EoT Mock Writing Exams & Answers - T2!23!24 Cycle 3

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Al Shoruq Private School

English Department Cycle 3

EoT 2 Mock Writing Exam 2023- 2024 10 - 11 Advanced

Name: ___________________________________

Topic : Business Part 1 : Opinion

Write your answer below. Use full sentences

What do you think of entrepreneurship, and why?

Write at least two sentences below

In my opinion, I believe that entrepreneurship has become so popular especially

among young people. It is exciting to take the risk and start my own business
and be my own boss. No need to wait a long time to be employed in a job that
might not add much to you.

Part 2 : Plan

Write your answer below

Write a plan for your essay below. Please note – this question asks for a plan, not a full essay.
You will write the full essay in the next question.

Today, entrepreneurship has become popular among young people.

Include information about:

 What entrepreneurship is and why it has become popular today
 The advantages of being an entrepreneur
 The disadvantages of being an entrepreneur

Title : A new trend in business

Introduction :

 Introduce the topic and explain what entrepreneurship means

 Thesis statement ( advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship)

Body paragraph 1:
 Definition of entrepreneurship
 Why young people start their own business

Body paragraph 2:
Advantages of being an entrepreneur
 Be my own boss
 Follow my own schedule
 Chance to earn more money

Body paragraph 3
Disadvantages of being an entrepreneur
 Always under pressure and stress
 Needs much money to start own business
 Risky and might not be successful

Conclusion :
Summary of the main ideas in the body paragraphs
Part 3 : Essay

Write your answer below

Write in full sentences

Today, entrepreneurship has become popular among young people.

Include information about:

 What entrepreneurship is and why it has become popular today

 The advantages of being an entrepreneur
 The disadvantages of being an entrepreneur

Write at least 200 words in paragraphs

A new trend in business

Nowadays, many young people opt to start their own business and do
not wait to get employed in a governmental sector. However, having your
own business is not always a good thing and it has pros and cons. In my
essay, I will shed the light on the advantages and disadvantages of having
a start-up.

Today, young people have become riskier and more willing to try new
things. Due to this, they decide to start their own business rather than
looking for a job in a private or governmental organization. That’s why the
number of entrepreneurs has recently witnessed a remarkable increase
which led to the governments to provide the youth with any needed
logistics and support that make their businesses successful.

Being an entrepreneur and starting your own business has some

advantages. Firstly, it helps you pursue your passion and push boundaries
to make your dreams come true without the limits of the traditional
employment. Entrepreneurs can reach higher horizons with their
businesses. In addition, entrepreneurs enjoy the profit they gain and the
potential wealth they make from their successful businesses. Above all,
they are their own bosses who make their own decisions.

On the other hand, starting your own business could be a terrible

choice. It is always stressful and puts you under constant pressure. As it
is a risky task, the way to success is not always a paved one and there
are a lot of challenges that entrepreneurs have to overcome to be
successful. Moreover, entrepreneurship could negatively affect the
entrepreneurs’ social life. They would have to spend much time away from
their family and do not have the enough time to socialize with them.

To sum up, while entrepreneurship can be rewarding and a good way to

work independently without being controlled with external constrains, it
is a risky decision that needs careful thinking about the stress and the
social sacrifice that you will experience when you decide to start it.
Al Shoruq Private School English Department
English Department Cycle 3
EoT 2 Mock Writing Exam 2023- 2024 10 - 11 Advanced

Name: __________________________________________________ Class : _________

Topic : People Part 1 : Opinion

Write your answer below. Use full sentences

What do you think of a good citizen, and why?

Write at least two sentences below

From my own perspective, good citizens are the building blocks of any
successful community. A prosperous community need good citizens who are
actively taking part in different aspects and are committed to the laws and
regulations of the community.

Part 2 : Plan

Write your answer below

Write a plan for your essay below. Please note – this question asks for a plan, not a full essay.
You will write the full essay in the next question.

A good citizen

Include information about:

 Who is a good citizen?
 What are the characteristics of a good citizen?
 How do good citizens help the community develop and prosper?

Title : The need for a good citizen

Introduction :

 Introduce the topic and explain who the good citizen is
 Thesis statement ( characteristics of good citizens and how they help

Body paragraph 1:
 Definition of good citizen

Body paragraph 2:
Characteristics of good citizen
 shows loyalty and belonging to their nation
 responsible , committed to rules and regulations
 volunteer to support community

Body paragraph 3
How good citizens help community
 establish a stable and fair society
 contribute to society wellbeing
 share responsibility to conserve environment

Conclusion :
Summary of the main ideas in the body paragraphs
Part 3 : Essay

Write your answer below

Write in full sentences

A good citizen

Include information about:

 Who is a good citizen?

 What the characteristics of a good citizen are.
 How good citizens can help the community develop and prosper.

Write at least 200 words in paragraphs

The need for a good citizen

Being a good citizen is crucial for the success of any community as it

represents the essential values for the society to progress. Good citizenship
is all about being honest, having integrity, and being responsible. In my
essay, I will shed the light on what makes a good citizen and how this can
positively affect any society.

A good citizen is someone who is responsible, engaged, and committed

to the well-being of their community and society as a whole. They are
the building block of the success and prosperity of any nation. They live in
peace and harmony with the people around them.

There are many characteristics that a good citizen should have .These
qualities not only shape how individuals behave, but they also greatly
contribute to the overall well-being of society. One of the main features
of being a good citizen is actively participating in civic duties. This
includes voting in different elections , paying taxes, and obeying laws. By
fulfilling these obligations, citizens ensure that everyone has a voice and
equal opportunities for personal development.
Furthermore, good citizens actively support community initiatives that
aim to improve and advance the community. This can be done through the
volunteer work that supports local businesses or participating in
neighborhood projects. These contributions are incredibly valuable as they
help strengthen social bonds and create a sense of belonging among the
community members. Their goal is to bring about positive change in their
communities. Moreover, good citizens prioritize environmental
sustainability. They engage in practices like recycling, reducing waste, and
supporting eco-friendly initiatives. By doing so, they ensure the
preservation of natural resources and promote a healthier and brighter
future for generations to come.

To sum up, good citizenship is essential for the prosperity of any

community. When individuals value the principles of honesty,
responsibility, and civic engagement, they contribute to the creation of
an ideal community to live in.
Al Shoruq Private School English Department
English Department Cycle 3
EoT 2 Mock Writing Exam 2023- 2024 10 - 11 Advanced

Name: __________________________________________________ Class : _________

Topic : Feelings and emotions Part 1 : Opinion

Write your answer below. Use full sentences

What do you think of a stressful and anxious lifestyle of some people, and why?

Write at least two sentences below

In my opinion, some people are living a lifestyle that is full of worry and stress.
They are always overwhelmed with overthinking about their work and family.
This might lead to the suffer of many physical and psychological health

Part 2 : Plan

Write your answer below

Write a plan for your essay below. Please note – this question asks for a plan, not a full essay.
You will write the full essay in the next question.

Nowadays, people are leading a stressful and anxious lifestyle.

Include information about:

 Why people feel anxious and stressful.
 What are the bad health and social effects of anxiety and stress.
 How we can avoid stress and anxiety in our daily lives.


 introduce the topic

 thesis statement ( causes, effects, solutions of stress)

Body Para1:

Causes of stress:

 workload , deadlines
 family
 big changes

Body Para2:

Health and social effects of stress

 diseases ( digestive, headaches ,blood pressure …)

 isolation
 mental problems(depression, frustration)

Body para3

Ways to avoid stress

 switch off and take break

 good relationships
 doing exercise

Conclusion : summary of main points in body paragraphs

Part 3 : Essay

Write your answer below

Write in full sentences

A good citizen

Include information about:

 Who is a good citizen?

 What the characteristics of a good citizen are.
 How good citizens can help the community develop and prosper.

Write at least 200 words in paragraphs


It’s a matter of fact that stress has been one of the most common features of
everyone’s lifestyle nowadays. Today, it is easy to find something that makes
you feel anxious, overwhelmed, fearful, frustrated or even angry. This essay will
highlight the causes, effects, and possible solutions to avoid the bad impacts of

There are several things that cause stress and anxiety. On top of them is the
continuous worry and overthinking about work. Currently, many people are
overwhelmed with lots of workload and deadlines which they mostly fail to
meet, and this consequently leads to serious consequences. Being worried about
family and how to meet their essential needs could result in a lot of stress and
anxiety. In addition, the big and strong changes that anyone might go through
could be an important factor for being stressed and anxious such as the loss of
one of your friends or a family member.

Suffering from chronic stress and anxiety increases the risk of many physical,
mental , and social health problems. Recent medical research states that people
who are leading a stressful lifestyle are likely exposed to serious health issues
such as digestive issues, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart attacks,
and high blood pressure. Socially, stress could lead a person to be isolated from
the people around them and increase the risk of some mental problems such as
depression and frustration.

However, there are many ways people can do to avoid being stressed or anxious.
People who suffer from high levels of stress need to switch off for some time
and stay away from any source of stress. They might take a break and go for a
picnic with their family. Building good relationships is also another way to
control stress. Search for people who make you always happy and feel relaxed.
Doing exercise can help you get off any negative energy or stress and get more
positive energy instead.

In conclusion, stress is a very serious problem that has been come to the
surface with the tremendous changes in people’s lifestyles and it causes a lot of
health issues, however it can be avoided by getting away from stressful things
and caring more about yourself.
Al Shoruq Private School English Department
English Department Cycle 3
EoT 2 Mock Writing Exam 2023- 2024 10 - 11 Advanced

Name: __________________________________________________ Class : _________

Topic : Feelings and emotions Part 1 : Opinion

Write your answer below. Use full sentences

What do you think of happiness , and why?

Write at least two sentences below

Personally, I assume that happiness is a significant factor for our physical and
mental health. People who always feel happy rarely suffer from diseases and are
usually optimistic and hopeful about their future. What makes people happy
could be as a small thing as a smile, so it is not that hard for all of us to be

Part 2 : Plan

Write your answer below

Write a plan for your essay below. Please note – this question asks for a plan, not a full essay.
You will write the full essay in the next question.

A good citizen

Include information about:

 Who is a good citizen?
 What are the characteristics of a good citizen?
 How do good citizens help the community develop and prosper?


 introduce the topic( what makes people happy)

 thesis statement (causes of happiness and how it changed over time)

Body Para1:

What makes people happy

 money

 building good relationships

 achieving goals

Body Para2:

Happiness change over time

 past –basic needs, happy family life

 now – more luxurious things (travel, being celebrity)

Body para3

Happiness in different cultures

 some cultures are religious and spiritual

 others are materialistic

Conclusion : Summary of the main points

Part 3 : Essay

Write your answer below

Write in full sentences

A good citizen

Include information about:

 Who is a good citizen?

 What the characteristics of a good citizen are.
 How good citizens can help the community develop and prosper.

Write at least 200 words in paragraphs

What makes us happy?

In fact, happiness is relatively different from one person to another. What

makes someone happy might not please someone else. This essay will shed
the light on what makes people happy and how the concept of happiness has
changed over time.

There are several things that can make anyone happy. On top of them is
gaining a lot of money. Money is the magic word that helps people live a
comfortable and luxurious life. In addition, building good relationships with
the people around you make you feel so happy as you get some people caring
about you. Moreover, setting goals and managing to achieve them can also
bring ultimate happiness to certain people.

The concept of happiness has greatly changed over time. In the past, people
found happiness in working hard to earn some money that met their families’
basic needs and consequently be able to live a happy family life. Nevertheless,
nowadays, life has become more complicated, and people have started to find
happiness in different things such as luxurious cars and houses. They also
became more obsessed with travel and being a celebrity on the social media.
Being happy can also be different from culture to another. Some cultures
see happiness lies in the religious and spiritual aspects and staying away
from all the temporary pleasures of life, whereas other cultures are more
materialistic and find happiness in living luxurious lives.

To sum up, happiness is different from one person to another and from one
culture to another as well. Some get happy when they enjoy spiritual lives
while the others need to get all what they need to be happy.

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