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1. Where can you find your Science Laboratories? SRC?

2. Where do you reserve for materials that you need for your laboratory activities?
3. Who is the Science laboratory in charge?
4. How do you group your students when performing laboratory activities?
5. What system are you using to maximize students participation in the laboratory?
6. When was the last time that you sent your students in the laboratory?
7. How is safety of the students ensured when doing laboratory activities?
8. What is your participation in developing the 3yr acquisition development program to
continuously upkeep and upgrade the materials for laboratory activities?
9. How do you serve the community in the area of the laboratories?
10. Do you know where the first aid kit and fire extinguishers located?
11. Are you having a hard time reserving and borrowing materials from the SRC?
12. How does the faculty development program help you master your science process skills?
13. What measures have been taken to ensure that you are ready to teach your subject matter
specially when conducting laboratory activities?
14. Do you think the SCPS laboratories are adequate and that they meet the requirements for
15. What is your participation in the annual requisition of materials?
16. Are you aware of the laboratory forms that you are using? What are they?
17. To what extent are students exposed to scientific inquiries?
18. When do you do your laboratory orientation?

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