Calculating The Resolution & Measuring Accuracy For MV

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Calculating the resolution & measuring accuracy for

machine vision based camera systems

Accuracy = object field / camera resolution.
From a physical point of view a considerably higher resolution is required in order to
clearly image and digitalise an object structure.
According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, at least twice the frequency (pixel
number) is required.
This particularly applies if finest object structures, patterns, lines, small details, etc. must
be detected.
In order to calculate a monochrome camera, set the Nyquist divisor = 1. software
interpolation = none.
In case of a Bayer colour camera, the resolution can be clearly reduced again (divisor =
3 or 4).
You can determine the resolving power of your machine vision system with the help of
test charts like the USAF1951 target.
State-of-the-art software methods, however, are also capable of increasing the
accuracy of the system:
Measuring algorithms and object finding can enhance the accuracy up to tenfold or
more by means of complex interpolations, inspection of grey graduations, etc.
sub-pixeling: measuring more accurate than the actual pixel resolution.
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 640px X 480px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1:1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/Accuracy: 4,92 pixels per mm>0,203mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 2.46 pixels per mm>0,407mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0,4063mm
Camera Resolution: 640px X 480px
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 640px X 480px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1:1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/Accuracy: 4,92 pixels per mm>0,203mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 2.46 pixels per mm>0,407mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0,406mm
Camera Resolution : 800px X 600px
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 800px X 600px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1: 1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/Accuracy: 6,15 pixels per mm>0,163 mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 3,075 pixels per mm>0.325mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0.325mm
Camera Resolution : 1280px X 1024px
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 1280px X 1024px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1: 1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/ Accuracy: 9,85 pixels per mm >0,102mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 4,925 pixels per mm>0,203mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0.203mm
Camera Resolution : 1600px X 1200px
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 1600px X 1200px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1: 1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/ Accuracy: 12,31 pixels per mm>0.081mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 6,155 pixels per mm>0,162mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0,162mm
Camera Resolution: 2592px X 1944px
Object Size in mm: 130mm
Sensor Size in Pixels: 2592px X 1944px
Nyquist factor (Dividor): 2 Pixel for r Probabing
Software Subpixeling (Interpolation): 1: 1 no interpolation
Physical Camera Resolution/ Accuracy: 19,94 pixels per mm>0,050mm
Camera Resolution including Nyquist factor: 9,97 pixels per mm>0,100mm
Total Accuracy (Sub Pixel * Nyquist Factor): >0,100mm

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