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com 29 Apr 2024

10 Things that you have to learn before you start your motorcycle trips!

First, I want to congratulate you on taking the first necessary step downloading this simple
list. It will help you see the whole picture instead of focusing on things that you don't really
Motorcycle traveling is something unique and the feeling you get from it cannot be compared
to anything else in the world. You feel every hole, every noise, every smell, every gust of
wind, including every instance of bad weather or rain; but who cares about these things
when you have all of that freedom!
When I started with my trips I wasn't sure what exactly I need. The way I learn things is a bit
different. I never make my decision based on other people opinions. I prefer to have my own
experience even that it might be wrong. I know that this is not the right way but it is too late
to change myself now. Because of that, it took me many years and hundreds of thousands of
kilometers before I realize what exactly I need.
By reading this simple PDF file and of course doing what does it says, you will be able to
shorten your way and gain the necessary experience that you will need to complete any trip
successfully. Enough rambling, let's finally start with the list:

1. Learn how to ride your motorcycle properly.

When you receive your driving license this only means that you can ride a motorcycle
legally. For travel, you will need a lot of practice and this is not going to happen for a month
or two. Take your time and learn how to control your motorcycle on any terrain - road and
off-road. You don't have to become an expert but at least to have an idea of how the bike will
react to such conditions. 29 Apr 2024

2. The weight always matters!

It doesn't matter do you agree with this or not the weight always matters! Lighter you are,
easier it will be. Make sure that you fully understand it before you go on your first trip. You
can learn it now or the hard way later.
3. Learn some navigation skills.
To be able to read a paper map or make a route sounds like an easy job but in the days of
the internet, smartphones, and Google, many young guys have no idea how to read a paper
map. It is easy to have a GPS that guides you all the time but you have to know that it might
stop in some stage and then the navigation skills will play a huge role in your life.
4. Less is more.
Less luggage is equal to less weight which is equal to fewer problems on the road. Learn
how to be more efficient not only with your luggage but also with the important decisions
during the trips. For example, the big bikes might be very good fun but also a big
disappointment in many cases.
5. The bike is just a tool; the travel is what really matters.
I know that you love your motorcycle but it doesn't change the fact that it is a tool! It might be
an expensive tool with some sentimental value but in the end, it is a tool! Focus on the trip
and on the people that you are going to meet because this is what you are going to
remember when you come back home.
6. Preparation is the key to success.
I respect the people who travel without any plans but for me this is nonsense. Without a
plan, you will stop when your petrol finish. You will die when you run out of food or water.
Yes, to know these things is already a plan that might save even your life. It is one story to
ride a few hundred kilometers around your place but completely different when you need to
travel many days or months, especially in a foreign country.
7. The more you know, the more you know you don't know.
The experience comes from the mistakes that we have made but we make mistakes
because we don't have experience. It sounds confusing, isn't it? Actually, it is not! The
takeaway from this phrase is to understand that the mistakes happen to everyone and it
doesn't matter how many years of riding experience we have.
8. Accept and respect any religion.
Never try to change people's opinions! Some things cannot and shouldn't be changed!
Respect other religions and don't flag with yours. This is a very important lesson to learn,
especially when you travel abroad.
9. You cannot beat nature.
Learn how to ride in any weather conditions and never put yourself in a situation that you
cannot control. You cannot beat nature and you don't have to. Your decisions should be
taken on a clear mind with well-supported arguments. Remember - the most important is to
come back home safe in one piece! 29 Apr 2024

10. The best adventure motorcycle is the one that you have in the garage.
Despite all the things that you have heard in the last few years this is still the simple truth. An
old Honda on the road worth much more than a brand new GS 1250 Adventure in the
showroom. Instead of spending X amount of money every month for paying the bill, spend it
on traveling. This simple fact will give you much more than the fake sensation that you are a
great adventurer!
You can always subscribe to my Youtube channel for more free content like this:
On my second channel you can watch
all of my pre-recorded live streams. Don’t forget to subscribe! Thanks!
Make sure that you also check my Facebook page:
I do post interesting pictures and videos on Instagram almost every day:

I also have a few books for sale. Yes, they will cost you some money, but they will offer a lot
in return. For only 10$ you can gain so much information that will help you save thousands!

I am not pretending to be a great Author and the English language is not my powerful side,
but everything I have written comes from my own experience. I truly believe that the
information I provide is valuable and could be useful to many riders. More information here:

The platform that I use to take care of the payments is Payhip. It is very well known in the
online world, with all the necessary certificates. They work with Stripe, so you do not have to
worry about your credit card details
You might take one step further and join my online course "The Essential Guide to any
Motorcycle Traveler" It is a proven, step by step system, which will help you to learn all the 29 Apr 2024

necessary information and finally start with your dream adventures. At the moment I offer a
50% discount and you can join it for only 49$. This price might still sound like a lot of money
but consider it as an investment in your future travel skills. Only the price of the books that I
am going to give you for free is 30$. I am not going even to discuss how much money it will
save you and the confidence that you are going to gain. If you are not satisfied with your
order, I guarantee a 100% money-back.

More information here:

I hope that this information will be helpful for you one way or another! I wish you many, super
interesting adventures everywhere around the world!
Pavlin (Motorcycle Adventures)

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