Shiash Test

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Dataty pe classifies the data iHems

Set edc.
e tist,tuple,s+aing ,

2) Co mpiles tnta pheer

t checks the Code

>14 ehecks the Code
line by ine
all a t once.

is >exeeuion tne is
executioo me
3Mem bezshir opesats:
used t check a
exi'sts i a Sequece ox not
he Confismation
inotin opes atos : Gives
not patsent in a sequence
of element

denity perato

) is opesa1D8: Gives Taue if vasables O

e4hes Side of operatoa and talse otherwise

i) is not opexator: Evaluates

Tue if both
vanabe s aze not the Same objat.
Expt.No. P'asye No.

anae uSed intox loop 2arnge.t) tu

pazaments Stasbog poictand ndingpoi nt-I

Send io he piot hncio0 isused odd


)defoult axgumest.s
Heuppkd axquments
PasiHonal agumends

Cond'lio oalshalemeats
Eg1E E-els.e nlesHed ifif-eliS,else
unconaional slatemeods
t Bxeak,cooioue,fass

S Bganching SHaements
beaktandinue attian

BuiH-in Suneion: H phuuisles the inbi lpackageshtch

pEtam3 aiouS asKSeg Sum.
USe-detined anctionIhese axe the a nciaas hich Aa

iven bu usPx eg: Additioo2

assisuSed tn pass-lo thenext slalement

hunc lion.uithout axecuing \hat unclio0

itist : t is defied by t3
t)Aists. ae mutable

Tup le i) t is denoted by .
) Tuple is ozclerec and imutab e,


2))Defau l+ Asguments:
def add (a =3,b=s)
e tuaM atb.

13) Reywozd Azguments

def add Ca 3, b-s)

beu am ( a t )

Dntladd (b= 10, a-15)

iiostiona' fsgume;

deP add (o,b,c)

eluon a t h

edot (dd ( lo, 20,30)

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