Molecular Oncology - 2019 - Arlt - High CD206 Levels in Hodgkin Lymphoma Educated Macrophages Are Linked To

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High CD206 levels in Hodgkin lymphoma-educated
macrophages are linked to matrix-remodeling and
lymphoma dissemination
Annekatrin Arlt1,2, Frederike von Bonin1, Thorsten Rehberg3, Paula Perez-Rubio2,3,
Julia C. Engelmann2,3*, Katharina Limm4 , Sarah Reinke5, Christian Dullin6, Xueni Sun4,
Rieke Specht1, Markus Maulhardt1, Franziska Linke1†, Gertrude Bunt7, Wolfram Klapper5,
Martina Vockerodt8, Jo € rg Wilting2,8, Tobias Pukrop2,9, Katja Dettmer2,4, Wolfram Gronwald2,4,
Peter J. Oefner , Rainer Spang2,3 and Dieter Kube1,2

1 Clinic of Hematology and Medical Oncology, University Medical Centre Go €ttingen, Germany
2 Network BMBF eMed MMML-Demonstrators, Regensburg, Germany
3 Statistical Bioinformatics, Institute of Functional Genomics, University of Regensburg, Germany
4 Institute of Functional Genomics, University of Regensburg, Germany
5 Department of Pathology, Hematopathology Section, UKSH Campus Kiel, Germany
6 Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Centre Go €ttingen, Germany
7 Clinical Optical Microscopy, Institute of Neuropathology, University Medical Centre Go €ttingen, Germany
8 Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University Medical Centre Go €ttingen, Germany
9 Department of Internal Medicine III, Hematology and Medical Oncology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany

Keywords Macrophages (Mφ) are abundantly present in the tumor microenvironment

CD206; lymphoma; macrophages; tumor and may predict outcome in solid tumors and defined lymphoma subtypes.
Mφ heterogeneity, the mechanisms of their recruitment, and their differen-
tiation into lymphoma-promoting, alternatively activated M2-like pheno-
D. Kube, University Medical Centre of the types are still not fully understood. Therefore, further functional studies
Georg-August University Go€ttingen, Clinic of are required to understand biological mechanisms associated with human
Hematology and Medical Oncology, Robert- tumor-associated Mφ (TAM). Here, we show that the global mRNA
€ttingen, Germany
Koch-Str. 40, 37075 Go expression and protein abundance of human Mφ differentiated in Hodgkin
Tel/Fax: +49 551 395307 lymphoma (HL)-conditioned medium (CM) differ from those of Mφ edu-
cated by conditioned media from diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
cells or, classically, by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF).
Present address
*NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Conditioned media from HL cells support TAM differentiation through
Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The upregulation of surface antigens such as CD40, CD163, CD206, and PD-
Netherlands L1. In particular, RNA and cell surface protein expression of mannose

School of Medicine, Queen’s Medical receptor 1 (MRC1)/CD206 significantly exceed the levels induced by classi-
Centre Campus, University of Nottingham, cal M-CSF stimulation in M2-like Mφ; this is regulated by interleukin 13
to a large extent. Functionally, high CD206 enhances mannose-dependent
endocytosis and uptake of type I collagen. Together with high matrix met-
(Received 5 August 2019, revised 8
November 2019, accepted 9 December alloprotease9 secretion, HL-TAMs appear to be active modulators of the
2019) tumor matrix. Preclinical in ovo models show that co-cultures of HL cells
with monocytes or Mφ support dissemination of lymphoma cells via lym-
doi:10.1002/1878-0261.12616 phatic vessels, while tumor size and vessel destruction are decreased in

APC, allophycocyanin; CAM, chick chorioallantoic membrane; CM, conditioned medium; DDA, data-dependent acquisitions mode; DLBCL,
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; DSMZ, Deutsche Sammlung fu €r Mikroorganismen und Zelllinien; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting;
FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; HL, Hodgkin lymphoma; HRP, horseradish peroxidase; M-CSF, macrophage colony-stimulating
factor; MMP, matrix metalloprotease; MRC1, mannose receptor 1; Mφ, macrophages; PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PE,
phycoerythrin; PTA, phosphotungstic acid; RPMI, Roswell Park Memorial Institute; TAM, tumor-associated Mφ; TMA, tissue microarray;
TME, tumor microenvironment.

Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 571
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

comparison with lymphoma-only tumors. Immunohistology of human HL

tissues reveals a fraction of cases feature large numbers of CD206-positive
cells, with high MRC1 expression being characteristic of HL-stage IV. In
summary, the lymphoma-TAM interaction contributes to matrix-remodel-
ing and lymphoma cell dissemination.

capable of supporting tissue remodeling and lym-

1. Introduction
phoma dissemination involving the mannose recep-
The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays an tor 1 (MRC1/CD206).
important role in numerous malignancies and may
even provide a tumor supportive milieu. The TME
2. Materials and methods
contains a wide variety of cytokines and growth
factors and supports crosstalk between neighboring
cells. Among the stromal cells found in the TME,
2.1. Cell lines, conditioned media, reagents, and
tumor-attracted and re-educated macrophages
functional assays
(Mφ), also designated as tumor-associated Mφ
(TAM), have received increasing interest (Manto- The HL cell lines L428, KM-H2, L1236, L540, and
vani and Sica, 2010; Twum et al., 2017). They are HDLM-2 were provided by V. Diehl (Cologne). The
involved in various aspects of tumor progression DLBCL cell lines HBL-1 and OCI-LY3 were
like aberrant cytokine secretion, immune check obtained from D. Krappmann (Munich) and the
point modulation, tumor matrix remodeling, angio- Deutsche Sammlung f€ ur Mikroorganismen und Zel-
genesis, and resistance to treatment (Mantovani llinien (DSMZ; Braunschweig, Germany), respec-
et al., 2017, 2002; Mantovani and Sica, 2010). tively. All cell lines were maintained in Roswell Park
TAMs have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 supplemented with
various lymphoma subtypes such as Hodgkin lym- 2 mgmL1 glutamine and 10% FCS. At regular
phoma (HL), chronic lymphatic leukemias, follicu- intervals, we used a highly specific Ig PCR to test
lar lymphoma, and aggressive non- HLs such as for cell identity. In addition, L428, L1236, KM-H2,
Burkitt lymphoma and DLBCL (Kridel et al., OCI-Ly3, and HBL1 cells had been subjected
2015b, 2015a; Lenz et al., 2008; Pham et al., 2018; recently to STR profiling by the DSMZ (Braun-
Steidl et al., 2011; Steidl et al., 2010; Verdie et al., schweig, Germany).
2018). For the production of lymphoma-conditioned media
Hodgkin lymphoma is a paradigm of a TME- (CM), cells were seeded at a density of 5 9 105 cells
dominated tumor that is characterized by a very per mL and incubated in complete RPMI 1640 med-
small portion (< 1%) of malignant cells surrounded ium for 2 days. Cell supernatants were centrifuged at
by abundant supportive cells, among which T cells 300 g for 10 min at 4 °C, sterile-filtered, and stored at
often dominate (Aldinucci et al., 2010; K€ uppers, 4 °C for a maximum of 2 weeks.
2009; Scott and Steidl, 2014; Steidl et al., 2011).
Additionally, Mφ are an integral part of the TME,
2.1.1. Monocyte isolation
and the number of CD68-positive Mφ predicts the
patient’s outcome (Scott and Steidl, 2014). There- Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of
fore, targeting the interaction between HL cells and healthy donors were isolated from fresh buffy coats by
Mφ presents a promising strategy in the treatment density-gradient centrifugation over Biocoll separating
of HL (Locatelli et al., 2018; Ruella et al., 2017). solution (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany). CD14+ mono-
However, our knowledge of the functions and cytes were obtained from PBMCs by magnetic cell sep-
interactions of Mφ in HL is still limited (Manto- aration using CD14 microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec,
vani et al., 2002; Martinez and Gordon, 2014; Bergisch Gladbach, Germany) according to the manu-
Steidl et al., 2010). The present study sheds new facturer’s instructions. Purity of CD14+ cells after
light on the molecular interaction between HL cells magnetic cell separation was determined by staining
and TAMs and shows that HL-educated TAMs are with specific markers and quantification by flow

572 Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

cytometry using a FACSCanto II (BD Biosciences, PAGE. Gel mixes were used to prepare 8% acrylamide
Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). gels containing 1% gelatin and 5% acrylamide stacking
gels. Fifteen microliters of cell culture supernatant has
mixed with an equal volume of loading buffer (62.5 mM
2.1.2. Macrophage differentiation
Tris/HCl, pH 6.8, 4% SDS, 25% glycerol, 0.01% bro-
Monocyte isolation and macrophage differentiation mophenol blue) and loaded onto the gel. Electrophore-
were performed as described previously (Menck et al., sis was performed under cooling using freezer packs.
2014). Monocytes were differentiated either in the Afterward gels were incubated in wash buffer (50 mM
presence of RPMI 1640 containing 10% (v/v) FCS, Tris/HCl, pH 7.5, 5 mM CaCl2, 2.5% Triton X-100) for
Pen/Strep, and 2.5 ngmL1 recombinant M-CSF 1 h. Gels were transferred to renaturation buffer (2.5%
(Immunotools, Friesoythe, Germany) or in lymphoma- Triton X-100) and incubated 1 h. Afterward gels were
CM mixed in equal parts with complete RPMI1640. covered in development buffer (50 mM Tris base,
Briefly, M-CSF or CM of the tested lymphoma cell 150 mM NaCl, 10 mM CaCl2) and incubated overnight
lines was used to incubate primary human monocytes at 37 °C with soft agitation. To visualize the gel degra-
for 7 days in Teflon-coated cell culture equipment. dation by MMP activity, the gels were then stained in
After 7 days, cells were counted, harvested, and trans- staining buffer (0.5% Coomassie blue, 40% methanol,
ferred into cell culture dishes for additional functional 10% acetic acid) for 1 h, followed by destaining in
analysis. Freshly isolated monocytes or Mφ were destaining buffer (40% methanol, 10% acetic acid) for
stained with cell-specific antibodies or isotype controls. 1.5 h. Gels were then fixed for 30 min in fixation buffer
Expression was quantified by flow cytometry using a (5% glycerol, 30% methanol), placed between two cel-
fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) Canto II lophane membranes and dried overnight. Fixed and
and calculated by dividing the mean fluorescence dried gels were scanned for image processing.
intensity (MFI) by the MFI of the corresponding iso- Recombinant M-CSF (ImmunoTools) and IL-13
type control. For intracellular CD68 staining, cells (PeproTech, Hamburg, Germany) were used at 2.5 and
were fixed and permeabilized using the Cytofix/Cytop- 10 ngmL1, respectively. Inhibitors: the pan-JAK inhi-
erm Kit (BD BioSciences) following the manufac- bitor pyridone-6 was obtained from Merck (Darmstadt,
turer’s instructions. Germany), while ruxolitinib, BKM120 (NVP-BKM120),
For migration assays, a Boyden chamber with a 5- and ibrutinib ((PCI-32765) were purchased from
µm porous membrane was used (Neuro Probe Inc., Absource Diagnostics GmbH (Munich, Germany).
Gaithersburg, MD, USA). 5 9 104 monocytes were
seeded per well in 50 µL of RPMI 1640 medium and
2.1.3. Fluorescence-labeled antibodies
allowed to migrate for 2 h toward RPMI 1640 supple-
mented with 1% or 10% (v/v) FCS or lymphoma- FITC mouse anti-CD1a (HI149), FITC mouse anti-
CM. The cells that had migrated into the lower cham- CD11b (LT11), FITC mouse anti CD11c (BU15),
ber were counted. FITC mouse anti-CD31 (MEM-05), FITC mouse anti-
To analyze endocytosis, Mφ were allowed to adhere CD33 (HIM3-4), FITC mouse anti-CD40 (HI40a),
overnight on tissue culture dishes. Cells were washed FITC mouse anti-CD44 (MEM-85), FITC mouse anti-
twice with PBS and maintained in RPMI 1640 con- CD54 (1H4), FITC mouse anti-CD80 (MEM-233),
taining 10% (v/v) FCS and pen/strep. 10- and 70-kDa FITC mouse anti-CD86 (BU63; ImmunoTools), FITC
FITC dextran (at 1 mgmL1 for 2 h; Sigma Aldrich, mouse anti-CD14 (M5E2), FITC mouse anti-HLA-DR
Munich, Germany), respectively, or Gelatin Oregon (G46-6), phycoerythrin (PE) mouse anti-CD68 (Y1/
GreenTM 488 Conjugate (at 5 µgmL1 for 30 min; 82A; BD Bioscience), allophycocyanin (APC) mouse
Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) were added anti-CD163 (GHI/61), APC mouse anti-CD206 (15-2),
to each plate and incubated at 37 °C or on ice. After APC mouse anti-PDL1 (29E.2A3; BioLegend, San
incubation, cells were washed twice with PBS, har- Diego, CA, USA) and isotype controls FITC mouse
vested using trypsin/EDTA, and fixed in 2% formalde- IgG1 (PPV-06), FITC mouse IgG2b (PLRV219;
hyde solution in PBS. Uptake was analyzed by means ImmunoTools), FITC mouse IgG2a (G155-178), PE
of a FACS Canto II and calculated by dividing the mouse IgG2b (27-35; BD BioScience), APC mouse
MFI of the 37 °C sample by the corresponding MFI IgG2b (MPC-11; BioLegend) were used for flow
of the sample incubated on ice. cytometry.
The activity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 Primary mouse anti-CD30 (Ber-H2) and mouse anti-
was determined in cell culture supernatants by gelatin CD68 (KP1), anti-Prox1, anti-CD206 (D-1; Santa
zymography. First, proteins were separated by SDS/ Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Dallas, TX, USA), and

Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 573
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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

secondary goat anti-mouse horseradish peroxidase and a 209 magnification for the fluorescent-labeled
(HRP) polyclonal; Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) slides of HL and tonsils. Raw image data were saved
were used for peroxidase and immunofluorescence in.ndpi format and handled by the software kit
staining. NDP.VIEW 2 (Hamamatsu Photonics) to save details of
ELISA kits for the detection of secreted M-CSF and the whole image in.jpeg format. Figures were made
IL-13 in cell culture supernatants were purchased from with Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended (Adobe Systems
R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN, USA). The sensitiv- Incorporated, San Jose, CA, USA). Chick chorioallan-
ity was 11.2 and 13.2 pgmL1, respectively. toic membrane (CAM) tissue slides were scanned with
a 209 objective (UPlanSApo, NA 0.75) using the vir-
tual slide microscope VS120-L100 (Olympus, Ham-
2.1.4. Immunohistochemistry on FFPE sections and
burg, Germany) equipped with a VC-50 camera.
immunofluorescence on cryotissue sections
The experiments and analysis were undertaken with
Conventional immunohistochemical staining of CD30, the understanding and written consent of each subject.
CD68, and CD206 was carried out according to stan- The study methodologies conformed to the standards set
dard procedures including endogen peroxidase blocking by the Declaration of Helsinki. The study methodologies
(10 min in methanol/H2O2) and antigen retrieval (3 min were approved by the local ethics committee [Medical
at 100 °C in 10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0) prior to Faculty of the Georg-August-University G€ ottingen (No.
incubation with the antibodies. Detection was per- 16/5/18An); Medical Faculty of the Christian-Albrechts-
formed using the ZytoChemPlus (HRP) Polymer Bulk University Kiel, Germany (No. 447/10)].
Kit (Zytomed Systems GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The
counterstaining was performed with Hemalaun after
2.2. Chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM)
Meyer (1 : 4; Merck) for 3–5 min and rinsing with
water for 10 min. After dehydration, the sections were
covered with the mounting medium Pertex (Histolab Chicken eggs (Valo BioMedia GmbH, Osterholz-
Products AB; G€ oteborg, Sweden). Immunofluorescence Scharmbeck, Germany) were bred and regularly turned
detection of Prox1 (1 : 500, Reliatech, Wolfenb€ uttel, for 3 days at 37.8 °C and 80% humidity as described
Germany), CD30, and CD68 (Dako/Agilent, Hamburg recently (Klingenberg et al., 2014a; Klingenberg et al.,
Germany) was performed on 12-µm cryosections. 2014b).On day 3, a window was sawed into the egg
Appropriate Alexa Fluor-conjugated secondary anti- and sealed with sellotape. On day 10, 2 9 106 L428
bodies were used (1 : 200; Life Technologies, Eugene, cells with or without 1 9 106 CD14+ PBMCs or corre-
OR, USA). Immunofluorescence staining of CD163 and sponding 1 9 106 Mφ embedded in 20 µL Matrigel
CD206 in tonsil and HL tissue sections was performed (BD Biosciences) were inoculated onto the CAM.
using anti-CD163 antibody (1 : 20, AM10011PU-S rab- After 4 days of incubation, tumors were cut out, fixed,
bit, ACRIS/ OriGene Technologies GmbH, Herford, and embedded in paraffin or Tissue Tek (PolySciences
Germany) or the above-mentioned anti-CD206 anti- Inc., Warrington, PA, USA) and cut into 3- or 11-µm-
body (1 : 100) in Antibody Diluent (Medac GmbH, thick sections, respectively.
Wedel, Germany), and subsequent staining with corre- In order to access tumor volume and blood content,
sponding secondary antibody (Donkey anti-mouse specimens were stained with phosphotungstic acid
Alexa 555 and Donkey anti-rabbit Alexa 488 [1 : 100, (PTA) according to the protocol described recently
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, Dreieich, (Dullin et al., 2017). Then, they were embedded in 1%
Germany)] and 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (1 : 5000, agarose gel in 2-mL plastic tubes and scanned using
Invitrogen/Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH). For each the in vivo microcomputed tomography (micro-CT)
staining step, 100 µL of the respective dilution pro QuantumFX (Perkin Elmer Health Sciences, Hopkin-
object slide was used. The anti-CD206 staining of ton, MA, USA) and the following acquisition parame-
TMAs was performed with the above-mentioned anti- ters: 90-kV tube voltage, 200-µA tube current, FOV
CD206 antibody and Histofine anti-Mouse Histofine 20 9 20 mm2, 2-min total acquisition time resulting in
anti-mouse and anti-rabbit (Medac GmbH) and stained 3D datasets with a voxel size of 40 9 40 9 40 µm3.
with 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (Dako/Agilent Germany). The software SCRY v6.0 (Kuchel & Sautter GbR,
For tissue microarray (TMA) staining, 200 µL of each R€otenbach, Germany) was used for 3D rendering and
dilution was used. volume measurement. For this purpose, the CAM
Slides were scanned by a Hamamatsu Nanozoomer around the tumor was manually removed using a vir-
2.0 RS slide scanner (Hamamatsu Photonics, Ammer- tual scalpel and the tumor mass was segmented based
see, Germany) with 409 magnification for the TMAs on a brightness threshold.

574 Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

Peptides were then separated on a reverse-phase col-

2.3. Transcriptomics 
umn (YMC-Triart C18, 1.9 µm particle size, 120 A,
The samples were analyzed by RNA-Seq. Read quality flow-rate of 5 µLmin , 40 °C) using a 94-min binary
was assessed with fastQC (Andrews (2010): FastQC: a acetonitrile gradient (3–40% B in 87 min, 40–45% B
quality control tool for high-throughput sequence in 7 min).
data. Available online at: https://www.bioinformatic The sequential window acquisition of all theoretical, FastqPuri and fragment-ion spectra (SWATH) runs was accomplished
QoRTs (Hartley and Mullikin, 2015; Perez-Rubio using a 50 ms full-MS scan from 400–1000 m/z and 60
et al., 2018). First, we removed reads perfectly match- subsequent SWATH windows of variable size for
ing the human ribosomal repeating unit (GenBank 35 ms each (mass range, 230–1500 m/z).
accession U13369.1) with FastqPuri. Sequences were The respective libraries were generated from pooled
then filtered and trimmed based on quality scores samples measured in data-dependent acquisitions mode
(bases with quality scores below 28 were removed from (DDA) using the TOP20 method with a full-MS scan
the ends and the remaining read accepted if it had for 250 ms and MS/MS scans for 50 ms each. MS/MS
fewer than 5% base qualities below 28). Then, unde- spectra from the DDA runs were searched against the
termined bases (Ns) were removed from the reads and respective UniProt database (swissprot-human09-2017)
the largest N-free sequence was kept as long as it was using ProteinPilot 5.0 and imported in PeakView 2.1
at least 25 nt long. Transcript counts were generated using the SWATH MicroApp 2.0 allowing six peptides
with Kallisto using the Ensembl homo sapiens genome per protein and five transitions per peptide. Raw val-
(release 87). The mean pseudo-alignment rate was ues were normalized to total intensity.
87.42%. In order to mitigate the donor effect, the The MS proteomics data and search output file have
combat function of the R-package sva was applied been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium
(Leek J.T. (2018): Available online at: http://biocond (Perez-Riverol et al., 2019) via the PRIDE partner DESeq2 repository with the dataset identifier PXD01612.
was used for differential gene expression (GE) analysis
and P-values were adjusted for multiple testing using
2.5. Combining transcriptome and proteome
the false discovery rate (Hartley and Mullikin, 2015).
KEGG pathway analysis was performed using the R-
package gage (Luo et al., 2009). Variance stabilizing Filtering for matching proteins and genes in the com-
transformation implemented in the R-package DESeq2 bined transcriptome and proteome data yielded 1938
was applied to normalize the data for t-SNE plots. Sub- gene–protein pairs. Further filtering for genes and pro-
sequently, t-SNE dimension reduction was performed teins that both differed (Padj < 0.01) in expression
using the R-package Rtsne (Maaten and Hinton, 2008; between DLBCL and HL stimulated Mφ brought
Krijthe (2015): Available online at: https://cran.r-projec down the number to 13 gene–protein pairs (Table 1, GE data are top). Analogously, comparing HL and M-CSF-stimu-
available at NCBI project number PRJNA592308. lated Mφ revealed 10 gene–protein pairs (Table 1, bot-
tom). In both comparisons, CD206 was the most
differential protein/gene with a log2 fold change (LFC)
2.4. Proteomics
of ~ 3.
The samples (25 µg per replicate) were subjected to In addition, differential genes and proteins are listed in
tryptic digestion using the GASP protocol (Fischer Tables S1-S5: geneExpression_deseq_hl_vs_mcsf.csv,
and Kessler, 2015). Five micrograms of the resulting geneExpression_deseq_hl_vs_dlbcl.csv, proteomics_
peptide mixtures were spiked with 100 fmol of the limma_hl_vs_mcsf.csv, proteomics_limma_hl_vs_dl-
retention time standard RePLiCal (Polyquant GmbH, bcl.csv, proteomics_limma_dlbcl_vs_mcsf.csv.
Bad Abbach, Germany) and analyzed using an Eksi-
gent ekspertTM nanoLC 400 system coupled to a Triple-
2.6. Statistical and regression analyses
TOF 5600+ mass spectrometer (SCIEX, Framingham,
MA, USA). Results are shown as mean or as mean  SD of the
Five microliters of sample was loaded onto a indicated number of samples. The statistical signifi-
YMC-Triart C18 trap column (3 lm particle size, cance of the values was determined using the Student’s
0.5 cm length; YMC America, Inc., Allentown, PA, t-test. If applicable, group results were compared by
USA) at a flow-rate of 10 µLmin1 for 5 min (iso- ANOVA (one-way or two-way analysis of variance)
cratic conditions A: 0.1% formic acid, 0.1% ACN). with subsequent Bonferroni’s post hoc test to correct

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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

Table 1. List of genes that were significantly differentially regulated between L428-educated Mφ and DLBCL- and M-CSF-educated Mφ,
respectively, at both the gene and the protein level.

LFC GE adj.P-value LFC protein adj.P-value Description

L428 vs. DLBCL

ALOX5AP 3.7942 1.17E-49 2.402749983 3.77E-05 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein
MRC1 3.0765 1.84E-13 2.88006277 1.55E-08 Macrophage MRC1
UPP1 1.7246 2.88E-11 0.835701997 0.000141198 Uridine phosphorylase 1
EPHX1 0.97398 2.95E-08 0.447050392 0.007422156 Epoxide hydrolase 1
HVCN1 0.94723 1.97E-10 0.808504269 0.009561778 Voltage-gated hydrogen channel 1
TTC39B 0.89962 1.56E-06 0.758481005 0.003038771 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 39B
IL1RN 0.7755 0.0027549 1.145794579 0.008503356 Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein
TKT 0.69094 4.81E-15 0.585160474 0.007700075 Transketolase
PTGR1 0.35052 0.0074362 0.562922246 0.009561778 Prostaglandin reductase 1
TCIRG1 0.50824 0.0004946 0.524372957 0.009953695 V-type proton ATPase
MAN2B1 0.53211 9.46E-06 0.547919395 0.006243247 Lysosomal alpha-mannosidase
CPT1A 0.75596 4.83E-08 0.662185065 0.008503356 Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase 1
SRM 0.93767 9.53E-11 0.437485354 0.009953695 Spermidine synthase
L428 vs. M-CSF
MRC1 3.2116 1.14E-09 3.011783544 4.53E-10 Macrophage MRC1
ALOX5AP 2.0344 8.12E-10 1.597124746 0.004082951 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein
UPP1 1.6381 9.00E-07 0.928778604 0.000540053 Uridine phosphorylase 1
ALDH2 1.6264 3.57E-18 0.876242857 0.004334703 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 family member
STOM 1.3435 0.0009476 1.046572022 0.004082951 Stomatin
TTC39B 1.0793 6.08E-06 0.908818503 0.001644753 Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B
EML4 1.0054 2.67E-13 1.229500721 0.004082951 Echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4
IL1RN 1.0028 0.0028429 1.427849353 0.001274962 Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein
GCA 0.57588 0.0007919 1.034796929 0.001644753 Grancalcin
FUCA1 0.76156 0.0073074 1.154748957 0.001644753 Alpha-L-fucosidase 1

for multiple comparisons as indicated. Normal distri- lines, with the exception of HDLM-2, exhibited signifi-
bution and homogeneity of variance were tested using cant chemo-attractive activity (Fig. S1A). However, as
the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the F-test, respec- exemplified by KMH2-CM, strong chemo-attractive
tively. The Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s post hoc activity does not necessarily translate into strong Mφ
test was performed for nonparametric testing. Signifi- differentiation capacity (Fig. S1B). This suggests, in
cance levels are indicated as *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 contrast to previous findings (Locatelli et al., 2018;
and ***P < 0.001. All statistical analyses and plots Ruella et al., 2017), that attraction and differentiation
were done using GRAPHPAD PRISM 6.04 (GraphPad Soft- are distinct processes regulated by different cytokines
ware Inc., La Jolla, USA). or chemokines.
Next, monocytes from three different donors were
differentiated with L428-CM, OCI-Ly3-CM, HBL1-
3. Results
CM, and M-CSF, respectively. GE of Mφ was ana-
lyzed by RNA-Seq and compared between Mφ treated
with L428-CM, DLBCL-CM, and M-CSF, respectively
3.1. Hodgkin lymphoma cell supernatants attract
(Fig. 1; Table S1 and S2). L428-educated Mφ are dis-
monocytes and initiate their differentiation into
tinct from DLBCL-CM and M-CSF-differentiated Mφ
Mφ characterized by high mannose receptor 1
(Fig. 1). They showed high expression levels of such
typical macrophage markers as CD68 and CD163.
To gain insight into the capacity of lymphoma cells to Their expression levels matched those of CCR1, CSF1,
attract and differentiate monocytes into Mφ, the CSFR1, CTSH, CTSL, CXCL16, or CD53, CD164,
migration of monocytes toward conditioned media CD276, ITGAX, TGM2, TGFB1, and TGFBI, just to
(CM) from five HL and two DLBCL cell lines was name a few. Among moderately expressed genes were,
first investigated by the Boyden chamber assay and among others, CD209 (DC-SIGN), CXCR4, CXCR5,
compared to unconditioned medium containing 1% IFNAR2, IFGR, IGF1R, IL16, IL6R, IL13RA, STAB1,
and 10% FCS, respectively. Only CM from HL cell S1PR2, SPHK1, and STAT1, whereas ADGRE2,

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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

transcript levels. This analysis confirmed, among

● ●● others, the striking difference in (MRC1)/CD206
100 ●●
● expression, which was significantly higher in L428-edu-
Cell lines cated Mφ than in both, M-CSF and DLBCL-CM-
● HBL1 derived Mφ (Table 1). Gene and protein expression
t−SNE 2

0 data can be found in the Tables S1-S5.

Next, we used flow cytometry to compare the
MCSF expression of CD68, CD163, CD206, CD14, (HLA)-
OCILY3 DR, CD1a, CD11b, CD11c, CD40, CD80, CD86,
−100 CD274/PD-L1, CD31, CD33, CD44, and CD54
between M-CSF and L428-educated Mφ and mono-
cytes from 12 different donors (Fig. 2). In concordance
with the omics data, CD206 was the most abundant
−100 −50 0 50 100
molecule expressed on the surface of L428-educated
t−SNE 1 Mφ. We also observed higher expression of CD68,
CD1a, CD80, PD-L1, CD40, CD3, CD44, and CD54,
Fig. 1. Factors secreted by HL cells induce distinct changes in
global gene expression by Mφ. Shown is a t-SNE plot to visualize
further supporting the notion that L428-CM-derived
differences in global gene expression between L428 (HL), OCI-Ly3 Mφ represent an M2-like subtype distinct from that of
(DLBCL), HBL-1 (DLBCL), and M-CSF-induced Mφ. M-CSF-derived Mφ. Additional flow cytometry data
can be found in Fig. S3. It is evident that CD206 is
expressed more homogeneously on L428-CM than M-
CCL28, CXCL10, CXCL11, CX3CL1, CXCR2, IDO2, CSF educated Mφ. GE analysis of selected M1 (IL8/
IL15, IL2RB, PDGFB, and S1PR1 were lowly CXCL8, IL1ß, and CXCL9) and M2 (MRC1, CSF-1,
expressed. More importantly, the most striking differ- and CCL22) markers lend further support to the flow
ences in GE were observed for MRC1 (CD206), cytometry data. GE of Mφ stimulated with M-CSF,
MARCO, CCL3, CCL4, CCL18, CCL20, CXCL3, LPS/IFNc, IL4/IL13, IL10, L428-CM and L1236-CM,
CXCL5, CXCL8, CD1B, CD38, CD40, CD74, CD274 respectively, was compared to that of unstimulated
(PD-L1), CD301 (CLEC10A), CSFR2, CTSC, FLT1 monocytes. The GE profiles concord with the M1-/
(VEGFR), ICAM1 (CD54), IL10RA, SOCS3, STAT3, M2-profiles and further support the view that HL-edu-
TNFSF13 (APRIL), and VEGFA. Moreover, HLA- cated Mφ can be defined as M2-like (Fig. S4).
class II molecules were expressed higher in L428-edu- In summary, the stimulation of monocytes with
cated Mφ than in DLBCL-CM and M-CSF Mφ. GE L428-CM or M-CSF changes the abundance of surface
of PECAM1 (CD31), CD226, and SPARC, in contrast, markers commonly used to monitor Mφ differentia-
did not differ between L428-educated Mφ and M-CSF tion. This shows that after 7 days, mature Mφ are gen-
Mφ, but was distinctly lower in DLBCL-derived Mφ. erated, which belong to the M2 subtype based on high
On the other hand, GE of ADAM9, MMP9, CD52, CD163 and CD206 expression. Compared to M-CSF-
CD300C, CD300LB, CD302, CTSB, CTSD or educated Mφ, L428-CM-differentiated Mφ express
PDGFRA and TNFRSF11A (RANK) was higher in more CD1a, CD80, CD40, and PD-L1, which are
DLBCL-CM-treated Mφ than in L428-educated Mφ. involved in T-cell interactions. The increased expres-
Therefore, it is proposed that L428-educated Mφ have sion of CD11c, CD206, CD33, CD44, and CD54, on
an M2-like phenotype and differ from DLBCL-CM the other hand, points toward enhanced cell–matrix or
and M-CSF-educated Mφ. cell–cell interactions. The other markers analyzed were
Next, a gene set enrichment analysis was performed. not differentially expressed between L428-CM and M-
A KEGG pathway comparison between M-CSF and CSF-treated Mφ. Importantly, CD206 upregulation in
HL-CM-educated Mφ revealed, for example, that Jak/ lymphoma-educated Mφ was also observed for L1236
STAT signaling and antigen presentation are more and L540-CM-derived Mφ when compared with HBL1
pronounced in L428-CM-treated Mφ (Fig. S2). and OCI-Ly3-CM (Fig. 3A). This further emphasizes
To gain deeper insight into the functions of the that the ability of HL cells to differentiate monocytes
L428-educated Mφ, label-free data-independent liquid into M2-like Mφ, which might play important roles in
chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry was used T-cell interactions as well as cell–matrix or cell–cell
to determine protein expression levels in Mφ. Protein interactions involving the MRC1 (CD206; Taylor
levels were then correlated with the corresponding et al., 2005).

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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

Fig. 2. Surface expression of selected proteins on M-CSF or L428-CM-educated Mφ and monocytes. Flow cytometry analysis of surface
protein expression on monocytes and Mφ differentiated with either 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF or L428-CM. MFI was calculated by dividing the
MFI of the specific antibody by isotype MFI (mean  SD, n = 12, paired t-test, two-tailed; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001).

Since MRC1/CD206 can bind and take up polysac-

3.2. HL-educated macrophages are characterized
charides, glycosylated proteins, and collagen (Kato
by mannose-dependent endocytosis and
et al., 2000; Taylor et al., 2005), we tested whether
increased collagen ingestion
HL-CM-treated Mφ differed from M-CSF-differenti-
The strong upregulation of CD206 expression in L428- ated Mφ in the uptake of polysaccharides and colla-
CM vs. M-CSF differentiated Mφ suggested that the gen. We incubated the respective Mφ with 10-kDa
former might differ in their endocytic capacity. There- FITC dextran in the presence or absence of mannose
fore, various endocytosis assays were performed. First and measured the uptake of FITC dextran by flow
carboxylate-modified fluorescence-labeled latex beads cytometry (Fig. 3D). Mφ differentiated with L428-CM
were used to monitor phagocytic activity (Fig. 3B,C). took up significantly more dextran than M-CSF-
We observed no differences in the percentage of cells derived Mφ. More importantly, addition of mannose
that took up latex beads or in the number of beads led to a significant inhibition of the dextran uptake in
taken up, indicating that L428-CM and M-CSF-differ- L428 CM-educated Mφ, whereas M-CSF-induced Mφ
entiated Mφ do not differ in the uptake of large showed only mannose-unrelated dextran uptake. This
particles. also applied to 70-kDa FITC dextran indicating that

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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206




Fig. 3. MRC1 gene expression, endocytotic activity, and type I collagen uptake by Mφ. (A) Gene expression of the MRC1 (CD206) in Mφ
differentiated with either 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF (ctrl) or lymphoma-derived CM as indicated. (B–D) Mφ were differentiated in Teflon-coated cell
culture bags with either 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF or L428-CM for 7 days and transferred to cell culture dishes. After 3 h, nonadherent cells were
washed off and adherent cells were incubated with (B/C) latex beads (5 beads/cell) for 2 h at 37 °C or on ice. Fluorescence was measured
by flow cytometry. The overall percentage of phagocytic cells and their percentages as a function of the number of beads taken up were
calculated by subtracting the respective percentages determined on ice from those at 37 °C (mean  SD; n = 12). (D) Mφ were incubated
with 1 mgmL1 10-kDa FITC dextran for 2 h at 37 °C and on ice. For blocking, mannose was given 10 min prior to dextran. Fluorescence
was measured by flow cytometry. MFI ratios (MFIR) were calculated by dividing the MFI of 37 °C samples by the MFI of corresponding
samples on ice (mean  SD; n = 12, paired one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-test). (E) Mφ were incubated with 5 µgmL1
fluorescence-labeled gelatin OG-488 conjugate for 30 min at 37 °C or on ice. MFIR were calculated dividing the MFI of a 37 °C sample by
the MFI the corresponding sample kept on ice (mean  SD, n = 5, paired t-test, two-tailed; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01). (F) MMP-9 levels in Mφ
differentiated by M-CSF or L428-CM treatment were analyzed by zymography. The cell-free cell culture supernatants were diluted 1 : 40
before applying to the gelatin gel. Experiments using three different donors are shown.

the higher dextran uptake by HL-CM-educated Mφ is educated Mφ also showed a higher capacity of colla-
mediated by CD206 (data not shown). Next, we tested gen uptake, further supporting the notion that CD206
the uptake of type I collagen by adding fluorescence- on HL-associated M2-like Mφ may participate in the
labeled gelatin (gelatin OG-488) to Mφ (Fig. 3E). remodeling of the lymphoma microenvironment (Mad-
Interestingly, as observed for dextran, L428-CM- sen et al., 2013).

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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

We also tested whether HL-educated Mφ secrete the to support MRC1 expression, and that HL-derived
matrix metalloproteinases MMP2 and MMP9, which IL13 promotes this process.
are involved in extracellular matrix (ECM) degrada- Having shown that IL13 was involved in the regula-
tion. Zymography, using gelatin-containing gels, failed tion of MRC1 GE and CD206 protein abundance on
to detect any activity of MMP2 in supernatants of the cell surface of Mφ, we tested the importance of
HL- and M-CSF-induced Mφ, whereas both secreted Jak/STAT signaling. We monitored MRC1 GE in
equally large amounts of MMP9 (Fig. 3F). L428 cells, monocytes after 24 h of stimulation with or without
in comparison, secreted far less MMP9. ruxolitinib, which targets Jak1 and 2, or pyridone 6,
In conclusion, HL-CM-differentiated Mφ differ which inhibits all four Janus kinases (Fig. 4C; Thomp-
from M-CSF-induced Mφ in their ability to take up son et al., 2002; Verstovsek, 2013). Both IL13 and
CD206-specific targets. Further, MMP9 secretion hints L428-CM induced MRC1 expression as shown above.
at an active role of TAMs in remodeling the ECM. The co-incubation with either ruxolitinib or pyridone 6
completely abrogated MRC1 gene activation by IL13
or L428-CM. This argues for a Jak/STAT-dependent
3.3. IL13 is present in HL-CM and upregulates
regulation of MRC1 expression. It also supports the
CD206 in monocytes
presence of other Jak/STAT regulating factors in
A distinguishing feature of HL cells is their ability to L428-CM, in addition to IL13, that are responsible for
express and secrete IL13 and M-CSF (Lamprecht an even higher upregulation of MRC1 in L428-CM-ed-
et al., 2010; Scott and Steidl, 2014; Skinnider and ucated Mφ. In parallel, an inhibitor screen was per-
Mak, 2002; Tudor et al., 2014). Additionally, Mφ are formed to estimate not only the impact of ruxolitinib
known to be polarized toward an M2 phenotype by or pyridone 6 on MRC1 expression but also to test
IL4 or IL13, which includes upregulation of CD206. their impact on the differentiation of Mφ. We per-
However, whether either or both IL13 and M-CSF formed Mφ differentiation as described above for
drive CD206 expression remained to be elucidated 7 days in Teflon-coated cell culture bags either with
(Mantovani et al., 2002). Therefore, we isolated M-CSF or L428-CM with and without ruxolitinib or
CD14+ PBMCs and stimulated them with M-CSF, IL- pyridone 6, in comparison to Ibrutinib and BKM120
13, or a combination of both in direct comparison (Fig. 4D,E). The strongest effect was observed for
with L428-CM (Fig. 4A). In parallel, the amount of Ibrutinib in L428-CM-educated Mφ. The pan-Jak inhi-
IL13 and M-CSF secreted by HL cells used in this bitor pyridone 6 reduced Mφ differentiation to nearly
study was determined by ELISA. Both L428 and 50%, whereas ruxolitinib seemed to affect only the
L1236 secreted large amounts of IL13 and M-CSF, outcome of M-CSF-differentiated Mφ. Both M-CSF
whereas DLBCL cells secreted neither (Fig. S5). We and L428-CM-induced Mφ differentiation was inhib-
monitored MRC1 GE after 6 and 24 h of stimulation. ited by the PI3K inhibitor BKM120. Our observation
There was no detectable expression of MRC1 in argues for the involvement of the tyrosine kinase
unstimulated and M-CSF-stimulated monocytes after BTK, PI3K and the Jak/STAT pathway in Mφ differ-
6 h. However, upon stimulation with either IL13 or entiation. It also indicates that IL13 and IL13-acti-
L428-CM, MRC1 was expressed at 6 h, and even more vated Jak/STAT signaling, albeit important for MRC1
so after 24 h. Addition of M-CSF did not further expression and CD206 upregulation, is only partially
increase IL13-induced MRC1 expression. Compared to involved in L428-CM-mediated TAM differentiation.
IL13 only, L428-CM-induced expression of CD206/ Furthermore, our data imply that M-CSF also acti-
MRC1 was about tenfold higher after 6 h and vates the Jak/STAT and PI3K pathways, with differ-
remained twofold higher after 24 h. In addition, the entiation being dependent to some extent on BTK.
surface expression of CD206 was analyzed after 24 h These similarities and differences between M-CSF and
and 7 days (Fig. 4B). In concordance with MRC1 GE HL-educated Mφ need to be further dissected in the
levels, surface expression was increased in IL13 and future.
L428-CM-treated cells after 24 h but not in untreated
controls or M-CSF-stimulated cells. Again, L428 CM-
3.4. Lymphoma–Mφ interactions in a preclinical
treated cells expressed about four times more CD206
than IL13-treated cells. Its expression further increased
after 7 days and was then also detectable on unstimu- To test the interaction of lymphoma cells with mono-
lated and M-CSF-treated cells. This suggests the acti- cytes or Mφ in an in vivo setting, we used the CAM
vation of an intrinsic program, which needs more time assay as it recapitulates important aspects of human

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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206



Fig. 4. CD206/MRC1 is upregulated by IL13 and L428-CM. (A) CD14+ PBMCs were stimulated with 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF, 10 ngmL1 IL-13,
or both, or with L-428-CM for the indicated time. Gene expression of MRC1 was analyzed by qRT–PCR, relative to GAPDH (mean  SD,
n = 6). (B) Monocytes were seeded in Teflon-coated cell culture bags with 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF, 10 ngmL1 IL-13, or both, or with L-428-
CM mixed with an equal volume of fresh medium. Aliquots of Mφ were taken at the indicated time points and stained with anti-CD206
antibody. MFIRs were calculated as described above (mean  SD, n = 6; paired one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-test; C) CD14+
PBMCs were preincubated with DMSO or inhibitors for 1 h before 10 ngmL1 IL-13 or L-428-CM were added. Monocytes were cultured
for six additional hours. Gene expression of MRC1 was analyzed by qRT–PCR, relative to GAPDH and MRC1 expression in L428-CM-treated
monocytes (mean  SD, n = 6). (D/E) Mφ were differentiated in Teflon-coated cell culture bags with either 2.5 ngmL1 M-CSF (D) or L428
CM (E) for 7 days in the presence of DMSO or indicated inhibitors (1 µM), and cells were counted (mean  SD, n = 4/6; paired one-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-test; *P < 0.05, and ***P < 0.001).

lymphoma as shown recently (Klingenberg et al., lymphoma cells (L428, L1236) in Matrigel and applied
2014a, 2014b). One million Mφ derived by incubation on the CAM. Four days after application, lymphomas
of monocytes with HL-CM were mixed with 2 9 106 were harvested and characterized macroscopically and

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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

histologically by defining their volume and investigat- (Fig. 6I). This supports the view that Mφ with high
ing the topography of lymphoma cells and Mφ in rela- CD206 and, thus, probably increased matrix-remodel-
tion to lymphatics and blood vessels (Fig. 5). ing capacity are characteristic for advanced stages of
The first observation concerned the reduced size of classical HL.
hemorrhages in lymphomas with Mφ (Figs 5A,B and
S6A). This was confirmed by micro-CT using PTA to
4. Discussion
enhance the contrast of blood (Cunningham and
Crane, 1966; Saccomano et al., 2018). This may also The lymphoma microenvironment plays an important
explain in part the smaller size of lymphomas co-inoc- role in the pathogenesis of HL. TAMs are a regular
ulated with Mφ compared to lymphomas without Mφ element of this microenvironment. Hence, it is essential
(Figs 5A,B and S6B). Moreover, immunostaining with to understand the mechanisms that enable HL cells to
a-CD30 revealed that HL-derived CAM lymphomas recruit and reprogram monocytes into TAMs (Aldin-
have a more compact morphology, with lymphoma ucci et al., 2010; Steidl et al., 2011). However, despite
cells invading the CAM and occupying the whole area the negative impact of increased counts of M2-like Mφ
between the upper chorionic and lower allantoic on outcome and treatment response in HL, there is
epithelium (Figs 5C and S6C). Staining CAM-Mφ- still more to be learnt about the mechanisms driving
lymphoma specimens with antibodies against CD30, the development of HL-associated Mφ (Scott and
CD68, and CD206 revealed a compartmentalization of Steidl, 2014). Our data provide a mechanistic insight
the tumor (Figs 5D–F and S6D). CD30-positive HL into the processes that are involved in the interaction
cells were located in the upper and lower parts of the of HL cells with Mφ. We present a combined analysis
tumor and were almost absent in the center. CD68 of transcriptome and proteome data to compare lym-
and CD206-positive Mφ dominated the upper and cen- phoma-educated to M-CSF-differentiated Mφ. We
tral parts and were present both in the remaining extend recent data and models, which have proposed
Matrigel and intermingled with tumor cells that had CXCL13, CCL5, and M-CSF as central players in the
invaded the CAM. Comparable results were observed interaction of HL cells with Mφ (Carey et al., 2017;
when applying CD14+ PBMCs together with L428 cells Casagrande et al., 2019; Ford et al., 2015; Locatelli
on the CAM, further supporting the observation that et al., 2018; Ruella et al., 2017; Scott and Steidl, 2014;
HL cells support the differentiation of monocytes to Tudor et al., 2014). We demonstrate that Jak/STAT
M2-like Mφ with high CD206 expression (Fig. S6E). signaling and, especially, IL13 are involved in the reg-
A detailed immunofluorescence analysis of consecu- ulation of the expression of MRC1 and the abundance
tive sections using costaining against CD30 or CD68 of CD206 on the surface of HL-educated Mφ. Thus,
with Prox1, a marker for lymphatic endothelial cells, our study expands the role of IL13 from an autocrine
revealed the absence of lymphatic vessels in L428 growth factor to a lymphoma-secreted factor that
CAM lymphomas (Fig. 5G). In CAM-Mφ-lymphomas, mediates ECM remodeling and immunosuppression by
lymphatic vessels were regularly observed at the inva- HL-educated Mφ (Skinnider and Mak, 2002), which in
sive front (Figs 5H and S7). Dissemination of lym- turn facilitates the dissemination of lymphoma cells.
phoma cells in lymphatics was regularly visible in We observed significantly higher counts of Mφ upon
CAM-Mφ-lymphomas (Figs 5I and S7). differentiation with HL-CM as compared to DLBCL-
CM or M-CSF. Although M-CSF is expressed by the
majority of HL cell lines, and M-CSF is known to
3.5. CD206 and primary Hodgkin lymphoma
promote Mφ differentiation into M2-like subtypes, the
observed phenotype and the strongly enhanced CD206
Immunohistochemical analysis of a tissue microarray surface expression cannot be attributed to M-CSF in
of 16 HL specimens showed that a few cases to feature HL-CM. We observed that IL13 is involved in early
a large count of CD206-positive cells in the lymphoma MRC1 mRNA upregulation and enhanced CD206
tissue (Fig. 6A–H). Additional immunofluorescence incorporation into the cell membrane. Enhanced IL13
analysis revealed that while CD163 and CD206-posi- expression is characteristic of HL, and it has been
tive Mφ are rare in the germinal center of reactive ton- shown that IL13 can promote Mφ differentiation
sils, they are readily detected in HL tissues, including (McKenzie et al., 1993; Skinnider et al., 2001). Condi-
CD163/CD206 double-positive Mφ (Fig. S8). tioned media of L428 and L1236 cells, which featured
Analysis of publicly available patient microarray the highest capacity to attract monocytes and Mφ,
data revealed a significant and linear trend for high were also characterized by a high potential to activate
CD206 expression in HL patients with stage IV MRC1 GE in Mφ. Both HL cell lines secreted large

582 Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

Fig. 5. Mφ affect lymphoma growth in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). (A/B) Tumor volumes are reduced in the presence of Mφ.
L1236 and L428 lymphomas were mixed with Mφ, inoculated on the CAM, and harvested after 4 days of tumor growth. To evaluate the
lymphoma outcome, tumor volumes were defined using micro-CT. Above the graphs are representative macroscopic images (with 7.89
magnification). CAM lymphomas (A) and respective CAM-Mφ-lymphomas (B) are shown. PBMCs from four different donors were used (Mφ
A, B, C, D). Note the absence of bleedings in lymphomas with Mφ (mean  SD; scale bar represents 2 mm). (C) Tissue section of L428
lymphoma stained for CD30. (D) Tissue section of L428 lymphoma with Mφ stained for CD30. (E) Tissue section of L428 lymphoma with
Mφ stained for CD68. (F) Tissue section of L428 lymphoma with Mφ stained for CD206. Co-expression of both CD68 and CD206 on Mφ
shows that the M2-like phenotype is maintained. (C–F) Note some remaining Matrigel (white asterisk) in L428 lymphomas with Mφ. Both,
lymphoma cells and Mφ collectively invade the CAM. However, Mφ seem to consist of two populations, one migrating with the lymphoma
cells and the other remaining at the site of application. See also Fig. S6D,E. (G) Staining of cryosections of CAM lymphoma of L428 cells
and (H) L428 cells with L428-CM-educated Mφ with anti-Prox1 (green) and anti-CD30 (red) to visualize lymphatic vessels and L428 HL cells.
Scale bar: 160 µm. (I) Visualization of HL cells [CD30 (red)] within lymphatic vessels [Prox1 (green), white arrows] to demonstrate their
lymphogenic dissemination. Scale bar: 40 µm. See also Fig. S7.

amounts of M-CSF and IL13. The same was true for through Mφ differentiation and upregulation of
HDLM2 cells (Fig. S5), but in contrast to L428 and CD206. This offers novel opportunities for targeting
L1236 cells, they failed to induce MRC1 GE in Mφ the lymphoma microenvironment by Jak/STAT inhibi-
(Fig. 3A) for reasons yet to be elucidated. However, tion (Kim et al., 2014). Whether this approach can be
the observation hints at other not yet identified Jak/ used in combination or extension of immune check-
STAT activating factors that complement IL13. The point inhibitor therapies needs to be evaluated in
latter binds to an IL4Ra-IL13Ra heterodimer, which future studies.
intracellularly can interact with JAK1, JAK2, and Preliminary data show the additional involvement of
TYK2 (Bhattacharjee et al., 2013). The absence of BTK- and PI3K-regulated pathways, as respective
MRC1 expression in Mφ after ruxolitinib treatment inhibitors affect both M-CSF- and L428-CM-mediated
indicates that either JAK1 or JAK2 rather than TYK2 Mφ differentiation. This supports the recent observa-
induces M2-like GE. Thus, IL13 seems to be not only tion of a preclinical model that used RP6530 to target
involved in the autocrine support of HL cells but also the interaction between HL cells and Mφ (Locatelli
in rebuilding the lymphoma microenvironment et al., 2018). We propose that M-CSF induces a

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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.




Fig. 6. Different patterns of CD206-positive cells in classical HL, and gene expression of MRC1 (CD206) in cHL patients of different stages.
(A–D) Four examples of a TMA with a total of 16 specimens demonstrating variable staining patterns for CD206 in classical HL. (E–H)
Details of figures A–D. (A, E) Very few positive cells; (B,F) small number of positive cells; (C,G) moderate number of positive cells; (D,H)
high number of positive cells. Scale bar in E-H = 100 µm. Arrows show Hodgkin and Reed–Sternberg cells, which are negative for CD206
but often in close contact with Mφ. (I) MRC1/CD206 expression data obtained by Steidl et al. were correlated with the stage of cHL
patients. A significant linear trend for high CD206 expression for cHL patients with stage 4 is described (ordinary one-way ANOVA, slope
0.3219; P = 0.0170; Steidl et al., 2010).

network of signaling pathways to activate autocrine been reported (Cassetta et al., 2019). It might be inter-
Mφ differentiation factors, whereas IL13 directly pro- esting to test whether described factors such as tumor
motes an early differentiation program. Although ele- necrosis factor alpha, SIGLEC1 and CCL8, which is
vated M-CSF serum levels have been reported in HL self-reinforcing through the production of M-CSF,
patients, and HL cells were found to be M-CSF-posi- also participate in the interaction of HL cells with Mφ.
tive by immunohistochemistry, the measured M-CSF CD206 is a carbohydrate binding receptor expressed
amounts in the lymphoma-CM in vitro and the differ- by Mφ, dendritic cells, and lymphatic endothelial cells.
ences in Mφ counts and phenotype indicate the It belongs to a family of endocytic receptors with con-
involvement of additional factors during HL-specific served structural elements consisting of an N-terminal
Mφ differentiation (Casagrande et al., 2019; Kowalska cysteine-rich (CR) domain, a fibronectin type II (FNII)
et al., 2012; Zheng et al., 1999). Recently, an autoregu- domain, and several C-type lectin-like domains
latory loop between TAMs and breast cancer cells has (CTLDs; Taylor et al., 2005; Wilting et al., 2009).

584 Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

Through the CTLDs, CD206 can bind to glycoconju- Mφ development and/or activity. This supports the
gates carrying terminal mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, simultaneous targeting of both lymphoma cells and
and fucose residues, while the FNII and CR domain Mφ with PI3K inhibitors, and the use of Maraviroc
bind to collagens and sulfated carbohydrates, respec- for the blocking of CCR5 in these cells (Casagrande
tively. CD206 is a highly effective endocytic receptor et al., 2019; Locatelli et al., 2018). In line with this,
that constantly recycles between the plasma membrane targeting the pattern recognition receptor MARCO
and the early endosomal compartment. Various exoge- can alter Mφ polarization and result in reduced tumor
nous and endogenous ligands have been described for growth (Georgoudaki et al., 2016). This type of repro-
C-type lectins, implicating several functions in home- gramming may now be tested in HL, as HL-educated
ostasis and inflammation. We observed that HL-CM- Mφ show specific high MARCO expression. Further-
educated Mφ were able to take up collagen, which more, imaging of TAMs seems to be a valuable
concords with previous reports on M2-like Mφ (Mad- approach and mannose-coated liposomes or nanobod-
sen et al., 2013). This suggests that these M2-like Mφ ies are tested for their use in monitoring CD206 TAMs
play a specific CD206-mediated role in lymphoma tis- using PET (Azad and Schlesinger, 2015; Locke et al.,
sue reorganization. 2012; Movahedi et al., 2012).
Matrix remodeling is a common process in tumor
progression, and the tumor stroma is characterized by
5. Conclusion
profound proteolytic degradation (Cox and Erler,
2011; Nakayama et al., 2016; Tataroglu et al., 2007). The present study further corroborates the shown
The most striking feature of the nodular sclerosis sub- capacity of HL cells to attract and differentiate mono-
type of classical HL (NSCHL) is the presence of ECM cytes into alternatively activated M2-like Mφ. The lat-
deposits. These are collagen-rich fibrotic bands sur- ter are characterized by high CD206 expression, which
rounding nodules of inflammatory and neoplastic cells. indicates that HL-TAMs act as immunosuppressive
Of note, L428 cells are derived from NSCHL. The agents. Further, CD206 is associated with a high
observed capacity of L428-CM to induce a specific Mφ capacity to bind and take up glycoconjugates with ter-
subtype with high CD206 expression and collagen minal mannose residues as well as type I collagen.
uptake supports the hypothesis of tissue remodeling by Thus, it is likely that CD206 contributes to the remod-
the interaction of lymphoma cells with stromal cells, eling of the tumor microenvironment. Our study high-
and adds an additional element to the previously lights the role of Jak/STAT signaling and, particularly,
observed mast cell infiltration and fibrosis in HL the capacity of IL13 to upregulate CD206 expression
(Nakayama et al., 2016). It has to be mentioned that on Mφ, thus expanding its role from an autocrine
C-type lectins facilitate the endocytosis of particular growth factor in HL to a lymphoma-secreted factor
antigen types for cross-presentation, but whether anti- capable of modulating the tumor microenvironment.
gen uptake by the C-type lectins will result in immuno- Additionally, the increased expression of CD40 and
genic or tolerogenic cytotoxic T-cell priming remains PD-L1 argues for a role of HL-secreted factors in the
to be studied (Allen and R€ uckerl, 2017). Taking into reprogramming of monocytes/ Mφ to further support
account the capacity of HL-CM to enhance CD40 and the capacity of HL cells to suppress, for instance, T-
PD-L1 cell surface expression on Mφ, and the recently cell-mediated anti-lymphoma responses. The CAM
described close association of HL cells with PD-L1- assay presents a simple preclinical model to study HL
positive Mφ, it is reasonable to assume that HL-edu- cell–Mφ interactions and the dissemination of HL
cated Mφ modify T-cell functions at different levels cells. Finally, MRC1/CD206 expression data show a
(Carey et al., 2017). positive correlation with the stage of HL patients.
In summary, we hypothesize that the observed
in vitro and in ovo regulation of CD206 in Mφ might
also occur in vivo and contribute to CD206 abundance
in advanced stages of HL. Our data identify CD206 as We thank M. Schaffrinski, B. Manshausen, C. Botz-
a potential target for the modulation of Mφ activation von Drathen, and M. F€ ulle for their excellent technical
in addition to the recently discussed targeting of the assistance. We are grateful to the members of the con-
CSF1R (Luo et al., 2006; Martın-Moreno et al., 2015; sortia ‘MMML-Demonstrators’ and ‘MMML-Myc-
Pham et al., 2018; Pyonteck et al., 2013; Ries et al., Sys,’ who contributed to the discussion and prepara-
2014; Wang et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2014). Inhibition tion of the manuscript.
of the Jak/STAT pathway targets not only lymphoma This work was supported by grants from the Fed-
cells directly, but may also affect lymphoma-educated eral Ministry of Education and Research

Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 585
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Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206 A. Arlt et al.

(Bundesministerium f€ ur Bildung und Forschung, Carey CD, Gusenleitner D, Lipschitz M, Roemer MGM,
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0316166E, 0316166G, 031A428A, 031A428B, PD-L1-associated microenvironmental niche for Reed-
031A428D; DK, RS, JCE, WG, KD, WK). Further- Sternberg cells in Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 130,
more, SR and WK were supported by the Deutsche 2420–2430.
Krebshilfe through grant no. 70112502. WK, PJO, and Casagrande N, Borghese C, Visser L, Mongiat M,
RS received additional funding from the Wilhelm San- Colombatti A and Aldinucci D (2019) CCR5
antagonism by maraviroc inhibits Hodgkin lymphoma
der-Stiftung, grant no. 2018.037.1. PJO was supported
microenvironment interactions and xenograft growth.
by Interreg V BY-CZ118. DK was also supported by
Haematologica 104, 564–575.
‘Stiftung der Georg-August-Universit€ at’ (Kubeschka/
Cassetta L, Fragkogianni S, Sims AH, Swierczak A,
Forrester LM, Zhang H, Soong DYH, Cotechini T,
Anur P, Lin EY et al. (2019) Human tumor-associated
Conflict of interest macrophage and monocyte transcriptional landscapes
reveal cancer-specific reprogramming, biomarkers, and
The authors declare no conflict of interest. therapeutic targets. Cancer Cell 35, 588–602.
Cox TR and Erler JT (2011) Remodeling and homeostasis
of the extracellular matrix: implications for fibrotic
Author contributions diseases and cancer. Dis Model Mech 4, 165–178.
AA and FvB performed most of the experiments. AA, Cunningham WP and Crane FL (1966) Variation in
FL, and FvB conducted in vitro analyses of Mφ and membrane structure as revealed by negative staining
cell lines, while AA, FvB, RSp, MM, MV, CD, GB, technique. Exp Cell Res 44, 31–45.
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Katschinski DM and Alves F (2017) lCT of ex-vivo
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as chick chorioallantoic model analysis. KL, WG, KD,
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and PO were involved in proteomic analysis and data
and immunochemistry. PLoS ONE 12, e0170597.
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Fischer R and Kessler BM (2015) Gel-aided sample
JCE, PP-R, TR, and RSPJ analyzed GE data. VB,
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preted data, RS, PJO, JW, and DK wrote the finally Paterson M, Farnworth SL, Gallimore AM, Cuff S,
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588 Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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A. Arlt et al. Hodgkin lymphoma-educated macrophages and CD206

Fig. S5. Amounts of IL13 and M-CSF secreted by HL Table S2. Differential gene expression of macrophages
cells. comparing HL-CM and DLBCL-CM differentiated
Fig. S6. Mφ affect lymphoma growth in the chick macrophages.
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Fig. S7. Dissemination of lymphoma cells in lymphat- macrophages.
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sentative tonsil and HL tissue sections. tiated macrophages.
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comparing HL-CM and M-CSF differentiated macro- phages comparing DLBCL-CM and M-CSF differenti-
phages. ated macrophages.

Molecular Oncology 14 (2020) 571–589 ª 2019 The Authors. Published by FEBS Press and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 589

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