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IML DISC insights ™

Personality Profile Report


Friday, Apr 19 2024


The Personality System ™



Graphs 1, 2, and 3 are representations of your expressive and non-expressive tendencies according to your Public, Private,
and Percieved Self. The further above the center line (0), the more expressed a style is, the further below the center line,
the less expressed a style is.

D = 2,50 S = 1,00 C = ,00 I = -2,87

BONDAN TEST - Attainer

BONDAN adalah orang yang obyektif dan analitis. Dia suka mengendalikan
situasi, namun dia juga bersedia menawarkan bantuan dan dukungan kepada
orang lain yang dia hormati.. Termotivasi secara internal oleh tujuan pribadi,
BONDAN berorientasi pada tugas tetapi juga menyukai orang lain. Karena
tekadnya yang teguh, ia sering kali berhasil dalam banyak hal; karakternya yang
tenang, mantap dan gigih berkontribusi pada kesuksesannya. Ulet setelah
memulai sebuah proyek, dia akan berjuang keras untuk mencapai tujuannya.
Pendekatan yang mandiri dan penuh pertanyaan, BONDAN teliti dan memiliki
tindak lanjut.

BONDAN adalah orang praktis yang mengevaluasi dirinya sendiri dan orang lain
berdasarkan hasil. Di bawah tekanan atas hasil ini, dia mungkin dianggap terlalu
berterus terang dan terus terang, dan mungkin tampak tidak demonstratif secara
emosional. BONDAN suka menyelesaikan apa yang dia mulai dan melakukannya
secara menyeluruh. Ia lebih memilih bekerja secara mandiri atau dengan
beberapa orang saja. BONDAN tidak suka diburu-buru atau ditekan; dia bekerja
paling baik ketika dia bekerja dengan kecepatannya sendiri. Mengandalkan kerja
kerasnya sendiri, BONDAN tidak memperhatikan emosinya saat menilai situasi.
BONDAN cenderung berkemauan keras dan tidak mudah menarik diri dari

Tegas dan pantang menyerah dalam mengambil keputusan, BONDAN

cenderung terkesan tidak fleksibel. Dia menggunakan fakta dan angka, bukan
perasaan, untuk mengambil keputusan. BONDAN adalah pemain tim yang kuat,
namun mungkin mengungkapkan keinginan untuk bebas dari pembatasan. Ia
lebih suka berkumpul dalam kelompok kecil dan menjalin ikatan kuat dengan
beberapa orang terdekat. Dia dapat diandalkan dan akan selalu membantu teman
dan keluarga.

Your D and S plotted above the midline, your style is identified by the keyword

General Characteristics
 Steady and persistent
 Driven to complete goals
 Loyal to vision
 Builds on tried and tested methods

Value To Team
 Steady and self motivated
 Takes personal responsibility for goals
 Strong completion rate of high quality work
 Manager who builds group relations
 Sticks to mission statement

Possible Weaknesses
 May get frustrated with others and pull away
 May tend to micro-manage important projects
 May not give enough attention to helping others reach potential
 Lack of willingness to delegate tasks to others

Greatest Fear
 Being pushed and controlled out of their comfort zone

Motivated by
 Team goals being reached
 Being able to lead with strong supporters
 Being able to rely on proven methods
 Loyalty and help from others; rallying to their vision

My Ideal Environment
 Team environment with few conflicts
 Supportive atmosphere for ideas
 Working closely "hands on" with others
 Manageable projects that get completed

Remember, an Attainer may want:

 Team results, a non-confrontational environment, people to direct; help in
reaching their vision, positive working conditions, strong loyalty from

When communicating with an Attainer, DO:

 Build a favorable, friendly environment
 Give opportunity for them to share their vision
 Share testimonials from others relating to proposed ideas
 Allow time for independent work
 Develop a participative relationship
 Create incentives for quality and results of work

When communicating with an Attainer, DON'T:

 Push them out of comfort zone
 Over promise without following through
 Question their motives or integrity

While analyzing information, an Attainer may:

 Be a good listener; proceed with a plan
 Build upon proven methods
 Understand key concepts and goals
 Discuss the situation with others

Attainers possess these positive characteristics in teams:

 Participative managers - "hands on"
 Motivate the team by self participation
 Driven and determined
 Rely on methods that will work
 Create an atmosphere of well-being
 Will support others in authority over them
 Steady and reliable
 Work well with other people
 Strive for quality
 Accomplish goals through people
Personal Growth Areas for Attainers:
 Do not overly micro-manage
 Try new methods and ideas
 Exercise control over your actions, words and emotions
 Be able to delegate and release to others
 Be more open and optimistic
 Consider and evaluate ideas from other team members
 Don't let your goals dominate the team vision

D - Measures how quickly you decide and how forceful you are. Words
describing where your "D" was positioned are:
FORCEFUL Full of force; powerful; vigorous
RISK TAKER Willing to take chances
ADVENTURESOME Exciting or dangerous undertaking
DECISIVE Settles a dispute, question, etc
INQUISITIVE Inclined to ask many questions; curious

I - Measures how talkative, persuasive, and interactive you normally are.

Words that describe where your "I" was positioned are:
CONVINCING Persuading by argument of evidence
OBSERVING Perceptive; watches over and guards
PERCEPTIVE Able to make or see fine distinctions; discerning
REFLECTIVE Meditative; thoughtful
FACTUAL Having the nature of fact; real; actual
LOGICAL According to the principles of logic, reasoning

S - Measures desire to stay with the tried, tested and true and work in a
peaceful team environment. Words describing where your "S" was
positioned are:
NON-DEMONSTRATIVE Not showing feelings openly and frankly
DELIBERATE Careful in considering; not rash or hasty; slow;
AMIABLE Having a pleasant disposition; friendly
STABLE Enduring; steady; resisting change

C - Measures the need for gathering facts and details vs. flying by the "seat
of your pants". Words describing where your "C" was positioned are:
"OWN PERSON" Not easily affected by the opinions of others
PERSISTENT Continuing, especially in the face of opposition;
INDEPENDENT Free from the influence or control of others;

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