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Appendix –2

Guidelines for determining minimum thickness for online

blasting on live equipment/piping
Prior to commencement of online blasting it is mandatory to confirm adequate thickness
is available to warrant there will be no loss of containment whilst working online.

The following factors shall be taken into account to identify the minimum thickness
required for online blasting CS and Low-alloy steel pipe:
1) Minimum wall thickness for design pressure and temperature as per DEP appendix-H
2) Minimum Structural thickness for CS and Low-alloy steel pipe as per API574
section 11.1.5 table 6- Minimum Thickness for CS and Low-alloy steel pipe
3) Errors associated with NDT measurement
4) Maximum wall loss from abrasive blasting
5) Remaining corrosion allowance factor

Minimum thickness for online blasting shall be greater of 3.5mm or the sum of:

2” pipe 100degC at 25 barg, Piping Class 11011-H1, existing CA: 1mm
• Pressure design thickness required as per DEP Appendix H = 2mm
• Minimum structural thickness as per API574 = 1.8mm *
• NDT error = 0.5mm
• Blasting loss = 0.5mm
• CA= 0.5mm
Hence Minimum Thickness for Online Blasting = 2 + 0.5 +0.5 +0.5 = 3.5mm
* 2mm>1.8mm hence pressure designed thickness governs the minimum required
The following parameters can be obtained from the following:

1. DEP Piping general requirement: Appendix H Minimum required wall

thickness for carbon steel pipes due to internal pressure. This appendix specifies the
pressure design wall thickness for different pressure/temperature rating in Table
H.1 to H.14. For equipment, pressure design wall thickness will be based on design
code of equipment excluding corrosion allowance.

2. API574 Inspection for piping system component section 11.1.5 table 6: default
minimum structural thickness for temperature < 400degF (205degC). The table
specifies the minimum structural thickness for different sizes of piping from ½ “ to

3. NDT error:
UT: Accuracy of UT results is dependent on the unit used. On site UT readings are
given to an accuracy of ±0.2mm hence a potential error of up to 0.2mm.
RT: RT provides a more accurate picture, however measurements are taken using a
ruler with a scale of 1mm therefore a conservative value of +0.5mm is applied.

4. Blasting loss:
Blast profile is up to 75microns-110microns hence a value of 0.5mm is applied.

5. Corrosion Allowance:
For piping classes with existing corrosion allowance of 3mm, a value of 1mm is
For piping classes with existing corrosion allowance of 1mm, a value of 0.5mm is
For equipment, existing corrosion allowance applies.

If the wall thickness does not meet the minimum requirements of thickness for blasting
then a fitness for service assessment is to be conducted by corrosion engineer and
approve by Inspection Manager

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