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Focus on Testing 2

I. Read the texts or descriptions. Choose the correct notice A, B, C or D.

1. A C
You must use
the stairs.

2. A C
You can’t go to

3. A C
You should
drive carefully.

II. Read the texts, notices or descriptions. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C for the
correct explanation.

What must Phil do on his return?

A. phone Gary about the team list for Friday’s match
B. get Gary to play in the football match on Friday
C. let Gary know who’s playing football on Friday

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What is Jane doing in this card?
A. thanking Keiko for lunch
2. B. offering Keiko congratulations
C. giving Keiko some information

A. Students can buy meal tickets here at a discount.

B. Students are charged the normal price if they forget their
meal tickets.
C. Students can buy food up to the amount shown on their meal

III. Read the texts (A, B, and C) and choose the correct answer for each person.
Instruction: The young people below are all looking for a clothes shop to go to this weekend.
There are online reviews of clothes shops. Decide which shop would be the most suitable for
the following people.

George has to buy some new jeans but hasn’t much money to
1. spend. He’s quite tall, so he likes to try on clothes to check
that they fit.
A. Orange. A great store for shopping with pocket money. It stocks plenty of basic boys'
and girls’ clothes in a wide range of sizes and lengths, but the styles don’t differ much from
year to year. The staff are nice, and there are lots of changing rooms.
B. Cinders. This tiny shop is full of the most wonderful partywear–dresses for girls and
smart suits for boys. There are some unusual styles too. They’re planning to launch a range of
matching shoes and jewellery some time next year–check their website for details.
C. Zizi’s. This small shop specialises in clothes for larger and smaller sizes and it’s
especially good for sportswear. The prices are high, but the assistants are friendly and efficient.
The shop doesn’t have a website yet.
Rosa would like a beautiful dress for her school's end-of-year
party, with earrings to match. Her mother has given her quite
a lot of money to spend, and she'd like to buy everything in
one store.
A. Streetwear. This shop has all the top-of-the-range sports and leisurewear labels. The
clothes aren't cheap but they're all high quality. Keep up-to-date with their latest styles by

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going to their website.
B. Teenscape. This shop is really popular with young people looking for clothes for special
events–you’ll pay a bit more, but you’ll look fantastic! It’s a huge shop and has everything you
could possibly want–including a wide selection of jewellery and shoes. You can see the full
range of their products online.
C. Balloon. This is the place to come for great designs and low prices. There are no
changing rooms, but the service is quick and helpful. They stock plenty of jeans, T– shirts and
other everyday fashions, plus a range of clothes for indoor and outdoor fitness activities.

Stefan wants to get a smart designer rugby shirt, and doesn't

mind how expensive it is. He prefers to choose his clothes
online before he goes to town to buy anything.

A. Teenscape. This shop is really popular with young people looking for clothes for special
events–you’ll pay a bit more, but you’ll look fantastic! It’s a huge shop and has everything you
could possibly want–including a wide selection of jewellery and shoes. You can see the full
range of their products online.
B. Cinders. This tiny shop is full of the most wonderful partywear–dresses for girls and
smart suits for boys. There are some unusual styles too. They’re planning to launch a range of
matching shoes and jewellery some time next year–check their website for details.
C. Streetwear. This shop has all the top-of-the-range sports and leisurewear labels. The
clothes aren't cheap but they're all high quality. Keep up-to-date with their latest styles by
going to their website.

IV. Read the the article and decide the sentences which is “True” (A), “False” (B).
My family have always been huge fans of New Zealand–my mum comes from the capital–
so we saved up and went for a holiday there. We started with a week in the city she grew up in.
After that, we toured around for a while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a small town
on the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather dull place, but the next day I remembered
what I’d read about it–that it was often possible to see dolphins and whales there! I'll always
think of Kaikoura as the place where I finally achieved my lifelong ambition–to swim with
wild dolphins.
My family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of other people
on a small boat. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the waves in the
sunshine until we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go swimming. To my

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surprise, this was more than 40 km from land. I was quite cold by this time, and really starting
to wonder why my family had made me come all the way out there, when suddenly someone
shouted ‘Dolphins!’.
All I could see were fins everywhere–there were more than a hundred dolphins, all
swimming towards our boat! Many of them were jumping around in the water as if they were
asking us to come and play. I put on my snorkel and jumped into the sea. Everywhere I looked,
all I could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round me. Then I remembered the guide
had told us to make sounds in the water to attract them. So I did and actually heard them
making similar sounds, as if they were trying to answer me. I even made eye contact with one
dolphin, and watched it carefully as I swam round in a circle. Amazingly, the dolphin almost
followed me, but then changed its mind, although it kept eye contact with me all the time. It
really made me realise how intelligent and beautiful these creatures are.
Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat. Although I
had enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very cold. As I got dry, I
noticed that everyone on board was smiling and I realised what a very special moment we’d
I’ll never forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my

1: Paul has family connections with the place he first visited in New Zealand.
A. True B. False
2: Kaikoura is a very big city on the coast.
A. True B. False
3: Paul and his family set off on a dolphin trip on a big ship.
A. True B. False
4: Paul was beginning to feel unhappy about the trip until someone saw the dolphins.
A. True B. False
5: Paul believed the dolphins were inviting him to join them in the water.
A. True B. False
V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
For hundreds of years, giving flowers have been a social means of communication. In the
United States, flowers are often given during rites of passage, for commemorating special
occasions or as a heartfelt gift between loved ones and friends. Flower gifting also occurs in
most countries around the world. However, the meanings and traditions often vary.
While students traditionally gave their favorite teacher an apple in past years, in China,
teachers are given flowers. Peonies are by far the flower most often given in China. They are

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also quite popularly used for weddings. Strangely, potted plants are not considered a pleasant
gift among Asian cultures. The people believe that like a plant confined by a pot, the gift
symbolizes a binding or restriction.
In Russia, in lieu of giving birthday presents, the guest of honor receives a single flower or an
unwrapped bouquet. Floral arrangements or baskets are not given. Russians celebrate a holiday
known as Woman's Day. Traditional gifts include red roses, hyacinths or tulips. When there is
a funeral or other occasion where someone wishes to express sympathy, carnations, lilies or
roses are given in circular configurations, which signify the transition of birth, life and death to
rebirth. In this instance, the color of choice is commonly yellow. For joyous occasions,
arrangements and bouquets generally contain an odd number of flowers.
In the times of ancient Rome, brides carried flowers to scare away evil spirits and
encourage fertility. The Dutch believed that flowers were food for the soul. When invited to
someone's home in Great Britain, it is tradition to bring a gift of flowers. All types are
acceptable except white lilies, which are usually seen at funerals. Unlike the United States, red
roses are a symbol of love. Flowers are generally gifted in odd numbered increments
regardless of the occasion. However, the Brits also have superstitions regarding the
number 13, so the number is avoided.
In the southern region of the continent, flowers are traditionally given during Christmas.
Egyptians are much more conservative and restrict flower gifting to funerals and weddings.
While certain flowers may have significant meanings for some, flowers in Las Vegas and
across the United States flowers are an accepted gift for any reason desired.
1. What does the topic mainly discuss?
A. The fascinating tradition of giving flowers.
B. The different meanings of flowers in different cultures.
C. The comparison of giving flowers between Asian and European cultures.
D. The kinds of flowers people often give each other in different cultures.
2: What does the word “They" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. Students B. Teachers C. Flowers D. Peonies
3. Why should not you give a potted plant to an Asian?
A. Because the Asian prefer to be given flowers.
B. As this gift is often given at weddings in Asia.
C. Since this gift is believed to symbolize an astriction and limitation in Asia.
D. Because Asian students like to give an apple or flowers to others.
4. According to the passage, the following flowers are given at Woman's Day in
Russia, EXCEPT __________.
A. red roses B. hyacinths C. tulips D. yellow roses

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5. What could the word "fertility" in paragraph 4 best be replaced by?
A. fecundity B. good spirit C. happiness D. loyalty
6. The word “superstitions" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. deep-seated belief B. unfounded belief C. religious belief D. traditional belief
7. In which country should not people bring white lilies to other houses?
A. China B. Russia C. Great Britain D. United States
8. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. People can give flowers to the American in any occasion.
B. Egyptians are rather comfortable when receiving flowers at funerals and weddings.
C. Flowers given in Britain are in even numbers in any case.
D. At the funerals in any cultures, flowers are gifted in circular configurations.

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