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© 2023 JETIR June 2023, Volume 10, Issue 6 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)




When speaking of the departments of a company that deal directly with clients, those departments are referred to as the
"front office" in the business world. Typically included in these divisions are those devoted to marketing, sales, and
customer service.

In addition to managing reservations, coordinating check-in and check-out procedures, coordinating porter service and other
security arrangements, communicating with customers, and settling accounts, the front office is responsible for providing a
warm welcome to guests, extending a friendly greeting to them, managing check-in and check-out procedures, and
coordinating porter service.

The Front Office is often referred to as the "Face of the Organisation" because of this reason. The only Single Point of
Contact (SPOC) that exists within an organisation.

A Requirement for Front Office

In the modern, highly competitive world, every organisation, irrespective of the sector in which it operates, strives to
achieve a competitive advantage over its rivals in order to increase its chances of success. This is done to ensure that the
company maintains its presence in the market and maintains a high profit earning ratio, both of which can only be
accomplished by selling their products and services to the greatest number of potential customers as is humanly possible.
This is why this is done. As a result, the first step towards a successful journey for any organisation is to employ
exceptionally good FRONT OFFICE staff because they are the "Face of the Organisation." This is due to the fact that they
serve as the initial point of contact for customers with the organisation.


We take a look at what leaders of health care systems, such as chief executive officers and board members, need to know in
order to have "patient safety literacy" and what they can do to ensure the safety of their organisations in this article. The
results that are produced by organisations that have a high reliability level are reliable and do not depend on the level of

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perfection that the providers possess. One of the defining characteristics of leadership is an unwavering dedication to the
idea that safety is ultimately the responsibility of the entire system. In addition to this, they have a culture of safety that
eliminates variability in care by means of the implementation of standardised procedures and does not put up with "at-risk
behaviour." When it comes to the world of business, there are times when it is possible to make a case for investing
resources in methods that regularly produce favourable results. Those in positions of leadership have a responsibility to
ensure that any issues regarding the safety of patients are framed as problems with the system, not with the employees. The
leaders of the system are required to provide the providers with information in order to make and monitor progress within
the system. It is possible to glean information for the purpose of bettering the system from any and all medical errors, such
as "near misses," as well as the processes that are associated with adverse events. It's possible that training employees to be
more cautious could produce some positive results, but making system improvements should produce better results over the
long term.

The accountable care organisation has served as a model for the reform of the health care system; however, the
implementation of this model has only been successful in a select few health care systems across the country. This model
has served as a model for the reform of the health care system. On the other hand, the accountable care organisation model
has recently taken on a significantly larger amount of significance ever since it was first implemented as one of Medicare's
pilot programmes in various parts of the medical world.



Max India Ltd. is a Public Limited company that was founded in 1985 and is currently traded on
both the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) of India. It has
more than 30,000 people invested in the company. Max India Limited is a multi-business
corporate entity that is driven by the spirit of enterprise and focuses both on people and
businesses that are oriented towards providing services. This focus on people and businesses that
are service-oriented helps Max India Limited achieve its goals.

The following can be found written as the organization's mission statement: "to be one of India's
most admired corporates for Service Excellence." In order to accomplish this goal, it has
launched companies that are now universally recognised as being at the vanguard of service
excellence in each of the industry sectors in which it is active. This was accomplished by placing
a primary emphasis on catering to the requirements of the customers.

Improving Life through its telecommunications company, Max India Limited, Caring for Life
through its healthcare company, Max Healthcare Institute Limited, which is a subsidiary of Max
India Limited, Enhancing Life through its health insurance company, Max Bupa Health
Insurance, which is a joint venture between Max India and Bupa Finance Plc., UK

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Objectives of the study

 The objective of the study is to analyse and evaluate selection process for MAX HEALTHCARE.

 To know the perception of employees regarding recruitment and selection process.


A good recruitment and selection policy would require those writing job descriptions to give precedence to the
competencies that would make the most positive contribution to the organization business requirements (i.e.
flexibility, initiative, leadership etc.)
A good recruitment and selection policy will also require that hiring managers use pre-determined criteria at all
the stages of the recruitment process, thereby reducing the risk of bias or discriminations.
Privacy and equal opportunity legislation require that the recruitment process is conducted in a fair and
transparent manner and a good recruitment and selection policy will always make this very clear to recruiters.
If an organization calls for certain application procedures to be followed, candidates can feel confident the
position they are applying for actually exists and that their efforts will not be in vein.
By requiring transparent procedures at every step, the recruitment and selection policy ensures that all
stakeholders in the recruitment process (HR department head, Line manager.


According to the findings of the research that Korsten did in 2003, The theories that underpin Human Resource
Management place an emphasis on methods of recruitment and selection, and they outline the advantages of using
interviews, assessments, and psychometric examinations as components of the employee selection process. This
emphasis on recruitment and selection methods is a direct result of the fact that these theories form the foundation
of HRM. They went on to say that the process of hiring new employees could be carried out either internally or
externally, or it could also take place online. This was further explained by them. The levels of recruitment
policies, job postings and details, advertising, job application and interviewing process, assessment, decision
making, formal selection, and training are typically the factors that determine this procedure.
Jones et al.(2006)
According to Jones et al., examples of recruitment policies in the healthcare industry, business sector, or industrial
sector may provide insights into the processes involved in establishing recruitment policies and defining

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managerial objectives. These examples come from the business sector, industrial sector, and business sector,
Interviews and psychometric tests, in addition to an in-depth analysis of the position, the current climate of the
labour market, and conditions, are necessary components of effective recruitment practises. Employers are able to
gain insight into the capabilities of candidates applying for open positions as a result of this. In addition, small and
medium-sized businesses put their hands on interviews and evaluations with the primary concern related to job
analysis, emotional intelligence in inexperienced job seekers, and corporate social responsibility. Small and
medium-sized businesses account for 99.7 percent of all businesses in the United States. In addition to that, these
companies get their hands on interviews and evaluations. Jones et al. (2006) detail a number of additional methods
of selection, some of which include a selection of interviews, role playing, group discussions and tasks, and so on.
Other methods include these and others.
Any management process revolves around recruitment, and a failure in recruitment can lead to difficulties and
unwelcome barriers for any company.


Research methodologies can be thought of as instruments that facilitate the process of investigation or inquiry in
order to acquire new information. The following is either the process that was followed when conducting
research, or a list of the steps that were taken.
In order to accomplish the goals of the study, the project that is formally known as the procedures and
documentation of the human resource consultancy possesses a clear definition and is based on a methodical
research design. Applying logical reasoning to the many different aspects of the data that were researched
allowed the researchers to arrive at the conclusions that they found in their study.
Research is an active, diligent, and systematic process of inquiry that is used to both discover, interpret, or revise
facts, events, behaviours, or theories, as well as to make practical application with the assistance of such facts,
laws, or theories. In addition, research is used to make practical application with the assistance of such facts,
laws, or theories. An additional interpretation of the word "research" is the activity of accumulating information
regarding a particular subject.
A research design is a detailed plan that specifies the methods and procedures that will be used to gather the
required information. This plan is necessary for conducting


The following are the findings that can be gleaned from the conclusion of the data analysis and interpretation
The hiring process involved a wide variety of different avenues, both internal and external to the company.
Consultancies, which account for forty percent of recruitment from external sources, are followed by
advertisements, which account for twenty-five percent of recruitment from external sources.
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The process of hiring new workers and making selections is handled in a decentralized manner.
The recruitment and selection process has been deemed satisfactory by approximately eighty percent of the
According to the findings of the survey, approximately eighty percent of the workforce is pleased with the
selection process. The remaining members of the group, on the other hand, are of the opinion that the process that
the company uses to recruit new workers and choose candidates should be altered in some way.

It was discovered that twenty percent of the respondents were of the opinion that stress tests, psychometric tests,
and personality tests ought to be used for the selection, while the remaining eighty percent of the respondents
were content with the current recruitment and selection process.


The vast majority of organisations maintain that recruitment must be one of their primary focuses due to the fact
that it is one of their most essential concerns. As a consequence of this, the research was useful in gaining an
understanding of the myriad components that comprise the method of personnel recruitment and selection. In
MAX HEALTHCARE, the sources of recruitment are efficient, the internal selection of the organization is also
conducted in an economical manner, which also helps to reduce costs, and the selection of a new employee occurs
only after the existing staff member's contribution to the company and his sincerity are evaluated. Over the course
of the past five years, MAX HEALTHCARE has implemented a selection procedure that is both efficient and
effective. It is not impossible to maintain it in this condition. The employees who were already working at Max
Healthcare have expressed happiness with the recruitment and selection process that the company has been using.
In addition to this, they have an in-depth knowledge of the various pathways that can be utilised in the process of
recruitment and selection.


It was extremely difficult for the employees to make time for us because they were so focused onsetting through
their workdays.

It is possible that the personal biases of various employees contributed to the provision of inaccurate data by those

In addition to these significant limitations, we had a limited amount of time and financial resources.

Risk management is key

The Benelux countries are home to Max Healthcare Bank, a market-leading provider of financial services that
operates in this sector. Since it was first established, Max Healthcare has undergone significant growth as a result
of both its own internal growth and the strategic acquisition of other companies. The successful completion of this

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expansion can be attributed in large part to the careful administration of potential dangers. This essential support
function has been extremely helpful in fostering sound development not only within individual business units, but
also across a wide variety of national boundaries. The asset and liability management process, also referred to as
ALM, falls under the purview of the investment department. Its primary focus is on the management of structural
risks related to interest rates, equity, and liquidity in order to achieve optimal performance in terms of risk versus
return. This is so that it can achieve the best possible results. The evaluation of such risks requires the submission
of reporting that is not only understandable but also exhaustive. On the other hand, things had progressed to the
point where they were becoming increasingly complicated within Max HealthcareBank. This was due to the fact
that things had reached a point where they had reached a point.MAX HEALTHCARELIMITED Only for use
within the internal blood circulation of the body There are two committees for managing audits and auditing risks.
(A) PURPOSE The primary duty of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, which is also referred to simply
as the "Audit Committee," is to provide assistance to the board of directors in the performance of its
responsibilities regarding oversight. These responsibilities include reviewing (a) the integrity of the financial
statements and disclosures; (b) a


Research Papers:

1. Jones, J.R., A. Thompson, C.N. Seong, J.S. Jung & H.Yong 2006
2. Bratton, J., and Gold, J. (2007) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, 4th
Edition, Houndmills: Macmillan.
i. 1999 – 2nd Edition
ii. 2003 – 3rd Edition
3. Jackson et al 2009 Managing Human Resource (11th Edition)New York: South Western,
Cengage Learning, 668P.
4. Korsten A.D. (2003) Developing a training plan to ensure employees keep up with the
dynamics of facility management Journal of Facilities Management, Volume 1, Number 4, pp.


1. K Ashwathapa, (1997) Human Resource and personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill 131-
2. C.B.Gupta, (1996) Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
3. Dr. C.R Kothari,(2008) Research Methodology,
4. Human resource management – by Ashish kumar
5. Personnel management—Arun Monappa and Saiyaddin.
6. Orientation and manual, MAX Hospital and Research Center Limited.

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1. India today
2. Business world


1. Times of India
2. The Hindustan times
3. The economic times.


1. Max Healthcare consultant report

2. Max Healthcare data analysis
3. Other literature sources




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