Ethics Reviewer Chap 1

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Ethics Reviewer

_____________ 1. Leaders who tell their people that to refrain from doing such activities that will ruin
the harmony and peace.

_____________ 2. The one who punishes people when they do something bad within the tribe.

_____________ 3. The ones who admire courage, patriotism, and integrity.

_____________ 4. Similar to the term necessary, important, and valuable.

_____________ 5. Says that goodness is in the mind, completely unknowable unchanging and infinite.

_____________ 6. Student of Plato

_____________ 7. The right term for what is good according to Aristotle.

_____________ 8. Aristotle advices the people of Greece to be?

_____________ & _____________ 9-10. Two necessary elements in ethics.

_____________ 11. The time when it is not easy to be good or to know what is good.

_____________ 12. Challenges the conservative teachings of the institutional religion in many issues of

_____________ 13. Science that deals with moral principles and rules.

_____________ 14. Ultimate goals of people in their life.

_____________ 15. Rules and regulations in a society.

_____________ 16. The goal of ethics is to develop a truly human being and avoid being?

_____________ & _____________ 17-18. Ethics deal with?

_____________ 19. A decision is not to?

_____________ 20. Teaches that human action is the measure of one’s ethicality

_____________ 21. Teaches that the end goal of a person is the measure of one’s ethical-ness, and
many more to mention.

_____________ 22. Suggest what majority of people thinks.

_____________ 23. Revealed to us that what majority thinks is not always right.

_____________ 24. Commanded to “take up the cross and follow the Christ”.

_____________ 25. Commanded not to harm insects, they are your brothers and sisters.

_____________ 26. Obeys without questions.

_____________ 27. Means distinct attitude or set of moral beliefs


(Framework of Ethics)


(Sources of Ethics)

_____________ 39. studies the origin and meaning of various ethical principles.

_____________ 40. takes on the question ‘how to know the principles that will make us conform to right
behavior to avoid wrong conduct.

_____________ 41. involves the evaluation of particular controversial ethical issues, like abortion, war,
animal rights, euthanasia, prohibited drugs, graft and corruption, environmental concerns,
homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war.

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