The Rake Receiver

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Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering 2012, 5, 55-71 55

The Rake Receiver Principle: Past, Present and Future

Konstantinos B. Baltzis*

RadioCommunications Laboratory, Section of Applied and Environmental Physics, Department of Physics, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Received: September 12, 2011; Accepted: October 17, 2011; Revised: November 11, 2011

Abstract: In order to enhance the performance of wireless communication systems, we usually employ diversity combin-
ing techniques. Rake reception is a diversity method that gained popularity mainly due to its use in second and third gen-
eration mobile systems. This paper reviews important and recent advances in rake diversity and its applications in wireless
communications. First, we provide some theoretical background of rake reception focusing on the initial idea proposed in
the late 50's. Next, we present selected patent and scientific literature on rake receiver design. Recent patents, patent ap-
plications and scientific articles on the application of rake diversity in code division multiple access systems, ultra-
wideband communications and channel estimation are then discussed. Some more general applications of rake reception
in wireless communications are also examined. Future perspectives of rake diversity are finally explored.
Keywords: CDMA, channel estimation, diversity, rake, receiver, ultra-wideband, wireless communications.

A common way to mitigate the effects of multipath fad-

ing is through the use of diversity combining techniques, that
Wireless communications have experienced an extreme is, by sending the same data over independent paths which,
growth since the early 90's. Wireless systems have been in- obviously, have a lower probability of experiencing deep
troduced in several areas of everyday life and provide serv- fades simultaneously [3]. In diversity reception, the received
ices that include a multimedia traffic mix of voice, data and signal samples fade in an uncorrelated manner. As a result,
video each having different transfer requirements. Moreover, the probability of all the samples being below a given
high mobility and global connectivity are usually required. threshold level at the same time is much lower than the prob-
With the rapid development of wireless networks, technolo- ability of any individual one to be below this level.
gies and applications that demand large quantities of traffic Among different diversity techniques such as frequency,
such as video conferencing, remote medical imaging, video temporal, spatial, polarization, etc. diversity [3-7], a popular
sharing, online documents storage and online gaming, also method, especially in code division multiple access (CDMA)
emerged [1]. communications, is rake diversity [8, 9]. Rake reception was
In wireless communications, the propagation medium proposed about half a century ago [10, 11]. In general, the
influences all system components ranging from modulation method uses baseband correlators, also called fingers, to in-
and channel coding up to higher layer protocols. The radio dividually process multipath signal components that are
channel is susceptible to noise, interference and other im- properly combined to improve the signal-to-noise ratio
pediments that change stochastically in time. These impair- (SNR) and reduce the probability of deep fades. In spread
ments comprise additive and multiplicative components. The spectrum systems, rake fingers collect resolvable signal mul-
first arise from noise generated within the receiver 1 (thermal tipaths. Then, the received signal components are suitably
and shot noise) and external sources (cosmic radiation, at- combined after despreading by a local copy of the delayed
mospheric effects, electrical appliances, etc.) while the sec- version of the transmitter’s spreading code [8, 9, 12]. The
ond from processes generated by propagating waves on their name rake arises from the notion that this receiver resembles
way from the transmitter to the receiver [2]. Multiplicative a garden rake and rakes up the multipath energy on its fin-
noise reduces system performance significantly and it is usu- gers.
ally described by three partially separable effects, path loss, This paper provides an overview of recent and important
shadowing and multipath fading. developments in rake receivers and their application in wire-
less communications. Within this context, selected patents,
patent applications and scientific articles are presented.
*Address correspondence to this author at the RadioCommunications Labo-
ratory, Section of Applied and Environmental Physics, Department of Phys-
Critical issues related to the design, implementation and op-
ics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 timization of rake receivers are thoroughly discussed. Spe-
2310 998285; Fax: +30 2310 998069; E-mail: cial care has been paid to the presentation of recent literature
on rake reception in CDMA and wideband CDMA
(WCDMA) systems due to the worldwide deployment of
 these technologies in the second and, primarily, in the third
Within this context, the term “receiver” refers to the reception unit that includes one
or more rake receivers, unless otherwise stated; the term “rake receiver” refers exclu- generation mobile systems (2G and 3G, respectively)
sively to a rake receiver unit.

1874-4761/12 $100.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers

56 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

[13,14]. In the last decade, ultra-wideband (UWB) commu- portion to the square roots of their SNRs. MRC gives the
nications have emerged as a promising technology for high- maximum SNR under the assumption of independent finger
speed short-range radio systems [15]. In these systems, the signals [19] but it is no longer an optimum criterion if we
extremely large signal bandwidth motivates the use of rake consider the correlation between them [20] (in general, the
schemes as long as signal multipaths can be finely resolved correlation between the desired signal components decreases
at the receiver [16]. Representative applications of rake di- the diversity gain and the correlation between the total inter-
versity in channel estimation are also examined. In this re- ference components decreases the total combined average
view paper, we finally present methods and apparatuses that SIR). On the other hand, in equal gain combing [21], the
employ rake reception in processes such as sequence detec- symbol decision statistics for each finger are summed with
tion, antenna tuning, signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) esti- equal gains. A different strategy is followed in selection
mation, baseband frequency error correction, etc. combining [22]. In this method, we demodulate the multi-
path component with the highest SNR and ignore the rest.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
The improvement of this method, the generalized selection
provides a short historical background and discusses basic
combining, considers more than one multipath component
principles of rake diversity. Next, in the main part of the
(again, the ones with the highest SNRs) [23]. The aforemen-
paper, we overview patents and scientific articles in rake
tioned criteria give adequate results and are commonly used
receiver design and the applications of rake reception in
wireless communications. A brief discussion on current and in structures with uniform finger distribution. However, in
structures with unequal finger spacing the calculation of the
future developments of rake diversity in modern communica-
decision variable with a combining rule based on the maxi-
tions completes this study.
mum likelihood criterion [24] usually provides better results
[12, 25-28].
AND FOUNDING PRINCIPLES In Price and Green’s proposal, fingers spacing equals to
the inverse of the signal bandwidth but in several rake re-
The conventional rake receiver as introduced by Price ceiver implementations the fingers are unequally spaced. In
and Green [10, 11], comprises a tapped delay line (TDL) fact, the relation between fingers positions and the correla-
with L taps spaced at distances equal to the inverse of the tion coefficients of the rake combined signals [27] justify a
signal bandwidth W. In this structure, the TDL detects indi- non-uniform finger distribution. Different implementations
vidual signal multipaths and collects their energy that falls of the correlators have also been proposed. For example, in
within the span L/W. The detected signals are added after several direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) systems,
weighting by a factor maximizing the total SNR. A simpli- each correlator is matched to the desired user’s spreading
fied block diagram of the receiver is illustrated in Fig. (1) sequence and performs a convolution between this sequence
where r(t) is the signal at the receiver front-end and Z is the and the finger signal [8]. A detailed discussion of these is-
decision variable determined from the combination of the sues follows in the next Section.
fingers outputs xi, i=1,2..L.
In general, a rake receiver combats fading effects to 3. SELECTED PATENTS AND SCIENTIFIC ARTI-
process the temporal diversity by using multipath signal re- CLES ON RAKE DIVERSITY
ception [17]. However, the separate detection, weighting and
The increased popularity of spread spectrum technology
recombination of signals that differ in their arrival time is
and the rapid development of 3G communication systems
equivalent to doing the same thing in frequency allowing us
have resulted in the publication of a vast amount of scientific
to consider rake reception as another form of frequency di-
papers and patents on rake diversity and its applications.
versity [3].
However, to the best of the author’s knowledge, there are no
Figure (2) depicts a typical postdetection rake diversity published articles that review patents on rake diversity. In
combining receiver for L-fold diversity. In this figure this paper, we focus on published patents and patent applica-
al , l , l = 1, 2..L are the attenuation factor and the phase shift tions and study them as a measure of innovation.
of the lth diversity channel and g l , l = 1, 2..L are the weight- This Section represents the author’s best attempt to iden-
tify significant and recent inventions on rake reception and
ing coefficient in each branch. its application in wireless communication systems. Repre-
In the previous structure, the most important unit of a sentative patents and patent applications granted by the
rake receiver is the combiner. Several different strategies United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) [29]
(criteria) have been employed for its implementation and the and the European Patent Office (EPO) [30] are included
calculation of the decision variable. Among them, maximal herein. Selected articles in the scientific literature are also
ratio combining (MRC), equal gain combining (EGC), selec- referenced. In order to improve the clarity of the exposition,
tion combining (SC), generalized selection combining (GSC) we divide the Section into five parts. Subsection 3.1 dis-
and the maximum likelihood (ML) criterion are the most cusses rake receiver design and presents important and re-
popular. In brief2, in maximal ratio combining [18], the cent rake receiver implementations. In Subsection 3.2, we
phases of each diversity signal are added together and made highlight patents and patent applications related to rake di-
equally coherent while their envelopes are weighted in pro- versity in spread spectrum communication systems. Next, we
discuss rake reception in ultra-wideband wireless communi-
 cations. Subsection 3.4 reviews novel inventions and meth-
The mathematical analysis of this issue is beyond the scope of the paper; an introduc- ods in radio channel estimation. A collection of miscellane-
tory but detailed analysis is provided in [8].
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 57

Fig. (1). The TDL rake receiver model.

channel 1
channel 2


Transmitted gl Decision
signal channel l Variable(s)

channel L

Fig. (2). Postdetection diversity receiver model.

ous inventions completes our study. In each subsection, the larged with narrower finger spacing over the full range of the
innovations are listed in a chronological order, unless other- delay spread, the receiver may overcome this degradation by
wise stated. collecting more energy [12]. Based on the above, Kostic and
Pavlovic [31] proposed a sub-chip resolution rake receiver
3.1. Practical Implementations of Rake Receivers for DS/SS communication systems. This invention resolved
multipath components spaced closer than a chip interval al-
In the conventional DS/SS rake receiver, finger spacing lowing the detection of multipaths spaced closer than the
is set equal to the chip period. In general, when finger spac- inverse of their bandwidth. In that implementation, the esti-
ing is less than the chip duration, performance degrades due mator utilized a constrained iterative deconvolution tech-
to the increase in the amount of correlation between total nique based on the projection onto convex sets (POCS)
interference. However, if the number of rake fingers is en- method [32]. In a matched filter embodiment, the delay be-
58 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

tween any two sequential taps was set lower than the chip Lin [41] suggested a rake receiver that comprised a mul-
duration. tiplexer, a searcher, two switch fabrics, several fingers, a
combiner, a decoder, a channel estimator and a rake finger
In fact, the non-uniform finger assignment schemes are
controller. The number of rake fingers that were assigned for
very popular in the scientific and patent literature. For exam-
ple, in [12], optimum finger positions were determined by processing multipaths was determined dynamically. In order
to reduce system complexity and increase system perform-
the joint maximization of the sum of squares of average re-
ance, the fingers generated a search request each time a link
ceived power in each finger and minimization of the sum of
was established. This search responded to a specific antenna
squares of correlation between each pair of fingers. The
for which the quality of the output signal was adequate; the
authors in [20] set the finger spacing less than the chip dura-
searcher might serve multiple base station antennas also.
tion and enhanced receiver performance by using a combin-
ing rule based on ML criterion. An embodiment in which The idea of a rake reception method that produces a sub-
fingers were locked on the strongest multipath components set of channel estimates from a set of received signal paths
on the basis of their instantaneous or the average power was and chooses, in accordance with at least one criterion, the
proposed in [33]. Recently, a rake receiver that receives sig- best signal paths only from these estimates is discussed in
nal from two or more antennas was proposed [34]. This re- [42]. In an embodiment, the author suggested the limitation
ceiver comprised a despreading unit that was adapted to allo- of the average remaining uncaptured signal energy as a best-
cate rake fingers to a number of delay positions. Finger allo- signal-path selection criterion. The method suits better for
cation was determined from a delay position unit which es- units with limited processing resources, e.g. mobile termi-
timated optimum delays by using direction-of-arrival (DOA) nals, which operate in rich fading environments.
[35] and channel dispersion information.
The invention in [43] uses signal impairment correlations
Usually, a rake receiver comprises a matched filter for for the generation of rake combining weights and SIR esti-
the processing of the received spread spectrum signal. How- mates. This idea was initially suggested by Bottomley et al.
ever, the receiver in [36] included not one but three matched in 2000 [25, 44]. In that receiver, the so-called generalized
filters. The first two filters were matched to the spreading rake (G-RAKE), fingers positions were determined from the
codes of the pilot and signal data while the third one esti- maximization of the decision statistic’s SNR using ML
mated the channel frequency response and combined the principles. The set of delays that optimized the performance
received data signals from different paths prior decision es- criterion was obtained from a search in a window of potential
timation. In the proposed embodiment, the filters were Fast delays that spanned from several chip periods before the first
Fourier Transformation (FFT) ones [37]. The receiver could arriving multipath component to several chip periods after
be used in both the uplink and downlink channels. In the first the last one. A simpler strategy suggested the positioning of
case, it employed a multi-stage parallel interference cancella- a subset only of the fingers on the multipaths to collect en-
tion process to remove multiple access interference. In the ergy while the remaining ones were placed based on the
downlink operation, it firstly estimated the interference of a strongest taps of the inverse channel filter so as to suppress
pilot signal and then subtracted it from the received signal interference (for example, these fingers could be placed as
prior data detection. mirrors to the rest). With this placement, the receiver ap-
proximated inverse channel filtering, thereby cancelling the
Patent application US20030103556A1 [38] proposes a
noise coloration caused by the channel and achieving partial
rake receiver that shares resources between demodulating
interference cancellation. It has to be noticed that the G-
branches without using extra hardware in its fingers. In a
first embodiment, time deskew buffers [39] that storage the RAKE receiver technology has been incorporated in U350
and U360 HSDPA/EDGE3 Ericsson mobile platforms [45].
recovered symbols are shared between the demodulating
fingers; in a second one, not only the buffers but also a phase In a recent invention [46], an adaptive G-RAKE has been
compensator are shared. In the first case, the required mem- proposed. In that receiver, fingers positions were selected
ory area is decreased to approximately the inverse of the from a candidate set by using a maximal-weight criterion and
number of the demodulating fingers; in the second embodi- weight computation included estimation of an impairment
ment, receiver size is further decreased. Compared to con- covariance matrix using a parametric approach. The G-
ventional rake structures, the proposed receiver uses less RAKE in [47] uses a subset of the available fingers to de-
circuitry and has smaller size. modulate the incoming multipaths. The rest of them are lo-
cated in the vicinity of the multipath center at a resolution
An adaptive multimode receiver that employs dynamic
finer than a chip period and they are utilized for optimal fin-
pilot signal searching and multipath reception and combining
capability is presented in [40]. The receiver includes a net- ger placement and weight estimation. Dynamic allocation of
fingers is employed in [48] also. This G-RAKE places a sub-
work interface, several adaptive multimode fingers and a
set of its fingers according to their signal strength and the
multimode processor. In a first stage, the fingers and the
rest of them on the basis of the estimated SIR at the com-
processor respond to a first mode signal and configure a path
biner output. Patent US 7688881B2 [49] suggests a sophisti-
reception functional mode. In a second stage, the fingers are
cated G-RAKE design in which the determination of im-
responsive to a second mode signal and configure a searcher
functional mode providing the receiver with acquisition, traf- pairment correlations between the delays of interest is based
on the generation of kernel functions as samples of a net
fic and idle modes. This receiver supports both downlink and
channel response. This response is derived from the received
uplink signal reception.

The acronyms HSDPA and EDGE stand for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access
and Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution, respectively.
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 59

signal that is taken at well defined chip sampling phases for above certain received signal spreading factor, colored inter-
delays within the set of the delays of interest. In this em- ference suppression does not improve system performance.
bodiment, an impairment correlation estimation circuit is In this case, simpler strategies can be followed. A low-
configured to obtain correlation estimates by convolving complexity receiver that selectively operates with or without
each kernel function with itself and with each of the rest. The colored interference suppression depending on current oper-
convolutions can be performed in the frequency domain via ating conditions was proposed in [54]. In the first case, the
FFTs or through manipulation of the kernel functions to receiver generates the output signals from a set of fingers
form interleaved, usually zero padded, functions. In another signals by combining some of the output estimates; in the
G-RAKE proposal [50], the receiver utilizes a square-root second case, it generates them from a set of fingers signals
covariance matrix that represents impairment and data co- based on channel estimates only.
variance for the communication channel. In this implementa- Kang [55] invented a rake receiver which includes a
tion, symbol detection uses weights calculated from the
searcher for checking the intensity levels of the received
aforementioned covariance matrix and a net channel re-
signals, detecting the valid paths through which signals with
sponse. The calculation of a reconstructed version of the
intensity levels above a predetermined level are received and
desired signal from the detected symbols allows the genera-
outputting information about these paths. The fingers that
tion of an updated communication signal by subtracting this
correspond to the valid paths are selected from a controller.
reconstructed signal from the communication signal and the The receiver is suitable for mobile terminals due to its en-
covariance matrix update. An interesting method for the re-
hanced ability for power consumption reduction.
duction of computational complexity of the G-RAKE re-
ceiver was also suggested in [51]. The proposed method The receiver in [56] comprises a demodulator which is
simplifies the calculations for pre-whitening by using two (or adapted to receive and process one or more input samples
more) signals with two (or more) antennas. The method es- that correspond to the same finger during a single clock pe-
timates and formulates in a matrix form the correlation effect riod. This structure is also adapted for each finger to accu-
of the antennas. The derived matrix is used to generate an mulate multiple processed input samples, form symbols and
uncorrelated received signal matrix; the inverse of this ma- provide them for all fingers. In fact, this method replaces the
trix is used to pre-whiten the noise. A G-RAKE receiver for physical finger instances with simplified time-multiplexed
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is proposed fingers that process each path component during a different
in [52]. In this embodiment, the intermediate combining processing cycle. As a result, the fingers share the shame
weights are determined on the basis of a simplified impair- demodulating circuit that reduces noticeably receiver com-
ment correlation representation that excludes channel reuse plexity,
cross-stream interference. The same weights are also used in In the femtocell environment [1], the limited number of
reporting channel quality information for one or more nodes multipaths and the terminals’ low mobility and speed allow
of the MIMO operation providing a computationally efficient the utilization of rake receivers with a small number of fin-
and robust basis for computing final combining weights that gers without fine finger tracking. In this case, the coarse tim-
consider channel reuse cross-stream interference. According ing search process usually introduces a sampling error. In
to the inventors, their receiver reduces the severity of the order to overcome this, Muirhead [57] suggested a rake re-
problems that arise from the impairments correlations due to ceiver with multiple rake fingers assigned to the same path at
the cross-stream interference produced from the channel a granularity of less than one chip. These fingers provide
reuse. additional energy for others that are sub-optimally sampled.
In a new type of generalized rake receivers, the paramet- Preferably, the embodiment comprises a coarse timing
ric G-RAKEs, the impairment correlations are decomposed searcher that identifies signal paths by detecting two signal
into constituent elements and then modeled. The structure of peaks in each received multipath component.
the modeled terms is known while the short-term impairment A high-order rake receiver that mitigates the impact of
correlations can be measured from a set of despread pilot Doppler frequency shift [58] is proposed in [59]. In this em-
values. As a result, the impairment correlation estimation bodiment, rake fingers have two blocks. The first block sub-
task is reduced to the determination of the appropriate model tracts the slowly varying phase and frequency signal compo-
fitting parameters, known as scaling parameters. However, nents by removing a phase and a portion of the signal fre-
the strong dependence of the scaling parameters on the total quency component. The remaining frequency variation is
energy per chip period and the thermal noise makes difficult removed in the second block. This structure is a second-
the appropriate update of their values, especially in high data order receiver; however, for higher-order receiver diversity
rate systems. An invention that tries to give a solution in this this process can be repeatedly extended. It has to be noticed
problem was proposed in [53]. In this receiver, the modeled that each finger can be configured to account for different
impairment correlations that are used to generate impairment Doppler shift on the communications paths. According to the
correlation estimates for combining weight computation are authors’ claims, the proposed receiver is mostly suitable for
estimated on a transmission interval basis. As such, the in- systems that experience significant Doppler frequency shift
terval-to-interval changes in the signal conditions do not such as systems where the transmitter travels with high
influence the estimation of the scaling parameters. speeds, e.g. a jet fighter. In another invention [60], the im-
The G-RAKE receiver estimates the impairments cross- pact of Doppler shift is reduced by using a compensator in
correlations of the received multipaths and using them gen- each finger instead of using only one compensator (a con-
erates the combining weights to provide colored noise sup- trolled oscillator in a feedback loop, for example) in the re-
pression. However, below certain received signal qualities or ceiver. The compensators are implemented either in hard-
60 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

ware or in software but hybrid solutions are also feasible. In signals at each finger output. Then, the optimum combining
general, a compensator comprises a filter, an amplitude nor- coefficients are calculated from the fading coefficient vector
malizer and two arithmetical modules that multiply input and the autocorrelation matrix of the received, or alterna-
signals with conjugated previous inputs and output symbols tively, the noise plus interference, signal for each pair of
with previous outputs. fingers. The rake receivers in [68] are coupled to each of the
antennas. In this invention, the interference that is correlated
Recently, McPherson [61] proposed a rake receiver that
between a finger associated with the first antenna and a fin-
determines symbol values by detecting signal peak locations
ger associated with the second antenna is minimized with
in the fingers. Each finger includes one or more despreaders
respect to the desired signal by optimally combining all fin-
for despreading time-staggered versions of the signal at the
gers signals using MRC. In [69], the first rake receiver tar-
receiver front-end and a frequency corrector downstream
with a phase locked loop (PLL) [62]. The last module oper- gets in channel coefficients estimation while the second one
produces the desired data sequence. The receiver further
ates at a rate lower than the signal rate and it is usually im-
comprises a space time transmit diversity (STTD) derotator
plemented by a microprocessor. Symbols are detected by
[70] that processes the received signals from the two anten-
despreading time-staggered versions of the received signal at
nas in two consecutive symbol periods. The signal at the
its rate and performing frequency correction after despread-
derotator’s input is formed by the combination of the outputs
ing using the PLL. Optionally, each finger includes a control
and a data output path for outputting control and data and a of the two rake receivers and the conjugated channel estima-
tions from the antennas. These components are linearly com-
buffer upstream from the despreader for buffering the time-
bined to achieve sufficient statistics for a decision to be
staggered versions of the received signal. The data output
made. The symbol sequence that is obtained from the derota-
path may further include a phase adjust module which is
tor is down-sampled by a factor of two; in this case, one
coupled to the control output path so as to correct symbol
sample is taken while the second is discarded.
rate phase differences between control and data symbols.
In the published patent and scientific literature, we find
3.2. Rake Diversity and (W)CDMA Communication Sys- several studies that discuss the reduction of power consump-
tems tion in wireless receivers. In fact, this is a very important
requirement towards enhancing system performance, espe-
The first popular wireless communication system that cially in mobile terminals. Typical rake receiver implementa-
used the spread spectrum technology was the IS-95. This 2G tions that successfully reduce power consumption have al-
standard was formally adopted by the U.S. Telecommunica- ready been presented in the previous subsection. This issue
tion Industry Association (TIA) in 1993 and revised, with has been also addressed in network level; see, for example,
minor improvements, in 1995 [63]. In IS-95, both base sta- [71-73]. A mobile terminal that operates in the idle mode
tion and mobile receivers used rake reception. In the base must be able to receive incoming and support outgoing calls
station, the receiver usually included four or five fingers and while moving between adjacent cells. In this case, most of
combined their outputs non-coherently; on the other hand, the power is consumed during the acquisition process. An
the mobile receiver comprised a three-finger rake and per- invention that reduces power consumption during acquisition
formed coherent demodulation [8]. The application of is suggested in [71]. In the proposed embodiment, the incom-
CDMA technology in second generation communication ing baseband signals feed a matched filter that is driven by a
systems showed [64] that CDMA not only did not perform as supply voltage control. The rake fingers despread the incom-
well as was originally promised, but also provided perform- ing signal components only when an electric power calcula-
ance inferior to other digital technologies such as time divi- tion circuit detects that the filter output exceeds a predeter-
sion multiple access. Despite this failure, a significant frac- mined threshold. The reduction of consumed power is due to
tion of the industry appeared to be committed to pursuing the fact that the matched filter works intermittently and the
variations of CDMA to future applications. In fact, 3G and correlator tracks and receives signals only after the acquisi-
third generation and beyond (B3G) mobile systems use tion is performed. According to the inventors, the use of a
WCDMA as multiple access technique and employ coherent matched filter, a sample and hold circuit, a multiplier and an
rake reception in both forward and reverse link [13,65]. Im- adder, prior to the rake fingers, reduces not only power con-
portant inventions related to rake reception in 2G, 3G and sumption but also the acquisition time. The reduction of
B3G systems follow. power consumption when a mobile terminal operates in the
In a practical CDMA system, we usually employ both idle mode is also addressed in [72]. In this embodiment, Jep-
antenna and rake diversity. In [66], for example, the mobile sen proposed that some of the rake fingers of a mobile re-
unit has two antennas. The received signal at the second an- ceiver that are not used for the reception of paging informa-
tenna is delayed by one or more chip periods and the signals tion can be used for the monitoring of the neighboring cells.
from the two antennas are combined in a summer and fed the This can be achieved by a variety of methods; for example,
rake receiver input. However, when we detect multipath en- monitoring can be performed during the regular reception of
ergy to a point where much of the received signal energy in paging information between the reception of relevant paging
the assigned rake fingers is not accounted, this signal is ig- parts or in one power-up and power-down cycle when mo-
nored. In other inventions [67-69], the reception unit com- bile operation employs a periodic paging reception cycle.
prises not only two antennas but two rake receivers also. In The monitoring of neighboring cells during the reception of
[67], the interference that is correlated between the fingers in the paging blocks reduces noticeably the total power-up time
the first rake with the fingers in the second rake is minimized and the power consumption. In [73], the mobile terminal
with respect to the desired signal by optimally combining the comprises an environmental variation estimator. This estima-
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 61

tor is connected to the rake searcher and provides an estimate detector jointly detects the transmitted symbols by using the
of the rate at which the mobile environment changes. By rake combining weights which have been calculated using a
providing this estimate, the duty cycle of the searcher can be noise covariance matrix, the signals at the rake receiver out-
optimized reducing the overall power consumption. The put and the generated cross-correlations. At the final stage,
authors of this invention suggest the utilization of this esti- the receiver performs trellis decoding [79]. This decoder
mator in channel tracking also. calculates branch metrics associated with the state transitions
by using the obtained symbols at the rake outputs and the
In cellular CDMA networks, the base stations usually
cross-correlations between the spreading codes.
transmit a pilot signal with a known bit sequence on a pilot
channel so as the mobile terminal to determine the distortion The authors in [80] proposed a processing method of the
level in the traffic channel. A drawback of this method is the Dedicated Pilot (DP) and Transmit Power Control (TPC) bits
estimation error due to the simultaneous reception of signals [81] in WCDMA rake receivers. First, Dedicated Pilot
from a plurality of base stations. A method that partially Channel (DPCH) symbols are received, quantized and com-
solves this problem was proposed in [74]. In that method, an pensated. Next, we process the manipulated DPCH symbols
estimate for the traffic channel amplitude was generated are processed on the basis of the DPCH slot format and pro-
based on a comparison with received pilot signals for each duce DPCH pilot symbols in a common format. Finally, the
channel of the rake receiver. The generated estimates DP and TPC bits are processed either in parallel using sepa-
weighted the incoming signals prior to their combination rate processing branches or in series by applying timing con-
with weight signals in other channels. The receiver in [75] trol to common processing modules.
comprises two parallel connected rake receivers that receive
Despite its complexity, blind spreading factor detection
the same signal. The delays of the fingers of the first rake
was usually applied in 2G systems. For example, in an IS-95
receiver are matched to a propagation path delay. The fingers
application [82], a Viterbi decoder ran for each rate or
of the second rake produce an estimate of the multipath in- spreading factor hypothesis and formulated the decision met-
terference generated by each finger in the first rake. Then,
rics. However, a major drawback of these techniques that
the estimated multipaths are scaled and subtracted from the
makes their use ineffective or even impractical in high data
first rake so as to reduce multipath interference. A proper
rate WCDMA systems is their significant latency. A novel
adjustment of the scaling coefficients reduces multipath in-
solution for WCDMA communications has been recently
provided. Wang [83] proposed two embodiments that use
The aforementioned inventions were developed for sec- rake receivers and perform blind spreading factor detection.
ond generation wireless communications systems. In contrast In the first, the received signal is despread by using an initial
to them, WCDMA systems support services with different spreading factor smaller than the smallest possible one that
traffic requirements. In a WCDMA receiver embodiment could be used to spread the signal. The despread values are
[76], two paths, a high-rate and a low-rate one are employed. then combined using combining weights and an actual
The first path despreads multi-rate physical channels with spreading factor is estimated based on a most likely data bit
variable spreading factor while the second one despreads repetition factor. Then, the detected data symbol repletion
physical channels with fixed spreading factor. The signal in factor is used to combine the partially combined signal val-
the high-rate path is resolved by high-rate rake fingers that ues prior to decoding. In the second proposal, the received
multiply symbols with channel estimation; then, a combiner signal is despread by using a spreading factor smaller than
combines the multipath components. The low-rate path com- the smallest possible one that is used to spread the signal.
prises low-rate fingers. In this case, a processor performs Next, a rake receiver combines the weights of the received
channel estimation and coherently combines the calculated signal and a combiner generates the partially despread and
estimates with the fingers outputs. combined signal using the calculated weights. The receiver
further includes a blind spreading factor detector that esti-
In the previous subsection, we have extensively dis-
mates the actual spreading factor of the signal based on a
cussed generalized rake reception. In [77], Fulghum and
most likely data bit repetition factor.
Cairns suggested that the G-RAKE receivers for HSDPA
systems could be configured to determine a traffic-to-pilot The inventions in [84, 85] were proposed to mitigate the
gain scaling parameter as part of the impairment correlation effect of inter-cell and intra-cell interference in WCDMA
estimation and the combining weights generation processes. wireless systems. Patent application US20110151888A1 [84]
By this way, the receiver circuit accounts effectively for gain provides a programmable inter-cell and intra-cell interfer-
differences between the pilot and the traffic channels of the ence suppression module for WCDMA communication sys-
transmitted WCDMA signals. According to the two inven- tems. In the proposed method, the received signal is utilized
tors, the accounting of this difference enables proper de- for the estimation of channel state information (CSI) that
modulation of traffic signals such as quadrature amplitude includes estimates of both channel coefficients and rake fin-
modulated (QAM) ones. gers positions. The estimated CSI and a delayed version of
the received signal produce a reduced interference signal that
Patent US7787522B2 [78] proposes a diversity reception
is suitably formatted for post-processing. The receiver in
scheme that comprises a rake receiver, a code correlator and
a multi-code joint detector. In this implementation, the rake [85] is designed and/or adapted through the repeated use of
symbol-estimate weighting, subtractive cancellation with a
receiver despreads the received signals using selected
stabilizing step-size and mixed-decision symbol estimates. It
spreading codes and separates them into two or more output
comprises a front-end processor that includes a combiner, a
signals and the code correlator generates cross-correlations
despreader and a symbol estimator. The front-wend proces-
between the aforementioned spreading codes. Then, the joint
62 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

sor may also include a synthesizer that synthesizes estimated 3.3. The Rake Receiver in UWB Systems
rake finger signals and a subtraction module for performing
Ultra-wideband is a promising technology for wireless
per-antenna subtraction of a sum of the synthesized signals
communications that supports applications ranging from
and produce an error signal. The receiver may be imple-
video streaming to sensor networks and utilizes radio signals
mented either explicitly in software or programmed hard-
ware or implicitly in standard rake-based hardware at the with a bandwidth which range from hundreds of megahertz
up to several gigahertz [97]. A major difference between
finger level or at the user or subchannel symbol level, that is,
UWB and narrowband communication systems resides in the
outside the rake. The proposed invention can be used not
characteristics of the propagation medium. In particular, the
only in wireless communications but also in signal process-
UWB channel is a highly frequency-selective fading one
because the bandwidth of an ultra-wideband signal is much
In [86], an interference cancelling receiver combines data wider than the channel coherence bandwidth. Aside from
from multiple paths after aligning them to transmitter timing this, the clustering effect [98] that is common in UWB sig-
and then uses a rake receiver to compute symbol estimates. nals results in high-resolution arrival times of the multipaths
These estimates are used for the generation of interference [99].
estimates which are combined after re-aligning the interfer-
In an UWB system, the special needs for effective cap-
ence estimates to receiver timing. For each segment of inter-
ference cancelled data, two or more segments of symbol es- ture of multipath energy impose several technical and im-
plementation difficulties that make conventional rake receiv-
timates are computed. The proposed intervention can be real-
ers ineffective or even impractical [100, 101]. In fact, the
ized in both hardware and software. Hardware embodiments
most important limiting factors in conventional rake recep-
may include Application Specific Integrated Circuits
tion are the rapid fall of the incremental improvement of the
(ASICs), Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Digital
diversity gain with the number of fingers and the tradeoff
Signal Processors (DSPs) [87] and/or other circuitry while
software and firmware embodiments are implemented in between system performance and parameters such as hard-
ware complexity, computational requirements and power
programming or assembly languages.
consumption [102, 103]. However, rake diversity remains an
The receiver in [88] comprises a searcher, a rake re- option for UWB communications [104], especially for im-
ceiver, circuits for the detection of the maximum signal en- pulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) systems [105]. In IR-
ergy among individual multipaths in a cluster, a module for UWB radio, the rake receiver’s ability to exploit multipath
the computation of the time-of-arrival (ToA) [89] of the in- diversity, its relatively low complexity compared to other
coming multipaths and a cluster tracker that computes timing UWB receivers, the multipath diversity inherent in the IR
adjustment signal based on the power level of the received signals and the high processing gain makes rake reception an
signal components. The cluster tracker comprises timing effective solution, especially in low-data-rate systems [106].
control circuitry for the computation of a timing reference In the following paragraphs, selected patents and scientific
signal based on a timing adjustment signal, a code generator articles show the application range and the merits of the use
for the generation of a code based on a start time associated of rake diversity in UWB communications.
with the received signal cluster and a code identification
In an interesting, mainly due to its simplicity, proposal
module. The proposed receiver receives a portion of the in-
[107], a rake receiver with single bit detection is optimized
coming multipaths at time instants within a specific duration.
for UWB signal reception. In this invention, channel estima-
The authors claim that their invention provides improved
tion is achieved by calculating the probability density func-
management, controlling and combination of the received
multipaths and reduces the processing overhead in fingers tion (PDF) of a single bit quantizer output instead of using a
complex analog amplitude scheme that involves multi-bit
managing. Also, they support that the receiver mitigates the
detector quantization with increased computational complex-
impact of finger merging, that is, the case in which a com-
ity. In addition to this, the use of a single quantization bit
mon individual path signal is assigned to more than one fin-
simplifies signal processing and reduces cost implementation
gers due to paths that are closely spaced together4.
and required processing power. It has to be noticed that sin-
Last but not least, we present a spread spectrum MIMO gle bit quantization incurs a penalty of about 2dB compared
transceiver that employs rake diversity in signal reception to an ideal infinite resolution analog to digital (A/D) conver-
[95]. In this system, the transmission antennas are spaced by tor. However, this loss is easily recovered because the
at least one-quarter wavelength (a lower spacing degrades method allows a significant number of rake fingers while
significantly system performance) and preferably as far apart maintaining reasonable power consumption. In the proposed
as possible. In the receiver, the antennas are coupled to fil- embodiment, the rake receiver has two stages, a serial and a
ters which are matched to the code sequences of the trans- parallel one; the single bit quantizer is connected at the first
mitted signals and a rake receiver combines the detected stage.
spread spectrum signals and the detected multipaths in con-
The authors in [108] proposed a pilot-channel-assisted
junction with a space-diversity combiner. System perform-
log-likelihood ratio SC rake for long-range low-rate UWB
ance is further enhanced with erasure decoding [96].
applications. The receiver uses CSI and constructs an effec-
tive pilot channel that instantaneously updates the channel
 information which is required from the rake receiver. The
In this case, rake fingers can not track the individual multipath components when they pilot and data channels are generated from quadrature sinusoi-
move away from each other. As a result, the receiver loses any benefits obtained from dal bursts with Gaussian envelope and they are transmitted in
the assignment of multiple fingers to process the received signal (for a detailed discus-
sion on finger merging and prevention methods, see [90-94]).
parallel. The joint maximization of the SNR at the receiver
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 63

output and minimization of the mean square error (MSE) and the third one forwards the output of the second switch to
[24] of channel estimation optimizes system parameters. The the demodulators. The register stores the synchronization
limited number of fingers balances the suboptimal perform- position value and the summer adds the demodulators’ out-
ance of the receiver. puts and forwards the result to the equalizer when exceeds a
The coherent detection scheme in [109] employed hy- predefined threshold. Finally, the equalizer removes in-
tersymbol interference, calculates symbol decision values
brid-selection/maximal-ratio combining (H-S/MRC) diver-
and feeds the Viterbi decoder.
sity [110, 111], also known as selective-rake reception, and
used pilot aided channel estimation information. In the pro- An IR-UWB receiver that minimizes energy consump-
posed embodiments, a detect-and-forward UWB relay was tion by finding the optimum packet length and operating
equipped with one or two antennas. In the first case, the relay with the optimum number of rake fingers is proposed in
operates either as a receiver or as a transmitter and the relay- [121]. The receiver is able to choose between coherent and
ing strategy is as follows: In a first time slot, the relay re- noncoherent demodulation after the signal passes through the
ceives the transmitted signal but the receiver is in idle mode; rake fingers and an MRC combiner. In the first case, the re-
then, in a second time slot, the relay transmits the detected ceived signal feeds a matched filter which is configured from
data to the receiver. In this case, the relay exploits multipath a template pulse. In noncoherent detection, the received sig-
diversity by using the selective-rake scheme and reduces nal is either correlated with the previously received signal or
path losses (if it is placed in a correct position). In the two- it is simply multiplied by itself (envelope detection). The
antenna relay system, the relay not only exploits multipath authors further suggest a differential modulation scheme that
diversity but also performs spatial diversity reception [7] and cooperates with both detection schemes. For example, a dif-
spatial transmit diversity [112]. ferential binary phase shift keying (DBPSK) modulated sig-
nal can be noncoherently detected by a correlation with the
The authors in [113] proposed a novel digital modulation
scheme for DS/SS UWB communications, the co-called previously received signal so that only the difference be-
tween the two signals appear at the A/D converter output. In
quadrature binary orthogonal keying (QBOK), and a rake
coherent detection, each DBPSK modulated signal can be
receiver with analog emphasis based on a six-port circuit
detected individually through a matched filter; then, the dif-
[114-116]. QBOK differs from conventional M-ary bior-
ference between two adjacent bits is measured in the digital
thogonal keying (MBOK) [117] in that the second compo-
domain. Coherent detection requires that a pulse generator, a
nent of the signal space is derived from the modulation of the
selected code using the Hilbert transform [118] of the modu- synchronizer and a channel estimator are active during the
template pulse generation. However, in noncoherent detec-
lating impulse signal. The receiver comprises a six-port net-
tion, these three units are not used due to the absence of tem-
work with two input ports (received signal and local oscilla-
plate pulses (in general, coherent detection yields an im-
tor) and four output ports which are linear combinations of
proved performance but at the cost of hardware complexity
the inputs. The outputs signals are additively mixed in zero-
and power consumption). In the two detection schemes, both
bias schottky diodes [119] and combined in pairs so as to
obtain the I-Q channels. In the proposed embodiment, corre- hard and soft decision combining can be used. The first con-
sumes less energy at the cost of lower performance. On the
lation does not involve a local oscillator but it is imple-
other hand, soft decision combining methods demand a high-
mented by four integrators which are cascaded after the di-
resolution A/D converter and additional memory units.
odes. Significant advantages of this architecture are the pas-
sive mixing that it uses one less template generator because By using higher order metrics of the generalized Gaus-
the second component of the signal space is generated with sian distribution approximation [122], Beaulieu and Shao
hybrid couplers inside the six-port network. proposed two novel receiver architectures for time-hopping
(TH) ultra-wideband systems [123]. The key idea behind that
Patent US7649962B2 [120] proposes a DS/SS UWB re-
invention was the selection of a parameter p and the genera-
ceiver that comprises an A/D converter, a correlator, a rake
tion of a first set of partial statistics by using p so as to mod-
receiver, an equalizer and a Viterbi decoder. In this embodi-
ify the exponential order of the noise plus multiple access
ment, the rake receiver includes a channel estimator, a track-
ing module, two switches and multiple demodulators with interference PDF approximation. The first receiver uses a
constant detection threshold while the second one introduces
parallel processing structure. The channel estimator assumes
a second degree of freedom in the p-order metric and sets the
negligible Doppler frequency spread and long channel co-
detection threshold adaptively. In the same patent, the inven-
herence time and estimates CSI during a preamble transfer
tors propose a rake receiver for TH UWB systems. This re-
period. The tracking module detects the received signal
ceiver adopts the aforementioned p-order metrics in each of
variations and then adjusts and stores the estimated synchro-
nization position values. The first switch forwards to the its fingers and calculates the decision variable using MRC.
tracking module the value of either the A/D converter or the Finally, the “zonal” UWB receiver [124] has been pro-
correlator while the second one works in a similar manner posed for TH UWB signals and for signals that originally
but forwards the selected value to the demodulators. By us- had pulses with duration less than one nsec, signal band-
ing the output of the second switch, the estimated channel width greater than 500 MHz or signal bandwidth greater than
estimation and the synchronization position value, the de- 15% of the carrier frequency. In order to produce partial sta-
modulators demodulate the received signals. The receiver tistics for an information bit, the receiver performs correla-
further comprises three buffers, a register and a summer. The tions in the received signal. Next, each partial statistic is
first buffer supplies the switches with the A/D converter out- transformed into a new one on the basis of its initial value
put, the second buffer stores the channel estimation value and either keeps its value or sets it to zero. The new partial
64 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

statistics are accumulated and produce the decision statistics search windows reduces memory size due to the smaller
upon which a decision is made. In an alternative, the new amount of information that is stored during correlation calcu-
partial statistics keep their initial values or they are weighted lations.
versions of them. In the same published patent, the inventors
Recently, Zhang and Lin [126] suggested a searching
have proposed an advanced rake receiver that comprised a method and apparatus with reduced requirements on storage
zonal UWB receiver in each finger.
area. In their proposal, the path searcher comprised a multi-
plier, an adder and two buffers, the first for storing a copy of
3.4. Rake Reception and Channel Estimation the local sequence and the second for storing data of the
The propagation medium has a profound impact on the sampled signal. The first buffer was longer than the local
performance of wireless communication systems. Knowl- sequence while the length of the second buffer was kn/T s
edge of channel parameters is requisite for the operation and with k the number of the sampled bits, n the length of the
improved performance of wireless receivers. However, CSI local sequence (in bits) and Ts the sampling interval meas-
is not a priori known at the receiver, which poses significant ured in chips. In this method, the received signal was ini-
constraints and difficulties in wireless systems design, im- tially sampled and quantized. Next, the local sequence was
plementation and optimization. In practice, channel identifi- hold in the first buffer (the sequence was repeated until the
cation includes the estimation of CSI so as to determine cer- storage area was filled) and a part of the received data was
tain channel parameters. Among different techniques, rake hold in the second one. Then, the data in the second buffer
diversity is employed in channel estimation quite often. In were incrementally moved against the data in the first buffer
the following paragraphs, we discuss methods and appara- with increment equal to the sample interval. In each step, the
tuses for wireless channel estimation based on rake recep- bits in the second buffer were multiplied with the corre-
tion. sponding bits in the first buffer. In the end, the results of all
the multiplications were added and stored. In a second em-
In general, a path searcher calculates delay profile data bodiment, the length of the first buffer was set to w–1+n bits,
from the baseband signal(s) and stores them so as to be with w the number of the performed correlations. The
equalized at a specific time interval, e.g. one symbol period, authors incorporated the proposed path searcher in a
of the signal(s). Therefore, it requires a great number of path WCDMA receiver that further included a rake receiver, a
search sample points that correspond to oversampling times radio frequency receiver and an A/D combiner.
in one symbol. In diversity systems, this number further in-
creases resulting in a significant enlargement of the circuit In mobile terminals, channel estimation usually involves
scale. Considering the above, Saito et al. [125] invented a the utilization of a known bit sequence that is either time
path search method for wireless CDMA communication sys- multiplexed with the information (pilot symbols) or transmit-
tems. The proposed invention offered improved tracking ted as a separate pilot channel [12]. The main drawback of
accuracy without significant cost in hardware complexity the first approach is the insufficiency of the pilot symbols to
and power consumption. In this method, the searcher detects provide accurate information in a single time slot. Thus, we
an effective path from the demodulated baseband signals and usually prefer the second method but neither this approach
obtains the exact timing at which fingers receive the incom- provides an exact measurement of the physical transmission
ing multipaths. In order to do so, it calculates the delay pro- channel. For example, a conventional channel estimation
file data and detects their peak value. In the proposed em- method on the basis of a common pilot channel ignores the
bodiment, the path searcher comprises a window controller, transmission power regulation [127-129] causing losses in
a sampling circuit, a spreading code generator, several corre- the processing of the combined signal. The invention in
lators, a peak detector, an assignment controller and a mem- [130] faces this problem successfully. This method calcu-
ory unit. The window controller defines a search range for lates one or more path weights using CSI obtained from the
calculating the delay profile data and splits in two parts. common pilot channel. Next, the same path weights are mul-
Next, it sets the center of the first window at the peak posi- tiplied with a correction factor that depends on the ratio of
tion of the delay profile obtained from the peek detector. The two gain estimations, a data-channel-specific to a pilot-
controller further sets two independent windows out of the channel-based one. As a result, the new path weights take
range of the first one and selects them alternately. The sam- into account the influence of the transmission power regula-
pling circuit samples the baseband signal while the spreading tion in the data channel. Power regulation is normally carried
code generator produces the desired code. Then, the correla- out on a time slot basis. An advantage of the aforementioned
tors correlate the sampled signals and the generated spread- method is that it allows the generation of correctly weighted
ing code within the range of the two windows. The distribu- data symbols over the length of a code word, even when this
tion of the calculated correlation values represents the delay word has been transmitted in time slots with different power
profile of the reception signal. The peak detector compares levels.
the calculated correlation values, which are stored in the Patent US7286593B1 [131] provides a channel estimator
memory unit, and detects the peaks with values that exceed a for the weighting coefficient of a rake finger. The proposed
predetermined threshold. At the same time, it obtains infor- method is a three-step process. First, we set the parameters
mation about the timing of the peak appearances and sup- of a filter that minimizes the MSE of channel estimation.
plies it to the assignment controller which, in turn, forwards Under the assumption of Jake’s spectrum [132] for each
the timing information to the rake fingers. The proposed Doppler frequency, we average the channel estimation MSE
method consumes less power compared to conventional path spectrum over all the frequencies. In the second step, we
search techniques because it uses only a subset of the corre- calculate a low-complexity filter by performing a discrete-
lators during path searching. Also, the alternate use of the
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 65

time approximation of the obtained transfer function using symbols. We assume that a symbol is the transmitted one if it
the minimum MSE (MMSE) criterion [24]. In a proposed seems reliable according to the probabilities. Channel esti-
embodiment, this filter is designed as a cascade of a 3-tap mation is performed by using a great number of such sym-
finite impulse response (FIR) filter and a single pole infinite bols. The aforementioned process is repeated a given number
impulse response (IIR) filter [133]. In the last step, we im- of times. The channel estimates are either refined on a per-
plement a fixed-point realization of the filter. In order to finger basis followed by rake combining or by estimating the
minimize SNR degradation in underflow or overflow condi- noisy channel at the rake receiver output. The first method
tions, the inventors suggested that both data and filter coeffi- gives more accurate results but at the cost of memory space
cients should be quantizied with a 16-bit resolution. and hardware complexity
Zhao et al. proposed [134] a method that dynamically The power delay profile (PDP) represents the average
adjusts the average interval of channel estimation (a fixed received power as a function of the multipath delay and
average interval based method is impractical for moving equals to the autocorrelation of the channel impulse response
terminals because it does not track their speed). First, the at given multipath delay and time instant [3, 12, 24]. Its es-
method estimates a Doppler shift by using level crossing rate timation requires the evaluation of the channel impulse re-
(LCR) [3] information for a set of mobile speeds. Then, it sponse over the whole range of possible delays. Then, the
determines the optimal average interval of channel estima- estimated peak locations are reported to the (rake) receiver as
tion based on its relationship with the existing Doppler shift delay estimates. However, this full path searching method is
and finally, it adjusts dynamically the average interval of impractical in real systems due to the increased processing
channel estimation. A proposed apparatus comprises a chan- and power consumption requirements. On the other hand,
nel estimator, a valid/strongest finger selection module, a averaging-based approaches provide a significant improve-
rake receiver, an LCR detection and Doppler shift estimation ment in the robustness of a delay estimator because they
module, a Gaussian noise power estimator, a strongest path maintain the full averaged delay profile for the whole range
signal power estimator and an optimal average interval cal- of the possible path delays. A drawback of these methods is
culator. The channel estimator receives sampled baseband that factors such as the associated storage space and the data
signals, correlates them so as to estimate instantaneous chan- transfer requirements may cause several problems, especially
nel parameters and further calculates a sliding average value to systems with limited memory and processing capacity. A
of channel estimation; the valid/strongest finger selection solution was given in [136] by proposing a method that
module uses this value and selects two arriving paths, an avoids the disadvantages of instantaneous delay profile based
effective signal and a strongest signal one; the rake receiver methods without the need for extensive additional storage
demodulates and combines the sampled baseband signals and and computational resources that are required by the general
estimates the transmitted data symbols using hard-decision averaged delay profile based techniques. In a proposed em-
decoding; the LCR detection and Doppler shift estimation bodiment, the calculation of an averaged delay profile fol-
module calculates the average signal level from the selected lows the collection of individual multipath components. This
effective signal and strongest signal arriving paths and esti- profile is obtained from a number of repetitively calculated
mates the LCR; the Gaussian noise power estimator calcu- instantaneous delay profiles and it is limited to delay values
lates the noise power in the strongest signal arriving path within a subset of the range of all possible ones. Next, the
based on the demodulation output and the estimated trans- delay of each multipath is estimated from the average delay
mitted data symbols; the strongest path signal power estima- profile but only a portion of them is used for rake combining.
tor estimates the power of the strongest path using the calcu- Finally, the center position of the region around each indi-
lated sliding average channel estimation value; finally, the vidual multipath component, the location of its neighboring
optimal average interval calculator selects the optimal aver- multipaths and the delay profile magnitudes for each delay
age interval on the basis of the detected LCR and the calcu- value situated in the region, are stored. In another invention
lated noise and strongest path power estimation and adjusts [137], a selectively controllable coherent accumulation mod-
dynamically the average interval length of channel estima- ule generates power delay profiles. Then, a post processing
tion. unit passes threshold qualified magnitude approximation
A joint channel estimation and decoding scheme for values and PDP positions to a rake receiver which deter-
mines the received signal paths. According to its inventors, a
wireless communications is described in [135]. The proposed
major benefit of the method is the selectively controlled pro-
apparatus refines iteratively the channel estimate based on
duction of PDPs.
the soft output of a decoder and forwards it to the demodula-
tor which, in turn, sends its soft output to a Turbo decoder In the HSDPA receiver proposed in [138], channel esti-
[79] with improved performance. The Turbo decoder com- mation is obtained by averaging neighboring Common Pilot
putes log-likelihood ratios of both systematic and parity bits. Channel (CPICH) [139] symbols. In this implementation, the
In order to accomplish this, the authors suggest two methods. buffer size of the fingers outputs limits the range of channel
In the first method, the decoder performs soft encoding of estimation delay. However, the accuracy of channel estima-
the extrinsic information of the systematic bits that are ob- tion increases noticeably with this range, or, equivalently,
tained from the decoder and computes the log-likelihood with the number of the averaged CPICH symbols. A solution
ratio of the parity bits. In the second one, the extrinsic infor- to this problem is the application of an adaptive delay which
mation of parity bits is calculated by comparing the prob- depends on the processing gain. Also, a buffer designed for
abilities of state transitions when the chosen parity bit is zero high-rate data affords large estimation delay for low-rate
and one. Then, the soft information of the coded bits is con- data transmission. It has to be noticed, that the channel esti-
verted by a soft modulator into probabilities of modulation mation process can be replaced by a FIR filter with coeffi-
66 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

cients which are programmable to match different fading antennas are coupled with the receiver with impedance
rates such as a Wiener filter [140] that assumes known fad- matching networks [149] that comprise inductive compo-
ing channel spectrum. nents and capacitors or, more preferably, tunable inductive
components and ferroelectric capacitors [150]. The proposed
The last invention involves generalized rake reception.
Cairns [141] presented a method in which path delay infor- invention further includes a resistor-inductor-capacitor
(RLC) filter that adjusts the phase and/or the magnitude of
mation is used to determine a set of processing rake finger
the received signals. Filter components are ferroelectric or
delays upon which finger allocation is based. First, the re-
fixed ones (in the second case, they are properly switched to
ceiver estimates the net channel coefficients which represent
adjust the filter characteristics). A potential application of the
the overall channel response including the transmitter and
method is in a two-antenna system in which each antenna is
receiver pulse shaping filters [142]. Next, it calculates the
medium channel coefficients which correspond to the im- connected to a different receiver. In another aspect, we in-
clude in the mobile terminal a module that is configured to
pulse response of the radio channel. In turn, the updated net
detect jamming attacks. When jamming is detected, the
channel coefficients that are used in the generation of the
phase and/or the magnitude of the received signals are prop-
interference matrix are obtained from the calculated medium
erly adjusted to improve signal quality.
channel coefficients. In a proposed embodiment, the G-
RAKE comprises a path searcher, a processing delay deter- An objective quality metric for wireless communication
mination module and a signal despreader. The first two units systems is the SIR. In fact, SIR is the best link quality metric
generate the processing delays (see, for example, [143, 144]) for spread spectrum systems because it is directly coupled
and forward them to the signal despreader. The despreader with the achieved throughput [151]. A novel SIR estimation
has some of its fingers placed at the previously selected de- method that includes the benefits of interference suppression
lays and the rest of them positioned at delays such as off- without requiring the computation of specific interference
path ones so as to improve its interference suppression capa- suppression elements is suggested in [152]. The proposed
bility. It has to be noticed that the processing delay determi- method estimates the signal-to-interference ratio at a rake
nation module assumes that path searcher has perfect CSI. receiver front-end during a time interval determined from
As a result, the noise that is associated with the net channel previous estimations. In particular, the method estimates an
estimates can be reduced by firstly generating medium chan- SIR value and then applies an offset which was calculated in
nel coefficients from measurements of the net channel coef- a previous time interval and generates a second SIR estimate.
ficients and then regenerating the net coefficients by using The new estimate provides a more accurate channel feedback
pulse shape information. without incurring the time delay that is normally associated
with the final estimate used in the processing of the received
3.5. Miscellaneous Methods and Applications in Wireless signal.
Communications In order to enhance the performance of a rake receiver,
In this paper, we presented recent advances and selected we often use a whitening filter at its front-end. Patent
methods and techniques for rake reception and its application US7711035 [153] discusses the design and practical imple-
in spread spectrum communications, ultra-wideband systems mentation of such a filter. In this embodiment, the frequency
and radio channel estimation. In the following paragraphs, a domain representation of the filter depends on a scaling fac-
short description of selected patents that cannot be easily tor. This factor is related to the ratio of the total base station
classified in the previous categories is given. power to the power spectral density of inter-cell interference
plus noise and it is usually calculated by using a parametric
Chin and Peng [145] proposed an apparatus for sequence model of the received signal impairment correlations. In sev-
detection in wireless systems. An on-off keying (OOK) de- eral cases, this parametric model comprises a noise and an
tector, e.g. [146], is positioned at a rake receiver’s front-end interference impairment term that are properly scaled by two
and detects non-coherently, in order to reduce system com- fitting parameters. Alternatively, the scaling factor can be
plexity, the received code sequence. At its output, a soft de- directly estimated.
spreader, e.g. a binary sequence one [8,147], despreads the
received energy and feeds a rake receiver. In order to achieve The apparatus proposed in [154] estimates and corrects
a trade-off between performance and complexity, the number baseband frequency errors at the receiver input. In order to
of rake fingers should be smaller than the sampling periods calculate the finger weights, channel estimation is performed
determined by the channel delay spread. The combination of on particular multipath components assigned to one or more
the binary sequence soft despreader and the rake combiner rake fingers. The computed weights are forwarded to the
provides a noticeable multipath diversity gain that enables frequency error estimator which generates new weights
the receiver to mitigate the impact of inter-pulse interference. based on at least one of the old weights and calculates the
Also, it has to be mentioned that the implementation cost of frequency error signal. This signal is processed by a control-
this device is low because it does not require an extra timing ler which produces a frequency adjustment signal. The last is
recovery circuit. fed into a numerically controlled oscillator which, in turn,
generates a rotating phasor. Next, a multiplier multiplies the
Rake diversity has also been proposed for the configura- derived rotating phase with the sample data stream and pro-
tion of spatially and/or polar antenna diversity systems in duces frequency corrected samples that forwards to the
mobile terminals [148]. In comparison with other methods, channel estimator and the rake combiner. In a proposed em-
the proposed technique configures simultaneously two or bodiment, the frequency error estimator comprises a tap ex-
more antennas. In this embodiment, the antennas’ signals are traction circuit, a delay unit, a conjugate generator, a multi-
properly combined and forwarded to a rake receiver. The
The Rake Receiver Principle Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 67

plier, an arctangent operator, a filter and a comparator. The Nowadays, the main competitors for the fourth genera-
tap extraction circuit extracts and averages the finger weights tion (4G) wireless communications are the Orthogonal Fre-
that are obtained from the channel estimator; the delay unit quency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) [157,158]
delays the average finger weight by an appropriate time in- and the Multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) [159] (despite
terval; the conjugate generator produces the conjugate of the their interest, it is not clear yet that access schemes such as
average finger weight; the multiplier multiplies the conjugate the Interleaved Frequency Division Multiple Access (IF-
of the average finger weight with the delayed average finger DMA), the Single-Carrier FDMA (SC-FDMA) and the Or-
weight and generates a signal that represents the phase dif- thogonal Frequency & Code Division Multiplexing
ference between them; the arctangent operator measures the (OFCDM) [160-162] would address the challenges facing
phase difference between the conjugate of the average finger the field and offer a significant competitive advantage in the
weight and the delayed average finger weight; the filter pro- market). Apart from this, we should not forget that rake re-
duces the estimated frequency error signal by averaging the ception is mainly used in DS/SS systems. It has also to be
measured phase difference; finally, the comparator compares noticed that current receiver architectures based on rake di-
the estimated frequency error with the phase difference be- versity are effective for speeds up to a few Mbps which are
tween the conjugate of the average finger weight and the significant lower that the requirements of fourth generation
delayed average finger weight (multiplier output) and based communications. Clearly, the above make the future of rake
on a threshold signal selectively sends a hold signal to the diversity systems, at least to the extent we know, a little du-
filter. This last step determines the update frequency of the bious. On the other hand, advanced hybrid reception
estimated frequency error signal. Once a frequency error is schemes that comprise both interference cancellation and
estimated, a controller processes the estimated frequency generalized rake reception may look suitable for high-speed
error signal and produces a frequency adjustment signal that applications [163]. However, to the best of the author’s
forwards to an oscillator which, in turn, generates a rotating knowledge, in recent commercial 4G wireless systems5 [167,
phasor. The multiplication of this phasor with the sample 168], rake diversity has not yet been employed. In fact, this
data stream generates frequency corrected samples that fed author believes that the future of rake diversity in fourth
the rake combiner. generation communications is strictly related to the multiple
access technique(s) that will be finally adopted. Nowadays, it
Finally, we present a hybrid receiver that incorporates
seems that in frequency division multiplexing schemes rake
equalization and rake diversity [155]. In order to improve
reception is not employed.
signal reception, a controller selects between the equalizer
and the rake receiver. For example, equalization performs In this paper, we reviewed and discussed methods, appa-
better than rake reception when signal propagates through ratuses and applications of rake diversity for wireless com-
channels with large dispersion but the rake receiver is a bet- munication systems. However, wireless communications is
ter solution for mobiles moving at high speeds. In a proposed not the only area in which rake diversity principles are ap-
embodiment, the controller uses information obtained from plied. In recent years, much interest has been shown in
pilot channels. The application of an efficient algorithm, e.g. acoustic underwater communications (AUW). In fact, we
a high speed packet data channel scheduling algorithm [156], have witnessed a noticeable increase in research and devel-
provides the controller with the required information about opment with applications that broad from military context,
the incoming signals. This information allows the controller e.g. submarine communications, towards commercial ones
to identify an appropriate pilot signal prior to the reception such as communications with autonomous underwater vehi-
of the desired one. Then, the equalizer processes the pilot cles and robots, environmental monitoring and remotely con-
channel data and determines an error energy value. The same trol systems [169]. In a wireless system, data are transmitted
process is repeated with the rake receiver. The receiver with by means of electromagnetic waves but in underwater com-
the lower error energy is finally selected for signal detection. munications we mainly use acoustic waves [170]. The
propagation characteristics of the latter differ significantly
CURRENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS from those of radio waves; their unique characteristics such
as the limited and distance-dependent bandwidth, the high
It is generally acceptable that a successful way to handle propagation delay and the noise and time-varying multipath
signal interference is through diversity as this mitigates fad- fading require efficient and reliable receivers. Several recent
ing and improves the overall SNR by many decibels. Among studies, e.g. [171-179], indentify potential opportunities for
different kinds of diversity, the rake diversity which targets applying rake diversity in AUW communications.
to the separation and appropriate recombination of time-
shifted delays of the transmitted signals has successfully This author believes that, in the near future, topics which
been applied in wireless communications for several years. will illustrate research trends in rake diversity and its appli-
The popularity of the technique increased in the early 1990s cations include, but are not limited to, MC-CDMA receivers,
with the emergence of CDMA spread spectrum architectures ultra-wideband reception, channel estimation and underwater
for 2G systems. A few years later, the commercial deploy- communications. The utilization of advanced rake receivers
ment of 3G systems that solely adopted spread spectrum than compromise performance and hardware and/or compu-
technology increased drastically the interest for advanced
and sophisticated rake designs. As a result, a remarkable 
According to the initial classifications of the International Telecommunication Union
number of innovative structures and applications of rake (ITU) [164], no commercial 4G networks should exist [165]. However, these criteria
receivers has appeared. In this paper, selected and recent was changed almost a year ago so as to include standards and/or technologies that can
contributions in the area in the form of patents and scientific be considered as “forerunners” to 4G networks or that showed “a substantial level of
improvement in performance and capabilities” compared to the existing third genera-
articles have been presented. tion systems [166].
68 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 1 Konstantinos B. Baltzis

tational complexity still remains a critical issue, especially [19] X. Dong, and N. C. Beaulieu, “Optimal maximal ratio-combining
since the increase in mobility and traffic demands is evident. with correlated diversity branches,” IEEE Commun. Lett., Vol. 6,
pp. 22-24, Jan. 2002.
Receivers that perform generalized rake diversity and hybrid [20] K. J. Kim, S. Y. Kwon, E. K. Hong, and K. C. Whang, “Effect of
devices including reconfigurable hardware architectures tap spacing on the performance of direct-sequence spread-spectrum
[180-182] are topics that will definitely interest industry and RAKE receiver,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 48, pp. 1029-1036,
academia in the next few years. Last but not least, energy June 2000.
[21] K. P. Peppas, “Accurate closed-form approximations to general-
efficiency is another important issue that will be studied in ised-K sum distributions and applications in the performance
the following years since the battery life of mobile terminals, analysis of equal-gain combining receivers,” IET Commun., Vol. 5,
despite the improvements in the area [183-187], is still lim- pp. 982-989, May 2011.
ited. [22] R. Subadar, and P. R. Sahu, “Performance of L-independent and
dual correlated selection combiners in Hoyt fading channels,” IEEE
Trans. Commun., Vol. 59, pp. 923-929, Apr. 2011.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [23] W. Li, N. C. Beaulieu, and Y. Chen, “Generalized receiver selec-
tion combining schemes for Alamouti MIMO systems with
The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers MPSK,” IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 57, pp. 1599-1602, June
for their critical comments and insightful suggestions that 2009.
resulted in the improvement of this paper. He also thanks the [24] J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 4th ed. New York:
editor(s) for the helpful comments and support during the McGraw-Hill, 2001.
[25] G. E. Bottomley, T. Ottoson, and Y.-P.E. Wang, “A generalized
review process. RAKE receiver for interference suppression,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas
Commun., Vol. 18, pp. 1536-1545, Aug. 2000.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST [26] K. B. Baltzis, “An efficient finger allocation method for the maxi-
mum likelihood RAKE receiver,” Radioengineering, Vol. 17, pp.
The author declares no conflict of interest. 45-50, Dec. 2008.
[27] K. B. Baltzis, “Impact of finger placement on the correlation prop-
erties of rake combined signals,” Radioengineering, Vol. 18, pp.
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