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1. Define banking.
2. State any two functions of central bank.
3. What is commercial bank?
4. What is a cooperative bank?
5. What do you mean by international banking?
6. Define internet banking.
7. What is E-banking?
8. Who is a minor?
9. What is crossing?
10. What is cheque?
11. Define material alteration.
12. Who is a paying banker
13. 2. What are scheduled banks?
14. 3. State the main functions of the legal department of RBI.
15. 4. What are the services included in trade financing?
16. 5. Define mobile banking.
17. 6. Expand the terms :
a. AVR
18. What are negotiable instruments?
19. Who are the parties to endorsement?
20. What is meant by stale cheque?
21. What is conversion?
22. What are the types of ATM?
23. Write any two role of commercial Banks in Developing economy.
24. Write the role of State Bank of India towards Non -Banking activities.
25. Write any two difference between State Bank and co-operative Bank.
26. State the meaning of Co-operative Banks
27. Mention the meaning of Internet Banking.
28. What is a Current Account?
29. Write any four factor INFLUENLING Banking lending..
30. What is fixed deposit account?
31. What is meant by Universal Banking?
32. What is Bank Rate Policy?
33. State any two non-banking subsidiaries of SBI.
34. State the basic aim of co-operative banks in India.
35. Mention the categories of electronic money.
36. What is an ATM?
37. What is a bank account?
38. What is marking of a cheque?
39. What is endorsement?
40. What is material alteration?
41. What are customer grievances of a bank?
42. What is Banking System?
43. Write any four names of small Banks.
44. State any two functions of central Bank.
45. What are the objectives of State Bank Of India?
46. Write the meaning of Co-operative Bank.
47. Write any four characteristics of Negotiable Instruments.
48. What is pass Book?
49. What do you mean by restrictive endorsement?
50. Who is a collecting Banker?
51. What is mixed banking?
52. What is meant by open market operation?
53. State the objective of setting up of the RBI.
54. What are the personal banking services offered by SBI?
55. Define e-banking.
56. What is Electronic Fund Transfer?
57. What is Fixed Deposit Receipt?
58. Who is a Minor?
59. What is meant by ante-dated cheque?
60. Who is a Collecting Banker?
61. What is Restrictive Endorsement?
62. Expand the terms: (a) WAP (b) SMS.

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