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COLUMNS Column entry and description

A-C Use the drop down in each cell to select your region, district and facility
D-ART number/HIV clinic no(indicate number used to identify the client) E-
describes the breastfeeding status of the clients using the drop down in each cell. For males & non-pregnant or non-breastfeeding females
select 'NA'. For pregnant select Pregnant and breastfeeding select breast feeding
F- to be completed for breastfeeding mothers. Indacate the date when the baby will be 6months so that you can assess the appropriate time
for optimization of mothers on suboptimal regimens G- select the client's sex
from the cell drop down. Note: you must not enter F for female or M for males. Its Female/Male
H-I: Not to be completed
D-K J- Weight should be a whole number NOT 4kg/4kgs BUT 4
K- Enter the date of birth(mm/dd/yyyy) NOT dd/mm/yyyy. Date format is customized to change
indicating the day of the week

These columns assess index testing of children/siblings less than 20 yrs L- is the
number of children/siblings less than 20 yrs. Zero(0) means the child has no children/siblings M-
is the number of children/siblings in L that have a known HIV status(e.g. 5 in L then 5 in M know thier HIV status)
N- is the number that are known to be
HIV positive(e.g. 3 in M know their HIV status and 2 are HIV+ in N) O- is the number that are HIV+ and have
L-P stated ART(e.g. 2 in N and 2 in O) P- Dont enter data here! Outputs
are(Y meaning index testing is complete,N means index testing is incomplete,NA means the child has no

These columns assess index testing of sexual partners(Only for clients that are above 14years)
Q- is the number of sexual partners.
Grey areas are for children less than 15 yrs not eligible for the assessment(no data entry),
Zero(0) means the client has no sexual partners R- is the
number of Sexual partners in Q that have a known HIV status(e.g. 5 in L then 5 in M know thier HIV status)
S- is the number that are known to be HIV
positive(e.g. 3 in M know their HIV status and 2 are HIV+ in N) T- is the number that are HIV+ and have stated
Q-U ART(e.g. 2 in N and 2 in O) U- Dont enter data here! Outputs are(Y
meaning index testing is complete,N means index testing is incomplete,NA means the client has no sexual partner,NE
means child less than 15years not eligible)
These columns assess treatment details of the client V- ART start date
(mm/dd/yyyy) Is the date when client was initated to CARE
W- is the current regimen line the client is on(e.g. 1 for 1st, 2 for
V-Y 2nd, 3 for 3rd(can be found in the drop down)
X- is the current regimen the client is taking.(select from the drop down)
Y- is the current ARV regimen start date (mm/dd/yyy).Is when the current regimen was first started

These columns assess viral load and optimization details of the client Z-
is the current viral load catergory(<1000 copies/mL OR ≥1000 copies/mL). Select from the drop down.(NB: this applies to
only those with a viral load)
AA- is the date the current viral load sample was collected NOT testdate/reception date
(mm/dd/yyyy) AB- Do not
enter data here. Column output is Y : have an up-to-date VL, N: Do not have an up-to-date VL, NE: not eligible for VL
AC- is the most recent sample collection
Z-AD date(mm/dd/yyyy) for those whose VL is not up-to-date. Applies to only those with N in column AB.
AD- Do not enter data here and
this applies to all clients. Column outputs include: Y- client on DTG-based regimen, N- client not on a DTG-based regimen,
NE-client not eligible for DTG-optimisation(wt <20kgs), NA- these are unsuppressed clients on non-DTG regimen

These columns assess care for the unsuppressed clients AE- is the
number of IAC sessions the unsuppressed client has recieved
AF- is the date when the HIVDRT sample was
collected(mm/dd/yyyy). NB: this applies to those unsuppressed that have recieved >3IAC sessions with good adherence
AG- Select from the drop down the
appropriate HIVDRT result that fits your client. NB:applies to the decision made by the switch commitee following guidance of
the results AH- Do not enter data
into this column. The column output asseses switch eligibility i.e. Not eligible or eligible
AI- Only for those eligible for switch. document if they been switched(Y/N)

These columns assess TPT and MMD uptake AJ- select from the
AJ-AK cell drop down the TPT status of the client.
AK- Do not enter data here its autocalculated using last encounter and nex
appointment dates
These columns show the duration in months that the refill cover
AL-AW: select from the cell drop down and indicate Y if month is fully covered, N if client doesnt have refills to cover the
AL-AX month/ if client never picked a refill for that month AX: select from
the cell drop down the DSDM approach the client is following
These columns show the client's status at the facility BA: enter the
last encounter date at the facility of the client(mm/dd/yyyy) BB:
enter the next appointment date at the facility of the client(mm/dd/yyyy)
BC: select from the cell drop down the client's status that best desribes them at the facility
Possible status
Active: these are people currently recieving ART and have enough medication that will last until their next scheduled
visit Missed Appointment: Missed appointment for morethan 7
days Interruption in Treatment: Missed appointment for
morethan 8 days but less than 3months Defaulters: missed appointment for morethan 3
months Deceased: died
Transfer Out: has been recieving care and treatment from current facility but request transfer to
another facility

These columns show the OVC screening assessment done at the facility for clients'
BB: select from the drop down the client's OVC screening assessment
BB-BC BC: For all enrolled clients please enter their OVC enrolment numbers NB: Only clients with enrolment
numbers are called enrolled in the OVC screening assessment
These columns show the client's status at the community BD:
enter the name of the CHW attached to the client. This can be a CLF,YAP,PEER who follows up the client at the community to
ensure that any missed service by the client is recieved. BE: enter
the CHW's phone number
BD-BH BF: enter the date(mm/dd/yyyy)when the CHW last contacted the client while s/he is in the
community not facility
BG: enter the date (mm/dd/yyyy) when the CHW will again contact the client
BH: select from the cell drop down client's status in the
These columns show the services the client is eligible to recieve and if they were recieved All
coloumns: Red means client has not recieved the service, Green means the client has recieved the service, Yellow means the
BJ-BI client recieved the service and its ongoing, Black means the client is not eligible to recieve that service

Indicator Summaries This sheet summaries the data on the audit tool
This is the graphic representation of the facility data. NB: can only work for audit tools for with one facility data NOT
Summary Results Table
regional/district data
Client de

ART/HIV Client catergory(Select from State the EID no
Region District Facility Name Clinic No. the cell drop down) of the baby

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

14 PMTCT(pregnant)

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

56 PMTCT(Pregnant) 001/09/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

126 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 001/12/2020

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

138 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 44470

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

168 PMTCT(Stopped breastfeedin001/07/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

205 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 002/01/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

227 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/06/2023

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

238 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 002/03/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

281 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 002/05/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

315 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 001/05/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

325 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/05/2023

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

328 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 001/09/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

347 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 001/06/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

372 PMTCT(pregnant)

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

390 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 002/11/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

379 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/04/2023

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

346 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/05/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

327 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/09/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

181 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 003/09/2019

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

254 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/03/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

226 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/12/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

291 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/09/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

239 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 002/05/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

300 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/08/2021

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

27 PMTCT(Breastfeeding) 001/08/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

369 PMTCT(Not breastfeeding) 002/06/2022

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

408 PMTCT(Pregnant)

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

256 PMTCT(Pregnant)

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS Irundu St. Mathias Mulumba Health Cen

410 PMTCT(Pregnant) 12/13/2023

UPMB_LSDA_RegUPMB_LS irundu St. Mathias Mulumba He 411 PMTCT(Pregnant)

Omiya Anyima HC III
Bobi HC III PMTCT(Breastfeeding)
Client demographics & breastfeeding status

If pregnant record Baby DOB Delivery Current baby Mother's Mother's Age Mother's
EDD(DDMMMYY) (DDMMMYY) outcomes age(mths) Age (yrs) groups weight (Kg)

02 Sep 2023 (Sat) 24 10-24
16 Sep 2021 (Thu)
Alive 34 25-49
20 Dec 2020 (Sun)
Alive 41.0 40 25-49
29 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Alive 30.5 28 25-49
21 Apr 2022 (Thu)
Alive 24.7 19 10-24
31 Jan 2022 (Mon)
Alive 27.4 28 25-49
07 Jun 2023 (Wed)
Alive 11.0 27 25-49
30 Mar 2022 (Wed) Alive 49
25.5 37 25-49
01 May 2022 (Sun) Alive 55
24.4 29 25-49
29 May 2022 (Sun) Alive 53
23.5 4 10-24
07 May 2023 (Sun) Alive 34
12.0 36 25-49
26 Aug 2021 (Thu) Alive 64
32.7 22 10-24
11 Jun 2022 (Sat) 54
Alive 23.0 26 25-49
13 Dec 2023 (Wed) 31 25-49
15 Aug 2022 (Mon) Alive 37
20.9 39 25-49
04 Apr 2023 (Tue) 46
Alive 13.1 33 25-49
25/11/2020 55
Alive #VALUE! 3 10-24
04 Sep 2022 (Sun) 65
Alive 20.2 37 25-49
21/06/2019 56
Alive #VALUE! 27 25-49
03 Aug 2022 (Wed) Alive 61
21.3 23 10-24
22/12/2021 66
Alive #VALUE! 47 25-49
17/08/2021 56
Alive #VALUE! 35 25-49
30/05/2021 50
Alive #VALUE! 33 25-49
08 Mar 2021 (Mon) Alive 62
38.4 35 25-49
20 Aug 2022 (Sat) 53
Alive 20.7 32 25-49
25 Jun 2022 (Sat) 72
Alive 22.6 32 25-49
01 Aug 2023 (Tue) 26 25-49
33 25-49
29 25-49
124 50+
Facility and Community Ap

Last Encounter Date at

Current Preferred Client Status at Facility as per the DSDe.g
Mother's Date of birth DSDM DSD the end of the FBIM/CDDP/CLAAD etc Next Appointment date
(DDMMMYY) approach approach previous quarter DDMMMYY DDMMMYY

03 May 2000 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 09 Aug 2023 (Wed) 07 Sep 2023 (Thu)

05 Sep 1990 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 25 Jul 2023 (Tue) 24 Aug 2023 (Thu)

12 Jul 1984 (Thu) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 08 Mar 2023 (Wed) 23 Jun 2023 (Fri)

01 Jan 1996 (Mon) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 12 Apr 2023 (Wed) 10 May 2023 (Wed)

08 Jun 2005 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 21 Jun 2023 (Wed) 13 Sep 2023 (Wed)

12 Sep 1996 (Thu) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 01 Feb 2023 (Wed) 21 Jun 2023 (Wed)

23 Sep 1997 (Tue) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 20 Jul 2023 (Thu) 24 Aug 2023 (Thu)

01 Mar 1987 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 10 Aug 2023 (Thu) 01 Nov 2023 (Wed)

15 Sep 1995 (Fri) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 03 Aug 2023 (Thu) 25 Oct 2023 (Wed)

05 Jun 2020 (Fri) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 03 Aug 2023 (Thu) 25 Oct 2023 (Wed)

04 Nov 1987 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 10 Aug 2023 (Thu) 02 Jan 2024 (Tue)

1/23/2002 FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 10 May 2023 (Wed) 26 Sep 2023 (Tue)

23 Aug 1998 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 21 Jun 2023 (Wed) 13 Sep 2023 (Wed)

30 Jun 1993 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 08 May 2023 (Mon) 05 Jul 2023 (Wed)

03 May 1985 (Fri) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 14 Jul 2023 (Fri) 04 Oct 2023 (Wed)

01 Jan 1991 (Tue) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 05 Jul 2023 (Wed) 27 Sep 2023 (Wed)

19 May 2021 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 02 Aug 2023 (Wed) 31 Aug 2023 (Thu)

01 Jan 1987 (Thu) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 17/05/2023 08 Sep 2023 (Fri)

01 Oct 1997 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 31/08/2022 04 Sep 2022 (Sun)

01 Jan 2001 (Mon) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 17/08/2022 04 Sep 2022 (Sun)

09 Sep 1977 (Fri) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 26/04/2023 13/09/2023

01 Jan 1989 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 27/01/2023 07 Dec 2023 (Thu)

01 Jan 1991 (Tue) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 02 Aug 2023 (Wed) 25 Oct 2023 (Wed)

01 Jan 1989 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 06 Aug 2023 (Sun) 30/08/2023

01 Jan 1992 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 19 Jul 2023 (Wed) 11 Oct 2023 (Wed)

12 Feb 1992 (Wed) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 13 Jul 2023 (Thu) 05 Oct 2023 (Thu)

25 Jan 1998 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 29 Jun 2023 (Thu) 26 Jul 2023 (Wed)

01 Jan 1991 (Tue) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 11 Jul 2023 (Tue) 10 Aug 2023 (Thu)

01 Jan 1995 (Sun) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 16 Jul 2023 (Sun) 10 Aug 2023 (Thu)

29 Jun 1900 (Fri) FBIM FTDR TX-CURR 20 Jul 2023 (Thu) 16 Aug 2023 (Wed)
01 Jan 1994 (Sat) FBG TX-CURR 09 Feb 2023 (Thu) 08 May 2023 (Mon)
Facility and Community Appointment schedules and Status

Last Community
Facility Status in the Follow up CHW attached to PLHIV contact Date with
review period outcomes (CLF/YAP/PEER): CLF/ YAP phone No: CHW DDMMMYY

Lost Follow-up ongoMakombe Julius 0783431225 09 Aug 2023 (Wed)

Lost Robert 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoMakombe Julius 0783431225 08 Mar 2023 (Wed)

Lost Follow-up ongoRobert 12 Apr 2023 (Wed)

Lost Robert 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoRobert 01 Feb 2023 (Wed)

Lost Makombe Julius 0783431225 20 Jul 2023 (Thu)

Lost Follow-up ongoMakombe Julius 0783431225 11 Aug 2023 (Fri)

Lost Makombe Julius 0783431225 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Makombe Julius 0783431225 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoMakombe Julius 0783431225 10 Aug 2023 (Thu)

Lost Makombe Julius 0783431225 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Robert 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoRobert 05 Jul 2023 (Wed)

Lost Robert 14 Jul 2023 (Fri)

Lost Robert 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Robert 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Robert 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoMAKOOMA 0783431225 27/01/2023

Lost Follow-up ongoMAKOOMA 0783431225 26/04/2023

#VALUE! MAKOOMA 0783431225 06 Aug 2023 (Sun)

Lost Robert 27/01/2023

Lost Robert 30 Jul 2023 (Sun)

#VALUE! Robert 06 Aug 2023 (Sun)

Lost MAKOOMA 0783431225 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost MAKOOMA 0783431225 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoMAKOOMA 26 Jun 2023 (Mon)

Lost Follow-up ongoMAKOOMA 11 Jul 2023 (Tue)

Lost Transfer Out robert 16 Jul 2023 (Sun)

Lost makoma 20 Jul 2023 (Thu)

Anying Josephine
Index testing of siblings/children<19
Next Community contact
RED:-Overdue No. of biological No. of biological No. of biological
Yellow:-Within 7 days MBP address Status children/siblings children with known children/siblings <19
Blue:-Within 14days at contact <19 yrs HIV status yrs who are HIV+

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 7 7 0

At the same address 6 6 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 1 1 0

At the same address 3 3 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 3 3 1

At the same address 4 4 1

At the same address 3 3 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 4 4 0

At the same address 5 5 0

At the same address 4 4 0

Err:508 At the same address 5 5 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address

At the same address 1 1 0

#VALUE! At the same address 1 1 0

At the same address 1 1

At the same address 3 3 2

#VALUE! At the same address 0

At the same address 2 2 0

At the same address 6 6 1

At the same address 1 1 0

At the same address 4 4 0

At the same address 2 0 0

At the same address 3 0 0

At the same address 2 2 0
children<19 Index testing of sexual partners

No. of biological No. of sexual No. of sexual

children/siblings <19 No. of sexual partners with a partners who No. of sexual ART START DATE
yrs on ART partners known HIV status are HIV+ partners on ART (DDMMMYY) -Initiation

0 1 1 0 0 18 Jun 2013 (Tue)

0 1 1 0 0 03 Jun 2014 (Tue)

0 2 0 0 0 17 May 2016 (Tue)

0 2 2 2 2 23 Aug 2016 (Tue)

0 1 1 1 1 05 Jun 2017 (Mon)

0 1 1 1 1 24 Apr 2018 (Tue)

0 1 1 0 0 26 Jun 2018 (Tue)

0 2 2 2 2 12 Feb 2018 (Mon)

1 1 1 0 0 13 Jul 2019 (Sat)

1 1 1 1 1 15 Jan 2020 (Wed)

0 1 1 0 0 22 Mar 2016 (Tue)

0 1 1 0 0 15 Sep 2020 (Tue)

0 1 1 0 0 19 May 2021 (Wed)

0 2 2 1 1 30 May 2022 (Mon)

0 1 1 1 1 23 Nov 2022 (Wed)

0 2 2 0 0 22 Jul 2022 (Fri)

0 1 1 0 0 19/05/2021

0 1 1 0 0 22/03/2016

07 Dec 2019 (Sat)

0 1 1 0 0 31/08/2021

0 1 0 0 0 25/06/2018

0 16/10/2019

2 1 1 08 Sep 2018 (Sat)

1 1 1 1 15/01/2020

0 1 1 1 1 29 Jul 2013 (Mon)

1 1 1 0 0 11 May 2022 (Wed)

0 1 0 0 0 26 Jun 2023 (Mon)

0 1 1 1 1 23 Nov 2018 (Fri)

0 1 0 0 0 17 Jul 2023 (Mon)

0 1 0 0 0 20 Jul 2023 (Thu)

0 1 1 1 1 21 Aug 2014 (Thu)
Current Regimen details
Current ART
Line (Pick No of days of ART
from the cell CURRENT ARV CURRENT ARV start date refill at the last Prefferred no. of
drop down) REGIMEN DDMMMYY encounter ART refill VL Sample type

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 20 Apr 2022 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 Nov 2020 (Wed) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 21 Jul 2021 (Wed) 120 90.00 DBS

2 AZT-3TC-DTG 14 Apr 2021 (Wed) 60 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 26 Aug 2020 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 07 Oct 2020 (Wed) 150 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 04 Nov 2020 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 06 Jan 2021 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 18 Aug 2021 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 Nov 2020 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 08 Feb 2021 (Mon) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 09 Nov 2020 (Mon) 180 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 19 May 2021 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 30 May 2022 (Mon) 60 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 23 Nov 2022 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 22 Jul 2022 (Fri) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 07 Feb 2021 (Sun) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 02 Aug 2021 (Mon) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 Dec 2021 (Sat) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 31/08/2021 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 Nov 2020 (Wed) 150 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 15/04/2022 180 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 Nov 2021 (Thu) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 02 Aug 2022 (Tue) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 04 Oct 2022 (Tue) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 11 May 2022 (Wed) 90 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 26 Jun 2023 (Mon) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 27 Jan 2021 (Wed) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 17 Jul 2023 (Mon) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 20 Jul 2023 (Thu) 30 90.00 DBS

1 TDF-3TC-DTG 24 Mar 2018 (Sat) Plasma
312 Plasma
Viral load

VL If VL update is N state the Next VL sample Adherence

Quantitative Current VL Current VL result date UPDATED new sample collection date collection due score at the
result (Copies/ml) (DDMMMMYY) Y/N/NE DD/MMM/YY month last encounter

≥200 copies/mL 16 May 2023 (Tue) N 09 Aug 2023 (Wed) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 20 May 2023 (Sat) N 02 Aug 2023 (Wed) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 16 May 2023 (Tue) N 16 May 2023 (Tue) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 17 Mar 2022 (Thu) N 17 Mar 2022 (Thu) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 16 May 2023 (Tue) N 07 Jun 2023 (Wed) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 08 Sep 2022 (Thu) N 08 Sep 2022 (Thu) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 07 Jun 2023 (Wed) N 20 Jul 2023 (Thu) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 20 May 2023 (Sat) N 28 Jun 2023 (Wed) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 20 May 2023 (Sat) N 16 Jul 2023 (Sun) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 31 Jul 2023 (Mon) N May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 16 Jun 2023 (Fri) N 16 Jun 2023 (Fri) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

20 27 May 2023 (Sat) N 27 May 2023 (Sat) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 20 May 2023 (Sat) N 10 Jul 2023 (Mon) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

N May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

399 27 May 2023 (Sat) N 08 Jul 2023 (Sat) May 2024 85-94%(Fair)

10 26 May 2023 (Fri) N 26 May 2023 (Fri) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

0 07 Jun 2023 (Wed) #VALUE! 07 Jun 2023 (Wed) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

20 26 May 2023 (Fri) #VALUE! 26 May 2023 (Fri) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

399 31 Aug 2022 (Wed) N 31 Aug 2022 (Wed) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

10 07 Nov 2022 (Mon) #VALUE! 07 Nov 2022 (Mon) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

10 24 May 2023 (Wed) #VALUE! 24 May 2023 (Wed) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

20 07 Jul 2022 (Thu) #VALUE! 12 Jul 2023 (Wed) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

399 08 Jul 2023 (Sat) N May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

10 20 May 2023 (Sat) #VALUE! 08 Jul 2023 (Sat) #VALUE! ≥95%(Good)

449 26 Jun 2023 (Mon) N 16 Jul 2023 (Sun) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

810 18 Jun 2023 (Sun) N 18 Jun 2023 (Sun) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

N May 2024 85-94%(Fair)

≥200 copies/mL 14 Jun 2023 (Wed) N 08 Jul 2023 (Sat) May 2024 ≥95%(Good)

N May 2024

N May 2024
50 09 Feb 2023 (Thu)
For Clients' currently Unsuppressed ONLY
No. of IAC sessions decision (pick from Switched to TPT STATUS
held for the HIVDRT sampling date the cell drop down Switched 2nd/3rd line (Pick from
Unsuppressed DDMMMYY list) eligibility (Y/N) the cell drop down list)
On 2nd IAC with G-
adherence Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

On 2nd IAC with G-
adherence Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

On IAC with P-
adherence Completed
On 3rd IAC with G-
adherence Completed

Never initaited on IAC Completed

Never initaited on IAC Not Eligible

On IAC with P-
adherence Completed

Never initaited on IAC Not Eligible

Never initaited on IAC Not Eligible

Y Completed
TPT ,TB ,Cancer,MMD status & Psychosocial support EID S
TB Screening
Cancer assessment
(Pick from the cell (Pick from Psychosocial
drop down list) the cell drop down list) Caregiver/Peer DOTs ART Literacy Support(PSS)

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 5 : On ART comm.supGroup psychothe

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursGroup psychothe

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursGroup psychothe

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursIndividual counsel

No Signs NE (Preg/<3mths postnatal) Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursPeer Support gro

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadPeer counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 5 : On ART comm.supGroup psychothe

No Signs NE (Preg/<3mths postnatal) Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadPeer counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursPeer Support gro

No Signs NE (Preg/<3mths postnatal) Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadIndividual counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursPeer Support gro

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadPeer counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 6: Completed 5 coursPeer counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadPeer counselling

No Signs No Evidence of Malignancy Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadIndividual counsel

No Signs Never assessed Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadIndividual counsel

No Signs No Evidence of Malignancy Caregiver DOTs Level 3: On Treatment failuPeer counselling

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 3: On Treatment failuIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 3: On Treatment failuIndividual counsel

No Signs Negative Caregiver DOTs Level 3: On Treatment failuIndividual counsel

No Signs Never assessed Caregiver DOTs Level 0:Never had ART literIAC

No Signs Never assessed Caregiver DOTs Level 1: On disclosure Individual counsel

No Signs Never screened Caregiver DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascadGroup psychotherapy

No Signs No Evidence of Malignancy Caregiver DOTs Level 1: On disclosure Individual counselling

No Signs Never screened Caregiver DOTs Level 1: On disclosure Individual counselling

No Signs NE(F<25/>49 yrs/Preg/<3mthsCaregiver DOTs Level 1: On disclosure Individual counselling

No Signs No Evidence of Malignancy Individual counse
Peer DOTs Level 4: On COT/EID cascade
EID Section: NVP & CTX
RED: Overdue; RED: Overdue;
YELLOW: Due in next 7days; YELLOW: Due in next 7days;
BLUE due in Age of start of BLUE due in next 14
NVP at birth (Y/N) next 14 days CTX(wks) days

Completed NVP

Completed NVP 28 Oct 2021 (Thu) 6 28 Oct 2021 (Thu)

Completed NVP 31 Jan 2021 (Sun) 6 31 Jan 2021 (Sun)

Completed NVP 10 Dec 2021 (Fri) 6 10 Dec 2021 (Fri)

Completed NVP 02 Jun 2022 (Thu) 6 02 Jun 2022 (Thu)

Completed NVP 14 Mar 2022 (Mon) 6 14 Mar 2022 (Mon)

On NVP 19 Jul 2023 (Wed) 6 19 Jul 2023 (Wed)

Completed NVP 11 May 2022 (Wed) 6 11 May 2022 (Wed)

Completed NVP 12 Jun 2022 (Sun) 6 12 Jun 2022 (Sun)

Completed NVP 10 Jul 2022 (Sun) 6 10 Jul 2022 (Sun)

Completed NVP 18 Jun 2023 (Sun) 6 18 Jun 2023 (Sun)

Completed NVP 07 Oct 2021 (Thu) 6 07 Oct 2021 (Thu)

Completed NVP 23 Jul 2022 (Sat) 6 23 Jul 2022 (Sat)

ividual counselling

Completed NVP 26 Sep 2022 (Mon) 6 26 Sep 2022 (Mon)

Completed NVP 16 May 2023 (Tue) 6 16 May 2023 (Tue)

Completed NVP #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

Completed NVP 16 Oct 2022 (Sun) 6 16 Oct 2022 (Sun)

Completed NVP #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

Completed NVP 14 Sep 2022 (Wed) 6 14 Sep 2022 (Wed)

Completed NVP #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

Completed NVP #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

Completed NVP #VALUE! 6 #VALUE!

Completed NVP 19 Apr 2021 (Mon) 6 19 Apr 2021 (Mon)

Completed NVP 01 Oct 2022 (Sat) 6 01 Oct 2022 (Sat)

Completed NVP 06 Aug 2022 (Sat) 6 06 Aug 2022 (Sat)

oup psychotherapy

ividual counselling

ividual counselling 10 Feb 1900 (Sat) 10 Feb 1900 (Sat)

ividual counselling
On NVP 6
Enhance ART prophylaxis (If
Sample Collection date Age at PCR Date result was given to baby is bled beyond 6
(dd/mm/yyyy) (weeks) 1st PCR Result care giver (dd/mm/yy) weeks)

04 Nov 2021 (Thu) 7 Negative 30/11/2021

19 Jan 2021 (Tue) 4 Negative 7/3/2021 no ARV given

13 Jan 2022 (Thu) 11 Negative 9/2/2022

29 Jul 2022 (Fri) 14 Negative 24/08/2022 no ARV given

08 Sep 2022 (Thu) 31

20 Jul 2023 (Thu) 6

01 Jun 2022 (Wed) 9 Negative 8/24/2022 no ARV given

03 Aug 2022 (Wed) 13 Negative 9/2/2022 no ARV given

15 Jul 2022 (Fri) 7 Negative 9/7/2022 no ARV given

16 Jun 2023 (Fri) 6 Negative 7/13/2023 no ARV given

11 Nov 2021 (Thu) 11 Negative 1/12/2021

27 Jul 2022 (Wed) 7 Negative 8/24/2022 no ARV given

23 Nov 2022 (Wed) 14 Negative 20/12/2022 no ARV given

10 May 2023 (Wed) 5

19/05/2021 #VALUE! Negative 2/9/2021 no ARV given

06 Feb 2022 (Sun) -30 Negative 4/12/2022 no ARV given

09 Oct 2019 (Wed) #VALUE! Negative 11/11/2019 no ARV given

26/05/2022 #VALUE! Negative 22/07/2022 no ARV given

03 Aug 2019 (Sat) #VALUE! Negative 27/05/2019

16/09/2021 #VALUE! Negative 27/10/2021

14/07/2021 #VALUE! Negative 5/5/2022

16/09/2021 #VALUE! Negative 11/11/2021 no ARV given

04 Oct 2022 (Tue) 6 Negative 11/2/2022 no ARV given

06 Aug 2022 (Sat) 6 Negative 6/18/2023 no ARV given

10 May 2021 (Mon) Negative 19 Aug 2021 (Thu)
3 PCR at 9 months
Overdue; R
YELLOW: Due in next 7days; D
BLUE due in next 14 Sample Collection date Age at PCR Date result given to
days (dd/mm/yyyy) (Months) 9mths PCR Result care giver (dd/mm/yy)
26 May 2022 (Thu) R 20 Jul 2022 (Wed) 10 Negative 17 Aug 2022 (Wed)

29 Aug 2021 (Sun) 20/07/2021 #VALUE! Negative 24 Aug 2022 (Wed)

08 Jul 2022 (Fri) 10 Oct 2022 (Mon) 12 Negative 12 Apr 2023 (Wed)

29 Dec 2022 (Thu) 23 Jan 2023 (Mon) 9 Negative 24/02/2023

10 Oct 2022 (Mon)

14 Feb 2024 (Wed)

07 Dec 2022 (Wed) 28 Jun 2023 (Wed) 15 Negative 31 Jul 2023 (Mon)

08 Jan 2023 (Sun) 27 Mar 2023 (Mon) 11 Negative 05 May 2023 (Fri)

05 Feb 2023 (Sun) 29 Mar 2023 (Wed) 10 Negative 29 May 2023 (Mon)

14 Jan 2024 (Sun)

05 May 2022 (Thu) 23 Jul 2022 (Sat) 11 Negative 24 Aug 2022 (Wed)

18 Feb 2023 (Sat) 29 Mar 2023 (Wed) 10

24 Apr 2023 (Mon) 02 Jun 2023 (Fri) 10 Negative 14 Jul 2023 (Fri)

12 Dec 2023 (Tue)

#VALUE! 09 Feb 2021 (Tue) #VALUE! Negative 27/10/2021

14 May 2023 (Sun)

#VALUE! 25/03/2020 #VALUE! Negative 05 Oct 2020 (Mon)

12 Apr 2023 (Wed)

#VALUE! 06 Jan 2020 (Mon) #VALUE! Negative 23/07/2020

#VALUE! 15/04/2022 #VALUE! Negative 06 Aug 2022 (Sat)

#VALUE! 05 May 2022 (Thu) #VALUE! Negative 20/05/2022

15 Nov 2021 (Mon) 16/07/2022 #VALUE! Negative 28/07/2022

29 Apr 2023 (Sat) 20 Jul 2023 (Thu) 11

04 Mar 2023 (Sat) 18 Jun 2023 (Sun) 12 Negative 13 Jul 2023 (Thu)

08 Sep 1900 (Sat)

10 Dec 2021 (Fri) 1485 Negative 10 Mar 2022 (Thu)
PCR after stopping breastfeeding
RED: Overdue;
YELLOW: Due in next 7days;
Date(dd/mm/yy) when BLUE due in next 14 days Sample Collection date
breastfeeding stopped (dd/mm/yyyy) Age at PCR (Months)


24 Aug 2022 (Wed) 05 Oct 2022 (Wed) -1473






27 Mar 2023 (Mon) 08 May 2023 (Mon) 27 Mar 2023 (Mon) 11












19 Mar 2023 (Sun) #VALUE!

16 Jul 2022 (Sat) #VALUE!

28 Feb 2023 (Tue) 11 Apr 2023 (Tue) 05 Jun 2023 (Mon) 27



10 Mar 2022 (Thu) 21 Apr 2022 (Thu)
eeding FC Rapid test,Linkage & Final outcom
icRED: Overdue;
iYELLOW: Due in next 7days;
PCR Result after Date result given to care n l BLUE due in next 14 Sampling collection Age at rapid
Breastfeeding giver (dd/mm/yyyy) ti days date(dd/mm/yy) test (months)
tl 02 Feb 2023 (Thu) 06 Feb 2023 (Mon) 17
cv 08 May 2022 (Sun) 06 May 2023 (Sat) 29
m 17 Mar 2023 (Fri) 06 Feb 2023 (Mon) 16
07 Sep 2023 (Thu) -1489
i 19 Jun 2023 (Mon) -1486
tn 23 Oct 2024 (Wed) -1503
t 16 Aug 2023 (Wed) -1488

u 17 Sep 2023 (Sun) -1489
a 15 Oct 2023 (Sun) -1490
u 22 Sep 2024 (Sun) 22 Oct 2022 (Sat) -7
p 12 Jan 2023 (Thu) 30/05/2023 #VALUE!
28 Oct 2023 (Sat) -1491
tM 01 Jan 2024 (Mon) -1493
e 20 Aug 2024 (Tue) -1501
tp #VALUE! 06 Oct 2023 (Fri) #VALUE!
sr 21 Jan 2024 (Sun) -1494
a #VALUE! 06 Feb 2023 (Mon) #VALUE!
h 20 Dec 2023 (Wed) -1493
o #VALUE! 18/9/2022 #VALUE!

Negative 22 Mar 2023 (Wed)

m #VALUE! 01 Jun 2023 (Thu) #VALUE!
Negative 22 Nov 2022 (Tue) p
u #VALUE! 22/01/2022 #VALUE!
Negative 06 Jun 2023 (Tue) i 25 Jul 2022 (Mon) 06 May 2023 (Sat) 26
yt 06 Jan 2024 (Sat) -1493
11 Nov 2023 (Sat) -1491
& 18 May 1901 (Sat) 0




nkage & Final outcome MBP enrolment in GANC
and family connect
(Negative/Posi Linkage : ART No. of MBP <25 yrs enrolled
tive) positive infant Final outcome in Group ANC On family connect

Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE N

Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE N

Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE N

NE n





Negative Discharged Neg(-) N N

Negative Discharged Neg(-) N N




Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE N

Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE N


Negative Discharged Neg(-)

Negative Discharged Neg(-)

Negative Discharged Neg(-) NE

Negative Discharged Neg(-)

Attachment to CHW

HIVDRT sample
Index testing of

Index testing of
sexual partners

DTG Transition
MBP OVC Screening and

IAC initiation

TPT Initiation

TB screening
VL sampling

VL Bleeding



OVC Screening OVC enrolment Number

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled ### Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled ### Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y ### ### ### Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled N Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Eligible but not enrolled Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Ne ###

Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### Y Ne Ne Ne Y ###

Y Y ### FALSE ### N ### N Ne Ne Ne Ne ###

N Y ### FALSE ### N ### N Ne Ne Ne Ne ###

Not eligible for enrolment
Caregiver/Peer DOTs

Overall suppression
Cancer treatment

services required
Cancer screening

Final outcome at
Giving 6wks PCR

Giving caregiver
EID enrollement

results stopping

Linkage of HIV+
PCR at 6-8 wks


babies to ART
TB Treatment

OVC enrolment
ovc screening
PCR AT 9mths

Giving 9mths
PCR results

PCR after
Start CTX

ART Literacy

Start NVP


Number of

Eligible for


Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Y Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Y Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Y Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y ### Y ### ### ### ### ### ### Ne Ne ### ### Ne ### Ne Ne ###

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne ###

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y ### Y ### ### ### ### ### ### Ne Ne ### ### Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne ###

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y ### Y ### ### ### ### ### ### Ne Ne ### ### Ne ### Ne ### ### ###

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y ### Y ### ### ### ### ### ### Ne Ne ### ### Ne ### Ne Ne ###

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y ### Y ### ### ### ### ### ### Ne Ne ### ### Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne ### Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne ### ### ###

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne ### Ne Ne Ne

Ne N Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Y Ne Ne Ne

Ne Y Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne N Ne Ne Ne

Ne N Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne N Ne Ne Ne

Ne Ne Ne Ne Y Y Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne N Ne Ne Ne
Data completeness
GANC enrolment

Family connect



Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y


Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y


Ne Y


Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y


Ne Y

Ne Y


Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y

Ne Y
Total # MBP enrolled in Mother Baby care point
(ensure the ID column is filled for all clients) 30
Total number Lost 28
Lost 28
Total number TX-ML -
# Baby Dead/Miscarriage -
# Discharged from MBCP -
#Stopped/refused -
# Transferred Out -
# Follow up ongoing -
# Pre-IIT -
# Missed Appointment -
# Active -
Client catergories
# of mothers in care (<25 years) -
# of mothers in care (25-49 years) -
# of mothers in care (50+ years) 0
# mothers without DOB 0
Indicator Summaries
# newly initiated on ART Err:502
% of mothers on DTG based regimen #DIV/0!
# on reffered optimal ART regimen(DTG-based regimen) -
% of mothers with upto date viral load Err:502
# in care ≥ 3 months Err:502
# in care ≥3 months with an up-to-date VL -
% of eligible mothers bled for VL #DIV/0!
# Eligible -
# bled for VL -
% Suppressed Err:502
# eligible Err:502
# suppressed irrespective of regimen line -
% of unsuppressed mothers iniatiated on IAC #DIV/0!
#non suppressed -
# unsuppressed and have been initiated on IAC -
% unsuppressed mothers on caregiver/peer DOTs model #DIV/0!
# of unsuppressed mothers on caregiver/peer DOTs -
% of unsuppressed mothers initiated on IAC with adherence assessment #DIV/0!
# of unsuppressed mothers on IAC with adherence assessment -
% unsuppressed mothers eligible for DR testing( unsuppressed and have completed 3 IAC
sessions) that receive it #DIV/0!
# eligible for DR testing( unsuppressed and have completed 3 IAC sessions) -
# that have had HIVDR test sample collected -
% of mothers eligible for switch that have been swicthed to higher regimen #DIV/0!
# non-suppressed eligible for switch to a higher regimen line(2nd/3rd line) -
# Switched -
% of mothers who have been initated on ART literacy #DIV/0!
# of mothers on ART Literacy -
% of mothers that received PSS #DIV/0!
# received Psychosocial support -
% of mothers whose children/ siblings have been tested(ICT for children /siblings) #DIV/0!
# with no sibling(Only child) -
# that received index testing for their children -
# that never received index testing for their children -
% of mothers whose sexual partners' have been tested(ICT for sexual partners) #DIV/0!
# with no sexual partner -
# eligible for index testing for their sexual partner -
# that received index testing for their sexual partners -
# that never received index testing for their sexual partners -
% mothers that have been iniatiated on TPT #DIV/0!
# not eligible -
# eligible for TPT -
# that completed TPT -
# on TPT -
# that stopped due side effects of TPT medicines -
# on anti-TB drugs -
# that defaulted -
# that was never initated -
% of mothers screeened for TB #DIV/0!
% of mothers with TB iniated on TB treatment #DIV/0!
# eligible -
# screened -
# not screened -
# TB positive -
# Completed TB treatment -
# On TB treatment -
% of women who have had Cancer Screening #DIV/0!
% of women who have had Cancer treatment #DIV/0!
# eligible for screening -
# never screened -
# screened -
# CACX -
# on treatment -
% eligible for MMD that receive it #DIV/0!
# eligible -
# that received MMD -
% of MBP attachment to CHWs #DIV/0!
# eligible -
# attached to CHW -
% of MBP on OVC program #DIV/0!
# eligible -
# MBP on OVC program -
# MBPs that received all services eligible for -

% of eligible HEI iniatiated on NVP #DIV/0!

# Eligible for NVP 0
# Received NVP 0
% of eligible HEI initiated on CPT by 8 weeks #VALUE!
# Eligible for CPT #VALUE!
# Received CPT #VALUE!
% of eligible HEI who received a PCR sample collection by 8 weeks #VALUE!
# Eligible for 1st PCR #VALUE!
# whose 1st PCR sample was collected #VALUE!
% of eligible HEI whose caregivers received 1st PCR results #VALUE!
# Eligible to get 1st PCR results #VALUE!
# whose caregiver received 1st PCR results #VALUE!
% of eligible HEI who received a 9months PCR sample collection #VALUE!
# Eligible for 9MTHS PCR #VALUE!
# whose 9months PCR was sample collected #VALUE!
% of eligible HEI whose caregivers received 9 months PCR results #VALUE!
# Eligible to get 9mths PCR results #VALUE!
# whose caregiver received 9mths PCR results #VALUE!
% HEI that received a PCR after stopping breastfeeding #VALUE!
# Eligible for after breastfeeding PCR #VALUE!
# whose PCR after breastfeeding sample was collected #VALUE!
% whose caregivers received BF PCR results #VALUE!
# Eligible to get after breastfeeding PCR results #VALUE!
# whose caregiver received after breastfeeding PCR results #VALUE!
% that received a Rapid test at 18 months #VALUE!
# Eligible for rapid test #VALUE!
# whose Rapid test sample was collected #VALUE!
% that has documented outcome at 18 months #VALUE!
# that have a documented outcome #VALUE!
Evidence(Baseline and follow up)
Challenge Change ideas e.g 10% (Jan) to 40 % (May) Who
Where How
REGION: <--- Select Region
DISTRICT: <--- Select District
FACILTY NAME: <--- Select Facility Name

Period: 2021/2023 Months/Weeks---> Percentage of MBPs who receive all services at From 2022WK 1 To
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb

2021WK 1

2021WK 2

2021WK 3

2021WK 4

2021WK 5

2021WK 6

2021WK 7

2021WK 8
# of MBPs seen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# of MBPs who Missed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# MBPs Scheduled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
# of MBPs who received all services ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
% of MBPs who received all services 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Select period of interest for the chat from the

drop-down list Percentage of MBPs w
FROM: 2022WK 1
# MBPs Scheduled # of MBPs seen # of
TO: 2022WK 12
# of clients

0 0 0 0
0 0% 0% 0% 0%
2022WK 1 2022WK 2 2022WK 3 2022WK 4 202
services at From 2022WK 1 To 2022WK 12
Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May Jun
2021WK 10

2021WK 11

2021WK 12

2021WK 13

2021WK 14

2021WK 15

2021WK 16

2021WK 17

2021WK 18

2021WK 19

2021WK 20

2021WK 21

2021WK 22

2021WK 23
2021WK 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Percentage of MBPs who receive all services at From 2022WK 1 To 2022WK 12

heduled # of MBPs seen # of MBPs who Missed # of MBPs who received all services % of MBPs who received all services

% received full package

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 2022WK 3 2022WK 4 2022WK 5 2022WK 6 2022WK 7 2022WK 8 2022WK 9 2022WK 10 2022WK 11 2022WK 12
Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep
2021WK 24

2021WK 25

2021WK 26

2021WK 27

2021WK 28

2021WK 29

2021WK 30

2021WK 31

2021WK 32

2021WK 33

2021WK 34

2021WK 35

2021WK 36

2021WK 37

2021WK 38
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

% received full package

0% 0%
2022WK 12
Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan
2021WK 39

2021WK 40

2021WK 41

2021WK 42

2021WK 43

2021WK 44

2021WK 45

2021WK 46

2021WK 47

2021WK 48

2021WK 49

2021WK 50

2021WK 51

2021WK 52

2021WK 53
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul

2022WK 10

2022WK 11

2022WK 12

2022WK 13

2022WK 14

2022WK 15

2022WK 16

2022WK 17

2022WK 18

2022WK 19

2022WK 20

2022WK 21

2022WK 22

2022WK 23

2022WK 24

2022WK 25

2022WK 26

2022WK 27

2022WK 28
2022WK 1

2022WK 2

2022WK 3

2022WK 4

2022WK 5

2022WK 6

2022WK 7

2022WK 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2022WK 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan

2022WK 39

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2022WK 29

2022WK 30

2022WK 31

2022WK 32

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2022WK 34

2022WK 35

2022WK 36

2022WK 37

2022WK 38

2023WK 1

2023WK 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug

2023WK 10

2023WK 11

2023WK 12

2023WK 13

2023WK 14

2023WK 15

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2023WK 17

2023WK 18

2023WK 19

2023WK 20

2023WK 21

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan
2023WK 32

2023WK 33

2023WK 34

2023WK 35

2023WK 36

2023WK 37

2023WK 38

2023WK 39

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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

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