1ST May Vocab of Perfection 3.0

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Q.1) As whales go through their annual cycles of summer binge-eating and winter
migrations, the wax in their ears changes from light to dark. These changes manifest as
alternating bands, which you can see if you slice through the plugs. Much as with tree
rings, you can count the bands to estimate a whale’s age. And you can also analyze them
to measure the substances that were coursing through the whale’s body when each band
was formed. A whale’s ear wax, then, is a chronological chemical biography.

● Binge-eating: Binge-eating refers to a pattern of consuming large quantities of food in

a short period of time, often accompanied by a sense of loss of control and feelings of
guilt or shame.
● Migrations: Migrations refer to the movement of individuals or groups of people,
animals, or other living organisms from one place to another, often over long
● Manifest: As a verb, "manifest" means to display or show something clearly or plainly.
As a noun, it can refer to a list or document that details the contents or cargo of a
ship, aircraft, or vehicle.
● Chronological: Chronological refers to arranging events, data, or other elements in
the order in which they occurred in time, from earliest to latest.

Q.2) Fossils of a completely preserved crocodile and bones belonging to at least six
different dinosaurs, dating back 145 to 66 million years, have been unearthed in northeast
China. A rare find among Cretaceous strata findings in China, this has enriched the
research of fossil resources.

● Unearthed: The word "unearthed" typically means to uncover or bring something to

light, especially something that was previously buried, hidden, or undiscovered. It
often implies discovering something of significance or importance.
● Enriched: "Enriched" generally means to improve the quality or value of something by
adding to it or enhancing it in some way. This could refer to enriching soil with
nutrients, enriching a story with details, or enriching an experience with added
features or elements.
Q.3) The hard diamond and soft graphite are both just made of carbon atoms. This
diversity arises as carbon forms two distinct types of bonds. Scientists report in Science
Advances that forging glassy carbon at moderate temperatures yields material with a
hybrid of these bonds, having wide-ranging and unique properties.

● Diversity: Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of different elements or

characteristics within a group, community, or system. This can include differences in
race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, culture, and
● Forging: In a literal sense, forging refers to the process of shaping metal by heating it
and then hammering or pressing it into a desired form. Figuratively, it can mean to
create or develop something strong, enduring, or significant through effort, skill, or
● Yields: "Yields" can have several meanings depending on the context. In general, it
refers to the quantity or amount of something produced or provided, often in relation
to crops, profits, results, or returns. It can also refer to the surrender or giving up of
something, as in yielding to someone else's authority or demands.
● Hybrid: A hybrid typically refers to something that is a combination of two or more
different things, often resulting in unique characteristics or qualities. In biology, it
specifically refers to an organism that is the offspring of two distinct varieties, species,
or breeds.

Q.4) The Erasmus Mundus programme for post-graduate study seeks to help EU institutes
of higher learning expand their reach, by offering grants to students from 128 countries
around the world. India has quickly climbed to the top ranks on that list. From receiving just
5 student scholarships in 2004, to 31 in 2008, the numbers have not dipped below 60 since
2014. This year, India recorded a 15% increase over the year before in the number of
students getting the scholarships, says the panel supervising the Erasmus Mundus
programme. The total was 73, the highest tally since the programme’s inception 14 years
In 2017, the country came in at second place on the list of largest beneficiaries. While
Brazil topped that list, with 79 scholarships, India followed with 63; Iran came in third with
59, Bangladesh fourth with 58 and Mexico rounded off the top 5, with 49.
● Seeks: "Seeks" is the third-person singular form of the verb "seek." It means to
attempt to find or obtain something, to search for or pursue something, often with a
specific goal in mind.
● Grants: "Grants" can refer to a couple of different things. It can be a noun, describing
funds or resources given by an organization, government, or other entity for a specific
purpose, often with certain conditions attached. As a verb, "grants" is the third-person
singular form of the verb "grant," meaning to give or bestow something, typically
formally or officially.
● Supervising: "Supervising" is the present participle form of the verb "supervise." It
means to oversee, manage, or direct the activities or work of others, ensuring that
tasks are carried out effectively and according to established guidelines or standards.
● Inception: "Inception" refers to the beginning or start of something, especially a
process or an idea. It can also refer to the establishment or creation of something,
particularly an organization, institution, or project.
● Beneficiaries: "Beneficiaries" are individuals or entities who receive benefits,
advantages, or profits from something, such as a will, trust, insurance policy, or
program. They are the ones who gain or benefit from a particular arrangement or

.5) Artificial intelligence promises to make hiring an unbiased utopia. Employee referrals, a
process that tends to leave underrepresented groups out, still make up a bulk of
companies’ hires. Recruiters and hiring managers also bring their own biases to the
process, studies have found. Across the pipeline, companies lack racial and gender
diversity, with the ranks of underrepresented people thinning at the highest levels of the
corporate ladder.

● Unbiased: "Unbiased" describes something that is fair, impartial, and not influenced
by personal opinions, prejudices, or preferences. It implies a lack of favoritism or
discrimination and a commitment to considering all viewpoints or evidence equally.
● Utopia: "Utopia" refers to an imagined or idealized place or state of perfection, where
everything is ideally perfect, harmonious, and just. It is often used to describe an
unattainable or hypothetical society characterized by ideal living conditions, social
harmony, and happiness for all its inhabitants.
● Underrepresented: "Underrepresented" describes a situation where a particular group
or demographic is not adequately represented in a certain context, such as in a
workforce, a field of study, or within an organizati

Q.6)Manufacturing generates the strongest forward and backward linkages across other
sectors of the economy, which are important transmission links to growth and job creation.
With a strong multiplier effect, manufacturing has the potential to generate faster growth of
employment in the organized sector than the services sector. Apart from generating direct
employment, rapid manufacturing growth drives rapid growth of employment in other
sectors too, as the production processes in manufacturing increase the demand for raw
materials, energy, construction and services from a broad array of supplying industries.
● Generates: "Generates" is the third-person singular form of the verb "generate." It
means to produce, create, or bring about something, often referring to the creation of
energy, ideas, results, or outcomes.
● Linkages: "Linkages" refer to connections, relationships, or associations between
different elements or entities. These connections can be physical, conceptual, or
symbolic, and they often serve to unite or tie together various parts of a system or
● Transmission: "Transmission" has multiple meanings depending on the context. It can
refer to the act or process of passing something from one place, person, or thing to
another. In communication, it can refer to the sending or conveying of signals,
messages, or data from a transmitter to a receiver. In mechanics, it can refer to the
transfer of power or motion from one part of a machine to another.
● Broad array: "Broad array" refers to a wide or extensive range or variety of
something. It implies diversity, abundance, or inclusiveness across different types,
categories, or options.

Q7) While forest fires are not new, this year, the scale has been huge, thanks to the hot, dry
summer conditions persisting into the autumn. According to the US Drought Monitor,
California is currently experiencing severe drought, which is exacerbating the seasonal
weather patterns that make it difficult to fight fires in the state. Experts have said that
climate change is also making conditions more favorable for wildfires in the American West.

● Persisting: "Persisting" is the present participle form of the verb "persist." It means to
continue to exist or endure over time despite difficulties, obstacles, or opposition.
Something that is persisting is ongoing or remaining unchanged despite efforts to
stop or alter it.
● Exacerbating: "Exacerbating" is the present participle form of the verb "exacerbate." It
means to make a problem, situation, or condition worse or more severe. When
something is exacerbating, it is intensifying or aggravating an existing problem or
Q.8) Men who become overweight or obese from an early age are at a higher risk of
developing severe

liver disease and even liver cancer, according to a new study. High BMI in late
adolescence predicts future severe liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma as per a
national, population-based cohort study based on the data of more than 1.2 million Swedish
men enlisted for military conscription between 1969 and 1996.

● Obese: "Obese" is an adjective used to describe someone who is significantly

overweight, typically with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. It indicates an
excessive accumulation of body fat, which can have negative effects on health.
● Adolescence: "Adolescence" refers to the transitional stage of development between
childhood and adulthood, typically occurring during the teenage years. It is
characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes as individuals
navigate the process of maturation and identity formation.
● Hepatocellular carcinoma: "Hepatocellular carcinoma" is a type of liver cancer that
originates in the hepatocytes, the main type of liver cell. It is the most common type of
primary liver cancer and often occurs in individuals with chronic liver diseases such
as cirrhosis or hepatitis B or C infection.
● Conscription: "Conscription" is the compulsory enlistment or drafting of individuals
into military service. It is a form of mandatory recruitment where eligible individuals
are required by law to serve in the armed forces for a specified period, often during
times of war or national emergency.

Q.9) The relation between shopping and happiness is a cynical continuation of the
age-old relationship between happiness and freedom. We shop, we feel happy, and this is
because we do not feel restricted when we shop. We are often told that freedom is
happiness and our unhappiness arises from various constraints placed on our personal
and social life. But, most often, when we have ‘pure’ freedom, we suffer.

● Cynical: "Cynical" describes a mindset or attitude characterized by distrust or

skepticism towards the motives or sincerity of others. A cynical person tends to
believe that people are generally selfish, dishonest, or insincere, and may view
situations with pessimism or disbelief.
● Continuation: "Continuation" refers to the act or process of extending or prolonging
something that has already begun or is in progress. It implies the ongoing existence
or continuation of a particular activity, situation, or state.
● Constraints: "Constraints" are limitations, restrictions, or factors that restrict or control
the behavior, actions, or choices of individuals or systems. Constraints can be
external, such as rules, regulations, or physical barriers, or they can be internal, such
as personal beliefs, abilities, or resources.

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