Port Particulars

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No Specification Remark
1 Ship Name : MT. NQ Alpinia
2 Cargo : PFAD
3 Quantity : 2,500 MT
4 Shore Tank : T.402
5 Cargo Temperatur : 65-70°C (Based on FOSFA)
6 Pressure : 5 Bar
7 Distance shore tank from jetty : 1 Km
8 Shore Line : 10"
9 Flexibel Hose : 8"
10 The loading is using by : 1 line
11 Estimation remaining of cargo in line : 40 MT
12 Blowing/Pigging : Yes
13 Initial Rate : 100 MT
14 Maximum Rate : 250 MT
15 Top Up Rate : 100 MT
16 Duration stop pump : 10-15 minutes
17 Displacement line : No
18 Duration of blowing and pigging : 1 Hour

Procedure After Stoping pump

1 First of all, we do starting blowing with pressure 5 bar from shore
2 During blowing, Ship'S manifold have to keep opening fully (100%)
3 Then, shore side will control flow of pressure to the ship in order to be in case there isn't be leaking on hoses
4 After Blowing was finished, then do pigging with pressure 5 bar as well
5 At last, we do blowing around 3 times to make sure the cargo is truly clean in hose and line


Loading Master

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