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In Pursuit of Excellence

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education,

Capstone Project Report On
“Student ERP System”
Submitted in partial fulfillment for “I” Scheme Sixth semester of

Diploma in COMPUTER

Varun Tipkari (2115010092)

Rohan Ghuge (2115010093)
Kishori Birari (2115010106)
Shubham Khadekar (2115010130)

Under the guidance of



Computer Engineering Department




SHUBHAM KHADEKAR have successfully completed their Project work entitled
“STUDENT ERP SYSTEM” in partial fulfillment for ‘I’ Scheme Sixth semester of
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education. The matter embodied in this report is a record of this teamwork carried out during
academic year 2023-2024.

Prof. JADHAV A.K. Prof. RATHI S. R.

Computer Department Computer Department


List of Abbrevations i
List of figure ii
Abstract iv


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 HTML Language 2
1.2 CSS Language 3
1.3 JavaScript Language 4
1.4 React Js 5
1.5 Node JS Framework 6
1.6 Express JS Framework 7
1.7 MongoDB Database 8

2.1 Introduction to Literature Review 9
2.2 Literature Review 10


3.1 Scope of an project 11
3.2 Advantages 12

4.1 Methodology 13
4.2 Skills developed in programming 19
5.1 Results 21
5.2 Application 44


6.1 Future Scope 45
6.2 Future Scope 46

List of Abbreviation

Abbreviation Description
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
JS Java script Language
DB Database
OS Operating System
AI Artificial Intelligence
MERN MongoDB Express React Node JS
List of Figures

Figure Illustration Page no

1.1.1 HTML Language 2
1.1.2 CSS Language 3
1.1.3 JS Language 4
1.1.4 React JS 5
1.1.5 Node JS 6
1.1.6 Express JS 7
1.1.7 MongoDB Database 8
4.1.1 Agile methodology 14
4.1.2 Cross Function Team 16
4.1.3 Iteration plan 17
5.1.1 Login_page 27
5.2.1 Home_page 27
5.2.2 Set_fee 28
5.2.3 Announcement 28
5.2.4 Fee_payment 29
5.2.5 Fee_Receipt 29
5.2.6 Menu 30
5.2.7 Admin_Profile 30
5.2.8 Update_admin_profile 31
5.2.9 Add_student 31
5.2.10 Student_profile 32
5.2.11 Add_new_student 32
5.2.12 Admission_Successful 33
5.2.13 Search_student 33
5.2.14 Add_teacher 34
5.2.15 Teacher_profile 34
5.2.16 Edit_teacher_profile 35
5.2.17 Add_new_teacher 35
5.2.18 Overall_classes 36
5.2.19 Student_list 36
5.2,20 Update_student_profile 37
5.2.21 Paid_student 37
5.2.22 Zero_paid 38
5.2.23 Partially_paid 38
5.2.24 Fee_History 39
5.2.25 Admission_cancel 39
5.3.1 Teacher_profile 40
5.3.2 Student_marks 40
5.3.3 View_marks 41
5.3.4 Timetable 41
5.3.5 Upload_study_material 42
5.3.6 Fill_attendance 42
5.3.7 View_attendance 43
5.3.8 Date_wise_attendance 43
5.3.9 Student_attendance 44
5.4.1 Student_profile 44
5.4.2 Download_study_material 45
5.4.3 Timetable 45
5.4.4 Assessment 46
5.4.5 Fee_deails 46
5.4.6 Message 47
5.4.7 Attendance 47

The Student Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System revolutionizes academic

management by offering a comprehensive platform for educational institutions. Through
modules covering enrollment, course registration, attendance tracking, grading, and financial
management, it streamlines administrative tasks and enhances communication among students,
faculty, and staff. User-friendly interfaces, customizable dashboards, and robust data analytics
ensure efficiency, while stringent security measures protect sensitive information.
This system fosters collaboration, transparency, and informed decision-making,
ultimately enriching the learning experience and operational effectiveness of educational
institutions. Embracing innovative technology, this solution paves the way for a more
responsive and dynamic educational environment, empowering stakeholders and driving



Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a comprehensive software solution specifically

tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions. It integrates various functions and
processes within educational organizations, offering a unified platform to streamline operations
and enhance efficiency. With its robust features and capabilities, ERP transforms the way
educational institutions manage their resources, administer academic activities, and engage
with stakeholders.

Key Profiles and Features:

Student Profile:
The student profile within an educational ERP system centralizes student information,
including personal details, academic records, attendance.Features may include online
registration, course enrollment, fee payment tracking, academic progress monitoring, and
access to learning resources. Students can benefit from self-service options for managing their
schedules, accessing grades, and communicating with teachers and administrators.

Teacher Profile:
The teacher profile provides educators with tools to efficiently manage their classes,
assignments, and assessments. Features may include lesson planning, grade book management,
attendance tracking, communication with students and parents, and access to teaching

Admin Profile:
The admin profile empowers administrative staff to oversee various aspects of institutional
operations, including admissions, finance, human resources, and facility management.Features
may include student enrollment management, fee collection and billing, payroll processing.
Administrators can generate reports, analyze data, and make informed decisions to optimize
resource allocation and enhance organizational performance.

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HTML Language
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used for creating web
pages and otherinformation that can be displayed in a web browser. Here are some of its
key features:
• Tag-based structure: HTML is based on a tag-based structure, where elements
are definedusing opening and closing tags, such as `<p>` for paragraphs, `<h1>`
for headings, and
`<img>` for images.
• Hyperlinks: HTML allows the creation of hyperlinks, which are clickable links
to otherweb pages or resources. Links are created using the `<a>` tag.
• Formatting: HTML allows for the formatting of text using various tags such as
`<b>` forbold, `<i>` for italic, and `<u>` for underlined text.
• Lists: HTML provides tags for creating ordered lists (`<ol>`) and unordered
lists (`<ul>`).
• Tables: HTML provides tags for creating tables (`<table>`), which can be used
to display tabular data.
• Forms: HTML provides tags for creating forms (`<form>`), which can be used to
collect data from users.
• Accessibility: HTML provides features to make web pages more accessible, such
as the ability to add alternative text to images using the `alt` attribute, and the
ability to define headings using the `<h1>` to `<h6>` tags.
• Compatibility: HTML is compatible with a wide range of web browsers and
platforms, making it a versatile language for creating web pages and other web-
based content.

Figure 1.1.1 : HTML Language

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CSS Language
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used for describing the presentation
and style of web pages written in HTML or XML.
• One of the key features of CSS is that it allows developers to separate the
presentation of a web page from its content, making it easier to maintain and
update. Instead of specifying the presentation of elements directly in HTML, CSS
provides a set of rules and
• properties that define how HTML elements should be displayed on the screen,
such as theirsize, color, font, layout, and other visual aspects.
• CSS also allows for cascading styles, which means that if multiple styles are
defined for the same element, they are applied in a specific order, with the more
specific styles takingprecedence over more general ones. This allows developers
to create complex, layered styles that can be easily managed and customized.
• Other important features of CSS include its support for responsive design, which
allows web pages to adapt to different screen sizes and devices, as well as its ability
to apply styles to specific media types, such as print or screen, and to create
animations and other interactive effects using CSS3.

Figure 1.1.2 : CSS Language

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Java script Language

JavaScript is a popular programming language used to create interactive web pages
and web applications. Some of its key features include:

• Object-Oriented: JavaScript is an object-oriented language, which means that it

uses objects to represent data and functionality. This allows for code to be more
modular and easier to reuse.

• Interactivity: JavaScript is commonly used for creating interactive web pages, such
as drop-down menus, image sliders, and form validation. It can respond to user
actions, such as mouse clicks and keyboard input, to dynamically update the page.
• Cross-platform: JavaScript code can be run on a variety of platforms, including
web browsers, servers, and mobile devices. This makes it a versatile language for
creating applications that can run on different devices.
• Asynchronous: JavaScript allows for asynchronous programming, which means
that code can run in the background while other code continues to execute. This
can make web applications more responsive and efficient.
• Easy to learn: JavaScript has a relatively simple syntax and is easy to learn
compared to other programming languages. It is also supported by a large
community of developers, making it easy to find resources and support.

Figure 1.1.3 : JS Language

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React JS

React.js, often referred to as React, is an open-source JavaScript library primarily used

for building user interfaces (UIs) and single-page applications.

• Component-Based Architecture: React.js structures UIs into reusable components, each

encapsulating its own logic, promoting modularity and reusability.

• Declarative Syntax and Virtual DOM: React employs a declarative syntax to describe
UI based on application state, and utilizes a virtual DOM to efficiently update the actual
DOM, resulting in improved performance.

• JSX: JSX allows developers to write HTML-like code within JavaScript, simplifying
the creation and composition of React components.

• Unidirectional Data Flow: React follows a one-way data flow model, where data flows
from parent components to child components via props, ensuring predictable data flow
and easier debugging.

• React Hooks: Introduced in React 16.8, Hooks enable functional components to use
state and other React features, offering a more concise and readable way to manage
component state and side-effects.

• Reusable Components: React emphasizes the creation of reusable components,

fostering code maintainability and scalability across different parts of an application.

Figure 1.1.4 : React JS

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Node JS

Node.js is a runtime environment that allows developers to run JavaScript code outside
the web browser, enabling server-side and network applications to be built using JavaScript. It
utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it highly efficient for handling
concurrent connections and real-time applications.

• Event-Driven Architecture: Node.js operates on an event-driven architecture, allowing

asynchronous, non-blocking I/O operations, making it highly efficient for handling
concurrent connections and real-time applications.

• JavaScript Runtime: Node.js utilizes the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome,
enabling developers to write server-side applications in JavaScript, thereby allowing
for easier code sharing and a consistent development experience across the stack.

• NPM (Node Package Manager): Node.js comes with NPM, the largest ecosystem of
open-source libraries, enabling developers to easily install, manage, and share reusable
code packages, enhancing productivity and scalability.

• Single-Threaded, Non-Blocking Nature: Node.js uses a single-threaded event loop

model, handling multiple connections asynchronously without creating additional
threads, resulting in high throughput and low latency for I/O-bound tasks.

• Scalability and Performance: Node.js is known for its scalability and performance,
making it suitable for building high-traffic web applications and microservices
architectures, where speed and efficiency are paramount.

Figure 1.1.5 : Node JS

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Express JS

Express.js is a minimalist and flexible Node.js web application framework that

provides a robust set of features for building web and mobile applications. It simplifies the
process of creating server-side applications by providing a thin layer of fundamental web
application features without obscuring Node.js features.

• Middleware: Express.js allows developers to use middleware to handle HTTP requests.

Middleware functions have access to the request and response objects, enabling tasks
such as logging, authentication, and error handling to be easily implemented.

• Routing: Express.js provides a simple and intuitive way to define routes for handling
different HTTP requests. Developers can define routes based on HTTP methods (GET,
POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and URL patterns, making it easy to create RESTful APIs
and web applications.

• Template Engines: Express.js supports various template engines, such as Pug (formerly
known as Jade), EJS, and Handlebars, allowing developers to dynamically generate
HTML pages and serve them to clients.

• Static File Serving: Express.js enables the serving of static files, such as HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and images, by defining static file middleware. This simplifies the process
of serving client-side assets and improving application performance.

• Error Handling: Express.js provides built-in error handling middleware that developers
can use to handle errors and exceptions gracefully..

Figure 1.1.6 : Express JS

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MongoDB Database
MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system that stores data in flexible, JSON-like
documents, making it easier to work with than traditional SQL databases for certain types of

• Document-Oriented: MongoDB stores data in collections, which contain documents in

BSON (Binary JSON) format.

• Scalability: MongoDB is designed to scale horizontally across multiple servers,

allowing for high availability and scalability of data storage.

• Query Language: MongoDB supports a rich query language that includes support for
ad-hoc queries, indexing, aggregation, and geospatial queries.

• ACID Transactions: MongoDB supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation,

Durability) transactions at the document level, allowing multiple operations to be
executed atomically on a single document or across multiple documents within a single

• Flexibility: MongoDB's flexible schema allows for easy modification and evolution of
data models over time.

• Community and Ecosystem: MongoDB has a large and active community of developers
who contribute to its development, provide support, and create libraries, tools, and
frameworks that integrate with MongoDB.

Figure 1.1.6 : MongoDB Database

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Related Work

This chapter provides an overview of technical research regarding the application and
effectiveness of Student ERP systems in educational institutions for enhancing administrative
processes and improving student management.

Existing student ERP systems often utilize web-based platforms and mobile
applications to facilitate student information management, course registration, and academic
planning. However, many of these solutions lack comprehensive features and may not be
accessible to all educational institutions.

Integrating Intelligent Educational Management Systems (IEMS) based on Intelligent

Transport System (ITS) principles could address these limitations by offering real-time data
processing, personalized student services, and efficient resource utilization. Solutions like
Tram TRACKER by Yarra Technologies and Google Maps serve as examples of existing
technological platforms that cater to specific user demographics and needs.

The components of an IEMS include wireless communication technologies such as

WiFi, RFID, and computational tools like AI and real-time data processing. The system may
also leverage Floating Student Data, akin to Floating Car Data in transportation systems, to
collect student information and optimize academic workflows.

To optimize student management processes, algorithms such as Dijkstra's Algorithm

can be adapted to compute the shortest path for student progression through academic
programs. Additionally, communication protocols utilizing internet connectivity (e.g., 3G) and
message passing techniques (e.g., MQTT) can facilitate seamless interaction between students,
faculty, and administrative staff within the ERP system.

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Literature Review
ClassPlus is a noteworthy educational technology tool aimed at simplifying class
management and communication among teachers, students, and parents. As a prominent ERP
software, it caters specifically to the unique needs of educational institutions, becoming a
trusted solution for enhancing education through improved communication channels. Research
focusing on student ERP systems highlights the importance of efficient class management and
communication in educational environments.

Effective attendance management is crucial for monitoring student engagement and

participation, and ClassPlus facilitates this by providing tools for tracking and recording
student attendance. Such features enhance accountability and engagement in the learning
process. Additionally, the platform offers robust course management functionalities, allowing
educators to organize and structure course materials effectively.

Communication is key to fostering collaboration and engagement in education, and

ClassPlus addresses this need through its communication tools. These tools include
announcement features, enabling teachers to communicate important updates, assignments,
and announcements to students and parents in real-time. This enhances transparency and
promotes collaboration between parents, teachers, and students.

Mobile accessibility is crucial for modern educational tools, and ClassPlus ensures
users can access information and resources anytime, anywhere. Its mobile accessibility features
enable students, teachers, and parents to stay connected and engaged with class activities and
updates on the go, promoting flexibility and convenience. The proposed system features of
ClassPlus encompass comprehensive student personal and academic data management, staff
data management, attendance management, fees management, study material access, managed
exam results and assessment, mobile accessibility, and communication via announcements.

In conclusion, ClassPlus represents a significant advancement in student ERP systems,

offering a comprehensive suite of features to support class management and communication in
educational settings.

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The Student ERP System encompasses a comprehensive suite of features tailored to streamline
the management of various aspects within educational institutions. At its core, the system
facilitates the efficient handling of student personal and academic data, providing a centralized
repository for storing and managing student profiles, including vital information such as
contact details, academic records, and participation in extracurricular activities. This ensures
that administrators have easy access to accurate and up-to-date student information, facilitating
informed decision-making processes.

In tandem with student data management, the ERP system also caters to the needs of
staff members by maintaining a centralized database of teaching and non-teaching staff. This
feature enables educational institutions to efficiently manage staff profiles, including
qualifications, contact details, and employment history. By consolidating staff information in
one platform, the system streamlines administrative processes related to staff management,
fostering greater organizational efficiency.

One of the key functionalities of the Student ERP System is attendance management,
which automates the tracking of student and staff attendance. Through the implementation of
robust attendance tracking mechanisms, such as biometric recognition or RFID technology, the
system accurately records attendance data, providing administrators with real-time insights into
attendance patterns and facilitating timely interventions where necessary. This feature not only
ensures compliance with attendance regulations but also promotes accountability and
transparency within the educational institution.

Furthermore, the ERP system incorporates robust financial management capabilities

to streamline fee collection and management processes. By offering online fee payment options
for students and parents, generating fee invoices, and tracking payments, the system simplifies
fee-related transactions and reduces administrative burden. Additionally, the system provides
access to study materials, lecture notes, and reference materials, offering students a centralized
platform for accessing educational resources anytime, anywhere.

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The Student ERP System also plays a pivotal role in managing examinations and
assessment processes, automating tasks such as exam scheduling, grading, and result
publication. This feature empowers educators to efficiently conduct examinations, input
grades, calculate final scores, and generate result reports, thereby facilitating a seamless
assessment process. Moreover, the system prioritizes mobile accessibility, offering a
responsive interface that enables students, parents, teachers, and administrators to perform
essential tasks on-the-go, enhancing convenience and accessibility.


• Efficient Data Management: The system efficiently organizes and manages student and
staff data, ensuring easy access to accurate information, which streamlines
administrative tasks and enhances decision-making processes.

• Scalability: The system is designed to grow with the educational institution,

accommodating increasing data volumes and evolving needs without compromising
performance or usability. This scalability ensures long-term viability and adaptability.

• User-friendly Interface: With its intuitive interface, the system is easy to navigate and
use for administrators, teachers, students, and parents, promoting widespread adoption
and maximizing productivity across the educational community.

• Improved Communication: The ERP system facilitates seamless communication

between stakeholders, allowing for timely updates, announcements, and feedback. This
fosters collaboration and enhances engagement within the educational community.

• Reduction in Paperwork: By digitizing processes such as attendance tracking, fee

management, and result reporting, the system significantly reduces paperwork, leading
to a more environmentally friendly and efficient workflow.

• Time-saving: Automation of routine tasks and streamlined processes save time for
administrators, teachers, and staff, enabling them to focus on more strategic initiatives
and student support activities.

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In developing the Student ERP System, a structured approach is crucial to ensure its
effectiveness in managing student data and enhancing educational processes. The methodology
for creating the system involves several key steps:
1. Needs Assessment and Research:
• Analyze educational institution requirements and research existing ERP systems to
identify key functionalities and best practices.
2. System Design and Architecture:
• Engage stakeholders to gather specific requirements for student data management,
attendance tracking, academic processes automation, and communication tools.
3. Development and Implementation:
• Design scalable system architecture with a user-friendly interface to cater to diverse
stakeholder needs.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance:
• Gather feedback from users and stakeholders on their experience with the ERP
• Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and iterate on the system to enhance
functionality, usability, and overall user satisfaction.
5. Training and Adoption:
• Conduct rigorous testing to identify and address bugs, errors, and usability issues.
• Ensure the system meets quality standards and performs reliably across different
devices and platforms.
6. Feedback and Iteration:
• Gather user feedback to identify areas for improvement and iterate on the system.
• Continuously optimize based on changing requirements and user needs.
7. Maintenance and Optimization:
• Implement regular maintenance and updates to keep the system secure, stable, and
• Continuously optimize the system based on user feedback and advancements in
educational technology.

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The Agile Manifesto of Software Development put forth a ground breaking mindset
on delivering value and collaborating with customers when it was created in 2001. Agile
four main values are:
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Figure 4.1.1: Agile methodology

Agile Tutorial some times called agile methodology. This tutorial contains basic
and advanced concepts of agile. Our Agile tutorial is designed for beginners and
professionals. Agile is an iterative approach of software development methodology using
short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks. Using Agile methodology, the software is distributed
with fastest and fewer changes. The advantages of agile methodology are customer
satisfaction by rapid, continuous development anddelivery of useful software.
An agile methodology is an iterative approach to software development. Each
iteration of agile methodology takes a short time interval of 1 to 4 weeks. The agile
development process is aligned to deliver the changing business requirement. It
distributes the software with faster and fewer changes.
The single-phase software development takes 6 to 18 months. In single-phase
development, all the requirement gathering and risks management factors are predicted

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The agile software development process frequently takes the feedback of workable product.
The workable product is delivered within 1 to 4 weeks of iteration.

How an Agile Team plan their work?

An Agile methodology is not a specific set of ceremonies or specific development

techniques. Rather, it is a group of methodologies that demonstrate a commitment to tight
feedback cycles and continuous improvement. An Agile team works in iterations to
deliver the customer requirement, and each iteration takes 10 to 15 days. However, the
original Agile Manifesto didn'tset the time period of two-week iterations or an ideal team
size.Each user requirement is a plannedbased and their backlog prioritization and size.
The team decides, how much scope they have andhow many hours available with each
team to perform their planed task.

Figure 4.3: Iteration plan

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Skills developed in programming:

CSS Language:
Started with the basics: Before diving into advanced CSS techniques, make sure
you have a strong foundation in the basics. Learn about the box model, selectors,
cascading, and inheritance.Learned CSS layouts: CSS layouts are the foundation of web
design. Study different layout techniques like floats, flexbox, and grid.

Practice, practice, practice: The best way to improve your CSS skills is by writing
CSS code. Create a portfolio of projects and experiment with different techniques.Used
CSS frameworks: CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation can help you get
started quickly and also provide a solid foundation for your designs.

HTML Language:
Understanding HTML syntax: HTML has a specific syntax that you need to follow
to createweb pages. You'll need to learn about tags, attributes, and values to effectively
create HTML pages.Creating and structuring content: HTML is used to structure content
on web pages, so you'll needto learn how to use headings, paragraphs, lists, and other
tags to create content that is easy to readand navigate.

Using CSS: While HTML is used to structure content, Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) is used to style that content. Learning how to use CSS will allow you to change the
colors, fonts, andlayout of your web pages.

Responsive design: With the rise of mobile devices, it's important to create web
pages thatare responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes. Learning how to create
responsive designs using HTML and CSS is an essential skill for web developers.

Java script Language:

Learned the basics: Before you can do anything else, you need to learn the basics
of JavaScript. This includes understanding variables, data types, functions, loops, and
more. There are plenty of resources available online, including tutorials, books, and
courses, that can help youget started.

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• Practiced coding: The best way to get better at JavaScript is to practice coding.
You can start by creating small projects, such as a calculator or a to-do list, and
gradually work yourway up to more complex applications.
• Use online resources: There are many online resources available that can help
you learn JavaScript, including Code academy, Free Code Camp, and
W3Schools. These resources provide interactive tutorials, exercises, and quizzes
that can help you develop your skills.

React JS:
Learning React.js develops skills in JavaScript fundamentals, including ES6 syntax,
and deepens understanding of component-based architecture for creating modular code.
Proficiency in managing state and props improves, enhancing the ability to build dynamic user
interfaces efficiently. Additionally, it fosters familiarity with the Virtual DOM and
optimization techniques for better performance. Working with related tools like Redux,
Webpack, and Babel expands your toolkit, making you a more versatile developer.

Node JS :
Learning Node.js sharpens skills in JavaScript, focusing on asynchronous programming
and event-driven architecture for scalable server-side development. It deepens understanding
of HTTP protocols and APIs, enabling efficient communication between servers and clients.
Mastery of Node.js facilitates real-time application development, efficient data streaming, and
utilization of frameworks like Express.js for robust routing. Additionally, it enhances
proficiency in database interaction, whether with NoSQL databases like MongoDB or SQL
databases through ORMs like Sequelize, empowering developers to create fast, scalable, and
data-intensive applications across diverse domains.

Express JS:
Learning Express.js enhances skills in server-side web development, focusing on
creating robust and efficient web applications. It deepens understanding of routing, middleware
management, and HTTP request handling, enabling developers to build RESTful APIs and
dynamic web servers with ease. Mastery of Express.js facilitates efficient handling of requests
and responses, session management, and authentication, empowering developers to create
secure and scalable applications. Additionally, it fosters proficiency in template engines like
EJS or Handlebars for server-side rendering, making developers adept at building dynamic and
interactive web pages. Overall, learning Express.js equips developers with the tools to create
powerful and customizable web applications efficiently.

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Code 1:

import * as React from 'react';

import 'bootstrap';
import { BrowserRouter, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import './App.css';
import Home from './components/Home.js';
import Admission from './components/admission.js';
import Classes from "./components/classes.js"
import Student from "./components/student.js"
import Teacher from './components/teacher.js';
import Std from "./components/std"
import UpdatStudent from "./components/updateStudent"
import UpdateTeacher from "./components/teacher_update"
import SudentAdmission from "./components/student_admission"
import TeacherAdmission from "./components/teacher_admission"
import TeacherProfile from "./components/teacherProfile"
import StudentProfile from "./components/studentprofile"
import Feeshistory from './components/feeshistory';
import Feesdetails from './components/feesdetails';
import Recipt from "./components/recipt"
import Login from './components/Login';
import SHome from './StudentComponents/Home'
import StudyMaterial from './StudentComponents/studyMaterial';
import TimeTable from './StudentComponents/Timetable';
import Feesdata from './StudentComponents/Fees';
import Assesment from './StudentComponents/Assesment';
import TeacherHome from "./TeacherComponent/TeacherHome"
import Exams from './TeacherComponent/Exams';
import Uploadmaterial from './TeacherComponent/uploadmaterial';
import TeacherTimeTable from "./TeacherComponent/TeacherTimetable"
import AdminProfile from './components/AdminProfile';
import AdminEdit from "./components/AdminEdit";
import Message from './StudentComponents/Message';
import Cancle from './components/cancle.js';
import Viewmark from './TeacherComponent/viewmark.js'
import Attendence from './TeacherComponent/Attendence.js';
import StudentAttendence from './StudentComponents/StudentAttendence.js'
import ViewAttendence from './TeacherComponent/ViewAttendence.js'
import AttendanceHistory from './TeacherComponent/AttendanceHistory.js'
export default function App() {
return (

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<Route path="/" exact element={<Login />} ></Route>
<Route path="admin" exact element={<Home />} ></Route>
<Route path="/admin/profile/:id?" exact element={<AdminProfile />} ></Route>
<Route path="/admin/profile/edit/:id?" exact element={<AdminEdit />} ></Route>
<Route path="admin/student" element={<Student />}></Route>
<Route path="/admin/student/view/:id?" element={<StudentProfile />}></Route>
<Route path="admin/teacher" element={<Teacher />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/classes" element={<Classes />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/admission" element={<Admission />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/classes/std/:std?" element={<Std />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/classes/std/edit/:id?" element={<UpdatStudent />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/teacher/view/edit/:id?" element={<UpdateTeacher />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/student/admission" element={<SudentAdmission />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/teacher/admission" element={<TeacherAdmission />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/teacher/view/:id?" element={<TeacherProfile />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/feesdetails" element={<Feeshistory />}> </Route>
<Route path="admin/feesdetails/history/:id?" element={<Feesdetails />}></Route>
<Route path="/admin/recipt" element={<Recipt />}> </Route>
<Route path="/admin/cancle" element={<Cancle />}> </Route>
<Route path="/login" element={<Recipt />}> </Route>
{/* student route start */}
<Route path="student/:id?" element={<SHome />}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/StudyMaterial" element={<StudyMaterial />}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/Timetable" element={<TimeTable />}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/feesdetails/:id?" element={<Feesdata />}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/Assessment/:id?" element={<Assesment />}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/messages" element={< Message/>}> </Route>
<Route path="/student/attendence" element={< StudentAttendence/>}> </Route>
{/* Teacher dashboard route start */}
<Route path="/teacher/:id?" element={<TeacherHome />}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/exams" element={<Exams />}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/viewmark" element={<Viewmark />}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/uploadmaterial" element={<Uploadmaterial />}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/Timetable" element={<TeacherTimeTable />}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/attendence" element={<Attendence/>}> </Route>
<Route path="/teacher/attendence/view" element={<ViewAttendence/>}> </Route>
<Route exact path="/teacher/attendence/view/student/:id?"
element={<AttendanceHistory/>}> </Route>



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Code 2:

import CheckCircleIcon from '@mui/icons-material/CheckCircle';

import axios from 'axios';
import { GetStudentStd, updateMark } from '../service/api';
import { React, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Box, TextField, FormControl, InputLabel, Select, MenuItem, Typography } from
import Sidebar from './TeacherSidebar.tsx'
import Header from "../components/header.js";
import '../components/css/Exam.css'
import { GetFees, viewTeacher2, getStandards, FillAttendence } from "../service/api"
import Swal from "sweetalert2";
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import Toggle from 'react-toggle';
export default function Attendence() {
const { id } = useParams();
var dataArray = []
const [date, setDate] = useState('');
const [Standard, setStandard] = useState('');
const [feesstd, setfeesStd] = useState([])
const [student, setStudent] = useState([]);
const [student2, setStudent2] = useState([]);
const [std, setStd] = useState([]);
const [Sub, setSub] = useState([]);
const [assign_class, setassignclass] = useState([]);
const temp = localStorage.getItem('user_id')
const result = Number(temp);

const [data, setData] = useState([]);

const handleChange2 = (event) => {

const data =;
setStudent({ ...student, []: })
setData({, []: })
getAllStudent({ std_id: data });


const getAllStudent = async (data) => {

let response = await GetStudentStd(data);

const [updatedStudentId, setUpdatedStudentId] = useState(null);

const getTeacherData = async () => {

try {

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const response = await viewTeacher2(result);

if (response.status === 200) {
const teacherData =[0];
setSub(teacherData); // Set the teacher's data in 'Sub' state
const stdids = response?[0].Asignclass;
const response2 = await getStandards(stdids);

let list = [];
if (response2?.data && response2?.data) {
list = response2? => {
return {
key: item._id,
text: item.std,
value: item._id,


} catch (error) {
// Handle error if necessary
const [presentChecked, setpresentChecked] = useState(false);

useEffect(() => {


}, [result])

const updateAttendence = async (event, id, index, std_id) => {

if ( {
dataArray[index] = {
stuId: id,
teacher_id: Sub._id,
std: std_id,
attend: document.getElementById('flexRadioDefault1').checked == true ? 1 : 0,
date: date
else if (! {

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if (dataArray[index].attend == 1) {

dataArray[index] = {
stuId: id,
teacher_id: Sub._id,
std: std_id,
attend: 0,
date: date
} else if (dataArray[index].attend == 0) {
dataArray[index] = {
stuId: id,
teacher_id: Sub._id,
std: std_id,
attend: 1,
date: date


const presentUpdate = async (event) => {

if ( {, index) => {
dataArray[index] = {
stuId: user._id,
teacher_id: Sub._id,
std: user.std_id,
attend: 0,
date: date

} else {
dataArray = []

const absenttUpdate = async (event) => {

if ( {, index) => {
dataArray[index] = {
stuId: user._id,
teacher_id: Sub._id,

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std: user.std_id,
attend: 1,
date: date

} else {
dataArray = []

const submitData = async () => {


if (dataArray.length == student2.length) {
let response = await FillAttendence(dataArray);
if (response.status == 200) {{
title: "Success",
icon: "success",
confirmButtonText: "OK",
}).then((result) => {
if (result.isConfirmed) {
else if ( === 400) {
// Display a message indicating that the mark already exists
title: 'Error !',
icon: 'error',
else {{
title: 'Error !',
text: 'Please select the category first , either "Present" or "Absent" !!',
icon: 'error',

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return (
<Box sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<Sidebar />
<Box component="main" sx={{ flexGrow: 1, p: 3 }}>
<Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Header title="Attendance" />

<div className='mt-4 p-2 container-fluid shadow'>

<div className='row px-5'>
<div className='col-lg-3 mb-2'>
sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
Fill Attendance

<div className='col-lg-2 mb-2'>

<FormControl fullWidth>
{/* <FormHelperText >Date of Birth</FormHelperText> */}
<TextField focused type='date' label='Date' name='date' variant='outlined'
onChange={(event) => setDate(}

<div className='col-lg-2 mb-2'>

<FormControl fullWidth focused>
<InputLabel id="select-label" >Standard</InputLabel>
{ => (

<MenuItem value={user.value}>{user.text}</MenuItem>


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<div className='col-lg-2 mb-2 mt-3'>
<div className="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="attendance"
id="flexRadioDefault1" onChange={(e) => presentUpdate(e)} />
<label class="form-check-label"
<div className='col-lg-2 mb-2 mt-3'>
<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" type="radio" name="attendance"
id="flexRadioDefault2" onChange={(e) => absenttUpdate(e)} />
<label class="form-check-label"


<div className='container mt-4'>

<table className='table table-responsive'>
<thead className='table-dark'>
<th className='ms-5 w-25'>Present</th>

{, index) => {
return (
{updatedStudentId === user._id && (
<CheckCircleIcon sx={{ color: 'green', ml: 1 }} />
<div class="form-check form-switch">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox"
id="flexSwitchCheckDefault" onChange={(event) => updateAttendence(event, user._id,
index, user.std_id)} />
<labelclass="form-check-label" for="flexSwitchCheckDefault"></label>

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<button onClick={() => submitData()}>Submit</button>
</Box >

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Login :

Figure 5.1.1: Login_page

Admin Login :
Home :

Figure 5.2.1: Home_page

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Set Fee :

Figure 5.2.2: Set_fee

Announcement :

Figure 5.2.3: Announcement

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Fees Payment:

Figure 5.2.4: Fee_payment

Fees Receipt :

Figure 5.2.5: Fee_Receipt

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Menu :

Figure 5.2.6: Menu

Admin Profile :

Figure 5.2.7: Admin_Profile

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Update Admin Profile :

Figure 5.2.8: Update_admin_Profile

Add Student :

Figure 5.2.9: Add_student

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Student Profile :

Figure 5.2.10: Student_profile

Add New Student :

Figure 5.2.11: Add_new_student

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Admission Successful :

Figure 5.2.12: Admission_Successful

Search Student :

Figure 5.2.13: Search_student

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Add Teacher :

Figure 5.2.14: Add_teacher

Teacher Profile :

Figure 5.2.15: Teacher_profile

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Edit Teacher Profile :

Figure 5.2.16: Edit_teacher_profile

Add New Teacher :

Figure 5.2.17: Add_new_teacher

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Overall Classes :

Figure 5.2.18: Overall_classes

Standard wise Student List :

Figure 5.2.19: Student_list

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Update Student Profile :

Figure 5.2.20: Update_student_profile

Fee Details :

Paid Students :

Figure 5.2.21: Paid_students

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Students who paid nothing :

Figure 5.2.22: Zero_paid

Partially Paid Students:

Figure 5.2.23: Partially_paid

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Fee History :

Figure 5.2.24: Fee_History

Admission Cancel :

Figure 5.2.25: Admission_cancel

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Teacher Login :

Teacher Profile :

Figure 5.3.1: Teacher_profile

Fill Students Marks :

Figure 5.3.2: Student_marks

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View Marks :

Figure 5.3.3: View_marks

Timetable :

Figure 5.3.4: Timetable

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Upload Study Material :

Figure 5.3.5: Upload_study_material

Fill Attendance :

Figure 5.3.6: Fill_attendance

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View Attendance :

Figure 5.3.7: View_attendance

Date wise Attendance :

Figure 5.3.8: Date_wise_attendance

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Student Attendance :

Figure 5.3.9: Student_attendance

Student Login :

Student Profile :

Figure 5.4.1: Student_profile

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Study Material :

Figure 5.4.2: Download_study_material

Timetable :

Figure 5.4.3: Timetable

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Assessment :

Figure 5.4.4: Assessment

Fees :

Figure 5.4.5: Fees_deatils

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Message :

Figure 5.4.6: Message

Attendance :

Figure 5.4.7: Attendance

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1. Coaching Classes
• Admissions Management: Online enrollment, fee collection, and course
• Student Progress Tracking: Monitors performance, attendance, and assignments.
• Communication Platform: Connects students, teachers, and parents for updates.
• Resource Management: Allocates classrooms and manages teaching materials.
• Assessment and Feedback: Conducts assessments and provides feedback for

2. Schools
• Admissions and Enrollment: Manages admissions, waitlists, and transfers.
• Curriculum Management: Handles curriculum, schedules, and extra curriculars.
• Parent-Teacher Communication: Facilitates communication via messaging
systems and portals.
• Special Education Support: Tracks and manages IEPs and accommodations.
• Safety and Security: Monitors attendance and campus access for safety.

3. Other Educational Institute

• Training Institutes: Manages training programs and certifications.
• Language Institutes: Tracks language proficiency and manages language courses.
• Art and Music Schools: Manages class schedules and instrument rentals.
• Online Learning Platforms: Facilitates online course delivery and assessments.

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In the dynamic landscape of education, organization and effective communication stand

as pillars of success. Our exploration into the Student ERP System has illuminated the
transformative power of this technology within educational institutions.

The Student ERP System serves as a linchpin, orchestrating the intricate processes of
educational management with finesse. By seamlessly integrating various administrative,
academic, and communication functions, this system emerges as a catalyst for institutional
advancement and student success.

Through streamlining admissions, tracking student progress, fostering communication,

managing resources, and providing valuable feedback, the Student ERP System empowers
educational institutions to operate more efficiently and effectively. It not only simplifies
administrative tasks but also enhances the overall learning experience for students, faculty, and
parents alike.

In essence, the Student ERP System is more than just a tool; it is a gateway to a brighter
future for educational institutions, paving the way for heightened productivity, collaboration,
and excellence. As we embrace this technology, we embark on a journey towards creating
educational environments that are not only organized and communicative but also conducive
to the holistic development of every stakeholder involved.

Thus, in the ever-evolving world of education, the Student ERP System stands as a
beacon of innovation, guiding institutions towards a future where efficiency and excellence
converge to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

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Future Scope
In the realm of educational technology, the integration of AI-based chatbots marks a
pivotal advancement in student engagement and support systems. By harnessing the
capabilities of artificial intelligence, these chatbots serve as virtual assistants within the student
ERP login framework, revolutionizing the way students interact with their educational
With the evolution of AI algorithms, these chatbots transcend mere information
retrieval, instead offering dynamic and contextual responses to student inquiries. This enhanced
level of interactivity not only simplifies the exchange of information but also empowers
students to navigate complex ERP systems with ease.
Moreover, AI-based chatbots possess the ability to process unstructured ERP data,
transforming raw information into actionable insights for students. Through natural language
processing (NLP) techniques, these chatbots decipher student queries and provide personalized
recommendations, study tips, and reminders tailored to individual needs.
As we look to the future, the potential of AI-based chatbots in education is vast, with
opportunities to further enhance student support, streamline administrative tasks, and foster a
more intuitive and responsive learning environment. By embracing this innovative technology,
educational institutions pave the way for a more efficient, accessible, and student-centric
approach to education.

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▪ The road to React

- Robin Wieruch

▪ Beginning Node js, Express js & MongoDB Development

- Greg Lim

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We would like to express our gratitude towards guide Prof. JADHAV A.K. for the
useful comments, remarks and for giving her valuable guidance and inspiration throughout
thelearning process of this report.

Furthermore, we would like to thank our HOD Prof. RATHI S. R. for making
available all the facilities for the successful completion of this work and other staff members
of Computer Engineering Department for their valuable help.

It is with humble gratitude & sense of indebtedness, we thank our respected and
esteemed Principal Dr. B. M. Patil for his valuable guidance, suggestion and constant
support which lead towards successful completion of this work.

Date: / / 2024
Place: Chh. Sambhajinagar.

Varun Tipkari (2115010092)

Rohan Ghuge (2115010093)
Kishori Birari (2115010106)
Shubham Khadekar (2115010130)

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