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Chitin utilisation by broilers and its effect on body

composition and blood metabolites
a a
S.M. Hossain & R. Blair
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Avian Research Centre , The University of British
Columbia , Vancouver, BC, Canada
Published online: 15 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: S.M. Hossain & R. Blair (2007) Chitin utilisation by broilers and its effect on body composition and
blood metabolites, British Poultry Science, 48:1, 33-38, DOI: 10.1080/00071660601156529

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British Poultry Science Volume 48, Number 1 (February 2007), pp. 33—38

Chitin utilisation by broilers and its effect on body composition and

blood metabolites
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Avian Research Centre, The University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Abstract 1. Little is known about the ability of farmed poultry to digest chitin and derive nutrients
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from the ingestion of insects.

2. Commercial chitin derived from crustacean shell waste was found to contain 373 g crude protein,
265 g ash, 235 g ether extract, 130 g calcium and 164 g phosphorus per kg, on an air-dry basis.
3. It was included in diets at 0, 25, 50 and 75 g chitin per kg and fed to 320 1-d-old broiler males, over
a 21-d period. There were no statistically significant treatment effects on weight gain or feed efficiency.
Apparent digestibility of chitin protein was 048, 050 and 045, at the 25, 50 and 75 g per kg inclusions,
respectively. Mean AME and AMEN values of chitin were determined as 897 and 886 MJ/kg.
4. In a subsequent study, mean TME and TMEN values of chitin were determined to be 823 and 821 MJ
per kg, respectively. Addition of chitinase to the diet increased TME and TMEN of chitin to 881 and
879 MJ per kg, respectively (P < 005). True digestibility of chitin protein was determined to be 087.
5. Triglyceride concentrations in liver and breast meat were significantly reduced by chitin inclusion.
No significant differences in carcase yield at 21 d of age were found. Serum cholesterol and triglycerol
concentrations were reduced significantly by dietary chitin, the lowest levels being observed at the 50 g
per kg inclusion level.
6. These findings indicate the ability of modern poultry to digest chitin but suggest that the ingestion of
insects is not an important source of nutrients, at least from the exoskeleton.

INTRODUCTION composed of (1 ! 4)- -linked N-acetylglucosa-

mine (N-acetyl D-glucosamine) units. Thus it can
A trend towards allowing poultry greater access be considered as a modified form of glucose.
to pasture has raised questions as to whether The chitin monomer however differs in two
birds derive nutrients from the ingestion of respects from glucose. It is a polymer composed
insects. Certain species of wild birds are insecti- of a long chain of identical units, which confers
vorous and presumably derive nutrients from a tough building structure. Also, chitin has an
this food source. However, little is known of the N-acetyl group, NCOCH3, attached to the C2
ability of farmed species of poultry to do so. carbon instead of an OH group. The chitin
Insects consist of a hard exoskeleton, enclosing chains associate by forming very strong hydrogen
soft tissues. Therefore, the potential utilisation of bonds between the N—H groups of one chain and
insect matter can be considered from two view- the C¼O groups of the adjacent chain (Minke
points, first the utilisation of the exoskeleton and and Blackwell, 1978). Hence the extreme insolu-
second the utilisation of the contained soft tissue. bility of chitin in most solvents. Chitin and
This paper deals with the first issue, namely, its deacetylated form, chitosan, have attracted
potential utilisation of the exoskeleton. interest in animal feeding but mainly for their
The exoskeleton of insects and crustacea hypolipidaemic effects (Razdan and Pettersson,
is based on chitin, a linear polysaccharide 1994).

Correspondence to: S.M. Hossain, Xenon Pharmaceutical Inc., 3650 Gilmore Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G 4W8. Tel: þ1-604-484-3300 ext. 165.
Fax: þ1-604-484-3321. E-mail:
Accepted for publication 18th September 2006.

ISSN 0007–1668(print)/ISSN 1466–1799 (online)/07/010033—6 ß 2007 British Poultry Science Ltd

DOI: 10.1080/00071660601156529

Chitin derived from crustacean shell waste is carcase, plus the viscera and abdominal fat
available commercially and this product was used were weighed. The heart, liver and gizzard were
in our study to determine its potential as a source removed and weighed. The different parts and
of nutrients for broilers, since adequate quanti- organs were expressed as percentages of the
ties of insect chitin were unavailable. initial body weight of the birds. The whole livers
were used for total lipid analysis (AOAC, 1995).
Statistical analysis
Experiment 1: proximate analysis and
Data were subjected to ANOVA using the
determination of apparent metabolisable
general linear models (GLM) procedure of
energy (AME) value of chitin
SAS (SAS Institute, 1988). When significant
Birds and treatments differences among treatment means were
found, means were separated using repeated
Triplicate pens of 10 broiler males (total 120
t-test using probabilities generated by the
birds, obtained from a commercial hatchery at
LSMEANS option of GLM procedure of SAS.
one day old) were used to determine the AME
The effects of graded levels of chitin on AME,
value of chitin, using the method of Sibbald and
AMEN and liver triglyceride concentrations were
Slinger (1963). A balance study was conducted
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 00:51 06 October 2014

examined by regression analysis using PROC

when the birds were 17 d old and lasted 48 h.
REC procedure (SAS Institute, 1988). Statements
Prior to the start of the balance period the food
of statistical probability are based on P  005.
was withheld for 2 h. During the balance period
food and water were offered ad libitum and the
droppings from each pen were collected quanti- Experiment 2: effect of graded levels of
tatively. At the end of the balance period the dietary chitin on growth performance, food
food intake per pen was determined and the utilisation, apparent protein digestibility
birds were weighed individually. and carcase characteristics of broiler chicks
from 0 to 3 weeks of age
Analyses Birds and treatments
The chitin used was derived from crustacean A 3-week trial involving 320 1-d-old broiler males
shell waste and was obtained from a commercial was conducted. The birds were obtained at one
source (International Chitin Production Inc., day old from a commercial hatchery, weighed
Vancouver, BC, Canada). It was subjected to individually, placed in battery brooder compart-
proximate analysis in duplicate, using conven- ments and allotted to one of the 4 diets (control,
tional methods (AOAC, 1990) to determine dry 25, 50 and 75 g chitin per kg diet) with
matter, nitrogen, ether extract, ash, calcium 10 replications of 8 birds, according to a
and phosphorus contents. Gross energy of the randomised plan. The compositions of the diets
diets was determined in an adiabatic bomb are presented in Table 3. The amino acid
calorimeter. The droppings samples were dried contents of maize, soybean meal and chitin
in a forced-air oven at 40 C for 48 h, weighed, were determined using an Applied Biosystems
ground and assayed for gross energy, nitrogen 420 A/H amino acid analyser in the
(N) and moisture contents. Samples of the diets Biotechnology Laboratory at the University of
and chitin were analysed for the same compo- British Columbia. The diets were formulated to
nents. AME of the chitin was determined. contain 230 g crude protein and 130 MJ ME/kg,
A correction of AME to zero nitrogen retention dry matter (DM) basis. A balance study was
(AMEN) was based on a factor of 344 MJ/kg conducted when the birds were 17 d old and
retained nitrogen ( Jonsson and McNab, 1983). lasted 24 h, as in experiment 1.

Carcase yield Analyses

At the end of the trial one bird from each pen Individual body weights and feed consumption
(10 birds/treatment) was killed by cervical and feed to gain ratio per pen were determined
dislocation and 10 ml blood sample was collected weekly and at 21 d of age. Any deaths were
into a plastic centrifuge tube for total cholesterol recorded daily. At the end of the trial one bird
determination (AOAC, 1995). After blood from each pen was killed by cervical dislocation
sample collection the birds were allowed to and a 10 ml blood sample was collected into
bleed thoroughly and the carcases were then a plastic centrifuge tube for total cholesterol
de-feathered, cleaned, dissected and eviscerated determination (AOAC, 1995). Livers and abdom-
and chilled in cold water. The eviscerated inal fat pads were weighed and the whole livers

were collected for total lipid analysis (AOAC, per kg diet significantly (P < 003) reduced the
1995). apparent protein digestibility when compared
with the control diet.
No significant differences were found for
Experiment 3: determination of the true carcase yield for any of the treatments at 21 d of
metabolisable energy (TME) value of chitin age, however, the absolute value of abdominal
and true protein digestibility, with and fat was lower in birds receiving chitin in the
without chitinase supplementation
diets (Table 5). The effect of feeding chitin on
Birds and treatments total cholesterol, triglycerides level in the blood
serum, liver and breast meat of broilers of 21 d
The methodology outlined by Sibbald (1976) was
is presented in Table 6. The cholesterol and
used. Twenty cockerels aged 14 weeks of age
triglycerol values (mg/dl) in serum were reduced
and housed in metabolism cages during the
significantly by feeding chitin in the diets and
balance period were used. During an adaptation
the lowest levels were observed at 5% inclusion
period of one week all birds received the same
of chitin in the diets. No change in the liver
maintenance diet. The birds were then fasted for
cholesterol level was observed, but triglyceride
24 h by removal of feeders but with ad libitum
levels in the liver and breast meat were depressed
access to water. During the fasting period each
by the inclusion of chitin in the diets, indicating
bird received 50 g glucose per d in water. After
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 00:51 06 October 2014

a possible production of leaner meat. The effects

24 h, 8 birds were given 25 g chitin directly into
on carcase composition were cumulative, the
the crop and another 8 birds were given the
length of feeding period and market age being
same amount of chitin þ chitinase (1864 IU). The
important factors affecting the influence of
remaining 4 birds were fasted for another 24 h
during which they were provided with 50 g
glucose per d in water. Droppings were collected
4 times during the following 48 h. Experiment 3
The mean TME and TMEN values of chitin were
Analyses determined to be 823 and 821 MJ per kg,
A sample of chitin was taken for dry matter respectively (Table 7). Addition of chitinase
estimation and droppings from each bird were enzyme to the diet significantly increased the
collected and analysed for moisture, gross energy TME and TMEn values of chitin to 881 and
and N contents as in experiment 1. 879 MJ per kg, respectively. On average the

RESULTS Table 1. Experiment 1: proximate and amino acid analysis of

chitin and soybean meal (on an as fed basis, g/kg unless stated)
Experiment 1
Components Chitin Soybean meal
Proximate analysis and amino acid composition
of the chitin are shown in Table 1. The mean Dry matter 9580 9190
Crude protein 3731 4890
AME and AMEN values (DM basis) of chitin were Ether extract 235 190
determined as 897 and 886 MJ/kg, respectively Ash 2652 600
(Table 2). Calcium 1300 260
Total phosphorus 164 250
TMEN, MJ/kg 821 932
Experiment 2 Amino acids:
Methionine 310 750
There was no statistically significant treatment Lysine 1940 2900
effect of diet on weight gain or feed efficiency Arginine 1840 2710
(Table 4). These results suggest that the AME Threonine 2080 1890
Aspartic acid 3510 5480
determined for the chitin product was correct. Serine 2700 2070
They also suggest that the protein in the diets was Glutamic acid 4310 8360
balanced correctly for amino acids. The amino Proline 2300 2480
acid profile (Table 1) indicates that the chitin Glycine 4110 2110
used contained significant amounts of amino Alanine 3680 2160
Cystine 150 740
acids. The predominant amino acids were Valine 2520 2430
aspartic acid, serine and glycine, which may be Isoleucine 1770 2600
involved in the chitin—protein linkage of muco- Leucine 2420 3800
polysaccharides. The apparent digestibility of Tyrosine 1120 1750
protein was 048, 050 and 045 for 25, 50 and Phenylanine 1650 2720
Histidine 870 1800
75 g of chitin per kg diet. Inclusion of 75 g chitin

Table 2. Experiment 1: apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected apparent metabolisable energy (AMEN) of chitin
Diet DM, g/kg Gross Nitrogen, AME,1 MJ/kg AMEN,2 MJ/kg Mean feed
energy, MJ/kg g/kg intake, g/72 h

Basal with 100% maize 9850 1742 3796 1262 1232 11166
Basal þ 25% chitin 9862 1765 3968 1223 1193 11700
Basal þ 50% chitin 9784 1683 3768 1157 1132 11366
Basal þ 75% chitin 9848 1722 3943 1113 1089 10900
SEM 023 022 227
Chitin 9420 1076 5970 8973 8864
1 2
Y ¼ 126600205X, r ¼ 0755.
Y ¼ 123500195X, r2 ¼ 0757.
AME and AMEN values are calculated from the regression of dietary AME (Y, MJ/kg dry matter) on inclusion rate of chitin (X, g/kg) with standard error
calculated for X ¼ 1000.
AME of chitin¼897 MJ/kg.
AMEN of chitin¼886 MJ/kg.

Table 3. Experiment 2: experimental diets and calculated coefficient of crickets (MEC ¼ 1  energy
composition (g/kg) excreted/energy ingested) was 077 in bobwhites
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 00:51 06 October 2014

Ingredient Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 acclimated to a cricket diet containing 66 to 75 g

chitin per kg (dry basis), significantly higher than
Maize 53000 52060 50470 5002 in robins (058). Their results suggested the
Soybean meal 38300 36500 35000 3300 existence of species differences among birds in
Limestone 1000 1000 1000 100
Dicalcium phosphate 1800 1820 1850 180
their ability to digest chitin and to improve
Vegetable oil 5000 5200 5700 560 digestion following acclimation to chitin in the
DL-Methionine 130 140 170 019 diet. Higher apparent digestibility of chitin has
L-Lysine 000 000 040 012 been reported in other birds; 057 in Japanese
Premix1 500 500 500 050
Sodium chloride 270 280 270 027
nightingales given chitin from mealworms
Chitin 000 2500 5000 750 ( Jeuniaux and Cornelius, 1978) and 039 to
Total 100000 100000 100000 100000 085 in several species of seabirds consuming
Calculated analysis krill ( Jackson et al., 1992). Hirano et al. (1990)
AME, MJ/kg 1300 1300 1300 1300 reported that the digestibility of chitin was 092
Crude protein, g/kg 22000 22000 22000 22000 in adult hens fed on chitin isolated from crab
Lysine, g/kg 1200 1200 1200 1200
Met þ Cys, g/kg 820 820 820 820
Calcium, g/kg 950 950 950 950 Akaki and Duke (1999) measured the appar-
Total phosphorus, g/kg 670 670 670 670 ent digestibility of crab shell chitin in Eastern
Avail. phosphorus, g/kg 450 450 450 450 screech owls and American kestrels, both insecti-
The premix supplied per kg of diet: 3600 mg retinol, 50 mg cholecalciferol, vorous, and reported values of 011 to 030 for
268 mg tocopherol, 08 mg thiamine, 275 mg riboflavin, 80 mg pyridox- owls and 016 to 026 for kestrels. The diets
ine, 0023 mg cyanocobalamin, 22 mg menadione, 55 mg niacin, 13 mg
panthothenic acid, 16 mg folic acid, 014 mg biotin, 90 mg manganese,
in question contained 20 to 50 g chitin per kg.
80 mg zinc, 80 mg iron, 125 mg copper, 04 mg iodine. No benefit of acclimation of dietary chitin was
recorded. Their findings confirmed the ability of
insectivorous birds to digest chitin, but suggested
starved birds excreted 286 kJ of energy and
that chitin is not an important energy source for
015 g nitrogen during the 24-h collection
birds. The higher ME values found in our study
period. True digestibility of chitin protein was
may be explained by the fact that the chitin used
determined to be 868%.
was in a purified form.
One conclusion from all of the above studies
DISCUSSION is that birds that possess the ability to digest
chitin, the chitinase enzyme being endogenous
Few studies of chitin digestibility in birds have ( Jeuniaux, 1961), or possibly from commensal
been reported and those have mainly involved micro-organisms in the gut or from prey.
wild, insectivorous species. Weiser et al. (1997) Another conclusion is that the role of chitinase
found that the apparent digestibility of insect may be related more to digestion of the soft
chitin was 007 to 014 (mean about 010) with tissue contained within the exoskeleton of
no significant difference between Northern insects, rather than to utilisation of chitin
bobwhite quail and American robins. This low per se. Prinz et al. (2003) punctured the
digestibility resulted in less than 1% release of exoskeleton of crickets and mealworms and
the metabolisable energy contained in crickets. reported an increase in released free fatty acids,
They reported that the metabolisable energy sugars and amino acids in an in vitro model of

Table 4. Experiment 2: effect of graded inclusions of dietary chitin on body weight (BW), feed consumption (FC) and feed/gain ratio
(FCR) of broilers between d 1 and d 21


g/kg week 1 week 2 week 3 d 1 to d 21 week 1 week 2 week 3 d 1 to d 21 week 1 week 2 week 3 d 1 to d 21

0 1547 3773 7439 7045 1335 1922 5174 8779 116 212 145 125
25 1499 3568 7315 6919 1279 1995 4694 7978 115 182 157 116
50 1472 3825 7462 7069 1291 2175 4853 8609 116 184 158 121
75 1455 3697 7199 6813 1286 1945 4870 8393 114 193 148 124
SEM 292 849 132 133 392 140 194 249 002 014 006 004

Table 5. Experiment 2: effect of graded inclusions of chitin on liver and abdominal fat weight of broilers at
21 d of age
Dietary chitin, g/kg Body weight, g Liver weight Abdominal fat

Absolute, g % of BW Absolute, g % of BW

0 8140 219 268 324 040

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25 8131 226 279 357 044

50 8113 232 288 284 034
75 7816 223 283 297 039
SEM 204 076 091 040 005

Table 6. Experiment 2: effect of feeding of chitin on total cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in the blood
serum, liver and breast muscle of broilers at 21 d of age

Dietary Serum Serum Liver Liver Breast muscle Breast muscle

chitin, cholesterol,1 mg/dl triglycerides,1 cholesterol, triglycerides,2 cholesterol, triglycerides,
g/kg mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl

0 1329 123 357 219 1486 959

25 1208 124 382 153 1764 749
50 1097 104 422 124 1839 670
75 1202 137 380 132 1694 701
SEM 47 060 45 23 193 93
Comparisons significant at the 005 level between 25 and 50 g/kg of dietary chitin.
Y ¼ 11379 þ 175X.

Table 7. TME, TMEN and true protein digestibility values of chitin with or without chitinase and AME and
AMEN values of chitin for comparison ( from experiment 1)

TME TMEN Protein digestibility1 AME1 AME1N

Chitin 823 821 8681 897 886

25 g chitin þ 1864 IU 881 879
SEM 239 239 068 023 022
From experiment 1.

insectivorous mammal digestion, indicating however, quite high (260 g per kg). The AME and
improved digestion. AMEN values were determined to be 897 and
Chitin is reported to be the second most 886 MJ/kg, respectively (DM basis) and the TME
abundant carbon polymer on earth, and various and TMEN values were 823 and 821 MJ/kg,
authors (e.g. Blair, 1996) have speculated that respectively. These results indicate that the
chitin could become a potentially important energy value of isolated chitin is 25 to 30%
energy source for poultry if the technology lower than the energy value of grains used
could be developed for its exploitation. Our commonly in poultry feeds. The protein digest-
findings show that it has some nutritional value ibility and amino acid contents of chitin indicate
as a feed ingredient and could be fed to poultry also that chitin has some value as a protein and
with no adverse effects. The mineral content is, amino acid source for poultry.

Another possible use of chitin as a dietary BLAIR, R. (1996) Perspective on the future feeding of poultry.
ingredient relates to its hypolipidaemic proper- Proceedings of World’s Poultry Congress, New Delhi, India,
pp. 65—74.
ties. Our findings on body composition suggest HIRANO, S., ITAKURA, C., SINO, H., AKIYAMA, Y., NONAKA, I.,
that chitin may be used to reduce the body fat of KANBARA, N. & KAWAKAMI, T. (1990) Chitosan as an
the broilers, though chitosan appears to be more ingredient for domestic animal feeds. Journal of
effective as a hypolipidaemic and hypocholester- Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 38: 1214–1217.
olaemic agent. Kobayashi et al. (1979) found JACKSON, S.A., PLACE, R. & SEIDERER, L.J. (1992) Chitin
digestion and assimilation by seabirds. The Auk,
that chitosan depresses serum cholesterol level 109: 135–136.
without affecting the growth performance or JEUNIAUX, C. (1961) Chitinase: An addition to the list of
organ weights of rats. Razdan and Pettersson hydrolases in the digestive tract of vertebrates. Nature,
(1994) also reported that feeding chitosan- 192: 135–136.
containing diets to growing broilers reduced JEUNIAUX, C. & CORNELIUS, C. (1978) Distribution and activity
of chitolytic enzymes in the digestive tract of birds and
total plasma cholesterol and high-density lipo- mammals, in: MUZZARELLI, R.A.A. & PRISER, E.R. (Eds)
protein (HDL) cholesterol and reduced ileal Chitin and Chitosans. Proceeding of 1st International
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a maize—soybean control diet or chitin-fed birds. (Cambridge, MA, Institute of Technology).
JONSSON, G. & MCNAB, J.M. (1983) A comparison of methods
for estimating the metabolizable energy of a sample of
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS grass meal. British Poultry Science, 24: 349–359.
Downloaded by [University of Connecticut] at 00:51 06 October 2014

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Financial assistance for this study was provided by Reports International, 19: 327–334.
the Province of British Columbia through the MINKE, R. & BLACKWELL, J. (1978) The structure of -chitin.
Technology BC Program of the Science Council Journal of Molecular Biology, 120: 167–181.
of British Columbia, and by International Chitin GROOTFELD, M. (2003) Simulated digestion status of intact
Production Inc., Richmond, BC, Canada. The and exoskeletally-punctured insects and insect larvae:
authors are grateful to the staff of the Avian a spectroscopic investigation. Folia Primatologica,
Research Centre, University of British Columbia, 74: 126–140.
for technical assistance. RAZDAN, A. & PETTERSSON, D. (1994) Effect of chitin and
chitosan on nutrient digestibility and plasma lipid con-
centrations in broiler chickens. British Journal of Nutrition,
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