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what are the dress codes by which a culture builds up a visible separation between men and women?

Men's traditional Chinese clothing is characterized by straight cuts and muted colors, whereas women's
traditional Chinese clothing is frequently more elaborate and colorful.

Though these distinctions are less sharp today, certain colors—like pink and red—are linked with
femininity and certain colors—like blue and black—with masculinity.

what parts of the womans body must be hidden by clothing, whether it is the face, chest, feet,
shoulders, or other according to teh china culture.

Compared to men, women may choose to wear elaborate jewelry and hairpins as accessories.

Both genders appreciate modesty, yet women are frequently expected to cover up more of their bodies
than males.

How are women dpicted in the various religious narratives and discourses?

In traditional Chinese religions like Taoism and Confucianism, women are often depicted as having
complementary roles to men, such as nurturing and supporting their families.

Buddhist teachings in China historically emphasized the role of women as caretakers and the importance
of virtues like compassion and wisdom.

Does the religious argumentation occasionally lead credence or provide pretext to maintain an
inequility of treatment between the men and women

Traditional Confucian teachings have sometimes been interpreted to justify gender inequality,
emphasizing patriarchal family structures and relegating women to subordinate roles.

While religious teachings in China may not explicitly advocate for inequality, cultural interpretations and
societal norms have sometimes resulted in discriminatory treatment of women, particularly in areas
such as education and employment.

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