 'Iho Kl~ to tho Kttr..T D,rt<ir h,m to rtlr2., ""tnl ,un
" =td In tbo lttltr on tLNr ~""1 ~ f 1 (Ptr)
• J...,.; fff t;..,ttct.,.... tt 11.h• la.

1857 110-continued
June 16 243 The King to the Kotwal Calls £or the papers rega1ding the,
assault committed by :Mmli .Ohai, Ba1kat 'Ali and otpe1s on Thakur
Das, Chand ii Lal J am'ada1·and some other persons Has seen the deed
of compromise made out between the accused and the complamant but
he will not let the o:ffenders go unpumshed f., 1 (Per )
,, 17 244 The King to the Kotwiil. Dnects him to stay at the Kot1uali
at rught and to see that shops are opened both at the Idgiilt and at Kish-
anganJ About 5,000 troops are expected to assemble there the follow-
ing moining f 1 (Pei ) -
,, ,, 245. The lting to the Kot1oiil Sends 4 carts :fo1 canying rations,
and directs hnn not to allow the carts to leave the Kotwiiti uJJ.ttl the
sepoys arrive there to esoort them. f. 1 (Pei)
,, 246 The Kmg to the Kot10iiZ Directs,him- to send at once 15 that-
" chers to the Fort £. 1. (Per )
,, - 24-'7.The C -in-C to the Kotwiit Asks him to send 2 coolies and si
diggers. f. 1. ( Per )
,, ,, 24 8 The C -in-C. to the Kotwiil. D1teots him to send 6 tailors to
the 4th Cavalry f I (Per )
,, ,, 249. The C -m-C. to the Kotwal. Directs hlm to send 30 coohes to
Kale Khan~at the Mon Gate without delay f 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 250 'l'he C -m-C. to the Kotwiil Dn-ects hlm to Tecover Sahll'
Khan's gun which has been seized by the sepoys stahoned at the AJmer
Gate and 1eturn it to the owner £. 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 251 The C -m-C to the Kot1oal. Directs him to send 15 1.ron-
sllllths and carpenters to the Magazme. f. 1 (Urdu.,)
,, ,, 252 The C -in-C to the Kotwal. Drrects him to send 100 ooohes to
the Fort f. 1 (Pei.)
208 Col Mhd Kh1zi Sult/m to the Kot10iil Asks him to send .2
" " diggers to his house £. 1 (Urdu )
,, 254 Cham Smgh, Suhandar of the 7th Cavalry to the Kotwal.
" Req_uests him to send 2 :famers mth horse-shoes and nails to his regi-
ment £ I. (Urdu )
,, 250. The Officers of the 13th Regiment to the Kotwiil Request
" hrm to supply without delay the articles mentioned in the letter f. 1.
18 256. l\firza Abu Bakr to the Kotwal. Asks him to send 2 cobblers
" for malang sadd.l~ry f 1. (Per.)
,, 257. Col. Mhd Kl!~r Sultan to the Kotwiil Asks him to send Wazir
" who has been defamed m the Jrotwalt on a charge of espionage. £ 1.
,, 258 The C.-1n-G to the Kotwlil. Dnects him 1:-0 send 50 coolies to
" Kale Khanat S1yah Burj. £, 1. (Urdu)

1857 110-oontinued
lune 18 250 The C m-C to the Kof,cal Dtrect. him to relcuo Sheo Pll
who hu been defamed m the Eot,cali on a chuge of dronl:enneu. L 1
, 260 The C m-0 to the Kol,cal A ■b him to send gnno, nronlo,
etc., wh1oh heve been reoetml. m the Kolsali nod belong to the l[ag3-
nne. f. l ( Unlu.)
,, 261 The C m-C to the Kotocdl lntuMte■ that 18 h!&ahmltht
have amved and that they have been sent to Col Ml;id Kh!Jr Baltln
f. 1 (Unln)
,, 262 The Klng to the Ll,:al Direct■ hun to ■end 11■ lone-<mlter to
tho Port. f. L (Per)
., 263 The Kmg to the Kof,:al Dlr,cu b1mto make arrangement■
£or the l!Dpplyof pl'OVUlon• nnd mon, 11.1~ed 1n the let~r, to th&
Nn.ruahAd£ore,, ■t■ honed ont.i<le tho Delhi Cmto.f I (Per)
264-5 Qaf( :Mhd Faun! W. Khln, Kol,ciiJ, to,Jaar, ot
" Quun Khan and Omar Allah.aho.d. FoMl"?lrd■ a copy of the
King'1 loiter (no 203 nbove) anduk■ thom to .. ru1 all the proYU!lOn■
they hAve ■tored In thm tAa•ait to the Num,bad forco f 2 (Per)
266 Mhd Snhrlb to the Kottci!l Direct■ him to ■end 10 coolie■
" 2 muon■ 1U1d20 ~per■ to the :h..illadar'a garden. f 1 (Ptt)
19 267 The King to the Kol1t1al Dlrtcla him to aupply H m11nnd■ o£
" anet. of di!Ierent nnehoa. f l (Per)
,, ,. 268 The King lo the Kotrill Soya th ■t If the prov!,lon■ ""'t by
!um to the Nuimb3d force an, J..,, than what I■ ■t&te<l In the ktler ~
1honlcl at onCIImake np the d,Ocneney f 1 (Per)
n 200 The h.lng to !ho Kolral D1n,cl■ him lo ■npply prom10M lo
the Nllffltlbnd force .tationcd at the Dollu and Ajrner Oates and to
a.rnnga with oonrecl.ioncr■ for the rnpply or nrC<'I■• f l (Per)
270 The C 10 C to the Ao/.,./ D,root■ him lo go to On! IJaox
' where n not ,. re~rlecl to haYe tal~ vlacebetweentbo 1'o/••1•• anJ
the locnl men f 1 {Onln)
,, 271 The 0. ln-C to the Kol,:d/ 1nhnut« that 4 coolit■ bT11
arrl,ocl f I (Per)
i72 'Iba C in-C to the Kolral D,rtc!■ him to r,1- tLo 3 rnm
" of lho Ja!~ lkg,mml dotruneclat the Koi1rall on J1Upu-lonof ,.I"'
onoge. f l (Urda)
20 273 The C ln-C lo !ho Kot ■-M D1rtru1 Lim rot t> remo,t the !
~nt, on duty al the Lonae of ?,11wab SbrUal llal,,ol Iki;om.
f. l (UrJo.)
,, ., 274 The C 1n-C to the Kotcll D,rtdJ him to ■ rnd l> nltr-
<11m<r■ to bi, CO<Irt.
I 1 (Urcla)
27~ The Klog lo lh• Aolrd/ D1=t. Lim to arran~ with 1:l'Ottff
" " for lLo <0rply of proYwon■ to the Army f (Per)


1857 110-continued
Aug. 28 276 The 0.-in-C. to the Kotwat Direct-1 him to•realize rents from
shopkeepe1s and send a list of thos~ sepoys who have foro1bly oooupiecl
certam shops f 1 (Urdu ) _,,
Sep. 13 '
277 The C.-m-0 to the Kotioat. Directs him to ask the citizens
through tbeTThiinaluliirs to remam on the alert f. 1. (Urdu)
278 Ahsanu'l-lah to the Kotwai. Asks him to remove the salt
lymg unclaimed at Lal D1gh1,to the house of any Cha1edhriwho will
make it over to the owner when found f 1 (Per)
, __ , 279 Bahiiu'd-Din to the Kotwai Requests him noh to search his
house as he holds a Wl'ltten order from the King forb1ddmg this f. 1.
280. IJ:afizGhulam Rasul and other citizens of Dellu certify that '
Dtlawar Khanand Bazid Khan, who have been detamed m the Kotwiili
a1e men of good conduct. f. I._ (Urdu)
281 Deposition of a witness in the assault case (no 119 above)
:f. 1 (Urdu.)
282 Kb,uda Bakhsh to the Kolwal. Intimates that 55 coolies have
amved. f. 1. (Per )
283 1 A list of £urn 1ture. f. 1
-- 284. Qazi Mhd Farzu'l-fah, KotwaZ, to Lala Bhan Smgh Asks
to keep provis10ns 1eady as fresh troops are expected to arrive the next
day. f 1. (Per )
285 Qazi Mhd Faizu'l-lah, Kotw'a&, to Lala Bhan Smgh Asks him
to release Imam Bakhsh, arrested on a susp101on of espionage. f 1.
286. Qazi Mhd Faizu'l~lah, Kotwiil, t.o Lala .Bhi.n Smgh Enqmres
whether he has got any copper-sheets, £or tbose 1ecently prepared are
Dllssmg from the store-house £ l. (Per)
287. Mir Chhattii to the Eotwat. Requests hrm to release his
water-carrier as he has obtamed a wntten order hom the Kmg to that
effect f 1 (Per.)
288 Mirza Mhd Khan, Naib Thanahdar, Guzar Qa51m Khan, to the
Kot10al Is sendmg SurJu Nath Chaudhri, Nanak Chand Chaudhri has
been released as the charge of r10tmg could not be p1oved against hrm.
f. L (Urdu.)
289 J\fnza ].fha Kb,m to the Kot1oiil. Has sent 10 water-carriers.
f 1 (Urdu)
290 Munshi Jan .' Khan to the Kotroal Asks bun to send more
water-ca1Tiers to rehcve the 36 men now workmg £ 1 (Urdu.)
291 N1yaz Jili to Khuda Bakhsh Khan, :NatbKotw<il Requests him
to direct the Thiinakdii1 of Faizbazlll not to capture his oxen. f. J.
292 Shaikh Husam J\li to the Kot1oal. Says that he can Eendto l.1111
if requned, 12 coolies who me wo1king at the trenches f 1 l Urdu)
1 There 1snotlung m tlus document beyond the names of certain nrttcle,
242 :mJTlNY PA.PER.8

293 The T!aoa1tfar, GU%1r<hrun KhM, to tho Kolral Com
plaim tlat fhe gw,nl.. at the F111111L
KooM Gato arom the habtl.oI
rccamng bnne,, from tho pooplo. f I (Urdu.)
204-The C m-C to the Ko!toal D,rcct, lum ta occnro all .,rt,,
of armo from tho people. i l (Urda.)

111 (o)
MS foll 164 nnono ,!%et
May 14 I Ml}d Al)onnn'I )!lh Kh!n, TAu•atlur of Tnrkoam, Onie lo tbo
Eoltt:al Fomnnl. a Jut of tbo old am! "'"" employe, of lu,, TAiI•d
and roporu that there uo no T,la•!l•• on dnl} at tho Tur\:oman Oata
r 1 furdn.J
l& 2 ll'lhld fill TAa•adilr of Clumdm Chawlr, to tba Ko/rill
Request• him to return :t\annho Smgh'• .,..ord f I (Urda.)
16 3 Sbaik]J Rajnl, ,\H Rend Jam'udAr of the ,r.f;O=•,lo the Ko/rill
Bayo th•t scverol !Aallam of lb• ?,!'ng,ume hn.-c liccu a.rre,,teu at tho
.Ao/riI/l Rcque.h him to lffid th•m Wlth tho ortfdrs found In their
porsemon f I (Per )
,, 4 The Eotral [to the C In C] Fonn>r<la o otntcmrnt of the ni;cs
~ to tho bar9a•diI et 1 of tho Kof1<all f 1 {Per)
,, 5 J\Wu'r Ruli1m to tho Kot.-ul Rcquc,,t,, him lo forwarda !at of
the bar9a•di1:e1 und other officalt ol the TAiI.. h for ouLnumon to the
fun~ mth n <iew lo gt'llm~ U,m =!:"' ~nchoned f I (Urda.)
0 Sa ,\U to the Aolrul 8end• th• 3 conf«t1-0n,,.. who were
muiteu li) bun and "'" tlmt he lo uruLle to ,uppl] cooh., for i;nud1ng
the \\hc:tt mlo flour f I (Unlu)
20 7 Col :\Ihd h.hlJ'rSoltlin to the Koto:,l D1rechMm to t<n.J 100
cooll., nnd oome bu:r.tmon to reraJr the Lr!Ji;o of Lolh .,J.lth h In a
,try W conwhon f l (Urdu.) ,.
22 8 So.,pd <hn= d Din Jlu:in, J/fr M••tA• or the 71th nti;t. lo
the Ac/rill R aMlo h10 to ,end 40 .,.,i. .... onJ 10 th•lcLrn lo 11,e
D•lh1 Gate { 1 (Per )
(l Al=nu~ JaL to the Kot.- I ~tnJ, • J ,rr .. .i u~•lcr tLo •r;rna-
" tun,ofthe K,n~to ''''" \Wo1 l>h .. L.,. In ru • ord•n on tho ~ .r
the TJ.. aU"r o! tbo KvLmir O•l• ,nl11cuJ o,.J,,.. !or !ho r4pnt11\ o!
the y,-ogtt of tLo ..-por• tk ! l Il'<r J
!, 10 Hurl U~ to t!K, Ao'"'/ S,y1 !~t lh• "'f'Ort of the onttl o!
,1,L.,11 I \II, tbo T,/,. " h•• t.,.,.n "'1rrol,or,1lrJ L1 !L~ ,ut,mtot ,!
?,[h,l , rulrKl ln nnd t.J,(1 UI d1"" h L1n1to r,n,I i:,w,!, ll.,n u •
1,...,.,L cf thq,,,.,, lnz I'' ,,,od..J f l (LrJu.)

111 (a)-continued
}fay 25 11. The King to the li.otwal, D1rects him to inquiie into the case
of the accused Chhedu, Shambhii and others who have roubed Pir Bakhsh
of bis oxen; meanwhile they are to be detamed at the Kotwali. f. 1.
,, 27 12 Fazl 1;Iasan Khan to the KotwaZ. Says that 8 coolies have
come to him £. 1. (Per )
,, 28 13 (----) to the Kot1oal. Sends confectioners to receive the
price of sweets supplied by them f 1 (U1du.)
20 14 The King to the Kot10iil Directs him to trace the owner of the
" cartload of wheat brought to the Kot1oali, and recoid the statement of
Aman J\.li, Sepoy, regardmg the cart f 1 (Per)
Jun. 1 15. The C-m-C. to the .Kotwal Directs him to send Kallu, carpenter.
f. 1. (Per.)
3 16 The Kotwal to (---) Asks hrm to forward a hst of
" prisoners , mll vISit the prison f 1. (Pei ) ..
,, 4 17. Aminu'r-Rahmiin to the Kot10iil r Complams that Abdu'r-Rahim,
Sepoy, has been assaulted and robbed of his money, etc, he had
with 1nm, by the grocers 0£ the ma1ket, asks him to mqune mto the
matter and get his money, eto, ieturned to him £. 1 (Per)
,, ,, 18 The d -m -C to the Kotwal Says that Ghazimal, grain mer-
chant·nndertakes to supply prov1S1onsto the regiments , he mll be defi-
nitely told for what per1od he 1s ieqnned to do so f 1 (Per)
6 19 Account of expenses mcurred by the Kotwali in supplying provi-
" sions f 1 (Per ) _
20 The King to the Kotwiil Directs him to make mqmrrns about
" " Akbai Khan and others who have been detamed at the Kotwali £ 1.
,, 7 21. The Kotwal to (not stated) Asks him to resubnnt the hst of
the employes of the,Kot•oali acco1dmg to the plan suggested m the
letter. f 1 (Uidu.)
,, 9 22. -The C,-m-C to the Kotwiil. Asks him to supply the Lucknow
force with muskets kept at the Kotwiili (Verso Shaikh Mhd Amir,
lvatb Kotwal, says that there are no muskets m the Kotwali. f 1
(Per. and Urdu.)
,, ,, 23. The Kmg to the Kofo;al Dneots mmto place gua1ds at the
Kabul Gate. f. l. (Pei )
,, , 24 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Asks hun to send Lala N aunihal
Smgh, an agent of the Enghsh, who has been ariested at the Kotwali
f 1 (Per) 1
,, 25 The C -m-C to the Kotwiil Intimates that Lala Naumbii.l
Singh has air1ved f. 1. (Per)

111 (a)-cc11t111ued
,1nn 11 lu 26 0AzJ1.ll)d F= I lnh, Eot>ral, to t'he ,, a,6 Kollen/ Ccnmrc~
m £or not IIlAkmg ammgement. for opcrung oho['1 !or the llewlr
rRUedttgunent. f l (Per)
12 27 Nall1lb .!...a Snlj,l!.n Ilegam to tbo KtJl,:al Aokt him to
relenw her =nt Dillin, who hn.s been detmneJ nt the .Aotrrall
£. 1 (Urdu)
,, 28 The Kmg to the Ko/,:•I Dmcto bun to ornngo ,nth oho1~
I..~ for the rupply of pron,Jon, to the Lucl.:now fore~ f J
13 20 The C in C to the EtJlral A<l• him to oopplJ Jooh .. lmrtN,
cool,e1 and charpoyoto the trooches nt Pnotn. f I (Pur)
30 Tbo C ,n-C to tbo Eofral A•n L,m to mpply 25 mu.-..
wen~cn mthoot Joluy f I (Urdu)
,, 81 Col J.lhJ Khir, SultAn to the Kolral Aob him to !Upply100
bundle. of boy f I (Per)
,, 32 Col 1>lhd Kh•f' Sulton to !he Kolrtnl u:,kLA, AarlnraA n.'Jl'lrl
tLat the gnte of the hntr,, ,-Olrlh!nin 1.><nng Ioele~ op, r,,,1,le are r•t to
grcut mcon.-enlenco dutcto him tbcroforo to open the i,atc f l
tUrdo J
33 The C m·C lo tbo K~trral Illl! ruclml the llrl1dn that =ro
follllJ when tho hon,c. of l!Abl Ihk!µ,L nod Sb,i]ili CLin<l .rorc ~r<htsl
t l (UrJo)
34 The C m C. to the Ko/i<ul Direct, h,m to .,,n,1 10 fam,;r, fo
tho 4!b Cal'!II'} encampctl near tho pruon. f J {l'or)

=, 35 Col '1h,I Khifr ::.al1an to tLe Kot,r,,/ rub

grn,,=tter■ 111 aro G\0]1oblo r I (U rJu )
hhn to ., oJ ••

3G The !uni: to the Kehri11 Con ■ urc. Lim for not '°i'l'l) m~ <t'flo,n
•rl1dco to the GOth R,wmcnt and ••b b,m lo att,nJ loll• IT<J""'" n
'!Tithoot<lcby £ l (l'rr)
14 57 Col "lid Khru Snltln to tho /ioliral lb, rt<"'™ b1• ldt«
lllhm1hng tbAt gn,.,1-cultel'll&l't' not lln,IAblo. !lo I ■ to app11to FortJ
h,hAn who wm help h,m Jn linwoi:-,ome £ 1 (Urdn.)
, SS Tho htnf: to tbo Kat,cal Aiu him to ocnd all draltr■ lh
anl hor onJ ..Jlpctre l tber m1l Lo tmrloycJ tn o,alioi: i;unpawJ<r
t 1 (Ptr)
:I~ Col ,th~ Kh•f<Saltb I" the Ket" ,I "•1• !Lat tt. i:norJ,
at the ma~'tlZlDO alny• 1,..,-c tLm 1=t.. lo IM or rr1=W ,...,n,";:-,
cluoct• Lim to~ tbot thty do not nr,:kd thnr dull,.... f I (l'<t l
40 Col 'lhJ K}J,rr Sultln In lh• A<t.-JI A,\, Lim t,, ••t~l1
1mn,<,l,.at•r l o,oon<l of mol>""' In tLe f\Jlh lt,i:,mtut. (\ rru, ) I l
I mlr 1\<11 Aolr I 020 fb:at IJ,e mot.,.,,.,, h.arob«a oarrL..J lo lh
rr-.,"lm IIL) r I (P.-r ~ l rua l

111 (a)-continued,
The Kmg to the ltatw(il D11ccts1nmto send 25 wnter-cnniers
> I he ltenches nt Tclrn nia 1 Qudbmh 13:lgh,Sabz1mnndi nnd Pnotn,
) \\ntcr-r.11ucrR t.o )lirzn ~InJhnl, C -m-C. f 1. (Per.)
The I\mg- fo the Kotiniil. Aski-, 1nm to send n coolio without
f 1 {Per.)
S The Krng t-0 the Kotrclil Ahks l11m to send pieces 0£cloth as
ftcd rn the letter, fo1 making f1,1gs f 1 (Pei.)
,! Tho C -m-C to tbc J,:IJ(1otil Dnccts hnn to send 100 coolies
be trenchc-, nt the ldgrrIi. f. 1. (Per )
4:i The C -m-C to tho A·otuJ(il .Ac;b, him to supply 60 to 100
gci s to romO\c the guns of the enemy that fell into the hands of lus
·n f. 1 (Per )
'1G The C.-m ..C. to the Kotu,ru' D1rectq }um to send 60 watei-
,rncr1>to each of the d1ns10ns nt the Knsh1mr nnd Lnho10 G.1,tcs.
1. (l\:1 )
47 The C -m-C to the .Kotwtd Askg 1nm to 1elcasc Kharnua,
he Kmg'c:;grm,s-cntt.crJ"ho has been dctmncd at the Kotwtcli £ I.
~S The C.-rn-C. to the Xol1,;,il Asks him to supply 200 baskets
,, 1thout <lcla3 f l. ( Pei )
4!) '11 hc C -in-C to the Kolto<il. Dircctc, him to send 100 coolies
to the Knshmir Gate f 1 (Per)
::;oThe C -m-C to the Kofwiil Dirccfs h1m~to send 4 cobble1s
1o Imiim Khiin, R1:rddiir of the 1th cavnhy, fo1 makrng saddles f I.
(Per) _
51 The C -10-C to the Kot10(il Intnnatcs that Shaikh Husam
" B,ikhsh has stood Lnil for h1s b1othe1 Shaikh Klrnuuti , dnects him to
1 cco, er Kh·11rati s money sized by the sepoys at-f..achedto the Kotwiili
and return it to 1nm f. l (U1du)
52 The C -m-C to the Rntmlil Asks hnn to send Khanlifa,
" Ram Lal and Bha1ron Smgb1 who have been cletarned at the Kotv;ali 1
togethe1 "1th a, 1cport on their case f. 1 (Urdn)
,, 5 q ~rhe C -m-C to the Kotwat Dnects him to send 10 :fainers
to the 4th Cavalry encamped at DaryaganJ £ 1 (Per)
,, 54 The Krng to the Kotwiil Dnects him to send 100 coolies to
the Kashmir Gate without delay. f 1 (Pr1 )
5:5 The Kmg to the Kotwii.Z Asks him to send l\f u~JJ11b Khan's
" b1other, Khudfi. Bakhsh, who has been detamed at the Kot-zoliVi,, togetbe1
with a 1epo1t at the charge framed aga.mst him f 1. (Pei)
56 The Kmg to the Kotwiit. Says that 4, Infantry and 1 Cavalrv
" regiments together with guns and horses aie expected to a111ve,on tho
18th June , directs him theiefore to make all possible arrangements £o1
the supply of p1ovis1onsto them. f. I. (Pei )

1857 111 (a)-contmued

J'une 16 57 The Kmg to the KotltliJ Ducot. him to mno "crrcu!ar Jelttr
to all the T!a•aidRr, and lo ,ce tbnt the mty u clenned Jlr"PCT]f,for
the colled1on of refnse m the city would p<>llotethe 01r f l (l'er)
68 (---) to the Xoli,al Alh him to get the ohop at Katra
Mazid Parcha opened ancl to ouppl,- molM1e1. f l (Per)
,, 18 50 Statement of Ratnn Lnl who hM been roLbcc1of II JllN:I of
cloth f l (Urdu)
,, 00 Officeni n£ the 00th Beg,ment to the Kotr,J ~ him
for not
llllPPlY f
""f plying pronmoru, to them J uk him to ~
1te tho

01 the lung to the Kottt:al A1b !um to p!Aco gw,rde 111 the
ho.- of Chnnl Lal and Kanha Lal, JOWollon,,to pre,cnt their CO'oaJ>l'
f 1 (Per)
02 The C m C to tM Ko/11:al ~b him not lo nrrc,t Allah
" Dnkb■h, water-<=ner who u" son-ant of !Lo Kmg f l (Per)
,, 10 03 The Xofrul to tho TJ• .aUar of Iha L:iboro Ontc Aiu !um
to oend the 2 cut• which Al'O cru-rymg tobnoco to h11 jurud1cl1onj after
they nro unlonded (Ver,o The TUauaar uye tkt he aon cl not
find any 1110Lcut-.) f. I (Urda.)
04 The C !n-C to the KolONl Int!motco thot ho 1w rccc,,oJ
n hone. f 1 (Per )
05 'Ihe KotrJl to tho 7'Ja•aUar of AlZ.hbcul A.b him lo fUJ'l'IF
4~ hoe, to the N,.,robo.d force (Yoroo- The TAn•aU.r n1• 11>.1
hoet nre not Anihble f I (Urdu.)
00 Tbe King to tho Aol,ral Dlrcct■ him to p1.acc,guorcl,at th,,
hoUIC of ,\limed for hit protoc!Jon I 1 (Per)
07 ThD h!Dg to lbD Ko!,ra/ .A,).o him to ,end 4 .a,t■, buD'.al°"'
ond ounelo far !n,,aport ..-or\: r I ( Per J
OS L!,t of the ,ut1clr, oeaed from the tnglub I 1 (Urdu)
20 CO ?ohrm Abu Dm to tho Kotral A■'I:■ !,Im lo orrt1! and •enil
SLnml,hn to tho 'll"Tller f I (Urda.)
70 'Thehm to the Kotrul A,b !um to 1arrl1 7 lllAanJ, of
rncct.. f I (Per)
;J Col ,1M Kbi;r Snltt.n to the KetrJI It " ,a!.I that !Lo
,cpoyaof the Onltor force haro ,dt<d a ,tra1 l,or,,- klutJf;••F: lo
Amir Khln I J1rcch hun to l<Ctlnl lbe hOl'>'Oand «tarn It to IL•
om,er f 1 (J'<r )
;2 The J..101: to the A<frJI Dirtth !um lo l<t 1\L Ds~b'li
]),,,-,,., lure tho 1,ollod, wL1<hu at !Lo Kolr ,II aoJ oLtalo a rronft
from Wm. { l tl'er J
;~ 'The Klug to the /i,frJ/ D1rttl• hhn to rem"'• lk- ,:<WJ,
rl.>,l'J at tL• Lou.,.. oICLon1 Li! and kanhu Ls/ j,,.,11c,-, u !I.e.,
luJ 1b.-c,ntltd b<fvr• lh< i;<rttJ•am,rJ tL,"' f I \l'tr)
.i.\J 247
185'/ 111 (a)-continuacl
Juno 20 i4-75. 'J'hc Kmg t-0 tho fi.ot1rfil. Directs hJJn to
hltpply t.o the trencher, ni; mnny <looJw.,w1th 1Jc,uc1s m, aro available.
f. 2. (Per.)
1) ,, 70. The King_to the .A~ot?n,;/ Direct..,Ium to have the gate near tho
house (If Znrnu'l-'Alm1in nt Gu,,m FmzLn1ur icpnirccl ns soon us possible.
f. ]. (Per)
,, ,, 77 'l'Le Krng-lo i,he l1:ot1rtd Snys thnt money, nftcr it hns been
rcah1cd !r0m (1angfi Ri\m, "ill ho <-cnito tlto nddicsscc f 1 (Per,
" ,, 78. KlumJu, lfarlarnh, Fn)S thnt ho rcccncd a bullock from the
Xotrricltbn.t ha(l gone a&tray nncl wai. tsc17cd. f. 1 (Urclu)
,, , ) 70. The Kot:oiil to i.hc 21/u7nnhdiir,Chndm Chnwk. Directs him
to nrrcst Shnmblm rcsr'1111g-at K.itra Bel and bon<lhim t.o the Kotwiili
(Verso The T/i(;11a!idtir E--1)h ihnt he scnrchecl for tho man wanted but
coultl not trace lum) f l. (Urdu.)
80• .MhclN1:1i1nm'd-D111 to the Kotmiil Is unnhle to supply husks
J) "
ns nll lho c;hop, nrc closed c,ccpt one f 1 (Urdu)
2) U 81. Ahsn.nn'l-lnh Khiin, J1h,i11ahdiir, fo the Kol1oal. Sends 5 water-
cnrricrs and sn) i; thnt Ghns1ta, watcr-ca111cr, behaved insolently ancl
deserves pumi,bmcnt f l (Ui<lu )
n "
82 Col. J\1hd KJ1111 Snliiin to tho Kot,ciil Asks him to supply
100 coohes nnd 1 cmpcntc1 on iho follo\\mg nwrmng f I (Urdu.)
)) ,, 83 The C.-in-C. to the Jtutw,il Directs h1111 to dctam at the
Kofroali the 4 prisoners sent to him. f 1. (Urdu)
,, ) 84 The Koltcri.l to the Kmg Snyh that only 7 mannds of sweets
hn.,c Leen rec•encd although he ordered 11 maunds throngh Bhao
Smgh. Is sorry for Ous an<l asks his pardon £ 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 85 The Kotwiil to the Kmg. Requests orders as to the disposal
of 90 maunds of flom together with other articles sto1cd Ill the Kotwi'ili
f 1. (Per)
,, ,, 86 Shah Bnkhtii.war to the officrnls of the Kotwali. Di1ects them
not to arrest Hmga, watc1-ca1ner, att,whed to the 74th Regiment.
f 1. (Per)
u "
87 The C -in-C. to the Kotwiil. Directs him to make necessary
arrangements for the Lur1al of ftbdu'l-lah Khan who has been killed 1n
action. £. 1. (Urdu)
" ,, 88 Statement of the wages of the Lahore force. f. J. (Per.)
89. :Mirza M:hd Khan Beg, Thiinaluliir of quzar Qasim Khan,to
,, " the KotwfiZ Sends Rahim Khan and Radha KIBhan with 9 baskets 0£
sesamum seeds sru.d to have been stolen fiom Sheo Gopal f. I.
90 The KotwaZ to the King Reports the theft referred to (no 89)
" " above and says that on mqmry 1t has been found that the 9 baskets
0£ sesamum seeds belong to Sbeo Gopfi.l (Verso The Kmg orde1s
the Kotwal to make ove1 the sesamum seeds to Sheo Gopal and detrun
the accused m the Kotwali) f 1. (U1du)

1857 111 (a)-oont1n!lecl

J"nn. 20, 91 Stateinent of Sheo Go_pU regardrog the then of the oc.:,n1nm
oeedff. f 1 (Urdu.)
02-4 Uepo.rtion.o o£ PAlnl.:Ram, Mohan Lal ond ROp Chan<l, ,.,t m the theft cue (no SO) ahovo f l (Urdu.)
,, 05 The C m-0 to the Eotcll Aob bun to rele:iso nt oncol'nn=
Mo!, banl.:er f 1 (Per)
06 Sh,,h fukbUwar to the Jiq/,:ii/ .A.k1bun to release ot once
Amir Khln, tailor, lu, oernnl f I (UrdtL)
07 The C m-C to the Eotrcal A.l.1 him to ha,-ethe MU'<l:ul of
a C8mel lyu,g nt the Dellu Gate remo~c<lat once f l (Urda)
.tf !18 Sbiu1b :Ul,,d Slddlq, 7'J,mrldar of U.o Lnborc Go<,, fo the
Kotr:al Send,, meet, "' <lttncd by h,m f L (Urda)
00 The Kofr,al to the fung Bond. 8 maundo of awteta. f I
100 The Eoltcal to tho King The officera of tho troor mhoneJ
onul<le the DelbJ Gato ""Y thnt the pro.lou. .-apply o proTmon,
m1l lut for only one clay, and reque.t a further wpply f l (l'er)
101 Tho Kotral to tbo offieero of tho troopa at.honrd
" outm!o the Deihl Gate InqnlrN if they otill =t prow100< for tl,o,r
men (Vcrao the offiffi"Bfonn,r<l a ~eam,t 1homng- the ,1.,7,.
collltlmptlon of fOOUl!af!,om~ngrl thou- men ) f l (Per)
21 102 Tho Kofrol to the k1og Pray, for in,trnc!toru ,rhrlbcr the
pnaorn,ra 10 the Kol,cu(T = ho releurd no<lcr the ordm of anyone
other than TIit ,rai...ty or the C ,a-C (Y=o The k!ngg,tt>1 lrulrne-
t,on1 )f l (Unla &. Per)
105 Tho C In C to the Ko/rrul A1l.:ah,m toRnd~0rKblnan,I
Vulr Kblln,,-ho hnn been anNtcJ on a ehnri;, of plun<lor ! I (P<r)
JOI Tbo C !n-C to tho Aofr,J/ Intimate-, that 100 =11<">1 and
,. co.rpentcr hno 1UTff<'<I f 1 (Urdu.)
n 106 The K,og lo the Kof'ral Aakahim lo mpply pron.ton, to the
Jollundur and Jl.o.m:ibnd!o~ { I (P<r)
lOC Tbo Kof,rJl to the h,ng R~um< 10.trnchon• u to ,rbal l,
to Ledone the lar911tla e,ond othttnfpotnle<l m tbo ,tuni:a 'l'hln•h
'l'l'ho<ell<'ni<ff arc no long,, ~u,rrJ. (\....., Tl,e King J1tt'<l• IM
Kot.-al to J11duorge!Lem) f l (Urdu onJ P<r)
107 "'" h._h&oS,laHi1r to th<-Kot rill JI II attttf,uy In Lnai:
a i:nn from the ,roi;ulno to !ho Ajmer Gale Lut no oun lll't' an,t.U, I
a,l.1 him to tngago cooLr1 for tL..t porpo,e f 1 (Ptr)
lOq The Kolr:Jl tot he nlni; Report. tlu,t Hann Juiln J),(.'JJr,
La, Lttn J..tuord m tbo Kot.,"/! on a fol.., <lo>ri;r ""l" h "
rtl<>,e L,m (\ erw '11,e hing omlrn b1<r<le>~ J r I (Lr,lo .l <I'

J OP The C in-C. lo !Lt- J,o/.-ul A,b l»m to e,nJ )!ah.I

Jct.>1nt<lin tb• Kf/ra/, f I f r<t)
1857 111 (a)-continued
June 21 110 The C.-in-C. to the Kotwiil, Intimates that Makna has
~rnved f. 1. (Per.)
,, ,, 111. The C.-m-C to.thA Kotwat Acknowledges the ieceipt of a
petit10n f. 1. (Per.)
,, 112. 'l'he C -in-C. to the Kottoal. Intimates that 27 water-earners
" nave a1nved. f 1. (Per )
118 The C -1n-C. to the Kotwiil. Asks him to send the sepoy of
" " the 60th Regt who has been detamed 1n the Kotwiili. :f. I. (U1du)
,, ,, - 114. The C -m-C. to the Kotwiil Intimatas that the sepoy of tho,,
60th Regt bas arnved £ 1 (U1du )
115 The C -in-C to the Kotwiil DITects 1nm to cbscharge the
" " water-carriers held in reserve at the Kotzoiili 1'bev will be sent for •
when necessary, f 1 (Pei ) · ~
,, " 116. The· C -m-C to the Kotwal "Directs him to send at once 16
coohes to the troops statione<l.outSide the Lahore Gate. f 1 (Per )
,, " 117. The C ·m-C to the Kotwiil Directs him to send 2 carpenters
to Ghulam i\.li, lJiirog!J:al1,
of the Fa1iish Kllanah f. 1 (Per.)
" ,, 118 'fhe C -m-C. to the KotttJiil Asks hrm to send 2 saddlers.
f 1. (Urdu.)
119 Shah Bakhtawai to the Kotwal Asks him to send without
" " delay J amalud Di;- who has been detamed m the Kotwiili on a cha1ge of
bad hvehhooa f. 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 120 Niir i\.li to the Kotwfil Requests the supply of rrne, salt and
ghee, and says that othe1 art10les are abundantly m stoie. f 1. (Per )
.,, ,,
121 The Kotwiil to tbe Kmg Sends up Cbhote for &teahng a piece
of cloth from the shop of Ratan Lal, with his ieport on Lhe case (Veiso -
The King 01de1sthe accused to be detamed 1n the Eotwiili and the piece
of cloth to be returned to the cla1mant) f I (U1du)
\,, ,, 122 Deposition of Chhote regardmg the theft case (no 121) above.
£ 1 (Urdu)
123 Statement of Ratan Lal iegaidmg the theft of a piece of cloth
" I)
from his shop (no ) 21) above £. 1 (Urdu)
124 1'1rrza Abu Balri to the Kotroiil Asks him to send Sheo Nath
" " who has been detamed m the Kot1oiili, also 2 bottles £or holdrng oil and
2 torches with Mohan, torch-beaier f 1 (Per.)
,, " - 125 The K.rng to the Kotwal Intrmates that Sabb~ !lam lias been
app01nted treasure1 and Gopal Sariip clerk of the Kotwal_,,,m th~ pla~es
of Vazir fili and Faqir Chand 1espectively, 1\ihd S1dd1q, Thanahdar,
has been placed on duty at the Delhi Gate and Nizamud-Din, Thanaluliir,
at Lahore Gate f 1. (Pei )
126 The to the Kot1oal Dnects him to take proper care of
,, " the house and po1perty of Ha1dar Afi, deceased, and trace his hens.
f 1. (Per)

1857 111 (a)-continued

June 21 127 The Kmg to the Kof1rol. Duect. h11Dto impply r=on.s to
the Nurrahad force e,ery moI'lllDg f 1 (Per)
128 The Kmg to the Ko/,cal Dittet. !um lo rcleuc llabll,allil,,
1atcar of tho Lnolrnow force, ,rho hu been dewned ,n tho E of,:•ll f. l
120 The K,~ to the Kot.,al Directs !um to l!CDdthe 2 cnrt load.
ofhtab,recei,ed m the Koli,a/lfrom the Tla•aUarofShahdn:ro,to tbo
Namrbo.dforce outmde the Dellu Gate f 1 (Per)
130 The C m-C to the Kol,cal Direct. bun to l!Cnd2 lamer, to
l;IIUdarHean Kb&n on the following day f 1 (Unln.J
131 Tho Kolr,nl to the King Send,,up Nflr Smgh who hu h,cn
prosecuted br the Tla•aitlor, Gnzar Allnhslitul, for .teohag a piu,el oC,.
door f. l (Per)
22 182 The Kofr,al to C ln-0 Benda to !um n cod and a IIWOIU
bclon::,ng to V iuir .. demro. f I (Urda )
133 ['The C in-C lo the Eol,cal] Aolmowledgcs tho recc,ptortl,o
nrbolet mentioned (no 132) abo,o { 1 (Per)
134 The Kotr:al to the Sfi6aUar, Jnllandur Reg!.. Send, to !um
~~ and pegs and deruu !um to l"'Y the pnee to tho mppUer l I
135 The Kolr,al to nutm Ahann'l-lah. Complau,. !lut lho
T,, ,tauoneu at tho Lahoro O..te haTO•=ulleJ and drt.alncd a
,a,.Uar nnd 10Yel'a!barqaadJre, whllo they i:olng on round duty,
and reqacou Lim to talce then~ achon m thl., matter Jiu .i..,
,ubm,ttcd a pebhon to the C-u,..C on tlut rnbj<'cL f 1 (Urdn.)
130 The KotlCill to tho King Send, to !um pcgo and roJ>Na,
tlcs!rcd. f I (Urda)
187 Tbo Keir,,] to lho J..Jn,r: A l,undlo oF plondrn,J arl,ck-< h.-
~n rereircd from tho Tlu•adJr On= Allolui~, and I, i,,nl to Ill,
Ma,JMy logtther Tnlh o hst ! I (Per)
13S The Eoltt:nl to the h.1ng Say, that he will"11h« i:o pcnon•llr
or ,ead hu agent to tn\.e a rrco;;,,11anee Lond Crom'11),1 Taqr on th•
!ollowmg morning (\ ..-.. !ho h.1ng penl.u that th<>Kofr,TI olwuJ.I
either i:o pcroon4llyor ""'1d bl, •~t th.>t,try day and gel !ho 1,on,lfrun,
Mhd Taqt.) f 1 (Ptr l
180 The K.r.-al to !ho h.101;: Arbio..-1"1~ the ....,,,rt ~r
R, l~0 l UI on uconnt oC !ho pric<>o! nm,l1 "'l'Plu,1 lo th<, lrffl1'h~
And ... y, that the <0nftrl1onl'n have ktn J13!Jf 1 (UrJo.)
140-1 Tbo Kmg lo tho Keirn/ Duttt, l11mtotak•a mn;:nln"""
Lon<lfrom :w,J<I Toql for k"'t"ni:: tho re- u l,t lu<l lrt<p:U..,.J,n~,tho
Lotu0 of \Jl,d ,uhrl and lnt,n,lr.l to r=!tadutorLsrte<' If h< ttfa.,.
to OX<ct1fetbe l,on,J Lou to k arrnttd AnJ d<L>1ntd In I~ E,lrJ/1
r 2 (rn-J
112 'The Km~ to tho K, frJI Jk!on,t 11, l"J"'T' ~r lh• a-,,iwd
'lnrll DI= al><1llubt ,\Ii an~ GnN tL= JI, Jo ,.,.e1,.
f (P<T)
1857 111 (a)-001107,uiled
Juno !!2 1·13, The King lo the Kot1riil. Directs hnn to &encl pcgc; nnd rnpcs
to the ,Tnllnndur force nnd rcccn c the pr1cc of tho articles from there
f. 1 (Pei)
,, ,, 144 The :Kmg to the Kot1r«l Direct<: Lim to mnkc necessary r
nrrnngcments for the supply of rations to tho 3 Infnntry Regiments
nnd 603 Sau:iirs "ho nre (1::-..pectcd
to nrrivc today in Dc1ln and encamp
between tho 'l'urkomnn nnd tbo Ajmcr Gntc, f. 1. (Per,)
,, " 145. The C.-m-C. to the Xotwrrl Intimates that he has received
n horse "ith its cqmpment. f. 1. (Per)
,, ,, ·146. The C -in-C. to the K of tt'<"il. Asks him to send Dhawiini and
ifongln, syccs, who hnve been delnmcd m the .h..otwiil'if 1 (U1d11)
11 JI 147. The C.-m-C. to the .Kof1oiil Intimates thnt Bhawiini and
1\fnngl.i, S)Ces,hnve hccn rclcnscd f l (Urdu)
,, " 148. Tho C -in-C. to tho Kottoiil. Directs him to notifythe people
that no one should sfay in <l1Inp1dni.ccl houses ns the big gun at
Sahmghnr is nbout to bo fired f. 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 140. The C.-m-C. to the Kot10iil. Directs him to send without
delay 10 whctters to tho Gth Cavnlry onts1de the Turkomnn Gate.
f 1. (U rcln.)
150. Col. :Mhd fil!1zr Sultan, to the Kot10iil A&ks him to send
" " 1\fothnra who hns been defamed in the Kot10iili £ I. (Per)
,, " 161 Col. 1J hd Kh11r to tho Kotwtit. Intimates that 1\fathura
has nm, ed. f 1. (Pei.) o

" ,, 162. 1'I1rzii l\bdul-lah to the Kolwal Asks him to supply 300
coolies and 20 wat-c1-cnrriers fo1 closmg the Kabul and the l\fori Gates
f. 1 (U1du.)
)} ,, 153 1\1irza Abu Bakr to the Kotwiil. Asks him to send 10 carts
£or brmging grain from Deputyganj, and to find out the house of
Shambhu Nath f 1 (Per.)
" ,, 154 The Kot10alto the C.-m-C. Sends ccrtnm articles specified in
the letter £ l (Urdu.)

1857 111 (b) .

MS foll. 69, vanous sizes
Jun. 4 1. Receipt of a payment made to RanJit) Ha10iilda1, £ 1. (Per.)
,, 25 2. (Illegible) to [the Kotwiil]. A bullock and a cow belongrng to
him are rmssmg. Pra.ys that a circular letter may be issued [to the
diffe10nt Phiinalul,ars] with a view to enqmries bemg rnstituted.
£ 1 (Urdu)

1867 111 (b)-contin11w

1une 2ll 8 The C m C to the K~lrcal D1reeb lum 11Dmedulel~lo ,end
50 coolie,,lo Kile Khtn, gunner, at the :Mon Goto f l (Unlo.)
4 The C m-C to the Ko/teal Alu bun to oend proTISloDJto the
Nuruich force mtbout delay t l (Urdu.)
20 5 B11luunbhar Sm~h Olild:M&nKhw, B•baitlar, of the Ilrg,mont
staboned at the AJmer Gate, to the C m-C Reqne.t. thAt
R1 1,09!-l-O, berng 5 dayo' wage,, of the Regm,ent, moy be pud f I
Jui 1 6 Re<-e,ptof 11 pnymont made lo IlanJ1t Smi:J, f l (Per)
7 St.tement of dai1y m,ges of the l111J1UruRegunent for 25
1un -l 1nL t l IPer)
2 8 Saiyid Mnb\rak Shah Kh~n, Kolrttl to the C 1n C .A,b to
he prud the migco of the 500 C'OO!Je,,ho hu 1UJ>phedto the d11Tettnt
army .W,ona. t l (U nlu )
0 S"'y,d MnbAra\: Shah Khln 1 Ko/,cdl to !ho C-1n C II .. ~nt
2~ oecro of curdo ao deo1red. f l (Urdu.)
10 ["TheC m-C] to tho Aotral Ho i. to ,co thnt the prnlrlJ'
of Lain ]lodr! Do.. LI not oaLjecle<lto farthor pillngo at the hond• o the
T1la•1•1 f I (Urdu)
II [The C m C] lo the Ko/,co/ Ho'-' lo .mtl lo tho }ort u
mnny tbatchero u ho con get together from P,u,nri:,inJnm! the TnrLomnn
and Jlon 011tc, f l-. (Per)
12 Depo-ihor.of Ma]s!JqOmRal,h,b ot tho Kolra/1 St.tt10tholl111
oon Dalio, who wo1 of nn10nnd mmd, ehot L111url£Ly amde11t f l
3 13 TLo ""Y" tLnt he 1w, rrccn·cd a chNtnut hoD<' tlut 1\L<
,onl to tho Katra/, LJ' tho TU•adnr Gumr Qa,1m 'hl!!n f I (I <r)
1+ SnlJ1d \lnl,4,-,l,Slu,J, lUJln hol.- I lo the K,o~ lh• l""n
1n£orme<lthot the nu,·~R" of .ettro! <:>mel<an I) •ni: in D,rpr,,nj T~r
worJ..orrcmo,ing t!C3dlM1rt 0£ ■ nlm.tllll 11 the 1l11l1" cir~\tnfr nr,
ProTI thAt the n=r.r !n,trnchoru nuy b,, mnc.l t.> the latter f l
(Unlu J
la S•1p<l 'ln1>3ral <.h,h 'hlJ!n, Ku/,-a/ to Otn ,tnlrl 11>1½1
K}ian Iteport■ thot TlJ K}iln, "'l"'Y ho• m,<le oy,r In tL• " lr 111•
LAronct mtb 11•"""' l"'lo<1g,ni:tn the 'l•i;umr f I (UrJu)
IG The C 1n-C to tho Aulr:Nl ""''"' b,m to ..-n<l JOro,,l,r<.
17 s,I.,.r<l,1uurol 'Huh h.bln l.u/"1/ to tL• h1n:: GI.Am,hlr
h.b!n, Ja,.ad1r Ch•n<lnl Cho"k Th•n•h, dl'JV"' tint one lhll~ ,!,ot
h1m1cl£L, acc,<ltnL 'The <lmiv:ul • f•tber 'tol..lJ!Omll•H h 1,., al~•
m:r<lo a •1au1Ar ~hf('fflmt.. '\1U}11), tTT"t't"',V,r
tThr>,,.., rt•mJmt"l Nt
~,d tbo .,m, tL•n~ A<l<l,t~I the <l<&-1,«I,nu o! un~ onJ mln-1
f 1 (LrJu)
15 CL 'TnhJ h.b•rr Sultin to the AJ/r ,I Dt11m Lim h • r I
" " :l or 4 c-art1 t. l (UrJa J

1857 111 (b)-continued

July 8 19 Col M uhd Kb,1zr Sultan to the Kotwal. Desires him to send
10 coolies - £.-1 (Urdu.)
,. " 20 Gen 1\1:uhd J3akht Khan to the Kotwiit Desires lum to
supply the Govt Arclutect with suoh bwldmg materials as he may
require f · 1. (Pe1 )
" ,, 21 The Kmg to the Kotwal. Says that an unclaimed, runaway
horse was seized by Mbd Khan but some people took 1t away from hrm,
dnects him to trace the horse at once f 1 (Per)
22 The Kotwiil to the Risiildiir, Gwahor force Says that Amir
" " 2\.li, a Sawa1 of lus Risiila, has been arrested on a cha1ge of cheatmg the
shopkeepers, asks him to send Imam Bakhsh Khan, Da/adar and
J3uddhu Khan, Sawar, to identify the accused f 1 (Urdu)
23 (--) to the Kotwiil Intimates that 9 coolies have
" -. " arrived and aie dorng therr duties satisfactorily. f 1 (Per)
,, " 24 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Intimates that Imam Bakhsh Khan
who bas been a1Tested on a charge of gambling, has arrived. £ 1. (Per)
25. [l\firza Abdul-lab J to the Kotwiil Asks hrm to send 60
" " coolies and 25 masons to rnpair th~ SiyahburJ and relieve 3 wounded
water-carriers stat10ned there. £ 1 (Urdu)
,, " 26 The C -m-C to the Kotwiil Asks him to 1eprimand a
inn-keeper who has abused N annhe Khan and Mhd ,Khan, sepoys. f. I
,, ,, 27 The C -rn-C to tbe Kotwal Asks h1m to Sllpply Ganesh,
JJaroghiih,of the stable,~w1th as many grass-cutters as he can find f 1
28 The C -m-C to the Kot10al Asks him to Bllpply the
" " lJiiroghiih 0£ the stable with 500 iron nails f. I (Per)
29 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Asks him to return to Imam
Bakhsh, who was arrested on a charge of gambhng and who 1s now
1eleased on bail, all his belongmgs f 1. (Urdu)
30. The Kotwal to the 1 hiinalzdar of Da11ba Asks him to send
" " I;Iaidar .'A.Iiand 1'1:l).d Khan, oarqatulazesof his Thiinalt, (Verso• the
Phiinalulii1 sends I;Iaidar .'A.IIand says that this 1s the man who created
the chstmbance) f. l (Urdu.)
,, 3). The Kotwiil to the Kmg Complams that a certam J amadiir hns
" left his station without rece1vmg his perm1s!:,10nand has told people that
he has been discharged f. 1 (Per)
32. Col 1'frrza Mhd Suhrab to the Kotwiil. Asks him to send
" 20 coolies f 1 (Per )
33. The Kot10iil to Shihii.bnd Dm Khan, Jam'acliir of the Baretly
" " force Sends 9 maunus of flour and asks luru to pay its price (Verso
Sh1hiibucl Dm Khii.n acknowledges the receipt of the flour Ancl pays its
puce) f 1. (Urdu)
,, 4 34 The Kmg to the Kotwal. Asks lum to purchase ghce nt the
rate of 3 seers for a rupee, f. I. (Per.)

1857 111 (b)-co11t111ued

Jnly 4 35 The C m-C to the Ko!,cal A,,koJum to rclcuo nil the cool,;s
o.tuobed to the llig:mno lllld the Fort, deuincd l1l the l,.il/rral1 I l
(Urdn.) ~
36 CoL Ml)d Khll? Snlllin to the E6ltt:al bun to oend 15
cooheoand 20 cobblen, to &lungnrh f. l (Urdu,)
S7 Oen MQd Bakbt Kh!n to the Eo/,cal Aa\:o!um to annoull{'ff
" " corn• mll oonbnneunaltered E 1 (Per )
that the ...,.Jueof the Comp&11y'1
88 F11.i;ull!b Kh!n to the K6tr:al Intimates thu 50 coohct hn,..,
arnved at S1yabburJ E 1 (U rdn.)
r, 59 Col M,'1'1 J.lhd Suhr!I> to the EiUiral ,uh .!umto ,end 15
eoohet. f. l (Per)
40 The C m-C to the E~l,oal Ash !um to aond 3 C31pQ11lm
f. 1 (Urdn)
41 The C 10 C to the Eo/tt:al Alla Jum to tcild 200 coohc,a to
B1yabbur.i E 1 (Urt!n.)
42 The C ,n-C to tbo Kofral Cenaurco !um for not acnd,ng,
" coo!J~ to the SlyahbW'J, ,..h him to send 200 coo!Jes &t 0nco r l
,, 43 Oen Mhd &JtlitKht,n to tbo Ku/,:al rub !um to ..,,J 2
Cffl lo:ula of woo,}to the artillery- r 1 (Urdn.)
44 The Ko/11:alto the King R=mmcnda Mrr ?-oµr l\lr £or tho
j)O!t of Ja.,. adar at Cluindn1Chaulc (Vor,o tho hlo~ ".l'l"""lo :',[,r
:f,.a;,,r fill Jo ■'adar of tho TAa•aA Clwidru Chllnlc) f I (UrJn)
45 Tbo K6!,:i/l to the King R=mmetJ<U ,tanna Khln Ja"4/41r,
for conl\nmbon. (V ono the King aonilt a par,:.JA lo the Joaa4Jr )
f. 1 (UrJn.)
40 The Kufrill to tbo Kini; Prny1 tLat he =1 be i::=,t.-1 110~
lc:m, nnd pcnn1ttc<l to otD) In the KulrJfi dunng tl,e P""o<laC h,. f..,.,o
and tht commaruc,.tJon, latoad,.J Corb,m may be J1n,cf,J lo lhc ,\J,t.
Kutral f 1 (Urdn.)
.. 47 The Kulrol to the C 1n-C. RcJ"th bi, 111,,... ant! r,,1n0<h
him to commun10'1tO the orJcn mlcndod for Lim to lho ~,M J.ulra/
LI (Urdn.) -
4S 'The KJ/ral to the King Rerori• "d11hir1,:u,celn wL,d, l\.fio,11
" lhkh!hKbnn •'••• KiJt,:iil Lu L«o roLW of L11hotw,e,.,.,.r,J rl to!,
~tc (Ver-,0 tLe KlnS'.. b the J.u/rul to tn4blto Into the nue) f I
40 The Kulr ,I t, the htni:- Sn-, tlut t~ i,,srJ, J\&1""1<'1at tl,..
bOUt<.,. of OulAb Siogb anJ othen ~..,, t..-.n r,010,-r,f C I (Unlo)
G 60 The C ln-C to the J..ut.-ol A,l.oh1mlo1cn~ 10...,1 .... 1o11<,
l\a1h1nlr Gate C 1 (Urdu.)
&l (---) lo the A"i.·d/ 8ar, tbal llannn hhls Ja., ,JJ•
" " Lon"l lmn~ with CLnnnl Lal I LI• ,.,,,,.,,,.J!J uni to the J.Jt.-;J
f 1 1r,,.,

1857 111 (b-)-continued

July 6 52 The Kotwal to the Tltanahdar, Faizbazar Asks him to wait
for i days more and then 10port agamst Kashi Smgh, Jani'aaa1, fo1 hIS
absence (Verso the Tltiinalular sayB that there 1s no Jam/adiir of that
name m his Thanah) f. l (Urdu.)
53. ,The Kotwal to the 1hanalidar, Faizbazar Asks him to send 50
" " maunds of flour and fuel to the Ba1eily force. (Verso the Thnahdar says
that neither flour nor fuel 1s available) £-1 (Urdu)
,, 54. Col Mhd Kgizr Sultan to the Kotwal. A!ks him to send 60
" coohes. f. 1. (Per )
,, 55 The C -m-C to the Kotwal. Asks him to send 25 coolies and
" 4 ~ater-carriers to the Labo1~ Gate. f 1 (Per)
58 Shaikh Rajah Jill, JJarogkahof the 1vfagazme, to the Kotwal.
" " Asks hrm to send 150 coolies to the 1'faga~me. f 1. (Per.)
,, 5 7 (---) to the KotwaZ Asks mm to send a carpenter and
" a blacksrmth to repair the Lahore Gate f 1 (Per)
,, 58. Bhagirath M1sir and Gopal, Subahdar Majors of the 10th Regt,
" to the C.-m-C. Ask him to supply prov1s10nsto the trenches at Idgah
f. 1. (Urdu.)
,, 8\ -59. Dev1 Parshad to the Kotwai. Asks him to levy a duty of 8 ,
annas on every maund of salt in possess10n of Jawahir Smgh. £. 1.
10 60. Gen. MJid Bakht to the Kotwiil Asks hrm to supply
" Mhd .'A.zim,Jani'adiir of- the artillery, with the eqwpment of 80 ho1ses
f. 1. (Urdu)
1~ 6 l The C.-m-C to the Kotwiil Asks hrm not to detam Baldeo,
" carpenter, who IS a servant of the Sarkar, m the Kotwali f I (Urdu)
,, 17 ' 62. Rasul Eakhsh, a clerk of the Kotwali to other clerks there. Asks
them to get him a week's mck leave f 1. (Per.)
68. Gen. Ml}.d Bakht Kl!,iin to the Kot1oal. Summons him to his
" " Court. f 1 (Pei.)
,, 20 64 The Kotwal to Munshi Saiyid Kha1rat Jili Asks hun to pay
the wages of 40 doohe-beaiers supplied by hnn f. 1 (Per )
,, 21 65 The K.otwalto the Krug. Says that Khuda Bakhsh Khan and
Lal 1\iuhammad, barqandazes, who have been transferred to the Thanal,,
Chanclm. Chank, have defective V1s1on,prays that they may be replaced
by Madad Jlli and AmJad fili. f. 1. (Urdu.) ~
,, ,.22 66. Col. 1\ihd Kl!1zr Sultan to the Kotwal. Asks hrm to see that
no one asi:;aults Abdullah, his servant, who has many enemies. f 1

67 Fa1Zul-la.h,Suoa!tdiirof the 60th Regt to the Kolwal. Asks

him to send 2 qmres of paper. £ 1. (Urdu)
Jt ,, 68 Gen l\1hu Bakht KhPn to the Kotwal Asks him to supply
bullocks. f. 1. (U 1du )- --


1857 111 (b}-conqluded

J'oL 22 00 L!l IlohAdor, Colonel of the Jban., force, to the Ko/ral A,h
hun to oend 4 tiu1or11and arnnge 111thvendOl'IIof ~ for the 111ppl1
of meeta. f. l (Urdu)

1857 111 (c)

MB foll 247 l nnoua am,,.
J'uL 23 l Tho C In C to ~Iul,,l.nak Shih Khln 1 Kot.:al Aab lum to
.end 4 oooliM to the trencheo at S.lirognrh f l (Unln.)
2 Tho C 111 C to lliublmk SbAhKhln, Kolcll DU"CCtalum to
" releoaa on lwl .Madon Mohan, a Dmlunm f. I (Unlu)
3 Ml)d QhUin d Din Khln, R11aUar of tho 10th Regt.., to tbo KJ/rrol
llcquctl ■ lum to "811d 11 mddlo-malccr cyo that if an1 ono allAohtd
to the rtgunent hu not rece,.nd hu •Agca he 1honlcl be 1ent to bin,
f. l (Per)
4 Daily report of the Kvlra/1 f 2 (Unlu.)
6 Knrim Khlo, llaraldar to the AJ/rll Aab Wm lo ,.ncl a
CArpcntcr and 2 oxen f I (Unla)
,, 21 0 The C' ,n-< to the KJ/ra/ Cenrortt hlm for not sendlni;
cooliesto Sillmgarh £. I (Unlo)
7 The Kmi; to the Ko/.,al Duttt. bun to ,end 10 <001,et at on~
f. l (Unln.)
8 The C ,n-0 to tbo KJJJ,J/ ,uh lum to oend oome -i.. I~
Qhul!m AU, Da~U! of the Jarad A!J•• f I (UrJn.}
O (---) to tho Kel,:a/ Senw fa cooU01anJ 2 thkhm
to tbo Killroli f I (U,dn.)
10 Shaikh Fu! ,\11, R,,,,/dar of the l!tb Rrgt , to !Le /WrJI
" A1l1 b,m to send 2 Wloro f 1 (Per)
11 Tho Killral to Iba h.lng Bai::~• tlat ordm m,y ~ pu,t,l
for the 11rrcrl of i:amLlero. (\ eroo The Krni:: orJtrs that at fin!"
1"l?nlng 1honlt! be giren, U tbo1 p,1111!,th•n th•J ar~ h be armW )
f l (UrJu&. Per)
12 Oen. \fhd D.a!<IJt Khfo lo the KJIJt'JI A.kl !um to "'fTlr
,ome i;unrowdor f 1 (!'er)
l~ Sh,"k!JFaun I W., S,wlJJro! th• bth n-.:t, to lht A\lwU
A1l1 Wm to amd 2 toroh-lur<n1 anti 2b S ,.,,.._ f J (I rt)
11 TLe Kvlr•l to th• Krog fu,-, h• hu vnt trnt., tit I>
tho Du,t111 fol«' f l (UrJn.)
,, ,, la TLo Avl.-,11to tLo TJ..,JUJr1 A,h thrm lo •UJ!flf t->~••1
An= C1'01mt!w~ttt1 a.eeln,fow arlulu. f J (I«)

1857 111 (o)-aordinued

' ~

16 The Kotwal to the Kmg Reports that he has released Sher

Srngh as desned f ] (Per)
" ,, 17 The C -1n-C to the Kotv:iil Asks him to send a ca1penter
and 2 diggers f 1 (Urdu)
Kotwal to the Krng Says that all the axes and mattoc1.s
,, " kept18rn theTheII.otwiili have been snpphed to the men who are engaged ,
m bruldmg a new bn<lge near Ahpur, piays that the IJaroghiilt of the
:M:agazrne may -be duected to supply the .Kotwiili with axes and
mattocks. £ 1 (Urdu ) ,,
" ,, 19 The Kotwal to the Kmg Suggests tbat orders may be passed
whereby the results 0£ all mmor cases disposed of by the Court of ,
1ustice may be 1eported to the Kmg (Verso the Kmg's orders to
that effect) f 1 (Urdu)
" ,, TAii11a~dii-r
20 Shaikh Ghulam Ali to the Kotwiil Reports that the
of Fruzbazar has agam arrested Badlu, a servant of the
Sa1lii1.' £ I (Urdu)
,, 26 21 The Kotwiil to the C -m-C Acknowledges the ieceipt of his
parwiinan 1egarchng the supply of prov1mons to the Nimach force
£ 1 (Per.) ,
" ,, 22 The .Kot'lJJiil to the Phiinahdii.1of Guzar Ibqad K_hiin Says
that there 1s a large quanfaty of pulse m the market of RamJimal ,
asks him to secure 200 maunds of pulse from the1e for him tVerso ·
the Thanahda1 of Guzar Itiqad Khan p1omises to supply the pulse )
f 1 (Urdu)
23 The C,-m-C to the .Kotwal Asks him to supply certam
" " articles epec1fiedin the list sent f i (Urdu )
24. The C -m-C to the Kotwii1 Asks him to send at once, 4
tailors to Gaurishankar Suku.1 f 1 (U,du)
,, 27 25 The Kmg to the l.otwal. Censures him for not send1~g
p1ovis10nsto the N1mach £01ce £ I (Urdu)
26 The Kottcii.l to the Kmg It 1runed heavily last mght,
" " p1esumably the N1mach fo1ce has ieturned to Aiabsaiai fiom the A3me1
Gate, piays fo1 mstl:uct10ns wheie he 1s to send the provisions that
have been reqms1faoned (Verso the Kmg directs him to send the p10-
v1s10nswhere the N1mach force 1s) f 1. (U1du & Pei )
27 Sadha Mal undertakes to supply 200 maunds of pulse when
" " r~qmred f 1 (Urdu) 1

" ,, Nath f 1 {U1du;
28 Kotzcc7Zto the C -m-C Sends Haiak Chand and Jawnla
,, " a hst29of prov1Hons
Khuda Bakhsh Kh,J.n, Naib KotwaZ,to the Kotwiil. Submits
aheady sent f 1. (Urdu,)
)J "
30 Saiy1d l\f nbarak Shah Khan, Kot1oal, to the C -m-C Requests
hnn to send Sb1habu'd Din Khan, .Jamar1a1,to the Kotwfil"i to make
arrangements for-the supply of pwVISions to the N1mach force f 1.
258 ~ PAPz:ns

1857 111 (o)-contmued

Jui ~8 81 Tho C m C to the Eobcal Ath !um to procWm the K10g'1
ottlen to the effect that nn_yone found oocnfic10gB cow m11 ho l"'n11him
with death. f 1 (Urdu.)
32 The Eol,cal to the :rJ«.. Uar, of Cl,andru Chauk. ,\m him
' " to proclaun the C m C '• order■ to the effect th•t any )[n,.Jmln
found oaonfiCJng a. cow, ox or buffalo dunng tho coming ldlIJ' l'nhl
fffi.lvnl will be conrtmartuuled. f 1 (Urdu.)
II JI 33 The lWral lo the Kmll' lntunnteo that mth the htlp of tho
:JJu,iaUur, he has roppbed prot-mon ■ nccdtd in the Anny f I (Ptr)
,, ,, 34 Sa.rnd Mnblirak Sh!b Khln, Eolr:a/ to the C in C lnlJmB!to
!bet ho ha. ocnt 60 •aobi end 3 ID11undoof ropo, &Jb him to l"Y their

..., pnce. f 1 (Uren)

36 Oen Mhd B•h!Jt Kh&n lo the EJ/ril/
lu■ Court at once. f I (Urda)
Summon■ him to

u ,, 50 Shoo Pareh!d, CommlffllJUt Ag1'nt to tho .Kohral ,ub for

the ropply of So mnnncls of pal!o and 10 mannd, of Bour, m11i"J"
the pnco to the ,en<lore. f I (Uriln)
37 Tho C m C to the Ko/cul A,b hlDl lo ):rl II nnoP1 0 ft
long •nd 41 ft. broad prepn,cJ for bun f l (Urdu.)
,, ,, 88 ,thd }oJZal !ah Khln clerk of the li.vio:•n, to the Keir,/
ITru. htcn ,mJJ'onng from !c,cr nn<l ht:ulocho "'" for ltne h11 h,.
"-"'"etr f 1 (Urdu.)
~p The C m-C to tLc Kotrnl \,u b,m fo r,J,..., nil JAn,•
rCtTUDIof the &rl:,,r dchunim •t tho Ko/ya/1 f I (Urda)
,, ,. 40 Tho .Ko/rf:ulto OoyA llln CAa,JArt and Ral!il, ll•o,A, of lbo
?\11ll11Ch !orct Send, es p1ncct of pl•nL1 wt! one 111•antlof tArt for
,,,J~ I J (Lnlu,)
41 TJ,o 1-,ng to th• Cvftrol D11tt!, lum lo oabm,t l"rft<'tilcr,
•l,ont tho~ pcr>0n• ..-be Ln,o I~ r<lni,..J from !ho K~t.-Jll andcr tho
orilcr■ of !he C 1n C L 1 (Per)
42 ,tmA ',11ltAn llrg to 1hr KvlcJI ,\1't,L1m lo ..,,J t '3JJ1c-
mak<r■ f l (Urdu.)
n 2P 43 'I1te h.irg to tbo J.olr.l D,rcet, h,rn to <tt tL>t no ~ralrt
,n con II allo..-"1 lo •nltr th<- <1ly from tLo 71h lo !be I ~Iii of "101
Zula wJ tlal •II con-, 1,<long,ni; lo the "II, ,.Jnan• •ro,n f"-'ffl
IL'1D l<mpo111nl1 •nJ k<Jt lh 11• J., , ... r, Jnnni: !be f,-tnat1 ••r•
thAI anT ~M foun<l mm6r!ng a row ,.m 1.. pun11brJ with d<111b
r I (l <t.)
H Sam,l 'lnl&nol. %1L h.hln }..J/.-.11, In tl11 J.1n~ Illy,
tLat tLtrt ,, ant •ufticitnl r,-.. m fn th, }.. /rJ/{ for all tL, M•tf rt tl •
«t~ to 1.o tull«-t,,I tb= 1 •u,,""I.N• tl.AI th• TA h,41 " r<.>1l•
,lurrir<l to J:<I !"'1 ,1' nl"<11!.-.l L1 lh )lut1,lt:ar • t, tt• <!!.,.t t•,t
tLe1nm ut ntrlfirt "'"'._ f L tl "'" I

185'1 111 (c)-contHittecl

29 45. The C -m-O to tho Kot1rlil Says tliab the kuhng 0£ oows
is st11otly forbuldon, asks him to sub1mt a- list giving the number
of skms of cows, lrn:finloos, c{c., ibn,t n1C to ho found with the butchers
m the city ns also the quantity of g,.easo n vmlab lo £ 1. ( U 1 du )
,, 4G The Kmg to the 1~ofw{ll Dnects him to help IVI:ii.Ni§iir
'Ali Khan, 1Jct10{!./J_ah of J/'nqf p1opertics, m reabsmg 1ents from
Wagf properties f. l (Pei )
,, ,. 4 7 The C -m-C to the Aotwiil Directs lum to supply 60 oarts
for tmnsporimg nmmnmhou f 1. (UHln)
,, ,, 48. , The C -m-C to the Kotwtil Acknoi\lc<lge'>the receipt of lus
letter rcgar<lmg the supply of cat ts f I (Urdu)
,, ,, 49 'Umn1· K,hiin, Subahdar-1IaJor of the 30th Rcgt, to the
Kotroiil. Asks him to send (i thatchc1s to the hospital for malnng
fences. f l. (U1du)
,, ,, Mhd N1zamu'd Din to tho Kot,oi'il "\:V11l
50 send thl} required
fuel 1s nota\J.Ilablc f 1. (Urtlu)
,, ,, 61 The Kotwiil to the Th1iu"hdto of Guza1 Dauba
accused Khudii. Bakhsh und nsks bun to seo 1f any trustworthy
Sends tho
will stand bail £or the man (Verso the 1'hirnahrla'1sn,ysthat no one
hns come forward to stand hail fo1 Khudft B.ikhsh). £ 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 52 The Kotwiil to the T!tanahdt'i.1of Rn3ghat Asks him to sel).d
the shop-keepers named m the lettei. (V e1so the Tha1taltdifr sends
the shop-keepers) £ 1 (Ur<lu.)
,, ,, 53. Tllo C -rn-C to the K otwiil Asks him to send 80 carts
to the N1mach force and 30 to the Kmg, f l. (Per)
,, ,, 54. Gen lvl.hd Bakht Kh,iin to the .li.ot10at Asks him to send
2 water-cairiers to 'Abdul Ghaffa1 Khan, Risaldar £ I (Urdu)
55_ The C.-m-C to the Kotzoill. Asks him to subnut a list
" " g:1vmgthe number of ca1ts-supplied £o1 the use of the Army f l
,, ,, 56 The C -in-C to the Kotwal Asks b1m to search the house 0£
Gobardhan Das who 1s suspected to Le m possession of articles of the
Magazine f 1 (U1ilu)
,, 57 ·The C -m-O to the Kotwiil. Asks hun to supply provrn10ns to
" the N1mach force £ 1 (U1du)
58. The C.-m~C. to the Kotwal Acknowledges the receipt of
" " provisions for the Nn~ach foice f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 59 The C -m-O to the Kotwal Dnects hun to .prosecute a 1 uffian
who 113tiymg to extort money nom Lala Kam1la Lal f 1 (U1du)
60 The C -m-O to the Kotwat Asks him to send several pe1sons -
" " named m the lette1 and see that they do not escape. £ I. (U1du)
,, $0 61-2 The C -m-C to the Kotwal. Asks b1m to supply 8(3 ca1ts
and oxen at once. f. 2. (U1du)
1t 2

1857 111 (o)-conlttmed

1ul 30 03 The C m C to the Eoltcal A.b h,m to dclnm Rahim Il•ll•h
lllld Amdn 1-l!h Kh!n m the Elilrall f 1 (Urdu.)
,. 64 The C m C to the EiJl,ra( Ana !um to proclann that nny
one foond o:icnficmg • cow on the =sion of the 'ltluz inhA fc,t,n,\
will ho 1eVerely denlt mth. f 1 (Urdu.)
06 1'fh'Z! :Mhcl Mu'1un d Din to tho Eolral D,rcct. h,m to
at!. the TAna/11/ar of Dan"bn to look o.fier tbo oxen l:cpt m llaun
KhAnnm f ] (Per)
00 Sruy,d )luUnu.: Shah Kh!n, Evtr:al, to U,e C m O
Req~ him to ~y R ■ Oo+ll bemg tho pnce of arholes ,appLctl lo
the 1lagume f. I (Urdu)
07 Famikb 'AU, lJarotlaA, to the Eo/,ca/ A.ta h,m to 11('1\(\
2 l<:\wyen and one carpenter to ttpnir tho 1 IIDlJl!I lmJgc f l
08 Gen Mhd IlalJit Khfln to tbo Ko/,cul A ■b him lo """d
JOOcooheo, • c:irpcnter■ and 2 ao;yer■ to the Damlly foree
00 Mhtl KMn,IlnHl<l■ r ,t:ajor, to tho Kvlral Ail ■ him to
,end 8 farner■ f. l (P.r)
70 Col 'llid KhlF Snith to the 'Aot,c I .A,l:■ him lo ,end 1i0(1
coohH to the K.. hmlr Galo f I (Urda)
71 Col 1lhd Khqr Sn!µ to the Kvlrl/ D1r,,ct1him to a,\: L,.
Sepoy, not lo remol'e RAm Dbu, hi■ 0ttnnl who " 1lay1ni;: 10 111•
garden o[ Zorlwar Singh m,nlo to know ..-h,- ,t I■ propooc,l to mnoro
!um f l (Urdu.)
72 The C ln-C lo the Kolral Aou him to tend t'<'rl,un b.n\:
cro at once f l (Urdu.)
31 i'S The C m.C. to the Ko/,,.,./ A,I., lum to .,.n,I r,-o,-,.,nn• ta 1hr
trenebe,, nt .Ahpnr for !Lo J\1=h and fumll,- fon-ea. f I (Unla)
,. H 'The O 1n-C to the Klit.- ,I A•h l11mtodrt,un 'l11m!n l\li&n
•A.!nmKh&nand other Sepo.)"I, m the KJ/rl/1 1 until farther oruer,
f l (Urdn)
,, ,L '11~ C 10-C to th• Kvt.-11 A,.ka l11mlo rnpplr •o maond,
of mobot-a for the nrmy f 1 (Urdu.)
;o (---} to the 'A,1.-11 S,nJ• 6 rool,,. atd ! ,lool~
~ f l (Urda)
, , C),hla ,1 Uui hJi\n r .. ,r ,., to tLo ,;, , .. / A,h L,m to
l<OntlO tn,lor,o. f l {I ,r )
78 Th• K,-1,-,/ to lh4 f,!,,JJ.Jr of tJ,, J.alinjir f,n-, ._,,,,l,
6 J 'OliM to him f 1 (Ur,lu.)
1 7P Th• C m-C to lb• Avlr,I A,b h,m to ■tnJ ~O mnr !,
d 1"1"' to tL<-tr,a,Lu at ALpur f 1 (Li,lo J

1857 111 (c)-contin1ted

Aug - 8 80. The C.-1n-C to the Kotwiil. Asks him to provide Thakur DasJ
Sepoy, with 10 maunds of pulse out of the 60 maunds mtended £o1 Ahpm
£ 1. (Urdu)
,, 81 The C.-m-C to the Kot11Jal Asks him to send 100 maunds of
pru.ched pulse to 'Alipm. £. 1 (Urdu) •
,. 82, The C -m-C to the Kotwiil Directs him to ask the Tlwnakdih a
" to trace the nnssmg child of Kedarnath Lal of G~ar Dariba. f. 1
83 The Kmg to the Kotroal Directs hun to summon the
" " Thiinahiliirs to the Royal Court on the occasion of the 'lduz iuh a
festival f. 1. (Per )
,, ,, 84-6. J\1:irzfi.
1''.fhd K_hiin, Thanakdii1 of Guzar QasJJD.Khan, to the
, Kotioal. Sends provisions as specified m the lette1s, £. 3 (Urdu)
,, 87 (Illegible) to the Kotwiil Asks him to send as much
" paiched pulse as 1s avaifable. £ 1 (Per)
,, 88 Saiyid Ashraf 'Ali, Risaldiir, to the Kottoiil. Asks hrm to
" send i tailors and one saddle-maker f 1. (Pe1)
,, ,, 89 The Kotwiil to the Thiinaltdii1 s Asks them to faace Pyaii,
wife of Pir Bakhsh, who 1s nussmg f 1 (U1du)
,, 90 The C -m-C to the Kotwal. Asks lum to send 2 doohes
with doolie-bearers to the Tonk force £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 91 The C -m-O to the Kotwiil. Summons lum to hH Comt
" accompamed by the bankels f I. (U1du)
,, 92 The C.-m-O to the Kotwcil Acknowledges the receipt of
" p1ovis10ns sent to the Nimach foice and asks him to make a further
supply £ 1 (U1du.)
3 93 The Kotwal to the Thiinahda1s Asks them to supply
" conveyances, coolies, doohe-bearers and vanous artisans as specified m the
lette1 £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 94 'Umar Khan, Colonel of the Nasuabad force, to the Kotioal
Asks 1nm to send 2 carts to transport the fmmtme, etc, of the regiment.
f 1 (Pei)
,, 95 Mhd Husmn, Clerk of the Thiinah Guzar Dauba, to the
" Kotwal Says that' Isn, goldsmith, who 1s wanted by him 1s with the
C.-m-0 £ 1 (Uidu)
,, 96 Gen :M:hd Da.kht Khanto tbe,.Kotwal. Asks him to send
" some fauiers to the N1mach force .f 1. (Urdu)
,, 97 The C -m-O to the Kotwiil Asks lum to send bankers and
" shop-keepers named m the letter f l {Per )
,, 98 The Kotu:ililto the Thlina!tdar of Chandm Chawk Sends a
" from the C -m-C for necessa1y action £. 1 ( Uidu)
pa1 roii,1tah
,, 99' Bhawiini Srngh, Colonel of the 2!Jth Regt., to tho Aotwiil Has
angaged 4 doohe-beare1s out of the 16 snpphed. f. 1 (Urdu )


1857 111(c)-co11tzn11ed
Ang 3 100 Col MJ,d l!Ji,µ Sultdn to the Kulrral Aeh hnn lo procure all
tho copper •beet• and .rnlpbur am!ablc m the market f I (Ptt)
4 l 01 Slunk!! R•IllfAn, Cotnmandmg officer of the 0th Rcgt. to th•
K61t,,iil Request, him to removo the C1lrcus of 11 hor,e l.fIDS' ntar
the )Iogaz,no. f I (Urdu)
,, " 1oi The ;Kmg to the K6t.,al S,yw th>.t the Tla1taUar of
Faubnzar luu exprc,,ro lu, 1nab1/ity 1n the matter of mpply,ng- proTIJJoo ■
to tho N1m•ch force .,.1,, rum to nrrnnge mth the 1hop-keeptn 1n lu•
Jnmd,chon for tho mpply f l (Per)
l 08 :Mir Naµr ,U,, T~a.. Uiir of Chondm Chon1:to the E61r~1
Send. 2 a:nry er, f l (Urdu)
IM ,rrr 1',agar 1\II TM•aldur of Chnndm Chank, to the K6t,,Jl
Soy,, that Shom1hen CJ,,.d~N reIIISCIlo rnpply proT1non1 to the troop•
rlnhoncd ID the Jan.dict1on of na,al, other thnn Im OlTll. ! l (Unl~)
,. 1U5 The Kol,cul to the Tln .. Uar of DhoJlop,lan. /uh rum lo
send 12 maund., of puloo to the I\unacb force. f I (Urda)
100 Col :l[l)d Kh!P'Sul(An to the KJti,,1/ Aok. bun to mid
2 carpcnlcrt 2 d,wn, nnd 2 mM-Oia. f. l (Per)
,, 107 Umnr Kbln Lolonel of tbe N...,n,b.,d ferro to tbn ZN,,.d/
A.lo lum to ,end 4 ooohca and 2 lllUOIUI £. I (Per J
10~ Sbail,h Donde au to the Ko/rill A,b h,m to aend S
and 200 rooli,o { I (Per )
100 Slulk!J Chna Sufl:('<lnotlaehcd to tho "\ arlrnLn<lfa=, to the
KUrnl A.,h ln01to ,end,} doollo-hc;irer, lo !lie ho,p1ul ! I (Urdo l
110 Col 'Thd Kli11rSnltln t, the lt.iJ!rral Atl.1 h,m not to
~ bi. =I on tLe to'(lof vct1l10n1 ond other r't><"" f 1 (P,'r l
111 Gen 'lliJ Il•~bt Kbin to thu /iJtrJI AeLno,.I,'1i;,• th•
m,c,pt of 'l""J,.. f 1 (I er J
5 llf O,n "~d fu!J;t Kh!n !n tho li~/,n/ A,l:, 1,/ro lo ~nJ
100 coolie• to tho S,laAd., oftb G,rper1 anJ "',linen,. I I {P<r)
113 The Kini, to tLc Kvlr 1 A,h lm11to rn\,mlt at ooco a 11,t
" of the CAa>l1tlar1 of the c1t~ f 1 (P,r)
1 H 11,e C ID C to the /iJ/y ,I S..r.<l, 1~ mrn t\' 1,«r,
armtcd OD a thar~ c,f ""l'l'IJ1D/:'m""t tn 1110NICIDT, .anJ ••u him ·~
unpri~,n them in the /,..tra/1 f l [Per)
1lo Tb• C 1n C 1, tl, Kl/• ,/ 8•J• tlul Ml~ na111J1llaLt.!,
rho""' rantc,I h•• •Pf<"'",J f I (Urdu J
J 10 The C 1n-L tn the / ,I, ,/ ,\>L• bfm tn """~ Oer•l Dhoh
anlclhl"t"<c>!.LlmntocH I I (lrJo)
AJ.• !um t tt:nJ on O'J-<n!..'l'iud ~ ~
J 17 'Un:ar hli"" (\ !,,,,,.!of tho ~• mh:vl £ ""' t) tL• A /o'JI
11« r 1 (l',1)

1857 111(a)-continued
Aug 6 118. The Thiinahi!iir of Guznr Itiqad Khan to the Kotwiil Sends
15 coolies f 1. (Urdu.)
119 :rvt:nzaMhd Abu Dakai to the Koftor,l Asks lum to 10leaso
" " nnd 13endAllah Bnkhsh, a servant of the Sa 1lar, who has been detamed
m the Xotu;iili. f I (U1du.)
,, 120 The Kmg to the Kofwal. Duects him to send 20 coolies
detained m the Kot1oali f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 121. The Thiinahdiir 0£ RaJghat to the Kofo;iiZ Reports that the
dead body of a man bas been £ound under a wall of a house that had
collapsed £ 1. (Urdu.)
122 The Kotf!Jalto the C.-in-C. Submits an account of th~ pulse
" " snpphed and asks him to pay the pnce of 200 maunds. £ 1 {Uidu)
,, 123 The Thiinahdar of Guzar Itiqad Khan, to the Kotwal
" Sends 7 coolies f 1. (U1du)
stationed at the Lahore Gate, to the Kotwal,
124< Fazz, S1(,bahrlar,
" " Asks hrm to supply 2 toich-beare1s w1th torches. f. l (Urdu)
125 Col 1fhd Khzn Sul~an to the Kotwiil. Asks him to send
" " 6 coolies f 1 (Pei) '
,, 7 126 The Kotwal to the Thanahdar of RaJghat. Asks him to send
at once 2, carpenters and 2 sawyers to the :M:agazme, £. 1. (Urdu)
,, ] 27 Gen :M:hdBakht Khan to the KotzotU Asks him to send a
" charpoy and fuel for the purpose of convoymg a dead body for cremation.
f. 1 (Urdu) -
,, 128 The Kotwal to the 1hanaltdiir of RaJghat Asks him to send
" Imam Bakhsh, wood-cutter (Verso the ThanahdaJ sends the man )
f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 129. Shaikh Ghau§ Muhammad, Surgeon attached to the 10th
" Regt , to the Kotwlil Asks him to send ~ doohe-beaiers to the hospital
f 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 130 The C -m-C. to the Kotwal Asks him to collect 300 ooohes
m the Kotwali and send them when wanted £. 1 (Per )
J) 131 The Kotwal to the Thanahdiir 0£ Danba Asks him to send
" NaJaf J\.h, Bakhshullah and othe1s to the Kotwali (Verso the
of Dauba asks hrm to send some one to 1dentrfy them f 1
,, ,, 132 Gen Mhd Bakht Khan to the Kotwi#. Asks hrm to send
doohe-bearers to the trenches t 1 (U1du)
8 ... 133 Col l\ihd K_h1zr Sultan to the Kot1oiil Asks lum to send
" Debi Sahi'u.and BIBhan Das to his Court £ 1 (Uidu)
134 The C -in-C to the Kotwiil Asks hrm to send 4 ~arpeuters

and 8 coolies to Hakim Ahsanullah Khan f ] {Urdu)

135. Gen Nlhd Bakht Kl!anto the Kotw(tland Thanahdli1 s Asks _
" them not to mtedere with any Gltap1asi of the Comm1ssanat of the R::ire1lJy
Camp, who may be oonveymg proV1s10nsto the A1my £ 1. (Urdu.)
Mt.rrlNY PAPEns

1857 lll(c)-co11tznued
Aug 8 l 36 The C !n-C to the Koltt:al .A.b him to ttnd 200 cooh.,. to
tho trcnche. at Qnd,,ynh Bagh f. l (Urda.)
137 Cot Alhd Khq;r Snlt!n to the Kohral A•b lum to
rcleue Ramp, the oon of Go1%An,1a1,detruned ,n the l,.o/,ril/1 f J (Per)
,, ]:SS Cot Mun ~hd Suhrnb to the Kolral A,Lo !um to
rclrose GhanU, h~ eyce who h .. betn de!Juncd m the Kv/,:u/1 f. l
130 The C. m C to the Ko/,:a/ !um to ocn<l 111 nurny
wntcr-enmera •• be can find to the gnn pomlor factory to put out tho
fire thnt h1>1broken out there f 1 (Urdu )
140 The Kolrc:nl to the Tla•aldar of Chnudni Clurnk A ■h him
to ■end a baker to the l,.u/,cul, (' eno tho Tia,aitlJr ""P tbot be luu
l!Ont one but thAt he =ot ho held =r,onnule !£ tho mon ohr■ ■ w■y
wlule gomg there) f l (Urdu)
1-U Col :Mhd Khqr Snlt6.n to the Ai!l,ra/ A.Ju him to ■end
Ii coolies. f 1 (Urdu )
142 Ueu 11hd D,!Jit Khlu to tbo A ofral A,b b1m to tra<t1
the m1wng oh1l<lof a w&ter-c>mrr f I (Urdu.)
143 Gen ,1w B,hbt Khln to the KiJ/.,a/ A,lu lum to ocn<la
lamer f I (Urdu)
0 lH The C m-C lo tho Av rc:J/ \,b b1m to rnl'l'lf ,000 Ael,
un<lO mound,, of pnck thren<l f ] (Urdu)
HJ Col ,rh<l Kh11'r Sultan to the livl,:yl/ A,ka him to ""n<l
2 Cllrt. at onee f l (Unln.)
HG Col 'll)d Kh11'r Sult~n to tbo Kvl~ul lutunat.,. that
Imam ,111,a guo.r<l IUU1 om,NI f 1 (Vrdu.)
H7 Col \IhJ lfh,tr Sul/•n I~ tho KN.-Jl C,n.,,n-, J,,m
for not~•~ DcL1S,bol on I ll1<:1nDn• <lrl>ln..J in tLr J..,t.-J/11 ••l•
him to wad them at once r 1 (Urda)
HS Gtn ,th<l Da1;ht Kh ,u to the Kolt::wl AJ« him In ...,,.J
4 cart. ■t once l l (Urda)
HP Th, C 1n-C to the Kvl,:"l ,\oh L,m In ffl><I R• fO
depooitNI 1n the Aolr,:Jn, to hi, C<>orto.n<ltn rrtam thr mrt• """' In
the Kvt,,-ali to their °"""'" (\ erso the KdrJ/ rarnH out th<-
10,trnehon,) f 1 (Per t.. Unla)
lliO C<>I,11111 Kh•rr '-ultin t, lh• Ke/rJ/ A•h L,m
to ..,,,J tho mrn n>mt<l1n th< J,tt« t, tL• ,i.1:urn< f I (I er)
H,l !Jhon <;ini;L, ,a,t K...,tr"I to the K, 'r,/ On,- an
ac.-onnt of 1hr r111ru100• •ari 1,.-J I, tt. Army (\ rn> r tl..-
J\,.,/r:-I a.hi.......-;b1m fo ~u.,,J t t1,..f\,1ua1f1 rn, of t!ic (" If..(, u,J
Col )lh<l hhrn '-ul1~n .,,u,,ut <ld,> ) f I (l r,!u)
la' \11,J \lirt1 \mlrl n ,JJ1, n! Ill J'•pu..m, w tl•
, !,' I i;..,, ., • 1 "i'' 1,, t 1 (l rlu l

1857 111 (c)-contin1ted

Aug. 9 153. Col. :M.hcl KJ!rnr Suli;tin to the Kotwal. Asks him
to send Qu<lir Bakl1sh to the Siibahdarof Sappers and :Miners f. 1.
,, 10 154 Col. ~1hd Kh1zr Sultan to the Kot10fil. Asks him to send
Durgii. Das and those bnnkors who havo promised to contribute money.
f. 1. (U1du,)
,, ,, 155. Col Mhtl Khin Sultan to the Kotwal. Asks him to
send the men nnmcd in tho lctto1 f. 1. (Per )
156. Col. l\Ihd Khizr Sultan to the KotJ1Jlit.Asks him to send
" " 4 O:\en f. 1 (Per.)
,, 16 7. The CAn-C to the Kot1oiit Intimates that of the 88
" sent by bun 24., nre ietamcd nnd tlc rest are sent back. £. 1
168. n'.f1rzii.nTh.d Abu Bala.· to the Kotwiil. Censures him
" " fo1 not sendmg Allah Dnkhsh, and asks him to send the man at
once f. 1 (Per)
,, 159-60 Khuda llak.hsh ;Khan, :Natb Kotwiil, to the Thanahdiirs
" of Chanclm Cbnuk and Guzar Qas1m Khan. Asks them to enqmro
n.bout tho properties of Gop1 N and Baldeo Sahai who offered to
stand bail respectively for Sheo Dayal and Pai bbu Dayal found to
be m possession of counterfeit coins £ 2. (Urdu )
160-8 13ml bonds executed by Gop1 Nath and Baldeo Sahni
" " m favour of Sheo DayaJ and Parbhu Dayal. f. 2 (Urdu)
164. ~iiizii Abu J3akr to the Kotwiit Intimates that Allah
" " Bakl1sh has an1ved f 1. (Per).
,, ,, 165 Akbar Khan to the Kottoal. Asks him to _send 10 black-
smiths to the M:agazme. £ 1. (Per.)
,, 16G The Krng to the Kotwal, Naib Kot1oalsand Thiinalidiirs
" Asks them to trace 2 m1ssmg seals of Halam Ahsanullah and
circulate the order that no one should take notice of a pa1 wanah or
any such paper bcarmg the seal of the Jfalam, f 1. (Per)
167 Col. :MJid Kb.izr Sultan to the Kotwal. Asks him to send
" " 2 carts for carrymg molasses. £ 1. (Urdu.)
,, ,, 168 1\1:ukhtar Saltanat to the Kot,oiil Directs him to forbid the
Thiinaltdar of Danba to use the bullocks belongmg to the Barlriir.
f 1 (Urdu)
11 169 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Asks him to release Raldu,
" doohe-bearer, defamed m the Kotwali f 1. (Urdu)
170 Gen, Mhd Bakht Khan to the .E.otwiit Asks him to
" " send o farners f 1. (Per )
,, ,, 171. Col Mhd K_h1zr Sultan to the Kotwiil Asks him to send
4 thatchers f 1. (Per )
172. Col Mhd Kh1zr Sul~an to the Kotwal A road 1s under
" " re1Ja1r, as1.s fo1 ~the supply of 26 baskets £ 1. (Urdu)

1867 111 (o)-contin11ed

Aug 11 173 Col :Ml)d Kh= Soll!n to tho Eolrdl Al'b for t. ropplr
of bnmhoo, strow,elo. f I (Per)
,, lH Gnng! Din Timn1; f;./,ddar of the 00th Jlogimcnt, lo tbo
Eol""'l Am bun to tend 2 torch be:,=, with Lunrs~ntl oil r l
U 175 Gen. :Ml).J. Bnkbt Kh"'1to the KUrclil A.I.. hun to .,.,,tl
8 d,ggon to the :ll1mach camp to bmy the cnrrn.e of an dcplulnl
f. 1 Per)
, 170 The Tlaoaldur of IloJghat to f.ho Kolt<:al Juicehim lo
ll(!Ildback JlAhA.J.nrKh&n, 6Jrqa•iar, who went to tho KJlrcuti I I
177 Mim Mhd Ahul IInmn to the Kotrlil A,\., !um to .,,,,I
" 4 hullocb belongu,g to tho Sarl:ar, clet.:uncd1n tL, K~lo,a/1 I I
., 178 (Illegible) to tho Kohrol A,b h,m to oond u =ny d,gi:,n,
un.J. coolico u ho cnn find, to tho trcncheo nt Qud,,yah &i;h. C. I
J 711 Tho C ln-C to tho l..vl,cal .A,ka bun to JC!l.J.10 clool,e.
to tho trcnohco. f I (Urdu.)
ISO Col llllid Kh,;r Sultln 11.chio..-l..Jgootbo =rt of tl"'
,\a16 KulriJl, p<h!Jon f 1 (Utcln)
181 Col Mhd Khr,r Sultw to the J..,6 Koltral A,\.-. blrn lo
aond K11.lnn1m, deunned ln tho KJtrc•/1J call• for 1111 •J;J•l&tUhon of
tho arrcrl. r 1 (Per )
182 Col :\fl,d Kb,µ-Snl!Aoto tbo .hJ,i Kl;t,r,,/ C,.,,rnrr,ih,m f,,,.
l!C!Ullng IOtDO mon !tlmmoncd Ly bun to tbo Court 0£ tho C In (,
ln•l,,.<llof lo him r I (Per)
13 1S5 Col 'lhJ h.h1fr Sultan to the ii, ,t Kot.-,/ A•h him t •
oon<l 2 c"'J"'nlcn. (\ tt00 Ilic J.•frJI alt,ncu lo tl,o m1ttr,ill m)
f l (Pt'l' 1
151 Oan~ Dm Tom1rl to !ho Au/.-11 A,,, horn In rcn,I !
toreh tx-:.rcr-o,ntl,lomJ"' au<lo,1 r I (Ur<l11-)
185 ,ru\JJl4r &l[llDat to tiw Ai!l't<•l A•\• I 1111 t, i;rt 1n,.,.. pf
tho loon,,. Lcloni;m~ to tbo °'-'''"'an<l 7rnd ,i.1p1 lJc;,r;1rn rn,o><,J
Lv tho len:inl> r I tUr<la)
J~r h1taluh, :I•'•ld.r of ILe CO!h ll"!;lm,nt t, tl,o Ae/r,1/
Jui.. for the ouppl1 of I I l>n\ tti:t•I<" r 1 (Ur,!•)
,. 157 (111"1.~>I<) to II"' Av/r.,/ 11.. trnl ) r '""'"' •1~1~nl lo
th, lctt• rt, tLo ?\lm,,ch Co«o £ 1 (lTrJu.)
ISS All 11,~~,h lo lh• AJ'r ,/ ,\,l, luin ~, rtln" 4 I ull "'h
l>dorh'"~ t, tJ,c ~rl,r ,l,tomnl in th,- J.u/~J/1 £ I (I ,J.,_)
i'\l ( J ~lh,\ hl,,tr !,ul1ln t, tl>< J..r.,.ol hl• l 1m I, "d
JU =l• to UuJ,,ynL lui:L f<.r tr.c 1,.t Wvrl r I (ll11luI

1857 111 (a)-continued I I

Aug 13 190. Col Ml}.d Kluzr Sultan to the Kot'UJiil Acknowledges_
the ieceipt of the J.laib Kotwal's petition f. 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 191. Col. l\fhd K_h1zr Sultan to the Kot10iil. Asks lnm to send
the men named m the letter £ 1 (U1du)
14 192., Col 1'1:hd fil!1zr Sultan to the Kotwiil Acknowledges the
" 1·ece1ptof 1,650 pieces of bamboo f 1. (Urdu).
n ,, 193 The C -in-C. to the Kotwiil Says that he has been rnformed
of the £act that the Tltiinaluliirs make unnecessary delay m attendmg
to his reqms1hons, sends pa1 wii1lahs reprimandmg them for the
delay f. 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, 194, Col. 1v1hd K111zrSultan to the Kotwiil. Intunates that 4
bankers have a1rived. £ 1 (Per )
,, 195 FaIZUllah, $ii&a!tdiir of the 60th Re.g1ment, to the Kotwat
" Asks hrm to send N ainu to make a sheath for hIS sword £ 1.
(U1du) -
,, 196 Shaikh Ramzan, $ubaltitiir of the 6th Regrment, to the Kot10iil
" Asks him to send a water-earner. f I. (U1du)
,, 197 Radha SinghJ $ubaluliir of the 67th Regiment, to the- Kotwiil.
Asks him to acqmre a house near the Delhl Gate for hospital purposes.
£ 1. (Urdu)
,, ,, _ ·198. Gen Mhd Bakht Khan tQ the Kotwlil Asks hrm to supply
a. pnce-hst of provisions f. 1 (Per)
,, 199 Col Mhd Kh1zr Sultan to the Kofwiil. Asks hnn to engage
15 goldsmiths and blacksmit!_is for makmg gun-oaps, etc. f 1.
(Per) ,,
,, 15 200 Mlfd Umar Khan, Commandmg-Officer of the 30th Regunent,
to the Kotwlil Asks him to send 2 carpant0rs and 4 coohes to repair
a door of his house f 1 (Pe1 )
,, 201. The C -m-C to the Kotwiil Asks him to place guards at
places where a brnach 0£ the peace 1s apprehended (Verso ,Khuda
J3akhsh Khan, Naib Kotwal, says that arrangements have been made
£ l. (Urdu)
,, ~02-3 Mhd Kh1zr Sultan to the Kolwiil Asks him to send 40
, bullocks f 2 (Urdu and Per )
,, 20~ Muzii. Mhd Abul Hasan to the - Kotwii.l Asks him to send
" 4 carts to the Lahoie Gate to brmg fuel f 1 (Per.)
,, ,, 206 Col Mirza lihd Ba.khta.war to the Kotwiil. Asks hnn to keep
10 bullocks 1eady m the Kotwiiii £ l (Pei )
16 206 Shaikh Ghau§ Muhammad, a snrgeon attached to the Nasuab:fd
force, to the Kotw<U. Asks him to send 2 doobe beare1s to the hospital
f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 207 Ghulam Husain Khan, Thii11alidarof Ra,jgbat, to the Kofmil.!fil to sent! 5 mar,ons to the Kotwiili. f. 1. (Urdu)

1857 111 (o)-confinuecl

Ang 16 209 CoL MJ;,dKh,µ Salt4n to th& li611NI .A.b him to send the
men named m tho letter f. 1 (Per)
,, 209 CoL M1).d KhlJI'Soli!n to the EoJrral AJb hun to ,end the
pnnc,pru mill: men of the to= f. 1 {Per)
17 210-2 Ml)d Kh,µ Snli!n to the Na,6 Eolriil Ail.:, bunto ltnd
Sandra, Danlnt Rtun and .AJuru.dKh!ti at onco. I 3 (Urdu.)
n 215 Col MJ;,d Kh1fr Bnl!cln to tho Eotral Aelrnowl. the
receiptof !us petition.{ 1. (Urda )
., 214 Fa!,ullah, &.baAdar of tho 00U, ~meat, to tho EJlrJ/
Ath rum to oend 2 torch ben=a mtb lampo anil-oil. f. l (Urda )
18 216 Karim Dil.dKhln, IJafodar of tho 0th Rti:1mC11t, to tho Eoll"JI
Sen~ back 6,eQrcro as the march of tho rcg,mtnt JI pootpo!lnl
f 1 (Por)
" 210 Sa,y,d lmdAd .l\11,Colonel of tho SU, Regunent, to tho J.e/.,al
.Aru rum to oend a cart. t l (Per)
217 "\Ilid Faif Dak]µh,bDl>aldar of tbo ?,.,mi,ch fore<', to khndJ.
Dakbsh KhAn l>a16-Koltcol Say, that 'Thd D•kb>h and Sa'Jnllah
have abocondedi aob him tolmce tbCJDand rtal.izo from them tbo money-
tboy owo lmlm :\II on account of""°'" JOi<ell"'J'ho haJ drf'OlltcJ "1th
thorn and which ,.... .tolen wht1oIn tht,/r cnstot!y (\ Cl"loI tho J.Jt,,J/
111yathat they pa,d np f. I (Urdu)
218 Col :lll)d Khlfr SaltAn to tbo hu,I E•lrJI ,uu lum to
110ndthe jerrello111whom ho oent bclotc f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 210 l.61 Ilab!dur, Colonel o{ the 121h Rt;;1mttll to lho li•l•J/
Say• that ho h111sent l=k the dool,c,.Lcnrrn. f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 2!0 Col llll)d Kh1fr Snl(ln to tho liolo:-J/ As~• h,m to nrplr
40 p1cct1 ortt<'<l-40rtenl at Oll<"C r I (Unlu.J
221 The Keto:-Jlto the C In O np that a mn,ltt !, ly,o~ on
" cla,mtd at the Jili/rlfi pr,,y, tlat ho ~l Lo p,rm,tlcJ lo uM ,t antn
tho O'll'nereomet forth to c!a,m ,t. f l (Urdu)
22! M1n:i :111,,dAbnl llaa:in to tho KiJfrJI C,n,urt< him f.,,
" omdi~ the gamblera nmmonrd by him to tho =rt of C.ol \11,,1
Kh11r SullM and ub him to =II and .,nd tb<m I<>him f l (I tr)
10 223 Oen. ]{!Jd Jlakht Khln to the J.olr•I .A,11 Wm lo •"rrlr
bulloc1'1,1,n!l,,10<'1,clc. for tnruporl work I l (Urdu.)
•u The Colonel of tLo JoJ...,r Rq:,mtnl lo the JiMrJ/ A,\, b1rn
" to ;.IMUCIlbol:ir dool,~m "ho l, • 1trnnl of lho <",,rUr ■n'I I•
dct•llled in tho Ko/rl/1 f I (UrJa)
225 Th• Kvlrr•l to th,, C in.C lk<-<>mmM!<l• tbt- ,luml,.«l tft-rk e(
" lho TA,lod Claudni CL•n\: for mn,tatcmtnt. I I (llrJ,..)
ua Col \!hd h.b11r Sal1,a to the KJ/r,1/ A,u Um I" .,,,,i I
" lum t~ Lanl:rn of th• tu,m. r l (Ur,111.)
227 Col \!t.,J b.l,!1r ""' In 1~ 11...,KVrJI A,h l.1to to ..-w~
" orl• {or lrnuf'Jrt 11'od:l I (I cf J

1857 111 (c)-continued

Aug 20 228 Col. Mhd K111zrSultan ' to the Kot10iil. Asks him to supply
16 pieces of reed-screens f. 1 (U1du)
,, 229. Lal .Bahadur, Colonel of the Jhans1 Regiment, t,o the Kot10al
" Asks him to send 25 coobes, f. 1. (U1du)

,, 230. Gen. Mhd :Bakht Khan to the Kohviit. •Asks him to trace
" some nussmg camels. f T. (Per )
- " ,, 231 Gen. Tah'yar Kha??- to the Kottoiil Asks lhm to send 30 coolies
to the tienches. f. 1. (Urdu.) I

,, 21 232. fili :Bakhsh to the KottfJiit Sends a man to identify the

bullocks belongmg to the Sarlar, detamed 111 the Kotwiili £ l (Urdu)
,, ,, 238 The Kotwiil to the Pltiinaltdii1of the Lahore Gate Asks hun to
pay the salary of the officiatmg 'l'hanahdii1 of his Thiinah (Verso the
1'hii'ttahdiirsays that he has· received orders from higher authonfaes
about paymg him.) f 1. (Urdu)
,, 234. The Kotwiil to the Thiinalidii1s. Seqds a parwiinali from the
" Cnminal Court and asks them to follow the mstrucfaons contamed ~
therem f. l (U1du.)
JI JJ -!35. K1shan Dayal, Subah&.r MaJor, to the Kotwiil. Asks him to
send 50 coolies £ 1. (Urdu,) ,
- ,,, ,, 236 Col :Mhd Kh,1zr SulJian to the Kotwiil Asks him to send 50
coobes to the trenches at Sahmga1h f 1. (Vrdu)
., 237 Mhd Nihal, M1tnsln of a Risala, to the KotwiiZ Censures him
" for not rehevmg V\Tazir, a baker, engaged m his Risata, asks him_ to
relieve the baker at once f 1 (U rdn )
238 Col. Mhd JG!1zrSultan to the Kot1lJat Asks him to send 20
" " diggers to the JJaro!lAahof the Gunpowder factory f 1 (U1du)
,, 239. Mhd Kl!,1zrSultan to the Kotwiil Asks him to anest and send
" Jatha and Nannu to him at once f l (Pe1.)
,, 240. The C -m-C. to the Kofo;~l ~sks, Lim to submit the proceedmgs
" of a case regardmg counterfeit corns. (Verso the Kotwat sends them)
f 1 (Urdu)
,, 241 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Asks him to send Jagan Nath,
" clerk of the Kotwiiti, to hnn f 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, - 242 The C -m-C to the Kotioiil Intimates that Mhd Khan and
Mhd Bakhsh have amved £ 1 tPer)
243 The Kotroal to the Thanahda1s Sends a pnce-hst of provisions
" " for c1roulation. f. 1.., (Urda ) ,.
,, 244, The Kiittoal to the Phii'11ahdars Asks them to cheer up the
" 01tizens and not allow any one to leave the city f. 1 (Urdu)
,, 245 Mhd Tahsm 'Ah to the Kottoal Asks send 2 bullocks.
" :f 1. (Urdu}
,, 246 i-rnza Mhd Abul Hasan to the Kotwiil. Asks him to send 2
" saddle-makers f. 1. (Per.)
:!'70 mrTINY PAPITilS

1857 111 (d)

l\IS Foll 16G, nu101H me..
Ang 1-3 l\Iulummod Bnkbt Kh~n d1recla the Kottral to sond doolic-
be:uen, tai1on and a!.o to supply holWoes f 3 (Urdu k rer)
4 Ordtr of tho Col (ruuno not g,ron) to the Xohol, Tulb,, lo
send carla. f 1 (Urdu) t

" 6--0 Satpd '1nhAm\: Shih, Eotrral, dirt<?t. tbo TAa•adar, to ffi'l'
a copj of the pnce hst of foodotnlF•■,nt to them, nod to ■upplr cool,,..
oupcnten zruuoru etc. f 2 (Urdu} _
!3 7 Order of the Ilngad&-mnJor (namo not gircn) to Khmh Rakh•h
ltm6 Eolrcal, to ■end ._...,era nnJ gold■m1U.. to tho Ni=h Comp
f I (Urdu.)
n 8 Order of the Col iDAmenot ginn) to tbo Kohral, D,lb,, to
llCDdhukeu. f l (U r<ln.")
,, 9 Order of tbo Col (.,..J 11legi1,Je)to tho Koltral D,rtd ■ lum
to pTOTide• hot!JO for the mle ot cAara, 1 nc:ir tbo Eolrrali f l
10 Statement of ParbbndnyA) rtgnrd,ng tbo aalo of connlmnl
gold mobnr■ =d• by blm. f 2. (Urdu )
11 12 'fnl;tammod D3kbt Khan d1rtct. tbo liE/JrJ/ lo amd roob.-..
f 2. (Urdu.)
,. 13 J\fnlummn,l Ilakbl Kh&n (name illc;:,blc) to the Ku/r,J/ Aoki
tluita poll,her =1 be "1ll to him f l (Per)
24 14 Jan ftlr KMn Inform• tbo Holtr•l of tbo amral of cool,t1 Ofnl
by !um. f 1 (Urdu.)
15 Jin 1\h Khln .,,knorrlo<l1:tttho r=1pt of 1 mann<l•of rJ.rJt
l (Urdu.)
]G Order of the Cot (namo nnt ,tof'1l) lo the K,rt.-II lo ''''"' him
' tbo .. nor,ot rnl=1c,ting drug, who J,.,. rlot<J t~m ,bop, I I
17 'inlLAn,ruhommad """" the F:ot,,,1/In rom= th• J:U>nh In m
" tbc bou•• 10 ,,h 1ntourahni; drn,:, are kl'J t 1U1Jto ttn I n, drui:<
lo L,m f 1 (Unln.)
Jq Th, ,rnl,Jitlr S,t1on>l to lbo F:otr I A)'pn-.o ~rtl,• ••tt"t
t,on that •ur11t,,...for tb, empl,,,.,., ol t~ TJ •• tn•rA' F."'M t,., ,.,.
rneo<l on crc,!11Croma nndor of prvrnfon, ..-Lowill I e ,,.id
from t~,lr
ul:i.n.._ f I {l nlu.)
I~ The C~in C wr<"<I•lh& Ii fr JI to rnr1Jy r,om,!o an,! url•
" to th• RrrJ/Ja, Hlh lt,,:,m•nl_ f I (l'r,ln J
H 20 :!>!tl~btlr S,t ,uut tllrt 1 ◄ thc A, fr.I fo rnludh• Jtnl (rem •
tlaodn,:t ~nl h ,J,.tn>Jnlq; brr pn ..,rt,
~ I (---) t~ fui,,.!1 11,lJ ,h hl.ln 1t ,1<1...,I•lwl IJ,~t i •
vnant "''1 l.., n:J,,..,l ( I (l rJc !......__ _ ___ _
1 \ JP1~rt ....., tf l'• lJrli.Ao
1857 111 (d)-contin1ted
Aug 24, 22 Knrim Bakhsh to the Kotroiil. Asks him to send some diggers.
£ 1 (U1<lu)
,, ,, 23. 1\.udu1 Rahim solicits the Kotwo.l to direct ono :'\fammii, go1d-
snuth, to nttond to J\.bdm Rahim's wo1k without fm ther delny. f. I
(U1du.) ,
,, ,, 24: Order :from the Comt of the :Mutineers to the Kotzoiilto send
Tiirii. Chnnd, Thakur Das nnd others £. 1 (U1du)
,, 26, The Kot zoiilsends prioo-hst of foodstuffs to. the Phanlulii1s f I
" ~~) -
,, ,, - 26 Tho Kotwiil directs Tluinaltdiirs to supply coolies, carpenters, dig-
gers, &c. f 1 (Urdu.)
)J I 27 Tho Kottoal directs Tlrnnahrliirs to son<lthe dealers m mtox1oat-
" mg drugs to the Kot10iili £ I (Urdu.)
28. The C -in-C directs tho Kottoiil to supply doohes with bearers
" " to Sadhiili Smgh f l (U1du)
29 The C -m-C. directs the KotwiU to realize watchmen's fees

£tom certnm peisons nnd to obtam bonds from them for futme 1egula.1:
payment. f. 1. (Urdu,)
80. Jan ~Ji Kh,iin to the Kot101il.States tl1at he sent 36 doohe-bearers
" " to the Kotwali and refers to Jagannath, a ole1k of the Ko#ioiili, for
veufi.cailon of hIBstatement. f. 1. (Urdu.)
26 31. 01der from the Colonel's- Court to the Kotwal to supply reed-
" screens. £ 1. (Urdu)
32 Muhammad l\firza, Thiina!ula-r,Bh0Jlapahar1, sends one unola.1m-
" " ed buffalo to the Kot10ali £. l. (Urdu)
,, >} 38 Order from the Colonel's Comtto the Kotwalto supply 20 bakers
and one ll'On oven to the Camp of l\fhd 1311,khtKhan. f l (Urdu)
,, 34. Mhd Bakht Khan directs the Kot10iit to send a cart to h1m.
" f l (U1du)
85 Order from the Colonel's court to the Kotwal to send 200 coolies
" " to the trenches at Sahmgarh f 1. (U1du)
36 Lallu Smgh to the (C.-m-C ) Seeks a situation f 1. (Urdu )
,," 37 Colonel (name not given) m£oims the Kotwal that the bakers
" sent by him have airived £, 1 (Urdu )
,, 38 Colonel(name not given). Acknowledges the receipt of a petition
from-the llaib Kotwal. £ I. (U1du)
26 S9 N awab Yar Khan, Kotwal, Delhi Fort, to , tbe Kotwiil, Delhi
" Sends some pnsoners back to the Kotwali, says ~hat they may be sent
when summoned f l (Urdu)
,, ,, 40 Dr I;IawiiJJ Bakhsh asks the Kotwal to send 8 doohe-bearers
- f 1 (Urdu)


1867 111 (d)-continued

Ang 20 41 The C m-C drrech the .Kolral to procJnlm tht thooc ttho
have J01ned tho Ilnreilly Camp hnng left their own regiment. 1honld
return to theu respcctn·e regunent,,, olhenme, they ■h•II Ix, pnn1,hnl
f.,] (Unln)
,, 42 Colonel (n&menot rl&ted) tnform1 tho .Kolral that be L.. ~t
00 dooho-bearer■ to him f. 1 {Unln J
27 43 Mnkbtiir Salt,anat directs tho K4frcal lo =ltzc the CanAI rcnf ■
from (Thnllm N11lnKhdn. f 1 (Unln.)
4~ (•) The C ,n-C. omncuon1le,m, lo lmlm11d Din
(b/ The J.a,6 Ko/real recommcniJ. U..t Im!mud Din• brofht-T
be appointed 1n lm!mnd Dm'■ pffl dnnng h11 ohsenc,, f l
45 Mt.rm lllhd Abnl IIBQn d1rtcl1 the £ulrrol to send a l'oli,hcr lo
him £ 1 (Urdu.)
40 Sh,u1tlJ(Tho11JMuhammad ub tho K4trcal to 1Cnd2 <loo!,,,.1"1fh
1-rer■ to him f 1 (Urdu J
47 Colonel (nnme not rlnted) direct■ the K6/,,.iil lo OJ<'Ct!ho OffU
pout■ of ft cn!nrn honJe and ■end 1t• hy to him £ I (Urda)
2~ 49 Colonel (namo not ,utcJ) ,hrcct. the /iufr•I to o<'ndlo him the
bnnlcer■ who promised to i"'J R, Jo,000 doily £ I (llnln)
tO Ili,hnn<lnt T1.-Ari Ilnh~c-MaJor, ,..1c ■ the KiJ/,,.iJ/In" nil to b,m
12 dooly L<,oren. £ I (Urtln)
50 (&al fllegiole) to the Kofru/ D,rc,,t■ him to nri;e Ohnl.lm
?\ah, Kh~nto l"'Y the CantJ rent, f I (Urda)
fi l .Miru '1hd <hum•• o,l, the AutrJ/ lo ordtr TAu,.A,1.,r, lo r.,m-
oul the • 01'1,,,.1mm<'11'11elyf l (LrJu)
f,2 Colonel (name not •lal,-1) a,L, lht J.Jlr•l lo ■ tn I on, llaL,I
JIAm to L,m f I (Lnln.)
fi~ ('!ttl illtJ:lble) tot~ 1.;Jt,r ,I Inform, him l~l \I~ I 11,tl l,
" h•• otlcnde<I the C'oQrt (0£ the \lnhn<cri) r I (UrJa)
bi MIJd TI•J<blh.h&n ulca totbr I.ot.-1/ to f"J '"'h""' to «rial•
...-,t<r-c:>m'fl f I \Urda)
" r,5 Colonel (llllme nol•<l) J,re,t, tl,o As/,,.../ In r"--~'"''" tL,
<ity tl~ anr one foond ~Ll,ni: •h•ll J,. rnnl!lb.,J f I (I r,!11)
r,o ,1ukl1tAr C:al1anal a,ka lho hot.-./ lo i:,t ourrl,,. r r ''"' ,..,.
,OMM"f, from tht t"t1'111on or proTJO(tnf i tl,l"'Yt.1II JJldnt""'
mr11h for""""!: mon•> IUCL,,ni,: nu.Jc f ) (Lnla)
r,7 'Colonel (n•m• nut Jlnt..J) dll'fft, tLr A lr I not lo I"'.-" I~<
lonLrn forfurihtr ffl!'!l<J .. ,thout Ito o,p, .... onh orlb k,nh ' I
(I rdo)
L~ ('kal illt;:,1,1,).. l, tl • J.,/r ,/ lo ,,.nJ or< \ll;,J 11;1.l!. W 1•.-
C<otl (.C \lulinttn) I I (llnla.)


1857 111 (d)-continued
Aug. 2s 59. (Seal il!Pgiblc) ns1,s the Kof1ot71
io send Gmda M:al and others
to the Comt f 1 (lJHln)
GO :MhclJ\Inzhnuul~Dm nsks the K.0l1rii!to send a bullock ca1t to
" " him f 1. (Uuln)
,, Gl. (Seal 1llcg1hle) <l1rccl1,the 1i.-0l1c(ilio ic·ll all Tlli'inaltrlarsthat
" they sbonl<l not sunplr adrnowlc1lgc the 1ccmpt of 01de1s but must
c:my them out f l (Unlu)
,, 02 (Seal 1llcg1Llc)sends bork U11cc pei -;ons sent by the Kotwiil
" ns they me not w.mtecl , ai::ks hnn io send only those that have been
summoned f 1 {Urdn)
,, fl3 Colonel (m1111c not ,.,f~1icd)askc;the J,.o//or7lto sen<l GokuJ, go1d-
" snuth, and his son io=-ether '\\ith Ham Dny:d, Ycnclo1of p1ov1s1ons f. 1
,, 6J (Seal 1llcg1Llc)clnccf.,sthe Koltoiil to 1epo1t on the death of a
womnu occas1onc<lbj he1 fall rnto :i well f 1 (U1du)
,, 65 (Sc,tl 1lleg1blc)ac;k<,the J,,:ot,rMto c;enda mason £ l {U1du.)
,, JJ cmColonel (name not. ~tJicd) a-,h the Xohoiit to send 10 coohes
f 1. (U1<lu)
,, G7 l\lh<l ll,1kht Klmn ,, the Ku/uJil (o i,cnd ,J..far11e1sto him
" f. 1 (U1dn.J - - '
GS ~fhd 'Uma1 Kh;m nskc; the Kot1riil to <,encla tmlor to him
" " f. 1 (Ur<ln )
,, 60. l\Jh<l Qnunas nc;l,s the Kol,clit to send Debi Smgh, l\fohnn
" and othe1s to him f 1 (U1dn)
7 0 J-Ia.,an KJ1,in nsks the XvtuH7l to .,end 2 sa" ye1s to him

f l (U1du)
JJ ,, 71. (Seal 1lleg1blc) du eds the Ko tu iU to pioclaim m the city by
beat of d1um that any one chaigmg moie than one anna, on the
cm rent 1 upee as d1scou11tshall be pnmi,he<l £ 1 (U1du ) ,
,, 30 7 2 Khuda Bakhsh, llmoalda1, asks the Kotwtil to help Atma Ram
in selcctmg usef-ul masonb £. 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 73 Mhd Qaumas asks the Kotwiil to send to him cei tam pe1sons
summoned by hnn f 1 (U 1 du )
)) ,, 7,i Colonel (name not stated) dnect:. tbe Kotwc7lto see that Gopal
Smgh gets back his wife who has eloped with a de1 k of Paha1gan3
thanalt £ l. (U1du) ?

75. lVlhd Bakht Khan <lJJ ects the £.otwiil to send dooly beaiers,
" " f 1. (U1du)
,, 76 Mhd Qaumas clnects the Kotwal to send :M:ohanLal and
" othe1 banke1s to him £ 1 (U1du)
77-8 The C -m-C duects the Kotwiit to send to him the prmc1pa.l

corn-chandlers f 2 (U1du)
79 Mhd Bakht Khan duects the the Kotioiil to send some
" " dooly bearers f. 1. (U 1 du)

1857 111(d)-contmued
Aug 30 SO (Sen! 1lleg1ble) Jirech the Kolw:al to report the port1cularw -or
a certrun qunnhty of nncwmed gnm f I (U nln)
SI Jan Ah Khln uls tho Ko/real to oend ,ome Jooly kartrs to
the 28th Ileg1ment. f l (Urdu.)
82 G.Jlonel (nomo not afateJ) uh the Kotw:al not lo send fur
Chandar Sen, :Mahan Lt.I nnd others. f l (Unln)
83 Colnnel (nsmo not atnted) uh the lo.otw:alto collccl and ,:upply
1mlphnr £ l {Urdn)
S~ \lliil Dnkht Khnn a,u the Kolw:al to aencl • urrenter f I
8li Mhd llal,_ht Khln n,l• the J.o/,ral to aend oome ,l,ggm r
5G Colonel (nume nol •luted) aal<athe Kolral to aend one Sll1g llAru
to l11m f 1 (UrJ11)
81 87 ( olonel (Mme not •lnteJJ n,l• tbo J.o/rJI lo ••nJ "ulunJ JAI
onJ othen< to lum f I (Urdu.)
~~ ( olonel (nomo not aloteJ) ••l• the Kofra/ lo DUil, a .,..l't'b !or
the Rlllphur report.,J to l,e con«aled r I (UrJu)
SP 'fhe C' on C dnwt• the kvlr•I to .. nJ Jooly l,.>,r,u to th•
tr<>nehN.f I (l nlu)
<10 (Se:.\ illep;ibl,) tl,rrct, the Ko/NI to p=bnn m lh• o,tv th>l
the Court nlnne " rompetent to r:nM •nl,;<nJ>11on1 for the n:p,.n•N or
the wur r I (Ur,lu.)
PI lolonel (n:,me not alot.JJ u\:t tho A, fral lo .em! I «,M auJ
a enrt r I (lfr,ln I
02 '111f' Avlrul ..c l..1 1MtntrHon, or tl~ C in C rt-"r:1nl1t1}, t! (I
or,ler of \!h,I llolht l\h•n th,t pMpl• of tLo oty •h uU I .,,,.,1
n, mud,tt4 a., flOC'L■ rlPl"I J, lnrL th attnt'
nnt t "\ k1tt', onll <l11.t"L:sfJ.,i"
r I (ll"ln)
,q Jro HA.m$tJ1"1Ad,,r D~ld thr Av/,e d to ~.-n1 D rrrtn-cl11,JI«
r l 1lrJ11)
I \l I C,t ,n,t {n•m• n, l •l•IN) a l• tlio Aclr I tn ,-nd a ,ut,b
mol.CTtc h,m r I (l rdu)
11, (~I 11le;:,II<) 1 ►lt tb• A t.-11 to~ Mtr lb< I,, ,\, 1..-1n ""• t
\!.ub\l Q1<~mu J Drn Crom \\ uir All an I m,1., th,m oTer IJ b1r1
f I {l, "In J
" l lone\ (nam• not ,ht"1) a,l. tL, J.Jt,,11 I uf>lu• !) wt ••
nl ,...!, r \,.,. t<l fltpl an I ll<nl I I (UrJo)
q, Th• F.vt.-11n,b t !.- I"' I It, :l • .o, tt• 1Jm l.nn,: 'f'' I
lD I< Ion, lb, r"~ flffh r I l l rlo)
\, (., I I I {namr n 1,1.1,.JJ a•••tL< KJt.-JI t, l,r, a f o•< f 1
J,.1,\1,n- I "'i'".-. I I (U"}q)
1857 111(d)-con( w1tecl
Sep_ 1 ()!) Colclllcl (11nmc not sfntccl) nc.],c;the Xoltriil to fiend a blndsmith
awlara1pente,r f.l tU1dn)
100. ;\11H1Bnkht Khan n<.,l;:<; il1c Kot1viil not to engage a ceitam
" " "ntcr-cn1r1e1 as n bi'r;,iri1 £ l (UHlu)
., 2 ]Ol i\Ihcl Kh1i1 SnlUin cl11ccf.,tlie Ko/11,<ilto anest anu send
:i\iammnn, a clenlci 111 -.ilk, 1mmccl1.lfel; :f 1 {U1dn)
,, ,, I 02 -:i\Inkhl 1r Sa]t.mnt rnfo1ms the Koltofil that the ies1gnafaon
temlc1e<lLy 1\lh<l Khiin ha<.,Leen nre<.'ptccl nncl that Yusuf Khan has
been appomfccl m }us pl.1cC'.f 1 (U1du)
J03(n) 'l'hc Kvf,rtil to Jhtm1mn'd-l>nu1.1h. Sends dooly-heaiers.
" " f ] (U r<ln )
(b) 'l'hc nbo, c bentcrs aie sent hack ns they =1-rc unfit £ 1
,, )0~ Mhcl K11111 SnlFlll,1skc,tho Rotwiil to w1thclrnw guardsf1om
" tlto horn,cs of Gopi and othe1.:i f ] (U1<lu)
101 1\Ihd Klu11 Snltiin asks tbo A~o!wtil to repo1t the pa1ticula1s
" " regm clmg 1he d10:m1ss.1lof ,1 clc1k f 1 ( UI clu )
10(3 Mhd Kh171 Snl(lin a ,kc; the Kolldil to supply 1~~d ecieens
" " f l (U,du)
3 l 07 ?\1hd Kl117r Sn1t:in ac,ks tuo Kotwril to send the arms of
those i:;cpoys\\ 110 me on le n c f l (U1du)
108 r.l hd Kh 71 Sultan a 1.s thP. Kot 10iil to exempt Khan
" .111
)) mad f 10111 duty a~ he 10: 111 the c£'1 vice of the kmg f J
(U1dn )
I) 1OD ·Mhrl K}m~t, Sultan a..:;J,sthe Kol,ciil lo close the gntte1 of
the hon.,e of AlnanJii.n, a tJanC'rng gnl, 'lS 1t passes th1ough the lane
m wlu<'h Lhe house of :Maza Gl11ya~n'd-Drn 1c; s1tn.1ted f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 1] 0 'l'hc $;;bal11/ii1of the B,1ttnhon <:tn.tioneclat, the Lahoie Gate
aqJ..c,the Aof10iil to supply mk ,m,I pen-. f l (UtJn)
,, 111 The C -111-C <lnl'<'fa,the Kotwiil to send 200 coolies to the
" tienche<: at K1shanganJ f 1 (C1dn)
,, Jl 2 Jco Hum, 8Hbahdt71, askc:. the KotrPiil to get- a dead camel
" lyrng m the d1t<'h below tLe iampart, 1emoved f l (U1du)
1 l 3 :Mhd -A1Jdn'l Gha:ffii1 asks the Kot10al to -send a pohsher
f l (U1du)
,, )) ] 14 KhuJa BakLbb, Supeuntentleut of the .M1htu-y Stores, mfo1ms
the Kotwa.lthat the ca1de1 whom he sent has anwed £ ~] (U1<lu)
JJ )1 115 Mhd Bakht Khan aslrs the Eotwiil to send 4, dooly-'bea1ers
to the house of :Mauln:n s~nfa1az Ali f l (U1<lu)
11tt .\,hd Khiz1 Sultan asks the Kotwal to send a uupeote1, a
" " blacksmith and a man who knows how po cane· chaus, etc, f 1
Forced labom n with or mtLout pay.

1857 111(cl)-continued
Sept. 8 117 'fhd Bn!Jit Khllll a,,l1 the Ko/,r11l to w,d 10 uool.-
hearcn to the 20th Reg1IUent f 1 (Urdu)
4 118. ;\Ink!JtAr Soltllnnt 1111.■ the E:of=l to hold m uepo!lt the pn~
of gram recei.-cd from the 1'1maoh camp nohl further order■•
f 1 {U11ln)
,, 110 'lhd Khip- Snlf;ln E:ot.:al to mppl) n dook to
'.l.nfiuyllb Khnn f 1 (U ruu )
12n Mhu Kh= Sul1fin 010 the Ka/ral to ,enu rte<l-.c=
f 1 {Urolu)
,, 121 ,11,t<lKh1p- 'iJlt&n a,I•• the Ku/,:al to send one IladriDU
to !um f 1 (Urdu)
122 ,[hd Khur SoltAn •••• the Kvfral to prm-tnt the lad
chnrncler. of the ctl) from rummg the gnrden of Il•urnd Din l\11 J:{.h!n
f 1 (Urdu)
123 The Avf10al to the 1'A,1uU,1r 1-.n,hm,r G•to h,m to
oend the pnnc1p:,l com-<:h•ndler■ f 1 (Urdu.)
121 The Ko/I<'(,/to the TAa•aAtlir, L:ihoro Oote To tho ume
effect•• the {on'g<nng f I (Unlu)
12, ,[hd Clnnmi• rnfonn, tho Kv/,: ,I th,t no mon- ~,t, .,..,
nt pn-,ent tnnteu f I (Urdn)
120 '1h l Q,umn• n,h the Aol.- ,I to ,upph 2 earh to a stpoy
who t< gomg to the n,nJun Dn<lgc f l (Urda J
127 ,1111,ht\r '-•ltannt ,ul-. the Kolru/ to ,end to him the LtaJ mt11
of u,r!ercnl tmJ,.. f I (l nln )
128 h_b\n ll•h\ lnr Kh~n /l•r, ,, / ,r "'"' the Kvfr I to .,.nJ ~
lalcr, r I (l nlu)
12 t ('<nl ilt~l le) n,1., tL• Ji Ira/ t, ll<'tlt! S Jooly k.rm
f I (Ln!n)
J~0 \lh I tJi1zr Solt\n n•ls the Kvt.-.,/ to otn.l 1000 LnndlM or
•tr:iw f 1 (lnln)
0 1,1 The livlrs,I to tho TJ ,..A/ ,r, 1,.n,Lmir Oatr A•h him 11>
""'"1• 11:l<!dte-molcrf 1 (l rJo)
13! The liv/,-.,1 to n.i,m,t nl hh h,Lln, /f,.-,/,/,r A,l, bun to
oth nd tLo ronrl f 1 (l run)
1:1, ,\llJiD h..bln 1nfomi• the As/r,/ tlul he hs, ,en! Oan~1 JUo,
ond othon to the livfre/1 C 1 (t'rdn.)
1,1-. 'The K.t,-J/ • t. all 11,e 'i'A ulJ1N to vnt! tL• rnot1r•l
,L~m.i..,,, fr< Cl thr,r r-,,1""-t"c JUn•liM1on.. f 2 (U,do.)
13G TI,• Ado,/ 1,-nJ•!Lorn~ lulof f,,..-.1,et!, toa!ITlJulJlt1
f I ,U,,Jo)
1i7 llfi ! hLsn nl hh TJJ,,V,r Turloc:>o Oa•• •tt. ',c:olut« t.,
t!.er.i.,, t ! 1 (l rJ:1.1
1857 111 (d)-continuecl
Sept 6 l '38. (Seal 11Ieg1blc) ac;ks t hr K.otwal {\) b"llU 2 b.ttl<llc-ma1.ers,2
ta1lo1sand l tent-maker f l (Per)
,, 13!J The Xot1ctil asks all T!uinaluh7,s to sn~ply coolies, caipenters
" and othor cmftsmen f 1. (U uln)
,, 7 1,10 'J'he C -111-C<l1recb:,tho Kol 1cr7tto i,end some ca.1pcnte1s and
blncksnuLhs f 1 (U1dn)
1·11 Ghnu~ ~Iuh.numcd .1<..k::, the Kotwiilto 1cle,1sc a cci tam wate1-
" " c.irrier. f 1 (Urdn.)
,, 8 ] 42 The clnccf., LLch o/rori.lto sen<l to O,c Royal Treasmy the
house-rents fo1 ~ months collccLc<lh} lum f l (Urdu)
,, 143 The Adlw,U sends the pricc-hst of food~tuffs to the C -m-C
" f 1 (Urtlu)
1,14, 'The C-m-U c111cd:::ithe .Autuiit to scud <loohes to the
" " KaQlm11rGate and to the tiencbcs ,it K1i,lianga11J f 1 {U1<lu)
,, ]40 5\bdul \\~,\hhaL a~ks the Ao!wril to send a dooly to Lim f 1.
,, T;il1' lar Khim ,H,k::.the .Aiil1rc1lto send 200 coolies to
" S1JahLmJ f 1. (U )
9 117 Cba11di S111gh,$1ibahdii1, to the Kolu,(7i Asks lmn to rnn<l as
" many 9oohes t1she cau to chg trcnehes £ 1 (U1<lu)
l 18. (a), rrhe C -m-C directs the Ji otw<ilto c;upply san<l-bags
" " (b) 'l'bc Kotu,al will supply the i,an<l-bags ieqnue<l f 1.
" ,, 149 The Kotwci.lsends the pnce-hst of foo<lstu:ffs to the C.-m-C
£ 1. (U1du)
,, 10 150. Faiz•rnl-lah, $Ftbanda,,aeks tho Kotwal to send as many coohes
as he can, 1mmedmtely. £ 1 (U1<lu) , •
151 :i\lhJ Bakht Khan duects the Kolwal to send 8 dooly-bearers
" ,, f 1 (Urdu) .
,, ,, 152 :Mhd :Mun'1m Beg asks the Kotu,,alto airest and send to him
one Jatmal who bas absconded with Government money f 1 (Urdu)
,, 11 153. I;Iabib .'A.Ii,Tha11altdii1,
Paha1ganJ, mtormf:.the Kot1oiilthat he
has sent some coohes to rum £ 1 ( 0 rdu)
154. Ik1amu'l-lab Khan, 7hc7nahdiir,Kashmn Gate, asks the Kotwiil
" " to send a gram-pa1cher £ 1 (Urdu)
165 lW:hd Bakhtawar Shah asks the Kotwal to release on.e Ila.hi
" " Bakh~h who has been imprisoned f 1 (U1du)
,, 12 156 l\fhd Ihsanu'l~lah sends to the Kotwlil 3 maunds of pa1ched
gram £ 1 (U1du)
1) 1) 157 !\1hd lhsanu'J ..Jah Khan sends 14 coolies to the Kotwli.l'i,
£.1.. (U1du)

1857 111 (d}-ov11cl11ded

Sept 12 lbS "Ji<l Amil ,\1, TJ,,•alder n g,mpam, 11,f= the Fo/,c,,/
th•t he ha• rent pron ion• to the 1'1m:1 h C'amp r I (Urdn)
lu~ (1\nme not l'fah<l) rrporlatl at Ilhiind i\lnl nrtl D,a
" hue af.lea<letlthe Conrl r I (U r<ln)
lG0 C'hou<l1Smgh $,wMar n,J.o the K<ltral to oend 1 000 ""'he,
1mmedi,tely f I (Urdu)
101 Cbnlim ,\H ""'" the KJ/r:al to aend i <upealera. r I
102 ,n>I Ih01na I loh aeado 6 cooh"" an<l 15 apad... tu the AJhc,m
f 1 (Urda\
1G3 Li,t of p<?IWn•"ho •npp!JeJ gr.1m f I (U,<lu)
JM The \,,r6 Ko/teal oaJ.o the TJ,1-aA/«r Il<'gllmpam, to ,encl a
guard 1., Tha•• DnnLa f I (Urdu)
13 105 (Seo.I ,11,giblc) drr,ecl• the l.J(,,- ,/ to proda,m 1, the e1f, that
tho.c L:mJ.c1• ..-ho will Jr<el.ey •11mm,me,, from the G.inrt ..-,II 1,,,
pum heel f 1 (U nla)
I ro \Inn 7,>Ll'11J Din <lrr,-.,1. the Ko/..,,/ to lMlU l ooo rooho-
lo !Le lu,,L,nr llote 1aimcdrotch f J (Ur,111)
1~7 (Se,I 111i;,Lle) tlrn-cLs tho Kv!.-rtl lo lr,.r rc,,lr JO ""'I"'"""
2b mnoona GOOcoolrN on<l 20 ..-olrr-com'fl' f (Ur,ln)
]Gq Th, C ,n C • ► L• 11,e AJ/,,., I on l,,,holf, r tL, h,n!: lo 1,11
!Le J eople or tl,e city to J._on their i:uor<l £ 1 ( Unlu)
Jrll 'flit(, 1n C Jm-cl the Au/,-,,/ I ...,,,.1 I Ul!O ro, Irr< ancl
300 ""'f'nler• to ~ll<'O::ibnlor lla.-,1/or £ I (Unlu)
,, l 10 '11111.hJmr SulJ,n • ls the Kvt,r It, 1,0 to !lo<> f..ubmlr llalo
wrlh 2,000 ro- lrca rmn,«loatdr r I t Hr,lo)
171 l-..,. J 1llq,illcJ a~• !Le Aul,- I to procunu 10 1l,o <111 tl,at
thut,e I''""'"' .,1,,, J"'»' •nn• mo,t J r,.-,,nt th<m«h.-. •I 11,,of..a,hmor
c,.10 orery 111~L1 r I
1,~ '1h,! h.l11rr',ul[&n • l• tl,r Avl.- / lo ►<'n•I t, tharcll c;rni:h
.. manT roohca •• be e>n r I (Unlo)
17~ ,11.1 h.h1rr 'inl(un Jrre<l• l)., K,.Jr,/ In pr0<-lrnn 1n II,, r,ty
that l11n1la!,a,n1I\foLarumr-tbn•who lfl) ~nl (l.,. H r1r rd 1;:t"tn
mu•t Dn'1lmp,lD\ l'nn l" U llmll TTho•• J:!1 IOh lo mal,..a ,....,J
ur-n tf.,t
I n1,h h £ I (Urdu)
Ii l huli>D nay&! to the"'"~ .,,,t ... tLII c,ro,urr {"II• ~"111
1nr011rrnirnrt o""11i::-h •lio('-1ktn~ 1',,~1 wh('1ta ll.1t ,L..,r- ttrr" r:r.u
1..,dncclrJ to "I"" tlotrr ,1001, f 1 (Lnlo)
,, 11 t,~ (~I 111-,:0I ) al, tJ,.. A, fr•/ lo o,n,I • "'I""'''" t,, lh•
lt,;:,mml ( r "•r,. r• • .,,, \lrn.... r I (llrdul
li11 ( lanJr ~lllh t' l,A '"' lo n.. ,:,1.-J/ A,~, l m.,,.,,.,1 Jn.,
, .,J,,. t, lhltl- l,i\.!)u, f I (llnlaJ
1851 111 (e)

MS foll 7 3 ) vanous sizes

1 ~helm-Rahim to the Kolwal Asks him to sup__ply the sepoys "1th
muskets nom the Jiotwiili f 1 (U1du)
12 Account of expenses mcuned by the Kotzoali f 1 (U1clu)
3 cAli Ahmad to the Kotwal Asks him to seml lU thalcbe1s to the
:Hagazme f 1 (U1du)
4 Ami1 Husam to the .Kotwal Asks him to get a 1ecog01zance
bond nom I;layat ,Khan £ 1 (Pei )
5 .'Atau)l-lah to the Kotwiil Sends flour and 1equest-s him to pay
the price f 1 (Urdu)
6 Badal Khan) Thanaltda1 0£ RaJghat, to the Kotwiil Complams
that the Ttlaugas fo1c1bly ta.Ke away th~ coolies he engages Reques11:,
that guaids may be sent to pievent the Ttlangas f1om domg so f 1
7 B1shumbbar Niith, Thanaltda1 of Dauba, to the Kotwal Sa-rs
that ghee IS not available, sends the other p1ov1s10ns a'-ked fo1 f 1
--- 8 Brnhambha1 Nath, 'Jhiiuahdli1 of Dan ha, to the Kotwal'f Sends
<'oohes 11amedm the lette1 f 1 (Pei )
9 , ,, Thanahdii, of Dauba, to the Kotwiil ~ends
Ami! ~h, ~fahanand and Shambhu mll be sent the following day
f 1 (U1dn)
lfl B1shambhai Nath, Tltiinahda, of Dct11ba, to the Kotwal
Sends 4 watei-caruers, will send some shoerng-sm,ths as well f 1
11 B1shambha1 Nath, 1'hiinalular of D,urba, to the Kotwc7.l Reports
that Imam ½.Ii, ba1qa11dazof his thanah, 1s very rnsubordmate and
quariels with the Tilangas. f 1 (Uiclu)
12 Col Mhd Kbizr Sultan to the Kotwiil Asks him to send 2 metal
pohsherc, f 1 (Urdu )
13 Col l\ihd Khiz1 Sultan to the Kotwii.l Intimates- that 2 ca1~
pente1 s have arrived f 1 (Pei )
14 Col :rvlhd Khiz1 Sultan to the .Kotwal Asks him to send 100
coolies with spades and a>,.esto the trenches at Sahm~cnh f 1 (U1du)
15 FaJZul-lab, Siibahdiir, to the .Kotwat Say& that fi om a certam
house nea1 the AJmer Gate shots aie foed c1.tmght Requests Lim
~ to trace the delmquents and pumsh them f. 1 (Urdu )
-- -- 16 F~1zul-lah, Subalidii.r, to the Kot,riil Requests him to send a
ca1t fo1 bungmg bamboos, etc, nom the Fo1t to the Lah01e Gate If
no ca1ts aie available l 2 coolies may be supplied fo1 the same pm pose
f 1 (Pei)
-- ] 7 Earnul-lab, Sitbahila.1,to the Kohoiil Requests him to send 2 coolies
with spades fo1 1epairmg the 10ad to the Laho1c Gat.c. f I (Uidu)
18 Faizul-lah, S17balzdar, to the Kotwal Requests him to send 2
torch-bearerswith to1ohes and otl. f 1 (Urdu)

1857 111 (e)- conl11111ed

19 Gengn Smgh, A<lJutnnt to tl,o ~nl Regiment, to tho K,-,/ral /uk•
!um to l!enclJOOcoohe• or ns many ns nr., n,n,lnbll £ 1 (Urdu)
20 Gen •l~cl Dn!Jit Kh•n to tl,o Kotcal Direct• him to 1.rrc.lthe
4 who ore ID the r1tv £ I (P,r)

21 C.hul1m ~\l,bi., to the Aotr,l R,,1ncot, him lo rc]en.., hAla bis

wnter-cnmer, who 1111•Ix-en <lctomctlI!l the li.oltral, f I (Urdu.)
22 C.hnlam l\hoo• to the Kofrol SnJ, th,t the men orthe Kol,ral 1
bnro rcw,tl 1m10 from ,nmc \fghan• who ha<lrurrhuc<l them for joml"/:'
m the holy wnr rcquc.t. him therefo,... to l"C('O\ er tho nrhclra a~d
restore th m to their 01rn<n, f I (Per)

23 JIA~z lla,:im Alf J,,,,ad11r nf thu T•a••' nt tl,o hn hm,r Gotc,

lo the Aofral Report, tL•t lli>m1l'31, T•11:a,.fnmn-d nl the IA4••A
un<lerthe escort of~ /,arq ml" r, of tl,c Anlra/1 f I (I er)
21 lln11lnr Jlu<!lm h J,nn I, tho A, lira/ \•l• !nm I> •urrlr uO
coohe, to the '1og:1t1110 ( I (l 11ln.)
2J Jn11Aln"\ith lo th A lira/ l11tim11t0>
tl,nl I~ coolie,, J,aro amrrtl
at the cnmp of l ul "\lh<ll:Jwr Sult6n f 1 (P,r)
20 Khwl.l ll,IJJ,h hlt4n lauta /Jr lo the Aol1rJ/ hl• him to ,en<l
2 ...'ld<lle-mahn.formal. lliZ.1 1.-u,nlry,Imm r 1 (Pu)
27 Lll llnhA<lur,Cnluncl of the l~th Re-~1mi,nt,to !ho Aufr,1 ,hl•
him to ,rn<l 1 tu,!,,.,, f I tl nlu)
28 Lnl llnhA<lur lo tltc A /,ra/ ,\ l• l11m to 1-<.n<l Jool1l'-~rrn
Lnllocl.. nn<lLaml,,x,,,mtL .ut de!,- r I (I nlu)
2P Lu,t of inen ..-Lun, ,.eJ pannrnt from tLc A /,.-,11 f, r •nrrlr
mg foci, rk f I (l rJu)
30 1~ t of nrt,rk l't'(Dlr<'l ''>tl,e ,. ,r.1,,If,,.., f 1 (rcr)
:n J..u,toff 1-1rq1111d1 (I\\ Lo h:1\~ L't.n 11.11JtL.-,r \\IZl"" •• thriffrt
ogu,n•l ILm nn111t~ f I (Irr l
3> 'lh<l I rnln to th• A,/,,-,/ J1«1u,,t, him t, .,.n<l a roLL!,r
nn<l• ►he;,th hllllcr f 1 t l nlu)
fill< TalnL h.Jidn t• th• Ael.-al
33 ::'>11,1 ll"l'" h him to rrtnrrt
the~ ,!ooh,., hmi: nt tl><A 1.- .t, t Chmtu !,,aL1,, th• o.-n<r n,,
ore no.- unnt«! nt the ""•b llutJ f 1 (l!rtlu l
31 ,thl '\ulrual llrn t, tl, 0 A,1.-11 ~,n,t. : Cl,•/Jru ar<I •
n-al~-<':2.rnrr an] ,."\H U1;it I r ml tlic- lb 1xm.- rat '-.Jl1m,t:"rli
anJflcnlhc [Jumiu] Lr,li;:,' alien! t tL,r ,..,.,....,.,.,, w,,l ntrf
filY b,m t, "'· tlut tl n- "'" n, IOI ,r « I ",lb In •• , ... ,
l I (l nla)
3\ ,u, I '\11101»! 0111 t tl, A 1.-11 1 'J ,t tl •I ,ul ,I 1
a,m('ftlnl1! ll• :!II ,nl1 L• •' (' J ut t f r<!tJ.Hl l1 P ttc- 1'1m t,(
J,, ,;:s.,.5 h L«-n rc,h, I r , (lrJ )
1857 111 (e)-continued
36, Mhcl 'U§man to the .Avtwal n:un Sabfi.y, cobble1, who lfaS
engaged 111piepa11ng the cqmpment fo1 the ,n
1te1'&h01&ehas been sent
up to the Kotwiih Ly the 1'hiinahrlar of the K,1i,bmn Gcite, prny& for
his relem,e f 1 (Pei.)
37 J\lhd 'Abbas H me-amto the Kotu al. Is nna blc to see h1m as he
1s dete1mmed not to (tttend to any before the chspute among the
people of Kntr:i 1&settled :f 1 (U1du)
--- 38 l\Iir Shamc;he1 'A 1i to the Evtwal Ackno" ledges the 1eceipt
_ of his lette1 ca11mg upon the b.mke1s of Uh.mdm Ch.twk to see him,
says m 1cply they" 111c,111 on the t1ddressee tLe fo1lowmg day.
f l (U1 dt\)
3!) l\Ii1 ImdJ.<l 'Ali, Ja11u7dii1,to the Kulwlil A<:,hs 1nm to Bencl a
ca1 t' fo1 ti an sport \\ 01k f ] (Pei )
,.10 1\litz.t A Lu Jlnki to the KottoiU Ac;ks 111mio d11ect lbe Thiinah
dar of the Ka&hmn Gate to ,t11c.,, bend the man who was 1eleased
horn bis t!tanah the day befo1 e f 1 \ U11lu)
41 :M11za riibd Jan Beg, Thiinahda1 of Guza.i Q<1b1mKhan, to the
.Kotniil Send<; 1..a,wye1 s and cnohe.,, f 1 (Ul(ln)
42 Mn.l,t J\lhd Jan Be~, J.'hana!trla1,to the Kot1cal Sends 5
coolies .is desned f 1 (U1dn)
43 :i\Iaulav1 (name not stated) to the 1'.ot1cicl Cumplams agamst the
Ttlangas "ho ente1ed the hou&e of Rt1bfll 13akbsh, m utter chsrega1d of
the sanctity of the purdah f 1 (Pe1 )
44 Pandit Radha K1shan to the Kotwal Requests him to return
the vessels fo1 bol<lmg water which weie with those 2 men "ho have
been detained m the K otwali fo1 fo1ce<l labom f 1 (l)e1 )
-- 45 I;Iasan 'Ali to [the Kotwal] Reports the supply of doohe-
beare1s, coolies, etc , to the diffeient tienches f ) (Ui<lu)
46 S.uyul l5:ha1rat 'Ali to the Kotwal Requests him to send 2
saddle-make1s and 2 ta1l01s f 1. (Pei ) ' '-....
-- _47 Sa1y1<l'Aun 'Ali to the Kotwiil Requests him to send a tent•maker
"to the 8th Cavahy f 1 (Per)
48 Sa1yid 'Ali Qas1m to the Kotwitl Requests him to send a carpenter
for iepanmg his conveyance, f l (U1du)
49, Saryi<l 'Abdul-la.h to the Kotioal SE\nds him. a p1esent of hal1oa.1
£ 1. (UrJu)
50 Sa1y1d Imdad 'Ah to the Kotwal Requ~sts him to faace and send
Bhola Ram who ies1des somewhere m the city f 1 (Ur<lu.)
51 Sa1dar Smgh to the Kotwiil Requests him to send 10 carpente1s
to the IJarogll.altof the bpdge f 1 (Per)
52 Shah1ukh Beg to the Kotwa.l Requests h1m.· not to detam
Jhabbii, water-ca1rie1, m the Kot•oiili fo1 forced la,bour as he 1s one of
the Km_g's employes f 1. ( Pei )
1A 1.rnd of sweet made of .flour, gbee and sugar
282 ltUTiltr PAP:£1\8

1857 111 (0)-conf1nued

53 Shaikh Sh1h~hud Dm Da/ailar to the /la,6 Kolrral Jntinuto,,
that Raushan h.•rlm Bo',h hand 1Iu101n1 hne JOlnl'Uthe Pih Cu airy
t l (Unlu)
~1 Shn1\JJ Jlusinn All to IL• Aotral San ho 1• unnble to ,upplr
bundles 0£ hoy .. they aru not ova1laLle f (UrJu)
Ja Sl•lement of ParLhu DayA! reganlmg a cLarg,, fmmeu ng,un,t
him of n"1ng connlcrfert coin f 1 (Uruu.)
60 S01y1d Toblra\: }Ju<aJn lo the Kotr:a/ S,y, tbl the pn~ d
food .to££• ns ohown ~n Lio lut u much L1gher than ...-bat 1• artuallr
chnrgcu m the markol f I (Per)
&i The Commanding Officor of the Sn! Regiment to lhe /iolrdl
A •kBlum lo ,end 1 doolu,, mtb boaren mtbont de Jar f I {Per J
68 The h1ng lo all tho TAaanAJiJr, Inform• ILtm of the •rromt
ment of Sai) id J\fohamk 'ihah Klitn u Koliril ru, Qhl h1111 I lab
Kl!dn reo,gncd f 1 /Per)
&11 Shaih!J Pir Dnl..h1L to tho /iot,dl Reqar.t• him to o1 b.m a
,apply of Oonr pnlse etc, .torcJ rn d1££erenl place• f I (Unln)
GO Tl,o Aofral to Lola Dhao Singh ,\rt16 J.01,-,./ lln«h h,m
to obtarn w11Lto11t1leolay10 m ■und-c ri£1mpr from tho TJ1.1,ri,JJJr Tur
koman Gote and lhc ,.,me ,111Anhtr from the n1 .. u1, ',hoh,lu11
f I (Per)
Gl Tl,c Ac>trrnlto J,:ib DJ,,.oSingh \ ,ib A,~,..,/ llun t. h,m to
pu" h,..e mob'ISC'Ifro n \lhd ralll lk1: ...-1,oLa•',..(. J,r~e 1111•rl!
or tho Amo from Sh,b,loro r I (l',r )
0~ Tho J.<>iical tn Alo \luh•mma,I h.Jo!n ft"Ju -.t, born to ('tf
J=in \ b,h P.t-g RJ.'l J-0 ~u~ \n \um nn •~~,mt n{ u~""
1--n. l ~t•ti.~ (l(
the fn<'<' of a hor,,o f I (Pn J
01 The Kotiraf to (not ,tJlnl)<'> tl<>t I 1:11nn,r1 La"
amrol in U,e Aot.·J/1 r I {Urda J
f,4 'fh,, T/,aaaUa,, tho Turhm•n O•t• to !ho Ao/,,../ ~• U~
rool,c,, £ I l U"!u )
O, )lt,d Jln<:>on b,.hin Kolrl/, In the TJJ.aUlro! th• I.a hmor
Gale lli=I• 1nm In """'1 ,OU ..,.,,,,. •1>1an "'ID>Inumb-, uf •••" ~,
the !1.1ni: ,nth, at ddn f I ( Ptr )
rn Tho TJJ .. UJ, ftaJghat to the F:o!rrl/ ll,.,.t lb ( 1.,Jl,u
of roLbl,n r "1,n~ '" hi< JUn~l,<t,on. r I (UrJ<t.)
f7 The TJu,aUJr, the Torkom>n O,le I• the K,lrJI c:,n I, PJ
rool,e,. r I (tTrda.J
r.~ Tl,e TJa,.UJr the Turlomon (bt, t, th• Ji,t,-1/ ,\ lr••
J,.,fi:,-•tl,e =rt of~ nunnd, , C rul..- an-I ur tlut ,t 1,., 1....-nr"'"
t , the i:nun parrhn to k pud,rJ ( I ( i; r lu)
r~ Tl,o JlJ-,lJJ, Har-;1--■ t to 11, K,1,-,/ :,,.,« 1n ho t, .,,, wln
bro1• to Kn! Wt t.., tf1t"A"/,.-lfi th.., I f:l f'1 •lt1 Lu1;1i.ttTt """"'' ••
L" /Uul tu I~•• lhnr tnNI• t l (I rJ • 1
1857 111 (e)- conrlu cled
70 The Tha11ahdii1, Chandm Chawk, to the Kotwal Sends ce1tam
coolies uamecl m the lette1 £ l (U 1<.1u
71 'Urna1 Hayat KhJn, Subahda1 I\IaJ01, to the Kotwal Says that
he has paid the wages of the coolies and masons snpphed by bun accord-
mg to the 1 ate specified lll the lette1 f l ( Pei )
72 'Umai HayJ.t Khan, Subabc.l..11l\1aJOJ,to the Kottc(U Says that
no iations have been supphed to the 31d Regiment fo1 the !Jst 4 days
and asks hnn to send the contracto1 "ho used to supply rations to the
ieg1ment £ 1 (U1dn)
7 3 Yusuf 'Ali to the lf.otu,iil Requests him to 1 elease b1s water-
ca11ie1; Badd1, who has been detamed m the Kotwiili f 1 (Pei )

1857 112
1ifS foll 73 , \'a11ons sizes
May 15- 1-6 Statements of "ages of the :Mee1ut and Uulandsbahr £01ces.
Jul 11 f, 17 (Pe1 )
:May 23 7 Attendance rng1ste1 of the Bulandshah1 and Mee1 nt forces £
4 Pei )
,, 23-30 ~-10 Emolment lists of Police £o1ces £ 3 (Pei)

May 23 1I L1st of office1s and men a1nved fiom Buland.,hal11 f l (Pei )

,, ,, - 12 Lu,tofpape1s1cl.timg to the w.1ges and othe1 pa1 hcul:11s of
the 1\'.[cerut and Buland&hah1 fo1ces f 1 (Pei )
:May 25- 13-3() Receipts of payments matle to Gulab Srngh, Il.imch,tran
Sep· 3 Smgh and othe1s f 27. (Pei & U1du)
Jun 15 40 Divan Jawala Nath to P11uce 11hJ 'Azim Reque,;t::. l11m to
identify the gua1ds who ha,e b1ought iteasme 1:,0 that they may be
1>a)(lthen wagm, £ I (Pei )
,, 27 41 Bha, P.irshad, Gnlah Srngh and other Siibalulii,1 s to the
C -m-C Refnbe to obey Fath 'Ali £ 1 (Per)
,, 31 42 Gulah Smgh, 811ba!tdii1,t.o the C -rn-C A!,kc:;for rn1:,l1m horn,
how to dispose of the belongmg:. of a <l1..,m1b!>Ct! SepoJ (C -m-C
dcbnes him to scntl 1..hemto lm, Cou1t f l (U1du)
.Tul 9- ,rn--t-o.Barh Smgh, La, hhmnn Ilam ,md other Subahdiin, of
Aug lO , auou& 1cg1mc11fa,to the C -in-C Rc>po1 L the cnlis(mcnt of Sepo;:. m
then resp 2dn c rcgrmenh f. 4 (Per & U nl.t )
Jul 17 •17 P11thi Smg-h and 131unani P.1rc;h\d, 8,,Tm!ul,tn, tD the C -rn-C
Report a quarrel bet wccn the )IccruL ,ind,1}11 force" f l
( l!cr.)
,, 21 ,JS Bh.n1ni P.iro..hiiil, Su!tall(l,ir, to the C-in-C Report ... 01'\t
I n:i) at 'Ah 1:,, ah..,cnt f 1 (Per)
•Hl 11 fr, ,, Hcp0rls th lt.. K Ill II Srngh liJc; re;nm('} hi'- (luf_\
" " f. 1 (Per)

1857 112-co11lzn11ed
Jnl 2u &O Ram<lhan Smgb Sal,dd,ir lo tho C m-C A•b for m.trn"'
lton• ho" to dt,po-c or the nrl1cle, or the collap-ci hon,,,s heloni:,ni;
to the Bnllabgarh people (C m C dCCldc, thlll the ol<l!en, or lb°"'
bou.e• nn, to remove tho orhdes) f 1 (Per)
Ang 2 !il l!ho:ronl Pnr.hrul S,6aUur lo the C m C Report, tbal
Sbarm~ Snbl.t u d1mu""cd omng to bt< long aL,cncc from duly f I
&2 Sbannd Sa~, to the C m C Subw1I• th,t be ..,,, ,_,,nou•lr
m au<l therefore could nut attend to h1• <luty prn1• Cot rc1n.t•lement
f 1 (Urdu) -
' ~3 uJ-.>4 Tl,e C m C lo the officer. or tho Police fo"""' Direct• them
Sep 13 to .cn<l 2 Com(l:lnlt'><lo lbo Jumnn bndgo lo gnntd ,t (\ enc thr
o!llccro rn) th,t they ate on.Lio to ,end an) ,epo1"8 nil the Comp,n,e.
bnc been <lcputc<lto the h.a.l1m1t l,ntt) f 2 (Ut<lu)
Ang ~O uJ T,liL llu ..,m to the C m C Pray• thnl be mny l,c pronJ,..J
mtb n mp•Lcl nn<l II• G f l (( nln)
Sep 6 LO Pntl,1 Sm;::h S,taJd,1r to tl,t C 1n.C A,L, fut the •upph of
c,rtndgc, from the \la:;azmc f I (Pn)
8 Ji Pnthl '-m;::11 \,t,,,l,dur t, the C 1n C A.L, for tl,u "'Prly
of n Logie f I (U nhL)
LS Til,n~~m Pnn-hA<l 1.t,,U1,, t, tl,e C m (. ,1,l. for the •upph
or tent,, de f 1 (L NlL)
(,Q Lt t of offittn tt1th n •mn of mone1 not....I •1:1un I Ilic rumc uf
c,ch offi,-cr f 1 (l'<r)

1857 113
foll "IJ ,an u ,u("-,f
Jun H 2J ) j lte<'<1pt < f rmmrnt• moil, to llun,"""' hl1lh
and otl,cn< f ; (l 1cr '- L11lu.)
S ~ lJ t, of"""""' nnd m,n nrrm-<l fn m \lntl,ur.a. r! (I,. l
" 1~
Jui 10
Jun 21 )0 •J S!Jltcm,nt• 0 £ ~,~.., d , ,r,.,.,,1 mrn ottav-hrol In th•
Jnl 12 Cu-tom llou-c r 12 (Irr)
Jut 10 ~2 Sloi\li <:::ulntJ nln, ]i ,r
,far oc<I otl,cN In tl,e [Kini:) r .....
forth, ,upph of I ml I inn, r I (I ,r)
11 23 \IICU<UIcc re,;, kr of cm1 f, IC.,! tL• (,u t 0 M )lo~- \!ttnt
f 3 (Per)
Jui 1i ~J rA~ r--r,::- ff tlir f"mrl
..utl1n;:tLr-'111:1~1""1 )\(' ('lrtL"{,rt t.-i Jfn-w
~l•tLUT1L f 2 (1.-r)
~ ... ,.~h hJ1!n to the(. II (, l'f'lln t} :1t 1r ( <'M1J"'"rr..tY-,,,,
" 21 vnn1ttnl tn ...,.,., ond.-r '11,,,l \mh L ~"I it ,r H • (1,.., I -,
f I (Lttlu)
1857 113-oontinued
•Jul. 21 20 7\Iunawwm Klmn to tho C-rn-C Asks for money to meet the
e-,penses of med1cme, etc. fo1 Ghuliim l\fnha.mmad, Cllrlpriisi,who has
been wounded f L (U 1du )
Jul. 9 I 2 7. N ofaficahon of sale of p1operty of R::itan Devi and Gan pat Rai
f. 1. (U1du.)

1857 114
1857. 1'1:S.foll 92; v1111011s
1\fay 25- 1-6. Lists of the cmployeb of the Cnstom House and of those se1ving
Aug 9 unde1 P11nce~Ihd Azim and othc1s £. 6. (Pei )
.Jun 3- 7-14 Stat.ements of wages of the officeis and men of vauous regi-
Jnl 13 ments f 30 (Pei & Urdu )
Jun 8 15 l\Ihd Khauud-Din to the C -m-C. Asks him to pay his men
then wages.-£ l (U1du)
,, 10- 16-36 Rel e1pt.sof pa,vmcnt.:; nrnde to J aswant Smgh, l\ihd Amir

Jul 18. Ilakhsh and othms. f 20 (Pet & U1du)

Jun 12 37 G•u11ISli:tnkm Snkul to the C -m-C Reports that a Sepoy has
been 1.7lledand anothe1 wounded. f 1. {Urdu)
,, 38 Gau1i Shanka1 Snknl to the C -111-C. Requests him to supply
" :MhclKhanu'd-Drn, Ni'itb JJ(uog_ha!t,ancl hzs men ,nth p1ov1s10ns f. 1.
,, 16 39 Tlie q-m-Cto the Snpeuntendent of the Custom House, Da1ya•
ganJ Dnee,ts hnn to post gua1d& at drffe1ent places f 1. (U1dn)
1 "
25 40 :i\ihd Arnn Bakhsh to the C -m-C Repo1ts that the house which
has been occupied by the meu a1uved f, om Hansi 11:,demanded by
the Nas1rabacl force; asks £oz mst1 □ ct1011s f 1 (U1du)
28 41 ]ifhd Sh1hiibu'd-Dm Khan, Shaikh :;\1hd and others to the C -m·C.
" Reque.:;t him to place them unde1 Punce M hd Azim f 1 (U 1du )
Jul 4 42 l\ih<l Sh1hiibu'd-Din Khan, Shaikh Mhd and othe1s to Punce Mhd
'Azim Complam that Amii Bakhsh, JJa1ouJali,undei whom they have
been wo1ln11gis a man of bad charaete1 f. 1 (U1du)
43 :Mhd Kha1ru'd-Din, JJarouJaltJto the C -m-C Asks for the supply
" " of p1ov1s10nsf I (U1du)
,, 7-13 4!-9. Enrolment lists of employes of the Custom Houses, etc. f.
14 (Pei )
8 50 Shaikh Ml}d to the C -m-C. Asks £or 01ders to the sepoys to
" return his horse £ 1. (Urdu.)
,, 12 61 Shaikh M hd to the C -m-C Asks £or riders to the saioiirs to
,..ielease his chap1asi auested by them £ 1 (Urdu.)
,, 15 52, Fazlu'r-Rahman, Qutbu'd-Din Khan and other employes of the
Custom House to the C -m-C Request to be paid then wages. f. I.

1857 114-concluded
Jui 2!1 G3 Amfn Singh, clerl.. cf tb, Cnotom Ilooso to the King Pl':IJI for
m,mtennnce allou-anco f l {Urdn)
Ang 1 &4-~ Umnl.o Bog 1 n'1lf All and otheroto the Krng- Report that
they ha,-e lorl e-<ery thmi:: on their woy to Delhi from ,\gn J'T'l'r for
the •npply of pronrnm._ f 2 (Urda) (Daphcat~)
2 Ci(l..7 Umnl.o ~ Yam£ 'Ali on<l othcn to the C m.C Report that
they have Leen diredccl. by !ho Krng to l•y their gri..-arr,o L,fort
him f 2 (Per) {Daph<llt~J
G,7 CiS-9 lunm Il111,h1h KAILAP•ra~d and othcn to tlto C ,~ C
Reqatst to b,, pn1<ltheir wage, f 2 1rer)
0 00 Kllla Paroba<l IJarogiaA, to tho C 1n.C Rr~tl• that Ly
m,atal..o the name. of 3 ~epoy• were not entered 1n the I, t ,nLmitttd
f 1 (Ur<ln.)
21 01 '1hd Kh•ITTJ d Din to the C m C All.a for the P"'l of
Ta~11ldar m tl,o D1.tnct of Il'\log-arh f I (Ur<l1L)
02 StolemP11t or p<nonol expen'6t of Pnnec )IM A~lm r

Mar 1 03 Lmolment J,.t of Seron nmred from llan<1 rI (P.,-)

185'7 115
'1S foll u4 nnott• ,.,,.
Jun ] 'I- ] n ll=iph of I"" meut. m,,J, lo lbliJ4 J h.1J4n OnllL 'lmf I •n I
Jul ltl olhero f l (l'rr)
Jun JS 10 ~f:t.frroeul of \\~..,0-t'-<. r lhto C'II 11 \I " rl1IIJ.. UI d r A l u,f
h.J1an f•'''''" r • (I' r)
11 1 Dp<'r< r,pnlinh lit, da,ly "•J;M ol \I u:,,hl 1 I ll>rnlh •• ,I
\mroli, f ,n-,-, r 4 (Prt)
12 I It of •ulallorn, om<rJ f,- m 1111,illy r l (I >r)
1... ~I ~tat,.mrul I r ff':IL,l""' r nfTit.-,h·™' ,u.. 11 1"1'ull1tq •• at t.iu ,U
n0 -,m<n! f l 1 (Pr)
~1 i..._ ] !.nu I :'lr.lll <,,11hb (,u1l1 ~1111,.bJU 1 ,,tl n "l,!..1.II H ,r
\":ln,o~ Jt"<:1Hlt'l1l• tN thf" ( 1trC Jlr-1,,t tbt" t'O)I tlUt'nt I r '-<t '. tn
tl1tlT~r'tu<'rt"h1U1 rt r 1,1 (l('r)
, 1 P11tbi ~,n~l, an I )11,,rlllf I ,r.b, I ,-. ',IJ,o I rt I. in l
ltrfM1t tJ1,4ttl "'Y17.u.-t lc-n thf},,. r 1 ( I Jp--tfll 'wt I !i ar11,r I fr ~
\l«rat f l (I ,r l
Joi G 1•1 ltirn l >nh !)ln~l, q !-..IJ r 1~ t~ I 111..f t•.,-.rh 1•1-t
(,("n, a, J i ""<"1 ~,~ J tfJ1r ( f f I tl ,, I
, l...l'fl"
ll 41 J lw. hu 111 ..._,n.._L~.,..,L , t rL 1 C.,, r I' , ,. tf..
~'I w \11 J1n, m1 m~ I I \I rt l
1857 115-conclucled
Jul 19 42. Ramcharan nncl Bha, Pnr~Jui.d, $ubahr1i"irs,to the C -m-C
Report that Sepoy ,v ali i\'.fuhammad 1s absent f 1. (Pe1 )
,, 25 43 The C -m-C to Rr1mchnra.n Singl1, $11bnhrlii.r.Directs him to
allow the men of l3allnbhgmh to take away the doms, wrndows, etc, of
then bousec; that collapc;ed dmmg the rams (Verso: the $ubahdiir
mtnnntes that they have iemoved the ,ubcles) f i (U1<lu)
,, 27- 41-5 Receipts of paymentc; mn.cleto Devi Smgh and Ilahdad Khan
Sep 8 Jamrt'dii1. f 2 (Per.)
Jnl 28 4G. Gulab SrngL, $1Jbalular, to tho C -m-C Aske, fo1 the supply
of tents f l (Pei )
Aug 13 4,7 Ghulnm :Muhiu'cl-Dm to thP K mg Sohc1is ordern to the
gnardsatAJme1 GatetopassJca1ts f 1 (U1dn)
48 [A dese1tN £10m the English Camp] to the Krng Suggests
that the people who have come from l\lathma, may be kept nnde1 him
fo1 m1htmy tuunmg, pi:1ysfo1 p1,,muhon f 1 (U1du )
4fl E111olmcnt }ic,t of cmploycs wo1kmg 11nde1 Guiab Srngh, Jama'-
rlii1 f l (Pei )
50 List of Se pore; a11n·e<l £1om A n11oLa f 1 {Per)
---- 51 Statement of wnges of the men "01kmg nuclei IlaLdad Kha.n,
J,nna'dm f 1 (Pe1 )

185', 116
M.S foll 10, vnuous sizes
Jun 26- 1-3 St.1tem~nts of wages of the men nnde1 Smup Khan
Jul 9 f. 3 (Pei)
Jun 28 4,5 Lists of papa1s ielatmg to wages and othe1 pa1ticuJa1s of the
emp1oyes of the Cnslom Ho•1se, Agrn f 2 (Pe1 )
,, 28- G,7 Sa1flj) ;Khan, H:11<laiKhan and othe1s to the C-rn-C Piay
July 1 that they may be snpphed with p1ov1s10ns f 2 (Urdu)
Ju] 11 & 8,~ Hece1pts of payments mJde to Sa1iip Khtn, Man Khan and
17 othe1s f 2 (Pei )
• 10 List of eII1ployesa111ve<lf1om Agia f 1 (Per )

1857 117
:MS foll 85, size ll~" x 8" (Per)
1 Lrnt of o:ffice1sand men who took J1a1tm the Mutmy £ 5
2 List of the Mutmeers m alphabetrnal 01de1 .£ 50-
3 List of the 1eg1ment., g1vrng the named and other particula1s of
the M:utmee1s f 32,

1857 ll8
1>!S foll 27, rue 111•xs• (Pa)
Ll<t or latlJafl belongmg to ,-anon., regtme11ta

1857 119
foll 123, w:e 11\• x s• (Per)
Lut of the regiment. ginng the tumu o[ the offieer. and mon ,n
nlphaLehcal order

1857 120
\[,, full 21-l-, nnoo• llZCJc
1 The King to the Tlu•aJ,IJr, W nrn• them that they m11 be
tli•m11scd 1£they continue to neglect their dohco. f I (Per)
2 AWnl llnL,m ,.,6 Kolra/ to the TAa•a,lar A■'bo them to lup-
ply 100 coolie,,nn<lJOObontmen to Col :l[1rz~ \lhd Khlzr Salt.on f L
(Urdu) _
)[ay 22 3 Tbe K<Jt,,.,/ to the Tlta,aMart A,h !Lem t > find out the reb
hon, of an unl:norrn child broai;ht to the /;J/ru/1 f L {Urdu)
2:l I L1<tof popcrs to be ruLmltte,l to the Av/,,.u/ f I (Urdn.)
Jnn 1 a Acknmrled!!menl of the """"rtof a letter from the C 10.C to
Col \lbd hluzr llullAn f I (l rda)
B O Abdul 11.Lrm Khtn \u,6 Kol.-Jl to the TAJoaJdfr, A,l,
them ench to ,apph • li,t of 0-0me,Ja.l,,/Jr, nnJ,,- th,m f I (Urda)
17 i llhio Smgl, \u,6 !iot.-ul t, TA1.alfJr, Arl:n,,.Jnli,-s lh• ro-
rc1pt or agrc, from 1om{"('/. ,.l,dJr1 (, r ..npptyrnJ.. Jror111ot1•a..n-il
a. l" thrm to "cn<lt-1m1Urnnrn.'<'mcnh frnm th(' n-;.t ( I (lTnla)
Jnn 20 S So,y1J \labin,k %Ah Kv/rJ/ to tl,e TJJ.,JJ. rt Jun
tl,em to tntct am""";;' l,oni.. C I (Ur,l,c)
g All.lh ll•hlJ<h h.,h~n lo t!,o !iul,rul anJ the TJJ. ,IJJ,. A,\:,
them to (nt<('. m1 <ID!: moie r L (l nln)
10 The Avlrol to ll1• TJJ,,A /Jrt A,L, thtm =h lo •ttl'l'lr ••
many =hM nnJ <:lrp<nkr,c"' tLtr nn f I (Urda l
Jnn 21 11 11,e Ad.- ,I to t!,e TJo-,!J ,,, of C'honJn1 ChanIt ,.,,a lhr,4
A,l, th•m to ,en I r.,t, '"' at on«' (\ <r><> t!rt- TJJ,aU1r, ol Ch•n,Jol
Cb,ul. nnJ D,nhll a I. the A /,ra/ to =J « n"nn ..-. for nny,n~
nhon ) f L (l rdu.)
12 Thr ANrll to th ha.,H ,, A,l, them t > oorrlr J-allow,!li
um,n, mitn-<:ll'ftt"OI a 11..,-<:lb ( I (I ,Jo)
13 TLr A, 1,-,I to tL• TJJ, ,HJ,, A•l• tL,a, I> •~rrtJI~ J ,...,.L,,
f L (Uitlu l
11 'IL• A.1,- I t • th• TJJ,JIJJr,
rrat..-r=mm f L (r,,-)
A,l, tl,o r&rh I~ •~rtlJ l
?.IUTIKl" rArtnR 289

1857 120-ronliuued
,Tun ~~ J ;;, ~.1h 1d l\l11h111nl, ~1,iih Kl,irn, 1'-1ifu,;l, fo Oic Th,iun!tdtus. A&ke
thC'm fo ,uppl) tno N1tlltl'-. .111d:u; m 111, , 111penfoth nncl hlnchsmifl,., as
f ltM· ran f 1. (l 11111)
lti S11,i<l'.:\fuhirnl, Shih KJ11in,J.:1iltr,;/,to tlic 'l'hti11ahdiin. A&ks
ihcm C'1d1to t<'potl if nu; po<.f..,of ,l<i11111rl1i1,, 01 Rn1qa1dii:,s n1c ,ncnnf,

f J. (l" rd11)
-- 1i 'l'hC' C.-in-C' f,, fhr Ktit,,,ril nn<l J'liti.nrdl(l1i1,~.Ducci, them to
ptof"d fhr pt1\pr11\ n111lhonr,m of Q:,,1111'.\Ii Khi1n,lnfc 'J½ii11ahdii1,
fr,1m ll1t' \l(lll'nt·t~ of t hP '\f ul 1110rr~ I I (Pei )
1 ~ Tlic A",i!triil to Hu, '/'/ ,i 111'/idciu A,J.., fhrm not fo <;CndHui,nin
13nt,li~l1t,, \\oil, \\lfh ortl111at, \\'1!{'1•('1lrtCr'- r 1 (Uulu)
l<l 'l'hc J..:r,/1r,ilto 111ftTltu,a!,lrin 1\.,l;; lhem to ],cep rations 1cndy
fo1-;npph \\ lien \\'1}1lllcd f ) (l ;1<111)
:!O 'l'he ;.·M,riilf o flu• 'J'/,,;m,!td,i,~ .\c:l." fhem to <:end,,atc1-car1101s
to the l,=iltl~-fi11,1 f l (l'1·dtt)
21 'fhc A'o!1rMto thL' 'J'l,(;,M!,t!;,, ~ ·A...k.., them io fiu<lout n m1si:;ing
pon) f. 1 (lh1ln)
Jun. ~G tu
!?2 Sn1) :;\ful11iml.~hiilt J(h:,n, J\(j/1r<il, to the 'J1/i(c11ahdii.1s. Asks
them to rn pplj 200 coolil''- f l ( C 1<1 n)
-- ~3 ~11nd :i\fulJ.-1rn1, ~h.-tl1J(hi111 A·v11rril to the 'l'biiJ1nhdii1s .Ac:ks
ilicm to ·._npJ,h '"' m Ill) <l~oh0i:;,dncilic-henrc1i, nnd wn{cr-cn111crsns
they can f l (l7Hln)
2 1 S:1tyHlJ\\~hi,h .Khiin, J;tilwlil, to lhc 'l'luinalultus. Asks

them to ~end !:ihocmg-,m1th., f 1 (V1cln)

,, 2, Sep 25-19 S,11) Hl :\Juh:1r.1kShi1h 1(11ii.11, A~olwii.l,to tbc 'l'hii11aluhi1s Asks
11 them to cop:, and t'11c1ilalcthe encl0c:cdpllcc 11st of prov1s10ns f 25.
3 30 Snn 1d )[ul1iir,1k Slti1h Kh;m A·ot,cii.l to the Thii11ahdiir8 Asks
" them to s;1pply mol.t~'>C& t.o ilt~\\rd-,c11<lo1<, m the fo1t f. I (U1dn)
,, 3-Sep :;1-J 27 S 11y1Cl~fubillak Sh:tl1 Khim, 1i·u11cril,to the Thtinaluliin.
12 Ac:Jn, them to c,upply cooh.Ji.,cloolic-Lcn1e1s,waic1-c:uriers, v.111ous
:n t,sanc., nnd com cyanccs f 7 G (U 1clu )
4 • 128 Saiy1d :\fubarnk Sh.-t11Kh,in, .Kotwiil, to the Thiinahd(i1s Asks
" them to fincl ont a m1c;smgcow nnd calf f l (U1du)
129 Saiy1d ?IIubJrnk Sh,ih Kl11in,Xotl(,,iil, to the Tlta11altd(7rs Asks
them to mform the citizens to as&cmble at the Lahore Gate as the
C -m-C will .1ddresc;them f 1 (UHlu)
Jul 23, 130-2. The Kotw[il to the '1.1ha11alulii1 s Asks them to send the
Sept 5 Clia1tdhr1sof g1oce1s, cobble1s) etc, to ,the :Kotwalt, £ 3," (U1du.)
24 - 133 The Kotwal to the Thli11alulii1s. Warns them agamst negh-
" gence in cuculatmg the 01cle1s £ I. (Urdu)
134 The C -m-0 to Thanalulu1s. Warns them agamst nregulanty
m senc1mgtheir drnues to the Kotwali; dnects them to send these
J?Unctualll at 8 A, Y f 1. (Per.)

1857 120-oont,nlllld
136 The /iJ/,cal to TJa,ialdar, Aw them to find ont a mlMl!lg
ox an<l n -cow f L (Urda)
130 The Ko/1N1l to the Tlaodddr, Cenrnra, them for therr
negligence m onrrvmg oat the onion, of the C in-C aboat corn, •ad
a,b them to send the l,l,aMdlm of the banker,, to him f I (Unlu.)
J"nl 26 IS7 Mhd. Nir.1.mnd Din, Tlduldar of Pau:hu:ar, to other T1ta-
Hl,dar1 Requeoui them to tnice a cerlam woman who had eloped
wrth a mnn f J (Unla)
158 The Ko/.,al to the Tla•a•dar, .A.ks them to oend th~rr
dianes to the Kot,oal, at 8 -".l! f l (Urdrr J
l 39-40 Tbe Koti,al to the TAil•ddart .A.ko them to hue •
m10&ng dog and n mare. f 2 (Urdu)
27 141 Bh6o Brngh, Na1b KJ/i,dl to the Tk•a.dar, Aoh them to
llllJlplyprovmon, f I (Urda)

142 Khad6 Bakbah Khl.n Na,6 KJt.,al, to the na.aUar1 Aob

them to rnbetitate the phrue 'fllartb par.,ar tala,.al for ' l,azrtil
Ja•a•P"•al,, ,a/a,.al' ,rhen add=g the .Krng f J (Urda)
J"ol 29 143 The C m-C to I.he Kottcal Rei-to h111prolub,tion to
BAonfice any cow, on the occa,non of the Idru: Zoh6 nnd uh !um to
atop the Bille of cow, and ,eoore thoae belongrng to the llfnmilnurn,
for 3 day• any one found grulty of ,amJlomg ll cow wi11 be puruoh<'d
w,th ,loath. f I (Per)
144 The KJt,cal to the Tla•alddrt A,h th,m oaoh to rohnut
a IIBt of cowo belongmg to the hln..ulman, m therr ro,peottve Jtll"ll--
ib.ctzoru. f J (Uttfo)
146 The Kot,cal to the r;a.,,l,,dan .A..b them to reco,ve Irom the
h.otwah a cerlun quantity of pime for th0ll" TU.a.ii L I (Urdu)
, £9 Sep 4 146 55 Pnce Im• of provwon, £ 10 (On!n.)
80 156 The Kol,:al to the TJ,a.aJ.dar, ,ub, them to find out J"awAh,
& coohe who fled mth R, S belongmg to a ,m,et vmdor f L (Urda)
SI 167 The Kot,ciil to the Tla•aAdar, A,b them ench to rnpply •
cerlam quantity of rngar ecoordmg to the hot noted fo the letter f L
Aug 1 158 The Kotrdil to the TAa•a!ddr, .A,L, them to preoent them10lve.
,nth ••••1,at the Royal Courton the occuion of ldn l'Mla f I (Urdu.)
,. ,, 159 The KiJti,al to the TM•aldafl .A.h them to ,apply provmon•
menborted m the letter f I (Urdu.)
180 BhAo Smgh, Na16 Dl,eal to the Tibalrlart ' A,!..-1them to
parch end return ,ome puloo ,ent. f I (Urdu.)
,, 2 l ~l Mhd Am!r .Ah TH•aAdar of Begampura to the KJl1Dalb~~~
other Tla•aAdart Request. them to tnoe a woman ffho bu ro ""'
her hWlb&ndof cerlrun art,oleo and fled f. L (Urdu.)
1857 120-couf in ued
A\II"0 I 11;2 Khmh lh"_br.:hKl_(111~,i,i ltiiltf1lil, lo ihc 'J'!t,i11nhdii1,i,Asks
thrm to '-l'IHl •111n,.iil.1hl,, <OJ>~lCr ...Jrnefi;nnd ..,11Jpht11 nnd info1m tho
,hopit..•t pt'h f h'lf f he\ \\ I II ht•pu111...hc<lIf f h,•, I ( fn.,c f O pntL \\ it h tho
f'rnH' f I (Urdu)
1ti:l Tia• }.♦,il1riil fo t h,, Tliino!td,ir (lf G11,n1 Q:1,1111KJ11in. Ac;ks
lmn to '-Hpph <Oll\t•:arnt''- f I. (lJnl11)
]fi f TIH luilrr·,il fo fhP J'll(i1111!id1i1
1 ~ ..\.,J,<;tl,ern to fiwl ont n nw:;c;ing
o, f I (U.,du).
1,;i-, 'rJH•Atd1r,il (1) thr 1/,,i1111li,l1in'l'h(' J1e11of lJnr K11nna1,decca..
..,eI, of na11h,, ;..,f O f'OlllC a11cl hl,1 Jl(h'-C<.-.JOII of lwr prnprtfy w1t,)11n l;j

(h)~ 011111, fntlm,' fo tlo '-O th,, p1ope1h· \\111he fnkcn o,·cr Ly ihc
ll0Jdh111,u1,. f.l (l1Clt1)
]Hii 'l'iie Atd1r,il fo fhc 1'/,,ina/id,ir.s• Ge11-.111c-. ~omc of {hem fo1 not
-.upp1Jmg- (lie h-.t of rli,11t!11l1in1 ntu] :i-.1., thPm to <-1.!JHl if tl11011ghthe
l11•,11t 1 of thr lt•tk1
1 f 1 {linl11)
lfi7 ThP 11·t,hnil fo the 'l'!t1iu11/itl,r1tJ\,),i:; thc•mto hml outn. 1111sc,mg
d11ld f I fl1r,l11)
1fiS 'I'lu~l,:r,1rr(il to t liC'1'/";·Mlirliin A-.1,.., each to c,entlone barqa,ultiz
fo .\Jnuh, 1 Ohul 1111 \hm•1'11 the (lflH•1•1 1rn·ha1gr of the u1mrnal comt
f I (l 11lu)
.Aug 7 111~•Tit,· l1<iliriil tu tl, •. 7'/i,i11f1!11l,i1fA..,J,i:;them to help H.u<la1
Ht1'-'lt11]\)1111 \\)111 li•1, 1,,,·n .q,po111f1dotl11c1 111,h11~1.•of the ~fng.11me
1111m1 ,l1g:it111•~ 1 1,,, of lhl'ff f1om tl11• :i\l.1~.11111c f I (U1d11)
1,0 'I lie J.,i/1 1 ,il fo the 'J'/"i1111!td1i1 ~ .\..,],.., tl11•m to c..npplr coolies,
,l0oltc-Ll'.11c1-.,l 1rp, 11lt-1t-,, t, f 1 (li <l11)
l 'i 1 'J'lic A ,if w,il f o f hl' 1'/tii1111hd1r1~ .A...ks them to t.J..1ce a woman
1\ho rol.hrd :1 coldie1 of Im, '1tltcli''> f I (U1<lu}
] 71-'~ 'J'ho -1i..·ot1r,d to f.ltt• Tl1<i11ahd1i1.;A!:>ksthem io irnd out a
m1<;"-tllg'o, nn,J '1 pun.r f 2 (Uu)n) _
17J J3hito Singh, Y,id.1Kol mid, to the 'l_'liii11nltdii1~ Asks them to
trace .1 rn1%mg g-n I. f I
Alto'0 8 1,5 '!'he C-111-C to 1T1cli.o!1£al Aske; 1nm to submit henrefo1Lh
alJ i-.01h (If the Comt of S.1mi,iimllll-Daulah Nawiib Ahmad
Quli ,ind commm11c,1tc tins 01clc1 to the J1/t[innltr1fos f l
(U 1cluJ
,, 9 176 The li..-olw,7lto tlic T!tt7nnhrlii1 s Sends them n, copy of the
parwcrna!t 1ecc1veclf1om the C -m-C fo1 c1r~ulai1011 f I (U1du)
,, 13 177 List _of1nov1<:;10ni,m the Royal sto1es f 1 (Pei )
" ]4 178 The Krng to the Kotwii.l and T!tanahdiirs Ash.s thl-m to
announce that .iny one who tic1ces the m1ssmg n1bcles of Hakim Ahsa-
nul-lah will Le ie1'aic1ec1 f J (U1du)
179 Mn7ft Mhd Amum, '11ltii11alula1 of J3hoJlapahau, to other
Thiinahdiirs Requests them to auest a man who bas wounded several
:persons and fled £ -1. (Urdu) ~
T 2
1857 120-oontmued
Ang 15 180 Khnd! Ilaltll•h Kh~n,Na,6 Kot.,iJl,to the TM11aldJr1 Aon
them each to onpply a hrl of cattle graziag 'lll pMturee ll1 th01r
iunsruot10ra. f. I ,Urdu)
181 The KoltDal to the TJ.auUdr, Aok ■ them to 11011d
& h.t of
cattle ll1 thell" Junsdiotwne to FU%Al)mad Kh!.n, lJH•t1/, and encl°"""
the Mn1if'1 order■ to thatJJffeot. f I (Per)
Ang lll 182 Khud~ IlaltlJ-h Kh!.n,Nath .nt,,,al to the TJ:a•alnar, .A.■:lr■
them to arrest those who engage bnllook carte aad do act payhire
f. I (Urdu)
,, 22 183 The C m C to the KiJl,cal A.hi !um to llllpply 15 ooohe■
to oarry nmmnmtion, eto to Alipu:r f I (Urdu.)
24 184 The T!ta•alrlar, of Ra/ghat to the KiJl,cal and other T.i4Ml
diir1 Requll!t them to mae a cuoular to find out & ~ oamel.
f I ([J,du )
28 185 -<J'he KolllliiJ to the 7"/iiJ•aldar, .Ash them to reoommend a
clerk willing to be tran.eferred to the flu•al Mehrn, where a n.canoy
haa occnrrro on R• 10 a month. f I (Urdu.)
186 The !iJltrliJ to the T1a.aUar, A,ko them to copy and 01rc11-
late the encl~ pnce hat of proVlHlon, f I ([J rda )
29 187 Mi)d Fe.u: Ila!Ji,b to Khnd4 Ba1.h-,h Khtn, Na,b KiJtral
A,h, !um to oend ha.ekl mth the man m charge of the o,ea f. L
188 Khucl4 Bakl!,h Khi!.n,Na,b Koltcal to the fla,alidar, .Aek■
them to ■end the grocer-.whom he sent yeoterday to the KiJltciU•f. l
., 30 189 The Kultcal to the TJ:a•aJ:rlart A,l:o them to ho on tho
alert at rug Lt f I {U rdn )
, Sl 190 BhM Smgh Nii,b K~t.,a,l to the TJ:a•aUau A■b them to
annonnce the orders of Ml,id Ba!l!,b Khan that any oae fonnd ~
oh•rgmg fire-work,, OT flyrng pigeon, will be puaiobed .. theoe alorm
the ■ old.iers f L (Urdu)
191 The KiJltoill to uie fla<aldar, Cen.nreo tqem fDT theu-
nOQ-loot m funrulung the pnce hot of provmoa ■ direct■ them to 1encl
th; eune pnnotu&lly at 8 • m to the Dt11a/, f I (Urda)
192 Khud4 Ba\iliih Kh11.n, Na,b KiJ1""1 to the IAa.alr/ar, Warn,
' them that any TJ,a,.aldiir, (clerk-, or Jaaadar of •~l IAa•aA found
nboeat from h1_0poot m11 be d,,nnl-3. at once t L \Urdu.)
198 Khud4 Ba~ KhAn, j\a,6 K6t.,al to TAa•a"'1art A■!.:■
them eaoh to ■end JO water-,,amero. f. L (Urdu.)
Bop 194 Khud! Bak!J,b Khln j\a,6 KiJttclil,to the TJa,..Ulir, Au■
th"In to cuonlue the orde< of the C m-C not to fly pigeon■, Jote, or
.hoclarge flre-worb f L (Unln.)
4 196 -K!Jndl B•~h Khtn, Na16 K41Nl, to the TJa,uzAifiir, .A■kt
them to -a a h.■t of v~le- ■ellen f L (Urdu.)
185'i 120-continuecl
Sep. 4 106. Bhno Smgh, 1.Yiid.1 Kohciil, to the Thii11ahd<71sAsks them to
trace 2 nu&smg clul<lren. f l. r U1du )
5 197. The 2.'!tiiualtdiil of HaJghat to the Kotwiil ancl Thc"inaltilii1s
" Requests them to find out n m1ssmg child £, 1 (U1du)
,, , lDS-0 The Kohriil to the 'l'ltiZnahil<71s.Asks them each to send all
" the clia1ulhns, 5 ,rnle1-ca1ue1s nncl 10 coolies. £. 2 (Duplrcates )
,, 200. The Kotwal to the T!tiinalala,s. Asks them to find out a
" mu,sing clnld f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 201. Bhiio Smgh, 1.Yii1bEoltciil, to the :l'!tiinahdt{ls Asks them to
find out a nussmg child £. I (U1Ju)
,, 7 202 The .hot1ciilto the 1'!ti'inaluli71sAsks them io announce the en-
closed 01de1s of the C -m-C by the bc,tt of ehum f I (U1du)
,, 10 203, The .Aot1cii.lto the T!taua!td[{Is Asks them to nutial ancl
ieturn the enclosed copy of .i. pauciinah, togethc1 w1Lhthe 011grnal
f. 1. (U 1du)
,, " 204-5. The C -111-Cto the Kohoal ,md the Tltiina!tdii1s Asks them
to 1.eep nn UJ)-t" \late account of then daily rncome and send 1t to him
f ') (Onphc ~

" ,, 206 'Ih -

m collectin
to the ThaJ1ahdiJ1s.Sends sol<lie1sto help them
then rec:;pective JU11sd1ct10ns and asks them to
send the ' ,ys £. l (U1dn)
207. Th tho 'l'hiinaluliirs Asks them to supply as many
gunny bab . f 1. (U1du )
208-9 ' the Thauahdii, s Asks them to send the
oney 1eal •e shopkeepe1s to him and 01de1 the armed men
le Kash Z (U1du)
O. Kh hiin, Niizb Kotwiil, to the Thiina!tdii1s Asks
to SU d<tggers, spades and axes as they can £ I.

and mfantiy attached to the Thiinalt Ahpttr,

names of some Tltana!tda1s. £ l (U1du)

Bakbsh m connection with the theft of his

') Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Nal,b Kotwiil Asks him

Jn which he sends th1ough J:\faulav1 Sa1fullah
,~ Cummal Court f 1 (Per )

S foll 135 , var10us sizes.
lzsts of the Police establishment at the Thanah Bboj~
, J1du)

1857 120-contrnued
Ang 15 180 Khud~ Bakllah Khin Na,6 Kot,cal, to the TLhaldar, Aeb
them eaoh to mpply a hat of -eattle 'm puturea ,n th=
JUnswot,om. f L ,Urdu)
181 The Ko/.,al to the TAa.,.,,Udr, A>.ke them to oend 11, ket of
oaltle m theu- JnrudicboDB to FU%Abroad Khlln, Mun/, and enolooea
the Mmmf'• orders to that.effect f I (Per)
Aug IQ 182 Khnd~ B•ltliohKh11n, Nath Ko/,cal to the Tlil.oa>.dar, Aalc1
them to arreet thoee -..ho engage bulloolr earl• and do not payhue
f. 1 (Urdn.)
183 The C m C to the Ko/,cal A.oh bun to mpply 15 cooheo
to carry ammnmb.on eto to Ahpnr f L (Urdu)
24 184 The Tlt.i.aa>.dar, of Ralgbat to the Koi,dl antl other TJ.auA
darf RequArl them to 11!3110a ou-oular to find out • =ag O!lDleL
£ L (Uplu)
,. 28 185 "'!'he Koltcal to the 11,a•aUar, Aw them to recommend a
clerk willmg to be tranrlerred to the TAaaaA Mebru, where a vae&noy
h .. occurred on Re 10 a mouth f. L (Urdn.)
186 The Uitcal to the Tl,aaal,d,m A.oh them lo copy and oirou
late the enolooed pnce hot of proTIBiona. £ I (Urda)
29 187 Ml)d Fnz Bal.hob to KhudA &kl!>h Kh!.n, lta,6 Ko'tcdl
.A_ab,him to eead huob ,nth the man m charge of the oxea f. L
188 Khutl! Ba~sh Khan,Naw Kot,.nl, to the ThaaaMar, Ash
them to eend the grocers whom be oent yeaterdoy, to the Ki!licillt £ L
80 180 The Ko/,cal to the TM•aUar, Aolro them to be on the
alert at rught. f L (U run)
31 190 BMo Singh lta,h Aol,cal to the TJil .. Adar, A■ lra them to
announce the ortlero of Mhd Ba]ilish Khan th,t any one found d1-■-
ohurgm~ fire-worlra or flymg p,geon, will be pnnuhed •• tbeoe alarm
the ooliliere f L (U rdo )
191 The Ki!/IDill to tno T!il•alt/ar, Cenroreo tljem for their
neglect m fnrm■hmg tho pnce hot of provmoa■ direct.. them to teod
the eamo punctually at 8 Lm to the Ki!lr,a/1 f L (Urda)
192 Khndd BaklJ,h KhAn Na,6 Ki!l,cal to the t/,//.oal,Jar, W&nU1
them that any Tlca•altlar (clerk, or Jaaadar of ony //,a,aA found
obsent from hu poet ,n1( be dJ"1IllS80d at once L L (Urdn.)
198 KhndA Bal;b,h Khia, Na,6 Ei!fral to Tla•al,dur, Allra
them enob to ,end I Owater-<2.mera. L I (Urdn.)
Sep. 104 KhndA Bakh,h Khlin Na,b Kol,ral to the Tla••Aaar1 A,b
th-m to ouoolnte the order of lha C m C not to By pigeon■, bte■ or
Jachuge fire-worlrL f L (Urdn.)
4 196 KhndG Bakll'h Khin J,a,6 K~/,cal to the Tla•aUar, Alla
them to oend a ll■t of .,-ege~ble- ■ellen. f I (Urdu.)
1857 120-aonl inuacl
Sep. 1flfi Dh,-t0Smgh, X(i10 Xoltriil, to the Tliiiualul,71 s Asks them to
trace !! nw,~mg clnlthen. f I. , U1du)
5 lfl'i. 'fho J'liriunhrl,ir of 11:iiglrnf to the Kolttrtl nncl Tluina!trla,s
" Rec1uc,{sthem to fmcl out n mif::.:;mg clnl<l. f. I (UHln.)
,, ,, l!lS-!l frhe ltolrnil lo the 'J'li,inalrl<iu,. A.,k., them each i.o send all
" the cl/(rndlirt'i,r, ,rnte1-rnr1ie1, a1Hl10 coohei,, f. 2. (Dnpl1cate::. )
200. 'J'he .Aof1r,il to the '1'/u,11r1/,diin>,A_.,Jn,them to find out a
" m1.,!:-ing ('Juld f I (UHlu.)
,, 201. lJh:10 Smgh, .Y,7,bXcitrrM,to the J'hiiualid,i.n, ..hks them to
" find out .1 lllH:·'-lllg child f. 1 (l, Hlu )
,, i 202 'l'lic ·.Avf1r,il to ihc '.1'/i,i1111lulii1
'i \..,~,. them to ,mnomu•c the cn-
cJo...c<lotden; of the C-m-C. 1i, the l,e1t of thnm f. I. (U1dn.)
,, 10 ~03 The Aotruil to Uw 'l'!t,rn,dul,71,\ Ash'> them to m1tml an,l
1chun the cnl'lnsecl copy of ,l JJa11ni11a!t,iogcthc1 \\tih the ougrnal
f. I (Unlu)
,, " to 201.-::i. The C,-m-C to the 1'.0!1riiland the 'l'li<tuahdi'i1s AsL.s them
J..c(lp.m np-to-d.1tc ncro1mt of then daily mcomc and send 1t to lum
f 9 ( Dt1phl'.1tc)
" ,, ,Wu 'lire C,-rn-C. to the 'I'lurualulrr1s. Sends ::ioldic1c; to help them
m collcctin~ 1cnt<-. 111t.hcii rc-;pcctnc Jtt11sdict10ns .md asks them to
send the money 111 2 cla3s f l (G 1d11 )
,, ,, 207 The Kollriil to the 1'/1ii11a!tdii.1 s A6ks them to snpply as many
gunny bags 36 they :f I (U1dn )
,, 11 208-9. 'l'he K;;t,ctil to the Tliii11a!tdu1s Asks them to send the
money 1cahsed fiom the bhopkccpeis to b1m nnd 01dc1 the .umed men
to the Kasbnur G,tte. .E 2 (U1dn)
,, " 210 Khuda B,tklu,h Khon, 1.Vci1u Kotwi'il,to the Thiina!tda,s As1.s
them to supply as mnny d,1ggers, spades nncl axes as they can f 1,
211. List of the cavalry and mfantiy ,1ttached to the Thiinalt Ahpttr,
" " f I (Per)
212 Paper beanng tbe names of 6ome Thanaltda1s. £ I (U1du.)
))" 213 Statement of JJiI Bakbsh m connection with the theft of his
" " water po~.£ I (Urdu)
214 The Kottoal to Khmlii Bakhsh Khan, ~NiitbKotwiil Asks him
" " to iece1ve an .ippl1cat10n "h1ch he sends th1ough lvfaul<Lv1Sa1ful1ah
and to bubm1t it to the 01 nnmal Court f I. (Pei )

1851 121.
.MS foll 135, various sizes
May 17, 25 l-3. Nommal lists of
the Police establishment at the Thanah Bhoj-
lapaban, £, 2, (U1du.)

1857 121-cont,nuea
May Zl 4 :Muv'l Amlru Kh~n Tla•altiii1 of BhoJIJ.pahan to the Ko/-,,ol
Bend. 6 EngllBh booko ond a belt foUDd on the street. f L (Urda.)
, 27-&p 11 6 60 Duly report. of the TAu•aA BhoJ!.pah•n. f 08 (Urda.)
May 28 67 1,Ln-u AmAm Kh~n TAa1UJltd11r of BhoJlapahan, to the K61-,,ol
Send. him 5 fettenl lllld an Engh,h book fonnd on the street and oay•
the.t :W,d .A.tzm has given a BeCUntybond f I (Urdu)
1un. 1 68 MinA Amin, ~n, TAa•ahiiir of Bhojlaphan, to the
KM-,,al HaB oent 8 water-eameTII. f I {Urdu)
60 Muzl Amliru Kh1n Tl,a-.aidar of Bb,oJlaphan to the Kotrcal
Bend, en apphcaboo addreooedto the C m C by the KiJl,ral found on
the street f I (Urdu)
4 70 B Adat Ah B~ Clerk of the TAaxd Bho}lapaho,n to Dh!o
Bmgh Nii,b Kol1t1iil Requeeu him to commnrucate the add,_
of Asad Ah KhAn ond othara with their fathen' nam"" f I (Urda.)
6 71 MinA Am!ru KhAn to the Ko/""1 Will een<l pron,10no on
the receipt of the panca•aA of the C m C f. L (Urda)
7 11=A AmAru KhAnto the Ko/,oal Benrle b .. kote f. I (Urda.)
11 73 1,hnA AmAm Kh~n to the Kmg Bohc,t,i arrangement. for
gottmi, BDpphee of provmo11.1 The Kmg order, ehopkeepeni to hxve
flonr mannfactured by moon, of water =11.s. f I (Urda )
lS 74 List of payment. m&de to the officen of the Pohoe at BhoJI&
JEhan f I (Per)
75 Muu Amliru Khan to the Kot.,al Hoa made arnmgementa
!OTohops for the nee of the anny f I (Urda)
15 70 \111:u AmAru Khln to the Kolral. Requerl• him to oupply
gunny bng1 eto for aendmg provmon_o f L (Ur<ln J
77 111,nAAm!m KhAn to the Ko/.,./ Sends SitA ll.lm and othorl
to hun ao doored. f I (Urdu)
16 78 1,JinA Amfim KhAn to the Kotral Bayx that arrangement.I
have been made for hanng a meat and m1llr ohop for the army
£.I (Urdu)
17 -10 Alu:u Amliru Kh4n to the Kolll!ul Send. 0 lll•undx of flour and
3 IIOOTIof ghee f I (Urdu)
80 hl1rzA Amlim KhAn to the Kot"'1l Send. 100 bukot, f I
81 M,ru Amlru KhAn to the J;e>t.,./ Send, SohJ.rn, acciwd, an<l
reqncoh hlB releo,,e a• there
i• no ov,denco of Ju, g,ult f I (Urdu)
82 1iI1nA Amllru Kh&n to Bhlio Smgh, ,1 .,6 KJt,cal Sendx Gohmd
•nd Gullb, rn-eet, on<loro to execute ,eounly bon<l, m hlB rreoence f L
lV 83 Mlrzll Amlm KMn to the KJl,r,J.l A.lo, him to ocn<lthe
" pneo of wkot ■ aupphed. f. I (Urda)
1857 121-aontin'l:ted
Jun 19 84 3111za. Amam Khan to the Kotwiil RequestEI' him to supply
<'onveyances for carrymg p1ovis1ons f I. (lT rdu )
20 85 ::Muza Amam Khan to the Kotwiil Has sent 8 coolies f l,
21 86 Mnza Ama.m Khan to the Kotwiil Sends the Chaudh1ts of
" groce1s w1th their agieements, 1s unable to supply ghee £ I (U1du)
Jul 5 87 1\1:nza Amam Khan to the Kotwiil V{ate1-ca1ners who weie
sent to Agha Khan of Nah1-1-S'adat Khan have been sent back by him
f I (Urdu)
22 88 Mnza Amani Khan to the Kotwiil Requests him to 1ece1ve
" s€'cunty f10m the shopkeepers th1ongh the thaualis m the JU11sdict10n
of which they hve f I (U1du)
23 89 1iinza Amo.m Khan to the Kotwal Acknowledges the 1eceipt
of his lettei and money f01 the pmchase of baf:,kets £ 1 (U1du)
,, 26 90 Mnza Amam Khan derues havrng seen any one woundmg a
soldie1 f 1 (Urdu)
28 91 I\Inzii. Khan to the Kotwiil Sends 30 maunds of pulse
" f l (Utdu)
30 92 1''.Inza Amanf Khan to the Kotwal Asks whethe1 he should
secme un undertakrng nom the Punces and Pnncesses not to sacufice
cows £ l (Urdu)
Aug 5 93 Enlistment 1011of barq_andiizesat BhoJlapahan f 1 (Per)
6 91 !\'Inza Amani Kh:'in to the notwal Sends a ce1tam quantity of
" sulphm £ 1 (Urdu)
,, " 95 Mnza Amanf Khan to the Kotwiil Sen<ls baskets and ask<i for
then pnce £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 8 96 :i\luza Amanf Khan to the Natb Kotv)al Is unable to supply
sacks and asks 1nm to secme them fiom Chandm Chauk f. 1
9 07 Mnza Amani Khan to the Ko!toal Requests 1nm to send
'' axe<i,etc f 1 (Urdu )
,, 10 98 Mnza Amani Khan to the Kotwal Requests him to send either
Jangf Khan or the necessary implements to pnt out a fhe that has
b1oken out_m the M:agazme f 1 (U1du)
" ]2 99 1'iirzn Aman1 Khan to the Kotwat Sends Sheo Nath, a shop-
keeper, will send Jawala Nath when found £ 1 (U1du)
J) "
100 1\'llrzn.A)Ilan1 Khan to the Kotwiil Says that the bomb sent
to put out the fii e m the nfagazme 1s not m good rnnd1t10n f. 1 l U 1 clu )
" ))
] 01 J,1st of coolies sent to the Kofwiili from J3h0Jlapaha11 £ 1
,, 13 102 M1rzfi Amanf Khan to the Kotwiil Requests 1nm to send Rahfm
Bakhsh barqandaz, others haYe ieturned fiom the Kotwati £ 1 (Urdu)
296 '

1857 lill-oontmued
Aag 15 I 03 Mam Amlin! ~n to tho Ji oilral W ,II eentl the bo.nker 1arill
NAth ,f found f 1 (Urdu.)
,. 16 104 MinA AmAn[ Kl!An to the KoitDal Hruisent a hot oi cattle
f 1 (Urdu)
105 Jlbro\ Aman! KhAn to othor T/u,.a!dar, .A,k, them to trace &
womon 'ITho robbed her hruband of a few hon1ehold amcleo and fled. f
1 (Urdu.)
,, 17 106 Mtr:tA AmAn{ [hAn to the Ki//.,al Ila.a sent the c1a•d1ru
mth a hat of cattle f 1 (Urda )
,, 17 18 107 10 of coo!teo sent to the KMtt1aZ.from Bhojl•ptU,•n. foll 4
,, 18 l ll Mir:tAAmAn{ Kll,dn to the Xol,cal Send, a shopkeeper to
h,m to oettle the price of provmonB f 1 (Urdu.)
112 M,r:tllAmAn( KhAn to the Ko/teal Ha.a not found any l!ar2••rlas
Illlmed A= Ballih f l (Unlu)
,, 19 113 Min.A AmAni Khllnto the Ko/,.,.J Send, 2 doohe-bearen.
f l (Urdu.)
, 22 IU Thn/1 .A,mAruKhtln to the KoirDal Is UnBble to send the
opmm-aeller residmg near 1am, Ma.J1d as reqmred f. 1 (Urdu.)
116 BhAo Smgh Aa,b Kolo:rd to the Tlw.a1dor of Bho3lapahan
" " Aw htm to ,end Motl il snd<lle-maker (Yono the TA01a1dar 1&y1
that he ml! senclMoh "hen found) t 1 (Urdu.)
,, " 116 KhAnto the KM,rnl Seocls BahAdnr KhAn, &
tutlor f I (U rdn..)
26 117 Mtrm Aman{ K:b,!.n to the KoilMl .Sara that a certuo ahop-
keeper ha. armed nt h,. 1.M,aA f 1 (Urdn..J
118 113m Am!m! Kb,'\n to the Ko/,ool Hu a,mt the cht<dhu
' 28 from bi. iuroo10hon f. 1 (U rein )
ll.0 11,m Am&nf KhAn to the Xofral DrrArka DAeChandhn 1<1ll
and 11 unable to app,ar at the Ko/,ca/, f 1 (Urda)
29 120 Mrrz&AIDAnl KhAn to other TAa•al,Jr,r, .A.ka them to trace
the mother ofn fonndhng t I (Urda)
., 30 121 hlinA A.mAnfKhAn to the Kotral Hnlcim KhmiohAhoan11
111,.enda ha ,on S'ldud Din to recem, orclero f 1 (Urda)
,, 31 122 1!II"a AmAnf KhAn to the Ko/r,al Good flonr,. not &vailableJ
co.n oend flonr of mfenor quality 1f reqmre<l f 1 (Urdu.)
Sep 1 123 Khud~ Bnk!J,h KhAn, Na,b KM,cal to the T,auUr.r ot
llbo)l&Jl"hnn. Send. him "Muft( Fau Ahmad I parra•d forbtddmg
Mhd ,tnnlr from cxpelhng a ten,nt from h11 hon.e (Yerao the
TA 1-aM«r 111y1 that he hrui commurucated."\[uftl p.,,
Ahm&d'a order to
:lilh<I.lltonlr) f 1 (Per $.•Urdu)
1~4 :lil.JnAAmfin( KhAn to the Ko/i,al h nnahle to ,end 10 addle-
" 2 mal:cr11ercry dny f. l (Urdu.)
1857 121-conclitdecl
Sep. 3 · 12:5 7'I1rzKAmnni Khanto the Kotux-U Sends plans of stall-keepers'
sh~ps. £. 1 (U1clu)
" 6 126 :Mnza Amani Khan to the Koliu7J. Sendb the Uha1{(/h1 ts of
the coolies. £ 1 (U1du )
,, " l 27 The Kotwiil to the 7'1101ird1d(;r of TiboJ1apab.m Asks him to'
send Amf1 'Ah (Veiso the 1'lu7nahrlii1 says that Arnfr 'AH 1s 111)
f. 1 (U1dn.)
,, 11 128 ~Inrii Amanf Khan to the ilo!u ii.l Heqnest,;; 1nm to send 2
sol<lie1s t.o help hun m 1eahbmg 1cnts etc f l (U1dn)
12 n l\lu 1a A man1 Kl1an to the ll ot1l<tl Is unable to supply
" " rnofabses f. ,l (U1du)
130. S'ii.dat 'Alf Beg, cle1k of thii.nalt BhoJ arahd11, f o :Munshi 'Azi'm
Khan \Vent twice to sec l11m and will go tocl.1y agam. f. 1 (Uidu)
1857 122.
l\i S foll 34 , various s1zes
Jun 23 1 ?\Iirzii Ama.111, tbe Thaua/ulii1 of,, to the C -m-C.
Has sent 2 Cows f 1 (U 1dn)
,, 26- 2-14 DniJy ieports of the 1'!tanah Bh0Jlapaha11 f 15
Aug. 2 -(Urdu)
Jui 8 15 Ahmad Khan to the C -rn-C A K,1bhm11i 1ufhan has fo1c1bly
takep. away a dagge1 bclongmg to him £ 1 (U1du.)
26 16 :Muzii to the Kmg. Piays fo1 the favou1 0£ his 01der-
" rng the payment 0£ ba, q_audazes'salaries (Verso the Krng's orders for
the payment) "f I (Ur<lu) '
,, 28 17 !\Iirza Amani to the C.-m-C. Repo1ts thn death of Lachhii, a
blind begga1 f I (U1<lu)
,, ,, 18 Report about the deceased Lachhu; a blrncl begga1, with sign·
atmes 0£ witnesses f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 29 19 Muza Amani to the C -m-C Retmns 4 annas saved out of
the money paid fo1 p1epa1mg a seal for the thanah f 1 (Urdu)
,, 20 l\fnza Amfmi to the C -m-C Repo1 ts the death of RaJan, a
" female cobble1 (The C -rn-C's 01ders fo1 rnvestigation} f I.
-c,~ (Urdu)
,,A. ,, 30 21 ..-.Repo1t about the deceased RaJan, a female cobber, with
, signatmes of witnesses f 1 (U1du)
!, 22 :Muza Amani to the C -m-C Asks him fo1 the giant of R s 2
" as house 1ent to a newly appomted ba, q_andiiz f 1 (Urdu)
,, 23 j\f1rza Amani to the C -m-C Requests bun to pay the house
" ienls £or 2 guards f I. (Urdu)
Aug. 4 24 The C -m-C to the Thiiuahdar of Bh0Jlapaha11 D:nects him to
send Kalka Das and Agha Khan, me1chants (V e1s0 The Thanalular
sends Agha Khan and wtll send Kalka Das when found.) f. 1. (Urdu)
/ '
1867 122----i:on
Aug 6 25 1,Im:• Ami;n( to the C m-C Sena. the enhstment" roll of the
~arqa,ila«t of Lio••.I f 1 ( Ordu)
D .-20 11Iin! AmAnl to the C ,n C Acknowloogeo the receipt of the
C lil C '• letter f 1 (Urdu)
27 The C m C to the na.altdar of BhoJlapah,.n Duacts !um to
" " reah,e money from Dw!rkl D,s, Jaw~rr LAI and other, (Varao the
Tlla~Uo.r ""'" that Dw/lrl:e D~ and JawAhrr LU ore not found and
other> refo.e to pay the m0noy demanded ) f 1 (Unln)
28 The C m C to the K~twal Aoh if he wonlu recommend SA.dat
All Beg for the pootof the 2ml olerl.: m the•a.i llhojlaraJian. f
1 (Per)
8 29 BAd6t Ah Beg to the C rn-C AP£½etfor the po.t of the 2nd
clerk m the TU,,d BhoJlapaban f 1 ( Unln )
10 30 ,1in.a Amam Khan to the C 1c C Dwruch DA. refo ... to pay
the money demanded and othe!'ll lll"0 not fonnd f 1 (Urdu)
13 81 Mnl'.A Am6m KhAn to the C m C Sends DwArh Dft ■ and
Math1A DAa ml! l!Ondothen when found f I (Urdu)
14 82 The C m-C to the na•al11far of BhoJlapahan Cenrarea !um
for hie neghgenee m conymg out the KMtMI, ordere (Veno the
'nhaUar domes the alleg~ neghgenoe) f 1 (U1dn.)

1857 123
MB foll 218 vonom oues
1 Nommal hot of Poboe eetwwhment at the Tlia•.A Gnur
Ittqod KhAn f 1 (Per)
17 2 Fau: Talab K.liftn TU•aUdr of 'Gatar Ihq1d Kh4n to the
A~/,clil !um to p,,y furqa•dau, thou alane,, f. 1 (Urdu)
20 3 F~!Z T■ lah KhAn, Tla•a.idar of Guu.r lbqad Khln, to the
K~l,cal lknWI 1n unolauned gun, 4 h&yonela and 2 leather oheath1
f 1 (Urdu.)
20 4 Foiz Tal•h KMn, TJ,a.aUar of G=r lt1qod Kb.ln to the
K~trcal Hao oent ,1,.•• dh11 f 1 (Urdn.) I
27 5 hu T•lab K,h&n, TJ,.a•aMar of Guvir lt!qod Khln to the
E~trcal H .. ■ent 4 grocers, 2 hanl.:ero and 2 hn.L ■ellen. f I
6 Fau Talnh Kh&n 1 •••• uar of Guur ltJqad Khan,totbo C 10
C Bend■ a bot of the Police eotahh,hm,nt of h11 /Aa.d wrlh a ■tate
mont of the .,Jru1e,, of the employ& J reqne■t. 1mmcd1ate peonruarJ
help f. 1 (Urdn.)
28 7 Fau: Talah KMn•o.idar of Gnnr lhqad Khln,to tbo
C ln-C Ila■ ■tmt pron11on1 f 1 (Urdn.}
S Fau Tol■b KhAn na.aUar of Gnur lhqacl Khln to the
C !n-C Send ■ on nnclalmed lamp f. 1 (Unln.}
MUTThtY i>A.PERS- 299
1857 123-oontinued
l\1:ay28- 9-82 Daily ieports of the Thiinah Guza1 f nqnd Khiin f 76.
Sep 11 (U1du)
31 83 Fa1z Talab Khan, Thiinaltdii1 of Guza1 Itiqad Khan, to the
" Kotu,cil Has sent 20 coolies f 1 (U1du)
Jun 1 84 Fa1z Talab Khan, Thanaltdii1 0£ Guzar It1qad Khan, to the
Kotwiil Has sent Clta1tdlt1tsof g1oce1s acco1dmg to the list noted m
the letter f l (U1du)
85 Fa1z Talab, Thiinaltdii1 of Guza1 Itiqad Khan, to the
" " Kohoiil Has sent 4 wate1-carue1s £ I (U1du)
,, 8G Faiz Talab Khan, Thiinahdiir of Guza1 It1qad Khan, to the
" Kotwiil Sends a secunty bond taken fi om Abdullah Khan £ I
87 Fa1z Talab Khan, Thcinahd,i1 of Guza.i It1qad KhanJ to the
Kotwiil Sends 8 coolies, cannot send more f I (U1du)
88 Fa.iz 1alab Khan, Thcinaltda.1of Guza1 It1qad Khan, to the
" liiitwiit Has sent 4 watei-ca111e1s , Sends 6 moie f 1 (Urdu)
89 Fa1z T<Llab Khan, 1'hcinahdii1 of Gnz..11Itiqad Khan to the
" " Kotwiil Has sent all the booty, will send moie 1£ procmed £ 1
90 Bhiire Beg, -clerk of Tltlinrih Guza1 Itiqad Khan, to the Kotwiil
Has sent 8 coolies £ I (U1du)
,, 91 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwiil Submits a iepo1 t about the
" sale of a landed p1operty belongmg to Debi Smgh and otheis £ 1
,, 9.2-4 l 11mz Tala b Khii.n to the Kotwal Sends 35 coo1ies a11d 4
" shoerng smiths f 3 (U1du)
4 95 Fa1z Talab Khiin to the Kotwii.l Sends 9 axes, 1 dagger and
" J ,spade £ 1 (Urdu)
96 Bhfne Beg, cleik of Thiinah Guz,1,r It.1qad Khi.n Repoits ill-
" " ness of ba1qan.dliz:M:uatafaKhan f I (U1du ) •
97 Bhuie Beg, cle1k Thiinalt Guzar It1qad Khan Has s~ □ t 5
" " cooh s f I (Urdu)
5 98 Faiz Talab Kb,an b the ,'totwiil Ha.s sent 2 water-caniers
" al!.d an ox f 1 (Urdu )
,, 99 Faiz 'J'alab Khiin to the E.otwal Has sent chaudhus of
--" grocers f 1 (U1du)
100, I•a1z Talab Kh:in to the fiotwii.l Has sent 1 maund of
" " molassses and l maund of sugar f 1 (Urdu)
,, 6, 6 101-3 Fuz 'J'alab Khan to the Kotwal. Has Fent 1:5wat-er-carriere,
20 coolies and 14 doohe-bc11e1s f 3 (U1du)
7 104. Faiz Talab Khan to the Kotwal Semis a list of the Plil1ce
" establic;;hment of 1us lltiinalt. f 1 (Urdu)
8 105 Nommal hst of the Police estahhshment at thiinah Ciuzar
" Itiqad Khan. f. 1 (Per )
1857 123-conlinUtd
Jun. 8 106 Fau: Talab KhAn to the Kol10al HM ""nt 16 cooht11 and
cLt•d1m or oobbleno f l (U nla)
l 07 Fim Ta lab KhAn to the KMical Is nnnble to oend maoon1
f 1 (Urdn)
108 Fa,s Ta\ab KhAn to the KJl10al Report,, the arrangement
of guard. at vanom 01ty gate,, and a!!kofor more guard,, for the Kabul
gate f 1 (Urdn)
0 !Oll F""" Talab KhAn to Nawab \fo.hboli Ah Kb.An.Hu oent 20
KhAn , 11 unable to .end more. f 1
cooheo to 11.!l~ Khm and Barfl!.11l..z:
110 r= Ta\al, KhAn to the Kol10al Inbmateo that 20 ooohe1
have arnvetl. f l (Urdu.)
111 Fau: Talab Khli.nto the Kot.,al Jntimate. that barqa•lkl•
H UBlllil Ah ha!!armed f 1 (U rd n )
l 19 Fa1z Talab !OIAn to the Kolr:al Sando 20 oooheo and re
queot. lum to .end 4 Sepoy• at Sohmgarh f 1 (Urdu.)
ll 3 Faiz Ta!J.b KhAnto the C in C Requeota ht1 ordero for
the dt'Pooal of a vabl e property &ttaohed by the Conrt f 1 (Urdu J
11 114 Fai, Talol, f!Jillnto the K ol10iU Hao seouretl 4 ooohe11only
can eeoure more rf their wages are moreaaed f 1 (Urdu.)
13 115 Fau; Tah>b Kh~n to the Kol>cal H.. sent 1"lTel'&l
c1a1uUm mll wnd more when fonnd f. 1 {Urdu)
116 Faiz Talab KhAn to the Ko/'ll)(J/ Send, 8 coolies. f I
,, l'.'>,11 117 lS Fai~ 1'a\,,b Kh!,.n t~ tbe C m C R<lp<>na\- o! h, ..
and damage to propertieo oauee<lby bombardment. f 2 '(Urdu.)
1,6 IIQ F~ Talab KhAn to the Kolr:al H .. oent two c•a•d1m AllO
mll oend more when found f I (Urdu.)
'l7 120 1"lUITalAb Kh!n to the Koi,:al Intimates that 4 oooh~
have arnved f 1 (Ordn.)
121 Paiz Ta\ab KhAn to the Ki5t10al Reqaeota him to oend
wat9l'-<lllmero to put oat a fire that luu broken out in the honoe of
Mhd Bakluh. f 1 (Urdu.)
122 Faiz TalAli KhAn to the Katr:al Report. the deplorable
" conilition of Ju,, J11m<l1ctJon f. 1 (Urdu.)
18 123-4 Bhoro Beg OlerJ.. 1Ja.. 1 Gnmr lhqatl !thin llao 10nt ~
doohe-1-ren ond 8 coohe,,. f 2 (Urdn.) •
20 126 Pm Ta\ab Kh~n to the A3/r:al Sendo 9 coolie. an<l ~
dooho bearer. cannot ,end more. f 1 (U nln.)
,, 22 U0 7 Fllll Talab K.hdn to the K/5/,cdl II ■■ sent 2 carpentotl
nnd4 ohoemg 1m1tL.. f 2 (Urda.)
1857 123-con tinued
Jun. 23 128. The C.-in-C to the Thiinaltrlii1,(Guzar Itiqad Khan. Diiects
him to send 100 coolies and 7 watei-cauieis (Vel'so: the Thanaluliir
says that coolies and wate1-canieis al'e not available owmg to heavy
1am) £. 1 (U1tlu)
,, 24 129 Faiz Talab Khan to the Kotw'al Has sent 2 shoemg-sm1ths
10 coolies and 8 doohe-bea1e1s. £ 1 (Uidu)
Jul. 2 130 Fa1z T_alab Khan to the (; -m-C Requests his oide1s in
connection with a house belongmg to Hai Smgh, a deceased oilman who
left no heu, Buddha Srngh La!> taken possession of the said house.
(Ve1So the Kotwiil submits the above repo1 t to the C ee.10-C, C -m-C.
01deis the Kotwal to guaid the house, the Kotwiil sends men to assist
the Phiinahda, m gua1dmg the hou'3e) f. 1. (U1du,)
" 4 131 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwii.l Has sent coolies and car-
pente1s acc01dmg to the list noted rn th.:J lette1 f 1 (U1du)
" 5 132. Faiz Talab Khan to the Krng Solicits his 01de1s about
Jamadar Kashi Rmgh who has ove1stayed his leave foi 3 days.
(Veiso · Krng's orde1s to wait for 2 days mo1e) £ 1 (U1du)
,, " _ 133 Mirza Ahmad Beg, Cle1k, Phiinah;Guza1 It1qad Khan, acknow-
ledges the ieceipt of an ella and a maie f 1. (Urdu)
,. 6 134-5 Faiz Talab Khiin to the Kotwal Has sent 17 coolies and
5 doohe-bea1 ms f 1 (U1du)
,, " 136 Statement made by Sahib Smgh m connect10n with a bmgla1y
committed m his shop f 1 (U1du)
,, 10 137 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Krng Reports about a bmglary
comnutted Ill the shop of Sahib Smgh £ 2 ,
,, 11 1.38 1'.fi1 Amanat 'AH Khan, Thiinahdii1 of Guza1 Allahabad, to
the Kotwal Has sent copie!>of documents concernrng a smt, mll send
the statement of a ce1t,1m witness if 1equ11ed £ 1 (U1du)
,, 12 139 Bhao Smgh, Nazb Kotwiil, to the ThiZ11ahdii1of Guzai Jfaqad
Khan Ask.;; him to help KanJu Srngh m occupymg an nnclrumed house
(Verso the Tha,,ahrla, says that he has helped KanJu Smgh in
oc>cupymg the unclaimed house, sends Ghulam Jilani, who claims to be
the owne1 of the house) f 1 (U1du)
,, 21 140 The C -m-C acknowledges the iece1pt of an account from the
Thiinahdiir of Guza1 Itiqad Khan f 1. (Pei )
,, 23 141. Ahsanul-lah to Lala Jawala Nath Some missmg articles
belonging to the M:agazmc have been found m the houses of 2 ho1se-
men who claim them to he the11 own p1operty, sends a list 0£ the
.,articles f. I (Per) ,
,, 24 142 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwal. Has sent masons, coohes,
etc , acc01dmg to the hst noted m the letter f 1. (Urdu )
143. Khuda Bakhsh Khan, J.''ii1b Kotwiil, to the Thii11ahdar of
" " Guzar It1qad Khan. Asks him to auest a woman who robbed a soldier
0£ his articles. (Verso. the Thanahda1 eays that he pas not found the
woman.) £. I. (Urau.)

1857 123-----oontiu
1uL 26 6 144-6 Flllz Talab Kh•n to tbe C m-C and the Kmg H .. beea
oupplymg coolies, etc., regularly , complairu agamat Mme Tilangu
wbo b&ve llJ!l!lnlteda furqa•ria1 of h111da•d f L (Urdu.)
,, 26 140 The C 10-C to tbe Tlia,wMiir of Gn1&r Itiqo.d Khln D,
rect1 !um to 9elld barqa•do1 YahyA Kh~n (Verm the TluaMlir
~nd• the liarqa•da,) f L (Urdu)
147 B,atem,nt of YahyA KhAn 6arqaorla1 liefore tbe C m-C
m oonneotion mth lu• bemg 11.88aalled
by 1ome Tilanga, f I {Urdu.)
29 148 Fm Talib Khi!.n to tbe Kolical Hu sent Claxtilri, of
grocers f I (U rdn )
149 Th• KolicilJ to tha Tl<a•aMar of Gnzar Itiqad KhAu All,.,
!um to help IlaJadar B•f<hr B~g m procunng mulao eto for carrvrng
loads (Verso the TlaoaMar eay1 thlt he o aid not prooare mn18i,
etc. as de&re<l) f I (Urda)
UO Fai1 Talab KhAn to the KoltO<ll H .... nt 2 carpenter■
cannot eend more. f I {Urda)
lnl Faiz Tnl,b Khln to the Kol,c,iil Send• 10 cooheo 6 iloohe-
b, a ers and 10 sboeiag ... m1thB. f I (Urda )
31 162 Fruz 'la lab to tbo KoltDal H .. ooat 10 dovlu,-bearer,
f I (Urda)
Aog 163 Fa11 TalnL Khnn to the Ko/teal Hu oent 20 mannd■ of
parched poise requeetB Lim to pay 1ta price. f L {Urda)
164 Fatz Tnlab KhAn 1" the Ko/,oal Hno oent 111 maand1 of
pnloe and mll aeud f-U moan<l ■ more f I (Urda)
166 F= Tal•b KhAn to the Koli,al H•• oent coohee and
dool,e-bearero aooordmg to the h.t not.a rn the letter I I (U rdo )
HO Fon T.Jah KhAn to the Ko/,oi// Hu oent 10 <loohe-bexrer ■
and 16 ooohee. f I (Urdu.)
167 Farz Tnlab Khan to tbe Kol,cal H .. oent 10 maand ■ of
pul,e f I {U1du.)
168 Fa12: Talah Kh!n to the Kotical Send• provmooo u ,peo1
fied 10 the letter f I (0 nlu.)
160 Fauc Talah Khan to the Ko/,cJ/ Send, 1 ,hoe1og ... m1th
,nll oeoil more rl found £. I (Urda.)
4 160 hlul-anil L!i.l to the C ID C Pn,yo that the h>ol-er■ may Le
exc:n_oed from pnyrng the money <lemaoded uf them (The C ID C •
order, roJe<trng the apphco.trnn) f I (O,du.)
161 Fa11 Talab KhAn to lho Ko/,ca/ Senile 15 1hoe1ng-1mltb1
£. L (Urda)
lf2 I'•" TalaL Kh4n to llie K3hciil H .. oent 8 <loolio-henre-. 1
will oend more 1t requrrcd f I (l,rdn)
103 F&1<Tolab Khln to tho C rn-C Ileqns,t• him to onler the p■ y
muter of c~anl1dar1 to 1Upply ,l .. h,/ar, f I (Urdn)

_ 185'i 128 - continued·

Aug. "6. 164 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwal Has sant a ba1'qanilaz £
165 Fa1z TalaL Khan to the Kolwal Has cent 6 coolies, 2 car-
" ))
penters and 6 sappers to the Bareilly Camp, sends 20 more coohes.
f 1 (Urdu) -
,, 7, 8 166-8 Fn1z Talab Khan to the Kotwal Sends 30 coolies, 6 water-
ca111e1sand 2 shoemg-smiths. £. 3 (Urdu)
,, 8 ] 69 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwiil Requests 111s01ders in
connection with some articles apparently belongmg to the l\faganne
found m the stieet f I {Uidu)
" 9 170-1 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwal Has seot 25 crohes f I.

" H
172 The C -m-C to the Thanaltda1 'of Guzai Ifaqad Khan Dir-
ects him to supply a list of the bmldwgs owned by the Pan1ab1
sbopkeepers and commumcate his 01 de1s to them to piesent themselves
at the Comt at 2 pm (Ye1so the Thanahrli1Jcommun1r.ates the 01ders
of the C -m-C to the shopkeepe1 s and sends the req m1ed Ii.:it) f I.
,, 11 1 7J-6 Faiz Talal5 Khan to the Kotwal Has sent 4 masons, 4
coolies, 2 shoerng-snuths, 3 doohe-bea101s and 1 doohe f 4
~ ,, 16 177 Ghulam Husam Khan, Thanahrla, 0£ Guza1 Ifaqad Khan, to
the Kotwal Sends the cha1tclh11.,s requned f I (U1du)
JJ 14 -178 '!'be C -m-C to the Thiinalula1 of Guzar Ifaqa 1 Khan Cen-
smes him fo1 his negligence m c'luymg out the ordeis of the Kotzoiil
(Ve1so the Thanaltda1 demes the allegation) £ l (U1du)
179 'J1he C -m-C to the Thiinahda1 0£ Guza1 Itiqad Khan Dir-
" " ects him to make an enqmry about Kale Khan who has been ar ested
at the Lahoie Gate on a cha1ge of espionage (Veiso Bhihe Beg,
cle1k of the thiinah, savs that Kale Khan 1s not a spy but a chaul..ulii1
of Katia Ibiah1m Khan) £ I (U1du) _
ISO Fa1z Talab Khan to the C -m-C Has sent coolies, doohe-
" " bea1ers, ca1pente1s, etc, cannot send morn men f 1 (U1du)
]5 181 Faiz Talab Khan to the C rm-C Has sent chaurlh, is acco1d-
" mg to the hst noted m the letie1 f I (U1du)
16 182 Fa1z Talab Khan to the C -m-C Has sent a buJlock c,n t
" f I (Urdu)
,, 183 Fa1z Ta.lab Khan to the Kotwal KanJu Ram 1s not here,
" may be found at Thanalt Guza1 Allahabad £ 1 (Urdu)
17 184 Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotwlil Has S"'nt the chaud!tns
" reqaned f. l (U1du)
)I ]8 185 Bhfue Beg, cle1k, Thanalt Guzar Itiqad Kpan, to the Kollrc7l.
Sends 6...sweepe1s f 1. (Urdu)

1857 123-cont,mied
Aug 20 180 KhndAJlak!i,,h Kh~n No,h K3tral, to the TAunUar of
G=r lbqad KhAn A,u bun to trace wveral men mentioned m the
letter (V erao the Tta•aAr/,,r reqne.t,, to be furru■hed rnth neoew.11
pnrl1onlBM1about the men ) f I (Urdn)
187 Jlhnre Beg to the K31,ciil Il~ Go!l11 a] ■hoplrneper, cannot
rnpply pnlse f I (Urdn)
188 GhnlAm Huillm KhAn, Tlia•alular of Gozar Ibqad Khtn,
Aoknowledgeo the recrupt of~ partca•aA f I (Urdu)
180 'l'he Kotoral to the Tla•aldar of Gour Ibqad h.hAu Bends
pnce of pul,e. (Verso Jlhnr~ Beg o]STI.:of the TAaoaA,aoknowl~
the r ce1pt of pnoe for poise) f. L (Per)
190 Glrn!Am HuBUu KhAn, Tla•aldar of "ar lbqa.d Kbln,
to the KMral Bend.a 4 oxen and O ooohea Gnzmove aweepmga,
f L (Urdu) tn ,.,.
191 KhudA Jla!di,h Kh!n Na,h Kola,al to the 'l'koaAdar of
Gumr Ibqw Khll.n. Aab !um to anpply 2 [water-carnoro. (Veno
Bhilr6 Beg oencl. 1 watar-<:arner cannot oend more) f. L (Urdu)
,, 20 102 Bhure Beg to the KM,ral Hu oent 5 water-oam~ra. f. I
27 19S-4 Fau; Talab Khllnto the Kot-1 Will aend the clndAnt
when founu. f 2 (U ,du)
106 FOJZTalab Kh,ln to the Koltoal H .. ■eat 14 mallIUU of
pulae. f. I (Urdu)
196 Fau: Talab Kb.An to the K31,cal Sends an unolarmed lamp
f. I (Urdu)
., 30 1g7 Fau: Talab Kh~nto !he Koltca! Has aeul sbopkeepera ao-
ootdmg to tbo hat noted m the letter i. 1. lUrtlu)
Sep 3 108 Ilhnr~ Deg, clerk, to the Kot1ral Hu oent 9 muon ■ f I
100 Fau, Talab Khin w the Kol,cul Butchers are not a\"!Ulable
f I (Urdu)
., 4-7 20(F.1 GhalAm Humm Kba.n, Tl,a,.,,ldJr of Gumr lbqad Kh!n,
to the Aoliral Benda a certa.m qunnbty of pulaeandrequeat■ !um
to pay 1t. pnce f 2 (Urdu)
s 202 Fels TalJ.b KJ.;i.u to the Kot.:lil H .. ,eat 2 1hoe10g-omrlh1
f I (Urdu)
203-J. Fau: Talo.b Khln to the Kolral Haa aeut provmon■ noted
m the letter f 2 (Urda)
20& Fus Talnb Khln to the Kofrli.l llu aeot 7 coobes. f. L
200 Fau Talab Khnu to tbe Kolrr:•I Send, oome meruolne and
requeat■ h,m to pay 1ta pnce f. I (Urda)
207 -8 Ghulam B aaa1n Kh!.n to the K,1,,..1 Beruh A ceru.1D
qtw1bly of palae and r~uNt ■ !um to pay ,ta pnc<t f. (Urdu)

1857 123-oonoludecl
Sep 8. 209 Ghulam Husam Khan, ThiinaltrliirGazar Itiqad Khan, to the
Kotwal Sends 10 shoemg-sm1tl1s, 1s unable to send more. f. I
(U1du.) II

210. Ghulam Husnm Khan, 11!1iinaltrlii1,,

Guza1 itzqad Khan, to the
Kotwal Has sent 2 wate1-ca1ue1s f. 1 (U1du) 1

21] Ghulam Hnsam Khan, Thanaltdii?, Guza1 Itiqad Khan, to the

Kotwiil Sends clta11dh11saccordmg to the hst noted m the letter. f. 1
212 List of pe1sons fiom whom cont11but10ns a1e to be realised.
£. I. (U1du)
_ 213. List of names 0£ seveial persons f. l (Per)

1857 124.
MS foll 32 9 , vanous sizes.
May. 13 1 lvhrzii Mhd Khan Beg, Thanalala1 of Guza1 Qas1m Khan, to
Abdul Hakim Khan, }liiib Kotwiil. Complams agarnst Tahyar Khan
who has iefused to send his g1oom to the Kotwal f I 1 (U1dn)
22 2 l\inzii. l\lhd Khan Beg, thanahdiii of Guzar Qas1m Khan, to the
Kotwal Sends a daily report of lus thlinah f I (Urdu )
,, 25 3 :Muzii 1\1:hd Khan Beg, Phiinahdii1 c£ Guza1 Qas1m Khan, to
the Kotwal Sends several pe1sons who have stolen fuel f. I (U1du)
26 4 l\'.Iirza 1\1:hdKhan Beg, Thiinahrlii? '>f Guza1 Qasrm Khan, -to the
" Kotwal_ Sends cltamlu11,sof g10cers f 1 (U 1 du )
28 5, :Mnza l\1hd Khan Beg, Thana1tdar of Guza1 Qasim Khan, to the
" Kotwal Sends 16 coolies f. I (Uidu)
,, 29 6 .Mnza lVIhdKhan Beg, Thanalular of Guza1 Qas1m Khan, to the
Kotwal Sends 9 sweepe1s, 1 camel and bullock cart £ I (Urdu)
,, ,, 7 11:irza Mbd Khan Beg, Thanalula1 of Guza1 Qasim Khan, to the
Xotwal Sends an unclaimed ox f. 1 (Uidu.)
May 30 8 Mnza :Mbd Khan Beg, Thanaltdii1 of Guzar Qasim Khan, to the
Kotwiil Requests him t0 make ove1 an unclaimed ox sent to the .
.Kotwalito sweeper Ta1a who 1s the owner of the ox f I (U1du)
June 1 9 M12a Mhd Khan Beg, Thanahdiir of Guzar Qas1m Khan, to the
Kotwiil Sends 4 c!ta1tdhns f 1 (U1du)
,, 2, 3 10-12 l\fnzii 1\1hd Khan Beg, Thiinaltdar of 'Guza1 Qa.s1m Khan, to
the Kotwal Sends 22 coohes and 2 shoemg-sm1the. f 3 (Urdu.)
" 3 13 :Muzii Mhd Khan Beg, Thanahcla1 of Guzar Qaszm Khan, to
the P!tanaltda1 of Chandm Chauk Asks hzm to send the sword of
Barqandaz Mahmud Shah deposited m the add1essee's tliiinah f. I.
4 14, 16 :Mirza Mhd Khan Beg, Tltanahclar of Guzar Qaszm Khan, to
" the Kotwal. Sends prov1s10ns f 2 (U1du.)
,., 5 16 Mirza Mhd Khan Beg, Thiinadii1 of Guzar Qas1m Khan, to the
Kotwal. Requests that chstmctzve badges may be given to the barqan•
A!:.--- -~ t.. __ ..t.7. - 7. ~ 1 /TT __:J __ \

1867 124-0011t1nutd
Jnne ~ 17 18 MuzA Mhd KhAn Beg Tli••ddar of Gumr <h.nm Khan,
to the Kot"'/JJ Benda 14 water-csrnan,, 3 oxen 8 dool,e-oou,,rs and 11
diggers 2 (Urdu.)
,, 6 19 Sha,l<;h arhd Amir, Nii,6 Kol,cal, to the TJa,.ddc.r of Ganr
Claaim KhAn Ash !um to remove •weepmga from Faruh Kham..
(V erw the TJualulilr 1ayo that he cannot remove sweepmp;,i as the
key of Faruh Khana t0 not with hun) f I (Urdu.)
20 MinA Mhd KhAnBeg to the Kol""'l Requeot. !um to yay
a month'• .,.11ry to the emp~yi!a of Ju. 11.aaai f I (Urdu) -
21 1ftnA Mhd Kb.An Beg to the Kol,col Will return oerfaln
rnoTda when the 11uttny
10 over f I (Urdu.)
22 1Iirm Mhd Kh~n Beg to the Kot111al Benda 66 ooohes. f. I
23 Min.A Mh<l Khlln Beg to the Ko/,cal, Send ■ a nomm,1 l..t of
..t&bh■ hment of ht0 IAa•d
tho pohce t I (Urdu )
24 Mn-n i1 hd Khln Beg to tbe Kol1t1al Sando 4 perwou ■ ,vho b!,en charged rnth tueft of .ulpbur and bullets. t L (Urdu)
25 Mnu. ]>[hd Khr.n Beg to the Kolwal Send ■ 3 water-earner■
and 2 oxen f I (Urdu )
20 Mim Mhd KhAn Beg to the Koltoal Ha, been oendmg
provrnotLO. f I (Urdu)
27 M,rv. alhd Kh,\n Beg to Sh.,!w Mhd Amir Iva,6 Kolll!al
Report• a qa:arrel and say■ that one of the partre■ ~ to appeor
•t the tAa,al (Ver.o the Na,6 KoltMl .. k:.o
the TAaoaidar to .upply
the dewl■ of the qrumeL) f L {Urdu)
8 28 JJ,m 1rhd Khdn Beg to Shai1li Mh I Amir Na,6 Kol1Ddl
lkquesL, h,m to mpply a lool.:for the Famh Kh!.na. f L (Urdu)
9 20 11rll'%!Alhd Kb.AnBeg to SbQ11sh Mhd Amir Nd,6 Kol,cal
Send■ 4 =ter-eamero. f l (Urdu.)
30 ,urm Mhd Khln Beg to Shaikh Mhd Amir Na,6 Eol,cill
Request■ him to P"V a month• ■alal) to the employ& of h1.1
11«,.aA f L (Uron.)
31 Mind llh<l Khdn Beg to !lh■ ikb 1lhd Amir Na,6 Kot.,al
Ha■ been 88ndmg a c,,rl.,tn quantity of provmon■ regnlarly, cannot
Melldmore. f I (Urdu.)
, 12 ~2 ,1,rt.1. ?llhd Khln Beg to Shaikh Mhd Amir, Nii,b EM,c,d
&nda , m,ter-,,amero. f l (Urdu.)
S.~ 111,r,~ Mhd Khln Beg to the C m C Requeot■ order■ for tho
remotntement of a ru,,charged Ja•ai/il.r and 4 Barqudli,,i Ill their
po,t<. f L (Per )
'14 ~um )!hd Kh11nDeg t, the Ko/teal him t0Te111
,tale n W'ICh■ rg,d Jawan.r and 4 Barqa ■ a/ir,i ID their past.. f l

1857 124-conl inurd

,lt1n11~l-l .., !1~1-IJ ~lu;i, :\tJ11l Kh(rn H1•~~tnfh11/,(,;f,,.M $1•1td'-<'1111l11•i..,<lool1e
l,1,1t t•1-.., « 'l qwnk,
, \H1t1.•1 , ntri1•1 ..., t'k, f I o. (l11<111.)
•. H, J:, :'\ti1,"'~1
\tlul Kln11 lk!! f,, f11,•J.:r,f,ri'i! J?,,pntfi. flie nl1c.pnrc
of~ /111n,~rc: f. I 11 1,111)
., bi- ;1,.)1 l O.,,h 1,•p11it--. nf rl11• J'l,,;n,d ti111n, Ua-.1m I\J1:in f.
~«'P 11 l~h t {' t\l 11 ) •

1i 11~ :\Jn,, :\tl,,1 Kl11in B, • (11 th,, AM,,.,;/

mtnt10111"llrn th,· l, tt,,, f l. 1t·1•lu)
1 )•; \l1r1.1 ,11111Khan n.,~t,, tl,,./\lif1r,i/ H1•11<), n li1,1bll <;\\illll
f l n·nlu)

J' p
1 H ~hl7 l \tl11l Klir,u B1~ fo fh1• h·,i/rr,il ~(•JI() ... (i bln,•k~m1fhci
f 1 {\' t,111
1I., ).tit;_, ~11,,1Kh·,11 H,·:r h 1 tl1t• Aii!,rM H•'pnd-. th(' clenth
" uf •m milt!!• nt "0111111 111111 11 11u,•-..f
'- li1111(u p n t lit•11'1(p1•Jl-.p..,of l1l'l
fu11• ril f. 1 t t Hl11, l
., ,, 11ti ~1it1 t M }ul h h11
n Hrg-f ,l tl11• J..tit,,.,;/ S,·wI... I tougn f 1.
, l nlu,\
11 I•
l li '\tirn \[lt,l Kh'tn B,•~~fn tit•• h:1i/1r,i/ S1'1Hl-, p10\li:;1onc;
Ill• 11(1nu,,l Ill fltt ldt. r, 1t,111•
i..f-. 111111 f,) p.,.... ori.l,•r-. fot 1erno\111g
pm~.. f 1 (\il\\11, 1

\)\,. \1111l:\ll11l Klt,11 H,·v (o (Ill' hii/11,i! ~l'tHl~ pto\l ...lOllG

f. l <Unit•)
,, ., 1 Hi-211 :-it 11i1 :\llul Khan B,g- tn tl1l' J..uft,.,if R~n<lc.Ii w:1fe1-
r-:1nw1-., .irnl 17, uol,,,.. ~. l Ordu)
,, 21 1~1. ~f111i1 ,ti.d l\..}11111 H,•~ f,, the 1i·r,1111il JI,...,!,('en c;cndmg
uwli1•"' n•:.;11l.11h, ,ornpltlll'- nf tltt' 1ll-f11•atnw11t, of fhc coolies
ln tl1c 'IJI t1,g 1r... f. I ( 11rdn )
2 ~rtl/tt it hd K_han Bet; (I) the A,;t,l(i{
" ,, f I 1?(linlu) 8endb 3 hnffnloes.

,, 12,) 'l111i1 ~Il1d l(h,-111 BPg fo tlH• Kolmal

" n1ti<'}('c; Sends some
affnd1cd 1,, the Coml f I. (UHln)
114 "\fJr1;1 Mhd Khim Beg to tho fi.·01ll'iil Sends l 8 cooh~s.
" " J. 1 (TJr<l11.)
" ,, 12:; :i\£111~1Miu] Kh:m Beg to the C -m-C Hepo1 tc::;that
i::e\crnl bnrq,111rlii:f, of Jue; lhrinn!t TI111leon duty have been assaulted
by some T1lanbra~ f 1 (lJ 1du)
22 1:W-7 Mn iii. Mlul Khan Beg to the Xotwiil Sends 26
" coolies .u d 7 <l1gge1s f 2 (U1<lu)
,, 23 128 l\'.l111ii:i\fhd KhJn ]leg to the Kotu,iil 1Ja., enquned about
cerlnn :1.1tides, they am not stolen p1ope1tws but c::;p01lc;£ I (U1du)
,, 20 129 M 11zfl l\Jhd Khan Beg to the Kotwat Sends 2 men toge-
the1 mth a ho1se da1med by each £ I (Urdu)

1867 124-oontinued
July 2 130 M=A Mhd Khlln Beg to the K~lteil.l ~rt,, ,. qwmel
and send, both the partieo. f L (Urdu.)
3 131 Mina Mhd Kb.An Deg to the KJllcal Sendo 2 IllUOllll and
17 coohe,, f. I (Urdu.)
132 Mm:A Mhd Kh!.n Beg to the Jlbi!o Singh, Na,o KJl-1
Remmd, hrm to ,end IMtrnoboru about prepsnng butter f. L (Urdu.)
4 133 Muu Mhd KhAn Jlag to t.he Xolr:al Sand.■ .wootn,eat,
f I (Urdu.)
,, , 134 MJ.rUi Mhd KhAn Jleg to the KJt,.aJ Send■ 6 cooheo f L
t (Urdu.)
135 KhudA Jla!!i,h KhAn Na,b XJt.,aJ to the fiaMlular of Gunr
a-m Khan .Aohrhun to oend u IDllll1'._ buloro a■ he can (Y en,o
the TAa.a>.aarcannot aend tailoro) f I (Urdu)
186 Khud~ Bal,-,h,h Khnn Nm/, Kotl!Jia to tbe TJ.r,.,.ld/fr .A.b
bun to supply aa many thatoban, as be can (Y er-.o the T>.d•aldar
cannot ■upply thatchers, will rapply provmon■ "1Tbenreqwred) f. I
1~7 The KJt,cr.Jto the TAaoaAi/arof Guu.r a...amKh!n. A ■b
him to ■upply ■ugar (Veno the TAa,wldilr -a. 1 maund of rnga,-
f L (Urdu.) •
1 %-40 1'1tm MM Khin Jleg to the KM.,al Sena. 89 coohe■,
and 6 mflk:men. f 3 (Urdu.)
,, 2S-25 141-4 MinA Mhd Khlln Beg to the KJl,cal Send■ ~ coohe■
and a bullock oart. f. 4 (Urdu )
25 146 The Ko/,oal to the na.a>.dar of GUll.r Qulm Khllll A ■k■
lnm to ""i'l'ly 'l, ll>Ml<>-m'-1.0N. (Veno I the Tl«•Mi«lar co.nnat OUJl1'ly
nny enddle-maken,.) f I (Urdo) ~
£1 140 \hrd Mbd KMn Deg to the K 31"'"1 Send• provlo,on ■
mentioned m the letter f. L (Urdu )
" n 141 1I1nA Mbd Kl!An Beg to the Kul,cal Send• one bundle of
catgut and reqne■t, him to pay 1t. pnce f I (U rdn.)
n 27-81 148-62 Mmll Jlfhd Kh~n Beg to the KJt,cal Smh 84 coolie■
f. 5 (Urdu.)
Aug 1 153 \I11:t.1.Mhd Kh!n Deg to tbe KJlr1al Sendo aweetmeat.!
cannot l!Clldmore on oredtt. f I (UrdlL)
154 Mnu Mhu Khlln Beg to the KolJCiJl Req-ta htm to
rnpp\y firemen mth clothes f L (Urdu)
156-0 Mlru Mhd Kh!n Deg to the K~tral Send■ JUgar-<'>~
2 (Urdn.)
, 1 2 157 01 1'I1n! \fhd Kh!n Beg to the KMtcal Send■ 38 coohet
an<l 8 dooh1>-00>ren f 5 (Urda)
,. ll 101! 3 1'hn:A 1,lhd Kh~n B_ei: to tho KJlttiil Bend ■ proTWoJU
mentioned m the letten. f. ! {Urda.)

1857 124-ronlfoucd
Aug 2 10~ :'\l1rm Mhd Klnn - '" Be,r (,-, tltcX(ilrr,i[
~Clll1', n11uncln11ncd
<log f I. (linlu}
l t1:;-G )Ju7f, :\Jlul Khan HL'!! (,) th,~ li°<ilfl'<il Hcnds 10 cool1ch
A1H1 ti hullo..-1~ 1
t 1.rl'- r ~ (linln)
Hii )1tr1a :\Ilul K_h;lll lkµ- to t.h,) Kiit,rM Send-. J ho11:,c:3
1• "
l ('1mt1l f. l (l 1,lu.)
,, ,, Hi"-. ~li17:, :'\llul Klinn Hqr t~, tltc .Avl,r,il. 1, unahlc to ..,0111
(·nrpcnklt- fl tl"du)
r, 111()-,J )lJ11., )llHl K_h:,n H,·g to tltc .Xiift,td. Scncl" :.;:,<·oohes
f. :J. ( Ur•ltt)
1i1 :\lin, \Ih,I Khnn ]kl! tit the Atit,11il "11l ...c111llimn f I.
(Ut,lll J
17:L :\11r1i1 )I IJ(l Khn11 lh•g- (11 fhc J..v/1ri''il C,lmpl.1111s ...t
the H1·i.;a1n\ '-olthu .. \\ho lt11\L' fl'-'-Bllltt:11 n l,1rqo1d,r: of h,._th,i.,,oh .rnd

lHhl'll n\\,1) h., for,\.! 1 111111,wl.1 1rt ...e11tto tlar .A,i!1 iilr
1 f. I (U1du)
,, ,, 17 ~ :\ltt7il )IJ11) Khi111Bl'g-fn fhr l\lif1r,;/ Jl 1.:: f..clli the cnhi:,i·
mcut roll of '111r1J,1 1d1i:n of 111-.//,,i11,1/r f l (L 1(111l
,, ,, J,:;. ru11i..(111enttoll tlf l1ttffj1111dir:1( <•f the '1'~1i11a/,of Gu1ni
Qn--1m KJ•111
1, G-Srp 17ti-.!Pti ~J,11:1 :\Jlul J(h,m B1•~tn the hut,,,;/ Semh chaudhns,
JS coolie'-, dooltt•-hcntl.'r",\\,1t.-1-(.1nw1 ..., unpe11tc1F, ,,111011.., nrt,i-rrn.., and
C'Oll\C),lJlC('~ f 1i1 (Unlu.)
7 2n; M1r✓.i1 :\tlul IQ1:m B~g- to the Xoltr,il lb unnbtc lo supply
com C) nnt·ci-. f 1 (t;nln )

11 ,, 2flS :i'.f11/i1 ~Jhcl Kh Ill Htg (o the 1i.·u11riil ~end ...rnolaS'-,Cl:, f 1.

~ (rrdu)
20!.l.:\liuit .:\Ihd }Sl1ii11Beg f() the Kciltriil Rcpo1ts bCuoui:,sickness
" " of }11.,horse f l (Urdu)
300 'rl1c Aol:riil to the 'Phri11r1l"liir of J,nho1c Gale Asks ]um to
" ,, send 6 shocmg-sm1thc; nn<l 2 pohi:,hcr::., (Ycri:,o the lhanalul(o 1s
uuuhle to do so.) £ 1 (Urdu)
,, 8 301 :\lird1 i\lhd Khim Deg to the Kut,cal Scn<ls cobLle1s. f 1.
,, 13 302 BLno Smgh, Nii lb .Ao!u:al, to the Thanahda, of Guza1 Qai,zm
Khan A1,ksbun to supply 10 t.oohe1,, (Veri-.o the J'!tiinahdii1 1s
unable to send coohe<;) f 1 (U1du)
,, 15 303 ir11za Mh<l Khan Beg to the KotwcU Sends only 4 coohes
ancl reqncsis him to send lus own ba, qandii::to help the 11hfwa!tdii1 m
procurrng more coolies f ] (U1du)
,, 17 304. :Muzii M"J1dKhan Beg to the Kotwiil Sends 8 neeclle•make1s.
f. I (Urdu)
,, 20 305 1\'.hrza.i\Ihd Khan Beg to the Kvlwal Sends sulpbm. £ I.
310 hlt11'INY PAPERS

1857 124-concluded
Ang 23 306 hlu1A :Alhd KhAn &g to the KoJ,r:al Complam ■ of the ill
treatment of the grocen, by the BO!!Ilgnear the lnnatrn hylum.
f 1 (Unln.)
,, 24 307 hlm:Q All;i<lKhm B~!! to the Kottral l,onld not trace Pare,,
L!l f L (Unln)
25 308 Mim Ml;id Khm B6g to the KJl1eal Requootob,m to rnpply
slag of mu: cloth for &ending reporn. f. L (Utdn)
,, 27 300 KhndA Ba\;l!,b Kha.n Ncub Kot=/ to the Tfo,u:Uar of
Gnnr Uarun KhAn A,b h,m to rnpply ti needle-maker, (Yem, the
TAa••Uar bas been needle-maker■ regnhnly cannot ■end
more men) f 1 ( Unln.J
, 30 310 :lliml. l\ll;id KhAnIl~ to the E o/ical Report■ that a ■w~
hu been !lo]en f. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 31 311 Mm:A 1,(Qd Khr.n Btg to the Ko/1<al Send■ a oa ,ryer can
not aend more f 1 (U rdn )
Sep 1 312 hlinA hll;i<l Khw Btg to the Ll,cal Send ■ Bholl BIIlgh
and Guldb Srngh mll oend Gnl■b Srngh when found f 1 (Vrdn.)
,, 1 £ 313-l Muu ~l];id KhQn Btg to the Kol,cal S,nd• 8 water
carnere. f 1 (Urdu.)
£ 315 1hml. AIQd Khm Btg to the K/i/,cli./ W'tll oend nerole-moken
&nd carpenten when found f. 1 /Urda)
,, 4 310 ;\lim Mlid Khln Btg to the Kol1&al Cannot ■end ,nter
camcn f I Unln)
, 5 317 Muu :lillid KhAn !Mg to the Ko/,ca/ Cannot 110n'1 a h■t of
ngetablb ■ellon, ond cloth dealoro as they do not eettle anywhere
permanently f 1 (Vnlu )
, 11 318 11h™ :i\Thd Khan neg to the KJt,,al Send■ l!) """ of pa•k
thread f I (Unln.)
310-20 ilnu hlhd Khfln ™I, to the Kii/,.,./ ReJl:Ort.a qn■rrol
m which oertam penone have been wounded. f. 2 ( U rdn.)
3:H £ :P.hro11Il)d Khtn Beg to the Kottral Ilas oent provrnon,
to l\a•=Lad camp, cannot .. ml more. f 2 (Unln.)
3:13-~ Muu Mhd KhAn B~ to the E3t,cal Send ■ ghee. f 2
326-6 :i\Iuxa \I hd KhAn &g 'to tho Katical Soods provwon■
f 2 (Urdu.)
si7 hlnu Mhd KhAnB~ to the liol1rol Complain• •!(llrnA
.Aqal Btg a rµl!lan who bu .... ultcd some l,arquriM,r of lu• O«,aA
when procnnng coohe,,. f. 1 (Urdu)
328 :llhm ithd KhAn Btg to the AMr,a/ Senti. 10 ■een of cre,,111
iwd ml! ■end more if reqwred f 1
--- 3t0 :llhrzA 111.,<lKhAn Ilfl: to the Ko/,.al Send• • manoccnoed of
finng a matcli-lod, f I (Per)
MUTINYPAPli:as 311
1857. 125
MS. Foll. 15 , vauons snes .
May 2 7 1 I\fhd Fa1z Talab Khan to the Kotroal Cannot supply coolies
f 1 (Uidu)
,, ,, 2 'Abdul Hakim Khan, J.laib A.otwal, acknowledges ""the ieceipt of
an application from Lachhmi DasJ a me1chant with C -m-O Js s1guntme
f J (Pei )
28 _ 3 Husam 'Ali Khan, Phiinahda1, Paha1 ganJ, to the Kotwal Can-
not supply coolies f 1 (Urdu)
J) 4 'Abdul Hakim Khan, lvaib Kotu,al, to the C -111-C Phanahda1 s
" cannot supply coohes f l (Pei )
)) 5 'Abdul Hakim Khan }laib Kotwal, to the C -m-C Sends
" Chattu; g1oce1 f 1 (U1dn)
,, 29 6 'Abdul Hakim Khan, llaib Kotwal, to the C -m-C Sends the
chaudln i of the camel drivers, will send camels when 1equned f l
30 7 'Abdul Hakim Khan, Nii1b Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends oxen
" £ l (U1du)
,, 31 8 'Abdul Hakim Kha.nJ..-NiiibKotwal, to the C -m•C Sends oxen
f 1 (U1du.)
,, ,, 9 'Abdul Hakim Khan, N[!ib Kotwxl, to C -m-C Sends cobblers
and 1equests him to ielease them £ 1 (U1du)
June 11 10 'Abdul Hakim Khan Naib J{.otwal to the Kmg Sends l\iaula
Rakhsb, Chaudhn of the canvas stitche1s £ 1 (U1du)
11 l\1:aula Bakhsh acknowledges the 1ece1pt 0£ H s 32 as his wages
fo1 ma.kmg gunny bagc;; £ 1 (Pei )
l 2 'Abdul Hakim Khan and Shaikh J\1hd Am11, Niizb Kotwals, to the
Kmg Complam of the 111-tieatment of the g1oce1s by the soldie1s 1esid-
mg at Delhi Gate (Ve1so Km g's 01ders to 1ep11mand the soldie1s).
f J (Per)
13 'Abdul Hakim Khii.n, Niiib Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends masons
and digge1s £ 1 (U 1du )
-- 14 Ahsabullii.h to Lala Jawalanath
1 Requests him to pay the ei-
penses for makrng gunny bags f ] (Per)
1~ List of articles used m makmg gunny bags (Pei)

1857. 126
MS foll 48 , various size~.
May 17 1 'Abdul Hakim Khan, }laib Kotwiil, to Thiinahdii1, Basant Asks
him to trace a rmssmg bullock cart and oxen £ 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 2 '.\ bdul Hakim Khan, J.liiib Kotwiil, to Ha10iilda1 l\fuhammad Khan
Sends a ho1se and asks him to hand it ove1 to a ce1tam solcl101who claims
to be its owner £. 1 (U rdn )
812 icti1INY PAPERS

1857 126--continued
May 18 3 'Abdul T,tl,klm KMn, Na,h Klit,cal, to the Kmg Report,, that
AmAn Ah the dJBtmsoetlTliauldar of Beg,.mpum, refuseoto make OT"1"
charge of the l.ta""1 to Maoln AmU' 'Ah f. J (Per)
" Jg 4 Abdul HaUm Khw, Na,6 KM,cill to the ,mpe=r of U,e fort
Aoh lum to get the canal ole,,.red so that water mav P""' mto the fort-
f 1 (Urda J
,, 20 6 'Abdal l;Iahm KhAn,.Nar6 KMll!al, to the C m-D ~ ban
to set Ul'_& !Ulopfor rupPlymg proV181on•,eto.,for unohumed a.nunah.
f. 1 (Urdu.) '
" £1 6 Abdal Ha.l.lm KMn Na,6 Klilll!al, to TAa.aUilr, A•h them
to preoent themoelvca at J&nU' Masitd • gate to receiTe tbe Kmg f 1
22 7 Abdul Hakim KhAn, Nail! KMr,al, to the C m-D Sando 14
oobbler.. f 1 (Urdu.)
8 'Abdul J.Ialnm Kh!in Na,b Ko/IC(!/ to the IJarogAd of the
Maga,:me.. ABb him to ,apply i,artn<lges and ballet.. f l (Urdu.)
9 Muahra Lil a gol<l•outh, aclmowledg.. the reoo,pt of a .-won!
from the1Klit,cal, (Urdu.)
10 'Abdul J.Iabm K.b,1.nto the C m-C Report,, & quarrel and
.en<l• both the parties f 1 {Unln)
11 Statement ma<leby :Muk&ndar aon of J a,rabir, m connechon
,nth a quarrel m wluoh he lTM rnvolved. f l (UrdtL)
., 26 12 Abdul I;Iahm Klitn to the C m-D Reqne.t. !um to .end the
pnce of oweetmeat. f 1 ( Per )
, 28 13 Abdul l;I•hm KhAnto TAa.,,Mar, .A.I.■ them to 1mpply .,.
many conveyances an<l camel• .. they can f l ( Urda.)
14 C m C to Abdul R•Llm KhAn. A ■4 !um to ■en<l 10 buflool
earls. (Ver■o, AWul Ifollm KbAn een<lii b bullook caruand JO
buJWoeo) f 1 (Per)
h 20 16 Ah ■anallah to '.Ahlol F.Ial!m ~ Requeot. !um to appomt
£0 guard. At Fam,h Khann Gate. f I (Per)
,, 81 16 'Abdul I;Ial,m KhAn,lla16 Kliltcal, to-the Tla~aUar, Gnu.r
Dulbn A,!., him to oend the banlcrs mentioned m the let tor (V erwo1
the TAa•aAdar Gup.r Danba mll oeoo the hAnkera.) f 1 (UrdlL)
17 Tho C m C to the KMw:al A,b him to 'oend 1B man) oxen
" " u he can ,Yerro Abdol Ralun KhAn. Bonda 17 oxeu) f 1 (Per)
18 The C m-C to 'Abdul Ilak!m KbAn Am bun to ,mpply 500
coo!tea nn<l 60 n.ter ouppheni to nu>.lcemtronchment. (Yer.o Abdul
l; Khh oendo ao many cooho■ a, he coal<l procure) f 1 (Per)

,, " JO The C m C to Ahdnl Jlailm Khln A•h him to i,,leiuo

~Iohnmmnd KhAu ..-ho has been dotnme<l at the 1,./i/.,al, for no !■nit.
i I (Per)
20 Ah<lulIlnlim Khanto tho C' m t, Cannot .. nd prnmroDJ on
1 "
credit f 1 (Urdu.)
. ' '
1857. 126-continuecl
June 6 21 '.Abdul Hakim Khan to tlic J..'ha nahru1r,,,Tmkoma11 Gate Asks
Jmn to send t,he 11on1111,1lhsii of the pohcc Cbi.tLhshment ,of h1& thiinah
(Vctso the 1'hi'i11alulii1,'l\nkomnn G,1te, snvs that he has sent tho
rcqunecl hc,t. f. 1 (U1du) ·
June 10 22. The Kmg to the A"ot,riil Dnl'cfs 1nm to see that all the
shops nrn opened and no d1sim hnnceq n10 c1cntcd bv the Trlangas,
(Vc1s0 'Abdul Hnl\.im Khim 1cpo1t-b that cncul,ub have ahe,1dy
been J<,sued fo1 the open111gof the shops) f 1 ( P01 )
,, 23 'ALdnl Hakim Khn>1to 'Ahdm H.tl1im Khii.11 Ask,;; him to pn.y
" Kushna, a gm11dni Lnho1c Gnt.c,Im, 'i::tl,ines (Ve1so A hdm Rahim
Khan 1cque~tshim to mclmle K11t.hnn'E>name m the pay ,;;liect of barqan•
da:cs) f. I (U uln J •
,, 11 24. 'Abdul II.1kim Khan to Thro1ahdiir, Gn~.11 l'tiqad Khan.
Asks b1m to supply 10 can\a~-m.1kc1-, f 1 (U1dn)
25 'Abdnl Jlnkit>1 Khan to [C -rn-C] Will send the accuc:;ed
" " Onlnb Srngh ,rnd Sli1t;1h Smgh Heqne~t.., Out m 1.mgemcnb may be
rn,1de for \\otkmg ":1ite1mill.., (Yci:,o Lthc C -m-C J asks lum to
~end GnlaL•Smgh .md Sh1tub Su1gh'i:i e::Lttementt. only At picsent no
a1rangemcnt~ be made fo1 workmg ",tte1 n11lb) f 1 (Urdu)
,, " 2G. Shaikh ::Muhnmm,tclAm11 mvl 'Abdul IIali'im, Nii.tuli."otwals, to
the Krng Haye made .11 iangemcnts fo1 estabhslnng shops for the
army at Da1yaganJ f ] (Pm )
,, 12 27. 'Abdul Hakim Khftn, Nii.zuKotwii.l, to l 1hiinnlula1s Asks them
to supply prov1s1ons f 1 (U1clu)
" , 28. 'Abdul I-L1kim Khan and Shaikh lvfubamma<l Ami1, 1.\Tiitb
Kotwals, to the King Have set up g10ce1s' shopi:i everywheie, cannot
make a11cLngements fo1 the supply of fod<le1 (Ve1so Kmg orders the
Royal conbactor to make auangements fo1 the same) f 1 (U1du)
29 'Abdul Hakim, Khan and Shaikh Muhammad Amir, Naib
" " Kotwals, to the Kmg Recommend that Kale Khan be paid his salary.
(Verso Kmg's orde1s to 1epo1t about the natme of his nppomtment.
f 1 (Urdu)
' 30 'Abclul I;Iakim Khan and Shaikh \1uhammad Ami1, Naib liotroiil,
" ,, to the Kmg Cncnla1s Lave aheady been issued to Thlinahdiirs for
supply of p1ov1s10ns (Verso Krng's 01de1s to call cha,alhrts and
impress upon them the necessity of supplymg p1ov1s10ns £. 1.
,, 13 31 'AbcluhHakim Khan to the 1'!tann1ulii.1s Asks them to supply
as many coohes as they can f l (U 1du )
32 'Abul Hakim Khan and Sha1kh Muhammad Ami1 to the Phiinah-
" " diirs Asks them to slibm1t all the 1eceipts collected fiom the military
officeis for supply of p1ovis1ons f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 33 'Abclul I;Iakim Khan to the Thiinahdii1s. Asks them to supply
wa,te1-ca.1ne1s, <liggers, cobble,rs, shoemg-sm1ths, etc. f. l. (U1du)

1857 l.26-conolud ed
June 13 84 Abdul Halc!m Kh~n Na,h Kottrol, to Tla•alwart..,, A.oh them
to send ,laNtUm of gro,;,ers. i. 1 \Urda.) ~
35 'A.b<lulF,ra!.:1mXhff.n J.a,bKolrrol to Tla,aluar, Aebthem
to eapply m,ter enpphere. f l !Urdu)
86 The Kmg to the Kotical Duect. 1nm to .and a cobbler £. 1
37 The C m C to Abdul Haklm KhAIL 1nm to ad upon
the pama•a/, of Il).hnlmu d Dawlah l;lakrm Muhammad .Al,ua.nullAh
Kb,!n Bob~dur ae regarde the rnit of Sa1yid Abu! F,rooan. f 1 (Per)
38 Abdul 1;1,bm Khan to the TU,aidar, ~lf"D'Plll'&. A..b him
" ' to rend shoemg ,m1the mentwned m the letter ( Verso the Tla•aAdM,
BegamE~ra, eay• that ,hoemg-,nuth, do not re,nde m hta iurucbchon)
f 1 ( Urda.)
30 Abdul F,rrnm Khi!.n to the Km..: Submits petition, from the
TAaadd.m of Gllll.r Itiqad Khan and Uuim Khan. (V erro Kmg'•
ordere to aecrne help from the Kotwal, m puttmg out firea) f l
40 Abdul Hakim Kh!n to the Kmg Sen<laacobbler f 1 (Per)
"H 41 Abdul Hakim Kb.An and Mnl,IAmmad AIIllr Send 2 grau
onttere. f I (U r<lu )
42 Ah<lnl F,raL1m h.hi!.nto the T1a•nAdar1 Each Tlil,aUar '-' re.-
pom1ble fur the rnpply of pron,iona to the army enoampcd m hta JUJIB
dict10n f 1 (U r<ln)
43 Abdo\ l;laklm KhAn Na,6 Kot,cal, to the TAa,aAdar, A..h
them to 1end M many cooliee •• they can f 1 (Urdu)
44 Abdul l;lalrun Kh~n, ,,a,b Kotral to the TAa.. ArJar, Aon
them to send 2 =ter....upph•ra do<he-bearer■ and aa many coohea ""
they can ,mpply Enob TAiJ,ddar ebould ,ruf ply provmon, to the army
encamped m hi-' .1nnad1ot1on f I (Urda.
4~ The C m C to Abdul f.lal.-un KhAa. Send. money and uh
hlm to aupply 2 ]ante= f. 1 (Par)
46 'Ahilul ITal.Im Khiln to Shrn"k!J ~fai).ammad Amir Aw bun
to detain the aecusedGuith Smgh at the Kol,calo f I (Par)
47 Slirnhh :Huhammad Amir to 'Abdal Halnm Kh~ Ackno,..Jeilg,,,
the receipt of 2 qmrei, of pnper f 1 (Per)
.J.8 Abdo\ Hikim KhAn to the C m C Requeat,, him to send the
pnce of matenal1 used mrep1mng a bndge £. 1 (Urda)

1857 127
'MS foll 20 'l'Anornsme,
June 2 1 Doud for good b,bw10ar executed by Fakbru d D,n who hu com
m1tted theft. f I (Per)
2 Bh11,h :Mnhnmnuul Am!!, ,"1,& Kotral, to the 11.rng Hu alrenily
" 3
sent mnal.etato the King J there are no more m th• Ko/,ca/f f. I (Per)
1857. 127-concluded
June 3 3 Shaikh i\tiuhammad Ami1,_.Naib Kolwfi[, to thfl C -m-C Sends
13 coolies, will send moie when found f 1 (Pei)
" Shaikh :rvr
,, 33 4'coohrs uhammad Ami1, Nazb Kotwiil, to the C -10-C Sends
fo1 <l1ggrng tienche-i £ I (P~r)
4 5 Shaikh 1t1uhammad Arnii, .1YiiibKotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends
4 ruffians auested fo1 gamblmg and lawlessness f l (Per)
6 6 Shaikh 1\'.Iuhammad .c\mh, 1"\ 1
aib:Kotwal, to the C -m-C Sends 10
" pieces of I ope f I (U 1du )
,, " 7 :-haikh l\Iuhammad Amil', J.liid1Kot10al, to the C -m-C Sends 10
110n buckets an 11equests him to pay then puce f 1 (Uidu)
" ,, wate1 8 Shaikh l\f uhammad Ami1, .1ViiibKotwiil, to the C.-m-C
suppliers f 1 (U1du)
Sends 30-

9 Sha1kh 1.£uhammad Amh, Naib Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends a

maund of molasses f 1 (U 1du )
10 Shaikh 1'1.uhammatl Ami1, Naib Kotwiil, to the C -m-U Sends
" " 39 baskets, mll send moie when iequned f 1 (Urdu)
11 Shaikh :Muhammad Ami1, Naib Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends
6 watei supphe1s f 1 (U1dn)
)2 Shaikh 1\'[ubammad Ami1, Niiib Kotu,.al,to the C -m-C Request
him to d11ect Hiiwaldiir Kai fro Khan to send the key of Fa1ashkhana
Gate to him f 1 (Pei )
,, " 10013basketsShaikh :Muhammad Amii, Naib Ko!ical, to tl:ie C -m-C Send
and iequests him to pay then price f 1 (UI.du)
,, 8 J4 Shaikh I\Iuhammad Amir, Niiib Kotv,,.iil,to the C -m-C t'.,ends
20 oxen .,t 1 (Urdu)
" 9 16 Shaikh :Muhammarl. Amir, l{fub Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Theie ,s
no gun m the Kotwal'i f l (Uidu)
1\1:uhammad Amir, Nii.ibKotwal, to the C -m-C Requests
,, " him16to Shaikh
supply 4 Sappe1s and Mrners f l (Per)
17 Shaikh J\1Iuha.mmad Amir, /1,liiibKotwiil, to the C -rn-C RE-quPsts
" " him to make airangements for iepanrng a bieach caused m the tunnels
by the explosion of the rnagazme f 1 (U1<lu)
,, 15 18 Shaikh Muhammad Amfr, Ni'itb Kotwiil, to the C -m-C Sends
50 coolies £ 1 (Per)
,, 18 19 Shaikh Muhammad Am11, .Natb Kotwiit, to the C -m-C Sends
18 blacksmiths f 1 (Per) •
--~ 20, Shaikh :i\Tuhammad Am11, 1Yatb Kot?riil, to RaJab 'Ali Sends
180 baskets £ 1 (Urdu )

1857. 128
M:s foll. 87, va1ions i:,izes.
June 3 1 The C -in-C to tlie Eolzral Dnects him to get bonds "ritten
by the chaudhrzs of wate1-snpphers to p1oude 25 men daily f J.(Per)


1857 l.28----contm11ed
1nne a 2 Bhat~ Mnl;uunmad Amir Na16 KMr<al, to :Muhammad F,UJUl].ah
Khlin, Koltcal Ha, 1E!8lled c,ronlan, to 7la•a1dar, for l!elldmg
bankeB- f 1 (Urdu.)
,, ,, 8 The C rn-C to Shruk!J 11uµmmad .Amir Allkobun to take aIDLy
all the =tohlocks from prrrato IDdmdnalo. f 1 (Per )
4 Shaikh Mnl,u,mmad Amir to the TAa•aAdar, Kaohnur Gate. .Aoko
" " bun to make honse tearohes mth due precaut10n and mth the Kottclir,
pernllll8IOD f. 1 (U rdn.)
6 The C ID C to the Ko/,cul Aoko him to oend 2 more water
,mpphert. f 1 (Per)
J) JJ 6 Bond for good helumonr of the nccnsed W =r executed by Shatkb
Murad. £ 1 (Urdu)
7 The C ID C to the Ko/teal Aske !um to relense s cerl&n pereon
fsleely ,denWied mth s cnmme.l f 1 {Per)
8 5h&il;h Muharumnd Amlr Na,6 KJ/rcu, to the Kmg Several
" " eho:pkeepere refu.e to pay snlt tu (Verso Krng'e ordere to re,b.. mJt
mx.) f. 1 (Per)
9 Shru"kh11QdAmir, 1',o,b .h.ot.:al to Ti,udJar PahargsnJ Au.
bun to ""l'Ply .. many coohe,, 11Bhe cnn f 1 (U1d1L)
10 The Kmg to the Ko/real D1reo!t him to prevent people from
cro..-dmg at hemp ehopo and llllIIilar other place-,. f. I (Per)
1J jJ
11 The C m-0 to tho Ko/ral Aeko him to send 2 blncbm1tho
at Sahmgarh f l (Per)
12 Sluultll 1lnlwnmad Amu to the K,ng Sohmto ordert to provide
barqa.da.e, mth wdges of s pe.rtion!&rw:e. (Verso fung'e ordeJ'II to
rnpply the ll!lille) f l (UrdtL)
18 The fun~ to the Eo/,ca/ Direct. bun to eend 2 bollock cart.
and u ooohe,, (V ereo SlwL: Alnhunmad Amir ,endt 2 hnllool: co.rt.
and o cooheo) f. 1 (Per)
14 Th~ Krng to the Kotral Direct,, him to oupply l&0 ooohe,
" H
(VeJ'IIO Shaikh 1fuhammod Amlr to the Jung rr.. tent 60 coohe1
and ,nl] ,end more f. 1 (Per)
6 16 Bh01"khMnl)ammnd Amir, J.'a,6 Koltral, to the Kmg H .. oont
60 cooh.. f 1 (Urdu.)
16 The C m C to the Kiitrcal Aeb him to .end 10 bullock cnrt..
(Verte ShrultlJ 1i[uhrunmad Amlr cannot send hullocl. carte, oend, 14
buff!lloeo.) f. 1 ( U rdn.)
17 The l\mg to the Aol,cal Direct. lum fo •end & bullock cart.
{Veno Sluu1h ~lahammad Amir oend,, 2 oxen l cnnnot oend hcllock
csr!t I 1 (Per)
I) I 18 Bbnil,h ilnhammad Amir to the lung H .. boon teodmi;
bullock earl.I regulnrly, rnll eend the IOlme when procured f 1
1857. 128~011/111uad
J \llll' t1 1!\ The- Kmi! t1) ~hnth \lh1l Amh.
(l\ r)

,, ,. 2n 'I la• h1t1!!'t,, th,, !\I~! ,il ni1l'<•ft... l11m (o t-npph prn, 1c.10nc;to
J,•1ld11:1 • Hnp , \ ('1..,1 ~h•111-!t)lh 1l .\mit i-.n ....flmf he h,1<1nlr(-:1cly
h-'-llt'fl ( Ill ul If., (,i th,, 'f!.t,,,1ld1ir. (int,ll lhu.d1•tt to f-Upplr ]llO\l'-JOllS
t,1 L·1l1h)!1 n111p) f. 1 (P1•L\
,. " ~1 !'--ls"l1l-h)ll11l \mit fn tl11• 'l/1i11,;/d(rr Ciu{at 'l'mlwmnn Gntc
.\ ...}.... lmn t" '-lll'I'h I'- m·rn, 11uffiln1''- H'- )ip Utll, ( \ e1 '-O tl1t• T/ui nah-
d/'ir. Gu,·n Turknnnn Gtti••.• ~,111111tt-11pphl,11ITnlM-.).f l (Urdu)
,, 11 .\111ir t., fli1• Krnr;-
~:, ~h•1ilh ~f11hrn1111•v1 Ha, c.eut ;j() coolwc::.
f l. (C n1n)
,, ~:\ ~J,n•lh )l11h.Hlllll'1d ,\nm, x.-.,1,
Jt<i!•~iil,fn f h1'Kmg. S11lnnifc;
nn n, 1 ,,unt 11f l'r,,, 1,1,,11-. 1 ot1<..ttlll1 d 1,, 1•nn1it''- rncl lmflaloeR nt the
l.c~fvi"il: (\t•1~11 I,111g-'._,1J .. ,pJH••'•tlufth,•a1<ot1nt) f 1. (Per)
!! ; Sli.1iJ..h )Julu1111n•ul .\111i1. Y,i,'1 Juiltr,il, to the Thiinallfltirr
JI "
Rehtnt'- Jr._(.. of till• l1Plt(•· e-,t tl,1t..li11w11tfor c1111t•1 f1011. f 1. (U Hlu.)
,, s ~~,. Sli.11kh )fulnrnm.1,) .\tni1, \,i,I, ;.·,i/mil, to the 'Ihiinalultir.
Ai.:}..._tl1.:-mt~, ..,nppl_,2.110ovn f. l (t • ul11)
lti Sln1kh '\{uh llll!ll 111.\ mir, X,,r/, h vhr(ll, to the Thiinallfliir,
JJ "
(;~(\• \t-L, lum t{, <..UpplJ :Jo \\,tfP1-c.-:t111C'1c;
Gui1r Kn,l11111r f. 1.
~7 .\he 11111nl111h to ~lm1kh :.\Juhnmrn.1<1 .Amit A'ihh J1imto c;npph·
2 c.hnc111~•F1n1tl,.,(Ye1...o :,.ih.11~1!:\l uh 1mmad Amit ~ends bhocmg-
F1mtl1 ._ ) f 1. (Pei )

" ,, 2S The Kmg- to the ;.,.·,i!1r,il Dlll'<f., 1111nto get the gate nt
h.ueh'l1tl1Jlan 11...p
11red fr.1111 11pt!Oil., ra1..,cd (V eic;o • Shn1kh
.... ..,11J1<;c
)Juhnmm,111 Amit wnt-- th·1t circnlnrs h:l\c nltc,Hh· Leen issued to
F,111lJ1rll, to the .1110,ccITcPt) f 1 (i'c1)
2'1 The Kmg- to 1lic Xu!mil DJ1cc-t, him to scml 8 water sup-
" ,, plier., (Yerr:o ~ Shaikh )fuh 1mmacl Amit i-cnclc;S ,wtc1 suppliers).
f I (Pei )
,, 9 30 Shn1kh }\fnhnmmac1Ami1 Nrub J;otu,iil, to Lula. :Muknnd Lal.
Asl.i:;pc1m1sR10nto 1cmo, c gnaiclc;f1om a, ceilnm place (Ve1so Liilii
:i\1u1.nnclLitl to prol11bif, 111mf1om domg hO f 1. (U 1<lu)
,, 10 31. Shnikh Muhammad Amil, Na1b Koitniil, to the T!tiinaluliirs
Asl~s them to get the ..,Jio1,.,
opcnc<l hrfo1 e the 1etm n of the '>oldiers and
to p1ov1dethem "1th commotbfacq ,tt then p10JlC1puces f. 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 32. 1Shn1kh:;\Iuhamnrnd Ami1, Niiib Kot'IIJiil,to the Thiinaltdii11.Asks
them ench to supply n'3many cooheb nnd wate1 suppliers as they can
f 1 (U1du) ,

,, " 33. Shaikh :Mhd Siddiq, T!uinalulii1, Lahoie Gate, to the Kotwal.
States that certam pe1sons do not 1esuie mh1s JUrisd1cfaon. f. 1. (Urdu)

185? 128-conl11111ed
.June 10 34 Shaikh MJi.d Amir to the Kmg Complain. that volunteers
~eel at Begampora Gate dua!lo1r Hmdn dead bowes to J,,, taken out
of the wty (Yer.o !uni:'• order,, to KolreiJJt,,al!ow the dead bowe1
to be removed) £ 1 (Unlo.)
36 Saikh Mol.iammad Amir to the TliJ1ddar, r 11Ja1"Lahore Gate -
A.kB him to &endb&,,menl10ned m the letter £ I (Per)
11 38 Bhlll"k!! hlol,1an:11nadAmir to the Jl,a1a!dar Ouiar Kuhllllr
Gate. A•k• bun to get the ohopa opened. £ I (Urdu.)
Joly 11 37 Bhaik!J '11;idAmlr Na,6 KiJtral to the TltHald"r RaJghat.
ProV1010ll:I have not as yat reached D~nJ (Yerao the T!,auMar
ll&Jghat, to Slmlr.b Mhd .!mu · Sent provrnonB to D~J
but the eolchero did not take them away from there ea ,t wa., getting
dorl. la oending-same agsm today) f 1 (Drda.) -
, Ill 3S The Krog to the Kolrr:ul D,recto hm, to impply 60 coohea.
f l (Per)
39 Shai1<b hlttd Amir and Abdul ];Iabm Khtn Na,6 K~trrol,, to
the 'l')a.ddar Gnur Qrwm KhAn Aol: lum to ,ropply •• maoh pron
mono•• he oan ( Verso the na,alulur cannot BDpplJ provrnon• at
preoent) 1 L (Per)
40 Shul;Q Ml;id to the TAa1alulur RaJghat. A ■b hlDl to
mpplJ fodder (V em<> the TAa•aAdar Ba.fllthat he hA>Inlre,,dy -,nt
fodder) f 1 {Urda)
41 Slw!,!i ;\fhd Amir to the 1'1,,•a•tlar F.oubuar H .. received
prom1ono. f 1 (Urdn)
13 -ill SluulJI Ml;id Amir to the TJ,u,aAdar, &Jghnt. A■h bun to
rnpply no muoy conveyance.i 1U1he o.on (Yer■o the TAa.aUar RaJgbat,
■end, 4 bullock enrl•) f I (Urda)
43 The C m C to the KulPOal Directs b,m to warn Tila•1aA1 not
to oppreao roynl )arI-,,,a, f I (Per)
44 Siu,i1JJ :rilnhommcd Amir J.a,o Kolral to the T!,a,.Uar1 Atl.::o
tLem to notify that tendero are mv,led ot the Kui1C<1l1for ■opp\y
mg pron11on■• £ I (Urda l
41\ Shnil;h 11!01,lOmm■ d Amir ;\u,& Kolll'al to the TAa•aUar,
Aob them to r;tJpply pronmono. f 1 (Urdu.)
4G TAa•aJdar Alrpnr, to Shrukh Alhd Amir R,qne.t■
him to relcsse a oertrun <loohe-harer of Pnnce 1>Hru hlob..mmad
Bn!JJt engaged m fcm:td labonr nt the Ki!fll'alt £ 1 (Per)
47 Shu1bh \ ul)ammed Amir to the T/,a•al,dar, All ■ them lo
,mppl) proVJSJon,mentioned 1n the letter f l (Urda /
" 14
48 Shaik!J Mohammed Amir to the 11,a•aAdar, A•uthem lo
,opplr pror111on• to the nrmy enCJ1mpeJ m their Jnn.,J1choao. l l
~O Shai!Ji "\fnl)amme<l A1nTr to the C m. C Send ■ 11 cooliM
(Y eno I Kmg a onlero to oend lhe coolie■, eto under proper e.cort of
}<trfudam) f J (Urda)

185'i 128-continued
·June 15 50 Shaikh :Muhammed Ami1 to the Tliii11aluld1, Guiar Dariba
Asks him -to"snpply G maunds of mobc;c;es (V eiso. the Tliiinahilii1
cannot supply molassec:;on c1cd1t) f 1 (Uidu)
51. Shaikh Ivfuharnmed Amit to the Tliii.11alirla1,Chandm Chauk
" ,, Asks 1nm to supply ,1 diggerc:;and 4 coolies (Ve1s0 the Tlilinahdl7r
cannot send d1gge1c:;, will send coolies f l (U1du)
52. The C -m-C to the nohoiil Asl,s 1nm to supply p1ov1s10ns
" " (Verc:;o• Shaikh l\iuharnmed Arnn says that he has sent prov1s1ons f 1
53 Slimkh l\Iuhammed Arni1 to the '11liii.nahrlii1 s Asks them to
" " p1ol11bitthe openmg of grana11es f l (U1du)
54 Residents of Tm koman Gate to the Krng Comp lam of the
" " high handedness of the Thiinahrlii.r, 'l\nkoman Gate (Vei so The
Krng's ordeic; to the Kolwiil to warn the Tlu7.nalulr71 ) £ 1 (Per)
55 Shaikh 1\1hd Amir, Na1b Kotwiil, to the Thiinahiliirs Asks
" " , them to supply ac:;many coohec; as they can £ 1 (U1du)
5G ~haik:11Mhd Amii, to i.1,e 'l.'hii11ahrh71, Tm 1,oman Gate Asks
" " bnn to get the city gate open eel to 1 ernove s\\ eepmgs. (Ve1so The
'I lll7nahdt7.1sa.ys that l\Iihfa1y gna1clc;do not open the city gate) f ].
57 Sh:ukh l\Ihd Amir, 1Vaib-Kotu.,iil,to the 7 hana!trllirs Asks them
" " to supply as many coolies us they cu.n £ ] (U1dn)
,, " 58 Sha1kl1 lVlhd Ami1, Niizb-K o!Wlll, to T!tii11ahda1 s Asks them to
supply provic,10ns mentioned m the letter f 1 Pe1 )
" ,, 59 Shaikh l\1hd Amit, 1VilibKol wiil) to the C -m-C Sends molasses
and iequests him to pu.3;the pnce f, 1 (U rcln )
60 Shu.1kh l\Ihd Ami1) 1Vii1bKot?oiil to the Thanahdli1, Guza1 It1qad
" " Asks him to enquue mto the ea.use of Amh Akba1 Ah's death
(Ve1so the Thiinahdar, Guza1 Ifaqad Khan says that he knows nothmg
about Mir Akbar Ah) f 1 (U1du)
'.J 16 61 Shaikh J\{hd Amit, Na1b Kotwal, to Thiinahda1s Asks them
to supply coolies, dooh-bea1e1s, shoemg-s1mths, cobble1s, water suppheis,
etc f 1 (U1du)
" ,, 62. Shaikh :M:hdAm11, Naib Kotwal, to Thiinahrltus .Asks them to-
send as many wate1 supphe1s as they can f 1 (Urdu)
63 Shaikh l\:fhd Amit, 1'laib Kotwal, to the Thiinahda1 s Asks them~
" to trace a misi:-mg ho1se f I (U1c1u)
" ,, 64 Shaikh :~VlhdAmi1, }lad.1Kotwal, to the Thanahrla1s Asks them
to allow refm:e of the town to pass from ce1tam fixed gates f 1 (U1dn~)
,, " 65 Shaikh l\ihd Amir, J!laib Kotw{il, to the Phanahrla1, Cbandm
Chauk Asks him to send seveial pe1sons who 1ave asc::aulte<lAbdul
Qadn (V e1:,o The Thiinahdiir, C~andm Chauk, sen4_spe1sons who have
assaulted Abdul Qadir f 1 (U1du)
66 Bond fo1 good behaviom of the accused Bhola Das executed by-
" " Mada.11of BhoJlapahari £ 1 (Urdu)

1867 128---conl111ued
June 16 67 Bhrukb Mnl;,ammed Amir Na,b Eolrcal to the Kmg Pra;r■ for
the e1'lpplyof rrovunon■ to the coohe,, coileot.."'1at the KMtcal, from
drlrerent part•of the town (\ eno lun.ii• orden to note t.beu-addreQel
an<ldn,m!BO them at pre,ent ) f. 1 (Uriln )
,, 17 88 Sho.ilw Mnl).ammed Amir, lia,b E61tcal, to the Tlawldar, Guiar
lhqad Klii!.n Atha hun to enqwre about a man ■ant (V 81'BO the
TAfuaJ.dar oay• that the man 10 nruther a •py nor n Gurkha.) i l
68 Sh011d! M nl;uunme<lAmrr, Ji a,6 Eultcdl, to the Tla,u,}.ddr,
A oh them to 1!11pplycoolie■, <loohe-bearen.,and va.non■ artiaano.
f I (Urdu)
70 ShOI"kbMnl;uunmedAmir, Ndw KJltcd to the TAil..aJ.diJr,Am
" them to trace a m=g ohild f l (Urdu.)
7l The Krog to the Koltro/ Drrecta bun to ■npply zrovmon.■
{V en,o Sluu'JthMl;ul Amir aayothat he ha.oaent provmora.) L (Pet)
.. 72 Shaikh Ml}d Amir to the T!tilw!dar, BhoJlapahnn.
to send provoona noted m the letter
A.h !um
(Venio the tlaoa.Uar '"'Y'that
he hu sent pronmorui.) f 1 (Un!u)
,, 18 Lu,t of proYlllon, ,ent to the trench at the Idgah f. l (Per)
74 The Kmg to the K6/1Dal Drrecta !um to 81lpply proYH20ra.
f 1 (l'er)
18 76 Sb.a.ikbMuhammad Amir, NiJ,6 AJ/rcd, to Knnwu Li!
Tla•aUilr Dariba Aoki him to appomt guardt nt the ho°""" of
Jo.i L<lland 1'anh1a Lal, :iewellera. (Venao the TJ.asaAdar say• !.hat
Kanlua Lal IB n nu.take for Ghamam■ I J ha• earned out the order
i 1 (Urdu.)
70 Sha11;h Mol),ururut.d Amir Nii<o K61rrul to Tl••aUar In to-
day's letter 1'anh1& LAI ha• ,rrongly boon wntten for GhuwnaL
C.wude ■hoold be Lept at the■ of Qh..,..mal imd JIU Lal till they
are traced (Yero• the Tlii•alrdilr 81lJ" that gnard■ lave bttn kept ~t
the home,, of Glwm,.mnl and 1u LaL) f l (Ur<la.)
77 Sbul,Ji Mal)ammod Amir Nilio K6ttc4l to ,ho TU..J.dar,
Danh!. Prov111on• hu,e r"'1ohed KotrDal, ( Vorao the TJa,aJdiir
■ende n hat of proY1Bion•BDpphed and reqnerl■ !um to p&y their
price) f 1 (Unlu )
78 Shai1h Muhammatl Amir, llt11bKol,cal to !'Ja•aldar, Dnni,.
Aab him to aen<l u runny 1h001ngam1th. a■ ho cnn (Veno the
TJa.aldµr aend■ 6 ahuemg snuth■) f l (Urdu)
19 70 The Kmg to the K6/,cal D1reol• him to aubmrt the pehtlon•
nnd <letd of comp1om1 ■o between Sheo RAm an<lThakur Thl.t m connr,,.
bon ,nth their qll'1rroL f l (Per)
80 Sl=IJJ ~•aI.,..mmeJAmir to the 1'ing Send■ Shoo JIAm and Du mth their pel!tloru an<ldeed of compromlOC f I (Per)
Aagn■t 12 81 Sccnnt) hond for anpplJ,ng coohet, executed by lu!m Chandat
f 1 (Ur<lu.)
]85'i 128---oontinued
August 27 82 :Mhd N1zamud-Din, 1'hana!tdii)•, Fa1zbazar, to-.Niiib Kotwal.
Sends cnaudh11,sof groce1s f 1 (U1du)
,, 83 i\1hcl N1zamud-Dm, Thiinalulri,, Faizbaza1, to 1'liiib Kotwiil.
" Sends 5 STI"eepe1s f 1 (U1dn.)
84. :i\1:hdN1zamud-Drn, to 1.Yiiib.Kotwal Sends 3 water supplie1s.
" " f 1 (ru1u) ~

85. 1vlhd N1zamud-Din, Thii11ahrlii1,Faizbaza1., to l\1iiib Kot10ii.l

Requests him to ielease h1s sei vant auested at the Kotwiili. f. 1. (Per)
86 The Kmg to }trub Kotwiil. Duects him to supply p1ov1s10ns
f 1 (Pei )
87, Tlu7nahr7iii,Guea1 Qas1m Kha'n) to the KotwM. Has sent provi-
sions mentioned m the lette1 f 1. (Pei )

1857 129
:MS. Foll 103, vanous sizes
June 3 1 :Miiza i\1uhammecl Kh1ia Sultan to the C -m-0 Requests him to
supply coolies "01kmg at Sahmga1h with p1ov1s10ns f 1. (Pe1.)
:,, 5 Z Shaikh 1'.luhammedAmir, l\7iiibKotwiil, to the C -m-0. Will ietmn
the secuuty bonds to thatche1 Bakhtya1 and pottei J awala on receipt
of the pa, W(tnah se1ved upon them f. 1 (Pei )
21 3 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Naib Kotwal, to the C -m-C Sends Maktu
auested at 'Phanah Chandm Chauk f 1 (Per)
26 4 Khucla Bakhsh Khan, N iiib Kotwal, to the C -m-C Sends.
" Sheocharan, a 1'tlanga, and Ghulam Hu8sam, a ho1seman, mth a
matchlock claimed by both £ 1 (U 1du)
July 2 5 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Ratb Kotwal, to Ihtnamu'd-Daulah.
- Recommends that groce1 Cbena be pernuttecl to send salt to Shahdara
f 1 (Pei)
19 6 Ratan Smgh to the C -m-C Sohc1ts his 01de1sto ielease his brother
" Sakkha auested at the Kotwali (C -m-C's 01de1s to Kotwal to set
Sakkha nee) £ 1 (U1du)
27 7. :M:uhammed R1za.lHasan Khan to the Kmg Prays that ms
" brothe1 Maula Bakhsh a11ested at the Kotwiili may be released.
(Ve1so Krng's orders to Kotwal to submit a 10po1t) f I (U1du)
8 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, J{aib Kotwal, to the Kmg Submit-s a
" " ieport about Bakhsh (V eISo Kmg's orders to release the
man') f 1 (U1du)
9 Statement of payment to wate1-supphe1s, etc f. I (Per)
,, 29" 10 Petition subnntted by Imam Bakhsh m connect10n with the theft
of his p1operty f 1 (Urdu)
11 Statement made by the accused Khuda Bakhsh iegardmg a theft
" committed by rum f 1 (U1du)
)J 30 12 Khuda Bakhsh l{han, l{iid; Kotwat, to the C -m-C Has been
supplyrng co:uveyances, wtll supply more when ayatlable. f 1 {Urdu.)

1857 • 1.29----contmul'd
Ang 1 13 KhudA BaklJ.,h Khan, Nail, Kol1Cal to the C m C .Acknowledge,
recmpt of 88 gunny ],ago £ 1 (Urdu)
3 H Statement made by Hmds m connootlon with IIWIIle'• Jleoh found
m h1• pos•e=on £ 2 (U rdn ) '
15 Tbe C m C to the KiJt1Cal Diredo !um to oend San Ah
Veroo KhudA B•kb•h Khnn, Na,6 Kol-1 send. Sau Ah) £ 1 (UnlIL)
4 16 Khud& Ba~h Khan Na,6 Kot.,al to the C m C .Aolrnowladgeo
recmpt of pan<lioa.l £ 1 (Urdn.)
17 Khnd.. Bs'-!J,h Kh!n Na,b to the C m C Seudo
mU:Jtard 011anu 3 torch bearers £ 1 (Urdn.)
18 Khud!i. B•kli•h Khan. Na,6 KiJt,,,.z, to the C m C SohCits hi•
orders m connection w,th 13 pen,ollllwho h•ve "?Pf.he<l l!WIIle's Jleoh to
the =Y (C m-C• orders to relea.,e them on bnil ) f l (Per)
19 Colonel of the mnbnearo to the KiJt.,aI .A.h !um to releue 11
cobblen, arreoted at the Koitca11 £ l (Per)
20 lmAm BaJdigh b•6ai.l~r to MnbAralcKhln, Kot-.,/il Requeote
him to aeud aeven,i men of h10 army arreoted at the KiJl,cal, £ 1
6 21 Bhlo Smgh Nail, Kot..aJ to QAdu- B•kh•h Sddaar Send.
23 cooh.._ f I (U rdn )
22 KhndA Bakhsh KhAn to Clldir BakhoJ,, S•MUar Seud. 23
coohes. f 1 (Urdn.)
23 The C m-C to the Kol,clil Tureot,, him to rele&110the peroo!UI
confined at the Ko/rx,/1 for hnngmg rnme's flesh. (Yen,o Khudl
Ba]Jilh Khln Nail, KiJt-.,al 11aywthat he has releued them) f 1
24 The C m-C to the KiJ/i,al D,roct.a h,m to ,et lliuntAn Kh&n
free {Y el'IO Khn<lABasli,,h KhAn oay1 that he ha. .. t the rlllln free)
f 1 (Urdu)
0 26 Khndl Bak!i-h Kh&nto Qldir Bak!!•h, S.1>a1dar Send, 10
coolies and 2 water 1npphere. £ I (Urda )
20 J,a1l, Ko/.,./ to Qlchr llAkJJ-h,SnbaUar Hao alm,dy oent 100
coolies, send. 10 now m11 eend more if reqwred. f 1 (Unlu)
8 2 7 Khud, Ilal,h.h Khln to the C 1n-C Send. 0 mannd. of pock
thread f I {Urdn.)
9 28 Shlik!J Fu! 'Ali, Rualdar, to the Sends U■ dlr
Bn!;h,b, n gambler f I (Urda)
20 h..hadA lla\;___luh
Kh!n 11Cknowledges the receipt of " par,ca1aJ
f 1 (Per)
30 KhndAIlnkb,h Kh&nto the C m-0 Pray. that ordenimay
be 1'l1le<lto demolllh the m ■guine hon.,e where fu-e bu Lrolen ant
f 1
31 K.hanA D•kblh Kh&n to the C in C Ha■ 10nt • cn!Uvator1o
" f 1 (Urdu.)
1857 129-oontinued
-Aug 9 32 Khuda Bakbsh Khan to the C.-m-C Solicits his ordeis to expel
)facla.1 Bakhsb, a garnble1, £1om the city f J (Per)
3 ~ Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the C -m-C Has sent 14 pans of oxen
Ali Bakhsh, .Da1og!ta, requests Khuda tJakhsh Khan to send moie
oxen £ 1 (Pei )
)) 11 - _ 3-i Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Jllaib Ko!wtil, to the C -10-C Recommends
a mamtenance J.llowance fo1 the widow of a shoe-make1 who
has been killed m action f 1 (l Jidu )
)) 12 35 Khu<la Bakhsh KhJn, l\1iiib Kotwrd, to the C -m-C Sends
Risaldar Kishan Chand, J ahangh Chand and Nanak Chand f I
36 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Dnects him to supply 10 bullock
carts (Ve1so Khuda Bakhe:h Khan says that he has commumcated'
his orde1s to Chaudln i Dhan Srngh) f l (U1dn)
37 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the C -m-C Sends an accused who has
' comnntteil theft f 1 ( U1du)
38 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the Thanalula-rs Has circulated the
C -m-C 's paMoanah £ l (U1du)
)) 13 39 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Dnects him to p1oclaim that any
one possessmg spoils will be pumshed (Verso J{huda Bakh,;;h Khan
sa,s that he bas 1Ssned rncula1s) f. I (U1du) ,,,
,, 40 Khudn P..ikh,;;liKLnu to the C -m-C Sends Kanhia Lal with
" 125 1upees f 1 ( U1d11)
41 Khuda Bakhbh Khau fo the C -m-C Complarns of the 111-faeat-
" ment of the coohes by the T1langas £ I (U1du)
14 42 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the C -m C Sends p1ice list of
p1ov1s10ns £ 1 (U1<lu) --
43 Puce list of prov1s10ns £ 1 (Pei )
" " 4 4 Khudu Bakhsh Khan to the C -m-C Thanahda1 s have been

1n£01med of the C -m-O 's 01de1s £ 1 (U1du)

!J 45 The C -m-C to the Kotwal Duects him to sapply 100 gunny
_bags (Ve1so Khuda Bkhsh Khan cannot supply gunny bags on
cied1t) f 1. (U1du)
15 46 Khuda Bakh"h Khan to the C -m-C Sends Khaki Shah who
has been anested on susp1c10nof espionage £ l (U1du)
)) 16 .9,..7Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the C -m-C Sends puce 11st 0£
p1ov1s10ns £ 1 ( lJ 1<lu)
,, ,, 48 Puce list of p1ov1s1ons f I (Pei )
,, 49 The C -m-C to the KotuJil Dnects him to ielease 5 men
confined at the .K.otwali (Ve1s0 Khuda Bakhsh Kl1an says that he
has set the men f1ee) £ 1 (U1du)
)) J) 50. Khuda Bakhsb Khiin to the C -m-C Recommends that certa.m
men auested at Gulnb .Bagh be ieleaseil f 1 (U1dn) ,

1857 129---oontinued
Ang 17 61 Khudi,. Bakl!,,h "KMn to the Colonel G\fhd Khiu Sul\An] Will
l<'!nuthe han!..eni, J1wun ld!.l Jw gone to Rowan. f 1 (Urdu.}
62 KhndA Be.hlJah to tho Tla,aTtJar Guiar Jbqld Khln
" A,,kabun to send a cerl:un merohant CVerso Bhfire Bog a olerk of
TJa•a.i Gnmr lbq_Ad KhAn ""Y"that he will oend the merchant whBD
found f 1 (Urdu.)
63 Khnd!!. Bal,,hsh KhAn to the C m-C Send. oevernl men menboned
m the Jette< f l (Urdu)
54 Khn<IABahl!m KhAn to Col Jlll;id KJiar Snlt!n Sendo grocer
Sondra. f 1 ( Urda )
h 55 The C m C to the K~/.,al Tureots 1nm to let I;InaAmn'd Dia -
occupy lL oert,.m hoaw rf vaco.nt. (Verso Khud!!. Bak!!,h Khll.n,
Na,b Ki51t<al aayi, that Huo!mu'd Din hao occupied the hou.te} f. 1
56 Khnd!!. Rakhah J:Gih to Col 1ifli.d K.h= Snlltn Senda Karim
KhAn.f 1 (Urdu.)
18 57 Khuu!!. llaltlJahKlJAn to the Kmg Send.~ pnce lu,t of proT1
llODS. f l (Urdu.)
59 Khudd Bnkhah Kl!An to Col Ml;iu Kh= Saltll.n Compl11n1 of
ill treatment of a ole<k of the Kohm/, Ly R!!.m Chand wbooe property
wa• attached by the court for non payment of debts f l (Urda.)
60 Khuu& Ba!Jioh KhAn to Col Ml;,d Khu;r Snlt!n. C m C lln•
ordered th•t none but the coutt 111 nuthonoed to reahoe money f 1
60<IABa!ilillh KhAn t,, the C m-C Cannot oenu the jeweller
sent yeotrudoy OJI hu nnme a.ndnddrcoo en not known f l (Urda)
01 The C 1n-C to tho E.o/,cJl D1recta him not to realise money
•• 1t 111the court only which M>ndo thnt. (Khudd llnkJJ,b Kh!n .. ya
that be mll cnrry out hu order,) f l (Urdu)
02 Khud& &!Jiah Kh!!.n to Colonel 1Ihu Khur Salt&n. Send.
wveml mon menhoncu ID the letter f 1 (U1da)
03 Khod! Jlakh,,h Khlinto Colonel :1.lljd Kbur Snltan Send. a
matchlocl. f. l (Urdu.)
04 Khud& Bak!J,h Kh!!.n to O m-C Ila., aont 60 doo!te-bcarera
f. 1 (Unln.)
06 Khad& JJn,:lUlh Khln to C ID C Will eenU 50 con«pneu
when rcqrured. fl (Urdu.)
60 Khndo Bnkhsh KlJ.!tn, ,1,ub Kol1C<JI,to the C m-C Send. 4 sbop-
keepera wi11FCndmore f l (Urdn.)
" 20 G7 Khu<l~ Ba!JJ,b KJiln, J.a,6 Kutlt'iil to the O 1n C Rccommenda
that 72 mon nrre,ted on n cb:irge of e,p1onngo he proviiled mth food.
f 1 {U{lln)
08 Khudd Bnkb,h Kh,n to Colonel )fhu Khirr Sultin. Bend,
certiun men wme men noted m the letter are nhient f. 1 (Unlu.)
185~. 129-oontinizted
Aug 20 69 KJlud~ Bakhsh Khan, .Nai/1 Kotwal, to the C.-m-C Sends with
all particnla1s Khnda Bakhsh, a blacksnuth, suspected of committmg
theft £ 1 (U1<lu)
21 70 Khuda Bakhsa Khan, to the C -m-C Sends 7 sweepe1s with
" oxen (C -m-C's 01de1s to Kotwiil to snbnut 1eports on the paJ wiinahs )
(Ve1so the Kotwiil says that he was on leave and the ieport was sub-
nutted by 2\TiiibKotwal) £ 1. (U1du.)
}) 71 Klmda Bakhsh Khan to the C -m-C Sends p1ov1sions and
1equests him to pay then puce f 1 (U 1du )
,, }) 72 -Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the C -111-C Sentls 4 ox.en and
sweepe1s f 1. (U 1du)
,, 73 The C -rn-C. to Kofwiil Directs bun to supply 100 maunds
of d11ed cowdung (Ve1so Khuda Bakhsh Khan sei1<ls the article.)
f 1 (U1du)
22 74 Khuda Baksh Khan to Colonel n1:hd Khiz1 Sultan. Sends 60
" coolies to the tiencb at Salnnga1h £ 1 (U1du)
25 75 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Naib KotuJiil, to C -m-C Sends Ram-
" chand f 1 (U 1du)
,, 76, The C -m-C to Sa1y1<lMubaiak Shah Khan, Kotwiil Asks lum
to send the accused Kallu Jat and complamant Bhola with all the
pa1i;icula1s of the theft f 1 (U1du)
27 77 Khuda Bakhsh Khan acknowledges iece1pt of a panoiinah £ I.
" (U1du)
29 78 K.h,u<laBakhsh J{han to the memhe1s, of the 1\iutmeer's Comt
" Complams of ill-tieatment of ba1qanrlazes hy the Ttla11gas when p10-
cu11ng coolies f 1 (U1du)
,, 79 Puce list of p1ovis10ns f J (Pei )
,, l " 80 Klmda Bakhhsh Khan to the C -m-C. Requests b1m to supply
" coolies with food-£ 1 -(U1du )
30 81 Statement made by the complamant Bhola m connection with
" the theft of his camels f 1 (U1<lu)
82 Depos1t10n made by Ganga, witness fo1 the complamant f 1.
" " (U1du)
n 83 Deposition made by Bou, a, witness £or the complamant f. 1.
" (U1du) '
84 Statement made by the acused Kallu Jat £ l (Urdu)
,," " 85 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, :Naib Kotwal, to the C -m-C Submits a
" puce list of p1ov1s1ons f l (U1du)
Sept I 86 Khuda Bakhsh Khan acknowledges the 1eccipt of pdr":!Jlnah from
the C -m-C f 1 (Urdu)
,, "
87. Khudii. Bakhsh Khan, llatb Kotwiil, acknowleclges recEt1ptof a
" pa1 wanah. f 1. (Urdu)
1867 129-conaluded
Ser 2 88 Khndd Bahl)sh Khan to the C mf' Ha,, 68nt 400 bundle,, of
~tmw, "~II send more on receiptof conveyance charges. f 1 (Unlu)
80 KhudA Balclu,h Khdn to the C m-D Snbm,t,, a irlatement
nuule by the complamant Bhold m oonnootwn wrth the theft of Ju.,
camels. f I (Unlit)
90 Khnd4 Bak!Jah Kh!n to the C u,-C Pnt. up " .tatement
made by the o.ccu,ed Kalin KhAn reganlmg the theft. f I (Unlu.J
6 91 Khndd B,.k;h,h Khl1n to the C, m-D Aoknorrledgea receipt of a
panxi,u,4 f I ( Unln)
8 92 The C m-D to the T1.a1taUar, Dn-ect. them to rnpply a,
many ooohes ,.. they can. f I (U rdn.)
ll3 Khndd Bahl!,h Khln aclrno1T!e<lgesrece,pt of" panca•a4 f l
94 Khudd B,.kbsh Khln to the C ID C Reque,,t. !um to ,end 10
doolie! and 40 doohe-bearero. f 1 (Unln.)
9 06 Khudll Ba~,h Kh4n to the C in (, Compla1De tiu.t the aoliliera
do not return tbe doohe, FOnt to carry tbe wonnded pem>DB. f I (Urda)
10 06 KhudAB&kJJ8h Khdn to the Jung Acl.:nowle<lge. reco,pt of a
!otter f 1 (Per)
11 07 KhudA Bakl!-,h Khln Natb _[;3/.,al, to tbe C ID C Jlequem
htm to rnpply parched pess £. I (Ordn.J
98 Khada futJjsh KhAn NJ,6 K6hcal to the C m-C Request, hun
to .. nd conveyanceo to carry pti>TWODO f 1 (U_nln.)
12 99 K.hndA Ila]gj,h Kh~n .A7i16KMtcal, to the C ID C .Acl.nowledge,,
=,pt of a p,tnod•aA f I (Per )
100 Pnce ~ of prom10n1. f 1 (Per)
101 KhudA Bakb ■h Kh,ln to the C m-C Send. a pnce h ■t of
pronllono. f l (U1dn.)
102 Pnce hot of prosmon, f I (Per )
103 L,ot of arbclea aent from the KoltcoIT f 1 (Urdu.)

1867 180
MS Foll 200, nnout 1!1.[('S.
June 10 I }.f!n filj!n a mace-bearer, to the K~lt<al Reqac.t, !um to mpply
40 coohe■ 30 d,ggera 4 carpentera and 4 LlaoJ,;,m,ths (Y cr,o the
Kulr:al eay■ tllllt hebu ueucd CJrculon, to TU..aUan llbojlapo.J,,,.n
Tnrl.oman, GU%Br0.,.,,1rnh.han and Gnznr AllnhnLad lo tluiteffect
I L (Per)
21 2 h,hndA llakb■h Khtn, J.a,6Ko/teal, to the C m C Trill <t11dLa,k
on receipt of order.. f 1 (Por)
Jnly 4 S Khud!llal;h,h Khln ,,,,1,6Koltcol, to J.111o•ilr Bh1bahudDin
Send, 50 maund, of pea.■ and 2 monad ■ of gbee £. l (U1dtL)
18~7 130-contiuued
July 4 1- K_hudn Bakhsh Khan, l{ii1b Ko!wil, to the 'l.'hii11ada1s Asks them
cnch to i:.upply 21 &ee1bof c1enm. f 1 (U 1dn)
:3 JOnula B,tkhsh Khnn, Niilb Kotwal, to the 'l'hiina1u1a1sAsk&them
" "
to cncnlntc 1.he enclosed puce hst of p10,u,10115 f ] (U1dn)
22 6 L1c.,f,of p,1pc1s supplied to the c11mninl com t £1om the Kotl&ali.
" f 1 , Pci )
23 7 The C -m-C. to Sa131d :Mubnink ShJh Kh:tn, Kotmi.l Dnects
" hun to ask J..'hii 11a!ulii1,Ch.m<lm Chn\\ k, to net acco1<lmg to the 01<le1sof
~lir7J ~Iuh.1mmnd Abul Hasan (Ve1s0 Khudfi. Hakhsh Khan say'3
th.1t the Thii.11ahdii1,Chfmclm Chawk, 1s acimg on l\li1zii. l\'.fuhammad
Abul Hnsan's mstiuchons) f 1 (Pei )
,, 8 Khmla Bakhsh Khim to the Thiina/1(/a,s Asks them en.ell to send
" 5 "atc1 bt1pphe1s £ 1 (U 1<lu)
24- !) K1rndii Dakhc.,hKJ1an to the Thiinnlulii1s Asks them to send the
" fixed dmlj mmket rntec; T!u"'i11ahdi"iJ, Begampm, 1s asked to send the
same to 1'hii11a!td<t.1, Chiindm Clrn.wk £ 1 (U1dn)
10 :i\Iil N'l1.m 'Ali, T!tanalzd<i.1,Ch:rndm Chawk, complain., that he
" " has not 1ecc1veclthe fhecl d,nly mmket rntes f 1 (U1dn)
ll KlrndJ B.tkhsh Khan to the Tll(t.1tahd<71, Chandm Chawk Asks
" him t-0 c:;cndce1tarn saddle make1 s ( Ve1so the 1'/u"'i
na!tr1a,·, Chandm
Chawk, 1.:; mwble to send sa<ldle-make1s) f 1 (lhdn)
26 12 Khudn Bakhsh Khan to the Thiinahdii,s A.,ks them to supply
" coolies, doohe-heai e1s and , au our,; m tIE:ans noted rn the letter f l
(U1du) '
Aug 1 I '3 The C -m-C to the Aotwiil Dnects him to c:;end+ or 5 butcheis
(Ve1so Khuda Bakhsh Khan sends butche1s) f l (U1du)
,, 2 1-1 Khuda Bakhsh Khan and Bhao Smgh, .1,iiib Kotniils, to
Phanahdiits Ask them to airest all the gamble1s m then JU11sd1ct10ns
and send them to the C -m-C f I (U1du)
,, ,. 15 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the Tldinahdiil s Asks them to supply
p1ovrn1ons mentioned m the lette1 f 1 (U1dt1 )
,, 16 The C -m-C to Kh,uda_Bakhsh Khan Dnects him- to send all
" the gamble1s f 1 (U1du)
17 Kh,uda Bakhsh Khan to the Thiina1tda1s Asks them to copy
" " and cnculate the puce list of p1ov1s10ns f 1 (U1g.u)
3 18 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Jilii.ib Kotwal, to the Tltii1whda1s Asks
" them to supply 200 coolies f 1 (Pei)
19 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to Tltiinohdii.1s, Guza1 Ittqad Khan and
" Laho1e Gate Asks them to supply shoemg-sm1ths f 1 (Urdu)
,, 20 The C -m-C to the Rotwiil Dnects him to supply a blank
" copy book and a pen-krufe £ 1 ~ (U1du)
))}) 21 :[huda. Bakhsh Khan to Tltii.nahdii.1s,Guza1 Dauba) Kdshmn
Gate, Laho1e Gate) Guza1 Ihqad Khan and Qasm]. Khan Asks them
to supply as many shoemg-sm1ths as they can f ]. (U1du)

1857 130--oontinued
Ang 2 22 Khnda Batl!Jh KMn to TAa•aUar, Asl• them to copy nnd
e1rcul4tethe enclooed pnce IIBt of provmolli. f I (Urdu.)
,, 23 The (' m C to the KMtcal Duoots bun to -release .Asadnllah
KhAnn.ndRal,iun Ba];:]µ,h two &rur, of Srd Can!ry, arrested at the
Kol'ICGl, (V eroo Khudd Ba]ilioh KhAn ""YIthat he hu re!ea.ed the
&,car,) f. I (Urdu)
24 Khnd! Bakh-b KhAn to TkaaUar, Labaro Gata Aob hlill
" to rnpply u many ohoeu,g om1th1 CU! be can (Y en,o the Tla•alidar,
Labore Gate, cannot enpply 1hoemg-,,m1ths.) f 1 (Urdu)
4, 25 Khuda BuhlJoh KMn to the T7ra,aMar1 .il.Bh, them to copy
and 01roulate the enclosed pnce list of pron11om. f. 1 (l 1<ln.)
26 Suyid :MnbAral. Shll, Khan, Koircal to Tlra1U1Adar, Ash
them to BUpply •• much sulphur •• they can. f 1 (Per)
27 Ulllr Smgh S•haldar to KhndA Bakb•h Kh~n 1'.a,b .Ki!l,ra/
Request. !um to onpply 4 ohoerng-ftllutbs, JO ,eora of horse sl,°"" anti
300 naile mll bOn<lthe wnges of ohoerng-muth. nnd pnce of horee-
■hoea and milB. f. 1 (Urdu.)
28 .Khnc!ABuk]J■h Khln to the Tla.a!tdur, .iuJ.o them to sopply
" coohe<, doohe-bearcn and ran one soi Is of arbl"1!0 nole<l ID the let tor
f. l (Per)
.20 KhndA Bak__hahKlJAn to the 7'auUar, .A.kB them to rnpply
60 conveyance. an<l 100 cnmela f 1 (Urdic)
6 80 KhudA Dah!J,h Khan to Tlau!tdJr, Gnzar Dnnha A,b !um
to oend a good whetter f 1 (Urdu )
,, 31 Khn<l! Bnk!Joh KhAn to TlauAdur, Degnmjlura. Sends j\flr
Azim, & Royal Farrad to Lnng h10 ..,-on! I.apt ID the Ki!ltrali
(Veroo the Tlaaaltlar, Degumpom, ""Y• that lho .-wortl dooi not
belong to Mir Amo) £ 1 (U.n]a)
32 Khn<l! Da];h,h Khan to 11ir Raiab AH, IJar09~al of the
Maguine. Asl.s him to rnrplJ 4 men to cnny provooon, to !he
K""hm1r Gate f 1 (Urdu.
33 Khn<lA Il•kb•h K.hAn 1nd Blul.o Smi,h, 1'.a,6 Ji~t1eal, to the
Ji31irul Complam th•t the Tk.drlnr•n Onto, hu refn-,d
to rnpply augur on cre<l1l .Are ,cndmg 30 rnaun<lo of ""gnr nn<l
the ■ame quanhty of me!.- f 1 (Per )

&DJ 1'1mero "ill
34 Khn<l! Iln!Ji,h Khiln to QAdir BaLhsI, S,haURr of tho S•pper■
oend coohco ,f mp1re<l f 1 (Urdu)
3u Sa1J1<l?.fob!n,k Shah KMn Jwl,:al, report, that certain rndin
" dual ■ who hrul prom,se<l moneJ wonld not pay up r I (Urdu)
30 KhudA Dn!Ji,,h Kh•n to I,1ro$•• Mngn,me A1h Wm
to ■end all the pJTOlechm•ts"J,o lune come from Jho;11ar (Vcn<o IM
JlarOfa'- ,ragume "".l" that pyrotcchn11t1 are not ocnl Ill
they do not know how to prepatt rodete) f 1 (Urda)
1857 130-con ti111tecl
Aug. s 3 7. The C -m-C to the 1'..-ol w«l D n ed. c:; 1nm to send 4 men ft om each
qun1tc1ofihec1ty f 1 (U1dn)
38 Klnula BJkllsh Khiin to the 'l.'lu7 Jlf1'u1ii1,Da11La Asks him to
" send 2 {01d1-be,uc1s (Vc1qo the J.'!u1ii1, Da11ba, sen<ls a t01ch-
bcarcr) £ 1 (U1dn.)
)) s 'H) Khn<la Dakh,li Khrrn, 1'\7{uu Xo/1rril, lo the Thiinalu1ii1, Laborn
Gate .A::ik<:, lllm to ..,nppl.) 2,500 bails of i::ackc1o01 .md 21 maunds of
p,tek tlncml (V<>1c:oAhmed Bc!1,,T!utJl(t!ulti1,Laborn Gate, & ,ys that
he 1s unable to -,end ::iaelrn'olhs ,Ill l pn.ek tl11e.1Js) f 1 (Urdu)
JO KhudJ. Bukh,h Khrrn to the '1'1/(iualulii.r,Gum1 Allahbad Asks
" hnn to send 1 1rp,11101 of bomb:-. n eel fo1 pnti111a ont f11e::i,to the houi;;e
of ,t rc1t.nn lfa!.1m (V"I'-O ,ri, .Am,-urntAli Khan -,ay::i that the1c
a1 c no hornb rnpa 11e1 ~ m 111-.. Jll 11s(lict1011 f 1 ( l_ 1du )
,, J 41 Khucla. B,tkh .... h Khan io the 1'/uiuahdii.1, Begnmpnnt Asks lmn
" to'-npplyl2""cepe1 .... f l (UH1n)
•12 C,,1 l\lh,1 Khli'l Rnlt m to the Xolnal Dncd.., 1nm fo trnce the
" " fanuhc3 of the men blown up at the po\\ dcr mn.~.Lllll<' so that pcns1011s
m 1y Le g1.1ntetlfor then marnten:rnec (Vc1~0 Khmla Bakh-.h Khan
say::, that he h,lS 01dc1e<l,tn nnestigaf10n) f 1 (U1dn)
,, 4J The U.-m-C to the 1i-;j1w,7.lDnccts him to the supply tl1e artieles
" mentioned m the leLtc1 (Ve1so . Klrncl,i.Bakhsli Kh,1n to the C -rn-C
Has supplied the m bdcs ) f 1 ( U1<lu )
,, 44 Khucl,-tBakhsh Khan, .:.Va,/JKotwi"d,to the!tdii,s Asks
" them to trace .1 m1ssmg child £ J (U1clu)
,, ,, 45 Khuda Ba,khsh Khan, 1"\ii1b Kot,oat, to the Thiina!tdci1s Asks

them to supply 200 coolies f 1 (U1du).,

)) ,, 46 Khud,i. Bakhsh KhJ.n, Nii1/JKotwal, to the Askb
them each to ~encl ,1, leadmg llrndus fiom each quarte1 of then JU11sd1c-
t10ns f 1 (U1du)
,, 47 Khudft Bakh1::,hKhJ.n Kaib I\ otwii,l,to the Tltu11ahdiirs Asks
" them to supply a1tisans ment10ned m the letter fo1 wo1k at the gunpow-
der fact01y f 1 (Pei )
,, 48 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, }liii/J Kotwi'il,to the Thii11a!tdii1,Chandm
" Chawk Ai::ks lum to bUpply 3 seers of pa1ched peas and 3 see1s of
molasses f 1 (U 1du)
,, 4~ Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Nail; Kotu,iil, to the Thcinaluliirs Asks
" them to suppl v coohes, dooh-beaiers and vauous a1fasans mentioned m
the lette1 f 1 (U 1du)
50 Khuda :Bakhsh Khan, Naib Kotu,iil, to the Thiinahilars Asks
" " them to send the coolies wo1kmg at the Calcutta G2.te to recen e their
wages Each Tha11ahila1should keep coolies ieady to be sent when_
requued f I (UHlu)
51 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Naib Eotwal, to the J1hiinalulii1s Aoks
" " them to copy and c11culate the enclosed pnce list of prov1s1ons. f I.
880 Mtrr!N\' :f>APfilis

1857 l80-oontrn11ed
Ang 0 62 Khad6 Bakh-,h Klilln, Na,b Koi'lcal to the TU,,dilar, Asks
them to rencler all the neceo5Dry help to the offic,r, on round m o.rreotmg
crurunal, and rnffion,, f. 1 (Urda)
63 Khudl PakJi,,h KhAn Na,b Kottrol to the TJihail,m Gour
Dmb& .ltaJghat, Faue Baur, Turkoman Gate, BhoJlapahan nod GuZ&r
Allshabod .A.k• them eaoh to rnpply 26 ooohea f 1 (Urdu)
64 Khodl Bak!Jili KliAn, Na,b Kot,oal to the TAa,aidar,
Begampnre K .. hmir Gate Lahore Gate G=r I'tiqAd Kh6n Quim
Klilln and ChAndruChawlr. Asb them each to ,mpply 26 cooheo f I
66 KhudA Bu~ Kll&n Na,b KM,ca/ to the TAaoaddr, A,b
them each to =cl 1 bar'E__IUUI• from their TAa,wA1 f I (U rdn)
66 Khn lA Bak!J,h KllAn NiJrb Kol,r;iJl to the C m-C Requem
him to aend the o.nd the fother • names of the person•
required to be tram (Veroo Bhoo Smgh, .Niltb K.ttcill oayo that
he baa returned the paper conta.rnmg the bnnlero nam8")
f I {Per)
67 Kllndl Ba!,;!ioh KhAn fo TAa,aAilar, A.b them each to
rend :I peroon, from .. eh quuter of !helr Jan.diabon f 1 (U nla)
68 KhudA BakJ!,h Kllh to Cal \fl,id Khmc Sal\An Bendt Bunn
D61 who will produce Den Sabh6 f I {Unla)
69 KhudA BaJ.11,h KhAn, .i"11b Koldl to the 11a,aMart A,Jc.,
them to trace the litolen art,cler, of Halt• Altaanullllh hll&n and tc
erreot the men fonnd m 1'0"""1810D of them f I (Per)
60 Khudi Bakb-'h KhAn J.~,b KiJt,cM to the TAli,aUar Lahore
Gate .A.b him to imppl~ JO pam1 of oxen other than thO"' belongrng
to the Royal .table {' eroo I A olerJ..•aA Lahore Gate 1&J•tbot
none are procurable except from the Royal stable) LI (Urdu)
61 Khud6 Ba!Ji.ah Kh6n ,1 arb KiJl1ml to Col :liIJi,I Kbur
SulLdn Send. :Mob Ram and m11 send other,, when fonnd.
f I (Urdu)
02 Khutl~ Bakh ■h KhAn ,,aw KiJll&t!I,to tbo Tl,iladdar, Asb
them to trace n Dll8•mg child. f I (Unln)
63 Kbud6 D•kl!•h Kll6n, ,1lirb Kot.:al to the Tlawdar, A.b
thom to onpply •• m,r.ny coolies•• they can f I (Urdu)
64 KbndA Da]JJsh Kh6n ,1 a,6 K6t,ca/, to the TAa.aUilr, A,J..1
them to trnce 2 m11•rng Beal, of IIal,.ra Ahmnnllah ,Kj l• and to
procure all 1uch flllPorl •• mny bear the!f 1mpremon f 1 (Urdu)
66 Jihudd Bs!,h,h K.h&n, 11a16 K6/..,,/ to tbo TJa,aUur1
CenBUl'<'Ithem for the1r m11taJ..em gl\ mg a dAto nnd aoL1 them to
put th•ir unhnh and ,eat. kg1bly f l (Urdu)
,. 10 00 K.hudd Dnk__h,h Kh6n ;1 urb Aol,rill, to lho T!,a•aJdart
Aou them to ,upplI cooh.,. doohe--Lrarenr <nnou., artu,nu ou<l
con,e'1Ull'CO noted lll the letter f 1 (Urdu)
1857 130-contin'lted
Aug 10 67 Khuda Tiukhsh Khan, J\Tiitb Kohual, to the Thiinalu1ii1s
Asks them to copy and cnculate th<1 enclosed pnce list of p1ov1s1ons
f 1 (Urdu) -
_, 11 68 Khmla Bakhsh Khan, l\'iitb Aotwal, to the C -m-C Requests
that the RoJal gram pa1chern who h'lve been forcrd to TI01k at the
gunpowde1 factory may be released (C.-m-U's 0Ide1s to that effect)
f 1 (U1du)
69 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 1Viiib Kotwiil, to Col J\1hd Kb1zr
" " Sultan Sends 2 bankers, will send othe1s when found £ 1 (U1du)
70 Khuda Bukhsh Khan, Niit/J Ji.otwal,to the Thiinahrlii1 s Asks
them to supply, coolies, doohe-bearers, vauous a1tisans and conveyances
noted m the lette1 £ 1 (Urdu) _
71 Babadm Smgh, cle1k m the ofhce of Col :Mhd Kh1zr _ Sultan
" " to Kh uda Bakhsh Khan Ack now ledges 1ece1pt of 3 petit10ns and
complams that ce1tam bankeis have not aruved yet £ 1 (Pei )
" ,, 72 Khuda Bakhsli Khan to the Thiinaluliir, Begampnra Ask.:i
him fo rnpply p1ov1s10ns ment10ned m the leUC'1 (Verso The
Thanalulii1, t~egampura, says that he has sent as much p1ov1s1ons as
he could p1ocure) f I (U 1du)
73 Khuda Bakhsh Khan,Na,b Kohoal, to Thiinadiirs, Begampura,
Kashmu Gate and Guzar Ihqad Khan Asks them to supply coolies
mentioned m the lette1 f 1 (U 1du)
74. Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 1Yiiib Kotwiil, to the Thii1Zahdii1 s Asks
" " them to send as many dool1e-beare1s as they can f 1 - (U1du)
,, ,, 15 Khuda Bakhsh JQ!an,Xazb Kotwal, to the 111ii11a!tda1 s Asks
them each to send 4 water-supphe1s £ 1 ( U1du)
76 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Niizb liotwiil, to the Thiinahdii, s Asks
" " them to se □ d Cltam7!t,is of tailors and cobblers f 1 (Urdu)
77 Col Mbd Kh1z1 Sultan to Khuda Bukhsh Khan Dnects
" " him to call at ColoneFs office f ] (Pe1)
78 (a) Khuda Bakhsh Khan to Thiinahda1, Begampma Asks
" " him to supply prov1Hons menboned rn the lette1
(b) Muhammad Amh Ali, Thiinahda1 ,.Begampma, to Khnda
Bakhsh Khan Has'sent p1ov1s1ons f 1 (U 1<lu)
79 Khuda Bakhsh Khan ar:d Bhao Smgh, 1"'\'a1bKotwiils, to
' " T!tanahdii1 s A~k them to cncula.te C -rn-C's 01de1s thnt poo1 men
may b:3 e>.ernpied fiom mon<'y conh1bul1ons f 1 (U1du)_
80 Khuda B,1khsh Khan ,rnd Bhao Smgh, Kiizb KotzDf7ls,to
" " Colonel Mhcl Kh1z1 eultnn Acknowledges receipt of l., plirwanalt, about
a ce1tam ca"le and fo1 ihep1oduction of ce1tam men :f 1 (Pei)
" )1
81 Khu1la Ba~h..,b Khan anrl l3hao Smgh, l'laib KohciiJs, to
Colonel 1\Jhd Kl!1zr Sultan Acl."Ilowlec1ges1ece1pt of a pa1 wilnah fo1
the produc.t1ou of Dawa1ka Das of Balhmaian f 1 (Per)

1857 130---contmued
Aug 12 82 hlul;iammod :Mlm .Amini T!uaa1dar Bhoilapahon, to other
TAt<oaltdar, A•k:sthem to trace s =••rng ox f l (Urdu)
83 KhndABa1,h.h Khan, J.ii,b Koltl!al, to the TAa1111lular, Aoki
them to mbnut the names of the offioors sppomted to prooure ooolu,a
nnd doohe-boorera. f 1 (Urdu)
8'4 KhudA BolJJ.h Khan, 11aib li.6t""'I to the fla•daart
" " Asks them to traco s m18Blllg girl £. 1 (Urda)
85 KhudA Bs!s:!J,h KhAn, J. a,b AMtt:al, to the Tla•ddar, A,,b
them to findont s ID1"'1ng hom, f 1 (Urda)
86 Khnda Bak]J,h Khan Naib Ko/,ca/ to the TAa,.,,;.,far, Asks
" " them to copy snd c1reulate the enclosed pnce-Lst of provwone f 1
87 KhudA Ba!!!,,h K]i,n, Na,b KMrral to Lila Bhao U.l
Return, sn enlatment roll snd RBbbun to direot the men menboned Jn
it to appear nt the Lnhore Gate f 1 (U rdaj
,, ,, S8 KhudABa]ili,h Khan Na,b KottcJl to eamJAmnd Dnalah
Bnlrndar n .. Leen trymg to put out the fire , the flre-anruh!lator
111 not m worlong order (finm\!llffiud Danlah • order to repair the fire-
annth1lator at onoe) f 1 (U nlo)
89 Khn<l! Ba!Ji,h Khan f.a,b K61,cal to the TAa,alJar,
" u them to sen<l C4audl,m of coohes and oohLlera. f 1 (Urdn)
,, 18 00 KhuJA Bnli!Jl<h KhAn Na,b Kot,,al, to the Tlrn•a/,dar1
A.JJ, them to copv an<l ououlate the enclosed prioe !L,t of provu:toru
f l (Urdn)
01 The C tn C lo Officors of the llfh Regnnent nt A3mer Gate.
Cenrore,i them for not allow mg the oweopera to !al.a DW!l) refn"° of
the town through A3mcr Gate f 1 (Urdu)
02 Khn•l!i Dabh,h Khan, Na16 Ai!l>"al, to Tka.ddar, Aal.o
them to wrect the •lleeper, to take away refm,o of the town through
Della Uate, Aimer Gato an<l I nhore Gate f 1 (Urdu)
03 1'Iuhnmma<l N1~mu d Drn TA,uaid«r, P,u Ba:tnr to tho
Aot,,:al o.nd TAJia4c/ar, Aob them to trace 11 numng cnU £. 1
04<l! Dn!Ji,h KhAn to T•a•nUar, A,ls them to soppl.r
cooheo doohe-bet,rera, vnrioru nrhmn ■ nn<l con, oyanccs noted la the
letter £ 1 (Urdu)
05<l! Bo]iliah KlJlin to Col 1,l~<l Khlf1'Snl!An Sen<l1
Dawarla Da■• f I ( Per)
00<lAD,k!J,h KhArolo Col ,th<l KlJ11r SnltAn Aclrnowle<lge,
receipt of a P""'"""~to tho oO"cotthat nolbrng ,honl<l Le from
,rumhl Intl Ilak]J,h nn<l %oi]JJ TurliL Ali Ly extortion. f I (Per)
07 Col i\lh<l Sn]tan to Khn<lA D:,ltlJ,h KMn lntimolct the
arnvnl of tho accu,e<l Oulml ,nth ;\luhammo<l Khln f 1 (Per)
1857 130-coni in uecl
Aug. 14. 98 Bhii.oSin0,h, }{fiib Kotirt1l,to the T!"1nall{1ars. Asks them each
to supply 3 camels nnd ns many coolie-; no;,they can f 1 (Uulu)

,, " no Khncl.i. Bnkh.,h Khun, }l<71b Ao!,ot1l, to the Thiinahrlii1s.

Asks them to t1n0c 2 nussing oxen f 1. (U1du)

" ,, 100 Klrncti. Bhnkh,;,h Kl1J.n, 1Yt11b .x-0!1ciil,to the '1.ht1nalula1s

Ai;;kc;them to n.nnouncc thnt any one "ho irnrcs the m1ssmg ai ticles
of 1/alnn Ahsnnn'lliih Khan will he 1cwa.Hled f 1 (Utdn)
101 Khmlii. Bnkhsh Khiin, 1Ytr10 Kotwt1l, to the Thii11aluh11
" " Ac;ks them to supply }j goJclc;nuths und 13 hlncksm1ths. f 1
102 Khndfi B,1khsh Khan, l1/ii1b Kotwiil, t,) the Tltlinaltda,s.
JI "
Asks them to i:.upply ,1c; mnny coohe& and ca1pente1s as they can.
f 1 (U1dn)
103 Khucla B,tkhsh Khan, 1V((1bKolwiil, to the Thiinahdii1,
" " Rnjgh.1t A.,k., 111m to i;;cn<.1,1 cm pentr1 s ( Ye1So the Thii12alu1ar,
RaJghat, sa3c;that cn1pcnte1s aie not rwmlJble) f 1 (U1du)
10+ Khmln Bakh'>h Khan to Fmzulla,h Khan, SNbhdii1 Sends
J) "
Tiannn, a she,1th-makcr (Vc1so F,mmllah Kh:tn says that the man
sent 1&not the one w.mtecl ) £ 1 (U1du)
10:'> Khnda Bakhc;h Kh:in to tho 1/l(rUahdlrl, Gu7a1 Kashmn
" " Gate Askc; 1nm to faacc :1 cobbler and 4 ta1lo1s wo1kmg m the 14th
Regnnent who h,tve dcsc1tecl f l (U1du)
100 Khudo. Bakh.,,h Kluin to the Thiinahdii1, Guza1 Qasim
" " Khan Ac;ks him to send roohcs a,nd <'mpente1s (Ve1s0 The
'1lziinalulii1, Guza1 Qas11n IGrnn, c,ctys th,1t coolies and cai penteis a1e
not available) f 1 (Urdu)
107 Khuda B,1khsh Kh:m, N(tio .Aotu.,c7l,to Tltanahdc71 s Aske;
" " them to trace 2 nussmg o~en £ l (UHlu)
108 Khuda Bakhsh Khan~ 1.Vtrib KotwiU, to Col Mhd Khizi
t' '' Sultan 8endc; Hai P,11shad and Mahanand, two Jewelle1s,
Shnmbbu Nath and Amit Ali a1e wo1kmg m the fort, will send Ram
Dayal, £ l.(U1du)
" ,, 109 Khuda Bakh&h Khan, }lc7ib Kotwal, to the Thiinaltdiiri
Asks them to tiace a mISsmg ox f 1 (U 1du)
,, " 110 Khucla Bakhsb Khan, Naib .Kotwal, to the 11hiinaltdii1s
Asks them to faace a missrng child £ 1 (U1du)
111 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Natb Kotwal, to Col. ~fhd Kh1zr
" " Sultan Sends :Munsukh Ray, an enamellei , Faqu Chand, an mhabitant
of Raushanpm, and Hardeo, a Jeweller f I. (U1du)
,, )) 112 Khuda Bakbsh Khan, Naib Kotwal, to Col 1v1hdKhizr Sultan.
Sends Ram Dayal an inhabitant of AJmf'1 Gate f 1 (U1clu)
,, JJ 113 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, .Naib Kotwal, to Thiinaluliirs Asks
them to supply ~0 pan of oxen f. 1 (Urdu).

1867 130-contmued
Ang U 114 Col :Mhd Kh= Balti!n to Na,6 K6t,cal Direct. him to
rnbmit a lu,t of eattle gnmng m the field f I (Urda)
115 Khuda Bak!J-,h Klii!nto Tla,caldar,, PalargauJ A.lo !um
to BUpply sweepers to remove the dead body of a ho= f I (Urda)
116 Khudd Ba!Ji,h Kh!n Na,b Ki5flcnl, to the Tla .. ldar,
' " A.b them each to ,rend 5 sweeper,, to Kashmir Gate to remore the dead
bodioo of horses lymg there f l (Per)
117 KhndA Bakhih KhAn Nui!J Ki5t,cal, to the TU,aldar,
A•h them to trace n m=g calf f l (Urdu)
118 KhudA BokJ!,h KhAn J, a,6 liotrl!l to the TAa•aU,m
AokBthem to keep a copy of the enoloeed par,on,wl o.nd return the
ongmaL f. l (Urdu)
1) g FIUJ Alµnad Mn•ttf, to Na,6 Ki5fral and TJ.ualdiir1
Urges them to tni.oe the m1"'1lng artrnloo of Hahm AQADnllah Kh!n
f l (Per)
120 KhadA Ba]w,,h Khm to the Krng Spbm,t, a pnce hot of
proV1Kion, f 1 (Urdu)
121 Pnoe-h•t of prov!HlOil_l. f (Per)
122 Khad! Bal,b,h KhAn to tho Tla•aldar, .A,la thorn to
aabm,t their dumeo tmoe daily f l (Urda)
12,'1 Pnnoe Mal,uunmad Bak])t to J,a,b Ki5/.,,al Du-eolo him to
rnpply 2 bullock: cart... f l (Per)
124 Khadi. BakJ!,h Khu to Tla,aldur, Cen,area them for-not
,emlrng oxen .. 1.>them to ,end the oame ot once f l (Urdu)
Ang 10 126 Khad& B,]J;ah Khln Nath Kol,cttl to the Tla,aJd,,r,
Asb them to copy e.nd oironlate the enclo,ed pnce-1,,t of pron,.ion,
f. l (Urdn)
120 KhudA IlahJJ,h Khan, Na,6 X6tm,l to the TU,aMar,
Tlanba A ■h him to oend n tent-malor (V en,o Mnl.zammaJ Jia .. n,
Clerk: TU,a4 D&nb& u; 1 that the tent-moler■
f I (Urda)
= not ova,lable)

127 KhndABak!J,h KhA.n, Na,6 Ko/teal to the TU .. ldar, A■ la

them to npply coolie, dooh bearer., vanou_o artuons ond con, eyDJiceo
mentioned rn the letter f 1 (Urdu)
128 Kha<lA Bakh-oh KhAn, Nu,6 /,.Mral to the Tla,aUar, then, to I.cop a cop1 ot the pan,n,ul 181!llcd Ly Fw, Ahmad
Mu,,f nbont the ■aLmuunon of dume,,. f I \ Urdu)
120 h.hudn llnk!J_oLhlidn ,,u,6 J.ul,cul, to Colonel lllhd l(h1xr
SolL!n Send ■ ■e,eml men mon!Jone<l m the leller f I (Urda)
110 h.ha<l& Tuil,h,h hliln ,, u,6 Aut,cul, to tl,o rAa .. Uar,
IlAJghnt Aala Lim to ■en<i 2 carpenton (Verao the TAiiuldur,
Ramhnt "'i' that !ho <!lrpentorv are not n,nllaLle f 1 (Urda)
131 h.hnt!A lla!JJ ■h hJJin ,, ,,,6 Ku/NI, lo the TAa•altlur1
Aah them to 0(011 all rl•~tlJr11 f l (Urdu)
1857 _ 130-oontiuuecl
Aug 17 132 Khuda Bakhsh Khi:in, Naib Kotwiil, to the Thanahda,, .Fp,1z-
baia1 Sends ce,tam bankers mentioned 1n the lette1 £ 1

,, " , 133 O1de1 fiom the Kotwiil to certam pe1sons to present them-
selves at the Colonel's office £ 1 (U 1du)
134 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 1Yillb Kotwiil, bas cnculated among
" " the Thiinahdii1s the Colonel's pa1waniih ca.llmg £o1 a list 0£ ca.ttle
g1azmg m pastmes £ 1 (U 1du)
'' ,, l 3r Khuda Bakhsh Khan.,, .2\atb Kotwlil, to Col nihd Kluz 1
Sultan Sends heads of milkmen mentioned 111 the letti>1 f 1
" ))
136 Khuda Bakhsh Khin, 1'laib Kotn,a( to Col 1\'Ihd Kh1zr
Sultan. Sends IIarnamal, a banke1 f 1 (U1du)
137-40 [Col Mhd Kh1zr Sultan] to J.Yiiib Kolwal Duects him to
" " ask earh Thanalula1 to snhm1t a hst 0£ cattle grazmg ID pastmes
f 4 (m quad1uphrate) (U1dn)
" l)
141 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, to the Tltii11rd1tla1s,l1ho1lapaba11 and
Guzm Allahabad Asks them to submit a list uf cattle g1azrng m
pastmrn f 1 (U1du)
1J "
142 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, to the Tha1zahda1s, Kashm11 Gate,
Bh0Jlapaha11 and Guza1 Ptiqad Kban Asks them to submit a lu,t
of cattle grazing m pastmes f 1 (U1du)
" ,, 143 Khnda Bakhsh Khan, to the 1.'hiinahrla1s,...L,1ho1e GaLe,
Cban<lm Cba.vk and Gu7a1 Qiis1m Khan Asks them to submit a list
o.f cattle giazmg m pastmes. f ] (U1du)
144 Khu<lii Bakhsh Khan, to the Phanahdihs Asks them to
" " faace a m1ssmg calf £. 1 (Urdu)
.,, " 145 (;ol l\{hd Kh1z1 Sultan to .2\7
ii1bKohoi'il Duects him to sen<l
a gamlile1 confined at the Kotwalt £ J (U1<ln)
" ,, 146 Khudii. .Bakh8h KJ.!an, 1.Yatb Aotwal, to 11hii1whh7rs Asks
them to send chaudhns 0£ g1oce1s f J (U1du)
,, " • 147 Khudii Bakhsh Khan to Col :i.\fhd Kh1z1 Sultan Has sent
Raghunath Das, rannot send Se10Ji Rii.m who -;;-i11 f 1 (lhdu)
148 Khuda Bakhsh :[ban, Na1b Kotu,fil, to Col l\Ihd Kh1a
' " Sultan Has sent ChernnJi I,al, Gmnashta, Gobaidhan Das of Danba
and Nand K1sho1Ja golds~ith Will send othe1s f 1 (Urdu)
149. Khuda Bakhc,h Khiin} 1Yii1b Kotw<7l,to Col Mhd Kh1n
" ,, Sult-an Has sent D1gamba1 Smgh £ 1. (Urdu)
, ,, 150 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, 1Yii1b XotzrM, to the Thiinahdiirs
Asks them to copy and cnculnte the enclosed puce-list of p10, 1s10ns
£ 1. (U1du)
151 Khudii. Bakhsh Kl1iin, 1Vii1h Kot,oal, to the Thii11alulr7rs,
" " P.1ha1gan.1 AFks them to. help scpoyB st>nt f1om tbe Kot,oiil1 m
aueshng Imiim Ali and othe1 barqa,ula:et? f 1 (U1du)

1857 130-confmw-il
A'!Z 17 H2 Col 11fl;,d<T SnltAn to Na,6 Kotr,d D1reot. him to
report nbont n cerlmn PaRdtt f 1 (Ur<ln)
158 KhndA 1l•!Jiah KMn to the T!ta.ddar, .A.L.. them each to
" u 1mpply 10 coohea. f 1 (Urdu)
JI ,, 164 Mal;tamm•d N,~Amnd Din Tlra•a~dar F011Bamr, to 1',a{li
Kcitto,ll Ilas oent cBJtam J':"ffilllft mentioned m the let fer Will>end
others when found f 1 ( Urdu.)
166 KhndA Ba]gi1b K.h,.n •Naib Kot,,,al to the 7Aa•aJ.dar,, GoJar
OA>.tmKhlln, Lohore G.te, o.n<lG=r I t,qAd KhAn K•1hm,r Gate, and
1legampnm. A>ka them eo.oh to rnpply coolies •nd oarpentero men
boned 10 the letter f. 1 (Urdu.)
160 Khnda Bakbsh Khan, J.a,li 1,./itlf'al, to the TAa•aUar1 Aib
them to anpply doohe,, doohe-bearera, vanona arti.ano And conveyancet
mentioned m the lett~r f. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 18 157 KhndA Bak!J,h Kh!i.n Natb K6ttt:al, to the C m C Send,
2 t,mu, and 7 p1eve. of roP'" f 1 (Urdu)
US K.hudn B•IJlah KhAn Na,b K61•ml to T~a.aldar, Ail•
them to copy ond 01rcnUttethe enclooe<lpnce-rnt of pro1mon1 f 1
150 KhudA Bahbah KhAn Nutb lcoltcal, to T1'i•aAtlan
" ' AJil1 thorn to anpply ,weepen, mentioned m the letter f 1 (Urdu)
,, ,. 100 KhudA ll•khah KhAn ,1aili Kul•n,l to TAu•aUilr,
them to supply ooohes doolte-oonrera vnnoas artianru, and conveyanees
mentioned m the letter f 1 (Urdu)
101 Khud\ Bnkb,b Khlo ,1 ,,,1,K6lteul to the Tlt7•aUor
Gnµr Oh1m Khln Ail• him to send a ccrtam man JU1medJlnUan
(V em, the Tla~aAt/Jr OA.,m KhAn, reqneof• bun to .oend!ho
n<luresaond father's name of the IlllUl ,-eqoue<l. (Urdu)
H II fl62 Khndn Bnl,h,h Khan, N,116 Kot1NJI, to the Tla•a•dar,
Gninr Q,,Kim KMn. A,l, !um to got tbo addle of Ihmtd Ah, a
horseman repntred (Vo~ the Tla,"Adur, GU1ar Outm KhAn, to
,\ 1116l,.o/1<al Snd<lle-reprurer!Iare not a=lnhle) 1 1 (Urdu)
103 Col 1>lh<lKh1Jr Sultan to J.a,6 Kul,,:al C.enmre. b1m for
detarnrng Sbeomm Suhnd • aervnnt, nn<l duecta !um to ro!enM>tho man
nt once f 1 (Urdu)
101 Khu<ln Uaj,i) Kh~n to the Tl,a .. AMr, Gniu AJ!ahnood
Aeko !um to onhOllt a hrl of cnttle (tTlltlnµ-m pa.tnroo (Veno, tho
clerk, T!,<>nA Gui:,,r Allohnhod, to Nntli Koi,,:11/ Ilno oent the h,t)
f 1 (Urdul
10 105 Khn<l~Bn11J•h KMn ,1a,b Kulr:al totho Tla,aUar, D4n1ia
Ails him to l!Cnd n mddle-molcr (Veroo tbo TJa,aU,1r my,i thAt
the m<ldle-mnker■ oro not nvoilnble) f 1 (Urdu.)
100 Khndn Bokb.,h Kh6.n, ,, atli J..ul,,:al to the C m-C &n<ls
15 Lufrnlott and I ox will .KDd more when ffi)Wrcd f I (Urdu.)
1857 130- contitutecl
Aun- ID •
lG7 Kl!u<lii ]3nkh--h 101iln, J ,i,o Xolu er!, fo ihe Thiiualtrliir,
Gnz'lt Allnhahncl .\ ...J,...l11mto 1emo,e a h:1lc1'" shop f1om ihe fo1t.
,y t't~o tl1c '/'l"iun/11hi1, G 11z.11,.Hl,'-:1)., that the hakc1 1s 111;
"1lldn::.oonl11'-JCrn\e1,) f l (U1d11J
,, 20 lflS 'l'li<:'C1-111-Cto f lie lui/11,i/ ])ncds 111mio i:;cnd corfain
mcnf 1,,nctl rn f lie letf e1 (Y c1-..o Khuclit Bakfo,h Kl1iin, 1Yii1b
AofwM Snbm1h .1 ll'}h)d .tliout flw..,cpet 'iOII'>) f. 1. (Ur<lu.)
" ., l (i!l Khrnlii B.ilJ.!'-hKhrin to f he 'Ph,ina!trltirs .Ask~them each to
supply:!() ,nuhe-..., f. 1 (l.1<111)
,, " 170 Kl11uln B 1'kl1-.h Kl,iin tl, tl1c T/"i11nhd1iu1 Ai:;ks them to
c;;npph('nohl',, 1nohL·-l1t
,l\('1', , .11111nt; .11t ,s.rns and wm C:nnccs men-
tioned m fhc lelte1 f l (U1<l11)
171. Khml.1 B.1],lJ..,}i K]uin to ihc 'J'h,7narlhc71s Asks ihcm to
" " of pro, 1:,JOn., f 1. (U1dn)
ropJ nnd e;H•nl.1tct l1t:~'Jh1,;:l'<lpt H e-11..,{
,, 21 17~ K1Jnc1uB.1kh-,h Kl1irn fn ihc 'J'/117nad!"i', Daub:t Asks
them fo c.cncl2 tniluh f.,.J (U1cl11}
" ,, 17:J Kh111I.-1 ]3.1U1-.hKl,.-,n io f he 'l'liri11cflulii1s.A£ks them to
.::enclc!taud It" t: of colililcr., f I (T: 11111).
,, " l 74 Kh11dr1B,1!d1,hKhr111to f hc '1'/117nnlidii1
to '-llpplj 20 co(IJie.., f I. (C1dn)
~ A(jhs them each

,, " li:i Khml.-t H.1kli..,JiJ(h.ln to the 'J'!t,7n11hdii1s Asks them to

supply 1 m11Je., f l (U1du)

" ,, liG Klnul.l Bnkh!:=h Kl1"in Lo the '1.'h,i11alulii1,

Beg.unpura Asks
1nm fo get the <kid lJOcJie.,of 2 horsci:i 1emo,ed f10111 the Begam's
g,ndt>n f 1 (UuluJ
,, 22 177 K1111d,1n.,klu,h Kh.-u1, .Ycid.1 A.ot10£il,to the Thii11a!tiiii1,
Faub,t7m .A.,ks 1nm to get the dcac1 hochcs of 2 bo1:,es 1emovecl nom
a certam place f 1 (U1<lu)
,, " 178. Khn<la,Ji Khan, Nrab Kolwi'il, to Col l\1hd Kh1~r
:=:iult:in Hab made o, c1 ,urns f1om the Xotw<ili to certnm Zamindars.
f 1 (U1<ln)
,, 23 l 7'J Khu<lJ. Bakhsh Khun, i\7atbKotwal to the 1'!tiinalidii1s Asks
them to keep n, copy of the JHll wi'inah ISsned by C -m-C an<l follow the
mstiucbons contamed the1cm f 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 180 The C -m-C to the Kolw<tl Dnects him to ask T!tiinalulii'l'1
not to demnnd money fiom any banke1 without C -m-C's pe1miss1on
f 1 (U1<lu)
181 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the 1'hana!tdii1s Asks them to
" " supvly coolies, diggers anc1vauons ~1tisans and conveyances meni1oned
m the lette1 f -1 (Urdu)
- ,, " 182, Khuda Bakhsh Khan· to the Tltiinahrlii.1s Asks them to
copy and cncula,te the en.closedprice-list of p1ov1s10ns f 1 (Urdu)

1857 130-continiled
Ang 23 l 83 Khndd TidkJiob filldJI to Sam,amnd-Danlnh Bah'!dnr Ha•
stopped the owdestms .,.le of opium l reqOOBtohim to order the coo
tractor to ,mpply the snme, othel"IV1B0a breach of the ?"lee Ly the con
rnrners 1s •pprehe,,ded ISamB!lmnd Daalah mform1 li.ottcal there
10 no oprnm m the Royal !!took hence 11:B snle """' atopped) f. 1
184 Khnda Ba!J!sh Khan, ,,a,b Kot,ca/ to the Tla,aldur,,
Gn1nr I tiqad filinn and Kuhm1r Gate AIils them each to oenu a
.hoerng-mmth f I (Urdu)
24 180 Khndd Bah!J,h KhAnand Bh!o Smgh Na,6 li.otical to the
Tla,alu/ar, A,ls them to - that no one beat. drnm• etc., donug
Al,harram a• th~ bugle would not be and1ble f. l (Urdu)
186 Khuu! Bak!Jsh Khuu Nu,b Kottcal to the T!tu,alulurt
.A.k:Rthem to ROIIU
"" mllny water-,mpphers, cooh.., nnd <loohe-~ren
u thev C!ln f I (Unln)
25 187 Khu<la R,]tlt,h KMn Va,6 Ko/,.,,Z to the Kmg &,hrots.
orders to pay wages to the ooob.. worlmg at the Kottca/1 f l (Unla)
188' Khudd B,k!J,h Khdn Na,6 Kottcul to t~e TJli,ad!tar,
Al'IJ..ethem to copy a.nd curnlate 2 enclosed pncf' lurt1 of pronmon~
f l (Urdu)
18D Khadd Bnk!JwKhdn, Na,6 KJt,.al to the Tluddart
.A.lo them flloh to 11Cnd5 water-rupphenr f l (Urda)
JOO Khnd~ BakJi,h .K!iw, l,a,6 Kotical, to the T/,.iJ,alu/ar,,
Danhah and Turkoman Gate. A ■kt them to supply u many
cooheo °"thy can f l {Urdn)
191 (a) K.hndl Bakh-'h Khdn to T!i!•altddr RaJghat Atkt
him to get a Hmdu barber ._. a oervant
(b) Tl,a.,luliJr Ilaimahal to the Kol1t1ul Hmdn barh<lr• are
not avtuLble f L (Urdn.)
102 [Col ifhd Khnrr SulJ.An] to Khn~ Bak!J,b Khw, Na,6
J.3/ical Du-ect, him to oeod 4 l>arqa•dareito TAo•aALahore Gate to
help the Tlia.,ldar m arreotmg the rnfliano who take away wood
planlo etcry from ganleno L 1 (Per)
2G 193 Khn<ll Da!Jµrh Khln to the TAa•altd,m Aah them e,ch
to sen<l 10 wuter-cupphen. f 1 {Unln)
27 194 Khndd Ba1!J1b Khln to the TAiJ,dtlJr, A,ka them
to trace $buhh Sundu'llah who bu ,bot <lCAdBah&dnr onil ahtcondod.
f l \l.Jnln)
195 Khudd Bablih Khw to the TJ,,,,,ltdar, .A,h them to tnu,o
n " the rebhnl'll of., .tmy cb,Id brought to the AM""/, f 1 (Urdu)
l ~O Khud~ Bakh ■h Khln to the TA•••Uar, A,u them to
l!Jlppl) coolies carpenters, doohe-be rero digger■, & f l (Unln)
JOj Khndd Dabh,h Khln to tbo 1'Ao,oltdar1 .A,,h tbom lo
find out RnJ!lb Del!',• ,old!or, who hu fled f l (U rdo)

1857 130-oonltnuea
Aug 27 H)S Kbuda Bakl11:,h Khan to the J'lu1nalidii1s. Asks them to
send as many waie1-snpphe1::. as they can f 1 (U1<lu).

,, " HHJ Khndn Bakhsh KhJn to 1he Thi"rniil/llrn,Laboie Gate Asks

him 1o n11est !ho rntlians "ho fake .n,ay ,,ood, fuel.., etc f1om ga1dens
( \' e1s0 The 7½ii11alii1a1, Lahoie G.ite, say<, that the barqandazes
sent to a nest tlie 1 nffians Jrnve beeu :1ssmltecl h ~·them f 1 (Pei )

" ,, 21)I Khu la B,1kl1shKl!J.n, .1Yft1uKolwttl, to the Thiiualular, RaJgh at

Censme::, hnn fo1 not, '>cndrng nny ba,qandii:eR to the '1.otwiili for 4
days, asks 111111to send a bmqanrh7z eve1y <lay (Ve1.,o' 'rhe Tlu7nahdiir,
HaJghat, says th 1t he b.1s been i::enchng.1uar-qanda::e,·e1y d,1y 1egularly)
f 1 (U1dn)
,, 27-8 201-Z. KhuclJ. Bakhsh Khan to ibfl J1hr7ua111liil s Asl-s them to
copy and Cll en late theendosecl puce 11stoE ])l0'1SlOTIS f 2 (U 1-<lu).
,, 28 203 _ Klmda Bakhsh Khan to th1: Thiinahdt7rs Sends a pa11oihzalt
and a.,ks them to follow the 111.:;tiuctions contametl the1em f 1
20+ Khudn. Bakhsb Khan to the Thiinahi1a1s Asks them to
" " help the officmc; app'nnted to airest ihe gamlile1s f 1 (U1du)

,, " 205 Khndu Bakl1sh Khan tn ihe Thii.nalulars Asks them to

sup1 ly coohe'3 et.-, as u~nal i ] (Pei)
206 Khuda B.1kh-,h Kh~rn to the Tha.nlihrlars. Ask::, them each
to send 5 wate1-::,npp11e1 c:; <la1ly f J (U 1du)
,, ,, 207-10 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the T!taualula,, Guza,, Qas1m Khan,
and othe1 Thanahi1c71 s Asks them each to supply 25 coolies daily /
and as manJ canvass-\\ eave1s as they c:an f 4 (U1du)
211 The C -m-C. to .1.VaibKotn al Sends convevance allo\vances
" '" fo1 car1ymg prov1s10ns and directs him to ::send p1ovrn1011s
at once f 1
,, " 212 Khuda Ba.khsh Khan, )\Tazb Rotwal} to the Thlinahrlars Asks
them to supply as many gunny b,,gs as they can f 1 (Urdn)
,, '' 213 Khn<la Bakbsh Khan to the Tltiiuahrlii,s, Da11ba, RaJghat,
Faizbazar, Bb0Jla1 aba.11, Turhoman Gate and Guza1 Allahabad Asks
them each to ::,upply10 coolies aud 1 ca1pente1 f l, (U1Jn 1
,, 29 ~ 14 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the Thli11ahdii1 s Asks them to send as
many wate1-supphe1s as they can f. 1 ( U1du)
J) , 216 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to the TltanaTtdli1s Asks them to
SUJJplycoohes etc as usual f 1 (U1du).
216-] 7 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, to the Thanaltda,, Guzar Ifaqad
" " Khan an<l Qthe1 Thanahdiil s Asks them to send the chaudhrzs of
g1ooe1s f 2 (U1 du)
218 Khucla Bakhsh Khan to the Thii.nalida,s, Gnzai Dauba,
" " , Qa::.1mKhan, Tmkoman Gate, Bh0Jlapqha11, Fa1z Baza1 nnd RaJghat
Asks them each to supply 25 coolies f 1. (U1dtt)

1867 130--continued
Aug 20 219 KhudA Ba)tlioh Kh~n to the Tlu1Raluiar1 Sendsthem a cop.f of
the part<li•ai lll!lled by C m-C and ask■ them to follow the 1ruirnction•
cont,uned therein. f. l (Urdu)
h 80 220 K:hodABa!Jioh KhAn Na,b Kolocal to Membani of the Court.,
Reqnestathem to pa] the W!'.~es to the coolies, doolie-beareno, eto.,mnbog
nt the Kot,ca/, f I (Urdu)
221 2 Khnd1 Ba!J!•h Khi!.n, Na,b Klil11XJI to the TJaMArlar,
Chandn1 Cbawl<: •nd other Tlt,a•alH/ar, A ■ke them each to ■npply 25
cooliell f 2 (Urdu) "
223 Khud! BakJ!ah KhAn Na,b XollClll to the T1a1aluiar1 Aili
' " them to =d •• many w.teic-oupplien, as they can f I (Urdu)
224 Khndd B•k__h.h Khftn Na,b K~l,cal to the Tia1aluiar1 A■ lc'
them to copy and r,rcnlate the enclosed pnce-hat of pro,wono. f I
2~5 27 KhndA Bu!Ji,h Khln Na,1, K~ltcal, to the TJa,aUart,
Gu= Itaq•d KhAn and other TU•aluiar, .A.kB them to send the
cl<a1ul1n1of grocen oent prenonaly f 3 (U rdn)
228 Saiyid Mnh!iral.: Sb~ Kh!n Kol11;al, to the TM1alui<tf'1
.A.k. them roch to remam •lert at rught. f. 1 (Urdu)
229 KhodA Dakh,h KhAn to the 1la0t1U,m, them to tmpply
coolies, corpent01s eto as nonal f I (Urdu)
230 KhndA Ba!Jiah KhAn to the T1a1nUnrt Aclmowle<lge,
the receipt of the C 1n C'opar,rB•al f I (Urdu)
Sept. I 231 Khud! Bu!Jiah Khi!.n to the T>.a1alid,a, Kuhm1r Gate
Aou !um to eend Nu\%Ah, a watch maler, to the C m-C f I (Unln.)
2 23:! KhunA Bahbah KhAn Mui, Aotral to the C' m..C Send, a
deed of comprom1•e e:tecnled by Gop,l] Cboubn) ,rho J,.d lodged a
complnn t ng,,.mot ~ persono bohml• order,, f 1 (Urdu)
233 Deed of u compromu•i c:xecnloo h) GopAI Chonbl.y h) rrh,cb
be gm,o ap hu clrum for a omoont of money doe from 3 pt'!"
,ooa. f 1 (Urdu)
234 KhudJI BalJJ,h Khln to tho 1la.dd,r, A1h thorn ouch to
rnpply "'many coohe, u they con f I (Urdu)
!35 Khudd Ilahb,h KhAn to the TAa1aUar, A,b them to
rnpply vanoM art,..,._,•• n,ool f I (Ur<lo)
., " 230 BhAo Singh, ,1 a,h K~l1eal to Tia,aitfart A.b them ouch to
rnppl~ o oo:enand 1wcepen, £ I (Urdu)
237 Say,d ;\[ub!mk Sh&h KhAn, Koir:al, to the TAa•aUart .AJU
them """h to ocn<l5 w,!,r-t1nppheic■ f I (Urdu)
288. Khnd4 Dakhsh Kh&n to the Tiu•aUilr, llqr-,mpn"' A,h
h,m to oend O men menbOned ,n the letter (YeNO the TUuUJr,
Deg>mpurn COIDJ?llllll1of the Ku/1<al and ,1J,h Awral, bud, trtal
ment men roqmre<l wore rent Lot lhO) hnre been ■en! Lock Ly the
MIICal nod ,1 u,6 KutrJ/) f. 1 (Unlu)
• I


1857 130-oontiniied
$ep. 2 239 Khuda Bakhsh Khan,, to the Thanahdiirs Asks
them to copy and cnculate the enclosed price-list of prov1S1ons f 1
,, 3 240 Khuda Bakhsh Khan, Niiib Kotwal, t,o the Thiina!tila1s, Chandm
Chawk, Guza1 Qasim Khan and Lahore Gate Asls them each to -
supply 15 coolies f l (Urdu)

" 4 241 IU!nda BakhEh Khan, 11aib Kotwal, to the Thiinalulii1s Asks
them to irace the mJSsmg lanterns posted m the sfaeets f- 1 (Urdu)
242, Khucla Bakbsh Khan, Nazb E.otwal, to the -Tltii.nahda, s,
BhoJlapahau, Tmkoman Gate and Allahaba<l A1:,ks them to send the
cha1tAh1is of cobbleis and coolies f 1. (Uidu)
" 6 243 Khuda Bakbsh Khan, 1Yiilb Kotu al, to tLe Tlu7uahdii,,
RaJgbat Asks h1m to [send Yadallah, the chaudhn of the wate1~
surphe1s (V eiso the Thii.nahda,, RaJghat, says that Y n,dallah 1s tll) f
,, 8 24.J.. The C -1~-C to the 1.Viizb Xotzoiil Ask~ hnn to supply 40
nails. f. 1 (Uidu)
n 10 245 Khl{da Bnikhsh Khan to the 1'hiinalula, s Asks them to
supply coolies, doohe-bea101s, etc f 1 (U1du)
J) 12, 246 Khu<la Bakhsh Khan to the Thanalulars. Asks them each
to send 5 wate1-supphe1s f 1 (U1du)
, 247 Khuda Bakhsh Khan to tLe Thiinahda, s, Guzai Allahabad
" ancl other Thanahs Asks them to send the chaudh1 is of wate1-sup-
plie1s with their men f 1 (UrJu)
248 Khuda l{akhsh Khan, 1Viiib Kot'wiil, to the 7'hiinahdiir, Guzar
Danba Asks him to 1eahze Rs, 200 fiom ].'1ubaialm'n-N1sa-Begam of
Kabul Gate towa1ds the cost of wate1mg he1 ga1<len fiom the Chaman
canal f I (Urdu)
249 Wahid 'Ah,' Hawal<lai, 6th Cavahy, to 1.YiiibK otwiit Requests,
him to send a certam quantity of opmm f I (Pei )
-- 250 Sa1yid 1vlubaiak Shah Khan, Kotwiil, to Khuda Bakbsh Khan,
J\'iiib Kot1cal. Asks him to submit the pa11oiinah of Pnnce l\firzi.
Muhammad Asgha1_to the Court f, I (U1.du)
25 J. l\fuzaffaru'd-Daulah to Niiib Kot1cat Aminud-Din, 1'hiina1tda1,
~ has followed C ..m-C 's duect10ns m ISsmng certam iegulat10ns for the
management of the city The allegation that he has tieated the noble-
men of the city hmshly 1s false f 1 (Per)
252 :M~uhammad Nizamu'd-Drn, Thc711ahdii.1,Faizbaza1, to .1.Ya1b
Kotwiil. Requebts him to pay tht> wate1-supphe1s then wages f I (U1du)
-- 253. 1\111Bahadm 'Alf,-Jam'diiJ, to the C -m-C Complams that the
Hav1ldar l\IaJ01 pievents hrm fiom loadrng the bullock carts sent from
the KotwaU Solicits his 01clers f I. (Pei )
---- 9.,54 Khuu.a Ba.kbsh K.hiin,Naib Kotwal, to the Thanahda,, Kashmir
Gate. Asks him to send a saddle-rnake1. f. I. (Urdu)

1857 181-conoludtd
S.p 12 255 Khu<lAU..kb-,hKhAn Na,b KM,,.al to the TAa,aJdar1, Dani a,
RaJ~hat lllld F.,.. Ask,, them c ,eh to ,mbmrt a hrl of cattle
gnwng m peHturee f I (Urda)
266 Ab<lur RahmAn KhAn, 1/1,iiltlar, to ,,a,6 Kbit<tU Aoh !um to
send 4 muldle-IDAirnTl'f L (Urda)
267 KhudA B..k;bahKhAnto &baluliJr Lahore Gate. .A.ol.o !um t 0
mal.e arrangements for the nu11otenance of chtldren brought mto the cnty
l,r Sepoys from other place.. (V en;o I the SibaUar, Libero Gate to
~ a,6 Kot'lllal Requests !um to obtam a panc,,•ali from the C' m-C to
th,t e!reot.) f L (Unln)
258 Ahmad 'Ahto Na,b Ko teal Three T,la.gar have forcnLly occu-
pied ht.0 house and ll8BB,!'1ted
the tenaol A,b for rear- f L (Per )
2o0 Kh,urat Ah to Na,b Ki!t'IClal Recommeodo tlu,.t Jumman, •
mtter--ouppher, be paid hIBwage, £. I (Per)
2f0 &ur1d Mabdre.k ,:,llh KhAn KJl1t1al to Khn<lA B..kJl.ah Khln
A.oh !um to lmng m 15 maund. of flour ~ept at the C!leutta Gl!te by
tbo Hil,.Adar ctf Beg'nmpora £ L (Urdu)

1,19 fo)l 120 va11001 ru«••
May I 8 1 TihAoBmgh, J.a,b Kolrral, to Mnu Kblfl' SaltAn ll•hl<lnr Send.
48 thntchera- f I (U1dn)
27 2 Col 1111)dKh1u Snltdn to the K~trJI A,h b,m to oend 2ti l'1lr
pente1• boatmen nnd ,oohc,ofor repmnng n cc1trun bndge £ I (Per)
50 ~ Q.q, F■ 1~ llah Kh~n AM=/ to Ilho.o Smgb Na,6 Kolrral
Lun to rt."turnt.n thur ownor Nrl un gol<l come: which were th/
oUbJe<tof n ,li,pute over OlchnnbO (Ilhho SlngL rdum• thein) r I
(U1u11) I
31 4- The lo A ul,rnl D1rcds 1nm lo 1rnpply pronlO rn• f I
Juno I fi Bbfio bihbh to tho Tia••'""' Oupu- Da1ik. Ath !um to i:ct
nil the •hops opu,ed mid tl,o ,0J<l1ero
>llpph<'I mth food (V en.o tl,e
T!a.aMur Dnr1ln, mJ • that I« bru, b"t the g1oc>cl'I<•
.hops opened other
•ho!"' will I.. opcul'1l =n) I I (U1<l11)
,, 2 too=
0 Bhao Smbh lo the h.rng H•• mmcd mrt the', 01<lel"ll
tJmt the C'Jht.enetlo not mo,o from one plnco fo another nrnl tl1e
~ ni:h,h '"'-""' no pruru-1011•
Imm QIJ) \\Lero f ] (l'CT)
7 l!Mo Bmgh "\u,h Kr,1..-a/ to tl,e h.mi: llq,\,rt,, n quaml m
l\l11d1,ruhnmmn<l\ nJuf 8 bCrvn.ut or tlrn p J Co Im• fin-cl■ t ""''
wounded fur1••tl-, Alfm hll11 (Vcn<o h.m1, • onlen lo C III C. to
enqmre mlo thL rnolter) I 1 (l'<r)

1857 131-contintted
June 2 8 Bhno Srngh, 1.YalbKotwiil, to the Krng Repo1tc; that '
Sukul, n, t10ope1 of 31'<1 Cavah y, compelled lum to ieleasc 2 p11sone1s as
ili1 za Abu Bakt Bahudm ha~ i,cL 2 othc1 p11sone1s £~ee (Ve1s0
Kmg's 01de1s to wait till every arrangemeiit IS complete [1.e.,dI'-Ciplrne
IS established]) f I (lle1 )
9 ]3hno Singh, 1Yatb li..otwal,to the Krng Has s,mt all the bankeis
" )) (Ve1so_. 'lhe Krng iema1ks that no one has a111ved, enqnny should be
_ made ) f I (Pei )
" ,, 10 r_ihe Krng to the Koftcii.l Dneds \him to keep all sorts of p1ov1-
s1ons 1 eady f I (Pei )
,, ,, l] 'fhe Kmg to l\'ii.tbKotwal Dnects him to get a bond fo1 good
behav1ou1 f-iom Asad 'Ali Khan and lncisons f 1 (Pei )
,, " 12 'l'he C -m-C to' Abdul Hakim Khau, Nii lb Rotwiil Dnects him
to eetf1ee .A.ghal\'Iir~a, .t. soldie1. (Ve1so l3hno Smgh, Nad.J Kotzcal,
says th.1t he has set Agha l\fi1zn fiee J f I (Pei )
,, 3 ] 3 The Kmg to Bhiio Srngh Dnects 1nmto &enJ .J1 -shoemg-sm1ths
,md 200 horse-shoes (Veiso Bhao Smgh sends shoemg-snuths ~nd
hoISe-shoes) £ I (Pe1 )
,, ,, 14-. Bhao Srngh to Lula Gulub Ray and M1hn Chand Asks them to
pa; the money demanded e1the1 to hu:n 01 to Nawab Uahbtib <Ah Khan
± I (Per)
" 4 15 The C -m-C. to the Kotwii.1, Du ects him not to pievent the
horsemen sent to Da1y.1ganJ fiom emploJ mg the cobble18 m <l1ggmg
faencbes (Ve1so Bhao Singh sencl1-iJO coolies) £ 1 (Per)
Hi The Krng to the KohciU Dnecfa, lum-to send 10 wate1-supphe1s
" " to the C -m-C (V eiso Bhiio bingh &ends 5 wt1te1-snpphe1s) f I
( Pei )
17 The Kmg to BLao Smgh Duects lum to supply p1ov1s1onsnoted
m the lette1 (VeISo !\Inhammad Amir, .Niiib Ktowal, says tl,at he
made a11,mgements fo1 bavrng 4 sho11sset up fo1 snpplymg p1ov1sions)
£ I (Per ) "
18 'l'be Kmg to the Kotwii.l Duects lum to send 50 coohes
" " (Ve1rn BLao ~mgh rnys that he l1as sent coo!ies) £. 1 (Po)
5 ro 'l'hc Krng t0 the Kotwc7l Dnects 1nm not to unploy the Iloyal
" potters anywheie- £ I (Pei)
" J}
20 - The Krng to the Kotwiil Dnects him to an cr:,t Imam 'Ah
(Ve1s0 Bhao Sfogb, J.laib Kotwat, says that he lus cmued out h1s
or<le1<,) £ 1 (Pei)
6 21 TI e Kmg to the .Kotwal Dnccts him to send sLoemg-s1m{hs.
(Verso Bbao Singh,sends l\1aula Bakhsb, a shocrng-srn1tb, who bas
undertaken to shoe all the h01ses) f I (Per) -
)) " 22 The Kmg to 13hao Singh D11ects him to send 20 bullock-carts
t~ the E-hopof Lala Gulkhan Af1oz (Veiso lUuhamrnad Ami 1 , .N,110
liolwfil, to the Kmg. Sends 13 b1.1llock-caits available and Lnffalocs).
f. 1 (Pei )

1857 131--cont,nued
June 6 2l The Km, to Ilhlo Sfngh Dir.Jcti htm to OJnl 60 coo!ta,1
(Ve= ~Inhnmmad Amir oen<l• 60 ooohes) f I (Por)
,, 7 24 C ill C to the KvlPCt<l Directs him !o oencl .,. m•n) m,(er
•appJ10n, M he can to the Kn,hrrur 0..te f I (Per)
2o BUo Si°tsh to U10 T/,11,ad,m .AJ,u them enoh to ,ruppl) ""
many mttor-carnero llB tboy cnn f L (Per)
26 'Ahda'l Hal.:Im KhAn ontl i\fnhommnd Amir Na,6 Ki!tirJ/1, to
" 0 TJ.,uadar, Ael them to enpply provIBioru,. f L (Per)
,, 12 27 SlwltlJ Mnl,iunm,cl Amir an<l Bho.o Smgh ,,mb Kvlrca/1 to the
TA11•a,dar1 Ao!..them to eupply coohee doohe-benrcn<,vanot111aruw.n•
sntl couveynnceo f. L (Por)
28 The Krng to tho Kvl,i:11/ Din.'<lt•him to eencl 20 wnter-wpp!tero
-nutl 10 veeaelo for tlmwrng wnter f I (Por)
16 20 BhAo Singh to the T'1lllll!,dar, K 1•hmir Gate A•b him to
eupply 1U1 mony coolies ns he cnn f I (Pro-)
80 IluAo:,,!ngh to Ihllri\mn ii Dnaloh IlahAtlnr RcqnCli!e him to
pny !ho cost of the ITTITCtmcateent m exccss of whnt 1TTll reqmrcd, b1
nmtd;e (Verso Iht1rtlmn tl Donlnh refu.,. to P"Y the money and
ilirec!e him to reahw 1t from the clerks who nre responB1ule for the
mJB!.ole) f 1. (Grda)
,, 17 31 Bhlio Srn~h to T!,a,a!tc/ tr Gru,,r l bqad KMn. him to .one!
rrovmon, ment1011etlm the letter (' eroo i\Inl)nmmad Fa11tnlab KMn
to the K4tr«l I• unable to euppl\ an,- moro prov1"1onB) f L (Urcln)
,. 20 82 Bh~o SmE,h to tho Krng llas commumcutcd h11 order. to
1uppl, pulse ancl hn1k T/r,1,adar SIU1bdnra, mny he tl1recte<l to eupply
01lco.~ea (Verso Kmg s ortlera to Tlu•aUar, Slutl,duu, to anppl) ml-
oakeo) f 1 (l'or)
,, 21 33 Ilh~o Srngh to tlto Ki!lttal A,hJo him to BCO the writer at tho
fort •• the wntor mrnb, to •pcol.. to h!Ill nLout the mpph of pront10n1
(Verso 0Mo Singh, ,,a,6 A~lrr1<ll,mhmotea the Aoltral, dcpnrtur!l for
tl!e fort) f I (Per)
34 Bhao Singh to the T!,,.•a!td,lr, Asb them ench to mpply ..
m•ny !botcher, .. they cnn f I \Urtln)
3o Ilhao Singh to the Report. that tho l?nooner. ttfu.e to
accept½ onnn per head [ .. thctr nllowonces] roho1ti, Kmg • order.
(' cmi Kin,t~ortlers to P") them n,, u,ruol) f I (!'er)
,, n 30 7 Bhdo Singh to the Sen<l• :lllrulhulnr Go,;,\m on<l Jnnh..r
AUShah nrrc.tccl at the Aolrral, on ,u<p1C1on of ctptonage l' orwo
Kmg • orlsr, to..,~ I them to C m..C) f 2 {Urtlu)
39 Bhoo Singh to !ho T.a•aAdnr F•1~blw.r ,\ol• him to •upply ••
much gheo .. ho can {Ycr,o the T/,a,aAdar Fo1zM>Ar, 1• unaLlo to
,upply ghce or rend thntcl,cnc) f I (Urcla)
30-40 nh,o SIOJ?h ~ e116Ki!t,rnl to T/r«uJ.rl,lrr A,k, them to
,rupply coolie., <loohe-brorerw, nnota u!1,oru and con.eyanccs. f 2
Mt.JTINY l?APEttS 345

1857 131- 'Continued

July 5 ,_n, Bhao Singh, }.7i"ttbKot ,ccil, to the K.:ing Reporit. the theft of a
gold b,mgle belongmg to r_I.1hnkm Srngh, a sohhe1 £ I (Uulu)
,, ,, 42. Bhiio Singh, Nii1b Kot11;al,to the YT!tanalulii1s. Asks them to
supply coolie'-, f I. (Urdu)
,, " 43 Bhao Singh, Ntub Kotu.,{"il,to '1.½iZnalula,,Guza1 D,n iba.
Asks lum to pmclrnse 2 bcc1<;teads for him (Ve1so the Thiinaltdii,,
Guza1 D,nib,t, says that bedstc,uh, me not aY,nl 1ble). f I (Urdu)
6 44 Bhiio Singh, Niltb Kol t0iil, to S1tbalulrtii1,S1ya.Llm1J Sends 30
coolies f I (U1<lu)
,, " J.5 Bhno Singh, Ntilb Kdtu.,iU,to J,un'1la1 Slululm'd-Dm Senth, 2 5
maunds of flom (Ve1s0 Jn111'tlar Shih.1bu'd-D11 Eays tbat he has
not iece1vcd f!.om ab yet) f 1. (Uuln)
)_) JJ 46 Bhao Singh to ,Tam'd1.1 Sh1h,1lm'<l-D111Send., ghee f I (U1du)
" ,, 47 llhao Singh, 1V,iibKot1rrtl,to the J'!t(t1whdi'l1,Bh0Jlapahar1 Asks
him to sf:'nclLala Balbn. f I (U1 <lu)
,, 1t) 48 Sa1}1d 1f nhautk Sh,lh Khan, Kot10iil,to the Kmg Submits a hbt
of p1ov1s10ns iohbecl ,1t the 'Idgah ti~nch ,tnd Ku,hang,m1 HJ.s handed
ove1 the puce of those not stolen to then· belle1'f1. £ l_ (U 1du'
,, 22 40 Bhao Singh, "!\'iitbE..otwtit,to the Kmg Repo1tq a burglary and
the au est of c.ulprits £ 1 (Pei )
" ,, 50 :Muhammad l\1:i1za Amani, T!tannlu1a1,Bh0Jlap1hau, to the Krng
Reports the pt ocee<lmgq of a case of burglaiy committed at the bhop of
Waz1r Khan, a tailoi £ 2 (Uidu)
" ,, 51 Statement of the plamtdf m the above case f I (U1dn)
52 List of articles foun<l m the house of the culp11ts f 1 (U1du).
" " 53-7. Depositions of witnec::ses. f 5 (U1da)
" " 58-9 Wntten statements of the culputs f 2. (--U1du)
60 Bhao Singh to 1'hii11alulii1,Daril>ah Asks h1111to help the
troopei S.tfda1 Beg m tiacrng out Ramgopal and Sankda1. (VeISo :
Tltanakdar Dauba, cnuld not trnce them out) f I (U1dn)
,, ,, 61 Bhao Singh to the Tltlinalula1, Lahore Gate Asks him to send
sweeper N enwa (Verso the T hii11ahdii1, Lahore Gate, says that
sweepe1 Nenwa hns been away fo1 some days) f I (U1clu).
,, 20 62. Bhao Singh to Thiina!tdiirs Asks them to present themselves
at th0 Kotwali to diaw then salanes f I (Pei )
,, 30 63 Bhao Smgb, Naib Kotwiil, to Thiinaltdii1, Kasb1mr Gate Asks
lum to bend a cobbler (V eiso the Thiinahdii1, Kashmi1 Gate, says
that cobble1s a1e not available) £ I (U1du).
Aug 1 6 ~ Bhao Smgb to the Thiinaltdiir, RaJghat SPnds 4- maunds 0£
pulse to parch and ietmn (Verso the Thiinalzdiir, RaJghat, will car1y
out his 01<ler) f I (U1du)
,, 2 65 Bbao Smgh to the Thiinahdii, s, Kashmir Gate and Guzar, 'lfaqad
Khan S8nds 20 maunds of pulse to each to parch and 1eturn f. l.

1857 131-cont1nued
Aug 2 00 BhAo Smgh and Kh□ dA Bakb1h KhAn,l\a,b Ki!trciJlt to the
Tlta•al,.Jar, A•u them to trace.. mranug lioy f I (Urda)
G7 BhAo Srngh to TU,aAdar, G □ p.r IhqAdKh&n. Aeb !um to send
cerwn men f L (Urda)
OS BhAo bmgh to T•a•dtkr Gnµr It1ql!.d KhAn Aob huri to"'
send Munshi Mohan L!l Gadhma (Vel'90 iLe Tla•aUar could not
find !um oat) f I (Urdu)
60 The C Ill C to .Na,b /J.01.,aJ Dueot. !um to •and proV1A1on•to
" " the trench lV erw BhAo Slllgh r,queota to be acq1l&lllte<lmth the
vanety of the provmona reqorred ) f I (Urdu)
5 70 KJiudA Bakbah Kh9.n, Natb .Ki!t.,al, to tho Ki!t10al Tho
TAa•aAdar, TurLo= Gate, hu ref1l8,d to wpply roolaw,o on crewt
the TAa•aAllar ShahdBJ11 ha.abeen uW to wpply the same. f I (Por)
71 Bh~o bmgh Natb Ki51t11al,to the 1'1.a•aU/ir, Aiko them tn
copy ond cu ulato tbe enclosul pno, h.t of prov181ons f I (Urdu)
8 72 BILlo Smgh, 1Nd16 KiJ/.,JI, to the TAa,,dtkr, Guru Danho
Aob !um to l!end SALg1Rm A!AtluadaJ and others. (V etao the
Tltifaa>.dar o_, Danba, •ny1 that ho hu oent !:>A!JgnlmaaJ Math1adu
could not trace the othen oat) i I (Uni □)
73 Ilhao Singh, lla,b /J.i!/o,ii/ to the Tlta .. Uar Gai:,,r RnJ~hat.
" " A..ko him to oend ImAm B,!;:b1h a wood merchant (Vet.a tho
TJ,.a.,lid11r,Gnµr R•Jghat, ""Y' th•t lie will oend lmAm Bakb1h irLeu
found) f I (Ur<la)
7 l IlhAo SmgL 1ta16 Aol=I to Tltu•altrlar, Aoka them to 1upplf
""many coohC!!•• they can f I (U1do)
Hi llhuo b10;,h ,tdtb A vlrcdl to TAa,altdM !Janbn. A,ka him to
n\e<11"lhna•ba, a gYl)OID oi 11htl h.hllJ Sult,,.u ""ptured ,nlh th•
eooh<'I- (Vonio Iha fia•aUar Dani,,, ■ny• that the grocm h .. bee!l
18Cntto lho .hot,:,al1- pre.aut1on will be taken n0 a.1n-,t •uoh mllitnkc-r 10
fa taro) f I (U nlu)
7U Ilhtio ~111gLNmb Aol.,al, to T•••nltd,1r, A,kothem to •nppl)
•• many oooheo .. tb-Oy can f I (Ur<lo)
0 77 Illuio Smgh,l\,116 Au/,ca/ to M!rd Fu!l 1kg Rr<1aoat1lnm to
pn~ tho W"l,''" of the gram pnrcher,. f L (Per)
JO 78 llhno Singh itatb Ka tcal to TAu,alul«r1 A ■k• thorn oach lo
rupply 2& coolie,,. f I (Ur<lu)
70 !Jh.o Smgh, ,1a,o Aal,cil/ to Tl,.u,altdar, A•k• them to ,ond all
thohquor nnd opium ,ondoN. i I (Urdu)
ll XO Illi!o Smi;h, 1'd16 Av/.,"l to TJ,1aoAJur, A.I.:, thorn w copy
on,! cm ulate !ho onal□-oJ par,ca•••, L L (Unlu)
81 Loi :lllid Kh1rr SultAn lo tho AJ/.,,1/ Drrcol• lum to ren ■ nro
the T.i11-allfar, Ch.a.mln1{,bawL.,who rn111p1to of 1rammt, hu 11g-atnpnt
Ju fCll\ at of thn pc{!twn and oommurucnto the onlcr to oil o!Ler
Tlia•aAdur, f I (Unln)

1857 181-continned.
Aug 11 82 Bhao Smgh to Thiinahclc71s i\.sks them to . upply <1s many
bullock cait:,, camels and oxen as t'bcy can f l (U1du) ,
- 8'3 Bhfto Srngh, Nrub Kot10t7l,to· 1'h<tnalidt7, s Asks them to copy
and c11 cnlate the enclosed puce-list of p1ov1&10n~ f I (U1dn)
12 3,1, Bhao Srngh, 1\~itb Kotw17l,to Col ~fhtl Kluzt Sultan Sends,
" a ceitai'n pe1wn and mfo11nat10n about othe1s f l (U1<lu).
85 Bhao Smgh, Niit 11 Kotw il, to the Tlu7w1luliin. Ask.:;them each
" " to send 2 O\.en and sweepe1s to the Kashnrn1 Katia f I (U1du).
86 Bhiio Smgh, 1Y[i1,bKotrdil,tot he 'I'hiinaluliir,~ Asks them to supply
ns many coolies ns they can f I (U1du)
" H
87 Bhao ~mgh, l\7<7tb Aotuiil, to Col nihd Kh1z1 Snl~au Sends
Samblrnnath of Ran-,hanpm f I (Uiau)
)] " 88 Bhao Singh, }liiib Kot IO<tl, to the Thunahd[o s Asks them to supply
coohes, doohc-beaie1s, vauons a1tisrrns and conveyances f I (U1du)
SD Bhao Smgb, j\T<tlbKotwiit, to Col I\Ihd KhJZ1 Sultan, Thanah•
' " dc71sChandm (h<mk and Guza1 Da11ba ha,e been asked to p1oduce
ce1tam persons reqmred by the Colonel f I (Urdu)
" ,, DO Bhao Smgh, Naib Katwiil, to the Thanahdars Asks them to
copy and c11cul.1te the encloc.ed pr1ce-hst of p1ov1s1ons f I (U1<lu)
15 91 Bhao Srngli, J.Y£7rb K.otwiil,to the Thiinaltrlros Asks t 1 em to
" send 10 pans of o\.en £. I. (U1du). •
,, " fl2 Bhao Singh, Na1b Kotwal, to the Thtrnahdii, s Asks them to
supply coolies, doohe-bea1e1s, at tJs,1n8 and rnnveyances f I (U1du)
'. ,, 93 Bhao &ingh, 1Vfi1b Aot10liJ, to the Thanahda,, Guza1 Bcgampma
Asks h,m to <,end a bruq,tudc7,zto the magazme to 1,upe1v1se the coolies
theie and then to accomp,tny them to tbe K.0L10<tl'i, (VeJSo the Tha11,ah-
dii1, Bcgampma, :,,ays tlMt he ha., c.1111edout the 01de1 f I (U1du)
" ,, O+ Bhao Srngh, Nr7,b natwiil, t.o the 'l.'ha1,ahd,t1,G~ar Regampura
Asks hm1 to supply_ 20 ma.mufa of fuel a,Jl{_l cow<lung cairns (V 01s0 the
Thifoahtla1 s,tys that he hai, complied with the 1eqm~1t10n) f I (Urdu)
05 Bhno Singh, NaiuKotwal) to the 1'ht(,Jlalulii.1s Asks them to
" " copy an_<lpuculate th~ enclosed puce-Iu,t of p1ons1ons f. I (Uulu)
,, lG 06 Bhao Smgh, Naib;i'il) to T!tctnalula,s Ask-:, th~m to send
all classes of cha1ulh1is -f I (U1du)
,, 17 97 Bhao S1.ngh, }/iiib Kotwat, to Col l\1hd Kh1z1 Sultan Pandit
Hamchand1s gomg to the comt of .LlltiftiJi1.ulAhmad to answet chaiges
of theft and c1eatmg drntmLances b1ought by Sank,n Lal of GuJiat,
he may be called horn thern 1£ 1equue<l Ly the Colonel f I (Uulu)
US Bh,fo Srngh, Jlaib Kotzoiil, to Tha1,ahrlii1,Kru:,hmu Gate .:hk" !nm
to send 8 b\\Ceper&to Qud&1yabagh f I (U1clu)
,, 19 90 BLao Srngh, /\ tub Kotwal, to the J.1hcina!trla1,Gulm It1qad Khan.
hbh.., him to supply 100 coolie& (VeISo the 1'ltiinaltdii,, Guza1 lt1qc1d
Kh.1n ~sa, s that co0hes arn not ,iv,ulable, sends the eha1td!trt of the
coolies ) f I (U1du).

1867 131-continued
Aug 22 100 Dhw Smgh to l'la•alidar, Ael.Jthem to .-apply cooh01 f l
101 Llll BeUdor Smgh Colonel, 12th Regiment, says that he ha,,
" ,, paul 10 annu to each cooGe LI (Urda)
,, 24 102 Bh~o Smgh to Tlil•ahtlar, Aelra them El!lrhto enpply i oxen
and oweepere. f I (Urda)
108 BhAo Bmgh to 'n.a.aidar, AeJ.:. them to .-apply "" many
" " eoohea oe thoy cnn .. they can f I (Urda)
104 Muhammad N1<Amo<lDm TU ■ alidar Fouhemr to ,,a..i
" " lt.utrcal Sondi Ah<lnll,,h a rnflian, through Ramdm PAnd,y f I
" ,, lUo BbAo Smgb to thoC m C Send, up 'AWallab ""rtb Tla,aA
dar, Fauhwu • report, for tru.1 by the C m-L f 1 (Urda)
26 06 Bh!o Srngh Nmb l,_i)/,c,1/ to the Tlu»alr/ar, A,k,, them to
copy and circulate the enclosed pncc-hot of provmono. f L (Urdu.)
J 07 Bbw Smgh Niub Koitrnl to the C m C Sondo 2 Bengahs
m com1,hanoe mth b!l! order All other Bengahe were ■ent 20 dars
ago f L (Urdu)
108 Bhlo Srngh loaib Kottrol to the TJil•alrlilr, Aele thorn
taoh to oond 5 men to hoop1!0L f L (U rdo)
,, ,, 100 Ilbio Srngh loi11bKo/rill, to the Tlw•alrlar, Aoks them lo
,apply u mt.ny cooheo doohe-beo.rero and mnouo rut!l!ans and convey
ance■ ._.they 01m f L (Urd,L) -
,, 28 llO Db~ brngh, Na,b Kot,cill to 1'flno }fulJa!nmad Aho I Hann
IlahAdor Sendo a poheber f I (U rdo )
JJ 30 Ill Bhlo Smgh, Na,bKot,cal to the Tl,il,aldar, GuJ11rFruib:wir
Sends a copy of Q par,ca•a" lbSUOO by the f I (UrutL)
ll2 Db~o Singh lo",b Koltrol to tbo C m-C Submit. sn apph
" ' cation mtb n h•t of provunon• 111pphed at 'Idg!h and !l.11luingnnj
trench•• roqo"11tmg him to pny tbo,r pnco. f L ( U rdn )
Sep 113 Col 111,itlKh= Salton to ,, ,11b Koltral D,reclJ him to ro-
lenoe Gop1 tn,lor ond Daya Kunwnr Debi, d,fendanto on tho production
of a deed of compronme bJ Goptll the plruutJ!f (' llfflD I h.JJmln Bakb,h
KMn, J.a,6 AiJlr,:a/, tendo the deed of compromao) f L (Urdn)
,. 3 11i DbAo Smgh, ,,.,a K6/,ra/ to the TU.alrlar,
cnch to rnpply 10 coohco. f I (l, rdu.)
A,a them

" 8 116 IlbAo 9rngb ,,a,6 lt.i!t.:,Z, to Lc\ln Debi l'an,b!.d S.od■
DallJ1hon Ja,. dar of tbo doohe-bearen, and .. 1, him to got the ca,o of
the doohe-bcnrcr11 octtled bv tbo J,,. d«r f I (Ur<lIL)
,, 10 110 Ilbno Srn~b ,,a,6 li6tral,to tbo Tla,aldclr, Ail.■ !Lem lo
oupplJ cooh,. nntl nrhmn• t I (Urdu.)
" ,. 117 DbAo 9ingh, 1\a,6 Kofral to tbo Tl,a•nlrlar, BhbJl•p:,hon,
Tnrl-ozrum Ode and Gnzar, Allah:ibad. , them ,.oh to rend 25
coolie, f I (Urda)
1857 131-oonaluded
Sep 11 118 Proclamation by the C -in-C Jagi1 swill be grn,nted to [the
:family 0£] those soldie1s who a1e fo1emost rn assaults 01 aie killed m
bemg so Bankei s should not pay any money without l\1:f 1za Muham-
mad Asgh_a1 Bahadur's peumss10n £. l (U1duJ
,, ,, 119-20 Bhao Smgh to the Tltiinahdii1s Asks them each to send
4 blacksmiths and 2 thatc.he1s. £ 4 (m quadnphcate) (U1du).
123 Bhao Smgh to Thiinahdii1s Asks them to supply as many
coolies as they can £ l (U1du)
" ,, 124 Bhao Smgh, Niitb Kotwiil, to the Thiinahdii1s Asks them each
to supply 6 sweepe1s and oxen f I (U1du)
125 Bhao Smgh, Niiib Kotw{il, to the Thiinahdii1s Asks them
)J "
each to supply as many cooheb, doohe~bea101s and watei-ca111ers as they
can. :f I (Urdu}
1211 Bhao Srngh, :Naib Kotwiil, to the Thiinahdii1s Asks them to
)) " copy and cnculate the enclosed pnce-hst 0£ p1ov1s1ons f I (U1du)
127. Bhao Smgh, }liiib Kotwiil, announces that them will be no
custom duties, and that thorn who will use the material of matchlocks
and swo1ds taken frnm the magazme m manufactuung othe1 weapons
will be punished £ l (Drdu)
128 Bhao Srngh, :NazbKatwiil, to the Tltiiualtdii1, Guzar Ifaqad
Khan Asks him to send 2, f l (Urdu)
129 Bhio Srngb, Naib K3twiil, to the Comt-maste1 Sen<ls 2
water-suppheri:1 £. I (

1857 132.
MS, foll 82 J vauou.:; ~I7Cs
:May20 1 (a) Bhao SrnghJ 1Yiiib Kotwal) to C -rn-C No pape1 1s 10 stock
at the .Aotwiili, 1t can be pmcbased (C -10-C says that 60 qunes of
pape1 weie left by the late Kotwal 2fl quues may be sent out of them)
(0) Qazi Muhammad Fa1zulla.h, Kotwiil, 1ephes that no conntiy
made pnpe1 was left by the late Kotwiil J only Enghsh pape1 was left.
f I (Pe1)
2, Bhao Smgh, l{aib Kotwiil Acknowledges iece1pt of a parwii.nak
issued by lVIhza Khizr Sultan Babiidur f l (lhdu)
,, 28 3 Tihao Srngh, l{iitb Kotwiil, to C -m-C. Has ietnrned all sorts
of weapons taken fiom the lvfagazme to Mir RaJab 2\.li, lJaro!!..i:.alt
of the !\fagazme, and has issued cuculars to Thiina!tdii1s to do so £. ]
,, ,, _ 4 Bhao Smgh, 1'laib Kotwiil, to C -m-C Will send 50 camels and
50 bullock carts f I (U1du).
,, 29 5 Bbao Smgh, .Niiib Kot10iil, to C -in-C Ha~ sent 4 malilons, ~4
. diggers and coohes f I (Per )
,, IJO 15 Bhao Singh, }la,b Kotwal, to C -m-C Has sent 98 oxen and
67 buffaloes, f. l. (Urau)
1857 l82-cont,m1ecl
,ray s1 7 Bhno Smgh Natb Kol,cil/ to C m C 81uu~H:ern1 (.i\ro;76)nn<l
one officer ore not snffiCJeut to gnard the properhes at Aimer Gate left by
aold,ero sent to Meonit. f I ( Per)
June 8 BhAo Smgh .i\a,b KJl,ca/, to C m C .Aolrnnwle<lge,rece,pt of
the C m C '• ,x,nca1<11~ f I (Per)
0 BhA, SmgL, .i\a1b KJhrnl toC m C Hn, sentl06cooheir f. I
10 BhA.o Smgh .i\,116Kollc,11 to C, mC W,11""nuoooheo. , f I
11 Bhilo Smgh Na,b Kol,:al to ,oldiers at LA!dJgi. A.oh them
-to oend 2 lmllock-cnrts. f I (Urdn)
12 C m C to SruJ,d Ilakb>L n guard Bo JB to P""' 13 i.,illocl::
carts to Lnng hush f I (Urda)
13 l!Mo Singh to C m-C Ba. Leen BUpplnng coolie, etc. regu--
J..rlJ pnn • thnt their allonnce-, ma, be g,ven them f I (Per)
4 H BMo Singh to C m-C Requests h,m to pny the pnce of pal..,
eapphed Lofom f 1 (Per)
1~ BhAo Singh to C m C Pmn, for orders to remove the men
gaardmg the lllllc,"llltne "" Tila•ga, hove been nppomted to do the mme
f I (Urdu.)
12 16 C m-C to the Kol,cal A.1-Bh,m to t11pply !JO lmndle, of
dned gmss nnd busLa. f L (Per)
22 17 fia•aldJr Ga,:nr Danbn reports that the oliamcier of Jam!
la'd Din II not qa..t,onahle f I (Urda J
18 Ilhdo Smg-h to C m-C Send. coram men oon6ned nt the
KJ/11:al, f I (Urda.)
,, 30 l O Ilhlo Smgh to C m-C eto f I
Sondo coohe,, ll1lte.-..upphe111
20 BhAo Singh to C m C Pnoonenr refnoe to accept l anna Mch
a. their dnih· nlloirance prayofor orders f I (Urda.)
July Ii 21 Bhlo Smgh .i\a,h Kufral aclno,rledge, receipt of" letter re-
questmg ouppl) of ooohe,,. f I (Per}
2e Ilbao S111gh ,,,,.GKJ/1,al, to C m-C Requewi him to order
illh ¥1 ri~IT !leg to pn) the pnce of •ireetment mpphed to Li.bore Gate
f I 1Unlu)
s 21 Ilhlo Smgh ,,u,6 !iJ/tcul, to C m-C Reqned• him to pa1 the
coolies ot Lahore Gate aud S"-ahhar., their wages f I (Urdu)
"11 et Rh!o Singh ,\J16 AJlril nclmorrledg"" receipt of C m-C '•
lett~r regi,rdmg praonero f L (Urdn.)
n 28 Z5 (a} C Ill C to Ku/1rnl D,recie him to ,end $,lub SmgL and
Ji<lO '\ith, ~ lurn,hr., ronfiued at the Kult<u/1
(6) 'llhdo Smgh to C. ,n-C Ila, ,nmeJ on! th• ord~ f I
]857 132-ront inuetl
!:!11Hhiio R1111~lt:11l-nn1dedg(•e;;1c<•c 1
ipf of C.-m-C.'., lcifc1 rnllmg
fo1 f111'-llpph nf hO hnllcwl\-C',ll('- f. 1. {U1,ln)

JI )) 2i Bhitn ~m~h a"],llfl\\ lt-<l~e._lt'<·eipf of., pa, 1r,i11i1I,,.,-.11ed1,y 1he

S1J11tlulit1of f lie \ 1111v f I ( Unln )
:n ~" Blt;,,l f,111g-hto fht• C'.-111~(1 H<·<J\11'..,ff.. 111mtu p,tJ tlw coolici.;
" eh• 1 01t•11\\:t~(•.., f 1 (lf 1<111)
:!'l (u) (' -111-C t,1 fho /,:,itwtil. 'Pht• lintt<,Oof i\fnh.rn,m Hli, n. d.t11cmg-
~11 J, "' f o be <H <up1c,l f111 q 11:11k111t~ , <'g'1111e11f-,t li<·1
(t) Bli:w Sin~li fn (' -rn-C ll.1.;; f,1111cd,,,d fhe c>1<lc1. f 1
,, " X,i10 f.. 1i/11,ilt fo C -rn-f 1
30 Hlii,n ~111g-li, f;<'IHl'- :M.111J.-L
ronfincd at the }llif,r;;/i on "'"-JIHl1)11 of t<.p1on11~e f I (U1d11)
4 a1 St 1kmp11f of ,\1:1111 an ,,._fe,1on ., .:;11-..pieion
i B tli__1__io..,Ji of c<.p10nnge
f 1 (lJ rdn,)
,, )j '1•) ~f tf1'llll t1f of Sl11111 J, U11l1,11' ph111f,rr, Ill II I hefL cac;e f. 1

fl rd11)
!1\-f ])t'J)ll'-111011.., of \\J(w•,..,e.., f 2 (I71rl11)
-:1·,. Bluin :-it11f,!"h f,.1 C -111-C'. ~encl, ( ~if '111 tllf 11 tllf'1tf 1011edrn the
lettc1 f I (lT1du)
,, fl 3G Bhiio f,iugJi to C -m C. P1:n" fo1 f hc mnmtP11,1nceof Sita}, a
<' 111 the t Iugh \\ hen "01 kmg al 1t t1ench f I (Pei )
,, 11 37 (a) Rhao Smgli to C -rn-C ~nhm1t" m 1tt<rnc;t,,tcmentc. of defen-
dant.:; ma theft c,1c;0 (C -m-C 'i, 0T<le11,to Kofo:iil to _p1esent the
plamtJffc; to the com t)
(b} Khnd.i Ilnkh"h Kll'"in to C -m-C Plamtdrs :u e unable to
appcrn nt the com t owrng to the p1e.,Gnre of officf' "01 k (C -m-C 's
01ders to Koluiil to 1elenc;ethe cnlput~ on the proclnction of boncls fo1
goo cl helun 1on1 f I (U 1 dn )
,, " 38-11 ,v111ten statementc; of the <lefonclnnts £ 4 (U1clu)
,, " 42 Bhiio Smgh, .Niitb Koflriil, aC'knowlNlges1ece1pt of a parwanah
f 1 (Per) .
,, 12 41 Bhao SmgL, 1Vi1tb Kolzriil,,certifiec; that 24 coolies weze engaged
m 1emovmg p1oy1q1ons £ 1 (U1du)
,, ,, 4-4 Bhao Singh, ]\ iiib Kotu ill, to C -m-C Has cornmumcated his
01de1c;to hanke1s to ptesent themsehres nt C ~m-P 's offiC'e £ 1 (U1du)
)) 13 45 Bhii.o Singh, }l{ttu Kotwiil,io C -m-C Has sent 3 bullock-ca1ts
f I (Urdu)
,, 16 46 List of doohe-bea1e1s sent to drffe1ent tiencbes, £ I (Urdu)
,, 17 .47 List of wate1-supphe1s f:ent to different trnnches £ I (U1du)
48 Bhao Smgh sencls certam meP nom the Tmkoman Gate to the
" " Royal Court f I (U1du) ~
,, 18 49 Bhao Smg to Colonel Ml;id Khiz1 Sultan. Sends Jay
Paishad, a banke1 £ 1, (Urdu )

1867 l88-oontin11ed
Aug 18 50 BbAo Smgh to Colonel Benda 7 oooheo.i L (Urdu.)
,. ,. 61 BhAo Smgh to Colonel Benda ThA!mrDAo,a ehopl.eeper f L
,, ,, 62 KhuclA Bakbsh KhAn, Na,h Kotrcill, to C m-C Sendo 4 defen
d&nta m a tbeft caoef. I (I rdu.)
., 21 53 Bond of good bebanolll" exeouted by the 4 defendanto. f 1
51 Bblo Smgh to O m-C natinldar1, Shabdera and PalarganJ
may be ordered to llllpply cooheo T,la•ga, formlily tab, away th~
cqohea onpphed from the Kulra/J f I (Urdu)
,, 22 56 Bhlio Smi;:h to O ,n C Aol.-nowledges receipt of C 10 C •
par.,a,,d f L (Urdu)
,, 28 t6 (a) C 10 C to Kut,.al D,reots him to supply aJ =y gunny
ha.gou he oan
(b) Bhlo Smgh, l\a,h Koltcdl, to C m C H .. oent the gunny
b,.go. f I (Urdu.)
57 \a) llhto Smgh to KJiuca Bakhsh Kh~n, Na,6 Aols,/il Direct.
him to oee C rn-C and onpply gunn) bag, •
(b) Bh~o Singh to C m C S,ndo gunny bag. mth a puoe ht.
f I (Urdn.)
, 20 68 Bhlo Smgh to C m-0 Request.a h,m to pa.1 the pnce of 10
gunny begt onpphed frum the Koltcan f. L (Urdu)
60 Statement of llJiu<li Bnl,h-h arreoted for theft f I (Unl!L)
60 (a) C 1n-C lo Kulr«J Direct, h,m to eend the copy o' the par
ra11d under 'lh1ob ho proclumeJ that the Bare,Uy campc bad deoerted.
(b) JJLAo ~mgh to C m C rr.. camed out the order f l
,, 31 01 Dhlo Sm!,h acl.nowledgeo receipt of C m C' _. letter f I
Sep 4 02 Pnce hot of prov111on1 f L lPer )
6 08 Dho Singh to C m-C Sob11Uts a pnce-h,t of pronnon1 f I
M h11!mu d Drn TAa11aUar F111Jb:imr to the King Prona1011>
ue not anilnL!o ,run,hl atfoched to hlm•oh Camp !tu t=ted him
harshly for not 11Upplymgpro, mono. K1ng'1 onlen to C m-C to doc1de
the ....o (Yel'l!OI C ,n..(, i,mSCI P''"""d to the officer In chru-ge of
"\Imocb Camp to procuro pronnon.■ from other,) f L (Unlu.)
6 05 ,u,b Kot.eaI to C m C Prny• that the force mLy b~
ordered to purcha.e prornnons. f I (Unlu)
GO flh!o S10,::h, J.a,b Kut.-al, to TAa•aUar, Fnl1bAw A,\:■ him
to ••pply proT111on■ meouonotl In the lctt,r f I (Unlu)
8 G7 Dl,10 Smgb acl.nowlcdges l'f'-eipt of C 10-C '• rnra11aA l I

1857 . 132-conf inuoa.

Sep. 10, 11 GS-0 Uhno Su1gh to C -m-C. Submits puce-lists of p10visions
f 2 (UHlu.)
,, 10 70 Pr,cc-hst of pro, isions. £. l (Pei )
,, 11 i l (n) C -rn-C. lo Xiiftrrr1. Directs 1nm to send 20 coolies to th&
,Srioalidi'ir oft he mm,.
(lil KlnalfL Bnkl1i::hKhrm to C -in-C Ilns car1icu.out the order.
£. l {Ure.In)
72 (<1).C.-in-C lo Klmdii. Dnkh..,hKl1itn. Diiects him to soml par-
" " ched. pulse to the trcnchc:,
(h) SniJ 1d ituh1imk Shillt Khan, Eo!tciil, to C.-m-C. Hn.c; sent
p:irchc<l pulse w1tli n pricc-h!,t Requests him to pay the 1n1ce f 1.
- 73 (a). C.-in-C. to Kol1riil Dircctc; him to supply ns mnny coolies
n~ he <'nn1.o111:nhammn<l Bnkl1t Kl!iiuB.,huchn
(b). Sni) 1<1iruuiirak Shith K}1an,Kot1rfil, to C.-m-C Ilas sup-
p11ccl coolies f. L (Urdu.)

,, " 74 (a) C Kotwfil. Duccts him to send 4>phers

io the Knshm1r Gate
(b) Ko!trfil to C -in-C IIns sent water-suppliers. f. 1. (U1du)
75 (rr) C.-in-C. to .A~of1rlll. Directs him to send 600 coohes to
" " ilifferrnt trcnclie-,
(b). lloftcal to C-m-C. IIns sent coolies f l. (Urdu )

" ,, 7G (a) C -m-C to Kot1cal. Directs him to supply as many coolies

and cm ponters as he cnn.
(b). Khudii BaklIBhJCluin to C -in-C Has supplied coolies
,, 12 77 (a). C -in-C to Ko!1riil Directs him to send as many coolies ns
he can to the Kashmir Gate trench
(b) Khudii. Bakhsh Khan to C -m-C Has sent coolies. f 1.
78 Bhno Smgh to C -in-C Requests him to send a pa1'wii-».a1t If he
" " has ordered the I-Irndus and Mussulmazw to appear at the Kashmn
Gate. £ 1 (Urdu.)
79 C -m-C.'s order to certam men mentioned m the letter fo piesent
themsolves at the Lahore Gate £ 1 (Urdu)
80. Bhao Singh, Niiib Kotwfl, acknowledges 1ece1ptof C -in-C.'s
letter. f 1 (Urdu)
81 List of doo1ie-bearers sent to the Lahore Gate and Kashmir Gate
trenches f. 1. (Urdu )
Q:,SU 82 Bhiio Smgh to C.~m-C. _ Sends 2 bullook-ca1 ts , will send more
when required. £. I. {Per.)

18117 133
MS foll 81, vanotli =er.
l Karim Bakbm to lAlA Bmdmban. Aon £or hu a&!ary
Jor one
month m adnnce. f. L (Per) ~

" 4 2 MlrzAM$mmad Z1yAu'd Din to Lal! Nand.tmal bun to

pay fu 16 and deduot the amount from luaacoount. f L (Per)
Apr 81 8 AQOOJ1nl!ahto LAiaJ"awa!ANAth A.b !um to oend a bnllook
cart f I (Per)
lone 2 4 C m-C to LAIA1alrilA NAth A.on !um to mpply matensl,s to
repair a bndge i L (Per)
,, 7 6 6 Hair llAsun to Mlrd YAwu Bakht B:iliAdar lnnteo !um to
attend a relig,om ceremony held for commemoratmg the death of
C!huhl.mJllanI a IO.l.llt. f 2 (Per)
,, 8 7 [An offioerl to L!IA Jawfl.)! NAth. A.oh bun to d.tochargo ,46
co.meJ. prooured by TAd•ahldr, SbAhdam, to rnpply proVIB200, and1o
pay 2 llJl1llUI oa the lure for eo.chmmel i L (Per/
'10 8 .Alu,,,.nnllahto LAIAJawAlA 1'.!th A.b !um to pay the IDMOnl
mrrlong nt a trenob therr wages nooonhng to the Im oont. f L (Per)
0 Nnornllab Kb.Anand other key hearere aok:nowledge reoe,pt of 8
anna.o for their wagoo. f L (Per)
10 L!a Jaw!IA NAtb to lI!rz& KluJ]' BnltAn Roqnests bun to
order the Ba.,aUar major to oend a !at of ofHcero and .alwerL f I
,, 17 II [An officerJ to 11nrm Fu.1 ™g Ha, reoemd 2 letters from
C m-C for supplymg-t.nt., eto. 1.1oend.tng QbnlAmfill Md :Mir llaJab
.lUJwho nre m charge of thooetbmga. f L (Per)
"il 12 Sil.Ind Noor .l\.11to L!la 1aw!ilA N!th A.b !um to roppl.r ~
pronmon. for me m nn olepbnnt houro. f. I (Per)
13 [An officer] to L!IA Jnw!IA N!tb Ikqooau n payment. f. I
0 ,, 14 Dhag,rnnt Rru to Uln JnirnlA NMh Alb him to ,dodnrl Ro 1
from the ""!,03of n cnrtor whom he p:ud 1n adnmce, ood send the
money to him f I (I'cr)
,, 2.G 16 Filzil ~ to L:lln JamllA l\tth bun to P"Y fu fl4 to :Mir
Ilrudar J.[u,;nln for •hoeing barres f L (Per)
,, 1!7 10 LalnJ"nsrcl~ 1'6th to the Colonel Reqnerlo him to ,end nnolher
li.t of o!Uccl'll nnd w!Jicrs with n <lohilc<l 110COUJ1t of tb<Jr ..Jane,, u
C -ro-C ha, found tho proVIoll.l one rncomplute. f I {Per)
,, 20 17 &1ytd Jirudnr Jlw,n!n h,han to !Aln Jnwaln Nath A.kl him
to mpuly the 1',n111uhMnrtillen 111thtent, ctc, f I (Urdn.)
18(a) Lain Jn'ir6ln 1'.Ath to lhtlnmu d Dnnlnh 1wuiy water-
" " ,mpphc,. como lo got their ml,,"CI mthout ctrl. fle:ile of their worJ.. pmr•
for orden
(6) IJilimmo'<l Dnulnh to LDb Jnp14 N1tb A.le■ lum to l"'.1
~11the m.tor-cuppltcr,, up to ruile' rn Iuluro ouly 20 to l,o nopo!oled UJ
Lim .Lon Id Ix, p:il<L f I ( ! , r l
185f 133-conl nzvecl
Jnl.r 1 lfl 1'fi17.n'i\Inhnmmnd Khi1.1 SulFm fo C -in-C Rcqncc;ls him to
ortlcr Jnwitlii Nilth to 1>,1y
tlte ~oldicis then "ngcb, f. l, (U1du)
,, ,, 20. (An offirc1] to Lab. Nnmlunnl of Shiihbmj. .Ask" him to pay
S nnd Hnid,1r 1,fn'-Ilm Khan Re; 5 for the wngcs of gunnc1s, f. J.
,, 0
.., :.!l [.\n ofliccr] io Liila ,T:l\\nln.'Nnth. Asks lmn to pn,y Ils 22
being the cost of mnkmg tcnf c; f I (Ur<ln)
" 3 22. L1c;iof '\\,tge...of coohcc;wo1kmg nt Shiihlrnrj. f 1. (U1du.)
,, 6 2'3 Ashraf 5\h K111in,Fattpl/ir, i.o Liila ,7:miitt N1iih. Asks him to
i:cnu Re; 7 to tt.mnrd nn ch!plurnt,-clr1YC1fo1 "c1zi11gnu cloplmnt belong-
ing fo the English f J (U rdn) ~

J1 ,, 24 (a). Lab Jirni1ln NrUh to [nn oll1cc1]. Piic;oncrs 1c£uscto accept

~ nuun ns then <lmh nllcm:ua~c; nbkb fo1 msLrnct10ns.
(b). [An 0Jlicc1] to L:iln .T:rniiln Nuth. .Asks )nm to iefcr the
mnttcr to the C -in-C. f. I (Urdn)

" 8 25 IInr Smgh J?iio,nckno't\lcdgcc;receipt of Rs 10, his 1mJn1y,

i I (Per)
,, 0 26 Dholri Nitth nncl others ncknonlcdgc 1occipt of 8 nnnns being
then wngcs f I (Urdu )
,, 10 27. C-m-C· lo Lhh Ja'\\itln Niith As ccri.nin tioopcrc; me o~pect-
ccl f1om G"nho1 he 1s dncdcd to·nct nccorJmg to rnstruct10ns nheady
given £ l (U1dn)
28. Recmpt of a pn:1ment made to Bhola Nath and othors, f I.
,, JJ 2~. [An ofHcc1] to Liiln.Nnnclimal Asks him to pay a wounded
man Rs 2 ns n. 1-cwm<l f I (Pei.)
30, [An officer] to La.fa N:ind'imnl Asks bun to pay Rs 3 towards
" , the funeral c~ponses of n. dcncl boldie1 £ I (Pei )
" ,, 31 [An officei] to Laln, Nand1mal AsJrnlum to pn.y Pi1 Bakhsh,
Hawrcltliir, Rs 2 as 1cwmd on the occasion of iduzzuh:i f. I (Pei,)
,, ,, 32, [An office1] to Lain. Nanchmal. Asks 1nm to pay Nawub J\.li
Rs 2 for his wages. f. 1. (Pei )
,, 17 33 [An office1J to Lnln. TI;mdimal .Asks him to pay N1ft, 2\li
Rs 10 for fee,dmg expenses of elephants. f. I (Per)
,, 18 34 [An officer] to Lala Nandimal .Askshim to pa.y Jtnsam K_b.arl
Rs.33~ fo1 makmg saddles. f I (Pei)
- 35 [4-n officer] to Lala Nand1mal. Asks lum, to pay 8 ap.nas £01 _
" " conveymg cannon balls f I (Pei )
36 [An office1] ,to Lnla Nand1mal Asks !um to send Rs J,000,

" "- kept with him for pmcbasmg p1ov1s10ns £. I (Pe,1)

_ ,, 20 37 Jawala NJith to Lala Nandimal. Asks him to- send Rs 50 to
purchase pulse. £, I. (Per)
2 2

1857 133-oontinued
J"aly 26 38 Gaur! Shatihr Sulml,!On,,"Sde lliior to J"aw,11.,.NAth A.Ju him
to aend troop, to different place,, acoonhng to the wreot10n.110nt £ L
,, ,, 80 Va\il aoloiowledge,, reoarpt of 8 l>tlno,Jor h1J1,ng.._ f 1 (Per)
29 40 Saiyid 'AU Naq! to C m-C Invites him to a religiollJJ oeremQOy
held for oommemoratrng the d011thof a oertain ■>Int. f 1 (Par)
41 Gann Shanor Sulml to L11A1awll1 N&th Encloses 6 written
ord0TBto be sent to different trenoba.. f I (Urdu.)
so 4Z •JamlA Nath to Lif.NBndim,L hla, him to p&y N~ar 'All
fu 16 for the food of elephants. f. 1 (Par)
Ang 5 43 Zulfaqaro d Drn to Mir ImdA<l'Ah. Am him not to tmnofer
2 gnud.-irorking under the wntar f. I (Per)
10 44 [An oflioer] to LUA Nandinml Aab him-to P"Y Kanm Ilakh ■ h
Khlln R,, 1000 for tbe upkeep of the nrmy f l (Per)
46 Receipt of • payment made to gnte-kceper> of the fort. f. l
(Pm) -
16 [An officor] to Lib NandUDAL Aoh him to ■end Ila 60 for
the upkeep of the army f 1 (Per)
47 Reem pt of n payment mode to the key boororoof Lahont Galo
f. l (Per)
48 [An officerl to Lll4 Jnml.l! NAth .A.Ice him to Circnu,te
four portrn• to tlio oll'ect thnt r,,ch 10nd 200 eoldwn,
to rep:ur !ho broken envo between the 11.uhnur and Knbn! Onte.. f l
40 [An officer] to Lt.IA Nnnwmal .A.hi him to oond Ro 1 to
rownrtl a. eer!mn =n f 1 {Per)
18 50 L11t of food ,npplie<l to 2 olephent.. arrm,d from Jhann f l
16 61 Sn1yid J,Iaidar J.[11!0.mKhan Dahb.dur to L6LI lawAln NAth
Aoke him to credit Ih 109 nnd O n.nnll! to tho nccount of L6ll Dfnn
Nath, Grocer, from 'Whom 14 mnnndo nnd 23 .,.raof ltllpbnr have been
&teured for the mngunno f 1 (Per ) -
10 52 Bluul;h Qbnltm 'All to L6la J"awA)ANitb. .A.b bun to truce n
Josto,mel f. l (Per)
19 63 LAJ4J"awAl.iN!th to C m-C Sohc,to ,not,,,ebono wbe!hn ho ohonld
,noludo elephant.' nnd their cln,0TB expenres m the oxpend1tnreof tho
nnny or 1n tho Royal nccoont. (0 in C.• ordero to do .. be thlnJ.. Lett
ho will gl,e n doJlrutoorderu!tor conoultmg the officer■) I 1 (Urdu.)
28 54 [An officer] to LAl.i Jn,l'llA !',lth AIL, bun to 1"'1 Jl.-in
'AH Khan Re 1 f 1 (Urda)
Srp. 65 Ilccelpt of n payment mode to Du~ Parahnd, " clerk Ill
C fn-C '• ollfc.,for one month, ■::1Luy f l (Unlu.)
ru Cieri., in C In.(,'• office to the C m-0- 'lohc1t• h,a preoence in
!Jo oli -e .. the S,poy. are n=u lo RO lwn. L l (ler)
133-contiuuad -
;,7 Gi'11 T.,lir\,il' l(hiin to Li1fo ,fnw-1il.1Nr1th. i\..b, him io rclcns0
n ,H,mnn l, 111" to<ly. f ] (Ur<ln)
cu ....
,, 13 i1S Bnn<l of gl)n<l l1chnv1om C\.C<:ut c<l by one l\Intnnclar f 1.
~>fl Qnmorn'cl Din nll(l nihe1 ... nekno,, ledge 1C'{n111of D S\\01c1A nnd
f1n111 f hem on f-H"p1c1nnf I (Urdu)
GO M111..f\ 1'T11hrm1111ul to 1'Iir111Yiiwm J3nk]JI Bnhndm I1w1ics lmn
ton ft-.a,t heltl 011 Ihe fo1 f 1elh d n nflt-1 {he cluith of Ashrnfu'n N1sii
13t'g'lm f01 m, 1)k111~ lil1. 1 '-'-lll!!" ll)h•n he, f 1 (Pet)
f,} 1'fi1.-i'iFat, 81111.oh fo L:dn ,frn:lln Nath Abke; 1nm to release
1 ClilJble1~ mtmbo111cl m t I r Id tt•t • f l (J\•r)

fi;! R,•pod to i he cfft•{t th·tt re1 "1111 g-1tt.,cm are se17cclntc not tl10
propt'l l\" (If (hi_\Eng-li',h but of 11 pl I\ ,1tc mnn rrhcy may Le l etu1ncd
nud f he H'l \ "lnf,.;ei fie~ r ]. (ln du )
b,1 [.\J1 offi, l'l l fn Jnl:i .ln,\ itl:?. i\"th. A1.,],i:.,
l11m to d1c-£11lmtethe
~but.' ....V'l n1d111gf o f lir Ji..,tH'td nll(l <lulnd He 1 f1om the sa.I.12yof a
Lerh Ill m 11t \\ ]t.,m lie p.•lll 111 i-th .rncc f l (Pei )
ui \hm,Hl to C-111-C. He<pt,,{c; l11m1o \\1thdrrw the for
Rtnpprng fl1t. Jh.!!1'-lon nf )i.ih1bbnll th K111i11 \\ ho }pft foi B:11e1llywithout
}}Cl m1"c1011 f ] (l)e1 )
G,. :'-.Inli·nnmnc1 %11,1fo ~fi11:i Y,1 \\ar Bal:ht Tiah~idm Invitee, h11n
fo .1 1cl1g1on.., tc1emon.r hdd fm eommcmo1.1lrng the dc.tth of a mmt
f l. {Pt•1}
GO [ .\n officer] to I.r.iln,T:rnftln.Xftth. A<;kc;Jum to 1,end money b
the C -m-C ,\ ho h1.; m.uchcd "1th the army t.onnrds Slrnhdura if he ha;
not done so ac; ) et f l (Pc1 )
----- (17 S.m 1clIT.. ml.11ITm,am Khin to L~Lla,Ja.wftla ~{ath. Asks him to
send monejr fo1 the wngcs of the gunneiEI, f 1 ( Pe1 )
GS. 'l'he Colonel to Laln. JawfiJa. Nath Asks him to send money
at once fo1 the "ages of the soldiers and let bun know if there 1s any
delay m dorng .,o f 1 (Pe1 )
G9 1'fi1zii Khi71 Sultan Hah;ldnr to Lala Jaw-ii.laNuth. Asks him to
send money to p~y sappe1s and mrne1s who me p1essmg very much fo1
~ages (Jawnlii. Nath rnys that he bas no money m the fund, will
send as soon as he 1eceives money) f 1 (Urdu )
70 List of clothes with puces, f 1 (U1du)
71. Sa1y1d Haida1 Husam Khan to Lala Jawala Nath Aske; hrm to
allow the conveyances of his fannly to go outside the city f, 1 (Per)
72. [An office1] to Lala Jawala Nath Asks hnn to allow the
Lucknow fo1ce to take then quarte1s at the Kashmn Kahn f 1.
(Pei) .
73. Lala Jawfila Nnth to C -m-C l'ays the coolies wo1kmg at S.111111-
garh 1 anna pe1 head fo1 then da1lv allowance_, mquu':.', v. h 're to
engage 23 coolies supplied by ltoftriil {C -m-C directs hlID to d1:,cha1ge
the coohes, they will ho called whrn 1equned) ~ l (U1du)

1857 183-concluded
Sept. 18 74 C m-C to LAia Jaw~ Nith ~ rum to rupply medrnmo
for the C Ill C '• elephant. L 1 (Per)
75 Lila Jaml.11 NAth to Ltia Nwd.unal. .A.Juiw'n to aend Rs 4.1
to the C m (, f I (Per)
76 List of~ for malang 4, imddles.f 1 (Per)
77 Ghnl!zn '.All, 1Ja~u of Fnrruhld!Ana to Ldll Morll Dhar
.A,,oJum to lffll8 a paaoport to certain BIOJr ca.rtenl p~ home.
f 1 (Per)
78 L&la J"ari]i Nath to LAlJ. Nandnnal. .A,b !um to pay Jawilm
Smgh .R,, 2 m advnnoe. f 1 (Per) ,
79 Report to tbo ef!oct that 60 or 60 horoemen may be called
f 1 (Urdn.)
80 M!JU HidAyatn'l lnh to 1.flnA YAwar Ila!Jit &li&dnr lny,t.,
h,m to a rehgiom ceremDny held for oommemomtrng the denth of •
f. 1 (Per)

18157 134
llIS foll 8 me 12' x Bi' (Per)
Sep 13 Enrolment h.t of M .. d,, eni:nged ,n tho arlillery mngasme elc
of the 11\utincen f 8

1857 135
MS foll 312 vnnom me,
llny 12 I "'he King to "\furuhl Saiy,d Fn!tllrnd Dm JL,mn Duecl.s bun to
!nke chnrgo of ,mpplymg promon• f 1 (Per)
May 13 2 Account of •XJlCD-1-1"for JOpplying provmon._ f 1 (Per)
14 3 Ia.t of furq••dasu m TAa•aA Turkomnn Gale. f. 1 (Per)
20 4 Slntcmcnt of the ,app<>r•and mmen' l!ll&noo.f 1 (Per)
27 6 Enrolment l,1[ of olbcero nnd men tlllder 'All Dakh ■h JJarogiaJ
f I (Per)
20 0 Dilb\ ll!,n, Mnnohl m tho RoYAIartillery, to Colonel Mhd K.hin
" Sulton. Chnndrt nnd Dlu,gmuu, fel"Vllnto lo tho m,,gnnne hnn Leon
.i..ent for 2 d•JI- f 1 (Per)
81 7 C.,m-C to officer■ nt lnboro Onto Direct■ them to rctnrn
matcblocka,eto. JOizcd on ,m■p1c,on lo M .. d, Znhllr A!Jmed and 'Abdu'r
RauAq f 1 (Per)
Jm,o 8 8 Statement of the dru1yngt'I of cool1t11etc f 1 (Pc,-)
9 C -,n-C to Laln Jsrilt> NA!h. Direct, blm to pny n Clllllel dn<er
Ro 1 m ndnu,ce f. 1 (Por)
10 Enrolment ltat o( clcrb nt the KQ/1<a/1f I (Per)
,, 11 San!Ar S1ni;b, .a clerk TAJ•a! llogompnrs, to .Eol,:al Stlld1
■eroral •hop lceopen. f 1 (U rdn.)
I •

1857 135-continued
June 3 12 List 0£ expenses 0£ the art11le1y under Saiyid ij:aidar I):usa1n
Khan. £ l (Pei) - -
5 13 Pay sheets of the Jalesai battalion. f 2. (Pei )
' "
,, 6 14. Jawnla Nath to Lala. Kh,ub La.I Asks him to pay 1\'.[uhmmad
' 'Azim his wages. f 1 (P01)
16 :M:unni Lal an~ Har Narayan, soldiers to C -m-C Have sub-
" " nntted btlls and 1equest him to pay their salaries. f I (Urdu)
,, 'Ali, cle1k, Phlinan. BhoJlapahau, to the Kotwal.
16. Mi;za 811,~ii.d_at
" Asks him to supply papers fo1 the use of his Thlin,ali. (V e1so • Kotwii&
sends 1 qune of paper) f. 1 (U1du)
,, 8 17. Sa'adat 'J,\.h, cle1k Thiinah Faiz-biiza.1,to Kotwiil Sends
6 oxen and 6 wate1-supphe1s f. 1 (U1du)
JJ 9 18. (Th.ulam 'Ah, cle1k, Thiinah, Guzar Q,1s1m Khan, to .K.otwiil
Sends 2 men. £. 1 (U1du)
,, 10 19 Account of wages of da1ly _!abome1s._ £ 1 (Per)
,, 20. Account of daily allowances of the 3rd Cavahy f 10 (Per)
,, " 21 Receipt of a payment made to a1ttllery men f 1 (Pei)
,, 22. Durga R1Siiladiir to Kotwul Is sendmg KaU-u and other pns-
" one1s, requests him to 1elease them £. 1 (U1du)
23 _ [An office1] to Mir Imdad 'Ali Asks him to pay 12 servants of
" " C -m-C then salanes f 1 (Per )
,, 24. Account of daily allowances of Hansi and Ilissll;r forces f I.
" (Per.)
25. Durga Parsbad, clerk, Thiinah Chandm Chawk, to Kotwiil. Sends
" C!zaudliris Chmtamal and Shamshn Das (Uidu)
,, 12-17-18 26-S Statements of daily allowances and wages of officers 'an:l
men attached to F1rozpm and Lahore foices. £. 14< (Per)
, ,, 13 29. Saiyid Mhd Mzal, munshi of a regiment, to_ the Kmg. States
the cncumstances under which his regiment deserted the English and
• prays for arms to fight £o1 the Kmg. £. 1. (Urdu)
,, 15-23 30-5. Estimates of daily allowances and wages of officers and men
attached to Hans1 and Hissa1 forces f. 6 (Pei )
,, 36-44 Receipts of payments made to var10us pe1sons, carpenters
" , labouieis, etc f 9 (Pei. & U14,u)
,, 18,22 45-6. Eruolment ha~ of troopers f 2 (Per)
,, 19-~3 47-52 Accounts of allowances and wages of officers and men attache 1
to various fo1ces f 6 (Per )
,, 19 53 Ghulam 'Ali, clerk, Thiinall, Guzar Qasim Khan to Kot,ciil.
Sends 20 coolies. f 1 (Pei )
,, 21 fi4. List of officers and men attached to Firozpur £o1ce. £. 4
(Per.) -

1857 135-continued
J"nne 22 66 Zu'lfuqn.ra'd llln l;Irudar to C. m C HAB oomnmrue!lted bit
orders to the aocountant. at the gates of the fort that they 1houhl
renwn at thou port.. £. 1 (Per )
66 Hir4 J.AI, aOOOUDtantat Lahore ~te, to C in-C I■ unable to
do Im rught-<luty B.B he ,.. oenocw7 ill. C in C '• orders to apPowt
another man in Im plaoe. f. 1 (Urdu.) ,
,, 24 J"nL 14 67 76 Rooe,pt,, of pAymento made to vnno~ pen,oru oo!dJen,
labuurer,,, eto. f. 19 (Per am! Urdu)
,, 26 ,, 18 76 114 Statement. of oJlmranceo and -ngeo of officen and men
attached to vanou.e regunent. and foroes. £. ~6 (Per)
,, 26 21 115 28 E.ttmate of allon.noe. and mige,, of officen and men m HaII.111,
Huar and other forees. f l9 (Per)
, 26 124 L,.t of offioer■ attached to Frrospnr force m alpla~caJ order
f 1 (Per)
,, 27, J"ul 22 126 6 Daily reporto of T.U!la.i Fllllhttw and K6lo,all £. 6
(Per and Urdn.)
, 27 127 R!dba L!I, aooountant, J"alesar regiment, to C-m-C oompl•m•
of mterference from the oemor aooonntant and req~ that hu •ppomt-
ment letter long dne mAYbe 1&0ned.f I (Urdn.)
J"aly 6 128 JI~ Naqlbullab, clerk fiB•d Tnrkoman Gato, to tbo K6t,ciil
Request. h,m to tran ■far harq,1',l/a,,_ to the Kol,c•/1 and
'Abdul !,;!baJl"Ar
l>arq•"-'•·Shaikh '.A%!mto hu TAo•al £. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 1 120 N1$!r All, 1£.. ,11 attached tp 00th rogunont, to Iiuca#
laril~ Nlth. Rerort. that Bala. Smgb, Ha"4ltI/Ir Ohannau Singh
and 'Ada] who have iomod ha regiment haye not bean given their
l'Clp0ctlve nnmberl, aen<loRe 8 f 1 (Per)
., O 130 Ilar 1'art.y!a clerk of TltI,..l Sbahdan, to Hahm Al;i,anallab
Dalutdar II oppomtod n cleric on a monthly ■olary of 1u 10 nndert.alce,,
to rcnwn m T/ill .. ~ and do ha dntie■• f l (Per)
,, , 181 J.Il;ldBIIAhn.mat 'All, ..,,,.,A,
m the office of MhJ Bakbt,
Governor [Delhi], to C m C Mhd Bakbt Jlolwinr, Governor, bn.l be<n
m tl,e trencbe1 for n long tune £. 1 (Urdu)
10 132 Harlcharan L!I to D,,,,,r.
J"awil!. Nlth 1iwkr Khln, R11t1ltl6r
,n ■ formerly prudaecor<lmg to a cerlam rate lu■ prelent demand for
P"J'lD•nt exceed•that rate ■eeb rn ■trnchoDJ. £. I
,, 10 183 Ll■t of article■ 1n the camel ■bed under QbnlAm 'All Iillro,Ad
l 1 (Per)
11 lH J"agan N&th citrico! the Koi.,al,, to the Kfog Pray. for the
re■tomhon of clotbosi1C11t to tho C m-C. m connection ,nth " roLbory
£. l (Urdu)
,, 12,H 135-0 Enrolment Jut of trooper.. f 2 (Ur<ln)
,, 12 137 Dib!rl LI! clerl, M■guz,ne to I/1,:II~ J"awll! NA!b A,kl !um
to P"J"R I for L11 ngco. f I (Per)
1857 135- continuecl
July 15 1'3S Sndrn'<l Din AhmndJ J.1Iuns!t"i m the office 0£ Punce 1\'fhd 'Azim,
to Pnnco l\I h<l A7tim. Requests 1nm to pn.y the bt•rvants of the C.-m-C
their w.1gec:;;sencls hill-; ,uth C -m-C 's orclers to that effect (Prmce
I\lhd 'Azim dnccts Lida Jawiilnr Lnl to pn.y the wages.£. 1. (Pei.)
,, 139 :i\Ihd Slnhn.bu',1 Din, elm k, nnd Shaikh :Mhd to P1inee 1tlhd
rl, '.Ann'l Request 1nm 1o pay them their wages (P11nee .Mhd 'Azim
' directs JYiwii11Jn.,,n1nN:ith to pay the "nges ) £. 1. ( Urdu)
.,, 16 ]·10 Behnri Liil, nccountnnt of tho i\Iagazmc, to lJiwan
Nath. Send~ a lnll for 111sa1lowances. f. 1. (Per)
,, 18 l•.H. KlnrftJ:t Klrnniit 'Ali, .ilfir Jfmzshi in the office of C.-m-C,
to [the Colonel]. Acl,no\\ ledges 1cceipt of his lctte1 and petitions of
Shuclnii.mnn<lother wmc me1cllants add1ec::i:;edto C -m-C. '\V-ill hand
them oYet when C -m-C. 1etmns from tienches f 1. (Per)
,, 21 1•12(a) C.-m-C to officers of the 7th Cavalry. Direrts them to an-
nounce thnt, Yolnntcer .. 1cndy to fight should assemble m a place so that
; then names mn.y be cul1stcd
(b). Chann:111Smgh, Subahdar, 7th Cavalry, to C - n-C Has
announce<l tbe 01der. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 22 ]43(a) C-m-C to office1s of the 7th Cav-1,hy. Dhects them to send
] 0 ho1semen c, e1y moinmg to act as 01dc1hes to the General 1 and
ieplace them by another bJ.ich 10 the eve~mg
(b) Channan Smgh and other Subahdars to C.-m-C Will follow
his mstrucbons f 1 (Urdu.)
,, 25 144-8 Receipts of payments made t-0 vanous pe1sons: sold1e1s.L
Aug 10 l.tbome1s, etc, £ 5 (Per and U1du)
,, 26"31. 140-53 Daily 1eports of Thanahs Tmkoman Gate, Guzar Danba,
etc £ 5. (Per) " l.
,, 2,8 154 Statement of Ramparshad arrested £or steahng a' swold,
matchlock, etc. f ] . (Uidu)
,, 2,9 155. Account of expenses mcurred m 1epa11mg a budge. £. I·
156._ List of gunny bags mth pnces £ 1 (Per)
,, 31" 151 Geneia] Suclhari Smgh and othe1s fa~C -m-C Report that if
tioops be allowed to quarter m the city they would not go out to fight
the enemy ; request him to supply them with tents etc to be encamped
{)Uts1dethe mty f. I. (Per )
JJ 158. Death report of Iahi Bakhsh, a gunne1 f I (Pet )
",, ,, 159 Sudhiiumal, Mwnshi, :Thfagazme, to C -m-O Requests him to
supply ca:J;!.Ilon-balls,etc. ment10ned m the lette1 f I (l'er) 1 160 Khairat 'Ali, M1inski m the office of C -'in-C to C -m-C Sends
10 elephants to carry p1ov1S1ons-to N1mac.h aud Baretlly forces f 1.
(Pei ) •

u ~ 161 C -m-C to Officers of the Army at Laborn Gate Dnects them

ti> iemstate Hi1a Lal, accountant, m his appomtmept. £. I (U1du)

Aug 6-20 162-6 Aoknowledgmenla of reoe:ipta of letters. f. 5 (UrdtL)
,, 0 11 167 70 IUng'o letter to the Mutmeen to the effect that I;Iak!m
_ Alµm.nullah KhAn,hll phyo101an, ohould be releued aml people ehould
not be mole.ted otherwue he will mther abdicate and go away a]..,,.hore
or commit owrude. -f. 4 (m qo>.drnphoate.) [Urda..)
,, 0 171 Karltn Ba!,hoh Mud,, TJa,.,,,, [Guur Dan'bal to~ 0 m-C
Raqnem,, hun to enter the mmea of Al;,mad Bak!J>h, lGmni llakhoh
o.nd other aervant. of hll /J./j,wl, In the regmer f. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 10,11 172 3 Chhallin Ul, Reoonh keeper, to C, m-C Send■ a report
ahont the ohanchlr of oertam peroono In tho _,.,_oe of Prmoe Ml,id
Apm alon~ mth pebbona of Kanm Baib ■h, ll&drn'd Dm and other■
f 2 (Urdu)
,, 10 174 Sa i!.d&t 'Al!, TAa•alidar, Fau:huar, to K,,t.,al Send■ 2 oxen
£. 1 (Urda..)
,, ,, 176 .Ml;,d l;[= ma, clerk, na•ol, Pahuganj, to Eot.,al Ack-
nowledge■ receipt of Re 1 10 f I (Urda..)
,, , 176 Abdul WshhAb M•uh In & regunent, to O In-C Requ..ta
hun to gnnt a fresh receipt for Ro 2 oent ,u """ f. L (Urdn)
" 11 177 Dah!dur AU, .M,..,H, Ooth regunent, to C !n-0 Hu aont
~ oompanu,o to the trench at Kuh.anganJ i■ nnoble to oond more u
there will not ho enough men at tho 01ty gaui.. f. L (Urdu)
,, 18 178(a) 0 In-C to Gann Shanhr Shuhi], Bngad,er Maior
Direct. !um to oend remforoementa to trenohlli ,u the Engwh ht.vo
hognn thell' operat10nL •
(6) Gann Shanku Shulrnl to C ID-C Is unable to ■ encl relil
foroomenta .. o.11 the troop■ have gono to the trench at Qud11yab Bagh.
f. L (Urdn)
,. ,, 170 C m-0 to olllcen, Gwahor force. Dm,cta thetn to appoint
160 hone men to guard the Kuhmlr nn<l Lahore 0.teo. f L (Urdn)
,, H 180 0 ln-C to offiC<?rlof tbo army D,rcct. them to keep tho
ca,-11!,yand infantry rendy and lead ha1f of them towanh tho direction
whote nn attnd: tnay be expected. f. 1 (Unln)
,, ,, 181 Slhgmm to D,,,,,. 1arill N1th Aokihlm to take lllr! Singh
,nto lu■ cnrlody after Wnng R ■ 400 mth which he I. ■ent. f l
,, 182 S41,gnm to LM! Khllb LU A■k:I him to reloue HlrA Singh
n.nd ham! over Ra 400 to ldila Dovl Sah!.l f. I (Urda)
l 83(a) 0 1n-C to Aceonnf.ant., J.fogulne A■b them to ■opply
30 m,oden boludJI£or trenohc■ at KuhaaganJ
(6) Ilib.!.n LAI, KhOb Chanel nncl HAJ!,F&lJ1]114h,Aeeoantnnt■,
Magu,oe, to O -m.C Wooden boanJ. are not on!W,le. l l
181 Enrolment hrl of ofliccn and moa under S&1Jld J\lhd '.AU
Ja,,.'odar l I (Per)
135-continu ed
14 185, L1st 9f doo1ie-bearers wo1kmg at trenches £ 1 (P01 )
,, 16 186 Faqil Chand, cleik, Thanah, Guzar Allahabad, to li.otwal.
Sen<ls cha1td!z11,s
mentioned m the letter f. ] . {Urdu ) '
187 List of a1t10les m the storehouse under Sni Smgh f 1
" " (Per) -
,, 17 188 (a). Kh,uda Bakhsb Khan, Jliitb Kotiviil, to Thiinalulii1, Guzar
'Ifaqad Khan Asks him to send M-unsla :Mohan Lal, Bakl1tmr and
La.JJhfl Singh, faeasurers, to Col. 1v1hd Kl!1z1 Sultan.
,(b) Nun J3eg, clerk, Gnzar 'ltiqad Khan, ~o Kolwiil Pe1son
wanted do not reside m his JUr1sdictron f ]. (U1du)
,, 181-l C -m-C to Shaikh RaJab 'Ali, J am'ada1, ~fagazme D1rects
" lum to supply D1lthaman Smgh, Bawiildiir-MaJor, with tbe muflcal
mstmments requued £o1 th9 band f 1 (U1du)
18 l90. General Sudbar1 Singh and Brigadier MaJol Hira Srngh
" N,mach force, to C.-m-C. Request brm to pay the solchers thr1r salaues
£. 1. (Urdu)
,, " 191 ~fhd Fa;z Bakhsh to JJiwiin Jawala Noth Has learnt of
C -m-C.'s mchspos1tion; request.a him to send tents, etc., aheady re-
qms1troned £. 1 (Urdu )
" ,, C
192 Karim Bctkhsh, Mttttsln, Thiinah [Guza1 Danba] to C -m-
Hequests him t-) enter the names of I roam Khan, Ahmad Bakhsh
, and other se1vants m the Register. (U1du)
,, 19 193 Col T:lhdKhizr Sultan to JJaroflllah, Magazme Directs him
to send chairs, boxes eto £ 1 (Per )
20 l 94 N1§ar 'Ali, Mir 'JJ11tnshi, C -m-C 's oIBce, to Lalii. Snl,grftm
" and Lala Dev1 Smgh Out of Rs 6,000 secured nom var10us RaJas noth-
mg 1s left m t~~ trea~tJ.IYof the C -m-C. £ 1 (Pei.)
,, 195 Gopi Pa1shad, J1fmisht, attached to the army of Col :M:hd
" Khizr Sultan, to [Col ~1hd Khrn1 Sultan J The Jhansr force has started
with a view to ass1stmg the Nawab of Malaga1h, they have deposited
then swords, boxes, etc , mentioue,l Ill the letter with Sudhar1 Lal,
M1tnsln, l\,fagazme f 1 (Urdu)
,, 24 196 Account of expenditure incrured for the up-keep of C -rn-C.'s
Army. f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 197 IJitoiin Jawalfi. Nath to- Zinat 1\fa.hal Begam Sends Rs 15
on account of the salary of he1 gate-keeper, Mh Badrud-Dm, for 0
months £ 1
Sep 2 lPS. Estimate of allowances of the Jullundur 1egiment. f 1 (Per)
,, " 199-200 v~zir 'Ali torBngache1-:MaJor Sends pa110anahsfoi bis
approval. £ 2. (U1du)
201 Vazill Ali to 'Sundar Lal Sends 8 parwiinahsand asks him to
" " ... return them after app1oval £. 1 (Urdu.)

Sept. i 202 Gann Bhnnktr Bnlrnl Bngadier 1>IaJor, to IJ,rii• 1awAla
:Nath. .A.kB him to approve and retll1'Il the 8 p>rr,iiaa~, aent f l
,, 8 208 Bhu"kb Rn.taro 'All, !t .. d, 3rd regunent, aolmowledgeo
receipt of R, 2 000 for the np keep of b,s regiment. f l (Un!a)
,, ,, 204 NawAb YAr KhAn Ko/teal, Port aoknowledgeo reeeipt of 10
anna. for the allowances of 2 pnson&ro. f. l (Urdu.)
2\l6 C 111-Cto Li!~ Ba'r;htAwa:r Bmgh. Diroot. him to band over
a matchlock deposrted m In• storebome to ZAhm Bmgh, aoldier
f. l (Urda)
,. ,. 200 C m-C to LAlAIlakhtAwar Smgh Dtreota him to de.JlO'lt
the n'rbclee oent with a !at m h,. •to~hoa,e f 1 (Urdu.)
207 C m-0 lo U14 Bakbtamr Smgh Direct. him to hand ov r
a m,tohlook dep< ,,ted mth bun to J"nadi tiliAn. f 1 (Urda)
., 0-10 i'osU Gaar! Sbanb.r SaJc,,J, Bngad.,er hlaior to Bandar Ll.l
Bentle parrii•ab to h<, sealed and returned. f 6 (Urda)
,, 0 218 Bbagwant R&y, C m-C 1 110rn.nt, to C -m C Rn, brother
Nan di W hao been wonndoo. and atr.oted pray_" for bi. reloa.e on h!.
BOCnnly {C rn·C direct. General T!h Ylr K.b.\n to roleue Nandi
L1,l) f. l (Urda)
,. ,. 21-l- Statement of JaMng,r Th,k]µ,h and S•ligr!m, Sepoy,,, con-
conung OW Rlm arrested on inup1mon of esp10nsg,, f l (Unln)
,, 8 215 Khw!JAb Khnlrllt All,acconntant C ml, • office lo the h.111g
C in-C ,. engnged with the Engwh at Kulnrur Gate ,nth all h11 in-
fantry and nrb11ery f 1 (ler)
,. ,, 216 KhwAJlh KhnirAt 'AU •cconntant, C m-0 1 office lo [Col
:lt!l)<lKhlft Sult.anl l m C ,. m the trench .. wrlh h,. nrrny 1 8
Comporu .. of the 8th regunent have gone to the CAmp •t R.,.,.,.n e
Companieo .re pn ceedmg to bnng new, of U,o force commg from
<:,,,,.Hor f. l (Ur<ln)
,, 10 217 Htlllllm Bokh,b, oltrl., 1.iauJ :Dadarpur, to C m-C llu .. at
28 coolies. f. l (Urdn.)

" "
218 Sbeo IAI Clerk
coohea. r l (UrdtL)
TA.,~ Ghi!z161,t.d,to C m-C Scn<lo16

,, ,, 210 Bib4n L!\l to LAie Sullin Lll Sendo an acooant of hqnor

onppho<l. f I (Per)
11 220 'ludh!trl LAI Jf•ol,, M•i;st1nc mtimalea the nmrnl o! 10
taflon, from TAa•a• Begampor L I (Per)
12 221 1\Thd Fnlf Bo];bah, Af•ul,, (, m O '• office, aclmo,,.Jedgco
J'i'Ce1pt of" par,ra•all. to the effect th•t tbo General and !ho Dngl1l)lcr-
1>1nJorare prc!ent m the trenehes f l (Unln.)
,, ,, 222 1'llid F•'l Bak!J•h Jf .. ,A, C 1n C '• offiC()to th• [C fn C]
Ila• =•«I a parr"•••to the effect !Lot the Enllli•h lfltnod .trcnJ:11,
nl h.ubmtr Gote when the ooldiero le!t the guto to tal:1 their me:1l1.
r I (Per)
1S57 135-coufunwd
~l'JI 1S ~~•1.J:m11lment J1._t of ho1Fcme11 ntrnc<l from Gnalior £ 2
~~ ~ r--t11nnt~ nf c;nJnnc'- of ltor1.('lJH:n aH..clwl fo (he G'\"\aho1
Force f L (l'(.)t )
!!~:,.r1.::11'llt, )1..L of cmp1,H.:~ nitnc lied lo ihfforc11t Tluim1hs1
Co,t,Jm-lwt11-t•"•~k. f l. (Per.)
~~G r:H(il k, J'/l(inn!. G117...'lr.Allnh.1h1d)
C'lurn1l,c·lt>t fo Xol1riil.
... F1111d ~m~h. the C!tm dlri of roppt•1 ...n11th.,, H:wla1 Jiu:,am
hy the Chaudhri, et.c.
J()Jfln l1H'- g-o[ th0 <..oppc1 '-lied" 1:-n1,pl11..>tl
f 1. (Ci.111)
227 (C-in-C.] tu Xuftr,il. Dncrl, him fo send a hoiscmnn. f. 1.
(r nlu.)
228 J:-igd1.... h n '♦' to J,·1l1i SmHl:ir Lill .A...ks 111m to JSSUC n,
pnrrrtiu.rlt tn tlie C•n,tli,· nit u•ht•d to !h'1 <ll\IS1on t-0go to the benches
.it hi-..h lt16r.'IIIJ ,it once f l (Vrdn)
2~~• .:\r..,Ji.ul'.Ali to Tli1r,i11.T.rnid,1K,Uh Sends nn cmolment hst
of h 111k"r-: f. 1 (Pc1.)
2:rn .\1-l11afiLnl, (•le1k, to B11gnd1cr-:.\faJor Rcqncc,h, him to send
gunr,l') to the oflirc of the J>n:ma<-frr. f. l (Ur<lu )
211 B1h,111 L;1l, nc-c.ountnut, ~1ng111m•,to J}i,ri'in ,1:-m:ilii Nath.
8cnt1">Solian, grocf•r, nnd ~ Jo!;11 1A Ii '\ 11£.'-.ktlon a cli,11gc of stealing
n1lide-, mt ntwnc'1 111t11e lcltc1 f1om them 1g•17rnc f 1 (Per)
2~2 Bihari Lnl, n<·, 7\fogn,mc, to ]Ji1r<in Ja" nlii Nath,
A~'ks hun tc, send hi-; allo\\ nncc-, for 1 <la)~ f 1 (Pei )
233 C -m~C to X n rn3nn Liil .Appornti; lum m the I8th regiment
on a monthh· &nl.Ln· of ll::, 7-S-0 ; <lnecl">lllm to submit the accounts
of the officc;c;to th·c G cncral's office daily. f 1 (Pei )
231 Chlrnkkan Lid to Lii.lii Dmga. Smgh Complams that tho
Gcne1,Llof the Bcrt.•1lh force h,1s rnsultccl n mnn "ho rnfoune<l lum of
the .mwal of some En 6 Ji.,h sol<liers f 1 (lhdu)
233-40 Detached title pages of lists of officers and men brlonging
to various 1eg1mc11ts f G ( Pei )
24l{a) Durgii Pau;hiid to the Bugadier ~foJor Rrqm"-,ti-l liim to
pass tb1ough Calcutta Gate 400 horsemen proccedmg to 1\1\ll'nduJhar
to meet the English
(b). Gann Shanka1 Su~ul, B1Jgaclie11\f.1jm,fo n11,•g-J1 J'arE:if.-:..
ARks him io mfo1m him on who"o 11nU1odtyhe -::~,e,~
£ 1. (U1du.)
242 Enrolment list of the 17th regimoni,, f, J, (JJt:r./
243 Gann Shanknr Sulml to Sunclnt' Lill, A~h "L:~ &-, f,tlf✓ 1,J,,~
men, named m the 1eg1ste1 sent, on c1ttf,y, f, } , 't'1i __
244 Hafo: Hasan 'Ali to tho c.~i11"C, Jfat ✓- ~: ~:-♦,/ 1-[ J}liftl [11 r;

to o_ffice1sat the Kashmir Gato. !, J, ( f :;,Jr.,___/


1857 185-conlmued
246 J"awr.l~ Nath to LAIA Ch.andunal Aob hun to oet the
Bmh= of Begampur frea and not to ~ moh men m future. f. 1
!46 Kalyl\n Nan\yan to Chhakhn LAL Aib lum to -a 1 qmre
of p&per f 1 (Urdu.)
£47 Kh•n:at 'All, Mu,A,land MJi_dQutlm d Din, Na,1,Mir Mud,,
of the C m-C '• offiooto reo Kh11< Baltru,] Have reeened b~
Jolter .. kmg them to 1B11dtroopo to the trenchea l1t Kuh.o.nganJ J C ID
C 111m the trencheo. f 1 (U rdn.)
«s-9 LtstB of acoonntant,, attached to nn01lli regunont. f 6
(Per) ,
250 Ltat of artioleo belongmg to Marum Khln, deoerter brought lo
the O w-C 'o. office. f. 2 (Per)
261 Lut of allowance,, of the pnoo!18?1 w the Fort. f. 2
262 Lut of oomparuea to whom par,roaaA, are laaed. f l
253 List of employ& ID tha lnfnntry and canlry f 8
2M MIJ,l Jo.Mnglr Kb.An Il,tMdar, 2nd regiment, to C ln-C
Reqn .. ta bun to mpply provmoM to hla reg,ment u many ,a,car, hue
d"""rted hun for went of ,t. f. 1 (Urda)
256 Mipn KhAn, clorlr, fla•nA Kaolurur Gato, to C -in C W,U
1enu eooheo .. aoon u avntlablo. f 1 (Urua.)
25(1.-7 Monthly at&tomentaof so.Inne.of oOlcen, under $■~Mart
Illurim PanhAu aad Pnthl Smgh f 2 (Per)
258 Nameo of men w !ho 2nd cavalry amved from Kohat. f. 1
260 Samman Lll to Jaww N&lh. Send, a Jut of pnoea of carpet.
pnrohucd. f. 1 (Per)
200 8nmUU1nLAI to C rn C R•porla lhnt he hu been robbed of
all lu, property J pray■ tJ14t he DlllYLo p:nd Jua ■:1lnry f. 1 (Ur<l.11.)
--- 261 Bllly,d lmdAd 'AU nnd Ar■h,,d 'All to the C m-0. Request
!um to supply the ■epoy■ of gapper■ and mmer■ mth nrma f. 1
282 Shoo L!l to JnwAld NAth. Report. th,,I the $•klddr al
L:,hore Gnto 1i.. ■to)'pcd the bullock-c:uu go,ng out lo bnng hu,Iu
requeata lum to obtain order■ from tbo C. w C for ~g the cut,
f 1 (Per)
268 Statement of o,.tiotanta and court U1JU1tor■, etc. mlh tbtlr i"'T
end nllcm-nne<JO.f 1 (l'er)
20J Sudhllrl 1..61 .lf■ uH, J.fagnrlne aclrnowlNlg,o =rt 0£ cer-
tain art!oka mentioned 10 the Jotter to be depontcd 10 the ?Jagazwt.
Ll (Per}

1857 135-ao1icluded.
--- 265. Sudhiin Lal to iihbiib Khan
bags. f. 1. (U1du) .,..
Asks him to send 93 gunny

1857. 136.

MS; foll. 94; various sizes.

M~ay17. I. List of expenses mcurred in repairing the wall of the Magazine
f. 1 (Par.)
,, 31 _ ' 2 List of gunny bags with prices f. 1. (Per.)
June 1 3. - List of accountants, water-suppliers etc f 1. (Per )
,, 6 4 Khuda Bakbsh Khan,cle1k under the officer in charge of the
Jumna bndge, to E.otwiil. , Requests him to send 100 coolies and 4
carpenters £ 1 (Pei)
,, 8 6. Shaikh RaJab 'Ali, Jam'diir, Lala Sudha1i Laland coolies wQ1k-
ing at the }.fagazine, to 'C -1n-C Request him to protect their houses
and property from the depredations of the T,lcmgas f 1, (Urdu)-
,, 9_ 6. Shaikh RaJab 'Ali, Jam'diir, Lala Sudhari La.I and coohes work-
ing at the :M:agazme, to C -m-C. Sends bullets for muskets as bullets
for nfles ·cannot be manufactured owmg to the want of moulds. f 1,
,, 7 Shaikh RaJab 'Ali, J am'iliir, Lala Sudhari La.I and coolies work-
ing at the Magazrne, to C.-m-C Requests him to supply 1,000 cases
for guns £ 1 (Per) ,
8 - Ghulam 'Ali, 1Ja1ogl_alt, Magazine, to,C-in-C. Submits a.
petition praying for an mcrease 1n his salary. f 1 (Urdu)
,, 13 9 List of wages of the employes engaged in me.long gunny bags
f. 1 (Per)
n 16- 10-20. R~oeipts of p:i,yments to various persons • soldiers,
J ul.
16 coolies, etc. 11. (Per. & Urdu) ' ..,
,, 18 21 List of wo1kmen. £ 1 (Per.)
,, 19 ~2 Statement of expenses mcurred m makmg gunny bags. f I.
28 LIBt of wages of the employes workmg under Ghulam 'Ali,
IJiiroifAah, M agazme f 1 (Per) 1

July I 24 Jawala Nath to Lala Nandimal Asks Jum to pay the coolies,
carpenters etc , their wages ,f 1 (Per )
- 8-5 25-8. Statements of wages of the daily labourers working at the
" gun-powder facto1y et-c f. 5 (Per) -
,, 15,16 29-81 Statements of expenditure mcurred in thatchmg huts for
gunners, sepoys etc f 3 (Pei ) -
32 Samman Lal to Lala Jawala' Nath. Sends a btll £or Rs 346-14-0
£. 1 (Pei )

1857 136-contmued
.1uly 16 88 Sa'Yld MuhAn>lr Shih KhAu, K61~al to the Kmg Requerlt'
h,m t,o pay Ro 44-1~ .. the pnoe of fatten and h..ndcnffa aent.
f. 1 (Urdu.) _
,, 2S M(a) C m-C to officera of a reg,ment. D.ireots them to bw1d "
temporary hospital from bamboo,, etc.
(b) Oflloen, of a regunent to C m C rr.. buili the hoopltal
f. 1 (Urdu)
20 85 W rfe of 'Umnr KhAn, gunner to the Kmg Her hruhand med
m action pray■ for maintenanoe f. L (Per)
,, 30 36 BihArl L!l, aooonntant, 1,hg,wne, aolrnowledge,, receipt ef
Re 1 u hu, wages for 4 daye f 1 (Per)
Aug 9 87 .1an!A NUh to C m C Cnptam Mir l;Iaidar Hn■a1n wnnt.
:a. 6 000 for expe~ m the mag,mne , 00hmt, hu, orden. (C m-C
wroots bim to P"Y lu 4,000 only) f. l (Urdu.)
~8 JarilQ N&th to u1\ NandunAL AJlr■ lum to pay :Wr l;Iaidnr
HURJnfu4000 f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 30(a) Col Ml;ul Kh1~r Sult.An to Naml !Um Chanbay Duecta
bun to aend aru1lory to S..y,d Haidar l;IllllOlr
(6) Nand Rlm Chnubay, to Col ?Jl,d K}i,"
Sul(An l111ending
the artillery f. l (Urdu)
,, 0-12 40-6 Statement. of nges of dai1y labourers worlang at nnon■
placet f. 0 (Per)
,, 10-17 41}-84 Pet.boia to the Kmg or C m-C from vanon■ pcr■orut--
mdom, and mmQro-pray,ng for maintenance and other nllowunee■ owing
to the deoth of a hmbnnd or 11, father through an a.ce<lant 1n the
magiulne £ 3P (Per & Urda.)
13 85 C m O dmot. ht■ ,!erk■ to put their •ignature■ to tho
par,rlhah wntten by thein. f l (Unln.)
,, 20 80 C m-C to ShaiJ;h Ra.J"b 'All, JJaroeJ.d, 1,lagu,ne. D,reota
hlm to ■end ammnrutlon to the trenche. at fu.bangunJ f. I (Urdu)
Sep 4 67 I.Inm1d Khi!.n Oal!b Kbin and other .Z.a11aiir1, Pahargonj
to C m O Roqn..t !um to provide them with arma ..,.hen go,ng out to
m1oe contn1rnbon ■ of money from the pcop!D. f. 1 (Urdu.)
, 8 88 Saiy,d TT&lWU'l,Iumun Kh&n to (' m C Reque.ts !um to
Ripply u many bullote u ho can. f I (Unlu)
80 Hem■ of expenditure in conneobon mth n mrpct prep:lred for the
~laguine f 2 (Per)
00 Ll■t of men who died through c.n &.CCJdent1n tho magurlne
f l (Per)
01 Lat of furniture found in tho ■hop■ of Dhogwin Dlt •nd Il4m
GoprJ. t 2 (Per)
1sc,· 137

] f.h.111:b'.\hll111 l-hh rtn<l~ 1hur I~hi111,Dorfori., .Tullun<lnrforce, fo

(' •rn-G H1•11ue ...t lum {(l '-1.'1ullht 150 for the ticatmcnt of the i:,1ck
nntl ,, ot111<h'<l. f. 1 (J 1e1.)
ill:l\' 1S ~ Cottrl of .T11-.t11•1.•, lo 1miim JhlJ.!t;h, n doctor. D1rc~ts him to
ht'.\t the p:tti011t,n..,hcfoic. f. l. (Pt!l)
Jum.• S :\, •L 1:,timaki; ( ....of dodoH anu cmployc<;in the hoi:;p1inl·
f.:.! (Ill 1lupltt,1k) (Pei.)~
;,, t1 Lu t of 1l1H'tor-.nntl cmpfoj c<i m the hoqpifal f 2. (in duph-
c 1{-1.') (1\•r}
7. Lt--l of the -.h•knn<l,\ ou111lc1l m f he lioc.p1( f. 1. (Pt?r)
,, 1' S 8{,d('m, nt 11f daily nllo,\ :rncc.:, nnd \\ :igcs of doctors nud cmploJ cs
rntheho,p1t~1l f I. (l'er)
~1-1\l Rr<'c1pl-. nf l' l) m~nf~ ma<lo to \'nr1ouq persons : doctors,
cmployf11cl.c.•. f l I (Pei &., Uulu) .
:!O-i. L, ..t ... of mcllictne" suppltctl t.o tho hospital, magnzrno cto•
f,; (J\•1. & Ur<lu)
0 f_
.. f
2(,-3 J l~,t inu.k" of wngc:, of cmploy~s in tho hosp1tJl. f 1'1.
.\ug 7 (Per R. t:1<lu)
a:; Surrqhali Dnh:w, Dortor, Sr<l regiment lo C.-m-C Rcqucstq
him f () fH ncl He; 20 fo1 ~nc<lic.tle:\pCuc:esof the \\ ounucJ ,lllU to supply

knt<·, etc. f 1 (U1<lu)

,, 28, J ul 28 3ti-7 D111lynnd \\ cekly rcporlc: of the hocip1(.:ilf 2. (Urdu)
July 7 as Klrn llJOh 13:iklJ-.h,Dod or, J ultunclur fo1ce, to C -in-C. Requests
hun to c.upplj mc<l1cnlmsfrumcnt., f. l. (U1<lu)
,, 10 30 ).I1r7fi.Ahmnd l3cg, Doctor, 20th regiment, fo C.-111-C Requests
l11m to bupply his 1cg1111c11t with doohcs to cairy tho wounded. f 1.
20 40 KulkfL Par...b'tu, a docfor, to C.-in-C Requests him to supply
mc<l1c1ucsfor the ,,oundcu. £. J (l'e1 )
Aug. 17 11 :\fi1 l\1hd Khiin, Doctor, _ 3Gth regiment, to the C.-m-C.
Reports the shortage of mechcmcs. f. 1 (U1du.)
42 Imfim Bnkl1sh to Liilii J awiilu Nuth. Requests lum to send
money fo1 medical expenses. f. 1 (Urdu.)
43-6 Lists of doctors n,nd omployes m the hosp1tnJ. £. 4 (Per)
4 7 Prico list of medicmes . and other articles reqUU'ed for the
hos1nt.i.l. £. 1. (Urdu.)

1857 138
:rvrsfoll f'
12 , size 11 x 8¼" (Per)
List of accountants engaged in vauous roglIDents, m alphabet cal


1.857 139
MB foll 27 l vanons IIIUO
Apr 16 l }.Ia,dari ll~m mortgage,, har o~t. for R, 400 to LAia
SbeorAJ f L (Par)
J"nne l 2 C. m-0 to the Kmg Sohcrl.8 a grant of Ra 16,000 to P"Y
wages of the IIIIIly f6r 4 dap (Rmg'o orderoto get the amoubt from
the treumy) f. I (Per)
,, 22- 8 Thl ~ to C m-0 Dmct. htm to eend R.. 110 to Bamm.,,
Li! to enable him to poy the gnnnon then wages. f L (Per)
July 9 4- C ro-C to the Kmg Send., propooalofor gmng promoticib l.!ld
reward to the army TI'hen notonouo f. L (Per )
fi C m-C. to tho Kl~ Fonrnnu o. pet,t,on of J alumgir Kh1,n
for un appointment.- (Kmls'• ordero to o.ot upon the report of tM
Genon,.1 llareilly force.) f. l (Per)
,, 13 6 C m-C to the K.10g Sohoiu ruo order11to pay Karim Dakb,b
Rualdilr 1 !us wagei. (Kmg'o ordero not to pa:r
Kar!m Jlakh,h hio
wage., Jf he hu reoe,ved lll!I oa.lary) f L {Urdu.)
, 19 7 L!ot of medicmeo to be rnpphed to the b01p1to.l f. L (Per)
,. 20 8 Qhnl.Am'Abbh, IJafa'dar 4th ~ent, Mnpff&rnagar force
to the King Hu deoortedthe Engluh tohoitl high rankin the
nrmy (Jung'• ord""' to C m-0 to g,ve ruma 11tuabon) l I
Ang 7, 11 0 12 The King to RAoBaham nnd Bani1t Sml?h, the Oluef■ of
Cntch Dhoja 11J1dJaa,umar I■ deh,llht.ed to he:>r of the 1Ddrder of the
Chn■ ■ lmng m their d.iotncto o.ohthem to kill th010 who are otill
left. f. 4 (10 and 11 are duphc,,!.es) (Per)
n 11 13 K,ng'o panra•d to Raju and Chief■, due<bng them to help
Talq!n Shrui mth men and money for the holy war f I (UrdtL)
,, l<I l-1. Tal)sln 'All t<> the King Ilu ~n l\ghb~ the Engl11h
■ueceafttllyi bopeo to be remirded when the mubny 11 o.-eri ool!dt•
pepnl•11on to ,..,.. a regunent from Ju■ men. (The Kmg grant. tbO
request.) f. L (Per.)
lfi C ,n-C to the Kmg Sohc,tJ grant of money to pay the
eoldter■ their wages. (The K10g oendo Ro. 6,000) f L (Par)
10 Enrolment hot of the 9th regun.ent, m alphabetiClll order
f 2 (Per)
17 20 Iarl■ of officers nnd men in nriot11 regiment■• lf. 0
.,__ - il Pnnco Mhd A;Im to. the King Soh01t. grant of mon 1 to P"Y
the 110ldler■ their ,.1ar1es I I (Per)

1867 140
,rs foll 2 ,ue 12• ><s• (Per)
or IQKlfrl m the,Lnhorcfo-rc-t

--185'1 141
MS foll. 8 ; various 51zes.

Jan. 25 1 Receipt o:f a payment maclet.o :i\1omm. £ 1. (Pei ) '

Sep. 18 2. Bahadur Sher Khan and Nur 'Ali Khan, Rtsii.liliirs, to C.-1n-C.
Requests him to let them know under whom they are to serve. f. l
,, 25, 26 3, 4 Niir 'Ali l{han, R1siildar, to C -in-C Requests him to paJ
salaries of the officers and men mentioned m the letters. £. 2,
dct 5 5. Sanubar Kha~ and J am'iat Khan, Risiilrliirs, to Prince lfhd
F1roz Shah Request him to send money to purchase gunpowder ..
bullets etc f. 1- (Urdu )
6 :Mother 0£ Sa1y1d M]].d Khan borrows Rs SJ00 from Lau
Hardayal and ~tudhari Lal, hanke1s. f. I. (Pet )
7. --- to 1''Iuh1bbu'l-lah, l{hiin, Ja1,uidit/r If he comes with hiE
men he mll get a high rank in the a1my f t (U 1du) '
R Shaku.r Khan to h1s son Shamsii ls in good health ; canno1
send expenses as passage is not safe. £. 1 (Per )

1857 142
IvIS foll. 21 , various Sizes
July 7 1 C.-in-C to the Krng. Solicits a grant of Rs 10,000 to pay his
-army f 1 (Per )
Artg. 2Q 2 Na;wab "\Yau§:MJ1dKhan of Bhopal to Raja. Dholpm RequestB
him to 1epair the budge over the rive1 Chambal so that the Royal
Army may pass easily, he has set out for Delhi with mfantry and
artille1y to fight the English f l {Pe1 )
Sep, 17 3. Cover addressed to Mulubbul-lah Khan, Jamadar, by Nur 'Ali
Kh,ao, Riscililiir. f 1 (Pei.)
-- n 4,
( rer)
5. Enrolment hsts of men workmg in some regiments. £. 2.
-- 6 _List of letters orresignation. f. I. (Per.)
7-lG Lists of names of officers and men. f. 10: (Per.)
17• L1st of arrears 0£ money due from Rakhaji Anand Rao. £ 1.
- Kl 18-20 ~awiib Wari~ l\1l1d Khan to bJq hrotlicr Sikanclar l\fhi
--1rrn Is m good health , will set out with hrn foicc fo1 Delhi f
3 (Per.) •
:1 Inscripbon of a seal bea1ing the names of the P1ophct. and H
Imams. f. 1. (Pei )
2, A 2.

1867 148
MS foll 10, dmn.nutive lllZ<l on very thin Q%lll'8 baue paper
Letters of "P'""to Engh.h ofllOWH.
Jrtne 16 1 The denth of Mal;ibub ' Khi!.n baa dnaonragoo the 10ldlen
greatly, Nunaob and I\u,rabad forceo have been plundered and no
lielp ,. oent oome Cluefo have ,leoerled the lung f. L -
" I1 ohonld a To temfy the people the J)fwdn-1-~~ and Dfw«n-1-'Am
oebombarded newa of nctory ha,, fnghtened the 01tueno;
l;lakun 'Abdul Haq of Ballabga,h ■hould be .topped on hu,""-Y to
Deihl f l
8 Son of ShAh ShnJl'nl Mullr,. about to desert the Kmg, there ls
no uruiy among the ofllcero and ooldiero, oepoy■ are oommg doily but
thlll'8 ,. not mJllment money ID the treuury to mamtru.n them f L
June 26 4 A rog,.mo.nt with 2 cannon■ and acoompanied by 400 Gu]&n
bu eet ont to Ji>lunderprovooon■ of the Eng1"b, there i. no gnnpowder
ID tho mag,wne N Llll'llbnd force threaten to encamp m the ci!y if
otbor tro-opo contmue to doolme to como out and ■hare therr mlr. f. L
~ C m C hu been entrmted with the rnpply of provil:wn■, no
ooder pre\-afu =ong the wlmort. f I
Ang I 0 Many soldier■ and a brave Rmildar hove been Jo1led 1\la•t••
have been plundenng J;h.ldm Al)mnu'l l■ h o bou.e, oillccn and 10ldier■
&JO at loggerhoo<lt ammurut10n a ohort. f l
10 7 Tho pred,ation of a Drohmm Pllilrut concatntng the defeat of
the Engll■h f. L
,. 18 8 .About l 00 new men bave fomed the mnhneero J troopoohould be
despo.tched to •oize n. i 00,000 w1nch are hetnH■ent to th• Kmg by 11
Ta'll•qtlar 1 'Ab<lnr Rnhmnn Khln of JhaJjal' hu roftued to onpply
Ra l 00,000 den:ui;ded of h,m, letter■ addreued to C 1n-O haTe
boen intercepted and destroyed; o me..ango,- of the Englah hu been
nn-eoted mth a letter J tliaonlcr II pn,rulmg among the aoldior■,
Prince■ and Clue&areon bad term■ ,nth one another f L
-9 A rcgiment ~ of R, fi7,000 Joined the mutmcer■ J the
death of Mr W,lron,. Mnouncod oevoral regnnonb have gone out of
tho crtyJ ■old,or■ ore unnble to fight the Engh1h J there a no guard at
Kabul aml Farmsh Kh•noGnteo f L
10 A reg,mout hu JOmod tho mntmeen honker■ hno been
plnndorad I Pnnce MQd A7:1mhno been •ppawted conunanwng officer
o£the Bl'lllj f L

18117 144
}IS foll 13 ■ue 1J!"x8}" (Ptr)
L11t. of polllloncr■, conleut■ of the poltuon,, C w-C '• ordcn IIJl<I
other J."lrtm,un
11S. foll 18 , size 12k" '
- x 8"
1, ~ Petit10ns from Qayamn'd l)m to Sa1£araz 'Auana C.-in~C. on
tbo sub_Joctof his dismissal. (Enghsh faanslat10ns )

1857 146 •
'.M:Sfoll 30, vauous sizes
May 27 l, 2 Tho King, to C -m-C Directs him to send a1hcles mentioned in.
the letter to repan the Jumna bridge f 2 (duplicates) (P,er)
,, 80 8, 4 Chand Khan and Ghulam Khan to the Kmg Complam that
the- sepoys at AJme1 Gat9 mo plundermg the mhabitants o± Shabgan]
and other p1aces (Kmg's au'bog1aph drrectmg C -1n-C to stop 1t)
f. i (duplicates) (Per)
June 28 5, 6. Baldeo, Zamindar, Fnozabad, to the Kmg Complams t 1iat the
sepoys -do not allow him to brmg m Ins gram from the old fo1t ✓
(King's autogiaph directmg Ahsanui-lah Khan to rssue a pa1wanah to
bhe sepoys) £ 2. (duplicates ) (Per)
June 29 7,, 8 Saiy1d 'Abdul-lab, to th.e Kmg Is unable to send 1evenu.e
'Unless his £elds, c01n, etc, a1e p1otected from the dep1edat10ns of the
sepoys.,, (Kmg's autograph directmg. C.-m-U. to stop the tle1nedations.)
f. 2. {duphca~ ) (Per ) ~
July 1 9, 10 Jugal Kishor and Sheo Paishad, bankers, fo the Kmg'
Co~plam that ,?,lthough they have paid Bs 1,200 they•aie subJected to
the oppress10n of the Prmces and the plunder of then houses and
pi:,operty by the sepoys, pray that gua1ds may be appomted to p1otect
theni and their p10pe1ty (Kmg's autograph dnectrng C -m-C. to
appomt guards) f 2 (duplicates) (P-e1)
,, 4 11, 12 Saiyid Mhd to the Kmg Solicits p1otection f1om the
h1ghbandedness -of the sepoys (Kmg's autograph dnectmg C -m-C to
stop 1t) f 2 (duplicates) (Pei )
,., 16 13, 14 Ratan Chand, IJii.1of!Aah of the Royal ga1dens etc, to the
Kmg Complams that shop3 m the Ghanl are bemg closed on account
'Ofthe d1stm bance created by sar11ii,1
s f 2 (duplicates ) (Pei )
15, 16 The Kmg to C -m-C Dnects him to iepumand and 1emove
the SatiJii1's c1eatrng disturbances at the Cluittl, f. 2. (duplicates)
(Pei ) _ -
,, 17 17, 18 The Kmg to C -m-C Dnects him to pumsh the Gu1ars -who
have assaulted a lam'ilii1 and some Ba'l q_andiizesof Pt,anah Pabruganj
f 2 (duph<'ates) (Per)
,, 22 19, 20 Karim Eakbsh to the Kmg Complains that Jawiilm
- Bakhsb, a sepoy, has stolen his mule • (Krng's 01de1s to issue a
pa1 wiinah to,the oilice1 m charge) f 2 (duplicates) (Urdu)
p 28 21 ~2 SaLgrii.mto the Krng Prays that a gua1d may he allowed io
acc.ompany him to b1rng bis c,1rt left ,uth rra1a Brahrnrn <1l Au 1J S.1rn1.
(Kmg's orders to C -m-C, to U.1..1,l
1$57 l4~Q'f! lll'lt'l"l
'm<>~~m\l l">tu h,han TJ.iul U•, :&h.~r
'Iilti\ lll':lhmtu w nud., "ttr tw "'tt t,, &l~'tlm) f l
w th,, Kini:
~M &l~m "'hc,,-J,,1g,.-.c ro.'\'1;t C>f" ,,ut t. r (.?urt~
('(It<-,.} (l'"r j
I?~ £!\. A\,=u '-\11 ~nt cl tw Thop .-f ~t.lprh t» thf' K,~
I'D,-., thst t~ Rap• ttien Y<h,,""' l "":,"1r~ t" l:nn ,n1h tb axt,d,..
l.,lotq:,n,:: t" th., Ha~ whtdt ''"" le!t "t l\-lh1 ""'" t,._~-,tcl " :r-
l'<'>t (h.lui:: • aut~l h u, C' 1-t-l. t,, k,..-,, t-l''rt) f 2..
\dur!K-..m.) (l\r_)
2T ~, A~m,,l h.h!lo. and \t~mi>l Kl\iu fo lb, Kini; C'~=~n
tho.t th "'I',-..~r a ,,'ltu11 ""'-'"tro.,..,\tbh"""1 at 1,.lnil K~ a
~"' nwbtu,~ tb,t:>. f t. \1lt1rl-:1t"'-) (l'ct)
i;anlen b.:ITi>
~p ,(I llhond.i, r...,..J., • F:mJ•W t It~ ll.1~ !'an Uu
)(\(I"'""" anuM' "'l'"-..nuy l-. alk,wcl t" "'" ""l"'"'lum t" ~-
l1t M' l~'I_\"'rt at l\unl l ,- tlt,- h. I '-'" ( 1' '"'- • lllll\\_..,..rh dU'<'-1•
u,i; C. u,.C tc-l'(,.'Utt tht "'"~' ) f. t. ldc,l,-,,.t'"$.) (l'tt)
1857 147
MS f,'11 tinn t:stt..~
l Th<- ll.1~ to \tnro.tuu J. P,.ubh "\rt,.! T,,q, K1lt1. Arj''<ttl.
hun ~M .l1ti• N l\,.fu ur,.kr \ :Ut,l &l!ru J. \\10 (Kt""-. •
<tpl11:T at thd,!') f l (l't,) -
~ ~bh t=•bt"" <>!th" a1',tt f l
' C -1n-C't, fu.J• ~w, :;:,~h , t h.J~..,,th I"> I<:>
~nu W NI-.!, t<' lb- {\ .nt ..., t!,.,t t='< ur~'tt\ 1',= N hw,,_
at "'" ! l (I\,- l
4 fuJ,. ~,Jn< :,,.!!!. t, tk I\~ l't\ "·"'''"' fo "'i::'n'l-c...,_f.>li ,,t
th,, .um ,.J ha 11 i' l'lll) <>!114h he l:.>•l>.,n ..,.>?,h-.!. l" ,'<'rtal" £""""'-"
-"t""l<\l ,n tl:.~ k''ct u tb. Kt~ <0..."\ '"""""
t!i -==t ! l
~ ~ R..J" '-alur s,.,,._-ht' t!:~ lu?; i. ,l '1<;...\i.t,:u
a• th.:- i;:,-~.
o,wpt:u,,--,, ,t tb- !:,r,.. r"""'"-u h h,::, r"'" t!:>' l'>-;_,:,;u N..,J,
anJ\(s!, t:tn h c=!.. on,, t, ru-:::: I' -r..1..""-'- t"d t,b• tl,.,, fN',.:-ttl
n::sn,, • h r, ..,'3.IN. f ~ (te)
1857 14S
~ f,ll -.II'- n..,._..,_.,
n..-,:,,. (I'c-)
'\f&Tl~~ l~l L,•,d~l,r!J,-,h"it!i.t!:,'1.· ..,..._!,~"-
ar'1 r&- ftl.-tl-
<t"l1t.,_ !. !?
1.•-4,.'- St:.\--::::rnt> r! =.,...- L."1 ..!.t--. r! ~ J,,..;,,.,.t,,
r tt
1857 149
' - MS foll.) 7; sizes 12" x 8" (Per.).
iray 80- 1-8. Statements of sala11es of employes wo1king in the office of
Aug. 8 C.-m-C. and othe1 places f 14
Jul. 23- 9, 10. Statements of anears of salaries due to employ~s wor}nng in
Aug. 8 vn.1iousplaces £ 3
I 1857 150
1!1:S.foll. 14; various sizes.
Jun. 1 1. 1'iir Husam 'Ali to Hafiz 'Abdul-Haq. Asks hnn to request the
King to send 5 sawii,rsto Jom the plot for ass~ssmatmg Capt. Eden,
..Pohtwal Agent at Jaipui f 1 (Pe1)
[Jun. l} 2. :i\iunshi Koch1mal to the officers of the army Will JOin them
with his men ma week, Capt Eden can be killed if they wtll send 20
sa10iirs Lo'JOIBthe consp1rato1s £. 1. (U1du)
Jun.~4 8 Saiyid Mubaiak Shah Khan, Kot10iil, to C -in-C. AshTI!f Kb,iip_,
Risii1ila1,has taken away the swoid and belt depos1te<lat the Kotwiili;
requests him to have them restored to Vazir Kha:p-, the owne1. f I•
.(Urdu.) _
Aug.4 , 4 Saheba, a carter, to C -m-C. Requests him to return his bullock
carts s01zed -at Alipur when canymg proVIf:?IOnsto the English.
(C -m-C 's orders to retmn them on the p1oduction of a secur1ty-boncl
executed by a reliable pers<m) f. I (U1du)
6 Secunty bond executed by Ghuliim Mhd ~an in favom of Saheba
" " carter. f I (Per)
,, 12 6. Col. Mhd Khizr Sultan to KotwaZ - Has rec~nved a pefu.tion:
£ I. (Per) - ·
7. LJ.St of officers a~d men f 2. (Per)
8 L1St of pape1s obtamed f1om the Kotwali and Tltanalis £ 1 (Per)
--- \ -
9 - List of papers found at the hou~e of RaJa Dana "]:fath f I

..- .., I 4 \ ,.: r 10 List of papers ~ntammg orde_!s of Kotwiils and Pltiinahdars•
£. 2. (Per.)
l l Kun Smgh, Col. of the Sikh iegiment, to C.-m-C Sikh sepoya-.aie
all faithful to the King f I. (Urdu )
-- 12. Enghsh translation of the above. £. I

I 1857 151
MS foll. 17, sizes 11'1 x 8" "
Copies of petrtions and letters from Devi Parshad, I;Ialam Ahsanullah
Khan othe1s - :
Jun. 13 l. --- to Lala Dev1 Parshad Prmce :Mbd 'Azim hns dnven
the English and seized 13 'cannons , asks him to send p1ov1s10~ mcu-
t10ued Ill the letre1 to the Punce f 1. (U 1du )

1857 161--concludecl
lune 18 2 - ro Mia DaviPanbA.d n... <ent 4 torch J,en1'0l'IInnil
some mnotard oil to the trenches at Idgah f I_ (Per)
" 18 3 Shadd! Ml;>d.Amrr, l.ii,h KJl,.al, to LAlA Devi Par,h•d. .A•l<o
lu.m to mpply bullock cart. for c,iny,ng provwon1. t I - (Per~
Jui 26 4 6 The King to C~asdiru, I,ashardar,, Qa•ngo, eto, of Hod,,l
nnd Poone.hpa. Direct,, them to follow the m.trucbon• of Sa1y1d
Mnahnrraf 'All 'lriio LO appomted Ta~11ldar of tbooo dmncu. f ll
1, ,, 6 The King to Sa1y,d Mwharmf All DJJ"COfllum to perform
hlB dnbeo wthfully nod honeotly f. I (Per)
Ang 8 7 SaJfn'r IW,unln to Me.nlnvi Ml;id Barfnlz '.Ah Roqne.ts him to
oend 120 solchero to goo.rt! the home of Mufti Sadrn'd Dm f l
,, 26 8 BaJfn'r Ral)mln to re m..C J Reqn..ta him to rnpply n Loroe
BI lua o,rn hone hu boon hi.Jed m acnon t L (Urdu.)
9 lL AJ;u,ann'llah KbAn to L!la DovI ParzbAd A.h h,m to
mpply proVlBIOD", eto., at Sabnmnnch, Telnrara and Qudaahbagh.
f 8 (I er)!
12, 13 FiUJ .Al_unnd to Manlav! SarfrAz 'All H .. deserted tho
EngU.h and Joined the foroo t 2 (<lophnat.. )_ (Por)
14(a) LAlADov! r..rohGd to ll)br!m nd Donlab lkqnoot, him to
l!lllldaJ 1D&J1Y oxen ns he can to tho trenobes , 4 cimnoru hue been
l>Cluilfrom the Englt!h
(h) Iht,r&m tr'd Dankh to Lila Dovl Pnnlmd U'" oent 40 prun,
of oxen nnd will IICn<l more QI ooou QI nvnilnble. f 1 (Por)
16(a) ll)tll'Am n'd Danlah to L!JA Dev! PnrtLAd Ilefora him to
C 10 C for tho 1111pply of provwon1 as ho l■ nru,hle to otwnd to L1 ■
(hi ll)br!m_,,d Donlah to LllA Dovr Panh~d King', panra•aA
mll ht, nned to O m C for tho 111ppl1of prD1'1IIODI. f l (Per )
J6 J,fobnd Lat to Davi Panlul.d Send ■ him II piece, of
•h•wl, nnd oai:ahim for tbo tnpply of ■eveml li1l1l a/1 for dl■tn1inhon
t I (Per)
17 The King to Dhol& Nnth D,w~n o[ Dbuntpnr State D,rr~la
!,Im to kill ll Eogli■hmon who o.roIn tho aerv1coof !111 Btoto f I

1857 162
:1.1S foll li0 nnon■ me,,
MayU l Shni'§b D,nsn ~•ik nnd ntber■ of the 441h rc;:,m,nl to !l,o
kmS' Ilepo,t !bot !ho nrt,llery men acized fmm them POhoiv< .,,.1,1,b
lb•y 'ITtrn ul,nE: to Me<rut (l-.1ng'1 !llllogrnpli direc!,nS' -C ln-C lo
cnquuo foto the matter) f J (P~r)
1857 152-co11tin1tcd
2. Gnur'i 8h'lnhnr f-;ul,ul, B11brncl1c1
)fajor, fo tlie King. Prnys
f11n11emfor<'cmen{-,m·l) 110..,cnii{o 111mnh he 1-;short of men. (King's
orclrt, to C.-m-C to i-end 1 cmfo1oementi;) f. l (lh<lu )
3 C -in-C fo the Kmg. l'rn, s t,h:it GOscpoyc.nn<l 20 Mwars mn.y
)1 "
bn i:;entto l11m to gunrd the prO\p::ions. (Krng's nutogrn11h <l1rcctiug
]\tir Jlnulnr Hmmin to Fend them) f 1. (Per)
)J so 4. The Kmg f o oflirct& nnd men of the 4th Rtsiila They sl1ouid
not molc~l nml rob nny one on their \\ny to the Hoynl Court. f 1.
Jon 9 r,, {; -in-C io f he King. G!'n. !A b<lu~Snmncl Khiin lmc;n<lvised
him not to ~o to Hie trrn<'hc...m: i ho f:old1crf:nrc not to be trusted (King's
nufogriph directing C.-m-C to follow the instructions of tho Gonernl)
r 1. (l)cr)

,, 10 G fJ'hc King, fo C -in•C Dirc<'{qliim to Fci1c provisi◊ns supphed

hy Guli1h Smgh nnd other.:, to the Engfo;Ji. f. 1. (Per)
,, lG 1 Tinc:nnt, to C-in-C.
7. inh1t<tl1 1{J1iin, 'J'liii11<1ll(hir Requcstc;liim to
i:;uppl) pro, tf-ioni. nc; 2,000 'l'rla11,qfiswho deserted the English nrc
C).pcctc<lto ntn,c nt hi'l fldi11ali f. 1 (Pm.)
,, 18 8 The Ring t-0 C -in-C. Di reels lum to issuo pa110iinahs to the
officers of E=:appcrsnn<lmmcrs for diggrng trenches f 1. (Per)
,, 20 fl 'J'hc Kmg to C -in-C. Ditcr{s lum to gunpowder from
the pcri;ons menhonc<lm tho letter f. 1 (Per.)
" ,, 10 'l'hc to C -m-C Directs 1nm t') nppoint guords to look
nflcr the bullock cni ts rnrrJ ing saltpetre for gunpowder f J. (Per ) .
,, 21 11 'l'he King to C.-m-C. Directs him to secure ten(s £1om volunteer
:rn<lother regiments nnd hnnd them o,·e1 to the .J\:f uk<loon regiment
f. l (Per.)
,, 23 12 The Kmg {o C -m-C. Directs ·llim to see that no one seizes the
p1ov1s1onssent to the trenches. f l (Pm )
,, 27 13(n) 'The Kmg to Khwn,1nh Nasiru'd Din K11iin,T!tiinahrliir, Badm-
pnr Despntchcs 20 Rcpoyi; nnd l 0 sa1oli1 s to act as gum<ls and dnects
him to sendJ;hem back when not rcqmre<l (Per)
(o). Tltana'hclih, Dadnrpur, to the Kmg Intimates the nir1val of 20
sepoys and l O sawiirs. f I (Urdu)
,, 20 14. The King to C -m-C Directs h1m to supply boats to ferry
the faoops ac1oss Jumna as the bndge has been damaged by floods.
f 1 (Pei )
,, 30 15 C -m-C to the Krng. Sends an elephant seized £1om the
Enghsh f. 1. (Per )
Jul 1 16 C -m-C, to the Krng Boats are ready, sohc1ts his 01de1s
where to stat10n the troops (Krng's autogiaph directing C.-m-C to
station the troops outside AJmer Gate ) f 1 - (U 1du )
17 Enrolment list of sepoys unde1 1\iaualvi 'Abdul 'Ali, lJaro;ll.ak
of the Jail. f. 1. (Per)

1867 162-continued -
Jul. 9 18 0 m O 1 to the King Trenchesat Salmmandt h&ve been
captured and z enemy gnno hne l<l1%8d,
been Sarfru: Kbllll1
™flddr, and Ml)d KllAn gunner, have deterledthe Enghlh and Jom"'1
the mnlmeert f. l (Per)
"u 19, 20 0 m-C to the Kmg Spoke to the officen, of the army
and tned to pennade them to obey the orden of the Kmg but they do
11ot agree,.,anhnu~ the,r pebbOIIL f 2 (qnphC!ltel) (Per)
IJ ,, llL O m-C to the Krog Bobnub, a lat of arlioleo beloogmg to
the mnguroe, found m the house o£ Moluf, a coolie. f l (Urdu)
21l Lm ofe.rtu,}e,, foood m the honoe of Mo!W f. l (Urda)
" 'I
I! 10 28 Ollicen of tbe 11th regnnent to C~m C. Reportthat Mahabir
Singh oepoywu found ai,leep while on duty (0 m-C ~ them to
give !um a l!tntehlepmuahmeot) f. 1 (Urda.)
17 £4 C -m--0 to the Kmg Compl.o.uu, that Ml)d Bakht KbAna
not on fnendly term ■ with !um and le&d■ the anny Jn■t a, he choose,.
f 1 (Per)
111 25 C !n-C to the Kmg Pp.y,, tlmtthe Gen1m4 of the &m11y
foree may~ drrected to aend reinforcement,, to .ALpore. f 'l (Per)
,, 30 )16 l, m-C to the Krn,8' P!"_1'."tbn.t .A ■ad.KhAn R11,1lrJilrmay bo
sopplled with the armo reqom,d. (K mg'■ aOW!ftnph direotrng C. w-0.
to ■apply !um mth nnn■) f. l (Urda.)
j\ng 1 27 Khwliah Khan!t 'All, .M•~•H m the office ot C m-C, to the
fuog Pr•yo that the Ko/,cal may be dlffleted to mppll_ provalon ■ to
2,000 oepo,.. encamped near the
J nmna bndge. f I (t'P )
u u ~ KhriJ•h Khe.irat 'All, Mu,U m the office of C m-C
to the Kmg Reqnett■ him to replaoa" company of the 18th rog,ment
by nnother enco.mpod 10 the !town BOd allow the comJJIUIY to ;lom 1ta
regiment at AUpnr t. l (Urda.)
2 29 Qbnl!m Mnhln d Din, Rualdar of the Tonic force to tho Kmg
Pmy■ that 2,000 deaertero from the Enghoh ttgt. m,,y 1,e •UJ'l'lredmth
nnn■ and money (K,og'■ &utogroph clirechng C m-C to do the need
foll) f 1 (Urdu)
30 Pnnco Ml!d.Ilnkbt Khln
to the King Pmy■ tlmt be tnAJ'bo
■nppl,cd mtb crumon■ of nnon■ meo and .bell■ ('o nutograph
~ C ,n-0. to ■apply them) f. l (Por}
31 The Kmg to the office,. of the llomlmy foroo Dll'ecto thcnt
" 11 to como to Delhi hy double marches and present theimelve,, at the Ro:y,J
Court- f. l (Per)
:12 Col Mh<l Kh1fr Bnl!_anto the office,. nf thoanny 1tepaihnt,,
tho rnmoun of b11 def"'1t 1 =ttt them or lus ~1ctor; and direct■ theu>-
to plffCnt thcnucke■_nt the Royal Court. f 1 (Urda)
,, 13 33 ~ King to Kimmal !ah Kh!n nnd other officer, or I.he=.-
Dtttd■ th,m to accompany tlio Gwallor foreo under the commaod of
tbm Rajo and cnpturo the fort of ,\kl=al,nd C 1 (Per)
1857 15hcontinu,ed
Aug 18 84 Mhd Tahsin "Ali to tho Kmg Prays that a name may be
given to his newly raised regt. , (Kmg's autograph direotmg Samsamud-
Dauluh to name it 'Faiz') f. 1 (Urdu.)
,, 23 35 (a). Col 1\1:hd Khizr Sultan to the officers of the Sikh force
The Kmg praises the Sikhs and directs them to send 6 oompames to
(o). Offic~1sof the Sikh force to the Colonel. Their soldiers
have gone to the trenches at TeJiwar~h. f 1. (Urqn).
" ,, 36 Gen :i\ihd Bakht Khan to C.-m-C. Has circulated his
pa-rzoiinak to the officers to present themselves to C -m-0.'s Court
f. 1. (Per.)
,, JJ 37. Bhawiini Singh to the Kmg Prays that enqmnes may be
made mto the character of the employes to be engaged m the magazme.
(King's autograph chrectmg C.-m-C to do the needful) £. 1. (Per )
- '
,, 26 SS Jeo Jlamand other officers of the 3rd regt. to the Kmg.
Report dissatisfaction among the ~oldier~ as late amvals are now motud-
ed in the rank. f. 1. (Urdu.)
39 Niir Mhd Khan, R1saldar- o:f the 10th Regt ,_ to t~ !{4!g
Report13that the officers of the regt have disarmed, illtreated and disband-
ed the 1egt; solicits 01ders to reorgaruse it (Kmg'~ ~rders to that
effect ) f 1. (Urda ) 1

Sep 9 40. Col Ahmad Khan on duty at Ghaziabad to the ,!rmg Prays
~hat remforcements may be sent to him very soon. (Kmg's autograph
drrectmg C.-m-C. to Fend the same ) f 1 (Urdu )
41. Alhth Bakhsh and Tah' Yar Khan, Subahdiirs, to the Kmg
They·wtll go to tne trenches as directed (Kmg's autograph duectmg
tl}.emto go to the trenches i,oon ) f. I. (Per )
4-~ C.-m C. to the King Submits petitions of those who are
desirous of enhstmg themselves m the army (K111g'sautograph direct--
mg. C -m-C. not to enhst any one now ) f 1 (Per ) •
43 C -m-C to the Kmg Has been m the trenches for 2 days
~nd i~ c9nfident 0£ vwtory f 1. (Per)
44-.. 0-in-C., Col Muzii. Ml}.(1-Abu'lij:asan and other princes, to the
Kmg Pray that they may be accompamed mth 4 regiments of Tilan-
gas, 2 risalas and 12 cannons (Kmg's f!,utograph directmg them to
consult the officers before-startmg) f I (Per)
45 Ghnliim .'A.Ii,narouJ.ak of the l\fagazme, to the Kmg Prays
, that ordet'S may be passed for occupymg the .,houseof l\fuzii. ~-gchak
Sultan to store ammumfaon, etc f 1. (Per.)
46-7 Jawahrr Smgh on duty at Meerut, Rawshan Smgh and
other zamtttdiirs, to the Kmg Pray that remforce~ents may be sent
to them soon (Krng's autogiaph chrechng C -m-C. to sond ieinforce-
ments.) f. 2 (duphcates) (Per) ' ''" '

1857 152-concludecl
48, KA.olu D!lbe to the K,ng Reports that the 6oth Reg,me!lt W
been attacked by the Englu,h J pmyt that he may be imppUed ,nth &rW-O
and money f I (Urdu.)
40 Mihr P!nd!, S.baldar to the Kmg Prep that lua men met1
boned m the letter =y be given their wegeo. (King• autograph to
the effect that there le no money In the treuury) f 1 (Urdu.)
--- 50 Nlmd,I., Kb~n nnd othero to the Kmg Pmy lMt pormlso,on
'=l be given to 10 of them to aocomp,tny the arm;r going f.o1.feerut.
(King'o o.ntogmph dueotmg them to 0011.1Ult O m C ) f l (Per)
n Ju.jab JI.IIto the Kmg Pmp that the C !n..C mo.y be ""Icedto
dtreot Natthll Kh!n to enpply u mnoh ammnn1bon a. ,. reqnu-ed.
("Kllll:"1 ~u!ograph dtrechng O m..C to enpply ammnrution and replnce
Natt!.!'! KhAn by a rohahle pem,n) f 1 (Per)
62 Sa1yid Ghn!Am Murte.:A, R,,aldar, 18th Regiment to the Km!(
He 1r1th bromen hu deoerted the Engh1h and want. to oerve the King,
pmyo that he may be oupphed mth arm• and money (Kmg'•auw-
graph directing O -m-C to help Jum.) t l (Urdu.)
tiS. The King to C In O Freon enlutment of Sopoyo cannot be
nndertalen for want of money t I (Per)
54-6G The Kmg to Pnnoe Mbd Ro.kbl Khan Thr,cto him to
onpply _provwon.o and ammnmbon to the .Nunacli force, f 2 (dnpll
cate,) (Per)
66 The Kmg to C~m..C Sende provwon.o menboneil ,n tho loUcr
f. 1 (Per)

1857 153
MS foll 18 l'UJOltl lUN.

1uL ll 1 The Kmg to C-ln..C D1recto him to bola • conn011 of offietr!I

to dOTioomlltUlllfor rn.. mg monoy f 1 (Per)
., 10 2 Sbeo film, Ti! I y!r h.bln and other ofllcen to C in-C l'ropose
lo borron- money, required for the pre<ent, from nny 1.anler and n"°
contribution ■ from the people f 1 (Urda)

" 12 S, 4 C In C to the King Submit. propa"'l.s made Ly the

officer1 for nmng money l 2 (dnphc:ite.) (Per)
,. 15 5 Tne King to C 1n..C D1rcct. him lo gn:,rd U,., pmonoro cnrc-
fully eo thnt noae m•y c.cnpo from the Jail f J (l'cr)
,, 28 0 The King to C 1n-C D,roctohim to r.iuo money for the army
f. l (l'er)
7 Tbo King lo C 1n C Direct. !um to Lorron- R, 4 105 {ron:1
Ilmd~ban, L>nl:er, to f") the olbn-ance, of officera. f J
" ,, 5 The King nclnottlcdire- the rtct1pt o' R, 4,105 frolll D1ndri\dn,
l,iu,lm f I (Ptr)
1857 153-concluded
Jul. 29 9 Bond executtd by the Kmg for the above sum m favour of
Dmd.iuban. f I. (Pei )
,, 10. The King to :M"ukand Lal. Directs him to repay the above
" sum of money to Bintlraban. f. 1. (Per)

Aug.~ 11. C -m-C. to the Kmg Prays that orders may be passr :r for raising
c6ntribut10ns £or the marntenance of the army from Hind 0 s-1ia Mussul-
muns equally. (Kmg in his Q.utograph approves of 1t.) _ / (Per)
,, 10 12. The King authonzes the Court to raise money by all possiLle
means. f. !· (Pei.)
,, £3 - 13 l\fathura Dns and Sahgriim, bankersJ to the King -ffhey have
already coutr1buted Rs 7,600 and beg to be excused from any further
payment. £ 1 (Per)
,, 25 14. Nawazish .'A.Iito l\faulavi l\tfhd Sarfraz .'Ali. Requests hzm to
provide his uncle Qamm 1\.li with a swtable post rn Thanesar Tahstl.
f. 1. (Per.)
,, 27 lo The K1ng to C -m-C Directs him noi to pr~ss Ramji Dus for
further contributions. f J. (Pei ) ,;,
16 C -in-C to the Kmg. Prays that 1\1:iizaMhd Bakht may be
ordered not to raise money n om the people. (Kmg m his autograph
declines to do so ) f 1 (Per )
17 Col. 1\'.ll}dKhiir Sultan to the Kmg. Complains that Bngadier
MaJor Gaun Shankar has msttgated the banke1s not to pay any money
to the Pnnces. (Kmg'b autograph d1rectmg him not to realize mon&y
from the shop-keepers.) f 1 (Per}
18 Habib Bakhsh and other prisoners to the Kmg- The C,-in-0. has
impnsoned them for not payrng Rs 60,000 Pray that they may be-
released. (Kmg- s autograph ditectmg C -m-C to get seouuty from
them to the effect that they will not assist the English agam m any way
and release_them.) f 1 (Per)

1857 154
MS. foll 3 , vanous sizes (Urdu.)
1 Fazz M:hd Khan to Kotwal. Requests hun to send a certain
person to repair his sheath f 1.
2 1\1:irza Yusuf to Sa1y1d Mubarak Shah Khan, Kotroiit Requests
lum to roloase bis se1vant Lohia. f 1
8 Zari.£fil.i to Kl!uda. Bakhsh Khan, Naib Kotwal Roquests him
to release hzs ox.en seized by the Phanahdiir of Fruzbazar f. L

1857 155
MS. foll 4, vanous sizes (Per)
J nl. 29 - 1 'Abdul Ghaffar Kh1.n,Rv8iildiir of the 9th regiment to Kotwal.
Int•mates the a1nval of 2 water-suppliers and request~ hnn to send oxen,
eto, f. 1,

1857 166-concl!ldetl
J"ol 1!9 ll O in..C , to DI~ Direct. hnn not tn occupy the holllll of
J.[filix'Abdur RnhmAnfor accomodabng the wonnded. f 1
Aug 19 3 CoL Mid 'Abdul (Th.oifArKhAn,to .KolrNl, lu.m to send
'-- the C.iatui.ln of the tent-maker. f 1
Sep ll fthi,,,!-
Col :Mli,d 'Abdnl Qh&iftr JDi!n to K,zltcal AJn!um to .end
~t-malrnr and a oobbler f. 1

1857 156
MS folL ', ""'10DI 11%ef.
Ang 1£ l (a) BhAoSu,g!t, Naih Kol1t1al,to the I>liro14d of the Mag,uintr
A.h hlm to B11pply10 doohe-. (Urdu.)
• 19 (3) H&fu Paual !ah, IJaroqAaAof the Mag,wne to Bh4o Srngh
Hu aent 10 dooh01 to O m-C, 11 unable to anpply more f l (Per}
Sep. 7 £-8 Kb,nd! BakJioh Kh&n1 NiM Kol,>dl, aolrnowledge. the receipt

of i panoifaa11 1aued hy O in-C f. 2 (Urdu & Pet)
4 n,bi!.riLa.I,olerlc of the Mag,wne, to Eoil!Xll IntunateJ tM
am.val of 47 cooliea f. I (Ptrr)

:MS folL 18 vanon, IIUC9.

J"nn. 13 l Shaikh RA;ab fill, Ja■ 'dilr In the Mng,wne, to C rn-C

Roquea!1him to anpply anrpontera. (0 -m-0 dlreota the Kvl ,,;JI to
comply) f. 1 (Urdu.)
10 ll Dally report of the f!a•o.i, Iahoro Gate. f I (Urdu.)
,, 18 ll ShailtlJ Rajah .l\lI and Sndhari JA!, Ja,.'dar, In the 1,[ag,wne, to
Kol1t1al Roqn..t b,m to ,upplr 60 cool,.. and 30 buht. to th
trenchea at Shih Ilurj L l (Per)
20 4 Rhrulih Ra.iab .l\11and Sn<lhnri Lil, ;a,. dar, ln the ].fogn11ne,
to Klilw,al Reqnerl !um to ""nd olmddle-malm. f. I (Per )
J'ut ll4 5 Shaikh RaJab fill and Sndhnrl ut, J• .. 'dar, m the 1,l"l:1%1n~,
to KJlrcal ll,qu..t hlm to ,ead O bullock aru to carry prnrllioru.
f. 1 (Per)
.. ,, f 1
O Sh!u"kbRa.iab .l\11to Kol,cal Request., h,m to ,end 40 mnln.
Aug 7 7 Siulikh R•i•h .l\11to Kotral Request, him to "1ld ll cwyc.-.
and ll carpenter.. ! l (I'tt)
8(a) &iyld MnMruk SbJlh Khan KolrJI, to the J.,,.'ai1ro! the
Mag,wne Alk• him to send 3 more art•
(6) Sha,1tl) Rnjob fill to tLe J..otral I, tuL11hleto a<ndthe .. me J
send,, aunelo f 1 (P<r)
,, 10 I> Shaikh Raiob .fllI, JJ,,..,,A,J of the Magar,M, to J..,/;:l/ llt-
qnem !um to ffild a cut. f l (l'er J
185'i 157-~conole11ded
_ Aug 10 10. Shaikh RaJab 2\.li, l)ii,10(1J_ak of th~ Mngazme, to the Kotwiil.
R~quests him to send 15 coolies to the trenches at Qudsiah Bagh f. L
,, 23 _ 11 (a) Khuda Bakhsb Khan, lviiio Kottoal, to the .Diiro[l/J.ah.of the
Magazme. Asks him to send 4 carpenteis.
(b). Shaildi RaJab 2\.lito Nath Kotwlil. Is unable to send carpen-
ters. f 1 (Per.)
,, 24 12 Shaikh RaJab .'A.Iito K'ot10al. Inhmates the amval of 6
carpenters. £. 1 (U1du) •
26 13. Shaikh RaJab .'Ali to Kotwal. Requei-ts him to send 21500
" carpente1s f 1. (Per.)
Sep. 7 14 Shaikh Rajah .)\Ji to Kotwal.- Complains that Jagan and
Buddha Seth, employes m the Magazme, have been detained by the
Thanalzda, of Begampur. £ 1. (Pei.)
15-16. Shaikh Ra3ab fili to Kot-wal Requests him to supply 200
baskets ' f 2 (Per)
17 Shaikh Raiab 2\.li to Kotwal. Acknowledges the receipt of 25
baskets £. 1 ( Urdu )
18 Shaikh RaJah 2\li to Kotwiil. Requests him to supply 25 bullock
carts. f. I. (Pei )

1857 158- ,
MS foll 2 ; vanous size~ (Pet ) ,.,.
May ~4 I Shaikh Ra3ab ~Ii, 1Ja1ogl!_ahof the M8t:,CJ1tzine,to the Knig
' Prays that his houses and p1ope1ty may be protected from the depreda-
tions- of the sepoys f. 1
1tin I 2 'Shaikh Rajah }\Ii and Sudhan Lal, IJa1ormalts of the :Magazine,
to the Kmg Complam that th.~ir houses are searcl1ed every now and
then by the sepoys without any reason (Ve1s0 Krng's orders to issue
11arwiinahsto the Tkanakdiirs of Faizbnzar and Degampur) £ 1.

1857 159
MS. 28, vanous sizes.
May 19 1. ].fii RaJab fil.i, 1'ah1oildiir, to:Kotwi"il Acknowledges the receipt
of certam clothes and other articles £ 4 (Per )
Jul. 6 2 Sa1yid Kbairiit 5-\.li,an adJntant m the 8th reg1D1cnt,
to .Koiroal.
Requests him to send 4 tailors. f 1. (Per.)
Aug. 5 3 Sa1yid KJ!airat~Ii, an adJufont m the .Sth regiment, to K.otwiil.
Sends a certam prisoner. f 1. (Fer)
,, 20 4 Saiy1d Khairiit ~li, adiutant, 8th regiment, to [Koltriil]
Requests him to p1ov1dehim with n piece of wood nnd n. pigeon-house
f L (Per)

1857 159-concludecl
--- 5 Faqlr Cruuid, clerk, Tla•a.l Gumr Allahnbad to Koiral liu
rnb!Dltted a Iut of cattle belongmg to the mtllanen o£ the town f. I
6--27 Sa1yld Klla.u!t filI to KJt,cal Request. !um to mpply
t&tlon1 tent-malrnr11, oaddl&-mokerJ, water-oiuneni onn, onmelo,con
-veyanooo,etc. f. 22 (Per J
28 Bo.tpd Kha,1:11tfill to KJ/dl lntunnte. the nmval of 8 watcr-
rnppll81'8 f. I (!'er)

1857 160
:MB foll 8 vanom rues (Per)
May 20 1 :M,.4bllb fili KhAnto Q!z! Famtl-lah, KJt,ciJJ ~la !um to
appoint ~ for Lahore Gate. f I
80 2 Mal;tbilb 'All KhAn,to run Farntl lab. Am !um to 111pplr
proVl.lDorumenhoned Ill tbe letter f. I
S MaJibab filI KliAnto QuI F=nl lab BendJIa Jut of tho banken
of the town o.nd aak■ bun to send 7 Sepoys. f. I
4 Mnl).Mb ill! Khiln to QAzI Fuml lab. A.oh bun to renllte
Ro 7,000 from the people. f. I
7 5 Mal)bilb ~U ]Di&n to Clul Famtl-lah. Aola him to send the
iewellon, mentioned in the letter to the fort. f l
11 0 M~Mb ~II Kh!n to QW F,urul W. Aoki him to rnpplr
proVl.111001 to the 111a•9a1.tahoned at the gate of the fort. f. l
7 Jagnnnath anu other 1hopkeepon to C m-C Rcqocot h,m ~
remoro a mnn who p!,,yo Englhlt mtw0 anu thn1 crooks duturhonCCtl
nenr thOU"1hopo. f l
'ii ~blib All Kmn to Dhool AJ.'ubun to oilon mon!I] !tom
litwkcrv. f l

1857 161
~IS f l, eue 141"x 101" (POT)
Bop 21 Enlatmont roll of acpap Lolongtog to 'Al! Ghaul reg,menL

1857 162
&p - MS foll 2 J me 10" x 01• (Per)
Statement of ao.lnriea
of ofliccn.

1857 163
\IS f l l me 0I" x 01• (Per)
Statement of "'larleaof Ja.,•dar,

1867 161
,1s foll 2 1tt0 9• X 01• (Per)
Statement of IIW!n"5of cmplo,c-1
1857 165
MS. foll. 10, size 8" x 6½'' (Per)
-- Register of payments and other accounts

1sa'i 166
MS 'foll. 2, size 13" x 811 (Hmch).
List of names of men.

1857 167
MS. foll 16, vanous sizes (Pei )
1-9. Lists of names of o.ffice1sand men.

1857 168
MS foll. 4 , vanous sizes (Per )
Jun 7 1 Mll'za Jawan Bakht to Kotwiil. Dnects him to ask the people
to retmn the arms belongrng to the Nlagazrne £. 1
2 l\'.Ii1za Jawan Bakht to Mhd Amir, Niiib Kotwiil. Acknowledges
" " the iece1pt of 2 muskets £ 1
,, 7, 9 3-4 1'1:irza Jawan Bakht to Mhd Amir, ltaib Kot10iil Dnects
him to send 2 cannons and 6 ho1ses seized from the Englwh and ::1
muskets_ received from the Tlziinalt, Guzar Qasnn Khan. f. 2,,

1857 169
l,f S foll 5 , various sizes ( Pe1 ) ~
Aug 8 1 Col Mhd Umar l{hiin, Commander of the Mukdoon regiment to
_ Kotwal Asks him to provide Shaikh Kara.mat .'A.Iisepoy With a
doohe and 4 doohe-beare1s to take his father home f 1
,, 10, 28 2-3. Col Mhd Umar Kb,an, Commander of the l\fukdoon regiment,
to Kotwiil Asks him to send 2 coolies and a tailor £ 2
,, 28 4 Col l\fhd Uma1 Khan, Commander of the Mukdoon 1egiment, to
Kotwal Abks him to send a, cei'tam Ta!zsildiir who 1etmned from the
trenches f 1
5 Col. :rvthdU mar Khan Commander of the 11:ukdoon rog1ment,
to Kotwiil Asks him to send a carpenter £. 1

1857 170
1vfS foll 5. vauous sizes.
Jul. 3 1 :Mhd Baltht Khan to Kotwal Directs him to announce that
- unbl a new oom 1s struck ,the English douhle p1cc shall bo cm rent,
f 1. (Per)
,, ,, 2 Mhd Bakht Khiin to Kot1,,fil Censures lrnn fo1 his nc;
tho citizens to present them<;clves nt C -rn-C's court f 1 (Pei )
Aug 13 '3 1\lhd Bnkht KJ1iin fo Shaikh Sh1La.bud- Dm. Dircds bun to
sond 3 camels. T. l. - -

1857 _ 170-concludecl
.Aug 18 4 Ml;td Bakbt Kh!n to Kotral Threet,, bun to make engmne.
about 2 person.,arruted on III>J>HllOn
of OIJ>'On&ge f l - -
5 :1.Il;idBakbt Khln to Kot,caJ Proolamu that ho hu been
empowered [by the Kmg] to receive revenueo, eto., from u•••aat,,
f, l (Urda)

1857 171
.Aug 19
MS t I = 1i•x e• (Per)
Khwai• A,4nu.d Kliln, T•~"ltfar, to KM.,al Aob h,m to an
nonnce that a court bu been eotablahed to receive revenUM, eto

1857 172
MB foll 9 vnnon1 '"'"
May 30 l 1ari!A NAth clerk 10 the office of O 10-C, aobtowledge, the
-pt of an applicabon onbm,tted by the to C u,-C f l (Per)
Jon z Z JawAlA NMh to Ki!t,cal Enqm""' whether he hu 1100t
bullool..-carto uh !um to oend 10 'mlter-ollpphert f, 1 (Per)
4 S J"anl.l.1' to UI& BhAn Smgh, 1\a,6 Kotral Will oend the
" ;pnc,,of corn after C m-C hu approved of it. f 1 (Per)
8 4(a) J"awil! Nith to E;;t,ral B®da money to pnrohue mnat,,rd
" oil and ch,,roo,il for him (Per)
(6) Kohro.l n.h the T!,a•aMar of &gv.mpnr to pnrcbue ,the
O!Ulle. f. I (Urda)
,, H. 5 The Kmg acl::nOll"ledgeo the rece,rt of pl'OTil!Olll from tb•
abop-keepe111of Gnzar Danna.t l (Per J
23 6 C m-C chrecu J"nlfllo Nith to pa1 Ra 50 to :M1nA .ALii
Bakr (Urda)
Jul 1, 7 --to Mlrm .AM Bakr h,m to roqae.t the C -in C to
ll&Oea par,r•••! to the effect that no one ahonld molcrl the beam
u he 11 n aervant of the lung f L (Per)
8 Clerk, TAa•a! Pah!rguni, to JawilA Ni!h Benda 33 cooheo
t l (Per)
0 Jari.lii NAth to Major- Will oend the lut of canlry
roon t l (Urdu)

1857 173
,rs loll. 21 V&l'JOUI oat11
I :1,ll}d Fa,f Bk!iub, J[.,.,l,, N1macb £or~, to Salyld 'foblral<
SbAb Kh~n, Ko/real Intunateo the amval of 8 bullocl:-arts.
r I (rcr)
2 'Inn.b, .Ahmad Hanlu, iu!Jmalco the aml'al of Khndi
&Jtl!1b. I 1 (Urdo)
1857 173-oontinued
Jul. 30 3. i1hd Faiz Bakhsh to- Kotwiit Requests him to show a oertam
house to a military doctor to enable, him to- ascertam whether it will
suit his r~quirements. £ 1. (Urdu). _ _
JJ JJ 4. M hd Fair. Bakhsh to 'Kotwiil Requests him to find out a big
house fo1 the accommodation of dancmg '\vomen comm g with the
Nun.a.oh fo1ce (Verso. Kotwiil refuses to accommodate such-persons)
f 1. (Per.)
Aug. 2) 3 fi,6 Mhd .F1a1zBakhsh, .M1tnsht, Nllllach force, to Saiyid Mubarak
Shah Khan, Kotwiil Requests hrm to send prov1S1ons to the N 1maoh
foice £ 2 (Per.) (
,, 3, 4 J ,8 Mbd Fa.rn Bakhsb to KottDiil. Requests him to send 2 blank
iegisters, peu-kuives, etc. f. 2. ( U1du & Per)
,, 10 9 M.hd Faiz ,.,Bakhsh to Kotwiil Requests h1m to provide the
se1vants of the Kmg witn badges of distmction and 1et\11n hIB
2 sw01ds when iepaired. (Verso Kotwal sends badges ) £. l. (Urdu)
,, 10,16 10,11 :Mhd Faiz Bakhsh to Kotwiil Requests him to repiim~nd
1\fathura Smgh, Thakur Tewal'l and other soldiers who fled away fiom
- their regiments and send them to C.-m-C £ 2. (Urdu). ,
,, 10 12 Mhd Faiz Bakhsh to Kotwiil. Requests bun to send 6 camels
to the N1mach foice-£. 1. (Urdu)
,, 18 13 Mhd Faiz Bakhsh to Kotwiil Requests him to send Parshad
Hawaldar and K1shon Chand ~who are agam quanellmg over a house,
to the Court £ 1 (Urdu)#
,, 24 14 'Mhd Fam Bakhsh, Mitnsln, N1mach force, to Khuda Bakbsh
Khan, 1'laib-Kotwal Requests him to supply prons1ons f l. (Urdu)
' r ,
,, 15 Mhd -J!'aiz Bakhsh, lt.unshi, N1mach force, to K_huda Bak:hsh
" Khan, Natb-Fotwiil - Requests him to send 16 oxen f. 1 (Urdu)
,, ,, 16 1\Uid Paiz Bakhsh, Munshi, Nrmach force, to Khnda Bakhsh
Khan, Naib-.Kotwal Requests him to send a scale and a weight
of .6 seers f 1 (Urdu) ,
Sep 12 17 Mhd Faiz Bakhsh, 'Munsln, Nrmach force, to Mirza '~1hd
Bakht Req nests him to send the parwiinalt regardmg the supply
of remforcements to Get: &udpal'l Smgh and .Bngad.i~r MaJor Hara
Singh f. l. (Urdu). '
'.! 13 18 :Mhd Ikramulla, Tltiinalula1, Kashmir Gate, to Kotwiil. Has
sent 7 seers of sulphur f 1. (Per ) ,•
,, 14 - 19 Mhd Faiz Bakhsh to Khuda Bakhsh Khan Requests hnn to
send a ca1penter. £:I {Urdu) -
--- 20 Mhd Fa1z Bakhsh to Khuda Bakhsh Khan. Requests him to
;retmn his sword when repaired. 'f 1.-(PerT '
21 1\fhd Fa1z Bakhsh, 111wski, Nimach fo.rce, to Sa1y1rlMnbarak
Shah Khan, Kotrval Requests him to supply a kmfe and a leathern
vessel for holdfog otl f.I (Urdu)


1857 174. ..._

MS foll. 3 , vanon1 ~ (Pe;)
L S.Uyid Tablmk Htl!IWl to Sa,y,d MubArak Shah KhAn, Kot,.al
Raqne,,t. hun to find out .. ox belonging to lmAm Ba)sblb f I
2 3 SslJld TabArak Hma.m to &iyid MnbAmk Shah KhAn,Ao/
ml Ikqoeot. him to topply 3 coo!ieo,2 ca.rbi," dool,e and 4 doot..-
hearem f. i
1858 175
MS foll. e van.Olli llffll (Per)
Anr 17 I JJl;td Romm KMpor of the Royal Recordto, to Khodd Bn!,h,h
Khan, J.a,b Ko/.,aJ Send. proc,edrngsof s caoe. f L
18 2, 3 Mhd l;Illllllln Keeper of the Roynl Record,,, aoknowledgeo
the receipt of proceedmgwof 2 cnos. f 2
4 !lni,I l;Iomm Keeper of the Royal Records to S.Jy,d :llobArok
Sbnh Khr.n, Kotrcal Reqo..ta hun to send the hot of cattle. f L
6 Tofa;:Jo'l l;Iwaun, NiJ.$,r Aokncnrledgesthe receipt of proceedrngo
of" cn&e f I
6 ~ HU11UnNanr, to Kofral Request,, !um to oend tho
copy of proceeding. of s cnoe. il

1857 176
11IS foll 2 J vnnOU1 mea(Per)
Aug 8 1 The Kmg to Kolrcull "nd TJ.a,.,ildar, HaldAr Humm Khanu
nppomted Snpen.ntendent of the :\Ingnnne. f L
JI !i 2 The King to S111yidAbul Humm. D..,reo to know p:11"11ct114ra
ngardmg Ilohtnk Dmnct. U.

1857 177
:MS foll. 17 J nnon1 llZCO

1no 17 1 1>LTJA Fd%11Deg to Lila Ja,r~IAJ\ilh, !um to poy Th, 2

to the gnte-keepelll of the fort for their nges. £1 (Per )
., l3 l 1'ImA FApl 1llg to Lila J'al!'llA J\Ath. .A,L,, him to 10nd a
tenL f.l (U rdn)
1ul 17 :i !llir:A P~I ~ ackno..-ledges the receipt of R,, 2,000 from IAlo
]\ andnnol, tr=rcr fL (l'er )
18 4 "•rzA Fop11lrg to Lo.IANnnwmnl .A.b h,m to ■end n, 1,000
for purclll"1ng pro,-J®na. f I (Pa)
6 ln-zA H!'ll 1kg to C m-C Ticqn,,,1 ■ h,m to ~ " par.-J•d
to the i:uord,, ol Turkon,an Onto to I"''" the fun,rul pfQCt'>,1ou of hi,
Ulecte f.L (Urdu)
~tJ:rINY - PAPERS I 889

1857 177--coi;wluded
Aug. 1 o :Mirza Faz1l Beg to Kotwiil. Asks hrm to supply p1ov1s10ns to
the Nasuabad fo1ce £ I. (Pei )
7 Mnza Fa:z1l Beg to Kotwiil. Asks him to ietmn 200 maunds of
pulse when pa1ched £ l (U1du).
8. l\1nza Faf,il Beg to Kotwal. Asks him to supply proVIS10nssoon.
£ l. (Per)
9. Mrrza F~tl Beg to Saiyid Haidar Husain. Retmns his telescope
and requests him to provide his son with a musket. (Kotwal supphes a
musket.) f.l (Per.)
10. Mirza Fazil Beg to C.-in-C RequestiS him to iemove the
sepoys from the house of the Begam. £ I. (Urdu)
-- 11-14 Muza Fazil Beg to Kotwiil. Asks him to supply pulse ~
the tienches f 4. (Pei and U 1du).
-- 15 l\'.lnza Faial Beg to Lala Jawala Nath Asks him to dissuade
Haida1 l;Iusain fiom fo1cmg Lala Sahgram -and others to contubute
money f.l. (Urdu.)
16 l\1:nza Fazil Beg to Lala Jawala Nath. Asks him to m£01m
C -m-C. of lus illness and to decide the case of , Ah Ahmad Khan r I
-- 1-7... - to Mi1za. Fazil Beg Requests hrm to ray the puce of 100
maunds of pulse and the wages of the gram-parchers. £ l. (U1du).

:M:s£0116 , va.rioue sizes.
Apul3 ] Bhagwant Ray, cle1k, to Naib kotwiiZ. Infu.mates the arrival of
2 cart-loads of pulse ,£ I (U1-du)
July 3, 5 2, 3 Bhagwant Ray, clerk, to Kot10al Requests lum to send 20
see1s of honey f 2 (Pei )
Aug 2 4 Bhagwant Ray, clerk, to KotioaZ Requests lum to send 40
maunds 0£ parched pulse £1 (Urdu)
-- 6 Bhagwant Ray, cle1k, to KotwiiZ.. Acknowledges the receipt of
3 5 ½maunds of pulse £ I (Per )
-- 6 Bhagwant Ray, cle1k, to .Kotwal. Acknowledges the receipt "i4½
seers of curds £.I. (Per.)

185'i 1'i9.
l\fS foll. 5, vmious sizes
'.May 25 1 (a) Col Mhd Khrn1 Su1tan to Kotwal Dhects hint to supply 100
maunds of 1ope £111ieparrrng the Jumba b11dge. (Per)
(b) 'Abdul Hakim Khan, ~NiitbKotzriil,sends the same £ 1 (Urdu).
11 31 2, 3 .Khuda Bakhsh Khan, cle1k, rnfamntes the arnval of 64 coolies,
1 carpenters and 5 masons. f 2, (Per.)

1857 179-c011oludecl
:Jul 3 4 Chhwmu L!I, Il6rog1d of the Jwnna hndge to Sa,yid llfoblrnl::
ShAh Khln K6ttcal Complama that oevera.lcoolies oent by bun have
ahsoonded fJ (Urdu)
6 Chhunnu LAI IJaroglusl of the Jumna bndge to Saipd Mublrnk
-SblB Kh!.n, .Mtwl Requeot. bun -to mpply 60 coolies and 20 bullock
cm-t. to m,rk at the J umna bndge fJ (Per)

1857 180
MS foll 2 vanOtI.1mes.
I :ilfukand LIil, .Alnd, of the King, to KMrcal Requeotsh,m not
to nccommodate the wounded per.on• m the baildmg nenr the bouae of
HAfi' J.U:iilAbdur &h1m of Gru:ar llhoJlapo.h,,n. f.l (Ptt)
2 -- 1,[nb,~d Lill H .. oent Tumgi L!l ond Knilas Ram
clerb, t-0resl,oe money from the T~a.aJdara, Gnmr Duibo. and GDZllr
AIIAhahad. LI (Urdu)

1867 181
l\[S foll 8 nnon■ .u.eo
l\Iay 29 L C 1n-O to Mil"%l .Abdul lab llahadnr Aob hun to 1end the force to Famoh K!wia. tl
Jn] 23 2 Sb0171hC!bnlAm AII1 IlarogA_al of the 1>fagu,~e, to Mir Saheb~
Aab him to oend iueo ana bru,hu, fl.
" 24
3 Shaikh fJbullm 'All, IJarodal of the l\[aga1.1ne to Mir Snheb.
Sendo 2 LuUool.-anu for carrymg proVI.Slon ■• f 1
IJ u 4 Sbu'll C!bnlAm 'All, lJarog&ai of the l\Iaguine to Mir Saheb
Acbiowledge,, the receipt of bul.:et., a.xe■, etc. f l
50 6, 8 Sta!ernenta of exp<!Dditnrelnourred by (Thnllm 'All, IJarod•l
of tbo Magu,ne f IS
Ang 10 7 Sbu'kb Qbnllm 'Ah to K6t,cal Requests b1m to aupply 5,000
&minybaga. U
8 Shigh (!hnlAm 'All to K61,.al Ileque■to !um to send a carpcn
ltt for repamng a bttllock-carl. f I

1867 182
l\[q foll 8 l nnon■ rutt(Urdu.)
?>ay 20 1 Ul& J'all'4!A
:t-.&th 1nhmAt,. the nmru
of Amir KhAn, arretfod
at Kutrnl, f l
Aug a 2 Ull Janll N.1th acknowltdgeothe tttt1pt of a partca••l to
aul'l'lv rulpbur f l
~ KhudAllak!J•b Khln clerk ,n the office o! Col :wrz1Ml,d
Kh~, SaltAn to Khndl DaltJi-h KbAn ,, J,~ Avlral Reqae,t■ li1m to
aboh,L guard. at a c,rlam plact U
1857 - 183.
:M:S foll. 3; vauous sizes
July 21 1 H H G1eathead, Comm1m,10ner,Delhi D1v1s1on,to F. W dhams,
Comm1ss10ner, l\feerut D1v1s1on J\1iihtfi.bRay, Tahsildar of Ghazrnd-
dmnagJ,1 and Ea.stein Pa1ganas is pa1doned and remstated m his
office f I. (Eng ) ,
2 F W1lhams to R H Dunlop, Distrrnt Magistrate and Collector,
:Meerut Asks him to hand over a pa110ana!t to Mah tab Ray autho-
nsmg the latte1 to take possesl:,IOnof his Tahsildiiri. f 1. (Eng)
Oct 7 3 l\fahtab Ray, to [an English officer] Gives p1oofs of his loyalty to
the English and p10duces the above 2 letters m support of the same.
f I (Urdu).
1857 184.
J\1S f. 1 , size 7!'' x 6¼" (Urdu)
Khushwaqt Riiy, se1vant of Samf;!amud Daulah, to KotwiiZ. Requests
rum to send Nannha.11, wood-seller, to the comt •
1857 . - 185.
MS foll. 25 , various sizes
J\'1:ay18 , 1 List oj employes m the Thiinah Faizbazar £ I, (Per).
,, 20 2 J.Vfhd N1zamud Dm, 'fhiinahclii1, Fa1zbazar, to C -1n-C Complams
that Air£ ,Khan and other ruffians with the aid of 2 Tilangas rob the
people of then property on the pietext of house-search. f L (Urdu)
Jun 7 3 Shaikh Mhd Amir Niiib Ii otwiil, to C.-m-C Sends 2 muskets
belongmg to the magazme, found m the possess10n of l\fhd K.b;an
f 1. (Urdu)
,, 13 - 4 Mirza ]\{hd Khan Beg, IJiirofllz.ah,to Kotwiit Sends a hst of
-articles belongmg to the Magazme, found m the house of Ilah1 Baksh
and Shaikh Chand f I (U1du)
,, 17- 5-12 Daily reports of BhoJlapahari and other Thanahs
Aug 6 -£ 8 (Per)
lfun.30 143 Sa'dul-lah Khan to C -m-C. His se1vices have been dispensed
with by the Thiinalular of PaharganJ , sohc1ts maintenance £ I (Urdu)
Jul. 2 14 Officers of the army-are di1ected to vacate the shops of Badr-
ud-dm, seal-engrave1 f I {Per )
,, 11-' 16 :Mhd 'Zahur 'Ali, Tlzanahdiir, NaJafga1h, complains that he 1s
1lltreated hy 'Abdul Karim and other Lamba1dii1s, prays that his
services may be transferred to the Thiinah Basant f 2 (Per.)
,, 24 16 Maula Bakbsh to C -m-C Complams that certiam Ttlangas
at the investigation of Badrud Dm 'Ali Khan, seal-engraver, have
assaulted and robbed him of his properties. f I (Urdu)
,, 21 17 (a) The Krug, to Thiinahiliir, Guza1 Itiqad Khan Duects him
to submit the hst and receipt of ornaments etc., made over to complai-
nant, Abdul Qadir. (Per)
(b) Tlwinahdiir, Guzar Ifaqad Khan, to the Kmg Sends the
reqmred hst and says that as it was not the prachce to get receipts in
such cases, he did not t,ake any nom' Abdul Qadir f I (U1du)

1857 , 185-condurleil
Aug 6 18 Li,t of arbclew found m the houee of Abdul OAdrr f L (Per)
19 Shaikh MJi.dSiddiq to K31r,al HIUI oent barqa,u,s Khad1m
" 6
Hmmm to gunrd the bouoe of Manlavi Ohnlim Al;nnad. f. I
., 28 20 Maul! BakJiBb, to C m-0 Comp!anu, that Badrod Dm All
Khim auaulW &nd robbed !um of hu propert,e,, and looked up ha
&iop f. L (Urdu)
, 20 21 Depoartion of Clun!.s who baa been arreoted on a rnap101on
of "'Jliomge f. L (Urdu)
Sep l 22 Recmr
Ju. men f
of payment. made to A,hraf 'Ali Khan, I/w,ldar, and
(U rdn)
" 6
23 Depoaition of R!m Dntt who blUI been charged mth theft of
2 mm ban, f. L (Urdu)
,. 16 2J. Mir Al:IWU>.t'Ah Khh Tlualilar Onmr Allabab:ul, to
C m-C Sende Slam Lill o.rreated on the charge of theft of 2 ropper
tw. f. I (Urdu)
IM3 li4 186
MS foll 30 , vo.nonuuo,, (Per )
(Pnvate oorr.,,,pondence thm nmre UUtlo paper)
Oct. 1!7 1 10 A father'• comphmen!a!I lefu>r to h,. son and propo!al of
11<Ay& latter'• mn.rruge ,nth SMh Kh•IH e daughter f 10
Jnn 4 11-30 Shih Kli4]il I complunentary Jetton to Li., oon m law
Sep Jg f. l!O

1866 187
MS foll 37 vanoo1 ll1%es (Per )
(Pnvate corrupondonce nearly nll thm ll1lrO tusoe p:1pero)
NoT 4 1 10 ShAh h.holll to ha oon in-law Ilo, Leen 11'Conded
Jun 27 i<enonsly Ly the Kh!nJ!I in a ,e.,,,nt riot "luch took pince between
the SL""' nnd KhnnJ!t J gm,• a descnpbon of the not an<l bow he 1'lll
..-oonded owmg to th,. not he cottld not oend for him f 34
DC<"6- 17 JO l DIil£ and other rernn!o, to Sh61, Khnlll On the
:lllar 18 rtrept of Ju. letter they would proceed to bun. f 3

1857 188
ll!S fo!L I& J van01IlllUS.
(:Cogwh trnmlnbon• of e,;trect, from vernocuLu nw•pApcr■ an<l 11Atcmonts of
e1e 11 tlncnct )
Jan. lG l f,1,, .. I ],al-hail wntH thnt the u Eni:J,.hm1n' of 10th n...,
lui<l puLl11hN] that nil the fujo ■ rnformed !Lo E 1 Coy that owrni:
lo lh,ir har,h m,,...t1tt0 on<l Lrc:,cl,.,. orprom,.o In re<(>«< u! ttl•h"'""'
f...,.lmi,,, de the, ho,e m ■ <le up tLe,r mm<l, to fight w,tL the r.n~h•h
L ln-t ..- nohfir:ilinn to 11,e el!M't thnt nnr nno foun,l i:ullty of 001,ply
ing DC\\• on<l pron,ion,, de to tLc l.ngh,b mll l,o puw,,heJ f I.
1857 188-continued
:Mm. 19 2 Sarl1qulA/chbar, Del~1, mites that the G1tlsltan-i-:N11uoahii1,Cal-
cutta, has published that some Mulliis of -\gra and other places
distributed pamphlets mducmg Mussulmans to wage iehg10us war
agamst the English £ I
Jun. 16 3 Statement 0£ Sakhal rega1dmg the cbstnbut10n of tioops out-
side the city and seizm e of a coffin m which Enghsh edibles were
found. f I
Aug 9 ; 4 Alhbii1 uz-Zaltfir, Dellu, writes that last mght some English
soldiers attacked a C'amp but that they we1e defeated and killed Mr Le
]3nus, C1v1l and Sess10ns Jn<lge of Delhi, has been dece1vmg the people
of Pampat, Ka1nal, and othe1 places by ove1awmg ithem with the
p1owesb of the English. £ I
,, 30 5 Alltba11tz-Zalt1ir, Delhi, w11tes that the Lahore people"are ready to
fight the Enghbh; they complam of delay m sendmg a Mussulman
commc1,nde1, th~ English at Allahabad have taken posseqs10n of the
fo1t, many Englishmen have been mmdered at Cawnpo1e and Lucknow;
RnJa of JhaJJal 1s asked to pay up the money due from him, RaJa, of
P atiala as~uits the English m every way, 1eports a quanel between
the RaJa of Patiala and hIS brothe1 f 2
-- 6 A person nom Delhi gives a descnpbon of plunder of Gurgaon
and other placr>sby GuJars and several 1egiments of the Kmg The
Krng has wntten lette1s to var10us chiefs to help hnn with men and
money f I
7 A deserte1 from the English camp reports that English officers
boasted that they would take Delhi very soon, and that on one occasion
the English were beaten back by tnousands of mysteuons sawars
wearmg black umforms who must have been sent by Providence f I.

8 H H Greathead, Agent to the Lieutenant Gove1nor; gives a

descnption of the English forces and ammumt10n and makes some
suggestions regauhng the plan of fightrng f 3.
-- 9 Siiiltq1tl Aklzbiir, Delhi, writes that the Rampiir State 1s gomg to
be annexed by the English and that the people there a1e ready to fight
the English to the last f I. _ _ __
JO The Krng receives good tidmgs nom the battlefield, and
accepts the offer of men and money from the vanous ch1efs of tM
countrJ An Englishman's head 1s b1ought to him by a Mussulman
sepoy SJdiqul .Akhbii1 wnteis that the Oudh people have been ve1y
rnu<.,hgneved at the annexatJ.1.mcf Oudh by the English The Nawab
of Tonk has 01de1ed rehg1ous teachers to enJom the Hmdus to pray an-d
fa~t f. I -
11 The English have been expelled, their houses set on fire and
properties plundered , Abu Zafar has been declared Kmg and Bakht
K,han has paid a V1s1tto 1nm. f. 2.

1857 189
MS foll 24 nnon■ met.
1,fay 25 L ~ Abdur Rahma.n KhAn to the King I■ unable to
attend the King ■ Court, ■end■ IbrAhtm Khtn and Abdw ~d
Khln mth 1ar,ar, £. L (Per)
Jan. 9 2 Mina1 Ml;td. Jaw!n Bak}it to M£r Ml;td Am,~ Aokno,.Jedge
the .-ipt of a mn■lrnt and 2 awon!J f. I (Per )
" 3 Mrn:A MJ;,d Khur Snlful to the officers of the army loduoes
them to fight for their religion f L (U rdn.)
" 11 15 4 5 Accountant■ of the Royal treuury to tho King Hue
patd fu 2,300 to the Bare,lly .. nd Sana force.. f 2 (Per)
,, 28 0 1,flid Ah<lnr RahmAn Khan to the Kmg Will uk the
Ta~idar of Daoll to -d h11 re,-enne. f. L (Per) '
Jnl 9 7 Mir Ml;td Rualddr to the Kwg Pray■ that he may be allowed
to accommodate htJ men In one part of .i••••'"lotA, and the Gtn.hor
force m the other (Kmg'■ antogmph direct.Jog C 1n-C to arrange
acoordmgly) f. L (Per )
, 21,23 8 9 Mhd Abdur Rahmln KhAn to the Krng -At pre,ent he 11
unable to ■npply any money will ■end the ■ame when -Ava1l.obl1
ff 3 (Per)
27 10 11 The Krng to theaooonntont, of the Royal t,eunry Direct.
them to ■end R ■ 5,000 to pay the army 1111demplo1,!,, m the Magu,n■
etc. f. 2 (P•r)
Aug 18 12 1\[akaod Lll to the Ki~ Sobm,t■ a last of lettera add~
to nnorur poraon ■ by MtrzA 1,[hd Kha.u Sult,\n ®!hog for mooc1
f L (Perj
,, 20 13 14 Mhd Abdur Rahm!n to the King I■ trying to obla,n
money f £ (dopheatM) (l'er)
,, 21 16 [The King] to (Thul!m Mnhlod Dm and othor Zaa1•tl"" and
Td,iltlart Direct■ them to ■npply proV111oa1 and money to Thm
Abdullah and )Ihd Bakht. f. 2 (Per)
Sep g 16 Mhd Kh..-AJ• Hann Khln to C m-C Piay■ that he may be
pronded mth ammnmhon ■oon f. I (U rdo)
17 Abdnr Rahmln Khln Nawab of Jhai~•• ha, b<>enarretled by
the Eogl11h on the chrgo of helping the Mutineer■• f. L (Per J
18 Qbollm Nahl Khtn and othera to the King Solioft hi■ ordera
to declare 1'1lr aga1Mt the Na11'11bof Jhajpr ,.ho b., been helping
th■ Engluh f l (Per)
10 ,[bd Jinwn to the Kanj'.\' Pn1,-. that he and other 84 &ef'O]I
may he ~ren quutrn to hn 10. (The 1'.1ng grant■ their pray•r)
f L (Per)
~O StatemenL of •AWar Rabmln h.1J1n,
?,awab of Jba.JJ>r In lu•
o,m def•n~ f 2 (Unin)

1857 189-concluded
21. The King to Nawabs and RaJas of Allahabad provmce. Di ..
rects them to assist in all possible 'ways Cka,zeclh1
t Ali Qa.s1m who 1s
appointed Subahdiir of the provmce. f I (Pei J

1857 190.
:MS foll 11 , var10us sizes.
]. List of papers connected with the Royal Court :f 8 (Per)
2. List of papers found m the Kotwiili. f 3. (Eng)
----- 8.
of pape1s of Katwiils, Thiina!zdiirs,etc. £. 1. (Eng)
of regimental papers. f 2. (Eng )

1857 191.
MS f. l, size 12¼" x 5" (Urdu)
[Zmat nfahal Begam] complains to he1 daughter that Nawab
Vilayat 'Ah 1s recrw.trng worthless men

1857 192.
' MS foll. 5 , various sizes
(Pr1vate letters)
Jun 10 1-4 Correspondence about the mrunage of 8aiyid 'AsLiii Ah with
the daughter of H usam Ah Khan f 4 (Per and U 1du)
,, 20 5 Hidayat Ah promises 1\1:ir Ghulam Ali and 'Ashur Ah to -pay
the pnce of a certam piece of land taken from them f. I (Per.)

1857 _193.
MS f 1. size 12" x 5" (Per)
May 16 E:xtract from the d1a1y of the King regarding lus movements and
the slaughter 0£ 49 English pusoners.

1857 194.
MS foll 36 , various sizes.
May 20 l. List of servants newly appornted at the Kotwali. f. 1 (Per )
,, 24-30 2-6 Depositions of Easant Lal and others regardmg the charge of
theft committed by them £. 4 (Urdu)
,, 46 6 Mirza Mhd Khan to Mhd .Faizul-1ah Khan, Kotwiil Has
submitted the nommal hf,-t of new and old servants of "hzs thanalt.
£. I (Urdu). ,,
,, 31 7 M zrza Mhd Khan Beg, Thiina'1rlar, Gnzar Qa.S1m Khan, to
C •m-C Ea1J Nath M1sar, Hawatdiir, 48th Regt.J is arrested on susp1c10n
- of esp1on:ige £. I. (Urdu).

186? 194-conl,nited
8 Rec<npt.oof Pl'J'Illenf,, made to .Anur Kh•n Rlldothers. f L (Per,)
9 Intt of water-enpph"1"1 aent to vimow, trench"' from the Dl,cal,
f L (Per)
10 Amrr Ah Khin, aon of Nawab Dolil Khan of Knnnmn,,, to the
Kmg V10tory over the Engh1h can be eoheJTed ln 3 days if hu
1nstrnohonJ1 followed f. L (Per )
,, 13 11 LIit of honre1 ""11'0hedand article,, fonnd m them f I (U rdn)
12 l:hnga Singb 1 lJefadlir, 17th Regt., to C 1n-C Prayo that ho
may be appomted Rualdar (C m-C promIM>Ito oonnder hu cla11n1.)
f I (Urda)
., 23, 31 13, 14 Daily re~rt. of T~d,uzA1 Gnmr Q.uim .Khln and Tnr
koman Gate. f. 2 (Urda)

" 27 15 Sheoi1 Sm_gb, Rualdar, 7th Regt. to C ln-C Pray■ that ho

and hu men may be pe.,d tbmr wages for 6 day■ f l (Urda)
10 Nur ~ KhAn 1a1Darof the 7th Regt, to O 1n-C Prayo
that he may be eppornted R11alcfar of hu rei;,ment. f l (Urdu)
, 30 17 C m-C to officera of the 17th Regt. Direct■ them to e<n~
tholl' regiment to Allporo mth the llareilly fon'e. f l (Unln)
18 Faq: Khln and other 6arqa.dattl of the T~uaA Torl.-omnn
Gato to the King Pray for tho retanl of 2 nnnu dedactcd from the
...lary of euoh of them (Veroo I the Kmg cnlla for 83:pl4nnt10n from
the Tki•aAdar of Tnrl:oman Gate an<l d1recta Lim to return the
amount) f l (Urda & Per)
10 1>fumd llnlJJ•h 1a,car of the 17th Regt. to C 1n-C Pruyo
that ho mny be appointed l/11aldar of n regiment f l
Aug 2 20 O!nga Smgh Rnaldar of tho 17th Regt. to C m-C Report•
the deBth cf a DlAnanJ 2 marea. f l (Urdu)
21 11l1rnl.Ibrohim D~ and otluir clcoertera from the Engl11h
cnml! to the King Pray thnt thoJ mny be provided ,nth anm and
pro\111ons. f l (Urdu)
,, 4 22 IJarqa,da,,, of tho TAauA Tnrlonmn Chte lo tho Kini:'
R~ that they h•n> received thcu- ,al11nc,, m fall and hnvo no rom
plaint aga1ntt tho 'H•••ltfar of the Turl.oman Gate. f I (Unlu)
23 Lut of lettor. zt<me<lby Gene12l [Tau y~r Kh•n ] to Ii~/,:J/
f 1 (Unla)
, 21 2.J. '11m !llhd Khi!n neg Tlw•altfar Gnznr Qulm hl!an, to
C 1n C SenJ, ,1ahe,.h1 Dill bonler, to him oa J1recteJ f I
n 27 2G-0 C m C to SnonJ lla«lAr Hu,un ~Mn Jiaro,l•A of
the art1l1et) n1ttt1s born to ■end 2 ClUlnOMto &o,pJ Dilarir ,111,
Jw/,rJl of Daf;h["'t. (Vcr,,o I S,iyl,l llaodor Ihna!n u =Lie to
rupply the ume omng to ahorloge) f ! (Unlu) (,lapl,c,ile<)
1857 194-oonol,zided
Sep 13 'l7 C -m-C to KotwiiZ Dneots him to commumcate his orders
to the aimed citizens to appea1 at Turkoman Gate where an English
attack 1s apprehended. f l (U1du)
,, 20 28 Niir Ah Khan, Risaldar, a deserter nom the E~~hsh camp of
Indore, to C -m-C Prays that he and his men may be supplied with
money, aims and ammurut10n £ 1 (Urdu)
Dec 1 29 I\ihd 2\.bdur Rahmiin Khan, N awab of JhaJJar, asks a Nawab
to mte1cede on his bPhalf and get hIS faults pardoned by the English
£. 2. (Per).
30 Copy of a pnnted cucular letter published at Bare1lly by the
l\fubneers mv1tmg the chiefs of Hmdustan to make common cause
agamst the English who have been trymg to convert the Hmdus and
i:Iussalmans to Christianity by vanous means 'f 2 (Urdu)
31 List of officers and men m the 14th Regt f 1 (Per)
32-3 Pn Bakhsh, gmlde1, to the Prays that his shop
occupied by the Ttlangas may be vacated £ 2 (Pei ) (duplicates)
34, Risalda1, 17th Regt, to C -in-C Prays that he and his men
may be paid then salanes f 1. (Urdu)

1857 195
MS foll 21 ; vanous SIZes (Urdu)
(Extracts from vernacular newspapers, and a letter from M hd Darvish
to Lieut Governor of Agra )
?\far. 16 1 Sadiqul Alhbar, Delhi, wntes that Na$1rud-Dm, the Shah of
Jleisia, is makmg preparations to fight the Enghsh m India, the Czar
of Russia has sent 400,000 soldiers with aims and ammumt10n and p10-
nnsed to send more :z£ieqmred, Arnn Dost Mhd Khan, has been mtngu-
mg with the Shah agamst the Enghsh , Ficnch and other ambassadors
have sympathy with the Shah f 2
,, 9 2 Sadiq1tl Alhbiir, Delhi, wntes that the Shah of Persia has
sent'a pioclamat10n te Delhi askmg the people not to help the English
1n any way , he 1s commg to India to expel the~ English and establish
good Government m India f 1
,, 21 3,4 1tfhd Da'rvISh, to Lieut Governor of Agra Correspondence
has been gomg on between the King and the Shah of Persia, the Shah
has occupied Bushire and lolled the English to a man , the Shah will
start £or India soon, conquei 1t and mstal the Kmg on the th1one.
£ 2 (duplicates)
,, 23 5 Sarliq1tl .Alhbar, Delhi, writes that the Shah of Persia has ,;ent
a proclamatwn denymg the facts that he has asked the people not to
help the English and that he 1s commg to India to expel them f I
----- 1 TLe Amir of Afghnmstnn

1857 195 -conclmkd

Mar u 6 11,ll, Ga::dte wnt011 that the Shih of Persm derue, that no
help ahould be g,ven to the Engluh and tJ at ho UJ cotmng to India to
expel them LaAor, CAro•ul. wnte,, tlmt a Tenwrolar newwpal":r
bu pubhebed " :Woereport of the defeat of the En,i::mb the E,:;li,A
,... wnteo that Lord Cwuung m11 .tart for England ID J mre next , the
Chief Comm,moner r,f Oudb h ... been duocted to restore all the bnHd
IDgB, etc., to the ex King of Ondh f 1
Apr U 7 11,14, Gaodte mrleo that Amir Doot Ml)d KhAnof Kohn!
u reporled to have Ill.Id tbet the Eng heh secured bu, sympathy by pnymg
bun a largo onm of money f. I
,, 13 S Kli•lcuaJ•l .JJl/xJ.r wnta, that the Sh&b of POl'JJ<L ha. rent 11
pr<>clamstion iw=g tLo people to be ready to help bun ID expelling the
Engh ■h on ha amviJ m lndI>L. f 1
l,lay 11 9 Saa,q,.l .JHbJr Delhi, wntC1 that the p.,,Ja°6N bM given 11
nv,d deacnpbon of SbUI e Jrepambon• for 111vn<lmg India. f 4
Jui 0 10 S•d•r•l .Jl:Al>.,rDellu, wnteo that th• Shih bas proclauned
a holy war og,u.n.t the 1'.nglub. f 2
Aug 3 I I &td,q•l .JH6ar Delhi ..-ntee tluLt the Pemsn army attacked
Knndabnr and Annr Doot 1,~d. Khln o! Kahn! came to term ■ mth !um
f 1
10 12 Saa1q•l .JHMr Delhi, wnte■ that a treaty hu bttn conoln
ded between the Enlj'l11hand the Shnh on the term ■ that the former
m11 evactmto Bllllbire and the latter will cont.nne 111the po-on of
Thmt. f. I
Aug 13 13-16 TA, Urrl• .JH/xJ.r nnd othor vm,acnlar newopapera
Sep 13 wnte that the Perman army hao■tarted for Indm. f. ,I,

1857 196
MB foll 4, nnom ■lzea (Per)
Aug 7 10 1,2 1,IIJ<lAkl:ar rurKh PuLl.nofo.nd1to tbo King ComplaJDJ
thnt Sb=hir Ah Kb.An R11lilr/Jr of the Luchow force 1nth 60
, • .,.,. hn■ extorted a largo IDl1l of mon"[ from !um and robbed him
andotben of their valuable propertJes. 2
,. 9,13 s ~ The King to MM A kbu Al, Khln of Patond! D!rccuh,m
to hand o~er bi■ ordera wnlten on the bacl of the letter to Sham■ hir
All Khin and oend l!, 3 00,000 to the lung (Y eDO I the Kini:: rtpn
rnand• Sluun•hlr K.hln for h15 ill tmilment of ~IQ<!Akbar AU hli~n
aud dm't.u him to lt:1<0 the pince at onct) f 2

1857 197
1,1sf I I me n•x s •
Copr or ... i. of Sultan ,1~<l. Suhrib lltndl and Sb1b
Daltl;Un-.r, ■olll or !Le fun~
MS foll 66, v~ri;u~ sizes.
Feb. 1 1. Faizud-Dm to his brother Acknowledges the receipt of Rs Ill
and 2 rugs. £ 1 (Urdu).
Apr. 2 2 -- to -- Asks £or a piece 0£ fand to erect a dwe11-
ing house upon 1t £ 1. (Pei )
May 19 3 Defence of Ghulam Nabi Khanand othe1s agamst the charges of
rebellion. f 3. (Urdu).
Jun-20 4 Ash1af to Sa1yid Hafiz 'Ah. Sends a buggy to be sold by
auct10n f. 1 (Per.) ,
Jul 11 5 Ghulam Dastgir Khan, Risalita, of the 1st Cavalry, acknowledges
the 1ece1pt 0£ Rs 420-12-0 f 1 (Per.)
Aug. 18 6 Khuda Bakbbh 'Khan, Natb Kotwal, acknowledges ihe receipt of
Col 1.Ihd Kh1Z1Sultan's pa1 wanalt £ 1 (U1du)
Sep 6 7 Enrolment bst of soldiers m the cavalry unde1 Nur 'Ah Kban,
Ri-siildar £ I (Per)
Oct 4 8-37 Receipts of payments ma'.de to Mansur Kh.iin and other
llawiildiirs f. 30 (Per)
• 38 Acknowledgment_ of receipt of Rs 15 sent by Ghulam 'Ah
£. 1 (Pei.)
39 Hmgan is asked by Faiz :Mbd Khan's mother to proceed_to her
at once f 1 (Pei )
40 lhsan Khan to his brothP1 Asalat Khan. Is sorry not to
receive any 1nfo1mafaon as 1egarcls the property of their deceased
b1other f. l (Per )
41 Ismail Khan is asked by his grandmother to send Rs 300
for her expenses £ 1 (Pei )
42. List of clothes requued from JbaJJar f l. (Per.)
43-56 Lists of officers and men eng.iged in various regiments.
£ 17. (Per)
-- 57. Sa1y1d Tmdad Husam to his fat.her Smyid Snrfraz 'Ali
gomg on "1tL Ins Ftudies iegulnrJy , requests him t-0 send money for
his poclet-expenses £ 1. (Pei )
H~ 1s

58 Smyid Sarfraz 'Ali to his son Snn i<l J mdad H l,.e:nin He is

well , will send mo11eyon lea1nmg the items of e~penses f I (J>cr)
-- 59 Sa1y1d Irshiid 'Ali 1s asked liy his cltler LrotLer t.o purd1aso
clothes "1th the money sent f 1 (Per)
60-1. - to - Sohc1ts a J,Lg1r f 2. (U1du) (<lu1>hcnt~).

1857 199
:MS foll 489 , Tarious sizes
Jan 2g 1 1 he Km<"' 1o :Mir l'tJqiid 'Ali .I\ppnintF him RDoffictr or th~
Na1nrnt tourt. f. 1 (Per)

1867 199-conlinued
Jan 28 ! Tr=olatton of no 1 i 2 (Eng )
Mayl4 3 The King to Ml;td 'All Beg, Tai111tliir 0£ Southern D,.-moll
Duecu lum to proceed to the Roya.I oocut mth revenue f. 1 (Per)
4, 6 TtllilOlaboru, 0£ no 3 f. 2 (Eng] (dupliaates)
",, 18" 6 The Kmg to C m-C Direct. lum to 1AUe orden to the eappen
and IDJDOI'll to oo-<>perate mth the NUI?ahad force m attaolung the
Engmh. f 1 (Eng Tran., Ong irunmg)
,, ,, 7 ManlaVI :Ml;td Zahnr 'Ali, Police officer of Nniafgarb, to tb<Y
,, Kmg Hu oommnruco.ted lu■ orden to the TJahr,, Cla•dln1, eto. J
praya that n prmce may be deputed mth mfllment force to 1!Uppreu
rebellion and establuh P"""" m oevera1V1llages. f. 1 (P<Yr)
B, 9 Trantlatton ■ of no 7 f. 4 (Eng) (duplicate.)
",. 23' 10 Captain Dildlr 'Ali KhAn to the Kmg Pnn that a guard
may be otaboned to protect luo house aad property / 1 (Per)
lL Tnualabon of no 10 f 1 (Eng)
12 Ra;ra], 'Ali, Jaa dar of the Magaxine to the R:mg Reports
the neglect of dnty of TAaaoUar Ilegampnra, and prop that the
TAa,aAilar may be tmnnerred to aome oilier tla•d f 1 (Per)
13 Tran■ lnbon of no Ill. f l (Eng)
14 BAD■n Nm nn<l00 Sepoy,1 of tho 44th Rcgt. t.o tho Kmg
Reporl that oomo of th<Ym hnve been robbed of tholr horooo and
Ra 4li 000 on their way to Delhi by tho people of Bulnnd.hahar
f. 2 (Eng)
u 25 15 The King to S..pd Abu! lIW1nD Direct. lum to oomIDJ•
cate the ■I.ate of afwn at<. f L (Eng )
"27 16 The King to C ,n-C Duect■ lum to onpl_'ly Chbattn LAI offiC"Or-
1n-eharge of Jnmnn bndge mth amoleo mentioned m the lctlor to
otrongthon tho bndgo. 1 1 (Per)
17, 18 Tnm■lahon of no 16 f 2 (Eng) (dupl1et1to)
,, 28 10 The Kmg to Jangb!z Khln. Appomt. lum Tla.aAdJr 0£
Alipur f L (!'er)
20 1 Tran■lalton of No 10 f 2 (Eng) (<lophca!co)
" " 22 The Kmg to .lll;td 'All lJcg lltr<ct. him to Nt:ibh.h tho
" " ofliecs of KAal11a SAarifa' and Jla .. , Td11I 1 1n the holl>Cs of Jamet
Slanner AOdlu ■ n!e { L (Per)
23-4 Tmru,la!Jon of No. 2~ f 2 (Eng) (<lophcotes)
26 C In C to the Krng Pnly• that 20 Sa,car, nnd 60 Sepoy,, m•r
1..,■ p(IOtnkd to gnnnl the pron.io111 of tLo fun:e,, mal'l,hlnb t.,,nnl•
'.Me<rut. [ l (King'• or<len to ~lu- lla1<lar lltllllln tu appoint<l ■.) f I (Per J
2G 7 Tr■ n ■lnt,on of no 2o f 2 (Eng) (dupl-10-)
1 Printe rntna.N o! the li'1n.z
:I PnDcir-,1nl-oTdhut~o$.tt of lbt l>Pt.nct
for tbr-tolltct.Ioa
of bnJ n.-,..tu1-..
185'i 199-contini~ed
1\fay 29 28 Gami Shanka1 Shu1..-ul,Sepoy of the Light Infantry- Battalion,
to the Krng Repo1ts that Hans1, H1sa1 and Saisa have been taken
and p1ays that an esco1t may be sent to take the booty to Delhi
f I fU1du)
1, ,, 29-31 _ Translation 0£ 28 £ 3 (tnplicates) ,
,, 30 32 The Kmg pe1m1ts the officers and sawats 0£ the 4th Cavalry to
ente1 the city peacefully f. I. (Per )
33-4 Tianslat10n of no 32 f 2 (Eng) (duphoates)
I (

,, 31 35 The Krng directs Hit Ram, Zamindiir of Guzran, to supply

p1ov1Sions f 1 (Per )
36-7. Translation of no 35. £ 2 (Eng) (duphcates).
" 1" 38 C ~m-C to the Kmg Piays that Rs 16,000 may be sent to
lum to pay the a1my their wages fo1 4 days £ I (Per)
,, ,, 30-40 Tianslat10n of no 38 f 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
" 3 4,l The Kmg directs the gu.1rds stationed at Lahore Gate not to
mte1fere with J\Iuknnd Lal and othe1s who are taking casks of wine
seized from the English f I (Per )
,, " 42. Translation of no 41 £ I (Eng)
" 6 43 The Kmg tJ iVfumtazud-Daulah Mhd Naqi Khanr Appomts
bun Saclr Amin under .Maulav1 Sad1ud-Dm Bahadur. .f. 1 (Pe1 )
44-6 Tianslatiun 0£ no 43 f. 2 (Eng) (duphe,ates)
",, "8 46 The Krng to Mhd Bakht Khan Directs him to- send the
luggage of the N1mach foice to Alipm where it has been deputeJ
£ J (Per)
47-8 Tram,lafaon of no,46 £ 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
",, "9 49 C -m-0 to Kmg Has consulted Genl Abdus Samad who
advises him not to go to the faenches, Haidar Husam has been arrested
by ~he sawars £ l. ( Per )
50-2 Trnnslat10n of no 49 £ 3 (Eng) (tnphcates)
" " 53 The Kmg to C -m-C Dnects him to arrest Gulab~ and Jawala
I " 10
Srngh who have been supplymg provisions to the English. f I
" ,, 54.-5 T1anslat10n of no 53 f. 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
,, 16 56 Zabita Khan, attached to tha11a!tBasant, to the Kmg
that about 2,000 Tilangas who are commg to Delhi from Nas1rabad,
may be supplied with p1ov1B10ns f. 1. (Pei )
57-8 Translat10n of no 56 fol] 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
" " 59. Zab1ta Khan, to the Krng Will depute 40 foot men to Thiinal,,
" " PahaiganJ f I (Pei)
" ,, 60 Tianslafaon of no 59 f 1 (Eng)
,, 18 61 The Kmg to C -m-C Duects him to issue 01Je1:5to the sappc1s
and ro:meis fo1 <l1ggmg fo.encbes.f 1 (P~1)
2 C

1867 I99-cont1m1ed
lun 18 Ci Tranelat,on of no 61 f. l (Eng)
68 The King to C 1n C Drreob him to withdraw the trooP" from
t1e old fort at onee f. l (P,r)
64-b Trarulabon of no 63 f 2 (Eng J (dopheate.) ,,r
",, 19" 66 Chand Khan and other mbab..tnnbl of PahargnnJ to the King
~ that they are :frequently ~ ..-olted lll!d robbed of
their furnrlme by the wldlera otaboned at Aimer Gate. f 1 (Per)
" ,, 67 Trarulabon of no 66 f. 1 (Eng)
The King to C m-C Du-ecta hun to .end Ba UO to
" ., 68
Ul to pay the artaUery men tbru wagea. f l (Per)
.. "
,. 20
Tratalabon of no 68 f. l (Eng)
The Kmg lo O ln-C. Direob !um to~ 25 ,ep,,y, 1D bnogmg
imltpetro from out111dethe c,ty f l ( Per J
71-2 Tranmt,on of no 70 f 2 (Eng) (dnphcalM)
73 The Kmg to C m-C Dmcu bnn to procuregunpomler and
send ,t to the m.agume f I (Per)
74 Trnn,lation of no 73 f 1 (Eng )
.. " 75 The King to C m-C Dneot. b,m to expel Abo! Ilamm, •
Illln of smp,cloo, eharacler f 1 (Per)
" n
76 Tran,latton of no 75 f I (Eng)
,, 21 77 The Krng to C m-C D,rect. b,m to oend 10 marqmse and
10 tents to the 30th Reg!. f L (Per)
.. "
., 23
78-"9 Tran,flltion of no 77 f 2 (Eng) (dnphet1lcaJ
80 The Km!! to Sruy,clAbu! Hat!Ul Du-ecll htm to commuruc:ito
the l!nle of aff1Un at Robtnk. f l (Per)
,, " 81 TrunsLit10n of no 80 f. I (Eng)
82 The to C -1n-C Drrtct.s him to ..., that pfOTIIIODI ar&
" n
rnppUe<lto the tn:ncbe,, regolnrly f 1 (Per)
83 Tnm1Libon of no 82 f J (Eng )
' 20" 8~ The King to C -m-C Direct• h,m to romove !ho ,..,,,.,
rlatzoned at tho Roy.I g,utlcn at once f 1 (Per)
86-6 Tnmslnbons of no 84 f. I! (Eng J (dupllc:>lc..)
,, 27 87 The King lo C. m-C ~d Col '11r<A ::lllpl Kh11r Bul(ln
C"'1ltlfel them for nol Jl1lDllhmi: the T,l1tt1ga,who lur...-o
been oppre,,mni;
!Le CJ!IUDI and robbing them of their property f l (Per)
I • 68. Tninsbbon 0£ no 87 f 2 (Eng)
6P The to Kh=p ?-.a,1nr'clDm Khr.n, TUMU~r, n.,Ja,-..
ror llaa lffllM orclenito J.6/,:a/ lo rnppl} J'l"'Tl"°"' lo om1.lr1 aml
infontry men .t•yicg at Amb Sarni cl1rtth him to wncl l1C1Ck
20 ~,-.
and 10 '"""" (\ "'"° !1.LanJ11MhJ l\u,m J D,n hlian ,.,nJ,L&ck
the ~o"'I~" onJ I O,a.-,lr, ) I I (P.r &. Unlu)
~u-1 T1an,Li1Jo11of 110 8" L f (Eng J (dupli<ates)

1857 199-con tinited

Jun. 27 fl 2 Col. 1\Iir:rn 1\fhd J{]m:r Snltiin to the King. Repo1 ts the
capture of 16.2 bhecp nnd goats and the ktllmg of 6 English soldiers.
f 1 (Per)
,, ,, 93 Translntion of no 02. £ 1. (Eng )
,, 28 !H Bn.ldco, a fuunor of Fnoznhad, to the Kmg Prnys that 01Jers
may he 1sc;ncdto the oflfocrs res1dmg m the old fort not to mterfere
"itb him 111 rcmovmg grain from the fo1t t.othe city. £. 1. (Per)
D5 Trnnslntion of no 94. f. 1 (Bng)
",, 29" fl6 'l'hc Kmg to C -m-C Dnccts 1nm to issue orders to the officer
m cha1ge of tho J umnn budge for p1ocmmg boats to ferry the Baie1lly
force f 1. (Pei.)
D7-8. '.l'rnn&l.1t1onof no 06. f 2 (Eng) (duplicates).
",, ",, 00 SJn 1d Ahdul-Jnh to the Kmg P1ayi, that he may be
cxcm1) f1om p,t) mg 1cvcnue ns his ryots h.1vc been robbed of theu
crops by the soldiers. f 1 {Pei.).
" ,, 100. Translnt10n of rio 09 f 1. (Eng).
,, ~o 101. C -m-C. t-0 the Kmg. Sends nn elephant seized from the
Enghsh. f. 1.
l0Z-4. Translation 0£ no 101 £. 3 (Eng) (triplicates).
,, "
Jui. 1 105. C.-m-C to the King. Ueports that boats aie ready for ferry~
ing the Barc1lly force; sohc1ts orde1s where to station the regiment.
(Kmg's orders to station it at Tmkoman Gate ) £. 1. (Per)
106-9. Translation of no 105. £ 4, (Eng.) (quadrnplicates)
",, "2 110 C -m-C to the King. Cannot understand the obJect of the
Kof1oal's orders to the citizens fo1 presentrng themselves with arms
bcfoie the officer commandmg the l3aie1lly force. f. 1 (Per.).
111. Translatibn of no 110 f. 1. (Eng ),
"" "3 112 KhwaJa Kha1rat 'Ali, .l\funsh1 m the office of the Gene1a,I, to
the Kmg Piays that the 18th Regiment, which 1s under orders to
ma1ch to Ahpm,, may be replaced by some other 1egiment. f. 1 (Per)
,, ,, 113. 'l'ranslation of no 112 f 1 (Eng)
" 4 114 Sa1y1d Mhd to the Kmg Sohc1ts protection of his house
agamst the v10lence of sepoys attached to J ullundur Regiment. £. I
,, " 115. Tianslation of no 114. f. I. (Eng)
,, " 116. Sa1yid l\ihd Ihsii.nul Haq to the King Complains that
Mirza Abii l3akr assaulted 1nm when 1efused adnnss10n mto the city
at mght : he was Teturnmg d1unk from the house of Prmoess ] 1a1khunda
Zamani with whom he 1s m love. f 1 (Per )
,, ,, 117-18 Translation of no 116 f 3 (Eng)
,, 5 11!? The Kmg to C -m-C D1rects him to recover the- p1opo1iy of
Sa1yid Ivlhd Ihsanul Haq and others from the servants of Mn 1ii.. Abu
l3akr. £. l (Per.)
2 a 2.
40i llUTINY P Al'Ene

1857 199-aontrnued
•nL 6 120 Tmn,labon of no 119 f. I (Eng)
8 121 The Kmg to C m-0 There 11 no money m the treiuur;rJ
duect., bun to make arrangement ■ for 8001Inng money f 1 (Per)
,, ' 122-4 Trarulnbon ofno 121 f 4 (Eng) (tnpheate,)
" 9 126 C m-C to the Kmg Report. that the trenohes at S&lmm■JldJ
nnd 2 canno,v, hnve been captnred from the Rngluh. f l (Per)
126-28 Tran ■labon of no 125 f 3 (Eng) (tnphcate.)
129 C m C to the .Kmg SohCJts hu 1>pproTalof the ""homo
rcgardmg the promotion of army offieera &fter the war f J (Per)
130-2 Tfflllll&bon of iio 127 f 3 (Eng) (tnphcnte.)
n 10 183 C m-C w the Krng Submit■ 11 petition from ,abangtr
Khln Capwn of Gwa!Jor artillery, for the grant of da.tly iillom.nceo to
the arttllery men f I (Per)
134-6 Tnm ■labon of no 131 f S (Eng) (tnphcnte.)
137 Chmta R..m S.l,aldor, Shao Ram .M1111rand other officers of
the Court, to C Ill C lll&l.:e propooal for Bellunng money to meet
e:xpeuea of the war f. 1 (l'er )
,, JJ 188-40 Tnmslntion of no 135 f 6 (Eng) (tnphcnte.)
"11 141 The Ku,g to O U>-C ,Dmct. him to rccoTor tho m!mng
h<,r,e of Ji a1b E~tr;al from the 10,car, ■tayu,g nt Lal Dig, o.n<lreturn
it to the owner f l (Per )
14-2 Tran■ lntion of No. HI f. l (Eng)
143 C m C to the King H.. receiTo<lthe p,,to! ■ont, he neTer
" " 11me■ nny ordora inthont 1nfornung the Jung f. l (Per)
144 Tron,lat,on of no 148 f l (Eng J
145 C m C to the King R, 30 000 hnve been ap,nt m p:irng
th<, nnny; whcrl■ nnother R• 10,000 for the ■nme purpooe l
140-8 Tron■lntion of no 146 f 3 (Eng) (tnpl!cnte,)
n "
140 60 C IIl-C. to the King Buhm1t1tho propomla =de by tLo
member. of the Court !OToeounng money to meet the expon■es of tho
mu f 2 (Per) (dupllcntes)
llil-4 Tmn■lation, of no■ 140-60 f. 4 (Eng) (qnndroplicn f"")
JG5-G C !n-C to the King Officera contd not ho pr,nuled upon
n " to IU't<n to the King'■ orden I their petition, nre forwor<le<l for the
l\lni; 1 penu-oL f i (I c'1') (d~hcnt<o)
JVi--01 Tr'1llili.hon■ of noo. 166-0 ! 6 (Eng) {?,CH<. 160-l nr,,
)L2 (' 1n C lo the Kini: Send• 11 l,<t 0£ nrt,clc,o bdoni;1ni; lo tL•
'l ■ g,wne found m the how-oof !Iol.vt Aialau f I (Ur<lu)
Ji,.1 Li>t of nrltcl.a found 1n the howo of llolo", AA•/•11 ( 1
., " (L,<lu)

1857 l 99-oontinued
Jul lZ 16J.-5 Translat10ns of nos 16.2-3 £ 2, (Eng) (dnphcates).
,, 13 166 C -m-C to the King Kaum ]lakhsh, Risi#dar. Piays that he
and his cav~lry may be granted some daily allowance f 1 (Per )
1<37-9 Translation of no 166. f 3. (Eng)
"n 15" 170, The Kmg to C -m-C Dnects that the bn.nke1s who have not
conl;nbuted to the Wa1 Fund be closely watched -£.1 (Pei.)
~, " • 171-S Tianslation of no 170 £ 5 (Eng J
,, 16 174 Officers of the llth Regiment to General [Tall' Ya1 Khan]
Report that Maha.ha! Smgh, Sepoy, has been found sleeprng while on
' duty (General's orders to pumsh him as they thmk p1ope1 ) f 1
(Pei-) ,
175-6 Translation of no 174 f 2, (Eng.)
" ",,
)) 177 Ratan Chand, JJa1og'hahof the Royal ga1den, to the Kmg,
Reports that Sawa1s of the J odhpur Regrment have bean opp1essmg the
shop-keepers of Chawk f 1. (Per.)
178-9 Tianslation of no 177. f 2 (Eng) (duplrna.tes)
" " 180 The Kmg to C -1n-C Dnects him to transfe1 the qua1ters of
the J odhpm Jlegiment to-some othe1 place £ 1 (Pei )
181 2. '1\anslation of no 1 qo £, 2, (Eng) (duplicates)

183. Shach Ram and Sheo Dayal, to the Kmg They aie falsely
accused of supplymg p1ov1s10ns, pray that their shops may be locked up
£o1 the peuod of the wa1 so that they may be spa1ed the accusation
(Ve1s0 ' the Kmg's orders to Kotwal tolock up then shops ) f l.
l 84 Translation of no l 83 r 2 (Eng)
185 C -m-C to the Krng Complams that the General or the
13a1e1llyfo1ce always mter£e1es mth him £ l (Pei )
186-7 T1anslation of no 185 f 2 (Eng) (duphcates)
188 •rhe Kmg to C -m-C Dneets b1m to depute a Company and
50 Sawa18 to au est the l1uJa1s of AhganJ and othe1 places, who nave
wound-ed the Jam'da1 and ba1qandifres of 1'/dinah M1hiauh £ 1
(P e1 ) '
180. Translatton of no lh8 £. 1 ()~ng~)
~' "
,, 18 190 Chaudhri Imam Bakbsh - and others of Tmkoman Gate to the
Krng Complam that the soldie1s stationed the1e opp1ess them ana cause
g1eat damage to then p1operty, p1ay that they may be allowed to go
and)Lve m .MadliuganJ f 1 (Pel') '
191 Tianslatzon of no 190 f I (Eng)
192 C -rn-C to the I<mg Piays that the General of the Ba1e11lyfo1re
may be a.ttack the English fion1 the Ahpm side f. 1 (Per)
,, ,, 193-4. Translation of no 392 f 2 (Eng ) (<luphcntes).
,, 22 ] 95 The Kmg to C -m-C Duects bm1 to 1emo,e the Sawa18f1opi
l\fohutab Bagh to some othe1 place f 1 (Pei )

1857 199-cont,nued
Jui 21\ 196-7 Tnnalabon of no 105 f 2 (Eng) (duplicatN)
198 Kanm Bak!iob to the King Comp!,,.= that Jawruiir Bakh,b,
1epoyo, bns stolen hIB""" f l (Urdu) •

,, " 190 TrulB!Jibon of no 108 f. 2 (Eng)

23 200 The Kmg'• IDJtrncboM to the c,~ of Rohlak that they
ahould live peacefully and obey their La•l><mum f. 1 (Per)
201 2 T=labon of no 200 f 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
,, 24 20~ The King to Kotw:al Duect him to rnbm1t proceeihnga of
the cueo of 6 pmone111eent and ... 1cthe T.iil••idar, to aupply pamcu
l,,.111 .,.hen oendmg offenden for tnaI (Veno KMt<ul aenda proeetd
1ngo.) f 2 (Urdn)

.. " 206-6 Tramlabon of noo 304-5

207 C !n-C to the Kmg
f 6 (Enir) (dupl,cateo)
Report,, that 14 honoeo have been
" ,, aeited together with the men who claim them to hd their own aohc1ta

,, .
ordera for the d1~ of the honea f 1 (Per)
208 Tranalabon of no 207 f 1 (Eng )
209 Suyld :?ifoh!nk Shah •Kh'1l, K~it<al, to the King Repoi-t,,
that many aepopyoforcibly entered the houaea of AlaP.I Panhacl and other
on the pretext of hnnbng ant Englahmcu f 1 {Per)
.... 20
2 I O Tn,.nolabon oHOll f. 2 (Eng)
2ll In ~ullah Khiin, trooper attached to the Pny Deparlment, to
the King Reporta that hu horae hM become lome , aohc,ta one
month • lene m orcler to secnre Another horao f 1 (Per )
212 13 Trantlnbon of no 211 f 2 (Eng)
214 The Jung to C m-C Direct. !um to Lonow money from the
" Panjab!a and other ~!thy people to meet nr m:pentet f I
" ,, 215 10 Trniulabon of no 214 f 3 (Eng) (duphcnteo)
" .. 217 Sal,grt.m of Gu= Thmon lo the Kmg Prnp thnt n larl-arai
may be ollo,red to occompany him nnd Lnng b11 cnrnngo ..-hioh 11 m the
cunody of Tlrl Drnhmm at Arnb &ml (Ven l\n-,rud Dm, TAo,aUilr,
JladJll'pnr, get. the cnmngo tnnile o~er to Soligrim) f l (Urclu)
218 Sohgrim ockno,.Jedgeo the retnm to Lim of tha cornog,
f l (Per)
219 Trnn,l,,l1onofn0121718 f 2 (l.ngl
",. 29 220 The King to D111dmbnn Fol.dor D,rttta lum to ltt><I
Ro 4,lOS-0-0 reqwn:d to 1'3Y the annr f l (Per)
221 2 TrnnolaUon or no 220 r 2 (Eng) (dnphcalts)
2°, "«-ttnly bond execnt,d by the Krng rn r... our or n11,drAl11t11,
Fotudar, for n, 4,lOS-0 0 f l (Ptt)
224~ Trnn.t.tion or no 223 r 2 (Eng) (clopl,calts)
1857 199-conti1iued
Jui 22 226 The to Lala l\fukand Lal Diiects him to realise money
fiom the bn.nke1s and repay the loan taken fiolll Bmdraban, Fotadar.
f 1. (Pei )
,, 29 227-8 Translation of no 226 f. 2. (Eng) (duplicates).
229. The Kmg to C -in-C. Has bouowed Rs 4,198-9-6 from
" " Bmdrabau, Fotiidii1, to pay the aimy. £. 1. (Per)
230-1 Translation of no 220 £ 2. (Eng) (duplicates)
" " 232 Ghuliim Abbas, JJaf diir, of the 4th Regt to the Kmg Prays
" " that he may be p1omoted to a highe1 post after he has captmed the
r1<lge occupied by the Enghsh f 1. (U1du)
2~3-4 Translation of no 232 f. 2. (Eng ) (duphcaites)
",, 30 235 Dund1 Khan, Zammdii.1, to the Kmg. Prays that officers
sfat10ned at the old fort dnected to have lus Zanwnda?Z rents
realised fiom hrn tenants ; camel d11veis may be checked fiom
m1sapp1opuatmg his crops f 1. (Urdu)
,, 236 Translat10n of no 235 £ 2 (Eng)
,, " 237 C -m-C to the Krng Prays that Arnn Khan, Rtsald,ii,r of the
4th Regt, may be supphed with saddle1y, etc f 1. (Urdu)
,, 238-!J Tianslation of no 237. f. 2 (Eng) (duphcates).
Aug 1 240 Khwa3a Khaniit Ah, Mtmshi m the office of the Geneial, to the
Kmg Prays that the Kottoiil may be dnected to supply 1,000 soldie1s
encamped on the other side 0£ Bas1 budge mth 100 maunds of parched
pulse f. 1. (Pei )
241-2 Tianslation of no 240. f 2 (Eng) (duphcates)
" "4 24 3 Mhd Bakht Khan to the Kmg Prays that he may be supplied
" mth cannons of va11ous s,1zes £ 1 (Pei )
,, 244-5 Translation of no 243 f. 2 (Eng) (duphcates).
,, 6 246. C -m-C. and Col 1\1hd Khizr Sultan to the Kmg P1ay that
ammt may be established. f 1 (Per)
,, 247 Translation of no 246 £. I (Eng.)
" 248. C -in-C to the Kmg. Observes that money can be collected
" fo1 war expenses r£ influential men are engaged fo1 the purpose. £. l.
JJ 249-50 Translation 0£ no 248 (Eng) £ 2 (duplicates)
"7 251 The Kmg to Badrud Dm Ah Khan, seal engiaver Duects
" him to prepare a seal £or Mhd .Bakht Khan £ 1.
252-3 Translat10n of no 251 f 2 (Eng) (duplicates)'
,, " 25 4-6. The Kmg to Ram :Shara, RaJa of Cutch .BhooJ Is glad to
" hear that• he has lulled all the .Englishmen m his ternto1y f 3
(Eng Tran., Orig Lost) (triplicates)
,, 7, 8 257, (a)-58 Kh,waJa Bakhsh, to Shaikh Ahmad Hussain,, Tanstldar
of Firozpur Reports that the 1\1:utmeers have lnlled 5 men and cap-
tured 20 persons

1857 l~o11tw11ed
Ang 7,13 257 (6) Shaikh Ahmnd Husnm Tal11/tfar of Pirozpur to an Eng
h,h officer- Forward,, the leUor from K!iwaia DakJi,,h ahore. f. 2
9 259 Kmg'a lettar to the Mutmool'!I deomn!l' them to relen.e
" B alrnnAhganaJJah K!i~n In, phym"1.lln, and ref nun from mol..tlng
mnocent men, othennoe he mll either abdtcnte and lenve Delln or com
m,t 1U1mde f 1 (Urdu)
200 Trarulat10n of no 259 f 2 (Eng)
261 (a) rFo.u Ba!;b,h l to Sluubh .Ahmad IlnAm, Tal11Mar of
F1ro%p0re :Report. tbll.t MoJlu Khan, a rebel, came to Renn mth
lu, men and then left the plaee.
(6) Bh11.1l;h.Ahmad H1ll'alll to on Engh,h officer Report, thnt a,
the Mutmeerw hnve closed oil tJie city gatoa of Al,rar the man oent there
could not enter the ruty, Mutmeer■ are tryrng to capture f. L
{Per and Urdu)
,, 10 J
262 {a) [Pa1.1BakJµh to Shaikh Ahmad Ilnsaln. Benda a mon from
whom mfonnot10n regorcling Ahrar may ho obtnmed
(h) Shailtll Ahmad Hwmm to an Engluh officer Report■ thnt tbo
man who ornved from .Ahmr ""Y" thnt the Mutineer■ hnve lolled
Amu Jan and WI relntm,,. f I {Urdn)
21lS Shaikh Ahmad Hu,nm to on Engli,h officer Ropart■ that the
Ilojn of Alm1r has captured l!OYeralmen oml reoohed Ba1gorh and no.,.
mtenu. to go to Delhi J onqwreo TI'hothcr the Raio ma, l,e perm,ued to
<lo ■o (Ver■o, Engluh officer', ordol'!Ito 1nm to n■k the ll•J• not to
enter Dcllu no,..) f 1 (Uruo)
204 {•l Shaikh Ahmnd Hu,:un TaA,,1dnr of F,rozporo, to nn Fngluoh
office, H,,. y,»t come to fun\ Amu Hn u tu>'e but \hut the
Rnipnt.s hnvo ki11ed WI '"'enol .clau,.,. nnd .et fire to h,- howac J Jin, Ju, l,rothor nnu •on haro re:iobed Itn,!!"rb onu 00l1<1t
protection oonu
(Engluh officer'■ order■ to Amu JM to Ourgoon)
f 1 {Urtlu)
• 11 205 (a) Tal11/dJr of Rnig:irh to Shaikh Al11TU1dJlu-,un Nn,rnh
'.!llhu Amann! lob KhM, Ihr°" ?llhd rozlnl !oh Khtn nn<I B,lJ_,J,
Innmnl !oh Khlln hnve left for Firozpore with Sarar, nnd Sepoy,
(6) ShaltlJ Ahmad llu,;:un to nn Engl1>h officer IlnJn 0£ Al~ur Ln■
d11miinedl111Mffl:Alar Amu Jnn, city got"" of Al\\"llr Lnre oil ~
C>Jl<'Dc<I f I {Lrun)
2GO(a) Tlalur,- RnnOp Sml(h ond Ilha~t Smgh 0£ Ahrnr to Shiiilcb
Amno,J llu!<llln T,~,,/d,r 0£ r,rozpore Report that they llffOUlJ<lnl
e<l 2'o=b Amrnul lab h.h&n fJ1ra ■ Fo.zlul !oh h.h!.n ond ll•h.h•h1 Ina
mul Lib h.ban {,rho arc pro««lm~ lo Frrozpnr) ""far .. ~oug:inn
(6) SL,u11J AIJmoJ llma10 lo on} ngl..h officer Forwanl, the
hllCT owrc from the Tl ,Irr, f I (U_ru_u.:.)
________ _
1857 199-cout in itecl
11 2G7 (a) Sh,nkh Ahmad Jiu.,am to Tl1a/.111sAtup Smgh and Bha- Smgh Nawab Ammul-l.1h Khii.n an<l.othe1s me not to be allowed to
cutc1 Fn 01pur "1th Sepoys an<l 6aw[t.1s.
(b) Copy of tho passpo1t given to Nawab Anunul-Iah Khan and
othe1::. £ 1 (U1dn)
2GS The Krng to 1\fuhammad Akbar 'A.IiKhan, Nawab of Patancb
" Dnecb, lum to 1ctt11nto lus p1onnce wl1ich he left on account of the
mm clc1 of l\fohammad Sher Khan, Rzsald((J, by the Zmmnda1 s of his
<l1stud f I (Eng '111an , 01 ig Loot)
,, 2(Hl-70 rrhc Kmg to RanJ1t Smgh, RaJa of J aisalmei Dn erts
" 111111to kill e, ery J?nghohm::m "he1ever found m hrn te111tory f 2.
(Eughsh '11 ranslaiion, Ougrnal Lost) (Duplicates).
,, 12 271. Shaikh Ahmad Huc;ain, 'l'ahs1ldiir of F1rozpm, to an Enghsh
officc1 Rcpo1ts that Amu Jan with a,ll Ins iel.1fayes bas 1eached .Pnoz-
pm (Veu,o Complams of the 111egufauty of the postman of Alwa1 )
f l (Urdu)
272-4 KhwaJfi. Bakhsh to Shaikh Ahmad Husam Reports that
" the RaJa of Ahuu bus d1sm1ssed and e'\:pelled 22 other office1s who have
been wo1kmg w1th Amu Jan (Ve1s0 the Raia of Alw,11 has not as yet
appomted any one m those vacancies f 3 (U1du) (duplicates)
JJ 13 275 The Krng to officers 0£ the va1.ous regiments nnects them
to co-operate '" 1th the Gwaho1 force and eaptm e Akbaiabad fo1t f I
(U1dn) -
276-8 Tianslat10n of no 275 f 3 (English) (t11phcateE>)
" "
16 279 Muhammad Bakhsh .'A.h, o:fficei commandmg .'A.hghanl
" Regiment, to the Krng P1ays that he and hIS 500 comiades who have
bPen fig'htrng the English so valiantly may be iewarded and the name
of his Reg1ment alfo1ed f I (Pei )
280-1 '1'111nslatronof no 279 £ 3 (Enghsh) (duplicates)
,, ,, 282-3 Shaikh Ahmad I;Iusam., Tah~zldiir of Fuozpur, to an English
office1 Forwards a letter iece1ved fa om Al war, Political Agent at
Bharntpm has "ent the T{)lisil da1 of Gopalgai b to enquue mto the du,-
tmbances m Alw111 f 2 (U1du) (duplicates)
,, 284-5 Lette1 received £Jorn Alwar g1vmg an account of the distnr-
" bances that have occurred f. 2 (U1du) (duplicates)
,, 286-7 Shaikh Ahmad Husam to an English office1 Fo1wards 2
1ette1s of 11 nndl 2 August fiom KhwaJa Bakhsh of Alwa1 f 2
(U1dn). (duplicates)
,, 17. 288-9 (a) An English office1 to Shaikh Ahmad Husam Directs
the latte1 to keep h1in mfo1med of the state of affa11b at Alwar and
(b) Shaikh Ahmad Husam Tahstlda1, Firo7pm, to an Errg-
hsh office1 Is -makmg a11angements for gettrng mforrnahon faom-
A.lwa1and Jaipur f 2 (Urdu) (duplicates).

1867 199-----coll
tin llffl
Ang 17 290 (a) --- to 1Pandtt 0.nh Shanb.r Report. that aome
men broke open the gate of Nawab Ammnl lah i;hln I home and lulled
8 relative■ of the Nawah and .D,.a~ MJi.dFula) !ah Kh!n.
(h) Shaikh ~ HllAllll to on Enghoh offleor Report■
that ye■terday whan the RaJ" of Alwar wu ont on a dnTe a Saa,dr g&T<I
bun a letter I City gat01 of .Alwar have all been clooed people then
apprehend the amval of the Mnhneen. f L (Per & Urdn)
18 291 2 SlwEl! Aljmad Hmam to an Engluh om- Report■ that
• ' Amn Jin hu reached Firozpur FaI%Mohammad Khin and 1'Ltlma'd
Dm K/Jli,al hlTe been oent to J&l]lnr the Ra:ia of Alwar and lu ■
younger luru want to appomt Amn Jin M•Mforl of the1!t&te bat the
elder Ram want. LikhJI Lakmanjl and GopalJt have been appomt<d
.D,ra• and Na1h-.D1ra•1 Taualdar of Oopalgarh 11 ■till e!Ay,ng at AJ,.,.,.
f. 2 (U rdn) (dnphcateo)
,. 203 )J]:,d Bakluhj\1,, officer eommandmg 1ili Ohanl Regiment
to the Kmg Pray, that the 11&IIJe of h11 ttgtment may he altered
(The Kmg namee 1t 'Fau') f I (Urdn)
294-5 Tnn ■lation of no 293 f 2 (Eng) (dnphcate■)
,. 296 C In C to the Kmg Report■ that the omployeo engaged 1n
repamng the bndge are p!lld dally f I (Urda)
297 9 Trarult.tion of no 290 f 3 (Eng) (tnphcatet)
21 800 '!'he K,ng to officen of the llare,lly force thom £or
their hraTery m war anddirect,, them to preoent them ■elve■ at the Royal
Conrt f. L (Urda)
,. 301-3 Trarulation of no SOO f 8 (Eng) (tnphcate■)
23 soi Omi. 1,11),l Bakht Khln to C ,n-e An 016- from OTOTJ'
mf11Dtry aad cnnlry regunent will attend lu■ court, 11 dmre<l.
f. L (tlrdu)
,. SOIHI Tran■labon of no Sb4 f 2. ~ng) (dapl1CA!e■)
,. 307 The King to officen of th• Bilh Regiment. D,reot■ them to
■end 5 compaa1e■ to the trenche■ at Sluunngnrb f I (Urdu)
308 10 Tmn ■lat.on of no 307 f. ~ (Eng) (lnphCAteo)
, 311 Mathara DI ■ and Sal1gram, banker■, to the 11.,ng They ho.~•
11lreadycoatrlLnt,d fu 75,000 toward■ war expen,e■ and aro unable to
pay moro. f L (Urdn)
~12 13 Tmrulat,on of no 311 f 4 (Eng) (dtrphcetet)
,. 514 Dha....,,, Singh, 1,poy, at!Achod lo the 50th R~meot lo the
K,ng Saggeot ■ that onry employ,! engnge<l at tb<, m ■gulno may be
uked e,ther to farn1■h a ■ecnnly or to g,vo the putlcolan of b,. re,IJ
"'>co and pareauge. r L (Per)
~1~17 Tranw!Jon of no 31' f 3 (Pai:) (lrlpl,~tt■)
1857 199-continued
Aug. 26 318. Mhd-, to Balvant Smgh Reports that the
:M.utmeers have killed his son Nasirud-Dm and his nephew; requests
him to obtam the sanction of his officer for his stay at Firozplll' f. ii.
~~aj, I I

26 319 Jeo Ram and other officers of the Brd Regiment, to the Krng.
Complam of irregular cbstnbufaon of ranks in the army f I XU1du) ..
,, 320-1 Translation of no 319 f 2. (Eng) (duphcates).
27 322 The Kmg to C -in-C Directs him not to demand money from
Ram JI Das, banker. f I ( Per )
,, 323-~. Translation of no 322 f 2. (Eng) (duplicate).
" 9 . 325 Col Ahmad Khan 0£ Ghazia.bad to the Kmg. Prays that
remforcetnents may be sent to help him m checkmg the Emrhsh who
have sacked Palkhu and other VIilages and mtend to attack Ghaz1abad.
f.l (Urdu). _
,, a.26-7 Translation of no 325 f 4. (Eng) (duplicates).
" 3-28 Ahmad Khan and Mahmud Khan to the Kmg Pray that Sawars
res1dmg in the Haiya.t Bakhsh garden may be directed not to molest
them. f I (Per ) -
329-30 Translat10n of no 828 f 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
---· 331. Bliufaa, Zamindiit of Fandabad, to the Kmg Reports that the
E I Oo have Rs 50,000 at their Revenue office at Palwal, prays that
I0P Sawara and 60 Sepoys may be allowed to accompany him to seize
that money. £ I (Urdu).
332-3 Tianslation c£ no 331 f -2 (Eng) (duplicates)
334 C -m-C,to the King Prays that daily allowances may be
g1anted to the new-comers from drfferent parts, who have not as yet
been enlisted f J. (Per )
335-7 Tianslation of no 334 f 3 (.Eng) (triplicates)
338 C -in-C to the Krng Reports that 3 Enghsh letters found
with Khusru, BJce, are test1momals given to the syoe by the Enghsh.
£ I (Per)
339-40. Translation of no 338 f 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
-- 341 C -m-C to the Kmg Roports that Rs I 0,000 havA been &pent
m paymg the army for 4 days , more money IS wanted. f I (Per )
342-3 Translations of no 3 ~ 1. f 2. (Eng ) (duyhcates)
344 C -m-C to the Kmg Reports that he has been m the trenches
for 2 days, 1s confident of V1ctory £. I (Per)
34-5-7. Translation of no 844 f. 3 (Eng) (duphcates)
348 C -in-C to the Kmg Reports that money lenders of the town
have agreed to lend money to meet the wa.r expenses, y>rnys thnt the
pMwa110."h issued to Mhd Bakht Khan for ra1smg contnbutionfl may be
withdrawn (The Kmg refuses to withdraw the parwanah.) f. 1.

185? 199-contmued
340 60 Tnnllllnhon of no 348 f 2 (En~) (dupLoateo)
Sal C m C and other Pnncet to tho K'.rng Pmy that they mn)'
he "l'rov1dedwith troopo and ammnruhon to Jight the EngltBh nt
Pnrupat. i 1 {Per)
352 i Trnrulahon of no 351 f 3 (Eng) (tnpl!C!lte.)
355 Ghulnm Ah JJarO/]~a of the :l,lag,u,ne, to the Ktng Prays
thllt the houoe nenr the Court of Jnst,ce belongmg to Mun Kuehnle
SulrAn mny he tnlen from !um for leepmg arbcl"" 1Tiuch are nsed 1n -
monldmg bullets. i 1 (Per) _
3511-8 TJ1UU1lahonof no 365 f 3 (Eng) (tnpucnteo)
360 ITabib Do.ldUlhand other mereban ta to the Kmg Complain that
C in C hno put guard,, o,er then honaeo ILi th0T failed to contnouto
Ju 60,000 towards war expense,, pray for the rtlmoml of the gtmnl•·
i 1 (Per)
300-2 Tranalnbon of no 359 f 5 (Eng) ("'!f>uCllt .. )
303 ,J"i,wah,r Singh, Sepoy, and other,, to the Kmg Deport tbo.t ,n
fonnatwn Jiu ooin received thnt the E. I Coy hnvo Ra 20 1000 nt
H,Iagurh and n, 20,00 000 at Chlatnn I pray that troopoma) he ttnt at
one,, to .,,.o the trea.n111 f 1 (Per)
304-0 Tran1lnhon of no 303 .f 6 (Eng) (lnphontcs)
367 Jn%al K1shor am! other banken, to tho King Complain thnt al
thongh they ha,e ("()ntnLnted lnrge mm• towanlo wor orpcn1r,i the
l'nnccs •~ trying to get mo111pro) that the PrlnC1lll may Le chrcet,.J
not to op_prenthem f I
:11\S-ll Tnn»l>.uon o{ no 3111 f ~ (Eng) (uupht:21\c>)
3,0 Do, a deserter from tbo Englnb Cnmp. to tho .h.rng
Prays for cnhrlmcnt f 1 (Unlu)
3, l-3 Tnn•lntion of no 370 f ~ (E,g) (tnphralc,,)
37-J. ,r1Lr PanJo And olhen to the K,ng Pr:iy that dail1 wage. 111•1
L<-,nnrt1oncJ for thm men f 1 (Urdu)
37&-0 Trnn,lauon of no 3, 4 f 2 (Eng) (Jnpl1rdc,)
377 ,rul,•mmod A:nm to tLe Rini; Pmya tL,t the Sa= and II, ... ,
fo,..,,. may l,c p:uJ their n-.i;e,, for 2 month• anti 20 Jn• f I (!'er)
~,S-D Trnn,l.t1on of no S77 f 2 (Eng) (Jnphc:ile..)
SSO ?\alu D1~b•h Kh~nto !Le .h.1ng l'ror• th•t ollicmi may lio
tl1rccl<tl not to LUI Engh b n-omcn on I <LilJron f l (Urdu)
--,-- 3Sl Trnn1lat1on of No 380 t l (Lni;-)
~~2 1'imt!:ir •ntl other J«ertCN from tbo I'nrlz>h Csmr ,t
::\l.,rnt lo the 1'1DJ:' l't11, thnt 10 of ll><'mtnn\ 1,- nll, ""I to acc<>m
p>nr tho fo""' marrL,nir lo )lo,>flrt. (1'w., • or<lero lo C ln-L to
allnn- th,m to Jo t-0) r J (Uz,ln)
~S:!-1 Trun•l•uon of no 3S~ f ' (Lni;) (Juphnlr,.)
185'i 199-conclztded
3S:i, Pir Bakhsh Beg, gildei, to the Krng P1ays that h1s shop
wlurh has been fo1c1bly occup1ed by the soldie1s, may be vacated.
f. 1. (Pei.)
386-8. T1nnslation of no 385 f 3. (Eng ) (tr1phcates)
380 Rajah Ah, JJarognali of the 1\fogazme, to the King Prnys
that N anhu Khan may bo directed to supply m twles used m the

.. l\fagnzme. £ 1 (Per )
... 300-2. Translation ')f no 389. £ 3 (Eng) (ti1ph('ates)
~ 303. Ram Dakhsh and other Suba/l(lars to the Kmg. Report that
they will sta1t for the trenches at an ausprnious hom f 1 (Pe1 )
-- ~04-6 Tianslat10n of no 393 f, 3. (Eng) (tnplicates).
-- 307 Sn1y1d Ghulam 1\fmiazn. Husain, a deserter fiom the English
Camp, to the Kmg. Reports that the English confiscated all that he
had when he dcsei tccl them , prays that he may be provided with a
smtablc post m the army. f 1. (Urdu)
398-9 Tr::insfation of no 397 f 4, (Eng) (duplicates)
400 Shop-keepe1 s of Chutta, to the Kmg Pray that e1the1 the
sold1e1s stationed m front of their shops may be iemoved 01 that
they may be nllo" ed to t.ake their goods elsewheie f 1. (Pei.)
401-3 Translation of no 400 f 3 (Eng) (tuphcates)
4 04 The Kmg to l\Ihd .'A.bdurRahman Khan. Intends to go on a
p1Jgr1mage to :Mecca with his family, des1res the addiessee to accom-
pany him f 1. (Per)
--- 405 Translation of no 404 f. 2 (Eng)
4 06. The Krng to C -m-C Says that further enLstment should cease
fo1 want of funds f ] . (Per )
-- 407-8 Translation of no 406 £ 2 (Eng) (duplicates)
400 The Kmg to C -m-C Sends p1ovis10ns and directs him to
disfnbute them 1n the manner he thmks best £ 1 (Per)
410-11 Translation of uo 409 f 2. (Eng) (duplicates)

1802 200
:MS foll. J 63 ; various sizes
(Pre-Mutiny Pape, s )
, 10. 1, 2. Villages Baludeh, Loha11, Kheri and Karwala m Dadn D1st
are asSigned to .'A.lim'un N isii Begam unde1 the seal of Gen Pen on
(who was m the service of Shah .'A.lam). f 2 (Pei) (duplicates)
' ~

Ju] 15 3,4 Shaikh Mhd M utthu to Chauillt1is and Qiinu,ngos,etc of Dadn
Du,t Dnects them to hand ove1 all s01ts of mcome deuved from
villages M a.ludeh, Lohan, etc., to .'A.lim'un N1sa Begam f 2 (Per)

200-contr 1111ed
Jan. l! ~ Parr1•M.1' addreaed to Cludlru Qa•a-,01 etc. of Dadn Di.t
di=tmg them to follow the m.trnobono of the new agent •ppomted by
IDim' un Nul Begam to lookafter her villagea. f. l ( Per )
JuL 1 6, 7 The C!uef Qan to Rau Han .lllim'un Nm'\ &gain hn.s~
d,~ of tho ~illageo Baludeh, Lohan ete., for & long tune direct•
bun to m,ognao her claim ■ to those villngeL f ~ (Per)
8, 9 Sa1y,d MQfll!far Hul!lln Q&s, of Bh&bdara, not.Bes that a
" 8
Court-fee of R ■ 7-8 Jl'T «.t on 10.leoof property and of R ■ 6 Jl'T ce•I on
mortgage. u to be p,ud mto the Royal t.reuwry f 2 (Per)
:Mar 16 10 11 Gn1l.b S1nJ;?hand othonnh&b,t&nb of Sh&hdam ru.te that thoy
b&voboen pay,ng their rent. regularly f 2 (Per) (dophcntcsJ
Jon 12 12 A deed ordowor exeoote~ by Mlpl Mir i;IOSZ1wIll !&Toor of h11
'Info Mublral:'un Nt■!. f. l (Per)
Jone 6 13 ParUh and other Z,,.,lad6r1 of Swahdam underbhnotto rem~
or ooll bnob and other m.tonalw from nuno of anment hutliling■, mth
out Royal ponm.m,10n. f l (Por l
llDr 28 14 A. Btu-J,ng off.<; SOC]' lo Gon of Ind,a, to 1 E Colehro'kc
Dort Resident at Delb, Say■ that tho Governor Gener,! b .. no ohJeo-
hon to the Kmg purch.,mg- tho hon,e of Dr Ludlow hut that ho
cannot recogn!IOthe nght of the king to gnu,t an amgnmrnt on tl,o
Ro~I Shpend ,n ray,nont thereof for nny penO<lextend,ag 'bcyo,ul
lu■ life f. l (Eng)
May 6 l& )l,r-.J. Mhd TlmGr Shah to 'Alim nn N""' Tugnm Thon!.. her
for malang an endotrttmit of her Ntate,, lo !um f l (P~)
CM. 30 lG The Fung to 'hnA ;llhd TlmGr ShAh D,rttt. Lim to ps~ lho
dcLt. o[ the lato 'AHm on NW Begam IJJ!l«! ho ,. 10 po.,,c,,10uof LtT
e>t..l.._ I l (Ptr)
'lay 17 17 '1,ru 'lhd Fu \.]JnnJa Snl1ln oui:;:,,,t. that do<umrnt.
~,.,Jing llu=purJ Am,nn•~r a1NIllan:L111A,"""'g'Dffllo 7.Jnat \h~•I
Dti;am ma) LoLan ed over to her &l,"tnlt f L (Per)

1842 200-·001itin1,wd

Apr. 14 18. Lt'ase executed .by :Mahbiib 'Ali Kb.fin m favom of Zinat .:Mahal
.Begam for takmg 0Yc1 B.iza,r P .ttr1 on a monthly 10nt of Rs 180
f. 1 (Per)
,, 17 19-22 The K1ug assigns Jula, Amula1ba:x: and other villages to
,, 24 Zinat Mahal Begam as part of her dow1y £. 4 (Per.) (Nos 20-2
are triplicates)
,, 23 Receipt of payment made to Zinat 1\1:ahal Be~m by Mal;i.buh
" 'Ali Kl1an on account of 1ent 0£ Bazar Patn. f ] (Pei )
Jun. 2 24 Kmg's orders to the effect that the documents relatmg to the as-
signment of Bazar Patr1 to Zmat ltfahal Begam be made over to her
agents f. 1. (Per.)
Ang 10 25 Receipt of payment made to Muzii Mhd Hidiiyat by CJiaudkri
Sahk and othc1 Zamrndiirs on account of ients of lands f. I (Pei ).
Jun. 11 26. Deed in the form of a will executed by Sam'u'n N:1sa Begam m
favour of her child1en. £. 1. (Per)
Feb 9 27. The King to :Mirza :Mhd Timfo Shah. Duects him to pay the
debts of 'Alimu'n Nisa Begam f 1 (Per.)
28 Rajas DeVI Smgh and Sahgr[lm, to the Kmg. Report that they
have allowed the agents of Zinat · Mahal Begam possession of village
Kai wala f 1 (Per )
Dec. 26 29 Deed of dower executed by Mir Ghulam }Jusam in favour of
his wife U m1ao .Begam f. 1 (Per.)
Feb 19, 21 30-2. Deeds of s,tle of village Karwala executed by MITzaTimur
Sbal1, m favour of Zinat .Mahal J3egam. f 3. (Per) (Nos. 31-2 are
May 21 33 Decree of the Civil Court passed by Maulavi Mhd $adr'ud Dm
Khan Bahadur, $adr'1ts $1ed1""tr1 , ma case brought by 1'faryamu'n-
N1sa agamst Zmat Mahal Begam. £. 8 (Urdu).
Aug. 11 3~,. Decree of the Civil Court passed by M1 J P Gabbm~,
Offg Judge, m an appeal filed by l;Ialrun Imamu'd Din and othe1s•
f. 3 (Urdu)
,, 19 35-6. The Kmg m01tgages Bhala and othe1 villages to Mahbub 'Ali
Khanfora-sumofRsJ,00,000 foll 2. (Per.)
May 1 37 Hasan Rizii Khan, Ta~3ildar of Dadri, to the Kmg Submits
that he 1s not iesponszble for the nnsman_ag~ment of village Mundav1
as it does' not belong to his tah sil £ I (Pei )
> Chief Judge.

Aug 1 38 The Kmg to Balno R&m BIid other Zaa,.aa,.ofNorengpur, ete
Direct. them to pny rent. of their vtllnges to Mn}_.bfib All lilii\n
f 1 (Per)
Oct. Sl 80 The Kmg dedicate. Huonpur to the came of ch..nty m men:tory
of the !Ate SMh Abldl Maljal Begam f 1 (Per )
Dec 15 40 LeMe of 20 i,g1a, of land executed by Khruhl)oU !Um and
other z..,,.,.dar,
m favour of ~[ol;ibub 'All Kh! L (Per)
,, 23 41 The King an endowment of 17 £1d_a1 of land to 1,lo}_.1,Qb
'All Kh&.n. f 1 (Per)
Jan. 20 42 The King o._mgruivtllnge Kahurn to Akhtar Ma.l)al Dcgom for
her mtmtenance f. 1 (Per)
Feb 17 48 Deed of dower e:xe<nte<lby Aim! Ml;id.'All m in, onr of lu ■ info
Jln!;hsln Ikgam. f 1 (Per)
Aug 20 44 NnW'&b 1'Lm. Kli,!n to the Kmg Prny1 thnt tho ni;_hl of
owumlup of the nlloge endowed Ly the King to Zlnnt :Z,Inlµl &gam
lllllY be tron■ferrcd to the latter f 1 (Per)
Sep 8 41> Colleotor of l\I=l!'arnognr to S11,rul lllhd, Tah1t/dar A ■b h,m
to chreot the tenont. of Jul.oto p:,y then- rent■ to Zirnlt Mal)'ll Begum
f 1 (Urdu)
40 Tah1lldiJr of Mun!torntgnr direct. the tcnnnt. of Jul.o to l"'Y
their rents to Zlnnt Mnl,ol lltgilm f l (Urdu)
l',oy 28 17 Tbo Kmg nppomts llil)bllb 'AU Khan hls ngctlt In ShnMara.
f L (Per)
&p 10 48 Rocc,pt of a psymcnt mn<lo to Mntallaru'd Daul.oh f J (Per)

Sep 23 40-61 \ftru llh<l Snlt!n to tho King Sap that 1£ho u nppmnfcJ
heir app>renl ho mll oboy the h1ng nnd the Ou«n /rnat MalJ11l,,,.11
l"'Y her debt■ and mll lCO thnt her •hpend "' rcgull,rly poul. f 3
0..L 3 &2 Onng! DM LorrowoR ■ 05 from Lil4 Rnlnn Cland f 1 (P.r)

Jon I L3 02 Rtttipts of p:innent. mn<lcto ?>llr \luhln <l Din' ~IU7nlL,ru J
-U,-c 3 D,ubh and oth.,,.._ f 10 (l'er)
h 0 C.I O,m~ Snltnn Il'7--,:imanJ olher, Lo mrn 1 11 ,,01~ Crum l'4li
-'cp 10 1hr ll,y.J nnd other Lan\:cr,o. f ~ (I'.,.)
Ar< ~,1 n; ~ L, t• of proTI"""' ,mprl",t hy Lill Jn,.Aw ,.th nnJ SL...m
,,.,. 4 !Al t, )lu-u SLujin <l Din l ~ (l'.r)
l 411
Jnn. l 60. Mirza 'Alau'd Din borrows Ra 750 from Lnlii.Har Dayal. f. 1.
::Mnr. :n 70-0 nccciptR of payments mnuo to l\1:u7i11,:ffnru'dDl\ulah A'zam
-Nov. 22 'AH nml other~. f. 7. (Per) '
Apr. 21 77. Account of O'\:pcn~cs
incurred by :MirziiShujiiu'd Din. f. 1 (Per)
Jun JG 78 The King makes endowment of a house to 1\firziiJavnn Jfakht.
f l (Por.) -
,Tan. 20 7n~S8. TI-C<'cip{s of pnymcnts mndo to l\firzii. 1\fu7,nffa1ud-Daulah
-No\· 1 Im,]fid I,fns.1mnnd others. f. 10. (I>or)
Sep 3. S\J-D5 i\fihrbiin Khiin, Fnrid Khnn and othc1s bor1ow money
Dec 18 from Liilii Nnrnlnnnl, l3m<lruhnn an<l other bankors. £ 7 ( Per.)
Dec. 1 !JG The King of Omlh to 1\faJor Gen. James Ontram, Offg
Ilc(;1dcnt, Ouclh Notifies that l\1111.nffnrud-Danlah's case is under
im cstigntion but lie will be allowed to draw his s11lary for the trme
bcmg ns rccorumcnclecl hy the Resident. £. 1. ( Per)
,, 21 97 1'f117afl'nr'ud Dnulah to [ l\fau1avi Sa1yid Muhammad l the
,Tuclgc Requests him to c~pcd1to the cnse instituted agamst Chhedi
Lnl, i\f ucllal Beg nnd others for robbmg him of his prnperty and
ognm'>t Farzii.nn.Bcgam fo1 her nusconduct f. 1. ( Per.)
,, 23 98 :Khushiili Ram, Jnwalnr Sahm nnd other 1nhabrtants 0£ Mihrauli
give up their cln1m to n, piece of !and m favour of ~'.fa~bub fili•
f. I ( UI<lu).
Jan 3 09-125. K'lrim Beg, Fajjn ~nd othe1s borrow moRey from
-Allg 17 Dmdraban and other bankers f. 27 ( Per.)
Jan 23 12G Copy of a Icttor from the Kmg of Oudh to the Resident,
together with a copy of a lettc1 f1om TI1shan 'Naiayan, rega1dmg the
sal,Lry of :OiuznJfa1'ud-Daulah f I {Per)
lfar. 25 127. ~flid J\.bclul Kacl1r to Lala Sahgram. Asks him to arrange for a
loan of Rs 20 for Nur neg. £. 1. ( Per.)
Apr. 26" ] 28. List of articles received by ~aidari Begam from Fatim~
Sultan l3egam. f. 2 ( Urdu)
l\foy I. 129. List showing the stipends, salaries and allowances d1~wn by
:Members of the Royal Household a.s also the employes of the King
and C.-m-C. £ 12. ( Per.)
Jun. 12, 130-1. Lala Sahgram to Lala Bmdraban. Asks for a loan of
Jul 4 Rs 45. £ 2 ( Per )
Nov 27 132 Deed of agreement executed by Mrrza Mhd Kaus Shikoh
wheieby he forgoes h1s right to a. po1t10n of his stipend 10 favour
of Mirza Akhtar 13a1tht who gives him a lump sum of_ money
t I. (Per,) -

:MS foll 147/J vanOUJ 8IUl!L
(Pre-Mt1l••1,Mtd••J' a"'1Port M.t••J' paper,)
Jun. G 1 ShailtlJ Fa.,:il pronmeo to pAy Mr-I IlL 20 if Mota
Smgh hu not dohvered the oame to latter's fanu1J f L (Per)
MaJ 9 2 Tho King of Ondh to T II )foddocl'.. Says that he ,. mllrng
to oll:er a BUlblble poetto Lioat. J R. Troup of the 36th Regt..
f I (Per)
Feb 1 3-' to a Pnnce. Ila• rocc,voo. tnbmobon that oon ha ■
been ham to !um, mil arrange to secure an addition to lua .t.ipcnd
f L (Por)
Apr 30 4 Lat of iewcJ. belongu,g to T!J Mnl,al Ilogi,m f L (Per)
Jon. 1 5 Ra.Ja Ilahnn NUh to the Jung R"{'Orla that he hu l,cen
helpu,_g HAJ1 KhAn an 1111pervmag tho colleotiam at ,rulcnnd_F.r and
that 1.i!Ja\fmfill hAJmade over tho oborge of the village to lliJI Khln
f.L (Per)
,, 15 0 Deed of mle of 2 vi&gea by tho King to SAhgnl.m and Dc,i
Smgh f I (Per)
Jan 18 7 9 Receipt. of payment. made to Muu Jahln Shnh, Ml= Jahln
Joi ,, Khumiand o!beno for the,r tnavollmg o,;ponse, f 3 (Per)
10 Aoconnt of tmTe!hag ~e,, of )llrzi JahAn filmh, 111~
Ilnlnnd Jlnk!)t and othon. f L (I er)
l>!oJ30 11 Sllli::run nnd Dm Singh !:"° np their clnUUIto 8 Tillagoa ll\,
fovonr of the Jung f.L (Per)
Jul 8 12 Wue of llno:un Iln!tl)Jh borrows R1 12 from Lw Il•ndtnw.
f L (l'er)
11 13 Raja Duhan !\Ith to the King Report. thnt no now pl4fl
h .. Leen followcd 1n collecimg tho ro,i,nuo of Sa[r f I (Per)
Z,.o, 0 11 n.b~nr Sm;:h oLtrun, ,e,-cr:al\llugc, OD lc:ao lrom Zal!a<jl:-
u J Dln on o monthly rent of ll1 ~(l(J L 1 (Pu)
, ~n.f b'.f.rt ,n la ll~

Feb-. 26 15. - S11auqiRam to Lala Sheo Lal SJ,ys that he has - made arra.
ungements for sendmg muskets to the Krug f. 1. (Pei.)
1848 -
~ay. 27 io, 17 The Kmg borrows Rs 3,000 £1(,m Mahbob 'A.Ii Kb.tin,'
f-.2. (Per~)
,, ,, 18 'l'he King leases out several gardens to M:ahbub fili Khan
on a yearly rent of Rs 1,600. r. 1 (Per) 19. Translation of a letter from J Thomason, Lieut -Gov. of N W.
Provlnceq, to the Kmg Is unable to fo1ward his lette1 fo the Queen
of England, thmks the Gov. Gen. should be a1J.Ptoaohed ID the

matter. f. l (Urdu)\
- ,

Feb. 4 20, Ghulam Nabi bol'lows Rs 125 from Lala :Bahclimal.f L.

Mar. I - 21-3. tmfaazn'z•Zamiini Begam to Mahbiib Ali Khan, Mukancl
Lal and others Directs them to obtain loans from Bmdraban and
other banker~ f 3 (Per )
)J 21 24 RaJa B1shan Nath to the King Reports that the new Collec-
tor of rents has been put m possession of Mukandpur; sends RaJi Khan
to 'him f. 1. (Pet )
Apt. 8 25. Imtiazu'z-Zn.mani Begam to Bindiaban Directs hnn
to deduct from her stipend Rs 45, out of whrnh hen, to pay Rs 20 to
Mnza Ghuliim Ashraf and keep the remammg Rs 25 to himself as
his pay f 1 {Per,}
Aug. 13 26 Budh Smgh, Supervise1 of Roa<ls, to Ratndhan Ghq_sh,Post.,
master\ Asks him to obtam orders from his Dept about the supply
of 1opes requii ed for boats on postal service. £, 1. (Per) _
1852 ..._

Jan 20 27 An office1•, to Bakhtawar Smgh, Risiildli Stntes that Nal;L'

Ml}d Sa10ar's res1gnat10n has not been accepted £ 1 (Urdu).
Jan\ 27 28 Turab fili to Mit· Kabir ID.i. Agrees to the p1opo-salcofi..
tamed m his letter f 2 (Per,)
May.2 29. 2-\.bdus Subhiin Khan to Jan J\.Ii fil!an and Haidar 2-\.li
_- Khan Is anxious to hear from them f 1. (Pei )
H ,, 30 Abdus Subban Khan to .'A.bdurRashid Khan Asks_ hnn to
secure a stutabfo post for 1\bdnl MaJid Khan f I (Per )
Sep 3 31 - 1
to ,Abd'us Subhan Khan The medwme prescnbed £or

hun IS now ready £ I (Per) -

"1853 201-contrn11ed
Stp 12 32 Alpnad Khi!.n,J,rradar, to 1,[!r KhAn1 Ja,,,'atlar, !eh
bun to send hlB rmrlorm -wluch ~ with the add= f. 1 (Pc,)
,. ,. 3S -- to l\bdm Snh\illn K:hf.n ll annom{to hear from !um,
medtome will be oent eoon f I (Per )
i, 24 M AlpnAd Kh!n, Jaa'aaur, to Abdo ■ SohhAn Kh&n. AoJ..,iow
Iedgeo the reompt of w letter f 1 (Per)
., 20.,29 36-6 NJWn fill 1UJd Baiy,d J\h to AbdlII Sobhin KMn
Congntulate. !um on hu bemg appomtcd / a ■ 'adar f 2 (Per)
,, 20 87 PanjdAr Khr.n to Ahdw, Snbh!n Kl:!n Reqnesta that ho
• may be provided mth • post. f 1 (Per)
Oct 8 '3S JiII;idYlr Khan to .l\bdlII Sobl;i!n Khiin Aah !um to ■end
the pnce of an ue made for !um f 1 (Per)
80 ~to 'Abd1111Suhh!n Khln ThAnk■ hun for ocnding money
" n
to the wnter I family f. I (Per )
,, 13 40 -to Abdo ■ BobhAn Kh!n. Aiko lum to oend 3 yanls or
Inruanm1111Im f. 1 (Per)
:Noy 6 41 Bah!dm Jang Khln to Abel"" SobhAn KhAn G,,'eo!um
111t!rnctum1 for malcng a cloclc f l.. (Per)
" 9
42. Sher Ml;id Khw to 'Abd1111 Sobh!n Khw Sen<lt'!nm n, 110
f 1 (Per)
,, 10 4S -to Abdna Bobbin Khan. Intimates that Ihra~ Donkor RAo
Bah!dor baabeen g+ren a recepl.ion hy the Mfutnry officer,, f I
,, 2S 44 llllyat fill Khln to 'Abd01 Snbh!n Kh~n. lo annODBto hcllr
from !um f. L (Per)
Dec 14 45 -to 'Abd1111 Sobhln Khan. Aclcnowledgco the rceeipt o! h1&
letter f 1 (Per )
., 20 40 The King of Oudb to Lm1t. Col U II S!cemnn, Resident at
Ondh So.yo thnt fhe Jndgment of the cnoereferred to 111hu lcUcr
11"111be fonni.rded to ?,I upf/nnul DaolAh f 1 (Ptt)
,, 2G 47 Njtil fill K,h!n to J\hd01 Suhl;ii!.n Kh6n Aclcnowledgc.
tho rctci_ptof hi ■ lettem. f 1 _
J'an. 1 48 5:1. Sa,y,,l J'afur fill Khin, Mnh!nil:an NM Dcg,un nnd othen
Dt<l 12 borrow mOnCJfrom L!IA Oopt D!t and other bnnlen. f O (Por)
Feb 5 5-1 Lut of ■cat. of tbo Pnnocs. f L (Per)
Dec. 20 55 -to Abd1111 Snl,\il,n Khllo. Acknowlcili;t,i tM reoc,pt or
troatn'I f. L (Per )
'.M•y l 56. The C.-111-Cacl.:nowltdgeothe nmpt of Ra 12S U t. l (Pn}
&p H,-23 ~7-0 Dwy of Cot IlncltF......- ! 3 (Pn}
No,- 7 CO Th• Kin~ to )Hnl Flroz Sh:lb. AclcnowleJ~ the rtcflpt of
L11 Jett..- f L (l«)
Oct. 1 61. Receipt of a payment made to the se~nts of Mirza Mhd Qu-
ttlash. £ 1. '(Pei ) • •
1, ,, 62. Account of c:s:pensosincurred b_yI\'.fhzaMl}d Qiimiish. f. 1. (Per)
1857 ~

~pr 12. 08.

lleoeipt of a payment made to Maza.Sa'iidat Bakht f. l (.Her..}
,, 17 64. Imdiid fili to----Asks !for a piece of land to erect a dwellmg
house upon it f- 1. (Per.)
Jun\ 1 ""
65. l\tushiru'd-Daulah to ij:nfiz ! Sends .,a.buggy and 11, sa-ddie
to be sold by auction. f 1 (Pe1.)
Aug '23 66. Wans l\'ll}u Khan,Nawab of 13hopal, to the C.-in-C. Intimates
that 'Saiyid Amir fili hns paid him a V1s1t f 1. (Per.)
Deo. 20 67. Iqbiilu'd Dauln.b fo i1'.oti Singh. Appoints lum manager of
h1Sestates. f. 1. (Per.)

-6 [858

Jan. 1 l>S-86 Receipts of payments made to .Raisuz Zamiini Eegam

Dec. 1 f. ~ 18 (P-er.').
,, 26 86. Extract from $liiliqu'Z .dkh'bar, Delhi. f. 1. (Urdu).
F~b. 2-l 87 Proceedings •of a 1case against J.Insam 2\.li,a mutmeer m the
Cr1m,mal Courtrof JhajJar f 1. (Urdu) 1 '

Apr 30 88. Ahmad Husain to ,Amar Singh. Asks him to send 2 Satoarsto
'the Thanalt Najafgarh. £· 1. (Urdu).
Jun. 7 89. Proceedings of a theft case ~~mst Sitaram .f. 1. (.Urdu).
Tan 1- 90-5. Receipts of payments made to Mirza Mhd. :Mas'iid. £ 6_,
Jun l (Per) )

Dec 24; 96 Saikh Jumman, IJafadiir, to '.MhffKhan, Sawiir Asks 1um -rrot
to buy buckets if they cannot be had a't a reasondble pnce f L
1867 97. Nizamu'd Din to Hazari Smgh Asks htm to give proper ms-
tructions to the gardener Ill 'the Memsahib'.s house. f. 1. (Urdu)
__ 1 98 'Abdu'r Rashid Khanto Nyaz 'Ali ,Khan, Acknowledges tlie
receipt of his letter £ 1 (Per)_
--..- 99-100 Account of income of Mnmtiiz Mahal Begam derived from.
house rents. £. i. (Per.) (duplicates). _
101. '.Account of monthly expenses of Mirza Shuja'u'd Din. f. r ..

1 Year nnd date not given m MS.

102 ~mad Khln to 'Abdi:to Subl;ttn Kbln. Reporb that l'blf
'AU, a coachman,could not be traced. f l (?er)
103 Atntr Kh!n to MJi.dKhln. 1. anxio111io bear from hun f 1
104 .AmirKliln to llfl;ul Khla. 11 unahlo to .mid money f I.
--- 105 Ilahldur 'Air Kh!n, to llil)d YAl!n Khln Intunateathat Bng
Oen. Du:on left for England and haa been mcceeiled by Capt. Mof•tt.
f. l (Per)
- 108 B!b,dur 'All Kl.An to 1>~ YA"111KliAn.Aoknowledgea tbo
reoeipt of lua letter f l (Per )
- 107 Falltt'd Dm Kb&n IJafMar1 to &hAdur '.All KhA.n.Say,, thAt
In, Company bu bean deputed: to Bbanra to oeJ%e tbo robbtta '11"hohaTo
been pln11dlltlng the people. f. l (Per)
108 FanJdlr Khln to 1.Ahdn, Sob¼ Kh!n Thanb him tor olret-
tng 1nm tho poet ofNaio-IJ,ifddar f 1 (Per)
-- 109 H-m B•khah, agent of Tlmilr Shah, to tbo Kmg FOt'm\rda
for liia appl'oval the deed of imle of the vfl~ Karwlllo oxe<>ntcdb,1
Tlmilr Shah m favour of Zlnflt Mohal .Begam f. l (Urdu)
110 J"o.n :IJl;idKhln to Ml)d K.Mn AoknolTle<lgeo tho rccmpt of a
co.rpet,4 bol~ and 4 ""l'L f l (Per)
---1 111 Karam lit.hi Kh&n to 'Abd111 Bnbl;,!n Kh!n. WIii acohim
on being gn,nW leave f l (Per)
11!!. Jum,t KhAn and Im.Am Khin lo the Kintr Pr11yfor 1n1table
appointment. m the army f I (Per )
--- 118 Khnd! Bakh,b KhAn t11y1 th4t ho hu ken dcpnvcd by bl1
brother DokJi,hn of ha ,Jw-o in the property left by their gnindfo(hcr
t I (Per)
ll4 16 Lui of docume11ta rclat111gto tbo nllago Kanrub f 2
(Per) (.lnpheateo)
IHI-IS ll!Jrm ?,Iljd 'I'lm0r lo the King Prap for 1rutrnchon1
how to p:,y lhc debt, of Rounnq A!tABegum f 3 (Per)
110 \Inn 3ll)d TJm(lr to the }dog I, wUling to acll the nll•go
Kannila f I (Per)
.__ 120 llllru. Mhd T!mOr to the King Exccnlto the detd of a:,lo of
the n1!1ge f&Tonr 0£ Zlnat Mllljsl Degnm f I (P<r)
121 :Mitt!. :111)<1
'Ado af~•n, llhrzA ?111,dKanmu'• Sbn;p\ and other
betn 0£ the t.te :Ihm. :111)<1Dlrl Da\Jit to the King Pray that he mll
moYe tho L!cnt Gor of A~ to <'Onllnoeto th""' the ,tipcnd ..-h,o~
.,,... l!opptd on the uc:ith 0£ \Iiru Jllh<l DArl D,l,ht f 1 (l'tt)
1 )cuat><Idlt, llOI i;lrt1d11 l!•
--- 122.?\fnl)ammaa Yar Khan to Sah1bdad Khan, Has been granted
leave fo1 one month f. 1. (Per)
123 l\'.fuhammad Yasm Khan to Ilahadur 'Ali Khan. Is anxious
to hear from him f 1. (Per.)
124 Na~ru'd Din to l\ihd Khan. States that he has arrived at
Burhanpore. f. 1 (Per.) '
125 Rahim Bakhsh to l\fhd Khan. Acknowledges the receipt of his
letter. f. 1. (Per.)
---- 1 126 Petition of the Princes residing in the fort to the Kmg.
Request him to dissuade the English from usmg the fort as their
maga7,me. £. 3. (Per )
-- ] 2 7. Samicn'n N 1sa Eegam to the Kmg. Prays that a sfap'end may
be sanctioned for Hurmaz Zamani Eegam, £ 1 (Per.)
128. Tailor's charges for making Mirza ShuJa'u'd Din's dress. f. I
129 ---- to 'Abdus Snbhan Khan Says that Ganga Ram,
Risalcliir, is gomg to see rum. £ 1. (Per)
130 ' ____ to 'Abdus Subhan Khan. Is ill and m hospital.
f. 1. (Per)
131. - to 'Abdtrn Subhan Khan. Asks him to send money
and clothes f. 1 (U1du).
132 , to Bahadur 'Ali Khan. Says that he has sent Tewari
JJafadar to Capt. Eailhe. f 1. (Per.)
133, --- to Mhd Khan ls ~ailXlousto hear from him. 1£. I.
(Per) ,...
134 ---- to Mhd Khan.' Acknowledges the receipt of his letier
f. 1. (Per.) ~
185 --- to Mhd Khan. Says that 4 Sawars have gone to
Aumngabad with the fnrmture of hIS Company f. 1 (Per )
136 -- to Mhd Khan Says that he has sent the artrnles of
Khuda Eallish Khan £ 1 (Per)
187. --- to Mhd Khan Has sent Ra 39 to hnn f 1
(Per,) _
. 138. ------ to 1\fhd Khan Advises him not to resign hIS post.
f 1. (Per)
189 ---- to Mhd Khan. Will send him a horse If avrulable
f,, 1. (Per)
140. --- to Mhd Khan Asks for instructions regarding the
muskets in hit custody. £ I. (Per,)
141. ----to the Princes. Intimates that the Lieut Gov. of
- Agra has agreed to pay their stipends separately to each ierup1ent.
f. 1. (Per) ,,...
142. --- t,o ---. W 111cease to wnte him letters i£ he
does not reply to them. f 1. (Per)
--- 14~ -- to --. - Intends to see him after gettmg leave
£ I (Per)
l 44 -- to ---. Asks lum to write 1n detail how he was
robbed of his money f. 1. (Per.)
l'Ol'nl1CTDDtn oon:JlJiOC.Ut'rn.nrTl1(lJ nmu

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