MT - 07

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Name: ………………………………………… Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa


Thời gian: 60 phút

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. travelled B. listened C. reviewed D. disliked
Question 2: A. apparent B. natural C. safety D. accident
Question 3: A. reason B. disaster C. transparent D. cosmetics

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position
of the main stress in each of the following word.
Question 4: A. considerate B. photographer C. community D. circumstance
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: If you had worked harder, you ..................
A. would have been sacked B. will not be sacked
C. would not have been sacked D. are not sacked
Question 6: Quoc Anh would certainly have attended the proceedings .............
A. if he didn’t get a flat tyre B. had he not had a flat tyre
C. had the tyre not flattened itself D. if the flat tyre didn’t happen
Question 7: Bich Tran: “What .............. today if you hadn’t come here this weekend?”
Khanh Doan: “I guess I’d be putting in extra hours at my office.”
A. did you do B. can you do
C. will you be doing D. would you be doing
Question 8: Only one of our gifted students ................... to participate in the final competition.
A. chosen B. have been chosen C. has been chosen D. were choosing
Question 9: The replacement of shops such as the groceries’ and chemist’s by cafes ............. the housewives with
insufficient facilities for shopping.
A. leave B. have left C. has left D. to have left
Question 10: It's 2 o'clock already and we.................lunch yet.
A. didn't have B. had C. haven't had D. have had

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
Question 11: Researchers in this area live in perpetual fear of the 'Clever Hans' effect. This was named after
............. horse that seemed to be able to count.
A. a B. the C. an D. -
Question 12: My uncle's office is on ............. .
A. third floor B. floor three C. three's floor D. the third floor
Question 13: An Nhi: “What did your grammar teacher want to talk to you about?”
Đăng Nguyên: “I did badly on the last test. She ............. studied for it.”
A. said why hadn’t I B. asked why hadn’t I C. said why I hadn’t D. asked why I hadn’t
Question 14: The police wanted to know ............ .
A. what was into the parcel B. that was in the parcel
C. what was in the parcel D. that in the parcel was
Question 15: “If I were you, I would take the job,” said my roommate.
A. My roommate was thinking about taking the job.
B. My roommate advised me to take the job.
C. My roommate introduced the idea of taking the job to me.
D. My roommate insisted on taking the job.
Question 16: Minh Sơn: “Do you mind if I turn on the fan?”
Thái Sơn: “ ............. ”
A. Not for me B. Not at all C. Never mind D. Not enough
Question 17: Đăng Phúc: “Do you have a minute, Mr. Nghia?” – “..................”
A. Sorry, I haven’t got it here. B. Well. I’m not sure when.
C. Good, I hope so. D. Sure. What's the problem?
Question 18: Jade: "So, whose fault was it? Jane's or Brian's? "
Minna: " ............. fair, they were both partly to blame. "
A. Being B. To have been C. To be D. Having been

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in meaning to the original sentence:
Question 19: It was inevitable that the smaller company should merge with the larger.
A. unfathomable B. inescapable C. inconceivable D. enigmatic
Question 20: Many political radicals advocated that women should not be discriminated on the basic of their sex.
A. publicly supported B. rightly claimed C. publicly said D. openly criticized

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
Question 21: We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours.
A. hasty B. expeditious C. sluggish D. breakneck
Question 22: We were prepared for every eventuality.
A. contingency B. happening C. commencement D. possibility

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 23: In 1961, America’s first manned spacecraft launched.
Question 24: Many of us travel to countries where meals require the use of a fork and knife.
Question 25: Despite of a language barrier, humans have managed to communicate with others
through sign language, in which certain motions stand for letters, words, or ideas.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct rewritten answer without changing
the meaning:
Question 26: The link between smoking and cancer had never been acknowledged before that research.
A. The results of that research represented the first time anyone had acknowledged the link between smoking
and cancer.
B. Despite extensive research, the connection between smoking and cancer hadn't yet been proved.
C. The connection between smoking and cancer hasn't been acknowledged yet, and requires plenty of further
D. No one has yet fully accepted that there is any connection between smoking and cancer.
Question 27: In general, restaurants with a good view charge very high prices even if they don't serve good food.
A. The view from the restaurant is wonderful, but the food they serve isn't as good.
B. Whether the food they serve is good or not, dining at scenic restaurants is usually very expensive.
C. People don't mind paying large bills at scenic restaurants, as they know they're paying for the view as well.
D. If a restaurant has a good view, generally it is the view that attracts customers, not the food.
Question 28: I'd suggest that we avoid telling any scary stories with Janet around, since she's a bit unstable and
could get hysterical.
A. Janet has trouble keeping her emotions under control, especially when she is told frightening stories.
B. Since Janet is somewhat unbalanced, the only way to make her laugh is by telling stories, but we should
avoid scary ones as they might cause her to panic.

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
C. It is no fun to tell frightening stories to Janet, who is not very stable mentally, because she only laughs
instead of getting scared.
D. Janet is somewhat mentally unbalanced and might easily become uncontrollably emotional, so let's not
tell frightening stories in her presence.
Question 29: He might have forgotten the place you'd arranged to meet at.
A. Perhaps he didn't remember where you were going to meet.
B. You planned to meet him at a place that he'd forgotten about,
C. He didn't remember meeting you at that place.
D. He couldn't remember where the meeting place was.
Question 30: The holiday might have been cheaper, but at least we were fortunate with the weather.
A. We didn't realize the holiday would be so cheap, and the climate was nice, too.
B. We can be thankful that the weather was good, although the holiday was a little expensive.
C. The holiday should have been less expensive as we hardly had any nice weather.
D. Despite the favorable weather, we still paid too much for the holiday.
Question 31: The fire must have been started on purpose; otherwise, it couldn't have caused so much damage.
A. The fire might have been very serious if nobody had tried to prevent it.
B. If someone were to start a fire there, it could prove highly damaging.
C. No one can say for sure how the fire broke out, but the harm it did is obvious.
D. Seeing that it destroyed so many things, the fire can't have been accidental.
Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase to fill in the blank in the following passage:
Marathon was the site of one of the most important (32) ............. in the history of Western civilization. There,
in 490 B.C., a Greek army defeated a(n) (33) ............. army of Persians and saved Greece from becoming part of
the Persian Empire. Marathon is a coastal plain about 25 miles northeast of Athens, Greece. Beginning in 400
B.C., Greek living under Persian (34) ............. in Asia, Minor (now Turkey), (35) ............. against King Darius I
of Persia. The Athenians sent solders and 20 ships to aid the rebels. Then the Greeks forces attacked and burned
Sardis, a city that served as Darius’s capital in Asia Minor. Darius vowed that he would take (36) ............. on the
Athenians by conquering and burning Athens. In 490 B.C., Darius sent one of his general, with an army and a
(37) ............. of about 200 ships to conquer Athens.
Question 32: A. fields B. aspects C. battles D. events
Question 33: A. invading B. conquering C. expanding D. empowering
Question 34: A. reign B. management C. government D. rule
Question 35: A. stood up B. rose up C. fought up D. stepped up
Question 36: A. grudges B. hatred C. revenge D. curses
Question 37: A. congregation B. pack C. chain D. fleet

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions:
American movies create myths about college life in the United States. These stories are entertaining, but they
are not true. You have to look beyond Hollywood movies to understand what college is really like.
Thanks to the movies, many people believe that college students party and socialize more than they study.
Movies almost never show students working hard in class or in the library. Instead, movies show them eating,
talking, hanging out, or dancing to loud music at wild parties. While it is true that American students have the
freedom to participate in activities, they also have academic responsibilities. In order to succeed, they have to
attend classes and study hard.
Another movie myth is that athletics is the only important extracurricular activity. In fact, there is a wide
variety of nonacademic activities on campus such as special clubs, service organizations, art, and theater
programs. This variety allows students to choose what interests them. Even more important, after graduation,
students’ résumés look better to employers if they list a few extracurricular activities.
Most students in the movies can easily afford higher education. If only this were true! While it is true that
some American college students are wealthy, most are from families with moderate incomes. Up to 80% of them
get some type of financial aid. Students from middle and lower-income families often work part-time throughout
their college years. There is one thing that many college students have in common, but it is not something you
will see in the movies. They have parents who think higher education is a priority, a necessary and important part
of their children's lives.
Movies about college life usually have characters that are extreme in some way: super athletic, super
intelligent, super wealthy, super glamorous, etc. Movies use these stereotypes, along with other myths of romance
and adventure because audiences like going to movies that include these elements. Of course, real college students
are not like movie characters at all.
So the next time you want a taste of the college experience, do not go to the movies. Look at some college
websites or brochures instead. Take a walk around your local college campus. Visit a few classes. True, you may
not be able to see the same people or exciting action you will see in the movies, but you can be sure that there are
plenty of academic adventures going on all around you!
Question 38: The stories about college life in American movies are not .............
A. true B. interesting C. boring D. exciting
Question 39: The phrase “academic responsibilities” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to .............
A. learning duties B. training skills C. caring professions D. teaching methods
Question 40: Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Learning is only part of students’ college life.
B. There is a wide choice of extracurricular activities for college students.

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
C. Extracurricular activities are of no importance to employers.
D. Not all extracurricular activities are students’ academic responsibilities.
Question 41: The word “they” in the third paragraph refers to .............
A. employers B. activities C. colleges D. résumés
Question 42: The word “moderate” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to .............
A. not high B. unlimited C. steady D. sensible
Question 43: Many American students have to work part-time throughout their college years because .............
A. they are not allowed to work full-time B. they want to gain experience
C. their parents force them to D. they can earn money for their expenses

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions:
Carbohydrates, which are sugars, are an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide the main source of the
body, and they also function to flavor and sweeten foods. Carbohydrates range from simple sugars like glucose
to complex ones such as amylose and amylopectin. Nutritionists estimate that carbohydrates should make up
about one-fourth to one-fifth of a person’s diet. This translates to about 70-100 grams of carbohydrates per day.
A diet that is deficient in carbohydrates can have an adverse effect on a person’s health. When the body
lacks a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, it must then use its protein supplies for energy, a process called
gluconeogenesis. However, this results in a lack of necessary protein and further health difficulties may occur. A
lack of carbohydrates can also lead to ketosis, a build-up of ketones in the body that causes fatigue, lethargy, and
bad breath.
Question 44: The word “function” as used in the first paragraph refers to which of the following?
A. neglect B. serve C. dissolve D. profess
Question 45: The word “range” as used in the first paragraph is the closest meaning to which of the following?
A. probe B. process C. hail D. extend
Question 46: According to the passage, what do most nutritionists suggest?
A. Sufficient carbohydrates will prevent gluconeogenesis.
B. Carbohydrates are simple sugar called glucose.
C. Carbohydrates should make up about a quarter of a person’s diet.
D. Carbohydrates should be eaten in very small quantities.
Question 47: What of the following do carbohydrates NOT do?
A. prevent ketosis B. cause gluconeogenesis
C. provide energy for the body D. flavor and sweeten food
Question 48: Which of the following words would best replace “deficient” as used in the second paragraph?

Instructor: Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa
A. outstanding B. abundant C. insufficient D. unequal
Question 49: What does the word “this” refer to in the second paragraph?
A. Using protein supplies for energy B. Converting carbohydrates to energy
C. Having a deficiency in carbohydrates D. Having an insufficient amount of protein
Question 50: According to the passage, which of the following does NOT describe carbohydrates?
A. A protein supply B. A range of sugars
C. A necessity D. An energy source

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