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General Overview:

Catch-Up Subject: English (Reading)

Grade Level: Grade 10

Quarterly Theme: Cooperation

Sub-theme: Peace between and among states, humans, and the natural

Subject Integration:

1) Subject: Science

- connection: Understanding the importance of cooperation in maintaining

ecological balance can be integrated into Science. For instance, exploring cause and
effect relationships in ecosystems can help students grasp how human actions
impact the environment and the need for collaborative efforts to preserve natural

2) Subject: Social Studies

- connection: Peace between states and humans can be integrated into Social
Studies to deepen students' understanding of global cooperation and diplomacy.
Through analyzing historical events and current affairs, students can learn about the
significance of peaceful resolutions and the role of cooperation in maintaining
harmonious relationships between nations.

3) Subject: Values Education

- connection: Values Education can reinforce the concept of cooperation and

peace by emphasizing the importance of empathy, respect, and understanding in
fostering peaceful interactions among individuals and communities. Aligning values
with actions promotes cooperation and harmony in diverse settings.

II. Session Outline:

Session Title: Exploring Cause and Effect in Texts for Peaceful Understanding

Session Objectives: The learner will be able to identify cause and effect
relationships in text and explain their significance.

Key Concepts: Understanding the interconnectedness of actions and their

consequences in texts fosters a deeper comprehension of how cooperation and
peace are vital for maintaining harmonious relationships within and between

III. Teaching Strategies:

Introduction and Warm Up:

Activity Title: Story Chain

Description: Students create a collaborative story chain where each participant

contributes a sentence, showcasing how cooperation leads to a coherent narrative.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Paper strips for writing sentences


1. Form a circle and provide each student with a paper strip.

2. Start a story with a sentence and pass the story chain to the next student to add
their sentence, building upon the narrative.

3. Emphasize the importance of cooperation in creating a cohesive story.

4. Discuss the cause and effect relationships within the completed story.

Concept Exploration:

Activity Title: Text Analysis for Cause and Effect

Description: Analyze a short text together as a class, identifying cause and effect
relationships and discussing their implications on peace and cooperation.

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Text excerpt with cause and effect relationships highlighted


1. Provide a text excerpt related to peace or cooperation.

2. Guide students in identifying cause and effect relationships within the text.

3. Discuss the significance of these relationships in fostering understanding and

conflict resolution.

4. Encourage students to explain how cooperation can lead to positive outcomes

in the context of the text.


Activity Title: Peace Poster Creation

Description: Students create posters illustrating the importance of cooperation and

peace, focusing on cause and effect scenarios depicted in their artworks.

Duration: 20 minutes

Materials: Art supplies, poster paper


1. Assign students to work individually or in groups to design a poster promoting

peace and cooperation.

2. Encourage them to incorporate cause and effect scenarios related to the theme
in their posters.
3. Allow time for students to present their posters and explain the connections
between actions and outcomes.

4. Discuss how cooperation can lead to peaceful resolutions in various situations

depicted on the posters.


Activity Title: Peaceful Reflection Journal

Description: reflect on the session's activities and write in their journals about the
importance of cooperation and understanding cause and effect relationships for
maintaining peace.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Journals, writing tools


1. Prompt students to write about a moment during the session that highlighted
the significance of cooperation in achieving peace.

2. Encourage them to reflect on the cause and effect relationships discussed and
how they can apply these concepts in real-life situations.

3. Provide time for students to share their reflections with a partner or the class,
fostering open discussions on the value of cooperation in promoting peace.

4. Conclude by emphasizing the role of understanding cause and effect in

fostering cooperation and peace in personal interactions and broader societal

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