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Budi Utomo is the first organization in Indonesia whose struggle is more nationalist than a
more regional struggle organization. On what date was Budi Utomo founded….

a. May 2, 1908

b. May 20, 1928

c. May 20, 1908

d. May 2, 1928

2. Budi Utomo held the 1st Congress in Yogyakarta in June

a. May 2, 1908

b. May 20, 1908

c. October 5, 1908

d. October 28, 1908

3. What is not contained in the Youth Pledge is...

a. One homeland, the homeland of Indonesia

b. One flag, red and white flag

c. One nation, the Indonesian nation

d. Upholding the unified Indonesian language

4. The meaning of the Youth Pledge is….

a. Strengthening unity and integrity

b. Expulsion of invaders from Indonesian soil

c. Indonesia is on par with other countries

d. Elimination of ignorance and poverty of the nation

5. One example of practicing the third principle of Pancasila is...

a. Always work hard and never give up

b. Actively participate in general elections

c. Using domestic production

d. Help victims of natural disasters

6. This is not an appreciation of the national awakening for the younger generation….

a. Scholarship Even though his family can't afford to send him to school, Toni doesn't give up
and tries to find a scholarship so he can go to school.

b. Tuti is very happy with Korean culture, even her clothes and accent are identical to
Korean culture.

c. Often Danu is very interested and wants to develop pest-resistant rice because his father's rice
plants are often attacked by various kinds of pests.

d. Rani and Nia really like to cook, they even take cooking lessons in the afternoon after school.

7. The struggle against the invaders always fails, the cause of the failure of the struggle against
the invaders is...

a. The Indonesian nation lacks weapons

b. Lack of unity and unity

c. Too many invaders

d. Many Indonesians joined the colonialists

8. "Pro Patria" and "Primus Patrialis" mean....

a. Always have a soul for the homeland and prioritize the interests of the homeland.

b. Always put himself and his group first

c. Tolerance towards fellow believers of different religions

d. Have the spirit against all forms of colonialism

9. Dutch colonialism in Indonesia began when the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC)
was founded in…

a. 1599

b. 1600

c. 1601

d. 1602

10. The writer of the song Indonesia Raya is....

a. W.R. Soepratman

b. C. Simanjuntak

c. Muhammad Tabrani

d. M.H. Thamrin

11. One of the founders of Budi Utomo is....

a. Ahmad Dahlan

b. Danudirja Setiabudi

c. Dr. Sutomo

d. Wahid Hasyim

12. The purpose of Budi Utomo's organization is ...

a. Unite Javanese nobility

b. Raising the degree of the Indonesian nation

c. Free Indonesia from poverty

d. Equal rights of citizens

13. The 1st Youth Congress was held on ....

a. May 2, 1926

b. May 1, 1926

c. October 28, 1926

d. October 28, 1928

Karena : kongres pertama dari tanggal 30 april – 2 mei 1926

14. An example of student behavior caused by low national spirit is….

a. school fight

b. Clashes between tribes, religions and races

c. The development of the seeds of primordialism

d. One group blasphemes another group

15. One example of a student's attitude in filling independence is ..

a. Work hard to get optimal results

b. Learn as best you can

c. Always diligent to help fellow friends in need

d. Pray continuously until success can be achieved

16. The form of appreciation for the heroes of this nation is realized by ....

a. Aspirations continue to be carried out for the benefit of the nation and state

b. Make a monument or statue of an extraordinary hero

c. Making historical place names

d. It is celebrated every year with great fanfare.

17. Separtism is one of the attitudes that need to be avoided in practicing the values of the
proclamation. What is meant by separatism is...

a. Cooperation with parties against independence

b. Unhealthy competition between groups

c. Separation from the unitary state

d. Understand that you want to profit wherever it is

18. A positive attitude that needs to be realized to fill and ratify the proclamation of Indonesian
Independence is….

a. The spirit of challenging foreign domination in all its forms

b. The spirit suffers and can stand the test

c. The spirit of unity and unity

d. The ever-selfish spirit of opportunity.

19. The flag, language and symbols of the state, as well as the national anthem are regulated in
the 1945 Constitution concerning….

a. Chapter XIV

b. Chapter XV

c. Chapter XVI

d. Chapter XVII

20. Every May 20 for Indonesian Tyresgsa is celebrated as the day of ....

a. Youth Pledge

b. National awakening

c. The Power of Pancasila

d. family plan
21. The Youth Pledge was made on ...

a. 20 - 05 - 1908

b. 25 - 12 - 1912

c. b. 20 - 01 - 1913

d. 28 - 10 - 1928

22. An example of national and state patriotism is….

a. Willing to serve in remote areas well

b. Always remember the services of the nation's heroes

c. Donating property for development

d. Defend the truth in accordance with the duties and obligations

23. This is not an appreciation of the national awakening for the younger generation….

e. Scholarship Even though his family can't afford to send him to school, Toni doesn't give up
and tries to find a scholarship so he can go to school.

f. Tuti is very happy with Korean culture, even her clothes and accent are identical to
Korean culture.

g. Often Danu is very interested and wants to develop pest-resistant rice because his father's rice
plants are often attacked by various kinds of pests.

h. Rani and Nia really like to cook, they even take cooking lessons in the afternoon after school.

24. The organization that was formed after Budi Utomo was founded by R. Satiman
Wiryosanjoyo et al is….

a. Jong Sumatramen Association.

b. Jong Java

c. Trikoro Dharma.

d. Sekar Rukun.
25. Who was the initiator of the Second Youth Congress which was held in three sessions in
three different places….

a. Indonesian Student Association.

b. Trikoro Dharma.

c. Indonesian Association.

d. Student Association

26. The first meeting on Saturday, October 27, 1928, Mohammad Yamin explained the meaning
and relationship of unity and youth. According to M Yamin, there are five factors that can
strengthen Indonesia, namely history, will, customary law and….

a. Language and education.

b. National anthem and language.

c. National flag and coat of arms of the country.

d. Language and country flags.

27. Pay attention to the names below!

1) Soegondo Djojopoespito.

2) R. M. Djoko Marsaid.

3) Amir Syarifuddin.

4) WR. Superman.

5) Spoon.

6) John Leimena.

Who is the committee member of the Second Youth Congress….

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

b. 2, 3, 4, and 6

c. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6
d. 3, 4, 5, and 6

jawaban paling pas : harusnya 1,2,3,4,6

28. When M. Sunario was giving a speech at the last session of the congress, someone wrote the
formulation of the youth oath on a piece of paper. Who wrote the formula….

a. Soegondo Djojopoespito

b. Muhammad Yamin.

c. M. Tabrani.

d. Amir Syarifuddin.

29. The Youth Pledge on October 28, 1928 was not only to mobilize youth to achieve
independence, but also….. the Indonesian nation as a country. Which is the correct answer to
complete the discourse….

a. Cultivate love.

b. Move the heart.

c. Confirm identity.

d. Confirm wish.

30. Indonesia's homeland is the entire territory of Indonesia, both on land and at sea, which
covers an area of 5,180,053 with an area of 5,180,053 km2 and has 13,466 islands. The Republic
of Indonesia is also called Nusantara which means….means….

a. An island separated by an ocean.

b. An island separated by an ocean.

c. Island among the seas.

d. An island surrounded by land.

31. I was one of Indonesia's national heroes who was executed on September 5, 1949 and refused
to turn a blind eye, because I wanted to see the bullet that hit my chest. I am….

a. I Gusti Ngurah Rai.

b. Chairil Anwar.

c. Robert Wolter Mongonsidi.

d. Rudolf Supratman's Wages.

32. From the history of the Youth Pledge, there are values of national unity and integrity and it
proves that in fact various youths, various differences can be united. What is not included in the
noble values contained in the Youth Pledge is…. Is….

a. Love the nation and homeland.

b. Self sacrifice.

c. Self-actualization.

d. Prioritizing the interests of the nation and being able to accept and appreciate differences.

33. In the historic Youth Pledge event, for the first time the Indonesian national anthem was
played and it was first published in 1928, namely in print media…

a. Gazetted.

b. Sin Po Newspaper.

c. sheet of paper

d. Kompas newspaper

34. On October 28, 1928, the Indonesian language was declared as ....

a. National language

b. Country language

c. Unity language

d. Local language

35. An example of the role of youth in the struggle for independence is ...

a. Participate in various activities through youth organizations

b. Follow the development of teenagers in the world

c. Youth is always aware of their role and identity

d. He initiated the youth oath in 1928

36. In the history of the struggle of the Indonesian people, the 1928 generation is often referred
to as the...

a. Pioneer power

b. The power of affirmation

c. Testing power

d. Successor power

37. Examples of actions that place the interests of the nation and state above personal or group
interests, namely...

a. General mobilization when the country is in danger

b. Join volunteer work at school

c. Work together to repair the broken roads

d. Help victims of natural disasters

38. Garuda bird is the symbol of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Inside the shield
there is a symbol that symbolizes the principles of Pancasila. The chain symbol on the Garuda
Pancasila symbol symbolizes the precepts...

a. Belief in the one and only God

b. Just and civilized humanity

c. the unity of Indonesia

d. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia.

39. The occurrence of natural disasters in several areas recently has opened our eyes to how
important our helping hand is for the victims. The important meaning of the emergence of an
attitude of sharing in these events with everyday life is...

a. Raise a person's sense of social solidarity

b. Familiarize yourself with the difficulties experienced by others

c. Creating optimism in life after experiencing natural disasters

d. Develop sympathy and empathy for the suffering of others

40. The coat of arms of Indonesia is in the form of an eagle with its head facing to the right (from
the eagle's point of view). it was designed by…..

a. Soekarno

b. Muhammad Yamin

c. Sultan Hamid II

d. RM Ng Poerbatjaraka

41. National unity and integrity are very important for the Indonesian people, because ...

a. The Indonesian nation has the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

b. The historical experience of the Indonesian nation was colonized by western nations for 350

c. With unity and integrity, the Indonesian nation will be able to eliminate diversity

d. With unity and integrity, the Indonesian nation will become strong

42. Based on the provisions, the Red and White National Flag is rectangular with a width of….

a. 1/3 (one third) of the length

b. 2/3 (two thirds) of the length

c. 3/3 (three thirds) of the length

d. 4/3 (four thirds) of the length

43. Pay attention to the following statement

1) Country's official language

2) Introduction to education

3) International communication

4) Development of national culture

5) Commercial transactions and documentation

6) Facilities for developing and utilizing science, technology and art

7) The language of mass media

Indonesian functions as a…..

a. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7

b. 1, 2, 3 4, 5 and 6

c. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7

d. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

44. For a student, the attitude of love for the homeland can be realized in several ways ...

a. Work hard to achieve a prosperous life

b. Actively learning for the benefit of family, nation and state

c. Memorize the history of the struggle of past heroes

d. Explore different fields of science and technology

45. Which of the following is an attitude of upholding piety (religious)…

a. Forcing religion or belief on others

b. There is no tolerance for followers of other religions

c. Prevent others from carrying out their obligations

d. Fostering inter-religious harmony and developing tolerance

46. Equality before the law implies….

a. The lower law must refer to the higher law

b. The law upholds differences of opinion

c. Every citizen has the same position before the law

d. Every citizen must obey and comply with applicable laws

47. Pay attention to the following statement

1) Strengthening the brotherhood of Bumi Putra students in secondary and vocational schools.

2) Increase general knowledge for its members.

3) Establish public schools

4) Generate and sharpen roles for all languages and cultures.

Trikoro Dharmo's three goals are marked by numbers…

a. a.1, 2 and 3

b. 1, 2 and 4

c. 1, 3 and 4

d. 2, 3 and 4

48. Obedient attitudes and behavior in carrying out religious teachings, being tolerant of the
implementation of worship of other religions, and living in harmony with adherents of other
religions are the values of character education...

a. Religious

b. Honest

c. Tolerance

d. Discipline

49. Attitudes and actions that respect differences in religion, ethnicity, opinions, attitudes, and
actions of others who are different from oneself are the values of character education ...

a. Religious

b. Honest

c. Tolerance

d. Discipline

50. One example of national spirit and commitment is...

a. Keep fighting and never give up to defend the homeland

b. Let state officials take care of themselves

c. Holding a demonstration for higher-ups to fight

d. Leave all national affairs to the police

51. The spirit of the Youth Pledge must burn in the nation's struggle because….

a. Youth Pledge is the history of the Indonesian nation

b. The implementation of national development is intensified

c. Is part of the practice of Pancasila

d. National development requires a spirit of unity

52. One of the noble values contained in the Youth Pledge, except...

a. Love the Nation and Homeland

b. Self sacrifice

c. Prioritize yourself

d. Refusing differences

53. BU pioneers who began to enter the political field in World War I, are ...

a. Wahidin Sudirohusada

b. Sutomo

c. HOS Cokroaminoto

d. Cipto Mangunkusumma


54. The influence of the Youth Pledge on the struggle for Indonesian independence is not...

a. Fostering a fighting spirit to achieve an independent Indonesia

b. Awaken the spirit of unity and nationality of Indonesia

c. Encouraging all political parties to join as a unifying forum

d. Encouraging the growth of Indonesian as a unifying tool

55. The national movement that fights for the ideals of an independent Indonesia Doing it with
cooperative tactics, it means ...

a. Establishing cooperatives to strengthen Indonesian cooperatives

b. Cooperating with the Dutch government

c. Refusing to cooperate with the Dutch government

d. Take political action underground

56. What is not included in the results of the second Youth congress is ....
a. A youth organization with regional character

b. Great Indonesia as the national anthem

c. Youth Pledge Acceptance

d. The Red and White Flag as the Flag of Indonesia

57. The background for the establishment of Budi Utomo is...

a. There is competition with Chinese merchants

b. This opens up opportunities for Bumiputera to carry out practical politics

c. Opening up opportunities for indigenous people to become employees in the colonial


d. Launched a movement to raise scholarships for students Javaby Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo

58. One of the factors behind the emergence of a national awakening in Indonesia is ...

a. Due to the political conduct of Governor General de Jong

b. The suffering of the Indonesian people

c. The influence of Max Havelaar's book publishing

d. Japan's victory over China in 1905

59. Attitudes of citizens that reflect a sense of love and pride for the homeland of Indonesia,
among others….

a. Proud to use goods produced abroad

b. Proud to use domestic products

c. Always think foreign production is better

d. To recommend friends to use foreign products

60. In today's era of social media, we are often faced with negative and bad news about each
other. One of the attitudes of students in dealing with misleading information (hoax) is…..

a. Looking for the truth of news or information

b. Disseminate information or news

c. Save information or news

d. Don't care about information or news.

61. Pay attention to the following statement

1) Dutch colonial period

2) Fate Feeling

3) National Awakening

4) World War II

5) Youth Pledge

6) Proclamation of independence

The stages of fostering the unity of the Indonesian nation are marked by:

a. 1,2,3, and 4

b. 2,3,5, and 6

c. 2,4, 5 and 6

d. 3,4, 5 and 6

62. One of the challenges or obstacles for Indonesia's young generation in implementing the
values contained in the youth oath today is...

a. It's hard to create jobs

b. Life's competition is getting higher

c. Absorption of foreign cultural elements

d. Losing pride in the area

63. defend Pancasila, except...

a. Applying Pancasila values consistently

b. Putting Pancasila as the basis of the state

c. Comparing Pancasila with other ideologies

d. Raise awareness to do it

64. The term Pancasila first appeared when the BP session was held....
a. Ir. Soekarno

b. Mr. Soepomo

c. Moh. Yamin

d. Muhammad Hatta

65. During 1950-1959 democracy used in Indonesia was ....

a. Guided

b. Pancasila

c. Liberal

d. Socialist

66. The implementation of democracy in a country will be sustainable if....

a. People's Politics

b. Society participation

c. Good ruler

d. State institutions are functioning well

67. A condition that shows the awareness to surrender the highest loyalty of each individual to
the nation and state is called....

a. National commitment

b. Fighting spirit

c. Spirit of nationality

d. Commitment to Struggle

68. Which is not a characteristic of Indonesian Nationalism, among others....

a. have a sense of love for the homeland

b. put personal interests above common interests

c. have a spirit of unity and oneness

d. Proud to be part of the Indonesian nation

69. The state of Indonesia has a state symbol, namely....

a. Garuda Pancasila

b. Bull Head

c. Banyan Tree

d. Rice and cotton

70. The meaning of the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is....

a. Indonesian culture is a universal culture

b. The unity of the Indonesian nation is easily divided

c. Each region is concerned with its own area

d. The ethnic differences in each region are used to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia

71. Unity and unity for the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation is....

a. Elements of inhibiting the progress of the nation and the state

b. An attitude that shows that our nation is an old-fashioned nation

c. A powerful weapon for the struggle for independence

d. Elements that support the establishment of colonialism in Indonesia

72. We commemorate the youth oath with the aim of....

a. remembering the services of all the 1928 Forces

b. remembering the courage of the youth

c. inspire the youth to unite

d. remembering the spirit of the youth of the 1928 class

73. The contents of the youth oath dated October 28, 1928 relates to Article 36 of the 1945
Constitution which states....

a. The national flag of Indonesia is the Red and White

b. The state language of Indonesia is Indonesian

c. The national symbol is Garuda Pancasila

d. the national anthem is Indonesia Raya

74. One of the important things to foster the realization of unity and unity in everyday life,

a. preserving culture

b. show off culture

c. be considerate

d. being apathetic

75. The meaning of national unity based on diversity can be shown through....

a. diversity of basic customs to unite

b. Racial diversity is used as a basis for degrading one race

c. the diversity of the initial group of divisions

d. the diversity of social organizations becomes a means of corruption

76. Living in harmony in diversity has been the order of life for the Indonesian people since long
ago. This was also shown during the struggle for independence from the invaders. Differences
are not an obstacle in establishing national unity and integrity. The following attempts to address
these differences are…

a. play with friends who have the same ethnicity, religion, and race

b. carry out gotong royong activities with the villagers by force

c. Prioritizing personal interests over common and group interests

d. humility and awareness as social beings need to be prioritized in every human being

77. A harmonious social life will benefit humans. The following is an example of the benefits of
living in harmony are….

a. safer and more peaceful

b. situation is more urgent and under control

c. the situation is more complicated and peaceful

d. more peaceful conditions and communication hiccups

78. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was formed or born on .....
a. August 6, 1945

b. August 9, 1945

c. August 14, 1945

d. 17 August 1945

79. The text of the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia is handwritten by

a. Ir. Soekarno

b. Drs. Moh Hatta

c. Sukarni

d. Sayuti Melik

80. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has a very important meaning for the Indonesian people. Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika must be understood by every member of the community to realize the following
things, except… ..

a. More intimate relationship

b. Live in harmony, harmony and balance

c. Unity for the sake of togetherness and upbringing of certain groups

d. Difference is not the source of the problem

81. Momentum which is a national agreement which is the concept of integration of the
Indonesian nation into an official and sovereign nation is….

a. Youth Pledge on October 28, 1928

b. Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1945

c. The formation of Pancasila on August 17, 1945

d. The ratification of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945

82. The diversity of ethnic groups in Indonesia must be interpreted as ....

a. nation division

b. Country decline

c. nation's wealth
d. Weaknesses of the country

83. Diversity must form a tolerant and respectful Indonesian society. Therefore, it is necessary to

a. Commitment to national unity in diversity

b. Commitment to develop their respective regions

c. Commitment to the welfare of people in disadvantaged areas

d. Commitment to advancing the region within the framework of unity

84. The national symbol of Indonesia is the Garuda Pancasila with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal
Ika which is affirmed in Article 36A of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has certain characteristics, one of which is ....

a. Don't develop racism

b. There is an attitude of discrimination in various fields

c. Development of tribal and regional spirit

d. There is no difference in the rights and obligations of every citizen

85. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika must be understood by every member of the community to realize the
following things, except….

a. More intimate relationship

b. Live in harmony, harmony and balance

c. Difference is not the source of the problem

d. The formation of a society with the same race, religion, ethnicity and language

86. Activities in schools that can foster a sense of harmony among students include the
following, except

a. School service

b. Work in group

c. Picket class together

d. Cheat together
87. Geographically, the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is located between two oceans,
namely the Indian Ocean and the .....

a. Pacific

b. Atlantic

c. arctic

d. Antarctica

88. The territory of the Indonesian state is known as ....

a. Mahabharata

b. Bamboo curtain

c. Archipelago

d. White elephant

89. The following are the divisions of territory within the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia, except....

a. districts

b. province

c. Union country

d. districts

90. NKRI stands for....

a. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

The Nationality of the Indonesian People

c. The Unitary State of the People of Indonesia

d. The Country of Pride of the Indonesian People

91. The state of Indonesia was founded on ....

a. November 10, 1945

b. April 21, 1908

c. October 8, 1908
d. 17 August 1945

92. The highest power in the State lies with the people, this theory includes the theory of
sovereignty …..

a. Law

b. People

c. Country

d. King

93. The meaning of popular sovereignty is…

A. The people as the holder of the highest power in the life of society and the state.

B. The state as the holder of the highest power in the life of society and the state.

C. The President is the holder of the highest authority in the life of society and the state.

D. The government as the holder of the highest power in the life of society and the state

94. The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia can gain independence through ....

a. Gifts from other countries

b. Sacrifice of the soul, body and property of the people

c. Gifts from allied countries

d. The result of the struggle of several heroes

95. Maintaining unity and integrity is the duty of ....

a. TNI member

b. Police Member

c. President of the Republic of Indonesia

d. All citizens

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