10-3 Catch Up Fridays

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General Overview:

Catch-Up Subject: English (Reading)

Grade Level: Grade 10

Quarterly Theme: Cooperation

Sub-theme: Social Justice and Human Rights

Subject Integration:

1) subject: Social Studies

- connection: Social Studies provides insights into different societal issues

related to social justice and human rights, fostering a deeper understanding of the
importance of cooperation in addressing these challenges. By studying historical
events and current affairs, students can enhance their comprehension of cooperation
in promoting social justice and human rights.

2) subject: Values Education

- connection: Values Education emphasizes the significance of empathy, respect,

and fairness, which are core values essential for promoting social justice and human
rights. Through values-based activities, students can internalize the principles of
cooperation and apply them in advocating for justice and human rights in their

3) subject: Filipino
- connection: Filipino language and literature provide a platform for exploring
diverse perspectives on social justice and human rights issues in the Philippines. By
reading and analyzing literary works that tackle themes of cooperation, equality, and
advocacy, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the role of language in
promoting social change and unity.

II. Session Outline:

Session Title: "Unite for Change

Session Objectives: The learner will be able to make predictions and draw
inferences based on information given in the text.

Key Concepts: Understanding the importance of cooperation in promoting social

justice and human rights, students will learn to analyze texts to make predictions and
draw inferences, fostering critical thinking skills and empathy towards societal

III. Teaching Strategies:

Introduction Warm Up:

Activity Title: Cooperative Reading Circle

Description: Students will form a reading circle to discuss the importance of

cooperation in achieving social justice and human rights.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Text related to social justice, seating arrangement for a circle


1. Introduce the theme of cooperation and its role in social justice and human

2. Assign a passage for students to read silently.

3. Students take turns reading aloud and sharing their interpretations on how
cooperation can address social injustices.

4. Facilitate a group discussion on the insights gained from the text and the
importance of working together for positive change.

Concept Exploration:

Activity Title: Predictions

Description: Students will analyze a passage to make predictions about the

outcome based on textual clues.

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Text with ambiguous ending, paper, pens


1. Provide a passage with an unresolved conflict or situation.

2. Ask students to brainstorm and write down their predictions on how the story
might conclude.

3. Discuss the various predictions and the reasoning behind each.

4. Read the actual ending and compare it with the students' predictions,
encouraging reflection on the inferences drawn.


Activity Title: Human Rights Heroes

Description: Students will research and present on individuals or groups who have
advocated for human rights and social justice.

Duration: 20 minutes

Materials: Research materials, presentation tools


1. Assign students a human rights advocate to research.

2. Students create a short presentation highlighting the advocate's contributions to

social justice and human rights.

3. Presentations are shared with the class, emphasizing the importance of

individual actions in promoting cooperation and equality.


Activity Title: Empathetic Write-Up

Description: Students will write a reflection on a social justice issue from the
perspective of an affected individual.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Writing materials, prompt cards with social justice scenarios


1. Distribute prompt cards with different social justice scenarios.

2. Students choose a scenario and write a reflection from the viewpoint of

someone impacted by the issue.

3. Encourage students to empathize with the character's experiences and feelings,

emphasizing the need for cooperation in addressing societal challenges.

4. Share reflections in pairs or small groups to promote empathy and

understanding among peers.

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