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Grade 9 Teacher JINKYRSOE M. AMARANTE Learning Area ENGLISH

Daily Lesson Log Teaching dates and Time April 22-26, 2024 Quarter FOURTH
9:50-10:40 9-Holland 9-Holland 9-Holland 9-Holland 9-Holland
12:20-1:10 9-Greece 9-Greece 9-Greece 9-Greece 9-Greece

I. Objectives
A. Performance The learner competently presents a research report on a
Standards relevant socio-cultural issue.
The learner competently presents a research report on a
relevant socio-cultural issue.
The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.
B. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns and
C. Most Essential Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, Judge the relevance and worth of Judge the relevance and worth of Judge the relevance and worth of
Learning Competencies soundness of author’s reasoning, and soundness of author’s reasoning, and the ideas, soundness of author’s ideas, soundness of author’s ideas, soundness of author’s
the effectiveness of the presentation effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf- reasoning, and the effectiveness of reasoning, and the effectiveness of reasoning, and the effectiveness of
(EN9RC-IVf-2.22) 2.22) the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22) the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22) the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)
D. Enabling Objectives Identify the difference among the four Make a decision on given issues using logical Prepare a speech about current Perform a speech about the
Engage in panel discussion using
types of logical fallacies reasoning. issues in the Philippines showcasing current issues in the Philippines.
current issue.
their evidences.
II. Content
Topic Four Types of Logical Fallacies Logical reasoning Panel Discussion Speech on current issue Speech on current issue
II. Learning Resources
A. Reference
1. Teacher's Guide English 9 LeaP Quarter 4 Week 4 English 9 LeaP Quarter 4 Week 4 English 9 LeaP Quarter 4 Week 4 English 9 LeaP Quarter 4 Week 4
pages English 9 LeaP Quarter 4 Week 4
2. Learner's Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
INTRODUCTION Students will read and will try to give Students will describe the picture Students will be given enough time to Draw lots of presenter. Provide
feedback in each statement. below. choose among these topics below copies of rubrics.
1. Women are bad drivers. and they will be needing to come up
2. I crossed at a red light. I got a with a speech.
3. If you break up with me, you’ll
never find someone who
treats you as well as I do.
4. “My mentor, who holds a PhD
in philosophy, said philosophy
is the most challenging
Students will study the ads below and they
academic discipline. That’s
need to give comments on it.
why I decided to study art

Students will differentiate the 4 Students will go back to the ads and decide The teacher will discuss what is panel
sentences and will provide explanation. whether they will be in favor or against on discussion and its features.
Discuss the four types of fallacies the issues being raised.
They will use the whole time to
namely, hasty generalization, post hoc, Discussion may be using projector or Presentation of their speech. Ask
prepare for their speech and practice
appeal to authority and slippery slope. 1. What is your stand about each particular TV provided with power point the evaluator to check the rubric
it using the guide evaluation tool
issue? presentation or video clip to sustain for scoring.
2. What helped you decide to favor or against the discussion.
the particular issue?
Each presenter will be graded by
DEVELOPMENT 3. What did you use as basis in your decision-
their classmates using the rubric
4. If you would be given the opportunity to
talk to someone regarding the issues of
Ask the students to prepare a formal
materialism and pork barrel, whom would
attire. (Polo shirt for boys and Blouse
you talk to? Why?
for girls)
5. What would you tell him/her?
6. Why do we need to respect people’s
ENGAGEMENT Task 2: Students will identify if the Students will read the article about the High Students will read a current article
statement given is among the types of Price of Materialism and complete the table about the anti-hunger programs of These are the topics: Consolidate the scores and
fallacies discussed earlier. provided. the current government. announce it to the class.
1. Climate Change
LGUs, gov’t agencies ordered 2. West Philippine Sea
to implement anti-hunger 3. World War III
programs | Philippine News
Agency (

ASSIMILATION 1. What is the issue presented in the

1. What is the issue presented in the article?
article? Content- 20 points
2. Are the terms used clearly defined and
2. Are the terms used clearly defined (logical reasoning, sound and validity
applied throughout the message?
and applied throughout the message? of the information presented)
3. Is the thesis (the point to be made) clearly
3. Is the thesis (the point to be made) Introduction and Closure-10points
and directly stated? What is the thesis
clearly and directly stated? What is Body language- 5 points Provide a general feedback for the
the thesis statement? Eye contact- 5 points activity.
4. Are facts provided as evidence? If so,
4. Are facts provided as evidence? If Pacing- 5 points
identify them.
Task 3: Students will make four so, identify them. Voice- 5 points
5. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does
arguments based on the picture 5. Is the reasoning sound and logical?
one point follow from another?)
provided. Remind them to use premise (Does one point follow from another?) Total of 50 points
and conclusion indicators.
V. Remarks
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
VI. Reflection
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
teachers ?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher II Master Teacher I Principal IV

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