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Agent-based, spatially explicit, modeling and simulation platform

The GAMA website and repository are currently being moved to
platform'>GitHub. We apologize for any trouble you may experience while we achieve this

Starting June, 30th 2015:

The SVN repository on GoogleCode goes read-only (i.e. no more commits allowed). The source
code is now accessible through'>GitHub.
The documentation wiki on GoogleCode will remain unchanged. A new documentation wiki is
available on'>GitHub.

Issues on GoogleCode will remain unchanged. Please post new ones on GitHub.
Downloads of the GAMA 1.6.1 release will remain on GoogleCode for now on. The release of
GAMA 1.7, expected in July, will use another infrastructure.
The gama-dev and gama-platform mailing lists remain unchanged.' /> G A M A is a
modeling and simulation development environment for building spatially explicit agent-based
simulations. Its latest version, 1.6.1, can be freely downloaded or
platform/source/checkout'>built from source, and comes pre-loaded with several models, tutorials
and a complete on-line documentation. G A M A allows to:

Design, prototype and write models in the GAML agent-oriented language and its optional
graphical modeling tool.
Instantiate agents from any kind of dataset, including GIS data, and execute large-scale
simulations (up to millions of agents).
Couple discrete or continuous topological layers, multiple levels of agency and multiple
paradigms (mathematical equations, control architectures, finite state machines).
Define rich experiments on models and explore their parameters space for calibration and
Design rich user interfaces that support deep inspections on agents, user-controlled
actions and panels, multi-layer 2D/3D displays and multiple agent aspects.

G A M A is developed by several teams under the umbrella of the IRD/UPMC international research

MSI Research Team, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam (2007 − 2014)
UMR 6228 IDEES, CNRS/University of Rouen, France (2010 − 2014)
UMR 5505 IRIT, CNRS/University of Toulouse 1, France (2010 − 2014)
DREAM Research Team, University of Can Tho, Vietnam (2011 − 2014)
UMR 8623 LRI, CNRS/University Paris-Sud, France (2011 - 2014)

Recent activity

Project Information
License: GNU GPL v3
96 stars
svn-based source control

Simulation Platform GIS ABM Modeling

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