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in brief

In Brief
Hypocalcemia in Infants and Children
Ping Zhou, MD plasma ionized calcium (iCa) fraction membrane-bound molecule found in
Morri Markowitz, MD that is biologically active, and its con- multiple tissues, including cells of the
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore centration is tightly controlled. parathyroid glands. When plasma iCa
Bronx, NY Ca concentrations in blood are re- concentrations are sufficient to stimu-
ported in various units: mg/dL, mmol/L, late the CaSR, the result is inhibited
and mEq/L. Because Ca is found as the PTH release. When the iCa concentra-
Author Disclosure divalent cation in humans, the conver- tion is low, PTH is released and is carried
Drs Zhou, Markowitz, and Adam have sion factor between mmol/L and mEq/L in blood to its target tissues: bone and
disclosed no financial relationships is 2; that is, 1 mmol/L!2 mEq/L. Be- kidney.
relevant to this article. This cause the molecular weight of Ca is The effects of PTH on bone are
approximately 40, the conversion factor complex and dose- and duration-
commentary does not contain a
between mmol/L and mg/dL is 4; that is, dependent. In hypocalcemic states, PTH
discussion of an unapproved/
1 mmol/L!4.0 mg/dL. For example, a induces bone mineral release, thereby
investigative use of a commercial value of 9.0 mg/dL is the equivalent of increasing circulating Ca and phos-
product/device. 2.25 mmol/L or 4.5 mEq/L. Despite the phate (P) concentrations. In the kidney,
iCa fraction being the biologically im- PTH increases renal tubular Ca reab-
portant component, total serum Ca is sorption, which adds the filtered Ca
Disorders of Calcium and Phosphorus measured most commonly. iCa values back into blood, but PTH also increases
Homeostasis. Gertner JM. Pediatr should be determined when abnormal- P excretion.
Clin North Am. 1990;37:1441–1465 ities in Ca homeostasis are suspected. The net effect of PTH on bone and
Clinical Review 69: Evaluation of Hy- iCa is measured on whole venous blood kidney is to increase plasma Ca and
pocalcemia in Children and Adults. samples that are anticoagulated and decrease plasma P concentrations. PTH
Guise TA, Mundy GR. J Clin Endo- handled similarly to a blood gas sample, has an additional important renal ef-
crinol Metab. 1995;80:1473–1478 that is, capped airtight, no air bubbles, fect: stimulating the conversion of rel-
Neonatal Hypocalcemia: To Treat or
and kept on ice if not analyzed imme- atively inactive 25-hydroxyvitamin D,
Not To Treat? Mimouni F, Tsang RC.
J Am Coll Nutr. 1994;13:408 – 415
diately. itself a product of liver hydroxylation
The Investigation of Hypocalcaemia The range of normal Ca concentra- of vitamin D, to its most active form,
and Rickets. Singh J, Moghal N, tion varies somewhat with age. Con- 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1, 25[OH]2D).
Pearce SH, Cheetham T. Arch Dis centrations decrease immediately after When released into the circulation,
Child. 2003;88:403– 407 birth, recovering after the first post- 1, 25(OH)2D results in increased intes-
Primer on the Metabolic Bone Diseases natal week and rising slightly more in tinal Ca and P uptake.
and Disorders of Mineral Metabo- infancy than in childhood. Ca values Historically, calcitonin also was con-
lism. 6th ed. Favus MJ, ed. Washing- also vary because of laboratory meth- sidered a Ca-regulating hormone that
ton, DC: American Society for Bone odology. Usual reported ranges of nor- could lower extracellular Ca by dimin-
Mineral Research; 2006 mocalcemia are 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL ishing bone resorption. However, the
(2.1 to 2.6 mmol/L) for total Ca and absence of calcitonin, as occurs in post-
Approximately 99% of the total body 4.0 to 5.0 mg/dL (1.0 to 1.3 mmol/L) for thyroidectomy patients, does not result
calcium (Ca) is in the form of hydroxy- iCa in children. Preterm infants gener- in hypercalcemia, suggesting that cal-
apatite crystal in the skeleton; the re- ally are not considered to have hy- citonin does not have an important role
maining 1% resides in extracellular pocalcemia until serum total Ca values in regulating blood Ca concentrations
fluid. About 50% of the Ca in the fall below 7.0 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L). in humans.
circulation is in the free ionized form, The extracellular Ca concentration Hypocalcemia is associated with
40% is bound to protein (predomi- has three primary regulators: Ca-sensing neuromuscular excitability leading to
nantly albumin), and 10% is complexed receptor (CaSR), parathyroid hormone muscle contractions. The term tetany is
with anions (eg, citrate). It is the (PTH), and vitamin D. The CaSR is a applied to the contractions, and a typ-

190 Pediatrics in Review Vol.30 No.5 May 2009

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in brief

ical manifestation is sustained contrac- support with Ca infusions may be nec- sponsiveness to PTH (pseudohypopara-
tions in the hands and feet. The fingers essary. thyroidism). Each form has its own set
are in extension; they can be bent but Late neonatal hypocalcemia occurs of causes. Hypoparathyroidism can be
spring back into the same position when after the fifth postnatal day, also can be distinguished from pseudohypopara-
released. Muscle contractions can be transient, and often is related to imma- thyroidism simply by measuring serum
provoked when eliciting a Chvostek or turity of the parathyroid glands, which PTH. If PTH is inappropriately low for
Trousseau sign. A positive Chvostek sign results in intolerance of the P load the Ca value, hypoparathyroidism can
is a twitch at the ipsilateral corner of the found in cow milk and derived infant be diagnosed. The serum biochemical
mouth with a light tap over the facial formulas. In such cases, a low-P for- profile of PTH disorders consists of low
nerve just below the maxilla. A positive mula that is supplemented with Ca to Ca, high P, normal alkaline phospha-
Trousseau sign is carpal spasm in the achieve a 4:1 Ca:P ratio by weight tase, and low 1, 25(OH)2D values.
hand produced by inflating a blood should correct the hypocalcemia. An appropriate PTH response may
pressure cuff around an arm and main- Failure to achieve normocalcemia not be adequate to correct hypocal-
taining pressure at just above systolic with this regimen raises the concern of cemia if there is an abnormality in the
for 3 to 5 minutes. other, possibly permanent causes of vitamin D pathway. Disorders of vita-
Central nervous system irritability from hypocalcemia. Among these disorders min D can result from lack of exposure
hypocalcemia can cause anticonvulsant- are the genetic forms of hypoparathy- to ultraviolet B radiation, inadequate
resistant seizures. Such spells often are roidism, which include a spectrum of intake, fat malabsorption, lack of liver
brief, lasting a few seconds or minutes, abnormalities from the absence of para- activity to promote 25-hydroxylation,
but may recur frequently. Initially, there thyroid gland development to gain-of- genetic deficiency of the renal 1-alpha
may be no postictal phase, although function mutations in the gene coding hydroxylase to assist in the 1-hydroxyl-
clinical experience shows increasing for the CaSR, defects in production or ation step required for vitamin D acti-
lethargy with repeated seizures. Rarely, processing of PTH, or abnormal response vation (vitamin D-dependent rickets
the initial presentation is stridor or to PTH. The most common of the para- type I), or resistance to the actions of
cyanosis from laryngospasm. Arrhyth- thyroid gland developmental problems vitamin D (vitamin D-dependent rickets
mias are even rarer, but hypocalcemia is the DiGeorge sequence, in which the type II). The serum biochemical profile
is associated with hypotension and im- hypoparathyroidism may be associated for the vitamin D disorders is distinct
paired cardiac contractility. Electrocar- with cardiovascular abnormalities and from that of hypoparathyroidism and
diography may reveal a prolonged QTc thymic hypoplasia. includes low P, high alkaline phospha-
interval. Most patients who have mild Some neonatal causes of hypocal- tase, and high PTH concentrations. In
hypocalcemia are asymptomatic. Neo- cemia cross the early/late boundary. cases of vitamin D deficiency or liver
nates may present only with nonspe- Maternal hypercalcemia and blood trans- dysfunction, the 25-hydroxyvitamin D
cific symptoms such as apnea, tachy- fusion with citrated blood both can cause concentration is low. When there is a
cardia, lethargy, poor feeding, vomiting, hypocalcemia in a neonate who has a renal cause, the 1, 25(OH)2D concentra-
and abdominal distension. transient episode but may need short- tion is low while the 25-hydroxyvitamin
Hypocalcemia occurring in the neo- term therapeutic intervention. D concentration may be normal. With
natal period is divided into early- and Among infants and children, hy- end-organ resistance, the concentration
late-onset types. Early-onset hypocal- pocalcemia is observed most often in of 1, 25(OH)2D is very high.
cemia refers to the first few days after an intensive care setting, usually re- Renal failure presents a special sit-
birth, when Ca concentrations are nat- lated to an acute illness or stress such uation, with hypocalcemia occurring
urally falling, but in this situation, they as sepsis, cardiac surgery, rhabdomyol- because of an inadequate kidney re-
decrease more than normal. Affected ysis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, or tumor sponse to PTH, a lack of 1-alpha hy-
neonates are stressed from asphyxia- lysis. With resolution of the underlying droxylase activity resulting in low 1,
tion or sepsis, or by being infants of a condition, the hypocalcemia ends. 25(OH)2D concentrations, and hyper-
diabetic mother (IDMs). For IDMs, hy- Chronic causes of hypocalcemia can phosphatemia from diminished glomer-
pomagnesemia, which interferes with be divided into two major groups: dis- ular filtration. The typical biochemical
PTH release and possibly PTH respon- orders involving PTH and those related profile is elevated serum urea nitrogen
siveness, has been implicated as a ma- to vitamin D. PTH-related disorders, in and creatinine, elevated serum P, de-
jor contributor. Correcting the underly- turn, can be divided into two major creased serum Ca, increased PTH, and
ing problem results in the resolution categories: insufficient circulating PTH decreased 1, 25(OH)2D concentrations.
of hypocalcemia, although temporary (hypoparathyroidism) or insufficient re- Thus, the evaluation of a patient

Pediatrics in Review Vol.30 No.5 May 2009 191

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in brief

who has hypocalcemia should include (IV) Ca to increase the Ca concentration Hypomagnesemia ("1.0 mg/dL) may
serum electrolyte measurement; liver above symptom threshold and subse- need to be corrected to restore PTH
function tests; and assessment of alka- quently to maintain that concentration activity. This goal may be accomplished
line phosphatase, P, PTH, vitamin D to prevent symptom recurrence. Sei- with infusion of 1 mmol/kg Mg as the
metabolites, and magnesium (Mg). The zures usually do not respond to anti- sulfate over 24 hours, followed by an
iCa value may be normal when the total convulsant medications but stop when additional 1 mmol/kg over the next
Ca value is high or low, depending on IV Ca is administered. Although no 48 hours, again with frequent monitor-
serum albumin concentrations. As a single protocol has been adopted uni- ing of the serum Mg concentrations.
rough estimate, Ca concentration falls versally, one common regimen recom- After hypocalcemia-related symp-
0.8 mg/dL (0.2 mmol/L) for every 1.0- mends the IV infusion of 20 mg/kg toms are controlled, follow-up treat-
g/dL decrease in albumin concentra- elemental Ca over 10 to 20 minutes, ment with oral therapy can be provided.
tion. Ca binding to albumin is pH- with careful monitoring for cardiac ar- Vitamin D, in one of its various forms,
dependent. Acidemia releases Ca from rhythmias, which means administering also may be indicated, depending on the
albumin; alkalosis increases binding. approximately 2 mL/kg of 10% Ca glu- cause of the hypocalcemia. The most
A change of 0.1 pH unit may alter the conate or 0.7 mL/kg of 10% Ca chlo- important aspect of management is res-
concentration of ionized calcium by ride. In the experience of one of the olution of the primary cause of hypocal-
10% without altering the total Ca con- authors (MM), a much smaller dose of cemia when possible.
centration. 0.5 mL/kg of 10% Ca gluconate often is
Urine tests that may be helpful in sufficient to eliminate hypocalcemia-
the face of hypocalcemia include pH, related symptoms and has not been Comment: Not aware of a study
Ca, Mg, P, and creatinine evaluation. associated with arrhythmias. that confirms my impression, I can offer
Normally, the kidney reabsorbs about A secure IV line is essential for any only anecdote in place of data. Over the
99% of filtered Ca. Approximately Ca infusion to avoid subcutaneous ne- past few years, as the epidemic of
80% to 85% of filtered Ca is reab- crosis from extravasation. The bolus childhood obesity has burgeoned, we
sorbed passively in the proximal tu- dose can be repeated as needed to have seen several adolescents in our
bules, and the remaining Ca is reab- control symptoms attributable solely to primary care practice whose laboratory
sorbed in the distal cortical tubules hypocalcemia. assessment, performed in response to
under PTH stimulation. A random urine Immediately after the bolus infu- their body mass indexes, showed ab-
calcium/creatinine ratio (UCa/Cr) is a sion, a continuous Ca infusion should normally high alkaline phosphatase and
helpful test for diagnosis and making be strongly considered. The dose varies low calcium values. Their clinically un-
decisions about treatment. The median with age. For neonates, 500 mg/kg of suspected rickets was confirmed by low
UCa/Cr value ranges from 0.04 to 10% Ca gluconate infused over 24 hours concentrations of vitamin D. Our spec-
0.26 mg/mg, depending on age and is a common recommendation. For ulation is that their high-fat junk food
ethnicity, with the youngest children older infants and children, a starting diets are morbidly low both in vitamin
demonstrating the highest values. A dose of 200 mg/kg per 24 hours of 10% D and calcium. Also, when it comes to
ratio of 0.2 mg/mg or greater usually Ca gluconate should be provided. In all ultraviolet B exposure, sitting in front
defines hypercalciuria in older children, cases, the Ca infusion should be titrated of TV and computer screens does not
but the age-dependent 95th percentile to a target normal Ca concentration. match running around in sunshine.
of UCa/Cr can be as high as 0.70 for Serum Ca must be monitored frequently
white infants. during the infusion, and Ca should not
A patient who has symptomatic hy- be mixed with fluids containing P or Henry M. Adam, MD
pocalcemia should receive intravenous bicarbonate to avoid precipitation. Editor, In Brief

192 Pediatrics in Review Vol.30 No.5 May 2009

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Hypocalcemia in Infants and Children
Ping Zhou and Morri Markowitz
Pediatrics in Review 2009;30;190
DOI: 10.1542/pir.30-5-190

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Hypocalcemia in Infants and Children
Ping Zhou and Morri Markowitz
Pediatrics in Review 2009;30;190
DOI: 10.1542/pir.30-5-190

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