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Summative Test in English 9

Name: Date:
Grade/Section: Score:

A. viewing B. pre-viewing C. during viewing D. after viewing

1. It is defined as an active process of attending and comprehending visual media, such as
television, advertising images, films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos, drama, sculpture,
and paintings.
2. What step involves activating your schema, anticipating a message, predicting, speculating,
asking questions, and setting a purpose for view, what step is this?
3. When you view the visual text to understand the message by seeking and checking
understanding, making connections, making and confirming predictions and inferences, what
step is this?
4. When you are given opportunities to respond to visual texts in an intimate, critical and
creative way, what step is this?
5. Through this, you gain expertise and skills for analyzing and evaluating visual texts and
multimodal texts.
6. In this process of viewing, it prepares you to vie by activating your schema, anticipating a
message, predicting, speculating, asking questions, and setting a purpose for viewing.
7. It helps you build expertise and skills to interpret and assess visual texts and interactive texts
that use visuals by slowing down, reflecting, and thinking about what you’re seeing.

a. Factual b. Subjective c. Bias d. Prejudice

8. Catering to more than 3,300 students, Morang Integrated High School is the largest school in
the Division of Payas City.
9. It is a privilege to finish secondary education in Morang Integrated High School.
10. Tayabas City is a home to established Tayabasin artists such as Manuel Jamilano, Tipin
Rosales Eleazar, Delfin Antiola, and Jose Romero.
11. I am proud of local artists from my hometown, Payas City.
12. Online distance learning is more fun than modular due to virtual interaction with teachers
and classmates every now and then.
13. Before the beginning of the school year, ANHS conducted a survey to identify students who
can be subjected under modular distance learning and online distance learning.
14. The aisle of Basilica Menor Church is perfect for the bride’s most memorable walk in her life.
15. The aisle of Basilica Manor de Tayabas is known for having the longest aisle among
churches built during the Spanish colonial era.
16. Malagonlong bridge is one among the Spanish-era bridges in Tayabas.
17. The thought of children said to be kidnapped and the blood used in the construction of
bridges to make them strong and stand the test of time is scary.

A. fact B. opinion C. main idea D. supporting details

18. It should be based on observation or research and it is not debatable since the information
is true, that is this?
19. This is actually your assumption or personal view and it is debatable because an opinion is
not always true, what is this?
20. This is the most important thought about the topic.
21. It can be defined as additional information that explain, define or prove an idea.

A. Faulty Logic B. Unsupported Facts C. Emotional Appeal D. Fallacy

22. Everyone wants to get married someday. A good self-concept is important in attracting a
husband or wife. Therefore, everyone should develop a good self-concept.
23. Students who take physics instead of earth science are studious and hardworking. Susie
took physics instead of earth science. She should receive an academic distinction.
24. “I loved that movie we saw last night starring Daniel Padilla. I am going to rent all of his
movies, and I am sure I’ll like all of them.”
25. “Science shows that the Earth is billions of years old.”
26. There must be objective rights and wrongs in the universe. If not, how can you possibly say
that torturing babies for fun could never be right?
27. As Mayor, my top priority will be improving education. So my first act of office will be to cut
funding for our public schools.
28. I know why you failed in English in the previous quarters. You don’t study.
29. I met a little boy with cancer who lived just 20 miles from power line who looked into my
eyes and said, in his weak voice, “Please do whatever you can so that other kids won’t have to
go through what I am going through.”

A. media B. social media C. multimodal D. modal

30. It is a type of text where the meaning is communicated by more than one mode – e.g.,
written text, audio, still pictures moving pictures, gesture, use of space, etc.
31. In this kind of text, you can include theatre, storytelling and dance.

Directions: Read each selection and answer the questions below. (3 points each)
1. What is the main topic presented in the selection?
2. What is the predominant emotion/s presented in the selection?

Selection 1

Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlor watching her door. The blind was
pulled down to within an inch of the sash so that I could not be seen. When she came out on the
doorstep my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books and followed her. I kept her brown
figure always in my eye and when she came near the point at which our ways diverged, I
quickened my pace and passed her. This happened morning after morning. I had never spoken
to her, except for a few casual words, and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish

-excerpt from Araby by James Joyce

Selection 2

(1) I think that you probably never met a know-it-all who really knows it all. (2) One person can’t
know or notice everything. (3) Sometimes, it takes another person to help you improve your
knowledge of yourself and the world. (4) Equally, you also put your best foot forward for others
to attain knowledge. (5) I believe that the most important thing is sharing ideas with others--as
enriched knowledge. (6) Remember to keep an open mind in the process. (7) Think about what
others know and say before you help by putting across what you know. (8) This shows that their
knowledge is as important to you as your own. (9) This is, exactly, shared wisdom. (10)
Eventually, it grows, develops, and bears fruits like that of a tree. (11) Hence, knowledge gives

Selection 3

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