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AE lesson plan 2 - 1 hour

- SONG “Bonjour”
- Do bonjour with animal noises
- Hand out eggs, shake them, loudly, softly, all together
- SONG “J’ai un oeuf”
- SONG “mamma li allé chercher de l’eau”
- SONG “chic chic chicken”
- SONG “Sybille est au Brésil” (with egg)
- 8 min
- Collect eggs
- learn with movements
- SONG: ‘araragnee gipsy’
- SONG: ‘dans sa maison une grande cerre’ with different words
- SONG: “la pluie ca mouille” if it’s raining
- SONG: “tapper dans les mains”

- 16 min

- Take out xylophone, play it, then do repetition/echo exercises (older ones) and
learning notes
-20 min

- SONG “make tume tume papa”

- Play make tume tume on irish whistle
- SONG “Brousse Brousse”
- And now a song about farm animals:
- SONG “Dans la ferme a maturain
- 24 min
- Put guitar aside, take out coloured scarfs, give one to each child, play with them
- SONG “mon foulard qui danse”
- Dance to music with scarves
- 30 min
- Get up, stretch, then yawn, touch toes
- SONG “Tête, épaule, genoux, pieds” x4/5
- Mute a body part each time clapping hands instead
- SONG “un petit caillou sur le chemin (in a ronde)
- 36 min
- Pack up instruments
- Take out tortoise and sing
- SONG “Toc toc tortue”
- SONG “la famille tortues”
- SONG: “ allez crocodiles”
- SONG “un elephant qui se baladait”
- SONG “les petits poisons”
- What noise do fish make?
- SONG “je fais des bulles”
- What’s the biggest fish? Take out whale
- SONG “C’est la baleine”
- Say goodbye to the toys
- 44 min
- Explain about whispering, making a tiny noise, secrets
- Play “Chinese Whispers”

- 50 min
- some pages from circle book
- 58 min
- SONG: “Au revoir”

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