Brand Management 22703

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Here are 10 famous politicians from around the world, along with a brief overview of their brand
strategy, brand equity, and followership:

1. Barack Obama (United States)

- Brand Strategy: Emphasized hope, change, and inclusivity. Utilized social media effectively.

- Brand Equity: High due to his historic presidency, charisma, and global appeal.

- Followership: Millions worldwide, especially among youth and progressives.

2. Angela Merkel (Germany)

- Brand Strategy: Focused on stability, pragmatism, and leadership in the EU.

- Brand Equity: Strong, especially for her role in managing the Eurozone crisis.

- Followership: Large in Germany and respected globally for her diplomatic skills.

3. Xi Jinping (China)

- Brand Strategy: Emphasizes nationalism, economic growth, and a strong China on the world stage.

- Brand Equity: High domestically; mixed globally due to concerns over human rights and

- Followership: Massive within China; influential internationally due to China's global presence.

4. Narendra Modi (India)

- Brand Strategy: Focuses on economic development, nationalism, and Hindu identity.

- Brand Equity: Strong domestically, with mixed views internationally.

- Followership: Significant in India and among the Indian diaspora; has a social media-savvy base.

5. Emmanuel Macron (France)

- Brand Strategy: Pro-Europe, centrist policies, and youth engagement.

- Brand Equity: Varied due to mixed reactions to his policies and leadership style.

- Followership: Large in France, especially among moderates and young voters.

6. Vladimir Putin (Russia)

- Brand Strategy: Projects strength, nationalism, and stability.

- Brand Equity: Strong domestically, mixed globally due to geopolitical controversies.

- Followership: Wide in Russia; influential globally, particularly in geopolitical circles.

7. Justin Trudeau (Canada)

- Brand Strategy: Emphasizes inclusivity, diversity, and progressive policies.

- Brand Equity: Strong, especially among younger Canadians and on the global stage.

- Followership: Significant in Canada and among progressives worldwide.

8. Boris Johnson (United Kingdom)

- Brand Strategy: Populist, Brexit advocate, and humorous public persona.

- Brand Equity: Varied due to controversies and polarizing policies.

- Followership: Strong among Brexit supporters and conservatives in the UK.

9. Jacinda Ardern (New Zealand)

- Brand Strategy: Compassionate leadership, focus on well-being, and progressive policies.

- Brand Equity: High due to her handling of crises like the Christchurch attacks and COVID-19.

- Followership: Large in New Zealand and admired globally for her leadership style.

10. Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil)

- Brand Strategy: Appeals to conservative values, anti-corruption stance, and economic reforms.
- Brand Equity: Polarizing due to controversial statements and policies.

- Followership: Strong among Brazilian conservatives and right-wing supporters.

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