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Faculty of Business and Management SET A


Date : 2nd May 2023

Time : 8.30am – 11.30am

: Asst. Prof. Dr. Masri bin Abdul Lasi

Module Lecturer

Total marks : 100 marks (worth 40%)

Instructions to candidates:

1. Print your name and student number on the Examination Paper AND Answer Book

2. Answer questions according to the instruction for each section

3. Do not detach any portion of the examination paper

4. Begin writing, as indicated, after the reading time has ended

5. All questions to be answered in the answer booklet.

Materials allowed for this examination:



Student ID : ___________________________________________________

NIRC/Passport No : ___________________________________________________

Program : ___________________________________________________

Lecturer : ___________________________________________________
Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management



1. Which of the following is NOT a component of brand equity?

A. Brand loyalty
B. Brand awareness
C. Brand value
D. Brand experience

2. The process of creating a unique name and image for a product or service in the
consumer's mind is known as:

A. Marketing strategy
B. Brand positioning
C. Brand image
D. Brand identity

3. Which of the following is an example of a brand personality trait?

A. Reliable
B. Blue
C. Small
D. Convenient

4. Which of the following is NOT a brand extension strategy?

A. Line extension
B. Brand stretching
C. Co-branding
D. Brand contracting

5. Which of the following is NOT a component of a brand audit?

A. Brand inventory
B. Brand value proposition
C. Brand performance
D. Brand equity scorecard

6. A brand's positioning statement should focus on:

A. Product features
B. Price
C. Competitive advantage
D. Advertising

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Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management

7. Which of the following is a benefit of strong brand equity?

A. Increased customer loyalty

B. Lower marketing costs
C. Higher employee turnover
D. Reduced customer lifetime value

8. Brand loyalty can be measured by:

A. Repeat purchase behavior

B. Awareness levels
C. Advertising spend
D. Social media engagement

9. The process of changing a brand's image is known as:

A. Brand repositioning
B. Brand extension
C. Brand parity
D. Brand dilution

10. Which of the following is an example of a brand with a strong heritage?

A. Amazon
B. Tesla
C. Coca-Cola
D. Airbnb

11. Which of the following is NOT a component of brand identity?

A. Brand name
B. Brand logo
C. Brand slogan
D. Brand sales

12. Which of the following is an example of a brand with a premium pricing strategy?

A. Walmart
B. Apple
C. McDonald's
D. Toyota

13. Which of the following is NOT a type of brand association?

A. Product attributes
B. User imagery
C. Brand culture
D. Price point

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Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management

14. The process of measuring a brand's performance over time is known as:

A. Brand inventory
B. Brand tracking
C. Brand equity
D. Brand architecture

15. Which of the following is an example of a brand with a strong brand community?

A. Red Bull
B. Nike
C. Walmart
D. Ford

16. The process of introducing a new brand into a market is known as:

A. Brand extension
B. Brand positioning
C. Brand introduction
D. Brand image

17. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of strong brand equity for a company?

A. Increased pricing power

B. Lower marketing costs
C. Greater product innovation
D. Higher customer loyalty

18. Which of the following is an example of a co-branding strategy?

A. Nike and Adidas partnering on a new shoe line

B. Coca-Cola and Pepsi creating a new soft drink together
C. Apple and BMW collaborating on a new car model
D. Starbucks and Nestle teaming up to sell coffee pods

19. The process of rebranding can involve:

A. Changing the brand name

B. Redesigning the brand logo
C. Modifying the brand's value proposition
D. All of the above

20. Which of the following is NOT a factor in determining brand equity?

A. Brand awareness
B. Brand preference
C. Brand production costs
D. Brand associations

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Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management



QUESTION 1 (10 Marks)

Define brand equity and explain why it is important for companies.

QUESTION 2 (10 Marks)

What are the key components of a brand identity and why are they important?

QUESTION 3 (10 Marks)

Discuss the concept of brand positioning and why it is important for companies.

QUESTION 4 (10 Marks)

What is a brand extension strategy and what are some examples of brand extension?

QUESTION 5 (10 Marks)

Explain the concept of brand loyalty and discuss why it is important for companies

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Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management



How Nike Turned "Just Do It" from Negative to Positive: A Case Study

In the late 1980s, Nike was struggling to compete with its rival Reebok, and its brand was
associated with elitism and high prices. To combat this perception, Nike launched a new
marketing campaign in 1988 with the tagline "Just Do It." However, the tagline was initially
met with mixed reactions and criticism. Despite this, Nike was able to successfully manage and
use the tagline to turn it from a negative connotation to a positive one. When Nike first launched
the "Just Do It" campaign, it was met with mixed reactions. Some consumers found the tagline
confusing, while others felt it was too aggressive. Additionally, critics accused Nike of
promoting unhealthy behaviors by pushing people to exercise excessively.

Rather than backing down, Nike doubled down on the tagline. They continued to use it in their
marketing campaigns and even expanded it to other areas, such as product design and retail store
displays. Nike's persistence paid off, as the tagline became associated with a positive message
of motivation and empowerment.

Nike also began featuring real athletes in their advertisements, which helped to humanize the
brand. By showcasing individuals who embodied the "Just Do It" mentality, Nike was able to
inspire consumers to push themselves to achieve their goals. As time passed, "Just Do It" became
one of the most recognizable taglines in the world. Today, Nike is associated with motivation,
determination, and success, thanks in large part to the success of the "Just Do It" campaign.

Through the use of persistence, expansion, and humanization, Nike was able to successfully
manage and turn its "Just Do It" tagline from a negative connotation to a positive one. By taking
a bold stance and refusing to back down, Nike cemented its place as one of the most successful
brands in the world.

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Date: 2nd May 2023 Course: BBCT3033 Brand Management

QUESTION 1 (10 Marks)

What lessons can other brands learn from Nike's successful management and use of the "Just
Do It" tagline to turn a negative connotation into a positive one?

QUESTION 2 (10 Marks)

What impact did the success of the "Just Do It" campaign have on Nike's overall brand
positioning and market share, and how did they sustain this success in the long term?

QUESTION 3 (10 Marks)

What role did persistence play in Nike's success with the "Just Do It" tagline, and how did they
continue to use the tagline to build brand equity over time?

Thank you and good luck!

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