Data Representation Explain

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1 The website of a school allows visitors to download JPG, MP3, MPEG and PDF files.

The video clip is compressed using lossy compression.

Explain why lossy compression is suitable for a video clip, but not suitable for a text document.

Lossy compression reduces the file size by removing or simplifying data within the file. A video is
suitable for this because there are often colours that are un-noticeable to the human eye or just slightly
different, and the resolution can usually be reduced when the device using the video it is unable to
represent it. this means that the video can be compressed with lossy compression without affecting the
final image greatly, usually allowing the video to still be used affectively for its intended purpose. Text
documents on the other hand are not suitable because each character is equally important for the text to
be readable, so lossy compression will not allow for the text to be used for it's purpose correctly.


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2 A student is creating a range of documents for a school project.

The student records a podcast about computer science.

(i) Describe how an analogue sound wave is converted into digital form.
Many samples are taken per second at regular intervals and at a certain sample rate, each sample storing
the recorded amplitude of the sound wave at that time, representing this value in bits, the amount of bits
used per sample being the bit depth.


(ii) Tick (✓) one or more boxes on each row to identify the effect(s) that each change will have on the sound file.

Change File size File size Accuracy Accuracy

increases decrease increases decrease
s s
Duration changes from
10 minutes to 20 minutes
Sample rate changes from
44 kilohertz to 8 kilohertz
Bit depth changes from 8 bits
to 16 bits


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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 When the file is compressed some 3 The first bullet is for the idea that
detail / data / quality / resolution is something is lost in the compression
lost… process.
… which is not noticeable in the video The second bullet is for the idea that the
file / video still viewable with lower video file is still usable with this loss.
quality The third bullet is for the idea that the text
… but would make the text file file is not usable.
unreadable / lose meaning or

Total 3

2 i 1 mark per bullet to max 3 3 MP2 do not award frequency of the wave is
(analogue) sound wave is sampled
… amplitude/height (of wave) is Examiner’s Comments
… at set/regular time intervals // by This question required candidates to
example describe how an analogue sound wave is
Each sample/measurement is stored measured and converted into digital. Many
as a binary number candidates were able to identify that the
The binary number for each sample is sound wave is sampled, with some also
stored sequentially identifying that it was the amplitude (or
wave height) that is sampled.


A common misunderstanding is that the

wave frequency is used. The frequency in
sound sampling is the number of samples
taken each second or in sound waves is
the number of times the wave has high and
low amplitudes within a given time. It is not
the number of changes in a second that is
recording, it is the height of the wave.

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

ii 1 mark for each row 3

Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates were able to correctly

Change Fil Fil Ac Ac identify that the increase in duration
es es cur cur increases the file size.
ize ize ac ac
inc de yi yd The additional two changes were also
rea cre ncr ecr often given accurately, but some
se as ea ea candidates only gave one tick on each row
s es se se for these, for example correctly identifying
s s the change in file size but not accuracy.
Duration changes from ✓
10 minutes to 20
Sample rate changes ✓ ✓
from 44 kilohertz to 8
Bit depth changes from ✓ ✓
8 bits to 16 bits

Total 6

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