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General Physics (II) 期末考 Jun.

19, 2020
I.計算題(52 points) (所有題目必須有計算過程,否則不予計分)
1&2. (a) (10pts) A plane wave propagates in space with its B-field expressed as 𝐵 𝐵 sin 𝑘𝑥
𝜔𝑡 , where 𝐵 𝑦 2𝑧̂ 10 𝑇 and 𝑘 5𝜋 10 (1/m). Determine the E-field of
this plane wave as a function of time and space, and its wavelength and frequency𝜔. (b) (7pts)
Next, this wave is reflected from a planar object and changed the amplitudes of the B-field and
the E-field, and its direction of propagation such that the B-field now becomes 𝐵
𝐵 sin 𝑘 𝑥 𝑘 𝑦 𝑘 𝑧 𝜔𝑡 with 𝐵 10 𝑥 (T), and the E-field becomes 𝐸
𝐸 𝐸 sin 𝑘 𝑥 𝑘 𝑦 𝑘 𝑧 𝜔𝑡 with 𝑬𝟏 𝟎 and the unit vector 𝑬𝟎 remains the same as
before. Determine 𝑘 , 𝑘 , 𝑘 and the Poynting vector of the reflected wave. (𝑐 3 10
m/s, 𝜇 4𝜋 10 m/A) (Your answers to all the questions above should include correct
3. (17 pts) Fig. 1 shows a circular capacitor with spacing d and radius a which is connected to a
circuit. The current I(t) is zero for t < 0 and t >T , and I(t) = I0 (t/T)3 ( I0 >0) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T. At t
= 0, there is no charge on the capacitor. Let point P locate inside the capacitor ( r < a) and
point Q locate outside the capacitor (r > a). The coordinates of P and Q are (0,2a/3,0), and
(2a,0,0), respectively. Ignore the edge effect (i.e. E(r) = 0, for r > a), for 0 < t <T,
(A) (5 pts) find the direction and the magnitude of the electric field E at point P;
(B) (4 pts) find the the directions and the magnitudes of magnetic field B1 at point P and
(C) (4 pts) magnetic field B2 at point Q;
(D) (4 pts) find the Poynting vector S(t) (direction and magnitude) at P and Q.
Fig.1 Fig.2 y Fig.3
I(t) P I I (t ) R
y 4 y5 y
y2 3
(0, 2a/3,0)  y1
y0 z h r
d y R
x z P x

Q (2a,0,0) L
4. (18 pts) Fig. 2 shows a plane wave, with wavelength = 600nm, traveling through a diffraction
grating with 8-slit and forming the interference pattern on a screen. The distance between the
slits and the screen is L = 4m and the spacing between nearest neighboring slits is d = 60m.
a) (6 pts) Determine y1, and y2 in Fig 2, and draw the phasor diagrams the of E-fields of the waves
reaching positions y1, and y2, (You need to indicate the phase difference between the neighboring E-
field phasors in your diagram.)
b) (3 pts) Find the spacing (y ) between the principal maxima on the screen. (For 0<<<1, sin ≈
tan ).
c) (9 pts) Determine the intensity I on the screen as a function of y. Consider only the effect of
II.選擇題( 48 points)
1. (5pts) Fig.3 shows that a N-turn solenoid of radius R and length h has an alternating current I(t) = I0
sin(πt/6) in SI units ( I0 >0). Consider a point P inside the solenoid at radius r. The directions of the
magnetic field B, the electric field E, and the Poynting vector S at P for t=1 sec are (A) +z, +y, +x; (B) +z,
-y, +x; (C) +z, -y, -x; (D) +z, +y, -x; (E) -z, +y, +x; (F) -z, -y, +x; (G) -z, -y, -x; (H) -z, +y, -x; (J) +y, +x,
+z; (K) +y, -x, +z; (L) +y, -x, -z; (M) +y, +x, -z; (N) -y, +x, +z; (O) -y, -x, +z; (P) -y, -x, -z; (Q) -y, +x, -z; ,
2. (5pts) In outer space, a disk of mass m and area A is at rest. At t=0, a laser beam
starts shining on the disk at normal incidence. The acceleration of the disk as a a
function of time is shown in Fig. 4, which of the following is the time dependence
of the amplitude E0 of the E-field of the laser beam as a function of time. Fig.4 t
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
E0 E0 E0 E0 E0

t t t t t
3. (5 pts) In Fig. 5(a), wave 1 and wave 2 are identical initially, with the same wavelength  =
700 nm in air. Wave 1 goes through a material with length L and index of refraction n, These
two waves are then reflected by mirrors to reach point P on a screen, (𝐴𝐵𝑃 𝐴 𝐵 𝑃). Suppose
that we can vary n form n = 1.0 to n = 1.5, and the intensity I of the light at point P varies with
n are given in Fig. 5(b). What can Length L be ( in the unit of nm)?
(A)140 (B) 250 (C) 350 (D)500 (E) 700 (F) 875
4. (5 pts) Fig. 6(a) shows a LC circuit, viewing from the right, the electric and magnetic field
inside the inductor is shown in Fig.6(b) at some time t. Which of the following statement is
correct for the directions of the electric and magnetic fields inside the capacitor (top view)?
(A)B-field is counter-clock-wise (c.c.w.) looking from the right and E-field is pointing to the right.
(B) B-field is clock-wise (c.w.)looking from the right and E-field is pointing to the right.
(C) B-field is c.c.w. looking from the right and E-field is pointing to the left.
(D) B-field is c.w. looking from the right and E-field is pointing to the left.
(E) both of (A) and (B) are possible; (F) both of (C) and (D) are possible,
(G) both of (A) and (C) are possible; (H) both of (B) and (D) are possible,
(J) all (A) to (D) are possible
Fig. 5(a) I
L Fig. 5(b)
Wave 1 L 𝑬
A B ⊗𝑩
Fig. 6(a)
Wave 2 B’
A’ n C Fig. 6 (b)
5. (5 pts.) For a RLC circuit shown in Fig. 7. The AC voltage source is 𝑽 𝒕 𝑽𝟎 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝝎𝒕
The current through the inductor, capacitor and resistor are IL, IC, and IR . Let V0=4V, =104
rad./s, C=5.0 F, R = 40 and L=1.0mH. Which of the following action will result as the
current through the resistor is zero?
(1) increasing L; (2) decreasing L; (3) increasing C; (4) decreasing C; (5) increasing ;
(6) decreasing 
(A) 1,3,5 (B) 1,3,6 (C) 1,4,5 (D) 1,4,6 (E) 2,3,5 (F) 2,3,6 (G) 2,4,5
(H) 2,4,6 (J) None of above.
6.(5 pts) Fig. 8 shows the current of resistor ( IR), inductor (IL) and
the total current (Itot) in a parallel ac-RLC circuit in Fig. 9 . Let
be the frequency such that Itot is minima. (i) Which curve is Fig. 7
IR , and (ii) is the circuit above or below  ?
(A) Curve A and it is above 0; (B) Curve B and it is above 0;
(C) Curve C and it is above 0; (D) Curve A and it is below 0;
(E) Curve B and it is below 0; (F) Curve C and it is below 0;
(G) None of above.
Fig. 9

Fig. 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16

1&2. (a) (10pts) A plane wave propagates in space with its B-field expressed as 𝐵 𝐵 sin 𝑘𝑥
𝜔𝑡 , where 𝐵 𝑦 2𝑧̂ 10 𝑇 and 𝑘 5𝜋 10 (1/m). Determine the E-field of
this plane wave as a function of time and space, and its wavelength and frequency𝜔. (b) (7pts)
Next, this wave is reflected from a planar object and changed the amplitudes of the B-field and
the E-field, and its direction of propagation such that the B-field now becomes 𝐵
𝐵 sin 𝑘 𝑥 𝑘 𝑦 𝑘 𝑧 𝜔𝑡 with 𝐵 10 𝑥 (T), and the E-field becomes 𝐸
𝐸 𝐸 sin 𝑘 𝑥 𝑘 𝑦 𝑘 𝑧 𝜔𝑡 with 𝑬𝟏 𝟎 and the unit vector 𝑬𝟎 remains the same.
Determine 𝑘 , 𝑘 , 𝑘 and the Poynting vector of the reflected wave. (𝑐 3 10 m/s, 𝜇
4𝜋 10 m/A) (Your answers to all the questions above should include correct units.)
(a)   4 3
Let E  E0 Eˆ sin( kx  t )  E  7500( yˆ  zˆ ) sin(kx  t )(V / m)
E0 5 5
c 2
B0 k  5  106 (1/ m)
3 
B0  ( ) 2  22  105  2.5 105 (T ) 1
2    4  107 (m)  0.4(  m) 2
E0  2.5 105  3 108  7500(V/ m) 2 
c    ck
Eˆ  Bˆ  kˆ  Bˆ  kˆ  Eˆ k
3 4    3 108  5 106  1.5 1015 (1/ s )
Bˆ  (0,  , ), kˆ  (1, 0, 0) 1
5 5 (or )  4.7  1015 (1/ s ) 2
xˆ yˆ zˆ
Eˆ  0 3 5 4 5  (0, 4 5,3 5) 2
1 0 0
(b) Eˆ  Bˆ  kˆ
Bˆ  (1, 0, 0), Eˆ  (0, 4 5,3 5)
xˆ yˆ zˆ
 kˆ  0 4 5 3 5  (0,3 5, 4 5)
 1 0 0
 k  kkˆ  5 10 6 (0,3 5, 4 5) 3
 4 3 3 4
E  E1 ( yˆ  z) ˆ sin(5  106  ( y  z )  t )
5 5 5 5
 c  E15  c
B 10
 E1  3  108  105  3000(V / m) 1
 
 EB
0 xˆ yˆ zˆ
 1 4 3 6 3 4
S  0 3000105
 sin2
(5 10  ( y  z) t)
4 107
5 5 5 5
1 0 0
 3 4 3
 S  ( yˆ  zˆ) 105  sin2 ((3 y  4 z) 106  t)
5 5 4
 3 4
 S  2.38104  ( yˆ  zˆ)  sin2 ((3 y  4 z) 106  t) W/m2 3
5 5
1. (17 pts) Fig. 1 shows a circular capacitor with spacing d and radius a which is connected to a circuit. The
current I(t) is zero for t < 0 and t >T and I(t) = I0 (t/T)3 for 0 ≤ t ≤ T. At t = 0, there is no charge on the
capacitor. Let point P locate inside the capacitor ( r < a) and point Q locate outside the capacitor (r > a).
The coordinates of P and Q are (0,2a/3,0), and (2a,0,0), respectively. Ignoring the edge effect (i.e. E(r)
= 0, for r > a). For 0 < t <T,
(A) (5 pts) find the direction and the magnitude of the electric field E at point P;
(B) (4 pts) find the the directions and the magnitudes of magnetic field B1 at point P and
(C) (4 pts) magnetic field B2 at point Q;
(D) (4 pts) find the Poynting vector S(t) (direction and magnitude) at P and Q.

Q (t )   I (t )dt  I 0  for 0  t  T 2
‐‐‐‐‐ 4T 3

 ˆ I0 t T  ˆ 1
4 3
 dE (t ) 2 t3 a2
E ( P)  k  k 1 2 rB  0 0  a  0 I 0  3  2
0 4 0 a 2 dt T a

2 2
 0 I 0 t 3 ˆ
B(Q )  ( j)
4 a T 3 1
(B)    d  d
  dl  0  Iinc.   0 dt E   0 0 dt E
B (D)
E ( P )  B( P ) 1 I 0  t T  ˆ  0 I 0 t 3 ˆ
  4 3

S( P )   k (i )
0 0 4 0 a 2 3 a T 3
dE (t ) 2 t3 r2
2 rB  0 0  r  0 I 0  3  2
I02 1 t 7
dt T a
2  (  ˆj )
12 0  a T
2 3 6
 I t 3
B( P )  0 0 3 ( iˆ) 1
3 a T  
 E ( P )  B( P ) 1 0 I 0 t 3 ˆ
S (Q )   0 ( j)  0 2
0 0 4 a T 3
4. (15 pts) A plane wave, with wavelength = 600nm, travels y
through a diffraction grating with 8‐slit and the interference pattern P
on the screen is shown in Fig. 3. The distance between the 8‐slit and 5y I
3y  y
the screen is L = 4m and the spacing between nearest neighboring  1y
slits is d = 60m. d

a) (3 pts) Find the spacing (y ) between the principal maxima y=0
on the screen. Assume 0<then sin ≈ tan can be use.? L
b) (6 pts) What are the phase differences and position of y1, and y2.? Draw the phasor diagrams for y1,
and y2.
c) (9 pts) Determine the intensity ration I()/ I() on the screen as a function of = kx where x
is the path difference. You need to draw the appropriate phasor diagram.
(a) 2
  k x   d sin 
  x d sin  d y
    2
2 2 y 2    L
  d tan   d  2
  L 
  2  y  L
L d
  2  y 
d 4  600  109
y   40 mm 1
4  600  109 60  10 6
 6
 40 mm 1
60  10

(b) 1 1

 y1   5 mm
8 1

2 
y4 :  =2  (the phase difference) 1
8 2 1

1 
 y1   10 mm =
8 2
(c) y Ei is the electric field is from the ith slit,
P reaching at the position P.
Ei  E0 sin(1   i  1   ) ,   k x , 1  kx1   t1
y3 y
 y1
d The total electric field ET at the position P is:

L E ( )   E0 sin(1   i  1   ) ,   k x
i 1

 E0 sin(1   )

2 2
E0 / 2  2
 sin
R 2  3
ET  2 E0 cos  2 E0 cos
ET / 2 8 2 2 2
 sin
R 2 5 7
 2 E0 cos  2 E0 cos
 2 2
 1 
3 5
R2 R2 5 2
7 2
I  
E0 sin 4 2   3 5 7 
 cos  cos  cos  cos
  2 I    2 2 2 2 
I   0  sin 2  / 2 
I   0 


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