LTM Guidelines

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Learn Management Concepts through Movies is meant for understanding the management principles through the
movies (movies of any language, Bollywood, Hollywood, short movies and advertisements). This is a simulation
technique through which students enhance their knowledge by connecting the actual implementation of the
management principles being taught in the class and other avenues to learn management apart from books, internet
or regular mode of learning.

The format of LTM report:

1. The LTM report has to be submitted in hard copy in spiral bound*.

2. A soft copy* (CD) of the report is also required to be pasted and submitted.

3. The report should include the Cover Page, Declaration, Certificate of the faculty, Acknowledgement and
Table of Contents with page numbers.

4. The cover should include title of the report, logo of PIMG, submitted by-name of the students, and name of
faculty guide.

5. The font used will be Times New Roman, font size for main Heading -14, Sub-heading-12 bold and
capital, Text-12.

6. The reports should be printed on both sides.

7. All the reports should be signed by the respective faculty guide before submission.

8. Grammatical mistakes and spelling errors should be avoided.

9. The total time for presentation of each group is 10 minutes. After that there will be 5 minutes for queries
asked by the audience and faculty members.

10. Presentation should include important points from the write up and that management concept should be
supported by video clips. The clips should not be more than 20 seconds. Multiple videos can be used to
explain one concept.

Format of Report (Write up)

1. Front page.
2. Declaration.
3. Certificate.
4. Acknowledgement
5. Table of contents
Chapter 1 Introduction of the Topic
Chapter 2 Movies Undertaken
Chapter 3 View by Group

Dr. Nischay Kumar Upmanyu Asst. Prof. Jitender Pratap singh

LTM coordinator LTM Co-coordinator

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