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 Refers to how easily details can be perceived on a radiograph.
 Need to obtain as much diagnostic information as possible about the internal structures of
the patient.
 A primary responsibility of the radiographer is to evaluate radiographic images to determine
whether sufficient information exists for a diagnosis.
 Evaluating radiographic quality requires the radiographer to assess the image for both its
visibility of recorded detail (photographic properties) and its sharpness of recorded detail
(geometric properties). Radiographic quality is the combination of both the visibility and the
sharpness of recorded detail.
 Visibility of image detail is determined by the extent to which the structural components of the
anatomic area of interest can be seen on the recorded image. Visibility of the recorded detail is
achieved by the proper balance of radiographic density and radiographic contrast.
 Sharpness of image detail refers to the structural lines or borders of tissues in the image and the
amount of blur of the image.

 Quality depends on
 Contrast
 Radiographic Density
 Detail
 Distortion

 Defined as visible difference between two adjacent radiographic densities
 Contrast is influenced by:
 Subject contrast
 Scatter radiation
 Film type
 Film fog

Exposure factors
 Poor contrast is due to inappropriate exposure factors.
 mAs - affects contrast when too little or too much is used.
 Primarily affects density so should not affect contrast if proper kVp is used.
 If mAs is insufficient, contrast is reduced because overall density of the radiograph is
 If quantity of x-rays reaching the film is too low, film will be pale.
 If too much mAs is applied, overall film will be blacker but less effect on contrast.
 Kilovoltage
 Affects both contrast and density
 Increase in kVp = Increase in penetrating power.
 Increase in kVp = shorter wavelengths are produced.
 As penetrating power increases, so does scatter radiation. This can alter radiographic
 Scatter Radiation
 Radiation that does not form an image and is scattered in all directions.
 Contrast is decreased because inappropriate areas of the film are being exposed.
 Sources of Scatter Radiation
 From the Patient
 Table
 Film Tray
 Backscatter
 Backscatter - radiation arising from sources behind the image plane that are scattered back
to the image.
 Avoid backscatter by limiting the size of the x-ray beam so that the field does not exceed
the image receptor.
 Cassettes contain lead - foil backing to prevent backscatter from reaching the film.
 Grids
 When thick body parts are being radiographed, you want to minimize scatter radiation, you
do this by using a grid.
 Grid - device placed between the patient and the radiographic film designed to absorb non-
image forming x-rays.
 Composed of alternating strips of lead and spacer material.
 Grid ratio – the height of the lead strip divided by the distance between the interspaces.
 Spacer material usually consists of fiber, alumininum, or plastic because they have low x-
ray absorption
 Grids may be:
 Placed on top of the cassette.
 Built into the cassette.
 Placed under the table between the patient and the cassette.
 Generally grids now are a part of the cassette or the x-ray table.

Controlling Factors Influencing Factors

Kilovoltage Grids
Anatomic part
Contrast media
 Defined as the degree of blackness or darkness on a radiograph.
 Black areas on a developed radiograph are produced by deposits of metallic silver in the film
emulsion that result from exposure to x-rays and their subsequent processing.
 X-rays make radiographic film black
 Degree of blackness on a radiograph depends on the amount of x-rays reaching the film.
 Density is influenced by the quantity and quality of the x-ray beam, as well as the type and
thickness of the tissue under examination.
 Greater radiographic density may be produced by increasing:
 Total # of x-rays that reach the film
 The penetrating power of the x-rays
 The developing time
 The temperature of the developer
 mAs- number of x-rays leaving the x-ray tube in a set period of time.
 When kVp increases, the penetrating power increases as well. This means more x-rays will reach
the film causing a darker radiograph.
 Other Density Influences
 Thickness and type of tissue being radiographed
 Increase in thickness, means that the patient can absorb more x-rays which will
results in a lighter image.
 Large patients absorb more x-rays, so less x-rays reach the film, so the lighter the
 Type of tissue
 Type of tissue affects density as well. Higher density tissues will cause less x-rays to
reach film, therefore have lighter areas on the film at that place.

Controlling Factors Influencing Factors

Milliamperage Kilovoltage
Exposure time Distance
Film-screen speed
Anatomic part
Anode heel effect
Reciprocity law
Generator output
Film processing


 Terms used to describe image sharpness, clarity, distinctness, and perceptibility.
 Lack of detail factors
 1. Geometric unsharpness- loss of detail due to geometric distortion
 Large focal spot size
 Decreased SID
 Motion
 Screens and films

Controlling Factors Influencing Factors

Focal-spot size Type of intensifying

SID screen
OID Presence of motion
Anything that causes
BLUR (penumbra)

 Size Distortion and Shape Distortion variation in size and shape of anatomic structures due to
their position in relation to the x-ray source and film.
 Important to keep areas being radiographed parallel to image receptor to avoid distortion.
 Distortions include: Magnification, elongation, foreshortening.

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