Chapter Test - 04 Bias

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That’s biased
 Time allowed: 20 minutes
 Part A: 10 multiple-choice questions (10 marks)
 Part B: 4 free-response questions (10 marks)
 Total: 20 marks

Part A
10 multiple-choice questions
1 mark each: 10 marks
Circle the correct answer.

1 Which statement is FALSE about a good For Questions 3 to 5, a biased question is

questionnaire? presented. Select the improved unbiased question.
A It is not biased 3 ‘How many times a week do you eat unhealthy
fast food?’
B It captures sensitive information that can be
accessed by other people A ‘How many times a week do you eat healthy
home-cooked meals?’
C It has clear and precise questions
B ‘How many times a week do you eat fast
D It uses simple language
C ‘How many times a week do you eat?’
D ‘How many times a week do you eat
fattening fast food?’
2 Which statement about bias is FALSE?
A It makes sure that a sample is truly
representative of the population.
B It is an unwanted influence in sampling or
4 ‘Rate your experience at our restaurant:
questionnaires. Excellent, Good, Average’
C It produces unreliable results. A ‘Rate your experience at our restaurant:
D It favours a particular section of the Terrible, Fair, Average’
population unfairly B ‘Rate your experience at our restaurant:
‘Outstanding, Great, Good’
C ‘Rate your experience at our restaurant:
‘Disappointing, Average, Great’
D ‘Rate your experience at our restaurant:
‘Terrible, Disappointing, No comment’

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5 ‘Do you spend money at our wonderful local 8 A survey is conducted where people at a rugby
businesses or do you waste money at the league match were asked what their favourite
horrible big companies?’ sport was. Why is this sample biased?
A ‘Do you spend money at our wonderful local A Not as many females would be present at the
businesses or at the big companies?’ match.
B ‘Do you spend money at our local businesses B Because the people asked were at a rugby
or do you waste money at the horrible big league match, they would more likely select
companies?’ rugby league as their favourite sport.
C ‘Do you shop with our wonderful local C Not all sports were listed in the survey.
businesses or do you shop with multinational
D Some people at the match could not
understand English.
D ‘Do you shop with local businesses or
multinational companies?’

9 What is one error that can happen in a survey?

A The participant interpreting the question
6 Cynthia needs a sample of 50 students to
complete a survey on the school uniform. Which
method below would create the most accurate B The participant not answering the question.
C The surveyor reading the question correctly.
A Select names out of a hat.
D The surveyor writing the answers correctly.
B Select the first 50 students to walk through
the school gates.
C Use student ID numbers to select a similar
10 Luca went to the local shopping centre and
number of students from each year level,
surveyed 100 customers at the Nelson Bank
making sure there is a mixture of boys and about their favourite bank. 84 people said that
girls. Nelson Bank was their favourite bank. Luca
D Select 50 students from Cynthia’s year level. concluded that 84% of Australians prefer Nelson
Bank. What is the main thing wrong with this
A The sample was taken from the local
7 The government would like to survey people shopping centre.
about work conditions in Australia. They phone
people’s homes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday B People in the car park were not sampled.
to Friday. Why would this survey be biased?
C Only 100 people were asked.
A People would think they are trying to sell
D Only people at the Nelson Bank were
them something.
B Only females would be able to participate as
they usually stay home.
C Children would not be able to participate
because they cannot answer the telephone.
D Most people would not be at home during
those hours.

Part B
4 free-response questions
10 marks
Show your working where appropriate.

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11 Rebecca wrote ‘How often do you exercise?’ in a questionnaire she gave students at her school about their
a What problem might people have in answering this question?


b Rewrite the question to provide some options.




[3 marks]

12 Laith is surveying the members of a soccer club about the quality of the facilities at the club.
Write an example of a biased question he could ask if he wanted to show how great the club
is and then explain why it is biased.



[2 marks]

13 Gloria asks a sample of people in her community:

‘What do you think about the condition of the local park?’.

a Give an example of a sample that would be biased.


b State how you could ensure that an accurate sample is found.



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[3 marks]

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14 Trent interviewed students in his Year 11 Specialist Maths class about which subject they felt was the most
important to study for in preparation for yearly exams. 12 of the 15 students surveyed chose Mathematics. Trent
wrote an article in the school newsletter with the headline ‘80% of Year 11 students prefer studying
Mathematics’. Describe 2 things that are wrong with this claim.



[2 marks]

This is the end of the test.

Use the rest of this page for extra working space.

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1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D
6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 D
11 a No options or choices have been provided in the question.
b Teacher to check.
12, 13 Teacher to check.
14 Trent chose only his Specialist Maths class rather than all of Year 11, he only chose 15 students to
represent all of Year 11 (not enough).

© Cengage Learning Australia Pty Ltd 2020

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