Pre FMP Plan

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Pre FMP – Video/Photography Ideas

 Video using Photography (Photography is my main focus for the FMP)

For my FMP I really want to do something somewhat similar to my last year’s
one as that was using both video and photography and I ended up getting a
distinction for that so my aim for this year is to really push myself further and
make an FMP video that’s better quality and more challenging to myself and
what I have learnt in the past year.
I am still unsure as to what my idea will be, I’m currently finding it really hard
to come up with an idea due to the fact that I am focusing a lot on trying to
have the perfect idea and to make it a good one which is hindering me quite a
lot as I am trying hard to make something that is so good which is harder and
takes more time to come up with.
As I am planning to go to university to study photography, I know that the use
of photography within my entire FMP really is the main thing to focus on and
decide. I think that will be the make or break of the entire project as it will be
what I will need the most.
In my FMP last year, I had photographs that I had taken at my locations pop up
onto the screen at different points in the video and I am thinking of adding
something similar to that in my FMP this year but I obviously don’t want it to
be an exact copy as that wouldn’t be challenging myself at all and I don’t want
a repetitive task.
Last year I did a lot of nature and animal photography so I think for this year’s,
I do want to have something a little different and to maybe use a different type
and style of photography, I am thinking of taking photographs of actual people
this time or something like that in order to help change it up a little bit to prove
that the level of photographs this year differentiates from my abilities from last
year as since then I am now able to achieve a lot more and I know that I am
capable of producing something better.
I am currently looking at different types of photography styles and so far I am
really liking the idea of fashion, event, aesthetic and street photography so I
am going to keep researching different ideas so that I can then hopefully come
up with an idea based on one of those themes, I do like the idea of an advert
type of video so I am planning on researching different adverts.

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