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GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: Survivor Victim, Perpetrator, and Human Rights

Society constructed human identification in different categories of gender, sex and sexuality.
Internalizing and normalizing expectations and way of behavior even in the old age. As this reality
became a standard, discrimination and violence also became a worst counterpart of women’s
experiences. Violence that is rooted from inequalities of genders.

Gender-based violence was any act that is perpetrating harm against someone based of a gender. One
of the most common reason of human rights abuse but also the least recognized. In the Philippines, this
matter occurs mostly on women, young girls and children. Merciless rape cases, sexual abuse, dowry-
related violence, forced marriage, harassment in workplace or educational institutions, trafficking and
violence against domestic workers are just a generalization of the lists. This cases results of traumatizing
survivors, the victims, with unwanted pregnancies, transmitted diseases, mental health issues and even
a criticism for a child of rape. When there are survivors, there will always be perpetrators, those type of
person with position, power or authority that condones violence or abuse against a person or a certain
group. All the actions must be addressed from both the survivor and the perpetrator and this when
human rights will be executed. It is the basic rights that belongs to every person, entitlement without
basing on race, color, sex, status religion, political views etc.

In conclusion, MEN ARE TRASH.

This misogyny and sexism engraved on people’s mindset should be removed as women also deserved all
chances to explore different things and should not be only looked for one trait or personality. Women
should not be describe as someone who only serves and caged in a house.

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