LinkedIn Post Tips

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LinkedIn is filled

with "tried and

tested" hacks
Power endings

P.S. questions elf-co

What about all the

"unwritten" hacks?
(that actually work)

Post length 1-liners

Readability score
My stats in 7 days

(and they 100% work)

In the last 19 months
I have written over 300 posts

Gained over 22 million views

Ranked no.1 LinkedIn

writer in the world

And now I've condensed all my

LinkedIn post writing learnings
into this document right here.
There are 7
"unwritten" rules I
follow in every post
(and they 100% work)

Let's learn them


Make your posts "fit the screen"

Minimize the "swiping" for your readers
Here's how

Keep your posts

under 1,100 characters

Keep your posts

under 25 lines of text
(this includes spaces)

Optimal length:
450-700 characters
(95% of my posts are like this)

Achieve a low readability score

The lower the score, the easier the reading.

Score 1-2 is ideal. 3 performs 20% worse.

2 Here's how

Keep your sentences to 1

line max and paragraphs
to 3 lines max
(this doesn't refer to listicles)
Include 1 space after
3 lines of text max
(this doesn't refer to listicles)
Include (and number)
listicles as much as
you can (" - " is also good)

Always write 1-liner hooks

I've tried many versions. 1 line works best.
3 Here's why

LinkedIn is inconsistent
with previewing posts
Sometimes it shows 5 lines
(including spaces)
Sometimes it shows 3 lines
(including spaces)
Sometimes it shows only 1 line

Your best bet?

No more than 45
characters in 1 line.

Always add 'your' comments

Easy way to get extra engagement

Here's how
4 Here's why

Give your readers more

than 1 chance to comment
Sometimes the post itself won't
inspire them to engage with it

Share a bonus
Extra advice, promo link or infographic

Stay proactively involved

Don't expect your community do all the
work of "community building"

Always add a P.S.

Create more engagement - easily
5 Here's how

Your P.S. should serve as

an "invite" for engagement
Ask questions
Ask for reposts
Share announcements

Your P.S. should be easy

to answer in 1 comment
An answer that requires 1-3 words
An answer that is "instant"
A number or statistic

Add rhythm to your posts

3 lines. 1 line. Repeat.

My 1st point
My 2nd point
My 3rd point

Power ending

6 Here's why

Your text needs

breathing room
On a "short" LinkedIn posts, anything
longer than 3 lines of text looks huge

You deliver information

in sections
It's almost as if every post has "mini
chapters" that can be easily followed

It's easier & faster to write

Helps you structure your posts better

Always add a power ending

Mak e you r po sts

em o ra b le
7 Here's why

Power endings are your

"applause seeker"
This is what 70% of your readers
will react to in the comments
(not the actual post itself)

rised by this too

I was surp

It makes your entire

post stronger
Adds that stamp of authority
Makes the post more memorable
Makes the information more valuable

You've now mastered

the art of writing super
good LinkedIn posts!

nc h ing m y
P.S. I'm lau on!
In M a sterc la ss so
Bonus #1
nload AuthoredUp

Preview your
LinkedIn posts
Check your readability for every device
score, character count,
. Check my
(and so much more) P.S
Bonus #2
Arrow magic!

Use arrow symbols to guide your reader

I use these 2
arrow s the mo st

→ ↳

You can e asily

Google these
It's the best thing you can do to help
others write better on LinkedIn :)

for more LinkedIn magic

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