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Contingency Plan

Examples of issues
These are examples of ‘problem solving’ and can be identified in your production

Possible Issue Actions to be Undertaken

Bad weather during filming Reschedule filming to a later date. If not
possible, move filming indoors entirely,
using a possible set or venue.
Locations unavailable Consider other potential locations which are
Actors become ill/unavailable Consider back up actors and replacements
Equipment is unavailable for time of filming Reschedule shooting plan to accommodate
equipment availability.
Props are unavailable Look at using back up props or script
Equipment could be damaged while filming Look at each and every part of equipment
before we start filming.
Batteries could run out during filming What we can do is make sure it’s all
plugged in and full of charge even before
Possible double bookings What we need to do is check the location is
available at the time we would like, and we
also need to make sure nothing else is
happening in the area.
Other people can interrupt it We can tell the other people in the area to
be quiet when filming or the actors can use
a targeted mic where it would only project
the person who’s is speaking.
Losing all the data We need to back up all the footage we get
and then also live stream it to YouTube.

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