Environment and SDG Himalaya Fellowship

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1) Deforestation

Deforestation, the unchecked clearing of forests for human purposes, represents a grave threat to
our planet's health. Each year, vast tracts of irreplaceable forest are lost, resulting in habitat
destruction, loss of biodiversity, and exacerbation of climate change. Urgent action is needed to halt
this destructive practice and protect our precious natural resources for future generations.
Deforestation, driven by human activities like logging and agriculture, devastates forests, leading
to habitat loss, biodiversity decline, and climate change. Urgent action is needed to curb
deforestation, protect vital ecosystems, and safeguard the well-being of both nature and humanity.

2) Habitat Loss

Habitat loss is the destruction, fragmentation, or degradation of natural habitats, often due to human
activities like deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture. This loss threatens countless plant and
animal species, leading to declines in biodiversity and ecosystem health. It disrupts ecological
processes, reduces available resources for wildlife, and increases the risk of species extinction.
Addressing habitat loss is crucial for preserving biodiversity and ensuring the long-term health of
our planet's ecosystems. Habitat loss, caused mainly by human activities such as deforestation and
urbanization, threatens biodiversity and ecological balance. It disrupts natural habitats, endangers
species survival, and impacts ecosystem functions. Addressing habitat loss is crucial for preserving
biodiversity, ensuring ecosystem health, and sustaining vital ecosystem services for future

3) Melting Glaciers

Melting glaciers, a visible consequence of climate change, pose significant environmental

challenges. These vast bodies of ice, once stable and enduring, are now rapidly retreating due to
rising global temperatures. As glaciers melt, they contribute to sea-level rise, which threatens coastal
communities and ecosystems worldwide. Additionally, the loss of glaciers impacts freshwater
availability, as they serve as vital water sources for millions of people. Furthermore, the retreat of
glaciers accelerates the pace of climate change by reducing the Earth's ability to reflect sunlight,
exacerbating global warming. Urgent action to mitigate climate change is essential to slow the
melting of glaciers and mitigate its far-reaching consequences.

4) Forest Fires
Forest fires, also known as wildfires, are uncontrolled blazes that occur in forests and other wooded
areas. They can spread rapidly, fuel by dry vegetation, high winds, and other environmental factors.
Forest fires can cause significant damage to ecosystems, wildlife habitats, property, and human
lives. Forest fires, also known as wildfires, are natural or human-caused blazes that spread rapidly
through forests, grasslands, and other vegetation. These fires have significant ecological,
environmental, and economic impacts, threatening biodiversity, air quality, and human safety.
Effective prevention, management, and mitigation strategies are essential to minimize their
destructive effects.

5) Draught

Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low precipitation, resulting in water scarcity and
environmental stress. It poses significant challenges to agriculture, water resources, and ecosystems,
leading to crop failures, food shortages, and increased competition for water. Droughts can have
far-reaching social, economic, and environmental impacts, highlighting the importance of proactive
water management and conservation measures. Drought, a prolonged lack of precipitation, parches
landscapes, jeopardizes agriculture, and strains water resources. With devastating impacts on
ecosystems, economies, and communities, drought underscores the urgency of sustainable water
management and climate resilience strategies to mitigate its far-reaching consequences.

Aastha Bhatia
Integrated BBA-MBA

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