Poverty Alleviation Strategies and New Economic Model in Malaysia

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© International Academic Research Journal of

Economics and Finance
Vol.No.3, Issue No 3, March 2015, Page no.17-31 ISSN Number: 2227-6254

Poverty Alleviation Strategies and New Economic

Model in Malaysia
Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed Dr. John Antony Xavier
Associate Professor Professor
Department of Urban and Regional Planning, National University of Malaysia
Kulliyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,
International Islamic University Malaysia
E-mail: zin@iium.edu.my


Poverty eradication remains high on the national agenda. Malaysia’s seriousness about
poverty eradication - one of the millennium development goals - has enabled it to achieve
a drastic reduction of the poverty rate from 60% in the 1970s to 3.8% in the 20009. Hard
core poverty has been virtually eliminated, declining to 0.7% in 2009. Although the
incidence of poverty is low, pockets of poverty exist with high incidence among specific
ethnic groups and localities.The New Economic Model (NEM) takes the fight against
poverty to even further heights. Unveiled in 2010, the NEM is the roadmap to double
Malaysia’s current per capita income of USD 7,000 to USD 15,000-17,000 by 2010 and,
thereby, qualify as a high-income country in line with its Vision 2020. This ambition
causes the NEM to focus on the lower 40% income households who have experienced a
relatively flat income growth rate compared to those in the top 20% and middle 40%
households who have enjoyed steep income growth rates over the last three decades.
Combining descriptive and analytical methods involving interviews with selected high-
level officials directly involved in poverty eradication and secondary data, the paper
evaluates Malaysia’s efforts at poverty eradication over the last 50 years. It highlights the
approach taken by the NEM in combating poverty. Much of Malaysia’s success has been
the result of its macro- and micro-management of poverty eradication. At the macro level,
policies and plans spell out the broad strategies to conquer poverty.The determination of
poverty eradication as one of the six national key result areas brings poverty eradication
under micro scrutiny. Specific policy initiatives and programmes are being implemented
to wipe out pockets of poverty.The practical value of this paper is that it offers policy-
makers a digest of workable strategies critical success factors in poverty eradication.

Introduction reduce longevity and contribute to

environmental degradation.
This section highlights that poverty
is multidimensional. It offers a theoretical Poverty is an affront to human
basis for the many initiatives taken by the dignity and rights warranting state action
Malaysian government in its efforts to against it. (Ministry of Education Uganda,
eradicate poverty. 2003; Sengupta, 2007).One weapon of the
state inits fight against poverty is increasing
Poverty eradication appears first in
the income levels through economic growth.
the list of the millennium development goals
This is because high concentrations of poor
(MDG). Implicit in its pole position is the
also exhibit low economic growth (Kakwani,
contention that poverty is the root cause for
1993). Economic growthoffers employment
many of the malaises for which the UN had
and business opportunities to the poor while
instituted the MDG. For want of income,
providing the government with an expanded
poverty denies poor families access to basic
revenue base to expand the provision of
education for their children. Lack of shelter,
basic social services and infrastructure
clean water, propersanitation and fuel–a
across society.
ubiquitous landscape of the poor– bring in
their wake diseases, ill health, infant and Studies have also shown that poor
maternal mortality and health. children have poor outcomes in education.
Consequently,these interrelated factors That perpetuates the cycle of poverty.
18 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

Governments have focused on education of should be more appropriate to societal

the poor to break this vicious cycle where needs. Accordingly the state should seek to
lack of education keeps the poor in the lower income inequality and promote rural
quagmire of poverty (Ladd, 2012). and agricultural development as nearly half
of the labour force in developing countries
However, state intervention in social
relies on agriculture for its livelihood (Gosh,
reengineering and socio-economic
2010; Schwanen; 2010; Stiglitz 2010).
management has had mixed reception in
academic literature. The statist centralised Rawls (1971) theory also offers
planning of socio-economic programs for, justification for state intervention in
among others, poverty eradication, was the addressing income disparity. Heportrays
paradigm of the now extinct USSR, with society as being ordered on an extensive
remnants now existent in socialist countries system of liberties to all and tolerance of
such as Cuba and North Korea. At the other income disparity where it benefits the poor.
extreme, the laissez faire or the free- To guarantee the welfare of posterity, Rawls
enterprise capitalist system requires the also espouses inter-generational equity
government to play only a minimalist night- through the judicious management of
watchman role in the economy. Norzick resources by the existing generation.
(1972) and the Austrian school -
Rawls’ theory fits well with the
spearheaded by economic luminaries such
aspirations of the NEM and the socio-
as Schumpeter and Thomas Friedman -
economic policies of the past. Malaysia’s
advocate that markets are self-regulating
Anglo-Saxon model of economic
and government should, therefore, not
development ensures narrowing of income
temper with its operation.
disparities in the economy andthe
An intermediate system between alleviation of the plight of the poor.
these two extremes is the mixed enterprise Malaysia’s inclusiveness and sustainable
system. In this Anglo-Saxon model, the development doctrines, enunciated since
state loosely regulates economic growth the Third Malaysia Plan (1976-1980),
while itself participating in the economy.The ensure inter-generationalequity (Xavier and
Anglo-Saxon model takes on a more statist Ahmed, 2012).
approach in the Nordic countries, France,
Malaysia’s definition of poverty
Italy and, to a lesser extent, Germany with
immense state welfarism and redistribution Poverty and hard-core poverty have
of income through expansionary fiscal been given a standardised definition under
policy(Roubini, 2009; Wolf, 2009; the Tenth Malaysia Development Plan
Hendrekson and Jakobsson, 2000; Roubini (2011-2015) (Government of Malaysia,
and Mihm, 2010). 2011). As Figure 1 illustrates, the Plan
differentiates households as being
While the recent 2008-2009 financial
extremely poor and poor. All those
crisis across the US and the EU exposed
households having an income below USD
the defects of the Anglo-Saxon model, the
740 per month are considered low-income
preponderant underlying direction is still
households irrespective of whether they are
towards a free-market mechanism with
rural or urban dwellers. They form the target
proper regulation of markets but without
group for the income alleviation and income
state control over the economy (Stiglitz,
disparity reduction efforts under the NEM.
2010). Towards that direction, economists
have suggested, among others, that the Insert table 1
state’s role in socio-economic management
2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier19

Past Performance At Poverty activities. The number of Bumiputera

Eradication: 1957-2009. professionals such as doctors and
accountants grew significantly from 1995 to
This section traces the progress of
2008. Bumiputera share of selected
poverty eradication efforts over the last 50
professionals has also improved,
years. It argues that much success at
accounting for 60% of architects, 53% of
eradicating poverty has been due as much
doctors and 52% of engineers.
to the stellar economic growth as it is due to
the wise policies and plans of the Insert Figure 2
Insert Figure 3
The millennium development goals
Insert Figure 4
(MDG), including poverty eradication,
underwrite much of Malaysia’s socio- Much of this success at poverty
economic development initiative. It was the eradication was on the back of the country’s
singular focus on poverty that enabled sterling economic performance. In the East
Malaysia to achieve well aheadin 1999 the and Southeast Asian region, Malaysia
MDG target of reducing the proportion of the stands out as one of the most outstanding
population living below the poverty line by economies in terms of the rate of economic
50% between 1990 and 2015. Poverty rate growth and poverty reduction. Thanks to
declined to 8.5% in 1999 from 17% in 1990 years of impressive growth of 9% before the
(Shireen, 1998; BNM, 2000). Asian financial crisis more people have
been pulled from abject poverty. Consistent
Malaysia went full steam to bring down the
with the high growth rates, per capita
poverty rate to 3.8% in 2009. In 2009, 40%
income increased from US$900 in 1970 to
of the households (2.4 million households)
US$9,700 in 2011. Per capita income in
had a total income of less than RM2,300 per
Malaysia in 2010 was second only to
month. 0.7% (or 4,250 households
Singapore in the countries in Southeast
compared to 44,650 in the mid-1980s) was
Asia and considerably higher than that of
considered hard-core poor.
other countries of the region(Wikipedia,
Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5below show the 2012).
gradual decline of the poverty rate –
Despite this commendable effort at
absolute and across ethnic groups and
so short a time, the incidence of poverty is
regions - from 1970. The reduction in
not uniform across the country. While the
poverty was accompanied by rising living
incidence of poverty varied between urban
and rural areas, territorial difference in the
Insert table 2 incidence of rural poverty is glaring. The
overall incidence of poverty in Sabah is the
Insert Figure 1
highest at 19.7%, while that of Sarawak is
As Figures 3, 4 and 5 illustrate, the 5.3% (equal to Kedah). Perlis is second at
income disparity between ethnic groups has 6%. Sabah too registered the highest
improved as a result of various policies on incidence of rural poverty at 32%, with
growth with distribution. The NEP also Sarawak recording the second highest at
enabled the creation of a Bumiputera 8.4% (EPU, 2012).
professional and middle class group, with
Malaysia’s effort at poverty
higher equitable employment participation
eradication hasbeen relentless since the
in higher value-added occupations. In 2008,
time of its independence in 1957. Public
Bumiputera accounted for 51% of the
policies were instrumental in beating back
management and professionals category of
20 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

poverty. Chief among which was the New rate was as high as 94% in 2010. And for
Economic Policy. Formulated in 1970, it the last two decades, barring the crisis
sought to eradicate poverty by generating periods of 1996-1997 and 2007-2008, the
new employment opportunities and raising economy has enjoyed full employment with
income levels of all Malaysian irrespective unemployment below 3 per cent (Treasury,
of race. The NEP was a resounding 2011/2012). These indicators are similar to
success. It reduced the overall poverty those of the middle-income countries and, in
incidence from 49.3 per cent in 1970 to 17.1 some cases, high income countries (Julian
per cent by 1990 (Government of Malaysia, and Zafar, 2009; Government of Malaysia,
1991; Nair, 2000). 2011).
In 1991, the NEP morphed into the Current Macro Efforts at Boosting
National Development Policy (NDP) (1991- Income Levels
2000) with poverty still being the focus. As
Although the incidence of poverty
a result, poverty declined further to 6% in
has plunged from 49.3% in 1970 to 3.8% in
2002. Even more warming is that, during
2009, poverty eradication still remains a
the span of these two policies (1970-
central agenda of the government. This
2000),the hard-core poverty rate had more
seriousness of the government is evident in
than halved to 1.2% surpassing the
poverty being one of the six national key
government target (Government of
result areas to which are devoted
Malaysia, 1991; 1996; Mahbot, 1997; JBIC,
disproportionate amount of resources.
Notwithstanding, pockets of poverty remain
The country went on to register in terms of specific regions and particular
declining rates in poverty and hard-core communities. These are being addressed
poverty under the National Vision Policy through targeted approaches such as rural
(2000-2010) that replaced the NDP. Despite infrastructure development designed to
the impressive progress made in the enhance the quality of life, provision of
reduction of the incidence of poverty, ethnic welfare benefits to the poor and the
disparities in poverty have continued. provision of income generating
Although the incidence of poverty among opportunities such as through agropolitan
Bumiputras has decreased by two-thirds in projects. To address the plight of the urban
2009 from a high of 65% since 1970, it is still poor specific interventions such as micro-
high compared to only 5.7 per cent for the credit schemes have been directed
Chinese and 8 per cent for the Indians. (Government of Malaysia, 2012, p. 18).
The impressive record of poverty Despite policies geared to its
reduction in Malaysia paralleled reduction, income disparity has been getting
improvements in a number of social wider over the years. As Figure 7 illustrates,
indicators. By 2010, 93% of the population while the top 20% of the households
had access to safe drinking water while enjoyed income growthin tandem with that
99.6% had access to electricity in Peninsula of GDP growth, the bottom 80% have not
Malaysia. In Sabah and Sarawak 77% of fared well. Worse, the bottom 40% has had
the population had access to electricity. the slowest growth in its income level with
During the period 1970-2010, primary households earning a modest USD 17 a day
enrolment rate increased from 87% in 1970 (or USD 500 a month) (Nambiar, 2010).
to 99% in 2010. Life expectancy rates for
Insert figure 5
both females and males increased to 75
years and 70.2 years, respectively. Literacy With poverty not as worrisome as it
was back in 1970, the focus now is on
2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier21

income disparity, especially the 40% of the (Khan, 2002; Acemoglu and Robinson,
householdsthat are in the low-income 2012). True to its inclusive concept, NEM
category. This strategy differs from those of aims to ensure poverty eradication and a
poverty eradication in that it is not so much more equitable distribution across ethnic
a case of giving hand-outs as of giving the communities and regions. Inclusiveness
low-income households the opportunity to programmes will seek to enhance the
improve their living standards by enhancing income levels of low-income households
their earning potential. Skills training and from RM 1,440 (USD 480) per month in
entrepreneur development are among the 2009 to RM 2,300 (USD 770) in 2015
programmes to enhance the earning (Government of Malaysia, 2011).
capacity of this group.
Insert figure 6
The New Economic Model (NEM): macro
The NEM provides the
framework at income enhancement
conceptualmacro approach to achieving
It was this lack of progress in poverty eradication and income disparity
narrowing the income differential that reduction.Central to this approach are the
resulted, among others in the government eight strategic reform initiatives (SRI).
formulating the New Economic Model These SRIs seek to reorient the Malaysian
(NEM) in 2010. The NEM seeks to enhance economy from manufacturing to high-value
the income levels of households at the services. They seek to boost domestic
bottom 40%. This can be achieved if investment and consumption to secure,
Malaysia could extricate itself from the among others, reduction in income
middle-income trap that it has found itself differentials and poverty eradication (NEAC,
comfortably in. Breaking out of the middle- 2010).
income trap alloyed well with the country’s
The eight SRIs are: (1) reenergising
Vision 2020 of becoming a developed
the private sector;(2) developing a quality
nation. Accordingly, the NEM sought to
workforce and reducing the dependence on
increase the per capita income from USD
foreign labour; (3) creating a competitive
7,000 in 2010 to USD 15,000-17,000 (two-
domestic economy; (4) strengthening the
fold jump) by 2020. Catapulting the country
public sector; (5) transparent and market-
to rich-nation status will place
friendly affirmative action; (6) building the
Malaysiaamong countries such as
knowledge base and infrastructure; (7)
Singapore, Czech Republic, Poland and
enhancing sources of growth; and (8)
Slovakia). (See figure 8).
ensuring the sustainability of growth.
Sustained high income (without
These eight SRIs, varied in their
compromising the wealth of future
objectives, seek to enhance economic
generations) is to be achieved, among
activities and thereby provide employment
others, through innovation, creativity, higher
and entrepreneurial opportunities in a
productivity, new technology and
growing economy. This will allow the poor
development of multi-skilled and highly
and the low-income segment of the
skilled workforce. (NEAC, 2010).
populace a chance to climb up the income
Inclusivism also has been a mantra in ladder. For example, in re-energising the
Malaysia’s development effort. This is private sector, the government intends to
because where inclusivism emerges, great make small and medium-scale enterprises
wealth follows. As inclusivism protects competitive through innovation,
individual rights and promotes investment, offerpreferential loans and remove barriers
economic growth is a natural consequence against competition. With the consequent
22 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

reduction in the cost of doing business, resources are not exhausted to the
SMEs should be able to enjoy greater detriment of the welfare of future
business potential and create more generations. It also seeks to leverage on
employment. Such an outcome should have the comparative advantage from high value-
a positive impact on the low- added products and services to enhance
incomehouseholds.By developing a quality the per capita income. A sound public
workforce and reducing dependency on financial management and the provision of
foreign labour, the NEM also hopes to uplift incentives for ‘green investment’ are other
the income levels of the bottom 40% of the objectives that this SRI pursues for
households. Among the many initiatives sustained growth per capita income (Xavier
under this SRI are the reskilling of the and Ahmed, 2012).
existing labour force, introduction of the
10th Malaysia Plan and the Government
USD300 minimum wage per month, at
Transformation Programme (GTP):
removal of labour-market distortions that
fleshing out the NEM
constrain wage growth.
The NEM sets the framework for
The NEM aims to strengthen the
economic and income growth and reduction
public sector so that it operates efficiently,
in income inequality. The 10th Malaysia Plan
transparently and with integrity in the
and the GTP are the instruments to craft out
delivery of public services. A strengthened
specific strategies to flesh out the
public sector should be able to execute
aspirations of the NEM. This section will
poverty eradication and income alleviation
outline the strategies encapsulated in these
strategies with better outcomes.
two instruments.
The purpose of the SRIon market-
10th Malaysia Plan
friendly affirmative action is specifically to
reduce income disparity and narrow The 10TH Malaysia Plan aims to
regional differences by creating market- completely eradicate hard-core poverty and
friendly affirmative action. It also promotes enhance the productivity of low-income
equal and fair access to opportunities. households. In that direction, it has
standardised the definitions of poverty and
The SRI on building the knowledge
low-incomegroup. These standard
base and infrastructureseeks to create an
definitions will help agencies to quickly
eco-system for entrepreneurship and
identifyand assist the target groups and
innovation and establish stronger enabling
coordinate their combined efforts
institutions. The NEM intends to combine
these initiatives with the others to narrow
the income differential (Yeah, 2010). Additionally, the Plan will enhance
the living standards of the bottom 40%
The SRI on enhancing the sources
households throughmore opportunities for
of growth also shares the objective of
upward economic mobility. Offering
boosting income levels, especially at the
opportunities to upgrade skills in industry-
lower rungs of society. Such an outcome is
relevant and targeted geographical areas
to be secured by developing new markets
through, among others, industrial
and creating value. Value is to be created
attachments and jobs are efforts at creating
from building scale for cost economies, first-
opportunities for upward economic mobility.
mover advantage and harnessing
Employers will be linked to talent pool in
rural areas. And greater support will be
The SRI on ensuring sustainability of given to those intending to establish own
growth seeks to ensure that natural businesses through integrated provision of
2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier23

training, funding and key equipment to Provision of vocational and skill

increase entrepreneurship and employment training
Current Micro Strategies at Poverty
Government Transformation Programme Eradication
Micro strategies at poverty
Under the GTP, poverty eradication eradication refer to efforts by the
is one of the seven national key result government to identify the pockets of
areas. Rural infrastructure development, poverty – household and spatial – and then
containing the cost of living and improving shaping relief efforts to suit the needs of the
access to education are the other specific afflicted. Tailor-made programmes are
national key result areas of the GTP that executed for special target groups such as
complement the specific efforts targeted at the Bumiputra, particularly ethnic minorities,
poverty eradication. The GTP programme in Sabah and Sarawak; aboriginal
brings together agencies that are in the communities in Peninsular Malaysia;
forefront of poverty eradication. Among the residents of Chinese New Villages and
efforts at poverty eradication by these estate workers. The government also
agencies under the GTP are: targets different programmes for specific
sub-groups among the poor such as the
The implementation of the rural
hard core poor (for whom the government
development master plan (2012-
created the Development Programme for
the Hard-Core Poor), female-headed
Targeting 30% rural folk, especially
families or single parent families, elderly
women, for participation in
people, handicapped and indigenous
entrepreneurial activities by 2020
groups (Government of Malaysia, 2011).
Attain 100 per cent coverage of
basic infrastructure, utilities and Here, the government continues to
infrastructure by 2020 offer income support to the eligible groups.
Increase coverage of electricity Fiscal assistance includes allowances,
supply for rural areas in Sabah and scholarships, school subsidy (boarding
Sarawak to 81 and 90% respectively schools, financial fees, school uniform, and
and water supply for rural areas in tuition fees) to children in bottom 40%
Sabah and Sarawak to 70 per cent households to boost their education and
by the year 2012 skills. Subsidised housing is provided to
Decreasing the digital gap by deserving poor households in rural and
increasing internet broadband urban areas. Additionally, these target
service penetration in rural areas groups are given access to healthcare,
Promotion of initiatives such as clean water, electricity and transport
Azam-tani (agricultural businesses); infrastructure to improve living standards.
Azam-Niaga (businesses); Azam-
Strategies to elevate the quality of
Kerja (job-matching and placement)
life of rural households generally include
and Azam-Khidmat (participation in
providing holistic support programmes for
the services sector)
micro-enterprises including grants and
Implementation of public health
cheap funding; linking rural talent pool to
programmes such as rural clinics,
employers in nearby clusters and cities;
family health, rural dental service
increasing sustainability of income in the
and food and nutrition advisory
agriculture sector through contract farming;
providing opportunities for business
24 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

ownership for capable rural entrepreneurs; central government agenda was not
increasing land productivity and yield derailed by other equally pressing concerns.
through land amalgamation; improving
One of the hallmarks of the policies
human capital productivity with rural
is inclusiveness. They were focused on the
agriculture and agro-based industries and
target group – the poor. They did not
expanding the application of the agropolitan
discriminate by race or domicile (NEAC,
concept to other agriculture and agro-based
industries (Government of Malaysia, 2011).
These policies did not rely solely on
Policy Implications
income support, subsidies and outright
The Malaysian experience at grants. They empowered the poor – the
poverty eradication draws a number of bulk of whom were in the agriculture sector
policy lessons to other countries as they - to improve their living standards by
race to reach the millennium goal of poverty enabling them to modernise farming
eradication. Among the key implications practices and value-added processing of
include the pre-requisite of strong economic agricultural products. The policies also
growth for a sustained approach to poverty nudged the poor to seek non-farm
eradication and political commitment as employment as this type of employment
manifested in the policies and institutions generally provided higher incomes than
directed at poverty eradication. Given the traditional farming (EPU, 2004).
myriad of institutions involved in poverty
Another potent feature of Malaysia’s
eradication, coordination among them
poverty eradication policies is that they also
becomes critical to ensure that the
serve to reduce income disparity across
government gets the best bang for the buck.
ethnic groups. As poverty eradication is
The rest of the section will amplify these key
inextricably intertwined with the agenda to
success factors that must hold for efforts at
lessen income disparity in society, these
poverty eradication to bear fruit.
poverty eradication policies took on greater
Much of Malaysia’s success at urgency while mustering the needed
poverty eradication must be credited to the political support and resources.
dedicated political leadership throughout
Political leadership was also wise
the last 50 years of its existence. Its
enough to realise that policies at poverty
unwavering commitment to this venture is
eradication can only be effective in an
evident in the policies instituted and the
expanding economy. Hence, economic
institutions created and or charged with this
growth was promoted, initially through
noble task. Every five-year development
government participation in the economy
plan has had poverty eradication as one of
and later by encouraging the private sector
its key agendas. Policies that informed five-
to become the engine of growth. Through
year development planning, starting from
an expanding economy, the government
the NEP through the DNP and national
provide employment opportunities and
vision policy and right up to the government
improved living standards to all. It was also
transformation policy have focused on
able to; from a bigger revenue base that
eradicating poverty. Although the policy
economic growth made possible, channel
emphasis varied across them, these
more resources to poverty eradication and
policies always had their sights trained at
affirmative action without causing angst
poverty eradication. The political oversight
across the rest of society.
of their implementation saw to it that this
Given that an array of public
agencies and public policies is involved in
2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier25

the poverty eradication effort, coordination employment assistance to these groups. It

across them is crucial to ensure non- is this proactive approach at poverty
duplication of effort and waste of resources. eradication that is a distinguishing feature of
Accordingly, the prime minister – reflecting the Malaysian experience in combating
the committed role of political leadership – poverty.
created a performance management and
Many of the poverty eradication efforts are
delivery unit. Headed by a minister without
‘top-down’ programmes and projects. Such
portfolio and supervised by another
centrally-directed programmes may obtain
minister, the unit, among others,
adequate resources to sustain these
coordinates poverty eradication efforts with
programmes. However, the lack of
a sharp focus on outcomes. However,
community-based or bottom-up
coordination among implementation
programmes breeds a dependency
agencies, especially at the state and local
syndrome or a subsidy mentality that leads
levels remain an issue for resolution (EPU,
to a sense of powerlessness among the
poor. Political dependency and or political
Another strategy that comes out interference are also a natural consequence
clearly from the government’s efforts at (Dye, 2011).
poverty eradication is the emphasis of the
government on human resource
development. That paved the way for the The Malaysian experience in
poor to acquire the necessary skills and poverty eradication offers valuable insights
qualifications to gain employment in the to countries involved in eradicating this
expanding high-wage sectors of the scourge. Its policies, plans and programmes
economy. This resulted in the shift of a large and a myriad of agencies executing them
number of workers out of the traditionally have enabled the government to apply
low-paid rural occupations into better paid overwhelming force upon the problem.The
modern sector employment. In addition to government’s growth orientation has
uplifting their incomes, training and skills provided it a greater revenue base to
directed at the poor ensure that there is no channel a disproportionate amount of
intergenerational transfer of poverty. resources toward poverty eradication. Its
macro and proactive micro-approach to the
In poverty eradication, as in any
problem ensures that no vulnerable group is
other public policy, a country must not only
left behind in the development efforts of the
take a broader approach but also a focused
approach. The macro approach is evident
in policies and five-year development plans. Given the many instruments and
It is also evident in government-aided institutions coordination had become a
economic growth - as an enabler of poverty problem to warrant action at the highest
eradication - and in efforts at improving the level of political leadership. Such high-level
quality of life of the poor by expanding and action reflects that without the continued
upgrading public services, social amenities effort of political masters, poverty
and physical infrastructure. eradication, and for that matter any policy,
can go nowhere.
The macro approach is
supplemented by the micro perspective. References
Here, the government identifies the location Acemoglu D. and Robinson, J. (2012),Why
of poor and vulnerable groupsand brings Nations Fail: The Origins of Power,
specific fiscal, housing, business and
26 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

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Table 1

Definition of Extreme Poor, Poor and Low-Income Households (USD1 = RM 3)

Peninsular Malaysia Sabah Sarawak

Extreme Poor RM 460 and below RM 630 and below RM 590 and below
28 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

Poor RM 760 and below RM 1050 and below RM 910 and below

Low-income Households RM 2,000 and below RM 2,000 and RM 2,000 and

below below

Source: Prime Minister’s Department, 2012, p. 198.

Table 2

Poverty Statistics (% Households): 1970-2009

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1997 1999 2002 2004 2007 2009
Poverty 49.3 37.7 37.4 20.7 17.1 8.9 6.1 8.5 6.0 5.7 3.6 3.8
Hard n.a n.a n.a 6.9 3.9 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.0 0.7 0.7
Source: Malaysian development plans: various issues

Figure 1

Significant Progress in Poverty Eradication across Ethnicities

Source: Economic Planning Unit (2012)

Figure 2

Increase in Bumiputera Ownership of Share Capital

2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier29

Source: Economic Planning Unit (2012)

Figure 3

Average monthly gross household income, 1970-2009

Source: Economic Planning Unit (2012)

Figure 4

Poverty Decline in both Rural and Urban Areas 1970-2009

30 International Academic Research Journal of Economics and Finance March

Source: Economic Planning Unit (2012)

Figure 5

Income Distribution Disparity

Figure 6

Comparison of Per Capita Income across Selected Countries1990 - 2008

2015Dr. Mohd Zin Mohamed and Dr. John Antony Xavier31

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